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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  June 28, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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covid is worthwhile for everybody to increase protection, good to see you, mike. thank you very much for that. new hours. in a new central starts right now so happening now day after the title of the 1980s tv special about the fallout after a nuclear war. >> in an app comparison to what democrats are feeling after cnn's historic presidential you'll debate this morning. there have been calls for president biden to step aside, but so far no prominent elected democrats, in fact, pennsylvania senator john fetterman, a few moments ago. so the democrats should chill the f out. that's a direct quote i just spill my coffee. he also says, i refuse to join for the democratic vultures on biden shoulder after the debate, no one knows more than me that a rough debate is not the sum total of the person in
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their record now on the subject of pennsylvania, just moments ago, we spoke to the governor of that commonwealth, josh shapiro. listen to what he told us here's the bottom line joe biden had a bad debate night, but donald trump was a bad president. >> i think we have a responsibility right now to ask ourselves what kind of nation? we want it be. i think the answer is clear on that, and then we got to stop worrying and start working. right? a lot of questions for the biden campaign. let's get right on the ground where president biden is today in raleigh, north carolina. that's where cnn senior white house correspondent, kayla tausche is. what are you hearing from the biden team? kayla will john the biden team as of this moment, plans to pack up what few wins they had on the debate stage last night, you've already seen some of those packaged and posted on social media and to move on and focus on what's coming down the pike. >> there are no plans. i'm told for the president to drop
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out of the race and even further, i'm told that the president is still committed to a second debate in september, which is currently scheduled for september 10 and hosted by abc news much along the lines of the rules of the debate that was hosted last night. now, the adviser that i spoke with said that they're not putting too much stock in that conversation last night and that many of the staffers on the campaign and in the white house also worked on president obama's reelection in 2012. and they tried to draw the parallel to that first debate. that was a very low performance for president obama. even he would call it a stinker and they sit if you had believed to the pundits in the wake of that debate, mitt romney would be president, would have been president after that. but of course, the big differences in the wake of that debate, no one in obama's own party was calling for him to resign the office of president. and that is the moment that democrats find themselves in right now the mood that i'm hearing from democrats who are texting this morning is described as fatalistic behind the scenes. and while we've seen some of these public
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pronouncements from members of the president's own party. there is still so much consternation about what happens next and whether the performance aspect of last night can even be fixed going forward. because if not, that september debate is likely just to be a real repeat of what we saw on stage last night, putting democrats in the same position. they're in right now even closer to election day. that being said, biden himself did not seem to be fazed by it. he was asked at a waffle house following the debate how he viewed his performance and whether he had any concerns about it. here's how the president responded. then you have any concerns about your performance target debate and water your lines? >> 26 times bigger lines. >> of course, the biden camp wanting to focus on the falsehoods of donald trump to try to change the narrative about what should be taken away from what happened on stage. but it just raises the stakes
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of today's rally here in north carolina. which version of president biden? shows up? certainly he tried to course, correct. last night by staying on the tarmac for 30 minutes, greeting hundreds of supporters, flashing thumbs up. but we'll see what his messages today, guys. >> and you will be there. kayla tausche. great to have you there in north carolina thanks so much so as many biden surrogates and democratic supporters insists there is no need to panic over president's, president biden's debate performance. >> a different take from a never trump republican who has promised to support and vote for joe biden. i'm talking about from a republican congressman, joe walsh saying this now, after the bait, yes. i'll still vote for biden even after his disaster last night because i'll vote for whoever the democrats nominate. but the point is, most people won't. trump must never be in the white house again, democrats need another nominee joining us right now is joe walsh. it's good to see you. thanks for coming in. why do you say this it can't good to be with you. >> look, this this isn't bad
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wedding, and this isn't panic our democracy is on the line. i don't want to raise my voice and shout and scream. i show all lowered a little bit, but kate, our democracy is on the line our country, i believe, and i think a lot of democrats in americans belief cannot survive another four years of donald trump in the white house nothing else matters. but keeping trump out of the white house. the problem is joe biden last night, i think conclusively showed that he can't defeat trump. nothing else matters. so if i'm a democrat right now, i've got to find somebody who can beat trump karsten. let me play for you because we just got this in from the democratic leader of the house, talk about a top democrat, hakeem jeffries. he was just asked about president biden in his performance and whether he should step down after his performance last
