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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  July 4, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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do it all on the network made for streaming, and bring on the good stuff. app, but even tried to get you a refund donald rocket money today it's thursday, july 4, happy fourth of july, right now on cnn this morning president joe biden is in it to win it president biden says he's all in, but can he still salvage his campaign? >> hurricane beryl on the move after slamming into jamaica. first look at the damage left behind and a ceasefire deal between israel and hamas gaining traction new santa according on where those talks stand all right. 5:00 a.m. here in washington. a live look at the washington monument. the white house on this thursday. this holiday thursday. good
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morning, everyone in kasie hunt, it's wonderful to have you with us president joe biden says, he is not backing down the president's team, declaring he will absolutely not withdraw from the top of the democratic ticket and biden himself. he is acknowledging his debate performance didn't help his cause. so let's just say he is acknowledging reality, but we did hear from him yesterday. here's what he said i had a bad night and the fact of the matter is that you know it was i screwed up. >> i made a mistake that's 90 minutes on stage. look, what i've done in 3.5 years nearly all the democratic governors in the country rallied to the president's side yesterday or high-profile meetings at the white house. >> three of those governors spoke afterward. here's what they said. >> i'm here to tell you today. president joe biden is in it to win it. and all of us said we pledged our support to him
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because the thanks could not be higher. >> none of us are denying thursday night was a bad performance. it was a bad it was a bad kid, if you will, on that, but it doesn't impact what i believe he's delivering. and the president is going to present it or nominee, the present are part is our party leader and the president has told us and he was very clear back there that he is in this to win this all right. >> i turned to me now as could diogo, but she has political reporter for some four could hear. >> good morning. thank you so much for being here. i know you have been doing reporting on this. i mean, we all are right. it's the story that has consumed not just washington, but the country in terms of what is the future for president biden right now, clearly yesterday that was aimed at sending this message that they are doubling down, although we here at cnn did report that the president has privately acknowledged how bad it is and that he is facing a critical choice. what is your latest reporting? what are you hearing behind the scenes? >> well, i know that. well, first of all, governors have a personal interests that for their state, whether or not he
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can pull through so and when some of their states and are political reporting that the governor of new mexico suggested that they had concerns whether or not he would win as well as the governor of maine, but also this is, these are a lot of implications for whether or not the house democrats are able to take over the house. when i talk to members on the hill, especially those in those vulnerable seats, there is a lot of hesitation, a lot of concerns, and frankly, they are not clear on what they should do on how they should move forward and whether or not they should ask the governor the president two step down. >> i think i think the when you look at how a lot of these folks, the governors, members of the house are looking at this the question is, is it going to be a bloodbath across the map as you point out, blue states that should not probably be in play. there are many that are wondering if they are, then of course, in the house, there are democrats were very
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confident that they were going to be able to take that back and now they're not. and that's really the major concern, especially for people in what they call front-line districts. here was congressman seth moulton, who didn't go as far as now, two of his colleagues have gone but he said this, the unfortunate reality is the status quo will likely deliver u.s. president trump's so he's saying this pretty bluntly, when your current strategy isn't working, it's rarely the right decision to double down president biden is not going to get younger. i have always said that america needs to elevate a new generation of leaders. and i respect those colleagues have already spoken out we should have all viable options on the table. we also had congressman raul grijalva do an interview with the new york times and say that the president should get out. i spoke to several democratic members yesterday behind the scenes and there is this sense of rising pressure, but there's also a sense and i'm curious what your reporting says around this, that if they push biden too hard and he doesn't feel like he's able to make this decision on his own. it could actually backfire. >> well, see this is also something that's coming from donors as well, where they feel
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like there is a new heard or read of democrats who are definitely able to take advantage or step in for biden at this point it is unclear and nobody's going to make this decision until joe biden actually says something or until he confirms with his family and determines whether or not they're going to move forward. >> yeah. this takes are also incredibly high for biden's primetime interview, which is, well, it's a taped interview. abc has now moved it to prime time on friday night night how much of a turning point do you expect that to be for the president? >> i think it is extremely important and i think this is like the next phase that people are looking at. and whether they'll determine whether or not they'll go forward. i think people are looking at two things, especially members of congress who are in their districts right now, i think they're looking at whether or not he's the only to perform such that if he's going to have a successful interview. but i also think they're listening to what their voters are talking about, what their constituents are saying on the
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ground. and i think we'll hear more of an upheaval or whether or not people are going to rally behind him shortly after they come back from cow from certainly we have here is a bad performance. it's likely to impact and the other thing that we're waking up to this morning is reed hastings, the co-founder of netflix, major democratic donor he writes this coordinator times. he says that is mr. hastings became one of the first to say publicly what many democratic donors are saying privately? biden needs to step aside to allow a vigorous democratic leader to be trump and keep us safe and prosperous. this a sign of things to come. >> he is not alone. i was, you know, i had a recording of a call the other day which i reported out in some before, where several donors were very concerned about his state and whether or not he would be able listen. donors are interested in winning, right? and their position is while we're going to put a failing candidate right. >> and i've been hearing a lot of the money may start to go to house and senate races if in fact biden continues or she idea go before us this morning. thanks very much for being here for us on this i appreciate it.
