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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  July 3, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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democracy lies in this night or this race, then you're right, then there's no room for error and i think i'll go back to what kate said earlier in the program. this is not a west wing episode, right? this, this will not go as cleanly as i think collectively, we all think it will right? and so let's think about this. so if he has an oh, okay, stephanopoulos interview and an okay. press conference, then trump will announce his vp and does this kind of get washed away a little bit? it will see, but i think the transition from biden to camila, if it happens, it's not gonna be some seamless thing. yeah. now it's a very, it's a very, very good good point and we are of course, an incredibly consequential moment that reminds us of history. so i want to say thank you to the panel, and i just want to leave you with one of the historical moments where we faced, we had a president facing something like this. >> ever the democrats nominate for president this year, he will have this record to run
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upon. i shall not be a candidate for reelection i have served my country long and i think efficiently and honestly, i shall not accept a renomination. i do not feel that it is my duty the spend another four years in the white house i campaign in crisis and a demand for transparency. >> some democrats calling for biden to get out of the race this week. biden campaign's damage control attempts seemed to be making the problem worse. the white house staffing told they must get on an all-call today already in historic deadly storm, hurricane beryl this just hours away from potentially catastrophic landfall we have a brand new storm track and the battle against alzheimer's just gained a new weapon. what? this now means in the fight against this terrible disease on kate
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bolduan with john berman and sara sidner. this is cnn news central how did it go? >> we're giving you a live look at the white house where this morning president biden is under new unprecedented pressure from top members of his own party to be more open about his health and mental states. some democrats being more blunt, demanding he get out of the race this week. and today, democratic governors are meeting with biden to discuss their concerns about his candidacy i'd like to hear more from him when you come off a bad debate, you need to remind people why you're the right guy to elect. >> don't think that there's anything wrong with asking the president to talk to the american people a little bit more about his health. we want to make sure he's doing okay. we all know him all of this as biden's campaign enters de
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six, the post-debate crisis mode. >> and despite days of trying to calm party panic damage control efforts, it's morning only seemed to be causing more problems overnight. biden said he almost fell asleep at the debate because of jet-lagged shortly and all staff white house call is reportedly happening. cnn's arlette saenz is joining us outside the white house. what are you learning? arlette about this phone call that has all the staff has been told they need to be on well, sarah white house, chief of staff, jeff zients is expected to hold a call with staff in just a few hours. we're told that this is a call that's essentially touching base with a staff, but it comes at a time when president biden, as you noted, is under significant pressure from within his own party as they're starting to see some real serious cracks support for the president, of following that debate performance. now, part of president biden's work for today, we'll be trying to reassure party leaders as well as hear out some of their concerns a bit later this evening, the president will be meeting here at the white house
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with democratic governors to hear some of their concerns and really try to shore up support within the democratic party. that's expected that some of these governors will also be joining the call virtually the president today is also expected to pick up the phone. i'd various points in the day to speak with congressional leaders. a source told us that the president biden did connect with the house minority leader hakeem jeffries just yesterday, but it comes as there has been at least one democratic lawmaker who has publicly called for president biden to step aside in this race. that is congressman lloyd doggett and privately, many democrats are expressing beginning to express concerns that the president needs to step aside for the good of the party, but also for the good of the country. no president and biden at that fundraiser last night in virginia, tried to offer a new explanation for his debate performance. has saying that part of it was due to the fact that he was crossing the globe a few times for international travel with trips to italy and
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france. he told those donors that he almost fell asleep on the debate stage. which garnered some laughter in the room, but it's unclear whether that explanation in any way would ease any concerns within the party about the president's performance and future in this race. now, there are also growing calls for more transparency relating to the president's health, as well as his mental acuity. that is an issue that was a major her focus at the white house press briefing with corinne john pierre yesterday, this is what she said specifically when it came to the issue of mental acuity and whether the white house might provide more information on that front. take a listen the medical team said it is not warranted in this case. we have put forward a thorough transparent annual report on his health. so they have said that is not warranted. it is not necessary very again, we understand we understand. we're not taking away from what you all saw. what the american people saw. we understand it was a bad night is anyone in the white
