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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  June 21, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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moving our clients forward, for the love of progress i hit 20 years of experience as an hr professional and i hit reached a ceiling. so i enrolled in young gc. >> i would not be the person that i am today had it not been
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get celebrate your milestone since with custom gear, get started today, i'd customer i'm lavandera and rio do so new mexico, this is cnn closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelial mv victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. >> you may be entitled to a portion of that money all when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400 will there ever be an actual classified documents? >> humans trial for former president trump today, the judge in florida is holding yet another hearing letting the president's lawyers make the case for why special counsel jack smith shouldn't even be
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proud prosecuting him in the first place and leading to questions about how much longer that trial will be delayed. >> and a felony convictions seems to be paying off for donald trump, the former president president's campaign, raking in the dough since that verdict. we're going to break down the money race with just six days until the debate right here on cnn. and in paris, their fears it's the river sen. and won't be clean enough for competition. the mayor though says he has a plan to convince everyone it's safe by taking a dip in it. we're following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central more hearings more evidence, more delays, former president trump's lawyers are in federal court, right now in florida, the trying to get the charges in his classified documents case dismissed, arguing that special counsel jack smith was unconstitutionally the appointed.
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>> this is yet another pretrial hearing called for by trump appointed judge aileen cannon, and critics argue that this move is unusual and that it needlessly postponed the trial, most likely until after the presidential election. cnn's katelyn polantz is joining us now on this. all right. tell us what's happening here. >> well, about six hours give or take of arguments before judge aileen cannon today. and it was an unusual argument in that it was a long time spent on a question that other judges have looked at in some didn't even hold hearings on. but judge cannon, lifetime appointee, she can do what she wants. she wants to have this hearings. you wanted to hear from outside? parties, law professors, both on the liberal and on the conservative side about this. and it boils down to this question. and this is what we're getting out of listening to those arguments today. it boils down where she keeps asking questions of how did this actually work with merrick garland, appointing special counsel, jack smith. >> and how much oversight is
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there within the department of this special counsel? >> trump's team has argued a bunch of different things here. and some of those conflict in different times that there's not enough oversight of smith that he's too much of an inferior officer, that it's not constitutional, that money isn't correct for him. there's gonna be more arguments on that on monday, but judge cannon has a lot of questions here. and if she does deviate from what other judges have across the country, that's possible. and she could theoretically nullify not just this indictment, but jack smith, of course i would very likely be appealed by the department of justice, but it's a hearing that raises really intriguing questions about the special counsel's office. donald trump wants to really dig into how this works within the justice department and judge cannon is asking questions of how much oversight how has there been actual oversight and what do you really mean about the
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oversight? merrick garland has over the special counsel, a lot of stuff in court today, but no rolling. yeah. i am curious about the answers to those questions, but there's some serious criticism, perhaps valid about the process and how xi's undertaking this. >> so we'll continue to follow it, caitlin. thank you so much, boris. >> let's try to get answers to those questions with national security attorney bradley moss bradley, the trump team here arguing the attorney general can appoint a special counsel who wasn't confirmed by the senate. the justice department obviously disagrees where do you come down on this yeah, this was the same argument that got raised during the molar probe in the trump administration. >> there were numerous challenges to special counsel molars appointment. >> it during that time. >> they all failed in quite candidly and this is kind of consistent with what katelyn but just outlining for you to this should have been could have easily been dealt with on the papers without need of a hearing. it's been dealt with
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for years, for decades, actually going all the way back to the nixon era, there was no need for this to be a dana half long hearing, but this is what judge cannon and our own discretion has chosen to do it, even though i expect she'll deny this motion. it's the delay that matters and that's what trump's team want it, and that's what they got the benefit? >> if there is a benefit to judge cannon having this hearing and having these three days of hearing, all of these arguments so if you look at it from just a jurist perspective, she wants to hear a full explanation of what is arguably in some views, rather abstract and philosophical set of arguments. >> they're arguing over the definition of particular words terms like inferior officer and what is official, what is employee? this gets into really abstract areas of statutory tax happens all the time when dealing with these kinds of cases. it's certainly not unusual, but a lot of judges don't tend to recur wire this