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are coming up next, israel and hamas ready to head back to the negotiating table. plus assessing the damage left behind from the deadly hurricane beryl plus how are troops abroad are spending this independence day? we're thinking of them sunday dr. sunday jay gupta reports on hold for the devastating effects of alzheimer's reversing something that seems so preordained. it sounds extraordinary dr. sanjay gupta reports the last alzheimer's patient sunday at eight on cnn. i'm interested in trying these new weight-loss shots, but i made it to be more affordable because my insurance doesn't cover it. i'm not sure which online provider trust and i want to ask a doctor a lot of questions. >> you don't have to whisper at henry meds are knowledgeable providers demystify compounded semaglutide, the same active ingredient in brand name weight management meds. if you're eligible for treatment, your medication will be shipped to your door for just 297 a month, joined thousands of others who
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right now, palestinians are evacuating southern gaza under orders from the israeli military. let's bring in cnn's max foster. he has live for us in london max, we have been in this position before where such a deal seemed imminent. how close are they and what's different this time. >> we don't know, but that's partly why there seem to be some positivity here. because normally the israelis would respond very quickly saying this is not the deal for us and we're not getting that this time. sources saying they are considering a deal and hamas has reacted to some of the elements around this framework positively. so everyone's looking at it and the process would work. like this the yahoo would look at whether he liked it or whether he good work with it and what we are talking about here as a framework to deal, not the deal itself that would come much further down the line and then he would consider take consultations on that. and then you'd have to take it to the war cabinet as
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well. so we're looking to see if those movements are happening behind the scenes. but certainly something that both sides appear to have which they can begin work on with a view to getting a deal which is obviously much more progress than we've had before. >> max. what one of the pressures, major pressures on benjamin netanyahu, of course, is coming from the families of the hostages how does what they want and what they are looking for from him potentially conflict with netanyahu's political imperatives. shall we say? >> well, i think i'll be a fundamental part of any deal, wouldn't it? it would be how many and which israelis would be released in exchange for which palestinians would be released from prison as well. and how many of them. so that's going to be a big part of the debate. and obviously a little the domestic pressure on netanyahu is coming from the families of israeli hostages he has to respond to that because it's this auto sympathy of
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course, within israel for those families and the hostages themselves. and maybe there has been some movement on that in terms of what he can offer in return to hamas, we just don't know the details of that yet, but certainly that's been a big sticking point going through max, what do we know about american involvement at this point? >> barak ravid isn't axios reporter or contributor here at cnn. he writes this quota deal in gaza would be a huge accomplishment for biden the hostage and ceasefire deal would append the news cycle and allow biden to flex this is national security and foreign policy credentials which officials have long pointed to when rebutting questions about his age, this this would most definitely be welcome news for biden and i know there have been intensive secretary blinken secretary state has been to the region multiple times recently. what do we know about the american involvement right now? >> well, the osi big players, because they supply israel with arms and israel won't be able to fight this war without israel american support. so
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they're always in the room, they always part of the debates. but certainly present biden is set up and giving speeches and said we close to submitting and it hasn't transpired. the israelis are then come back saying it's not entirely right blinken has worked extremely hard with all of the negotiators here in egypt and the. qatar as well as the israelis to try to get some sort of deal, but they haven't got a deal quickly. as quickly as they had wanted. so if they can reach still, of course it would boyce bolster biden's foreign credentials, but we'll wait to see whether or not actually something happens and whether or not actually people will say netanyahu that push this through without any pressure from the americans. he didn't respond to it. i don't know. >> very interesting. all right. max foster for us this morning, max, always grateful to have you. thank you so much next here, why so many democrats are nervous about standing by president biden plus relentless fourth of july heat, not
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finished your to find free adult education centers near you i'm stephanie, il-1 and los angeles. and this is cnn all right. >> 20 minutes past the hour. here's your morning round the defense resting without new jersey senator bob menendez taking the stand in his federal bribery and corruption trial. and then does his legal team claiming he kept nearly half $1 million in cash and gold bars at his home because of past family a trauma a wildfire in northern california, forcing thousands to flee their homes. the thompson fire has scorched more than 3,500 acres when he, was governor declaring a state of emergency, the fire is just 7% contained it's pasta only
