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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  July 9, 2024 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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when we're young, we're told anything is possible... 069 today ...but only a few of us go out and prove it. witness the greatness of anna hall on a connection worthy of gold: xfinity mobile. only xfinity gives you the most powerful mobile wifi network, with speeds up to a gig in millions of locations. and right now, xfinity internet customers can buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity.
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overdraft fees join me. it it's tuesday, july 9 right now on cnn this morning, president biden insisting he's not going anywhere leaving democratic lawmakers deeply divided hurricane beryl tearing up texas, leaving millions without power and the republican now national committee adopting a trump backed platform with a soften stance on abortion convention. >> now, just days away all all right, it's 5:00 a.m. here in washington. a live look at capitol hill place to be this morning. good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us. a critical week for president biden's campaign.
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congress now returned to that building. you just saw after their holiday break, the entire house democratic caucus greeted yesterday with a letter from the president responding to calls and his campaign saying in part, quote, the question of how to move forward has been well-aired for over a week now, and it is time for it to end. it is time to come together, move forward as a unified party and defeat donald trump. there will be a pivotal meeting of all house democrats later today. it's gonna be their first in-person gathering since the debate so far, six house democrats have publicly broken ranks with president biden calling on him to leave the race. illinois democrat mike quigley is one of them. he says that there will be more that is quite a few. they have to come to terms with that on their own. i know it's a tough choice. i suspect you'll be hearing from quite a few this week many in the party are rallying to the president's side as he tries to lobby key democratic groups for support. president biden spoke to members of the congressional black caucus and a virtual call
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on monday night. here was caucus leader steven horsford. after that call this president is fit and prepared to continue to serve. his civil and he's experienced that the opposite side offers us nothing but chaos. >> and extremism joining me now is mariana alfaro. she's politics reporter for the washington post. marianna. good morning to you. thanks so much for being here. so let's start with the support that the president is trying to rally with. the congressional black caucus you saw a little bit of it there. they really are kind of emerging as a bastion and of support for him heading into this critical caucus meeting that's set for this morning. what are you expecting to unfold? yes. i mean, i just we saw yesterday he called them to the cbc. i think it's over 60 members are are part of it. and again, we heard everyone praising him or having everyone welcome to him. no one, nobody there has still said he should step down and i don't think we'll see any cracks in that
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group. i think yesterday i touched base with a lot of evan. they said we are continuing to support joe biden no matter what. and this is across the ideological spectrum within the cbc. and i think that again, they are probably his most loyal supporters are backers on the hill. and i think that today, during that big family meeting is what they're describing. it adds democrats are going to come around and listened to a lot of the cbc members talking about what they heard yesterday. and i think that that's probably going to rally a lot more support for the president in the house, like we saw yesterday. >> so one big question, of course, is, what is a keen jeffries? he's going to do. he is essentially he's the leader, but he's a speaker in waiting. they're really hoping to take back the house. my colleague, manu raju, caught up with the speaker yesterday as he was coming up to capitol hill let's just listen to what leader jeffries had to say mr. leader, do you support joe biden staying as your democratic nominee? >> yes. i made clear the day after the debate publicly that i support president joe biden