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house hiding information about the president's health or his ability to do the job. de absolutely no now, all of this conversation comes as new cnn polling has found the president's biden's standing in the race after this debate, a stands pretty similar to where he was in polling prior to the debate. >> but one thing that is also notable in that polling that was released yesterday is about a three quarters of americans believed that democrats crowds would do better in the 2024 election without biden at the top of the democratic ticket. now, the biden campaign continues to insist the president is remaining in this race today. they are starting their own messaging push, trying to turn the focus directly to former president donald trump by releasing a new ad focusing on that supreme court ruling playing on presidential immunity for the biden campaign. they're really trying to recenter this as a debate around trump. while so many questions swirl within the democratic party about
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president biden's future at the top of the democratic ticket? >> all right. arlette saenz and we also should mention that the governor's we'll be meeting with biden today to try to allay their concerns. appreciate your reporting their from outside the white house, john? yes. so where do things stand this morning, which way is the momentum flowing? we've got our best man on it, seen as isaac dovere is with us now, isaac, you woke up and what was on your phone this morning? if you were lucky enough to sleep, what are you hearing from democrats around the cut country? not allowed to sleep for anybody these days, john, but what is going on here is a real mix of emotions and feelings about what should happen next. a lot of democrats starting to get ever more concerned pushing for a decision from joe biden to come quickly, some wanted this week and the decision that they want is for him to step aside and other democrats saying that they are ready to try to move past this if they can this is playing out. let's take a
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listen to what lloyd doggett, the texas congressman said yesterday, which got a lot of people both excited to have somebody step out, but others saying this is not what they need right now i salute president biden. i just feel that it's time for him to step aside. if we were to be able to protect what he allowed us to gain and 2020, he delivered us from trump, then he could be delivering us to trump this year. >> and that's lloyd doggett, who was a congressman from not a swing district and not a two prominent figure in the party. other more proud and people are talking publicly and like there's also lots of unnamed up democrats. this, at this moment, one telling in an yesterday, we are deeply concerned about his trajectory and his ability to win. we want to give him space to make a decision, but we will be increasingly vocal about our
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concerns if he doesn't that is going to be the theme of the governance. meaning tonight, it's going to be the theme of everything happening today. people looking for reassurance from job and noting they still have not seen very much of him over the course of these days. he had that one fundraiser last night. but one event during the day we don't expect to see much of him today and then there's friday, this big interview that he has that may be the watershed moment. prediction time very quickly. i think do you think by the end of the day, more elected democrats besides lloyd doggett come out and say they would like to see if joe biden step aside the way that things are going. >> i think it is likely that you will see some more voices emerge, but we don't know exactly how this is going. >> we know you're working the phones, isaac, get back to work, let us know what you hear. >> thanks so much for being with us this morning thank you. >> well, there is new reporting that the justice department is planning to push ahead with the prosecution against donald trump even after the collection and even even if he wins and
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hurricane beryl headed for direct hit on jamaica today, how the country is preparing and look at the destruction ready, left behind in the storms wake and he had six number one hits. you just serve 18 months in the military. now, one of the stars of the huge k-pop drew bts is set to be an olympic torch bearer an unprecedented debate as only cnn could do it with a record audience around the world our country is being destroyed near the most meir country in the world for the most complete coverage through election day and beyond. followed cnn, old spice gentleman super hydration body wash. and now that is 24/7 moisture rotation with vitamin b3 are you and all the old spice this summer, snacking
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4:14 am or stopped by granger. for the ones who get it done? july 4th cnn concert event. with performance is by keith urban, shanty, maybe wrexham, the killers and many more before, did america thursday, july 4 at seven eastern on cnn, right now,
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jamaica is under curfew and waiting for the monster storm, hurricane beryl to arrive. >> beryl is in line for a direct hit on the island is a powerful category four storm. the core of beryl is expected to impact jamaica by midday, bringing winds are on 140 miles per hour in generating life-threatening storm surge as well. the island has not had a major hurricane come even within 50 miles of its shores since 2007 but already this storm has killed at least seven people across the caribbean. we're going to show you the view right there that is the view from hurricane hunters flying above the storm yesterday beryl quickly became the earliest ever cat five hurricane in the atlantic thankfully, it has weakened slightly, albeit again, slightly. it's still a cap for your all just leave rafah is in the cnn weather center for cnn's rafael romo is in jamaica as capital city waiting for it. all. rafael, what are you what are you seeing there?
