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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  June 24, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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be go too fast to get your free score today i'm stephanie, il-1 and los
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angeles. >> and this is cnn levs captioning brought to you by rule or law. >> i kind of brands up to 70% off retail at rue la >> rubella you never faithful seize the day on top before there shot with today by documents case thrown out, and to keep the former president from being hit with a new gag order. plus today marks two years since the fall of roe versus wade, how the biden campaign is making abortion rights a key reelection she an issue ahead of the first big, and it's an amazing story of survival, how a missing hiker endured ten days in the california mountains without food or any flies. but following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central thanks.
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>> so much for joining us this afternoon. remember, we're sanchez alongside breonna taylor and the nation's capital well, i'm just moments ago. the first of two for each row hearings today in trump's classified documents case wrapped up during the proceedings, trump's lawyers argued his charges should be smith because they claim the special counsel's office's unlawfully funded. >> this is yet another pretrial hearing called for by trump-appointed judge aileen cannon, that critics argue is unusual and needlessly postpones the trial last friday, she held a hearing allowing trump's team to argue that the special counsel was unconstitutionally appointed cnn senior crime and justice reporter katelyn polantz with us now on this story, katelyn, how did the first hearing go? >> i don't here this show all right. we're having a hard time with kaitlan audio anytime let's see caitlin, can you
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hear us? we got this together? >> wasn't something that she seemed ready to do because he had so many questions for the prosecutors, especially this morning. so the hearing lasted a little bit under two hours. and during that time, she at one point wanted to do a line-by-line reading of the public disclosures that had been made so far by this special counsel's office? this on how much money they spend for the work that they're doing that prompted the justice department attorney to tell her that they are fully committed to continuing to fund special counsel jack smith to pursue this prosecution to its very end and judge cannon then asked more questions, even harsher questions about how under the law this special counsel's office is able to operate legally, something that she's been grappling with now over the course of two days in these hearings at times getting a little bit quickie with some of the prosecutors answers telling him not to cut her off, but at the same time, on the other end
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donald trump's lawyers, they our really swinging for the fences on trying to get politics into this proceeding. they are making legal arguments. they made them extensively today but also they keep asking judge cannon for more oversight, more hearings, and then twice aiml beauvais, the defense attorney for donald trump, said that for our extraordinary things with the special counsel's office, that could be curbed if there was more congressional oversight there. and then previewed a little bit of the hearing that's about to take place in a couple of hours before judge cannon over limiting donald trump's speech, also called that an extraordinary effort by the prosecutors at the justice department to limit donald trump's speech with this upcoming debate. and on the campaign trail back to you. >> all right, caitlin, glad we got that sorted out. katelyn polantz. thank you. >> were now three days away from the first presidential debate right here on cnn and president biden is really putting the spotlight on the issue of abortion ahead of
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thursday's showdown with former president trump today, the biden campaign, launching a new tv ad directly blaming trump for the supreme court's decision overturning roe v. >> wade. that's ruling, of course, that came down two years ago to the de right now biden and his hunker down at camp david, where he's been preparing for the debate all weekend trump. meantime, we're told is holding informal policy discussions with advisers and allies. let's go live now to the white house with cnn's kayla tausche. so kilo walk us through this biden pushed to prep for the debate well, bores abortion is going to figure prominently on the debate stage on thursday night with the biden campaign long believing that is the issue as, it is exemplary of what they see as their opponents attempt to take away rights across the board from women in this country. >> and there is a full-court press push today. to mark the two-year anniversary of the dobbs decision, the overturning of roe v. wade, the biden campaign out with a new ad as part of a $50,000,000
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battleground and advertising push using the voice of one woman in particular, a testimonial of a woman who was turned away for treatment for a miscarriage in the state of louisiana anna, here's what she says in that ad the pain that i was feeling was excruciating. >> i was turned away from two emergency rooms. that was a direct result of donald trump overturning roe v. wade. he's now a convicted felon. trump thinks he should not be held accountable for his own criminal actions, but he will let women and doctors be punished earlier today vice president kamala harris giving a speech of her own using new and very sharp language accusing donald trump of stealing women's rights it's trump has not denied much less, shown remorse for his actions instead he quote proudly takes credit for overturning roe my
