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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  June 28, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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mayor london breed 2024. financial disclosures are available at healthier. with the aura ring july 4 cnn concert event with performance iq by keith urban, shanty, maybe wrexham the killers in many more go forth in america thursday, july 4 at seven eastern on cnn closed captioning brought to you by meso book if you or a loved one half mesothelial not we'll send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you a11, a21, 4,000 for on the debate stage to the campaign trail. >> soon former president trump expected to deliver remarks at his rally in chesapeake, virginia, speaking for the first time since last night debate, watched by some 48
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million people. president biden also holding campaign events today. he's currently on his way to new york after rallying in north carolina, where he gave a high-energy speech before a crowd of supporters know how to do this job i don't want to get things done i know like millions of americans know. >> when you get knocked down, you get back out i get my words, the biden i would not be running again if i didn't believe with all my heart and soul, i can do this job that high-energy appearance, of course, in stark contrast to what we saw last night in the cnn debate, as we cover both candidates on the trail today, we want to start with cnn's kristen holmes following former president trump in virginia. >> kristen, what should we expect when he addresses the correct crowd well, we are told that he's going to address the debate last night. remember we actually haven't heard from the former president almost at all. there had been rumored
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speculation please, somebody might come to the spin room. he might do some interviews after the debate. when i asked senior adviser last night could he be doing that, they said, why would we end on that note? we'll already feeling we've ended on a high note. they believed that they won last night's debate burnt number of reasons is not just because we've seen from democrats or because we have seen on social media. but it's actually because of donald was brahms for forman because remember, they were pretty concerned and nervous going into the debate, there were a lot of questions as to whether or not donald trump goods by day odd message. they had spent days preparing the former president, drilling down that what he had to do was just talk about several issues that he pulled ahead president joe biden on and they believe that he delivered now whether or not the american people, the american voters believed that donald trump one last night's debate does a reminder the former president views everything in terms firms of winners and losers. now all or some of his allies. but i've spoken to say they hope that yes, he take a victory lap, but that he spent most of his time
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focused on the issues we are not mana debate setting today. we are in a rally full of rabbit, trump's supporters use energy. we will be feeding off of. so really unclear how far hill go when he goes after biden over the debate. will certainly be interesting to see kristen. i appreciate it. i cannot not acknowledge that the lionel richie is a very interesting choice at that rally there in terms of campaign music, i love lionel but it is bleeding through that. i feel like we had to acknowledge cnn's arlette saenz is lowing the pace stout right now, one imagine what would imagine thank you, my friend. cnn's arlette saenz covering the biden campaign the york, as we noted, the president making his way there, of course, after that rally in north carolina where it was a very different joe biden, what we saw on the stage last night, what are you hearing it? this error from the case? campaign or lead lawyer got president biden was very clearly attempting to have a reset on the campaign trail with that north carolina rally
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see, but it's still comes as there are questions about what his path forward will be in the race so far biden's at the president himself and his advisers have showed that there are no signs sent him backing down from this 2024 race, even as there are some democrats in private who are crushed questioning whether he should remain at the top of the ticket. but president biden step on that campaign stage in raleigh, north carolina, really offering a much more fiery and impassioned performance sub perhaps something that his advisers had hoped he would demonstrate straight on the debate stage last night, instead of the halting and stumbling performance that happened to play out before millions of viewers last evening. on television. now, president biden and was also quite forceful in his attacks against trump during this north carolina rally, painting him as a direct threat to democracy. he even tried to you or he didn't use some leinz and he had tried to deploy last night in the debate, but once fallen flat when he was on that stage. but president bison and biden also acknowledged some of his
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own struggles with the debate. take a listen to how we frame this for voters i know i'm not a young man i don't walk as easy as i used to. >> i don't speak as smoothly that i used to. i don't do bad debate is well, as i used to well, i know what i do know i know how to tell the truth and we're told that biden's campaign team is actually having an all staff meeting at headquarters. >> and this afternoon that is something that typically plays out on fridays, but now it's taking on additional significance in the wake of this debate biden's advisers and spend part of the day working the phones. but democratic lawmakers and donors trying to ease some currents concerns and president biden actually just got some major backup from his former boss, former president barak obama, who posted on social media, quote, that debate nights happen. trust me, i know what this election is about someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life in
