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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  June 27, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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something get a wide shot. all the heads are not there. all at least say but i actually, but fundamentally it doesn't change. joe biden's task, which is again, tried to put donald trump on the defensive on the things where he's vulnerable and to show the country that he would be a dangerous and unfit option for a second term. so whether what that means styling let's stick leave for trump and for biden will see tonight. but i think biden's task remains the same regardless, we've got 30 seconds quick. last point. yeah. no, i agree with that the downside is jumping get all the benefits from interrupting biden without any of the detriments by been seem interrupting biden. >> yeah. my audience benefits trump because he lives and breathes off of the audience reaction. i think this is going to be a good night for him. >> yeah, the audience we haven't actually dug in too much to the fact that there is not going to be an audience tonight, really going to, i mean, it's the first time in years, years, though i will say the cpd debates, they had not
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against, but they were just potted plants. >> i mean, it's not like they actually participated in the debate. no disrespect to the cpd maturity. >> and ultimately your audiences to television audience exactly. >> it's really the only one that matters when you're in the hall, your perception of actually how it plays it's really muted. all right, thank you very much to our panel. thanks to all of you for joining us on this incredibly consequential day. i'm kasie hunt. don't go anywhere. cnn news central starts right now say the words. >> debate de in america, this is special coverage of cnns to store it presidential debates. so special, we are in atlanta so special, even we have to sit down. the first ever debate between a current president and a former president. the earliest general election debate ever which also means this is the first time a general election debate is being held with neither candidate officially nominated
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yet by their parties. but i digress stakes, even the campaigns are admitting they are sky high and there's new reporting this morning on the last-minute preps for both candidates and last-minute details on how they plan to take each other on we are standing by for president biden and donald trump to arrive in atlanta when they do look at a walk-through of the stage before the big show, which is exactly where are sara sidner is right now? >> that is right. i am standing on the debate stage where who resident biden and former president trump will face off in the historic debate. now, we got to tell you, we're going to give you a behind the scenes look at how the candidates will see the debate and how you will see the debate and all the new rules they'll have to wrangle with a new our cnn news central starts right now as we repair for this historic debate all
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right i am standing here on the debate. this is a historic moment on several levels. first of all, we've never seen a president and vice president debate each other to become the president again. second of all, this is a very different stage. they have a lot of different rules. and so i want to give you a look at exactly what they will be experiencing and what you will be experiencing. so here we are the candidates will be standing here on the stage. president biden will becoming from your screen left president trump will be becoming for further brighton become for your screen, right. president trump will becoming from your screen luck, each of the candidates will have two minutes to answer. the moderators questions they will have one minute for rebuttal after that. and then if the moderators decide that need to clarify something that we'll get another minute, but i want to give you an idea of what they are going to see. my part
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of her, tony is going to come around here to show you their view of this large room. we will see there is where the moderator will sit. are dana bash and jake tapper will sit in those two chairs and be speaking directly to the president of former president asking the questions. we also are giving you a look at what they have. they are not allowed to have notes during this debate, but they are allowed to have a notepad and a pen already set up here for both of them let me give you some sense of just how close they will be, because this is unusual as well they're basically within reach of one another about eight feet apart. and then they're going to see exactly when they are actually on camera and actually speaking in, the audience can hear them. and when they're not, because they're gonna be looking at life on cameras far over there. and they will see when it is flashing yellow, they have 15 seconds to finish up their answer when it is flashing red five seconds left.
