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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  June 28, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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383882 or visit home >> violet earth with me of freiburg sunday at nine on cnn close captioning is brought to you by you, cora, help maintain a healthy urinary tract with you, cora, i can having utis for ten years. you cora. we make uti relief products. we also make proactive urinary tract health products. you korea is a lifestyle try today at your defiant, deflated, but moving forward, welcome to cnn news central embryonic healer alongside erica hill here in washington and happening right now, president biden is about to speak at a campaign event in raleigh, north carolina, just hours after his cnn debate performance prompted widespread worries among democrats, despite the growing anxiety the president's advisers or outright rejecting calls from some democrats for biden to tropp out one telling cnn,
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quote, we are in a dark place, but we're moving forward just a couple of hours from now for president trump set to hold his first campaign bent since the debate, he'll be delivering remarks at a rally in virginia. >> and we of course, are going to monitor both president biden's event and that a bit later from the former president first though, let's go we've seen a national corresponding kristen holmes, who is at location for that trump event. do we know yet what we will hear from the former president later this afternoon i'm really hearing from senior advisers that this is the first opportunity for the former president to actually address what happened last night. i talked to a number of donors as well as those his orbit who said they actually don't want him to attack biden too much. they think that he had a width last night. remember donald trump, if most of the people around him, you everything as winner and a loser, and they believe that they were the winners last night. what they prefer for him to do if get out on this stage, take a victory lap, of course. but then go back to the messaging if they want to hear from. now whether
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or not that's going to happen. of course, will remain to be seen. this is the first time the donald trump is going to be surrounded by a group of his borders. and that is traditionally when we start to see him go off on those rants and ribs that his team has specifically been hoping to avoid on the night of the debate. now it is interesting just to note, we are in virginia, a state that joe biden won by double digits in the last election, a state that has blinn bid blue cooper multiple cycles, but that the trump team exist, is it play? now we have talked to some people who are actually working on the political structure and strategy for donald trump, who's salem this is not something that we believe is one of these key battleground states, but we are seeing a level of movement in the state that we are hoping in our deepest desires. donald trump would be able to flip and of course, he is appearing here with governor glenn yangon publican who met with donald trump just about two weeks ago. youngkin is a more moderate republicans, so there isn't
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course some hope that that would help donald trump in the state as he tries to reach voters outside of his base of support. what i'm saying here, everyone is actually contending this rally is a die-hard trump's support are all right. >> kiersten homes. thank you so much. kristen holmes, pardon me. thank you for that. let's go now to cnn's priscilla alvarez priscilla, what are you hearing from the biden campaign look, biden advisers acknowledge it was a lackluster performance last night, but they are standing by him and they maintain that he is staying in this race. and sources tell cnn that he is still committed to debate in september, but there is no doubt that over the course of the day the biden campaign payne has had to contend with criticism from all part from everywhere from allies of the president, from democratic officials and lawmakers who were deeply concerned by the president biden that they saw last night. in fact, i had talked to folks heading into thursday's debate and they told me that they hope that they would get the state if the
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union president biden, who was showed, for example, the strength and was able to quell some concerns about age and mental acuity, what they got instead though, just raised more questions about the president's age and yes, advisers have pointed to the first debate that former president barack obama had against me, wrong? how many and noted that that wasn't his best performance, but that obama went on to win that second term. but the difference here is that there are such concerns among democrats that they are talking about whether biden should be on the ticket at all. but the biden campaign is trying to move on and today's post debate rally and battleground north carolina is going to be an opportunity to do that. and we could see a different biden i've attended multiple of these rallies and the president is often more eager and upbeat, feeding off the energy of the people and the voters in the crowd. we saw a glimpse of that at the watch party that the president and the first lady attended. last night, which was quite a stark
