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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  June 26, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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sanjay gupta. >> listen wherever you get your power i'd casts 32 hours
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first, but who's counting until president biden and former president trump face off for the first time in nearly four years, cnn has new reporting about how the president plans to target trump direct while trump allies are urging the former president to forget the past and focus on three key issues that are impacting voters plus a supreme court ruling that could help major impacts on misinformation found on social media though, justice alito says the court may soon come to regret today's decision will explain why for the first time in months, a glimpse of american journalist evan gershkovich in a russian courtroom. the wall street journal reporter's espionage trial beginning today, what we're learning about the hearing and a message from his family were following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central well,
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it is almost here. >> hello, i'm briana cuellar along so i'd bore sanchez and washington president biden and former president trump are set to face off tomorrow night in the highly anticipated cnn debate. and it will be on this stage right here that you're looking at. this is brand new video of the cnn presidential debate site in atlanta, georgia and it's gearing up to be in a historic showdown. the first between a sitting president and a former president. and we're learning new details about how both camps are preparing in these critical final hours for president biden were told his campaign wants to focus on domestic issues like the economy and reproductive rights, but on foreign policy biden hopes to paint a sharp contrast and attacked trump as being unfit for office. that's for president. trump. sources tell cnn that there's ramped up urgency to get him prepared for the debate. and that allies are urging him to focus on domestic issues where recent polling shows his head like
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inflation, immigration, and crime we're getting the very latest from both campaigns. let's start at the white house with cnn's priscilla alvarez. so priscilla, it's been a very busy few days for president biden at camp david going through these run-throughs what's the latest there? >> well, today is another one. another day of debate prep for the president at camp david, where he is huddling with his advisors and also doing those mock debates with his advisors preparing for multiple scenarios. now, we're learning a little bit about what the president won't do during the debate. and that is make any policy or personnel announcements but the campaign sees this as an opportunity to draw a stark contrast with former president donald trump on three defining issues being the economy abortion, and democracy. but i'm now being told by sources of the president is very much repairing to go on the offensive on immigration that has been a key issue for former president donald trump. he has slammed biden time and time hi again in the president is preparing to point to his recent executive actions. officials have taken a victory
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lap today saying that it has led to a drop in border crossings and also preparing to call out what they say is for president donald trump's extremist agenda on this very issue. now the president is also expected to talk about foreign policy. this has been a key area of focus for the president amid instability across the globe and what were they thinking? it's very clear the difference between president biden and former president donald trump particularly an underlining one of the key arguments from the biden campaign, which is that trump is dangerous, that he can't hold a second term, that he would particularly pose a danger to democracy and to global stability if he were to take, if you were to win in november. so all these issues are going to be bundled together in this debate stage, the president preparing for all of this. but what they hope to make clear here is again, that contrast between the two candidates on all of these issues preparing for those attacks from were president donald trump, especially on issues like immigration, while
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also making point, making clear the 0.2 americans we may be tuning in for the first time that they think that trump poses a real risk and danger to democracy all right priscilla alvarez live force from the white house and for more now on former president trump's preparations ahead of the big debate, we have seen has landed train with us. >> what's he doing today? lina? >> well, as much as donald trump's team likes to argue that he is not doing as much preparation or really they don't like to use the term debate prep at all. they're really relishing that contrast with joe biden, who has priscilla just laid out, has been at camp david for a week leading up to the debate, donald trump is of course preparing and over the last two days, he's been in meryl logo. he's been continuing to have what his team has dubbing quote, unquote policy discussions more informal opportunities for donald trump to pick the brains of his advisors vp contenders, his former administration, officials, and really walk through a series of key areas that they want him to focus on.