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someone who only cares about himself, it's an interesting reference as president obama actually floundered in his own first debate against mitt romney back into 2012, i was actually on hand 12 years ago with joe biden when he had to go out and do cleanup duty for president obama. so it's interesting the dynamics at play this time around, but president biden is now on his way here to new york city. he will be appearing at the stonewall inn, a historic ascites of the gay rights movement and also attend a fundraiser a little bit later this afternoon noon at this evening, with lgbtq supporters. and it comes at a time with the biden campaign is at least trying to highlight one bright, bright spot from last night. the campaign says they brought in 14 million on debate de in this morning trying to highlight some of that grassroots fundraising momentum instead, but there will be questions going forward about whether the president can maintain that fundraising, boost at a time when there are some concerns within the democratic party about whether he should remain at the top of the ticket are let appreciate it. >> thank you. and joining me
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now is democratic congressman robert garcia of california, who was on the biden campaign national advisory board. good to have you with us this afternoon. there is this day after debate, a hangover, if you will, that is plaguing the biden campaign. lot of conversations happening, many of them behind closed doors. i was struck by something though so the new york times call them missed tom friedman wrote saying, if this is the best performance they could sum and from him, it's time for joe biden to keep the dignity he deserves and leave the stage at the end of his term. with the country before himself is the president putting himself above the country absolutely not i mean, joe biden is one of the most committed public servants. >> we have ever had in this country. he has served his country honorably, not just as president, but as vice president, as a senator, he loves his country three, and he proves it every single day. i mean, what we have in front of us is a clear binary choice. we saw that last night. i was in atlanta. i saw the president. i saw him greeting his supporters. he is somebody that is out there telling the truth
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and what we hadn't donald trump is someone that told a lie after lie after lie. and i know that he wasn't able to be fast fact check on the spot, but he is being fact check now and we can see he lied in almost every single case to the american people. the american people are going to want someone that is being honest, that has a record. there's a good person and that is not a criminal. and let it literally an attack on the capitol in terms of those falses you're right. are in fact checking 30 false claims from former president trump, president biden had nine. are you concerned though that the president in real time was not able or unwilling to push back against those lies coming from donald trump in the moment i mean, look, my personal opinion is that debate moderators should be pushing back on only's no, that wasn't the format of the debate. but i think that president biden was there to talk about his record and to push back on donald trump and he would he focused on was lowering low and prescription cross talking about insulin to lower chlorine costume eventually then he got
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talking about his accomplishments. ensure that people remember that he is the candidate that supports a woman's right to choose and reminding the country about donald trump's role, horrific role in the attack on the capitol and in the insurrectionist that he now support. so some joe biden did that. i understand that he had a raspy voice. but like i've told folks who cares, we have a choice this november between someone that's a good person, a good president with a real record, a results. and someone that has brought shame on the presidency that is a convicted felon. and in my opinion also a trader to this country. and so joe biden is working hard hard to get elected. we just saw him in north carolina, the energy and fired. he brought to that rally and is gonna do that every single day jelly election were behind him 100%. >> it wasn't stark contrast, but we saw this afternoon that is clear and some of the lines that we heard from him, some of the delivery we were having having this conversation with historians would have made perhaps for a more forceful closing argument for the president last night, i'm curious, this though at the end
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of the day, what we saw last night, that really is a moment for the american people. >> the debate is for the voters to watch to your point, to make their decision based on what they saw i just want to play for you what some voters told cnn in reaction to the debate last night i think that his mental acuity is a lot better than biden's. >> biden seems to be very tired. >> i'm conservatives hesitant, very not cognitive. seemed like his data he was missing his numbers so very concerning that somebody i don't think that needs to lead our country so those were swing-state voters. they're from the state of michigan. are you concerned that joe biden lost votes last night no. >> luckily, the election is still months away. joe biden is going to work really hard to win every single note, especially in swing states. and there have been other focus groups. the car she, issued last night were actually joe biden excelled. we saw that happening with groups of latino