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difference from the way that he was on that debate stage. so we may see some of that in his rally that's going to happen moments from now, vice president kamala harris also hitting the campaign trail. she is on her way to. i'll say eggs nevada where she is going to try to rally latino voters. another key coalition we'll be watching for all those moments, priscilla, thank you. joining us now to talk more about the concerns behind the scenes today and what it really looks like moving forward, a democratic congressman telling cnn, despite party leaders publicly standing by biden today everyone in the party is privately buzzing about whether to try to convince the president to drop out. >> let's discuss this now, a cnn political analyst, jackie percentage and presidential historian douglas brinkley all right, jackie, what are you hearing from democrats? >> so i think the first thing we should say is that there are very few people in an outside of biden's close circle that would be able to talk him into dropping out. i'm thinking of jill biden. i'm thinking of his sister, valerie that's
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pretty much where it starts and finishes in terms of the people that really know kim best. and that he listens to. so beyond that, if you'd get much democratic leaders saying there would not saying tried to convince him. i think the most important two people are those two people that said what you're hearing from democrats on the hill? what i think a lot of us are hearing from democrats in text messages is they're trying to look past the president's performance last night, which is very hard to do. let's be real here. and focus more on his policies and his agenda and his vision for the future and contrast that to some of the things that former president trump said last night. now, whether voters will be able to make it to look past that, that remains to be seen, but that's what you're hearing from official official washington, though it will say governor haley in massachusetts, just talk to some reporters at the state house and said it was tough to watch, which is not exactly what that's a bit further,
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than your hearing, people in washington gop, pick up on the voter point. they will for just a second. the fact is this was this was a debate for voters right there watching to see which of these two men any very tight race they are comfortable with. the fact that voters, voters and cnp telling cnn in michigan the swing state of michigan they were not comfortable with what they saw last night that they have genuine concerns. how much of the voter sentiment is actually being picked up on and addressed by democrats we know from polling and from conversations had in the field with voters that biden's age is a prime concern. and whenever you have a candidate reinforcing something, the voter's already concerned about. it tends to be more damaging. this is not a new thing, but again, i think there, you're getting a lot of yeah, it was a bad at night. but like you heard, vice president harris say, a lot of reiterating that, but listen, look at the past three years, don't judge him on one night. the problem is that was a pretty big stage to have this occur. yeah. i mean, duncan is
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we are waiting. president biden here at his raleigh event. i do just want to ask you. yeah. there is such a thing is a bad night. we've seen them before. we saw the obama romney first debate, but that didn't really raise questions about whether the incumbent was up to capably serving for four more years. have you seen anything like this before? >> well, i think when michael dukakis famously said that he was against capital punishment and they, bernard shaw, cnn pose that the idea that what happens if your wife was raped or beaten, and he's still have just said, well, i'm not going to be a motive got it. i'm against capital punishment. dukakis did terribly. that was the worst moment in us presidential debate history. and i think last night we saw about ten examples of biden being due caucus, meaning this was a complete wipeout for biden. and it started when he came out and a zombie like
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state and he had a glazed look from time to time and had almost zero ability to fire back. for example, when donald trump talks about afghanistan being such a huge embarrassment to the world, a widen buying a immediately come back and say, what about january 6? in really hammer him on that. so it was just a night of miss opportunities for biden and the optics were terrible. so yes, the democratic party is scratching their heads and trying to figure out what to do next. >> all right. doug, if you can stand we are listening in to this event in raleigh, north carolina, where first lady jill biden is introducing president biden, let's listen i'm going to repeat that line because i think it's the most important. i loved him from this start i saw in him then the same character that i see in him
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today. and even though he has faced unimaginable tragedies, his optimism is undaunted his strain is, unshakable is undeterred over the last few years, joe has helped heal our country help us all recover from the chaos of the last administration we choose our chapter in history, but we can choose who leads us through it at this moment with these these parallels, the world is facing there is no one that i would rather have sitting in the oval office right now, then my husband last night, on the
