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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  July 8, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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half scroll through dozens of prices and tap to switch online. >> that's it. no phone calls and no wasted time. go to [ put a little love in your heart by david ruffin begins to play ] my bad, my bad. good race. - you too. you were tough out there. thank you. i'm getting you next time though. oh i got you, i got you. down goes jewett. jewett and amos are down. what a lovely sign of sportsmanship. you okay? yeah. ♪ ♪
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three-to-one, three-to-one today debate performance was concerning and it wasn't the joe biden that i know. >> it's highly likely you're using what public pressure on in this week they're france, the culture is left-wing alliance. let's go out on top of the second round of parliamentary elections water temperatures over this part of the gulf of mexico are running abnormally high that is like jet fuel for strengthening hurricanes and tropical systems hello, and a warm welcome, our viewers joining us from the united states and all around the world it is monday, july the eight, if i max foster reporting live today from paris where the left-wing coalition has defeated the far right in,
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let's say, surprising election results and i'm rosemary church and cnn world headquarters here in atlanta. >> we will of course, dive deeper into the french election results in just a few minutes. but we begin this hour with us politics and a growing number of house democrats who were joining the chorus, calling on u.s. president joe biden to abandon his his reelection bid after his poor debate performance against donald trump lawmakers will be returning to capitol hill in the coming hours after they likely heard from constituents over the holiday weekend about whether the president should stay in the race there's deep concern over having joe biden at the top of the ticket this november and what it could mean for the democrats chances of retaking the house. while recent polls, jazz biden is slipping, he insists he still has his party's support. take listening the president is out
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to prove his stool fit for the job traveling to the battleground state of pennsylvania on sunday for several campaign stops. cnn's dana freeman asked one vote or about her concern? >> what do you need reassurance about? >> i think just in general about his mental acuity. right. i mean i personally had a loss of grain mother and 104 and she was sharp as attack through 95. so i absolutely believe that it's possible to do it's just that that debate performance was concerning and it wasn't the joe biden that i know downing has more now on the president's latest campaign, stop on the last day of 4 july weekend. >> president biden made another attempt at reassuring democrats that he is still the man for the job by really projecting a show of force in battleground and pennsylvania that included stops in philadelphia and in
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harrisburg before ultimately heading back to dc, he made appearances with senator bob casey up for reelection. also said senator john fetterman and governor josh shapiro. now the day started in a predominantly black church in northwest philadelphia where he really tried to tout the accomplishments of the administration when it comes to african american people in this country. and the rest of the day strategically was more focused on he informal, unscripted events throughout the commonwealth of pennsylvania to really show that president biden is still able to think off the cuff and be smooth like that. i want you to take a listen to some of the comments that president biden said when he was rallying campaign staff at first at a campaign office in philadelphia drawing crowds that have been really big crowds ever since the debate. not joking and even that night in his bag great crowds afterwards. and so things are moving. they're moving hard look, the other thing is that people wanna know, you care they want to know we care. there's nothing letting someone know you care
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like knocking on doors, saying my name is so and so i'm here for joe biden. is there anything what do you need? what do you need now here in harrisburg, president biden was met with a very friendly and receptive crowd here at the union hall behind me. >> he was also unscripted and informal in this particular event, he only spoke for about seven minutes, but then he worked the rope line for about 45 minutes, shaking hands, taking some voters questions, a lot of it was out of earshot of reporters, but that's clearly the image that the campaign wants to put out there. that he is not someone that democrats have to worry about when it comes to this age and his vitality and his ability to do the job danny freeman cnn, harrisburg, pennsylvania and joining me now from lancaster, england is richard johnson. he is a lecturer in us politics at queen mary university one of london. appreciate you joining us. >> good morning. >> so according to cnn sources, more top house democrats are calling on president biden to
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step aside and suspend his 2024 campaign based on his poor debate performance about 11 out of 213 house democrat. so not very many really, but what to voters want and what's the right next move for democrats should they replace joe biden? all get behind it will the polls are showing that third is are increasingly anxious about biden's age there's four years ago, there was about 40% of voters thought that biden was too old to be president, but that would have been overwhelmingly driven by republican support supporters now, the poland cherries and the like, three-quarters of voters thing biden is too old to be president. >> and that therefore is including a very substantial proportion of democratic voters. i think these calls from house members, while themselves not decisive if they are part of the trajectory more house members. and then we have sentences. gardeners, and