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now, i'm told by donald trump's team that they are really pushing him to talk more about kitchen table issues, then go on a rant about his grievances, something we've seen donald trump do time and time again on the campaign john, really there's three areas that they think he is strong is on and also topics that he pulls better on than joe biden. and that includes a immigration the economy and crime, and it's interesting because those are some of the similar topics that priscilla just laid out that the biden team wants to focus on. but when i talked to trump's team, they really think that those are the issues joe biden then is the most vulnerable on when you look ahead to november. and so those are the key areas that they want to be pushing donald trump two. now, part of that conversation behind the scenes is also to rein in some of that aggressive rhetoric. remember back in 2020, during the first debate between donald trump and joe biden, trump was very aggressive he repeatedly cut joe biden off. he wouldn't really let him get a lot of words. and at one point and we did see donald trump fall in
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the polls shortly after that, it's actually something trump addressed candidly in an interview this week saying, you know, some people say lost that first debate, but that i won the second. so this is something i know that his team has been talking with him about behind the scenes and then the other thing i just want to point your attention to is the expectation game. the way that they are trying to raise the bar. we've heard a lot of donald trump surrogates over the past several days, try to argue that shore, even though over the past several months they've been essentially calling joe biden senile. now they're trying to argue that he's going to be jacked up and basically came in that he's going to be taking something, take a listen to what, how speaker mike johnson said yesterday on cnn oh i'm sorry i think we we don't have that soundbite, but anyway, johnson had told kaitlan collins that he thinks that trump will be or excuse me, joe biden will be taking some sort of energy drinks kind of along the same rhetoric that we've heard in the language we've heard from donald trump himself over the
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past several days back to you guys. >> i can't stand it when a sound bite doesn't fire stealing, but such a good year, like a pro alaina tree. thank you so much for that. let's discuss now with cnn political commentator and democratic strategists, muddy, i gotta do well now we also have with us former trump administration official map hours, medea, let's start with you because there's something that struck me about priscilla's reporting as it relates to what alayna was talking about, the trump campaign sniffs an opportunity when it comes to the issue of immigration, they believe it's a weakness president biden priscilla was just saying biden is going to come out aggressive on immigration yeah. >> and i think that the biden campaign has a terrific opportunity to not just flip the script, but to lay out for the american people that it is president biden his administration and democrats, the ones who are responsible on this issue, the only ones who have actually offered a solution, because when it came time for republicans and trunk to be able to solve a big part of this, which was their border security bill. there one very
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conservative border security bill, donald trump told his people in the senate, don't do this, don't pass this, don't give biden a win because i need this issue. for the election in order to use it as a cudgel. that is very clear to the american people. well, the priorities for donald trump right now, he cares about himself. he cares about using this issue to weaponize it. he doesn't care about solving this. he doesn't care about about giving the american people what they deserve, which is a government that actually works. that's what presented. biden stepped in with his executive action on border security and we have seen with the numbers they are drastically down 40%, less border crossings and now with the recent executive action on expanding legal pathways that common sense balanced approach is what most americans we have seen polls show this. most americans, latinos, swing voters. that's what they want. they understood sanford, that is something that is focused on
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a solution. and so yes, i hope biden comes out strong on this because that is where the american people will really see that stark contrast between who's fighting for them, who's fighting for solutions, and who is in it for himself. how do you think the mat that former president trump is going to address that topic? >> also, address and certainly polls show that immigration maybe something that works for him, but he does have some vulnerabilities on it comes to family separation mother policies. how do you see him addressing well, with all due respect to maria, i'm not sure that as my friends from the south and say that dog don't hunt, right? i just don't see the american people and polls show this are going to bond hi election your conversion from president biden. and the reason they're not is because they've seen what he's been doing in the actions he's been taking since the day he became president. i mean, look, i worked in the state department under president trump i was there when the remain in mexico policy was negotiated. and yet on day one, va executive order, executive action, president biden rescinded the remaining mexico policy. he took additional actions throws the presidency was which is
