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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  July 8, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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less of a framework agreement to now be able to proceed with those detailed negotiations which are expected to continue this week in doha, qatar. but as all of that is happening, the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu once again, throwing what could potentially be a wrench in the process as he seems to be putting the interests of holding onto power and his coalition government keeping his right-wing allies happy over the fate of these negotiations in a statement over the weekend, the israeli prime minister's office saying that any deal that will proceed will be one that will quote, allow is where israel to resume fighting until all of the objectives of the war have been achieved. a very much a signal that this ceasefire deal, if it, if it materializes, will not lead to an end of the war for which may be a problem as far as hamas is considered, john, wright, jeremy diamond doing great work in jerusalem, jeremy, thank you so much. a new our of cnn news central
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starts now crunch time and high anxiety at the white house. new reporting on how people around biden are feeling as democratic lawmakers are heading back to washington for the first time since the cnn debate. hey why so many things this week is the one that will decide it all. hurricane beryl lashing southern california, southern texas, right now, more than a million people without power and houston, the nation's fourth biggest city, we are live on the ground for you. and boeing agrees to plead guilty to conspiracy to defraud the u.s. government families of crash victims, though, are furious calling it a sweetheart deal. i'm kate bolduan with john berman. sara is out today. this is cnn central the new cnn
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reporting this morning is describing the biden white house right now gripped by anxiety and uneasiness as the president is facing intense pressure to prove his his doubters wrong. and it critical moment lawmakers are returning to capitol hill for the first time since the cnn debate that shook the democratic party to its core. the president remains defiant, vowing that he is staying in and can get the job done. this morning. sources say that multiple top house democrats told minority leader hakeem jeffries on a call yesterday, that they don't believe that biden can that they believe biden's time is up. cnn's kayla tausche is at the white house. hey, what are you hearing? what's going on with inside the white house right now kate, i've been on the phone with several officials this morning to talk about the mood ten days out from that disastrous debate that really unsettled the democratic party and lead to widespread questions about biden's future as a candidate for the 2024 election? >> the mood is somber. it's anxious, it's despondent. there. there's widespread
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uncertainty about how the white house will go forward and how president biden will try to assuage concerns surgeons and actually, whether he can do that considering the fact that his strategy up until this point staying the course aggressively hitting the campaign trail and giving interviews to talk about how he you know acknowledges that he had a bad performance, but is not going anywhere. that's so far that has not moved the needle for democrats. and now i've learned this week, he's going to be aggressively working the bones once again calling democratic lawmakers to try to assure them that he here's where they're coming from, and that he is he's willing to work with them on a path forward this after he spoke with more than 20 house democrats last week to the same effect. and some of those house democrats then came out and vocally supported him. but the hot behind the scenes, there still growing calls to figure out whether biden should step aside and whether he can be replaced on the ticket
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yesterday on that virtual meeting convened by minority leader peter hakeem jeffries at least five senior democrats who served as the ranking members on influential committees in the house themselves, said that they could no longer we're support biden. and now the full democratic caucus is set to meet on tuesday to figure out whether that's a message that needs to be essentially collated and provided. in short to the white house. so this is what the white house is facing is president biden meets with dozens of world leaders here in washington as he visits battleground michigan on friday, again, aggressively campaigning, trying to convince the american people and his own party that he's up for the task kate. >> yeah the two front task because you just point out there it's good to see you, kayla, as always. thank you so much, john. >> all right. with us now is one of the house democrats who has publicly called on the president to exit the race. illinois commerce and mike quigley, congressman, thanks so much for being with us. the president did an interview with
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george stephanopoulous. he did a bunch of public events this weekend. did those do anything to change your mind? >> look in my mind, doesn't need changing. >> it really doesn't matter. i think it's the voters and as you see, the polling is going in the opposite direction, and that's what's particularly concerning and i can frankly see why i don't think it was a great interview. there were some we'll things besides his is very appearance that were concerning about what he said. and how he said it. so i think we have to be honest with ourselves, the situation is not getting better. frankly, it's getting worse you say is very appearance. what do you mean look perceptions are absolutely ruling and things like this and a campaign. >> he looks very frail. his voice is very soft. it's not robust. again it is not how i
