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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  July 4, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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qtls, magnesium glycine eight, it's formulated for high ab the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title.
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million coin bonus. make every day. oh, winning de president joe biden is in it to win it. a path to victory in november is the number one priority in november, we've got a clear choice to lackluster candidates and erase with a result that is all but certain. this is something that a lot of people here waiting quite some time for this is his first tv interview, inspired by the january 5 door plug blowout. >> if you can't even keep parts segregated from good parts, what else aren't you doing london. >> this is cnn his room with max foster hello, warm, welcome to our viewers joining us in
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the u.s. >> and around the world. i, max foster, its 9:00 a.m. here in london for him in washington. we're on this fourth of july holiday, the u.s. president will be celebrating the birth of america reassuring voters that he is the best candidate to lead the nation. but cnn is learning that privately, mr. biden has acknowledged the next few days could be critical to his campaign. one senior official indicating that serious doubt is set again, even at the highest levels of the administration on wednesday, the president made his case and several radio interviews and a bad night. >> the fact of the matter is that you know, it was i screwed up. i made a mistake that's 90 minutes on stage. look at what i've done in 3.5 years a second house democrat now publicly calling on mr. biden to leave the race. >> a number of congressional candidates sphere, they could lose in november if the president remains at the top of the ticket meanwhile, vice president kamala harris
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dismissing calls for her to replace joe biden in the race. one source tells cnn the mandate for high-risk campaign staff is to remain firm, stay in line, and keep the focus on the biden harris ticket, the white house insists. mr. biden is absolutely not stepping aside and democratic governors are voicing their strong support for the president. cnn's mj lee reports president joe biden trying to save his teetering reelection campaign after keeping a limited public scheduled for days following his disastrous debate performance last week, the president emerging to try to reassure sure, panic supporters, biden rallying his campaign staff on a call, telling them, quote, i'm running, i'm the nominee of the democratic party. >> no one's pushing me out. i'm not leaving. i'm in this race to the end, but this a cnn is learning that the president has privately acknowledged this week that the next stretch of days will be critical to whether he can save his candidacy see an ally who spoke
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with biden on tuesday telling cnn that the president was chastened and blamed himself, not his staff for his poor debate performance. >> the covid excuse me, with dealing with everything we have to do with the allies, saying biden is clear-eyed about what it would look like if his efforts to save his campaign were to fail? the polls are plummeting. the fundraising is drying up, and the interviews are going badly. meanwhile, the white house struggling to answer a barrage of questions about the president's health and medical records. if now is not the time for full transparency when we have been one of the most trouble its parent administration when it comes to medical records, the white house also confronting questions about biden's new explanation for his halting debate performance jet-lagged, and fatigue from two foreign trips, despite having had nearly two weeks back in the states before the cnn debate, when he travels abroad, it's a pretty rigorous to travel. we get tired looking at him, doing his meetings and traveling the
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white house and campaign had previously blamed a cold. i was so focused on the call on the cold and that's what i kind of leaned into and talked about. but yes, his scheduled did have something to do with it. it was the schedule and the cold. one of biden's first major tests coming on friday when he sits down for an extended tv interview. biden also beginning to call democratic leaders like chuck schumer, hakeem, jeffries, and chris coons, and president biden hosting a group of democratic governors here at the white house wednesday night few of the government nerves coming out afterwards to tell reporters that they had had honest conversations about the need to defeat donald trump and the path forward in the 2024 campaign. and one of the governor's tim walz of minister so what i said that the group was all in on pledging their support for president biden. this was a large group of governors, so we will see whether that is in fact the case that every single one of the governors that met with the president wednesday night is in fact, all in mj lee cnn at the
