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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  June 25, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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life with dr. sanjay gupta. >> listen wherever you get your podcasts, close captioning brought to you by ru la, la, iconic brands up to 70% off retail at roulette, at rubella you never faithful these the deals on top before there current southward as we close in on the first presidential debate, outside advisers have a message for president biden don't talk up your first term. target, donald trump. instead, we'll the president take that advice, will break down the reporting and highly classified national scene grids in cardboard boxes alongside newspapers, photographs, prosecutors releasing never before seen pictures for mar-a-lago, pushing back on the former president's efforts to toss the classified documents case against him and the us surgeon general declaring gun violence urgent public health crisis. so
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what does that mean? we're following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central
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kristen holmes lie for us in west palm beach, florida. >> kristen, thank you. >> the biden campaign is seizing on the final countdown
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to thursday's showdown by slamming trump's economic vision in a new tv ad. >> here's a clip donald trump loves to attack joe biden. you joe biden, because he's focused on revenge and he has no plans to help july 4 cnn concert event with performance by either a shanty, maybe wrexham killers, and many more born in america thursday, july 4 dead seven eastern poland, cnn. good morning collapse can line try delta likes to eat fruit bites for fast and gentle constipation relief in as little as 30 minutes, making
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debate thursday night at nine live on cnn and streaming on max for continuing to lower those costs and making it very clear to the american people. >> but he is fighting for them. and i think that's an important contrast point. you're gonna hear president biden certainly make on the debate stage one last question. >> adrian, president, a former president trump, asking president biden for a drug tests going into thursday night what's your reaction i mean, i don't even really know what to say about that. i worked on hillary clinton's campaign she'd also debated him very effectively. he accused her of being on drugs president biden defeated donald trump twice in previous debates, this is what he does as because he doesn't have anything else to run on. he doesn't have a plan. he doesn't have a record for fighting for the american people. he doesn't know why he's running except for to seek political retribution on his enemies. and so he has to resort to these types of tactics which are frankly just silly, turns off a lot of voters, especially voters who want to see their president fight for them age or no rod
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width to leave the conversation. their appreciate the perspective. thanks for the elements and of course, be sure to watch president biden and former president trump face off the first face off of this election cycle, airing thursday night at 9:00 p.m. eastern, right here on cnn right now, former president trump's fight to toss the classified documents case against him is back underway. >> there's a federal court hearing in florida that is scheduled to start now before judge aileen cannon in a late night court filing, the justice department submitted these new images of how quote haphazard some records were found at mar-a-lago to undercut an argument by trump's attorneys to throw out the case? >> yeah, not a great look, but his attorneys contend that because prosecutors have not maintain the order of all documents inside their individual boxes, it hampers trump's ability to build a defense let's bring in cnn's paula reid. so paulo, what more did you learn from this phylum? >> their most recent attempt to
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have this case thrown out focuses on how these boxes were handled after they were taken out of mar-a-lago, the defense attorneys are arguing that because some things were moved in these boxes, that could undermine their ability to defend their client at an event central trial, they won't be able to argue, well, this document was right behind this news article, clearly it was inadvertent. but the government punching back saying, look, it was your client's decision to store sensitive materials in cardboard boxes along with quote, christmas ornaments and clothing. and they said, quote, the integrity of each container in which the evidence was found that is box two. box integrity has been maintained. nothing has been lost, much less destroyed, and there has been no bad faith and they also shared these previously unseen photos that remind people also the fact that when some of these boxes were discovered, documents were just strewn about the floor, so they've tried to dismiss this as, quote trump's latest unfounded accusation against law enforcement professionals doing their job and today is the third day of hearings in this case.