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perceive that. it's how the american people perceive it. and you can see an influencing the numbers. and again, what i was stressed to the present is this isn't just about you, it's not about loyalty, it's about being pragmatic we have to be honest with herself, this not just the white house at stake, then all of these seats are going to be very, very closely contested. and only a handful of seats controlled. both houses. every vote counts. so the top of the ticket is essential that it'd be very strong. and again, cohen in the opposite direction that precedent has to respect that the full democratic caucus, we'll meet tomorrow five senior democrats who hold positions on key committees came out yesterday and said that they, or at least reportedly in this meeting said that they would like to see the president step aside in the campaign here do you know do you have information that those numbers will grow as you returned to washington today and tomorrow they will grow i
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know individuals that i've talked to who have been processing this thinking about, uh, talking to their constituents most importantly, looking at paul's and again, none of them have anything but the greatest respect for the president this is and always will be the most important aspect of this is that we can't allow a second trump term recognizing what that means. >> so it's going to be an amazing, unfortunately, horrible week but i do think the numbers will grow. i don't know how the president will react to that oh, we simply must go forward, get our job done in washington, dc and again, tried to express the american people why this matters, into our president you said, it's going to be a horrible week. what's the timeframe here that you think that this either will or has to
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happen in there's only one person who ultimately makes this decision that's the president of the united states. and as you know, obviously this is unprecedented none of us have ever been through anything like this and it's painful so we we recognize that that's what we're going to face this week i don't think anyone understands what the blueprint is because nothing else can move forward unless it less than until president biden makes that choice. i have people all the time saying who would you before we're just not there? yet there are rules, there's a process. it has to be seen as you know, is legitimate to the american people. so we have to follow the rules and the process. but we're not at that point yet. so what we're what we're facing right now, let's the situation where the election cycles getting worse the numbers that we're facing here, not just in the white
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house race, but in all these congressional races are not getting better so we're in a horrible situation until that gets resolved so their have been a number of members, including you who have come forward and ask the president to step aside one group that has not yet come forward to push him out or are black democratic leaders, particularly the black caucus in the house of representatives here why do you think they are still standing? >> behind president biden. and what will happen in block support was key to him getting the nomination three-and-a-half years ago, and then ultimately getting elected so what's your message to them? and do you think that will change? yeah. >> it's hard for me to tell it has changed. what's going to change? i understand that people are talking. i know that mr. clyde ban has spoken out on this. if i had to hazard a guess, i think they'd like to get together and have
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meaningful in-person discussion we're not in dc last week and again, there's a lot of processing that has to take place. and frankly, a lot of the polling, it will continue to come out, i think will influence people's decisions. so i can't read the minds of my friends and the black caucus but i suspect they're going to be doing the same thing all the other members is, is taking time to deliberate and talk and discuss this matter again, this is absolutely uncharted territory here. >> you were one of the earlier members to come out, express reservations. we just reported the president's been calling members. has there been any outreach to you from the white house? >> no. and i don't suspect that there will be an i appreciate the fact that they're reaching out i think frankly, what hurts them is the denial that the president seems to have about how the polling is going. in his interview, he seemed to say that the polling
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was wrong and he's fine. he's only acknowledged that he had a bad night that isn't particularly helpful i think the fact that he said a few statements like, i can't schedule things after 8:00 at night that hurts him dramatically the fact that he said that he couldn't remember whether or not he had watched the debate after the fact that hurts. and i think the thing that bothered me the most is when he said, you know, when asked what if we lose the house and the senate and the white house and things don't just work. he just said, well, if i gave it my best effort, then that's all that you can ask for. no, this is and always will be saying hurley about making sure donald trump is not the president. nine states again carson, mike quigley you were still in illinois, you're about to return to washington. i know it's going to be an interesting week thank you so much for being with us this morning thank you. okay so
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hurricane beryl battering texas right now, more than 1 million customers are without power in the houston area and millions facing the risk of life-threatening flooding, your live there with the very latest, plus a radio host has resigned after she revealed that she used questions provided by biden's campaign in a post-debate interview with the president, you reported on that and dozens of people were killed and injured after russian airstrikes and ukraine had a children's hospital and residential buildings, right during rush hour are 21st, i'll special. >> how did we have defend and search for a suspect how it really happened. the atlanta olympic bombing, vermeer's july 23rd on cnn it's so easy to get your windshield replaced