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night? let's listen to this together stepped down after the debate performance last night, should step aside were you okay with how he did one word answer? and that's all the jeffries was going to say. right then he says, no we're another way to look at it is this donald trump for 90 minutes, lied last night. every time trump opened his mouth, he lied. and yet all we're talking about is joe biden in donald trump's still won that debate last night, going away so what does that say about biden? look, this is really difficult and this doesn't happen a lot joe biden had one job to do, kate, he had one job. show the american people. he is not too old and he's up to the job he failed at that. he failed at that. what's our what's our biggest wrap against donald trump? my biggest rafah he's humanly incapable of putting the country's interests before his
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own. joe biden has to demonstrate. now, i think that he's capable of putting the country's interests first in putting someone in there who can be trunk. >> we just heard a little bit from johns interview with the democratic governor of pennsylvania, josh shapiro saying very clearly, he says biden had a bad, bad debate but that doesn't change the fact that he says trump was a terrible president in summary, josh shapiro says essentially to all of those worrying, freaking out basically to you, joe walsh, not specifically, but i'll just say in this way, he says, stop worrying, start working why can't that can that overcome this? why in your view, can hard work not overcome what happened no. >> and i love josh shapiro and i wish josh shapiro where the democratic nominee, i'm sorry, i'm always a little offended by this stop worrying. i'm someone who literally literally believes the country would
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survive another four years of trump in the white house. so this is not worrying this is real, real concern. and i think josh shapiro and all these good loyal democrats are missing the boat right now because a lot of americans tuned in last night, a lot of undecided americans and i think there are a lot more undecided americans in this race than people know. and they know trump is an but they worried about how old trump is. and they to how old biden is. and they tuned in last night and oh my god biden is too old undecided voters all came to that conclusion last site, and they'll vote for the bad guy over the old guy. i think more times than not, that's the real real concern. it wasn't just a bad night. this confirmed everybody's greatest fear about joe biden thinking about as we just heard
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together, hakeem, jeffries and his initial reaction. >> one thing you know, as a former member of congress is, you know, how the top of the ticket can be very important what do you worry more, more about the white house? do do you worry about the impact that this debate performance will have on the bottom of the ticket. what impact do you think it will have? >> running for reelection as i did in a very tough district. i always worried about who is at the top of the ticket if i'm a democrat running for a house seat or ama democrat trying to protect a senate seat right now in a tough district and south battleground state i am i am panicking. i am panicking with joe biden at the top of the ticket right now because this is going to have real trickle-down effects. i don't mean to beat up on joe biden. if joe biden is the nominee, kaye, if he stays in, i'm going
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to run through a wall to help get by elected. it's not me that joe biden and hakeem jeffries and other democrats have to worry about it's all of the people in the middle who don't like trump put worry that biden's too old last night, moved most of them to trump and i don't think biden can walk that back and yes the way things stand right now, if biden is at the top of the ticket, it's going to impact democrat's chances in the senate and the house. >> so if we've heard some democrats saying it's just not practical that joe biden bow out, releases delegates. that's some of what we're hearing from democrats today. if he's not dropping out, no indication that he is. what do you he's back on the campaign trail today. what do you need to hear? that will change your opinion and how you're feeling this morning if i if kate if i were joe biden's closest
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advisor, i'd have him with you right now for an hour? >> no. no no rules, no nothing. and i'd be taking all questions. i would get joe biden out there right now and i would get joe biden out there in a free-flowing town hall press conference environment right now. and i've let joe biden say i mucked up last night. i didn't feel well. i know i came across his old i had a bad night the only way biden can save this is if he's out in front of the american people, in front of you, kate, in front of the media taking questions and demonstrating immediately that last night was a bit of an aberration, but i don't think he'll do that kill off thanks for jumping on real quick this morning thank you, sir. >> we are also getting reaction this morning from voters who watched the debate and new polling about whether it will impact their votes from trump. >> all i really heard was i've done this and it was the best
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ever, but i never heard what it was. >> biden seems to be very tired actually, i'm tired of both of them all right. >> and donald trump made more than 30 false claims last night compared to nine from biden. we will dig into that final episode of violent. >> they're deadly by lynch and unleash masters structure can impact our worsening. >> is it too late to undo decades of climate change? violet gerd with we have schreiber sunday at nine on cn flowing my cancer from growing and living longer are two things i want from my metastatic breast cancer treatment and with kiss golly, i can have both because scaly is a pill that when taken with an aromatase inhibitor, helps still make cancer from growing and has been proven to help people live significantly longer across three separate clinical trials. >> so i have the confidence to live my life because galley can cause lung problems or an
