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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  June 28, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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to three-to-one, three-to-one today. >> i'm melissa bell in paris. and this is cnn closed captioning brought to you by meso if you or a loved one, half mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to 14000 tonight on 360 the day after the debate disaster, very different. >> joe biden shows up on the campaign trail israel has democrats agonize over his debate performance. and then your times editorial board says biden should drop out. also, it's tonight what voters in the host state and swing-state georgia took from the debate,
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whether a change, how they plan to vote, plus, even with no supreme court decision yet on trump's claim of immunity for january 6. one supreme court ruling today will affect some january 6 defendants. good evening. thanks for joining us. we begin tonight with this time magazine's new cover, which certainly speaks to the panic many democrats felt waking up this morning more than 51 million people watched last night cnn debate in atlanta, 51 million within moments of what they watched a halting performance by a fragile looking joe biden, seemingly unable to counter a torrent of lives by the former president. the calls began from within the democratic party to consider the possibility of him valium the race. today, there were also calls for the exact opposite chill the f out is how pennsylvania democratic senator john fetterman put it today now at the end of a traumatic night and day since the debate, both the chill out and freak out democrats have something to point to, because today in north carolina, even as he acknowledged his debate shortcomings last night, it was a markedly different president biden on the stone i don't walk
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as easy as i used to. >> i don't speak just movie that i used to i don't do bad debate is well, as i used to well, i know what i do know. i know how to tell the truth. i know i like to millions of americans is know when you get knocked down, you get back out and he got backing for that from his old boss, former person obama, who posted bad debate nights happen. >> trust me, i know. then renewed his endorsement of prison isn't a biden. other democrats followed suit. that said the day ended with this pretty stunning message from the new york times editorial board quoting now, mr. biden has been an admirable president under his leadership, the nation has prospered and begun to address a range of long-term challenges and the wounds ripped open by mr. trump have begun to heal but the greatest public service mr. biden can now perform is to announce that he will not continue to run for
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reelection. the president is now at a private event here in new york. cnn's arlette science has new reporting from inside the campaign joins us now, what are you hearing from the camera? okay. >> well, i understand the biden campaign is reacting to that news from the new york times editorial board, a really downplayed what the new york times i had to say. the biden campaign co-chair cedric richmond tonight saying quotes, the last time joe biden lost the new york times in a turiel board's endorsement. it turned out pretty well for him. that is a reference to the endorsement process back during the 2020 democratic primary, when the new york times endorsed amy klobuchar and elizabeth warren over joe biden for a long time. the biden campaign advisers from that period in time held real disdain for the new york times over that endorsement of pointing to the fact that they had a supporter, a security guard who worked the new york times building who had this viral video where she told the
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president that she loves him so much. that was something that advisers back then were quick to point to as they pushed back on the new york times, but it all comes under much different circumstances. this time around as there has then private anxiety within democratic circles about president biden's debate performance last night with some questioning whether it's possible for him to potentially step aside in this 2024 race. now, the biden campaign spent part of the day a working the phones today to try to ease some of the current concerns of democratic lawmakers but also democratic donors that will be a key group to watch to see how the money continues to flow into this campaign. one thing that the biden campaign tonight in told is touted safe wear a source familiar with the matter tells me that he is expected to raise more than $3 million. that is the largest figure. for that single events that is takes place on an annual basis.