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galveston, texas, if you can see it through the windshield wipers, you can see how hard it's raining there. the wind whipping that water across the street. it is feeling the brunt of hurricane beryl, the store is knocked out power to more than 1 million people, nearly 80% of lights at houston's george bush international airport they just got canceled. beryl made landfall as a category one storm before dawn, the earliest hurricane to hit texas and 40 years when gsa reaching up to 85 miles per hour, it is still a hurricane. want to get right to meet her. all is derek van damme, who's important ivanka texas, the storm has passed. you by derek, but it's still causing a lot of problems yeah. >> and it's still rewriting the history books, right? still hurricane are important lavaca things have quieted down here on the backside of hurricane beryl, but just to my northeast in houston, we've got to talk about what's happening in that city right now because they're getting absolutely walloped by
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the strongest part of the storm. in fact, this is the first time houston has received hurricane force winds from a named tropical systems since hurricane ike back in 2008. and that's saying something because just a few weeks ago, straight-line winds came and damaged significant amount of the high-rise structures within that city. in fact, there was an elevated weather station just a couple of hours ago in downtown houston that reported a wind gust of 81 miles per hour. that's category one strength that was about 220 feet high above the surface of the ground. so the national weather service authorities, there are warning people in houston to stay off of their balconies is to stay away from their windows. we don't want to repeat of what happened. a couple of weeks ago. take the graphics and this is interesting, this updates automatically and houston right now, 44 mile per hour sustained winds with gusts to 84 miles per hour. that is hurricane
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force that is downtown impacting millions of americans as we speak. and that is just frankly a dangerous situation. and so hurricane force winds will be ongoing from the coast through harris county for the next several hours before the eye moves over the city center of metropolitan houston. quite frankly, i believe that could happen. we could get perhaps a break in the clouds overhead. be interesting to see some of the pictures that come out of that region once the high wall path this is over there, it is 75 mile per hour, even though hurricane beryl has lost its energy source, which is the gulf of mexico, which is behind me and my over my shoulder. it is still maintaining its hurricane status. that's really saying something as well. now, it's producing a significant amount of rainfall. in fact, one inch per hour rainfall rates reported downtown houston right now and some of those rainfall totals have prompted the national weather service to issue a flash flood warnings through the course of this morning. anywhere you see that
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shading of red including houston all the way to galveston? rainfall totals exceeding half a foot. and it's not done here. remember, the eastern quadrant of a hurricane draws in the moisture from the gulf of mexico, produces the copious amounts of rainfall. and that's ultimately what we're experiencing also on that eastern quadrant is the threat of tornadoes. we have a tornado watch through 10:00 a.m. local time here that includes houston all the way to galveston and the south-central texas coastline. so a multitude of threats from this landfalling hurricane, the first strike of the hurricane 2024, hurricane season. this is not a hurricane harvey. a lot of people like to compare have a benchmark to compare this to its different because harvey meandered over eastern texas for four days. beryl has got its eyes set on the border of canada and the u.s. by wednesday and thursday of this week. so it's on its way out quickly. john, it is but still storm this big this sun could be a heck of a season. derrick van dam, thanks so much. appreciate it. okay. >> so boeing agrees to plead
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guilty to defrauding us regulators in an effort to avoid prosecution details about the finds that they have agreed to pay and also white families of crash victims are so unhappy with this deal and breaking news just in the cnn, president biden writing a letter to lawmakers, what he says this morning. >> he's defiant saying he's not going anywhere i love milwaukee cnn is lie for milwaukee as republicans unite behind their nominee, his vp, and their plans to take that the white house follow cnn for complete coverage. >> the republican national convention starts next monday at eight on cnn she random place like a happy again, his number jews is a brand new daub all in less than a year and people switch their dogs food from kibble to the farmers dog. they often say but feels like magic. but there's no magic involved it's simply fresh
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budget reminder of pain, a better, smarter joan by morning. got it. got it, boss. daughter, you've got this shark week continues tonight at eight and discovery we do have breaking news. we just got our hands on this letter that president biden sent to congressional democrats as they returned to washington. this week. let me read you one of the first leinz i want you to know that despite all the speculation in the press and elsewhere, i am firmly
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committed to staying in this race to running the race to the end and to beating donald trump. let's get right to the white house. cena is kayla tausche is there, kayla you get this sense that the president and the white house knows then the next few days are crucial they absolutely know that john and in this lengthy letter, two pages single-spaced president biden lasered at the feet of the voters as his decision to stay in the race, saying that the nominating process already took place. >> he received 14 million votes, 87% of those votes cast. and by the number of delegates that have already been pledged to him, he's the presumptive nominee by a wide margin. he goes on to say, do we now just say that that process doesn't matter? i declined to do that at the close of the letter though, he says this, the question of how to move forward has been well aired for over a week peak now, and it's time for it to end. we have one job and that is to beat donald trump. he knows that they're 42 days before the democratic
