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tv   CNN Newsroom With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  June 26, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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heart racing had inside a prices new every day curry, they'll be gone in a flash designer sales at up to seven and keep sent off south today you're relying on cnn newsroom. >> i'm jim acosta in washington, we're less than 36 hours from joe biden and donald trump's historic face off right here on cnn. there first-time going toe-to-toe and nearly four years, their vision for the country diametrically opposed. of course, their message to the american people and stark contrast to showdown of epic proportions so let's set to be nothing less than historic marking the earliest presidential debate in american history and the first time in decades at a network will host the debate with no live audience departure from they use presidential debate commission debates soon as covering this historic moment from all angles, jeff zeleny is live at or studios in atlanta arlette saenz is following president biden at the white house and kristen holmes isn't whether as palm beach with the trump campaign and jeff, let me go to you first. let's talk about this debate. what, what
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are we going to see jim, of course, this is incredibly significant it's the first earliest debate in modern presidential campaign history. >> and the reason is both candidates agreed to this debate. they want to try and define their opponents, define themselves, and frankly, shakeup this race for all of the changes follow the challenges in the country and the world this race has largely been much of how it's been for the last several months, if not year, donald trump has had a narrow lead nationally and in some battleground states president biden has been defending his record will onstage tomorrow evening, president biden will of course, try and draw that contrast with former president donald trump jim history is probably not our best guide for this because we have never seen two sitting president's side-by-side like this, making the case about one another. but think of all the differences over the last four years. one thing i'm struck by is we follow these candidates
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and listen sent to them and talk to voters. so much has changed. that's different, but foreign policy is chief among them, there will be a vast difference in that, of course, the invasion of ukraine crane has happened, the war in the middle east. but one thing that former president donald trump has been saying again and again is that he does not want another world war three he said that president biden has led to instability in the world. of course, president biden will take the converse view of that he is heralding his administration is one of building alliances increasing stability in the world. so foreign policy often does not decide elections, but look for that to be a central defining difference between the these two candidates. certainly one difference of so many, many between them. june, yeah. and jeff, the rules are going to be important this time around now they are. i mean, we are not going to see an audience at this debate. it is going to be a throwback to candidates onstage standing for 90 minutes with two commercial breaks
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breaks two moderators, and interestingly, presidents are never without their advisors. they're rarely without their age or their note cards. this time these two sitting president's one sitting present, one former president will be walking into this stage and studio alone. they will not have advisors around them, so they will be taking questions. the answers will be a defined by a topic and there'll be talking four two minutes with their rival getting one minute to respond. and then the original candidate getting one more minute to speak and the microphone certainly as an issue as well, we saw so much interrupting and the debate four years ago, this time the microphone will only be on for the candidate who was talking. of course, the question is, will some of the other sound bleeding? dover will that be used to distract president biden perhaps or vice versa? so but the big difference shim no audience of course, but voters there's certainly we'll be watching. and again, we should point out this is in battleground georgia. joe biden was the democratic winner here four years ago, the first time a democrat won, georgia in
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nearly three decades. so the close audience here, as well as of course, the national audience also. so important to the rest of this campaign jim, yeah, we'll be watching jeff. >> thank you very much. if new reporting in the meantime on how the candidates are preparing for this showdown, arlette saenz, kristen holmes, they have the details 4 as arlette, what are you learning well, as you in president biden is continuing to run through his mock debates in preparation for the showdown against donald trump, they have set up podiums for the president to practice that. >> and he's actually also so we're told watched a video that staffers had recorded during a walkthrough of the debate. so he knows exactly what that does. fate stage will look like. what he is looking out at as he's preparing to deliver these messages against trump, the biden campaign and his advisers are really are hoping to drive home some contrast on domestic issues like democracy, the economy, and abortion rights. but advisers are also aware that foreign policy could easily arise in this debate advisors believe that foreign policy is one of those areas where they
