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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  July 5, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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asking the question that on a lot of americans minds was this something more than just a one-off? bad debate night? he said, basically it was it was just an episode. he had a bad cold. he said that even though he had 11 days to rest up before the debate, that he really didn't recep the way he should have because he had this cold. he even said and this was actually knew that he was tested? by doctors that they tested him four covid for a virus, for an infection, and that that'll take turned up negative. and that in fact it was just a bad cold. it's interesting because the white house had said, for the press secretary that he had not had any physical mental exam since february since he was checked out back then. so now we're going to new information from president biden. he also said, when he was asked if he had seen that, went back to watch the debate. i don't think so. no. alright that's the latest on that front. i'm pamela brown, situation room, erin
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burnett outfront starts right now >> out front next, breaking news, president biden defiant, vowing to stay in the race no matter what. as he sits down for a new window is closing for biden to turn things around. let's go out front good evening. welcome to a special edition of outfront onboard sanchez, in for erin burnett. tonight. we start with breaking news. president biden's make or break interview. we just got our first clip from biden's highly anticipated interview with abc. and in it biden
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speaks about his disastrous debate performance, which sparked serious concerns among members of his own party that he's not fit to serve another four years let's start with the debate. you and your team said, i've said you had a bad night, but your but your friend nancy pelosi actually frame the question, i think is on the minds of millions of americans was this a bad episode with a sign of a more serious condition is no indication of any serious condition. >> i was exhausted i did listen, my instincts in terms of parents, the bad night you say you were exhausted and i know you said that before as well, but you came and you did have a tough month, but you came home from europe about 11 or 12 days before the debate spent six days in camp david, why wasn't that enough rest time, enough recovery time? because now i was sick. i was feeling terrible. matter of fact, the docks with me is they
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get a covid test or you're trying to figure out what's wrong you did a test to see whether or not i had some infection virus. i didn't is just a really bad cold and did you ever watch the debate afterwards i don't think i did well. >> i went on tour it what i want to get at is what were your experiencing as you're going through the debate, did you know how badly it was going? >> yeah. look the. whole way i prepare. no wishful mind nobody swap in mind. i prepared but i usually would do sitting down as i did come back, foreign visitors are massive security council for explicit detail. and i realized up partway through them all, i quotas, the new york times had me down at ten points before the debate nine now, or whatever the hell it is in fact matter is that when i looked at is that he
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also lied 28 times. i couldn't the way that debate rand not my fault. no one else is no one else's but it seemed like you were having trouble from the first questionnaire even though 40 spoke well, i just had a bad night and today, biden was defined that he's not dropping out repeating that message multiple times clearly ruling that he echoed that add an energetic but short campaign rally in wisconsin well, guess what, they're trying to push me out on the race well, let me say this as i can i'm staying in a race donald freedom again in 20 what we're gonna do it
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again in 2024 despite this effort, a growing number of people do not want biden in the race. you can see one person at biden's rally with design as he was walking in that says past the torch, joe according to the washington post, democratic senator mark warner, is right now attempting to get a group of democratic senators to ask president biden to exit the race. you also have massachusetts governor maura healey now urging biden to quote carefully evaluate whether he is the party's best chance to defeat donald trump. or let signs is out front live in madison, wisconsin where the president was earlier today, or what do you know about how biden and those closest to him are viewing how this rally and this interview today went well, president biden himself, boris told reporters that he thought it was a good interview, but we will see whether it eventually accomplishes the goals that his advisers had hoped it would do. >> of course, biden team had
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hoped that this interview, that this rally here today in wisconsin will be part of the work to ease the surgeons of voters who are worried that biden may not be up for a second term in office course, they're also looking to tamp down some of the very serious doubts from within top official, from top officials within his own party about him remaining on the top of the democratic ticket. a come november. now president biden, what came here to wisconsin? and it was quite defiant, insisting that he would remain in this race and also saying that there are some in the party who wants to push him out that he didn't say specifically who, but we know that there have been a public and private calls among democratic officials for the president to consider stepping aside in this race. now, biden's team was well aware of what a high hey, stakes moments today would be with this campaign rally and also that interview. they know that every moment and the president's schedule that his words are closely dissected and watch as