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debate stage, was joe biden a president with integrity and character told that, truth trump there luck good election is about you is fighting for the families here in north carolina and across america who are working hard, to find a secure place in the middle-class the moms who worried that their daughters will grow up in a country with fewer rights than we had as a teacher i'm always loved the teachers who are here always
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proud of the way joe flights for educators like our next speaker, eric fits eric is a form summer school principal, public school principal and he now works at wake county public schools making sure teachers get the support they need. so that students can thrive. eric thank you for all that you do. for your fellow educators and students. >> so the first lady there who is of course, the president's biggest champion, also as jackie as you were noting, one of maybe two people, right? who can have that tough conversation with him that we're hearing a number of people would like her to have with him. she said, what we saw last night on the debate stage
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was joe biden i mean, it's not a false statement, but i but i think but i think that she also said someone who was telling truth while they well, the the present former president trump told lies this is a very positive spin on what we saw last night. and the idea that that is who joe biden is i don't know that's what she meant are you surprised at all that there is not more of an effort to try to change, perhaps people's minds about what they did see last night. she glossed over that could she have done that here and not at a rally. i don't i don't think at a rally, you can have the kind of nuance that you would need to explain this, where you saw the campaign, try to do it last night and midway through the debate, they were saying he had a cold which again okay. fine. but this is the president of the united states. the stakes were so high
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last night and you can gloss over it as much as you want. you can't tell people to see something that they did not see yeah. and a lot of people will not unsc and on here, what they experienced watching them debate dug, it was really stunning and i wonder where you see this five months out from the election going from here doug near me all right. we lost unfortunately, we lost audio with doug, but again, we're watching this raleigh event where an educator is going to be introducing president biden here very shortly currently will be staying on this, doug. thank you so much, jackie. thank you so much for your insights as well this just in a federal court in dc already reopening cases, it gets january 6, rioters, just hours after the supreme court limited charges, particularly obstruction charges against them. so how this decision could impact hundreds of january 6 defendants including
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former president donald trump next let's get stuck. >> breakthrough truck racing it's getting the gulf coast from texas. to south beach, miami. >> this is $25. come on. you got to be joking season from a great food truck race sunday night on foodnet, you want to close out should i? >> normally, i'd hold but taking the games of smart here, right? >> feel more competent. let's dog ratings from jp morgan analysts in the chase app, when you've got a decision to make, the answer is jpmorgan wealth management? good morning with daca good. >> good. good. >> yeah i don't collect to we grouped bites her fast and gentle constipation relief in as little as 30 minutes making your good morning even better with all galactose with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, my skin was no longer mine. my active psoriatic arthritis joint symptoms held me back. >> don't let symptoms to fine.
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immune health and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein dangerous ladders gutter mac yeah. no wonder you hate cleaning your gutters. good thing. there's lee filter are patented filter technology keeps leaves and debris out of your gutters forever to have my back hi reduction, we had a wonderful time spent the time are your sons, christina carter, you're going to grow up to be incredible young men. you would vent really impressed where they talked about their dad own form. they were about what was going on. i was surely oppressed. my two hamburgers the special thanks to roy and kristen cooper roy, you've been a great government which makes it all the more important. the
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north carolina elect a great governed replace you, josh time i'm reelected again with your help. i want you to know that i'm not promising not to take roy away from north carolina thanks to all the state and local leaders here today. the great musician in our channels are performed earlier, folks let me tell you why i'm here in north carolina i'm here for okay hi, i'm here north
