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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  July 6, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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dr. sanjay gupta reports the last alzheimer's patient tomorrow at eight on cnn you are in the cnn newsroom on this saturday, and pamela brown and washington president biden i didn't is digging in on his reelection campaign resisting calls from members of his own party. the step aside and the first televised interview since his shaky debate formance last week, by called it a bad night and said the muted mics did not help having a bad night. >> and i realize that even when i was answering a question, even if they turned his mic off, he was still shouting and i let it distract me my blaming on that. but i realized that i just wasn't in control cnn's arlette saenz is live in wilmington, delaware, where the president is spending the day
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before heading back to the campaign trail. >> so our lead does the biden campaign think that that interview was enough damage control? how are they viewing it well, pamela biden's aides really view that interview as one of the key opportunities to try to ways some of the concerns of americans voters after that debate, performance is presence, trying to make his pitch that he is up for a second term, but it does not appear that it has east all of the concerns of some democrats and officials within his own party who still believe that the president should step aside in this race. now the president came out in this interview, quiet defiance, insisting that he would not end his campaign before november. he also said that or would not commit to having to undergoing a cognitive test at a time when many americans have concerns about his age and health following that debate, performance, the president also forcefully pushed back on the idea that top democrats wants to see get out of the race. take a listen everyone it all
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said i should stay in the race. >> stay in the race. no one said no. i should leave. but if they do not do that you sure yeah. i'm sure look i mean, if for more than mighty cannot sit yogurt out of the race, i gather race and lord, on monday is not coming down now so far, five house democratic lawmakers have said that they want to see biden step aside the race. >> the most recent lawmaker to do so was congresswoman angie craig of minnesota. she released his statement this morning saying that the president's debate performance, as well as a lack of but forceful response from him in the days after have led her convinced led her to believe that the president would be unable to wage a campaign and beat donald trump in november, the president are right now is still very defiant in the face of these calls by some lawmakers to step aside.
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he and his team trial nine, to craft a schedule, crafted some type of campaigning that they're hoping will ease some of the current surgeons of voters of it's still within his own party. there's a lot of questions about president biden moving forward. it's interesting because publicly president biden clearly is digging in his heels, defiance and is not going anywhere privately though. he is leaning on his campaign co-chairs asking them what they think, right yeah people who have spoken, president biden's, he has privately told once he ally the he knows how critical these coming days and weeks are to his candidacy this morning, he called into a meeting of his campaign co-chairs i spoke to one of the participants, senator chris coons. he said that this call lasted for over an hour and that president biden was seeking honest input and advice about the best path path forward in this campaign, koons is one of those allies who has encouraged the president to really engage in
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these more unscripted casual types of moments. he said he expects president biden to do that that's going forward now, the president right now, is that his home? and wilmington, delaware, but tomorrow he is heading just across the state to battleground, pennsylvania, where he will be be attending a church service in an african american community in philadelphia in the morning, and then a bit later in the afternoon attending campaign events in harrisburg, the campaign existed since that he is going to be hitting the trail more in the coming month and that they want to ensure that he is engaging in those types of unscripted moments. another test point for him with voters heading into november's election all right, or left signs. >> thanks so much for joining us now is national political correspondent for axios, alex thompson. thanks for joining us tonight. you really been leading the way hey, alex, on reporting on everything since the debate as it pertains, a president biden and what your sources on the hill, what they're thinking i've talked to a couple of folks certainly they were not too impressed with the interview that biden
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did and didn't actually think particularly helped him. what are you hearing yeah, absolutely. >> i think two things. one is the fact that joe biden waited over a week to even do the interview. i think really concerned a lot of democrats. he basically was down the first several days after the debate, despite the north carolina row hallie then went and spent the weekend at camp david and only really started to really try to stop the bleeding both internally with his own staff campaign and white house staff who were feeling very much neglected and felt like they weren't getting honest answers and so it was a little bit of too little too late i would not be surprised. i actually probably expect that when congress comes back, you're going to see a lot more statements like we've seen both calling him explicitly to drop out and also sort of equivocating and saying, well, it's his decision but the problem with that is that congress doesn't get a vote in this. and joe biden, the joe
