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tv   The Sixties  CNN  July 7, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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♪ ♪ this ain't no mudd club or cbgb ♪ ♪ i ain't got time for that now ♪ you pick any genre you like and i will tell you that the best music made in that genre was made in the 1970s. and you'll have a hard time proving me wrong. wild: what was great about a "me" decade is that it allowed the greatest artists of our times to do some of their greatest work because they were really exploring. that is as deep as popular art ever gets. ♪ in the nighttime ♪ ♪ i might not ever get home ♪ ♪ this ain't no party, this ain't no disco ♪ ♪ this ain't no fooling around ♪ ♪ i'd love to hold you, i'd love to kiss you ♪ ♪ but i ain't got time for that now ♪ ♪ trouble in transit, got through the roadblock ♪ ♪ we blended in with the crowd ♪ ♪ we got computers, we're tapping phone lines ♪
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♪ i know that that ain't allowed ♪ ♪ ah, make me shiver, i may feel tender... ♪ ♪ >> there are colonies of hippies springing up in most american cities. >> it's all related the psychedelics, the war, the >> there are colonies of hippies springing up in most american cities it's all related to psychedelics in the war, the protesting i'm planning on having a good time as long as i can smoke pot with your kids and then you understand why the kids are happy. >> it's a giant lobby should be in their sexual expression. >> you cannot ignore a change in morality. they're fascist, they don't like hippies and they don't like, please we do we do have to maintain law order and decency on the streets. what we're thinking about as a peaceful planet, we're not thinking about anything else, but they are trying to do what no one else has ever done before, find a
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new way for humanity
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merica in the early 60s it was a real good time of prosperity, but it was also kind of a stagnant time in terms of spiritual growth things were kind of in a standstill the baseline culture was materialism and also the feeling that the culture itself didn't honor the human spirit and didn't honore creativity and the early 1950s, the nation recognized and it's a social movement called beat generation of a novel titled on the road, became a best seller, would care wax book comes out. >> it became a revolution defined a new generation of what being beat means in a defined it as a spiritual revolution we should that if we're living in an age of conformity, if everybody's trying to work for the corporation that you're losing a sense of self i was traveling
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west one time at the junction of the state line of colorado i saw in the clouds huge mass above the theory golden desert of ev fall bleed image of god for finger pointed straight at me oh boy, go down across the ground. go moan for man. oh 00 well grown alone go roll your bones alone jack kerouac became like a godfather for the counterculture the village has a life and language, all its own. >> if you dig it, your hip, if you don't man years squared coffee houses, the neighborhood bars of bohemia, where the strongest potion is coffee. and the coffee house poet is the specialty of doubts to find a place where the eyes can rest beatniks. they had these coffee houses, they would go in and play chess and read poetry and those same coffee houses became
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a kind of a proving ground for folk singers and all young kids were running out to buy guitars and banjo dan and down and yorktown one. it gives me a lot more than the popular music of our own time does. my outlook is that topical song should be song because we don't do anything about say that bomb. the whole situation come to an end. >> this got to be an alternative to whatever ways of life are offered to them when democrat, republican and i would like to offer some kind of alternative somehow folk revival scene had a big part of politics. >> he can't get left politics out of woody guthrie or pete seeger. and so the greenwich village movement was there to celebrate people's culture if you like the music, you really were signing on for their ways of looking at the world to then eventually one guy emerges as being special a bullet from the
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back took medgar evers blood during that time in the 60s. >> as the cultural revolution was slowly bubbling. and kids were starting to question authority, question what was happening in their country. they're looking for answers. >> bob dylan thought that folk music was poetry. he took been energy and mixed it with folk culture. and it's more lyrical intensity than anybody's put to song before and the knee name is used. >> it is plain for the politician's gain as he rises to fame up until the time of bob dylan that were the on writers. and then where the singers, dillon started writing his own music. >> he says, i am going to comment on the world. i'm going to comment on the nature of this human experience. bob
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dylan was in this sort of white hot moment of saying more in the popular song than anyone ever had before, only in that game after the revolution of bob dylan, the music world moves west kenyan becomes the epicenter of the rock revolution the music scene was not happening in new york anymore. it was now la, everybody moved to laurel canyon actors, musicians artists. >> and so it was a kind of a whole community, very open, fewer driving over laurel canyon and you saw somebody hitchhiking, you just automatically pull over a brother, get in there? no. where are you going? >> laurel canyon was an incredibly interesting place to live in those days? i lived on lookout mountain with joni
