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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  July 3, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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pancreas for fast-acting relief from the pain of arthritis, back eggs and sore muscles the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title.
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more. it's still it's wednesday, july 3rd right now on cnn, this morning, one democrats public pleaded joe biden to get out of the 20th 24 race donald trump's sentencing delayed the judge hinting that it might not happen at all. >> plus this hurricane, beryl turning deadly, now threatening jamaica as a category four storm all right. >> 5:00 a.m. here in washington. alive. look at this universal sunrise on this july morning in new york city very nice. good morning, everyone in kasie hunt, it's wonderful to have you with us this morning.
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the behind the scenes panic and the democratic party over president biden's fitness is spilling out into the open for the first time since last week's disastrous debate and elected democratic official publicly calling for biden hadn't to bow out of the race as discussions escalate about among many more, about whether to do so to texas congressman lloyd doggett, the first to say it's time to go i salute president biden. i just feel that it's time for him to step aside. if we were to be able to protect what he allowed us to gain and 2020, he delivered us from trump, then he could be delivering us to trump this year. >> with the biden campaign on its heels. former president donald trump appears to be seizing the momentum this week's supreme court ruling on immunity already getting results for him legally by delaying next week sentencing for his felony convictions in new york. donald trump posting quote, joe biden should now call off his dogs, joining us this deaf kite, the politics reporter for axios stef. good
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morning to you. it is starting to feel like something momentous is going on behind the scenes. the boulder is beginning to roll down the hill. what is your latest reporting on the conversations inside the democratic party? about what president biden should do next. yeah. i mean, the reality is, everyone is very unhappy right now in all corners of the democratic party, we've had reporting in the past 24 hours of white house officials, biden campaign official is being upset inside over how things that have been handled following the debate, we are hearing from democratic lawmakers, some on the record now, and also i'm sure we're all while hearing the same thing from lawmakers on background, they're very concerned and feel like the white house and people close to biden are not taking this seriously enough, are still trying to discount the gravity of this moment and also democratic donors are upset and that's a big one to be watching. they're already indicating that they're planning to move some of their focus to house and senate campaign kane's trying to build some kind of a firewall as they're starting to see the possibility of a republican trifecta after november. >> yeah, that's the thing i have to say that when i have
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been having conversations with people behind the scenes, it's this prospect that donald trump might not just win the election, but that he might come to washington with control of the house and the senate as well. so something that could potentially have ramifications for years. and we can put up we had some cnn polling come out yesterday. the top line unchanged in the wake of the debate, donald trump, 49%, joe biden 43%. but let's compare that top line of the choice for president biden versus trump to what we saw for kamala harris versus donald trump. you've kamala harris at 45%, you have donald trump at 47% and then we can put all these other democrats up as well that we looked at. we looked at not just harris, but also gavin newsom, pete buttigieg, gretchen whitmer. you can see that they are all there both on par. gretchen whitmer at one point below where joe biden is
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against trump. this is all leading to some democrats, starting to openly talk about, okay, are they going to support harris or not, which seems to be the second question. if biden is going to drop out, here was tim ryan with my colleague, jack jake tapper yesterday. watch i just think that that camila is the person that's the cleanest way. she's a seasoned campaign are now three-and-a-half years of experience and so i think people would be very, very excited and i think she'd be good for down-ballot races. in energize our base. so to me it's pretty straightforward but the fact that no one said it, i think was holding back and now it seems like the dams breaking so it does seem like we are setting the stage for and in this way, maybe the conversation is really getting away from the biden folks a potential brief campaign period ahead of the democratic convention. >> i mean, we're hearing all kinds of things at this point. i do think it makes sense that kamala harris would be the natural choice if joe biden
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does agree to step aside, if if he actually feels the momentum building enough that he needs he needs to do something like that. obviously, sheets vice president, she's already on the campaign ticket, which may make it easier to use when those campaign funds moving forward. and of course how are they going to say no to the first black female president, someone who has been in office. this is it would be quite a move for the democratic party to try to find someone other than kamala harris. but also if biden makes a move like stepping down, all bets are off so one of the things that the biden team is going to trouble, there's there's two major things on the horizon. one of them is today, which is, and let's start there. the meeting with governors. so there are democratic governors we learned overnight, several of them are flying here to washington to see the president and person i think for obvious reasons, people want to see for themselves was what happened on the debate stage. just a moment? or is this the ongoing reality for president biden? and this ahead of a planned taped interview with abc set to