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>> so many hearings in the case, by the way, yesterday, there were some apparent tensions in court. there's a prosecutor who actually apologize to judge cannon for his tone. >> well, that's good. that's progress because i've been down there in his court and it's not just because it's hot outside in florida. this is tense. there is no love lost, putting the prosecutors, the defense attorneys, and the judge at times against testing with both sides. here are the specific exchange had to do with the judge pressing prosecutors on claims about law enforcement and the threats that law enforcement face as a result of comments trump has made. and at one point, the judge said to the prosecutors, david harbach, she said, look, i don't like your tone now subsequently, he apologize, but this kind of attention and this case with this, judge, this is this has been happening since some of the early hearings that i was down. therefore, it doesn't surprise me at all. definitely won't be the last time, but it is notable that he came around and he apologized. >> yeah, some of that attention even comes through in the briefing. some of the language that's absolutely. >> wild insurers, paula reid. thank you so much for that. we appreciate it and still ahead,
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we're following some breaking news out of kenya's capital demonstrations, turning deadly after protestors stormed the country's parliament and set city hall on fire take you there live to explain why this is happening. >> plus he's accused of one of the largest classified breaches in us history. but now weekly leaks founder julian assange is on his way to being free man. we also have some stunning scenes to share with you across the midwest, bridges, homes, roadways washed away by catastrophic flooding. we have the latest on the rising water levels still ahead on cnn news central the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. the president and the former president, one stage two, very different print visions for america's future. the cnn presidential debate thursday night at nine live on cnn and streaming on max you know what's brilliant, boring. >> think about it. >> boring is the unsung catalyst for bold what straps
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we are monitoring some pretty shocking developments right now in kenya where proposed tax hikes have set off just this wave of violence in the capital city of nairobi. protesters and police clashing in the streets. a joint statement by several groups inside the country's say at least five people have been killed in them yes. we will see an reporters on the ground saying that they saw police firing live rounds at demonstrators. fires even broke out at parliament. and nairobi city hall. lawmakers forced to evacuated amid security breaches cnn's larry madowo, his life for us on the scene in a roby and larry, we just learned that kenya's president is going to address the nation just minutes from now to carefully weigh his words after the extraordinary day we saw on the streets here, there's still a heavy security security presence here protecting parliament, which is done that way. >> you can see in the dark. but
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all these officers here, i just to make sure that the protesters don't come back in the night and try and go back into parliament, which is what they're intention was the whole day, you still see them sitting out here with some of the water cannon trucks that we've been seeing the whole day, pushing back the protest as using a lot of tear gas. and every time the protests those are pushed back, there would regroup and come right back overwhelming the police and going all the way to kenya's parliament to this floor of the house, sitting on the speaker sees and removing the maze from the speakers house. all these protests over over taxation in kenya against the new finance bill that many of these courts has to say, we'll make their life even more expensive when there's already an extraordinarily high cost of living that they cannot afford to live in the country. and a terrible scene for president william ruto, who did acknowledge and sunday that these young people had some legitimate concern and he would be engaging them. but the people out on the streets today
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did not feel that he had liquidly responded to their demands. and so you see some of the looting we saw today. this is outside of curve for market. it's. a store he had just outside kenyan supreme court. and it's just products tune all over from baby formula to flower to yogurts, to chocolate, to sanitary pads. it's all down there on the floor. >> we saw a part of a building, one block where every single building had been vandalized, grants act, nothing of valuable left there. >> and part of the angers because the protests the heavy police presence, and seems to want to exact revenge. and they really did in some cases, in some cases, this rampaged through a huge block to damage everything in their path to make their voices heard alright larry, just pictures really telling the story there. >> we appreciate you showing that to us after spending the past five years in a high-security british prison, the man accused are one of the largest classified breaches in