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white house about abc news interview with president biden will air friday night in the u.s cnn media, unless sara fisher spoke with laura coates about what a pre-recorded primetime special could have accomplish what i think you're seeing is the urgency wanting to get his message out faster, wanting the american people to see him, to feel his competence faster than perhaps even sunday. >> and by the way, laura normally know the preska new cycle moves fast two days though is not something thing that the white house would append its strategy for. but in this situation, it shows you how pressing this moment really is. >> you think it's his decision to move it up, not abcs. >> abc has a lot of value and bringing it sooner, but they also have value in bringing it to their sunday show, right. so i can see both sides having an input here, but there's no question that this helps the white house if this is a decision that needs to be made in the next few days, getting that message out sooner helps president biden. the other thing laura, is that he needs
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to prove that he can do these unscripted moments multiple times, right? so you want to get the interview out and get reception out before you determine whether or not you're going to book more remember, he's doing a lot of things on his own terms, right? he's doing press conferences. he did that trip to raleigh, but those are scripted moments. he needs to show the public. he needs to show donors. he needs to show democrats that he can do non scripted interviews, but until the abc one comes out that camp book others. >> and of course, normally these debates are much later in the campaign seasons. they're usually back-to-back and you have that time recourse crag next ones in september and that's after both conventions, after both nomination. so it's a whole different ball game right now but is this interview with stephanopoulos, the whole ball game? >> it's the biggest ball game because like i said, it's going to determine whether or not his team is comfortable putting him out and other unscripted moments. it's also worth noting ab you see, has that debate in september. and so this is a moment for biden to develop a repertoire with the network. this moment also is critical. laura, because if biden does want to make this
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decision in the next few days, he also has to rely on all the people around him, making sure he's informing their decision. he knows that his inner circle right. his family, his close adviser, advisers are going to be watching this interview like a hawk. he doesn't want to put it off anymore. >> well, donald trump's seems to think his chances of winning back the white house have got a lot better covertly recorded video obtained by the daily beast says trump in a golf cart calling mr. biden, quote and old broken down pile of crap he also refers to vice president kamala harris has pathetic. cnn's latest poll. the poll shows trump with a five-point lead over president biden 49% to 44%. and in a separate pole, a whopping three in four responses. so democrats stand a better chance of winning the presidency with someone other when joe biden us forecasters say hurricane beryl is bearing down on the cayman islands with strong winds, dangerous storm surge and damaging waves. the
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center of the storm is by grand cayman island, and at weakened a little while ago, to category three with 125 mile per hour wind things about 250 kilometers an hour forecast is worn. it's still very dangerous so far. beryl has killed at least eight people across the caribbean hours ago, the hurricane pounded southern jamaica, was slightly stronger winds to rental rings and storm surge are about nine feet storm knocked down trees and power lines and damaged buildings. earlier, cnn's rafael romo filed this report from kingston remain standing we have seen
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the ocean getting into the street because suppose i can hurricane beryl is due to make landfall on mexico's yucatan peninsula on friday or long-range forecast adjust it could hit texas and some officials, they're already taking precautions, handing out sandbags. chad myers brings us to the latest right the center of the eye actually did not make landfall along the southern coast of jamaica. but the eye wall itself did in the eyewall has where all the wins are, has all the damage involved. so we know that there were wins there somewhere are about 160 kilometers per hour, at least on land not very many reporting stations out there to really get an idea of what happened. but we do know that there's been an awful lot of rain fall along the mountains, even some spots still going to pick up another hundred millimeters, maybe 150
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millimeters of rain before it finally moves away. taking a look at the european ensemble as sometimes we make these all different colors because they're all different models. this is actually one model, but changing just a few different things in the model to make it react differently. the reason why they do that is to try to find where the center of the consensus is. so yes, there are some to the right that move on up to the north into parts of the gulf of mexico and some to the left that go kinda squiggly and they all go the wrong way, just changing the wrong things in the model. but still we get the same cone here in the middle. we still get landfall here likely as a category two along the yucatan peninsula. and then somewhere up into northern mexico are southern texas. now, overnight, tonight we are seeing an awful lot of wind and waves hey, bs in the grand cayman islands from cayman braque all the way the little came in and grand cayman itself. so we'll have to see what kind of damage that creates as the sun comes up tomorrow as, a result major
