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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  July 9, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. got this, that us the
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republican national convention starts next monday at 8:00 on cnn has the president been treated for parkinson's know, is he being treated for parkinson's? >> know? he's not. is he taking medication for parkinson's know, this president is fit and prepared to two new to serve. >> nothing is good the polls are trending the exact wrong way in a hurry plead with you to shelter in place do not put our first responders in further danger it's very difficult day today for ukrainian people since then morning his i'm, very difficult to read the news and just to go on the court, it's it's extinguish live,
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from london. >> this is cnn newsroom with max foster. >> hello, a warm welcome to our viewers joining us from around the world. i'm max foster is tuesday, 9 july 9:00 a.m. here in london, 4:00 a.m. in washington where the white house is trying to calm fears about president biden's neurological health. after reports that have parkinson's disease specialist has visited the white house eight times times in the past year. biden's physician, dr. kevin o'connor, released a letter late on monday saying many military personnel who serve at the white house experience neurological issues and then urologists visits regularly o'connor says the president has not seen a neurologist outside of his annual physical mr. biden faces a key test today when the congressional democratic caucus meets the first time since his debate with donald trump. in the meantime, he's getting support from two key leaders in the house. this president is fit and prepared to continue to
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serve. his civil end. he's experienced that the opposite side offers us nothing but chaos and extremism yes, i made clear the day after debate publicly that i support president joe biden and that democratic ticket. my position has not changed more now from cnn's senior white house correspondent, mj lee a defiant president biden, going on offense. >> we're not going anywhere i am not going anywhere. >> the president increasingly under siege after him his disastrous debate performance last month, calling in live to msnbc amid the furious speculation and criticism about his age and fitness for office, i wouldn't be running if i didn't. absolutely believe that i am the best candidate to beat down come in 2024 we got a democratic nominating process for the voters spoke clearly
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biden asked about one particular statement he made last week that alarmed and angered many democrats. and if you stay in and trump is elected, and everything you're warning about comes to pass. how will you feel in january feel as long as i gave it my all to put his job as i know, i can do. that's what this is about. >> the president playing clean up, making clear, losing is not an option. >> what would you say to those who are concerned by that answer? >> it's not an option. and i'm not lost. i haven't lost i've been in last mile been in this time. >> but new questions about the president's health dogging the white house after the new york times reported that an expert on parkinson's disease from walter reed had visited the white house eight times in eight months. cnn confirming that the neurologists met earlier this year at the white house with the president's physician. the white house refusing to say if that's specialist was consulting about the president a very basic
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direct question we wait wait times, or at least warrants in regards i just hold on a second. >> you should be able to answer by this point so no, wait a minute ed, please. a little respect here, please. so every year around the presidents physical examination he sees serologies. that's three times. right? this as the biden campaign and its top surrogates are trying to calm the nerves of voters, lawmakers, and donors for all the talk out there about this race. joe has made it clear that he the president calling into a meeting of donors on monday, pledging to attack trump much more aggressively in their next debate. >> and did a new letter to democratic lawmakers, biden, refusing to back down writing that he is firmly committed to
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staying in this race, to running this race to the end, and to beating donald trump cnn's mj lee there, congressman adam smith from washington state, the latest democrat, to call on president biden to end his reelection bid. several others say, if mr. biden stays in the race, voters need to see more of him we're desperate to win this election, and we've got to make sure we have the best candidate to defeat donald trump right now. we're behind in the polls, especially in the key swing states president needs to carry this election. and those polls got worse after the debate. so we need to see a change in course. not just, not just one pretaped interview you over seven days, over a week after the disastrous debate, but a real new plan to turn this around, because when you're strategy isn't working, you can't just double down on the same strategy. you have to have a new strategy. you have to have a new plan. we haven't heard that yet from the white house i was told this was a bad
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night and everything's good. >> know it's a horrible night and nothing is good. the polls are trending the exact wrong way in a hurry a robust candidate would have a hard time turning this around. we have donors walking away at an absolutely critical time you know what i said beginning was i'm worried about not just who controls the white house, but who controls the house and the senate well, the political uncertainty of washington will be looming over this week's nato summit, which kicks off tuesday evening in the u.s. >> capitol. the leaders of nato is 37, 32 rather member countries, along with other eu heads stay to natoce partner countries will be marking the 75th anniversary of the world's largest security alliance. but any celebrated the mood will be clouded not just by questions surrounding the future of the u.s presidency, but also the resurgence of right-wing populism and parts of europe. and of course, russia's ongoing war in ukraine, which is raging are right on nato so his doorstep. the white house