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can further drive those contrasts with trump trying to paint him as too dangerous to serve in the office of the presidency. of course, it also comes at a time when biden is also balancing his own foreign policy concerns as they are some within the democratic party who are frustrated with his handling of the conflict in gaza. now, while the president is preparing over at camp david, at the campaign headquarters in wilmington, they are very eager to push this democracy contrast today they've rolled out a key endorsement from former republican congressman adam kinzinger, a vocal critic of trump's actions relating to the january 6 insurrection, and this morning they have also rolled out a new television ad highlighting and tickin sheriff who says that trump neglected his duties as president on january 6 and did not side with lawn of course, been on that day. take a listen we should have been stopped. >> that's neglect of duty or sheriff, it's awful to watch, at least officers getting attacked. that's not supporting this badge and this uniform. i
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have no desire to work with somebody who devised that's not what america is, but i worked with anybody who unites. that's why i'm with present the joe biden now, biden has made protecting democracy a cornerstone of his campaign, but adviser is also believed that this is something that can really appeal to those anti-trump republicans who were turned off by trump's four years in office. >> and specifically his actions relating to the january 6 insurrection so all of this offering a bit of a preview of how biden, uh, could relay his contrast messaging against trump heading into this debate as have to take place on cnn tomorrow. >> all right. our lead. thank you. and kristen house, the trump debate prep going well, drum, nothing traditional about donald trump's debate prep, which i guess is not that surprising. >> he hasn't had any mock debates. he hasn't had someone sitting in joe biden or the moderators, jake tapper, or dana bash instead, it has a series of conversations of what they call quote, unquote policy sessions focusing on things like abortion, like democracy,
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how to answer those questions about what happened on jane anywhere six and donald trump's role. but what most of his advisers are trying to get donald trump to do is to focus on three key issues. as jeff said, this is really the unprecedented to have to city or one sitting president and one former president up on that stage together and donald trump, they want him to contrast his record to joe biden's on three issues the economy, particularly inflation crime, and immigration. they have seen recent polling that shows that people, voters favor donald trump when it comes to these three issues over joe biden. and that's what they want trump to hammer home. now one thing we i've heard from senior advisers, really in the last several days is a tempering of expectations. remember, they spent months saying that biden wasn't competent, that he couldn't stream two words together to make a sentence now we are hearing that he is a formidable opponent. a lot of that coming from this idea that he was holed up the eating camp, david
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really having this intense debate, prep something. of course donald trump was not doing now we did here from trump last night in an interview talking about some of his preparation, take a lesson i think i've been preparing for it for my whole life. >> if you want to know cheers and i'm not sure you can lock yourself into a room for two weeks or one week or two days and really learn what you have to know. >> obviously a reference to president joe biden, who again has been at camp david. big question, of course, will be which version of donald trump shows up? there has been some reflection by the former president and reason sunday as he did a rather candid interview, which he talked about the 2020 debate against biden, saying that he believed that he interrupted him too much. now whether or not that's going to impact his behavior on thursday please advisors certainly hope so, but obviously, no one will know which version of donald trump shows up until thursday that's right. >> are kristen holmes. thank you very much. let's discuss all this with cnn. political commentator, and former trump campaign adviser david urban,
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and also with us meghan, hey, she was director of message planning for the biden white house and david, i mean, what do you make of this no debate prep debate prep. look, you know, donald trump is not a traditional candidate. she's not going to prepare the traditional way. he's out there every day hey, he's doing the rallies, he's taken questions. he'd go to the helicopter, take he loved the given take so his preparation, he sees it as lip life every day, right? engaging and the give-and-take that he does with individuals and out on the out on the stump, he stops, talks to police officers six photos. so that's how he's preparing for it, right? that's probably the best way you can prepare. and megan, how does that affect the debate preparations for president biden? because it almost seems as though if that's the case, then you have to prepare for just about anything. right? i think that the president is doing that anyways, right? and he's used it. i think that you just never know what you're gonna get with donald trump. i think that's part of what they want to drive home is four more years of donald trump would be chaotic and return to that would be okay. i think that that's probably what they're