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and the democratic ticket my position has not changed so of course, hakeem jeffries has spent the last few days. >> it basically trying to figure out where his caucus stands. he has been asking people to reach out to members of their committees he's to figure out where are, where do people stand on this because he does have to bridge both the cbc and then also the mike quigley is of the world what's next for him? definitely, i think during the family called a lot of amino haven't saying we're going to make a decision, we're going to be more then, you know, settle on our position once we all meet and gather and listened to from leader jeffries and i think today is that big test for him. i heard from a lot of house. i'm not going to a lot of m a part of the cbc, but also some other non who are very upset at some other members who have come out and spoken about removing biden from the ticket instead, that is very rude and disrespectful to leader jeffries is the, session and leadership because he's the one that's at the end of the day gun, i gather everyone and just like suggests what the next steps forward are. and so
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i think you're going to hear a lot of democrats saying, you know, we're waiting for him to signal. but it is him who has to lead the way and again, those who stepped out before he spoke i think might have, you know, rubbed off their colleagues in the wrong way so i don't want to lose sight of what's going on in the senate as well, because we're expecting them to have their first real in-person. >> they all came back up to capitol hill last night, but there's this the usual caucus lunch on tuesday expected to really be kind of a deep dive discussion on this, senator mark warner of virginia has been someone who seems to be pushing behind the scenes to kind of rally and discuss with those who have doubts on the senate side. remember biden, of course, was a senator and some of those voices may be that much more important to him. here's what senator tim kaine, who is also a democratic senator from virginia, like warren he's been a little bit less critical of president biden. here's how he put it he is a patriotic person who will put him the country over his
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own needs and i think he'll do that as he makes this decision if he believes fully that he can do this, i will respect that judgment. >> but i also completely believe that if he has doubts about whether he can do it, hill level with the american public about it. >> and i think that's the big question. the leveling with the american public. there are of course democrats hold the senate right now, but barely. there's an expectation honestly that they're likely to lose the standard to republicans in the fall, senator sherrod brown is in one of the toughest races in ohio. and he did say i've talked to people across ohio. they have legitimate questions about whether the president should continue his campaign. he says, i will keep listening to people so i mean, i think that gives you a sense of the nerves and the stress that this places on i can't let someone like sherrod brown here. how do you expect the senate meeting to go and impact what the president may or may not do. yeah, that's the interesting split screen here, because we're seeing the house yesterday was very much rallying behind president biden. i mean, except
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for those like handful of one to call it for him to step down. but then on the senate, you have a bigger range of position in terms of senators being very real about what they would like president biden to do. i think we saw patty murray yesterday. she's like one of the top democrats in the senate saying, you i do want him to show me that he can go and win this thing. and i think that that's not a thing that is new amongst senators. i think we have, you know, bernie sanders the other side being in behind biden 100%, so again, this meeting today, it might come out, maybe not as a full surprise that mark warner is not the only one who has been really considering what they're going to go tell their people and what they want. president biden to do. but i think you're going to see stronger calls from senate democrats asking for biden to go out and show them that they, that he can win this you know kamala harris is also a former colleague of theirs all right. mariana alfaro for us this morning. thank you so much for your time. are coming up next here, president biden set to address nato allies after a tumultuous few weeks plus hurricane beryl ripping through texas, leaving millions in the dark and
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ukraine reeling after a wave of deadly russian missile strikes bring it up march 21st, let's special, how did we have and search? >> we were suspect how it really happened to be atlanta on limping, bombing, from us july 21, at nine on cnn after careful review of medical guidance and research on pain relief, my recommendation is simple. >> every home should have salon pause, powerful, yet non-addictive targeted, and long-lasting. i recommend salon paas. it's good medicine when you use the anjie for your home projects, you know, all your jobs will be jobs done well, roof repair done well, kitchen sink and saw done well deck upgrades done well it has been connecting homeowners was skilled froze for nearly 30 years, so we know the difference between done and done well. >> so the next time you have a project joining the millions of