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carolina for one reason because i intend to win this steck in november i think we are r4 is right. we went here, we win the election here's how we're going to do it. i'm going to stand up for the women of american yoav ways. the law of the land understand it for the right to vote understand that for medicare and social security rule to fight for child care greatly even though we've got to keep lowering the cost of prescription drugs, not just for seniors, but for every single american right to keep protecting the affordable care act which is why more than 40
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million americans have health insurance today we're going to protect our children and get the weapons of war off our streets provide clean drinking water affordable high-speed internet, quality education for every child on america we're going to secure our border. and protect legal immigration unlike the other guy, we're going to stand up to dictators like putin no one, no one ever and we're, going to keep daily with the climate crisis we're
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going, to preserve, protect, and defend our democracy there's more than anything else that is what are the stake in america this so actually, your freedom your democracy america itself is at stake folks. i don't know what you did last night, but i spent 90 stages, 90 minutes on the stage is debated. a guy who has the worlds of an alley cat say trump last night my guess he said, i mean it sincerely, a new record for the most lies told him the single debate you
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learned about the graded counter you created he learned about the pandemic. he bucks killing millions of people he closed businesses, he closed schools lucy, their homes, people over this country america is flat on his back so i told trump that it was just one of two presence american history who left office has fewer jobs and he started herbert hoover was the other one that's, why i, call donald herbert hoover trump then, he lied about how ghraieb he was for veterans i told him how he had called a veteran and given their lives in the country in world war i and refused to go to the grave sites. he called them suckers and losers. let me ask you, are going to believe a four star marine general is own
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former chief of staff, john kelly, who said he said that, or disgrace defeat in a line, donald trump my son was one of those people, not a woman, woman folks. look, how about the fact that 44 how about the how about the fact that 30 odd is 44 top advisers including the vice president, aren't supporting this time around the people know best. 40 of them said i will not support the man i worked for this time around it tells you a lot about a person who knows him look he lied about how great he was on crime had to remind him that he oversaw record increase a
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murder rates in 2020 on my watch while and crime is you'd have 50 year low is more to do then i pointed out they're only convicted criminal law stage last night was donald trump when i thought about his 34 felony convictions is sexual assault. a woman in a public place as being fine, $400 million for business fraud i thought to myself, donald trump in just a convicted felon donald trump as are one man crime wave he's got four trials he's got four trials coming up the thing that bothers me maybe most about him. yes, no respect for women
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or the law doesn't and then his biggest lie he lied about how he had nothing to do with the insurrection, the january saw with her own eyes what should on vision we saw thousands. it is direction attack the capitol. we saw police being attack the capital b ransac the mob hundred for speaker pelosi gallows literally set up for mike pence and then he told him as he sat in the diner, one dryer, when the private dayana run door off by oval office, he sat there for three hours watching tv he did not a single thing to stop at. nothing. not even gone. and now he wants to pardon almost convicted folks role is lies. and we did lump-sum words
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aren't some important truths about donald trump last night we learned he still proud of being the person who killed roe v wade we learned we learned you still proud about the pain and cruelty inflicted on america is women we learned this still believes the politicians, not doctors and women, should make decisions about the woman's health we learn that if he's elected again, and the maga republicans passed and national ban on abortion. he will sign it donald trump says, he thinks rubber very overbroad overturning roe v wade was a beautiful thing i think it was a nightmare no, i really mean it a nightmare. and i made it clear again last night, if you like me and common law you give us a democratic commas. we will make roe v wade, the law of the land again thank you hi he said
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i quadruple taxes where the hill is he ban which is a simple lie i didn't raise the tax on anyone in america. >> it was that made less than $400,000 a year. and i won't have my second term either reward or trump who had the largest deficits in any president for years because of 2 $2,000,000,000,000 tax cut to the superwealthy. we learn a trump wants to give another giant tax cut for the very wealthy, the biggest corporations. this time 5 trillion. not a joke. 5 trillion to pay for it. he's going to cut medicare and social security cut health care. due at all would millions of work in middle-class americans all pay for another tax cut for the very wealthy