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and when it is still and it's just read the mic, will be turned off. and how were they know if they're not looking up at that moment? there are two little lights here that will be green when they are speaking to let them know that their microphone is on and it will be turned off when the mics are muted. you know that that is one of the things that is a bit different now. but the really big difference that could have an impact on these candidates is that if you look around the room here and i'll give you a 360 view. what do you notice no chairs no audience will see who that affects more king john. yeah, it really is remarkable how close they are on the stage there i was standing there last night. >> and you can touch both of electrons. these are two guys who haven't been in the same room. yeah, since 2020. and before that, it's not like they spent a lot of time together all of a sudden, the most important 90 minutes may of their political lives, they can make in fear. hear. each other breathe me frantically, feel it there within touching distance. and i'm not sure they like
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each other very much so you can imagine how uncomfortable look can check no handshake. that's like the least of the worries, but that's always a question when they walk on stage and other going to be, you know, reach out and touch someone there definitely be able to do that tonight. >> all right. we will get back to the debate room very shortly. in the meantime, how are the candidates? spending the day? cnn's alayna treene, who covers the trump campaign. she is in the spin room. that's a good luck in room behind you there, alayna, let's talk about donald trump. what's he doing right now? >> well luck. i mean donald trump and his team have been preparing over the last several days behind closed doors at mar-a-lago and a lot of the conversation has been trying to steer donald trump towards staying on message. that is something that has been very hard for the former president to do in the past. we see him austin on the campaign trail, go on long grants and talking about his personal grievances. that is something donald trump's campaign does not want him to do. another thing i'm told that his team are really
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advising him on as he has him to today is to stay away from personal attacks on joe biden. remember, in 2020, donald trump level the series of personal attacks on biden, including bringing up his son, hunter biden. there are questions today over whether he will go into the recent conviction for hunter biden and his gun case. all of that are things that donald trump's team does not want him to talk about. they want him to stay focused on three key issues, including the economy, the border crime all areas where he is pulling better than joe biden. now, i'm also told behind the scenes just to get into a little bit of what sarah was walking you all through with this debate setup it's been really interesting in my conversations. there's been a bit of a change in how trump's team views the debate rules. one with the microphones being shut off. initially, they didn't like that. they wanted him to be able to continue speaking to interrupt if he needed to however, i'm told in recent days, they've really changed their thought on that. they actually think, you know what this might be better to keep him from coming off as aggressive as she did back in
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2020 in that first debate with biden. the other thing about the audience, they also are starting to believe that's more of a positive as well. donald trump likes to feed off a crowd. he often gets his energy and takes cues from people in the audience with their no being, there, being no audience tonight on that debate stage. and in that room donald trump, they think will be able to more easily stay on message. >> so let, uh, you are in the spin room, which is a remarkable magical place because it is a room where after the debate, people will come and tell you that both candidates, one, you will hear from both campaigns no matter what happens on that stage, that their candidate won what, what do you think it's gonna be like? at roughly 10:33 p.m. tonight i mean, well, first of all, you can see that it's quite empty behind me. >> it's very early in the morning here in about 12 hours. that'll be an entirely different case. there's going to be roughly 1,000 journalists here. we're told from 35 different countries 321073,
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321073173, excuse me, different networks. this room is going to be packed. it's going to be standing room only if you see this a stage area behind me that's where the spinning will actually be happening. you're going to have surrogates from the trump campaign, from the biden campaign, all of them touting their candidates performance, like you said, john, regardless of what happens claiming that their candidate one. and so we're going to see a lot of that spin. it's why it's called the spin room here tonight, shortly after that debate embargoed until delivery. this is from both campaigns. we want to train great to see you this morning. thanks so much. >> saclay. >> we won we won. and let me think about that again. i think we want president biden has been at camp david for days in prep sessions for tonight's debate. cnn has learned, among the things he's preparing for is to defend not only his politics, but also his family, specifically his son hunter, from trump's insults and attack, cnn's kayla tausche is with us here in atlanta. get great to see you. >> good to see you so biden will be arriving later this
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afternoon. it'll be heading to georgia a little later this morning. what are you hearing about last minute today? preps what where are they setting expectations for president biden by his nature, is a night owl and i spoke to some sources late last night. they had long working days at camp david, and when i asked about whether they had finished mock debates, is that the schedule is still fluid and there was room in the schedule for potential last mock date today, even if they if the president woke up and felt like that was something he wanted to do to get some last last-minute preparation. and so they'll they'll head down to atlanta midday today and they've been refining all sorts of attack it's counter attacks on both foreign and domestic policy as well as things have a personal nature. landon just reported that president trump's team does not want him to level those personal attacks, but they came before and the president's team has wanted to prepare him for them one adviser that i spoke to use the mike tyson quote to describe the nature of these preparations, saying everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face and i wanted president biden to be able to absorb those first punches to really real from the potential for very, very personal attacks in private so