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film hello americans in a court of law that would be called an admission and some would say a confession all pointing to the ultimate issue in the case of the stealing of reproductive freedom from the women of america. >> donald trump is guilty now to further make that case, the democratic national committee, in a memo today says that the party is spending at least 8.3 million in every state in the country. >> that's a 25% increase from the last election to make sure that voters know exactly what trump's record kurt is on this issue, including his support potential support for a banned at the national level. and that's something that we expect biden to highlight on thursday, guys so rewarding the president biden is preparing for the possibility of a very disciplined trump on the debate
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stage. tell us about this well, one of the things that we know, the biden team has been thinking through is essentially compiling a list of the wildest trump isms that they can call out the former president four, on the debate stage. >> but the problem is that argument won't necessarily sincerely land if the opponent that the president is standing across from appears to be more mild, mannered and more well-behaved. and so that is a version the president that his team has been preparing for mitch landrieu, who's a co-chair of the biden reelection campaign, said yesterday on meet the press, though, it doesn't matter which donald trump's shows up to this stage that his reputation precedes him. and that biden is going to call that out kylo tausche life for us from the white house. >> thank you so much. kaitlan let's discuss us with cnn senior political commentator and former special assistant to president george w bush. >> scott jennings also with us democratic strategists julie rogan ski. she is the co-founder of lift our voices. thank you both for being with us. scott first you a very disciplined donald trump i
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don't think i've seen that on a debate stage before. you have actually the second debate in 2020, which by the way, i had forgotten, but i realized recently they also had muted microphones that night, but trump came out in my estimation, very disciplined, very measured, and i actually think he won that exchange. now that having been said, the first debate was a disaster, he was overly aggressive. it cratered his campaign and by the time the second debate happened, you know, things were pretty much off the rails. millions of people that already voted. and it was too late. so if i were in their shoes, i'd be aiming for debate number two, performance this time around, show you're in command of the facts and try to keep the debate on topics that benefit you inflation and immigration crime, national security, if he spends time on that and doesn't go down rabbit holes on january 6, then re-litigating the 2020 election. he'll have a successful nine are in julia if trump does that, how should biden prepare to address it? >> well, look, i'm glad the president's preparing for every contingency, but if scott thinks that the second debate
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was disciplined, donald trump, i guess in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. so disciplined for whom discipline for trump i'm not even sure that was disciplined for trump. i don't think donald trump can help himself. i think donald trump has apology. that is that he he thinks he's speaking to his base. he thinks this is all entertainment. he thinks this is all something that the most extreme elements of the maga base want to hear. and that's who he is speaking to. he's not speaking to undecided voters because that he was speaking to moderate republicans. and so the problem for him, look, scott, you're right. if he sticks to those issues, he will have successful debate. but i sincerely doubt that he has the discipline or the stamina to do anything other than go down these rabbit holes, whether it's about hunter biden or january 6 or sharks or both batteries. i mean, who knows the one that we know is that we don't know what kind of craziness trunk can come up with. that's what makes prepping against him so difficult for the biden team. >> julie, what do you think of the way that the trump team has seemed to manage expectations
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of president biden and going into this debate, because up until a few weeks ago, what we were hearing was that joe biden was having a hard time keeping track of information that he was mentally deficient in some way that his age had caught up to him, but legally, what you've heard is sort of from folks like doug burgum and others that joe biden is a formidable debater nice try, i guess, but the extent the last four years calling him cpj you saying he's effectively senile, that he's not ready for prime time, that he's not ready for even 3:00 in the morning time. >> but the reality is that that's what seeped into the base for trump. and so they're expecting a particular joe biden to show up the same anyway, to expect it a particular joe biden to show up to the state of the union. and then when a different joe biden, an incredibly animated joe biden showed up, they pivot instead of biden must be on something he obviously this, this is not the joe biden that we prepared people for it. they will have an explanation for any kind of debate. biden has.