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if you're flying delta international, the airline forced to temporarily pull most of its main cabin meal options after reports of spoiled food on a flight to amsterdam, the flight had to be diverted to new york cnbc says menus on about 75 international flights are impacted. unclear or how long this is gonna go on holiday, das prices, any three-year low according to gas buddy, the average price for regular das, 34,961 million people expected to be on the roads today this morning, hurricane beryl is bearing down on the cayman islands after battering jamaica as a category four storm, beryl has weakened a little bit to a category three, but it's still packing a life-threatening storm surge and 120 mile per hour winds. at least one person died in jamaica bringing the strong death toll across the caribbean to eight. let's get to our meteorologist at least a rafah
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for the latest on this elisa. good morning. the storm also prompting watches and warnings in mexico yes. >> that's going to be the next stop after dealing with some tropical storm-force and hurricane conditions in the cayman islands right now, they've got some tropical storm-force conditions, but those hurricane winds are expected in the next couple of hours, we're still dealing with a major category three hurricane when 120 mile per hour wind sitting 55 miles south and east, their grand cayman wind gusts. there have already been over 44 miles per hour. you can see where some of those wins getting into to the islands and departing parts of jamaica, jamaica's conditions are getting better as cayman islands conditions deteriorate, will continue to find it at the cayman islands today. then as we go into tomorrow, we're looking at another landfall somewhere sure in mexico and yucatan peninsula where we could find some storm surge, heavy rain, again, hurricane conditions from cozumel to cancun and then we'll find it
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getting back into the gulf of mexico and then we'll have to see where it can go after that. does it restraint in a little bit in the warm, open waters? does it turn towards mexico? to go or texts is something that we'll have to watch, but heavy rain across the yucatan peninsula, looking at up to eight inches of rain possible that could lead to some flash flooding and mudslides. so it will continue on this weakening trend as it gets towards my because ago, but it's still expected to make landfall as a hurricane. hurricane warnings are in effect there as we go into tomorrow and then again, we could be looking at another landfall somewhere between mexico and texas, something to watch as we head into the week, it really all depends on how strong this area of high pressure as is if it nudges itself a deeper into mexico, or if it makes it to texas casey or at least a rough a forest this morning, lisa. thank you very much coming up next to the growing concern among democrats who fear losing more than just the white house in november. and we're going to talk one of those house democrats, debbie
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dingell, to get her take on the state of joe biden's campaign on this independence day for us, baseball was again but for benjamin franklin rodriguez baseball was life when i, was wow, spacious the assignment with audie cornish listen wherever you get your podcasts homer glow showed up right on time my dishes, my laundry. they even cleaned my windows. i love that. you just pick a date picker cleaner and enjoy a spotless house for $19 moving forward with node positive breast cancer, my fear of recurrence could have held me back, but i'm staying focused and doing more to prevent recurrence for his neo is
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house of the dragon, streaming exclusively on macs just before 5:30 a.m. on the east coast. >> that is these statue of liberty birdie, as we celebrate this fourth of july in america. good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us house democrats have long viewed this upcoming election as a prime opportunity to win back the house that is until last week's debate. there is now growing panic in the ranks. democrats fearing it's going to be difficult at best to flip competitive house seats. if president biden remains at the top of the democratic ticket to democratic congressman. now calling on biden to drop out of the race, we're all grijalva telling the new york times, quote if he's the candidate, i'm going to support him. but i think that this is an opportunity to look elsewhere i also spoke with retiring congresswoman annie custer. she represents a swing seat in new hampshire. she tells me that she has been in talks with both
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the white house and the biden campaign with quote, concerns about how the president's well-being is impacting house races, particularly in challenging districts, joining us to talk about all of this is julie manchester. she's national political reporter for the hill, and risk gorman political reporter four. notice good morning to both of you. thanks for being here. morning drawing. let me just start with you with your latest it's reporting off the hill i spent a lot of yesterday talking to members to try to figure out where democrats heads were there some suggestion there might be a bunch of them at ready to say something. congresswoman custer, suggested to me that pressuring. joe biden might not be the right move if they're, in fact, people do want him to step aside and that this is something he needs to come to on his own terms if he's going to do it, i've heard that broadly inside the democratic caucus. what are you hearing? yeah, i think the sentiment is certainly that i think there is still somewhat some trepidation of coming out and speaking publicly. but now that shoe