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though, is eager to shut down any suggestion that president biden will have to reassure nato allies over his fitness to lead how did your, question presupposes the notion that they need to be reassured of american leadership and president biden's commitment. and i don't believe that's the case. we're not picking up any signs of that from our allies at all. quite contrary the conversations that we're having with them in advance is they're excited about this summit. they're excited about the possibilities and the things that we're going to be doing together, specifically to help ukraine well, indeed, helping ukraine is high on nieto's agenda this week. >> and the alliance believes that ukraine's path to membership is irreversible that word is in a few draft texts or job takes rather natoce, joint communique according to three sources familiar with the document. one of them is a us official. he says the white house approves of that language, as long as the document demands that ukraine continues its work on democratic reform forms, this could signal an end to the long
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running debate about ukraine's future membership and send a strong message to both kyiv and to moscow. view security council will hold a special meeting in the coming hours to discuss russia's deadly attack on a children's hospital in kyiv the missile strike was part of a series of daytime air assaults across ukraine during the monday morning rush hour. crews are desperately combing the rubble and several ukrainian cities, hoping to find, hoping to find survivors still trapped amongst the destruction there ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy says, dozens of men, women, children were killed at least 190 others injured. among the victims, at least two were killed and 16 wounded at a children's hospital in kyiv. clare sebastian joins me right now. if we had any i mean, what is russia? saying about this? because it was a missile that could be quite different precisely targeted. yeah. so look, we have video that's emerged on social media that shows the missile as we
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understand it based on the geolocation that we've been able to do these videos heading directly. and quite commonly that doesn't seem to be any varying, of course, towards this hospital so russia, russia's ministry of defense said this yesterday in the kremlin has just repeated at this morning, they are claiming that that is a ukrainian stray missile defense missile and that russia does not hit civilian targets. only military ones. of course, we've heard that from russia before and we've had several weapons experts look at the footage of that miss are falling and they say it's consistent with a cruise missile which is of course what ukraine is saying happened. we're getting a sense still of the scale of this attack and search and rescue operations are still ongoing as of this morning in a number of different locations, dozens of people are still in hospital. president zelenskyy just put out an update saying the death toll has risen to 38 and there will be long-term consequences as well, because this is of course the biggest so it's important children's hospital in ukraine, 600 patients have had to be evacuated. it's not just about their care now. it's about the long-term care of patients who wouldn't need it on college
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awards were among the units that were damaged dialysis unit to the country's only oncology and hematology laboratory has been lost according to kyiv city officials. now, in terms of what president zelenskyy had promised on monday, in terms of a powerful restaurant response, we did see quite a large-scale drone attack on russia, five different regions, regions russia came so shutdown 38 drones, which incidentally is the same number of missiles that were fired at ukraine on monday, ukraine and of course can do this with drones, right? but what they are now asking for from their allies is to be able to do things like that to hit russian weapons sites, missile storage facilities inside russia with the donated western weapon take a listen to president zelenskyy on that when use digital time in addition to air defense. and i think we have raised this issue more than once. it is the possibility of using our partners weapons to target the particular military bases and sites that russia uses to launch attacks on i think this is a decision we would like to
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see from our partners or do they still want to see attacks like this terrible tv series? more attacks on hospitals, schools, and universities so he's not mincing his words there. and of course, we have seen in the past some limited restrictions on how these donated weapons can be used, being lifted when it comes, for example, to averting a major offensive on the kharkiv, the white house asked about this on monday, said that as of now that policy hasn't changed, but they are trailing several big announcements when it comes to support for ukraine. >> clare, thank you what's hurricane beryl has now weakened to a tropical depression as it moves through the united states. but conditions are still very dangerous tornadoes, heavy rain, flash flooding are expected as the system heads north this week at least five storm-related deaths have been reported from beryl in the u.s so far houston, texas, or severe flooding as beryl moved through the region, the city's mayor urged residents to stay home to avoid putting first
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responders at risk. >> all i want to do is urge everyone. i plead with you to shelter in place. do not put our first responders in further danger, we have a lot to do when we assess things in future days. but right now it's life safety. all we need to worry about right now is protected labs will say there meteorologist derek van dam is in texas where the storm made landfall early on monday with more on the damage is caused deadly hurricane beryl making landfall along the gulf coast battering texas with hurricane force winds whipping up to 94 miles per hour rising waters leading to dramatic rescues in houston surging wind and rainfall, flooding roadways blowing down trees, and slamming residents along its
