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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  June 26, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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de donalds should be focused on three key issues. one of them, he, the economy and inflation also immigration, crime. they are trying to convince donald trump to stay on message. >> i hope that the fact that we've been able to free julian assange today against all the odds and against one of the most powerful governments in the world. we'll give hope to all journalists and publishers were imprisoned around the world for amines are gearing up to elect a new head of government. because while this country will be getting a new president, one thing that's unlikely to change in iranian foreign policy live from london, this is cnn newsroom with max foster hello, and a warm welcome to all of us joining us from around the world. i, max fostered is wednesday, june the 26, 9:00 a.m. here in london 4m in
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atlanta when cnn will host the first us presidential debate of the 2024 election between president joe biden and former president donald trump on thursday in our atlanta studio, mr. biden and his team are preparing busy preparing at camp david a source cell cnn that holding mock debates are varying lengths and focusing on both the substance and the stamina heel, knees for the rematch against trump, we've heard a lot about biden's debate prep, but not so much about trump's until now. >> i think i've been preparing for it for my whole life. if you want to know the jurors and i'm not sure you can lock yourself into a room for two weeks or one week or two days and really learn what you have to know. >> i think we'll do very well. >> we've we've done well in the past and i think we'll do very well. i know the subject matter, but i don't think corey, you could just luck self in a room like some people do and i think you're going to come out. okay. it doesn't seem to work that way.
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>> we've all had also been hearing about what trump needs to do to prepare for the debate. >> so we have a little sense of the things that he's interested in talking about or preparing to talk about. one of them is abortion. foreign policy is another. immigration, obviously another and trade so what he does and how we respond to some of these other questions, like it's going to be in georgia. so he's probably going to be asked about whether he won georgia or not. obviously, he didn't we don't know how he's going to respond, but i'm sure that they're expecting that question to be asked. >> well, we'll hear more from cnn's kristen holmes. he was covering the trump campaign in florida, but first, cnn's mj lee has this report on what biden is focusing on as he prepares at camp david even though domestic issues are really top of mind for the biden team, i'm told by a source that the debate prep sessions at camp david have also focused on foreign policy with jake sullivan, the president's national security adviser, taking the lead on
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those discussions as the president is repaired for the possibility of foreign policy issues coming up one campaign official telling me that when it comes to foreign policy, the contrast that president biden it will try to draw against donald trump, but really could not be more stark. >> this is what the official said. they said president biden stands up to dictators and defense freedom. trump is a loser who is too dangerous and reckless to ever be anywhere close to the oval office? office again. now, one famous line from donald trump, that one source had said could come up on thursday night is his claim that he would be a dictator on day one. on we should note that one challenge of potential challenge for the biden team as they are preparing to go up against donald trump on foreign policy issues. is that his position? since are not entirely clear are sometimes murky and ambiguous, including on the conflict in gaza. he hasn't actually said much about that situation on ukraine. he has previously he said that if he
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had been president vladimir putin wouldn't have invaded and he would have been able to resolve the conflict in one day without actual actually elaborating on how now at cnn has also learned that mock debates at camp david has also started. we know that president biden is using a podium as a crop and we know that other aids are filling in and standing in for donald trump and jake tapper and dana bash, the moderators on thursday night, and all of this affords is trying to replicate the experience that president biden could have on thursday night. and is testing him on substance and stamina as well mj lee, cnn at the white house in a call with reporters on tuesday, donald trump's team is senior advisers ought to really temper expectations around 30 debate after months of saying the president, joe biden was in conflict pretends that he couldn't shrink a sentence together. >> they were seeing quite a different tunes saying that he had shown himself to be a good
