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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  June 21, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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cameras and 14 views so you can focus on the view that really fast. ziprecruiter helps us hire qualified candidates who'd gba, we needed a project manager yesterday. we posted a job on ziprecruiter and had our guy on-site five days. >> he was qualified and every zip recruiter find the best candidates for all our jobs. >> and they helped us build our dream team and then they did it fast. >> does that too fast for you 44 out of five employers who post on ziprecruiter data quality candidate within the first day, try for free at ziprecruiter slash higher the fate of the classified documents case against donald trump has been decided in the florida courtroom, the judge appointed by trump when he was president, is now hearing his
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long-shot argument over whether the prosecutor should even beyond the case and a major gun's case, the supreme court handing a victory to advocates in favor of restrictions on the second amendment. >> and they set up what will be a historic week of decisions for the high court and a disturbing death toll at the annual hajj in mecca, pilgrims dying in staggering numbers. a parent victims of high temperatures, and that brutal feed could actually grow worse in coming years. we're following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here. and cnn news central right now attorneys for a former president trump are in a federal courtroom in florida arguing that the charges and trump's classified documents case should be dismissed claiming that special counsel jack smith was unlawfully appointed at the heart of their argument is that jack smith was never confirmed by the us sentiment.
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>> and because of that, all of his office's work should be nullified and the charges against their client dropped. trump appointed judge aileen cannon, has faced criticism for her handling of the case, especially for her how long she is taking to settle trump's legal challenges. our team inside court tells us that today, judge cannon push trump's team to defend one of their most outlandish claims against jack smith, that he is somehow part of a quote, shadow government. we've cnn's kaitlan pull lance joining us now caitlin, how does it appear things are going for the trump team? team as they make this push. >> well, they're getting a lot of questions from judge cannon, but she's doesn't often reveal how she's leaning in these hearings. so we're just getting snippets of questions. she's asking. it's a long hearing today two and not one where she is expected to rule. in fact, we know she's not going to roll on this because she wants to do part two all of these arguments monday mornings. so this is going to be a lot of time devoted to this question of the power of the special counsel. is it
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constitutional for this type of prosecutor to bring a case in federal court against anyone. let it be donald trump or someone else. >> and in this case, what the arguments often were about up this morning from these pieces of information we're getting out of that courthouse where there's no electronics allowed inside. >> this morning, the team from donald trump's team, they were arguing about the closeness or how distant there might be distance between the attorney general merrick garland and special counsel jack smith, if that's legal. and the one thing that they keep asking for in this is more hearings. they're asking for it with this before judge cannon. they want more evidence to be able to talk to people from the justice department in court or have some sort of testimony about jack smith and merrick garland. and then we're going to hear that again monday and tuesday as these arguments go on, they just want more hearings from judge cannon. and this is a judge who it has become quite clear once to look
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at so many things here, the sort of things that more experienced judges might not actually devote that much time to know. >> they just decide the right just sort of read some of the filings and don't have a hearing. and she seems to be having hearings on everything, hours and hours of hearings, lots of trips to florida, lots of busy work. all right. katelyn polantz. thank you so much for us. >> a major win for victims of domestic violence as the supreme court rules on a second amendment case, in a nearly unanimous decision, the justices upheld the law that bars domestic abusers from owning guns. the lone dissenting voice was justice clarence thomas let's turn now to cnn legal affairs correspondent, chief legal affairs correspondent paula reid polo. walk us through that justification for this decision from the court bohr's a major second amendment ruling here from the high court effectively ruling that like all other rights, this second amendment has limits now here are the chief justice john roberts.