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this comes on the heels of the campaign just yesterday, saying that they raised $40 million brown debate de which they said was the biggest grassroots fundraising haul at this campaign. but a lot of eyes will be not just on how the donations continue to pour into the biden campaign if they continue to pour in, but also if there's any other further public democratic anxiety that arises after the president's debate performance, or let science thanks very much. want to get some perspective now for immersing and political commentators and contributors, because sellers, david urban, sofar, griffin, biden, biographer evan osnos, former republican congressman adam kinzinger, who endorsed president biden just two days ago. evan, first of all, what is your reaction to this call from the new york times editorial board for the president to drop out i mean, it's significant, it is not the kind of thing that the times does lightly. it's pretty rare to think of last time that the new york times has called for a democratic president to step aside from his reelection attempt. but i also think if you're trying to understand what's going on inside joe biden's world right now,
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inside his mind, i think you got a pretty clear sense of that today when he got up and he said, in this crowd in north carolina and he said, when you get knocked down, you get back up for him. that is an idea that is way more than just a sort of bromide that you might throw around. this is kind of his central political mantra, and it's been a part of his life for very long time. the question now is, does he believe it so strongly that he is perhaps not as open to seeing what the other evidence is that's going to come out over the course of the next weeks and de about days and weeks about what sort of support he had as that balancing those two. i think i understand is going to be at the at the core of how he how he navigates this over the car you've been talking to democrats all day. what are you hearing? >> well, i think we all disagree with the new york times. we disagree somewhat with evan as well we are where we are. i mean, we have two choices. we either have either you choose donald trump, who is somewhat of a sociopath who led us down a path of financial ruin and destruction that
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they're inheriting a great economy. who said that he could touch women the way he wanted to touch them. who put three supreme court justice? this is on the united states supreme court who overturned roe i mean, you can continue to go down that path if you want to, or you can choose joe biden there aren't many choices left, and the talk last night from it, democrats only. >> it's, it's it's irresponsible. >> it's impractical it's politically impossible i mean, joe biden is already on ballots around the country. you're not going to go and replace joe biden, people who are talking about josh shapiro or wes moore, or gretchen or gavin. i loved them. all. they are fascinating surrogates. the problem they really have though, is that you though the $220 million at the biden campaign has that only transfers to kamala harris? so the people who are actually having this discussion, who don't even want to look at kamala harris, they are not only feeding the frenzy, but they're being factually inaccurate. and i would also say again, i said this would
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david earlier today, we literally have three choices as democrats either you vote for donald trump, you vote for joe biden, or you stay on the couch and last night, we got throttled. it wasn't a good debate we got beat and the pre-game, we got beat in a debate, we got beat in a post-game. the people around donald trump, i'm excuse me, around joe biden need to be heard held accountable. i'm talking about general malaise. dylan. i'm talking about a needed done. i'm talking about ron klain. they all need to be held accountable or to account. but the fact is he's our horse and what do you want from democracy? that is the, that is the question that has to be asked i think your practically right. you are right that it would be unprecedented incredibly challenging, incredibly risky to make a change. but what false so flat for me as you and i agree that donald trump is a threat to democracy, he's a threat to our justice system, to the american way of life. and is strongly believe in a few weeks we're going to see him in double well digits ahead and battlegrounds. there is not a way to turn around with 50 million people saw last night. and i heard from people all over the world who stayed until
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the wee hours of the morning and the hague, munich, london, texting me because they were scared because of the impacts on the war on ukraine. the stakes are too high to do the party politics and the can geniality isn't, this isn't party policy it takes and i apologize for interrupting you, but this is this is the fact that donald trump, when he said you can grab a woman by her, did not get out the race. donald trump, when he actually castigated when he castigated john mccain did not get out the race when letting donald trump is not what joe biden but what we're trying to replicate donald trump, what we are saying is that it's june and i am saying that my candidate got his behind, kicked. but what i'm also saying is that joe biden on his worst day is a better candidate than donald trump. i want the car is a warrior for his team, okay. >> and i admire that you gotta do what he's gotta do it he's, he's he's gurdon, his loins, and he's getting the fight for freedom for president obama to describe joe biden is having a bad night, is like saying my hair is thinning it just not factually. it's not factually
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based in anything a cari bacardi gets it exactly. the car gets it they got their handed to them and 51 million people the election was decided by in these states, right 27,000 and michigan, 40,000 in pennsylvania. we're talking about razor-thin margin people. >> can i just ask a question to flip those amazing people like you and alyssa? >> evan, and everyone else who's joining us remotely as well. if you are a woman who values reproductive rights, after watching that debate last night, are you more likely to vote for donald trump and joe biden know, but this is not a bug. it's a yes or no. no. it's the false i know you're setting up. he's at this lgbtq event right now. i'm working with centre right. groups that are afraid of obergefell's falling. if you have donald trump back in the white house, supreme court appointments, two of them running joe biden is ensuring donald trump wins. how does that ensure? because every bad performance ever not worthy of the presidency, i don't think he's, i'm worried he's not capable of 70 months of let me bring congressman kinzinger,
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us endorse present. biden the day before the debate, or that going for you. i'm just running any regrets about that or how do you see this? you are republican david. david, listen, man, you know what i'm proud of i'm proud that i'm not standing here sitting on a stage supporting a man who was a habitual liar who couldn't tell the truth, who pretended like the january 6 committee deleted all evidence and it's on the fricking internet. he has a defense team that can also come up with whatever for evidence they want. so it was a terrible night. the biden campaign and democrats gain nothing by pretending like it was anything but a terrible night. and democrats have to decide what is the best way to defend democracy. but the thing i am so proud of not having to do is to defend the man who could not tell the truth last night. but do you wish you didn't endorse it somebody else no, i don't wish i didn't endorse him.