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preparing for and i think that joe biden just needs to keep a steady hand and because authentic selves and be true to who he is and david, i mean, what about what kristen was saying a few moments ago about initially they were saying biden has lost his step, but he can't put two words together and so on and and now, let's play a clip. >> this is what one republican congressman was saying over the weekend on these performance enhancing substance allegations that trump world is making, let's listen to that this one trump's team should not underestimate joe biden and his team's ability to whether they're going to jack him up on mountain dew or whatever it is that it look the state of the union this year he had a lot of energy for about an hour or an hour-and-a-half now that jacked up on mountain dew references maybe rightly drink mountain dew. i'm not sure i'll go right out of talladega nights. i think that was ricky bobby's two kids that was texas ranger well, there's that he was all jacked up on mountain dew is you're going to
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come after joe biden. are joe biden going to come after donald trump like a spider monkey? what's less, i think they'd love it if he came after like a spider get the biden camp need to see an energetic joe biden. they want to see youthful, aggressive joe biden and you heard kristen holmes that talk about this the trump campaign was to see a more subdued donald trump. donald trump in the second debate in 2020, if he shows up on thursday night, it's going to cause very big problems for joe biden because he was constrained. he stuck to the topics he was policy focused, and he clearly want to debate. nobody remembers it because i didn't watch because he did so poorly in the first debate. the second debate, he did very well if that guy shows up, w for the trump camp. yeah, but but david, i mean, how cillian is getting when we're talking about jacked up on mountain dew. i mean, come on this is just pass the laugh test where he bought listen, so i think first you're last maybe, maybe by drive around the cougar in his car. we don't know what the trump campaign is trying to
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do is just paint a picture like the president when people see him, when cpsc president by now kind of shuffles along a little bit, doesn't look like the most robust sky at the state of the union. he was a pretty robust fell up. people saw a different a different joe biden now maybe maybe slept all day, maybe that's what happened and they will come versions of donald trump to listen, but you've been around for another one because you've been around. i've been around donald trump is a robust felon, no matter what time of day it is. okay. okay. megan, let's put a quota on screen, i guess trump has acknowledged that he isn't always at the top of his game. and has acknowledged that he interrupted the president too much at that first debate four years ago i suppose there is the possibility, despite what david was saying about trumping charged up all the time, that trump could come in more subdued. and then what is biden do at that point? >> i think that the president continues to drive home his method and show what he did for the people for the last four years and lay out what he wants to do for the next four years. i think i'm not sure that donald trump is going to show up subdued. i mean, i think all hope for that but i think the president is a game de person. he shows up prepared for
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things. he shows up all the time consistently, just like you did on the state of union. so i just i wouldn't be surprised if he reacted poorly. >> david, i mean, here's the screen, here's the full screen right here at the second one, i was different. i got great marks on the second one. i'm probably going to look at the scene at the time. it's like a fight. it depends on what the situation it is yeah. well, let's say you saw them with the stair down with jake paul the other day, right he went overboard that first time. >> he wasn't gave biden a huge opening. absolutely. biden said shut up, man, absolutely. think that he recognizes he didn't comport himself. well, there you'll do much better. let's hit it really cuts into the narrative of the biden campaign's narrative that it's chaos and it's gonna be the end of the world. if john chubb talks talk substance and is measured, i mean game over, that's why the optics matter here almost more than a substance for both of these guys and megan, what about what happened last night? jamaal bowman losing that primary battle, what do you think? what's going on? i mean, he has used in represent his district that's why you have primary, so he's views were out of step with his district