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biden, we saw late last week is a joe biden that is very defined a president who has defied many of his doubters for decades and seizes has key to his personal narrative. and i think we see a president that's more dug in the last 72 hours and he was a week ago right? in fact, i just spoke to democratic congressman gerry connolly earlier in the show when he was saying the more you call on him to step down, the more he's going to dig in that's what he does, ms back is up against a wall. he's not calling on and biden to step down, but he certainly expressed concern. here's a flit from that interview i do believe that what happened at the debate was more than a bad night. >> i am not about to throw him overboard because of a bad experience. i want to give him every opportunity to try to recover. having said that at the end of the day, we cannot afford ford to make a mistake
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about donald trump and time is of the essence here, alex, at what point did these lawmakers who are loyal to biden call on him to make a decision i mean, it hit time is running out. >> the democratic convention is about five weeks away and have to get the exact day count for you and i think it's still very possible and if not probable, that a joe biden is that the nominee? it would be very almost impossible to remove him and it's really a singer can go person decision. and also another interesting thing, i think a lot of people think, well, joe biden is a man of congressman or the senate these relationships will these people will really matter to them. the thing you have to remember though, is joe biden left the senate and early 2009, he doesn't know most of the people. he knows a few, especially in the senate. but the people that have long, long relationships with him, a lot of them are gone. and it's unclear having some of these some of these congressmen call for him to drop out. we'll
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matter the other thing you i think you alluded to this is you see, in order to stop him from digging in further and you notice law, of the statements are always beforehand. they always talk about how graded no president he's been, he's amazing historic as sort of this way of these are statements not meant to shame job another race, but to convince him. >> yeah. i've noticed that you saw that from governor haley yesterday talking about, you know, he's had a great record now it's really important for him to evaluate. it's interesting too, because in that interview with george stephanopoulos, he saying all these democratic leaders are saying stay in the race, fight be unequivocal we're not hearing that publicly really, right from the democratic leaders. and in fact, i spoke to one hill source today, democratic lawmaker who said this person is in hearing it either behind this teens, it seems more like they're trying to sort of figure things out of the five house democrat to have called on biden to step down. only one of them is this swing isn't a swing district representative, andy craig for
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minnesota. why aren't other vulnerable democrats speaking out i think it's sort of goes to your point earlier, is that people feel uncertain about how this is going to affect the race you in some ways, you could argue that the beltway, mainstream media, mainstream democrats they're actually coming toward voters already. >> were when it comes to joe biden and his age, that a lot of voters that already baked in and that was reflected in the polling. now, we've obviously seen some polls that you joe biden falling further behind this, this last week, but he's still within shooting ray. he's still within range. and i i think there's still some democrats that wonder maybe he's still electable, that maybe the debate wasn't as damaging as they originally, they originally thought. so i think there's gonna be a lot of waiting and seeing you're going to have to wait for more polling or have to wait for how donors react to all this. do they pull their money or at least just not give as much as they were going to do other why
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is and then i think the other thing is we're going to see more reporting. i think a key question is was this the first time that joe biden act this way behind closed doors and were there people that we're engaged in seeing it, but then thinking it wasn't as big of a deal, i think the more reporting about how joe biden has been acting behind the scenes is the other thing that could convince more democrats to eventually conclude that he isn't the best choice to go up against donald trump. >> i want to bring in seen in media analyst and senior media reporter for axios, sara fisher. now thanks for joining the conversation. sara. so the president did a pair of radio interviews this week after his debate today, we learned those radio hosts who appeared on cnn, that the biden aides provided questions in advance for approval. here's a mashup. other radio hosts and their separate interviews asking very similar questions can you speak