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then that insult to injury. he wants to raise taxes on the average family 2,500 a year what amounts to a new 10% is tale tax and all products imported america, that's his new plan. for food, coffee, candy bars, and so much more. it's going to raise a tax though the average family $2,500 a year most dangerously, though, we learned a donald trump will not respect this year's election outcome still not rejected in the last time out. i'll think about it. every court know nan role that it was a fair election. he still denying it, still telling lies three times trump was asked last night by the moderators, what respect the election results if he lost his time three times, refused to answer three times folks, donald trump refused to accept the results in 2020. we all saw what happened on january the 6th it's a direct consequence
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of that. he was an international embarrassment. by the way, as i go these international meetings, i know every major world leader i literally because i've been around as you might have noticed but they asked, me, did he really mean this is that what was this real? because the constitutional crisis and international embarrassment now, trump is making it clear that you're done with this time. there will be in his words, bloodshed was president has ever said anything like that. no president his words not mine. we're going to let donald trump attack our democracy again i don't think so we've come a long way we've
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come a long word from the mess of donald trump that came out of the pandemic we're a long way from where donald trump telling us injecting bleach in our skin, that corbyn is not that dangerous your day, we have the strongest economy in the world without exception 15 billion your job hundred thousand manufacturing jobs unemployment under 4% for a record two years in a row the stored black and hispanic unemployment down skirt christian of stall business and blackened all communities across the nation particularly in rural areas historic economic growth inflation has dropped from 9% to three and is still going down i know we
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have. more to do to get prices down. we have to take on corporate grade and making twice the profit they were before the pandemic we've got to make housing more affordable. provide childcare make the tax code fare 60 nobel winners of the economic nobel prize i've looked at mired comedy economic plans. this week. they've issued a report and a trump's plan. here's what they concluded. they said that my plan would continue to grow the economy and bring down inflation 16 nobel laureate trump's plan was sent the nation into recession and inflation soaring through the roof take my word for folks. let me close this i know i'm not a young man yaw via well, i know diseases i used to, i
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don't speak as smoothly. i used to. i don't debate debate is well as i used to well, i know what i do know i know how to tell the truth i know know how to do this job i don't how to get things done well, i know like millions of americans know when you get knocked down, you get back the, trigger are kind
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of in the depths of pandemic it's, where it is today, the strongest economy in the world. i know it'll take the bigness economy through everybody. i don't take the rally the world to stand up against putin and defend freedom, not yield i go take to keep the world safe and free for the years ahead folks. i give you my word as the biden, i would not be running again if i didn't believe with all my heart and soul, i can do this job because quite frankly the stakes are too high stakes are too high donald trump is a genuine threat to this nation
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he's a threat to our freedom is a threat to our democracy is literally a threat for everything america stands for he doesn't understand what i think all of you do america is the finest, the most unique nation in the world i only nation in the world, i mean, this sincerely is the fact statement, not a hyper, hyperbolic statement is fact. we're the only nation in the world built on an idea all the nations bone ethnicity, geography, and other religion. but we're built on an idea that we're all created equal deserve to be treated equally throughout our lives. we've never fully lived up with lobby dam to the year 2024, just two years two years before the 250 anniversary of our declaration of independence, there i'll let donald trump walk away from it
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hi. >> give you my word. i get my worth as a biden there's still a nation. i believe are still a nice depletion, honesty, and decency, and treating people with respect i still believe we're a nation. it gives everyone a fair shot. at least nobody behind we're so nicely gives, hey, no safe harbor we're still the beacon to the world we could never give up what makes america, america donald trump as motivated by revenge and retribution well, revenge and retribution never built a thing you and i, we americans are nation, of hope, optimism possibilities that it. always build america. that's going to continue to build american today? the choice in this election is simple donald trump will discharge democracy.