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people are trying to ascertain whether biden can in fact serve a second term in office. they are hoping that some of these public like messaging events, will really help turn the tide a towards biden, even as there are serious expressions of doubt within his party. now, i will note the president spoke here for about 15 minutes using a teleprompter. he then moved on and actually spoke without a teleprompter to an overflow crowd to campaign insist that there will be more unscripted moments like that, more for interviews, he will be conducting at a time when his allies have encouraged him to do that, to try to win over these voters. but he is facing serious headwinds from within his own party about whether he should remain in the race arlette saenz life for us in madison, wisconsin. >> thanks so much. are orland. let's discuss now with our panel starting with david axelrod, david, i remember speaking to you you last year when you express concerns about president biden's mental acuity and his ability to run for reelection. obviously, this is still in the moment. we haven't seen the full interview, but i'm wondering
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from the clip that we saw from the speech earlier today, how far does this go and helping him regain the confidence of democrats like yourself? >> of course, first of all, let me, let me clear up. i didn't say a year ago that i had questions about his mental acuity. i had questions about the wisdom of running for president when you're at 2-years-old. and i said at the time that my my concerns were not political, but actuarial. i know what the presidency is they know how crushing the job is. every single person who serves their ages rapidly. and if you start at a baseline of 78 which is by the way, i guess with donald trump would be if he got elected you're going to run into problems and so i i take great pleasure in that having said that, where we are now and watching that interview, i found it poignant. i don't know that it's going to relieve anyone to hear the
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president and explain what happened and it's seemed a little disjointed as it not as disjointed as he wasn't a debate, but it's still didn't seem like he had completely grasped what happened and why or why people are so concerned. the issue is not present, said the rally. you know, we're not gonna let 90 bad minutes erase three-and-a-half years. i'm one who believes joe biden has been a really fine president. i think he's done things that are historically important, but this isn't about that last four years. this is about the next four years. and people are making a judgment as to whether he is up for it. there's nothing about that debate and frankly, nothing about that brief clip. in the interview that would give people confidence francesca chambers, i want to replace some of the interview where biden tries to reassure voters. let's listen let's start with the debate
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you knew team said, i've said you had a bad night, but you're but your friend nancy pelosi, actually frame the question, i think is on the minds of millions of americans was this a bad episode where the sign of a more serious condition is not going to keep 90 serious condition. i was exhausted i did listen, my instincts in terms of preparing i have a bad night based on what you're hearing in real time, francesca, do you think he's doing enough to slow down calls from democrats to get out of the race well, one democrat who i spoke to resort before we saw that clip of him on abc said that essentially they had stabilized the patient, stopped the bleed out, but he's still in critical condition and it wasn't just the interview that democrats were looking to, to make a determination. it was a series of things including the town halls that they have said that they want to see, and the campaign is not said that they
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would schedule anything like that. it was the fact that they said they wanted to see him out in battleground states the campaign said earlier today that all four principles, including him in the vice president, would be hitting every major battleground state in the month of july, but they didn't describe with that effort look like and so democrats still had questions regardless of the interview about what the next steps would look like. and they have said that while he still has some time here, that time is running out and buying baby on borrowed time because members of congress will be returning to capitol hill next week and they will be pressed on this issue. >> i want to play another exchange that biden had about the debate. let's listen did you ever watch the debate afterwards i don't think i did tim is it a problem that he wasn't able to say whether or not definitively he watched the debate afterward well, of course it's a problem we've of
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course only seen clips of this interview. but as david noted, the president is not very fluid fluid in this interview. he actually loses his train of thought, at least in the clip that we heard there's a central contradiction here. think for democrats and independence and never trump republicans. if our country is facing the crisis it's our country is at a moment of decision for the future of our democracy and the rule of law at home and for deterring fascism and imperialism abroad is that the moment to take a chance on someone however beloved who might sundown publicly in the four months that we have until the election. i think i think if we are in the crisis that we say we are in, i believe we are is that not a reason to change
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horses and say, look, thank you, president biden. you were the indispensable man in 2020, but unfortunately, and it's not your fault time does this to people you cannot be the indispensable man in 2020 scott, i think it's fair to say that for republicans you may want to see him actually do well in an interview like this because it would keep him in the race and the way that things are trending it would benefit republicans is that a fair assessment? well, yes. i mean, you want to just talk about it politically. i think it's probably better if biden continues because he might be their weakest option at this point. but honestly, boris, after seeing this clip and again, i want to watch the whole thing at eight. i'm worried about the president. i think most republicans look at this and say, is he okay? what's going on over at the white house? i'm worried about our country. i mean, there's credible reporting today apart from this interview tonight and apart from all the things we've