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to some accomplishments that we may or may not be familiar with? >> about your record especially here in wisconsin for people that may say what has the biden harris administration done for me as a black person? what progress has been made here in pennsylvania? >> so the biden campaign says it's common practice to send topics, by the way, these were questions not topics difference. and the interview was not conditioned on asking these questions. i mean, as a journalist, if a government entity sent me questions, i let me that's that's malpractice in my view. what do you think? but what are your thoughts on this? >> yeah, absolutely not practiced the biden administration. they are veterans, they know better, but really pamela, what this suggests to me is just how ill-prepared he was even for this interview. the fact that they have been sending questions to these radio show hosts. and amid these
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interviews, the answers he still had stumbles. he should know these answers in an out if he's administration is the one sending the questions beforehand, but you're right, this is not common practice. you don't typically have any type of interview staff send questions, let alone the staff on behalf of the president of the united states. it's a little bit embarrassing. and it also shows you how much they're scrambling to control the narrative right now yeah what do you think alex, i mean, how the white house has handled the fallout and now we're learning this that it tried to basically cure rate, quote unquote interview and tried to stage an interview essentially with president biden with these black radio hosts. what are you hearing from your sources and their reaction to this yeah, a few things. >> one is the thing that you have to remember is this was the first interview after the debate. this was all this chatter biden allies saying job
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get out there more. he has to go and unscripted settings yes. to show that what the debate was was just in fact, a quote, bad night, which has been a lot of their messaging. this was the first these are the first two interviews that joe biden did after the debate. who is wednesday and thursday? and the fact that they still had it basically prescripted, i think is really striking raises more questions, not less about about that as bad as fitness and about his age. the second thing i i've heard is internally this was they went through a process that was not normal. the white house is director of black media was not included in this process. the campaign is basically said this was a campaign interview. so the white house was not involved and that was why. but it was striking that this because i talked to some democratic activists are democratic strategists in the black community, and they felt that this was really patronizing the fact that you would basically
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the leverage, the fact that this is a small local black radio and you're getting an interview with the president and basically say, well, if you're gonna do it, then here are the questions we want you to ask. >> so let's talk about just the media strategy so far sarah, because you have this pair of radio interviews, you had this sit down with abc what do you make of the overall strategy and what the campaign is trying to do moving forward with making them more available for off the cuff, comfortable moments and that kind of thing. is that going to move the dial it off for those skeptics out there? >> i don't think it's going to move the dial enough, pamela, let's take a look at the ratings. so 8.5 million people watched that george stephanopoulos interview, but 51.3 million watch the debate no matter what he does in television and radio, it's not going to make up for the numbers of the people that saw well, that debate of all the coverage that it got of the viral means of him. and then additionally, the strategy from the white house is to sort of
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script unscripted moments, right? this radio interviews are the exact example of that. we want to make it look like it's unscripted, like he can handle things in real time. but we're handing him questions. same thing when it comes to rallies and things like that or any kind of press conference, i'm going to be looking out for whether or not they're a teleprompter is whether or not he is speaking quite twisty. whether or not they take spontaneous questions from reporters. those are all things that the biden administration has not been doing in terms of putting joe biden out there, are they going to get comfortable now because they have two and if they do, is the present isn't equipped to do it. i think a lot of folks watch that george stephanopoulos interview and thought that he was still pretty slow certainly. >> and you heard jerry connelly on here earlier, say took issue with some of the things he said about god almighty will have to come and tell me to leave the race for you to leave the race and just saying, hey, if i lose again strong by gave it my all certainly not satisfactory. i want to just ask you quickly, alex, before we let you go. so it struck me as i was listening to the interview when george stephanopoulos very, who did it, i thought a masterful job
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asking the right questions with the right tone as luck, would you take a cognitive test? best and he pressed him on that and president biden said, we'll every day, i'm taking a cognitive test. well, the bottom line is, he failed that's a standard, he failed that test on debate night, right? i mean, i think that's a pretty universal view and as you laid out, sarah with interviews, he's done it he certainly hasn't been past you them with flying colors. so what's the discussion behind the scenes, alex, about about that? and hearing from the white house doctor shootings i mean, the fact that the more troubling thing isn't just the debate is that voters overwhelmingly are saying that they don't think he's passed the cognitive tests. >> now, joe biden's dog for i can tell you it's been with him forever. he was also involved treating joe biden, son, beau biden when he had cancer. they are very, very close. he's also a bit of a character, is a bit of an eccentric person, which is why some people have