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what's happening? >> okay. good morning. well, here it's the calm before the storm, we had rain about 30 minutes ago here we're standing in kingston, the capital, but the winds have died down. there's no more rain anymore, but this is going to drastically change in the next few hours and overnight, we heard from jamaica they can prime minister andrew wholeness who said that his country must take this hurricane very seriously. and the reality is that there's a great deal of anxiety among the population of people here have seen what happened in places like barbados and in grenada. and node the same kind of devastation can come their way in the next a few hours. so there's a lot of people who are very nervous right now, people who flocked to the stores to get those necessities, food, water, and other things. also, we have heard from a top government official here who told us the main concern for the government and was that they needed to warn people who live in low-lying areas to move to
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safer ground. as senator andrew serwer, a said, that the government is making available more than 780 shelters for people who may need it. and this is the earliest hurricane a category five hurricane on record in the atlantic. and it has already ripped through parts of the south caribbean, killing at least a seven people in three different countries. the prime minister also said that all government forces are going to be fully mobilized and they're going to assist in relief efforts. and also to make sure they can maintain public order once the hurricane has passed. this is what he had to say. >> if you live in a low lying area an area is a harakat, the prone to flooding and landslides or if you live on the banks of a river or a bony i implore you to evacuate to a shelter or two say if a grown
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and the path of the hurricane becomes less clear thursday night that is expected to make landfall somewhere alongside mexico's yucatan peninsula and northern beliefs at some point between a thursday night and friday morning. >> now, back to you raphael. thank you so much for that. let's talk more about the track. what jamaica is about to see. let's bring in at least rafah now elisa, talk to me about with the latest on the track what jamaican needs to be preparing for and what you're seeing i mean, for jamaica, this could be something that they haven't seen literally in decades. we're talking about a category four hurricane still with 145 mile per hour sustained winds. and look at the history that they've had with major hurricanes. this is going back to 1980. you can see a lot have made passes, but only one has made land now that was gilbert in 1988, we're talking more than 40 years since they've dealt with
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possibly a direct hit like this, we could see landfall on the southern part of the island, even if that it doesn't go on land, it will pass awfully close. we're talking about up to nine feet of storm surge, incredibly heavy rain for the island. and then it continues to pass as we get towards the end of the we headed towards mexico. now, when we talk about heavy rain, we're talking about up to a foot possible in parts of jamaica because the way this moisture is coming in, tropical moisture rushing up the mountains that will enhance some of the rainfall totals and get them closer to a foot. so really worried about landslides and flash flooding, we also need to watch his. there is some wind shear or that winning and energy that tries to kill hurricanes. it's nearby. so we'll have to see if this can waiver that intensity at all, but we still have some record warm ocean temperatures as well. so we'll need to watch this very closely in the coming days. kate. >> absolutely. thank you so much. and jamaica in the crosshairs right now sarah it's terrifying, but it's so beautiful looking at those pictures of centered on mango as well. what will the department of justice do about
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stopped by granger for the one let's go get it done sunday. >> dr. sanjay gupta reports on hold for the devastating effects of alzheimer's reversing, something that seems so preordained it sounds extraordinary, dr. sanjay gupta reports the last alzheimer's patient sunday at eight on cnn. new for you this morning that justice department is saying it plans to continue to pursue federal criminal cases against donald trump. past election day, even if he is election elected. that is according to the washington post, cnn's katelyn polantz has more from this how would this work well, sarah, the justice department's longstanding policy dating back to the 1970s, the nixon administration
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is that a sitting president can't be prosecuted with federal crimes, but there are these two federal cases against donald trump. >> that's still have a ways to go oh, it both in the 2020 election case in dc, where that immunity decision just came down as well as in the classified documents case in florida. and those cases, the washington post says are very likely to continue to be pushed through the courts or to continue to process through the courts after election day. if donald trump wins since the presidency, it's because the policies of the justice department, it is about a sitting president that's different than the president-elect if donald trump were to win and be in a transition period, all of this at the justice department is based on these longstanding policies. and one thing we know is the person who wrote alive out of those policies, hizon, the special counsel's office team now and has even been in court in the past couple of weeks, sarah. so there's a lot of thought going into this at the same time, donald trump is