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biden has a good debate and biden less and biden spin a good debater over the years. if he has a good debate, they'll come up with some excuse as to why that that worked for biden. that's not having to do with anything that bears any resemblance to reality so i don't really think they should worry about setting expectations because regardless what happens, they'll have some crazy cockamamie theory for why biden showed up. and perform better than they've expected biden to show up and prepare. >> what do you think, scott? >> i think this debate is largely honestly gonna be about image and plausibility and don't have a meltdown. let's presumed for a minute that neither of them has some career ending melt down moment. i think that's probably likely hopefully for both of them. so then what are you looking for these guys are so well-defined? >> but are you plausible for the next four years because of his age and because of what people loves observed observe the polling shows that the american people don't think biden is plausible for the next four years. >> and because of the way he left office, a lot of people don't think trump is plausible
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for the next four years. so coming out of a debate like this you're trying to drive who is the most plausible person who can hold the office for ford? for years if i were either of them that's what i'd be driving for. obviously, biden's in an age whole on that and trump is in a hole based on how he left office the last time what are your thoughts in the dynamic in the room given that as you noted with the second debate in 2020 the microphones will be muted. >> there's not gonna be an audience. does that handicap donald trump who seems to relish being in a crowd of supporters. i don't think so. and of course, if there wasn't audience, they wouldn't all be for him. of course it's in the room. but having the muted microphones seem to really help him in the second debate in 2020. so actually they get will be of some benefit, but ultimately it's really up to them, right? i mean you want to get the biggest percentage of the 90 minutes over the target of your issues. and so if trump can steer it to inflation and immigration for most of the time that's a success. and if biden can steer it to say abortion and january the sixth and whatever that's a success
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for him. i mean, obviously they're running on such different issue sets. their ability in the moment on stage to pivot and try to get back to the issues that worked for them. we'll see who's the most skillful debate. are they both have some experience biden, of course, has a lot more. he's been in office for over 50 years. >> well, i will say you never quite know what the moment is. that is coming your way with the debate. you just don't. we get excited to see what's going to happen. we wonder what's going to happen, but you don't really know and who looking, who's watching. and if you don't watch, all you may see is a clip that's right, are two clips and they may define the whole thing for you. that's right. so there isn't a meltdown manu planted that seed in my head now, yeah, i'm like everyone everyone should tune into cnn to find out right? >> we don't have know. >> so far. >> pretty decent. scott, julie, thank you you. we appreciate it. and join cnn as president biden and former president trump meet for their first debate of the 2024 election season. jake tapper and dana bash moderating this all live from atlanta this thursday,
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beginning at 9:00 p.m. eastern. and to add on cnn news central will following a meeting that is underway right now at the state department between secretary blinken and israeli defense and the israeli defense minister for which is coming at a critical time, is prime minister netanyahu signals the intense phase of the war with hamas is about to end and chaos outside a synagogue in los angeles plus president biden saying he's appalled after a pro-palestinian protest turned violent with the details on what happened there and a guy goes on from what he thought would be a three-hour hike into the california mountains. >> look at these pictures. >> it turned into a ten day fight for survival how we did it after a quick break the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. >> the president and the former president, one state two very different visions for america's future. that cnn presidential debate thursday net it now live on cnn and streaming on max with car
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i'm melissa bell in paris and this is cnn happening. now, secretary of state antony blinken, his meeting with israeli defense minister yoav gallant in washington. here's video of golan deriving at the state department is moments ago he speaking it's several top biden administration officials over the next few days before his visit, glance said that israel is moving to phase c of its operations in gaza. we have cnn's kylie atwood at the state department following all this. all right. kylie has the us gotten any clarity on exactly what that means this next phase in the israeli operation well, listen, i think that that is a major motivation for these meetings here that we're going to see. this one with the secretary of state just beginning now we'll also see go on, meet with the secretary of defense, lloyd austin tomorrow and obviously, these meetings come at this critical moment when the future of this conflict, both of these columns i'm flex the ongoing war between israel and hamas
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and the ongoing conflict between israel and hezbollah on the northern border. both of those are quite unknown at the moment, and it comes just on the heels of prime minister netanyahu saying over the weekend that the current phase of the conflict ongoing in rafah against hamas and rafah is coming to a close. and so what he said is that they're going to continue the israelis are going to continue, quote mowing the grass in gaza, but they're going to shift their operations to the north. so this is an opportunity for us officials to get further clarity on what mowing the grass in gaza continues to look like as they are continued issues with getting humanitarian assistance into gaza, because one of the reasons of course, being the continued israeli military operations ongoing there. and of course they'll focus in on those questions as to what the israelis are planning in the north, we know that us officials have not explicitly told israel that they're completely opposed to
