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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  June 27, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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consultation again, that's 1807123800 violet earth with me of fibers sunday at nine on cnn closed captioning brought to you by rue la la, iconic brands up to 70% off retail at roulette rubella you never faithful sees the deals before there hello, i'm briana. q or alongside boris sanchez in atlanta, georgia. and we are hours away from cnn's historic presidential debate and what shaping up to be the most pivotal moment yet of this unprecedented rematch right now, president biden is on his way to atlanta after a full week of extensive debate, prep, people close to biden expecting him to frame the january 6 insurrection as a seismic era defining moment which should be a pivot point away from the trump era, means on former
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president trump is expected to arrive here at the debates side in a few hours. but before leaving his mar-a-lago estate in florida, he lashed out on social media attacking president biden as a quote, threat to the survival and existence of our country. and just hours before tonight's big showdown, the supreme court issuing a major ruling on abortion that could have huge implications on the 2024 race, or live from the cnn debate hall, the spin room, and from the magic wall following all the the important data leading up to tonight let's start with cnn's mj lee or senior white house correspondent and nj were told that president biden was planning to target trump on reproductive rights and in his role in overturning roe versus wade even before this new supreme court ruling, what more can you tell us about the strategy yeah, you're absolutely italy right? >> boris, even if we had not gotten this supreme court ruling today, reproductive rights was always going to be one of the biggest areas of focus for president biden
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heading into tonight. it is one of the three domestic issues of the campaign has made clear that they see as being most politically salient an areas where they can really san, to draw the sharpest contrast against donald trump. that is the economy. the issue of democracy and this abortion and reproductive rights. and just to give you a sense what's up, how much the biden campaign is really going all in on this issue. we are told that this ad, that the campaign just released was actually all prepped and ready, ready to go? for whenever this specific supreme court ruling was going to come down. and this ad features a testimonial from a high risk ob doctor from idaho so who says she actually physically left the state because she feared criminal persecution after the treatment that she gave some of her patients. take a listen two years ago, trump overturned roe v wade because of the abortion bans across the country, women's lives are at risk physicians could be tried with a felony for saving that woman's life too early the
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penalties are so severe felony in imprisonment, loss of license. those are terrifying thing these laws are truly barbaric. they are putting us back decades, if not centuries. donald trump did this. he put women's lives in danger now, this kind of impassion testimony from a doctor like this that's a familiar move from the biden campaign they've really leaned into the strategy of highlighting individual stories coming from women and families. >> a medical professional, because they would like to highlight and really paint a picture of all of the real-world consequences of roe being overturned. and just to drive home this point even more, the fact that this ad i was created before the supreme court ruling at a course, nobody could have known exactly what the ruling would be. it goes to show that the biden campaign's up broader message on this this tissue is going to be the same regardless of the
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individual legal rulings and decisions that may come down. and that message is really that fundamental rights freedoms were taken away under donald trump of the past few years of obviously been a chaotic and traumatic for a lot of people on this ron, and they want to try to make the point heading into tonight. but the next four years could be even worse really, if donald trump were to get another second term. >> all right. mj lee, thank you for that. let's get to cnn's kristen holmes holmes, who is live for us from the cnn spin room. christian, are you hearing anything from the trump camp about the supreme court's abortion ruling will breanna, they do not want donald trump to linger on abortions and they have obviously prepped him extensively for how to talk about abortion when those questions are inevitably asked, he is going to say that this is a state's decision. >> but when it comes to actually going to detail, they do not want him lingering on a board and because because they don't believe it as a politically winning issue for them, they have been coaching
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him extensively, are having conversations on how to pivot from topics like abortion, like democracy, like his role in january 6, two topics like the economy and inflation, immigration and crime. and that's because of recent polling that they have seen were donald trump does better with american voters on those issues now one of the thing things i will point out is that despite the fact that they are asking donald trump extensively to stay on message, they are putting out new ads that go after joe biden. take a listen when you think about the joe biden is shown the debate ask yourself a question. do you think the guy who was defeated by the stairs got taken down by his bike, launched a fight with his jail i can and regularly gets lost makes it four more years in the white house. and you know, he's waiting, right now. >> one thing i'll point out there is that trump's allies