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us history will soon be a free man. wikileaks founder julian assange was released from a london jail overnight and is currently flying to a us territory, the remote northern mariana islands, which is not far from his home country of australia. and he'll be heading there for a plea hearing with an american judge that is going to take place tomorrow. the agreement with the us government means that assange avoids prison time in the us and as part of the deal, assange pleads guilty to a single felony count of illegally obtaining and disclosing national security material that included of course, one of the largest leaks of confidential military information in american history, nearly 500,000 secret documents related to the iraq and afghanistan wars he had faced 18 charges for his alleged role in the breach. >> we have former army intelligence officer or pardon me, former army intelligence officer, chelsea manning provided those documents to assange that was back in 2010 and 2011, and that information, the us as endanger the lives of
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confidential sources this may be the end to nearly 15 year long saga where assange spent years trying to avoid us prosecution after seeking asylum in the ecuadorian embassy in london. >> and we're joined now by former cia officer bob baer to talk a little bit more about this. so bob, no jail time in the us with this deal though assange of course, is not he's not really been a free man for many, many years. does this plea deal fit the bill in your opinion well, it does under american law, he in fact technically it didn't commit espionage. >> she didn't have access himself to secrets. he stole those secrets secondly, he was not a journalist. a journalist would not have put those names and the leaks that probably got people killed. and there's a lot of other questions about his connections with russia. he had wet at a time, a server operating off a server and moscow he had a lot of strange russian contacts. he never ran
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leaks against, against russia at all. so the intelligence community, the fbi, the question was, was he russian proxy? that was never proven. and this is why they couldn't make a stronger case against him so releasing him, it was department of justice's really it's only option at this point. >> you mentioned the possible and likely deaths of local sources in iraq and afghanistan just remind us how significant assange's release of american military information was well, the briana he put names in the release and the new york times, washington post, cnn if they get those names, they never publicized them. >> they want to protect lives. he didn't do that. he's not a journalist as i just said, he put those names in the lakes. he did not redact them. we don't know what's happened to a lot of those people. probably a lot of them got a bullet in the back of the head and it's thanks to him. >> he's a controversial figure
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in the u.s. he's an enemy of the state. to sum, he's a folk hero in a whistleblower. and though you say no, he doesn't act like a journalist and i agree with you on that. he's even seen as a bit of a journalist by some, despite the very important characteristics you point out that he does not share with them, how do you see that debate well, it's controversial in my mind because like any war, there was a lot of wrongs done and racked by the american military. >> i mean, that's just that's just established happens exposing them is good like exposing the pentagon papers. i have nothing against whistleblowers like that. so as you just said, he is controversial, he did us a service in one sense but what purpose and crossing the line i really have certain no sympathy for them. >> if he just redacted these documents, would it be a different assessment in your opinion of sort of lambda value he provided?
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>> oh absolutely. if cnn had put those documents out, redacted, i would completely supported because we need the truth on what happened in iraq, the invasion, and everything after that, americans need that truth and that's what whistleblowers do for us. but they're like we keep talking about there is a line he crossed which is unfortunate bob. >> thank you so much for your insights. bob baer, we appreciate it. and still to come the surgeon general says there is nothing normal about gun violence in america, which is why he's declaring it and urgent public health crisis. but what does the advisory actually do? we're going to take a closer to look at that. and south korea says hundreds more of those trash balloons were launched from north korea. we're going to have the latest on this i'm disgusting in some cases exchange ahead on cnn news central let's get roles a
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coventry direct dollars com closed captioning brought to you by meso if you or a loved one have mesothelial mac will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to 14000 hey, first of its kind, advisory issue today from the surgeon general. >> he's declaring gun violence and urgent public health crisis. >> this is of course the nation's top dr. vivek murthy, who is now warning that gun violence is so pervasive that it demands the collective commitment of the nation to stop up it. that's how he puts it here. he is earlier talking to cnn's john berman over the last decade or two, this problem has been worsening and we have now reached the point where gun violence is the
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leading cause of death among kids and teens. >> the leading cause of death. that is something that we should never take as the new normal there's nothing normal about that. >> but i also want people to understand through this advisory that impact of gun violence is far more far reaching than we may think six in ten americans are worried about a loved one being shot. >> half of our kids are worried about is shooting in their school and joining us now is dr. joseph saccharin. he has a trauma surgeon, a shooting survivor, and also the chief medical officer for brady united against gun violence doctor, what do you make about this advisory? >> yeah. thanks so much for having me look this advisory by the surgeon general declaring gun violence up, public health crisis is historic. and something that frankly, healthcare professionals and the gun bonds prevention community have been calling on for many years. i think what it does is that it underscores the