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mitchell. crosby was close. steven was close. >> now it was all these artists who were singing the truth and the truth was this idyllic sort of sense of freedom there was a thriving community of kids that we're discovering their new life and couldn't wait to play you the new song that they'd run it was a lot of freedom. >> there was a lot of drugs, there was a lot of beautiful women that was a lot of good rock and roll being made was a fabulous time tomorrow, dr. sanjay gupta reports, i'm going to spend time here with this world renowned doctor believes he's figured out a way, not just to prevent all timers, but to reverse it is their new hope for the devastating effects of alzheimer's reversing something that seems so preordained. >> it sounds extraordinary. >> plus a very personal medical assessment. >> i've come to figure out whether i'm at risk or later dementia. >> dr. sanjay gupta report the last alzheimer's patient
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12:12 am lead with jake tapper we days at four and cnn these are stood suburban high school in los angeles they reflect the sun sensuality, and affluence which dominate life in southern california the latest fad is the sunset strip. during the past year and has become a playground i'm poor southern california's mobile, restless teenagers. it is the place to go people would meet down at clubs on the sunset strip and he would go to the trip or they would go to the lewis good girl go. >> it was a real happening we change from a culture of grownups that sort of looked
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down on kids two kids leaving. it is the creation of the teenager and the revolution began the los angeles county sheriff's the office as begun foot but patrol on the sunset strip to cope with the growing influx of youngsters. the notion of teenagers who had a culture of their own that weren't listening to their parents music kind of opens up this giant space for rebellions, large and small i believe 10% of the students have used, been are using marijuana and also a very probably very significant thing as acceptances gaining steadily and the usage is really increasing very, very rapidly. >> in la, we were all kind of smoking god's irb, whereas up
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in san francisco, it seemed like they were they were experimenting more with mine expansion, you know king cheesy took classes of writing at stanford university and he writes the great novel, one flow that cuckoo's nest this makes qizan celebrity wireless standard i was given the opportunity to go to the stanford hospital and take part in the lsd experiments kesey had volunteered to do test for lsd, a government sponsored test lsd was isolated by stolen hoffman in a sandoz pharmaceutical we've company of basel, switzerland if you happy i hope you must do because you have tears in your eyes is that a beautiful experience? we just say i would
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say yes. some people think it's wen qizan discovers lsd that the counterculture in california's born, because more and more people than one and try to experience with qizan, experienced and he becomes a promoter of it keys. >> he created a drug commune at la honda, which is an hour from san francisco great artists loves smashing traditions and it is best to qizan was doing that. >> everybody would have this communal lsd trip together. tom wolf would write the electric kool-aid acid test about it. >> people were constantly slipping drugs in my food. the number of times i would get around and what had happened they're doing a favor they're having the world's fair in new york so much was we're going to go. but the bunch of us were two big to fit in his station wagon. so he bought this converted school bus he was
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gonna put the bus day glow bright colors, and then go what he called unsettling america blowing people's minds the whole idea, boyd, people's minds was you have to present something to them that is so different. there's a crack comes open, which something new can come in the reaction always people was wonderful because what it was in 1964, there was no other thing like this happening. it's part of a kind of cultural revolution going on. making the squares pay notice to this underground of america when we got to new york city, which is the whole of the bees, were kerouac lived and picked him up because we are in his presence. we're just acting as goofy's. we could plan music, putting on costumes do it all kinds acts and stuff like that and kerouac's sat on the couch. we can big, tall budweiser. he was obviously not
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an enthusiastic guy those beats they had done their thing i really felt like the torch has been passed from those guys to the psychedelic generation. two. >> qizan. anyways, was very messianic and he started feeling that acid would allow you to see a larger truth. and they started saying, let's get as many people to try lsd as he can. >> and so we started running halls we called the thing the acid test and the ban, of course was known as the warlocks time went on. they changed their name is grateful dead run the wind and the eagles, the people, oh, come playing. >> lsd wasn't having illegal drug when qizan held these acid-test as they were, no, they'd have to vets one punch what was punched with lsd? >> yes, it tests for black a
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party is seen is a lot of light shows and music and people dancing when the dead would playing it was a way to feel that in waves and i looked down and i said, kids in front of me moving to the music. they looked up at me and i said yeah the drug culture really took hold. >> and that's where artists, where there was a grateful dead or the jefferson airplane were able to embrace it and put it in their music the counterculture in california's born, because more and more people than one or try to experience with qizan, experienced any became the kind of brand pool ball of the carnival of san francisco in the 60s there's nothing grown up or sophisticated in taking