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be taped on friday right after 4 july holiday. that's something that these democrats have demanded at what is the course of this day look like for for president biden, especially considering somebody's governors are people that are potentially on top to replace him. yeah. it'll be fascinating to hear what comes out of that meeting. because as you point out, there are governors who are clear options to potentially be a presidential candidate. if trump, if findings to think where to step aside but also is this a moment where we see democrats come to biden's defense? do we start to see any actual defense of the president's something that we haven't heard very strongly from many democrats at all outside of the biden campaign, outside of the white house it's been very tempur defense of the president. maybe a few tweaks here and there. so whether we see governors get in line here, whether this changes in favor of biden or this just continued he's escalate the concerns we are hearing across the party. >> all right. stuff kite of axial starting us office marine stuff. thank you very much for being with us. i really
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appreciate it. i come up next year. the world leader that soon going to get a chance to talk to president biden one-on-one plus the fbi investigating nearly 200 graves that were vandalized in too jewish cemeteries plus hurricane beryl, about to slam into jamaica july 4. >> cnn concert event by xi ashanti bb, the killers, and many more for dinner america. there thursday, july 4, at seven eastern on cnn palmer glow showed up right on time and did my dishes, my laundry. they even cleaned my windows. i love that. you just pick a date picker cleaner and enjoy a spotless house for nine $18 a heart attack. >> do they have life insurance? >> no. >> but we have life insurance john, i'm trying to find something we can afford. >> fortunately, it only a few minutes, select boat down,
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competency, get back out there, stokoe supportive apparel is engineered with 90 feet of high strength cables that reinforce the body and control dials that allow you to adjust the support. still go is trusted by professionals, world-class athlete and weekend warriors who all want one thing, more activity and less pain. learn more. it's doh life diabetes has no slowing down each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do that's why you choose concerns to help manage blood sugar response uniquely designed with carb steady glue, sirna, bring on the day i'm melissa bell in paris. >> and this is cnn all welcome back. >> later this month, president biden in the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, plan to meet face-to-face in washington but their relationships strained. both men are facing mounting political pressure, biden under pressure to exit the presidential race netanyahu under pressure to end the war with hamas. and there was this
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moment from last week's debate, trump stoking the flames and poking it biden for not wanting to help israel finish the job only thing i've denied israel was 2000 pound bombs. >> they don't work very well in populated areas. they kill a lot and some people were providing israel with all the weapons they need. and when they need them, he's become like a palestinian but they don't like him because he's a very bad palestinian. he is a weak one or saying that international anchor max foster is live for us in london at max, let's dig into any specifics we may have for the meeting between these two liters candidly, what was president biden's biggest problem in the race, which was how he deals with israel and gaza in the face of opposition from aggressive is now pretty far out of the center of the conversation because he's got bigger problems, but that doesn't mean that this isn't important. it's very important i mean, you said that both these leaders are under huge amounts of pressure israel needs more weaponry from the
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u.s. and it ought to keep their work. we can coming in. but president biden is i'll see you under pressure after that cnn debate, just to show that he has strong leadership where biden is seen by some as having an advantage is on policy and with the middle east policy this cues criticism. you've got, you heard the trunk criticism there, which some people would describe as very extreme, but the more legitimate criticism is that he has called on israel not to do certain things such as a ground invasion into the rafah. israel has gone ahead with that so he is seen, as seen as a one-way relationship for many people israel's getting everything that it wants. america isn't certainly the white house isn't getting what it wants when it comes to these negotiations. so he's seen by some people as the week and he wants to show strength, particularly now. so presumably he's going to go into this