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undecided voters were latinos actually believed that joe biden came out on top of the debate that the he spoke to their issues versus someone that of course, attacks immigrants, attacks latinos, and doubled down on xenophobic rhetoric. again last night actually saying that we've somehow uncivilized the country. i mean, this is someone that is called latinos rapists and murderers. and so as an immigrant myself, i take offense to that and want to ensure that we support someone that's always stood up for our community, but also the country at large. and so there's going to be different polls and focus groups what really matters is moving forward, we had our best fundraising our on record from grassroots supporters post debate that tells you the grassroots is width. joe biden. were with joe biden. he's are nominee. i'm and i'm looking forward to the weeks ahead. >> congressman robert garcia. appreciate your time this afternoon. thank you. >> thank you. >> a key ruling from the supreme court paving the way for a number of january 6 rioters to have their cases reopen. so what does that mean
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for hunter? the reserve defendants, and potentially the former president trump plus outrage in oklahoma after schools are ordered to incorporate, incorporate the bible and the ten commandments into their lessons at public schools, those stories and more ahead. at this hour of cnn news central continues july 7, dr. sanjay gupta reports on hold for the devastating effects of alzheimer's reversing, something that seems so preordained. >> it sounds extraordinary. dr. sanjay gupta before the last alzheimer's patient, july 7th aid on cnn and the furniture business, things move fast. ziprecruiter helps us hire qualified candidates who keep up. we needed a project manager yesterday, we posted a job and ziprecruiter twitter and had our guy on-site and five days, he was qualified and everyone zip recruiter finds the best candidates for all our jobs and they helped us build our dream team when you did it fail? does that too fast for you 44 out of five employers who post on ziprecruiter get a quality
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drive, we know your determination this to credit funding. what's next a us bank, we know how good it feels to reach your milestones. but we also know what really goes into getting you there that's why we introduced cobra, which connects you to a real banker in real time to help you do anything from adding new debit card, 30 have saved smarter even creating a spending what if i just kept the one with cobe rows? or always day from on your road to here because there's nothing has powerful, has the power? with us i'm melissa bell in paris. >> and this is cnn this just in former president trump's legal team planning to file motions to try to get federal obstruction counts against the former president smith's. they're basing it on that ruling today from the supreme court that says the justice department overstepped by filing obstruction charges against hundreds of people who rioted at the capitol on
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january 6. the decision is already prompting at least some of those cases to be reopened. today on social media and reaction trump declaring that decision was a big win, joining us to discuss markets, children's former january 6 committee investigative council, and john dean, former nixon white house counsel at markets. >> as you sat down, you were saying to us that you feel this is a soft blow perhaps, but maybe not as big a deal as some people are making it out to be dealt trump and his legal team thing this is a very big deal and could be very helpful to them. >> look whenever the trump team has, has an opportunity to make a filing right. to try to cast some doubt on the overall investigation. they're gonna do so. when i go back to what we were talking before, like the practicality of today's decision let's the folks who have been charged or pled guilty to crime from january 6, also pled guilty to other crimes such as fisher was charged with, for example, trying to get into the capitol violently, attacking law enforcement officer. so it's not just the 15, 12 c2 charges. other charges that prosecutors can still move forward with without including this exact charge and still arguing sentencing some pretty aggravating facts to hold these
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folks accountable from january 6, it's really important to note that john that there are so many of these defendants, the vast majority of them who are facing other charges. but in this particular case of trump, if he is able to get something dismissed here, the political impact of that, how he is going to puff that up. that's going to be huge. i mean, what do you think about that? >> i think it's very unlikely he's going to get dismissed as mark said, it's very it's a very limited ruling. it's been over-read and overplayed in the media so far, people have really gone to the granular level of looking at the impact of this. and it's going to be very nominal even on those who have pled guilty. for example, many of them had then there plea that if this ruling went against the existing law that would not change their status. so they could be charged again. so there is a lot of anticipation. this could come down. this has been out there during the prosecution and many of these a january 6 cases jack
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smith's was certainly aware of it when he filed his indictment, and i think his indictment is going to withstand any test. so we'll see, but that's where i think the consensus is going to fall. >> we've been looking at so many of these opinions coming out of this court and where they're falling, of course, along ideological lines. this one is not as cut and dry when you look at that sit three votes john, what does that tell you? about moving forward and also just about the decision itself well, it tells you this is not a really a constitutional base case. >> it's a statutory interpretation where some justices rely on their approach to interpret statutes others rely on their experience in reading of the statute. so i think that's why you had the very practical difference in the not been a straight partisan decision in this instance and marcus, the big case of course, that we're really watching for is going to