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that he could compose himself and then craft a come back from there. as far as the opening protocol goes, this has been an area of fascination for a lot of people. will they shake hands? will there be yeah, two of them given how close their podiums are? and while i'm told that the biden camp doesn't expect president to extend a hand 4 handshake. they can't possibly anticipate what donald trump will do. and so they don't want to premeditate what could potentially happen on stage, but they do expect him to call the former president donald as he did in 2020, except in instances where there might be some utility in tying him to the presidency, specifically, where january 6 is concerned to say that he was the president, then he had the keys to the castle. he could have done something about it and he didn't to put him in that role and show in the biden camps view how he failed in that role. so that's something to watch for tonight as far as what eating your radius looks like if you're president biden, he loves pasta with red sauce. he loves coke zero in
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orange gatorade. i asked an advisor what he would be eating before the debate. they said, we don't know it will be eating before or after. we'll just have to see how the schedule plays out. all so many unknowns, but so many unknown to talk about setting an expectation, uh, mike tyson quote on how you're approaching this it's the best mic and i knew that was coming the video. and i have to say yes, both candidates will say we won, but i hate to inform you that you will have to suffer through at least 1,000 rapid response press releases in your inbox before we will get to that, we'll take we'll take it for this huge moment in presidential history. it's good to see you. goodbye. great detail there. this is the first time, as we said, the donald trump and president blind will be in the same room since 2020 they're gonna be like this close to each other three, this is three, almost this close, just as awkward as it is for us right now, it will be for them later on. we've got some new reporting on an ad campaign that the biden campaign has on the way. and then a draft opinion, one of the most critical supreme court cases of the term was accidentally
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leaked to online. what it can mean for abortion access around the country. and cnn gets access to the boeing production floor. see what has changed as the company tries to recover from major safety lapses the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. >> the president, and though former president, one stage, moderated by jake tapper and dana bash the cnn presidential debate tonight at nine live on cnn and streaming on max can the, riva support your brain health? married janet, hey eddie, now, frazer, franck. franck, brad, how are you brad, fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the new riva brain health challenge luck and good guys glasses from the
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favorite pair of jeans today. i'm taylor available on the apple app store or android come at me sharks. let's do this. it's theta versus shark in the ultimate strike past shark week, just gotta hundred percent more, john c. sharp reposted by me, johnson it's sunday, july 7 and discovery it stream on max just ahead of the most important one of the most important moments of the presidential election so far, the biden campaign is looking to capitalize launching a media blitz of sorts across digital
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and print outlets targeting voters of all demographics, really trying to push their message. >> the dangers they see of a second donald trump presidency. it's a multi-million-dollar rollout which highlights also the fact that the biden campaign is well aware of what is on the line tonight when the president and donald trump take the stage, joining us right now as the communications director for the biden campaign, michael tyler, it's good to see you this morning. very early morning for a very long night. you guys are all well, we will all be watching together. what is the president? doing today? what's the ritual? what's the plan for today? yeah. well, thank you so much for having me happy to beit day listen, the president is just making final preparations to present his clear vision for where he wants to take the country over the course of the next four years in making sure that the american people understand the fundamental choice in this flexion. he's going to talk about the work that he wants to continue to do to build an economy that grows and middle out in the bottom-up that he wants to do to protect americans fundamental rights and freedoms in fundamentally protect our democracy. and he's going to contrast that
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against his opponent in donald trump, who is now running a campaign as a convicted felon based upon revenge, based upon retribution in service of him self. and so he's making the final preparations to present that fundamental choice to the american people. >> the way that donald trump and allies have described are set expectations if you will, has evolved in recent weeks in terms of what they think they're coming up against in joe biden trump saying that thinking he's one of the worst debaters of saying biden's one of the the worst debaters of all time that he can't put two sentences together, two now more recently saying, hearing people say that no, joe biden is an experience of beta are formidable opponent. where are you willing to set expectations for? >> listened, i think that the trump team is playing games that we've always seen them. do. they like to use debates? is entertainment process. they like to complain about debates sometimes they skip out on debates. the president will be there tonight. we still assume that donald trump will be there as well. but listen, the fact of the matter is they play these games because they know on the issues that matter, mostly the american people, donald trump is a loser, right?