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an lsd trip at all. >> they're just being complete i love milwaukee. >> cnn is lie for milwaukee as republicans unite behind their nominee, his vp, and their plans to take that the white house follow cnn for complete coverage. the republican national invention starts monday, july 15th, date on cnn, you know, there's this thing called age and it's sucks. >> if you're over 50, imagine you could turn back the clock on your stiff achy joints by years introducing instant flex advanced on tour. i can't let sore joints hold me via are used insta flex advance. it's restored toward my joints without just temporarily masking my symptoms when you can find a product that can take that away to the point chip-in live your life again that is a miracle to me. get a complementary sample, but beans to flex advanced just by texting gleam to three-to-one, three-to-one inch to flex advanced targets. >> the root cause of joint
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>> i got accepted in san francisco state and i found an apartment at hate and clayton street, right in the center of what would become the haight ashbury the psychedelic shop on h street started just over a year ago. >> it spreads the gospel of a dreamy new utopia based on brotherhood and love and lsd all or people up there that are confused and hungry for some kind of spiritual meaning life. that's why all these people are done. yeah, that's why there's so much interested in an aspirin because it offers some hope he moved up and live right down the street from the psychedelic shop people are going to hair long. >> they're wearing beads, they're playing music or less treat it was just an incredible environment at that point at the beginning. that's what i was just like one big giant family before you knew it, it is a congregating place for artists and the dividing lines seem to be the psychedelic experience. you couldn't understand the posters, you couldn't understand the fashions. you couldn't
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understand anything if you hadn't gotten high diggers, groups, scroungers, food and money to feed free. >> those who arrive in panhandle park with a bowl and an avatar diggers of people who shares his, their manifesto and their aim is a society where everything is shared, everything free the de, years were one of the first groups that were into social consciousness about what was needed to take care of this huge group of people that were coming into the haight-ashbury they have free shop, looks more like a playground at first sight. >> here they make sheets and close for other hippies who can come and take what they want without paying for it. >> everything in the store, was free, tools, clothing, televisions. and so we were inviting people to imagine a way of life that would please them. and then to make it real by doing it, what we're thinking about as a peaceful planet, we're not thinking about anything else. >> we're not thinking about any kind of power. we're not thinking about any of those kind of struggles or nothing
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about revolution the war, or any of that that's not what we want. nobody wants to get hurt. nobody wants to hurt anybody we would all like to be able to live an uncluttered life, a symbol life, a good life. and like, think about moving the whole human race ahead of step were a few stamps we wanted to learn more about the real meaning of life. why are we here? >> certainly not to kill each other, but here to celebrate life, to make music and do arts and love each other these people are hippies. >> they represent a new form of social rebellion. it is hard to figure out, but positive things i are in favor of. >> the reason we can no longer identify with the kinds of activities that the older generation are engaged in is because those actions pivot, these are our us meaningless. they have led to a monstrous war in vietnam, for example. we did want change from war from
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rigid ideas of what the sexes ought to be doing a change from black people ought to be here and white people ought to be here? >> no, why can't we try and make that work? the haight ashbury community has created the council prey summer of love in san francisco and the council is calling for creative love happenings for every weekend throughout the summer, we ask all who come here to come here in love and we ask all who live here too? >> greed all men with love bay at their best are trying for a kind of groups sainthood and saints running and groups are likely to be ludicrous they depend on hallucination for their philosophy this, is not a new idea and it has never worked it was sort of about divide of generations. >> a lot of mistrust young people didn't trust old people. old people didn't understand young people about longhand. it looks sloppy it
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doesn't, it doesn't differentiate the boys from the girls enough. >> we didn't call ourselves hippies. the hippies are a fabrication. they were an attempt to diminish young adults and infantilized this. and it certainly serves to exclude the people that were deeply thoughtful about the world that we're ready to dedicate their lives to making change and the question the paradigm of materialism look around, nothing work they only thing we're kid is presented with is 20 grew up you can join the army, you can go to war, you get a gig worker as an engineer, become a vegetable and drive to work in your own car. you're on big metal box it looks absurd. people in her metal box is like because going all over from job to job frustrated uptight what joy is there and live life should be lived is sure is and should be