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>> he said the court had no trouble reaching this eight to one decision, writing quote, our tradition of firearm regulation allows the government to disarm individuals who present a credible threat to the physical safety of others. and it's that word, tradition that's really key here. boris, because in this opinion, they take time to analyze and recount the history of this country. and that is critical because in 2022, the supreme court really broadened the definition of the second amendment also insisted that in order to restrict second amendment rights, you needed to find some analog in history and here are the court clarifying that you don't need to find that this is essentially a quote, twin regulation in history, but something that is similar and they acknowledged that that earlier opinion has caused some confusion in the lower courts, writing, some courts have misunderstood the methodology of our recent second amendment cases. the reach of the second amendment is not limited only to those arms that were in existence at the founding and they extend that to say, of course, you
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cannot find necessarily a twin regulation if you go back to the 1700s, some justices pointed out in oral arguments that of course domestic violence has not always been treated the same way over the course. so the history of this country as it is today, now, there is, of course, the dissent that you noted, justice clarence thomas dissenting the lone dissenter, right? in quote, yet in the interest of ensuring the government can regulate one subset of society. today's decision puts at risk the second amendment rights of many more. i respectfully dissent. now looking forward for us, it's interesting because even though this was eight to one of many of the justices also wrote concurring opinions, putting their spin and the majority opinion going forward, we expect there will certainly be more second amendment challenges trying to clarify exactly what the restrictions are that you can put on firearm ownership. but now challengers, they're gonna be able to go through these concurrences and likely find a lot of different things that they can say supports their case. so they will definitely only be more challenges to come
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to the second amendment interpretation from the high court. >> no question about that. those opinions are combed through very carefully and paula, it seems like the court is packing a punch for next week because they've got some pretty big cases and decisions that have yet to come out absolutely usually they save their biggest cases until the very end. next week possibly could go into the following week when we're still waiting, like you said, for some really big outstanding cases. >> the biggest one that a lot of folks are talking about, its former president trump's claim immunity. this is something that is put the federal prosecution of the former president related to january 6 and election subversion on hold. so we're watching and waiting see what the high court does there there's also a related case about january sticks and being able to charge people who participated in the insurrection with obstruction. there's also a big abortion ruling that we are waiting for. there was a question on chemical abortion and use of myth pressed down the justices swerved around that didn't answer that question. but there
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is a really important question out of idaho, what do you do when it comes to emergency room care when you have a more permissive federal law and a more restrictive state law when it comes to win, abortions can be performed, waiting for that decision. also, huge decision are related to the power of federal agencies. and then a few cases related to the government's ability to pressure or control social media. so next week could be a jam-packed week. bold, big headlines out of the supreme court. but again, they have no bosses. they have lifetime appointments, boars that they want to go into the next week. they can do that they can and leave us all in suspense. paula reid, thanks so much. briana. >> it's been a little more than two weeks since president biden's new asylum restrictions went into effect. and we're learning the number of people entering the country illegally at the us-mexico border has fallen sharply according to border officials, arrests at ports of entry have decreased by 25% new statistics also show daily encounters along the border dropping 9% in
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may biden's new plan allows the administration to ban asylum seekers who crossed the southern border illegally once a daily threshold is met. >> and the measure would be lifted once-daily encounters fall to 21500. >> let's talk more about this now with former acting director of immigration and customs enforcement under president obama, john sandwich so thanks for being with us. >> i wonder why you see this drop that we're seeing or what you think about what we're seeing with this drop right now? >> angel, the numbers compared to what border patrol typically sees around this time of the year in past years you, briana, obviously it's good news. >> this is significant. it's a significant drop. it's indicative that the new rule is probably working but at the same time it's definitely too early to tell, right? we've seen in the past when we've implemented new measures at the border, whether it was president trump's with his remain in mexico role, or even president biden. remember when titled 42 expired in the border was reopened he implemented a new asylum rule. we saw a real
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drop in migration immediately thereafter, sustained for a month or two. and then it kinda pick back up. i think the smugglers and the migrant groups at the border i'm taking a wait-and-see approach to see how the new rule is implemented. look, the rule is really important, but of course it wasn't paired with the resources that border patrol agents really need are the immigration courts need the effectiveness of the world is going to, we're going to find out over the next couple of months. so i'd say very encouraged by this initial tranche of data. but let's see where we are as we get into august, september, october. >> so two weeks may actually be not enough time to establish a clear trend because of cartels and others who are trying to figure out if they need to game the system yeah, they're going to listen. >> there's going to be a reaction to this world, right? so the first thing i think that's happens is the smugglers who really drive all the migration are in, are telling the migrants what to do. they're waiting to see how this works. there's test groups going over and they'll see if it's effective in terms