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crucially, i think congressional leadership, the speaker majority leader that pressure will is that all came to pass that i think there is a tipping point where biden has to think about stepping aside, but ultimately, it is mostly his decision he has 99% of the delegates at the democratic convention in august. and if he's still wants to stay on it's gonna be pretty difficult for him to be removed in voluntarily and of course, right now, president biden remains defiant, hitting the campaign trail in pennsylvania, saying he has the backing of his party. >> do you agree with that assessment for the most part. and what more do you think he needs to be doing right now to turn his fortunes? around i feel particularly in the interview that he did with george stephanopoulos, the president sounded in a bit of denial about the reality of where this election is as things stand, if the election
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were held tomorrow, democrats would lose donald trump body now has actually quite steep hill to climb both in the popular vote and in his standing in swing states. >> the polls do show that alternative democratic candidates are not going on, not polling dramatically better than him kamala harris and cnn poll last week did seem to look a bit stronger than biden, but not overwhelmingly so but at the same time, these candidates, the alternatives have not had an opportunity to put out their store on the way that joe joe biden has i'm increasingly of the view that especially now that people have come out in the democratic party and said that he's they don't have confidence in him to carry on for the next four-and-a-half years? i don't think you can have a nominee in the democratic party that has that kind of doubt lingering over them. this is not just a question about can joe biden make it to november? there's also can joe biden make it
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until january of 2029? and if you ask democrats on a suede i don't think many really feel that that, that is the case. >> and you mentioned donald trump's sources revealed a cnn that he and his campaign, one president biden to remain at the top of the ticket presumably believing it will be easier to beat the president rather than an alternative nominee. what do you say to that? >> well, i certainly think that now maybe a few months ago that that might not be the case but now that there is significant doubt with the democratic electorate, hoover biden's fitness to precedent i could certainly see why the trump campaign would want him to stay off this is what i call an all hands on deck election in order to defeat donald trump, geovanny and is going to need the whole anti-trump coalition. two backhand, not to splinter, not to vote for third-party candidates and also to turn it out. and there's a real risk. i think if this solid continues
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and joe biden remains the nominee, the democratic enthusiasm for him will be depressed. and if it's depressed in this crucial swing states, which had decided by in some cases, tens of thousands, in some cases a few thousand votes then the election could be lost for the democrats. and if this is an election where democracy is on the ballot and the stakes for his highest year biden indeed says, then i think that joe biden needs to think very carefully about his responsibilities, not just to his party, but also to his country. >> richard johnson, many thanks for your analysis. appreciate it when out of france were the left-wing coalition has won the most seats in the parliament, defeating the far right in a stunning upset. my colleague, max foster was in powers will the latest on this surprise turnaround max shocked turn around even rosenbury, the new popular front, a coalition of several parties won 182 seats in the national assembly, making it the largest block. it doesn't have an absolute
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majority though none of the blocks do. president emmanuel macron's centrist ensemble leinz, got 163 seats while marine le pen's far-right national rally and its allies got 143 seats. and it's worth noting national rally will be the largest individual party in the new parliament. so it will be the official opposition after the first round of voting. the far right's run to power was undone by tactical dealmaking between centrist and leftist opponents. more than 200 candidates with drew from the second round. to avoid splitting the anti-national rally vote. now, the national rally's marine le pen says the parties victory he's only been delayed the quagmire that i warned about house of course come true france will be totally blocked with three groups that have more or less the same influence in the national assembly well, we're going towards that. >> it's sad. we're losing one more year, one more year of unregulated immigration, one more year of losing purchasing
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power, one more year of a blowing up of insecurity in our country. but if we need to go through that, then we'll go through that. >> let's head over to the prime minister's office gabrielle, a towel is submitting his resignation today he will they continue his duties as long as needed. and jim if it's a minutes outside his office there he may continue for quite awhile because the process of finding a prime minister is very complicated now absolutely max, but in fact, we're not at the prime minister's office, were inside the national assembly courtyard. just wanted to show you how things are going to try as aspired about four hours from now when these new deputies, if 577 deputies, who were officially elected yesterday, that actually some of them were already, you're likely previous week on the first round. anyway, they're going to come through that as blue-gray doors back there. and they've got a sign out front