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debater, saying that they thought he could show up on thursday. now, when it comes to donald trump's own preparations, we are told let his allies and advisers have really sought to hone in that donald trump should be focused on three key issues. one of them being the economy and inflation also immobile ration crime. these are all issues that according to recent polling showed donald trump leads joe biden on, they know that they're going, are they expect that they're going to get questions on a board? pushing on democracy particularly on the insurrection on january 6. they are trying to convince donald trump to stay on message particularly those three topics and continue to pivot back to that no matter what the moderators ask, they think this is a winning strategy. donald trump, when talking about preparation, actually got fairly candidate candid for the former president, saying this about his preparation, saying it's very hard to prepare. you've got to know this stuff from years of doing it. and i know all the leaders and i know what i know. i think debating is an attitude more than
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anything else but when it comes to his attitude, that's something that he has clearly reflected odd. he also said in the same interview that he believed would he interrupted joe biden too much in 2020, something that we've been told also by owl has and advisers who have revisited those 2020 debates between biden and trump as they are gearing up for thursday night dependent on what happens on thursday. that's all going to be who shows up or what version of donald trump shows up while his advisers are hoping that he get these it's focused on message donald trump. they know that anything is possible kristen holmes, cnn, west palm beach, florida the cnn us presidential debate is tomorrow night. you can watch it live 9:00 p.m. eastern in the u.s 9:00 a.m. friday in hong kong, 2:00 a.m. here in london the child of us journalists evan gershkovich is underway in russia, the wall street journal reporter accused of espionage charge that he denies the u.s. government says
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he's wrongfully detained. no media, family, a us embassy personnel are being allowed into the court for the closed-door proceedings. clare sebastian has reported extensively on russia joins me now do we understand the charges against him? and can you explain why he doesn't have any of his people in the room so it's a closed hearing. >> it's happening by and grows doors that is justified in russia because of the charges which are espionage so allegedly state secrets could emerge as part of this trial, but this is not an independent judiciary. so essentially, they can close the doors whenever they want. that is an important part of the backdrop. as for the charges, the judge approved the indictment about ten days ago. they said that the fsb has proved that he was acting on instructions from the cia when he tried to obtain secrets about a major russian tank factory and that was in the region where he is currently facing trial. obviously the wall street journal has strenuously denied it when we do a portion from the editor in chief in an op-ed, this week, emma tucker, she said the
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trial, it will be held in secret. no evidence has been availed, and we already know the conclusion this bogus accusation of espionage will inevitably need to a bogus conviction. in for an innocent man who would then face up to 20 years in prison for simply doing his job. so these are very serious charges against him. the maximum sentence is 20 years. russia is a country where really less than 1% of criminal trials. and an acquittal and as i said, closed door, so we're going to have to read the tea leaves, the length of the trial, the eventual sentence, assuming that he's not acquitted as to how russia fields politically about this and how urgent they feel it is to advance beyond this legal process to potential diplomatic negotiations if they do convict him, it gives them a bargaining chip. >> russia doesn't it? i mean, without reading too much into the motivation behind this trial ultimately, that is the case isn't it? and they've used bargaining chips in the past, particularly with the u.s. yeah look, it was a bargaining chip before the trial, but i think this is a way in russia, sort of london era of legitimacy to this.