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>> i'm proud of standing against the habitual liar he lies about everything from january 6 to his golf game that he wins club championships that he's never lost that makes me proud democrats have a lot of thinking to do in terms of how to write this ship. but you have to prosecute the case against donald trump. and i'll tell you, what am i disappointments is it should have been joe biden that was crushing donald trump's lies last night, and he wasn't able to do that. yeah. i mean, if it comes to it is there i mean, because he is painting a what i think sounds like a very realistic sense of the democratic party right now, is there someone in president biden's inner circle who he would listen to if they said it's time to step aside and we've talked about this last night. i think david axelrod said maybe the first lady would be the only person and it's certainly doesn't seem like that. that's going to happen first lady is in the end of the final voice in the room on a question like that, there are others with influence.
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>> his sister, valerie is very important to him. he's she was the first campaign manager of his very first campaign back in 72. she has been an unofficial advisor ever since. there are others who also have a have his ear. people like ted kaufman, who of course has been with them for decades in some ways, his communication with them is almost non-verbal. he can read from them if it's a moment to go ahead or a moment to pull back but i think for the moment there is no sign. i think you saw this very clearly in his performance in north carolina, which was a very strong performance. there is no sense that they believe that their moment has arrived two get out, if anything, they are doubling down and i think that's that's the moment we're in on this day. but let me ask you the thing. i don't understand about last night is given all the biden team was putting out about the preparations the mock debates, things like everybody's watched the nixon kennedy debate, and everybody knows about like the cutaway shot and a reaction shot. and
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you know, you're gonna be on camera watching a candidate and even the cutaway shots i mean, that they nobody would seem to have prepared the or thought about even the way the prison looked at when he wasn't speaking. i mean, that's a basic thing that's not thinking like the reason that i'm calling out by name the people who are closest to him. is that they'd be asked us all all right. even the people who come on tv, this is for viewers who are watching this. this is not something debates don't happen in isolation. like they don't happen in vacuums. we talk to people before these debate happened. we tried to lay out what we feel will happen. we get a sense of what will happen in the communication from the campaign in regards to what he was going through it what it may look like, or where the bar should be was nonexistent. they failed. i will also say that i interviewed vice president harris afterward. she gave the best defense of president biden
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that i have heard. and the most spirited like, presentation. why isn't she why aren't they i mean, i don't, you know, today her schedule was insane. today. it was elleithee because she last night she was a revelation at correct. back to back to los angeles. and so i always tell people the two most talented people in our party, whether if you really want to be objective or pete buttigieg in kamala harris. and we also have gretchen whitmer in wes moore and ralph what raphael warnock and they're kind of in josh shapiro, they on the next here last night, we failed if anybody can look in the mirror in simply say that we won this debate. we did not. or one, the day we did not. and we did, we did not uphold from the donor class. so the grassroots or the grass tops we didn't not give them anything to be proud of last night. >> however, significant than losing a debate if i'm being honest, i stayed up last night and re-watch mondale reagan when reagan got smoked and this was a different universe in this, i don't know a modern historic example of a president
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imploding to that degree, being unable to litigate. they're not minor, but that's not my zero point. and then that's what i want people to understand. that is literally not my point. my point is right now, you have two choices or three choices. so either you vote less democrats make, you point out, president, make little change. >> kamala harris, she could kamala harris that you in you literally you can not make a change. that is that's why when we have special packages, are we going to things about how changes can happen that is a political non-reality. >> the money you're right, but we can wondered in $20 million, you've got to take so ahead, we're going to talk to presidential historian doors kearns goodwin on how candidates, especially incumbents, and what happened to this incumbent last night more in like it's hard besides