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and donors that i have spoken to have really sad that they hope that he stays away from intense of corrosive personal attacks. i say it's unlikely he can do that for the entire time, but they really want him to stay on message with the issues and the campaign did put out another ad talking about inflation. this is really, unique situation for the trump campaign because remember, they actually haven't been flooding the airwaves, but they put out these two ads on debate day, which will air in various battleground states, as well as washington ten dc. now one thing i want to note about donald trump's day-to-day as boris mentioned, we have seen a lot of posts on social media, a lot of commentary about fox news and cable news so clearly he is spending his de in the lead up to coming here to atlanta, which we expect to see him around 530 watching tv. and was we've said sensibly, he is not going to do any kind of what they call quote-unquote prep. but we do know that he has had very in-depth policies, sessions, conversations, and talking to a lot of people we'll round them about what to expect and how to act tonight
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all right. >> we'll be waiting to see how that plays out. kristen holmes. thank you for that. and history tells us the debates they can really make or break candidates joining us. now we have harry entin with some of the past defining moments, how they impacted the race. so let's do this. let's get in the delorean. yes, let's accelerate to the nece necessary at eight miles per hour. good. and go back not to 1985, but 21976, carter versus ford. >> let's do it. let's get that the lorien various no domination of eastern europe and there never will be under a ford administration okay, so this is the 1976 campaign that was the second debate before the second debate, jimmy carter had a two point lead after that moment from gerald ford, in which he denied the obvious that was soviet domination over eastern europe. >> look at what happened. carter's lead went up to five points. what's so important? here was that jerry 4, the incumbent president at the
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time, had been chipping away at carter's lead after the first debate, this being the second debate he seemed to have some real momentum and then that debate moment combined with the rest of that second debate, halted that momentum. carter jumped out to a five-point lead and he was able to hold on. and when the general election come november we also have a now iconic moment from the reagan carter debate. let's look at that who stand there in the polling place and making a decision? >> i think when you make that decision, it might be well, if you would ask yourself are you better off than you were four years ago? >> i mean, that probably is one of the most iconic debate moments in history. you know, i love watching these all debates. i'm looking forward to tonight. and this one really seal the deal for ronald reagan in 1980. so this is carter versus reagan, carter going for reelection pre-debate, reagan had a lead, but it was just two points and the average of paul's, this jumped up to a six zero point lead. he ended up winning by ten points. there were some real questions
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despite jimmy carter's low approval rating, could ronald reagan step waze that extreme? he came from the conservative end of the republican party. and the fact was that debate performance and that closing statement really just sort of encapsulated that reagan was ready for the moment. he was presidential, he wasn't since two extreme and jimmy carter just didn't know how to deal with the nation's else. >> yeah, really captures the momentum. you see that the numbers there, and it's not just about flubs in great one-liners, right? audio cues could impact a race here. so let's look at then vice president gore versus george w bush. and the 2000 debate i've had a record of appointing judges in the state of texas that's what a governor gets to do man's practicing fuzzy math again there's differences let me give you one example. >> the struck family and allen town, pennsylvania campaign with him the other day they make $51,000 combined income well, that didn't really work out for al gore. there were real questions going into that first debate whether or not
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george w bush was presidential, was you smart enough to actually take on the job? remember, al gore is a harvard guy. everyone expect them to crush in that debate. he crushed in the vice presidential debates in 1992 and 1996 but in this one he screwed up. he screwed up. he was seen as somebody who was rude and look at what happened pre-debate, al gore was up by zero point post that first debate. look at this george w bush jumps out to a four-point lead. he was seen as presidential people really liked him. al gore even had such a poor debate, snl mocked him, and then going into the second debate they tried to do completely different things and tried to be more energetic. and it was just this completely crazy thing. george w bush won that debate and then went on to win the presidency by just 537 votes, thanks to florida, we'll see if we have that close of an election this time around. but you know what debates are magical moments and tonight hopefully, we'll get one of these moment once that may be changes the race for good for one candidate, for bad for the other, no one loves an audible sigh. >> do they know no.
