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tv   Inside Politics With Manu Raju  CNN  June 23, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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big enough for the both of us oh wow was killed on how the right auto insurance coverage paying for this can really
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510200, coventry direct redefining insurance inside politics sunday with manu raju next on cnn crunch, time. >> is anybody going to watch the debate biden zeros, then while trump has trail, which just four days left plus great expectations joe biden, and this debate will make clear the contrast to pollsters break down the candidates targets. how should i handle him? should
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i be tough for nasty or should i be nice and calm and let him speak as we have new reporting on a key vulnerability for biden and rough draft, this is no pie in the sky proposal good congress expand construction. >> two women inside politics, the bus reporting from inside the corridors of power starts now good morning. >> welcome inside politics sunday or monday, raja, it is now officially debate week and ahead of thursday, a day that could change the trajectory of a race that has been deadlocked for months. but two candidates are spending their final days much differently president joe biden has been engaged in intensive preparations behind closed doors at camp. david, huddling with no fewer than 16 advisers and holding 90 minute mark debates former president trump meanwhile, has spent this past weekend onstage speaking
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to a christian audience in dc before rubbing, revving up his base at a rally in philadelphia. and that's where we begin this morning. steve contorno, who joins me from philadelphia. so steve, you were in the room last night. what does trump have to say about the debate? >> well, mano entering last night's rally, trump, as you said, spoke to a dc off audience also stopped for philly cheese takes making that sort of traditional pennsylvania campaign, stop getting an a full de of campaigning on his final saturday before this debate. and clearly he enjoyed juxtaposing how he spent his day versus joe biden's more studious approach. listen to what he told his rally last night right now, crooked joe's gone to a log cabin to study, prepare. no, he didn't do he's sleeping now because they wanted to get him good and strong. so a little before debate time, he gets a shot. >> the and that's they wanted
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to strengthen them up so he comes out, he'll come out okay? >> i say he'll come out all jacked up right all jacked trump yesterday also said that he for the first first-time, trump also said he has made a decision on who will be his vice presidential pick, telling that philly cheesesteak, proud that he has a decision quote in his mind, though he hasn't told that person yet nor is he ready to tell the public. >> but interestingly, all the potential contenders will appear at a debate. watch party thursday for president trump, including the three people that we have heard are leading front runners, j.d. vance of ohio, senator marco rubio of florida, and north dakota governor doug burgum, mano. >> all right. steve can turn on felony but i'll via thanks so much. and let's play this all doubt with new york magazine's olivia, new tse, cnn's jeff zeleny, seen in political director david chaldean and
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susan pays from usa today. good morning, guys to be here for you to join us. thanks for being here. >> it's interesting because for we know we've been watching trump and everything that he said over the campaign season, of course, inside politics, viewers have been watching everything that donald trump has been saying and the like. but there's so many viewers who have gone to tune in on thursday for the first time in years and hearing what trump has the same, they may have actually two it out with trump has had to say, he is laboratory to reach those viewers, those who can meet that moment though. >> well, i think it is an extraordinarily important moment for both candidates. i think that this race, as we know, has been remarkably stable and i think to your point, manu, one of the reasons why i think the biden campaign wanted to debate earlier than ever in presidential history in terms of a general election is to do exactly that, is to try and wake up voters who have been disengaged in this and put the contrast on display between these two men, the biden
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campaign of course, thinks that contrast works for them, although the trump team is quite eager to have the contrast with biden on the stage as well. you just heard donald trump team that up, that he's sleeping at the log cabin i mean, they're hoping the contrast and stamina and biden's hoping for a contrast in terms of sort of chaos versus a more steady hand. >> and you're talking to the biden campaign pretty regularly. how do they see it with a log cabin? >> just talking about as camp david that's where a president biden is spending the weekend preparing. look what they've been trying to do for months without much success really, as david said, it's been a stable race for all that's happened in this race to convictions, a war other things. it has been remarkably stable. a lot of that is some voters are not engaged if you're interested, what the biden campaign is hoping is to kind of shake some of those democratic voters get the base back around him by reminding what donald trump was like. but also talking about what he has pledged for a potential second term. so one
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of the interesting things talking to a variety of biden advisers, they said obviously the biggest challenge for president is defending his own record. four years ago it was all about trump this year. it's all about biden, but biden has been the president, has been internalizing and studying a lot of what trump has been saying at the rallies and other things. so he's trying to make this of course, about trump. but the reality is now it's about biden's records. so that is kind of a split-screen moment. >> and what we saw just because there's no rally crowd here, there's no audience. and what does trump still trying to cater to his base as he does every time and time again, if he did this past weekend and throwing red me, going after migrants and saying things like this. >> if i took this shared of you'd see a beautiful, beautiful person. >> but you'd see wounds all over, all over me. >> i've taken a lot of wounds. i can tell you more than i suspect any president ever trump was treated the worst