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congressmen have come out and called for him to step down, i think that could change the game. i thought congressman seth moulton also had a very interesting statement last night essentially saying that he's going to take a long time to think about this, but it's interesting to compare that to what happened at the white house during the governor's meeting last night. a source familiar with that meeting told me that essentially they the governors saw biden who had been stronger than in recent memory. he said he wanted to get back out there. he wanted to be unscripted, but i think there's still a lot of trepidation, particularly among down-ballot democrat. so i think it's going to be on those governors to help try to rally down-ballot democrats and their respective states. so reese speaking of what happened at the white house yesterday, the governor's meeting as julia notes, when we saw those governors come out and we played some of the sound earlier in the show and say, we're behind him we're going to do this. but cringe empire, the white house press secretary
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had another pretty tough day behind the podium. and here's what she was kinda long explanation of why what happened at the debate happened. she blamed the cold and jet-lagged. just watch this club it's the jet lag and also the cold. right? it is the two things and that occurred and you all heard it in his voice when he did the debate, write it is not even something that we shared ahead of time. you heard it in his voice and we confirm and i think that's important to note as well, like it is the jet lag and the cold. but i want to be really i want to be really clear here. this is not an excuse right? this is not an excuse. you all asked for next well, nation and we get worth giving an explanation. it is not an excuse. it's a bit of a cliche in politics. but if you're explaining, you're typically losing 100%. and the thing is, they've been explaining lot of different ways. they at first it was a cold that i didn't
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tell people before the debate. they said that only after i started going downhill and then biden said that it was jet lag and this restlessness from traveling, but he was at camp david for over a week before the debate. he had not trust almost two weeks. almost two weeks. and so now there's the spin just keeps keeps happening and keep hearing different excuses. we've never heard biden mentioned the cold himself. he's always said it was this jet lag. it was this travel. he was restless and the white house also said that he didn't take cold medicine and so there is a lot of kind of spend going on about what's happening and the excuses for why byd and performed so badly at the debate. yeah, i have a lot of questions about why you wouldn't get the guy cold medicine. >> i realized donald trump was running around saying that he's gonna be on drugs, but he's done that every other time he is debated in the last over many years, if he needs cold medicine, doesn't seem like it should be a big problem let's also look at the polling reese, because we've got this new york times sienna poll out yesterday. that shows some
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movement basically a three-point change. it seems like this is the likely voter screen. it's six points, 49 to 43%. and look the bottom line is like in this kind of polarized environment like that is a landslide that's a lot. and it's definitely not a good look for biden and especially, i mean looking at that, this is not what biden wants it. that's well, without within outside the margin of error rather yeah. and that's a lot of ground to make up. and it's going to be very difficult to do, especially like you said, in this polarized environment that we're in right now where a lot of people already have their minds made up. there's not a whole lot of these swing voters that you can kind of get to come your way. and that poll is not promising do for the biden campaign. i mean, the one thing that really stood out to me, julia, from the governor's meeting in particular, was that there were a couple that raised the prospect of major losses in what should be or what typically are very strong blue states, maine and new mexico were listed. >> i mean, the conversation i think in the political world
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also extends to virginia and new hampshire these are places that biden certainly needs in his, in his column if he has any hope of winning the white house. but the democrats in the house and senate also need, yeah, absolutely. and you can look to political forecasters who have already been predicting that. remember, before the debate, biden was already losing the debate was i think meant to be a mechanism to somehow stop the bleeding obviously didn't do that. larry sabato has rated minnesota now from more likely democrat to mean democrat in virginia, it was interesting the day after that debate, i was talking to virginia republicans and one i was talking to you before the debate of few days before, and they that's going to be a stretch for us. this is probably going to go to biden the day after the debate. they said we're pretty confident we can do well in the state in november. pretty remarkable you've been doing some reporting on just the sheer mechanism of how it would work to replace biden on the ticket because this is actually a