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>> thank you. i didn't you i didn't have one during this segment and thank you for that. the lorien ryan, i appreciate that. and thank you. harry entin. now, boris has made his way down to the debate hall give us a little tour there. boris we're gonna this stage is just about sets. cnn teams are literally here right now, putting the finishing touches on what will be a historic night at 9:00 p.m. tonight, president joe biden is going to walk out through that side of the stage. and former president donald trump will walk out through that side of the stage. the two of them will take their podiums are set exactly eight feet apart. let's give you a look at what's actually up here. the debate rules state the big and only have three items with them. paper, a pen, and a cup of water, right there on the back of a podium. the most important part of this podium, not just the mic, but also this light remember, candidates mics are going to be cut off. they're going to be muted when they're time has expired. so when their mics are on, that light is going to be
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green. when they are done, it is red how are the questions actually going to work? this is the view from the candidates of our moderators, jake tapper and dana bash. basically, when it starts, they're going to ask an overarching question to one of the candidates. the candidates will have two minutes to respond to their question, then the opponent has a minute for a rebuttal after that the first candidate gets an additional minute to respond to that rebuttal and keep in mind the moderators have an extra minute if they want to ask a follow. that's a lot of time cuz how are the candidate is going to know how much time they have left? that's where be careful with a camera equipment in a studio that's where these lights above the cameras come in handy. that's going to turn green when the candidates have 15 seconds left to speak, will turn red. a flashing red when they have five seconds left to speak and a full red light will shine off the top of that camerota when they're time has expired the big question tonight is how will these candidates handle the rules? and one of the key questions
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when the mics are muted, are we going to be able to hear if another candidate continues speaking again, they're only eight feet apart. so while we at home may have trouble making out what these candidates are saying to each other. the other candidate will undoubtedly be able to hear what's going on. a lot to anticipate tonight. again, it's going to be historic. briana. yeah. what a fascinating look, boris. and also so interesting, they cannot ignore that red light. that thing is going to be telling them to wrap it up all right, boris major, that's going to be huge and all right. it is. that's going to be huge. and obviously, the question of aggressiveness, just how much to these candidates want to go after each other, how much do they want to interrupt each other? we know that factored into the first debate in 2020, something that the former president donald trump has said he may try to avoid and perhaps interrupt fewer times this time around. >> yeah, we'll have to see how it turns out tonight. it's going to be so fascinating, uh, boris. all right, thanks. make your way on back to the studio.
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and as boris does that, we are now just hours away from an unprecedented presidential debate. president joe biden the former president trump, facing off right here on cnn. and in this critical battleground state of georgia, what they need to do, what they need to avoid and who they need to win over all of that coming up this hour on cnn, news central most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher, the president and the former president, one day to two very different visions for america's future. the cnn present ventral debate to 99 live on cnn and streaming on max what makes ewc so special? >> we do early great job at sharing all of our associates to be the best of the best one thing that we're never going to do is double-dip comfort wax is only appearing to the hair never the skin. comfortable. it comes off clean. we're just going in. >> now, in under 15 minutes,
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panel of experts joins us now in jamaal simmons, we'd like to go to your first give us a sense of the stakes tonight. the sex are high. these debates are always tough. people pay a lot of attention to them. i prepare candidate for senate and president before who were trying to do these debates the biggest trick for the person onstage. remember if there they're not actually talking to the moderator, are talking to a lot of people who are at home, who are paying attention to this. so you can't get too wrapped up in what's happening inside the studio to the point where the people at home think you're just being weird. >> brad, todd, i mean, we just had hearing went and take us through past two debates that really made a difference, that arguably were these inflection points in campaigns, in election cycles. could this be one? i think it's possibly the most important debates since 1960 is a no question. the most important day in this camp payne. the trick for these two guys, they're both very well known and they both have a lot of doubters. they have to do something that gets outside the box. people see them in. that's a really big challenge when you're this well-known