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>> you're going on right now at part of, we've got free shipping and united states plus 30 day money-back guarantee super beta prostate is the number one selling brand for a men's prostate and urinary health and for the third year in a row, it's the number one urologist recommended brand in time. you'll notice less urges to urinate improved bladder emptying, and you won't be getting up at night for so many bathroom trips urologist recommended super beta prostate also available in gummies. find it at walmart what if you're bonnie didn't have to hurt after being active? >> introducing still go the only apparel with adjustable medical grade support designed to help you overcome injuries, minimize pain, and regained the competency, get back out there, still go supportive apparel is engineered with 90 feet of high strength cables that reinforce the body control dials that allow you to adjust the support. still go is trusted by professionals, world-class
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athlete, and weekend warriors who all want one thing, more activity and less pain learn more. it's still take a pea sized amount, apply it like a lotion pits under boob fivefold, about cracks this water-based cream. i'm telling you it's invisible on the skin. it works like a dream. i didn't someone think of this sooner? >> i'm jessica schneider at the federal courthouse in washington, and this is cnn all right. >> welcome back to cnn this morning. uncertainty looming over the nato summit that begins today here in washington. leaders of 32 member countries, marking 75 years of the security alliance and working to lock in support for ukraine. but now they're also confronting the possibility that nato-skeptic donald trump may be back in the oval office after last week's disastrous presidential debate. for the president, the white house on monday, shutting down any suggestion the president biden is not up to the task and
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trying to quell any doubt over his ability to lead your question presupposes the notion that they need to be reassured of american leadership and president biden's commitment. >> and i don't believe that's the case. we're not picking up any signs of that from our allies at all. quite contrary the conversations that we're having with them in advance is they're excited about this summit. they're excited about the possibilities and the things that we're going to be doing together, specifically to help ukraine right? there's a lot there. cnn's max foster joins us live now from london. max, good morning to you. so give us the view from where you sit of everything that has been unfolding here in the u.s. as this nato summit gets underway, of course, president biden has held up the expansion should of nato as possibly the primary reason why he should continue at the top of the democratic tickets. certainly one of the top two reasons he mentioned it every time. but the reality is his performance at the g7, the way some european leaders looked at, at it, then heading
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into this week i'm really did actually underscore many of the challenges he has around his age. and this of course, all looming as the problems facing nato are as acute as they possibly have ever been in the post-war period. what do you see? as being the most important things for the president this week? and how are these other names? so leaders are looking at the job that he's doing right now i think on the outside you'll see lots of positive support for president biden, because as you say, certainly hear from europe, there's a lot of support for nato he's the key figure within nato because provide so much resource into it. >> so i think outwardly, there will be lots of positivity keir starmer, he's the new british prime ministers actually got a full bilateral meeting with president biden, which is seen as a big honor. so he's got some proper time with him. so he'll probably have a pretty good sense of how president biden is performing. i think behind the scenes, i think there was as much shock in
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diplomatic and government circles as a was in the rest of the world about that performance on the cnn debate and when, when it comes to nato, of course that's particularly pertinent when you consider that if they do make big decisions, around security, it's about pressing buttons, it's about quick decision making. i think they oh quietly looking for reassurance that the president is still strong, a stable in that position. and i think there's major concern, but i want to know that anytime that they get with him as well served and that he's focused on the job it's a lot of pressure on president biden as well, isn't it kasie, you've covered these events as well in the past, so lots of meetings, pretty intense rounds of discussion. lots of different countries and types of policies to consider and big ideas. so it's pretty intense for president biden, right? well, and he's expected to give a press conference later on in this week, but that his aides are really holding up as a chance for everyone to see that.