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path including this woman in jamaica beach, texas i looked up and my roof was gone, stuff started flying off the wall, zinging around the house in houston shortly after landfall, hurricane force wind gusts up to 84 miles per hour, causing roofs to collapse, and heavy rain more than a month's worth in one day, i'll let ryan came down at home fair read on my neck, the rain and storm surge leading to dangerous roads. it's important for everyone to remember the primary drainage mechanism throughout the city is our streets for better or worse, the national weather service warning people to stay off of high-rise balconies and away from windows. >> as the eye of the storm passes through, we've had hours and hours and hours of extremely high winds high water got tree limbs tremendous amount of debris that's on the road, waters covering the roadways the high winds canceling flights across texas
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at one point, knocking out power for almost 3 million people throughout the state, straining an already stretched power grid overwhelmed by extreme weather here in houston, the floodwaters have receded, but going forward, the millions of people without power are going to struggle in the building heat in the coming days cnn meteorologist derek van dam, houston, texas, will now to meteorologist chad myers for more on beryl's path and the u.s. forecast yeah, we still have gusty winds even at this hour, winds across parts of arkansas into missouri, and then later on today, this rain is going to run right on through indiana, illinois, and then on up to windsor, ontario. >> by the time we get to this point tomorrow, heavy rainfall, two to four inches of rain spreading itself out not 12 inches all in one spot that's the good news. we did get some gusty winds. these are the wind gusts freeport, texas 97. now, if that was a sustained wind, that would be a category two hurricane, but it was not sustained paint. it was a gust.
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and that just doesn't count. so 97 was the highest gust that we could find on the map. the problem is we still have millions of people right now without power, millions of customers without power. and we're going to have a heat index today of over 100 degrees. so certainly in the 41, 42 degrees celsius range and not a fan to even blow the air around. it's going to be a dangerous day across parts so south texas for later on today, heat across the west as well with advisories and warnings going on 100 record highs possible over the next few days out here. but temperatures are not supposed to be like this in portland at 100 and for later on today for reading 110, even that hundred and 20, we saw in vegas on sunday afternoon, that was just a perturbation that will hopefully never see again. but today, one 117, that's close enough. and even down toward palm springs, making a run at 120 later on today so let's come a political deadlock in france after no party wins a majority of the parliamentary elections will look at what's next for the
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deeply divided country because israel's new military operation in gaza city and its impact on palestinians there. a later, how robot guide dog in china is helping those who are visually impaired a heart attack. do they have life insurance know? but we have life insurance john i'm trying to find something we can afford fortunately, it only a few minutes, select poll found john a $500,000 policy for only $29 a month and his wife and a bipolar thousand dollars policy for only $21 a month go, to select now and get the insurance your family meets at a price you can afford select quote, we shop you save, you will never smell better everywhere. >> like you will with looming, it's so easy to use just a pea sized amount like this, rubs going like a lotion controls odor for three days. i'm pits feet i've asked anywhere you
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download. now, i get the wsoc thrill in your hand france has been plunged into political uncertainty after no party won an outright majority in the snap parliamentary elections. >> a source tells cnn, negotiations are underway to form a new government. but it's not clear if there'll be a new prime minister by the time the paris olympics start in three weeks, the stunning election result, but the left-wing coalition, that new popular front on top with 182 seats president emmanuel macron's centrist alliance was second with 163 seats. and the far-right national rally and its allies won 143 seats meanwhile, president macron didn't accept prime minister gabriele tells resignation on monday and asked him to stay on for now for the quote, stability of the country i'm trying meanwhile, although there were celebrations amongst leftists, leftists after their win without an absolute
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majority efforts to form a new government may be complicated. as cnn's melissa bell reports disbelief and joy the streets of paris as news of the far-right's defeat was announced they're not going the united left has shown that it has risen to this historical occasions even that unified left seemed astonished by its own success an improbable coalition with the college phish's socialists and communists. >> there was only created a month ago if you want to gosh, i am indeed a leftist and i probably wouldn't have won if the left hadn't come together and i'm well aware of that paris celebrated the coalitions victory there were already questions though about how such a varied group of parties will actually govern. >> we are quite happy because the left is getting a majority the party we are a bit scared