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when you talk about the things that the president said he wants to talk to donald trump about the role that donald trump played and overturning roe v. wade, the american people mentally disagree with that. donald trump still thinks that the extreme state-level abortion bans that he's responsible for are playing out brilliantly when you talk about the type of economy that donald trump wants to return us to where he's out on the stump talking about more tax breaks for the ultra-wealthy, more give out giveaways for corporations, the american people fundamentally really disagree with that. and of course, when you talk about the threat that donald trump poses to our democracy, most evidently seen on january 6, but every day, again out on the stump it as maga rallies where he's promising to pardon the insurrectionist january 6. the vast majority the american people, again disagree with that. so he doesn't want to talk about the issues going into the debate. but the problem for him is he is going to have to answer for all of those things. on the debate stage tonight. also proving michael tyler has done debate prep as well do does president biden need to win tonight? listen, i think all the president has to do is lay out the fundamental choice in this election between the president who is fighting relentlessly. >> 4, the american, winning if
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he's seen as needing to kick the rust off, like we've seen with incumbent debates. and when they come out within hubbard presidents and first-base, if he's seen, is that how is that fatal for your campaign? well, listen, the president is ready. the president is excited. the president knows that all he has to do is present the fundamental choice in this election two the american people between himself, who's fighting for the american people every day, and donald trump is gonna be on that debate stage fighting for himself. that's going to be what the american people see it in items. do you think donald trump is a strong debater? >> listen, i think donald trump likes to play games. he likes to ran, he likes to wave. but frankly, this debate is not going to hinge on donald trump's demeter. the problem for donald trump is going to be everything that comes out of his mouth. the maga extremism that he is spewing, that he's been spewing at maga rallies since he first launched this campaign. talking about being a dictator on day one, talking about a bloodbath. if he doesn't win this election. talking about again, the extreme state-level abortion bans that he's responsible for planning out brilliantly. that's all stuff that the american people have not seen by enlarge. and so regardless of if he's crazy, donald trump that we've seen in 20 it seems are 2020, or if he tries to act
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presidential, the problem is going to be his maga agenda, that the american people are going to see in primetime tonight. >> michael, a georgia voter told john king this i don't feel comfortable with biden's age and i don't feel comfortable with trump's mouth. how is president biden going to address the age question tonight? >> well, listen, i think first and foremost, the president said it's fair for the american people to consider age. they should watch him when watch his performance. but what you're going to see tonight is not going to be a contrast of age, right? joe biden's 81-years-old donald trump is 78-years-old. what the debate will be as a contrast and the agent for their ideas everything that joe biden is going to talk about is how we take this country forward, how we continue to bring people together to find solutions to improve people's lives. everything donald trump is gonna be talking about is about how we take this country backwards. he wants extreme state-level abortion bans that take us back in time. he wants an economy that takes us back to the type of mess that he left us with when he left office as the president would be worse jobs record since herbert hoover. and of course, he wants to fundamentally tear down our democracy something
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that's been fundamental of his nation since its founding in 17, 76. so everything donald trump is talking about is about taking us backwards. everything the president is talking about, it's about taking us forward. that's the contrast. the age of the ideas that the american people you mentioned, the economy, it still stands as the most important issue for voters it's still in all the polling. just one on tuesday from reuters, which of the two candidates had a better approach for the economy? we're just are voters pick donald trump 43 to biden's 47. if i've asked this of all the president's economic advisors to come on the show i will ask it now of the campaign, if the presence, economic policies are working so well. why aren't people feeling it? why aren't people giving credit to him? how is he going to answer that? yeah. well, that's exactly what a campaign is. >> four, that's exactly what tonight's like. nights like tonight or for this campaigns job is to remind the american people have be historic, record of economics listening now, we live in an incredibly fractured and fragmented media environment. i think everybody understands that we have to relentlessly communicate and reach the voters that are going to decide this election. and that's exactly what we're doing. so we have to work cross
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all of our channels eight to remind people of the 15 million jobs created since this president took office, the 800,000 manufacturing jobs created since this president took office, the work that the president has done well, we're costs for americans cap and the cost of insulin at 35 bucks a month for our seniors. the $2,000 out-of-pocket prescription drug capture seniors, the work that he wants to do to continue to expand those capture everybody in a second term. and of course, contrast that against donald trump because we know every single i think he's talking about would only worsen the gap between the ultra-wealthy and the rest of us. more corporate giveaways, more tax handouts. moody's put out a report saying that donald trump's economic policies would lead to another recession by 2025 would only explode inflation. and so that's the fundamental contrast that we have to present. for the duration of the campaign that the president is going to present tonight on the debate stage. and when the american people here that they're going to fundamentally understand who is fighting for them an economy that works for them, and who is fighting for an economy that works for himself. that's what donald trump is going everyone very much looking forward to seeing how this plays out tonight. and i know you're looking forward to it as well. it's great to see you. thanks for coming.