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>> and obviously the more serious crime they convict him of the higher value here is essentially in a potential trade. there's been open talk of it, president putin said in his in february with tucker carlson, there's no taboo around this. we're looking for a way to solve it and then he specifically, without naming him. but but alluded to an individual vadim krasikov, who is a convicted murderer, a held in a prison in germany at this point the jam that's right. and i think that complicated this, right, because well, russia has been able to build up this collection of america our chins and custody. the u.s. the u.s doesn't doesn't have the same, so they may end up having to rely on third countries negotiate that swap and that complicates even further in terms of a verdict. it could take several months in the case of paul whelan, who is the last american to be tried on espionage charges. it took almost three months for the child. >> it looks well, doesn't he in when the cameras are allowed to see him after all of this time because there are cameras, i believe were allowed in for the hearing started very brief, sort of press cool right before and you can see him. he's in, this is what russians
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affectionally referred to as the aquarium and these courtrooms, he looks calm, collected. there was even a smile and a wave. you may know one or two of the photographer because are media people, they're in this relatively small circle of foreign importers in russia. but he has had his head shaved, which is different. and of course, all of this shows pretty impressive resilience after what we know to be very difficult conditions that he's faced in, in moscow's with afforded of a prison for the last 15 months. >> okay. claire, thank you. keep everyone updated on that we could hear from julian assange for the first time since he became a free man earlier today in the northern mariana islands, the wikileaks founder is on board a flight to australia where press conference is shed in about three hours time, assange pleaded guilty to a single espionage related charge for publishing leads us military documents and diplomatic cables starting in 2010 diverse judge sentenced him to 62 months equal to the time he's already served in a london prison. let's bring in journalist alex
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thomas following developments, live from cambria. hi, alex how do you expect the day to play out? well, we hear from assange himself no sin just over an hour as times you didn't assign just going to land here at camera airport as a free man back on his home soil here in australia for the first time in well over a decade after a huge or deal involving seven years of self incarceration, if you like, as he claimed political amnesty and ecuadorian embassy in london. >> and then five years in belmarsh prison when that came to an end and he was battling against the extradition process to the united states. >> it won't exactly be a hero's welcome. >> we haven't seen crowds of well-wishes gathering here at the airport's welcome him back, although his father suddenly will be here to welcome him back and he can't wait to see his wife and two young children as well. but certainly at the very highest levels of australian government, there was a feeling that this has gone on long enough. the prime minister himself, anthony albanese, is played a central role in securing a sound is
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released which came as something of a surprised when it was declared that he'd made a plea deal with the u.s department of justice earlier this week. and this is what anthony albanese had to say in parliaments here in australia, a little bit earlier now regardless, opioid use about his activities, and they will be varied mr. assange's case has dragged on for too long. i've said repeatedly that there was nothing to be gained by his continued incarceration and i am pleased that he is on his way home to australia to reunite with his family here judi and assange is still somewhat maqsood divides opinion even here in australia, there have been some political opponents of his saying that he still did something wrong and that him fighting extradition for so long as what increased his traumatic experience over these many years. >> we're going to hear what's julian assange himself has to
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say and thinks about it all. as you say, in just over three hours time when he holds a press conference after landing here here in campbell, which is the capital australia and the home of all it's politics as well. so no surprise perhaps that he chose to come here rather than melbourne say where he spent many of his teenage years growing up, although he's from townsville in queensland, away from the politics, as i say, he certainly keen to because you family life, he met his wife while he was still imprisoned, if you like, and had his two sons all the time or not a free man and fighting this legal process, max a lot of his defenders saying this is a triumph for journalism because if they don't the u.s and faced all these espionage charges that would have set a dangerous precedent for journalism. but there is a precedent here, isn't there? because he's pleaded guilty to an espionage related charge. do we know the nature of that? and what impact that would have actually yeah. >> i mean, there were several counselor who was initially