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cruise leinz changing course to keep passengers safe from the severe weather in the caribbean ships in the fleets for royal caribbean carnival, norwegian now have altered their roots. that includes royal caribbeans icon of the seas, the world's largest cruise ship in separate statements, both carnival and royal caribbean in said the safety of their guests and crews are the most important things to consider given the severe weather, there are massive heat wave is setting in over parts of us this july 4th holiday weekend nationwide, nearly 140 million people across at least 22 states and the west amid south are under heat alerts, excessive heat warnings a blanketing the state of california through monday, impacting tens of millions of people. the northern part of the state is expected to see record high temperatures of at least were for at least the next five days. that's where a large wildfire is prompting the evacuation of roughly 13,000 people sentenced definitely 11. is there i'm standing at lake
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oroville where the thompson fire is burning, where we've seen thousands of evacuations and thousands of acres burned. >> let me step out the way so you can see here how quickly this fire has burned down into the lakefront area here, it's also burned through some homes, but what you also may notice is just how windy it is and that is part of the issue here. spreading fires, we've seen some places where the fire has burned down a house, right next door. the house is totally fine. what's also noteworthy is that here in california, according to cal i'll fire. we've seen, uh, 1,600% increase in the number of acres burned so far this year versus last year. so you're talking about 7,500 acres burned at this time last year? here compared to more than 130,000 acres burned so far this year. part of the issue is last two years have been very, very wet, and that means that's given a lot of growth vegetation that's the problem. fact, take a listen to what calfire says. this means for the fire year this winter, we had a
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significant amount of rain, but with rain brings growth and the and the challenge with that is that fuels and vegetation continues to dry out and in california that spells the next large wildfire. >> of course what fourth of july, that concern current is fireworks, but here in oroville, they've canceled their fourth of july fireworks show as are battling this blaze and throughout the state were fireworks are mainly banned in most places they are very concerned that those spark other wildfires and take, take a look at this video from san francisco, which shows you how quickly this three acre blaze blew up because of an ember from a firework that went off. so they're asking people not to blow up any fireworks at all. the issue as well is the heat and it is going to be over 105 degrees in several places. as we are roasting out here in much of the west, those dangerous temperatures, they're asking people to stay inside to keep their pets inside as well. stay cool. it is going to be roasting like this person several days and they're saying
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using the words that this is an unprecedented danger that we are facing back to you what we're just two hours into britain's momentous general election. >> this snap vote called by prime minister rishi sunak months before was actually expected after six weeks of campaigns, we've been seeing a steady stream of voters entering polling places in london, millions of others casting ballots in 650 constituencies across the uk until polls close at 10:00 p.m. local time. soon it's not the shear is at a polling station in london with you can't actually say much, can you very tight reporting restrictions here in the uk absolutely. >> while polls are open, there are those at tight restriction in place it's around at what we can and can't report it odds, not sway the decision of those voters who will be heading to the polls to cost their ballot. as you mentioned, polls open a little over q hours ago they are set to remain open until 10:00 p.m. local time. so voters will have most of the date as to garten
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cast their ballot of course, the all important counting begins at later tonight, and that is, of course expected to carry on through the night into the early hours are for friday morning when we can expect to see that final result. now of course, there are 650 seats up for grabs. voters will be voting for their lives so cool representatives within their constituencies. and what the parties are seeking in the election is to secure more than half of the votes. that is the course of 300 in 26 figure in order to be able to declare themselves the winners of this election and command a government. now of course, counting will be taken place over the night, although we will express to see some exit polls overnight as well, giving us a sense of the direction of this election. but for many voters, they will be going out today. the weather for his great. so what i'm stopping people from getting out there to their local polling stations to cast their ballot. we've already seen the incumbent prime minister rishi sunak