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fighting all of these cases. of course and one of the things that he is saying on his trump truth account, total exoneration. it is clear that the supreme court's brilliantly written and historic decision ends all of crooked joe biden's witch hunts against me including the white house and doj inspired civil hoaxes in new york. with that statement from donald trump, his lawyers are also fighting in court and won a reprieve from him being sentenced. next this week in the hush money case, there's going to be more discussion of how the immunity that the supreme court is allowing around the presidency could impact that case by the state prosecutors in new york and now the sentencing is not set until september. if it even happens, then sarah all right. >> katelyn polantz, you're watching all of these varied cases all over several states. appreciate your time this morning jon everyone is freaking the f out that is how one official described the mood
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in the white house this morning and we have new reporting and how biden campaign hopes to prove his debate performance wasn't anomaly then breaking overnight more than 13,000 people under evacuation orders as a fast-moving wildfire barrels towards a neighborhood we are standing by for updates on the damage this morning this election season cnn has you covered, no matter the question from more about the candidates, two rules in your state to casting your ballot. the cnn what are handbook has your answers, visit slash vote for your feeling from a backed up god we are lacks works naturally with the water in your body to help you go for your gut and your mood will follow for eight grams of fiber and trying mirror fiber gummies trains trains that use the
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milwaukee, and we have no idea who is going going is donald trump's running mate that is, there are reports that trump has delay his announcement to keep the spotlight and all the democratic drama. >> let's get right to cnn's alayna treene, who's been reading the tea leaves with the latest alaina right while john, we have some new reporting out that was published recently, essentially that in the days leading up to the debate last week and atlanta donald trump's team had begun plotting for a potential vice presidential announcement rollout. we're told that many of his aides and planning staff i had been sent to miami where trump's doral resort is to begin a setting up for a rally that many people in donald trump's top circle had believed would be the place where he would announce who his vice presidential running mate would be. however, they also cautioned that many of these people, including donald trump's top up advisors, are still in the dark about who donald trump is going to pick
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when i talked to his team, they often say, it's still unclear if he has made up his mind, if he has he has not shared it with us. they are reserving the right to have donald trump really continue to marinate on this decision four up until his really his self-imposed deadline of the republican national convention in two weeks for when he said he has to announce. now, luck when i talk to these people about these plans to set up this rally as a potential rollout. they said where you have no signs in warehouses, we have none of the merchandise that you would see with trump's name as well? while some of these top three contenders, as you laid out jd vance, doug burgum, and marco rubio, they continue to be the top three people under consideration on the shortlist. but there has been no kinda branding for any of these men just yet, i think it just goes to show how donald trump's team is being very reserved about this decision. and again, they continue to argue that, look, we need to reserve the right for the
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former president to change his mind up until the time that he makes this announcement. now i will say the posture did change earlier this week after the debate with many people thinking that donald trump is going to make this announcement sooner. far sooner than the actual convention in milwaukee that has changed since the debate, given that donald trump and his team really do want to focus on the hand-wringing around biden's performance. and so we're still waiting to see if that is changed. but this rally in miami next tuesday is still on the books. john i can't help but notice that one of the three people you say during the short shortlist is from miami and that would be florida senator marco rubio. is there anything to read into that for we were told that luck it seems there's definitely going to be some tea leaves being read about that with the proximity to marco rubio. and also it's obviously his home state as well as donald trump's. they said it's purely coincidental. but again, i, when i talked to donald trump's team, they very
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much argue that it's unclear what he's going to do if he says he's made up his mind, that can change on a day-to-day basis. and so they're very much keeping their cards close to their chest on this john would say, if marco rubio, all of a sudden changes the state of residency that might be assigned because of the whole 12th amendment. watch for that later. three. thank you very much, sarah. all right. thank you, john, joining me now to wait into the wacky political waters, if you will this morning, maria cardona, a democratic strategist and scott jennings former special assistant to president george w bush. thank you both for being here this morning, marie, i'm going to start with you. governors are worried. democratic congress members are worried. the white house staff and campaign, according to a source that talk to axios, are freaking the f out about how biden is going to lead this party to victory. why shouldn't they be worried, maria well, they should be because we all know where we are today. >> and so there is no question that there was a lot of worry within the party right now and