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thank you. thank you so much for your time all right. >> coming up new data shows americans are facing the most unfavorable housing market since the 80s just how long economists say it will be before things improve. and we are taking you to the capital of kenya as a one million people marches, getting underway earlier this week, we saw violent clashes. protesters against police police ended up killing almost two dozen people debate in america as biden that trump meet and only cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled access and exclusive pre and post of beit analysis follows cnn for every countless moment followed debate in america tonight, at 7:00 p.m. getting ready know 45 minutes doing three seconds flat when light plays dirty water wipes
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start your will. i trust and we'll dot com and make it account july 4 cnn concert event. with performance is by keith urban ashanti, maybe wrexham, the killers and many more go forth in, america. thursday, july 4 as seven eastern on cnn this morning, economist at bank of america, say the housing market will be in their words, stuck in till 2026 or later, and they expect
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already sky high rates and home prices to keep on climbing seen as egan is here with the latest mat well, john unfortunately, bank of america does expect this housing market to remain stuck until 2026 or even later. >> it's a sobering forecast because we know a lot of americans would like to buy right now, but they can't write not at these prices. and these mortgage rates three reasons why bank of america is saying that this is going to stay this way for years to come. one, they're saying that prices are going to go even higher this year. and next, they say that even if the fed cut interest rates, there's probably not gonna be much relief when it comes to mortgages and that's a big problem because it means we're probably stuck with what's known as the lock. in effect, if you move right now, if you own a home and you move, you can obviously take your furniture, but you can't take that ultra low mortgage rates. so for a lot of people, it just doesn't make any sense to move and that's a big problem because it limits how much supply is on the market bank of
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america's top of calm as michael gaping, he told me that it will quit. this will take many years to work itself out. he said there isn't a magic fix. now, if bank of america is right and there's no guarantee that they are, it means no really leaf on the affordability front. we know that housing affordability took a huge hit over the last two years. the lower that blue line is the least affordable that this housing market is. and right now, i mean, this is the most unaffordable housing market that we've seen since the 1980s. and unfortunately, bank of america is saying no relief is coming. john, just takes away choice is what it does more than anything else. so maddie and great to have this morning. thank you very much. thanks, sir. >> all right. still ahead inside the debate hall will show you exactly how this will play out with donald trump and joe biden in the room tonight. the demonstration scene and gave the campaign's brought straight to you and soon will today be the de, the supreme court drops their decision on
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presidential immunity. and what yesterday's accidental release of a forthcoming ruling on abortion they mean for the future of abortion in this country the most anticipated moment of this election and mistakes couldn't be higher. >> the president and the former president one stage two, very different visions for america's future. the cnn presidential debate to 99 live on cnn and streaming on max they say seeing is believing, but with stearns and foster, that's only part of story. >> we handcraft every stearns and foster using the finest materials like indulgent memory foam and ultra conforming and telecoil for a beautiful mattress and indescribable comfort every single night sharp now, and bring home incredible comfort during our july 4th sale and save 4 $400 on select mattresses, stearns and foster. what comfort should be learn more at stearns and with fast starts
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all right. >> and i'm sure you do to this morning we're waiting for more major supreme court decisions to drop, but we may have already gotten a sneak peek at the high court's ruling on a pivotal abortion case. the supreme court acknowledging it inadvertently and briefly posted a document on its website yesterday, the unsigned opinion indicated the court may temporarily allow abortions in medical emergencies in idaho. in other words, leaving it status quo. it was swiftly removed, but the justices are weighing a challenge by the biden administration to idaho's to near near-total abortion bans. cnn medical correspondent meg tirrell joining me now give us some sense of when this decision comes down and if it is the same as what we saw in that document, how this impact would impact access to abortion well, it's there what this does is if it is the actual official opinion and whether we get that today or tomorrow or next week this would send this back to the lower courts in idaho. but while it does that, it would put back into effect the
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ability of hospitals in idaho to provide abortions in emergency situations when is deemed necessary to preserve the health of the pregnant patient at issue in this case was whether idaho's strict abortion ban, which provided an exception for the life of the person who's pregnant, but not the health of the pregnant person. whether that conflicted with a federal law called emtala, which requires that hospitals provide stabilizing care to all patients. the supreme court, if this decision ends up being final, didn't actually weigh in on that. what they did was say this shouldn't have gotten up to the court actually, and we're going to send it back down to the lower courts. but while we do that, we're going to allow these hospital emergency abortions to continue if needed. however, that's going to work its way through the courts. and so justice ketanji brown jackson in this document that was posted, said this isn't a victory for pregnant patients in idaho this is a delay