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>> again, they're trying to prove that the debate was a bad night and not a sign of some sort of conditions shan that is impacting him broadly. so that's going to be another one of these moments where i think we're all going to be watching every single word max. this also comes, and let's talk for a second about kind of where things stand in ukraine. because of course we saw those horrible, terribly sad images of children outside of a cancer hospital that was hit by the russians. they were striking in ways that are perhaps a little bit unusual for how they have been conducting. the war is, are these moves designed to be ahead of this nato summit to try to send a message to nato. i mean, how do you, how do you view russia? it's conduct in this moment? >> are well, they're saying this was a stray ukrainian missile, aren't they? the russians have not saying much about it at all. you wonder about the messaging. it was in daylight, it was it's a very advanced missile that can be carefully targeted. it hit a
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children's hospital where there are cancer patients inside. so it's absolutely brutal event and you can just see those everyone's still trying to recover from it combined with other attacks as well across the country you just don't have the insight into what the kremlin strategy was here. if indeed it was their missile investigations on the ground suggests it is they're not in the room, are they nato? but it certainly does raise that raise awareness of what's going on in ukraine as they go into nato. but the big elephant in the room is will president biden be there in november? will there be a completely different strategy if president trump comes in? so i think there are lots of caveats going into this meeting. yes, we know who we're dealing with. president biden, and he's behind ukraine, but we don't know if you'll still be there in november yeah. >> really tough. all right. max foster for us this morning. max
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always grateful to have you. thank you so much. >> all right. coming up next hurricane beryl leaving millions without power in texas and a wildfire threatening the neverland rant shan california, your morning roundup ahead i love cnn is live from milwaukee as republicans unite behind their nominee, his vp, and their plans to take back the white house, follow cnn for complete coverage. >> the republican national convention starts monday at 8:00 on nothing dems my light like a migraine with nortech ott. i found really the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent all-in-one to those migraine. >> i see you for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults don't take if allergic to near teco d team allergic reactions can occur even days after using most common side effects are nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we talk to a health care provider about nortech ott from pfizer interested in
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louisiana recovery and cleanup efforts are underway this morning trays on the house through the roof, through the salient of waters pouring out on the inside really had my heart racing because i felt the wall bow and all me and so i just i didn't know and just i don't pretty much, but i pray that time and here i am officials say more than 2 million people are still without power and that it could take weeks to bring it back as sweltering heat settles over the state. >> cnns, lee waldman joins us live now from houston with the latest illegal morning kasie good morning. good to be with you this morning. you mentioned those deaths here in houston where we are right now, this home you can see behind us, this is the home of a 73-year-old woman who died during those storms yesterday after a tree fell on top of her home as she was sleeping, her family was home with her and they're okay but she ended up passing in her sleep. we know this was the case where at least one of the person in houston other people were getting trapped in those high floodwaters. we saw dramatic
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video of high-water rescues all across houston yesterday in this area, they had a summers worth of rain, fall in just 24 hours after that storm moved through the area. we also know that there was tornadoes throughout the area as well, and people are still under tornado watches mornings this morning as they're waking up, you can see around us complete darkness because this is one of the areas still impacted by mass power outages across texas. millions of people without power this morning. and it is hot out there. now we know from the local energy provider centerpoint that they plan to have a million customers power restored. in the next 24 hours by wednesday, at least houston, galveston, they're telling us it will be several days before they're able to get power restored. we know people this morning as they start to wake up, there'll be cleaning up the debris that's left in their neighborhood. we saw several trees down other homes in this neighborhood, in particular the had massive trees falling down.
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it's going to be a long process that's very, very hot and no power to cool people. kasie very, very difficult. we wellman for us this morning, leigh, thank you very much. stay safe. all right. 25 minutes past the hour. here is your morning roundup. the lake fire near santa barbara, california is spreading, burning over 21,000 acres. it remains just 8% contained and it's threatening homes as well as michael jackson's former neverland branch karen read's defense team filing a motion to dismiss two of the three charges against her following for mistrial trial second-degree murder, and leaving the scene of an accident. read is accused of killing her boyfriend, a boston police officer, with claims she was framed police in the bahamas, revealing they found a missing cargo woman cell phone under 50 feet of water that they haven't been able to access it. 41-year-old, taylor casey was attending a yoga retreat at a resort before her disappearance. she has now been missing for nearly three weeks right up next here, changes