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convention, 119 days before no november 8. and he warms the party against any weakening of resolved between now and then that could be seen as cracks or fissures from there opponents. and that could open them up to even more criticism. he bids democrats to band together. just in advance of senators are expected to meet for lunch tomorrow and talk about the open question on their chamber about whether they have real concerns about whether the president should step aside as well as the house democrats. there all all party meeting that is expected to happen tomorrow as well after some senior-most members of the party in the house raised concerns yesterday on their private call president biden is trying to put an end to the intraparty questions, saying you've raised the questions you've had this discussion and it's time for us to end. john. >> kayla, i can ask you what a quick question before you get soaked by the sprinklers behind you there. i just said congress and mike quigley from illinois on, who told me he's been one
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of the earlier people to come out and say that president biden should step aside. died he told me he knows he knows that more democratic members will come out today and tomorrow and asked the president to step aside what's the biden campaign? what's the white house gonna do about that well, there's outreach going on behind the scenes in addition to this public letter that the president it has just released, they're trying to assure some of those democrats that they understand those concerns and that the president is confident in a campaign, is confident that he will be able to do the liver victory not only for himself, but down-ballot in november, unclear john, whether those whether those conversations will fall on deaf ears, whether many of those lawmakers have already he made up their mind at this point, but i've been hearing from a lot of people in the white house and the dnc this morning who are worried about that issue that the president raised in his letter about if biden ends up being the nominee a few weeks from now, if all of this was just an exercise in futility, how much damage was done to the party and done to their ticket in the interim whether there's
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actually even a viable process that can be run that gives them a better outcome. >> i mean, there are real open questions that people are having right now, but certainly the president is trying to read the affirmed that he is the answer. >> kayla tausche at the white house, while you're running, get a slicker. thanks so much for being with us. appreciate you for a alone. she's fine. she can do this skewed the water's get a getter. i wanted attack her across the driveway moving on joining us right now. so you'd have little co-commentator, bacardi sellers and former deputy communications director for trump's 2016 campaign. bryan lanza, back to most important things, not the sprinkler system at the white house. bucaram, the part of the letter that joe biden has sent to democrats that kayla just highlighted. is that the very again, saying the question of how to move forward has been well aired for over a week now, and it's time for it to end what does this do? does this work towards bringing it to an end? what do you see in this letter going to democratic
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lawmakers this morning? >> well, i'm honestly quite disappointed and many democratic lawmakers and many people who claimed to know the party process or be staunch democrats because they've engaged in nothing but fantasy land rhetoric over the past week. joe biden got his kicked that the debate, i mean, we all know that when he got beat up, down left, right and sideways, you've got taken to the woodshed for life a better term. but he's our nominee. he's not going anywhere. and for all the bid waiting that we've done, the pearl-clutching, we want this person or that person. the fact is he's our nominee i mean, i don't know what exactly people think they're doing by weakening the party or saying that we want someone else like you're not going to get anyone else. there's $240 million cash they'd only goes to kamala harris, who was gretchen whitmer west morris, arizona state chair. they don't have the infrastructure. nobody has the infrastructure. by joe biden so i'm not saying shut up and get in line air your grievances. talk about fantasy world, where we have this other thing. joe biden will be the nominee august 5th, i want to
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beat donald trump. if you want to beat donald trump, get on board. if you don't keep rib, you keep rambling on and weakening their nominee, just keep doing it brian actually spelled it out this way. that in terms of looking at what this week could bring that biden's best opportunity to prove his to prove his democratic doubters wrong, probably will come with his nato press conference that comes on thursday. >> but i also did have the opportunity to speak with democratic senator john fetterman, who has been very supportive of joe biden in phase in light of the debate the disastrous debate, he was just on with me. let me play what he said is he was campaigning with biden yesterday i actually spent the entire day with the president and he was he was perfect. he was chris and he was engaged and the harrisburg event, it was actually in the 90s and he was he crushing was just doing fine. it was like a perfect