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actually incentivize folks to come here illegally. and the action he took last week, maria calls expanded pathways to citizenship. a lot of folks will call that amnesty he is now actually on the side of trying to talk and defend illegal immigration. at the same time, when you had president trump just in the last two weeks, talk about expanding legal migration when he's talking about providing visas to those who actually come to the united states to get educated. those would college degrees, giving them an automatic green card to stay here in the united states, so they can then go into work. that's really set up a real big policy debate for tomorrow night. donald trump talked about pathways for legal citizenship versus joe biden last couple of weeks, doubling down on illegal you're talking about election, your conversion what could the same argument be made on on that when it comes to the oncologist, it wouldn't because donald trump trump even 2016, to express some openness to this and he and even some of the immigration hawks like stephen miller and his administration were willing to talk about how you can attract high-skilled labor to the united states they talk about, well, great, but they also they
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also had a congress has hamstring than the the last two years and they've said that this will be a priority. they want to get rid of what they call chain migration folks, you can come here just because a family member has already here, they actually want to change and shift the paradigm of immigration policy here in the united states to make sure it's focused on those with high skills who can contribute to the we can make it, but see what you're saying is not credible because of the language you you mentioned this briana at the language that trump uses when he talks about immigration, and i think he's gonna go full bore on this in the debate and i hope that he does because president biden can turn to him and say you ripped babies from the arms of their mother. you separated families. there's whole generation of immigrants that will grow up without their parents. i am going to do this to make sure that families stay together and that frankly, our workforce is expanded, which is what our corporations and ceos. one, let's put a pin in the immigration conversation because we could dig in on that and be here for hours. >> and i'm sure we'll see some of those arguments at the debate, but i want to ask you matt about temperament because
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alina was just talking about the expectations game, the republican side sort of setting expectations for president biden. they'd been calling him senile are all sorts of illusions to his mental fitness and his age. and now they're talking about him potentially being on on some kind of drug. i think i think that sort of betrays an acknowledges that biden is a bit sharper than they give them credit for. well, look, i mean, clearly present biden can show up for big moments. you saw him do it during the state of the union address now, that was on a teleprompter. that was what the script, in fact, the one moment where he kinda got off script, which was when he had that back-and-forth worth with marjorie taylor greene, he got laken riley's name incorrect. it wasn't the best moment for him, so we'll see how that parlays into debate setting but look, i think the truth is based on temperament. donald trump just needs to try to keep it in between the buoys tomorrow night. and when you go into debate and i've run for office before at lower level, but you're on live television. it's allowed the same human emotions. the goal is, you've
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got some candidates go out there and try to write down every policy prescriptions, that notepad they're given. the smart ones go out and say, what are my guiding points if you're donald trump you should keep just a couple of guiding points. i'm strong. he's week he failed. i won't. and honestly, i'd throw in one last thing if i'm donald trump write down hunter biden, i think he actually has a unique opportunity it's something he's already put out there on truth social to say, you know what, a hunter biden would have been prosecuted for first last name the same way. i would've been prosecuted if i weren't running for president, we need to unify this country i'm going to go out and try unify the country by pardoning hunter biden if he goes out and does those three things keeps about weakness versus shrank, he keeps about the track record under the trump administration the biden ministration and it shows that he has a little ability to unify america. i think he knocks out of the park tomorrow night. >> donald trump is so good at keeping in-between the goalposts, right he is so good at keeping a good temperament, but the biden campaign and president biden does need to be prepared for a donald trump that shows up disciplined and they are they well, absolutely be prepared for that. and that way, i believe the contrast on
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policy and yes, on temperament and on fitness for office will be even starker and will be a great thing for president biden. well, this was a great debate this one, let's see how tomorrow so on we'll get podiums next time. that way it's up to mute your microphones if he spoke, so thank you for that maria, man. appreciate it. be sure to watch the first presidential debate of the 2024 election moderated by our jake tapper and dana bash, that will er, live tomorrow at 9:00 p.m. eastern on cnn and max and ahead this hour on cnn news central, the supreme court handing the biden administration really in an election year when what this latest ruling allows the white house to do plus appearing inside a glass cage with his head shaved. we're following the first day of american evan gershkovich has espionage trial in russia and new concerns about critical drug shortages in the fight. again, cancer.