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andrew jackson second, and abraham lincoln there. but i definitely took taps, but have an idea why don't you set up a migrant league of fighters he didn't like that idea too much, but actually not the worst idea i've ever had. >> i mean, that would last kopan was about there's a ufc championship. leader, dana white about setting up a migrant leading to fight each other out these migrans a fire each other. that aside, i mean what do you think or how trump is going to approach this outcome thursday. >> so that's the donald trump that joe biden hopes shows up at the debate. somebody who's advisers hope some of his buddies hoping that donald trump does not yes, that's trump's some trump advisers would like a slightly different calibrated trump to show it, but the biden camp would like a trump to show up. who is focus? it was done grievances against him, not the problems that americans face and say things that seem just a little nutty like this idea of a fighting league in the course. the trump people have two different
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biden's. they want to have sharp. >> one is would not be the one that showed up at the state of the union who looked vigorous and funny and had some rough forte, but rather the biden that sometimes i'm shows up at public appearances that seems less sure. >> footed. yeah. and obviously, trump has been saying, some of the people in the trump campaign led biden speak, let him speak as he's the one who's going to stumble. but trump has a very hard time letting someone else speak. >> yeah, although i think the format of this debate will probably help facilitate a conversation which both parties get some time to speak but the idea that there's some other trump, that there's ever been a presidential pivot is absurd. he is the guy who calls for migrants to fight each other on ufc that there's only one donald trump and i think that i think a lot of americans, i think he's benefited in some ways that the stakes have been so much lower in the post-presidency. he sort of exists to the mean. people forget what it was like every day with this onslaught of news and him threatening to do all manner of unprecedented things.
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and the majority of people who've been paying attention to what he he is set at his rallies are people who really support him, who were inclined to tune into that type of thing. i think that the biden campaign, if he can be alert and awake and more like the state of the union in biden that you were referring to? i think the biden campaign jets have an opportunity here, but that's a big if you look just to take a step back up where this race is at this moment, there's a fox news poll from earlier this week, just breaking down the voting voters see the two men according to this poll men trump has an advantage favorable 15 point advantage over biden women. trump biden according to this poll up 17 points. and then there's the rural, urban divide that has been so persisted for some time in older voters have been favoring biden in recent polling and including in this one 115 points and biden and this one is nine points i had on the independence david, do think that's an accurate reflection of the race. >> well, i think that it's a no clear leader margin of error or national poll. and that is
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an accurate reflection of the race. i think we're in a no clear leader national race that is within the margin of error. i think that you're seeing in a lot of the critical battleground states. we're talking about margin of error stuff as well. so this is a close contest and this is what i mean and what jeff was talking about about it's been that way since the beginning, but you go back and look at that same fox poll back in october, it looks very similar. i mean, it eddies it is just not responded to all of the crash of news developments yet partially because of this disengaged factor of voters who really don't like their choices and just aren't signing up to get involved actively in paying attention to what's going on but also, i just think we are in i think we forget a lot. this is our first post covid election. and i just think that in the american psyche, there was a glitch in the matrix that was covid, right? that i don't think we've fully solved for yet. and so i just think we're in a new realm. i know it's
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two candidates that have faced each other before, but it's a totally new environment for the country in which they're doing not so clear when you go back and watch the debates, the last ones which i did this week, it's been for years since the two have been in the same room. think of all that's happened the insurrection, the dobbs decision, invasion of ukraine, the war in the middle east to felony convictions on and on. so yes, it is the same people as david said, but it's an entirely different script here. so this is not the same debate last time it was largely fought around the coronavirus and the trump administration's handling of them. now let's on the economy, on immigration and the biden record so if trump says, are you better off now than you were four years ago, that's a difficult question to answer because four years ago at this moment when a corona virus was happening, the summer of 2020 perhaps, but not necessarily in all parts of the trump term. yeah. and we're obviously reaching a new point in this campaign, not just what the debate, but also in terms of what we're going to see. you just said in a more onslaught of advertising throughout the