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made to the republican platform to better so reflect donald trump's party plus how democrats are dealing with president biden's decision to stay in the race you've got to wild week ahead of us, shark week baby, guide you this a speedo know i'm going to test my strain against a shark sure. hosted by john cena all this week at 8:00 on discovery and streaming on max. what if you're bronny didn't have to hurt after being active introducing still go the only apparel with adjustable medical grade support designed to help you overcome injuries, minimize pain, and regain the confidence to get back out there still go supportive apparel is engineered with 90 feet of high strength cables that reinforce the body and control dials that allow you to adjust the support. still go is trusted by
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right five-thirty am here in washington. a live look at capitol dome on this tuesday morning. good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt it's wonderful to have you with us in the days since cnn's presidential debate, joe biden has said his halting performance was an exception, that it was just one bad night for healthy if elderly man. but white house visitor logs show that a top parkinson's disease specialist held a meeting earlier this year with president biden's physician at the white house the logs also show that that same specialist has visited at least eight times over the past year. that reporting leading to a series of testy exchanges to put it lightly between white house reporters and the white house press secretary, karine jean-pierre has the president been treated for parkinson's know, is he being treated for parkinson's know? he's not. is he taking medication for parkinson's know, i'm not going to confirm a specialist any specialists that comes to come to come to the white house? i am not sharing
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confirming names from here it is a security reasons. in fact, going to do that, ed it doesn't matter how hard you push me. it doesn't matter how angry you get with me. i'm not going to confirm a name. it doesn't matter if it's even in the log. i am not going to do that. from here. i am telling you that he has seen neurologist three times while he has been in this presidency that's what i'm right joining me now to discuss michael schnell, congressional reporter for the hill, and notice political reporter race gorman, welcome to you both. michael, i think that the sort of tone and tenor of what you just saw there from corinne really underscores the tension that is really on display at right now, should really struggled to answer questions about what was going on. why was this parkinson's specialist going to the white house to meet with the president's personal physician, right and corinne up, they're not exactly answering the question, but then a few hours later, the president's doctor putting out a letter they're essentially saying that this was just part of the president's annual physical that we mentioned in his annual report has helped
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report that he receives his neurological test. it's part of his wide annual physical and that this was part of it. that's one of the reasons why this medical consultant visited the white house. so there are some questions about why kareem wouldn't have just said that at the podium saying that he was here for a routine visit to look at the president as part of again, this annual physical. and there's nothing else nefarious there. but by korean getting combative with reporters and not giving a straight answer, it raises the speculation about what is actually going on and look the tone and the tenor of that briefing just shows the pressure around the situation we're not even two weeks out from that debate. and there is still this intense continued fallout about whether or not president biden should remain on the top of the ticket, whether or not he has the mental capacity to remain there as the nominee. so this narrative in this conversation about this specialist visiting the white house, it doesn't help, but it would be easier. you the swirling speculation will be put the bed if it could have been put to better with just a straight answer right off the bat. well and so race part of what michael's referring to, the statement
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that they put out from kevin o'connor, who has the president's personal physician has been for many years. is this present? biden has not seen in iran just outside of his annual physical, many military personnel experience neurological issues related to their service and dr. cannard regular regularly visits the white house as part of this general neurology practice. of course, there are a lot of military members that do serve but at the white house. but again, this doesn't really explain why he was there to meet with kevin o'connor, who is the president's personal physician. this this underlying issue that yes, we're seeing reporters tried to get at here in this setting it seems to be the one that people on capitol hill have also been trying to get at, right. let me was nancy pelosi said, is this an episode or is this a condition 100%? and it's not just to your point, it's not just us that are wanting these answers. i mean, these this is something that hill democrats are really trying to get ads like they feel like the white house is not being upfront with them and they see stuff like what happened yesterday at yesterday's press briefing and then released a statement a