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seen that the president's having trouble during the day acting independently, that there's three staffers in the white house who essentially take them around and tell him what to do during the course of the day. this is extremely concerning. it ought to be concerning the democrats. and republicans alike in this interview, by the way, he said that he was exhausted. he said that fulfilling the duties of the office of the presidency made him too exhausted to perform one day on the campaign trail. now if i'm a democrat and i'm looking at this situation right now, i'm thinking is the commander in chief to exhausted by his official duties to lead my party into the election. i think we're in a real crisis here because we don't know what's going on at the white house, were worried about the president. and i also think we're in the middle of an unfolding scandal about the people who who've not been honest about the president's condition for the last three-and-a-half years? i don't know what's going to happen. it feels like the biden family is very dug in and it seems like the president has dug in and he is on the brink. i think of running a reelection campaign that ultimately will
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make his legacy this, he'll leave donald trump better and in a stronger position that he found him and that'll be a heck of a thing i've for 50 years in office for his legacy to be left that way david, i'm curious to get your response to scott's view of biden's potential legacy? look, i think that for those who care about the president i'm sure his family does. but family advisers who are i think indulging, him here by telling him that there's a path forward. i think that there's a terrible risk to this. i do think that this is a this will define him if he moves forward he's had an extraordinary career. i worked with him in the white house. i i enjoy joyed working with them in the white house i think he was an enormous asset to president obama. i think he's done some really great things as president and he, he routed
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donald trump from the white house, which was a great service to the country to give it back. because he was told that he could win an election. that is increasingly out of reach. i thought it was telling this week that lera trump of all people, was standing up for biden and saying she thought it would be in a fronted democracy if if biden were removed from the ticket, leaving the irony of that aside it tells you everything you need to know that the trump campaign is trying to keep him in the race that's something that he and his people should consider an ask why francesca, i'm curious to get your thoughts on this effort by democrats on capitol hill to sort through this, you have hakeem jeffries setting up this virtual meeting over the weekend and then you have reporting in the washington post that mark warner is trying to gather a group of senators to actually approach biden to
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open up a discussion about him dropping out of the race well on this goes back to lawmakers coming back from recess next week when there'll be pressed on this issue, one reason that more lawmakers may not have spoken out about these chinese because they haven't had to, they haven't had reporters walking up and asking to them on camera what they think about this. and that is something that's been raised to me by democrats there's something that's critical to watch over the next week. one thing they have said that president biden needs to do is stop anymore defections from taking place like the ones that we've seen, or even more democrats, like more healy raising questions about whether or not present biden should potentially continue on in this race. and so that is it's absolutely something that democrats are looking to over the next week, as well as donors. whether there are any more donor defections and tim words, can i make a can i make an economic appoint about wisconsin? >> sure. the one person who wasn't the one person who wasn't at the rally today was
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senator tammy baldwin, who is engaged in a competitive if race. she was somewhere else in the state and made a point of not being at this event. the poll suggests that the president is now fallen behind in that state by more than five points this year, he's going to see more and more of this candidates who are in competitive races this is running away from him and so this is not on a good path and he, he needs to come to grips with this. i know he cares about the country, cares deeply about the threat that trump represents he needs to act on them on the question of timing, tim, how long do you think president biden has to decide before it's past the point of no return to potentially replace him as the nominee. the point of no return is the convention but i i want a dignified exit for this great
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public service. if that's the direction that we're all going in. he deserves a great exit. the president's who have decided not to run again all we're able to shape the way in which they shared this decision with the american people. harry truman lbj, they both shaped it. if found a way to describe the exit is something other than a defeat. those who love president biden, those who know him personally, should be working with him to create the circumstances for a beautiful, powerful and dignified exit. the longer he waits, the harder it will be to achieve that term natale francesca chambers, scott jennings, david axelrod. >> great to have you on and get your perspective. thanks. >> thank you. >> thank you our next our breaking news continues. >> new reporting just into cnn house minority leader hakeem jeffries, now calling for a