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ecstasy the counterculture had the arrogance to tell everybody else what they were doing is wrong and nobody likes that it's estimated that anywhere from ten to 200,000 youngsters may pour into haight ashbury. this summer. many people are apprehensive. they fear that black power or other political activist groups may use hate street as a stage settings for riots. >> haight ashbury cannot handle 100,000 requests. is it ruined? >> the tension between the government and the people began to be evident. >> nobody should let their young children come into san francisco unsupervised to become a part of a group such as that their fascist is far as i'm concerned. they don't, they don't like hippies and they don't like things we do. and they try to harasses some bothers in some way. are there are revolutions, a war between generations. the hip is rallying cry is never trust
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anyone over 30 war of youth, culture against the establishment is in full swing on every front. >> about for policeman and a plan clothes when came in and said everybody got out, everybody got the store is closed. they wouldn't get the reason it went identify under what premise they were doing this when we asked them, they said pushing people around, they push people physically out of the store the mayor is, this is really very insidious. >> what he's up to. he wants to stop human growth. >> they have been leaders say all will be well flower power will prevent i say it will be a great pilgrimage hopefully, there'll be right. >> if it's necessary to bring in national guard. i'll bring in national guard i'll use whatever force is necessary came on. >> how many should i decorate it? have ran, have blue that's a really tough call. who are you. >> that's john king from cnn. >> let's look at the data your county leaned red eye 15 points
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lead with jake tapper week days it for on cnn we now seem to be witnessing in this country and elsewhere and intense preoccupation with the pursuit of pleasure hedonism, call it job gratification, call it what you will you cannot avoid noticing. >> you may not like it. you may not accept it, but you cannot ignore it. i change and morality turn-on tune in
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dropout in new york. and i spent some time in london in any large city. there were other haight-ashbury which people could coin to see. we are on the map. we're big, and were far more interesting than what you all have to offer you answer the questions with parents who are concerned about the use of lsd in marijuana for their children. these are young people who are hungering for older people for their parents to listen these, these youngsters want to share with their parents the grand jury, and the glory that they are encountering. and perhaps eventually when you're
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spiritually ready, you'll turn on with your children if you think that's the right thing to do? >> monterey pop it was the absolute ultimate login one looking the best that i've played pretty much ever is monterey pop fester monterey yet like lightning, popular music was changing in a become something different and there was a whole new generation of
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people that wanted to march with it. >> it said, get onboard we're leaving town we really get want do realize this is janis joplin before she was known, before she'd ever done her first album, before she'd ever done her first single some came all hang it's just music at its freshest and it's music that is just being born in the audience was like well willis
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luck or ball in peace and music can the policeman who was in charge, rod flowers out his men. >> and he said don't bust anybody monterey was that hippy dream come true? culture was changing. the hippie movement. it was swaying the mainstream
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this is where the youngsters come to buy their clothes and not just the youngsters. it's the young adults and the man who are 40, 50, and even 60-years-old unless dyads popped is going middle-class on spreading like prohibition ligand as more and more citizens get zoomed out of their minds the drug called enters the bloodstream of american life like it or not we're living in the stone day at its best, the counterculture came in with hard punches to the mainstream culture. >> people have already changed their minds about contraception. abortion, pre-marital, sex the 1960s were absolutely a sexual revolution because of the pill women could take charged with their own bodies that they can be sexual, that they didn't have to get pregnant everything sort of coalesce is sort of the perfect storm of societal forces come together here if you love somebody and people here, luck
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everybody. >> if you want to make love to somebody you should, there's no reason why you shouldn't free love was all well and good and there was a lot of accidental sex but we didn't look at it as hedonism. >> people were just so open to each other. and life was beautiful, you know, and people weren't judgmental the mainstream young people for telling their parents, you've been prohibiting am sexual freedom and the puritan work ethic is bunk there was clear the rules were changing, and the rules were really that there were no rules tomorrow, dr. sanjay gupta reports i'm going to spend time here with this world renowned doctor, believes he's figured out a way, not just to prevent all timers but two reverse it. >> is their new hope for the devastating effects of alzheimer's reversing, something that seems so preordained. it sounds extraordinary. >> plus a very personal medical
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1806, 181173 well if visit slim meant, so-called 1800 181173. now the lead with jake tapper, we days it for and cnn bank the topic tonight is the hippies. we have whether mr. jack kerouac one here who is said to have started the whole pizza and generation business check kerouac, never wanted to be a prophet. he wanted to be a great american writer, but famed destroys people in america do what extent do you believe? the, that the beat generation is related to the to the hippies. oh, what do they have in common? was this an evolution from the one you just the older ones? yeah. i'm 46-years-old.