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joined by his wife, casting his values and his local constituency in yorkshire. and of course, we'll be speaking to voters throughout the day as they head out to cast their ballots again. but of course, many will be waiting eating four tonight, staying up overnight to watch that counting process at take place will be getting the results in constituency by constituency. so we'll take place throughout the nice and of course will be waiting for those results tomorrow morning. max matter. thank you. joining us live in london, at least as good width. still ahead on cnn newsroom, a former manager for embattled plane maker, boeing meets with cnn for his first televised interview and the alleges serious safety violations against his former employer plus inflation may be slowing down, but americans looking to grill this fourth of july holiday, we can still going to be heading big at the grocery store and it's now been 248 years since the u.s. formally declared its independence. it's from britain. i will look at how american service members are marking the holiday
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overseas and max, we're about 65 kilometers away from the heart of seoul, south korea bite. >> you would never know it. it's like we are in the heart of the united states. we are in the middle of the largest us military based overseas will tell you how the soldiers are celebrating here. monday, uh, flags i'm back it won't be hard to find someone to six this. >> but before i started, angie's list, different story. a lot has changed for us at angie since then, but the issues facing homeowners are the same and the solution to skill local prose, get started at how does client inspector get among the most big verdicts and settlements of any law firm in the country, because climate spectrum is an award winning team with five dr. walsh the most of 80 firmer the united states. >> and that's why the new york times calls klein inspector up powerhouse law firm so if the defective product motor vehicle
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accident, or medical malpractice caused a catastrophic injury. >> call klein inspector you will never smell better everywhere. like you will with looming, it's so easy to use just a pea sized amount like this, rubs in like a lotion controls odor for three days i'm pits feet privates, anywhere you have odor but wish you didn't. now before you say isn't that what soap and water is? i'm here to tell you that your shower doesn't work as well as you think it does. and lumi is clinically proven to work better than a shower with soap give lumia, try and see what happens because your body has never been so odor free as it we'll be with lumi. it's one less thing to worry about homer glowed, just cleaned my entire house for $19 seriously, $19. >> they showed up right on time, ended my dishes, my laundry, they even cleaned my windows you just pick a date, pick a cleaner, and enjoy a spotless house for $19. i love using home ago and i think you
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pain cream. absolutely free text t r, y to three-to-one, three-to-one americans ball, but doing this july 4 weekend are going be paying more this year according to the american farm bureau, some grocery prices are at record highs. >> americans feeding a group of ten people, this independence de, will spend an average of $71. that's 5% more than last year. and 30% more than in 2019 before the covid-19 pandemic. the price of ground beef will cost an average of almost $13 this year. that's up 11% from 2023. pork is almost, is also more expensive, but 8% to an average of 15, 50, despite the record prices food costs are no longer sky rocketing like they were two years ago, where the cost of ground beef, it's search 36% over just one year for those planning to travel by car this whole day, at least those road trips won't break
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the bank though. gas buddy projects, the national average price for regular gas will be 34. sorry, 349 a gallon. that's a penny shy of the price a year ago and down sharply from 4792 years ago when oil prices spiked following russia's invasion of ukraine now, july 4 celebrations aren't limited to the u.s. ex-pats, as well as service members overseas. also marking the holiday soon as mike valerio is life, you can't take south korea. he's visiting camp humphreys, which is known isn't it as the armies homing korea and max, it may be about two hours in our notorious soul traffic away from the heart in another lap list of soul. >> but you would never know it. we are essentially in the middle of americana as we know it back home. so as you mentioned, why we are here, this is the largest overseas us
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military base. so we have about 40,000 people who are connected to the united states department of defense. and how they are celebrating a whole profusion of flags. we have a splash pad over my left-hand shoulder. american barbecue over my right-hand shoulder, but certainly max there's a korean twist with all this pageantry and americana, korean bbq, k-pop music, and max, i'm not sure if you remember the 2003 hit single in the united states reason by hubris sank, who was take was certainly the singer's of an anthem for the millennial generation. they are going to play in a couple minutes live. the reason and there are other anthems here. we had the chance to speak with doug rob, who's the lead singer of hoover's sank just about the energy that's traded being so far away from home. but among so many friends and grateful us military members, listen to what he told us in a couple of seconds there's a lot of just gratitude and everybody