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urgent need to address the devastating impact of gun violence on communities across the nation as we just heard in your clip, from the surgeon general, the leading cause of death in children and adolescents is gun violence. think about that. it's not motor vehicle crashes, it's not cancer is not always an it's gun-related injury. and so we have a responsibility to declare this a public health crisis six, which many of us have been calling a doctor in 2020 more than 48,000 people died from firearms. that includes homicides, suicides, and unintentional deaths, as well. connect the dots for us, how this advisory might help bring down those numbers yeah. >> so as you pointed out, we continue to see devastating numbers both in those killed and nonfatal injuries. when you think about this advisory, right? it's another step in
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the right direction and it does a couple important things. it acknowledges the severity, write it recognizes that gun violence is a major threat to the health and safety of the public akin to other crises like smoking, drug use, infectious diseases. it also emphasizes the need for rigorous data collection and research to better understand root causes and the impact on communities. it allows policymakers to call for the development and implementation of evidence-based programs and solutions that will allow us to reduce these gun-related injuries. and it raises public awareness about this issue encouraging communities to engage in discussions and take collective action to address this crisis so firearm violence, as you mentioned, became the leading cause of death among children and adolescents in 2020. >> it is so concerning. i think this is something that when parents talk amongst themselves, they find themselves discussing this
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constantly because pull let's back that up as well. how concerned they are about this. and then last week you had the supreme court deciding that a bump stock ban is unconstitutional. >> do you see a way out of this in a big way in not just a marginal kinda tinkering around the edges kind of way. >> what is that? >> yeah, briana, it's such an important point and i just want to stress that as a trauma surgeon and survivor, right. someone who's working at johns hopkins in east baltimore seeing these injuries and deaths on a daily basis, these are not just numbers and statistics right? these are moms and dads. their brothers and sisters. >> and the impact is not just on the patients that you're seeing, but on the families and the communities i think what we have to realize is that tackling this public health problem requires more than one solution. >> there is no one solution.
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that's going to solve this. it's going to require really a multifaceted approach that cuts across different sectors and allows us to really come together to provide the type of comprehensive solution that's required to make communities safer. and i think we sometimes forget the fact. and as americans we have a lot more in common than we have that divides us. and that includes responsible gun owners who in fact our onboard for the majority of common sense gun legislation. and programs that will help us ensure that our children are not being gunned down on our streets. >> a doctor, you mentioned a comprehensive approach to try to reduce the number of gun deaths. i'm wondering what can be done to improve access to mental health care and how that factors in to this multifaceted issue. >> yeah. i mean, look, that's of course a critical point. and
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when you think about all the different angles and specifically around mental health care we know that when you look at the bipartisan see for communities act that president biden signed. it was the first legislation nearly 30 years and part of that legislation included an investment of $140 million, right. and primary health care workforce that was supporting right clinicians to be able to better care for patients with mental and behavioral health issue right? that is just one example of many things that have been done by the administration, but also by health systems to try to really tackle this from the different angles, right? and that's the, that's the key is if you're talking about, for example, suicide or unintentional injuries or violence within cities. all of those different components have gun-related injury may require a variety of solutions to ensure that we're
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providing the best medical treatment, which is prevention dr. joseph saccharin. thank you so much for sharing your perspective with us. we appreciate it. >> thanks so much for having me worse of course, still to come the us stock market is on a historic run in this election year for end the rare matchup of two incumbents in november could have something to do with that will explain plus china's lunar module returning with a souvenir here i had new details on the first ever samples retrieved from the far side of the moon debate in america biden and trump meet and only cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled access and exclusive pre and post of beit analysis. >> follow cnn for every countless moment. fellow debate night in america, thursday at 7:00 p.m. itch, itch, scratch must not stop the ip sanity with cortisone, tan fur bug bites, poison ivy and other edges. cortisone ten is number one. doctor recommended. it