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these kids 18 the beat generation was a generation of beatitude and a pleasure in life and tenderness. i believe in order and piety here's the progenitor really of the counterculture kind of discerning his own babies in try to make sense of a decade of the 60s, they'd, he didn't feel parry to the families, some kind of dionysia movement in which i did not intend this was pure at my hot all sorts of people have been writing various articles about the hippies, usually about the hippies as if there were animals, something to look at that we've gotten hundreds and literally thousands of people coming up the haight ashbury he wants people, makes haight ashbury a terribly unpleasant place to be in. >> news got out about the haight ashbury. it became
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overrun. >> are now entering what is known as the largest hip a colony in the world fountainhead a bit heavy stuff, culture the nickname has hash berries at marijuana of course but lsd is being used literally people made the trip to san francisco to be a part of something but by the time they got there, that trip was over this is the latest stage in the evolution of the hippie movement. >> the hippies are trying to get away so they go out to a cabin in the countryside and start a commune here. they can get away from the tourists and the reporters is badges him in senate the cisco communes started and this is really what the hippie movement was all about. an idea of sharing everything clothes, and food and everything. people could just help themselves we lived communally because it was the cheapest way to live. a lot of
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people began to clarify and simplify their lives. what will follow this? dispersal of the hippie movement to the countryside is hard to project they may be as they say, coming here to build a foundations for a new society in this nation? or they may be coming like the woolly mammoth define their own extinction down, whether with bad. that's where i meet down with a never shine down in the woods where the woodmont i was working for the new york times in the catskills and you were just a couple of us going up there as we went north of the city, we began to run into traffic jam if found a say, kopan what the hell is going on. he says, i don't know. there were thousands of people here and they're all going to sum farm and it was, of course, woodstock woodstock was an
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opportunity for people to realize they weren't alone. >> a lot of people who in their hometown or in their family i felt isolated realized they weren't townspeople, quite frankly were terrified at the prospect of the hippie arrival i was apprehensive this little hamlet has a population of under 100 people when i started hearing the figures 200,300. finally 500,000 hello sea of people the word got out everybody in their brother came from all over the country first, that sudden rain then thirst and hunger from the shortage of water and food. just for the opportunity to spend a few days in the country getting stoned on their drugs and grooving on the music we
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got together and had a little pow-wow about what are we going to do the fee these people you went into new york's buying 1,500 pounds of bolt away, 5,000 pounds a rolled oats 130,000 paper plates. and then 30,000 dixie cups. and i believe we served 200,000 people right now. >> there are tens of millions of people who feel themselves to be an irresistible river of change. and you get something incandescent we'd had a
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lavandera in la on the weekends where everybody gets dressed up and goes to the park and brings an instrument. but to see hundreds of thousands of people, like a meeting of all the tribes from all over the country why we didn't know there were so many of us felt the same rock music festival, the drew hundreds of thousands of young people to a dairy farm and white lake, new york over the weekend, game grown in today, admittedly, there was marijuana as well as music that the rock festival, but there was also no rioting what did not happen at that dairy farm is possibly more significant. >> and what did happen these long haired, mostly white kids in their blue jeans and sandals were no wide-eyed anarchists looking for trouble. they remained polite residents and resorts freely emptied their cupboards for the kids
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merchants were done by their politeness. and while such a spectacle may never happen again, it has recorded the growing proportions of this youthful culture in the mind of adult america whenever you see a phenomenon, especially if you're living in it at the time you tend to think that's the arrival this is the dawning and the start of something new. >> unfortunately, woodstock just marked the end of it project is july 60 and 70 were all these deals could be more than making thee stallion could be making the membrane. >> you won't yeah. >> start clicking all right. >> what's up, guys? lord, this nearly every person that comes into my home comments about her how amazing it smells. all thanks to the hotel collection sent a fuser, go to hotel and start your sending journey today the