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of getting people back to their country and whether they want to shift tech so what we've seen historically as this kinda drop and then a pick back up. i think it's also just early because remember, we're kind of seeing a decline at the border, not a, not a major decline, but leading into may, april's numbers were down and a lot of that was attributed to stepped up enforcement efforts and mexico so as mexico continues to do a better job of blocking these migrants from get into mexico in the first place, right? that's going to drive down our numbers. so i guess look, i'd be very encouraged. i get very worried if we didn't see a drop at all and i'd be very encouraged if i was the administration. >> but again, i wouldn't declare victory yet. >> i want to wait and see till we get a little more data. >> john, i wonder because earlier this month there were four migrants who died along the us border because of extreme heat and the region, how much does heat deter crossings? >> it, does brand i'd look historically what we've always seen as a real seasonal flows to this. now the only reason i hesitate in saying that is since this mass migration began, some of that seasonality
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has dissipated a bit. we've seen elevated numbers into may and into june, but you are absolutely right. historically, spring is the big in flux at the border and then the numbers dissipate pretty extensively. and when it gets hot in the summer and then pick back up again. but i'll say one other thing, brianna, about deaths at the border and what one thing that concerns me is there's always an unintended consequence. everything we do at the border, right? the one thing i think we need to be on guard for here is a change in tactics. so the smuggling groups right, prior to 2016, what we almost exclusively saw at the border were groups who would sneak into the united states. and you try to evade the border patrol agents and work their way into the cities without getting caught. what we as you know, very well, we've seen lately as it where they surrender, get apprehended, and make an asylum claim if asylum is viewed no longer has a viable path. i worry that we're gonna start seeing those incursions in the desert. and now you're talking extreme heat unfortunately, that means that leads to migrant deaths i do want to play something that president trump, former president trump recently said because the new interview he
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broke from his push to curb both illegal and legal immigrants creation. >> and he made a promise if he's reelected here it is what i want to do and what i will do is you graduate from a college. >> i think you should get automatically as part of your diploma, a green card to be able to stay in this country. and that includes junior colleges too. >> that is a big change, john, what do you make of that currently studying turn in rhetoric, right? >> not the kind of thing we're expecting to hear from me. trump has been making these promises to supporters about these increased enforcements did just don't match reality. briana, i mean, that's a separate topic really, but these promises of mastery importations that given the legal framework that challenges in the immigration courts even not discussed is just not possible. but look, this is a stunning turn for him. obviously, this is what's called the staple act. it's an idea that's bounced around congress and been part of all the immigration reform packages for a long time. the idea that we take people here, we educate
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them, we get some incredibly bright people and then there's no functional path to allow them to stay in this country. so look, obviously the policy makes good sense i'm not sure about the politics, but it's surprising to hear trump's say that for sure, yeah, it seems like a lot of politics at play there. john sandwich. great to have you. thank you so much. >> my place there still had the faa investigating after a southwest airlines plane flew so low to the ground, it rattled homes and woke people up. you can see it on a doorbell camera here. what we know about what went wrong plus two astronauts remain in space as boeing races to understand issues with the spacecraft that is supposed to bring them home. what is it stake here? >> and thousands of car dealerships in the us and canada are at a near standstill after a second cyber incident. >> didn't knocked out computer systems. we have those stories and more ahead on cnn news central the most anticipated moment of this election and the
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i don't know if st. jude donors realize the magnitude of what they are doing their donations are funding the research, the research is allowing the treatments to happen most treatments provide cure. and the cures are allowing patients to get to grow up and live amazing live all right? >> hello world violet earth, which we have schreiber sunday at nine on cnn there's a new video into cnn. we want to share with you of southwest flight. and how close it got to an oklahoma neighborhood after it fluid a low altitude, it was still nine miles from the airport at this point, this is security camera footage from a school near oklahoma city and it captures the plane flying low to the ground shortly after midnight on wednesday, the faa says the flight descended to just 525 feet is it was approaching the airport, but
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still always out i forgot a low altitude warning from air traffic controllers. >> we have seen an aviation correspondent, pete montane, joining us now with the details walk us through what happened and what the airline saying, super alarming here. >> the good news is that air traffic controllers really saved the day here especially alarming since this is the second incident and as many months fall of involving a southwest flight getting too low this case happened just after midnight, wednesday morning. let's look at the doorbell video again, just in a cnn, it shows flight 40, 69 on approach to land at will rogers world airport in oklahoma city. this is about nine miles away. from the airport and the town of yukon, oklahoma, the plane was lined up to land on the runway at oak city that points to the southeast and the data from flight rate are 24. says the flight got down to 525 feet above ground level. let's put it into context. it's only four lengths of the 7:37 itself, or the height of the washington monument, half the hi of the empire state building