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that says this way for the deputies. and then they're going to come through here. they've got their setting of prepare things to sort of get the security check and to get the id check that goes with getting access to the national assembly. they've got a little coat rack room back here that they can put their code said, or they can put their luggage because some of these people will be coming in from all over the country and some places outside the main red card a country of france and in the territory, the overseas territories and so there's going to be tricky. three people trickling in and probably for the next day for too. eventually all 577 though, we'll take up offices in there. they'll get their housing vouchers if they need them and there's the basically the national assembly has a lot of studio apartments that they left the members use if they need them at some of them from paris, of course, they don't need them in any case that'll be all taken care of. logistics will be taken care of in the
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next day or two tomorrow. they'll get a calendar of events and of course, as you mentioned, max, one of the things that we're all going to be watching for is this left left-wing group, this alliance very rough alliance, that took them most seats, 182 of the 577 seats belong to the new of new popular front. as it's called, but it's made up of five individuals. digital parties, and one of the most extreme parties is headed by a guy named john lukas mellon showing he wasted no time yesterday, claiming that prime minister ship. here's what he had to say. >> now vote all did you do what they're doing now the will of the people must be strictly respected from now on, no tricks, backroom deals more combinations would be acceptable. >> the lesson to be taken from the vote is definitive. the defeat of the president at his coalition has been confirmed with clarity because you don't, the president has the power. the president has the duty to call on the new popular front
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to govern yeah, and that's exactly what the president's problem is going to be if he wants the extreme left and power, i don't think he does, but this is if the reward for the headline of the de has to go to la present because they said, and now what, what do we do? >> what what did we do now with a very perplexed looking mr. macron and cover. that's exactly what's confronting france right now. who is going to be the prime minister and which one of these many party groups it's going to really represent the government of france next jim, thank you. a question we're gonna see danielle a urbano. she is a member of parliament with friends on says, unbowed party led by a man are sean, you are within last night. it was pretty quick off the blocks within minutes of the projection coming out, he was out claiming victory. what was that like? >> that was a pretty intense feelings. give anybody who was both released, relieved, and a
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very overwhelmed by bye. everybody being so api and also we felt that we were at a turning point in our country history. and we manage to be the hearts and when and defeat. the far right, which everybody predicted we won't, they would win. and the people rose up and said, not today, they're not going to win this time nor ever. so that was a very powerful moment that was very successful the way the parties on the left and then the middle ground came together to squeeze out the far right. but you also had a very strong turnout. so are you finding that people were really quite shocked by that first round election with the national front national the far right actually coming out on top yes. >> and i think for millions of people in this country, it was about their very leinz that was threatened and we had drowned groups of far-right groups
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roaming, roaming the streets threatening lgbt people, threatening migrant people. a lot of people where i've used verbally and called names and it was very matter of life or death for, for a lot of people and parents telling their kids that they should leave their country because it would be impossible to keep leaving in this country in the far right would win. so it was very he it was not something the article for us and many of us. so i think that the fact that there was such a high turnout that people realized what was at stake and rose to this historical moment. >> two people in the sense ground, but also didn't like your language eva as worried get about the far left as they are about the file right what are you saying to them today? >> that first of all, we are on the left as whole and parties far-left know it's it's it's, it's on the left and our
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highest administrative courts saying that we were at the left and the national rally was the far right which i think close the debate. but most of all, it's not about the language or you know bright is outside the smile and or anything, it's about our plot at form. and i think we convince people that are pulled out from what was needed in order to beat the fascist. but also to change people's lives so what's the most important for us? we've got elected on a mandate to make more social justice to implement green policies in order to face it's time to change and to change our, our system to make it more democratic. and i think that's the most important, rather than like language or the way we be supposedly be. i think that's what people are looking for and they will be very serious about what you're gonna do the next. but that's what you got from your parties. platform has been very clear. the issue is the