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as well because the union is not really solid. so maybe there will be trial. but tonight, we're celebrating look first for many she national rally party finally, be able to govern it, came in third, but still recorded the party's best ever electoral success doubling the number of its parliamentary seats with a far-left doing well to the radical parties gains, largely made at the expense of president macron's centrists a reflection of growing anger. much of it outside of paris like here in normandy, where the national rally won outright in the first round what the vote here is more of a disapproval of what's happening in paris compared to what's happening in the rural world? >> which is that no one listens
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to us. no one hears us to report on get the images of the far-right is celebrating their first round success appear to a focus the minds and the votes of those who wanted more than anything else to keep them away from power? for now. but it's about cnn, paris. >> meanwhile, britain's new prime minister is pledging to have a better relationship with the european union. keir starmer is also promising to get a better deal on post brexit trading rules we want to improve relations with the eu we think we can get a better deal than the botch deal that boris johnson brought home and we will work on that understanding the work that needs to be done in the nature the challenge. but yes, we do want to improve that relationship. we're not going to be able to get a better relationship unless we demonstrate a commitment to the relationship and the agreements that have already been put in place shall be doing both of those things. but we do we do that with a very strong mandate now, a very strong mandate for
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change, for a different relationship with the eu israel conducting new strikes in parts of gaza city after ordering civilians to evacuate. the israeli military says the new operation is targeting what it says is terrorist infrastructure in the city on sunday, the idf ordered civilians to leave the gaza civil defense spokesman says people are still fleeing and there are now wounded and dead in the streets and medical crews are having a hard time getting to them meanwhile, the united nations says the number of displaced palestinians and gaza. now, 1.9 million. that's about 90% of the people will he live that salma's with me and we've been here before. it feels like the same story. >> it does, but this bombardment seems to be some of the worst that gaza city has seen. one eyewitness described just the bombs raining down the artillery, the missiles, as hell from a volcano. i mean, it really paints a picture of this apocalyptic where these really
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military says that it has renewed yet another assault, if you will a counter offensive. it says that's being carried out in gaza city. this is in addition to a ground operation that how already been pushing through gaza cities who have tanks closing in as well as again, that bombardment from the skies and all of this takes place as families are yet again, on the move, desperate to find safety, desperate to find shelter just in the last couple of days, evacuation orders have been issued for tens of thousands of people. i want to go to a key number here, max, again, that might paint the picture for you, nine out of ten gazans, nine out of ten gazans? has been ordered to evacuate, has been forced out of their homes. some of them multiple times with these latest evacuation orders. again, for gaza city aid groups, describing families that were simply sleeping out in the open, no access to food, no access to water, no access to sanitation think again about the wounded, the sec that are piling up those patients that need help. well, the medical
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system already on the brink, now being pushed even further because one of the evacuation orders was for hospital, one of the main hospitals in gaza city. so you have the suffering that's just been compounded on the ground one of the other impacts is something that's a little bit further out there and that is what's happening in doha. so you have talks, negotiations that are ongoing in doha right now, there had been hope for a breakthrough, but hamas saying that these latest attacks could threaten, could bring back the talks to square one. so more suffering on the ground less and less hope for resolution in terms of those talks we didn't know about the delay yet, but this seemed to be the key players are involved, aren't. so there's some positivity in that sense. >> yes. so let's take a step back and just remember what these talks are. they had stalled for months really. there it's a three-phase deal that's on the table that had been proposed by president biden. the first part is what
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we're talking about here. and that is a six-week ceasefire. that's on the table. six-week ceasefire where we would see the exchange of hostages, the most vulnerable women, elderly, in exchange for palestinian prisoners there was a major breakthrough. president biden says around the language that hamas and israel had disagreed on that allowed for these talks to take place in doha this week. but when you look at what's happening on the ground, there's two sides to it, really, you have hamas saying this threatens talks israel doing this assault at this time is a threat to these negotiations. on the other side, we have seen in the past when it comes to these negotiations, when it comes to these talks israel strengthening its hand by increasing the talks on the ground there. >> salma, thank you so much. the republican party has unveiled the new platform ahead of its convention. what the party's presumptive nominee has to say about that just ahead. plus ozempic has been getting a lot of attention for its weight loss potential that a new study suggests a
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different job performs it even better i love milwaukee cnn is live from milwaukee as republicans unite behind their nominee, his vp, and their plan to take that the white house so follow cnn for complete coverage. the republican national convention starts monday at 8:00 on cnn every night it's the same thing after dinner, you start soaking, scrubbing, scraping is still top night.