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significant if can thing that they're weighing right? i mean, this is the latest in the process we've ever seen this happen it is potentially obviously hasn't happened yet, but it would be the latest in the process. any presumptive nominee would have stepped aside. you say the upshot replacing biden on the ticket would be extraordinarily difficult. and that we would make it extraordinarily difficult. this is the oversight project executive director. now this is the republicans who are trying to make it as hard as possible because it's worth noting all 50 states have their own laws about the ballots, et cetera. where are democrats heads on this right now? >> demiral said are spinning out of control right now. they are extremely worried about this prospect. i mean not just the fact that say they do find a way to say they do replace biden. that. some of them might be like, okay, cool, we have a new candidate, but that's just the beginning. this, they're going to try to cause republicans are going to try to cause as much chaos us for them to replacing biden whether it be litigation and it doesn't matter necessarily if they're successful in this litigation. it just imagine the kind of the picture of them fighting just
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to get their candidate on the ballot leading up to november. that is enough chaos to kinda be like strike some more kind of fear and questions into voters. and then there's also a fear of keeping biden all the top of the ticket. and so it's kind of a lose-lose situation right now for democrats because they're afraid that if they keep biden, it's gonna be a drag on a lot of these suisse state members that really that you need in order to take back the house any of the all the poles and people i talk to you have seen the internal polling shows these house candidates running away ahead of the president right now. >> all right. julie manchester srery's gorman. thank you very much for being here on this holiday, really gravitated all right. >> happening now, polls open across the uk where voters are casting ballots in a general election, the prime minister rishi sunak voting earlier this morning and yorkshire, he is hoping to keep his conservative party in control. cnn's nada bashir is live for us in london, not a good morning. walk us through what we're going to see today good morning, casey will look, there are 650 local constituency he
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650 seats up for grabs in the house of commons. and that is exactly what voters will be voting for in this local. by that we voting for their member of parliament, their local representative in each party is looking to secure a majority. so they're looking for that crucial number, 300 326 or above in order to be able to command and stablished a government. and of course, as you mentioned, polls have now opened across the united. kingdon just a little under four hours ago, they will remain open until 10:00 p.m. local time. that's 5:00 p.m. eastern time. and of course, once polls close, that is when the crucial counting begins. now here in the united kingdom, that counting process takes place overnight into the early hours of friday morning, we may well, of course, get exit polls ahead of that time, but we'll be waiting to see those vote counts come in. constituents can see by constituency to get a better picture of where this year's election is heading. but at official result expected to be declared tomorrow. of course that is when the parties
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will have an idea of whether or not they have succeeded in winning this year's election, whether they will be able to declare a government. now of course, voting is taking place up and down the country will have a better idea of where things stand later tonight. but of course there's still a long way to go before those polls close all right. >> nada bashir for us live in london then nauta. thank you very much for that now here at home parades, barbecues, and pull time, just a few ways american celebrate fourth of july here in the u.s. but how old americans were overseas celebrate independent stays in an international correspondent, mike valerio is joining us now, live from south korea, where he is visiting the largest us military your installation overseas camp pump frehse mike, happy fourth of july, how are the soldier celebrating casey? >> they are celebrating exactly as they would be where they back home. we were about 40 miles away from the heart of solar we'll south korea, 60 miles away from the border of north korea. but this is quintessential american, you know, a couple of minutes ago,
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it took a break. we had a splash pad over my left-hand shoulder, korean barbecue over my right-hand shoulder sir mixed with a crane twist a little bit of korean bbq but casey, as you mentioned, why we are here, this is the largest us overseas military installation, so we're talking about not one, not ten, but 40,000 americans who are who are connected to the u.s. dod. and there's about a baby a day born in the hospital of camp humphreys. so for all of these new families, this, this kind of celebration, a so important for these new families who have not had a fourth of july overseas. i know my god. i'm not sure if you can hear it in the background because are little tiny mike. but who was stank is playing? i don't know where you were. kasie hunt 2003. i was listening to hubris sank the reason it was like the anthem of our sophomore year, spring fling summers high school. so who was sank is here? hi there playing to reason right now, listen to doug, rob, he's the lead