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these major stories and more, coming up, this our on cnn news central the most anticipated moment of discipline lecture in the stakes couldn't be higher. >> the president and the former president, one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash to cnn presidential debate tomorrow live on cnn and streaming on max three body serie, a city client uses city's financial expertise to help drive its growth and keep it supplied plane moving, some more pet parents can get everything they need, right when they need it keeping more pets and families happy for the love of moving our clients forward, for the love of progress someone needs to customize and save hundreds with liberty mutual white,
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abortion law which bans the procedure in nearly all cases. and what's really interesting about this is we were not supposed to become aware of this day, right? >> yeah. the supreme court had announced their set of decisions for the day we were waiting until tomorrow, possibly friday, possibly even two monday to get the rest of their decisions. it's been a blockbuster session for the court and this was apparently amy advertently posted on line. we should note that this may not be the final ruling. there may be some word changes, right. but it hasn't been released by the court yet. a copy of this opinion was obtained by bloomberg law it appeared briefly on the court's website as the justices were issuing two other opinions earlier in the day, what's notable about this is that last year to the month when the supreme court overturned roe versus wade, we all knew about it because it was leaked. that decision to the press ahead of time two years ago rather two years ago?
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yeah. that's right. and so we had this sort of preview of it, different situation horse, but that same effect, right? of the cat's out of the bag and we await the issue that is so central to potentially the election yeah, that's right. and we have our paula reid here with us now to talk about this polo what and unusual situation when it comes to a blockbuster ruling here. yeah, truly a astonishing. this reporting comes from our colleagues at bloomberg law. they're reporting what they describe as an opinion from the supreme court. now they also acknowledged in an updated version of their story that this may not be the final opinion and this is the biggest abortion case that the supreme court would rule on since it overturned roe v. wade. and they say what they saw briefly on the website would allow abortions to be performed in emergency situations in idaho to protect the health of a mother. now, this case focused
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on the question of what you do when you have a very restrictive state law in this case in idaho, only had exception to allow abortion when the life of a mother is at risk. but that came up against a more permissive federal law that would allow abortions to be were to require abortions to be performed to protect the health or a catastrophic off a consequence for the mother. now, again, this is one of the biggest abortion-related questions to go before the supreme court. and here are the supreme court has issued a statement about what appears to be another leak, saying that yes, confirming a document was inadvertently and briefly uploaded to the for its website. they stress that the quote, opinion in the case has not been released and would be issued in due course. but as you said before, what is truly astonishing, of course, the decision would be significant. what does astonishing is this is this second time that a massive abortion-related decision would have been leaked out of the supreme court. now bloomberg law also reporting that what they saw would have
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been a 6-3 decision with justices thomas alito and gorsuch dissenting paula, please standby. we want to bring in cnn's joan biskupic who tracks the supreme court closely as well. and joan, that the reporting here suggests the court is going, to say that it shouldn't have acted so rationally, that is going to let the litigation proceed in the normal course. i'm reading here some analysis by cnn supreme court analyst and professor steve vladeck effectively, this means that the injunction allows emergency abortions in idaho to go back into effect as the appeal to the ninth circuit continues. so effectively, joan, in late payments terms, this means that this is a temporary victory for the biden administration it very much is because the justices intervened in this case when lower court proceedings were still going on, they took it and they even put a pause on a district court's decision. >> a district court judge had said that the way the idaho law was impinging on the federal
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protection of emergency room procedures was actually putting women's physical and emotional health at risk. so there had been a lower court judge who said no, this idaho law cannot surpass a federal law dating to the 1986 that guarantees needy people access to emergency rooms. and as the biden administration said, even for women who would be suffering complications of a pregnancy and might need an emergency abortion. so the justices went and intervened. obviously they now realize they intervene. premium a truly the language that bloomberg has reported is called dismissed as in providence only granted. now boras that does sound legalistic, but what it basically says is we're not touching this. we took it, we should not have taken it, which should not have interfered with that lower court ruling. that essentially was going to let the proceedings on the merits to play out. so to really important points here. the