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the police or they're almost every police group in the nation from every state. and everybody wanted to get it back to the states. everybody and china, nothing, in russia, nothing. and india, nothing. i will have that report are out. he should've had amount a long time ago because i didn't have legislation. i said close the border, we hit the safest border in history. >> not great but a lot of people have resting 25th amendment face not great resting 25th amendment face. no hyperbole. yes, there was from jon stewart about president biden's performance at cnn's historical presidential debate here in atlanta late-night comedy shows are one thing, but how did the candidates land with voters? we have a great panel this morning, cnn anchor and correspondent audie cornish, and cnn chief national affairs correspondent jeff zeleny. i'm just curious to the both of you. did anyone think last night that there would be the possibility that
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we would wake up this morning and there will be talked about biden being pushed out of this race i didn't know and not to this extent, however, i do think it was notable that the speed that the debate was so early in the cycle, which was unusual. and i did have conversations with people who said, well, it's early enough that if their needs so be a conversation and neither party, it can be had. and today in the sober light of day, i think it's being had i think so. but look as we go hour-by-hour, the sun is up now a president biden we will be having an event in north carolina. this is all on him. this is his choice to make and we can talk all about reaction from democrats and things. but there's one person who can actually change this race and shake it up. and that would be him. he could say a variety of things. i'm not going to say what he could say, but there's zero less than zero indication of that the biden campaign is circling the wagons. it took them a little bit longer than i thought the
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spin room was basically devoid of democrats, democratic voices last night, but we're seeing a governor shapiro was on with you this morning. jon and governor whitmer is saying it. others trying to focus on the recommends. yeah. bad record. >> bad or bad debate night. bad president for trump will see, but no, we didn't predict this. >> we also went into last night thinking, i think most people that we were going to watch this kind of debate between the potentially infirm and the potentially unstable. and now people have a more accurate picture of both because at the end of the day, you also had trump basically the gaslighting america about january 6, about charlottesville. there were plenty of digressions that you could hear fulsome lay and so obviously, having reaction shots on the daily show is not ideal for a democrat, but i also think that people hello, are able to circle the wagons because they can say, well, look, trump is also not in better shape. he's not a better person than he was four
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years. why doesn't that cancel it out? >> the way you put it out with started why does it seem in the reaction today to cancel that out? the the trump avalanche of dishonesty in lies and falsehoods canceling out the joe biden struggling and not doing himself any any service and trying to disprove concerns about his age because president biden failed to prosecute that case on the stage a candidate to candidate race and that was what president biden's task was. and that's clearly what he i would assume prepared for in debate prep because we did know from his advisers he was studying what trump has been saying at rallies, studying his record and what he would do in a second term. and very very little of that actually broke through. look, my question. josh shapiro, governor shapiro was if trump is as bad as you say, he is, if that was all the more clear on that debate stage last night, doesn't it make the
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stakes? for the democratic nominee even higher, doesn't it make it even more important in adi, i should tell you the only podcast i care about is your podcasts. there are a few others that are out there as well. the chocolates in the mail the pons and america guys are out this morning. basically what they're saying is look it is before the convention, there are several weeks we do now know they say that donald trump is all these things. it's on us. they say the democrats to have this discussion and have it in public. yeah. and it's also about use of resources. do you? you want to spend the next 18 weeks in a donor scramble having this conversation, trying to get someone else up to bat, or do you want to hunker down, convince all those volunteers that like yes, this is still a worthy person to get behind, or that the stakes are too high to do. otherwise and spend your time and resources on that? and i think that's really more of the pragmatism in reality that we're talking about. because i don't like to speculate about like, well, what does the president thing like? we know he wants we
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absolutely know that you mentioned donors. president biden is going to come face-to-face with some important ones. he's spending the weekend on the hamptons several fundraising events. so he is about to here. that's this week. that's the reality. south carolina, he's flying to new york for a series of events, two or three, i believe. so. that is a very interesting scheduling, a coincidence, i guess obviously it was intended to be loud exactly to take advantage momento you mentioned in the pod save america people, obviously john fabra, tommy v tour and others. they worked for former president obama. they do not speak for him. i checked with a couple of obama advisors this morning just to make sure he had not weighed in on the debate. he in fact, has not and has no plans to do so. yeah. and what will be at a fundraiser today in new york for the democratic congressional campaign committee. so he'll surely say something. but again, that's what's interesting about john fetterman speaking up, the senator from pennsylvania saying, look, i've been in the position position of doing a bad debate performance and people questioning my cognitive