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little bit after the white house is hurting their credibility with these democrats because they're hearing oh, they've heard for so long. by ms fine, he's perfectly fit officer, we see what happened at the debate and now they're questioning every answer and they're seeing every answer would be spun and then comes out later. but like, oh, well, we met x when we said y or whatever it may be, and it's, this is really causing a grave amount of concern on the hill among democrats because they don't think they could trust anything coming out of the white house right now about biden's health? episodes like this do not help because specifically like you saw, how combative that she got with reporters and then only to explain it a couple of hours later. and this is just i mean, biden needs to reassure not just the american public, but also these hill democrats, especially the hill democrats they're not doing a very good job at that right now. >> michael, let's watch a little bit of how democrats over the course of the last 24 hours have been talking about this. they obviously all came back into town yesterday, so we're starting to get kind of this trickling and it's going to come in and flood this
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morning. house democrats set to meet this morning, senate democrats over lunch here's a little taste of what they're saying at this point i support president joe biden and the democratic ticket my position has not changed. i support joe biden, but i also believe that he has to us this time, especially this week to reassure people in a convincing way. >> i think he should step aside. i think it's become clear that he's not the best person to carry the democratic message. you already won the nomination. so if there were to be any change, it would have to come from him joe biden has been a great president and i'm not going to chuck him for a rough debate. >> mychael, what are you looking for i mean, you're you're up in the hills the halls of congress every day. what's a question you're going to be asking out of the house, democrats meeting and then out of the senate one i mean, it's the simple one. do think that president biden should step aside because here's the situation here. kasie, there about 96 democrats who have publicly said that president
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biden should step aside three of them also did so on a private call, but that's when a reporter that's only about nine who have publicly said he is step aside. now i'm hearing from scores sources that behind the scenes, the number is far larger than that, but the only thing is is that this public pressure is not exactly going to mount on the president unless more of those democrats come out publicly and to his face, say i think you should step aside so if those democrats can come out today after this morning's meeting, that could up the pressure on president biden. but if some of those democrats are apprehensive and don't want to face the president head-on, then he hq is picking up support right now from the cbc congressional black caucus, from the congressional hispanic caucus very public support. so these detractors don't come public than president biden could avoid that dam break king and be able to move on with this nomination. i spoke to a house democrat yesterday who thinks that biden should step aside, but they told me they don't think that a lot more democrats are going to come out publicly during this meeting today because they know it's going to be leaked afterwards and they don't want their identity to be known. but the truth of the matter is nothing is going to happen with
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president biden at the top of the ticket, i believe unless these democrats start to come out publicly in droves, i mean, i'm risa does feel like yesterday at least turn the tides somewhat toward biden. is that your sense? definitely week we reported yesterday that this this was a good day for biden that since the debate because there was no additional people calling for him to step aside. there where people express expecting concern, but they stopped short of saying he should withdrawal there are people that just ignored the question altogether, which is an answer no of itself. but as far as people calling for him to withdraw from the race this did not happen yesterday. was technically a good day for biden up on what qualifies as a good day has shifted and changed. but yeah, a very high-stakes guys. thank you both very much. i really appreciate it. >> all right. there is a new republican national committee platform and it has donald trump's fingerprints all over it. a source telling cnn that trump took the lead in crafting
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the document, even writing some portions of it himself. notably, its softens the republican party's language on abortion. that is an issue that republicans have struggled with after the supreme court overturned roe versus wade. and of course it's one democrats are aggressively campaigning on ahead of november just yesterday the same day, a republican panel approved the new rnc platform. democrats let's put out this ad on abortion for almost 50 years, roe v. wade was the law of the land ensuring a woman could make her own healthcare decisions? >> and what i did is i put three great supreme court justices on the court and they happened to vote in favor of killing roe v. wade. it's been a great thing ask yourself, who do you want in the white house? the man proud to overturn roe v. wade or the president fighting for your rights our joining me now live from milwaukee, wisconsin is cnn national political reporter, daniel strauss. daniel, you're
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a weak early for the convention. but it's, it's good to see you and it's good to have you. can you walk us through exactly what is the difference between this current platform on abortion and what we've seen from republicans previously and how it came about because it's donald trump who keeps saying, well, we got to win elections. this is clearly a move in that direction essentially, it's the lack thereof of specifics and language throughout this entire rnc platform, there is an absence of very specific the big points on where the party should be on a national abortion ban on a state-by-state a state-by-state opinion on a limit on weeks on abortion. >> and these are things that republicans have very, very seriously tried to push throughout their party at the same time as having trouble rebuffing attacks by democrats