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key battleground states that are adviser being placed by biden, by trump's campaign is buying for the first time really since march, the campaign has started to put key ads and battleground states and some of its trump campaign has been boyd by fundraising, post conviction, hundred and 41 million that biden has a trump has raised in may compared to biden at $85 million. how do you think trump is going to deal with now we know how trump's going to deal with the conviction question. come thursday, he's going to say he was persecuted. he doesn't biden. does he hammer that home on thursday? and also, how do we how to donors respond to a conviction 34 counts of felony is and apparently they respond by thinking this is a great reason to contribute to this candidate i mean the legal, the legal process in this election has been, i think surprising in that the indictments bolstered trump in the primaries and the convictions are bolstering him in his efforts to raise money. >> and that is wipes out a huge advantage that the biden people expect it is a biden, do not think that the trump, do they
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think that the biden people think that trump can they can helps trump hurts biden. >> i mean, just objectively, it's hard to say. it helps any candidate to be a convicted felon. but donald trump has been challenging the common good sense on that. certainly i do think that biden's at risk of overplaying his hands and playing into the perception whether or not it's fair that this is a political persecution so i think that he should be careful about crowing about that two months. >> all right. we'll see how he deals with it coming up. >> could anything from this historically early debate shake up the polls and shake loose some votes. >> we'll talk to to pollsters about what to expect the cnn presidential debate thursday night at nine live on cnn and streaming on max experience helped me save over $1,400 a year on car insurance. though prices keep going up experian is here to help you see when personal loans, credit cards, or car insurance start saving. now, free and will get the app. now, the whole world is about to burn
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past may their decision ahead of the fall, while, while there are still room for both to grow their support, just how many voters are really still switchable this year help us unpack it all. i'm joined by republican pollster, kristan salts. this anderson, democratic pollster, margie, are marrow. good morning to you both thank you so much for coming in give me your sense on how this could impact this race will just maybe there's some historical context. we can point to. there's a barack obama, mitt romney raised from 2012 heading into the debate polls show that obama had a narrow li, but outside the margin of error according to a gallup poll at the time for points, he was then afterwards obama didn't do as well in that debate, there was a bit of a jump for romney, cut it down to about two points that will significant other obama, of course, ultimately one do we accept do we expect that kind of bounce this time? and for that kind of bounce to last for whoever is perceived to have won the race. >> i would expect that we will see slightly fewer undecided voters to the extent that we
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have even this 34, 5% still out there saying, i truly don't know what i'm going to do that may after seeing the debate either have their concerns about biden. okay. my my my mind is it ease those concerns are laid or if trump does really well saying, hey, you know, actually maybe i can't see myself putting this guy back in for four years. so we could clear up some questions for the type of voter that i would call lower engagement, the sort of for person who's not tuning into why a ton of news all the time, they may have pretty clear views of who trump and biden are. but in terms of what they will do a november may still be thinking through that decision is that i use i mean, certainly it is a good moment for a huge number of people who haven't really been paying that much attention to really see what the contrast is. remind themselves like what trump is like when he's lewis says all reports will be he's not giving a rambling speech by himself. he's forced to engage. normally, i mean, historically, presidents, their first debate has not been as strong, but the differences trump has not been debating either. if he had been in
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primary debates against nikki haley as opposed to giving rambling battery, battery late in speeches that might be a little bit different, but he hasn't been practicing, so we'll see how that plays out i heard somebody in focus group, a focus group recently say a friend of mine was talking about some court thing and i wasn't really following, so they're going to be a lot of voters who are engaging, who have not really been caught up ban whether it's the biden administration's accomplishments or what trump has been facing, how much of the town would you objective is those low information voters will be so significant versus shoring up the base. i mean, especially for biden, i feel like your base is your base for a reason. they are the folks who are extremely likely to come home do you buy november and for sure, even some of those say younger, more progressive democrats who may have some real concerns about whether biden has actually delivered for them by the time you get to november, i would expect that a lot of those folks come home to biden similarly for many of the republicans who may be voted
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for nikki haley in the primary, can't fathom the idea that up trump is our nominee. again, are nevertheless, i suspect going to come home. so for me firing up the base is not necessarily the thing you need to do right now. that's what you're conventions this summer will be for right now. this is a chance to reintroduce yourself to the type of voter who is trying to decide who they'll vote. and if they even want to bother voting in the first place these are also lower turnout folks. and so turning out your base is one thing, but turning out the lower attachment type voters, that's going to be critical, especially for donald trump but biden has had difficulty of keeping that coalition together rebuilding that glows in for 2020. >> do does he view this coming into this debate about trying to make sure that coalition is with them come november or as kristen says, worry about that in the fall, worry about that when the convention well, i think everybody you have a large audience and it's gonna be a very big moment for both campaigns and all voters are on the table. >> all voters should be a feel talk to, and heard and feel