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abilities and what happened with him is there was this fundraising infusion, right? so the question is when you sit down with the donors, are they going to say, you know what you need the help more than ever? or are they going to say, why don't we have a conversation? i'm curious because you just brought up senator sediment, a of pennsylvania, very important stake. >> he's telling everyone to chill the fft. yeah, that's his vive these is that even possible? after watching that debate and seeing just how it unfolded. so uncomfortably, people were cringing, sending us all text messages all night. they were not chilled out. is it even possible to tell voters and to tell those who support? president biden just chill out. it'll be fine. >> i think it's not just chill out like tonally, you guys are going nuts. it's that there's still a lot of time before november and we're talking without the context of the other people who might be on the ticket. if you have someone on the ticket who's talking about like closing all the polling station isn't changing
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the voting age to 28. that's going to change the dialogue if you decide there's going to be a national abortion ban, that's going to change the stakes. so there's just a lot of things that can happen between now now and fall as even the players involved themselves, the congressional people, the lawmakers, decide how they're going to react to this model. >> and on the flip side, a lot of republicans, any either another's watching this, we're delighted because they believed that the debate showed president biden for what they have saying. and so it is an interesting seeing moment. good question. a desist increase. the third party interests for some, because we already know that neither of these candidates are extremely popular. does that change the dynamic at all? the biden campaign stronger than the biden candidate himself again a lot of weight is on what we just heard from dean phillips, by the way, who was running against biden this year he said this morning he quoted gandhi, speak only if it improves the silence and on that front i
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have to let you both give you have like ten seconds or less to answer this question you say, is only president biden's decision to make is there anyone he would listen to? is there anyone who could come to him and say? it's time? >> i think first lady jill biden or his sister, valerie, and a son, hunter. >> and that's it. >> maybe his daughter, ashley don't have any but audie cornish maybe maybe okay. >> it could be a family of course, but again, i think on him great to see you. thank you. bye. thanks. >> so breaking overnight, the former uvalde police chief, who would as on duty during the mass shooting there. now, in police custody, what we're learning about the indictments handed up in fact, by a grand jury, and then a pillar of roe religion or a piece of history. all public school students in one state must now study the bible in class. that's according to a new rule i voted buttons, betting, dragging my remote kid. it's like your generation has evolved past
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app now, today, the west was hoped to create a better life. >> there was a promise and america, for pure tough enough main enough. it can be doors horizon, an american saga, now playing only in theaters. bridget, are what can only be described as a long-awaited development the first set of criminal charges stemming from the horrific mass shooting at robb elementary school to former uvalde school police officers, including the district's police chief, have now been indicted for the horrifically slow police response to that tragedy 19 children and two teachers were killed that day. >> two years ago. now, pete arredondo, the police chief who led the botched response, is indicted on ten counts of child endangerment and criminal negligence according to an official at the county jail, another officer working under him is charged as well it took 77 minutes. as a reminder
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before police finally moved in to stop the killing, joining us right now is jesse rizzo. he's the uncle of one of the children killed that day. little jackie srs. he also was recently elected to the school board. just see thanks for being here. these charges charges is something that you have been calling for in every conversation we have had over the last two years what's your reaction to this pleasantly surprised when you start to lose faith in the system in a day like yesterday, you know, when you hear the news at someone's finally been indicted, tried to be held accountable and prosecuted, hopefully it, you know, you're you're you're taken back by it. >> it takes a moment to process that information, but we're happy to hear that the da and the grand jury was able to see it. enough details to charge him to go forward with this there's, some reporting that the de met with some of the families to talk through this explaining diamond and the
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charges have you heard about this was your brother there? >> we yes, ma'am. i was i was there. i was present, but i heard about it. it happened the day before yesterday and they did go over some information and everybody was told not to say anything until the nice broke yesterday. so we some of us were aware of it. yes, ma'am have you heard in during those conversations have you heard the district attorney saying that these that the indictments and with these two that's the perception that i received i'm hoping that that's not the case you know, it's it's i would rather her come out and actually issue a public statement in a news conference and explain to people in detail what her intentions are and kinda give us a breakdown. >> a lot of us are not exposed to the daily legalities of all these things. so we get a little confused with the to