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point is it's very low for that distance from the airport and the faa says a minimum safe altitude warning or m saw alarm sounded in the control tower prompting the air traffic controller in the tower to issue southwest 40, 69 low altitude alert. listen to this before 40, 69, low wealth through or you going now the pilots then climbed back up and maneuvered for a safe landing. >> nobody heard here the faa says it's investigating southwest also doing its own internal investigation and here's what the airline says in a statement, southwest is following its it's robust safety management system in contact with the faa to understand and address any irregularities with the aircraft's approach to the airport. nothing is more important to southwest than the safety of our customers and employees. the question here is how this could happen. did the pilots improperly configure their instruments like the crash of a korean air flooding guam in 1997 or were they simply fatigued after a long
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day? remember, it's light was coming in well after midnight. >> pilots i talked to say they'd been worked especially hard lately, really big questions for investigators here. the good news is that the layers of safety work, the low altitude of learning system and used by air traffic control stop the accident, jan that was barren pulling towards disaster. >> this could have been really bad yeah, definitely fortunate that no one was hurt and that the system actually works, right. >> pete martin. thank you so much let's dig deeper on this. with cnn transportation analyst and former inspector general for the department of transportation mary schiavo, marie, we of course, have to point out for the sake of transparently, the transparency that you have ongoing litigation against boeing from a 2019 crash. but focusing on the southwest incident pete laid out some of the potential things that could have occurred. how does something like this happen? and what do you see and the information we now have about what took place all right.
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>> well, pete laid it out very well because by that plane descending to 525 feet, that far from the airport, several warnings should have been going off course the air traffic control gave the warning as pete mentioned vitally lifesaving but in the cockpit where there would have been other warnings gone off on modern aircraft the controls tell you when you're on the glide slope, the path to the runway that you've selected. it tells you if you're the right altitude. and at this point, it had they gone below 500 feet. they literally would have gotten the ground proxies somebody warning the plane would have yelled at them, pull up, pull up. so how they could have missed two pilots could have missed so many clues coming from their instruments and the instruments are great and they're two of them for the critical instruments is really a mystery. i did listen to the air traffic control tapes. and when the air track graphic controller asked them, you gave them the low altitude warning and said is everything
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okay? they were little slow to respond. so i suppose it is possible there was already something going wrong. they had heard the alerts they were trying to address the problem or maybe they were engaged in something else. there have been accidents because pilots were busy attending to some other problem. it didn't watch their speed and didn't watch their altitude. and a perfectly good plane can be lost that way. >> so we see the plane from various angles of camera shots from the ground. i mean, even, you know, people just with their general surveillance cameras from their home what should the pilots have seen visually? this isn't like they were in a clouded situation at least for part of this right well most importantly they would have seen their instruments, they would have known that they were not on the correct path to the airport, that they were too low. >> i mean, it shows up very clearly on modern aircraft, whether you're on the correct angle to the airport or not, you would also have seen the
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looked outside the window. and of course, scene in the ground. and when you flown for a while, you get pretty good at judging. you're out to do without even looking at the altimeter, which of course you look at all the time. so they would have seen this. so again, with this going on, with this flight, the flight in hawaii that pete mentioned that got down to the 400 feet range this is something that is very troubling and this is something that southwest has to address. there could be a mechanical costs. what maybe their instruments are failing these these were 737 aircraft. they've had other problems with the aircraft. they had an aircraft just a couple of weeks ago that had damaged from a maneuver that was on commanded called a dutch roll. that's where the plane ops back-and-forth side to side. and then there have been reports that there were smoking the cabin from a couple of 7:37 aircraft that they were flying in december last year was one and then another one, a couple of months later. so pilot error
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or problems with the aircraft, someone's really got to get a handle on this and that someone is of course, southwest airlines and the federal aviation administration, which has already looked into many of these incidents and is investigating mary schiavo appreciate the analysis and your snazzy background as well thank you. >> zooming still ahead, hundreds passing away of extreme heat during this year's hajj pilgrimage people walking in 120 degree heat to get to mecca we'll talk about what egypt is now doing to help alleviate the crisis the believes that is meant to unite the round you may be king house of the dragon, streaming exclusively on macs oh, cornea zelda. it's gotten me. i saw them. that's what i said.