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meeting with democrats, i'll talk to a member of the house, democratic committee, but rather conference about their concerns plus r dr. sanjay gupta says it's time for the president to undergo detailed cognitive testing and share the results. why now he joins us out front and we'll speak to a major biden donor who is still behind the president as major donors, including a disney air or withholding their money until he steps aside sunday, dr. sanjay gupta reports, i'm going to spend time here with this world renowned doctor, believes he's figured out a way, not just to prevent alzheimer but to reverse it, is their new hope for the devastating effects of alzheimer's reversing, something that seems so preordained. >> it sounds extraordinary. >> plus, over there three personal medical assessment i've come to figure out whether i'm at risk or layer dementia. >> dr. sanjay gupta report the last alzheimer's patient sunday at eight on cnn that she shot
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brand i'm jessica schneider at the federal courthouse in washington, and this is cnn breaking news. >> cnn learning that house democrats were on edge tonight waiting to see president biden's full interview with george stephanopoulos this has tonight there are now for house
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democrats calling on biden to step aside. congressmen mike quigley, a democrat from illinois, just saying, the only thing biden can do to prevent utter catastrophe is to step down and let someone else do this. silence are 40 is out for and sunland, what do you hearing about how democrats are now? backed in? >> yeah, bore is very clear that the concern among house democrats, especially is only intensifying tonight. they are growing in numbers. as you noted at the top, we now have four house democrats, for house members that have officially called for president biden to step aside and get out as the democratic party nominee. any your hurt, you read the part of congressmen mike quigley statement. do they are tonight acknowledging that his legacy is set. but interestingly, in this statement, boras quigley says, you owe, you owe a great debt of debt, gratitude. and the only thing you can do now to cement that for all time and prevent utter catastrophe is to step two down and let someone
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else do this. so that's certainly an interesting comment coming from the congressman. we also heard from congressmen stuff moulton, who officially in an inner glute wb eur called for biden to step aside. he says, quote, president biden has done enormous service for our country, but now is the time for him to fall in one of our founding fathers are there george washington's footsteps and step aside to let new leaders rise up and run against donald trump and we know according to more and more members sources telling us behind the scenes that they are expressing grave concerns about president biden his viability going forward in this race. and that potentially could only grow throughout the weekend. now on sunday will be a critical moment for house democrats, a leader, hakeem jeffries, he is called a conference call, a virtual meeting with many of the top democrats in the committee, ranking members of all the committees to talk about the path going forward. and we know these conversations are being had between members and staff members these members have been
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back to their home districts. i've been talking to constituents. they've been working the phones with their colleagues. all of that is going to change when they get back to dc, not only house members, but senate members who have their concerns two and our privately expressing this, they are going to be meeting, they're going to be talking to reporters and it was quite clear that the concerns bins are still rampell at this moment. so consequential moment for biden consequential moment for those on the hill, especially as house democrats quest to retake the house in november, the political reality of this moment for joe biden on the hill, boris is that is a very tough hill to climb with them. >> someone's for friday. thanks so much for that update. on front now, democratic congressman brad sherman from california congressman. thank you so much for being with us this evening congressman quigley or colleague, just became the fourth democrat calling for president biden to step aside. let's listen to what he had to say. >> i see mr. president your legacy, a set we owe you the greatest debt of gratitude. the only thing that you can do now
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to cement that for all time. and prevent other catastrophe is to step down and let someone else do this congressman that sound comes after the clips of president biden's interview with abc. do you believe that joe biden is still your party's best shot to win in november i think that we need to test biden further. the first test we'll see in just a few minutes is his 20-minute edited taped interview with stephanopoulos i think we need to see an extended live interview. and see whether biden passes that test and what matters is not what members of congress say. what matters is what the delegates say and the delegates are a group of activists who are all pro-biden, throw a loyal to biden as matter of fact, if you wanted to be a delegate pledged to biden and biden camp didn't think you were loyal to him? they could cross you off the list and put in somebody else. so this is a pro-biden group of
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roughly 4,000 delegates. they need to be convinced. they need to see the interview in a few minutes. but i think they need more it sounds like you are preparing for a potential group of delegates to descend at the convention. >> if president biden stays on, otherwise, i don't think you would be pointing that out. is that fair to say i would hope for the opposite. >> i would hope that he does a extended live interview and that all you're talking heads on cnn said, by god, he did a great job so i think we need another test. and i and i don't think it'll be a small group of dissidents one way or the other. i think all 4,000 delegates will tend to move in one direction or the other based on what they see from this president. the first step is tonight, but the second step is a longer and live interview i'm curious about how you feel