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within president biden's most ardent supporters having said that, we should also know that the conversations that are taking place are the ones that need to take place. the campaign, the white house, the president, is reaching out to governors, to members of congress, to supporters, to allies, to donors. and that is going to ten, you. there is no question, sarah, that the campaign and president biden himself has some very important days ahead. we know that they have announced a an event in wisconsin and several other campaign events. there's going to be the interview with george stephanopoulos. he's going to be also being put in front of of black journalists, latino journalists, other journalists, those are going to be key moments to make sure that what we saw on thursday was in fact an aberration. and that is going to i think really lead into what happens in the next couple of days. it's also recess, right now. in terms of
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lawmakers going back back to their home districts for the july 4 holiday, they're going to hear from their constituents a lot of them very much support joe biden right now, i've heard from many of them, but like you said, a lot of them are also going to be very concerned about how the party moves forward. so some key moments coming up for the camp and campaign and for the president where they're going to really need to prove that they can move forward in a strong position to make sure that we beat donald trump, which as you know, is the most important thing ahead for the democratic party. >> scott, the republicans have to be licking their chops, so to speak, as they're watching this because they haven't really come out and said anything because they don't have to write yeah, and donald trump i think is gone radio silent, which is the best thing he can do. look, i think the big lie of 2020 is the idea that what happened on thursday night to joe biden is an
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anomaly or an aberration. there is no credible reporting from axios alex time thompson, and axios that there's been a three-and-a-half year cover up to try to keep joe biden away from other people. so folks wouldn't see just how bad it is last night. the most alarming article i read yesterday was from the new york times, that said his lapses in meetings are getting worse and more frequent. there was a paragraph in that story where scene here diplomatic officials in the united states and in europe said that they weren't sure you could put joe biden in the same room as other world leaders, right now, last night, joe biden told donors to the democratic party that the reason he was bad on thursday night was because of his foreign travel, a trip that ended 12 days before the beit what we saw on thursday night was joe biden at his best seven days of rest prep with his top staff. that was joe biden that his best. i've honestly stuff morning about the campaign and i have one question who's running the white house today?
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who's making decisions today? i'm not really worried about the presidency in january. i'm worried about it right now. we have serious problems going on right now and i don't really think joe biden is up to the task today, let alone seven months from today. >> scott, you talked about the concern right now and i want to just sort of mentioned what semaphore is reporting they're saying, look democratic strategist at james carville is saying to donors look, cut them off. what do you think about that, maria i think it's very concerning. >> like i just said, that the campaign and the president are at a crossroads right now. and they knew they need to prove to the american people that there will be strength ahead. but i think there's a couple of other things things to note, sara, i know that right now everyone is breathless. lee reporting coming out of the white house because of what's going on. i think we're missing a really important piece of this, which is donald trump, the reporting that scotus talking about from the new york
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times also included some very concerning paragraphs about the slope slippage in terms of mental acuity of donald trump. if we're going to pile on the president, let's also be fair and talk about the mental acuity and the lack of mental fitness that was in the new york times from donald trump in terms of the things that he has said on the stump that make no sense. the incoherencies the going off on tangents and making no sense trying to figure out what he's talking about when he's talking about it, who he's talking about so let's be fair, right? these are both candidates are old, and that is what the american people are facing right now. joe biden has a lot to prove, but there's no question that whoever ends up being the nominee and right now, it's him until he decides otherwise, we have to wrap around him. the democratic party, the democratic nominee, to make sure that we beat donald trump, who is an existential threat to our democracy. >> scott maria does make the point that there have been some