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normal kinds of joe biden that i've always seen and brian, you are not in the business of giving giving democrats advice ever, but is that is that what you hear from john fetterman is biden being out of the campaign trail, is biden sending this letter to democratic lawmakers? >> is that what proving? democratic doubters wrong? is that what this looks like first of all, thank you for having me. >> i don't think so. i mean, they have a tough task ahead of them and keeping joe biden as their nominee. i think he's going to remain their nominee because he's clearly their president. if he were to resign the rates of every to drop out of the race, he'd have to resign the presidency because you can't be mentally unfit the run for president and be mentally fit to be president. so they're at a very dangerous position. they had a primary, they've resolved though these issues that don't get it, they don't get to have a mulligan just because of one bad debate. now the reality is as joe biden is headed to a landslide defeat in november, but that's a result of his own actions as a result of the democratic party, the cabinet vice president,
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covering up the neurological decline of president biden. we've all seen it people are going to try to continue to cover it up, but we can't unsee what we've seen and the reality is, is the uphill battle, the joe biden has to take place between now and november. he will never hit it because you're going to have more and more moments where you can see the neurological decline but that doesn't matter. the dems have made it, they made their bet. they've chose their candidate. they ignored everybody else who was saying joe biden was unfit to go forward. and now they're stuck with a candidate who can't complete sentences, who can find the door, who on the world stage looks week at a time that our world is on fire so listen, there's no savior, there's no mulligan, they're stuck with the guy. they're trying to find ways out of it. they're eating each other up as a party. i love watching it encourage more people to watch it. but the reality is a week from now, two weeks from now, joe biden is going to be the nominee. he's going to be president and we're going to have a vigorous debate through november. and i think the debate is going to ultimate result in a donald trump presidency john fetterman seeing a very different joe biden than what you went, than what you're describing right now, which is kind of what this
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week presents. >> i think bacardi and i think one of the important things that we need to hear from and have heard from somewhat is a party's most powerful black lawmakers. they've either been silent so far or they are openly supporting supportive of byd right now, politicos reporting that during yesterday's call it house democrats, several of the giants of the congressional black caucus from maxine waters, bobby scott, david scott bennie thompson, greg meeks all argue that the party needs to stick with biden focus back on trump, talk about policy contrasts what role do you think these lawmakers play and what happens next? >> that's a very good question, kate, i was just at essence festival past weekend with a lot of black lawmakers and troy carter and team jeffries and others. and the sentiment is, we're rocking with biden and we're going because that's who the voters wrought. there are a lot of people who would vote for a an old joe biden versus donald trump, not i appreciate it. my good friend running off a bunch
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of talking points about how he felt joe biden looked or how he felt he wasn't his emotional state or his physical state. he's a good comms director. i'll give them that. but the fact is my candidate is old like his candidate wants to ban abortion nationwide. he wants to limit or ban access to birth control pills. they want to get rid of the department of education, speaking about someone who can't put together a sentence. i mean, all you have to do is look at project 2025 and that is enveloped on who the republican party is. there are a lot of people like myself who don't have the option of getting a mulligan or who don't want to redo this, they understand that freedom and democracy are on the ballot. i will take a old donald trump, excuse me, an old joe biden in an old and ashes donald trump, any day of the week? >> brian, one thing that i'm curious to see is when donald trump starts stepping back out into the spotlight what does he do with it? because there's new
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reporting that from cnn, which is basically the trump's team is trying to figure out how to do this rollout, this vp rollout does what's gone down with joe biden and democrats, does that impact timing? does that impact vp? he candidate? does this wild moment happening within the democratic party? does it create a tough time for donald trump at all? >> now, i mean, listen, this election at one point was gonna be about donald trump return to the white house. but after that, disastrous debate, this infections, this election is only going to be about the neurological fitness of joe biden and so whether they roll out jd vance, whether they roll up mark a roof we will the timeline is still the same. the conventions about a week away, we usually start getting hints of who that person is on thursday and friday. we'll probably know by next monday. but the reality is that the whole tenor of this election is if joe biden has a neurological fitness go forward and people are making that decision now. they're making the decision on the economy today and it's not
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a talking point. i mean, the reality is we saw with our own eyes, this guy is not fit to be president. now, we can't resign. they're stuck with them. they made the choice. i mean, there was another dem candidate in their primary that they slant for running and claim that joe biden's age was issue so they're married to this guy now they can try to prop them up. they can try to resurrect them. but i got to tell you as a catholic, i don't even think jesus christ could be resurrected from that debate performance last there are two thursdays ago, so they have an uphill task and then tried to make it about donald trump and what he does. but the voters are looking at this election saying, this is our president now on the world stage, he's just not fit the lead i think one thing we can definitely should do at this 0.3 of us as leave religion out of it. >> but yes, but final thought no, i just wanted to say about about resurrecting clients. i do remember a few months, about a month before the election when your client was on video talking about grabbing women by the and reince priebus actually went up in many republicans at the bottom was going to fall out. but you know who resurrected him, you and many others because he was going to