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charged with when the indictment came down during the trump administration in 2018. but eventually reached this deal to plead guilty to one count. and when the judge inside pan earlier dealt with his case only took a few hours. they agreed that's the sentence could be time already served in belmarsh prison in london she did say the judge, that's issued been dealing with this case, pick back in 2012 when legal proceedings what first undertaken that maybe should have had a very different view when it was still fresh, those leaked documents, the hundreds of thousands or leaked documents on wikileaks yeah. those who were his supporters say that assange is a journalist published that information that the world had a right to know the way any newspaper they, and of course, many newspapers around the world did subsequently published the same claims, although many would argue they were redacted more than the just blanket approach that wikileaks took others say that assange is not a journalist at all, was doing it there rezoned fame and publicity. so i think the
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debate will continue, will be interesting to hear what the man himself has to say. but certainly even the judge themselves and admitted that no harm was done to any single individual and that's the u.s. department of justice also said that that is an end to all legal proceedings. now, it is done. it is over a scientist three it's thomas in canberra. >> thank you democratic voters in new york have made their decision in the most expensive house primary on record. >> cnn projects, george latimer, we'll defeat incumbent jamaal bowman in the 16th congressional district the 70-year-old westchester county executive entered the race at the urging of pro israel groups. he spoke with cnn about his victory when you lose touch with your district, when you're not on the ground enough. and when you are more concerned about your national profile that you're on, the major media outlets, which are not in the neighborhoods that you need to be at all the neighborhood you need to be in, then you
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lose the focus and you lose supporting your district bowman, a member of the progressive squad as been a vocal opponent of israel's war in gaza. >> he says his opponent may have won this round, but his battle for justice and humanity will continue authorities in southern minnesota, say an aging dam is still standing after heavy rains, drench the u.s. midwest flooding on the blue earth river cause part of the dam to fail on monday and officials say the dam remains in imminent failure condition. you can see the flooding near the dam is also threatening a family home. they're officials say there are no plans for mass evacuations just yet though so it's karma deadly crack down in the kenyan capital. we're live with the latest on the anti-government protests. and the for tat balloon battle on the korean peninsula, escalating. cnn meets a south korean activists, is putting a high-tech spin on that viewed. but later pomp and pageantry on display at buckingham palace as king charles welcomes the japanese royal couple i was so
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were the scenes. would you believe inside kenya's parliament on tuesday, crowds storming the government offices, trashing and setting fire to parliament and nairobi city hall. also governor's office. they've been protesting against a controversial finance bill approved by lawmakers for more than a week now it would increase taxes. tuesday's protests dealt devolved into chaos with kenyan police shooting and killing at least five people with dozens more injured. cnn team witnessed police beating and arresting paramedics we tried to help the protesters. the events have made some of them even more determined there, here, brutalizing innocent citizens were on i'm only speaking because the president has successfully cupp parliament either successfully cupp, the judiciary, the only surviving so brainpower is the people now, it's time to brutalize us. >> we will the most straight. you can't kill all of us. you can't abduct all of us soon as
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victoria river deray joins us live from nairobi. >> i'm obviously extraordinary scenes yesterday and the protesters really suffered as a result, didn't they? larry was reporting immense those big crowds in a shooting. but has put them off or they'd be out again today max we are monitoring the situation right now. things appear to be relatively calm where right now next to one one of the key government installations that was attacked yesterday, that's the supreme court of kenya. lot of broken glass stones and other debris that's now being cleaned up in a massive cleanup exercise. of course, the president was extremely resolute and stirring when he talked about protecting lives and property, he called out the criminal well elements that infiltrated the demonstrations that happened yesterday. here's a bit of what he had to say yesterday i hereby put on notice the planners financial
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book, his treatise and a bit of violence and anarchy that the security infrastructure established to protect our republic and it's sovereignty will be deployed to secure the country and restore normalcy normalcy is what they're trying to get to a max. let me just show you a quick picture of what's behind me. heavy police presence. this police truck, ashley wasn't here about two hours ago. we were able to go past and through that road that heads to the parliament buildings that now has since been closed off. there possibly anticipating some more activity if things do escalate a bit later on in the de, this continues the seven days of rage that was declared by the protesters as they call for justice for one of the individuals that was killed