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i will defend it donald trump's the first president i've heard others stood up there and run for president, having been 11 term saying america is a fairly nation where the hell does he think he is fairly? i don't know a president wouldn't trade we're going to heartbeat he's dead wrong american not losing nation, america has winning as i stated that i can honestly say i've never more optimistic about america's future my whole career we just have to know who we are. we're the united states of america there's nothing beyond our capacity nothing. when we act together got it nice god bless
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you all. and may god protect our troops. let's go get up north carolina a rousing speech by president biden. >> there in north carolina on the heels of a terrible debate performance last night. in what rylee could have been a greek closing argument that he couldn't be last night, and that this crowd was certainly very receptive to, he said, ended the end. i know. i'm not a young man to state the obvious, but he went on to say, i know what i do know, i know how to tell the truth. i know right from wrong. i know how to get things done and he was trying to eric assure voters that he wouldn't be doing this, but he didn't know that he could do this job another four years. he's always and clearly obviously a very friendly audience, right? he's buried a campaign rally, eds packed with supporters. there
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was no audience last night, of course, in the debate, but certainly a different joe biden than what we saw last night, which i think in many ways begs the question of how much of this is also an attempt by the campaign at a reset trying to reset that image that is in voters minds. this joe biden versus the joe biden on that stage? >> let's go to priscilla alvarez to talk a little bit about what we're seeing he needed priscilla a reset. is that what the campaign is going for here they are trying to move on and that's exactly what you saw play out there over the last several hours. we have heard from biden advisers, from democratic officials, lamya hey guys white house officials that they were deflated, frustrated, discouraged over last night's lackluster performance. just there. you heard it from the president himself when he said that he doesn't debate as well as he used to. and then went on to say that he does tell the truth, that he knows right from wrong and going through his record and that was an argument
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that we started to see surrogates make over the course of the day that yes, the president had a lackluster performance on thursday night, but that it is his record that voters should be judging him for the president also acknowledged his age during that rally a couple times, noting that, yes, he's up there in age and that too has been a top concern among voters. and one that perhaps was exacerbated in thursday's debate. but otherwise, as someone who has gone to a lot of these rallies, this was pretty standard. the president often does feed off of the energy in the crowd he was very forceful in his remarks today and going through his record and also criticizing trump on tax cuts on the economy, on immigration, and going through the whole gamut of issues and also noting that america are noting that it is important to preserve and protect democracy a cornerstone of the
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president's campaign. now the big question is, does this quell the concern and the panic that and we have heard so much about today. we'll see, but the president and the campaigns certainly trying to reset with this rylee today priscilla, thank you also want to bring in kayla tausche, who was there at the rally? kayla, as priscilla was just pointing out, of course, much of this as standard fare for a joe biden rally that being said, there was a reset needed and it was interesting some of the things that he hit on as, priscilla pointing out noting, i don't debate as well as i used to. he also quite notably said i would not be running again if i didn't believe with all my heart and soul, i could do this job. clearly, that is part of the new messaging amid these questions, kayla it is part of the new messaging, erica. and when he said that line about not running again, and let's be believed it with every fiber of his being that he could do the job. again, the crowd here are
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reupped it in chance of a yes, you can. yes, you can. that's also new president biden clearly feeding off the energy of this crowd here in north carolina. yet another critical state for the biden campaign. but he also said, when you get down, when you get knocked down you get back up again and he received roaring applause to that line as well. clearly acknowledging that he was knocked down on the debate stage last night in that third needs to be a reset. but president biden today was animated. he was high-energy here at the north carolina state fairgrounds and it appeared that he was using many of the lines that he used onstage laws night, but also using many that appeared to have been drafted for the debate, but did not get you he talked a lot about how i would tell the truth, how donald donald trump, in his words, it's a one man, ghraieb crime wave was no respect for women for the law. so clearly some very distilled and well-trained fire on donald trump about
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exactly who he believed. see it in his character. president biden not mincing words whatsoever, but appearing to be rested and feeding off the energy of this crowd today, guys douglas brinkley also back with us, doug, feeding off that energy, doing all the things as we have just heard, you're laying this out, going after a number of donald trump's lies today that he did not go after last night, but the reality is, one friendly campaign rally does not a full reset make for voters it doesn't fully make it, but i think history will show this as the great rally reset. one has to wonder how is he going to respond after the failed debate, he went to a waffle house last night. i was trying to be a little bit homey with people there and i was wondering all de what does he do? does he do an interview? how let's see, get out of the messy, got himself been well, we just got the answer that was an extraordinarily energized speech. it was an entirely different biden than we saw last night, almost two