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healthier. with the aura ring this is cnn. the world's news for global, heat, wave is having a devastating effect on the hajj pilgrimage and saudi arabia, the death toll is climbing has hundreds of worshippers and route to mecca or succumbing to temperatures hitting as high as 120 degrees fahrenheit. many have also been hospitalized with heat stroke and other heat-related conditions cnn scott mclean joins us now with an update in scott, officials are fearing that the death toll could climb even higher, and you have some disturbing images of what it looks like on the ground yeah that's right. >> there's a new images that were getting in that show bodies lying on the ground.
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boris and these hajj pilgrims walking past them and we're talking about a huge number of people who have died at least in part because of the very extreme heat, obviously, the saudi arabian desert is hot at any time of year, but it is especially hot, unseasonably hot even for right now, we're talking, as you mentioned, temperatures that actually on monday briefly reached 125 degrees fahrenheit and even at night the time we're talking about lows of 87 degrees and look million and a half people or so officially are going to this year's hajj. we're talking about somebody that's an obligation for muslims under islam to do this, at least once in their life, at least if they're financially or physically able to so and so there's not going to be much that will stop people from doing what they feel is their religious obligation. obviously, saudi officials have tried to do what they can to try to accommodate people with water stations and misting systems, things like that. but
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we're talking about something that is by enlarge outdoors and there's some physicality to it as well as people walk from the various sites involved. >> but you mentioned that the numbers are likely to rise and that is because well, for a few reasons, some people are hospitalized, may yet still die. >> some are unaccounted for and some are not registered as official pilgrims, which may also explain some of the discrepancy we've been able to confirm around 500 or so people had been killed. but there are reports that suggest the true number is over 1,000 saudi arabia because of events like what happened in 2015 where there was a deadly stampede more than 2000 people killed he tried to count the number of pilgrims come coming in and given caps two different countries. >> but look, in this day and age to get to saudi arabia, you don't need a special hajj visa. >> you can go there on a tourist visa and it seems a lot of these people are doing that. it just doesn't seem like perhaps you have access to all of the amenities that the
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official pilgrims have. like for instance air conditioned ten in the desert, you actually have countries like jordan and egypt. now actually investigating some of the companies that help get some of these pilgrims to saudi arabia through these unofficial routes for us scott mclean life for us from the region. thank you so much. briana. >> we have a really disturbing story to tell you about out of france, the alleged gang-rape of a 12-year-old jewish girl. there has triggered an outcry over surging antisemitism in the country. the deeply troubling incidents sparking widespread outrage and protests across france. this is an alleged attack that took place in a paris suburb, a french tv station says three boys blocked the girls path home and began to physically attack her as the hurled anti-semitic insults death threats towards her two boys, ages 12 and 13 have been taken into custody. we have cnn's melissa bell following the story for us now from paris, melissa, what more do we
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know about this incident and the investigation that is it's triggered while we understand from the local prosecutor, briana, is that these boys were talking about 12 and 13-year-old boys are now being investigated, have been charged, two of them with gang-rape insults, violence, and death threats. >> and the third, within cells, violence and death threats. and this is a probe that is also going to look into the question of whether the fact that the girl was jewish contributed to her being attacked. and it comes as you say, at a time when france has been grappling with rising antisemitism and the figures are pretty stark. when you look at 20:22 to 2023, there was a rise of 200 and 84% in the number of anti-semitic incidents recorded in france. and what we've seen as a result of the war in gaza. this is a country, remember that in europe has both the largest jewish population in europe and france and the largest muslim population in france and the tensions in the middle east have really been exacerbated here and seeing a sharp rise again in the first few months
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of 2024, the number of anti-semitic attacks rose threefold. briana, compared to just a year before this is incredibly troubling. >> melissa will continue to follow this. thank you for the update and we'll be right back. >> july 4th, cnn concert event with performance is by keith urban, ashanti, bb wrexham the killers many more go for dinner america in july 4 and seven eastern on cnn with priceline vip family, you can unlock deals five times faster. >> you don't even have to be an actual family. >> i'd be the dad on the day physically, it's clear that i'm the dad. okay. so which data's pain? >> here's to getting better with age here's the beaten these two every thursday helped fuel today with boost type protein complete nutrition, you need without the stuff you don't so here's two now
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cyber incidents. >> let's bring in cnn's matt egan and matt were learning at this outage could last for several days that's right. >> bores. this is very much an ongoing situation. these back-to-back cyber attacks on cdk global are causing disruptions across north america because this company is software powers thousand thousands of auto dealers. now some of those auto dealers are being forced to resort to pen and pad to process sales and repairs and listen to timing here. is awful. right? this is the first official weekend of summer. normally a lot of these auto dealers would be packed with car buyers. now some of those car buyers are going to face delays. some of the dealerships are going to lose some business. so here's what happened cdk suffered a cyber incident. they announced that on wednesday they were able to bring their systems back online, but then they suffered a second cyber incident that evening now, the company is telling dealers that systems could be down for several days.