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first is that women in emergency situations as i say, from any kind of complications from pregnancy or anything else that would require for their own health? to be able to obtain an abortion procedure in an emergency room would still be able to have what would now be able to obtain it. the supreme court had let that idaho law to take effect over federal protections. the other thing that is so astonishing, and that is really laid at the feet of the supreme court more than the the past abortion leak in the dobbs case two years ago. is it this with the justice's their court personnel apparently inadvertently putting up this decision on the website briefly today and seen by bloomberg seen by bloomberg. and they obviously were able to see it enough to know that those three far-right conservatives were dissenting from this, this order essentially throwing out case and probably writing something about why it should be thrown out and that that
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became public out of out of the normal course and one final thing just for politics and the fact that we've got our cnn debate tomorrow night is that as you both know, briana and boris, abortion is it's one of the most critical issues for political campaigns that are under way. and what it looks like. again, just if we're just going in a cut-through, how this came to light and just think of substantively what's happening here is that it looks like the court is essentially kinda sidestepping, removing so from the debate over abortion, at least in this chapter, by saying they're not going to rule of course, they still have out there. their momentous decision of two years ago when they struck down constitutional abortion rights nationwide in that dobbs case. but this means that there's not a second chapter from the supreme court. if indeed it plays out the way it looks it's like it's playing out according to the bloomberg's obtaining of this
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draft draft document. >> yeah. raises a lot of questions about that. joan, if you can stand come by for us, we do have four questions for you, but i do want to bring paula reid back in. apollo. i understand. you have some new information. we have the full statement from the supremum court. i referenced it earlier when we're breaking this story, but in response to the reporting from bloomberg law, the supreme court has issued a statement and we're to read it in full. they're saying, quote, the opinion and moyle v. united states and idaho, the united states, this case has not been released. the court's publications unit inadvertently and briefly uploaded a document to the courts website. the court's opinion and moyle view, united states and idaho, the united states, will be issued in due course so it seems in this statement they are making a differentiation between documents, documents and an opinion where he's in questions about whether what bloomberg law reports that it saw was the final opinion. now, in their story we've also acknowledges that it's not
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clear if what they saw on the website ease. in fact the final opinion here now, we will find out soon enough, we expect that these major opinions will be released in the coming days. but as you in joan were just talking thinking about a lot of folks have been wondering and waiting for the trump immunity decision. but this abortion-related decision is one that could potentially have really the biggest impact on the outcome of the 2024 races in november because it has been an issue that historically as galvanized, a lot of conservatives. but after roe v. wade was overturned, it is something that democrats have actually used to turn out their votes. so the actual opinion in this case really matters. so it will be interesting to see over the next few days if the supreme court releases this and if it is indeed the final opinion, or if what? bloomberg says that it saw was merely a draft, but it appears in the statement from the supreme court, they were referring to it as a document, insisting that the opinion has not been released. but will be released into court john just a question about logistics here to the
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point that apologists made in the statement, the court describing this as a document and not an action tooele opinion. >> if this document largely matches the opinion when it's released, why wasn't the opinion than just released today? >> okay. i think that's a great question. and this is what sometimes will happen, is that there'll be close to issuing it and someone feels like it needs to be pulled back. opinions on occasion are pulled back for you to maybe in this case, i bet it's something in the dissent when the justices dismiss the cases in providence granted nothing. they do that in just one sentence. the majority in this case would be just saying we dismiss this case as in prominently granted perhaps any of the six the likely six in the majority might be writing some sort of concurrence to explain. they often do not do that, but let's just say for purposes of argument about what was not completely done here, even
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though it appears that we really do know the outcome. but let's just say that either those justices who were in the majority, the chief justice is kavanagh, amy coney barrett, a elana kagan, sonia sotomayor justice ketanji brown jackson. that would be the liberals, and then key conservatives, they're the ones who believed that this case should have been in prominently granted. that means accepted on appeal and they might they might be writing some extra phonation. as i said normally, you just get that one sentence dismiss dozen prominently granted. but in this case, since according to bloomberg, we know who the three dissenters are from that justices clarence thomas neil gorsuch, and samuel alito they likely, under most circumstances would have wanted to say something about that. they would have been this case was argued the last week in april and i presume that the reason we didn't get this order dismissing this case is