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and he paid the price for it and losses primary i mean, i think also when you do things that he has done, what pulled the fire alarm and some other more incendiary things that's what happens. >> people don't like that. he adds a representation and hits people, don't like that. that's, i mean, that's why elections matter. >> that hasn't been a clean sweep for all trump endorsed candidates this cycle, what does that mean, david, that's the primary. i think there are republican primary, donald trump's still has a pretty firm grip on the republican base. when it comes to general elections. a little bit, a little bit mixed bag, but generally the candidates this cycle been really, really good candidates. we've, we've got good folks on the team this time. so we'll see, we're very hopeful for the fall of 24. so i can look like 22. all right, guys. thank you very much. i'm going to be all jacked up on mountain dew tomorrow there's one thing that certain that's it. all right, guys. thanks very much. were about 33 hours from cnn's historic presidential debate in atlanta. don't mess president biden and former president trump on cnn and max tomorrow night at nine eastern, when we come back, why supreme court justice samuel alito says the country may come to regret today's ruling on social media. a very important ruling today, more and all of that in just i would say
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whether the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. the president and the former one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash. the cnn presidential debate tomorrow night at nine live on cnn and streaming unmanned to me, harlem is the home is also your body last one, everyone, i ask myself, why does it pilates exist in harlem i started my own studio get in a brick-and-mortar in new york is not easy. chase inke supported us from studio to studio three. when you start small, you need some big help and chase ink with that for me, earn up to 5% cash back home business essentials. but the chain inke business, cash, heart, and chase for business make more than what's yours. >> we had to take our old gas heating and radiant heat that was a really, really huge project. who has the type as a toddler, mom i do not. i was so overwhelmed, so i started contacting people off of ganges
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justices ruled at the white house and federal agencies may continue to urge social media platforms to take down content the government views as misinformation. i want to bring in our panel, cnn chief legal affairs correspondent paula reid, cnn senior supreme court analyst joan biskupic, and cnn media correspondent, hadas gold polo. let me start with you. walk us through. we heard this morning. well, here are the supreme court really handed a victory to the biden administration because now in this critical election year, department homeland security and the fbi, even the white house can continue to press social media companies of flagging them to disinformation and misinformation. that's especially important when it comes to foreign disinformation, right? we've seen the impact that can have on an election now this case raised really important first amendment questions about the extent to which the federal government can press a private company. let's record, didn't get into that though instead, they decided this based on standing can quote, to establish standing, the plaintiffs must demonstrate a substantial risk that in the near future they will suffer an
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injury that is traceable to a government defendant and redressal by the injunction, they seek. so they didn't get into the bigger first amendment questions here. but there was a similar but slightly different case reason questions about states it's and their ability to restrict social media companies power to censor or restrict conservative views. we thought maybe these two cases would come out together, but that is one of the ten outstanding cases we're still at large. >> yeah. shown and justice alito wrote a 34 page descent or am i reading that correct? instead, the country may come to regret today's decision. justice alito has been in the news a little bit lately justice alito wrote for himself and fellow dissenters, clarence thomas and neil gorsuch and his dissent was actually longer than the majority opinion by amy coney barrett. >> and i do have to say justice alito, who hadn't been on the bench the last two times, they issue opinions. was there for today and they were all lined up there. and just as barrett, if you're in the audience looking ahead, she's to your
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far left. and she started out by actually highlighting some of the potential first amendment concerns here, saying that there were there were enough statements that came from the administration that were super provocative, and she referred to one example where an official who was frustrated with facebook, that it hadn't removed a particular post involving potential misinformation about covid-19 said, last time we did this dance, it ended an insurrection. so she was pointing up some of the as i said, provocative posts, but then quickly pivoted to the the reality is that you need to show an injury to be able to bring a case in federal court. and neither the two states, missouri and louisiana or the five social media users could demonstrate standing. now, justice alito did not read his dissent from the bench that often happens jim gillies, final cases but instead, he saved all his rhetoric for these 34 pages that outpaced the 29 page majority opinion as
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you say warning that this could happen and really pointing up the actions by the biden administration that he found egregious and hadas gold. what does this mean in practical terms for social media companies? because this was, this was a decision that could have had a major impact on those companies. well, jim, we are kind of in the world cupp of waiting for supreme court cases that could really determine how internet speech is regulated. the laws around internet speech we've been waiting for this moment really for 30 years and it is a long time coming because you, when you look at the regulations that are currently in place, they're really focusing on the telephone companies, on the broadcast networks, what are considered public utilities. and there is a major question of if and when the social media companies will be determined to be public utilities. because let's be honest, more people are online than they are on the phone or watching broadcast network. so there's a question of whether this will be determined. it has not been determined yet. we didn't get a major standard issued by the