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seems so thankful and appreciative. >> both ways. you know and it's something that you can't replicate, just going to play a show, you know, at a, at a theater somewhere. and it's really cool i look forward to it. it does. i can feel it for sure so another reason, max, why this is so important, there are a whole multitude of military families who are having new babies, new children who have never experienced a fourth of july back home. so the aim of the game is to replicate the experience like they would be having an atlanta, new york to moines southern california and that is the experience that we're getting everything from the flags two these star spangled sprinkled red, white, and blue cupcakes made by our friends behind the cameras. so we're going to have some of these and schick back in with our cnn family and a little bit next. but we'll send it back to you or your cooling this work, obviously. but i just wanted is
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this a chance for everyone to forget about the election? and just enjoy america and the parts of the country that actually unite people, or are they all talking about the debate as it were? >> no. >> i think that that is an incredibly insightful point per usual max foster people here have not mentioned what is going on back home in terms of the election. once since we've been here since the crack of dawn, this is certainly just remember a sense of something greater of our cultural tapestry in the united states. so neria mentioned of the election, it's certainly a nice reprieve here in korea, max. >> it really is a break for you. thank you so much for tony. some software now while joe biden fights for his political future, some democrats are trying to figure out how to replace them and look at the process and the contenders just ahead if there's one of them plus a glimmer of hope for a ceasefire and hostage deal in gaza. hamas
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response to an israeli proposal, we're live from the region with the latest on the knicks go stations, nice sunday, dr. sanjay gupta reports on hold for the devastating effects of alzheimer's reversing, something that seems so preordained. >> it sounds it's extraordinary. >> dr. sanjay gupta report, the last alzheimer's patient sunday at eight on cnn stay tuned to get a free automatic toilet bowl cleaner for mermaid, your sink stoppers broken, but fixing a drain is such a pain not anymore.
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top stories today, hurricane beryl has been downgraded so a category three storm pushing its way across the caribbean. >> beryl is currently passing by the cayman islands, is expected to make landfall on mexico's yucatan peninsula on friday. voting underway in the uk with polls set to close at 10:00 p.m. london time. british prime minister rishi sunak heads the conservatives and the labour party led by keir starmer will have much it's more on that throughout the day. and the u.s. president admits the next few days will be crucial and convincing democrats. he's the best candidate to be donald trump, joe biden met with governors on wednesday who say, despite his poor debate performance, the president is in it to win it some democrats already gave me out potential ways to replace president biden though, was the party's nominee soon as brian taught, has that story if president biden leaves the race, analysts say it would almost certainly have to be his decision to bow out voluntarily. it's unlikely that if joe biden does not step down voluntarily, that there
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would be a different nominee at the top of the ticket if he doesn't voluntarily leave someone in the democratic party could try to replace him by introducing an open nomination process at the democratic national convention in august. but that scenario is unlikely. still, even if the president decides on it. his own to quit the race, the process for replacing him is uncertain and somewhat messy. >> the primaries are over the caucuses are over. you can't redo the primaries or caucuses. you can elect new delegates. >> if biden steps aside before the convention, it could turn the convention itself into a free-for-all, where at least make it full of entry. names of replacements would be put forward and the roughly 3,900 democratic delegates from across the country would decide who to vote for as the nominee. >> oh, it's up to the delegates in the end. it's up to them to president biden won almost all of those 3,900 delegates in the primaries. but does he have control over who they support if he's out of the race? >> it's not like joe biden can
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say. okay, i'm stepping down. all of you delicate says signed on for me. have to now support this other candidate that that's not how it works. those delegates were essentially be free to move and the way they want, like the days of old backroom deals and lobbying could prevail at the convention as potential nominees tried to convince the delegates to get behind them in the end, how many of the 3,900 delegates would a candidate have to win at the convention to get the nomination? >> ultimately, they would have to convince somewhat somewhere in the neighborhood of 2000 plus democratic delegates to vote for them on a roll call vote. >> if no candidate can convince roughly 2000 delegates to vote for them in the first round, then additional so-called superdelegates, about 700 of them comprised of party insiders and elected officials are also so allow to join in the voting. it would all mean a late start for any candidate, including in the money race if vice president kamala harris won the nomination, she would presumably be able to use biden's campaign war chest