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real rambling rallies that we've heard from donald trump, but i do want to ask you about this when you look at polling and americans are saying look time and again, they don't like their choices for president should republicans actually be worried of democrats decide to put up a different presidential candidate is an interesting question. >> and truthfully, i don't know. i mean, i see the element, the merits of both sides of keeping biden and just trying to write it out versus going to somebody like kamala harris who by the way, is also dramatically unpopular. i see no way by the way how the democrats could skip over kamala harris. i mean, if they're going to change candidates here, they have to give it to her. she's not going to step aside. they're not going to go from joe biden, skip over harris and give it to one of these other people. so it's either biden or harris. she's got to approve who will writing right now. that's under 40% as well. however, i would point out one thing when you look at the swing state polling and the polling where you have senate races going on the democratic senators do much
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better right now on their ballot test than joe biden does. it tells me that the democrats have a unique biden problem and this was before the debate, so there is a world where you could conclude, we couldn't do any worse with a fresh face. so why not roll the dice on and it may the, that the riskiest thing that democrats can do is stick with joe biden. but as i said, i'm not really worried about the campaign right now. as i am about the state of who's running the country today, and i don't think we're thinking enough and putting enough focus on the day-to-day operations of our government right now, we're i know we're all political contributors, but we're all americans. we're all taxpayers, and we all got to live in the country for seven months and we have a president right now that i think according to very credible reporting, is not up to the job of running it. >> it's got jenny's have to let you have the last word, maria cardona. thank you both for coming on this morning. i appreciate your time thanks. >> 13,000 people ordered to evacuate as a california wildfire is tearing through 2,100 acres crews and still
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growing. and going burning buildings and pretty much everything in its path. the latest efforts now to contain this place also new weapon in the fight against alzheimer's, the new fda approval, and which patients this can now offer a new glimmer of hope july 4th, cnn concert event with performances by keith urban, ashanti, maybe wrexham hello, and many more go for it in america, thursday, july 4 at seven eastern on cnet, when the saw dust settles and the engine roars thing you care about is the job well done. >> but when you get your tools from harbor freight something about the job feels different. your wallet, whatever you do, do it for less than harbor freight this summer snacking just got serious introducing new $3 footlong divers the
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>> i guess it also has some disadvantages yes, it does. only pay for what you need the ancient rash of moderate to severe eczema disrupts my skin night and day despite treatment it's still not under control. >> but now i have revoke run voc is a once-daily pill that reduces vh and helps clear the rash of eczema fast summer invoked patients felt significant inch relief as early as two days. some achieved dramatic skin clearance as early as two weeks. and many taking invoke saw clear are almost we're skin run vote can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb series infections in blood clots, some fatal cancers including lymphoma and skin, heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death, serious allergic reactions can occur tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant help heal your painful skin disrupt the pitch and rash
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of eczema. >> talk to your doctor about brynn folk learn how advil can help you save suffice, helping me get my money rights to achieve my ambitions want to see like earning more money on my money as the head chef, ready for service and saving to give back to local producers stuff i can help fund any ambition you're hungry to achieve. >> like investing in everyone's dinner table thank so phi to earn a higher apy and an epic welcome bonus cell phi. get your money right i hanako montgomery and tokyo and this is cnn this morning there's a new fda approved treatment for early alzheimer disease. >> the federal, that federal agency getting fda just greenlighting, just giving the green-light yesterday for the drug called donanemab. it was shown in studies to slow the pace of cognitive decline in
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early stages of the disease, which could be huge for the nearly 7 million people plus their families, of course, who are living with this disease. one of those families is that of actor seth rogen, his wife lost her grandparents to all timers and her mother started showing signs in her early 50s of dementia. they started a charity to support families impacted by this disease and talked about their experience last night on cnn what i found through seeing lauren's mother who was diagnosed in her 50s, that it not only affected her in a much more severe and sudden way then i had ever assumed was possible in that she forgot how to walk and speak and eat, and do everything. >> but also it affected her whole family and me in many ways let's talk about this new fda approval now on what this could mean for those families joining us right now is neurologists and all timers expert, dr. richard isaacson from the institute of