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supreme court. there was a question about whether they would issue some sort of standard on when a government reaching out to a social media platform will be considered coercion would be considered some sort of censorship. we did not get that yet, but we might be getting them in one of these other cases, there are several cases out there as polynomial. we're still waiting to hear from the supreme court on this. in the meantime, though this means that the things we'll continue on as they have been the administration can still reach out to the platforms, flag things for them that they believe violate these platforms, own policies with the platforms are still free to do what they wish with their own moderation policy all right. and acidosis was saying gee, i mean, what's taking these guys so long? i mean, the water rulings left to come and it sounds as though we may be heading into next week with some of these hadas is referenced world kopan. i'll throw in a couple of other sports ones. you know, the final stretch, the ninth-inning, that's where we are right now. it's running. yes. extra eight. yeah they wouldn't next week we're going to have extra innings you know, they do have ten rulings to hand down and they're most important cases that everyone's waiting for, including the issue over
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whether donald trump has immunity from criminal prosecution for subverting the 2020 election and we're gonna, there'll be in session on thursday and friday mornings. and right now, it looks almost certain that they will go to next monday and there might or might even need to go to next tuesday. they do not like going to july. they do not like going into july there like everyone else. they've got plans they wanted go on vacations and but i think at this rate, when only two opinions where shoot today and let me tell you what's actually happening. yeah. chief sets goals and deadline goals and expects his colleagues to be able to finish writing but see their passing opinions back-and-forth for amendments by other people who are in the majority. and then like you see in today's opinion, justice barrett might have written something that then got justice alito more worked up and said, i want to amend my descent. so you have a lot of that going on. i haven't taken well, that's what i was wondering. does anybody play is sort of like the air traffic control over their at the supreme court because they got a lot of planes to land right now. they do. how do they decide this? i
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mean, are they thinking about this the night before and saying, okay, what we were going to do. now, we're going to do well, the chjustice keeps a list and he designates two cases, either the a-list through the be less, and that's all typed out, right now, they should all be on the a-list in terms of get these things done, they're supposed to get done, but but he is as i always say, he's not the boss of them. you can be you can try to be the ark traffic controller, but they are all individually appointed for life. they have their all have their own say. and i'll never forget one year when chief justice william rehnquist, his predecessor, said, i've got tickets to fly to rome and we have to finish it on a certain date. they didn't. he was on an airplane as they announced the final decisions. while he was already out with i'm not waiting around for you guys. the chief comes all right. well, we were wondering we were all wondering that this morning, like what's taking them so long, and then how does that work so that it's like anything, it's like any kind of deadline, you know. but and now now that i think it's notable that they're gonna go to monday. they're probably
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thinking, well, let's let's have lunch, everyone. yeah. >> all right. thanks, guys, very much. really appreciate it. we're all waiting. we're still waiting, coming up. biden's border policies have having an immediate impact so it will break down some new numbers that's nice the most anticipated moment of this election. and the stakes, stakes couldn't be higher. the president and the former president, one stage two, very different visions for america's future the cnn presidential debate tomorrow night, it live on cnn and streaming on max if you've been paying attention, it's easy to see prices are going up on just about everything. >> that's why you need to do your wallet a favor. we call khartiia. now, one called khartiia, latching into today's low-price so you can george peace of mind, knowing that you're not only protected from mechanical breakdowns, but also from those rising rate. if are driving an out of warranty vehicle car shield offers plan it's a cover up to 6,000 parts and systems in your car truck, or suv. why pay for expensive