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speculated that even during when joe biden had covid, they did not let him out on up to address reporters he's but now pressure is building, especially in light of the debate for people to hear from him. and you're already seeing profiles, you're seeing coverage, you're seeing people dissecting the visitor logs to see who he's been meeting with. and if there's any connection to joe biden's to joe biden to the president's health. and that's going to continue it will be really striking to see if we hear from him. >> and i imagine that that pressure will only build on this this white house physician kevin o'connor, and on the president, because if this is his standard watch me every day. i mean, every little thing right from now now, i mean, we know president biden's, but gaffe prone and so forth. but every little thing now will be looked at under the microscope, even more, under more scrutiny, right? through a different lens. alex thompson, sara fisher, thank you both and new tonight, how the supreme court ruling on executive immunity is
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changing donald trump's classified documents case in florida. good. some of the evidence being thrown out plus tropical storm beryl is heading toward the texas coast and it's expected to strengthen into a hurricane again before becoming the first dorm to make landfall the u.s this year and hamas says, it's ready to drop a key demand that's been a sticking point in talks with israel for a truce. you're in this cnn newsroom judge rock i didn't waiting for this all year. >> hosted by john said shark week starts sunday at eight and discovery stream on mac you know, if you are cashback and you could earn on everything would just one car chase freedom unlimited. >> it's all your off the rockin or grab your cash back in, cash back on flap jackets, baby back for tacos at the taco shack. >> i'm working on my six pack
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during that period joining us now to discuss is cnn legal analyst and criminal defense attorney joey jackson. so joey judge cannon has previously been accused, are favoring trump by continuing to delay the trial in this case. is that what you think she's doing here or do you viewed this as a legitimate move? >> show, pamela, good to be with you as it relates to this specific case. i think it's legitimate. i think it is fair criticism with regard to what she has done in terms of delaying previously. why? because as a practitioner, i can tell you that judges are about moving their calendars, resolving and disposing of cases on, the, merits and quickly, there's a lot to get through with respect to this case is the supreme court ruling that supreme court ruling create certain laws in terms of the president being immune for official acts. and so it's important to give the parties there say, i think the attorneys have legitimate arguments. they want to raise on behalf of trump, and i think the prosecution and jack smith's team has legitimate arguments. they would like to
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rebut. and so allowing for a motion schedule for those determinations to be made is absolutely proper under the law. what the decision made thereafter, we can talk about when it comes as to whether or not that was a proper improper decision. but this right here, i think is the only way to fly so let's dive in to the immunity ruling this week, the supreme court's decision says, the former president has absolute immunity for the exercise of his core powers under the constitution and some immunity for his official acts as president but that trump has no immunity for his unofficial acts. >> why does that impact the classified documents case? if most of the alleged behavior happened after he left office yeah. well, with respect to the supreme court's ruling itself, i think it's fair to criticize the ruling and it's fair to give the notion that we have to have trust and respect for so for any court, much less the supreme court. but when it makes decisions like this, it makes your head spin. i'll get
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into that at another time as it relates to this this specific case. i think the argument is going to be that the official acts were the president possessing the classified documents while in office, removing those classified documents after while still in office, he removed them and whether or not he legitimately declassified them while he was still president. and so with respect to this ruling of the supreme court, would they create did law you can argue for a friend of theirs, a fellow conservative of this. wow notwithstanding that, and really the criticism you can make towards that, i think the trump argument will be that while he was president in possession of these documents, that's the critical inquiry, not what happened to after the fact. now it's fair argument and you could say, well, wait a minute, it was being charged because he was possessing a map the president, he shouldn't have had them in the first place. they would classify, they were brought to mar-a-lago. they warned in the white house, absolutely. that's true. but i think you're going to hear the core argument pamela being that the issues relating to the classified documents, his