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about whether they support limiting abortions to a certain amount of weeks or would push i'm national abortion ban into law if they had power of the white house and congress and i think right now it's pretty clear from this new version of the rnc platform that republicans see that as a liability trump himself has said that he does support strong limits on abortion throughout the country, but he also feels that that does hinder his chance of getting elected. and this document reflects that daniel this idea that trump himself has writing parts of the platform. do you buy it yes, because our sources tell us as right if you read the language in the document, it sounds incredibly trumpian right down to the grammar, his signature capitalisation of words that he wants to
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emphasize its various points. and just the phrasing, it sounds like trump himself do you how much of a problem do you think that this is causing with activists in the republican party and how much does that even matter so it's funny, kasie, like we expected in the females after this platform was quickly passed and approved by the panel in charge of it? >> that there would be pushback from the outside organizations that have been very invested in defining, say, gay marriage as between a defining marriage as between one man and one woman or groups that have been pushing for stricter restrictions on abortion but for the most part, the complaints that you would expect to hear from those groups have been fairly muted which suggests one of two things, either they see that trump's record is more convincing than any promises he makes, right now on the
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campaign trail or that they have come to some sort of compromise with the trump campaign and view this is as good as they can get at the moment on this document. >> all right. daniel strauss for us this morning. daniel, always grateful to have you. thank you so much. coming up next here, added pressure on president biden. he's preparing to host nato leaders plus a 17 steals the show during a game with team usa sports is coming up do not buy generic viagra until you check out this program, giving away 100 milligrams generic viagra for just $0.87 cvs and walgreens don't want you to
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alliance, could be eclipsed at this week summit by doubts about his political future. biden defended his reelection bid during an abc interview friday and called on voters to watch him at the summit this week the united states in the walls an inflection point for the things that happened the next several years are going to determine the next 67 decades and who's going to be able to hold nato together like me? well, good way judge, me because you're going to have now the nato conference, united states next week unless she would all right, joining us now cnn's political and national security analyst, david sanger, also of course, the new york times writer, david, it's always good to see you. >> i did want to share a little bit of what you write this morning about biden heading into this summit. he's set to deliver a speech this evening. at the mellon auditorium in washington. that's actually the same exact room where the original nato charter was signed. in 1949. but you write this quote, he biden is now 81
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and perhaps the most vocal advocate in washington for an alliance that's grown from 12 members in 1949 to 32 today as the era of superpower conflict has roared back. but as they gathered on tuesday evening, the leaders will be watching mr. biden's every move and listening to his every word for the same signals, americans are focused on, whether he can go the distance of another four years in office and perhaps it's worth noting that president biden is actually older than the nato alliance he is, he was six when it was signed and it's going to be pretty remarkable being in that room tonight. i'm looking forward to it because harry truman was there with his national security staff signing the 1949 agreement and so biden is his chosen this as the spot to gather everyone with all of its historic resonance would this remarkable moment, because
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we are back in a new version of the cold war a very different one. in may, i would argue you all much more dangerous. one and all of a sudden the question is, is there a hole at the core of nato, which is to say the united states the options that the other 37 liters will see over the next three days is a president biden, who may get reelected. but be a weaker president in the last four years, as most presidents are and they're going to particularly worried we about his age or one that ushers back in a presidency of george w bush. presidency of donald trump, who unlike past republicans like bush and like others had, has argued that nato is obsolete. and as refused to necessarily come meant to come into the defense of the mets unimaginable for
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previous republican presidents yeah, it is really remarkable, and i mean, david, it seemed that the previous calculus had been that many of these leaders really wanted to avoid the donald trump presidency at all costs i mean, how do you think they're feeling right now about i mean, because the reality is the debate performance played into the trump argument that this shows that biden is weak on the world stage in standing up to adversaries you know, that the trump argument is that the russians respected him and therefore did not invade ukraine during his time. that they attacks on crimea, the annexation of crimea took place in a bomber but the rest of ukraine happened during the biden administration i think mr. trump is being disingenuous on this because there was a war underway that was post crimea.