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technical things that go on. but there's a lot of questions that need to be answered as well. so i'm hoping that she will eventually come out and issue some kind of formal statement. >> house probably. yeah how how is your brother feeling this morning? >> they were happy. we're all happy that at least two officers were indicted were we were hoping for a lot more and we're hoping that something does come in the future, but we're not holding our breath on that, but we are surprised and we are happy that mr. rather than doing adrian gonzales were indicted if these two are the only two who face criminal charges over what happened to your knees and all of those other children in those two teachers is that does that equal accountability? >> the accountability that we've talked about so much for the last few years it's absolutely not. i mean, it did it's the beginning of something right. but in order to bring closure, you would want all the officers that
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didn't do their job that day, that that fill to respond appropriately you'd want them to be held accountable in an equal way. offices that come to mind is for example, the the assistant chief, mr. bodyguards, who takes the phone call acknowledges the fact that there's children in there that are dying that are being shot at any simply does nothing. he walks away from the situation. that's an individual that i'm perplexed about that i can not understand why he was an indicted so it's something with the two individuals who were indicted, but it's not enough. >> you mentioned you were surprised that this happened. what do you make it? the timing. do you have any understanding of why why now the district attorney is? finally been comfortable to make this move i think it was a big task. >> it's a whole lot of moving parts. you have different departments and the vp is rangers, all types of departments there were a lot of data has to go through a lot of information that you got. and you have to get it right. so i respect that process. it is a
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long time though. it's a call it a agony for two years you think about the situation. you wonder if anything's going to happen to it it's quiet for a period of time and i don't like the fact that it takes place late in the de basically a closing time, people are going home at that time, 5:00 don't like the fact that it took place at a time, but i looked at i tried to look at the bigger picture and the most important thing is that he isn't that he was indicted it's hard to swallow the pill where mr. either londo and the other officers is basically allowed this situation to take place for such a long period of time and yet two-and-a-half years later, we finally get that indictment. so it's it's tough to understand that part but at least we got something though we've talked about the very long road to trying to mend the community after what happened and the aftermath and mess that was totally mishandled. do you think these
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actions this works toward that toward mending the community? >> i think it does. i think that the most important people that are going to mend that community is going to meet mr. rogers andoh for himself and adrian gonzales because they can either take the road of where they accept responsibility and they accept the consequences that are handed to him or they can dynein denying denying, they choose that alternate path where you deny all you're doing is tearing up to town, you're tearing up the families. you rip and everybody's hard apart. so it is going to be up to them. they have to accept the fact that they filled on it and whatever consequences they're faced with, they must accept them and whether it's prison time. three years, ten years, whatever it is you gotta you have to you just have to allow their processes take place. it is going to it is going to take a lot of time because there are people obviously, it's still support mr. eyes are the window and the other officers. and you can't get past the point of their such nice people. they were
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such nice guys. and we don't take that from anybody but it's hard to make those types of individuals understand the magnitude of the failure on may 24, that's the challenging aspect of it yeah. well, as we say, thank you and goodbye once again, jesse, let us put up once again that sweet picture to remember your knees. jackie catharsis, and all the other children who were killed on that day and their two teachers who were in their work done jessie, thank you so much we'll be. right back we're the most prestigious black company in three generations of black excellence. >> now, it's out to be family and this family empire houston new series tonight, 87 central. >> the all new godaddy arrow helps you get your business online and minutes with the power of ai, with the perfect name a great logo, and a
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undergraduate credits for relevant experience, and get the support you need from your first day to graduation day and beyond. what will your next success p, celebrate, go forwards in america. a july 4th, they 70s dirt on see it in i would have to say after watching the debate i'm wondering how biden hand themselves and answering the questions. >> it reassured me of my his uninsurance. be able to lead our country. i'm conservatives hesitant, very not cognitive seemed like his data he was missing his numbers so very concerning that somebody i don't think that needs to lead our country. >> i'm looking for somebody that i trust to be able to uphold policies that will protect me and are more concerned for the general well-being of everybody in the united states, which i got more from biden considering he did a lot more talking about policies, what he's done, and what he plans to do. whereas on the other side from trump all i really heard was i've done this and it was the best ever, but i never heard what it was or i heard that biden was the worst ever, but i never heard why.