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having those classified documents and what he did with the classified documents were when he was officially president and to the extent that it protects your official acts, this immunity, those arguments are going to be centered around that time line, not the timeline to follow in maryland, but to be clear, it wouldn't impact the obstruction charges in that case, right? >> well, you can argue a doesn't impact the obstruction charges, but i think the issue is going to be if it wasn't a crime in the first instance, then what are you up obstructing? and so that's going to be the argument obstructing is never appropriate, making false statements is never appropriate. but if there's not an underlying crime because the acquis official, it's covered by immunity then what you do after is not as significant, is that the acts were are crime and that line of argument, i think you're going to see also advanced by his attorneys, joey jackson. thanks for breaking that down for us. us, and israeli officials are cautiously optimistic about the latest back-and-forth with hamas as they tried to hash out
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the finer points of a proposed truce. that could mean a ceasefire and the return of hostages and we have some breaking news coming in, hurricane and storm surge warnings issued for the texas coast. we have the new forecast on beryl's projected path. stay with us tomorrow. that's the precedent fights to stay on the ticket. senator chris murphy join stan the democrats, urging biden to step aside, plus with trump about to name his running mate and potential vp pick senator marco rubio, state of the union live tomorrow morning at not every five a driver will crash. many or distract driving too fast. based dangerous drivers are everywhere. so get their attention with lizard flare. those super bright flare without any flames, lizard flare uses 15 high intensity led strobes that really grab your attention so you can be seen up to a mile away in every
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last week. israel's military ordered what evacuations and parts of gaza city. as once again, ramped up ground operations there. nearly 1.9 million people. that's almost the entire population of the gaza drip have been displaced since the war began. seeing in politics and global affairs analyst barak ravid joins us now he is also and axios politics and foreign i'm policy reporter. so barack i understand you have new reporting tonight on the ceasefire negotiations taking place in qatar next week yes. >> the new thing here is that the cia director, bill burns is expected to travel to the region next week. i think it could be on tuesday or on wednesday. it's still not finalized he's going to doha in qatar for a meeting with the prime minister of qatar, who is the key mediator in the deal. and head of the egyptian intelligence service, who is also mediator in this deal, and the director of the israeli spy
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chief the mossad, david barnea, who's also in qatar already yesterday for initial talks. and in the meantime, until this quad of senior officials that israeli delegations will go to both cairo and doha to start hashing out the details about how to implement this deal. there are many, many remaining gaps that need to be solved so i'm wondering, bill, bill burns going is breed in a big name and to help push things the last few inches over the finish line i think so. >> and i think there's still there are two issues here. first there are the operational details of how to implement the deal. this is for experts and lower level officials to discuss. but i think what burns is coming to do is to try and settle this last big issue that is part of the main principles of this deal. and this is about
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what exactly the deal is going to say on what happens when you move from the first phase of the deal, the humanitarian phase? to the second phase of the deal, that is supposed to include a sustainable calm in gaza and this transition from phase one and phase two is a very politically sensitive issue for both sides israel and hamas. and there's still a disagreement on how exactly you make this transition. so what about the hostages families? >> what are they thinking through this? and my heart just goes out to them. i mean, so many months on and their loved ones still being held hostage are they up to mistake? it is the rest of the country onboard well, i think the hostage families are pressing very hard on the israeli government, especially prime minister and ateneo not to take the deal because in a way it's his
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proposal. >> it's more that they're pressing him not to back off and not to listen to the more radical right-wing elements in his coalition that are threatening to leave the coalition if this deals goes through and i think that when you look at broader in israeli public opinion channel 12 poll israeli channel 12, the biggest tv network in israel published a poll last night that showed that 67% of israelis thing that the return of the hostages should be the number one priority for the israeli government and only he 26% said that the destruction of hamas needs to be the top priority. so i think it shows very well where the israeli public is at this moment. >> and what about netanyahu's far-right government? because netanyahu has clearly said time and time again, the destruction hamas is the priority, is the public opinion on this matter, swain him at all it's unclear.