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get his behind kicked in that race and everybody thought i posted he was going to lose. and so you went up there and you all rallied around them and republicans, instead of falling in love in line. and i recall that very well at the polls that everybody was going to beat donald trump. and you were part of that resurrection. so let's not forget history let's continue to talk about resurrections, past, present, and potentially future. going ahead, it's good to see you guys. thank you so much john write today closing arguments set to begin to the federal corruption trial of senator bob menendez. >> one hi, he says he feels certain the jury will find him not guilty and boeing is a brita to plead guilty to the fraud and the u.s. government families, of crash victims are outraged this election season since stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground and the best political team in the business follow those voters follow the results followed the
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situation with wolf blitzer didn't night at six point cnn so. >> boeing has agreed to plead guilty to one count of conspiracy to defraud the u.s. government to avoid a trial in connection with 2737 max plane crashes that killed 346 people under the deal, boeing will pay hundreds of millions of dollars in fines, but families of those crash victims are outraged calling it nothing but a sweetheart deal for the company. seen as pete man, tina's here with the very latest pete, what are you learning about this? >> another huge blow to boeing's reputation, kd, the company not really saying all that much this morning, only that it has reached an agreement in principle with the department of justice. here are the terms of that deal according to the government, boeing being finding $487 million, the department of justice says that is the maximum fine allowed by law. the government will also be a pointing in independent
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compliance monitor to oversee boeing for the next three years that monitor will give reports to the court each year. but the biggest part of this is boeing agreeing to plead guilty to criminal charges. remember, this is for the 737 max eight crashes the lion air crash in 2018, the ethiopian air crash and 2019, 346 people killed and those two crashes, boeing agreed to plead guilty in this new deal to defrauding the federal aviation administration about the backside that boeing hid major design changes that lead to the two crashes originally, boeing was able to reach a settlement after those crashes with the government to avoid criminal charges. but that deal also came with three years of probation and the january 5 door plug blowout on an alaska airlines 737 max nine happened just days before that deal was set to expire. so that made the department of justice look at the original deal again, ultimately triggering this new deal. victims families are calling it a sweetheart deal because they wanted boeing to face a $25 billion fine.
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paul castle is the leading attorney in their civil case and in a statement he says, this sweetheart deal fails to recognize that because of boeing's conspiracy, 346 people died. this deceptive and generous deal is clearly not in the public interest. of note here is that boeing executives avoided criminal charges themselves. the department of justice says this deal gives them no immunity that applies to the max eight crashes as well as the door plug incident. so we'll see how that part unfolds okay. >> yeah. she question p. thank you for thank you for detailing atlanta now for us this morning, jon so a radio host who interviewed president biden is now out of a job after admitting campaign aides gave her pre-selected questions and game changing announcement from john cena, the peacemaker himself, why he says the next wrestle mania will be his last
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fleet today. have come and gone mri in tokyo and this is president biden is set to host nato leaders in washington this week, issues including ukraine are obviously at the forefront, but president biden's political future is clearly looming over the event the hungarian leader viktor orban just said, there is a high chance the next president will not be the same president as today these leaders all know what's going on here with us now, the former us ambassador to ukraine, john herbst, the senior director of the atlantic council's eurasia center. >> viktor orban's viktor orban leaf him aside for a moment here. but these other leaders, including allies of the united states, including personal friends of president biden they know what's happening here. they know the political questions that play. how do you think that will color these meetings? ambassador there is angst in europe regarding the possibility of donald trump
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returning to the white house because of statements he's made about, about nato this has prompted some of our european allies to push for a stronger steps at this summit, to strengthen ukraine, nadir relationship but that's probably not in the offing it's also true, however, that there are some european leaders who have very good relations with trump, like for example, president due to poland who believe they can counsel him and he has own extinction, not as bad as some people think. any advantage in trying to get something done now, while this administration is still in place or we'll just not matter potentially if there is a change in administrations as of january 20, next year i think it would be wonderful if very strong steps were taken at this summit to enhance to ukraine nato relationship. >> if that would mean if, if president trump returns to office, it will be harder for him to disengage, which is not to say that his intention, we just don't know but there are