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operations against hezbollah, but they have warned them that this could turn into an all-out conflict quite quickly, and that is the us concerned right now. they want to de-escalate things and their concerned about it going in the opposite direction. i also think that we should expect if they're to be conversations about weapons sales between the the us and israel as netanyahu has complained in recent days repeatedly at those weapons from the us and israel has slowed to a trickle and us officials have repeatedly said that is just not the case. brown. >> kylie, thank you so much for that. today's meeting is happening just hours after israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu said that the intensive phase of the war against hamas is about to end. and in the same tv interview, he announced that he was right pretty the strike a partial deal with hamas to return some hostages. >> cnn's paula hancocks is live of the russell m with the latest polo. what more are you hearing about these statements? and how they're being received and what the end game looks like in gaza well, boris and
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brionna, this really gave us some clarity as to the way the israeli prime i'm going to stir is thinking about the end game in gaza. >> he has said that the intense phase has is about to end in gaza, but has said the war is not fight to end. he's basically saying that the current stage in a rafah is about to end. he also spoke about the hostage still the ceasefire deal that's on the table at the moment that president biden has very publicly endorsed. and he said that he's willing to sign a partial deal with hamas to get some of the hostages back. but he also said at the same time that once that ceasefire is over, he had every intention of going back into gaza to try and eliminate hamas mass. he said he is not ready to give up on that ambition. now, this did provoke fury among the hostage families, saying that it is not good enough to say only some of
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the hostages we will come back that he has broken his contract with the people of israel. we also heard from hamas saying that it shows that he is rejecting the deal on the table that president biden it has endorsed. now since that, he had tried to walk back his comments somewhat saying that he is still committed to the israeli deal. that president biden is standing behind also so saying that israel will not leave gaza until all 120 hostages are brought back, the living and the dead. so he really did start a bit of a firestorm here in israel, there was a lot of criticism about his comments on that particular deal. a deal i should should add is pretty much in limbo and stalled at this point alright, paula hancocks. >> thank you for that report from jerusalem. in the meantime, lost digital is police are stepping up patrols around houses of worship after violent street fights broke out sunday during a pro-palestinian
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protest, the clashes erupted in front of a synagogue in a predominantly jewish neighborhood video here you can see some of it. it shows scuffles between demonstrators and pro-israel counterprotester s spilling out to nearby streets. both groups can be heard talking things, shoving, in, grabbing each other, at least one man were seen with blood on his face and clothes. and today, president biden says he's appalled by the violence condemning anyone blocking access to places of worship seen a national correspondent of it now joins us now with more and camila. there's new information about why protesters targeted this particular synagogue. >> yeah. briana boris, we're now learning that they were targeting this synagogue because of the real estate event that was happening at the temple. but i do want to point out that this was not organized by the temple that was actually organized by a firm that markets real estate in israel and in the videos, you can see how police officers were trying to push these protesters away
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from the temple. it got extremely violent. they had to call for backup. you have police officers in riot gear. you see it there on your screen as they were pushing them away from that area. but then five thanks. broke out all around the neighborhood. i talked to the volunteer director of security at the temple who told me that these people came for a fight, came to escalate things and he told me they got that flight because things absolutely got violent in that area. you can see the pushing, the shoving the screaming. i want to show you another video where you can actually see what appears to be two men wrestling on the ground at some point and people all around them pushing and shoving and trying to reach them. and so again, just violent, violent incidents that happened here in la on sunday. there's another video where you can see people who have blood on their faces and their mouths. you see another video where you see someone throwing an egg at one of the protesters. you see right there
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on your screen, it happens quickly but again, it's just all of these fights that broke out and that people are right now calling out leaders here in la. you mentioned the president, the governor of california, all of them saying this is unacceptable. mayor karen bass saying that she's calling for additional patrols in the area and around houses of worship. so just people while denouncing this and calling it out and saying how horrific this isn't, how it does not belong here in los angeles and really anywhere, especially not outside of a synagogue guys get me numbers. thank you so much for that update coming up another week of extreme weather, tens of billions facing unrelenting heat as the midwest he's flooding where and when you might expect some relief july 4 cnn concert event with performance is by keith urban. >> ashanti, maybe wrexham, the killers, and many more go for