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celebrate. >> go four is in america thursday, july 4. it's 70s on cnn of all the democratic voices weighing in today on last night's debate performance, few carry more weight with joe biden and south carolina congressman james clyburn. he was instrumental of course, in helping the presence secure the democratic nomination in 2020. he reiterated his support for him today, while also saying this that was striking one there was a pull back now with the panel congressman kinzinger are you surprised that prominent democrats for the most part are sinking with president? >> i mean, there was a lot of freak out last night. people woke up and i mean, it's it's just the reality of the situation prevailing yeah. >> i mean, i think it is it's it's, you know, look, again, there's real benefit to the democrats to admit that last night was awful because pretending like it wasn't people see right through that. so any spin shouldn't be actually it was really good. now, point out that donald trump is lying liar, but i guess this is what i'd expect
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because ultimately, yes, if you change candidates, it is possible by the way, say, and it's not realistic or not possible. it's just not true. but you can imagine the division the democrats would go under in that process of replacing. i think look again today, this, this rally that joe biden did, they could assuage some fears. the problem is 50, some million people weren't watching that rally. so i think keeping joe biden out there, keeping them energetic is the best way to right this ship if they decide to stick with him in the long run, which looks like they will i just say to kind of push back on the rally the great performance at the rally. he's given a script on the plane down, right to raleigh. he reads it, they put it a teleprompter. he reads it in front of a crowd. i mean, look, it's great performative art, right? it's great. it looks great on. they can show clips everywhere, but it's not the same as what we saw last slide. it's not a debate. >> it's the exact same same thing, not no. no, no, no. that's not what let me be extremely clear and intentional
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with my language. the reason is the exact same thing is because we judge last night based upon performance, we didn't judge it based upon substance. and what the president did today. the current president did today was go prompter but he went out and performed people formed well, you know what he did. he showed energy. he showed the fact that he could read a teleprompter is and head of state meetings, you don't get them at the 3m phone call like the concern that i have i've been a head of state meeting. you have notes, you have staff and ahead of state meeting i i've been on calls with the nsc that it is unscripted. they're high level they are very so go a lot of different ways. you've got it. you met somebody who feels should i good, let me ask a question. let me ask let me ask a simple question. it comes back to this on an nsc meeting where you're talking about russia and ukraine, do you want donald trump illicit? none. let me ask a question. do you want donald trump and joe biden? well, no, and that's why i supported that's what american voters reality where there could be a change and there is a reason that some of the most prominent liberal leaning outlets are calling thank for a change because the stakes are high and it is worth
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considering there's also the flip side. it's not people decided to vote for trump over biden, who liked biden, but just sitting out, people just show that i mean, i told you under 30 is going to vote for that. i said that today in a liberal manhattan audience and say something i spoke to the couch. i've been a big the council is one of the most, most amazing candidates in the history of american politics. it runs no ads and it's really successful. and i've actually spoken with people today. i was on an airplane coming up here today and there was a young lady beside me and she said, look, i watched the debate last night. it didn't do it for me. i'm going to sit this one out. the follow-up to it was i wish should we could just run on cruise control for the next four years i can come back and vote in 2028. so that is a real thing that the biden campaign has to deal with. yeah. i mean, is this the briton a biography of president body interviewed him for many years, is it's the most difficult political position. he's ever been in. i mean, it must be i think it is luck. he's had moments in 1987, for instance, he had a
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plagiarism scandal. of course, people remember that drove him out of a presidential race. but today the stakes are really incomparable. he is running against a man who of course he has accurately described as a threat to demand accuracy has been one of our primary exponent's for explaining why it is that donald trump is such a threat. and now it is right on his shoulders. this question of what is the way to defend this system i think if you go inside his mind for the moment he is at a moment, it's a crucible moment. it's a time when he is deciding ultimately, what is it that my legacy will be in this country? and this is going to play out i think over the course of the next few weeks. and he may well be the nominee, but if he is, that means he has to make a case that his vision for the country is so much more powerful than the reasons people are hesitant taking about his performance. in remember, we went into this with biden behind. he had to prove that he was ready, that he was up for things had change people's minds. john king said last time before we started, joe biden needs the bend still night, right? he didn't bend