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>> the supreme court to look at so we could see this get back up to the court whether it's idaho, whether it's texas. also, we know that the court had a second case on medication, abortion. they also tossed out on standing, so the court is really not focused on delivering opinions here that deal with these issues, guys, particularly as we approach an election back to you? yes. not the deal directly with the issues which indicates that these cases can come back up again in some other form, potentially meg to ralph. thank you so much. appreciate you let us show right now another live look inside the cnn debate hall wherein just hours president biden and donald trump will square off the choreography and rules of every presidential debate are important this time. >> and includes something that's never been done before in presidential debates, the candidates, mike's will be muted when it's not their designated turn to speak, both campaigns have agreed to all of
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the terms of this debate seen as phil mattingly and victor blackwell have a walk through for you on how this all we'll work on that stage tonight. >> welcome to the set of the cnn presidential debate. we want to give our viewers a sense of the rules of the debates so that when they watch it, they can understand how president biden and president trump will being president trump will enter from the left side of your screen. the podiums are eight feet apart, directly across from them. the moderators, cnn's jake tapper and dan a bash. now a reminder, this is a television studio. there's no audience. candidates will have two minutes to answer questions and one minute for responses and rebuttal at the moderators discretion, there may be an additional minute for follow-ups clarifications responses. so how does a candidate know how much time is left to speak attached to the cameras in the studio and in the candidates field of view or the timing lights when the light show yellow, there 15 seconds left and it candidates answer or response when the lights flash red, there are five seconds left, and when the
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display is solid red, the time is up at that point, the candidates microphone will be turned off and the other candidate will have their microphone turned on. my colleague victor blackwell has more on that. >> thank you, phil, if we go behind the podiums, you can see two green lights. when they're on they signal, to the candidate his microphone is on when the green lights are off, they signal to the candidate. his microphone is off. now i want to give you a sense of what it will look like for viewers at home if it candidate whose microphone is off, interrupts the candidate whose microphone is on. so i'm standing, get one podium, and i'll ask filled to come in and take the other podium and so let's say i'm answering a question. my light is green and i'm speaking feels microphone is off and his green lights are not illuminated. he's going to interrupt me as i'm speaking. and this is what it will sound like. my volume remains constant while fills interruption can be difficult to understand let's try the opposite. my microphone is now on victors microphone is off and he's going to interrupt
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me. my volume remains constant while victors interruption can be difficult to understand we should note by agreeing to participate in this debate, both campaigns and candidates have also agreed to bide by these rules the cnn presidential debate airs live at 9:00 p.m. eastern and it is worth repeating that demonstration has been shared and shown to both candidates and their teams. >> there will be no surprises in terms of that when they walk on the stage tonight with me now, cnn political commentator, senior political commentators, van jones and david urban, as well as cnn the host and political commentator michael smerconish, what a group i hear here right now. so what i want to do, if i can i want to have an open battle royale melee in a second. but i want to go down the line with some very specific short questions to each one or you first, okay. van, let me start with you. what's the best thing that could happen for joe biden tonight? >> for donald trump to be down trump, for him to do his normal crazy stuff for him for for biden to be able to provoke him
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into breaking with his pretense of being presidential tonight and go nuts. what's the worst thing that could happen to joe biden tonight? well, you know, he could have a senior moment and the thing is, pick up himself no, no, no, no. and the thing is that it won't be forgiving. people have seen him. i was all time i say dumps up all the time. but if he does something that's more than usual bank could be very bad for david urban. what's the best thing that could happen for donald trump tonight? so the president that showed up in the second debate in 2020, if that guy shows up tonight, he gets it's the w. what's the worst thing that could happen to donald trump tonight? the president from the first debate tonight are there is broad agreement, right? they're actually not even brought specific arena between you two. okay. michael's americanness, your batting cleanup here what's the best thing that can happen for the american people tonight? >> that we see an, a game from each of them and that we get to see both of them not only in terms of that which they say
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the substance, but the way in which they comport themselves. i maintain that more important tonight is how each of them says it rather than what they say. because for trump, you're looking at his temperament and for biden, you're looking at his mental acuity. so i don't think it's going to be a function of reading the transcript tomorrow, but rather you could almost watch it muted and get a vibe for how each of them is performing. and then finally, michael, what's the worst thing that could happen for the american people tonight? >> probably that it's just a slug fast and that we learn nothing that despite the fact that the microphone is being muted, by the way, i'm not a fan of that, and i can explain, but that we learn nothing. i think that would be the worst thing for america. all right, this is the battle royale part of this panel that i promise here, michael, since you just heat it up, talk to us about your feelings, spill so i i liked the crosstalk i don't like it overdone, but i think that donald trump was held accountable in that chris wallace debate.