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1803 558999, or visit home closed captioning brought to you by meso if you or a loved one have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you get ready to 14000 it's been a few weeks of extreme weather covering much of the country. >> there's triple-digit heat and the south monsoon light conditions heading to the southwest and nearly two dozen rivers are at major flood stage. just a taste of what people are experiencing across the country. in new mexico, there's a one-two punch of flooding and wildfires. >> yan today, residents of the village of ruidoso were allowed to return to their homes. finally, as crews continue fighting, the salt and the south fork fires, which a burn more than 25,000 acres over the past week. so let's turn now to cnn's chad myers for look
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at the rest of the country. man we are feeling it. we have been feeling it a little better today. i will say in dc, but wow, it has been crazy where's all this extreme weather today? okay yeah. >> i never thought the word hot would be a four-letter word but it seems to be now, it's just right in the middle of the country all the way down to the florida coast where temperatures are going to be very close to 100. a lot of my maps are going to say 969798, but you're not going to be able to tell the difference because the human midi is there some other four-letter word wet here across parts of iowa, south dakota, even at a parts of nebraska and minnesota, there was a place that picked up a foot and a half of rainfall over the weekend. now, all of that water in these rivers has to eventually get into the missouri river and then head on down toward the mississippi that may help mississippi levels months from now. but now we're still dealing with 24 outages here where some of these river gauges are so high, they can't
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even record anymore. they can't report anymore. here's one here from the big sue river now it's still going up in sioux city, but finally coming down here after getting all the way past record levels, we'll get some rainfall today. we'll even get the chance of a thunderstorm or two, but it's going to be the heat all the way from the upper midwest all the way down to the deep south. 77% of you will be over 90 degrees today. this record heat goes all the way from about 1,000 miles from the gulf of mexico, all the way to it here's what i'm saying. you don't 90 six in atlanta, that's what the computer thinks for today. but it was 99 yesterday. i don't see that being any different. there's just no different air mass. so just sitting right over us. and so yes, the heat will be here today as much for the ohio valley, not as much for dc, certainly not for new new york and all the way into boston, but for tomorrow same story, same here, same here. humidity. and it will feel like 107 to 110 around new orleans especially on that concrete as you walk around the city there, or for that matter, any little
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city center will certainly be warmer than the surrounding rural areas, feeling greater than 100 my thermometer on my balcony today said my heat index was 107 and i left my house about an hour ago so that's how hot it already is and isn't it lovely there in the cnn weather notable here. >> and the humidity is perfect. chad myers thank you. everyone needs to stay cool. obviously five new yorkers in a man from dc have each been charged with disrupting a pga golf tournament for a stunt that played out on the final hole yesterday. they wore shirts reading no golf on a dead planet is they threw colorful smoke canisters onto the 18th green at the travelers championship in connecticut. >> this happened as the last group was about to finish their round. it confused pro scottie scheffler and his playing partners. scheffler did go onto win in spite of the chaos when something like that happens,
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you don't really know what's happening. >> so it can kind of rattle you a little bit just because there's people running around the green and there's police officers run around the green and you don't know if there are peaceful, you don't know what they're doing. you have no idea what's going on in the demonstrators belong to a group called extinction rebellion, which is claimed other antics like dying venice's grand canal green remembers gluing themselves to a picasso painting wow that is chaos. they're unbelievable. >> up next following a weekend of deadly mass shootings, a new fbi report out to the gives a surprising assessment of gun violence in america. they see the number of active shootings is actually down. so we'll be talking about that. and a hiker stranded in the mountains for ten days is now safe. how he says he survived with only a flashlight and scissors debate night in america as biden than trump meet. and only cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled access and exclusive pre and post a beat analysis
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aura ring i'm paula reid in washington and this is cnn that cargo ship that struck the key bridge is finally leaving baltimore harbor. tugboats are escorting the dali to norfolk, virginia for extensive repairs here's the cargo containers will also be removed from the vessel. that's a trip that's expected to take nearly 20 hours. it was nearly three months ago that the dali lost power. >> you might recall after leaving the port of baltimore and smashing into the bridge causing its collapse and leading to the deaths of six construction workers. the ship was stuck for weeks amid the wreckage until it was finally refloated the fbi has launched a criminal investigation into that crash. and while some crew members were allowed to leave baltimore, others actually had to stay behind during the ongoing litigation surrounding the incident happening right now, a new report is released