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platform of the left alliance that has come out of this isn't clear. and there's gonna be a big struggle to decide on who is going to be the next prime minister melenchon's osi put himself forward, but how are you going to? none of the analysts i can i've spoken to say it's just not clear how you're going to go agree with the moderates on who should replace the towel. >> but you know, most of the emily's over the past three weeks didn't know you can see if they didn't want this column here, really, because we have the entire establishment media saying that we will, we will lose far-right. we'll, we'll will win. so i, i say to you, don't listen they just pay slow that on the first round election. >> yeah, pretty clear? yes. but i think they underestimate the resistance that in our people's political, the story and identity to the far right and also, i will say that our
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platform as the new popular front is he's basically most of our, our, our program from left-most to meet, but also everybody agrees that that's what that's what people are waiting for. and i think nobody actually read. i from the media the people talking about it, they weren't talking about what we actually put forward. we have three over three and reds eye level economists, among which the nobel prize in economy me do flow. we add gabriel zucman. we add thomas piketty, who actually supported are forum said that was what needed in order to for meets people's needs and also that was good for the economy just on that issue, we would prove to be way better than what the mecole did over the past seven years square to someone close to macron, one of his mps and said, he said that in time actually the far-right might be seen as the winners because
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they did gain a lot of seats and over the years, they're gaining seats, they're gaining power. so it's a matter of when not if they actually gain power. so this is just a temporary win, is that a legitimate argument? argument? i would say mecole and his people shouldn't be saying anything because they're the one who made it possible when my home was elected in 2017, it was electing on the mandate to oppose the far right seven years letter you got the far-right is i is level of course is the one responsible for that he gambled on our lives. >> what he decided to do this snap election so and eee, right? nothing yes. and i think he wanted the far-right to win rather than to show them all. so but let's ride is that we need we bet them this time, but we need to implement a program and we need to have a government that actually changed people's lives because of course if we don't do that, the far-right can come back and
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rear its ugly head again. so we have to be at the at the moment. be ready to rule this country without programming. our social measures. daniela thank you so much for coming and joining us and coming up to this glorious view. on this momentous day, rosemary? >> yes, certainly. is. our thanks to max will come back to you very soon, but we continue to monitor hurricane beryl, which is still gaining strength as the storm center approaches the middle texas coast, the category one storm is expected to make landfall in a mouse for hours. coastal residents are being urged not to underestimate this hurricane. and to be prepared for a potentially dangerous storm surge, flash, flooding, strong winds, and power outages beryl has already done major damage in the caribbean killing at least nine peoples throughout the region. and venezuela last week when it became the
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earliest category five hurricane in the atlantic on record the sweltering heat plaguing the u.s from coast-to-coast, isn't losing any steam more than 250 temperature records could be set in the coming days, las vegas shattered a long-held record on sunday, reaching 100 and good and 20 degrees fahrenheit or 49 celsius for the first time ever. the western us in particular, has been dealing with an unrelenting and dangerous heat wave across the region. excessive heat alerts remain in effect for more than 50 million people through this week. and there's very little relief with high temperature records being broken both during the de and at night. this developing story now, boeing has agreed to plead guilty to a criminal charge and could pay nearly 500 million in fines for repeated safety failures the u.s.
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justice department filed paperwork on the agreement. justice short time ago but lawyers for the families of victims in two crashes say it is a sweetheart deal and that boeing is getting off too easy. 346 people died in the 2018 lion air crash and 2019 ethiopian air crash. both planes were boeing 730 he seven max jets lawyers say the families are upset because no individuals at boeing will be prosecuted. the deal allows boeing to plead guilty to one charge of conspiracy to defraud the united states it's well a new round of ceasefire and hostage release discussions on israel and hamas will restart this week why the talks this time? i am are expected to be different. plus dozens of world leaders are arriving in washington this week for the nato summit, giving president biden a chance to reboot his image on the world stage which back without a more just a
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talks later this week, israel's head of massage i'd is also expected to attend israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says his refusal to stop israel's rafat offensive, broad hamas back to the talks over the weekend, a senior hamas official told cnn, the group is ready to reconsider its insistence that israel commit to a permanent ceasefire in gaza before signing a temporary truce and hostage release agreement. the israeli military on sunday ordered a new immediate evacuation for path it's of gaza city, including al-ahli baptist hospital hospital officials say, many of their patients have been transferred to indonesia hospital in northern gaza and seeing and some abdelaziz joins me now, live from london with more so summer or what's expected to come out of this round of ceasefire and hostage release talks set to resume encarta with cia