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>> sleeping z knowing your finances are in order, go too fast that's to get your free score today this is cnn the world's news 31. that's how many times the s&p 500 has
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surpassed its own records since january, it's like having a new all-time high about every four creating days. that is really impressive. and all these records add up to the best election year ever for the s&p stock index, which should be good news for the biden administration, right? cnn's matt egan joins us now. matt, why exactly is this happening? >> well porous and brionna, your last year was a blockbuster year for the stock market, two 22024 off to a great start. we're not quite halfway done with a year, but the s&p 500 is already up nearly 15%. goldman sachs says that is the best start to an election year on record and listen, this is really good news. for millions of americans, right? everyone who's got money in the market, other directly owning stocks or indirectly in there for e1, kei plan's and their college savings plans and history shows that election years tend to be good ones. 4 the stock market, especially when the incumbent is running for reelection, which is what we have this year. this is also the first time since 18, 92 were both
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major party candidates have previous presidential experience. so maybe that is helping the market a little bit because remember, investors like stability, but listen, there's a lot of other factors out there that have nothing to do with the election. there's the ai boom that has catapulted nvidia yeah, and other tech stocks. there's affected corporate profits have never been higher. inflation has come down significantly without that long feared recession. and wall street is still holding out hopes for interest rate cuts later this year, you put it all together and it's been a very impressive start. >> i think of anything though get to ask whether or not investors are paying enough attention to election risks, right? i mean, poll after poll shows this is going to be a very close election. and again, investors don't like uncertainty. and some experts are concerned about an election that is so close that it's contested, that could cause uncertainty and social unrest.
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so it's also possible boars and brionna that investors just haven't started paying attention to the election yet, that should change very soon though, of course, especially with the thursday presidential election. debate here on cnn i think it will. >> they should watch. >> yeah, there's going to be a lot of people paying attention to that. okay home prices. matt, are also reaching record highs that's right. >> briana, home prices just continued to smash records new numbers out today show that nationally home price is increased by 6% year over year. in a rule we continue to see a situation where despite high borrowing costs, are home prices go up and up. there's just not enough supply out there to keep up with all that demand. some cities are seeing even bigger price jumps. we've seen a jump of 10% for san diego, 9% for new york and chicago. and listen, this just continues to be a divide between haves and have nots, right? if you own your home, this is good news because it's boosting your net worth. but we
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know a lot of people are on the outside looking in, they want to buy, but they can't, not what these prices for some briana matt egan thanks so much for the update. appreciate. thank you. >> now, to some of the other headlines that we're watching this hour for the second night in a row, north korea is sending balloons apparently full of filth to south korea. it's not yet clear just how many arrived, but south korean officials say some 300 350 were detected the night before since may pyongyang has set up more than 1,000 waste balloons in response to south korean activists flying propaganda. that's been critical of leader kim jong un's regime and china's lunar module is back on earth with the first ever samples from the far side of the moon, also known as the dark side of the moon the probe is expected to have returned and with up to two kilograms of moon dust and rocks. and chinese researchers will get first dibs at analyzing the material before it's made available to others china's hailing the mission as another landmark achievement for the
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country. and in baltimore, ultra marathon, open-water swimmer katie humphrey is making a 24 mile swim from the chesapeake they bridge to baltimore's inner harbor. this is a swim that she's doing trying to bring attention to decade's long clean of efforts to make the baltimore harbor seal and swimmable pretty amazing. how far do you think you could swim? >> oh, i have no idea. the chesapeake. >> never i might dip my toes. >> that's it out. >> it would get very this will be right back we handcraft every stearns and foster using the finest materials like indulgent memory foam and ultra conforming inner springs, for a beautiful mattress and indescribable comfort shop now and save $400 on select stearns and foster mattresses smile, you found it the feeling of findings, psoriasis can't filter out the real you. >> so go ahead, live unfiltered but the one and only so tick to