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absorbine pro. want to save on some of the biggest names in streaming on the network made for streaming? x marks the spot. now you can add the new xfinity streamsaver™ that includes netflix, peacock, and apple tv+. that's xfinity streamsaver™ for just $15 a month. all your favorites. all in one place. only from xfinity. for more watching and less spending... x marks the spot. do it all on the network made for streaming, and bring on the good stuff. more it. about seven newsroom. >> i'm max foster here are today's top stories that nato
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summit begins later today in washington, the leaders of natoce 32 remember countries, will be marking the 75th anniversary of the world's largest security alliance. the war in ukraine will be high on the agenda and ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy will be in washington during the summit a wildfire near santa barbara, california is spreading, is burned more than 21,000 acres so far. and it's only 8% contained the so-called lake fire is threatening homes as well as michael jackson since former neverland bronk ranch a jury selection begins today in alec baldwin's involuntary manslaughter trial. the juror is accused of killing cinematographer halyna hutchins when a prop gun fired a live round on the rust movie set in 2021 baldwin was has pleaded not guilty saying he didn't pull the trigger and didn't know the gun contained live ammo. the white house is dismissing concerns about president biden's mental acuity. as more democrats urging him to step aside visitor log showed a
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parkinson's disease specialist visited the white house eight times in the past year mr. biden's physician says, many military personnel who serve at the white house experience neurological issues at the neurologist visits regularly. his press secretary, karine jean pierre has the president been treated for parkinson's know is he being treated for parkinson's know? he's not. is he taking medication for parkinson's know. so those are the things that i can give you full-blown answers on. but i'm not going to do i'm not going to confirm a specialist any specialists that comes to come to come to the white house out of price will soon as chief medical correspondent, dr. sanjay gupta says he thinks president biden would benefit from an urological assessments. he says potential problems could be corrected with treatment detailed neurocognitive testing usually performed by a neuropsychologis t that can be quite involved. it's a detailed history and
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physical examination of the patient talking to family members, but also doing real cognitive sort of challenges how many words can you recite, starting with the letter t in the next 60 seconds, go how many animals can you name in the next 60 seconds? all sorts of different tests matching patterns, things like that. recall trying to figure out your ability to remember your judgment, your processing speed what you're looking at on the screen is what's called the montreal cognitive assessment. and people may know this because president trump said he took this bice. this is sort of a blunt screening tool. think of this as maybe the first step in doing a more detailed neuro-psychological neuro-cognitive exam. this can give people maybe there's an indication of a problem and where the probe further in addition to cognitive testing, another thing that is often recommended would be movement disorder testing if you watch president biden, people talk about his stiffness of gait, which has been attributed to neuropathy doesn't move his
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arms as well they say he doesn't have parkinson's disease, but there may be other movement disorders which can also be evaluated in some of the ways that i'm talking about medical analyst dr. jonathan reiner says president biden isn't the only one who should be more forthcoming about his health what we really need to see with both candidates it's just an effort to have some transparency about the health of the people who are running for the highest office. >> perhaps the most important office on the planet we know nothing about trump, absolutely nothing. we don't know what medications he's taking. we certainly don't know how many ways the his note from his physician in november was basically three paragraphs, complete, devoid of any data meanwhile, republicans are getting ready to head to milwaukee, wisconsin next week well, they'll be formally nominating donald trump as their presidential candidate. >> the polity on monday approved a new platform with more language that's more
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donald trump and less far-right conservative cnn's kristen holmes has the details former president donald trump's cementing his grip over the republican party on monday after his platform was approved, and this is not just the platform of donald trump. >> he actually wrote parts of it. he also edited other it's meant a lot of time and it really mimics who the former president is. it looks almost nothing like the past platforms we've seen in 2020, 2016 when he was still the candidate but instead looks like the candidate himself. that means they've softened language on abortion that is something that donald trump does not believe is a political winner. there is no mention in this new platform from of a national abortion ban, something donald trump has said he would not put into effect if you were to be reelected to a second term. the other part of this is this idea of quote, unquote traditional marriage if something that donald trump has not campaigned on at all. and this platform reflects that no longer is there any words about a traditional marriage being between a man and a woman and brown the most surprising of