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kind of extensive hearing on it and they certainly don't generally bring in these friends of the court, these various amici to submit briefs and to argue as was allowed this afternoon down there in florida. that's a particular approach to judge cannon chose to pursue an allow again, she has that discretion. i don't think most judges it would have done that. >> it's unique, partly because rulings on special counsel's akin to jack smith's role have been pretty consistent going back to the 19 i don't know that you heard some of the arguments in those cases that we're hearing from trump's lawyers during the hearing, they argue that smith's position amounted to a quote, shadow government. they described him as one of the most powerful people in the country. judge cannon apparently responded that quote, that sounds very ominous. what do you really mean? i'm wondering what you think that means and whether you think that from that statement, judge cannon sounds
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skeptical. the argument yeah i don't think she's ultimately buying it. i think she likes to give out these little commentaries, extraneous remarks during oral arguments, we've seen that before on other hearings and then she's still ruled against trump. but what the argument coming from the trump team as well as the amici that's submitted briefs and their support. we saw some of those notes coming now from reporters afternoon was basically that the court's gone it wrong since the 70s, that the special counsel can't be set up the way they've been throughout all those decades that the nixon ruling was wrong and everything that came after it was wrong, that even if the original independent counsels from the 80s and 90s were a little different, and those were made the ones that have come out recently, like molar and her and smith are all unconstitutional and that they should be thrown out. it's not going to go anywhere in the end, even if by some chance judge cannon war to rule in trump's favor on this, i absolutely expect the 11th circuit would refer. but again,
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it's the delay that mattered and they got to day and a half long hearing out of what should have easily been resolved a month or two ago on papers, you sort of you outlined that you thought this would go to an appellate court and that it would get overturned. but let's say for the sake of hypothetical, it's successful. what happens to trump's case? >> if this if that's thrown out, if jack smith's appointment and his use of authority here is unconstitutional, the case is dead and arguably it would impact the dc case as well. we're judged chutkan already rejected this argument, but that would absolutely implicate both cases would ultimately go into the supreme court if for any reason judge cannon, annie 11th circuit, ruled were to rule in donald trump's favor. i don't anticipate that will happen, but look, there's been a lot of we didn't anticipate these rulings over the last couple of years. we're waiting to hear the immunity ruling any day i gave up predicting with certainty anything as many of us have bradley moss.
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>> appreciate you joining us. thanks for the time absolutely. briana trump's criminal conviction last month helped propel the former president to another huge month of fundraising for the second month in a row. trump campaign donations have topped biden's trump hauling in a stunning $141 million in may, according to his campaign. and much of it coming right after his criminal so conviction in the hush, money falsifying documents, trial, biden and the democratic party, they fell well short of that, even though they reportedly raised a whole lot of money more than $85 million last month we're also learning some new details about how the candidates are preparing for their upcoming debate and also some very important logistical details about that first presidential showdown, which will be next thursday right here on cnn, we have cnn's kayla tausche, who's joining us now to talk more about this. all right, this fundraising haul in the disparity, at least in the course of these couple of months, it's pretty big. >> it is pretty big, but the
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trump campaign began leapfrogging biden in april when the hush money trial got underway. and so i think there's a view from the biden campaign that they believed that it's not sustainable, but that sort of thing is not going to happen every single month going into november. but of course, only time will tell, but that being said, they have $212 million cash on hand at the end of may. >> that may mean that they need to make smaller advise or have smaller outlays depending on what the next few months look like. >> remember, they had a $50 million ad by focusing on the criminal conviction of donald trump. that is just for the month of june across battleground states. so that is a very big number, but it also brianna raises the stakes for the debate next thursday today because president biden is going to want to bring in a lot of donations on the back of his performance. there. how's it getting ready for it? >> well, he's a familiar event. he's got a familiar playbook and a lot of familiar so your faces around him generally, they start with more informal discussions going