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meeting, wanted to show that he has shown a firm hand with netanyahu, expressed american interests and got something out of it. the challenge right now is it just feels as though netanyahu is playing this the way he wants to play it. it's getting what he wants from america to continue that strategy yeah. >> so max all points well taken. but i have to say just keep coming back to this. and i'm sorry to throw this at you without having let you know in advance, but this new york times story that came out yesterday afternoon, i was coe by-line by david sanger, who is a cnn kalisa contributor. here is the new york times national security correspondent. and you can see in the story some of the contributions that he made and they write this quote, a senior european official who was present they're talking again about the g7 meetings that you and i talked extensively about that were hosted in italy, right? where we talked about this yesterday with these kind of seems like
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exiting many exiting leaders on that stage. but a senior european official who was present at those meetings said there had been a noticeable decline in mr. biden's physical states since the previous fall? all and that the europeans had been, quote, unquote, shocked by what they saw. their, the president at times appeared, quote, out of it and quote the official said, and it was difficult to engage them in conversations while he was walking that sort of assessment. a very stark one here and course, there was video of president biden's seeming to wander. he was going to greet a paratroopers. some of the edited versions of the video on the internet didn't represent the entirety of the scene, but at the same time, that look, when given in the context of the the debate and what we saw happen in the debate is a very striking one. i mean, what else are you hearing? how is the european media covering this? how is the uk looking at all of this as we grapple with whether or not the president is actually going to be the guy leading the democrats democratic ticket for
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reelection in the fall well, the most teach pick up on the debate and it was all about president biden, not even some of the things that donald trump got confused about. >> and frankly lied about the focus was very much on biden and how he didn't look like a strong leader. and he was losing focus a lot. i haven't spoken to any of those leaders and york times has that inside track there. but what would frustrate them, obviously is that they don't have much time with these g7 meetings. they want to get things decided and push through and it doesn't happen without american support if they can't get the focus of the u.s president in that limited amount of time it has a massive impact on global policy and policy a season, all of those nations, so the entire west is affected by it. so that is the challenge and when we've looked at the reporting over the last 24 hours, it probably rings more true to what i've heard because a lot of people speak very highly about president biden and his focus. and it's focused on policy in
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meetings, but there are times when he's not focus, so you don't know quite what you're going to get. and when you're a foreign leader, that's a problem because you don't get much time with u.s. president. >> no, it absolutely and that's actually a theme that i've been hearing from sources behind the scenes as well, that we talked about policy here yesterday as well, that the strengths you get from experience, from a long time on the stage. that is what applies when it comes to governing. and this could apply in cases of foreign policy for campaigning for these unscripted situations, though it's really, really a different story in terms of you know, what, what parts of your brain you're applying to the problem max foster. thank you very much. my friend, always grateful to have you see you tomorrow all right. coming up next here. hurricane beryl, just hours from making landfall in jamaica and over 100 people killed in a crowd crush in india will bring you that sunday dr. sanjay gupta reports
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to autism slash when we're how solomon in new york and this is cnn all right welcome back the death toll from hurricane beryl now stands at 7 monster storm producing powerful waves, flooding portions of martinique seen here, it's packing maximum sustained winds of 145 miles an hour and it's expected to make landfall in germany make it today as a category four hurricane jamaica's prime minister warning residents to take cover. >> let's get to our meteorologist, elisa raffa with more on this this morning. alyssa, good morning. >> good morning. residents, they're really trying to prepare clearing out storm drains. so flooding can be tried to be alleviated some
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getting boats out of the water, grocery so srery stores as well, just really trying to stock up because this could be one of the strongest storms that that jamaica has ever seen make landfall. we're looking still at a category four hurricane winds at 145 miles per hour are still gusting up towards 175, sitting about 185 miles east and southeast of kingston, jamaica got that i could go either on island or maybe just south of it. and they don't really have too much experience with major hurricanes making landfall. they've had a lot of passes. but the strongest storm to make landfall was gilbert in 1988. so it has been a very long time. beryl could rival some of those stats that were left from gilbert. you can see today we're looking at the hurricane. you see that i again, could be the southern portion of the island. we're looking at intense winds, some of that storm surge up to nine feet, hurricane force winds starting as we get towards midday. and then could still keep hurricane strength as it heads towards can kuhn, the yucatan peninsula of mexico,