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during last thursday's protest. and they're calling on the police to take action to victoria riba dairy in my rabia. >> appreciates it back with you on any updates on that the current us president and a former president will go head to head in their first debate this year, we saw them in a face or four years ago of course, but a lot has changed since then details on that just ahead plus, iran is gearing up for its presidential election later this week. coming up, we'll hear what issues voters are most concerned about in a live report from tehran ebate
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>> you feel good. >> china have the number one was thinking app welcome back, sin and use zoom i, max foster here are today's top story but he's in less than 48 hours. >> us president joe biden and donald trump will face off in the first debate of this election season both men have been preparing for the 90 minute debate, which will air right here on cnn yeah, espionage, charles, evan gershkovich has begun in russia. the wall street journal reported denies the charges and the u.s. government says it's being wrongfully detained it's two-year-old, has been in prison since march last year. julian assange is on his way to australia as a free man. he pleaded guilty earlier to one felony charge related get into
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his role in one of the largest us government breaches of classified material. he was sentenced to 62 months. time is already served in london's belmarsh prison the first us presidential debate of this election cycle. the last time the joe biden and donald trump met on a debate stage was during the 2020 election campaign. and many crucial things have changed since then. his cnn's brian taught the pressure on each man to perform thursday is evidenced, but it's the profound changes in america's political climate from 2020, which could be a deciding factor in the trump biden debate. 2020, biden successfully and effectively made the wacc election a referendum on trump's leadership. less than he's trying to make it a referendum on trump again, you really want this guy back in office and trump has tried to make it a referendum on biden's record to seismic events since the 2020 debates the january 6
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insurrection, which donald trump is accused of inciting, in which he denies, and trump is now a convicted felon felony guilty of falsifying business records in his hush money trial. something president biden might be under pressure to highlight more at the debate that's far the issue of his felony conviction doesn't seem to have moved. voters in one direction or the other. >> in 2020, analysts say american voters were looking for leader who could manage them out of crises, including one, the likes of which they'd never seen before. >> we're in the middle of covid, and that was the centerpiece of the conversation in 2020 also, in 2020, the black lives matter protests were raging across the country following the murder of george floyd by minneapolis plus police officer unemployment in america surged at the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, a dynamic that has completely turned around as we head into this debate. >> but analysts say president biden could be hounded by another economic factor that's
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different from 2020 the issue that is really plaguing him and it's frustrating voters overall is the cost of stuff inflation has been a factor another enormous political and social seat change from 2020 stems from an event that occurred in late june of 2022, roe v. >> wade was overturned by the supreme court for my judges that former president trump largely pick. >> it was a key promise of his. and that's proven to be an unpopular decision according to polling on both sides and has hurt republicans and a lot of different election and an evolutionary change from 2020, the steady drumbeat of voters concerns over the candidates agents. joe biden met at one is the oldest president in american history. if trump wins, he'll be the oldest president ever at a swearing in at age 78, both men facing escalating criticisms for memory lapses mistaken identity, references, and other worrisome signs. >> both sides are trying to exploit that, and both sides also know, particularly on the
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biden side, i feel like they understand that it's a key vulnerability that they're having to deal with the analysts we spoke to point out another significant difference between this debate and the ones in 2020. this thursday's debate is the earliest one in the calendar year in the hip history of televised presidential debates, which will likely prompt the voting public to pay attention to the candidates, the issues and their differences for a longer period of time ryan todd get cnn, washington for sin and us presidential debate, torah night. you can watch it 9:00 p.m. eastern in the u.s. 9 am friday in hong kong to em here in london iran supreme leader, ayatollah ali, how many is calling for high participation in the upcoming presidential election? they're it radians will head to the polls on friday to vote in a snap election to replace president ebrahim raisi, who die in a helicopter crash. last month for more, let's go to cnn's fred pleitgen live in tirana. what's the term out? i'm looking to be then fred, how engaged are people well, it