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director bill burns. now also joining those yes. so as you mentioned, there's a bit of hope, a bit of optimism this time around after last week, the u.s. said that e framework for the deal has been agreed. this is after a phone call that us officials praised as a breakthrough took place between president biden and prime minister netanyahu. you mentioned the key stumbling block, their rosemary, and that was hamas is insistence on a more permanent end to the war for written commitment to that, israel, for its part, of course, wanted to retain the right to continue its military operations in gaza. it says to destroy hamas, the u.s. was able to propose language that seemed to find the middle ground here, which will allow the negotiations for a more permanent end to the war continue while the first phase of this deal is carried out. so step back, bigger picture. remember, we have a three part deal that is on the table that was proposed by president biden. the first part of that
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deal, the first part, the first phase rather is what we're discussing here. and that first phase is a six-week ceasefire that would see israeli hostages the most vulnerable among them. so the elderly, the sick females, exchanged for palestinian prisoners and that's exactly what will be discussed in doha this week with the cia director in attendance alongside of course, the key mediators and the warring parties. but this is going to be a huge challenge. rosemary in the past negotiations around the release of palestinian prisoners have taken many years this time, these negotiators are hoping to have a breakthrough in just a matter of weeks, but there's a lot of pressure that might propel them forward inside gaza, the humanitarian situation is dire. nearly every single gazan has been displaced by this conflict. you mentioned those additional evacuation orders that were issued just recently. and then of course, inside israel, prime minister netanyahu is facing huge pressure from those who want to see those hostages come home.
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so we may very well see some progress in the coming weeks. but again, this is gonna be a huge challenge, very difficult. talks in doha this week, all right, so my abdiaziz, many thanks for that live report from london. >> and coming up the world reacts to the french parliamentary election with some countries celebrating the rejection of the far right. plus y this week could be crucial for joe biden to shake the growing concerns among democrats about whether he is fit to run for reelection back without a more just a moment
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about the honestly guarantee more you as house democrats are calling on president joe biden to end his reelection bid. >> after last month's poor debate performance against donald trump lawmakers returned to capitol hill today after the july 4 holiday, amid growing concerns, president biden in could hurt the democrats chances of retaking the house and holding the senate this november. while recent poll suggest mr. biden's support is slipping, he's refusing to step aside. cnn senior political analyst ron brown, steen ways in well, look, i mean, i think you have a drip
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drip. drip of senior democrats, particularly in the house starting in the senate, who are expressing publicly what many of them were saying privately, that they don't think biden can recover from that debate performance trump? and that drip, drip, drip is going to weaken him. >> whether he stays in the race or not. i do think that for those who believed that biden is now in a position where they can't win. the phrase i heard a lot thursday and friday was grace. we needed to give them grace to reach this decision as own. the fact that instead he's kinda dougie in very publicly since i think is going to change that equation and it's highly likely you're going to see more public pressure on him this week we're turning to one of our top stories this out of the stunning election result in france as a left-wing coalition defeats the far right party in snap parliamentary elections. >> max foster in paris with the latest macs, it looks like president macron's gamble may have paid off after all or
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backfired. it depends who you speak to. most people seem to be united in the idea that a snap election is actually made him weaker. and the parliamentary system weaker to a leader in france is left-wing alliance says voters court rejected the worst-case scenario in sunday's elections are to the far-right, fail to reach that majority. there were celebrations though, in the street when the results were announced the outcome was a reversal of the first round elections a week earlier when the national rally hallie topped its rivals, of course, but after the second and final round on sunday, the far-right came in third. the new popular front coalition came in first with 182 seats it's making it the largest bloc, but without a majority french president emmanuel macron's centrist alliance came in. second. let's see what the international reaction to this is. robertson joins me now, international diplomatic editor, and i'm just imagining nick what it'll be like for president macron to go into the nato summit, which i think it's tomorrow yeah, he'll be