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excited about watching this video. feel like it's important. i think what's gonna be interesting are a couple of things. one, because it's so early are we going to be able to better measure a little bit of movement? then you might say at a debate that happens later when there's a lot more going on where there are more things happening campaigns are spending more on the air and so on. then the the other thing i'll note is, i guess i would challenge your premise that the base is somehow struggling. i mean, every election that's whether it's 22 or all the specials bell at ballot measures, everything that's happened since the last presidential election has shown a lot of enthusiasm on the left. you don't have a lot i've democratic crossover voters going to biden and the supposed double-haters, the people who are unfavorable toward both candidates, they think trump is guilty in our last navigator polled, they think trump is guilty. they felt the court the trial was fair and think that he should drop out just but what's interesting too is obviously this is much more url
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is earlier than really in any debate and modern history. but there are so many events that will happen between now and november and including after the cnn debate, there's a trump's sentencing that'll happen in july. the two conventions in july and august, there's an abc debate that's going to happen in the fall. and of course, then there's election day. so given the amount of events that will happen, can whatever happens is we set the race. now. but in a file, however, five months or so from now we'll reset the race then. i think the only way to know that is to actually see the debate because if biden gives an acceptable c plus performance and trump basically gives what we're expecting him to give us. >> then i don't think it reshapes the race that much but if there'll become real concerns about biden's mental acuity, ability to lead. and we see this popping up and pulls a lot that voters have much graver concerns about that this time around then four years ago, he has got two if he wants to come out of this debate,
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strong. set those concerns aside briefly. that's what most i think, especially these more undecided voters are turning, tuning in to see very well, we've done dial groups where we had people watch in a room without a second screen, not launching twitter, not watching. some common container watch the state of the union the last couple of say, the unions. and we have some questions beforehand and we ask them questions afterwards. and there was real clear movement and how people rated biden in terms of up for the job or finding for the middle-class. and so when he has these big moments, whether it's to state of the union or pass debates. he comes through and i expect we'll see that this week owe a lot to see you. thank you, guys so much for coming in and more to discuss up next, the way americans consume, put up on content have dramatically changed. a former debate moderator weighs in on whether the candidates can still create buzz with viral moments that fly pi the next morning, like this one the temper repeated breeze makes sleep, feel cool. so no more sweating all night
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cnn close captioning is brought to you by tableau. watch, pause and record light tv subscription free. start watching tv for free with tableau switching to tableau has really been a money saver without the monthly subscription was amazing. >> quarter today at tableau the candidates may be the same from four years ago, but just how much will thursday's debate look like this? can you ask the question, justice left? >> would you listen? >> who is on your list? it's hard to get any word in with this clown. he racist, you just the worst, whereas america has ever had, i'm the least racist person in this room. >> we can't lock ourselves up in a basement like joe does. he has the we did not aseptic pages. they who built the k gesture? >> no, joe, i ran because of you. >> i ran because of barak obama because you did a poor job alright, this time, no live
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audience and yes, there will be muted microphones when the candidates are not talking. so how will americans consume this debate? and what about those viral moments that are sure to come? my panel is back. susan page veteran of debate moderation. you had mike pence, kamala harris, four years this will go on the fly and the fly that was on my pence's forehead and he didn't realize it. no. >> thank goodness. you didn't realize it eventually, we've got went viral on social media. >> people realized it. >> but how do you think that the format here and the fact that these microphones will be muted will impact things. >> i think it's an effort to deal with what you just saw in that clip, which is to give the candidates a chance to talk without the other guy talking. now, maybe it will make it a little less interesting in some ways, maybe you'll miss some of those asides that we heard. but it's gonna make it i think it's an effort to make it a more helpful debate for the people who really matter who are the voters, who are going to be watching, how, who do you think benefits from that sometime to some people say like that moment that we just showed me help biden because
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trump was stepping over biden all the time, allowed people blame trump. so maybe he'll be constrained by technology hello g, this die. >> i guess i think it would help trump in that it would sort of impose on him limits to his behavior that he's not capable are willing to impose himself. but i think that there's a danger for both candidates here. voters are really sick of them both. >> most voters there are some doherty of voters are not happy with their options. i understand robert f. kennedy jr. did not make this debate, but i think that there is a chance that voters see what's on offer here. and they're frustrated and exhausted by it, and they start looking for another option. so i do think that there, even though both candidates did not want robert f. kennedy jr. to be in this debate. i do think there's a risk here to them anyway i mean, obviously people will be looking at the candidates themselves, not just what they say, but how they said, how they are perceived we're dealing with two aging candidates of course 78, trump is sunday biden is at one and there'll be a lot of moments