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still. he didn't bend aluminum last night. he didn't change anybody's mind about whether he is but when you watched it again, as i did, part of today, so sorry. well, one of the things that's so disappointing about it is that the former president was lying on suddenly and also not answering has no answer for what he's going to do about can help him the most amazing jake given the opportunity to rebut yes. biden but american but the american public is not stupid when you ask a question about, but if job at about luxr, when you ask a question about climate change in your responses, i'm just saying as a debate, opportunity, it was a primer protect you saw last night, you would tell me what you gonna do about climate change, the way they are 100 migrants that are rating the capital right? >> now, that was the response. that was the tone and tenor joe biden has to do a better job and he has to get out there and that will happen, everyone. thank you. coming up. we're going to hear from the people whose opinions on joe biden's age and president trump's character ultimately matters, namely voters or gary tuckman introduced she do a cross-section in georgia who watched last night's debate,
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even those who say they're strong supporters are present. biden said that watching was difficult i was concerned, very, very concerned. >> about biden's real ability to carry this nation forward. just spend physical perspective, you feel the same one? >> yes july 7, dr. sanjay gupta reports on hold for the devastating effects of alzheimer's reversing, something that seems so preordained. >> it sounds extraordinary. >> dr. sanjay gupta report the last alzheimer's patient, july 7, aid on cnn i thought we had a plan for dad. >> he was set to go to the senior living community, right by my house, then a friends justin, i talked to a place for mom. they really opened my eyes my advisor and listened and understood his needs and showed us options that were still nearby. but a better fit for
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and london's hiring hundreds of police officers, and arresting drug dealers. san francisco has been through difficult times, but our hard work is paying off. working together, we're building a better future for the city we all love. ad paid for by re-elect mayor london breed 2024. financial disclosures are available at preferred better science, better results close captioning, bronchi by meso if you or a loved one half mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now we will come to you 808 to 14000 before the new york times editorial board called for president biden to drop out one of his advisors told cnn today that not only would he not exit the race, quote, there is nothing that voters have indicated that they agree with that reminder that it's what voters who will ultimately decide whether biden's age are trump's lies and character issues are the most important factors in the
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race last night and today, or gary tuckman spent time speaking with voters in the battleground state of georgia who watched the debate we talked with georgia voters that a sports pub in atlanta immediately after the debate was over, i'm only 25 and i see they're both old and they're both either avoiding question so they're both like, don't know what the hell that answering. and we talked with georgia voters on the recreational belt line that surrounds atlanta after everyone had the night to think about the debate. >> i don't necessarily feel competent in either candidates ability to run a country we had conversations with dozens of georgians, many of them very uninspired. hey, that is 20 to you guys because i don't like one candidate more than the other. >> i would like a younger candidate on both parties. the headline, old man versus con man really resonated with me before the debate, were you leaning too? towards biden trump are undecided. by leaning towards biden after this
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debate, how do you feel without a home many who voted for joe biden in 2020 and support him currently are frankly depressed. my genuine hope is that prep somebody else will step up for that nomination of the democratic yes, sir. these two women say they are strong biden supporters, but watching the debate was difficult i was concerned very, very concerned about biden's real ability to carry this nation forward. >> just from a physical perspective so you feel the same way yes. i care about where our country is going to be rather than who deliver the most stellar debate onstage and i care about who tells the truth. just going to keep me safe, who's actually going to do things for the country? i don't feel like that's short speaking or former president donald trump, many georgians leaning towards voting for him tell us the president biden's debate performance was not at all surprising to them. i thought he sounded unsure
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rather confused and not well-prepared sorry to say. i think that they biden looked sad trump trump was trump here on the belt line and back at the wicked wolf sports pub holders, we talked to who had already decided to vote for president biden still plan to voters to support donald trump aren't planning to abandon him at the ballot box either. >> but we did find a few undecided who may be on the verge of a decision. >> i thought that trump in this debate overall, i think he's more reasonable and more cogent and more thoughtful than they did what he was four years ago an undecided, but i think he voted for trump. >> has gray undecided neither vigor now, i lean more towards biden. >> can we also found some people feel like this woman? >> i think that we could all