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and then back into the golf. it gets either rain totals could be pretty hefty, especially there are mountains on jamaica. we're looking at some totals up to a foot possible. we'll keep that hurricane strength also worried about some hurricane-force conditions and the cayman islands as well, watches already in place for parts of mexico. and we could reach keep some of that hurricane strength and then we'll have to watch to see what can happen with this intensity as it gets back into the gulf of mexico, we're watching this closely. the heat that has been building in the u.s. will try to keep beryl as far south as it can, will have to see how strong this heat dome can be. this heat dome could be really excessive, especially for parts of california were warnings less multiple days casey. >> alright, i'll use the rafah for us this morning. alysa, thanks very much for that all right. 24 minutes past the hour. here's the morning roundup. more than 2,020 people people have been killed in a
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crowd crush at a religious event in india organizers say 250,000 worshippers showed up, leaving them with a crowd three times larger than they we had planned for 176 gravestones, vandalized and knocked over into jewish cemeteries in ohio. the fbi is investigating. no suspects have been arrested or identified a rare fire burning out of control in alaska's denali national park. it has been over a hundred years since that area has seen an active fire officials say, it's only 10% contained. there is no word on when the park will reopen all right ahead here, a supreme court ruling giving donald trump illegal lifeline in new york plus growing pressure on joe biden to exit the race. now coming from inside his own party an unprecedented debate
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camp. cnn's elle reeve spoke with one never-trumper, someone who will not vote for donald trump who says that they are now deeply disappointed with democrats to be talked to from the democratic party, kinda like just get behind the candidate was very frustrating and, and angering all right joining us now, talk more jackie coaston, san and political analysts, washington bureau chief for the boston globe and julie julie grace braf, k capitol hill reported for axios. good morning to both of you jackie, let me start with you on this because it's voters like the one that we just heard from that are really going to well, they are making the or breaking president biden's position at the top of the democratic ticket. they're doing it in a couple was first they're looking for the presence team. we're looking at the polling, the horse race, pulling for him but second of all, members of the house of representatives on the democratic side are looking at
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what these voters are telling them in their districts. and they are seeing an absolute bloodbath for the president. what is your latest reporting? what are you hearing about where the story turns next? well, here's the thing. those voters have been saying this about joe biden for quite some time. we've been in our basilar. reporters have been in the field since last year and biden's age has been an issue. it's the democratic party, particularly the biden campaign that hadn't been listening to these concerns. so now, rat a point where it is up to joe biden. joe biden, it's it's totally his choice whether to step down and as much pressure as he's getting. it doesn't seem like they're yielding yet we'll see what happens in the coming days. but certainly yesterday, i think was the first day you really thought bubble to the surface in official one washington. and it just keeps growing and how it seems like they're finally maybe realizing that this isn't going to go away. yeah. no, i mean, they're definitely going to follow the bouncing ball a little bit thursday night, everyone was shocked friday, there was discussion of
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the fallout over the weekend you had the campaign doubling down and you had surrogates out on sunday shows doubling down saying were with the president. >> monday comes, there's a little bit like, okay, is this it? and then clearly it was not the fallout started to quickly move and i can just add your silicon cave to some pressure right there is an interview on friday now with george stephanopoulos, there is going to be a press conference, apparently at, nato. so really you're seeing stuff for next week, which is set for next week. yes. and so you are seeing them try to push back against some of this, but we'll see how those innervate that interview goes and the press conference. yes. so julie ghraieb, braf key, there is a tough column in the new york times this morning from tom i'm freedman, particularly tough because friedman is known to be someone that biden knows reads, friedman has been on the senior who's worked in the middle east for the new york times url much earlier and binds career as biden was
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eventually go would go on to chair the relevant committees for that he writes this quote at this moment of incredible importance for america and the democratic party, i would urge president biden, his family and his parties leadership to ask the same question, what does your worst enemy donald trump, want you to do now, then do the opposite. trump is salivating at the prospect of biden staying in the presidential race so he can pummel him from now until election day with 15 second television and radio ads, not to mention memes on social media of biden's incoherent current responses in last week's debate, each ad asking quote, is this the man you want answering the phone and 3am, if the russians or the chinese or the iranians attack us, he then goes on to quote the musical hamilton and george washington's decision not to run twice so i mean, he's making a lot of the same points. i think republicans are really kind of riding on cloud nine right now. we've heard mike johnson make similar arguments saying that the world is watching and foreign adversaries are watching and the debate was telling. we've seen chip roy with the 25th