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because her name is on all the filings but any other candidate may have to raise their own money. what happens if president biden for some reason leaves the race after the democratic convention, experts say in that unlikely event, the democratic national i don't committee would convene and select the democratic nominee for president on its own bryan todd, cnn, washington israel and hamas appear to be on the brink of a framework agreement for a ceasefire and hostage deal that is according to an israeli source familiar with the negotiations but the deal is still not finalized, nor is it assured. israel says it's evaluating the latest response from hamas after it was delivered by qatari and egyptian mediators, hamas says it dealt with the proposal, positively. and repeating its demand for a complete ceasefire and the withdrawal of israeli forces from gaza israeli officials believe the latest response from hamas will enable the two parties to begin negotiating the specific details of a deal israeli
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negotiators are set to meet with the country's political leadership, including the prime minister over the coming days to decide on next steps. let's bring in cnn's paula hancocks he's falling developments from abu dhabi. i feel like we've been here before, paula, but where do you see the common ground forming well, that is the key point max, we have been here a number of times believing there was going to be some kind of breakthrough. >> and then the talks would store. but this time around, we're not hearing an immediate response from his israeli officials or from benjamin netanyahu, dismissing the hamas counterproposal. so if you're looking for some sign of positivity, you could look at that in the past. he's called hamas counter-proposals delusional. what we know at this point is that the israeli mediators will be talking with the top leadership in israel, overcoming being days. netanyahu himself will be the one who ultimately decides whether or not there is enough within this to be able to push through to a deal or whether they should move on to the next phase of negotiations. now
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we're hearing from this is really source familiar with the ongoing discussions that there will be difficult discussions ahead. it could take several weeks still until there is an official deal. if that is the way that it ends up, they will have to decide, for example, which particular palestinian prisoners have to be released in return for the 120 hostages still being held in gaza. and of course, the sequencing of releases as well. so there are still details that have to be hammered out but hamas for its side, said that it looked at this deal positively. it is still insisting on a complete and permanent ceasefire and a complete withdrawal of israeli troops from gaza. now the one thing of course, max, that has changed since the last time we were in this position. is that benjamin netanyahu, the prime minister says that he is close to completing what he wanted to do in rafah. the plan. that
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netanyahu has is certainly further along. we know that the rapper operation was in the way of previous negotiations as the israeli prime minister still wanted, as he said, to defeat the final hamas battalions in that particular area. so it's not a done deal at this point, we will wait to hear more certainly it's more positive than we've been hearing for recent weeks as these talks have been stalled, max in terms of the strike on khan younis, there was a un school wasn't there. >> and this is as the israelis increase the areas they're evacuating yeah, this is a particular area where they've been trying to evacuate over recent days and we are seeing intensified strikes in the area of rafah yunus, as you say and we have seen thousands of people. >> and i should mentioned they are already displaced quite
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often. numerous times moving around different areas, trying to find safety they are now moving on to other areas as the israeli military appears to be intensifying its strikes. once again on khan younis, this is not the first time that they had been operating here and they had already left that area believing it to be cleared of hamas militants. but we did hear from one resident about just how difficult the situation has become muslim and good i'm imploring the world from all the nations to have mercy on us, have some compassion for us to look in standby us. they need to put pressure on everyone to stop this war and this hostile still at what is happening to us is unjust and we cannot bear it. we can't humanitarian aid groups saying that it is extremely difficult again, for these people to be moved on it as a desperate situation, the european hospital is within the evacuation orders that was
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evacuated in recent days as well, images of babies in incubators of patients from icu being pushed down the street to other hospitals which themselves are completely inundated. >> max paula hancocks live in abu dhabi. thank you. we're now getting firsthand accounts of russia's deadly strike on the ukrainian city of dnipro jones and missiles pummeled the city on wednesday morning, killing at least six people and leaving several others injured. ukraine says the attack destroyed a medical clinic and damaged other buildings, including schools and our children's hospital while starting multiple fires. that's despite the fact that ukraine says it shot down 11 drones and missiles, ukraine's president later said only two things can preserve strikes. like a prevent rather strikes like these modern air defenses and long-range capabilities for ukraine to hit back more us military hardware will soon be heading to ukraine. washington's announced a new batch of military aid worth about $2.3 billion. it includes