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>> i think what is more netanyahu is mainly concerned is how to make sure that his government doesn't fall because in every poll that almost every poll that's been conducted over the last few months, you see that if elections were held today, he would be defeated and one of the things that this pole that was published last night showed was that 54% of israeli is, this is, this is an amazing point in my opinion, 54% of israeli say that the war in gaza continues because of netanyahu's political considerations this is a very serious accusations from the majority of the israeli public against the prime minister to say that the work continues because of his political survival and i think it also tells you a lot where the israeli public is these days it certainly does. barak ravi. thank you so much. nice to see. you. will see an end heroes is
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back and we're kicking out this year's campaign by catching up with 2011 cnn here bro, you evolve roth he founded the israeli non-profit road to recovery for nearly two decades. the organization is transported sick palestinians to and from there are medical treatment and israel anderson cooper shares how their work is now more important than ever today after hamas is brutal attacks on israel road to recovery continued its work transporting sick palestinians from checkpoints in the west bank to israeli hospitals today, they're helping 40 to 50 patients a day it's an opportunity for us days that is to meet the palestinian and to make what they call a model, how of peace each trip is one hour of peace and we are doing everyday, a lot of one, however, this if we really want one day normal life for us and
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for the palestinian, we should make effort to achieve it in the bible, there is a phrase but cash shalom villas fail. it's means that you ask for peace and you have to one after the peace in order that it will happen this is our mission this is the fall ongoing efforts of road to recovery go to cnn and while you're there, nominate someone you think should be cnn hero and look for our first new 2024 cnn hero next week, we'll be right back cnn heroes. he is brought to you by surprise. the number one choice in clean up and restoration when you're the leader in disaster clean up and restoration how do you make like it never even happened all
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why we were voted on america's number one container moving company. hook your move today at pods i'm kevin liptak at the white house. and this is cnn justin mandatory evacuations are underway in texas is tropical storm beryl closes in on the coast. cnn meteorologist chad myers is tracking the storm from the scene and weather center. chad, you're getting some new information this hour on the storm, give us a latest as expected, pamela, the hurricane warnings have now been posted from baffin bay just all the way up to the north, passing through corpus christi, passing through victoria rock port and the light port lavaca and we knew that these hurricane warnings were going to be issued. >> so hurricane conditions can be expected now, as this storm continues to move through something else though that got bumped up a little bit in the 5:00 advisory, the storm surge potential here with storm surge warnings and also now up to six feet of surge and for you, when
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you talk about this, a lot of the area that's going to get hit first is it national seashore? but the water is going to get into the back bayes and push all of that water into corpus christi, possibly into port lavaca. and this is the areas that are going to see the most surge potential and flooding potential from saltwater. so here's the storm right now, still hasn't picked up any intensity. that's the good news. i'm seeing a little bit more color, a little bit more purple in the very last frames there, which means that the convection is getting colder the cloud tops are getting higher, and the storm is trying to intensify a little bit. we expect that to happen overnight when the surge when the shear goes down at night, especially after sunset, that's when storms start to perk up a little bit right now, we have very warm water. we still have shear, but as that goes away tonight, i think we're going to get a much bigger storm tomorrow morning you wake up compared to where we are right now and yet still a category, one is the forecast. but the water is so very warm, the potential is there for a lot more to go here. and the good news is this is not a harvey
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event where the storm is going to stall. it is going to be long gone after 24 hours leaving grain yes. i mean, we could still get eight to ten inches of rainfall and that won't cause some flooding, but not 55 and 60 inches like the ridiculous storm harvey produce their around houston, pamela? yeah. we've certainly remember that for sure. all right. thanks so much, chad myers. thank you. i made political shift may be coming in france as voters this weekend, choose between the country's first far-right government in decades or political deadlock. we're going to discuss you're the cnn newsroom. we've got a lot of news on this saturday. stay with us i didn't waiting for this. >> all year hosted by john seen shark week arch sunday at eight, and discovery driven that weight, knew i can design a personalized weight loss plan for me.