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amendment resolution to highlight that i feel like republicans kinda know that's not going anywhere, but going to be something they're gonna be hammering home from a messaging standpoint and i mean, i've talked to a ton of republican laura i'll makers said, i mean, they feel these biden's the nominee, the elections virtually over some of them that have even questioned whether trump should debate again, in or just continue to hit biden with the ads from the last debate there? yeah, i have trouble seeing at this point in a second, trump biden debate being on the being on the table here jackie i want to talk about the next turn of the screw and what's going on with kamala harris, but you made this point earlier about voters and what viewers have been trying to say all the way along. and i just keep going back to how we have been talking about around tables like this one for all these months that voters, you would go to these campaign events and they would say to people like us to reporters like, is this really, is this really going to be the presidential race? like are we really going to get this rematch? like, i don't really believe that and there was this kind of sense hanging over it
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that like, well, maybe something completely unexpected was going to happen. i don't know that this is what i expected it to be, but i do think it's worth taking a minute to mark this moment. >> but is this unexpected? i mean, i think that this was always that was what happened in that debate was democrats greatest fear it's not that you couldn't project that potentially, there could be a fumble during a debate and but here we are this is what, but now with all the hand-wringing, it's going on. this is why you have primaries. yes donald trump, he didn't debate any of these any of the people who ran against him. but there was a republican primary and republican voters chose to reject the other republicans and go with trump i'm on the joe biden side. you didn't have that and yes, he is the incumbent president. that is very different. usually there's not usually challengers to it. but his decision to run again all of all of the all of the decisions that led up to that, they have who they have right now, and to change course right now is
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going to be would be a huge shift and be very difficult for the democratic party to recalibrate after that. >> yeah, i suppose the reality that this was the race that was set, that this was what was going to happen was because force of will from the people around joe bought from joe biden himself, but especially also the people around joe biden. and now so many questions about what happens next few years by future jackie cassandras. thank you both very much for being here this morning. all right. let's turn out of this the ripple effects of that landmark ruling by the supreme court on presidential immunity. they've shown up in new york in that case, we're donald trump was convicted of multiple felonies. the judge juan were sean agreed to push back the sentencing for former president trump and that hush money trial until september the 18th, specifically but he also added these five words to the revised timeline. he said, if such is still necessary let's bring in cnn legal analysts, criminal defense attorney joey
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jackson. joey. good morning. so of course, the police clinical context of this is that everything seems to be coming up trump over the course of the last week as democrats, russell with whether to replace joe biden. but also this ruling throws into question almost all of donald trump's legal challenges. let's focus in on new york to start, i mean, how do you interpret what merchan said here in terms of saying, well, if it's necessary, we'll do this yes. okay so good morning to you. it's something that i had to be said, right? you cannot prejudge ultimately what judge juan machine is going to do. and so in the event that he rules in the president's favor, former president and of course, there will be no sentencing and the case will be dismissed right there going to that is the attorneys for trump file a motion to set aside the verdict. and so having a briefing schedule where you have the attorneys for the president's a bit motions with regard to the introduction of evidence that should not have been introduced into evidence on the supreme court decision,
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having the prosecutors have an opportunity you need to respond to having oral argument, if necessary, and then rendering a decision is absolutely the right call. what that decision will be as an open question and i wouldn't read into it get by the words that were noted there, casey, if necessary, that he's made a predetermined decision, he's simply saying based upon his analysis, any event he falls obviously with the president based upon this decision, former president then of course there will be no sense singh and that's all i take from it yeah joey, where do you see the other cases against trump standing at this point in the wake of the ruling. other were some reporting from the washington post that says the justice department plans to pursue trump cases past election day even if trump wins. now of course, if trump does when he wouldn't become president until january 20 of next year. so there would be this kind of interregnum period. how do you view a plan like that? >> yeah. i don't see that plan