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be this immunity case that this rent supreme court has to speak on. the president has said that he has broad immunity because of what happened on january 6, as he tries to get things dismissed in the election subversion case, federally what do, you expecting? >> so what i want to the argument and follow the breeze pretty closely. i don't expect a supreme court to say that the president or president has absolute immunity. and if we're being really so get expected to be some type of line and some type of test that's going to require the lower court to try to determine which facts fall within that bucket of that can be charged in which facts fall outside that bucket. and i think just how extensive the test requires that lower court to have to make those determinations. we'll be kinda how this case plays out moving forward before the election. so it will also eat into your point, john howe how if perhaps that is the directive. >> right. given to the lower court, that will have potentially a large impact. once again, on the timeline here and how things can move forward. john how much do you think? thank jack smith is
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preparing for that i'm sure he's totally prepared for it. >> and the potential of what could be some sort of many trial when the case was remanded back to judge chutkan, i think also that he's held band i'm trying to get this case to trial in some form, even if it's just a mini trial before the election. so the people can understand what was going on here. they really don't have anywhere near the vision of the evidence. he's got and the january 6 committee, in fact, collected. so i think i think this is a immunity case, is like for you to have some sort of test. and that test will be could be played out before the election you think that's the case? >> yes. i imagined i think it will be i think there's evidentiary hearings and every criminal okay. so evidentiary hearings allow you to see the prosecutors theories, allows you to see a lot of the evidence, the witnesses that will be called, and the attorneys often get propers of what these witnesses would say. and so if there is a asked as
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john just said, that the supreme court gives and judge chutkan has an evidentiary hearing of that nature. i mean, you'll see a lot of the prosecutors theories, but you think this could play out actually before the the election. >> i think an evidentiary hearing if the supreme court rules that way could definitely play out before the election and just like the statement of facts and the indictment really lays out a very comprehensive conspiracy. the evidence again, share here and could do it in much more specificity. >> norm eisen wrote about that earlier this week saying he actually hopes and thinks that's what should happen. how much of that how much of that information do we end up getting as the american public? if this quote unquote mini-trial does take place, i mean, you'll get a full picture of what prosecutors are alleging and the evidence that supports each allegation. they only difference is that you won't have a jerry there to hear the witnesses saith themselves and you won't have a jury they're actually looking at the documents, but normally, you know, in an evidentiary hearing, you're allowed to get a little bit more extensive than you are the actual court before jury, will the court and the judge will keep you kinda contained to not violated a defendant's rights. i think you can be a lot more extensive in a way that the media and the
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american public and have a good idea yeah of what crimes where alleged and what supports those actual crimes. >> interesting to say, margaret shoulders, john dean, good to have you both. thanks in the words of our next gas public click schools are not sunday schools. just ahead, we're going to speak with one of the groups now, vowing to fight back after oklahoma's education, head of education ordered all the schools to incorporate the bible into their lesson plans. and us officials sounding the alarm has covid-19 cases rise in more than three, dozen states will take we'll look at the regions now seeing the biggest jumps final episode of violent arrests there, deadly violence and unleash massive structure. hurricane impacts are worsening. >> is it too late to undo decades of climate change? violin ored with we have schreiber sunday at nine on sienna. i'm richard car and i love my host. my host is lightweight my host will not kink. and my hose is anti leak
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online i'm kdigo lola in washington. >> and this is cnn all schools in oklahoma now required to incorporate the bible and the ten commandments into their curriculum. >> the state superintendent of schools just issued a memo declaring a bible must be present in every classroom for grades five through 12, and that teachers must teach from it. and this is effective immediately. the mandate is sparking outrage from religious freedom advocates. we have rachel lazard, the president of the americans united for separation of church and state with us here okay the reasoning that we're getting and thank you for being with us, rachel, is oklahoma state superintendent saying the bible was a quote, necessary historical document to teach kids and to understand western civilization and the basis for