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and it's really tough challenge for gaza, their age as well. >> molly, your thoughts on the stage being set for tonight? >> no, i think brad's exactly right. the stakes are always high as jim, i'll said, but higher than usual this time because this is a campaign that's been stuck in neutral for a year. it's been essentially tied. it's at a stalemate and the polls are tied. and i think that's why we're having this let's debate so early in the cycle, because both candidates recognize a need to shake something up, they both feel like without some kind of mechanism to speak to the american public to get their opponent off, off his talking points or what have you. they're not going to break out of that stalemate because the people do know and dislike both of these candidates. >> what are you anticipating tonight? gloria it's really hard to know. >> look, i think they both of these candidates have to try and appeal to people who don't like them right? i mean, you know, we call them the double haters or whatever, but the nikki haley voters, they have to appeal to people who have doubts about them because that's where the election is
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going to be won or lost. and so if you're donald trump, maybe you do try and cool it a little bit. if that's if that's possible maybe if you're joe biden, you are exceptionally vibrant and talk directly into the camera, which they think is a really good trick. for him. i think what we're going to hear a lot from biden is trying to disqualify donald trump in voters eyes, saying, this man does not deserve to be president he should not be president. and he is disqualified from being president not only because of the legal issues that he has because of how he behaves. and i think that biden's going to try and shove it to him every opportunity he gets to try and get a rise out of them. and donald trump isn't used to that. so we'll have to see how he reacts to that, whether he can stay calm, cool, and collected, which put me on the record for being doubtful.
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>> jamaal, i'm curious to get your thoughts on what gloria pointed out would be a line of attack from president biden because donald trump, as we've seen so often before, he's mirroring that line about democracy actually posted to truth, social earlier today saying that president biden is a threat to democracy, given the issues that trump has had legally, he keeps pointing to the white house as the source of his 90 plus indictments and now 34 plus 34 convictions, i should say. what are your thoughts on how biden should handle this? well, you just reminded me, president trump, also today we did about fox news, have you, my friend michael tyler on the communications director from the campaign having him while you would think that trump will be prepping for the campaign, preferring for the debate, not tweeting about what he's watching on television. it's important for the president, for president biden to make sure he's making the contrast very clear from his perspective about what he sees. and i think you talks to the democrats in the campaign and some of the other but democrats were working on this. they think is a very clear judgment choice between somebody who's going to protect your freedom and your
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right to make choices. and somebody who wants to take control and take your freedom and your rights take choices away that either you can trust joe biden, people generally like, even if they don't necessarily like some of his policies, they generally like it or you're going to trust this guy 34 convicted felon, who also have been impeached twice and really ruined the covid experience. so i think that is the case that the biden folks are going the covid experience. you may get some bride my goodness, remembering how bad it was as part of the part of the experiment here. yeah, maybe, maybe it will come up. >> i wonder brad, how you think? trump's best path forward is for pushing back on those attack leinz he is undemocratic that he is unfit, that he's unhinged that we think biden is going to pursue. >> i think this is a trap for both candidates. it's a trap for donald trump because he's, his instincts gonna be take time a possession, right? he likes to run the show. he liked to be in charge. and what needs to do here is let joe biden
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have the ball because the more biden talks about what's in the past the more you realize that he can't talk about where we are in the president. he doesn't have an agenda for the future. i think he needs to let joe biden talk as much as he can. try to let him where himself out and try to give biden the incentive to keep talking about something that's in the room have you mirror voters in elections? look at the future. they're worried about the next four years, not about something to happen, three years, four years, or five years ago. so far, biden has been unable to escape that trap, but it but yeah, donald trump also talks about the past all the time and he can help himself and the question of the 2020 election is obviously going to be going to come up and how does, how does he handle that? and when he's accused of something, remember? during the debate with hillary clinton, where she said that he was or something to the effect of europe puppet putin, puppet. and he said, no, no, you're the puppet, right? that's his instinct is to sort of charge back and say, no, no, no. you're the one who can't be trusted with democracy? i can be trusted with democracy. and