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in prevalently granted soon after. is that those three dissenters had something to say about it. there's something probably quite angrily to say about why the justices should have actually handle this case and probably given what they those three individual said during oral arguments, they probably think idaho should prevail here that either idaho should be able to can completely ban any abortions even in emergency rooms, unless it's to prevent a woman's death. not in regards to just her health, to prevent a woman step. so possibly and boris and briana, i am just speculating what the problem was today are what the problem has been over these last couple of months when they hadn't ruled is that those three people were writing a descent and maybe it appeared that that dissenting opinion was finished. but for one reason or another, it got pulled back or maybe as i say there could have been some other writings. so that would be why this happened now, they've obviously laid the blame here at what did they say the document production can
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unite the post these things that it's probably not a good day for that team at all. but they're obviously was some miscommunication and as youtube both know, today was a very unusual day at the supreme court where they issued only two opinions. so it's likely this one could have been ready and slotted for today, but whoever pulled it back didn't get the message to everyone. apparently, and as bloomberg says, at least according to its report, it was up only brief flee and as far as we know no other news organization had spotted it. and i have to say our team and teams across american, anybody who knows how the 4 it works would have been on that website this morning looking to see what opinions were released because i'm in the courtroom when this happens, but everybody else is looking on there their electronic dock it to see what are they revealing? what are they revealing? and we saw two cases, but bloomberg was
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fortunate enough in the news business to expire this one, but i don't know that anybody else has so far at least. yeah. when you have that many eyes on site, it's a wonder, but somehow bound to see he had and they did. joan. all right. stand-by force if you would, we're joined now by dr. qarrah cad walter, who is a physician in idaho who have spoken to throughout this case doctor, what is your reaction to? and we're awaiting this is the court is calling this a document, but this does appear to be certainly the court poised to allow abortions in medical emergencies in idaho according to that document, are honestly posted. what's your reaction to that? >> hi, thanks for having me. well, what course we're still waiting for the opinion to be officially released. but very excited to hear that this document indicates likely that the court is going to hand the
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case back down and that the injunction we'll be back in place and beyond all the political reasons, it's incredibly important for pregnant patients here in idaho who now we'll be able to access emergency care appropriately if they are facing a threat to their health no are there written separately
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to say that she would not have voted to dismiss this case. >> she said, quote, today's decision is not a victory for pregnant patients in idaho. it is delay i'm wondering though, regarding something you said, if you could give us an example of a situation where an abortion is needed. but banned currently under idaho's abortion law sure. so a common reason would be that a patient has rupture of their membranes. so the bag of waters ruptures too early in the pregnancy, weeks before the fetus can potentially survive outside of the uterus. and in that situation beishan, there's very high risk for bleeding and infection to the woman and really negligible chance that this pregnancy can continue on. and in that situation, the appropriate care would be an abortion regardless of whether the pregnancy was desired and
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currently, we are unable to do that because the current the removal of the emtala protection meant that we could only provide that abortion if it was clear that the woman's life was in danger. so we needed to basically pushed her to the brink of death wherever that line is. and in medicine that's not a clear line before providing appropriate care. and so when i was on a few weeks ago, what has been happening in the situation because it's unethical and untenable to do that does that women are being shipped out of our state for their pregnancy care for a very simple procedure that we can safely performed for them in idaho. but the lack of emtala protection no longer let us do you're talking about in some cases, pushing women into a state of sepsis, which becomes
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very unpredictable, right? i mean, then the line becomes very blurred between whether you can save their lives that's exactly right. because it it's not like a light switch where someone's on the brink of death and then we flip a switch and they're fine again. >> there's no clear line, as you said, where if we wait too long, the reason we don't wait is all right, we're trying we unfortunately lost her signal. >> there as we're talking to dr. codd, walter, but we think for very much that's obviously impacts her state and physicians like her so much. >> yeah, huge moment of breaking news. the supreme court apparently inadvertently posting this ruling document, not yet an opinion on emergency abortions cool. of course, keep an eye on this and bringing the very latest as we get it. stay