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through binders of topics materials, watching old clips, refining what they believe is going to be asked and discussing punches, counter punches, and to do that, we've learned from sources that the president's personal attorney, bob bauer, is likely to reprise his role as a stand-in for trump he has recently written that in 2020 when he served in that role, he was at his trump worst. he really tried to act the part studied the character and really step into that role and aids expect him to reprise that role in camp david this weekend. but depending on how it goes, there, also reserving the possibility that the president travels straight to atlanta from camp david if you see him at whitehouse events next week, that is going to tell you that they're feeling optimistic. >> alright, we're looking to see if that's the case. kayla. thank you so much. let's bring in alayna treene to talk about what's really a big fundraising surge by the trump campaign quite the hall here, alaina that's right. >> i mean, donald trump's campaign and his political
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operation has really erased or as beginning to erase the ones dominant advantage, cash advantage, i should say that president joe biden's kid campaign has had are over him and that's really critical because we know that democrats have really been able to out match the trump campaign and advertising spending, spending and ground game strategy and over the next four months, that could really change how we see them operate on the campaign on i do want to just walk you through the number in may, donald trump raised $141 million. now, tens of millions of that figure was raised in the aftermath of his guilty verdict in his manhattan trial. and really it's the second month in a row that the trump campaign has outraised the biden campaign. biden campaign only brought in at 5 million in may. and so this is definitely a drastic change from what we had seen earlier this year, where donald trump's team was trying aggressively to try and
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catch up what seemed to be joe biden's ever-growing war chest. and so i can also tell you that just behind this scenes, donald trump has really been working on raising money out throughout his trial. there were a lot of questions about why he wasn't doing more rallies. instead, he was hosting a lot of fundraisers and attending a lot of fundraisers with wealthy donors, including a ton of billionaires. we also saw many billionaires give to one of donald trump's leading super pac maga they said they raise 68 million last month, 65 of which came from just three billionaires alone. one of them, timothy mellon donated 50 million to maga inc. guy he had previously given to rfk junior, but clearly has switched some of his loyalties here and is now supporting the former president how was he preparing for the debate? and do we know how he feels about what's going to happen with the microphone situation well luck. >> donald trump has already publicly and i know he's doing this behind the scenes as well. complained about the microphone
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situation. he does not want there to be any sort of cutoffs are any limitations to what he can say we know back in 2020, he famously we've talked to over joe biden and was very aggressive. and so that'll be different on the debate stage next week, but luck as far as planning. unlike the biden campaign, donald trump has no plans to do any mock debates or roleplaying instead, he's been engaging in what his team is calling policy discussions. they've had series of vital his presidential contenders senators policy experts, people from his former administration like kellyanne conway and rick are now briefing him and trying to sharpen his message on a few key topics. they think he is most vulnerable and one other thing, briana, i want to point your attention to is the expectations game. so for months now, donald trump and his team have really been painting job oh biden, as this week and feeble candidate, someone who is struggling with his mental and physical acuity. however, that's really lowered the expectations for joe biden.
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now they're trying to switch that take a listen to what donald trump told the all-out podcast yesterday i watched him with paul ryan and he destroyed paul ryan. so i'm not underestimating him. i'm not underestimating him. i assume he's going to be somebody that will be a worthy debater. >> so it's kind of rich to hear that from donald trump, where for months now, like i said, his team has really been doing what they can to paint biden in the worst light possible. we also saw one of donald trump's spokeswoman, karoline leavitt. she went on fox news yesterday and made a similar claim. she said that the mainstream media is the one who the group of people trying to lower expectations for this and luck, this is them that have done this. they have really tried to say that biden can barely stand for the 90 minutes now, they're a little bit more concerned about what that expectation setting will look like. and i can tell you, breanna, from a conversations with the trump campaign, it's
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definitely les been talked about behind the scenes and i think that's why you're seeing them. try to message this and get out ahead of it before next thursday. >> yeah. i mean, trump tries to make it out like biden's comatose, so it might be a little late for him to try to reverse on that strategy look, you get what you do. >> that's what he's done. >> so we'll see here, alayna treene. thank you coming up a new threat from russian president vladimir putin. how hill retaliate hey, if the west continues arming ukraine, also had the paris olympics. it has a pollution problem and it has left organizers racing against the clock solve plus the dangerous heat wave that is blanketing the us. it's about to impact millions more. we have those stories and many more coming up on cnn news central the cnn presidential debate thursday night at nine live on cnn and streaming on max there are giant so much they are the minute woman building or daibes next