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our legal system and what is your reaction to that? my reaction is that superintendent ryan walters is on a christian nationalist crusade to impose his personal religious views on all the school children and families of oklahoma. he should know better. he was a history teacher. our constitution is not based on the bible it didn't come up at the constitutional convention hardly at all. the ten commandments didn't come up even once. and what it's based on is a promise of religious freedom. thomas jefferson wrote about that. it was about protecting and i'm paraphrasing the christian, the jew, the hindu, the muslim, and the infidel of every faith. think of how ratan recall that was for the late 1700s, but that's what our constitution is about. church state separation, and religious freedom for all this issue has been taken up before by the supreme court and it was pretty clear. what do you see happening here is this just folks trying to get another
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bite of the apple because the makeup of the court is different and they think that they might rule differently in your view? so in the case that you're referencing is about the ten commandments display in public schools, stone versus graham. and that's of course what we're seeing in louisiana with the first law requiring that all public school classrooms post the ten commandments and impeding on intruding on the religious freedom of our school children and louisiana. here we're talking about teaching from the bible. and that's what ryan walters called for when he spoke about his memo that he just released to all the superintendents of his state. and it's a huge problem. church state separation protects everyone's religious freedom in this country, it is what protects everyone's right to live as themselves elves and believe as they choose. and what we're seeing is a backlash against recent progress in our country towards equality for all right, the advent of marriage equality, the first black president, the
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first black and female vice president, that religious pluralism and diversity of today, it's a backlash do you have any concerns that this supreme court with its current makeup may see things differently? well, that's the other thing that's going on. >> i mean, there is an effort to bring all cases challenging long-standing precedent to this supreme court because they have demonstrated that they are allies to the christian nationalist movement. and in fact, one of the justices, alito even has flown the symbolic christian nationalist appeal to heaven flag in front of his vacation home. so that's clearly a lot of the design here, but no, i mean, in this case it's so clear that school children's religious freedom is protected at the highest level because they're captive. what would be okay. in your view, because the 1960s, 1960s supreme court decision said very clearly, mandatory bible reading and public schools, no but you are in a school allowed to do what is objectively teaching about religion. so if there was part
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of the curriculum been teaching about different religions using the texts of those religions and that was mandatory what would be okay in your view, right. so you can teach about sort of different religions. you can teach about the history of religions, but that's not what's going on here. even though the lawyers for ryan walters tried to fudge it in the memo and put in that kind of language, even in that memo, he talks about teaching the core values of our country, right? and what he wants to do is to teach the bible as truth. he wants school teachers to preach and not teach and that is unconstitutional. ryan walters, in a short time serving a superintendent of public instruction and oklahoma has shown his true colors. he has supported the nation's first religious public charter school that actually on tuesday, oklahoma state supreme court said couldn't go forward. he has supported a bill to impose the ten commissioner in every classroom
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and they didn't pass it there. but they just passed it in louisiana. he has prayed over students in an elementary public school. he is looking to impose his personal religious views on the variety of different religions and non-religious that families have in oklahoma, it's unconstitutional the two tional it's an affront to religious freedom. and frankly, it's an a affront to our democracy. >> we will continue to follow this. it is not the last that will be hearing of this issue, of course, is we're following the number of cases having to do with this rachel lazard. thank you so much for being with us. we appreciate it. thanks for having me democrats are scrambling to shift the narrative after president biden's debate performance. but did former president donald trump do anything to win over voters who didn't support him in 2020 and still don't. now july 4, cnn concert event with performance by keith urban, ashanti, maybe wrexham the
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35 years named renewal by anderson, the top pick for replacement window companies were proud of that. >> oh, and here's this month discount before june 30th by one window patio door we're or entry door and get the next one, 40% off. that's 40% off with a minimum purchase of four x plus save an extra $100 on your entire the purchase with no money down, no monthly payments, and no interest for 12 months. this offer ends june 30th for a free appointment with renewal by anderson we call 1805011400 o me for