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all of this is this idea around the national debt. one of the long-term policies and things public party has been focused on this idea of reducing the national debt, there is no emphasis on that in this new platform. instead, it is all about getting rid of inflation. the rest of the platform obvious it's least still focuses on things donald trump cares about particularly immigration, talking about mass deportations, ending the weaponization of the government, something we hear from donald trump often and in these rallies. but what this really does is it shows you the power that donald trump has over the republican party as we head into next week's convention kristen holmes, cnn, miami, florida for new study, finds that the diabetes and weight loss drug mounjaro, leads to significantly more weight loss and ozempic researchers analyze the health records of more than 18,000 adults on one of these medications for more than a year, they found both
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medications were effective, but after one year of use, the average weight loss for mangera users was more than 15% of their starting body weight compared to about 8% for those taking ozempic now is less furry than a traditional companion, but it can navigate via cameras and has an ai enabled voice recognition capability and researchers in china hoped robot guide dogs can one day help the visually impaired live more independently. cnn's marc stewart reports good boy who would guide dogs are known for their alert eyes and lifesaving potential. but now they may be getting a new image. a chinese research team is testing a six-legged robot dog on the streets and shanghai to help visually impaired people lee fe and her husband are visually impaired and working with the jiaotong university research team to test these robots for now, i can tell it where i'm
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going all via voice conversation i can control the speed with this blind k9. >> have the robot dog navigates by using cameras and sensors and recognizes traffic signals which guide dogs can't do. it can communicate with visually impaired people through ai technology in voice recognition and route planning using listening and speaking capabilities china has around 17 million visually impaired people according to the china association of the blind, 8 million are completely blind, says the world health organization. but there are only 400 or so guide dogs in the country says the head of the research team jewish it is impossible to solve this problem with guide dogs. robots are a lot like cars and i can mass produce them in the same way as cars. it will become more affordable affordability is a major issue for both dogs and robots the vast majority of visually impaired people navigate the world without access to highly trained guide
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dogs. >> according to guiding eyes, a non-profit providing dogs to people with vision loss researchers say these robots are successful and affordable. they could bring a new level of accessibility to visually impaired people critics say robots can adjust to terrain and dangerous situations as easily as dogs cad. but despite the pros and cons researchers believe there is a future for both to exist in harmony marc stewart, cnn, beijing india's prime minister visiting moscow for the first time since russia's invasion of ukraine. >> what this means for new delhi ties with moscow the effects of devastating day in ukraine, carryover onto the court at wimbledon as a ukrainian athlete honors her home country and those to lost their lives to russian airstrikes that sill ahead july 21, i'll special how it really happened the bombing the 21st
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begin. china and belarus are staging joint military exercise just miles from belarus's border with poland and ukraine. the 11 day a sigh started on monday. china says the event will include hostage rescue operations and counter terrorism missions. but a reus has been one of russia's key allies in the kremlin's war on ukraine russia used belarus as a launching pad for some of its troops when it launched the invasion in 2022, indian prime minister narendra modi is on the final day of a two day visit to russia, is the first time he's been in the country since russian president vladimir putin's full scale invasion of ukraine, modi is set to attend official talks at the kremlin today, discussions, his office says will further cement the two nations strategic partnership. ivan watson joins me from hong kong is quite profound. what we're seeing here, ivan well, this is a partnership between india and
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russia that really goes back to the days of the cold war and the soviet union and what and render modi is doing now is reaffirming that and talking about deepening that friendships. >> so these are very important symbols. this scenes of these two leaders embracing themselves on the steps of vladimir putin's residence outside of moscow. modi, making this pilgrimage to moscow. and in comments that he made just an hour or so ago saying, quote, this is a relationship built on a foundation of mutual trust trust, and mutual respect. now the indian side says that the two leaders in talks later today, they will be discussing defense ties. that again, go back to the cold war, india of buys a lot of russian-made weapons, trade ties today, india buys a lot of cheap discounted russian fuel that used to go to european countries that have now put sanctions on the kremlin for its full-fledged invasion of