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different people, a lot of the messaging was the same as some of the lines were the same, but they were delivered with the verb. and i thought jill biden introducing him and wearing her vote outfit and having the feedback, the given take for four more years and yes, you can come out at the audience was reminiscent of an obama rally so that's about as good as you're gonna get for the beginning of a rebound from the debate. and we just caught it live. i hope more people that liked joe biden will or are looking undecided. well, we'll listen to this speech and remember that biden can rise to oratorical heights when push comes to to shove, he is the rebound kid here all right. >> douglas brinkley and i reported the horse, kayla tausche percent alvarez. thank you. all. stay with us. short break here. we'll be right back. >> this election, season, stay with cnn with more reporters on
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aura ring closed captioning brought to you by meso book if you or a loved one half mesothelial mac will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to 14000 former president donald trump is back on the campaign trail in virginia, where in just a little over an hour he is going to hold his first rally since the presidential debate. and then we just heard, of course, president biden revving up and trying to reset after a tough night last night at his debate against trump with this, now we have republican congresswoman of south carolina, nancy mace, obviously very much in donald trump's corner today, and especially after this debate, i do want to ask you because we did cnn didn't analysis of these candidates and found 30
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untrue statements by donald trump, which i mentioned nine by biden. so that's sort of the breakdown we're looking at in this is i think the choice that we saw from this debate, you have someone like trump who has been a serial liar, more so than the person he's running against you still refuses to accept the results of the last election and say that he'll accept the coming election results. and then you have another candidate who it's hard to imagine after that performance him serving capably for the next four years. what kind of choices this for the american public? well, first of all, i want to address, i believe what was one of joe biden's most egregious lies last night, which was when he said no soldier has died on his watch. there are 13 families of 13 veterans who died in the exit to afghanistan and they deserve to be honored with grace. they gave their lives for our country and four, the afghanistan people and that was pretty egregious, but last night, i mean this was a wake-up call that i do just
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want to note that what you're mentioned. well, that's great. i think and i think seeing ended a really good job. i was actually pleasantly surprised at how well and fair and balanced the questions were for both candidates. i think that's what the country deserve last night. but when you talk about what was going on in the debate last night, this was a wake-up call for the entire country forget about post debate analysis. i personally want to know what's going on in the white house, who is in charge, who is actually running the country. because very clearly after last night it is not joe biden and this is discussion that should be up for debate between now and november. he can't run the country. he's not running it now. he can't run it possibly after november. and so the choice between either of them couldn't be any clearer. and i think it's really important that we're not having a fight over the right or the left, right now analysis the fight over the center where independence right of center, left of center, there's no way that they're going to support a guy who clearly doesn't know what's going on, what, why do you think he's not running? in the country because of a cognitive decline? i mean, last night, i just for me it was
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heartbreaking. i have aging parents. i'm a mom to see what they put him through. i thought was abusive. he should not have been on that stage. she should not have been in that debate. he is definitely not running the country. there's no way that the leader of the free world who couldn't stand up for 90 minutes is running, is running the show. what i mean, what ovens do you have? we have i do want to ask you that because i think a lot of questions were raised by his performance questions that he has to answer for and he tried to at least start to do that today. but what does the evidence that you have that you had 90 minutes last nine of joe biden onstage. you couldn't even he needed an interpreter. you couldn't even understand what he was saying when he was answering the questions. something is not right, something cognitively, he's clearly on a mask some decline and we have to be honest with the american people because for clearly over the last year democrats, the white house, aided by mainstream media, they've been covering up for the cognitive decline. it was just last week when biden was