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regarding the campaign and the white house is approach to this because it's now been more than a week since that debate performance. >> and this is the first television interview that president has done do you think he should have come out sooner and more aggressively? >> he's did an effective job just the day after the debate with the rally in north carolina. i tell a the rent lead that is it's a different skill and speaking to a rally is different from an interviewer debate that's why we need the extended interview to see whether that important part of the test can be best. but i seen him work hard and i seen him work a rope line for an hour or an hour-and-a-half. this is this is a man who may very well be able to give us another great for years. but we ought to see a live interview and extended interview the congressman, if president biden
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stays in the race, and democrats lose the white house and they lose control. both chambers of congress what do you think joe biden's legacy would be? >> look, it's not good to lose. on the other hand, there's no assurance that any other mechanism is going to win i like to see what joe biden can do in an extended interview. and he may be our best candidate. he's the only person to ever beat job. it. donald trump and that's why i you know, biden had a bad night. trump has led a bad life and i'm not willing to have just 190 minute debates decide this. i want to see this test that again congressman chairman, we have to leave the conversation there. >> thanks for sharing your evening with us good to be with you in front next, dr. sanjay gupta joins us on why he says it's time for biden to undergo
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detailed cognitive testing plus more biden donors calling for the president to step aside. we're going to speak with one supporter who still has his back though he is issuing a warning tonight did you know you can save with good are accident even if you have insurance, amount of medicare i check good rx because it can be my coping. >> like that even if you have insurance, we've got our x cannot be saved another good reason to check, good rx 20 seconds a week to lose 20% of your weight in a year with diet and exercise that's the power of glp-1s through row connect with the provider today at rho slash 20 you know, there's this thing called age and it sucks if you're over 50. >> imagine you could turn back the clock and you're stiff achy joints by years introducing instant flex advanced. >> it's restored my joints without just temporarily masking my symptoms and without
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convention starts monday, july 15th, date on cnn breaking news, president biden, going into greater detail about his health leading up to his disastrous debate performance last week well center this i was sick. >> you must feel terrible, matter of fact, the docks with me asked him they did a covid test or you're trying to figure out what's wrong. he did a test to see whether or not i had some infection virus i didn't is just felt a really bad cold this is the white house now says biden recently had a quote, verbal check-in with his doctor about that cold after repeatedly saying biden has had no medical exams since his annual physical and february outfront. now, dr. sanjay gupta, cnn's chief medical correspondent, sounds like what was your reaction to that moment from biden well, i think there's there's two things. >> first of all, someone who has a viral illness, a cold
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even that can cause someone to have brain fog that can cause someone to, especially someone who's older. it can affect them in some of the ways that we saw during that debate but at the same time, boris, i was just one minute of a clip, so it's very hard to really read into that anymore in terms of how it compares now, compared to what we saw during the debate that was a much longer episode of seeing some of the symptoms that you and i've been talking about throughout the day? >> and to that point sanjay you're saying that now is the time for biden to undergo detailed cognitive testing to share the results with the public. what specifically have you been seeing from biden over the last few days and the debate that made you feel he needs to do that what was really it was really the debate. >> i mean, i don't think that there was anything, frankly knew there. i think there's been these episodes of people have seen in the past. but i
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think it was more pronounced during the debate. and i think it was very sustained for a long period of time. specifically, and there was all these different neuro docs who are calling me and texts me and emailing me about this. i think that some of the specific symptoms, the halting speech, sort of the rambling sometimes it was confused, rambling, but also just the voice volume, just speaking very softly and reduced facial movements again, he said he had a cold could call the count for some of these things. yeah and nobody is saying that these particular signs are diagnostic of anything. but i think what a lot of people have suggested and i think makes sense is that he should get a cognitive exam it would later rest this site. this question, are these just episodes or is this some sort of underlying condition that could be diagnosed and potentially treated by the way, i should point out that in the
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united states, anyone over the age of 65 is supposed to get a cognitive exam as part of their annual wellness check. that's supposed to happen. it doesn't often happen. it takes a while to actually do these types of exams. but that is sort of standard recommendation for anyone over the age of 65 so it wouldn't be that out of sorts to have had that done. but according to the white house house president biden has not had a cognitive exam and his doctors have never recommended one if he were to take one, what would you be looking for? >> what would be the most important things that you would identify and what would they tell you? >> yeah, so these types of this type of testing is pretty involved you're looking at cognition, but you're also looking at the overall metabolic health. you're seeing what the impact of physical health is on the brain. you're talking to family members, you're doing extensive physical exams. but what you're really ultimately trying to get at is how is the