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ukraine in 2022, modi has demonstrated that that is not a problem for him, that he is willing to deepen his relationship with russia but despite the ongoing war to date, the indian government has not condemned that invasion. in fact, in comments today, narendra modi, thanked putin for helping secure the safe exit of indian university students who were trapped by russia's invasion of ukraine back in 2022, despite the fact that it was the invasion that put those students in harm's way in the first place. so we're expecting to hear a little bit more modi has said that the indian government will be opening up consulates, for example, in the russian cities of you catch it and board and cousin moving forward meanwhile, he's come under some pretty harsh criticism from no one less than the president of ukraine himself, volodymyr zelenskyy, who pointed out that the same day
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that modi was embracing putin, the ukrainians are accusing russia of firing a cruise missile at a children's hospital in kyiv where zelensky tweeted 37 people were killed. 170 injured, including 13 children. he went on to write, quote, it is a huge disappointment and a devastating blow to peace efforts to see the leader of the world's largest democracy hug the world's most bloody criminal in moscow on such a day, no official official response from the indian government yet to that criticism the u.s. government has said it is watching this closely. and here's what a state department spokesman had to say about modi's trip to moscow india is a strategic partner with whom we engage in a full and frank dialogue. and that includes on our concerns about the relationship with russia so the symbolism here, of course, is important. the
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west has been trying to isolate vladimir putin and with this visit, he's able to show that those efforts are failing to some degree and he's offered also offering some counter counterprogramming to the upcoming scenes were expecting as the nato summit, his arch rivals will be convening in washington this week. max. >> how do you think this speaks to the two axes we've got here? very much embodied by the nato meeting and various meetings between leaders outside nato well here's where it gets complicated. max, because yes, narendra modi has traveled to moscow. he's made it clear that he has his own independent foreign policy that is not completely subject to us whims, for example, but that does not mean that but he is cozying up to the growing partnership between russia, china, iran,
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belarus, and so north korea in fact, relations between new delhi and beijing, or not in a good place. they haven't been for years. the indian and chinese armies have thought deadly skirmishes along their disputed border in the himalayan mountains. and just last week modi skipped a gathering of the shanghai cooperation organization was meeting in kazakhstan. that is this regional security grouping that is largely led by china think it was a snub to the chinese leader xi jinping. in fact, some indian experts i talked to, they suggest that by going to moscow, modi is actually trying to pull putin to his side to some degree as he watches vladimir putin and xi jinping they're alliance blossom so that may be at the heart of some of what modi is doing here. matt thank you so
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tennis star wore a black ribbon on the course of wimbledon on monday, cnn's don riddell explains you know, it's hard enough being a top athlete trying to focus on being your very best and competition, but it's much, much harder. when you also have the weight of the world on your shoulders at wimbledon on monday, ukrainian tennis star elina svitolina was in fourth round action playing just hours after the russian army had targeted numerous cities across her home country, including a devastating missile strike on a children's hospital, killing more than 30 people. svitolina played with a black ribbon and she would this just ruthless throughout the match dispatching her opponent wang xinyu in straight sets, 6-2, 6-1 svitolina has previously used her platform to raise awareness of the plight of her competitors a tree it at war. but in the interview on the court afterwards, it became clear just how much this
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particular attack had impacted her you know, it's very difficult day today for ukrainian people focus to, go and since the morning it's very difficult to read the news and just to go on the court so i'm happy that i could play today. get a win i'll say it done well
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well-played. >> elina svitolina, she added that the victory was, quote, a small light that brought a happy moment for ukrainian people she'll play the 2022 wimbledon champion elena rybakina next on wednesday for a place in the semifinals. back to you well, in less than 24 hours will know one of the teams that will be in the euro 2024 final, spain meets france in the semifinal later today in munich spain is the only team to win all five of their games. >> the winner of this match will face either england or the netherlands in the final passage. joining me here on cnn newsroom, i'm max foster in london, cnn this morning, up next after pray good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to be with you. this is a massive week in politics. i hate to kind of call you out right off the top. it is wonderful. talk to see these women athletes finally getting
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