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in italy at the g7 summit wandering aimlessly off and all these real videos were called sheep bang the mainstream media it was though he was greeting someone just to be clear, i mean, i know what video you're talking about. there are many viewers. that one your a lot are raising some valid points obviously, we all watched this debate last night, but i do just want to be specifically clear about all the videos that we've seen mainstream media. we're calling these real videos cheap fakes, and we've all seen him know i sound the white house and the white house press secretary was calling it that i just want to be by the media. i just want to be clear. we were not calling we were not owning that statement. i just want to be very clear about that. i want to talk a little bit about some of the issues and obviously the president and his performance last night does raise a lot of questions, but i do want to talk about some of the issues the policy issues on the issue of abortion. here's what president trump said last night. let's listen they will take the life of a child in the eighth month, the ninth month, and even after birth, after
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birth, if you look at the former governor of virginia, he was willing to do this. >> he said, we'll put the baby aside and we'll determine what we do with the baby. meaning will kill the baby no, that is not what that means. just to be clear, that was not even in the zip code of reality. why is he doing that? well, if i recall several years ago, there was actually a legislation filed in virginia about post-birth abortion. and then the other thing about roe v. wade is roe v. wade. does allow some you're not actually really you're not accurately representing that? yeah, i am. and even roe v. wade would allow by law abortion up until the ninth month of a pregnancy. so those are just facts. i mean, let out abortion, letting a baby die is a crime. just to be clear yet, but there had been democrats in this country and state legislatures that have filed legislation related to post-birth abortion. that's a fact. so when we're having this conversation it's important for you sides, the left, you'll honest
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conversation. well loud it. well, i think that's incredibly important. so let's do that because that's not what this huge issue that i am de, but that's not what that's not what you're doing right there when you talk about that there are so many people who cared deeply about this issue and there are many people who fall along this continuum. what they think is okay. and when you talk about it like that, that is not an honest conversation as you, as you are aware, the way i hope i'm assuming you are, the abortions that occur later account for about 1%, right? we're talking after that, the 20, some odd week mark, the post viability mark, the vast majority of them occur so much earlier. and when you're talking about those ones that occur later, these are decisions that have to do with the health and the life of the mother, with the life of the fetus to be and i support plans and dangerous tend to be he wanted pregnancies and these
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tend to be decisions that are done with so much emotion questions of morality as well. they're not then lightly. and so the people who have actually been in that situation look at this characterization. and it's incredibly offensive to them, right? and you're mischaracterize mischaracterizi ng what i've said, my position is always been when the life of the mother is in danger that she should be protected. i've run against republican candidates who didn't have that position. in fact, i just disposed of 12 weeks ago who had a position a couple of years ago. so with no exceptions, not even for life of the mother. and so i leaned in on whether it was a trisomy 18 case in texas. mifepristone case, enrolling in texas that alabama ivf ruling the crazy 18, 60 before ruling and arizona, i've been pretty clear pi one of the most vocal people in my party, one of the most vocal women's certainly on abortion and finding that middle ground because whether you're pro-choice or pro-life well, i mean, i i i went overwhelmingly in my purple district. i just want and my
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primary with these positions will run went overwhelmingly in november as well. but whether you're pro-choice or pro-life, all of us have some limits. generally in the second trimester, whether it's 12, 15, or 20 weeks, or in some cases, some people i had the position of 24, but it's somewhere in the second trimester or the vast majority of americans think there should be some limitations that's a conversation. we should be having now, their sides, but we're not there both sides are generally isn't there are a lot of limitations if you actually dig into this, you'll see and those are done a lot by a case-by-case basis. trump's still not commit to accepting the results of the past election and the upcoming election. does that worry you as someone who at least initially actually had some pretty harsh words for him when it came to how he responded to january 6. well, i voted to certify the electoral college and 20 i believe in the constitution and following the rule of law we've now does that worry you that he will not commit to that? we've had four years of joe biden and we
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cannot have we cannot afford to have four more. when i look at constitutional issue, you can overlook them the fashion he will not commit to accepting the outcome of a free and fair election because of that, we've had four years of joe biden and we need donald trump back in the white house. we've had over nine i answer the question. you've had over nine million illegals invade the southern border. we have inflation, not answer the question. i am answering your question. i support donald trump. i've endorsed him. i'm campaign. you're not worried, is that the nitrogen? not worried? about his lack of commitment to accepting the election. i think he's going to want overwhelmingly, i think there'll be no question november where the american people stand. well, there's of course a possibility that he doesn't. and so the answer to that question is important. we're out of time. actually, unfortunately though, but congresswoman mace, i really appreciate you. have those. thank you so much. and still to come a major ruling on the january 6 capitol rioters, how it impacts former president's trump's case. we'll have that ahead on cnn news central good
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