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this morning? >> startling new numbers and the department of homeland security reveal the impact of biden's border policy. the agency says and the three weeks after the president's asylum crackdown announcement, migrant apprehensions have dropped by more than 40%. join me now. cnn's kevin liptak, but i want to start with cnn's rosa flores and houston for us rosa, those that's a big drop. can you break down the numbers wars? >> well, you know, i've been talking to sources on both sides of the border all along the u.s. southern border. and i can tell you that what i'm hearing is that this executive order by the biden administration that bars asylum is deterring illegal immigration. now like everything else regarding the border, it's nuanced. it depends on what state and what border community you talk to and and the answers are a little different, but overall, for example, and the rio grande valley, when i'm hearing across the border in mexico, is that some of the people that are being deported under this policy are heading home. if i
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talked to somebody in arizona that works with migrants there, they're saying saying that there's still seeing about 100 migrants crossing illegally in an area near sasa be arizona, that could most likely be the cartels using misinformation to misinformed migrants in san diego, for example, across the border, n3 quannah, they're seeing a lot of migrants simply waiting there to use some of the legal pathways established by the biden administration to cross over. but overall, the numbers are drastically low right now, i talked to a source who said that on sunday, migrant apprehensions on the u.s. southern border were about 1,900. and on monday they dropped to about 1,600 hundred. i remember reporting live from the border where those were the numbers just for one particular sector on one particular de, these numbers are astronomically low, right now. and one of the big questions of course is why and why are they
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still crossing even though this executive order is in place? i can tell you from talking to a lot of people on the border and they always tell me you've got to think about this, rosa, these migrants that are making this journey. they do not have cnn access for all of the analysis and all of the information regarding executive orders. a lot of them simply don't know and cartels use misinformation to misguide them i should add that the aclu has to the biden administration over this executive or claiming that the administration did not use the administrative procedure act properly. we have a statement from the lead attorney from the aclu, leading leading this case. saying, quote, we already know that under the band migrants with credible claims of danger are being denied and asylum screening and the end the band is unlikely to have much impact on the numbers. but if it does deter people in danger from seeking safety, here's in to safety here. that's deeply troubling. and jim, i want to
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end with this because one of the things that i hear from border patrol agents in the field all the time. is that because the numbers are so high, sometimes they don't get the chance to actually do their job, which is border security, to catch the bad guys. according to dha yes. more of the field agents are now actually in the field right now because the numbers are so low and they're tackling the border security, which is their number one job. that's what fuel agents want to do. and according to dhs, because numbers are so low, they're actually able to do their jobs now on the border back to you, that is very interesting. are rosa flores. tnkou very much. i want to go to kevin liptak because there's also a political dimension to all of this. the president was looking to see those numbers come down because obviously that's going to be advantageous to them in a campaign cycle. but how is the white house responding right now? well, there are welcoming the number is that rose setting? these are the lowest numbers of the entire biden administration the last time the illegal border crossings were that low is in january 2021. so this is being welcomed at the white house, which is for solon, tried to neutralize
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this issue of immigration it has been a political challenge for president biden. those massive waves of migrants that we saw earlier in the administration really allowed republicans to seize on it and to claim that biden didn't have a way of controlling this border. and this is i think their way of doing that. it has not been universally popular as rose's said, the aclu is suing, but a lot of progressives, immigration advocates really raised alarm because the authorities that he was using were the very same authorities that president trump used when he was in office to try and get the numbers down what you're seeing the administration do is really try and flip the script to go after republicans for failing to pass any legislation in congress that was what we heard this morning from the homeland security secretary, alejandro mayorkas. listen to what he said i wouldn't look at this in isolation. it's part of a larger effort. i must say though, at the very outset, that this is no substitute for
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congressional action. it is only congress that can fix our broken immigration system and delivered to the american people and enduring solution now, this is an issue that biden folks are very much prepared to come up on the debate stage. >> one of the things that they'll argue is that president trump actually torpedoed a bipartisan immigration bill that was coming in through congress because he thought it would be a better political issue for him. so i think you're going to hear president biden referenced that and try and gain the initiative on this issue. >> yeah, it'll be interesting to hear what donald trump has to say in response to that. kevin liptak, rosa flores thanks to both of you very much, some very important numbers coming in from the biden administration on the border all right. just ahead, following deadly protests and the storming of parliament in kenya, that country's president says that people have spoken is major decision coming up, but we'll talk just your mom's we're live from nairobi with the latest your live insulin debate laken america as biden