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artillery rounds, interceptor missiles, and anti-tank weapons, which will be taken directly from us military stocks. that's the fifth aid package. since congress approved about $61 billion in aid aid for kyiv in april, the u.s. has provided close to 54 billion in security assistance to ukraine since the war began. now, when we return why would they schedule? your schedule to get points out the door to make money a former boeing manager turned whistle-blower, sits down with cnn to allege the plane manufacturer of routinely mishandling parts. >> and weight loss drugs like his empire. can we go via all the rage? but a new study shows they may be linked to a rare condition night cnn concert event with performance by keith urban, shanty, maybe wrexham, the killers and many more go
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- [narrator] life with ear ringing sounded like a constant train whistle i couldn't escape. then i started taking lipo flavonoid. with 60 years of clinical experience, it's the number one doctor recommended brand for ear ringing. and now i'm finally free. take back control with lipo flavonoid. when we're young, we're told anything is possible... ...but only a few of us go out and prove it. witness the greatness of anna hall on a connection worthy of gold: xfinity mobile. only xfinity gives you the most powerful mobile wifi network, with speeds up to a gig in millions of locations. and right now, xfinity internet customers can buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. more it. google's cross to go green has hit a snack, thanks to ai. it seems those ai systems need a lot of
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acutis to run them, resulting in google's greenhouse gas emissions soaring 48% since 2019, the tech titan blames increase energy consumption. this data centers that run all of those power hungry computers. google now calls its goal of having net zero emissions by 2030, extremely ambitious warning that its emissions may rise before they fall. google says, it'll invest in clean energy sources. more legal trouble for rapper and businessman sean diddy combs, a lawsuit filed on wednesday, new york accuses the musician of sex trafficking and sexual assault a former adult film actor says combs forced her to engage in prostitution and sex work during his famous white parties. this is the ninth lawsuit against combs since last november 1 of the previous eight was filed by his former girlfriends singer case even juror she also accused combs of sexual assault. that case was
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settled out of court. a former quality control manager at boeing is speaking out alleging that the plane manufacturer routinely took unsafe parts from a scrap yard and put them onto factory assembly lines. in his first network tv interview, the 30 year veteran of the company told cnn and elaborate off the book let's practice was used to meet production deadlines. soon as pete montane has more if everett, washington as a boeing company town, then merle meyers was accompany man, a 30 year veteran of boeing. >> meyers says his job as a quality control manager put his kids through college it's a family tradition. his late mother was a boeing inspector, able to unilaterally decide if a new airplane just off the factory line was fit to flights, what would she think about what is happening at boeing? she'd be absolutely livid meyer's new allegations detailed an elaborate off-the-books practice centering on in parts deemed not safe to put in new
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airplanes. he is the latest whistleblower to come forward with claims of quality control lapses at boeing this is his first tv interview inspired by the january 5 door plug blow out on an alaska airlines 737 max nine spray painted red, bad parts deemed not up to boeing standards are taken from boeing's everett plant and sent to its scrap facility and auburn. but then one day in 2015, meyer says a crate, a bad parts or improperly sent back from auburn to boeing's everett factory? myers alleges the practice continued for years, tallying that more than 50,000 parts escaped boeing quality control. 50,000 parts. that's what we countered at the time. it seems like a heck of a lot. it's a heck of a lot indeed, what does that say to you? well, that says it puts people's lives at risk, not just passengers, but flight crews. and a lot of these are flight critical parts that made
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it back into the production system company emails show myers repeatedly flag the issue to boeing's corporate investigations team, pointing out what he says, we're repeat violations of boeing's safety rules. but myers insists investigators routinely failed to enforce those rules in a 2022 email, he wrote that boeing investigators ignored eyewitness observations and the hard work done to ensure the safety of future passengers and crew. why would they do this? to schedule your schedule to get points out the door to make money yeah myers believes he was forced out of boeing last year and is concerned there are still problems at the company. i think they need to punish. >> they need to fire people that blatantly violates process and endanger the flying public as a huge problem and a core, a