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in washington tomorrow and it'll get underway later in the week. and absolutely he will have an opportunity to speak with some of his counterparts, perhaps explain to them, his rationale and way things. france can still play a dominant and important role in nato in the eu supporting ukraine all these areas where macron has really macron has allowed and made france play a big role in leading initiatives putting forward ideas such as having for our troops inside ukraine actually nato troops inside ukraine, hoping train ukrainian forces he's been the one who is pushing that. so it's been very forward leaning on the support of ukraine and modi wants his nato partners to do and perhaps his partners, we're going a different version of him this week. i think the sense obviously, of relief that the eu, that they don't have to deal with a
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tough right-wing influence coming from france is perhaps perhaps, okay for today. but looking forward, maybe we got a sense of what this really means from donald tusk, who was the former eu council president. now of course, are prime minister in an poland, and he put it this way in france, they'll rather in paris, there has been there has been enthusiasm he said in moscow, there's disappointment in kyiv. there's been relief and for us in warsaw, that's enough. he said, we've heard from the spanish prime minister pedro sanchez really tried to pluck out the positives in this for him. he said, look here, we have in the uk and france in the past couple of weeks done what we did in spain a year ago, which is say no to the right. and you now have a sort of a strong, more socially conscious government in place there. those are the positives
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that the negatives that the eu and the pushback that you allude to that the macro may find in washington is that he may actually on the world stage be weaker compromised by a parliament that doesn't really agree with some of his foreign policies and defense initiatives and hung parliament. that is, that is really a millstone around is international efforts, if you will. >> okay. and it robinson. thank you. very is we will of course me following then he two summit as closely as ever. but i think a few more cameras will be falling macron to see what is the language like now, engineers by minister will meet russia's president in moscow in the coming hours up next, rosemarie, we'll take a look at the relationship between the two countries. and if it's changed since it seems war in ukraine i love cnn is live from milwaukee as republican tonight behind their nominee, his vp,
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and their plan to take that the white house follow cnn for complete coverage. the republican national convention starts next monday at eight on sienna allison doesn't get jelly honore for sure that no. allows doesn't get smoothie on his jersey hakh come on. >> but carlos doesn't get tomato sauce on his jacket stains happen to the best of us when they do todd's got you covered pasta in paris when in rome it's got to be tied america's number one detergent i got this thousand dollar camera for only $41 on deal deal online auctions since 2009, this playstation five sold for only $0.50. >> this ipad pro sold for for less than $34, and this nintendo switch sold for less than $20. i got this kitchen aid stand mixer for only $56. >> i got this barbecue smoker for 26 bucks and shipping is
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joe biden is set to host some of america's closest allies for the nato summit. the gathering kicks off in washington on tuesday, marking the 75th anniversary of the alliance crews were already putting up barricades over the weekend to prepare for the high-stakes summit. white house says talks will largely focus on upping support for ukraine and the country's path toward eventually joining the alliance president biden is expected to take questions at a news conference when the summit concludes on thursday india's prime minister will kick off a two-day visit to moscow in the coming hours, the two leaders are expected to discuss, quote, regional and global issues of mutual interest it's the first time narendra modi will visit the russian capitals since president vladimir putin launched his full-scale invasion of ukraine, india's ties with russia date back decades to the cold war and
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have remained strong despite repeated sanctions on moscow from the west ivan watson joins me now from hong kong with more on this. so ivan, how significant is prime minister modi's trip to moscow? and what are the two leaders likely to discuss and ultimately achieved during their meetings? >> rosemary, you need significant because narendra modi and vladimir putin haven't met face-to-face in nearly two years. that was last on the sidelines of a shanghai cooperation organization meeting in september of 2022. and that's when modi implicitly criticized russia and putin's invasion of ukraine when he said, quote, today's era is not of war. now last week was the most recent round of the shanghai cooperation organization and modi did not attend that gathering. and that was largely seem to be a sign of india's displeasure with china, with
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the lingering tensions on the border between the two countries which have erupted into violent and sometimes deadly skirmishes in the last several years. some analysts think that modi is trying to go to moscow to ten you to use russia as a counterbalance four the tensions that it has with china and especially watching how close putin and xi jinping have gotten in the last couple of years. i mean, they're meeting together almost it feels like every month, whereas mody he and putin meet far less frequently, even though india and russia enjoy a quote, special and privileged partnership. there are, there is a long-standing defense relationship between russia and india. india relies on russian weapons and india's imports of russian energy have surged