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>> i gave him and see this pick one before and theaters july 3rd, rated pg closed captioning brought to you by meso if you or a loved one, half mesothelial not we'll send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to 14000 a day after protests in kenya turn deadly. the president there says he will not sign a controversial finance bill that sparked the violence. protesters stormed the parliament building in nairobi yesterday. president william ruto of kenya says six people are dead, but other reports have it much higher than that seen in correspondent larry madowo joins us now a lera you were on top of this yesterday doing those walking live shots past all the everything that took place there yesterday. what do you make of what the president president ruto was saying about the number of deaths. it doesn't sound like
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that's in line with what others are saying. what's going on? >> that's not right. the government's own human rights body, the kenyan national commission of human rights says at least 22 people were killed in protests that turned violent against the finance bill and generally over taxation in the country. now present william ruto forced to pull this bill just hours after he called the protesters criminals, he called them treasonous criminals and said they had been infiltrated by legitimate protest as, and many young people who organized on tiktok and social media were upset at the present for doing that. and now the president saying they were right, listen having reflected on the continuing conversation around the content of the finance bill 2024 and listening keenly to the people of kenya who have said loudly but they want
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nothing to do with these finance bill 2024 i concede it's a big concession from present router to pull a bail that he's on government submitted, and we're hoping to raise an extra 2.6 billion to pull away from debt distress. >> and now the next step is what happens next, some people on social media already calling for 1 million march on thursday. that's when they had promised let's do try and occupy state house where president ruto lives and works from an even as he was admitting that the young people of kenya were right to complain about over taxation, that people sitting behind him, those are the same members of his ruling party who went ahead and pass this finance bill while kenyans were outside parliament protesting and police were shooting them using live ammunition, and they were completely silent to supply to those young kenyans outside parliament, jim alright, larry madowo, thank you very much. thanks for all your reporting yesterday. we appreciate it coming up, calling out
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inconsistencies. michael phelps testifies about who he says is getting a pass when it comes to doping. and ports. that's next the most anticipated moment of this election. >> and the stakes couldn't be higher. the president and they'll form we're president one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash to cnn presidential debate tomorrow night at nine live on cnn and streaming unmet if you've been paying attention, it's easy to see prices are going up on just about everything that's why you need to do your wallet a favor. >> we call khartiia. now one call to carshow laci into today's low price. so you can join peace of mind, knowing that you're not only protected from mechanical breakdowns, but also from those rising rate. if you're driving an out of warranty vehicle car shield offers plans that cover up to 6,000 parts and systems in your car truck, or suv. why pay for expensive repairs called carshow. now, before a breakdown my mom told me to
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6510, 200 coventry direct redefining insurance july 4th, cnn concert event with performance is by keith urban 20, db wrexham, the killers and many more go forth in america, there thursday, july 4 at seven eastern on cnn this just in the man accused of killing seven people in a fourth of july parade in illinois, two years ago, backed out of a plea deal in a dramatic court he canagh for a joins us now, lucy, do we know what happened yeah. >> that's right, jim, this was
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a completely unexpected courtroom scene, unexpected to even his lawyers as the man accused of killing seven people, injuring dozens more at that fourth of july parade here in the chicago suburb, highland park, two the years ago, backed out of this proposed d8 plea deal. now the court had convened this morning because the accused shooter, robert crema, the third, was expected to change his initial plea of not guilty and in court this morning, the prosecutor said that they and krever had agreed to a deal in which he would plead guilty to seven murder counts and 48 counts of aggravated battery. this is one for each of the victims named in the indictment. now, in exchange for this, he would have been sentenced to his natural life in prison and the rest of the charges would have been dismissed. the judge this morning, then address crema, who had been rolled into the court room in a wheelchair, asking him whether he accepted this plea deal, but cremona didn't respond, jim, he just sat there silent. his lawyers then asked the court for a recess to try to discuss this with him. they all left the