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obviously russia was occupying crimea and parts of southern ukraine and you did not see he president trump at that time. try to gather the world before some out, he did provide them. the ukrainians with more defendant and so weapons and that's that's to his credit what there isn't right now is a plan for how you either end the war or how you get ukraine to the position where he could win which was the phrase that was used again that the white house yesterday by john kirby, the national security spokesman. and when you ask what, when means, it means driving the russians completely out of ukraine? and that does not seem like a reasonable option right now i think the
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best that nato could hope for in the next few days is to i try to trump-proof some of their aid to ukraine by trying to set a good deal of it in place ahead of the possible resumption of a trump presidency? >> i really remarkable state of affairs. david sanger for us this morning, david, always very grateful to have you. thank you so much. >> great all right. >> time now for sports, a 17 is putting some of them fast basketball players in the world on notice with an amazing performance at the team usa training camp. carolyn manno has more in this morning's bleacher report. carolyn, good morning. >> good morning, kasie. well, the summer games in paris, i was just 17 days away now and part of the prep for the u.s. men's team included taking on a select team of 15 players, and that included deuce number well, one recruit, cooper flag, and this 17-year-old absolutely. put on a show against the likes of lebron james, steph curry, and anthony davis highlight it's a the scrimmage went viral on monday
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after the cysteine forward showed why he is the projected top pick in the 2025 drafts. he's the youngest player training camp he says he knows that he belongs there i'm copying motto, moscow said no, yeah, i'm competent why everybody elsewhere. >> second seat and seven-time world champ novak djokovic is through to the quarters after beating holger rune in straight sets throughout the match, fans were loudly saying rouen as fans of the 21-year-old from denmark normally do, but djokovic apparently did not hear it that way, thinking that they were booing him and he made sure to address the crowd after the match. before leaving the court. >> i know there were cheering for rhona, but that's an excuse to also bu i listen. i've been i've been on the tour for more than 20 years, so trust me, i know all the tricks. i know how it works. it's fine, it's fine, it's okay. and to all those people that have chosen to disrespect
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the play player in this case me, have a goo night american taylor fritz lost the first two sets of his match against world number four, alexander zverev, before pulling off an incredible rally to win in five sets to advance this is the first time that fritz has beaten the top five player at a grand slam in ten tries and tomorrow's match against italian lorenzo musetti is going to be the fourth major quarter final and second edible than for him, american tommy paul is also in the quarter finals marking the first time since 2000 that multiple americans have made it this far on the men's side that the england club back stateside differences go giants past and present, honoring the late great willie mays on monday night, the two-and-a-half-hour public ceremony featuring speeches from commissioner rob manfred and mays godson, barry bonds, man fred saying that mays dominated the game while also capturing imaginations and inspiring generations hall of
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famers, joe torre, reggie jackson, dennis eckersley, rickie henderson, and former president bill clinton also in attendance and how about this for you, kasie, how about this big league debut reds rookie resigns destroying a nearly 450 foot home run when over the rockies he was recalled from the minor's with cincinnati down three outfielders and he made the absolute most of it padding the lead in the eighth inning since denevi blinken, colorado six, nothing that's soon to be twenty-four-year-old. >> was at a loss for words after the game surreal. >> i mean i can't really put words to it i mean, do you see my smile it's all i got for your i don't even know what to think about it he showed a tremendous amount of power in the minors, kasie in a is show up and you're big league debut. >> he had a great game all around that home wrong? just absolutely a stunner awesome. all right. carolyn, thank you so much. i really appreciate it. coming up next here. high water hair-raising rescues with parts of houston swamped after
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hurricane beryl plus it doesn't matter how hard you push me. >> it doesn't matter how angry you get with me the white house press secretary clashing with reporters over the president's health you have to do is just look into his eyes and you know, he got it the passion, the fearlessness. >> there's no doubt he's doing exactly what he's meant to be doing. >> it. rahm are calling is to build trucks so when you find your coal, nothing can stop you from answering it now during the ram, make this the summer event, get $2,000 bonus cash allowance on select 2024 ram pickup trucks and vans and dealer stock. >> see your ram dealer today home where routine meets remarkable with unexpected moments of inspiration around
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