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is viable at all. right. because remember, casey, in the event that he wins, let's start there. you can have a situation where the ben and president trump orders the justice department to dismiss those case does then there'll be nothing to see there with regard to the merits of the cases themselves. i just don't see based upon the work that the court now needs to do, remember what the supreme court decision said? yes, there was specific guidance with regard to what can be used, what's official acts, what's on official acts, however, is going to be largely whether that information could be used. a determination made by the lower court. what does that mean? you have to have evidentiary hearings and then you have appeals based upon rulings at the district court makes, then you have a circuit court that's the appellate court at the federal level way in and then guess what, casey it ben could go back to the supreme court. so there's going to be an ordained amount of delay. there's going to be litigation and it was so much uncertainty from that supreme court decision. generally, the supreme court pronounces decision, it's clear, it's a bright line rule here. it just
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says, you guys figure it out. so i do not see this at all about moving forward in the event that trump wins as viable or really even in the realm of reality really interesting. all right, joe jackson, very grateful for your time, always lovely to have you. thank you so much all right. coming up next here are some democrats leaning on presidential history to make case for joe biden to step aside plus two rock star rookies heading to the wnba all-star game will bring you that the belief that is meant to unite the route you may be king he's coming house of the dragon streaming exclusively on macs right now, pet dander skin cells in dirt are sizzling deep into your carpet fibers. >> stanley steamer removes the dirt you see in the dirt, you don't your corporates aren't clean until they're stanley
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to end their career right? they may be right in the eyes of a lot of democrats. but if you're the first one through the door, you're gonna get shot. and i think they all know that well, meet this first guy to walk through the door, texas congressman lloyd doggett, being credited or blamed for being the first democrat in congress to call on president biden to step aside. >> doggett noting he represents the same congressional district as president lyndon johnson once did adding, that lbj made a painful decision to withdraw and not seek a second term. and the president biden should do the same. cnn presidential historian tim naftali joins me now. tim i just want to play for everyone to just remind them what lbj had to say in this moment let's look at at it and then we'll talk about it i do not believe that i should devote an hour are de of my time to any personal partisan causes our to any duties other
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than the awesome duties of this office. >> i shall not see and i will not accept the nomination of my party for another term as your president tim just talk to us about the historical parallels. >> if you see any right now as we face a moment that we haven't faced in many, many years when lbj made that statement on march 31st to 1968, it came as a surprise if joe biden were to make a similar statement after july 4th, it would not be a surprise that's one of the main differences. >> there's a similarity, of course, lyndon johnson was at the beginning of a reelection bid he had participated at
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least as he had been in a primary and then he decided to end are reelection bid as an incumbent president? but there wasn't the pressure on lyndon johnson to pull out johnson made the decision on his own. indeed, he'd begun to think about not running for reelection months earlier he had told this main speech writer to add that cota to the end of the state of the union address, which he gave in january. he almost gave that. he almost uttered those words in january. so the timing the decision to withdraw was lbj's alone the first president to have given up reelection bid was was harry truman and in harry truman's case, and he decided not to run again in 1952. he also made the decision on his own and his decision also came as a surprise. so
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there is a democratic, there is a precedent in the democratic party of a president, an incumbent president saying, you know what, i'll step aside, even though it was assumed they would run again. but in both cases, truman's case and lbj's case. the president made the decision on their own? yes. there there was some there was some opposition within the party to their running again but there wasn't the overwhelming sense that a, the president was too old to run or be that the president was likely to lose in either case. so the situation we face today has certain similarities to the past, but really is largely new territory, new presidential historical territory. >> yeah, it's fascinating when you put it that way, because this is of course, still up to president biden. he's going to have to decide whether or not to step aside. but the historical implications of this
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surely must be weighing on him. i mean, what i'm hearing kind of behind the scenes from democrats, i'm talking to is that if this continues, the losses democrats might face would be so dramatic that it would be something that would affect the country for decades to come, particularly in the u.s. senate, where people serve for many many more years. i mean, in your experience and understanding as you have studied these men and there are still only a few of them that i've ever served in this office how do you think the weight of history is sits with our current president, joe biden. and would you compare it to anything we've seen in the past? >> the decision not to run again is a very lonely personal decision by a president the evidence is very clear for both truman and lbj that they decided they set the timetable