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person doing in terms of processing speed? how are they in terms of their executive judgment? and how are they doing in terms of memory. but i get i think getting back to this crucial point, everybody has bad days, time to time, no matter your age. frankly, everyone has bad days and they could be exacerbated by a for night sleep by low blood sugar by a viral illness. so the real question is, when you do these types of testing, are you finding things that are indicative of a more long-lasting condition of some sort and this isn't to malign or embarrass. it's more to say, hey, look, there's something going on here, something that could potentially be treated were addressed dr. sanjay gupta always appreciate the insight you've got. >> thanks, boris. >> thanks in front. now, charles myers, a major biden donor. charles, thanks so much for being with us. you are still behind president biden, but you said that the window for him to turn this around is shrinking how critical do you think this interview is? and
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the next 24 to 48 hours are for his campaign well, i think the interview is very important because the american people need to see the president unscripted answering questions and to show, or to see if he is alert and capable not only of running the rest of this campaign, but continuing think to run the country for another four years. >> so i do think it's important. i think also he's out on the campaign trail, wisconsin on his way to pennsylvania seeing him on the campaign trail also matters. i think they've got about a week to turn this around. i know they're working very hard to do that from what we've seen so far in the interview, what did you think look, he sounds good. i think i haven't seen a lot of it because ready to come on air, frankly, but i look forward to watching the whole thing and i'm guessing that he's going to look and sound pretty strong. >> i'm also wondering what you think about what we just heard from sanjay. do you think the president needs to take a
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cognitive test and then release the results to reassure the american people that he's up to the job. and another potential for years like, i think a lot of people call for that. i think perhaps if we hold every politician to that standard, then yes. but i don't think it's going to happen. so instead, as i've been saying, we're in a full force political hurricane in this country where you have a sitting president who just won the primary people, in his own party and donors calling for him to step aside. it's unprecedented, and i think it's a bit unfair. i think he should be given the opportunity test or not. i think he should be given the opportunity as any elected official in the world would do after a stumble to try to turn this around. and i'm buying them as long as he's trying so that question of donors, there was a major democratic donor, an heir to the disney fortune, abigail disney. but issued this ultimatum to democrats. >> she said, quote, i intend to stop any contributions to the party unless and until they
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replace biden at the top of the ticket how seriously do you think this kind of message is taken in biden world? how does the biden campaign see that kind of threat? >> well you know boris, i always say this as a donor as well, i think because most understand to be pretty successful people, they tend to overestimate their importance and their influence on both sides. >> there are a handful of donors that have spoken up very publicly, including the person you just mentioned. now that are calling for the president biden to step aside. but the truth is the biden campaign is in absolute damage control mode. i don't think that focused on what a handful of donors are saying. the truth is actually one of the other big donors that's putting together a pac to support someone else, never supported biden. actually, the primary supported dean phillips. so again, i think it's a handful most donors or sticking with the president for now to see if he can turn it around. secondly, by the way, what a lot of donors aren't spending enough
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time on is what is plan be. a lot of donors and i'd argue a lot of democrats who want the president to step aside are engaged in the political version of fantasy football. coming up with all sorts of creative combinations. michelle obama with all sorts of people the truth is, the plan b is kamala harris and we need to focus on that. if the president steps aside, in the meantime, let's let's give them a chance in some room to turn this around. >> charles myers we, appreciate you joining us thank you i'll front next, a former defense ministers, senior generals, and other executives, all purged from china's communist party. what's going on with the largest military in the world? and will take you to one community it has absolutely no escape from the deadly heatwaves that are suffocating the southwest. we'll be right back sunday dr. sanjay gupta reports on hold for the devastating effects of alzheimer's reversing, something that seems so preordained. >> it sounds extraordinary dr. sanjay gupta reports the last
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price i'm melissa bell in paris and this is cnn tonight trying to gaming out how to blockade taiwan with just drones. and it's likely not a coincidence as the u.s. is developing its own plan to send thousands of drones to the taiwan strait defend off a poem possible attack by china. but is china's military even capable of what it claims? will ripley has a story you'll see first on our front china's people's liberation army under strongman leader xi jinping projects power pouring billions to rapid-fire military modernization. >> some say the world's biggest build-up in a century the dramatic downfall of two former defense ministers purged from china's communist party for alleged corruption along with about a dozen other