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well, we'll have to see if he can reign himself in a little bit and take the discussion to the future. >> well, you make, you raise the point that not being able to interrupt may actually be a bit of a gift to trump in that one wait, right? because it's instinct is always to enter up, right and he was such an interrupter in all of the debates that he's been in so far, i'm interrupting say he is the king of interest and so if he's not able to do that, as brad saying, he definitely benefits from seeming more collected, seeming to respect the rules people viewers really don't like it when the candidates don't respect the rules, when they're always cutting in and things like that. so not having the opportunity to do that may actually serve to make him look like he's more actually is there's always the possibility that he complains about the rules during the middle of the debate and says that they're unfair and that's that's something you have to consider. >> granivores. one thing that
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is occurs to me is this a lot going on tonight. so people who are regular folks out in america who aren't following the stuff everyday, like we do know the nba draft is tonight at bedtime is coming from people with little kids. i gotta get those kids back bay than embed so the first 30 minutes or so of this debate are going to be the most important is probably we're going to get the most people watching. and so that's when if you look at the last two debates, that's when i'm trump and biden had their fears is exchanged when joe biden said, we just shut up, man. and in the second debate is going joe biden with after trump and said that he turned covid from a crisis into a tragic that was a very key leinz for him. that second debate, i think expect the biggest punches to land in that first 30 minutes. everyone, please stand by their is a lot to break down and go through. we're going to i have the panel back and just moments. and of course, tonight's big debate is happening at a critical state in his presidential election. and cnn heard from georgia voters to get their thoughts ahead of this it's historic moment, stay with us. we're back after a quick break debate
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money reserve is one of the most dependable gold distributors in america. >> close captioning brought to you by meso if you or a loved one have mesothelial mac will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you you don't relate to 14000 14001 of the most fascinating aspects to tonight's debate is that it's happening in a key battleground state of georgia, the peach state turn blue in 2020 for the first time in nearly three decades. and in a special election just months later, the state helped elect democrats and retake the senate. but recent polls signal a possible shift back to red this november, which is very important to note, we have cnn chief national affairs correspondent, jeff zeleny standing by on this. jeff, you've been talking to voters
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here in georgia. what are they saying? >> oh, briana and boris, georgia was the closest of any battleground state in 2020, fewer than 12,000 votes separated joe biden from donald i'll trump, as you said, the verse democratic victory here in a presidential race in nearly three decades. now, voters are paying very close attention to this race. and indeed, tonight's to bates maruyama davis is busy in her atlanta boutique, hopeful for the summer ahead. hey there, welcome to the beehive when you ask her that age-old question in politics, mirror things better for you than they were four years ago. her deliberate answer is telling, i mean, with the loan forgiveness and that definitely better. but things aren't might be just a little slight increase, but they feel pretty much the same. >> it's not worse. >> it's not worse it's not worse. >> well, it's hardly the slogan president biden is running on. it taps into a sentiment often expressed by
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supporters like davis she manages the beehive, a small business like so many on an economic roller coaster, if people haven't toys to buy eggs or food and gifts, we still expect them to buy food for their families but like i said, our doors are still open, so we're grateful for that. she's also grateful the president is seeking a second term, and as high hopes for his chances in georgia where biden defeated donald trump by 11,779 votes out of 5 million the cast, the closest margin of any battleground a good candidate on either side, maybe able to sway voters in georgia. >> kelvin king, a conservative republican leader, back trump in 2016 and 2020. >> and thank you for fighting for all americans. >> while he believes biden is vulnerable on inflation, immigration, and more instead of, trump victory here is hardly guaranteed. >> we have new republicans who are excited about president trump. we have some republicans that are not it's one of the
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biggest questions of the race can trump capitalize on biden's challenges the former president's campaign has started opening offices across the state like this one in marietta, but trump has yet to bury the hatchet with the popular republican governor brian kemp. >> let me hey, this guy's a disaster. who refused to give in to trump's demands to overturn the election, which made georgia in early epicenter of criminal charges against him re-litigating. is that going to drive people to the polls? at least not the folks in the middle of the vote that we need by focusing on today and tomorrow is really where we need to be georgia, is among the battlegrounds. trump is trying to win back along with arizona, while also picking up nevada, which he lost twice. biden could lose all three and still win reelection if he holds the blue wall of wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania, and a single electoral vote in nebraska to keep all pathways open democrats are making big investments in georgia with a dozen offices, we will gather, we will organize, we will build