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over the last several months and which they have slipped at times and there are on its have seized upon those moments watch as you know initially, the president of mexico csi did not want to open up the gate nikki haley you know, did you know they destroyed all of the information, all of the evidence, everything deleted a destroyed all of it. all of it because of lots of things like nikki haley is in charge of security. did you just see maduro, venezuela it's unbelievable i mean, so much of it is gonna be about that. right? how they are able to perform beyond the policy debate. >> i mean, i think debates are usually about performance more than they are about substance. and i think that is going to be on steroids as a factor this time just because of the way we consume information, the way
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voters are going to experience it's bait, yes, i shortly lots and lots of voters are going to tune in and watch this debate on thursday night, but it's also going to be consumed on tiktok. and in short clips on youtube and the like in the days after in those lasting impressions are usually not ones that are focused on the policy differences, but are on these performative element. yeah, it's such a good point because look, you in the back historically, people the kennedy nixon debate, people watched kennedy at the time on tv, viewed differently than people heard. nixon on radio died. nixon did a little bit better. now you're dealing with the age in which one of these videos will come out and somebody be manipulated. and some people may seize on some of those moments and that could shape the perception amongst so many voters did absolutely couldn't now in many respect to the way the race to define the debate. and usually that happened after the debate in the spin room and other things, it will be happening in real time obviously. and as david saying people, everyone will not consume all 90 minutes of this at the same time, but it'll be sliced up and things. but i think one thing that's
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remarkable, we've largely seen over the last couple of weeks the parameters of this. i was struck last week and he says that a lot donald trump talks about wars, no more foreign wars, no more world war three. that is a direct shot at foreign policy. the president's campaign, the biden campaign is up with $50 million in ads talking about a convicted felon versus ama president working for you. so we sort of know what this is about. they'd been talking about it but to david's point, i do think that it is the performance of this and both men will walk out on stage with a blank notebook without any note cards, and that is something neither of them are used to doing. donald trump complains every time his teleprompter hunter is flapping in the wind president biden hardly ever speaks without a note card, even in the shortest of events. so that's why this is so interesting among many other reasons, so interesting, so important and the back, there was no guarantee. we were
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going to have debates this year, right? just there's no law that says candidates after debate, there was every reason to think that probably president biden less enthusiastic about debating and the donald trump, we're going to have a debate, a serious debate, 90 minutes. and as you said, one that takes away the script for both of these candidates one of the things you mentioned about how people viewed biden post state of the union speech versus pre state of the union speech. buhle watch that speech had a lot more confidence in biden in the state of the union versus after, of course, the biden campaign hopes the same as now. it will happen this time, the trump campaign and the trump allies, they keep floating. this can spirit see that biden is going to be amped up on drugs, even trump himself keeps saying it on the campaign trail without any evidence to back that up at all. listen to how his allies, trump allies have been trying to spin how biden may do come thursday i think the joe biden we see and debate night is going to be the guy that we saw at the state of the union the lord he's gonna be
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all hyped up calf hyper caffeinated. what's sort of cocktail could they put together for him in this debate, it also doesn't seem like the democrats wouldn't be totally willing to do that to get artificial results. it seems like an actually be exactly what they would do well, i think they've been experimented with it for awhile. >> we saw something going on during the state of the union army, johnson. >> yeah, he's a doctor, ronnie johnson and he's saying that there's something going on. >> no evidence of texas hi. jackson said ronnie. exactly. and i'm going to run at johns. >> so i don't think i think most voters, most americans can see that president biden is certainly not energetic all the time. there are times when it seemed he says if he is displaying signs of some mental decline. however, there's only one candidate in this race who would definitely was sleeping in the last six months and it was former president donald trump reporters saw that in the courtroom, he's done one fighting off those allegations so i think there's a little bit of production going on
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there. >> yes, indeed. and we'll see there's also a prediction leinz is going on here. there's that allowed debate predictions. you can make you, of course, you can bet on line. trump mentioned is poor and 80% say yes, he will biden closing his eyes for three plus seconds, 39% say yes, he will trump and biden, shake hands 35, just 35% say yes, biden gets helped out the stage a quarter of people, according to poly market say yes, i don't think they're going to shake hands. i would bet that they do not shake hands. i take i would take that butt as well, figure they do show some camaraderie. all right. be sure to tune in this thursday to sealants presidential debate moderated by jake tapper and dana bash live from atlanta, beginning at 9:00 p.m. eastern and streaming on max. >> meanwhile, as both sides of the debate gives them an edge, we have new reporting just cnn, about alarm bells ringing in biden. >> what about a key demographic ahead of you race? >> get a working with the