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>> so i don't want it to be two stayed of an affair. i'm all for civility. i think, you know that, but i don't want them to be totally forded in having a free flow of ideas. so i loved that demonstration because i wondered, how is it going to function? i have a colleague, my producer, whose eight feet away from me right now, i'm looking at or ptc and she speaks often when her mic she's speaking right now. so the candidates are still going to hear one another and how that dynamic plays out is most interesting to me so you know, what michael said earlier about the visuals, right? you can turn it off and almost watch it. if you look at the debate pac that 2020 debate, when the last time these gentlemen were both on the stage together, you look at joe biden. he's a markedly younger joe biden, not just in not just for years younger, but it looks 100 years younger, it looks more robust. he doesn't look like an old man. he's not shuffling the gentleman we see today in the news, there will come to this
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arena is distinctly an older man. you remember what barack obama took over as president. he looked very robust a young when he left, he looked like somebody's grandfather. the presidency takes a toll and it's taken a giant tall and joe biden, and that's the people going to watch that. they're going to see it and we're going to see who shows. i'm not laughing what you said, i'm only laughing at this is being said by a man warning address polo give away my secret definitely my secret. berman well i mean everybody's kinda wants to focus on biden look trump's got problems tonight as well. trump's in a box. he's never been in before. there's no audience. so that oxygen that he gets from like dropping his insult comic stuff, just nobody that's that'd be laughing at his jokes. he's not used to that number to the mic getting cut off is going to mess them up because he loves to run over people that's his main thing, won't be able to do it. number three, he's got to pretend to be somebody he's not. is that pretend to be presidential? the already said he's going to try to be a little bit more. so he's going to be playing a role. it's not used to in a
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format he is not used to. it is main weapon being bullies taken away from him so both these guys got challenges summit. it's so interesting michael, because david urban is doing something that almost ever republican who's come on with us the last few days has done practically begging donald trump to hold back. i'm not practically begging john i am actually bag less practical it's actually shouldn't be a high bar. michael should it? it's, so true that like meds could influence both of them. and by the way, i'm not a playing a log and thinking that one of them is on meds, but one could use a valium and the other probably could drink a red bull because from one, you need more energy and from the other you need less. and i don't know the trump is capable of raining it in. i think that the the trump campaign, and they're enablers in the media committed political malpractice. all last week by talking about the deficiencies in joe biden, they've set that bar so low that if you put sentences together tonight and i expect that he will, that people are going to say, oh my god, he had such a good night. and that's
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why in the last 48 hours, they've reached cast it about the cnn moderators and whether there'll be any stimulant offered to joe biden, what i'm saying is it's a huge game of expectations because that's what influences who you think had a good night. >> david didn't do the working the rest thing which is ridiculous frankly, but but david did talk about the appearance, state of the union. joe biden is it the exact only put it this way, state of the union, joe biden isn't perceived to be the way that that david just described right there as he all right. now, i mean, i don't know what they're doing. i agree with brothers they literally made it be if biden can walk out there on his own legs without he's like a fog. the married the walk up there with a walker then he could be president, but i will say there is some truth to this in that donald trump is a force of nature. anybody has been the room with this guy. he is a freight train, he's a grizzly bear. anybody you can stand up to that guy for an hour-and-a-half. i couldn't
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stand the guy for an hour-and-a-half is fit to be president. so if he's able to do it, if he's able to put put some levs rights together for an hour-and-a-half against this guy is going to be requalify paying for joe biden tonight and david for all the working the rest that has gone on, you haven't done it and it really hasn't happened here, but it's out there it's out there. and for all the talking about the format, doesn't the issue with the microphone only being on when you're talking doesn't that help donald trump if you're concerned about him going off aren't you happy? but i think it will enforce some discipline right. in terms of messaging, right? you know, you're listed for both candidates, you get two minutes to answer these questions. that's not a heck of a lot of time. like two minutes are gonna have the red light, the blinking, blinking yellow than the red i mean, that's a pretty quick amount of time to respond then another sir rebuttal for a minute, then rebuttal than a cr bottle. so it's not a whole lot of time, so i am hopeful that that that two-minute timeframe, the mic getting cut off. were forced the former president to be more disciplined as responses and really talk about the substantive issues because i think if he talks about the border, if he talks about, you
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crime, foreign policy, debacle, and afghanistan, if he can stick to those, those issues, right inflation, real wage, growth, all those issues that people in america care about. then again, he comes home the w look, there's an incredible opportunity for substance tonight and i think hopefully we will see a lot of that. michael smerconish, david urban van jones such a battle of the animal still off the top. it would say it was like open auditions for the king and i right now, i appreciate being part of that. thank you all for being here. >> dress polo is the official this show here on out. >> we'll get one it's blasphemous that you don't have it word tie but you're really comparing fashion with him, david. let's go okay. moving on. coming up still for us. it's a homicide case that launched 1,000 theories at boston jury is headed back into deliberations today to decide the fate of a woman charged with killing killing her police officer boyfriend lawyers though say she's the real victim of a police cover-up. and also new this morning,