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and in the case of lbj, they faced pushback from their own family lbj's family, particularly his two daughters they were not only shocked, they were really upset when they heard their father wasn't going to run again and tried desperately to talk him out of giving the speech in march of 1968. and they were only told hours before the speech. although the situation is very different the one president who has resigned in our history, richard nixon, also faced pushback from his own family his daughters did not want him to resign. indeed the first lady didn't want him to resign. his decision. again, the circumstances are different, but his decision was very personal, very lonely. i will add, in 19741 of the arguments that republican leaders may to richard nixon, that he should step down again. i'm not comparing biden to nixon, but one of the arguments was the 1974 midterm elections that republicans across the
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country would would be pummeled if richard nixon, we're still in office by the time of that election. so this decision by biden is biden's to make historically, we can expect the first lady to be playing a very significant role in the decision and the role of a biden's remain of his children, his daughter and his son will be important too. but in the end the decision is the president's alone. when parties tried to force out president's, generally speaking, they fail gerald ford wanted to run again ronald reagan tried to beat him and lost in 1976 in 1980 jimmy carter wanted to run again. ted kennedy wanted to be the nominee. jimmy carter prevailed as the incumbent president, incumbent president has an enormous amount of suede usually wins these kinds of fights. the one difference
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today is that we're talking about the health and the stamina of a president that has never been an issue for those incumbent presidents that came under strain. ronald reagan had a very bad first debate, but nobody in the party was suggesting that he stepped down because he was too old at 73 in 1984 well, and it's interesting those parallels you dry very correct to point out that the party apparatus rejected it. the incumbent presidents in the both of those cases continued to leave their party, but it's also true that they lost the general election, which is what we may be facing here and why there is so much pressure on joe biden, tim naftali, very grateful to have you. i hope to come back soon thank you. all right. let's take a breather time now for sports, the wnba has announced the lineup for its upcoming all star game. some fan favorite ricky's getting their first nominations. carolyn mano has this morning police report, karatay. good morning good morning. >> the announcement came before last night's aces fever game
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with caitlin clark and angel getting their first all-star nods. casey, they're going to join nine time all-star nneka ogwumike and six-time all-star dewanna bonner and clark's fever teammates aliyah boston kelsey mitchell are also going to join her on team wnba is they take on the u.s. women's national team in phoenix on july 20, which is a tough task. kelsey plum is one of those players on team usa and clark getting an early look at what she will be up against later this month, plum pudding up 34 in front of a sell-out crowd at t-mobile arena. the largest crowd by the way for regular season wnba hey, game since 1999, clark's double-double, not enough for fleming, the aces vegas winning 88269 and angel reese following up being named june's work he of the month with her 11th consecutive double-double that included an incredible 19 rebounds as her chicago sky took down the atlanta dream, 85, 77 and she's been averaging 13 points and 11 boards and her rookie campaign, so she cannot wait for all star and we've seen
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some very creative schedule reveals over the past couple of years kc, but this might take the cake, the new jersey devils just released perhaps the most comedic of them all star defenseman dougie hamilton, playing the role of professor douglas the admin here giving fans a lesson in geography along with their upcoming nhl schedule i'm professor douglas d. >> admin welcome to today's geography class pennsylvania, home of the penguins and the flyers, penguins have waned but can't fly flyers have wings. phenomena real thing, nothing in this state makes sense new york city, home of the new york times, who once voted the best pizza in new york to be from raza which like the statue of liberty, is in new jersey ms this all gives you were at is via this case. >> see, i have no notes. i like it and it's an acquired taste.
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i thought it was pretty funny to fans loved it. that's what matters. but we've got it's hilarious. it's absolutely hilarious. we've got to get dana bash, one of new jersey spine has to weigh in on this heirloom? no. thank you very much. i really appreciate it. coming up next is a new cnn poll, kamala harris faring better than president biden against donald trump plus this illegal fireworks sparking a fire in a popular san francisco parks homer glow showed up right on time and did my dishes, my laundry. they even cleaned my windows. i love that you just let's pick a date picker cleaner and enjoy a spotless house for $19 when you use the angie for your home projects, you know, all your jobs will be jobs done well, roof repair done well, kitchen sink and salt done well deck upgrades done well, and has
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