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people aren't making these huge strides this is why i am living proud out loud bond all right we are keeping our eye there on virginia as former president trump is set to speak, any moment now, in chesapeake, it's his first campaign rally since the cnn debate last night. and we're told that his this campaign is flying high joining us now from arkansas governor and former republican presidential candidate asa hutchinson, also, former trump white house communications director like deb key, who is a founding partner of black rock group. good to have everybody here with us we look at where we sit today. there's a lot of concern coming out of that debate last night, bleeding into the morning donald trump
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did beat very low expectations he didn't change a lot though. there wasn't a lot knew from donald trump. so was there enough to move the dial for the few people write that down, trump needs to bring over. >> that's an interesting way to look at it because i think in the lead up to the debate, a lot of what people we're focused on is house donald trump going to handle house president trump going to handle the microphone is being turned off how is he going to handle not having a audience? how is he going to handle the way that he usually has dominated previous debates? and all of these rules were set up by the biden campaign and they all seem to come crashing down on president biden last night. and while you might say that president trump didn't exceed expectations, i would say that he did in the sense that he kept it together for those 90 minutes and performed in a rather in a rather statesmen
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like is too far, but in a, in a calm manner that beat the expectations that many were setting for him before the debate started. >> he was, i mean, i will say his his campaign agreed to those rules. so those were the ones he agreed to use a salute and it's also they believe degrees within two hours. they both agreed i do want to ask you, governor because cnn did this analysis of what these two candidates said. and there were 30 lies by trump there were nine lies or misleading statements by president biden that's not great either. let's just be clear about it. but this, it's this choice now that came out of this debate where you have, i'm donald trump's serial liar which we still refusing to accept the outcome of the 2020 election or look forward to the next one and say hill accept the outcome and then you have joe biden, who i think it's hard for at
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least in this one pole we have here 5% saying that it changed their minds and our poll it's hard for them to imagine him serving capably for four more years. what kind of choices that for voters? >> well, it's not a choice anybody once i was receiving phone calls and texts from a nikki haley supporters and my supporters and they saw the debate last night and they just destroyed out their hands that trump is not acceptable. he he's not any warmer her to them than ever before. but clearly, biden is not up to the task. and so they just see this as a binary choice and that by joe biden didn't give them an option. and so you either don't participate and so i think that donald trump will get some bumps in the polls. it remains to be seen how much curly he won. he exceeded
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expectations. i agree with michael and i look at the test. i think he had to live up to his handling the abortion question i think he handled it well with some compassion and focused on the state's and in contrast with a democrat position. so i think he performed well and probably beat expectations even though he still didn't move the tree. truth ohmmeter and he's still a convicted felon and that's really one place that joe biden excel the debate whenever they talked about the impact on democracy. and support for this system of law trunk gsa momentum though the last time i do just want to he said that democrats want to kill babies after they're born. how is that? compassionate well, of course it does so responsive, trump, compassionate. >> first of all, that's coming from ralph northam former governor for ge inna. and so there is some set off to it.
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now that's attributed to all democrats. so that's unfair we'll put that aside because i don't want have a full-on debate about abortion with you, but he really misrepresented that. and i think it was very clearly not passionate the way he he addressed it moving forward, i found it interesting, perhaps not surprising, right? as you're trying to do a little clean up. but interesting that the reporting fairly early on this morning from advisors to president biden work. he's all in for debate in september do you anticipate donald trump will want to revisit this i'm not sure that he would. >> we that president trump's skip the debates during the primaries because that was to his advantage leaving this debate in the minds of the american people would be to his advantage. though, the one thing that's missing though is we've said this before about a june debate. i know what the biden campaign was trying to do with the june debate reset. and they really did the campaign i
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think by the time we get to september, that question is going to be a little different. i suspect that they we will have another debate mainly because the biden campaign will absolutely want to have one. and i think the trump campaign at that point, unless they are 20 points up in the polls will see the advantage to to going again. >> you think there'll be another debate, governor i think joe biden wants another debate, and i think he will not perform any better in a september debate than he did last night. >> and he's not facing reality on that point. i suspect that donald trump will agree to these already agreed to it. and i think there will be a debate from his standpoint, he is confident he knows that biden can't perform up to the strength of the american public expect and to michael's point, there's a lot going to be