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benefit as the country from someone other than e two options that we have today one is convicted felon and the other was unable to coherently explain his stance yesterday. >> so who do you vote for i'm not sure if i will vote because of it. now, anderson, we did talk 23 people who say they will definitely vote for robert f. kennedy jr. one of those men says he voted for trump four years ago. one of them says joe biden four years ago. one of them did want to save, but were they all have in common as all of them say, they were not inspired by what they heard at the debate. >> anderson karyotype and thanks so much new york democratic congressman dan goldman joins us now, congressman, appreciate you being with us so i mean, some people within your party are wondering if present biden should step aside. the car sellers who was on earlier tonight just saying that's not
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going to happen. just it just impossible the new york times editorial board, as you know, is called for him to do so but what do you think look, i think everyone needs to calm down a little bit. >> it was a bad night. there was a poor performance but one night does not make a campaign and it does not erase three-and-a-half years of stellar leadership that has brought our country back to the forefront on a global stage, has protected democracy around the world. and he here at home and has benefited the vast majority of americans, lower class middle-class americans, through some historic, historic legislation and when you compare what you saw from joe biden last night to what you saw from donald trump, you realize that this is a choice ultimately, in november of someone who is a decent, honest man of integrity who has served his country his entire life against a felon, who is an
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inveterate liar and only cares about himself. and so, yes, the new york times is correct. the stakes are very high, but let's not go with this double standard where we just normalize donald trump's absurd behavior and absolutely glute outrageous lies of denying january 6 is refusal to accept the results of the election, his pride at overturning roe v. wade and taking reproductive freedom away that is what the choice is. that's who we're dealing with here. and ultimately, it's convenient for the new york times to say, oh joe biden i didn't should step down. why are they saying that donald trump should step down there just always apologizing and normalizing for donald trump. and frankly anderson. that's what happened last night on the debate stage. no body fact check. donald trump when he was blatantly lying over and over and over again. >> what does it concern you that the president united
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states did not do that? or we're not able to do that in real time. in a debate against his opponent no, it doesn't concern me. i'm a look at the state of the union, right. is the exact opposite. look at how he was today on the campaign trail in north carolina he had an off tonight. he had enough night. people have an off-site and he's he's older than then most for sure you're going to have some off nights but let's remember the job of the president is not to respond instantaneously in a debate. you are governing the country you are making critical, important decisions, getting information from the staff that you hire the administration that you build and you're using all of that information to make decisions and to pass legislation and to defend our democracy. and that is what joe biden has done so well surrounding himself without standing staff members, 40 of 44 of bottled trump's senior
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staff members will not endorse him. they worked for him and they refused to endorse him. and what he will hire will be political hacks, extremists, who will bring our country down. and that's the critical difference here. do you think there should be another i mean, there is another debate that they have both agreed to do. >> do you would you want that to take place? >> absolutely absolutely. i think joe biden had an off tonight. it was a poor performance. there's no question about it and no one is saying anything different. but let's have another debate. let's see what happens on a different night let's see whether donald trump continues to lie over and over to deny his role in january 6 too. proudly say that he increased the deficit more than any other president by reducing taxes it is on the super wealthy. he is blatantly mischaracterizing the disaster that was his
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presidency. and that got a lot of attention and didn't get a lot of pushback. but let's have another debate where actually the moderators will push back on donald trump's lies. he intimidated your network. unfortunately, and there was no push-back. he was given free reign to just lie as much as he wants. and that's not helpful to the american public either. >> yeah, i don't know about the intimidation part, but i wasn't part of the discussions on any of this, but obviously in a debate it is the primary job of the opponent to have a direct counter and rebuttal to what somebody else is saying and clearly the president was not able to do that we will see obviously in another debate, if that would change congressmen goldmann, i appreciate your time. thank you. just ahead. unprecedented. 24 hours. presidential historian doris kearns goodwin joint us to put this in perspective. >> it's going to hurt me the final episode of violent.