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core requirement of a quality system is to keep bad parts and good parts apart in a statement, boeing says it encourages employees to speak up and that to ensure the safety quality, and conformance of our products, we investigate all allegations of improper behavior, such as unauthorized movement of parts or ms handling you have documents. we then work diligently to address them and make improvements meyer says he is coming forward now because of the pride he has in boeing, he goes so far as to call it a wonderful company. one, he says has been going astray and is in desperate need of change but you have to care leadership has to care to do that. but if you can't even keep parts segregated from good parts, what else aren't you doing, right the mystery here is that we did not have an exact accounting of where these parts are. they ranged from the superficial, like fasteners to
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the critical wing flaps use for land if these parts warrant returned to the scrap yard, are whistleblowers worried that they ended up on new planes, delivered a airlines, and other customers in the last decade or so, how big a deal is that also hard to know since we don't know exactly how or where they were used. but there was no question that these scrap parts should not have been put on plants. pete mundane, cnn washington popular weight loss and type two diabetes struggle. drugs like as empathic and we're going to have been linked to an increased risk of a rare form of blindness. and that's according to a new medical study published on wednesday. the authors found found that about ten out of 100,000 people taking the medications may experience the problem. it's a form of optic neuropathy that result in sudden painless vision loss in one eye. the risk was found to be greatest within the first year i've taking the medication, the drug's
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manufacturer novo nordisk didn't respond to requests for comment on that study, though the u.s. has recorded its fourth case of the h5n1 bird flu amongst humans, the disease has spread amongst livestock in at least seven states, officials say the latest case it's a farm worker who was exposed to animals just like the three earlier patients. in fact, the worker had only mild symptoms and recovered after treatment with an antiviral medication, the cdc says the risk of birth lu, for people remains low, but those who worked with infected livestock should take precautions judy garland, james dean, but reynolds no longer with us, but then a voice is very much alive when we return, how ai is bringing these stars in a new way take a pea sized amount, apply it like a lotion pits under boob five-fold about cracks, feet. >> this water-based cream. i'm telling you it's invisible on
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retire after crashing out of last year's race. this year is likely to be his final appearance out the tool it looks like lebron james will finish out his nba career with the los angeles lakers reports say he signed a two-year $1,004,004 million dollar contract with the team. it includes a no-trade clause and a player option for a third season cnn has reached out to the lakers for confirmation and comment if the deal goes through, james and his son, bronny, would become the first father and son duo in league history to play together. the lakers selected bronny james as the 55th overall pick in the nba draft stories in the spotlight, judy garland starred in the movie wizard of oz, but never recorded the audiobook now, you'll be able to hear the voice of the late singer. read the beloved story or almost anything else? >> at that moment. dorothy so lying on the table the silver shoes that had belonged to the which of the east garland is
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among several deceased actors, including james dean and burt reynolds, who are now on the reader app by the company 11 labs. >> it acquired the rights to their voices from their estates using artificial intelligence on the app, you can get the saas to read out loud your favorite texts, newsletters, or books this comes two months after chatgpt came under fire for using a synthetic voice similar to scarlett johansson's character in the film, her a delta airlines flight from detroit to amsterdam was done a budget and new york's jfk airport early on wednesday after several in-flight meals were found to be spoiled medical crews were on hand to treat any impacted passengers or crew delta apologize for any inconvenience and delays. the flight was scheduled to finally arrive in amsterdam a few hours ago, more than 16 hours late a twice-stolen renaissance painting, which was once found at a bus stop, just set a new record at auction the 16th century pieces called the rest on the flight into egypt
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depicts a baby jesus with mary and joseph is one of the earliest works of the italian master titian measuring roughly 25 inches wide are 62 centimeters. the painting is tiny compared with some of the larger works for which the artist is no later, it was looted by french troops and vienna in 18, then in 1995, it was stolen again and vanished for seven years before a detective recovered it inside a plastic the bag at a london bus stop, kristie said the $22,000,000 plus selling prices, the highest amount paid at auction for work by the artist. vice joining me here on cnn newsroom. i, max foster in london, cnn, this morning good morning, everyone and kasie hunt. >> just wonderful to be with
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