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court is saying in a statement they put out since they're calling it a document, and this was obtained by bloomberg law so everyone in basically was on this website checking it out, trying to get these documents. so what what rulings were coming out today? bloomberg law happened to see this extra one so this is a really bombshell ruling that is coming about emergency abortions in idaho. >> yeah, let's bring it now as cnn's chief legal affairs correspondent, paula reid and paula the distinction here with this decision is that idaho's law allows for exceptions for abortion in the case of a life life-threatening issue for a patient but this stops short of there being a life-threatening issue for the patient, right? >> exactly. it's sides with federal law that would allow abortion to be for performed in emergencies that don't necessarily threaten the life of the mother, but i want to emphasize this reporting is coming from bloomberg law, david, this point not posted. i what they say is an opinion on
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this huge huge issue we have also not confirmed this ourselves. so the supreme court has in a statement confirmed that way but they describe as a document was inadvertently released, but this would be the second time that a massive abortion-related case with leak out of the supreme court before in opinion is officially released, a stunning breach of protocol. now, reached out to several of the stakeholders involved in this case. of course, the justice department argue this case for the federal government. they are declining to comment the white house also had a lot at stake here are they've been bracing for a decision in this specific case, calling a potential loss, quote, devastating, but this point, they are also declining to comment until the actual opinion is officially released from the court. now, the trump campaign also could weigh in here. we're of course, just about 36 hours out from this this key debate, but they are also unlikely to weigh in here, again, will a lot of people have been waiting for the trump immunity decision. other big cases out of the supreme court,
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all eyes really been on this abortion case for the impact fact that it could potentially have on the election in november. and here, the court appearing to side with the biden administration iv, though they didn't get into the larger constitutional and legal questions. this appeared here's to be a win for the biden administration based on the merits of what they argued. but again, we have not seen this opinion. bloomberg law has not posted it. and while the supreme court says that a document was the advertently posted, they said that the official opinion has not been released, but will be in due course yeah. it's a good point. paula bloomberg has not posted the actual document meant i want to bring you in joan biskupic to talk about this. so we haven't seen this, but what bloomberg is calling it is a copy of the opinion. then you have the court calling this a document. but clearly it is reading as an opinion when bloomberg is looking at it, they're clearly familiar with what an opinion looks like what do you make of this? and also just speak to the timing
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because we talked about the court adding some days. we do have an incredibly important debate that is happening tomorrow night between these candidates trump and biden portion is a big issue. there has been a question about whether they might consider something like that as they are releasing some of blockbuster decisions. and this would certainly he one of those that's right breed. >> this is probably of all the cases they have in terms of like social policy dilemmas, this would be the most important and it's chapter that's following from two years ago when the justices overturned all constitutional rights to abortion. so the question is, what kind of abortion access is left in america? and the biden administration through the use of this law that dates to 1986, had said that women should at least be able to get emergency care in hospitals that would allow abortions if needed for complications of pregnancy or other health needs. so that's that's kind of the substantive
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issue >> is to prevent a woman's death, it would have certainly reverberated in politics at tomorrow night's debate. and throughout, throughout the campaign this year. but one thing i want to mention about what we what it appears we know about their order in terms of dismissing this case is in providence granted, which is what bloomberg says they're going to do on with that rather than two descent as justices thomas
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gorsuch and alito did. but that she had a caution about how this really isn't that much of a victory for women. it does keep the state of play. it does mean that emergency abortions in idaho could continue while this litigation plays out in lower courts. but it sounds like bores from what you read from the story is that she was complaining that american women and physicians and everyone who has a stake in these kinds of dilemmas really needs an answer on the extent of this federal law that's in tended to prevent women from being turned away from emergency rooms if they might for important health reasons, needed an abortion. so she obviously had something to say that might come out when they finally issue this. just so you guys know the justices will take the bench tomorrow, thursday today, and on friday and likely into next week. and