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that's according to two sources briefed on the situation. here's why this is such a big deal. cdk powers about 15,000 auto dealers in the united states and canada. they rely on this company's software to process sales and repairs and other critical functions. one executive from a maryland dealership told cnn that this is a major hassle and he worries that customers are gonna go across the street to other dealerships that are not having the same trouble cdk put out a statement where they say they're working with third party experts to try to assess the impact. they say, quote, we've remain vigilant in our efforts to reinstate our services and get our dealers back to business as usual, as quickly as possible. i know there's a lot of car buyers and dealers that are hoping that's going to get back to normal very soon and listen at the end of the day, this is another reminder of how disruptive and costly these sides hyper incidents can be. i mean, here you have a situation
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where thousands of auto dealers countless car buyers, are being impacted by a cyber attack on accompany that those of us outside of the auto industry had never even heard of boras. >> a lot of cyber incidents lately, matt egan, thanks so much for the reporting. brown now some of the other headlines that we're watching this our a green light from the food and drug administration for the first gene therapy that treats a rare form of muscular dystrophy elevate is already has fda approval for small children, but the agency now says it's safe for people ages four and older suffering from a certain mutation associated with muscle strength, the new drug does though, come with these staggering price tag about three $0.2 for treatment. and amazon is joining a growing list of companies that will no longer use plastic cushioning in delivery package yes, the company says paper wrapping. >> that can be recycled will replace the roughly 15 billion air pillows that it uses each
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year. if you were worried that your order won't be as safe. >> amazon says the paper provides the same level of protection as plastic. >> of course, we will be the judges of that won't we? and if the olympic games began today, will paris would have a big problem with some of its swimming events water samples show the sen. river is too polluted to hold the triathlon and other events on the olympic calendar, french officials blamed heavy rainfall and other factors for the higher levels of e coli why bacteria found in this famous waterway. and still ahead, two astronauts delayed in space. they're gonna be there for at least a few more days. boeing now racing to figure out how to fix because their starliner aircraft, spacecraft, i should say, to bring them home, we're talking to a former nasa astronaut about what could be going on here my father believed that it was meant to unite the round you may be king he's coming
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alice and long-lasting gain consultation. again, that's
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1807123800 debate in america. >> thursday at 7:00 p.m. two nasa astronauts who made the trip to the international space station on boeing starliner speech spacecraft are overdue. >> they are delayed quite a bit to come home. they're going to be waiting for a few more days now, officials announcing that spaceflight veterans, sunny williams, she's the one making that exuberant entrance here. loved her personality and her spirit, and butch wilmore also really fun, just doesn't have as much hair, maybe more subdued. that's right they're going to return no earlier than next wednesday. it would be incorrect to say they're stuck up there, correct? >> they're just delay and they've been on the iss since june 6, boeing is now racing to figure out what's wrong with its spacecraft the starliner was troubled on its way into space by among a couple of
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problems, helium leaks and in thrusters that stopped working, joining us now is former nasa astronaut garrett reece, man. he's also a professor of astronomical engineering at usc garret. thank you so much for joining us how concerned are you about the starliner's return flight i've are some brianna well, i'm pretty concerned because sunny williams is a really good friend of mine she's she's wonderful. >> and not just because of the hair, but so so when you so there's some concern, but this is a serious system that propulsion system to thrusters, a wet provide the pointing for the spacecraft. it's like your steering system in your car. but this is not some trivial system but i do know that nasa is very confident that they that they're working properly. now, they've been testing them over the past week. they've gotten some good test results. and so they're confident that everything is gonna be okay. >> yeah.