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neurodegenerative diseases in florida, dr. it's great to see you. >> thank you so much. what does this approval mean for patients and families suffering? from this horrible disease well, as people have been texting me, it's an exciting time to be a neurologist. >> it's a hopeful time to be a patient with the earliest symptoms of alzheimer's disease also emerged as a brain disease that develops silently over decades. and now that we realize this we know that when the symptoms just begin, when the symptoms are mild, the memory loss and the changes in thinking skills begin. that's when we can intervene. and with this drug shows us is that the earlier we intervene, the better the patient will do. we can have slowing by 35% that buys a lot of time and that's very exciting. >> this is the latest edition, if you will, and this new class of drugs targeting all timers. how is this one different from others one part of the good news here is that this may not have to be a lifetime treatment
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in the study. >> they treated patients for anywhere between six months, 12 months or 18 months and sometimes people could get off these drugs in a year or a year-and-a-half? there's this protein, it's called amyloid and it's a sticky protein that builds up in the brain of people with alzheimer's. and once this drug can clear that amyloid away, then we can stop the treatment and then monitor the patient, which is helpful the idea of being able to get off of the medicine. it really, to me you can't describe this as a cure, but, but how far along is the work towards it when you, when you hear the promise of these treatments well, there's no one magic pill or iv. >> this is an iv medication that's used once a month for several months, at least. you have to do mris frequently to make sure that no side effects are developing if there is, you may have to intervene and math to stop but this is very hopeful because it's just one new tool in our toolbox to truly treat and prevent. and
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one day hopefully eventually cure alzheimer disease. it's going to be multiple treatments targeting different areas of the problem that pathology. so i'm very excited by this, but we still have a long waist to go, but we are making tons of progress every day is hopeful. >> absolutely. it does come with a hefty price tag, upwards of seeing is $32,000 per year before insurance for patients. how cost-prohibitive is is this price point, is this for patients, what, what does this mean for families well, while we were hoping that medicare and medicaid can cover this, the united states. >> that's helpful, but this is expensive and we need to bring down costs. but we also have to realize that if we can treat patients and give people more quality of life, keep people out of a nursing home which cost tens of thousands of dollars. my family was affected by this and the cost was striking if we can keep people out of a care home, we can keep people more independent in the
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daily lives that will actually save money in the long term. so i do think we have to think about this. we also have to think about safety have to check mris. you have to monitor the person if their symptoms are potential side effects that could be worrisome, we need to intervene quickly yeah, there are as with many many prescription, especially new medicines, there are side effects. but those obviously associated with having close communication and coordination with your doctor. if taking this bad, but it's great to see you, dr. isaacson, it's great to shine a promising, hopeful spotlight on developments when it comes to battling all timers. thank you very much. dr. isaacson. he is featured in the last alzheimer's patient. this is a report by cnn's chief medical correspondent, dr. sanjay gupta. this is premiering on cnn this sunday at 8:00 p.m. sarah thank you on a writer this morning's spires raging in california, 13,000 people have been ordered to evacuate an oroville, california because of that a growing wildfire, about 400
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fire personnel with helicopters and air tankers are trying to battle what has been dubbed the thomas fire thompson fire. >> it erupted yesterday hey, and has already burned more than 2,100 acres it is 0% contained at this hour, a red flag warning is in effect due to gusty winds that could have course fuel those themes and push them even further. lawyers for the last two living survivors of the 1921 tulsa race massacre have filed a petition to have the oklahoma supreme court reconsider their reparations lawsuit the court had dismissed their case last month the lead attorney for viola fletcher, who is 110-years-old and lessie benningfield randle, who was 109-years-old called on president biden to fulfill a promise. he said biden made to the survivors three years ago it is time for the administration to show not just mother randle, not just as greenwood community, but blocked america that they will stand with us in our time of
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need, that they understand are pain to know that a horse can happen so devastating that are destroyed and alter the entire trajectory of black people throughout this. oh, country. and yet we can have a litmus of however as she can aim to get a day in court in a statement, fletcher and benningfield randle said we're deeply saddened that we may not live long enough to see the state of oklahoma or the united states of america honestly confront and right the wrongs of one of the darkest days in american history all right, from the k-pop stays to the olympic stays, gen, of bts superstardom will be an olympic torch bearer for south korea ria at the paris summer olympics, a singer just wrapped up his mandatory military service, gen and other torchbearers will travel to historic sites across france for that torch relay. his agency says he will spread a quote message of peace. and harmony. boy, do we need that here? john berman, we always