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singer. if we have a stake, he talked about what a unique environment this is. listen to what he told us there's a lot of just gratitude and everybody seems so thankful and appreciative. >> both ways, you know it's something that you can't replicate, just going to play a show now at a at a theater somewhere and it's really cool. i look forward to it. it does. i can feel it for sure so casey, we have fireworks coming up in about two hours from now. >> we are hoping that the monsoonal rains hold off and two names, casey, we have not heard all day biden or trump? interestingly enough, i think it is not an understatement to say people are certainly motivated by a unique steadiness of purpose to defend the security posture of east asia and the korean peninsula. putting all politics aside and enjoying this american moment, independence day 2024. casey, now i'm pretty, pretty great. we're showing our age, mike, i have to say i haven't thought about who was saying since i
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was graduating from eisenkot 2003 here we are. happy. for my enjoy it. all right, coming up next here democratic governors standing by their man. but for how long plus joey chestnut fan from the nathan's hot dog eating contest? as he is now breaking his silence oh my god. >> you look like fourth of of july it makes me want a hot dog real bad. >> yeah. okay night on cnn concert event with performance by keith urban, shanty, maybe wrexham jewelers and many more go for dinner america united seven eastern on cnn. i got this thousand dollar camera for only $41 on deal that deal online auctions since 2009, this playstation five sold for only $0.50 this ipad
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it to win it downplaying any suggestion that heel step aside after last week's debate performance. how democrats, of course, are growing increasingly uncomfortable with biden staying at the top of the ticket. here was maryland congressman jamie raskin he obviously has a very heavy decision to make, but he won the delegates and so he's in a situation where he gets to make that decision, but i do think that we don't have a lot of time for him to make that decision and we wish him godspeed in his deliberations we wish him godspeed. >> let's bring in morgan talent. she's a senior contributor, axios, the director of the institute for democracy, journalism, and citizenship at syracuse university margaret, very grateful to have you on this holiday. thank you very much for being here. that soundbite from jamie raskin. i mean, he's been one of the more he's been willing to be pretty candid and public, i think in terms of reflecting what's happening behind the scenes, what do you make of his comments there and just where
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do you think this whole thing stands at this writing in terms of the president's decision-making can you see i would read jamie raskin as being in that camp of democrats that right now was trying to give the president space to reach a decision on his own. but to reach that decision. and i think we're beginning to hear more of those kind of conversations take place please seth moulton, sort of interesting comments in that direction. we're hearing jim clyburn say things like, you know, that he would support kamala harris if president biden decided to make that decision. so i think what you're seeing is number one, a recognition that president biden probably has a matter of days not weeks to turn public opinion around. number two a belief by many democrats that is unlikely that he will be able to assuage voters concerns, but that is still his decision. and that they want to see him whether he's the candidate or not be able to
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protect his legacy and protect democrats chances and having some momentum going that there's new cnn polling you've seen it, it's really interesting it shows that more than half of democrats think that someone who isn't biden is the right person to take on trump. but again, it's not clear who vice president harris in this very early, pretty speculative poli seems to be the strongest of a number of canada's, all of whom are running behind donald trump in this sort of speculative speculative race. so democrats have had the same problem as they've been thinking about this since last thursday, which is it can any democrat win against donald trump in a year where the economy, the post-covid hangover, inflation, all of these issues are pulling down against not just the candidates incumbency, but the
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party's incumbency. and then if not, if there really is a stronger candidate who is is it and how do they get there? and there's all playing out in the public eye, which is what makes it very, very unusual, right? well, and even i mean, congressman jared jared golden from maine was very blunt when he said he he just said donald trump is going to win the election and i'm fine with that pretty remarkable comments from him, can we take it for a second to kinda what you think in your view of hair as you pointed to the polling, i would say that the conversations that i have been having also suggest that there is something of a coalescing behind her part of its seems to be frankly, the logistics of the thing, but there is also the reality that she has been on the national stage. she has been serving in this role. she did run in a presidential primary, which as we know, is a crucible that really tests candidates. she has been more vetted on a national stage and perhaps some of these governors as talent
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what it is they may be just go call ron desantis and ask how it feels to be the quote, unquote front runner when you've never done it before, people may tell you, hey, watch out, this is a hard thing, but they don't tend to believe it until they actually go through it. i mean, what is your understanding of where these conversations are at the moment? well, she's the vice president and she's his running mate. so it it makes sense that she is the default candidate. she has some unique strengths and some unique liabilities. i think her as a unique strength, again, she's in the number two spot right now and choose a woman of color one, of president biden's challenges has been exciting his own base and turning out younger democratic voters. so she does very well on that side of the equation. she's also becomes a favorite stalking horse of republicans and donald trump. and you're seeing these early sort of adds and memes