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>> i think that his mental acuity is a lot better than biden's biden seems to be very tired actually, i'm tired of both of them because they just keep going back and forth, back and forth. we just indicate some younger people in there that have clean records that and start over all right. >> that was voters last night just after the historic debate, just down the hall where we are in atlanta at cnn, it'll be important to hear from voters today. in this morning after it's sunk and a little bit to see how they feel about everything that happened on that stage. has for donald trump, he is in virginia today. he'll hold a rally there. let's go right to a lane, a train covering the trump campaign, alaimo, what are you hearing? >> well, you're right. i donald trump is actually in this club behind me. he's starting his de here in virginia later he will travel a couple hours or is where he's holding a rally in chesapeake and luck, when i talk to donald trump's team, they said you can very much
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anticipate that the former president will be taking a victory lap at that speech. later today, they are feeling very good about his debate performance last night. and there's a few things, john, i want to point out. one is that they were very happy with the way that donald trump held himself last night. they had urged him and advised him heading into thursday to be more reserved to come off more presidential, to not wade the into too many personal attack. we did, of course, see him at some points attack the former or excuse me, attack president joe biden, as well as his son. but for the most part, donald trump stayed pretty composed. he didn't go rogue. i know that was a concern of some trump allies that maybe he would veer off into some of his rants and personal attacks. but for the most part, he's stayed on message. the other thing i want to point out is that they pay very close attention to the democratic reaction last. night following the debate. they relished. they told me the critiques of joe biden, particularly from people within
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his own party going on social media, on television. they've been sharing those posts as well today. the third thing i want to point out is optics. so going into thursday as well, donald trump's team, as much as they want wanted him to stay on message and be good on the substance. if anything, actually prioritized the optics the way that he appeared. and they think that he did very well on that front. i do want to play for you just what we heard from trump's son of shortly after the debate in the spin room, eric trump said this, take a listen i spoke to him about 30 seconds after he got off the stage and probably the first phone call he he took and elated my father's you go out there. he's good. keep going to pennsylvania and wisconsin and arizona and florida and north carolina and all the swing states and we as a family are going to work tirelessly and he does not need to be doing this. he's getting shot at every single day by every single person he wants to see this country great. he wants to save this country. he wants to see our nation succeed he wants to fix this union and he wants respect for america again and i'm proud of him
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now, john, that response from eric trump is very similar to what other republicans are telling me and i do also just want to quickly make clear that even though donald trump's team had declared before the debate, even ended that he had won it remember he lied repeatedly during the debate. >> he lied about his role in january 6 he lied about the about immigration economy, the national that a number of things that our team has been fact-checking. but the impression that many voters, god and we've seen from our initial polling on that, is that by enlarge, they agree that they think donald trump one. and so i think to your point about needing to stay tuned to see how americans over the next week feel and how this resonated with them will be a very important footnote in the larger debate of looking forward to november john boyd to train in virginia. >> thanks so much are you this morning, oklahoma's education chief is now requiring all public schools to teach the bible, including the ten commandments. a move
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immediately condemned by group saying it clearly violates the separation between church and state. this of course, comes just a week. you'll remember this after louisiana enacted a law requiring the tenant commandments be displayed in all classrooms. of course, this goes further. cnn's ed lavandera joining us now, the state superintendent said that, look, the bible is a necessary historical document to teach. we heard a similar argument in louisiana for posting the commandments what kind of reaction are you hearing well, this is really kind of sparked off intense debate once again in oklahoma, but it's part of a broader movement that we're seen in states across the country of right-wing conservative, especially religious conservatives, trying to indoctrinate more christian issues into to the classroom. >> ryan walters is the superintendent of oklahoma schools and he has made a name for himself in recent years of pushing back against what he sees as liberal indoctrination