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boeing is now blaming that mid-flight door plug blowout on missing paperwork. if new details on that as cnn goes behind the scenes one of the company's plans as it tries to bounce back from that string of safety scares tonight, the stage is set for the most anticipated event of this election biden trump, the weight only cnn can bring it to you. >> the cnn presidential debate to that it nine live on cnn. and streaming on max all right, p0 is coming up. how do we make sure we're ready to meet all the regulatory requirements we need to ask markham wonder where the people with all the answers get all the answers asked markham, accountants and advisers cities
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finance bill that sparked days of protests on the streets that even turned deadly, at least 23 people, 23 people were killed and demonstrations tuesday, cnn's larry madowo is industries have aerobic kenya, once again, larry, there's already been action around you. we hear it right now. what's happening? >> we just heard tear gas fired one more time. there's a lot of police in the streets of nairobi. one in the middle of the city here. and the police appeared to be determined to make sure that they are no protesters today yesterday, president ruto, in a surprise move in an embarrassing admission, had to pull this finance bill that led to a lot of these protests over the past few weeks. but the people here say they want more than that. i want to show you some of the scene and the action here. this is a usually a busy street literally running into one of the officers. there's so many officers on the streets more than the protest as because every time they tried to amass, the police threw, tear, push them back. we just saw one over there. i'm going to try and show you what's happening there. can you has also deploy the military? have the police
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deal with the protesters. in this case, there are no protesters here that literally more journalists and any other any other protesters on the streets where the police are being extra vigilant and a little of reckless and how throwing these tear gas canisters sometimes directly targeting protests instead of up in the air. but that's the determination kate's to make sure that there are no protesters today many of them that i've spoken to tell me this is no longer about this controversial finance bill it's about the high cost of living in the country it's about present routers legitimacy to run the country. and for a lot of them is about corruption, which is one of the major issues that's come up throughout this finance bill protests. just how much money that can it gets in aid from the united states from instance in loans from the international monetary fund in from other agencies that does get stolen in that process. so what do you see here on the street? it's been more reinforcements back there. is what i can on trucks that are just getting pulled in here to try and clear the road, to clear the protesters and keep the roads passable. but
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there's all these businesses around the city fabs if we can show this, all these businesses are closed because the expected another de of protests, what these protesters are called 4 is a 1 million march. and they're trying to occupy status. that's where president william ruto lives and works. but that's not been successful because heavy military presence on the streets, heavy police presence and they're trying to do everything to make sure that it's safe it's amazing the st. >> you're doing such an amazing job bringing this to us, larry. and what you've already seen in terms of the violence in these protests, in the clashes with police throughout. thank you so much for your continued reporting on this. we'll get back remarkable to have him right in the middle of it. all right. just in new comments from boeing about what they say led to the door plug incident on an alaska airlines flight in january, boeing claims it is due to missing paperwork. after leaving the factory, the plane flew without critical bolts to hold the door plug in place for two months. seen as pete, one
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team, he had a tour of boeing 737 max factory in renton, washington. you're standing right outside it at this moment, pete, what did you learn? it's inside look, john was really significant here the first time that boeing has led us into the 737 max factory here in renton, washington since the january 5 door plug blowout, boeing executives insisted that cannot happen. again, they have a four-point plan for fixes here, but they also dropped a really big bombshell shell on reporters here. that fateful door plug work that happened in the factory in renton, washington here happened without documentation. no paperwork meant workers at the end of the line did not know that work was still taking place, so that plane was essentially pulled out of the factory and flew away a ticking time-bomb. boeing says, it is already cut down on that kind of work by half. it is called traveling work here at boeing. those are the unfinished jobs that begin at one place on a production line and continue moving down
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to production line. and we saw how boeing is actually putting the brakes on that in a literal way, there was a blank in one step of the production line where the previous plan would have moved forward, but it has unfinished jobs still to finish up on it. once you to listen now to elizabeth lund, she is the head of quality control here at boeing likely the next ceo. we will see. and i asked her if that kind of work, if that kind of omission that happened on the fateful door plug plane could happen again. listen how confident are you that the door plug incident, what led to it will not happen again, i'm extremely confident. i am extremely confident that the actions that we took have ensured that every airplane leaving this factory is safe i feel very confident that it will not happen again here's the other big development this morning the


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