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courtroom when they returned the judge asked crema if you wanted to move forward with a plea deal. he said no. the judge then tentatively set a trial for february 25 of next year. now, my colleague, virginia was in the courtroom she described a scene of chaos. a lot of anger with cremona inside that courtroom one family member even told her, quote, i feel bad for the prosecutors and his public defenders definitely doesn't seem like the public defender's expected this to de to go this way, either now, this jim was the most dramatic legal chapter in the drawn-out legal saga, the criminal case moving slowly for months at one point, crema had insisted that he wanted to fire his public defenders and represent himself. he then suddenly reversed that decision weeks later, this morning's hearing was announced last week, although he wasn't scheduled to eat back in court august for the victims, of course. justice continues to be on hold as this process remains drawn out. jim absolutely. all right. i know they're looking for closure there. in that case, lucy cabin
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off. thank you very much. and just one month before the paris olympic swimming sensation, michael phelps is slamming the world anti-doping agency unc, saying it is incapable or unwilling to enforce its policies to catch cheaters, and it's coiled wire joins me now to discuss coy, this was a some pretty tough words for michael phelps. >> yeah. i mean, we're talking about arguably the face of the summer games for the u.s. for more than a decade, right? you have and he's turning up the heat on world anti-doping agency or water. he says there's been an inconsistency in the application of the anti-doping rules and that the agency's attempts to address them have fallen short. a 23 times gold medal is there testifying at a congressional hearing on tuesday focusing on revelations that 23 chinese swimmers tested positive for a banned heart a medication ahead of the last summer games in tokyo. tokyo, but water still allowed them to compete. now, 11 of those 23 swimmers will still be competing in these next olympics in paris next
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month, phelps told lawmakers that someone needs to hold water. we're responsible. listen can't reasonably be a coincidence that you sought as yet again, succumbed to the pressures of international sport close friends were potentially impacted by usada is failure to follow its own rules in investigating the nearly two dozen positive tests on chinese swimmers many of them will live with the what ifs for the rest of their lives as athletes, our faith can no longer be blindly placed in the world. anti-doping agency, an organization that continues to prove that it is either incapable or unwilling to enforce its policies consistently around the world now felt said, one year he was tested 150 times for performance enhancing drugs, while other entire olympic delegations were tested 30 or 40 times across all of their athletes water has launched an independent review into its handling of the chinese swimmers tests. >> china's anti-doping being
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agency said the 23 swimmers weren't responsible for the positive result because they were inadvertently exposed to the drug so far what he says, they found no evidence to disprove the chinese explanation. this is a bit confusing for us because here in the the u.s. of course, jim, if if you're in the nfl and you get tested positive for something that's so even in a cold medication, you're always told you are responsible for what goes into your body. seems like that's one of those obscure rules that the water has. four which michael phelps is has some issues yeah, absolutely. and for good reason and khoi apparently we have some breaking news on the women's national soccer team. what can you tell us? yes. alex morgan, another face of the summer olympics, right? she has not making that trip to paris with the 18, 22 player roster. there's 18 players. and then some alternatives coach emma hayes, its are first-time coaching this group. and she's undefeated so far in her appearances, she's a legendary
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coach and it seems like she's going with a new younger guard for these upcoming games for team usa. >> all right. will be cheering them on coil wire. thanks very much, very important news from the sports world. thanks for bringing it to us. we appreciate it and thank you. for joining me in the scene. a newsroom anjum acosta, stay with cnn inside politics. manu raju starts after a short break, have a great day, everybody four, we go. here's today's solvent of chasing light with dr. sanjay gupta hey, there, i'm dr. sanjay gupta, host, have cnn's chasing life podcast stress is an inevitable part of life. >> but here's the thing not all stress is the same. the stress that comes from things that we perceive as challenges instead, they can actually be healthy according the recent studies, the good type of temporary stress, it's called use stress, and it can be physical or psychological. it may feel like excitement or eagerness. think of a first de, at the new job or maybe running a race it energizes and
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