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community, we will build coalitions that frame coalition is a pressing challenge facing the biden campaign when we met carrie a singleton last year, he was disappointed. biden hadn't achieved all of his promises. just as well as we hold trump accountable you know, we have to hold bought an accountant after hearing the president deliver a commencement address at morehouse college last month and focusing on his november choice, he sees it differently. >> my disagreements previously do not matter as much as the two people that we have as choices here. and to me present former president donald trump just isn't an option whatsoever back at the beehive, davis is optimal mystik for the fall and for her status quo. sounds just fine. >> you know what you're getting with joe biden. he doesn't pull any punches. he's a straight shooter. and i'm happy to see more of the same so these conversations
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with georgia voters certainly shine a light on the challenges for president biden for rebuilding some of that coalition of younger voters, voters of color, suburban voters as well. >> but also for former president didn't donald trump, the voters we talked to said they want to hear him talk about his plans for the future, not about re-litigating the past. of course, all of that will be in center stage literally tonight at the debate. so both campaigns on both sides are planning big watch parties all over georgia. so yes, it's a global event, a natural hello event, but it's an event right here at home that georgia voters are watching very, very closely or some briana sure is a great report. thanks for that. geoff. these candidates can prep the talking points, but is it how they deliver them or respond to them that will really win over voters. we're going to talk to debate experts. and as we had to break here these are some live pictures coming to us of marine one landing at joint base andrews president biden
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heading to georgia for tonight's debate. stay with cnn the most anticipated moment of this election. and the stakes couldn't be higher the president and the former president, one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash to cnn presidential debate tonight at nine live on cnn. and streaming max. stay tuned to learn more about this limited time offer from renewal by anderson. >> we all have that list of home improvement projects we need to do. and if replacing your home's windows and doors is on that list, you want want to know that it's going to be affordable i'm from renewal by anderson and we've helped thousands of customers who were on a budget get our windows and doors for their home. how do we do it? well, here's something you don't expect to hear from a window company. you don't have to upgrade all your windows and doors at the same time. we're really good at identifying the bad windows and those you can wait on replacing. and here's something we you offer that you don't find with a lot of window
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healthier. with the aura ring i'm larry madowo on the streets of nairobi. and this is cnn these images are from moments ago at joint base andrews near the nation's capital. >> we're president biden is the planing. i don't of you say d planning one is a helicopter, but he's getting off marine one and he's headed to atlanta. and tonight isn't just about what the candidates are going to say. it's also about what they don't say, their body language could be just as powerful as their words for more on this, let's turn to some experts yeah experts who both played the role of trump during debate prep for several
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presidential candidates, we have veteran gop debate coach peter flaherty. he has worked with mitt romney, paul ryan, and jeb bush and fully brightnesses with us. he helped prep hillary clinton for the 2016 debate. artfully, let's start with you because a feature of this debate is that microphones are actually going to be automatically muted once it's the other candidates turn to speak, it's actually something that happened in the second debate in the last cycle between these two maybe helped trump actually or seemed to be a better debate, debate for him how do you think each candidate may use that well, i mean, trump lost in 2020. >> so if that's how he thinks it helps great. i first of all, you're not supposed to interrupt whether there's a mute or not. so this is just a safety mechanism to enforce some self-control donald trump in the other 45 minutes will show what we all know him to be, which is erratic and loud i think it redounds to the president's favor because president biden will be able to
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articulate what he is thinking, looking straight into the camera, telling the 75 plus million people who are watching what he has done for america, what he wants to do for america, it's hard to do that when someone is barking at you from ten feet away. so this is only helpful to him in terms of the present i mean, the only thing that would help former president trump is if you were muted for the whole 90 minutes, we're still going to get a healthy dose of him and a reminder of him that i think people seem to be forgetting what the true donald trump is the more trump tries to get under biden's skin, the more tries to focus to force a moment the worst he might be doing for himself and the more he might be helping joe biden achieved. joe biden strategy, which is to remind everyone that he is allowed mouth, who really doesn't have anything to offer peter, what are your views of how this muted mike dynamic might benefit either candidate i think it actually