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need harmony with her. thank you. this morning, we are waiting to see if new elected democrats step forward and call for president biden in to end his campaign. but there was another crucial group at play here too anti-trump republicans. they've got a lot on the line. so how are they feeling in the days after the debate seen as lre went to find out this happy bar party is full of people who usually feel pretty bleak this country needs to wake up. >> there's a dangerous thing happening. it's called complaint places they're fans of the bulwark and never trump media organization. >> many are x republicans who reject donald trump, a group that can feel so tiny that some got on airplanes to meet one another. the event was festive and just a few days before the presidential debate, it's hard for me to wake up every morning and talk to my neighbors and know that they're supporting somebody but doesn't match any of their values. >> becky is a former republican who flew in from south dakota with her sister-in-law were and
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i'm very red-state and i'm a very not read person. that's tough to find a community. there were married to republican men. is your husband pro-trump i think he's going to vote for trump i hope he doesn't know what for trump. >> it's an interesting house to limit we wanted to talk to these people because they represent an important part of president biden's coalition. >> but after his struggle in the debate, we had to go back to them to see what had changed. hofer was shocked and angry. >> i was terrible i'm i'm completely disillusioned. i at this they're both a joke. it felt like elder abuse. so yeah, i think it needs to be replaced. if for anything, just out of respect for his humanity robin heartland had flown from salt lake city to be among never trump vrs before the debate. >> i bled the district in north
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georgia with marjorie taylor greene. >> he was pretty abusive to you people wearing masks during covid and i was little traumatized by that. and how i'll describe the followed my politics were center left. my husband was always republican and we got along fine for years and then it seems briefing is kind of broken and we both now are registered democrats in utah, which is rare, right? >> worried about what might happen after the election. >> yes. very worried, very ready. i have three daughters. they all live in red states in there in reproductive age, which is in their 20s. and i really worry about there when we spoke to hocl and afterward, she said she'd barely been able to sit through the debate initial reaction was shocked and then just sadness and then i think i moved into anger. >> do you think joe biden should be replaced? it hurts me to say that, but yes. i don't
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think he's electable. i don't know how you dig out of this hole. he could do more events where he looks better. he's looked better since then and they can time it right. but everyone knows deepen their deep in deepen their existence, what they saw may happen again the pre-debate party in denver was for a live podcast taping from the bulwark, which was created by former republican operatives. at the after party. people told us that this was one of the few places where they could meet in real life, people who didn't make them feel crazy i'm a role for conservative republican. it's almost rather than being republican democrat is become more a top receive versus democracy even though i would probably economically agree with more of the policies that a trump administration would put in place versus a biden administration i can support
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someone unlike trump. >> you feel safe here and you feel like you can speak your mind and people may disagree, but you can talk about it in a rational way but after the debate, how cohen felt more despair, you feel like you're being condescended to to be talked to from the democratic party, kinda like just get behind the candidate was very frustrating. and and angering. this is not about to the democrat are the republican party. they both put up candidates that are not electable for very different reasons. trump is a criminal and many other issues biden is just aging and there is no reason that people should not be concerned with what they see. he's done a great job. you did a great job the last four years, right now, if these are the two options that we have in november, all vote for joe biden's head and a jar before although it for donald trump i'm angry. i'm angry to the
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point where if joe biden stays on the ticket and donald trump is down the ticket, i'm fast-tracking moving to costa rica. i had it as a five-year plan and maybe poster rijk and i'm going to try and fast track it. i do not want to be here before the republicans trump's little troll start reducing my are taking way more women's rights wow, and eliya reef was with me now for what a phenomenal idea to be at that party to begin with and then follow through what do these people say they want to see now, there are devastated because they thought of joe biden as their imperfect but best vehicle to beat trump. >> and now that's gone so some had talked about maybe vice president harris, that she might not be popular enough to win. but the way one woman put it was that if we don't, at least try, it's better to at least try and lose than to not try at all, which is what she thinks would be keeping biden on the ticket others said maybe some kind of centrist governor, but they were really a


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