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nutrients for immune health, and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein the temperate pedigrees makes sleep feel cool. >> so no more sweating all night or blasting the air conditioning because the timber breeze feels up to ten degrees cooler all night long. during our july 4, sale save $500 on cooling temper, breeze mattresses new cnn reporting this morning, an alarm bells ringing about a group posing political problems for democrats my colleague isaac dovere reports this morning that in democratic circles there are new concerns that biden may be slipping among jewish voters and it could hurt him in key swing states and isaac is here with me now, either thanks for joining me. >> so what are you learning in this new reporting? >> well, look, we talk a lot about the impact of the situation in israel and gaza on arab american voters in michigan or younger voters. and there's definitely been an impact on that, but there's also jewish american voters there's who are looking at this and not just looking at the situation in israel, but looking at the rise in
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anti-semitism, both on the streets and some of these things that incidents that have gone on, attacks that have happened. and also of course, in the college campus protests, a feeling that there was a lot of anti-semitism being expressed there. and there is this concern among a number of jewish democrats that joe biden will pay the price for this if only because he will be blamed for what's happening on the left in its own party. but there is a feeling also that may be given donald trump's less than perfect record and appealing to jews and talking about how jews have dual loyalty and things like that, that they will by november come home josh shapiro, the governor of pennsylvania, big swing state jewish himself. he said to me, if you go back in the history of the world and look at the leadership of every dictator from pharaoh to hitler, to kim jong un. at what point in our history when a dictator has been leading, a nation has a minority group done well donald trump will eviscerate the rights of minority groups, including america news, if he's given the power of the presidency again, obviously those names that he's pulling very significant
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question about it. >> and just to look at viewers now about how biden did with jewish voters in exit polls from 2020, 64% and down in this side, about the same now according to some public opinion, but obviously there's those concerns also the concern among democrats is his upcoming visit by benjamin netanyahu to address congress on july 24. there's a question of how this biden deal with this visit is a question that i've put to democrats as well. should the president made clear that he should not address congress, then you look, that's up to the president. >> but i'm not going i'm worried about this speech. i don't know that it's going to deepen the us is real partnership. i worry that it's simply going to be an exercise in netanyahu's attempt to try to further entrenched and consultant holiday own political power. i haven't decided whether i'm going to go or not as biden deal with this. >> now, it's hard because how does biden show that he stands with israel while opposing the
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tactics of israel's leader. and that's been, that's been the dilemma for him and for other democratic policies. do makers as well. >> meantime, while this is all happening, there's also this happening in new york. let's this is about whether or not the box will control theologica say, i love, you know, de jamaal bowman dared to speak up for palestinian doesn't give a about us doesn't give a about the bronx and this is jamaal bowman who's a member of that far-left squad and house democratic caucus really being targeted by pro-israel groups, including apac, which has spent it's super pac, spent 20
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$20,424.7 million. >> so far in primary ad spending in this to go after here, i go after a jamaal bowman. >> how do you see this bright now this tuesday's primary is do really exemplifies this fight within the democratic party. >> it's interesting. i mean, at that event, there were reportedly protesters condemning aoc, condemned being bernie sanders for endorsing president biden. i think if i were in the white house in the reelection campaign for the president, i would be very concerned about that. this is not just a a factor in the primaries in michigan is you've talked about, i think that this is something that could contribute to a depression in voter turnout. and in a highly divided country, every vote counts. so i think anything that contributes to having people stay home, not being through the aztec about joe biden is really concerned and you're seeing some of the old guard rally around jamaal foam is a opponent george latimer, including hillary clinton without a doubt, i mean so does very much old guard, new guard can having flashbacks to the 2016 democratic primary there with bernie sanders and hillary
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clinton. >> but look, this is a big inflection point for democratic party and for reasons that isaac writes about from the jewish rotor side to the other side. but you also smartly note in your piece, october 7, obviously coming adds voting is going on the anniversary of october 7. so how the president acknowledges that end look, president biden has such a long history with israel as a sitting senator really a more than any president in our lifetime obviously, and he is moved considerably in terms of trying to hold benjamin who to account, but it's not enough for some it's too much for others. it is such a third rail for him before we hit the break, how do you see this rise playing out? i mean, bowman could be the first member of that squad to lose. >> yeah. and look, a lot of it is being litigated on the issue of israel and his condemnation of israel. and a lot of ways. but as you and i report them on, there are problems that bowman has had that have nothing to do do with israel pulling the fire alarm, didn't help right?