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high-ranking officials, has some wondering just how bad already the pla a really is. li shangfu and wave phone her also stripped of their rank as senior generals seriously polluted the political and industrial atmosphere in the field of military equipment. chinese state media says calling their actions extremely serious both handpicked by xi himself the armed omphalos, the pra, has to be very lawyers. >> two other communist party loyalty and corruption widespread in the chinese military says taiwan's former defense minister andrew yang, i would say it's really beauty into the communist party system. >> therefore, he has to introduce a very heavy punishments. >> the latest bombshells exposing the limits of xi's anti-corruption campaign, both disgrace defense ministers linked to china's elite rocket force. >> this will not be held helping them from a warfarin
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viewpoint. >> longtime asia analyst peter layton says, systemic corruption challenges china's ambition to grow into a world-class military power in a matter of years. >> he's constantly pushing it to get, to get better and better. as you say, to be able to fight wars and to win wars from the south china sea to democratic taiwan to cuba, where csis says china may be expanding spy base is less than 100 miles from the florida coast. >> china calling that pure fantasy, saying that basis never existed us and the world are watching closely watching, not just china's military moves, but also the fallout from this latest scandal, boris li and wei, like most generals dismissed or disappeared in the last year, have been linked to the rocket force or military equipment. and earlier this year, the vice chair of china's central military commission talked about cracking down on what he called
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fake combat capabilities, raising questions about the rockets and equipment they were purchasing. could boris trying to actually be signaling that they're not ready for war? >> yeah, an important question will ripley thank you so much for that report on for next, imagine having to endure 110 degree temperatures with no electricity. it's a reality for many in one community here in the united states. a special report, straight ahead i love milwaukee. >> cnn is lie from milwaukee as republicans unite behind their nominee, his vp, and their plan to take that the white house follow cnn for complete coverage. the republican national convention starts monday, july 15th, 800 cnn. this election season, cnn has you covered, no matter the question from more about the candidates, two rules in your state to catch senior ballot. the cnn voter handbook has your answers. visit cnn slash vote for yours 20 seconds
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cnn tonight, a sweltering heat and no air conditioning. >> it's the reality for one of the poorest places in the country get 11 dhahirah is out front bryant watches a power line crew with curiosity and wonder for 70 years, he's lived on this patch of the navajo nation in new mexico without electricity seems like a life-changing moment for you it. >> is is going to be real good his family's home, will soon be connected to the power grid. >> that means air conditioning in the refrigerator it comes as the summer heat intensifies yeah. yeah. it's getting hot and hot and hot drier and drier and less dangerous, brings the sun comes down right first this summer power line crews have planted 55 polls stretching
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along four miles through this rugged landscape the work is part of a non-profit partnership known as light up navajo the goal is to bring power to 13,000 families who live without electricity in one of the poorest places in the country, the crews come from 46 different power utility companies in 16 states this group of lines admin signed up for this assignment. and as the planet gets warmer, they sensed the urgency of their mission to me, it's just some thinkable that here where the greatest country in the world than we have americans living without power or water. >> all that it's crazy that, that still happens in american 2024. >> so will your less than 24 hours away from giving electricity at your house? yeah. yeah. exactly. >> this is william tom's last night living without power tomorrow. cruz will connect his home to the newly installed power leinz, reaching his house he's lived here 15 years and
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often slept outside because it's cooler. and did you ever get frustrated? did you ever think this is a hard way to live yeah, of course. yeah. there's there's frustration this summer though, will feel different with a flip of a switch good on tear on the breakers. >> you read all right. yeah. when you're ready ready. >> here we go there we go. awry like that's pretty good. light bulbs working. yeah. yeah, that was working. now you can go by and air conditioning unit i need to i need to yes, i do the light up navajo project started in 2019, almost 850 homes have been connected to the power grid. navajo nation is roughly the size of west virginia with home spread out across rugged in isolated terrain it will likely take decades to finish the project while one family celebrates, it's a reminder that thousands of others remain
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disconnected left struggling through the painful summers or lean henry's house has a small solar panel that provides a few hours of electricity. but her son needs around the clock oxygen they use their car as a power source. you'll come here to just to cool off yeah. >> cool. often hear two plus rac she's lived like this for 56 years. yeah. was this out? yeah. it's too hot. that scary like now it's too hot in there because it's almost, almost 100 degrees today yeah. >> i get scared. so i i'm scared for my son. it's too hot. i was withheld. >> it's not clear when the light up navajo initiative will reach are arlene's home until then her family will find refuge from the heat by chasing the shade cash by their home. as the sun passes over