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certainly seems to be erased. >> that is a lot closer than races that we've had, for instance, in the election the past and the one where you've raisi, i've got elected max and there are of course still six candidates who are in the running. i'm actually right here in the area close to the grand bazaar here in tehran, because one of the biggest issues, but here in iran right now is the economy unemployment has been a problem. the economy has been a problem. this sanctions, of course, the been levied by the u.s. or led by the u.s. have been a big problem for the economy as well. so that's something that a lot of candidates have been talking about, about how to deal with that, how to deal with inflation as well. but you can see here in the area around the grand bazaar were a lot of people come every day that the election is still lose he was very large up there? you have a poster of mohamad, kali boston's one of the main conservative candidates. we do see a lot of posters for qalibaf around this part of the city. and if you look over there, you have another conservative on that poster over there that is cited jalili, who is of course, the former chief nuclear negotiator of iran, and also so someone who's quite frankly, of
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course, looking to win this election, it is one that does is still have a lot of excitement, if you will, in it, there are still six candidates that are in the running, but now that we are two days ahead of that election, there are certain things that can happen here in iran would have happened in the past. is that for instance, some candidates might drop out out of the race in favor of other candidates to try and strengthen, for instance, the conservative or the moderate position, what you have, for instance tonight is you have a rally by the main model moderate candidate masoud pezeshkian, which also have a big rally by the gentleman that you see behind me or muhammad bottom, kelly buffoonish, leading some to say that maybe he will turn out to be the main candidate on the conservative side. very difficult to see what we do, see the lemma we have seen especially yesterday, where there were big religious celebrations here in the city is that a lot of people are saying that they will go out and vote this time. of course in the last election where ebrahim raisi was elected, the turnout was fairly low, so the iranians are looking to change things that and again, who are
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absolutely right as well, max, if the supreme leader has come out very forcefully in an important nationally televised speech, and urge people to head to the votes saying that every time the turnout is strong, that it's strengthens the political system here in the islamic republic every time to turn out is low. he believes that it aids the enemies of the islam i make republic max for applied get into iran. >> thank you officials in gaza say israeli strikes have killed at least 24 people, including family members of the key hamas leader, the palestinian civil defense said one airstrike targeted a school where displaced families were sheltering official said at least eight people were killed, including five children and in a refugee camp, west of gaza city official, certain airstrike killed at least 11 people, including the sr and other family members of hamas political leader ismail haniyeh in response or near said, israel is delusional if it thinks targeting his family will change, quote, our positions and resistance. meanwhile, the israel defense
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forces, so they eliminated the terrorists on tuesday, who was a key operative and the islamic jihad terrorist organization. but doctors without borders says 30 three-year-old far the outwash yeah was a physiotherapist and their colleague. they condemn the killing. sin is nada bashir here with the details, how do we get to the bottom of this one then? >> well, we've heard from doctors without borders, an international medical ngo. of course they say that fair deal body had worked with the organization in gaza since 2018. so he has a long time member of the organ my question again, as you mentioned, a physiotherapist, the israeli military has so that they targeted what they've described as a terrorist. they believe he was a member of the islamic jihad organization in gaza. they said that he was a central figure in the organization, not disagreeing about who was targeted what he did exactly and they say that he was a central figure in the knowledge of electronics and chemistry within the islamic jihad movements. so they have actually responded directly to doctors without borders with regards to this, they have
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acknowledged they did indeed kill 30, no idea. they say that this was targeted, that he was a terror target. but again, this has been refuted we did by doctors without borders. they issued a statement yesterday, so they are outraged and strongly condemn the killing of their colleagues. they said that the attack killed further along with five other people, including three children, while he was cycling to work an early msf clinic in gaza. again, as you mentioned, 30 three-year-old physiotherapists father of three. we've heard of us also from the operations manager, from doctors without borders describing this as cynical and abhorrence. >> but of course what we have seen over the last eight months is this repeated targeting of medical workers of humanitarian workers in oftentimes, we've heard from the israeli military describing this as a mistake or but there are investigations taking place. >> but again this is really raise the stakes for humanitarian organizations. we've heard just yesterday from a spokesperson from the united nations reiterating these warnings and concerns to