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>> and where the polls show a pretty wide race here than aipac spending has a lot of it. it's not all of what has gone up against bowman. all right. that's covered up on tuesday and coming up next for us. could congress expand the draft to include women? >> what they're saying women is, we're going to send your liberty. it's not voluntary, it's that we're going to, its conscription. we're going to conscript you historically the soviet union killed traders i started to run two kgb cars, had come behind us. >> i didn't know what to do christian spies, a nuclear game tonight at ten on cnn. >> i want a lot of businesses, so my tech and my network need to keep up. thank you. verizon business now, our businesses get fast and reliable internet from the same work that powers our phones. >> so whatever is next, we're cooking with fire switch to the partner businesses rely on. i'm out here telling people how they can save money with experience, with experience, you can see your recurrence
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roof, and maria already asked for your budget reminder will get smart as a judging by got it. got it. boss, daughter, you got this this cnn presidential debate thursday night at nine live on cnn and streaming on max. closed captioning brought to you by meso if you or a loved one have mesothelial mac will send you a free book to answer questions you may have called now and we'll come to you 808 to 14000 the united
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states hasn't called up its citizens for mandatory military service in over 50 years since the end of the vietnam war. >> but as the us remains embroiled in conflicts overseas and faces military recruiting shortfalls, capital hildas week found itself debating the draft and who qualifies for it democrats and republicans on the senate armed services committee recently approved a version of the annual defense policy bill that would include women in the draft for the first time. >> and while men ages 18 and 25 of currently required to register a version by that passed by the house would automatically register them in raising the upper limit 226. >> the idea of including women has drawn the ire of many, especially conservatives. my colleagues and i caught up with this past week when it comes to let's think it's wrong to say to women, you are, we're going
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to involuntarily put you in a military if they want to join voluntarily, that's fantastic job the idea that granddaughter leaping on the trick for not having an active draft right now, let's not start addressing it. >> i don't think it's necessary even get deeply into it and to divide this country at this stage of the game but opponents say that there should be a level playing field and some members of both parties have not ruled out endorsing such a change. is it a good idea to require women to sign up to the military draft i think that's a really important issue that the senate will continue to work through. obviously, we haven't had a draft and 50 years, so it's not necessarily terribly operative question. >> i do think it's something that warrants further discussion i served. so i think it's important that women feel some of those roles in the military.
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>> we shouldn't have a two-tier system that would not include win who were able. and now what you're the issue is should the rules be the same, the raw sugar the full senate could debate. it's bill as soon as next month. but senators will still have to sort out their differences. what the house, and then get the present assigning. that means months of debate are ahead. >> all right. that's it for inside politics sunday, you can follow me on x, formerly known as twitter at mk raju fall to show it inside politics. if we ever missed an episode, of course, you can catch up wherever you get your podcasts, just search for inside politics up next to the union with jake tapper and dana bash, kaitlan collins is anchoring today. her guests and good governors, doug burgum and kathy hochul thanks again for sharing your sunday morning with us. we'll see you next time okay. >> ready to washington one second. >> i got to finish my laundry it's gross night. >> one second. i use misprints to the company that will pick up wash, fold, and deliver your
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