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families. if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma call us now cnn breaking news we're following breaking news out of arkansas. >> police are on the scene of a mass shooting, outset of grocery store and four dice that has just about an hour south of little rock, we have cnn's isa available solace following their story, he said, well, give us an update on what you've learned regarding the shooting hey boris, we're gathering details as we speak. this is happening four dice, as you mentioned, that is in dallas county, arkansas, a very small community of 3,700 people. and what we just got into the newsroom is a press release from the arkansas state police telling us that the situation happened at about 12:30 eastern. so just this afternoon an ad mad butcher grocery store. so a small local grocery store where we are told nine people were shot civilians, two of them sadly, have lost their lives. we also know that one law enforcement
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officer was also shot in this chaos but we are hearing that they have non-life-threatening injuries. the shooter has been critically injured, were totally again, by arkansas state police after being shot by a law enforcement officer they have been taken into custody. we also have on social media, on x, a tweet by governor sara huckabee sanders of arkansas saying, i have been briefed on the tragic shooting and four dice. and i am in constant contact with state police at the scene. i am thankful to law enforcement and first responders for their quick and heroic action to save lives. my prayers are with the victims and all those impacted by this horrific incident. so bohr's clearly the a lot is happening right now. we're making calls to the hospital, to law enforcement, to nearby businesses, attempting to gather details here and figure out what exactly happened is i went from sally's, please keep us updated on the situation. there will keep following this breaking news for you brianna, alarming developments in the
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growing relationship between russia and north korea and its potential impact on ukraine. vladimir putin is threatening to arm the north koreans have western nations shins continued to provide military aid to ukraine. the kremlin announcing this decision at the end of putin state visit to north korea, which was his first in more than two decades cnn's matthew chance is in moscow with more matthew morning to south korea, that it would be a big mistake that to, ukraine, that's after officials in seoul suggested that they may do so. >> the response to a new strategic security 30 pact between russia and north korea agreed during putin's recent visit to the country, speaking a bit nam, putin told reporters that moscow would make decisions that were quote unlikely to please the south korean government's if sold decides to supply arms to kyiv currently sold supplies any humanitarian aid it and some military equipment to ukraine, but it's always stopped short
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of sending actual weapons. the russian leader also warned that moscow is willing to arm pyongyang if the united states in it, it's other allies continued despite ukraine with weapons, south korea in response summoned the russian ambassador in seoul demanding that russia immediately can ceases cooperation with pyongyang where the controversy comes at the end that the kremlin strongman to nation tool of asia, which saw him received a lavish welcome in north korea, which us officials say as glide russia with arms and ammunition to fight in ukraine and fueling concerns of a dangerous new phase in relations between russia and its old north korean ally. matthew chance. cnn moscow all right, matthew, thank you for that report into head, a new cnn investigation into where the money for some religious schools in arizona is coming from. and how that funding is causing some of the state's public schools to close they
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schools or have the same antidiscrimination protections. this move in part has contributed to the closure of public schools in the state and cnn's run a marsh has the details phoenix. >> phoenix mega church, the setting for recent donald trump campaign rally. >> you have to have choice also in education, you're gonna have choice in education. >> and the same mega church has partnered with a trump-aligned political group turning point usa to educate students at this private school, dream city christian, dream city christian school a turning point academy. >> its website underscores a far-right christian viewpoint promising to combat morally bankrupt and liberal ideology, including critical race theory, evolutionism and gender identification. and it's partially funded by taxpayer dollars like many private schools in the us, students had dream city can you state money to pay for private education? a
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cnn investigation found dream city christian received more taxpayer money than 95% of the private schools in the state voucher program, a total 1.3 million last year, according to data cnn obtained. that's despite anti-lgbtq q mandates in the parent handbook stating faculty must believe and parents must agree to their children being taught that homosexual behavior is sinful and offensive to god and rejection of one's biological sex is a rejection of the image of god to civil rights issue. >> professor samuel abrams study school privatization. because there's no way for any school system to operate whereby public money is funding such discrimination and that's reprehensible two years ago, arizona was the first of nearly a dozen states to go to a universal voucher system where families can use public funds regardless of income, reds are