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since the russian invasion of ukraine. india buying discounted russian crude oil to the concern of western countries that have been trying to isolate russia there are areas, other areas of friction and they include the fact that some indian citizens have been popping up in the ranks of the russian armed forces fighting in ukraine. and that was mentioned by a senior russian diplomat. take a listen russian. it, it took aim at every level of russian leadership, both official end political. we have expressed strong concern that indian citizens who are being taken to the russian army through and proper procedures must be returned promptly. >> finally, i would argue that modi is doing a geopolitical balancing act, right? he's his trade ties with a country like the u.s. are far bigger than they are with russia. he also
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needs russia with china. yes, tensions with china in any is trying to call or a kind of a neutral road between some of these big geopolitical tensions for vladimir putin, rosemary, this is an opportunity to show that he's not as isolated as western governments would like him to be. particularly during a week when president biden will be hosting and edo summit in washington rosemary. all right. thanks to ivan watson, brings that live report from hong kong. i'm gary and prime minister viktor orban is in beijing on what he calls a quote, peace mission of three 3.0 or ban posted this picture on social media after he met with chinese leader xi jinping his visit to beijing comes after two high-profile international trips in the past week, he met with russian president vladimir putin in moscow on friday a trip the u.s. called counter counterproductive to hungary's relationship with its allies and on tuesday, all ban met
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ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy in kyiv and urged him to consider a ceasefire to quote speed up peace talks coming up next, how extreme heat and water shortages of causing misery in sicily for residents and tourists alike when you smell the amazing sense of gain flames times, stops realize you're analog davis was a laundry detergent jane flames seriously good sense. >> take a pea sized amount, apply it like a lotion pits under boob pfeifle about cracks, feet. this water-based cream. i'm telling you it's invisible on the skin. it works like a dream. why didn't someone think of this sooner looking for a way to stretch the dollar with ensure phi, you can cut your car insurance bill and half, scroll through, doesn't the prices and tap this which online that's it. >> no phone calls and no wasted
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sees the deals on top before there shop today an update now on hurricane beryl, which should be making landfall anytime now along the texas coast, the eye of the category one storm is approaching matagorda in texas, about 100 miles southwest of houston hurricane force wind gas, and deteriorating conditions have been reported overnight along the coast. more than 84,000 customers are already without power and that number will likely rise as the storm moves inland well, sicily is running out of water. the region has been under a state of emergency since february, thanks to extreme drought conditions and leaking infrastructure and its booming tourism sector. one of sicily's biggest sources of income is suffering cnn's barbie nadeau joins me now, live from rome. so bobby, what impact of these water shortages
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having on sicily's tourism industry? >> yeah, this really doesn't affect the larger hotels. those hotels are required by law to have enough water. most of that is tanked in and and stored on site for all of their residents. it's really about these smaller establishment these b&b type places that are inside of residential buildings that are really unable to provide water water for the tourists. and as a result, are having to turn people away. most of them are read, booked into the larger hotels or to other parts of the island that aren't underwater restrictions. but rosary was really important about this this, this is not about this summer, this is about last summer and last winter and the summer before in 2021 sicily recorded the hottest temperature ever in europe that was 48.8 degrees celsius. that's nearly 120 degrees fahrenheit. and they've got a lot of issues with infrastructure. there are three desalination he shouldn't plants that are not functioning, they're working very hard to try to bring online, but all of those
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compound the issue here. it didn't rain last winter. it didn't rain the winter before the aquifers are dry, the tourists are suffering rosemary yeah, i'm bobby. >> what about my for the residents though of since lame. and how are they dealing with this? drought and water restrictions yeah, you know, the second largest industry after tourism in sicily is, of course agriculture. >> and we've talked to farmers, you've had to make the difficult decision between whether or not to cold their herds or let them starve to death because there just isn't any food for them. they're trying to get the government to help, to try to give them subsidies, to be able well, to buy hay and other fodder for their livestock. but we've seen places where these animals graze completely dry the watering holes where they would get their water completely the dried up. and so the residents there that deal with agriculture there in the agricultural industry are really suffering as well. you know, you can hope for rain, but that's not in the forecast. us. it's going to be another hot summer. it's only
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early july, and they're expecting this to be another hot summer followed by a very dry winter. and that is the problem. rosemary they bobbing adom, anything. so for your live report from ryan, and thank you for joining us here on cnn newsroom. i'm rosemary church in atlanta, seen in this one morning is up next after a quick break 1st, i'll special how would really help the,
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