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horseback or kids at a walmart vitamin aisle today violent earth would we have freiburg sunday at nine on cnn? >> closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesophyll jomo victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. >> you may be entitled to a portion of that money. all when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400 we are following
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breaking news. >> the judge in the criminal hush money hey, trial of former president donald trump has partially lifted the gag order. >> cnn's brynn gingras joins us now. so brin walk us through what parts were lifted and what parts remain intact? >> yeah. briana and bars. remember this is a gag order that was put in place ahead of the criminal trial here in new york back in april. it's one that the former president violated ten times during that criminal trial. well, now there's a little bit more leeway coming from the judge here in new york, juan merchan, he's essentially now saying that trump is able to talk about the witnesses who testified in that trial. that is something that he could not talk about. certainly during that trial or member he was railing and wanting to rail against michael cohen. stormy daniels, other witnesses that actually took the stand in his trial. so that is now allowed, however, the judge did say that look, this is still ongoing. he has not been sentenced yet. that sentencing is set for july 11, and then so there are still going to be restrictions in place donald trump cannot talk about the prosecutors in this case. he cannot mention any of
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the jurors names if they know of any, he can talk generally about the jurors in the trial, but not mention any names. so there are still some restrictions in this case to protect the identities, protect, protect the people who are part of this a criminal trial. ahead of that sentencing set for july 11 but certainly this is gives the former president a little bit more leeway, especially as these headed into our debate coming up in just a couple of days, guys yeah certainly. >> brynn. thank you so much. we'll be looking to see what that brings yeah. >> if anything yeah. >> expect the unexpected thursday night right here on cnn at 9:00 p.m. as if we haven't promoted it enough yeah. >> it's gonna be a big night though. so i think it's worth yes so every year from june's in november, it's a time that folks, millions of folks brace for hurricane season. that's right this week's episode of the cnn original series violent earth. spotlights. the worst hurricanes in recent history and what they left behind we
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know is going to be wrong, but i wouldn't expect it all house flooded. >> it, just started going deeper and deeper. and by time we were walking out, we were mid thigh those who have lived through hurricane that has undergone rapid intensification bayesian are often shocked by its speed and strength. >> a rapid intensification is when a storm's maximum sustained wind speed increases by 35 miles per hour in 24 hours or less. and it could be a significant part of the 2024 hurricane season with both record warm ocean temperatures and developing lead mean, yeah, it means essentially that one day you can look at a storm. it could be a tropical storm, maybe a category one hurricane when you wake up the next morning and it's up to category four or five for the strongest hurricane kane's that have ever hit the united states. the high-end category 4 is a category five. we're all tropical storms or less three days before landfall. >> one example of dramatic rapidan intensification, hurricane ian in 2022, which took more than 100 lives across
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florida and the southeast i've been here since 1965 and this is the worst hurricane that i've ever been through. i was working at midnight shift when i got on shift, it was a category one to her kane by the end of the shift, we had the aircraft in there and it had exploded up to category four. >> there's gonna be some huge waves with this. i was working in the morning shift that de and clearly saw the storm intensify overnight. i also warned of a slightly shifting track to the right of the center of that cone a time to evacuate was quickly closing. and i knew this was going to be bad. >> we tell people don't just check the forecast on one day and wait a whole another 24 hours to check it again, you really do have to stay up to date when you live in a hurry became prone area 2024 has the potential to be a devastating hurricane season. >> noah has issued and above-normal atlantic hurricane forecast with up to 25 named storms, eight to 13 potential hurricanes and 4, seven of those becoming major
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hurricanes. now is the time to prepare for all the tropical hazards from storm surge to wind damage, to inland freshwater flooding. all hazards will be in play this year with flooding possible hundreds of miles from the coast, far away from any landfall chad myers, cnn, atlanta a new episode of violent earth with leaves schreiber will air on sunday night 9:00 p.m. right here on cnn. >> and still to come sources telling cnn that prosecutors are urging the justice department to file criminal charges against boeing for safety issues having to do with its 737 max airplanes. but doj officials have not made a final decision on this. so we're going to talk that they boeing whistleblower get his reaction to all of this ahead one second, grandma, this guy is going to buy my car. okay. do you need carbonic? >> dream plate number no accidents, right? >> no generating offer. guard
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