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the benefit of president trump because i think if, if we've heard any of this analysis of it last days on your on your network. is that if donald trump needs to do anything and even his campaign has talked about this is to make sure that he stays in control and that he stays discipline. these ground rules actually give him the guardrails that will actually help them stay controlled and stay disciplined one of the things that is going to get challenge for president biden is to stay alert, to stay engaged, and to stay awake not just for 90 minutes, but to be able to prove to the american voter and quite frankly, the democratic party that he is going to be up to the task of actually campaigning. would you didn't have to do in 2020 because of covid and actually be able to be up to the task of being president for the next four years. i would rather be in the position i having to tame a tiger than raise the dead while felipe, i'm curious to get your perspective on
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these moments that aren't necessarily talking points. >> they're not really something that a candidate can plan for, but it's more of a natural reaction to someone attacking them are going after them. we heard from a trump ally in recent days that they believe that the moment that the 2020 election was lost was during the first debate when joe biden, in response to donald trump said something to the effect of, oh, come on, cut it out. and how does one practice for those moments in a debate? is that something you can practice four? >> yeah. i mean, it's easy to think that this is an snl skit. it's not there's no utility if it was you'd have alec baldwin or any number of comedians who can do a better impersonation there's no utility also in being the worst donald trump and yelling at the candidate all the time, because that's not accurate either. they'll will be windows where he he has different he has different pitches that he'll show. so ideally what you want is to help the candidate envision lots and lots of
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different scenarios. not so they can memorize something not so they can practice this a moment. but that they in their head think about it's not even necessarily that the most important prep work is done in the room. it might be while they're running or while they're showering or dreaming thank or driving around because they start to think that way the infamous lloyd bentsen, dan quayle moment was something that wasn't practiced per say. but benson new that he did it occasionally. and obviously he thought about it. and when he had the moment he took it, i think what's funny, it listened to peter, this has been obviously the republican talking point that president biden can't stand up straight. i don't know why they keep saying that because obviously it's a silly expectation to set but as someone who played trump and barkat, hillary clinton, it would be remarkable to think that someone on stage with a human smelling salt is going to have some kind of moment, whether you want to call it spacey or senile, whatever it is like, that's the
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least likely time that joe biden is going to have some moment that supports this constant refrain of he doesn't aware is doesn't know what he's doing and it's funny because it comes from donald trump, but i just don't think that that's so i don't think it's going to happen. and i don't think it's smart, but i'm not in charge or what they do or don't say, peter, what do you say to that well, let's be clear. i mean, joe biden has been fading for over half a century. he's been debating since 1972. he's aided as a united states senator as he was another, he's been debating and senate candidates and saturday senate candidate forums. she's been debating as a vice presidential candidate. he has been debating as a presidential candidate. he's got over a half a century of debate experience under his belt but what happened when donald trump went down the escalator in 2015 was he just eight changed politics, whether people like it or not, he changed politics forever he also changed presidential debates forever presidential debates as much as, and this is
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the first time we will have a un, in studio with no live audience. televised debate since the very first televised debate in 1960 between kennedy and nixon. and no matter how hard jake tapper and dana bash try, they will not replicate the nixon kennedy debate because this is a tv show and donald trump is a tv star. this is where he thrives donald trump is the consummate entertainer, donald. donald trump is a combination of eight lin clark and the savanna bananas. and there is no way that the joe biden, who'd started debating in 1972, is going to be able to handle someone like donald trump as phillipe said, he played donald trump. i played donald trump in mock debates as well. i probably didn't do as good a job as philippe did because we really had no idea what to expect could debate with donald trump. it's like asking a scout team quarterback to play tom brady. tom brady can go in and read a defense. donald