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we'll now see exactly how this played out and who was also writing in this, not just saying, we're just missing the case at this point, but having taking issue with that on one side or the other for us and brianna and potentially, will there be any difference between this ruling document and the actual opinion that's issued even though we haven't seen the ruling document. yeah. i think it's probably only a matter of time before winds up potentially, again, inadvertently being posted online. job askew, pick. thanks so much for the perspective we're going to take a quick break. we'll be right back baked, in america as biden that trump meet and only cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled access and exclusive pre and post a beat analysis. >> follow cnn for every countless moment, followed debate night in america tomorrow its 7:00 p.m. i was so excited to buy my first home, but i needed a lot of work done on it. i went onto an steve, jamie was the first person to call these resurface my fluorine. he's done plumbing
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hey, mom, how many should i decorated? have ran have blue. >> that's a really tough call. who are you if you look at the latest data? you're, probably going to need a lot of those purple sprinkles how this guy really knows his stuff you're following breaking news out of the supreme court inadvertently posting an abortion ruling document on their website. one that sides with the biden administration over the question of whether patients can have access to abortion in idaho before getting to the point of a potential risk to the life of the mother we're joined now by dr. kara cod, while of cad wallander. forgive me for the pronunciation their doctor, but i appreciate that we've got the technical issues fixed so where does this case had now, if the supreme court is basically handing it back to the lower court yeah. >> so it goes back to the lower
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court to proceed and unfortunately, even though this is good news, we know that that's now going to plod through the lower courts and. we will still await the decision of whether our federal law called emtala protects not just pregnant patients, but everyone in the country and whether the lower courts will rule, hopefully that pregnant patients in idaho have the same access to emergency care that everyone else does. so as we spoke about earlier, while this is encouraging, that the supreme court handed it back and has reinstated the injunction, meaning that we can now provide emergency care to pregnant patients appropriately. it still doesn't answer the overall question of whether our pregnant patients in our country deserve the standard of care, both in emergency situations and non-emergency situations as you as you wait
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for that, the core of the issue to be decided is your hope that the court, citing on at least temporarily allowing this care where it doesn't have to get to the point that a mother's life is in danger, that if her health is in danger, she can receive abortion care. >> so that you aren't as you described, having to medevac pregnant women who are miss carrying but have not fully miscarried out of the state to get their care. is your hope that this is a tip of the hand that when the court may actually take up this core issue down the line, that this may be where they fall on it why i sure hope so. i it's been hard court to predict as i think, you all know who follow him so closely and we have so many restrictions, not just an idaho, but in many states that make pregnancy care much harder to obtain, especially for our folks who bar already have
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difficult access to care, so we are hoping that there will be a final ruling in this case that says that emtala our federal protections do indeed provide protections for pregnant women in all emergency situations, just like they do with all other americans. and then we still have many battles to fight, right? because we still in an idaho and other states have an extremely restrictive abortion law that essentially is a complete ban, except for emergency situations. and we know that delaying access to abortion care in our country has worse outcomes for patients more maternal deaths and so we have a lot of work to do, even if this decision does support emergency care for all all right. dr. qarrah, headwater. thank you so much for being with us as we are following our breaking news. the u.s. supreme court appearing poised to allow a merchant didn't see abortions in idaho, at least
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temporarily as the core of this issue works its way through the courts. this coming in just a kind of jaw-dropping way. a document accidentally being posted on line by the supreme court, then taken down. but bloomberg law got their hands on it and we are following their reporting here. we'll have more just ahead and stay with us i'm thinking i'm going to die and i thought that was it. >> earth with we have schreiber sunday at nine on cnn flowing my cancer from growing and living longer are two things i want from my metastatic breast cancer treatment. >> and with kiss golly, i can have both because scaly is a pill that when taken with an aromatase inhibitor, helps delay cancer from growing and has been proven to help people live significantly longer across three separate clinical trials. >> so i have the confidence to live my life because scaly can cause lung problems or an abnormal heartbeat which can
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