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by the fbi, reveals that active shootings were down slightly last year, but it also underscored the fact that active shooters are more likely to target people in public, in public places. this report comes after a violent weekend. were there were at least 13 mass shootings? things across the country. let's go to cnn's josh campbell on this. so josh, what are some of the key takeaways that we're seeing in this report yeah. >> briana, so a lot of statistics here, but it's important to note that all of these numbers represent actual people impacted by gun violence. many of them killed. and this new report, the fbi looked at active shooter incidents from last year, 2023 they found that there were 48 so-called active shooter incidents. so that's what they defined as one or more people actively trying to kill people. most of the incidents were seen in california, texas, and washington state, as you mentioned, looking at the trends here down slightly from the previous year, about 4%. but if you look up since 2019 and the fbi seen this sixth steeper percent increase in active shooter incidents and take a look at this graph. this is from the fbi. there's a lot
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going on in this chart, but look towards the right there, you can see the last few years since 2000, there's been the spike of incidents that the fbi notes and so overall, what criminologists say is that violent crime has been down the murder rate is dropping, but still, looking at these numbers guys, a lot of work to be done by public safety officials to try to bring down the number of these deaths and the gun violence archive defines a mass shooting. >> josh's one in which at least four people are shot or killed in a single event. often though the extraordinary stories of how people survived the shooting thanks, is only the silver lining. now that the supreme court overturned the ban on bump stocks, what are your thoughts on the potential that we're seeing for more people not surviving a mass shooting well, rewrite the first point there when we talk about injuries. so often when we focus on these shootings, rightly, so we talk about the number of people killed, but their number time and again, so many debilitating injuries that people suffer. so even if they do go on to survive, that impacts their lives. sometimes
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for the rest of their life. now with respect to this whole debate regarding, bump stocks, one of the central themes we've continued to hear from both law enforcement as well as from gun safety advocates is focused on trying to reduce the amount of time that a shooter can fire without having to reload that weapon with this device called a bump stock that allows shooter sometimes to fire hundreds of rounds in a very short amount of time. there has been a debate on the high-capacity magazines that go into a lot of these firearms. and again, the longer that someone could shoot, quite obviously that is less time that law enforcement can be intervening or that people can be fleeing. so certainly an ongoing debate even despite that supreme court ruling i'm josh are on the heels of these 13 shootings over the weekend is it based in data that we see a summer surge that we see more mass shootings during the warmer months yeah. >> law enforcement and academic researchers have both talked
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about what is called the so-called sommer surge. and that is during the summer months, we see increases in violence, increases in shooting, and looking at some of the reasons for that. first and foremost, particularly as it relates to youth violence is obviously school is down, so that provides more opportunity for we're a young people to be doing other things, including gathering and congregating. we've seen some of those gatherings lead to violence also, interestingly enough, a lot of people might not think about climate change in crime, but there's been a lot of academic research on their physiological, physiological impacts of heat but researchers noting that the higher the temperatures are, the more uncomfortable people become, the more agitated that they can become. then finally, we know that this is a nation that is a wash and five firearms. and so, so often now we see so many disputes ending with someone pulling out a gun. all of those factors taken together i've often made for a violent summer josh campbell. thanks so much for the update on that coming up a hiker goes missing for ten days and the california mountains he might just have
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>> so free text l0 vii to three-to-one, three-to-one. today. >> on the final episode of violent earth, there are deadly violence and unleash massive structure. >> hurricane impacts our worsening is it too late to undo decades of climate change? violin, earth, would we have schreiber sunday at nine on cnn closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelial mv victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. you may be entitled to a portion of that money all when 8085 9, that's when 8085920400 a california man is back home with his family and he is thankful to be alive after being rescued from the big basin redwoods state park, 34-year-old lukas mcclish was lost and stranded for ten days. >> he set out on what he
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thought would just be a three-hour hike in the santa cruz mountains back on june 11, and he got lost in part because landmarks have been destroyed by recent wildfires when he missed father's day dinner, his family reported him missing. rescuers using a drone, eventually were able to track him down now, mcclish says that he survived the ordeal by drinking lots of water from creeks and waterfalls listen to this so i kinda just i each day i go up a canyon, down a canyon to the next waterfall sit down with the waterfall and drink water out of my boot. >> i felt comfortable whole time i was out there. it wasn't worried about i had a mountain lion that was following me but it was cool. he kept this distance here is i think it was just somebody watching over me cool mountain line. >> yeah. >> we're joined now by survivalist zachary fowler, who also has an outdoorsman youtube show that focuses on surviving and the wilderness. thanks so much for being with us ten days