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and comments like stopped common law, which is meant to energize his base further. so i think there are those sort of questions about what based on how americans understand vice president harris is role in politics now what elements of the american electorate would that turn out and in assertive in what direction? let's the net direction but i think you're right. both from a structural perspective and from a political perspective, a perspective of upheaval. what could be the implications inside the democratic party if she were passed over this became contested so there are a lot of variables to consider, but that's all secondary to the main consideration right now, which is president biden going to stand? as the nominee again, and we're going to see in the stephanopoulos interview in these stops in the next couple of days and wisconsin and pennsylvania really compressed time calendar for
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that for that test, for that public test for sure. >> all right. margo talla for us this morning, margaret, very grateful to have you. thank you so much all right. >> ten now for sports majorly, baseball has announced the seasons all star game the starters headlined by plenty of fan favorites. and scholz has this morning's bleacher report and good morning. good morning. casey. so this year's game, it's in arlington, texas, but it's going to feel all or like a phillies game for the first time since 1982 build lpf three starters in the infield. he got bryce harper at first-rate, turner, its second and then you've got alex boehm alec bomb at third bomb, an awesome season thus far, he lead the nl was 70 rbi. shohei ohtani, the dodgers lone star to get the nod at d h, and the al. meanwhile, yankees, asher as guardians all have to starters each aaron judge, haven't yet another all-time great. d. is he is the only repeat starter on the american league squad and the nhl for the first time ever, we will see a female coach behind the bench next
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season, jessica campbell becoming the first woman to hold a full-time coaching role in the nhl with the seattle crack. and who named her? assistant coach yesterday. gamble was also the first female assistant coach in the ahl where she worked for the crack is affiliate the firebird as a players who competed at the division one level at cornell and play professionally and canada in sweden before transitioning into coaching. and here was campbell on making some hockey history you speak to the word first to be the first, but that's never really where my focus is. >> it's always on the work gets on the impact, it's on the job and i know that if the team has success and that hi impact is a good one, then could potentially open up doors for others i were less than a month away from the paris games and we're getting our first law at the basketball jerseys. >> you got kevin duran, asia wilson sporting what team usa will be wearing their in their paris. the men squad while they play their first game, july 28 against serbia, the women
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seemed going to face japan july 29 with it being july 4th, that means it's time for the annual nathan's hot dog i'm eating contest. but unfortunately this year, many americans, including some of my colleagues, will be boycotting the event after 16 time and rating jap joey chestnut he has a. rift with nathan's over as partnership with impossible foods. he won't be competing, so we will have a new champion this year. chestnut, who holds the world record of 76 hot dogs in tears in a minute. he will still be competing. he's going up against some soldiers at fort bliss in el paso, texas. that's gonna be on youtube, but this give me the first time since two 2000 casey, that we're not going to have chestnut or kobayashi to watch in the contest on july 4, they will be going head-to-head on netflix on labor day, so we can wait for that at zoos the best once and for all but the end of an era for the hot dog eating contest, what we will have a new champion so it could be that is the end of an era. i can't watch this. i really i just like the ones dipped in water i can't do it. i really can't put look, andy, i'm kind
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of upset about your baseball report. you mentioned that there are two yankee starters on the all-star team. you failed to mention that there are two orioles in the infield adly richmond caching and argon are at short. i'm sorry. all right. that wasn't omission. and right when i said it, i was like, oh, i forgot about your orioles and i knew you're going to catch me on that but yes, i'm glad that owes orange. it's happenstance we. are andy levy, thanks for being here. have you for coming up next, standing by biden democratic governors reaffirming their support for the president. plus, i'm going to talk congresswoman debbie dingell about what the biden campaign should be doing right now i'm interested in china, these new weight-loss shots, but i need it to be more affordable. but because my insurance doesn't cover it, i'm not sure which online provider to trust and i want to ask a doctor a lot of questions. >> you don't have to whisper at henry meds. are knowledgeable providers demystify compounded semaglutide, the same active ingredient in brand name weight
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