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when you start small, you need some big help and chase ink with that for me earn up to 5% cash back home business essentials. but the chase ink business cash heart, and chase for business make moment. what's yours? >> i'm someone safadi in washington and this is cnn this was already an unprecedented campaign or rematch of the current and former president before last night's debate performance by president biden and the avalanche of lies told by the former president, followed by tonight's breaking news in the new york times editorial board has called for mr. biden to drop out because of how he did last night. >> we wanted to get some perspective and all of this now for presidential historian pulitzer prize winning author doris kearns goodwin, her latest book, the remarkable read, an unfinished love story. a personal history of the 1960s, dorsal, great to have you on have other politicians been able to come back from moments like last night, i mean, famously, the nixon kennedy debates were people watched it. nixon looked
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terrible seems people rated kennedy has having won but by comparison, i mean, has there ever been anything like this? >> well, i think we've seen the curse of presidential incumbents and that maybe one way to look at this. i mean clearly when you look at what happened to reagan and mondale in that first debate, reagan himself confessed that he had flopped and the rnc chairman said that it was a dismal performance that he had blown it. and yet somehow they were able to to realize that he was filled with too many facts to many things as sort of an echo of biden in a way. and then the second debate he came out roaring not only with that grade comment, i won't make age an issue and i won't exploit the inexperience and youth of my, of my opponent, but it was rather reagan became reagan. he just relaxed and did what he did well at the same time, we saw that when president obama debated that first time with mondale, he looked like he wasn't interested in it. he seemed like he was rusty. he didn't seem to really throw himself into it and it got a very bad
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performance and he realized that he acknowledged it and was able to come back i think this looms a little larger, however, i mean, because age was the main thing that everybody was worried about. and that was what seemed to show. he acknowledged today and i think it's a good thing that he acknowledged that he wasn't the same debater that he had been. he may not have walked as well as he did before and that but he was still he would claim somebody who could tell the truth to us, et cetera, et cetera. but then the campaign put out a comment that said we're not changing our strategy. i think they have to change their strategy is going to have to get out there more. he's going to have to have press conferences. he's going to have to have interviews that are unscripted. if it's true that what he does inside the white house, which people who know him say he seems very competent and up to the job, he's going to have to prove that now over again starting from a difficult position to the country at large because the voters are going to make this decision. we'll see what happens in the polls and in the weeks to come. but it's still going to be an uphill challenge, i think for him from here on i mean, can you think of a time when i'm not on only
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the calls within the democratic party for him to step down at this stage. but the new york times editorial board calling for him to step aside you know, what so interested me about the new york times at a dorsal board today is that there was a new york times editorial board decision in 1912. >> that's the first primary we ever had. it was between taft and teddy roosevelt. and the new york times wrote that it was so terrible, it was so fierce. teddy roosevelt was calling after pin head and tapped was saying he'll be a dictator. that it was embarrassing and it should bring a blush of shame on every cheek. and they said, if this is the first primary system, we hope it's the last one. this is not a rational procedure. it's a mob that was one of their first interventions. and now here they're saying that we should, the voters have already said that biden should be it by the primary? my system, but they're saying he has to withdraw somehow and that will allow other people to be able to be part of the decision who weren't voted necessarily in the primaries so they've had an interesting impact from the beginning to the end.
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>> you've worked in the white house, you worked with closely with lbj what is, it like in that in that bubble i mean to be in that kind of circle of the president because it's very easy for people on the outside to say, well, somebody should, the party should go to him. people coming up to me on the street today saying like, should the party go to him and asked him to step down? i'm like, what do you mean the party? how does how does it what's it like inside the white house i think it's a decision that really has to be made by the president and the people around him. >> when i think back to what lyndon johnson was feeling in march of 68 he had already entered the new hampshire primary and he came out almost behind what was senator mccarthy was able to do. they were pressures on him knowing that robert kennedy was coming into the race, that maybe he would have a really tough time. it would dis, unite the country, the war in vietnam would not be settled and he talked about it with his wife, ladybird, with his closest friends, but not very many people outside. and he made the
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decision to shock the country by deciding on march 31st that he would withdraw from the race amazingly, and this would be true. i suspect for biden as well, acclimation followed. i mean, every editorial said he had done something for the country rather than himself. that it was the most unselfish decision and would assure his legacy and for a period of time, it looked like that had done so his approval rating had been 57% disapproval. it went up to 57% approval after what he had done but it would all depend if biden more to do this and withdrawal from the race, whether or not that meant that whoever the candidate was could defeat trump because his belief is that he's the one who can defeat trump. and that was the roll of the dice he played in making this debate early, hoping that it would ensure people about age knowing that he feels he's the only one who could beat trump if that's not true. and somebody else could be them, then biden's legacy would still be assured. so it's very complicated right now historically, in this very day and age one of the things that people who don't want