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leading the charge fueled by a backlash over covid closures at public schools and a major campaign funded in part by a handful of conservative billionaires pushing for more public dollars for private education. there's been more gains made in the last few years of the school choice movement than there were in the prior 30. >> the american federation for children founded by former trump education secretary betsy devos, has led the way by opposing anti voucher candidate, tommy schultz is ceo. >> we've been involved in more than 2000 state legislative races and overall, we've had a 75% successful win rate. we've utterly changed the narrative and this issue of school choice has been a deciding factor in so many elections across the country this school year vouchers cost taxpayers in arizona hundreds of millions of dollars more than anticipated, funneling public funny to unregulated private schools that don't face the same educational standards as public
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schools. i would submit that school choice is the best government funded anti-poverty program that's out there. >> but all vouchers have long been pitched this way as a means to help disadvantaged students in public schools. a cnn analysis helices found that arizona's program is disproportionately benefiting students in richer communities as the state's private schools like dream city get a windfall in tax dollars, public schools are seeing declining enrollment and shrinking budgets. >> it hurts the neighborhood people bought into this area with the fact that we have a square now we don't obvious families and teacher said goodbye it since it can in elementary, one of three schools shutting down in its district after hundreds of kids good move to vouchers those school officials say lack of affordable housing and lower birth rates are also to blame get in the car with us that okay. felicia whites, 11-year-old daughter, riley, attends another area school. that's closing. riley has a really hard time with change.
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she has a lot of anxiety along with having special needs. so for her now to start trusting other people and allowing them into her circle at 12-years-old is going to be hard really hard advocates or sounding the alarm that the future of public schools is that saying our schools have been so under funded for so long? >> that there really wasn't any cushion in those school budgets, even the smallest amount of movement is going to destabilise that and are public schools simply cannot hold our thanks to rename marsh for that report. we should know that neither turning point or dream city responded to cnn's requests for comment. briana baseball hall of famer reggie jackson says he has mixed emotions about going back to rickwood field guild in birmingham, alabama last night, majorly, baseball held a tribute to the accomplishments of league players with a nationally televised game at
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the historic ballpark and during the broadcast jackson, who played for the birmingham a's in 1967, spoke of the racism that he says he endured back in those days coming back here is not easy the racism that i played here when i played here get difficulty of going through different places where we traveled. >> i would never want it to do want to do it again? i walked into restaurants and they would point at me and said, can't eat here i would go to a hotel and they say they can't stay here and had it not been for my white friends? how it not been for a white manager and rudy fingers and duncan and lee meyers. i would've never made it. i was two physically violent when i was ready to physically fight some ada got killed here because i had to beat someone you just saw me in
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an oak tree somewhere the baseball engine also said that he would never want to relive that part of his life and coming up the miserably hot weather across the us is stretching into the weekend. we're going to take a look at who will see the worst of it straight ahead cnn saturday. >> first of all, with victor blackwell, smerconish, the chris wallace show, the oman who are our the weeks biggest stories the weekends hottest topics tomorrow morning, starting at age on cnn you will mate to find inner peace we were made to track flight
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should get ready. some areas could see triple digit temps for days to come cnn meteorologist chad myers is tracking the temperatures from the cnn weather center. and chad, we could see some records too yes. no question about it. and when you add in how much humidity is in the air, you walked outside and it just air you can wear. that's when you know that it's going to be another hot weekend for dc, even for new york, new jersey, philadelphia. but right now, it is feels like 30 degrees cooler in boston than it did at this time yesterday because of a little cool front, a little air off the ocean, things look, feel great in new england at this hour. not so much for the iud 95 corridor. and like you said, all the way down to dc and bwi. so yes, it's still feeling right now at newark at 100, but look at the fields like in boston and yes, at this hour yesterday, that number was 103 so we'll take the cool air at least a couple of days. we'll we can get it. it doesn't get all the way down to the south. it's going to stay from the midwest all the way down and continue to travel to memphis and nashville and
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even toward atlanta for the weekend, there's going to be some very desperate high temperatures here. a lot of folks have some plans outside and dc this weekend, but it's going to feel like 102 going to need lots of water pets need water, the plants need water, and you need water. it'll certainly be a big help, especially to those pets because we take care of them as much as we can. but you have forget about them. sometimes they need extra water and shade bars and protection from their paws on the concrete, right? that's always a problem. you don't have absolutely. chad myers, thanks so much for the update. briana the summer olympics will kick off in paris and a little over a month, but some of the biggest events hang in the balance because the river sand is too polluted, the river is set to be the crown jewel of the olympics toasting a number of events like the triathlon as well as the opening ceremony. >> but recent testing results shared with cnn show the san is not safe for swimming and it actually poses some serious health risks to athletes you've cnn meteorologist derek van dam