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people who has camp want to do that but sadly, the administration is rather cautious, overly cautious on developing the nato ukraine relationship. so i'm not optimistic that will happen so in the last two weeks, if these happens so fast, you've had this a particle election in the united kingdom where labour has just one, this resounding victory you had this unforeseen bizarre election in france where the right, the far right was held off. >> how does that impact meetings amongst nala, nato liters well, in the uk, both political parties tories and labor have a sound understanding of the danger that putin's aggression in ukraine represents to the west to the trans-atlantic alliance in france, things are quite different by a crowd has become quite strong on opposing kremlin aggression over the past year he has been weakened by developments in france. but the turnout in the second round
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has not been a disaster it is true that liptak upenn party on the right, the miller sean party on the left. are essentially putting the pieces french are put in for stairs. but the socialist party seems to be more grounded and they've done the best in the voting yesterday and this means that stronger french policy towards ukraine may well continue that is not a certainty. it's less certain than it was a month ago, but, uh, certainly more certain that it was two days past. >> how do you feel about the military situation as of this morning in ukraine? yes, there has been this horrific attack on a facility near children's hospital in one but now but do you feel as if ukraine maybe has stopped? what were some russian advances there's no question that these somewhat small russian gains of the past eight or nine months, which had a lot to do with the delay of the american aid package by almost seven months have stopped i don't have any doubt
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that the battle on land is now turning. >> in other words, the small russian advantage over the past several months as dissipated as us arms arrive as the new british government, right? there are defense minister was in odessa right after becoming defense minister gets us anymore weapons divided, mr. ration has been quick at getting new weapons to ukraine since the aid bill passed. and things are changing. and of course it's see the ukrainians continued to dominate in the black sea and even in the air, especially with new weapons arriving, patriots and others i think we're going to see a change for better for ukraine. >> ambassador john trips, always great to see you. thanks so much for being with us. thank you also happening today, the trial of democratic senator bob menendez is now entering its final stretch, closing arguments in the corruption case could begin as early as this afternoon. >> cnn's kara scannell is outside court. she's been tracking it for us all along the way. what is expected now
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to happen today, qarrah okay. we are expecting closing arguments to get underway this afternoon. this is now the eighth week of testimony in this case. as senator bob menendez rested his case last week after calling five witnesses, including his sister, but he did not take the stand and over seven weeks, the prosecution it has laid out its case, menendez is charged with accepting bribes. the jury has held the gold bars that he's accused of taking an exchange for giving favors to three new jersey businessmen, prosecutors also alleged that he was helping the government of egypt, even charging him as acting as a foreign agent while he was chairman of the senate foreign relations committee. now, this morning we're learning from the judge that this one witness that one of menendez is co-defendants is calling could not get a visa approved in order to in time to get here to testify. so they're working to see if he could testify remote hopefully, but the judge has set some conditions and said it must happen today or it won't
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happen. now that is expected if they're able to pull it off technically to start around 11:00 a.m. then once the defense rests, their case, it's at that point that the judge is going to excuse the jury for he said about a two hour break. that's to give the lawyers time. to regroup and then closing arguments will get underway with prosecutors going first, then lawyers for each of the three defendants, including the senator. so this is likely to continue into tomorrow. but then at that point, this case will be in the hands of the jury. kate carob thank you so much. really appreciate it that is all for us today will be taking collins all week. >> this is a new central newsroom. jim acosta on them i love milwaukee cnn is lie from milwaukee as republicans unite behind their nominee, his vp, and they're planning and to
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take that the white house follow cnn for complete coverage. the republican national convention starts next monday at eight on cnn, new projects means new project managers you need to hire i need indeed, indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria visit slash higher and get started today. >> hi, my name is damian clark. if you have both medicare and medicaid, i have some really encouraging news that you'll definitely want to hear depending on the plans available in your area, you may be eligible to get extra benefits with the humana medicare advantage dual eligible special needs plan all, these plans include a healthy options allowance a monthly allowance to help pay for eligible groceries, utilities, rent, and over-the-counter items. the healthy options allowance is loaded onto our prepaid card each month and whatever you don't spend carries over from each month other benefits on his plans include free rides to
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