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trump can go in now, what television show and read the room and know how to a lot of handle first, you're saying two different things joe biden can't send up straight, but he is a world-class debater that might work. donald trump tonight the second thing that i don't understand is this the idea that donald trump is a showman who succeeds on tv? he let's not forget, there have been five general election debates, three against hillary clinton, 2016 to against joe biden in 2020 it would be hard with a straight face and i'm sure peter will about to try it they say that donald trump won any of those. so i don't obviously they're hedging against any outcome. if joe biden does great, he's on adderall. if he does terribly, he's too old for this. if donald trump does great, then he's been studying, but he wouldn't admit it last week. if donald trump does terribly, it's because he doesn't need to be a traditional politician. he just shows up and mouth's
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off. this is where the problem is tomorrow for all of us is to sort of break down that not even double standard that quadruple quintuple standard of what donald trump will pull tonight. i mean, think about it technically, he has to be muted because he interrupts and somehow the conversation is, is that to his favor? and i just shifting a little bit, i would say on a muted two people that really it might we're down to their favor are jake tapper and dana bash because they will have a good 90 seconds to absorb what was just said to them. for the sake of a little processing of factual truthfulness and deciding on follow-up. and that is not something that chris wallace had in 2020. >> felipe peter, we have to leave the conversation. they're very much appreciate it. there was a lot on that bingo card adderall all savannah bananas, tom brady, caitlin clark, whoever's out, their winning congrats stay with cnn. we'll be right back it's good to get
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forwards in america. thursday, july 4th. they 70s dirt on cnn. >> closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelial victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. >> you may be entitled to a portion of that money all when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400 according to a source speaking to cnn president biden is going to go after donald trump on an issue that pulls consistently show trump has the edge immigration, trump has made it a cornerstone of his campaign. >> body. recent large drop in border encounters. it very big one, 40% how has buoyed the president's hopes that he can gain the upper hand so let's bring in cnn's priscilla alvarez for more on this priscilla break this down for us how the two candidates stand on immigration? >> look the arguments we're going to hear from the two candidates tonight, they boil down to two things. former president donald trump saying that immigration and the border are out of control. and
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president biden saying that trump's policies, if you were to take a second term, there, too extreme. now, this is important because of what you just mentioned, the polling shows that this is now a top the issue on the minds of american voters. and what is unique this time round is that president biden has his own immigration record over the last three years. we have seen an administration that has grappled with record migration across the western hemisphere that has landed at the u.s. southern border, and that has led to images of border crisis after border crisis. and that is something that president biden has been slammed by former president donald trump and republicans time and again, and not only is it something that we have seen play out on the border, but also in cities across the country, which explains why so many voters are thinking about this. in ways that maybe they weren't a few years ago. now president biden has released several executive actions over the last few weeks. no coincidence that include included, for example, restricting asylum axis of the border, and expediting the path
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to citizenship for some undocumented spouses of us citizens. if former president donald trump has also said what he wants to do, mass deportation and supporting green cards for foreigners who graduated us colleges. but ultimately what we saw over the last few days is the biden ministration taking a victory lap and feeling as though president biden can go on the offensive this time and say that he has an agenda that is working given, for example, that 40% drop in border crossings but the other thing that biden campaign officials tell me is that the family separation policy under former president donald trump still resonates with voters. so this is an opportunity for president biden not only to point to what he has done an office, but to remind voters of the stark contrast between the two. and remember that family separation policy really biden people when it happened and that's something that we may hear from the president. again tonight. yeah, it would be strange to not hear about that tonight. priscilla alvarez. thank you for that report. president biden is now on his way to georgia ahead of tonight's
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presidential debate. we're going to have the latest on any last-minute preps from both camps when cnn special coverage continues what the effects of viagra, but faster meet row sparks they contain sildenafil and to dalla fill with sparks, dissolve under the tongue dissolvable work faster than an old-school pills cia sparks are right for you at row dot coast last sparks we had to take our old gas heating that was a huge project. >> i was so overwhelmed. so i started contacting people off of anjie to work with people that knew what they were doing. it was a game changer. >> get started today at oh, carney asada. >> it's gotten me. i saw them. that's what i said god-man, saada carnegie got to me current, but with more flavored gotten me chasing it like this juicy gunman salah power and use when did i call the filter?
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