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following this story for us derek, you were recently in paris and listen, we who live near the potomac don't like to cast a lot of stones here, but just tell us how dirty the center is. >> yeah, we were on the scene on the river said just earlier this week and what we saw was quite astounding but the race is truly on to clean up this iconic river, the crown jewel of the olympics. of course, the triathlon swimming section of the triathlon, taking place here are supposed to take place, including the opening ceremonies as well, which is the first time, by the way, that the opening ceremonies will be held outside of an olympic stadium. so that's saying something, but the river, the concern here is that the river is still too polluted for these events to actually occur specifically the swimming section of the triethylamine. and you know what this despite their best efforts to try and clean up the river, you can see still some of the visible
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pollution that is our footage right there. and what we noticed was a very murky river said, and yeah this is the concern going forward. i mean, regardless of what $1.5 being spent to try and clean up the rivers sun. they are still seeing e coli levels that are too dangerous. and according to authorities, not safe for these athletes to compete in there. events. so a lot of this has to do with the weather. and because of upstream from the river sen. they've had nearly 100 to 120 to 200% above average rainfall over the past three months the pollution gets washed down the rivers, the estuaries, and into the river son. and of course that can create the higher pollution levels within the area where the opening ceremony and the triathlon is supposed to be held. i walked around, talked to some of the locals on the street right along the trocar darrow leading up to the eiffel tower. just this week. >> and i asked them if they themselves would swim in the river. have listened what they
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said some of the swimming events actually occur on the river, said would you swim in that no, not a chance. >> so that's a hard pass all right. so briana, listen random, listen. swimming has been banned in the river son, four over 100 years. so for them to miraculously change that ban clean up the river is going tend to be a nothing short of a miracle. so can they do it will only time will tell we're all waiting on bated breath for sure. >> okay. well, when it requires a miracle i find a plan bs probably admit ideas atomic you've yeah, it's listened as far as i understand, there are no suitable rivers in the general paris area where the majority of the olympic games will be happening. >> you remember, it's the triethylamine that includes biking and running section of
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the triathlon. so that all needs to be thought through the exact race route. and of course, where they can end the triathlon with the swimming section. and that's why the plan was the river sun, but it's just not looking likely with the latest results that were coming into cnn today my goodness. >> okay. well, we're gonna keep watching us because this is going to be erased design. yeah, derrick, thank you so much for that and for us. okay we're continuing to follow breaking news out of four dice, arkansas, where police are on the scene of a mass shooting outside a grocery store, just about an hour south of little rock two people there were killed, eight injured in the shooting. >> one of the managers of the mad butcher grocery store where the shooting took place tells cnn that a man who came into the store with a shotgun ended up in a shootout with police we just got some new video and let's listen we are live here at maj. >> lecture in florida is in there. think shooting going on
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kirkwood shot of gunshots and sirens in the background of that video, i want to bring in cnn's isa available solace, who has been tracking the details of the shooting. he suddenly what's the latest you've learned? >> hey, boris, we do have brand new reporting from my colleague file bianna shapiro, who spoke with a witness who shot that video. his name is david rodriguez, and he was coming into a nearby gas station right by that mad butcher grocery store when he heard these pops going off. now he thought that that was coming over from a firework store. that was right next door. but then after that, he saw people running away and
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heard this rapid shooting that he quickly realized was actually firing buy a gun by the suspect. after seeing the people running away from the grocery store there. that is when he heard sirens and then ambulances start to come in. and shortly after that officers took control of the scene, there and told them to leave clearly for their own safety. he did also notice this was interesting at the mad butcher grocery store that the front windows were broken. he says as if they had been shot open by gunfire. so let me just re-up what we know so far from arkansas state police at this all happened shortly in the afternoon eastern time at four dice. that's in dallas county, arkansas again, a very small community of 3,700 people. we know that eight people have been wounded to have been killed. >> one law enforcement officer has also been shot.