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angels being security at a number of free in the park concerts that we had done. >> and they were fine. they were funny. they were doing what they were supposed to do. so he suggested using hell's angels what happened was a lot of speed now alcohol that's a deadly combination for bikers marty said the f word to one of the hell's angels while we were on stage, it hell's angel knocks him down that was just the beginning. >> i'd like to mention that the hell's angels just smash marty balin and the phase knocked him out i'd like to thank you for that talk to me on my talk around talking to
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the people that hit my lead singer of my people, right? let me tell you what babbage why? >> mother oh, that's what the story is here. >> all do vietnam musicians already when we left he was dark and the rolling stones were on and we were on a helicopter all camp or looked at, he said, wow, looks like
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somebody is getting killed down there. you just write, they weren't in california, five members of a so-called religious cult, including charles manson, the guru, or high priest, have been indicted in the murder of sharon tate and six others all the elements are present for one of the most sensational murder trials in american history. >> seven people brutally murdered in a glare of hollywood publicity involvement so the mystical hippy gland, which despise the straight affluence society. young girls supposedly under the spell of a bearded spin galley were allegedly masterminded the seven mercury's all right.
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>> why sunshine this morning? yeah charles manson cleverly masqueraded behind the common image of being a hippy goes up to the haight ashbury district, surrounds himself or the young bunch of followers. >> their lifestyle was sex hormone she's seasonality trips eventually, he gets some a given mass murder for him with blood, the killer had scrawled on a pejorative door. the words, death to pick. you see, prior to these murderers, no one associated hippies with violence and murder. >> people would pick up by hitchhike and hippie that there was no big deal. but after the manson murders, you saw hippie with long hair hitchhiking and the image of mansson would enter the drivers mine and they drive right bye. >> by the time of charles manson and watching alt mon and seeing what happened there, it symbolizes the drained idealism of the spiritual quest of the beats and early hippies today,
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the magic is gone, aimless and disorganized. the hippies have fallen prey to their own free spirit, free love, free drugs, and too much free publicity have gradually corrupted them. nothing happened to haight ashbury since last year we were here. it's not the same place. no, it isn't 11 this brought more and more people and then people who are really just bombs and just i'm trying to get him to a good thing and free food, free everything. and so they all just came and a lot of really rotten people. and so now you've really got a bad thing i mean, it used to be, you could set your stuff down beside the road. nobody would touch it now but it got so you couldn't even put your things in five of building, somebody would come along and take everything you had will one day i woke up very hungry, very dirty and tired, and disgusted. >> so i decided to get a job. it's settled down. it could serious joe's java is making jewelry. he's been taking a six month course to learn how his hardened beginning, getting a
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pay o'clock every morning good doing all those changes. joe bought the suit uncomfortable though it looked will he be equally uncomfortable in his new life? >> there have been generation gaps before, but today's is probably the widest yet can the joseph america bridge the gap and conform without society making concessions and return i'd say there was a common element in the counterculture of people trying to invent a new world but people mature. >> their point of view gets more nuanced. the cost start to come, do children come into the world that idea of sex, drugs and rock and roll, it's a youth dream. >> than youth dies yet, our mainstream culture took what it needed from the hippies the actual movement of the 60s was the movement towards something more authentic in, this 60s, we thought of other people as part of our own family. >> we were into carrying for society as a whole this is what the revolution is all about.
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mercy is better than justice the qarrah is better than the stick. and the most important lesson is be kind, be kind to me every day was a high watermark. we played music all day long. we worked, we did not have jobs. it was the most carefree period of my life. dylan has this great line and the early song. he says, i wish, i wish i wish him vein that we could sit simply in that room again, $1,000 at the drop of a hat. i'd give it all gladly of our life hi, as could be like that


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