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>> she makes this she makes space trouble look so fun. and she and butch are just so competent, right? i mean, we've heard people talk how great they are at what they do. but you can't help but been concerned because this is not, you know, this is not a casual profession. they are in. so i wonder in your travels to space, have you ever experienced a similar situation where you've had some kind of mechanical issue and what do you do to make sure? yeah. everything is going to be shipped shape well, you know, it is a certain element of danger when you go up and travel space and sometimes things do go wrong. >> when i was on the space shuttle and we're preparing to come home on one of my missions a piece of the space shuttle floated away. and now most of the the pieces of the space shuttle, you need okay, so there aren't too many spare parts like apps. there's nothing. >> so what we got pictures of it and what nasa is really good at is once they have a problem to work and figure out what's
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going on and they have a team of incredibly smart people that can really dive in to do a lot of testing and a lot of analysis and figure out what's wrong within an hour, they knew exactly what that piece was a floated away from the space shuttle. it turns out to be one of the very few things you don't need. and we came home and everything was fine. they're working really hard diagnosing what's wrong with starliner, right now. they've got some good test results and they know what's happening. they're not they would like more data engineers always want more data and they want to know not only what is going wrong, but why, what is causing it to happen. and so there's still a little bit of concern. but again, everything right now is with the exception of one out of 28 thrusters is functioning just fine. >> so what is it exactly that they're testing to get more data? is it the actual thrusters? how does that work and you what does it look like when they gather that data and then sort of analyze it to predict potential outcomes.
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>> right? so five of those thrusters which are little rocket engines that point the spacecraft. five of the 28 failed as they were approaching the space station. one of them failed so bad that they've just turned it off and they're not going to even try to use it again for the rest of the mission so that leaves four thrusters that are kinda suspect. and what they did was once they docked to the space station, then they let them cool down. they let them relax for a little bit, and then they fired fired those four thrusters again. first, just for a very short period of time. and they looked and they saw that they produced the proper amount of thrust that they expect and then they fired him a little bit longer. and, and this is really creative what they did was while it was dr. the space station, they fired this dressers and they looked at how the space station moved in response to those thrusters firing, and they could tell how much thrust those, those rocket engines were making by how much the space station moves and space station is like 1 million pounds, literally those little thrusters are not going to move
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it very much. so there's some error bars on this, and that's what i mean that they would always like that more accurate data. but that was a really clever way to figure out if those threshers are working properly and they aced the test so right now, they look okay. the question is when it come back and they're firing and succession again, getting ready to come home if they will continue to be okay. >> what is it like? do you think for them they're up there they are being delayed. i mean, is part of it they are happy to have a little more time and space, but there's also anxiety with exactly what is going on with the craft. i mean, how how do they experience this situation that so few people have? pad well, getting extra time and space is always a good deal for any astronaut. >> i don't think all of us would like a little bit more time. there's always one more picture you want to take or and also they're helping out with the operation of the space station. the space station
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program is pretty happy to have the extra hands-on so there's some silver lining and at the same time, boeing is happy and that's is happy because you're actually with a longer period of time up there, they getting more data from this starliner, which is, this is a test flight, so they're getting more and more information to longer. it's up there. not only on the thrusters, but how the electrical power system is working and all the other systems on board so there is a silver lining to this, but whatever there's something questionable about your vehicle that is in the back of your mind and sunny and butch are both professionals, are both pilots. they know added compartmentalize that and there'll be fine. but it's there and we're all aware of that more time to dance and big hugs and big smiles, or garrett respond. appreciate the perspective. thanks for joining us my pleasure. >> anytime of course. still had a former president donald trump converting his conviction into cash and erasing president biden's in fundraising. how much they have in their war chests as the campaign kicks into high gear hey mom, how
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