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of students in public classrooms. so he issued this edict yesterday saying that the bible and ten commandments is expected to be incorporated in all all classrooms in oklahoma. starting next school year, that all teachers must teach from the bible that the foundational documents used for the constitution and the birth of the country, that these are necessary historical documents it's for students to understand western civilization. as you might imagine, there's been a great deal of pushback on the superintendent, the americans united for separation of church and state says that ryan walters is abusing his power, that this edict is unconstitutional, and that he is trapped coupling religious freedoms in the country. other critics non-christian critics, are coming out against what walters has said as well it is definitely treading on very thin ice when it comes to the idea of religious freedom and the establishment clause of the
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constitution. this underlying assumption of the first amendment has allowed me as a jewish person to grow up in this country without fear that my governmental institutions are going to oppress me and sarah, what ryan walters edict that yesterday about teaching the bible and ten commandments school, what it really doesn't lay out his exactly please specifically, how the bible and the ten commandments would be incorporated specific lindy into each different kind of class and subject matter across schools in the state. >> but despite hi, all of that, there's just still been a great deal of pushback on what the superintendent is pushing for now, sarah. all right. ed london there. >> thank you so much live there for us from dallas. we'll be right back. >> violet earth, would we have freiburg sunday at nine on cnn?
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coventry direct redefining insurance i'm bill, we're on the california coast and this is cnn leinz, president biden are tough in the u.s. this morning and it's not any better oversees the british tabloid, the sun. they wrote jomo toast. i think we put that up with a screen and there was another biden bombs, not much different in france, italy, and greece he's either see you in an international diplomatic get or nic robertson is with us now. so nick, what are you hearing over there? >> it is. it's it's a sense of not forgetting. of course, the europeans here less president biden than perhaps americans do. and that way is more shocked by what they actually heard and the way the president can ported himself. so these headlines amine across the board rare that you get all the newspapers to line up this way
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not just this in the uk, but, but top to bottom of europe in greece, they're suggesting, is it time for president biden? then to go to step aside? of course, that's a question democrats are asking themselves to. but in russia they absolutely lampooned the debate, packing up on president biden's walk up and down the steps of the stage and saying that it was a success that he didn't fall over comparing show saying it was a or comparing the debate rather to show that they said was for pensioners, of course that overlooks the fact that president putin is a pension able age. so in russia they will lampooning it. we heard from the kremlin spokesman saying that putin didn't stay up late to watch it. but you can bet there he is certainly got a beat on it. when he got up later in the de the kremlin's and then i'll go to comment because they don't comment on internal affairs. but from what they will have heard from donald trump, this will be good news for putin, bad news for zelenskyy, bad news for the european union, bad news nato tough talk that
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russia, that rather china is going to hear out of this but putin, yeah, he's probably smiling and look you make a good point a lot on the line here for ukraine, for nato, for so many of these nations, nic robertson, great to see you this morning. thank you very much. >> thank you, nick. and thank you. all of you for joining us. today. this is cnn new central cnn newsroom with jim acosta up next i. hate 20 years of experience as an hr professional and i hit reached a ceiling. >> so i enrolled in young gc. i would not be the person person that i am today had it not been for the partnership with un gc the best things in life come in twos, two scoops of ice cream, two thumbs up, and now by any phone, when you switch to consumer cellular and get two months of service free, that's right, two months free, all the fast, reliable nationwide
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