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listen humanitarian operations have repeatedly been in the crosshairs in gaza and i think, you know the number of humanitarian workers that have been killed. we've repeatedly talked about humanitarian convoys day. we've talked about areas that were deconflicted that were hit hospitals, shelters, and so on. and the risks frankly, are becoming increasingly intolerable. >> now, for doctors without borders, they have said that this is not the sixth killing of an msf staff member in gaza since october 7. and what we have seen of course, is the continued targeting of areas in gaza that should be safe. so hospitals, clinics, humanitarian zones, tense tent cities also, of course, schools and we've certainly seen that just in the last 24 hours, another school tags by the israeli military in gaza. so this is really raising concerns for humanitarian organizations because without these security
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guarantees, it is making it increasingly challenging for them to operate safely on the ground of course, as we know, there is so much need in gaza, the situation is growing only more desperate, but of course, for humanitarian workers, for medical workers, particularly from international organizations coming in to provide that support. there aren't these security guarantees that they desperately need to operate on the ground? >> in other thank you. new developments in the korean balloon battle. a south korean activists group has a new high tech way to spread its message i'm thinking i'm going to die and i thought that was it. >> finally earth with we have schreiber sunday at nine on cnn i'm jonathan larson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program if you're age 50 to 85 and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget. >> remember the three ps what are the three p's? the three ps of life insurance on a fixed
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alliance as russia's war in ukraine continues to rage on nieto's doorstep now the balloon feud over the korean peninsula is back south careers military says, north ghraieb certain another 250 waste balloons. its way to deploying around 350. earlier this week pyongyang insists its retaliation for south korean activists sending their own balloons into the north, carrying leaflets for critical leaflets critical or kim jong-un's regime. meanwhile, a group of activists and south korea developing a smart balloon capable of automated drops in as mike valerio is covering this hi for us from seoul interesting to see technological developments in this battle and certainly chroma developments as well. >> we have this beautiful rainbow parachute helps one component max of these new smart balloons that you're about to see. so this is got a rainbow colored camping lander,
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and this is actually a loudspeaker. it would be attached to one of these new south korean smart balloons tethered right here and then it eventually falls to the ground and north korea, again with this beautiful rainbow parachute and begins to play an anti kim jong on anthem from the yellow part of the speak right here. so max, this is just one component of these new balloons and one part of this groups effort to win what it calls the new korean information war. >> in a small sole apartment spitting out of what looks like a pint size printer or an unstoppable atm. this is the payload of a new south korean smart balloon. flyers filling the floor. but soon scattering across the skies of north korea, or don't want to put condom, i believe no south korea can change when the deification of kim jong un is cracked and sending these smart balloons is the way to achieve that. >> cnn is identifying this man simply as mr. che. he's in
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north korean defector and the co-founder of the group called the committee for reforming and opening north korea che asked for his identity to be concealed because of the every for elevating drama. it's rounding balloons crossing between north and south korea. >> free north korea for years, activists in the south have sent balloons north filled with k-pop music, money and leaflets describing life outside north korea north korea calls those deliveries trash. and for about a month now, it's cent more than 1,000 trash balloons south should be noted. this is chase compact command center. wind direction and gps routes of his balloons all at his fingertips. >> more people are smart balloons are preset to start distributing the leaflets at a specific point after calculating wind speed and direction. this way, the leaflet this will be distributed within the planned area, we can cover 300 to 400 kilometers this way. >> he works his day job comes here, 3d prints parts, and assembles them for five to six
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hours a day. >> more proponents with our system, we can control the leaflets to fall every 300 meters or every kilometer, making sure for more people can see them as for his motivation, cej is a north korean defector with families still trapped there. >> he majored in engineering at a north korean university and watched youtube videos to get a better idea of how to build next-generation balloons. as for his critics calling for the balloon for tat to stop. jay says, these our striking a nerve to those who criticize our activities. it's like saying, let's help maintain a dictatorship and south korea okay so max for anybody who lives outside of the korean peninsula, this may seem like a very super weird bizarre story, but this is certainly serious stuff. >> you know, max, when we look at the flyers that are sent out by these smart booleans they're not just casual leaflets. the text right here, it's calling on people essentially to rise up. it said in so many words,