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stranded in the mountains. that's a pretty precarious position now yeah. >> thanks for having me. yeah. ten days. yeah, that's not exactly a fun little hike in the woods, does it know i mean, at that point in time, what do you incredible. it sounds like he was very hydrated and he focused on that. but even so, i wonder what the risks are with that. if the water is not filtered and it what point you're really starting to have struggles because you don't have sustenance ten days isn't so bad. >> when i did at seven days and patagonia, the first ten days was with like for fish, for food, and your body kind of goes through this cleanse where you drink a lot of liquids and it just like your system flushes and you'll lose a ton of weight early on. so he says he lost 30 pounds, which doesn't surprise me. you're going to lose a lot of water weight to your body is holding, things like that. and then you balance back out after ten to
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14 days and your body will go into high gear and start to digest itself for energy on a better rate. and you'll be doing, you can do pretty good. you can go 30 days to three months easily without food, depending on your body weight, amount, without mental fatigue and that kind of circumstance i was not aware of that i get ngri after a few hours and i treat briana poorly sometimes. >> that is i don't think i could go that long. are those akre or you are quite amazing to be able to yeah. >> so let's talk about harder at the beginning it's all your partner at the beginning yeah. >> so he got lost in part because some local landmarks were destroyed by recent wildfires. do you have tips for keeping track of where you are in a hike so you don't get lost in the first place. if terrain has changed in a way perhaps that you didn't expect i would say that the majority of that all going to come into
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the beforehand preparation, you know, whether you've hiked a place, a whole bunch in the advance in the past. >> and just knowing your situation and going into it with the right stuff. now i have a survival that's on my belt that has tabs for purifying water, but that would only help me 448 hours. so it's like you can't carry that much stuff that easily, but you can carry a ton of stuff up here mentally, the water isn't going to hurt you that bad, especially when you're getting what moving water that's oxygenated is going to be a fairly clean, the odds of getting giardia or something like that are very slim. but going into it mentally and knowing your situation, knowing the maps of the area knowing what stream if you bump into it, because you're moving north is going to take you down to the highway, things like that will prevent you from ending up in a situation like this. >> what do you do, zachary? i think there's a question of do you stay put because we are in the age of drones and technology where they can look for a body heat signal. but
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what do you, how do you make a decision about? okay, i'm lost at this point. i'm really lost. should i stay put or should i keep going? also, keeping in mind, he did say there was a mountain lion. so that might have been a consideration, but how do you make that decision? >> that's going to come into a lot of your prep from beforehand. if you're smart and you're going hiking alone in anything besides like the backside of a golf course where somebody is going to stumble upon you on a regular basis, then you want to let somebody know techs a friend to let you know to check in they said the father's day came along and you as missing still. so they went sounds like they went and checked his favorite hiking spot and that's when they finally were like searching them out, like you you should know that you're not going to have cell phone signal that you're going to tell somebody where you're going to be and when you're going to be back, if you're gonna go alone and when being out there and then you're being stuck. if you're hurt and you can't move? yes.
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tried to make a signal like other people have made with rocks on the beach palm branches, saying sls, things like that otherwise, you really need to make an informed decision to move somewhere to safety yourself because being found is it takes a lot of work. there's a lot of ground to cover. drones. work pretty good nowadays, but the odds of them finding you, if you're just so happened to be tucked underneath the bad spot, hidden by trees. they just happened to sweep to the left, to the right of you. it's not as good as you saving your self and getting out of there unless you can't move and you really need to be rescued. >> yeah. all good points and listen. tell people when you're going someplace. if you are going on your own where you're going to be when you should be back, it's so important pertinent zachary. thank you so much. obviously, this story of lukas mcclish is captured. a lot of focuses attention and imagination. we thank you for speaking with us about it.
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>> yeah. you did a good job yeah. >> he sure did. he's back. >> thank you. and coming up three days and counting until president biden and former president trump face off in a cnn primetime debate. new details on how they're strategizing ahead of it the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. >> the president and the former president's one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash the cnn presidential debate thursday night at nine live on cnn and streaming on max. we handcraft every stearns and foster using the finest materials like indulgent memory foam and ultra conforming inner springs for a beautiful mattress and indescribable comfort shop now and save $400 on select stearns and foster mattresses dangerous ladders, gutter mac yeah. no wonder you hate cleaning your gutters. good thing. there's leaf filter are patented filter technology keeps leaves and debris out of your gutters
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