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his grandkids more darker liver health der any today i dosed hey, mom, how many should i decorate a have ran have blue. that's a really
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tough call. who are you if you look at the latest data? you're probably going to need a lot of those purple sprinkles. >> how this guy really knows his stuff closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelioma victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. >> you may be entitled to a portion of that money all when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400 well voters in france will cast their ballots and the high-stakes parliamentary runoff elections after french naturalists lead in the first round, the results could cause ripples well throughout europe. >> it could also mark a major turning point and francis relationship with the u.s. and it all comes just weeks ahead of the olympic games in paris. saskia van doron has more the schwa, don't have any a dramatic move. no one saw coming here's a diesel donc swa less ambling as chanel
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following his party's stinging defeat in the european parliamentary elections last month french president emmanuel macron said he had no choice but to call a snap elections the stakes for the second round on sunday could not be higher the fall, right? anti-immigration national rally party and its allies came out on top in the first round euroskeptic and russia-friendly, it's dwyane mounting look ben claims to have detoxified the party who's early ranks included members of an ss military unit commanded by the nazis the left-wing new popular front block came second, leaving president mecole centrist alliance trailing in third place national rally leader and aspiring prime ministers or than bardella has leaned heavily on identity politics. >> thing that you feel are very tired of macron power during seven years of authentic, of all increasing immigration
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increasing taxes the 28-year-old has vowed to reduce immigration and free medical assistance for undocumented people and strip citizenship rights from those born to foreign parents on french soil. >> after the first round and unprecedented number of candidates qualified to move forward. wurie, this would split the vote two-thirds of the contestants from my paul's trump and the left-wing alliance dropped out their goal to block the national rally from getting the 289 seats. a very need to form an absolute majority fifth foot of the paralysis that would come from hong kong filament by the last that he would refuse to govern unless he commands such a majority one of the things or one of the big concerns that i think we should all have is that looming over all of this? >> is a presidential election in 2027 and one possibility is that in anticipation of those elections all of the parties in
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the parliament will see reasons to block each other elect that they will get electoral advantage for doing so the pen meanwhile has made a historic advance though it's unclear if that road will lead her all the way to the president and in 2027 that's given don cnn, paris well, we'll me hear about sharks. >> it's typically when there are attacks, like what we saw in texas and florida this week. so the whole idea of sharks can be scary, but some innovative educators in the bahamas are bringing kids up close to see why these misunderstood creatures need to be protected in today's impact your world many shark lab serves as a non-profit and in the bahamas and in the united states, we also have a major education component that's where we bring students in to the area around bemoaning. the tag.
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we'll go up here and anyone the students learn about the research, all of the types of tagging that we do, all of the long history that the shark god has done here for then take them out and really so they can see it with their own eyes. appreciate them in a new way and not be scared of some of these sharks so going to see the stingrays is a great introduction for the students, where people can get in at their own pace get very, very comfortable with them. you'll see when they go again, we're going to come right over one of our favorite the places to take the suitors two is up to the mangroves to go see the lemon shark nursery ground. the lemon shark refuge. and why they're such a value and making sure that those areas are protected and then work our way up to maybe some of the larger sharks that they do have a bigger fear of i guess i just fell in love i hope that my love for it can reach out to people around the world and help them on the
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stand. >> the sharks when we see a student that changes or perception of you going from one day being scared of sharks? >> to in a couple of days super passionate, wanting to pursue this as their career. remember that's why we do it tomorrow don't miss discovery shark week hosted by john sena, summer's biggest holiday starts tomorrow on discovery and streams on macs will be back pnc bag, proud sponsor of shark week starting sunday, july 7, and discovery great pnc bank, brilliantly borings since 18, 65 you know what's brilliant think about it. >> boring is the unsung cattle list for bolt. what's drops mold to a rocket, hurdles and into space or boring makes vacations happen, early retirements possible, and stops start off because it's smart dependable instead all words you want from your bank for nearly 160 years, pnc bank has been brilliantly boring. so you
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for this all year hosted by john seen. shark week starts sunday at eight, and discovery stream on max you were in the cnn newsroom and i'm pamela brown washington great to have you with us on this saturday night. >> while president biden is pushing forward with his reelection campaign despite growing calls for him to step aside last night, more than the week after his shaky debate performance, the president sat down for his first televised interview with abc news, where he once again dismissed the debate as a quote, bad night and denied concerns from members of his own party everyone it all said i should stay in the race, stay in the race. >> no one said no, let people i should leave. but if they do it's like not do that you sure. yeah. i'm sure look i mean, if the mortal