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biden to drop out or don't think he should point out and we've had guests on the program tonight saying this is that a. president makes decisions with a lot of other people around them and a lot of input. and that it is the people that they put in place as much as it is at times, the president do, is that do you think that's true i think that's absolutely true. >> i mean, in a way we think about it, how many times does president, when he's president have to debate? it's not necessarily the most important measure of the kind of president he's likely to be. i mean, i've argued for 50 years. i've been studying these presidents for so long, maybe even longer than that. it seemed sometimes that the most important thing we should be looking at is temperament, its character at somehow gets lost in the way we evaluate debates and who makes a gaffe and who's raised the most money and who looks better and who looks week. what, whether this person has humility, whether this person has empathy, whether they can acknowledge areas, what kind of a team just to go to your question? then what
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kind of a team are they likely to create? are there people that can argue with them? do they have strong minded people? do they have an accountability for their word? do they have an ambition that goes for something larger than themselves? these are the qualities that have made up our great leaders and somehow we have to be able to sort those through as we look at the two people that are gonna be running for president, that's even more important. born than whether they do something in a debate. except it shows in a debate standing up to pressure, it shows whether you're prepared correctly. and i think that's going to have to be proved over and over again right now. >> but it is such an important point that you're making that it's in the end, the character of the person and the are they a good person? are they somebody who is a decent human being and what their motivations are that in the end is important and then i was really interesting in 18, 92 character was on the ballot when cleveland ran for office. and it was discovered that he had child had been wet it out
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of wedlock and so it was considered that he was privately corrupt in that sense. but his opponent, james blaine, had written a letter to somebody promising i'm a business deal and said burn this letter, burn. and then it was james g. blaine, the continental liar from the state of maine the country chose the person who may have been worried about private morality rather than the public person who was going to be corrupt and so private character and public character, or maybe two different things sometimes, but they meld together doris kearns goodwin always wonderful to have you. thank you. up next to major decision by the supreme court, effective regulations governing clean air and water plus workplace safety. also, new decision that may limit the time served by some of the people convicted and the january 6 riots well, it's hard if i decide some days you
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call 1803 558999, or visit home i'm bill, we're on the california coast and this is cnn today, the supreme court's conservative majority up ended decades of precedent underpinning clean air and water and other federal regulations by overturning what had been known as the chevron defense and that essentially said when a law is ambiguous, court should give leeway to federal agencies charged with carrying out that law. >> today's opinion could make it easier for opponents of federal regulations to challenge them in court separately. a slightly different 6-3 majority narrowly narrowed the usage of an obstruction law by federal prosecutors to potentially add year to the sentences of january 6. rioters, also on monday, the last day of supreme court decisions were expecting one on the former president's immunity claims want to get
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some legal perspective now from former federal prosecutor jessica ross. so what does this obstruction ruling mean for a special counsel jack smith's case against the person, it's not yeah, it's not the ruling. i think that government was looking for that jack smith necessarily would have wanted, but i don't think it's actually that bad for jack smith thinking about his case against the former president that has two charges, two out of the four charges in that indictment, based on this obstruction of justice statute that the supreme court gave a narrower reading to them. the department of justice wanted the reason why it won't have that much of an impact on the case. brought by the special counsel against trump is because the reading that the supreme court gave today is that the statute can only be used against people who act in a way that has an effect on evidence used in an official proceeding. it doesn't apply to, for example, just storming the capital in a way that interferes with the counting. or the process itself as opposed let's choose something impairing, evidenced used or some kind of object using that proceeding. and the way that the special counsel has framed the charges against trump, there actually is an object or
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evidence used in the official proceeding at issue, which is namely the slates of electors the supreme court in language, even in the majority opinion, takes pains to say that one could violate this statute by creating false evidence, not only by destroying other evidence. and so that's i think the way in which the charges against trump are safe. >> some were surprised that justice amy coney barrett to pardon the dissent. >> yeah, i thought that was surprising and i thought she wrote a really good persuasive dissenting opinion that frankly, i think is the better reading of the statute. she said the statutory text is clear. the best reading of the statutory text is that it applies to conduct that interferes with it obstruct an official proceeding, even with does not connect it to evidence or other objects. i do think i agree with her that that is the best reading of the statute. i don't think the majority reading is unreasonable, but i thought that it was quite interesting that barrett joined the dissent here monday. >> now we know for sure the supreme court is going to release their ruling on the