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>> in this incident, but we're told that thankfully, he or she has non-life-threatening injuries the shooter was critically injured and has been taken in to custody. so a lot of information we're trying to get through right now and gather details from hospital, from law enforcement, from businesses and put together, piece together what exactly happened here, bohr's, but we know from these images they're from our affiliates on the ground on while the situation is contained, it is clearly a very active, busy scene with a lot of law enforcement there, making sure the situation is under control, and their next steps here is gathering that evidence. and figuring out what happened. borse yeah. and i anticipate that at some point soon we'll hear from law enforcement directly as well. >> so stay tuned for an update on that is available, silas. thanks so much for the latest from four dice arkansas. stay with cnn news central. we're going to take a quick break and we'll be right back.
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sunday at ten on cnn we're continuing to follow this breaking news, a mass shooting in arkansas, police on the scene outside grocery store. >> they're just about an hour south of little rock. >> we just got some new information about a police update. we have cnn's isabelle resolve is following this for us. isabelle, what can you tell us hey, every on a boris, right? >> we do have that arkansas state police. they will be holding a press conference here at 4:30 p.m. eastern. so here relatively soon we should be hopefully getting more details into what happened. but here's what we do know so far this incident, this mass shooting, cnn defines that as four or more people that have been shot happened around 12, 30 eastern at four dice in dallas county, arkansas. a small community of 3,700 people. this happened at a grocery store, the mad butcher, as it's called hold, where we know per state police that eight people were injured
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to have been killed. we know that one law enforcement officer in the midst of all this chaos has been shot, but has non-life-threatening injuries. the shooter has been critically injured, but has been taken into custody now, we do also have reporting from somebody in a sign of that grocery store, his name is matthew gill. he is the meat manager who was inside when this all happened. and what he saw was that a man came in side the grocery store with a shotgun and ended up in a shootout with police. that is what he saw. he so tells us that the situation has been contained and we know that the shooter has been taken into custody. we also have this video from a witness on the ground shortly after this all started, it was a man trying to just fuel up his car at a gas station next to where this happen. and you can hear in this video right now, popping in the background of this that
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david rodriguez the witness, and you here here it right there. he thought it was actually fireworks. that is because right next door is a firework shop. then he started to see people running and screaming and running away. and that's when he heard the sirens coming in, ambulances coming in and they were told to leave the scene. but boris, briana, hopefully here very soon we'll get more details as to police piece together what happened. >> yeah, we're said to hear from law enforcement at a roughly 430 of course, we'll stay on top of that news is availed. thank you so much. >> we'll be right back higher shipping breaks might be the cost of doing business, but at what cost turns shipping your advantage with low cost ground shipping from the united states postal service did i read this? did i get it? my keys memory and thinking issues keep piling up. it may be due to a buildup
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5011400 this weekend. >> cnn delves into the shadow it world of 1980s cold war espionage with the finale of our original series secrets and spies, a nuclear game. >> there's a preview the summit engine eva is a first step on the path to the end of the cold war the us and the soviet union both agree to reduce their nuclear stockpiles and diminish the threat that it has paralyze them for decades. >> if there was anything that the gorbachev era really produced, was the opportunity for people to develop relationships with each other at the end of the day, we're going to look back at this period and say we took a lot of risks and we were lucky as a matter of fact, most people today who had anything to do with that part of the world would say it's just a miracle.


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