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paraphrasing right here, hey, people of north korea, are you tired of starving? are you tired of dying at the hands of kim jong un's regime? this is coming from the free world and it's time for you to rise up so max, ancient international airport, a couple of kilometers away from where we're standing had more delays and disruption shins because of these trash balloons sent from north korea. we all on our cell phones around 11:00 p.m. last night received word that more of these balloons were coming from the north. so watch this space, this story line is not ending anytime soon. >> yeah, fascinating. i might valid valerio in seoul. thank you so much for bringing us that britain's king charles is paying tribute to the emperor and the empress of japan. he and queen camilla hosted a lavish banquet at buckingham palace on tuesday, part of a three-day state visit by the japanese royals. the trip had been planned for 2020, but was postponed due to the covid pandemic. the british monarch praised the countries shared economic diplomatic, and cultural ties i know that our
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two countries are collaborating ever more closely to provide for our shear shared security our armed forces, up, exercising and sharing expertise at great levels. >> as befits two powers with an enduring commitment to global peace and security britain's prince william, attending the dinner as well. but king charles younger sister princess, and suffered a head injury over the weekend or over the weekend and was absent from it, are still to come how late? jeopardy host alex trevor is being honored as the quiz show celebrates six decades on the when you're home needs work, where do you go? >> angie. angie. >> angie gay man with angie. find top rated certified pros and your area plus compare quotes and pricing to help you get all your jobs done well, he's resurface my fluorine.
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plant inside the olympic village is now an eco conscious restaurant for the athletes this is just one of the many kitchens that'll be fueling future gold medalist this food hold will be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and get this 5,000 meals a day. looking this scale, because presents, several challenges we have to feed 50,000 50,200 nationalities and we have to fit a jidoka well we have to feed also a genus which is not december. >> they don't get the nutrition is key and chefs have come up with over 500 different dishes with a third of what's on offer being vegetable base. in this kitchen, there's plant-based meat, but also landrieu soccer and some french culinary classics. but no wine to wash it down with and all that fries is get if no idea. >> but that's right. there's
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no deep fryer allowed inside the kitchen because of safety reasons when you think so you need to have healthy eating. you don't necessarily think about cheese cake to me, sue chocolate muffins should the athletes beating this? >> yeah, you bet yeah. it's for a reason because sometimes you have like a half-day, you spent a lot of energy and you want to add this to your me so you can covariate energy there will be several cuisines on offer, asian, afro-caribbean, french, middle eastern, and hilal cuisine. >> kosher food will also be available on demand so it's the food any good. let's go to parse 2024. president 20 east on google eight for bad delicious promised the games. that's why you won't find any classes. i can hear. >> you you also involved maiden from they've done away with plastic bottles in favor of
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reusable cups. and the soda fountains now when the athletes are done eating bell now, that's special recycling and, of course this is going to head straight into the dishwasher 30,000 plates, 20,000 bowls, and 30 she five people at a time just to load these massive dishwashers when it comes to plotting waste. >> paris 2024 is going for gold it's ascii band on cnn, paris we're being for a while, golfers played through the night in iceland's arctic open over the weekend, teeing off under the midnight sun. the gulf has played one of europe's northern most golf courses we're really excited to play at midnight golf and we keep stumbled upon the arctic open and here we are at 2am is still play and it's amazing out. >> i believe it's the most
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northerly course in europe the sun doesn't go down at all. so you could play all through the night. and i've enjoyed i mean, i've never played on a golf course in the middle of summer where their snow-capped mountains as the scenery. so yeah, it's been amazing iceland time to the most golf courses per capita in the world. >> pretty small population there, the u.s. postal service honoring late jeopardy host alex drawback with his own stamp, a book of 20 stamps or resemble the jeopardy game game the game board. but each stamps shares the same clue. this naturalized us system hosted the quiz show jeopardy for 37 seasons. the answer included upside down in case you didn't know, i'll extra beck the stamps will go on sale july 22, in honor of his birthday thanks for joining me here on say they newsroom, i might saucer monday and cnn this morning up after the break the most anticipated moment of this lecture and the
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