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happening between now and then. it's going to be a question of how does joe biden do at the democratic convention? it is acceptance speech how does trump's vp selection go over? and is that create any controversies that have to be dealt with? so september is the new ball game. i would put my money on a debate happening. >> governor has said that pink attempt both with us. thank you. well, summer wave of covid-19, officially arriving in the u.s. let's take a look at what's driving the surge and which regions are experiencing it sanity, needs a safe space you have a show. >> were right and left. talk to it get cnn presents an encore presentation of hbo's real time with bill maher tomorrow at eight. >> and on cnn, i hit 20 years of experience as an hr professional, and i hit reached a ceiling. so i enrolled in, you when pc i would not be the
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direct redefining insurance, the lead with jake tapper. next on cnn a new wave of covid,
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hitting the u.s. >> just in time for summer, cases are rising and as many as 38 states fueled in part by yes, a new variant. >> cnn medical correspondent meg tirrell joining us with the very latest. this is not the news that people want me to, but it is a news we need. so make what are you learning about this potential new strand? yeah, so we are seeing covid levels rising right now. this is not unusual for the summertime, we often see a little bit of a bump in the summer and then a much larger wave, typically in the late fall and winter and the summer, it's caused by people going indoors experts think perhaps being closer together and we're seeing that a little bit earlier this year as we've seen, such hot temperatures, the cdc tracks this through a couple of metrics. emergency department visits, hospitalizations and deaths and across all of those metrics, those are up between 15 and 25% in the most recent weeks worth of data. but it's really important to put this into context and we can do that by looking at wastewater levels of the covid virus nationally, those are still considered to be low oh, from the cdc, if you
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look there, you can see a small uptick in the most recent months worth of data. so we are seeing the levels rising, but it's off a very low base and much lower than we've seen even over the past year or two. so it's low nationally, it's rising the fastest in the west and the south according to the cdc. and if you look at the states where covid is expected to be rising or known to be rising. those are the red states and the yellow states. that's really across the entire country right now. so the cdc advisers met to yesterday and they recommended that everybody over six months get an updated covid shot this fall, we are going to have updated vaccines targeting newer strains of the virus they also recommended everybody get an updated flu shot this fall, we are expecting both of those to be available. cc points out that 76,000 people died of covid in 2023. 45,000 people died in the most recent flu season. and they say these updated vaccines can be protective guys right? appreciate it. thank you thanks.
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what's brilliant boring. think about it. boring is the unsung catalyst for bold. what straps gold to a rocket hurdles and into space. or boring makes vacations happen, early retirements possible, and startups start off because it's smart, dependable, and steady. all words you want from your bank for nearly 100 during 60 years, pnc bank has been brilliantly boring. so you can be happily to fill which is pretty unvarying if you think about it sharks have been around for ages longer than the dinosaurs. >> remember, it's their water we're just swimming in it today though. one-third of all shark species are actually facing extinction, one barbaric practice killing many involves severing their fins and putting the back in the wild, a group of determined scientists, however, is trying to catch those responsible with a cutting edge dna test. here's more in today's impact your world hold sharks are going
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through a global conservation crisis the demand for their products that they're month for their fence or meat is their ultimate threat shark feeding is a practice of cutting the fence of which are used for the shark fin soup. >> and then putting the carc is back in the water if the shark is alive, it will suffocate to death because without its veins, you cannot swim one of the biggest challenges for law enforcement around the world is that how can they tell whether a shark fin that is coming into the country is legal or illegal is from a species that is regulated or not regulated and you need to do dna tools or molecular tools in order to identify it. what we have developed is that we take a little piece of this when we run it through a machine for two hours and we're able to tell what species they said without sequencing very cheaply, very quickly. before we deploy the tool back in 2018, hong kong authorities were ceasing around five tons of shark fins annually. now,
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those numbers have increased to 100 tons a year the idea is that in the long run, those efforts being translated in shark fishing nations to do more sustainable and well-managed fisheries if we don't do something quick to reverse these declines, then we're going to see several sharks going extent in our lifetimes and let's go now to chesapeake, virginia, where former president trump is speaking him defend his atrocious record. >> it's not defensible. i don't care who you are you could be the late great clarence darrow. has anyone ever heard of clarence darrow? he was known as quite a good debater not as good as you governor, but that's okay hello, gavin. i can't miss this guy in the graph but his son's much better luck in that joe biden's


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