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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  July 9, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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we're, following a couple of, live events that are about to get underway on a day that democrats could potentially make or break the president's political future. >> the white house briefing is about to start any moment, and the leaders of the house democratic caucus will be speaking after the party met behind closed doors we're following all the latest developments from the white house to capitol hill. and let's start there with cnn, chief congressional correspondent, manu raju. manu, tell us what you're hearing from lawmakers as they all get together today and talk about this yeah this meeting this morning, about two hours with the house democrats really airing out their concerns is a bit of an open mic session. members would go up express
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their concerns about joe biden as the nominee expressed concerns about donald trump taking back the white house and about how the party needs to come together for an order to defeat donald trump, all playing out in this private setting. the first time they were able to meet. now, it was clear this much was clear. there is no consensus about whether biden should be replaced. in fact, some of them said they would support joe biden simply because he has insisted that he is going to stay in this race we have no other choice. so they are deciding that we need to get behind the top of their ticket. now at the moment, senate democrats are meeting, that's happening. they're having their first meeting ever since the wray ever since the debate from late last month, they're on recess last week and now they're behind closed doors airing out. their concerns. i call it one senator earlier today, bob casey of pennsylvania and endangered democrat and i asked him about whether he's willing to abandon biden do you support
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keeping biden at the top of the ticket or i said numerous times. during my remarks over we get ago he gets you don't have any concerns about his ability to serve four more years no when you saw on the debate stage and what my job is not to be a commentator, an analyst, i'm got a job to do with the united states center. >> he's got an excellent record when most existential presidents of the last
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his mental state. >> and so, you know, i think the best the white house can hope for right now is to calm this down and to try and get back to business. i don't know
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whether they're going to be able to ever comment all the way down jeff, i'm curious to get your perspective on this because despite this sort of public unity, the details that we're hearing from within the meeting, this sort of sadness, this concern about how this is going to play with voters. >> i mean, ultimately, how do you see this playing out? look, there is deep worry inside the halls and the those meetings of house democrats that's in the senate democratic lunch as well. the reason is, democrats thought that they were on the cusp of winning back the house majority of five seats. the senate always going to be very difficult, but they are holding their own in some states, this has just really upended all of that, talking to democratic advisors all morning long. they are worried about the growing sort of gap gap between where the president stands in battleground states and the senate candidates. i'm talking wisconsin, i'm talking michigan, talking pennsylvania. of course, arizona, nevada, also, a deep concern. the only reason georgia isn't it because there's not a senate race there. but look, the reality
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here is things seem to be moving in slow motion, talking to one death democrat just shortly before lunchtime, he said, last week it seemed like this was sort of heading in one direction and democrats were getting around the idea of moving on. it does not seem like that at all. so time is on president biden side, but look, it is a pivotal week as we've been saying, he has a speech tonight that press conference on thursday, and this is all changing in real-time. like one event is going to suddenly ease concerns, but they are limping into the rest of the summer campaign now less than four months before election by himself is not going to change. biden is biden he is who he is. he presents as he presents what's going to change are the numbers the geoff is talking about. and i was talking to one democratic pollster who said to me so far he hasn't seen a dramatic drop. but that doesn't mean that that won't happen. we've seen some drop-off and they want to win. they don't want to lose this presidency. then i want to lose
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the house or the senate. so you know that's the thing. that they're really worried about buying the u.s. who he is there. they don't expect to see some miracle. second debate, for example, they, they know what's going to happen. >> i hope it doesn't get worse, right? that's right. yeah, that's right. and jamal, i want to i want to bring you in because on that point, what gloria was just talking about if there was some silver bullet that democrats could see some candidate that they think could win them back the house that can make them even more competitive to keep the senate. do you think that we'd be having a different conversation? because at this point, there is no there's no super alternative. it doesn't seem like i have been in these conversations over the course for the last i don't know what it's been almost two weeks now in the tide seems to turn kind every two to three days, right? >> ever tamale, we're sorry to interrupt, but house democrats are holding their press briefing right now. let's listen single member of the house, democratic caucus is
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clear-eyed about what the stakes of this election are donald trump cannot be allowed near the oval office and his extremist allies must never be allowed to pass a national abortion ban or they're dangerous. project 2025, which would erode our demands of course, see at enabled trump's worst impulses and we've seen firsthand what the republican majority will do if given an opportunity to govern chaos and confusion are the order of the day and the will of the american people is completely ignored. the extreme republicans in charge have not passed a single bill to create one job but they have voted to roll back thousands of clean energy jobs they've not passed legislation to combat rising prices. but they've promised to repeal a $35 a month insulin guarantee for our seniors they've not done a thing to address the situation at the border. in fact, they've killed the most significant border
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security bill in decades, while the policies of president biden have brought border crossings down to pre pandemic lows. the choice before the american people this november is moving forward with a stronger economy lowering costs and safer streets. or the chaos and extremism of donald trump together with the biden harris administration, will continue to increase economic opportunity in every zip code. and deliver for working families vice-chair loop thank you or donald trump campaigned on overturning roe versus wade. >> trump appointed extreme maga justices who lied to the senate. and then proceeded to overturn roe versus wade and then trump bragged about overturning roe versus wade now, trump is trying to run away from that, but he can't. why? because in fact, roe versus wade was overturned. that's a thing that's a fat. and millions of women have now lost rights we also know that
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with project 2025, this creepy document written by trump's closest advisers and confidants that they want to ban abortion nationwide. project 2025 also wants to eliminate the department education and once eliminate the national weather service me, you're not going to get actually weather forecast anymore. you just can get stupid weather forecasts. i mean, this document is creepy. it's a takeover of the american former government and it's a collection of extreme maga, ideas that's going to rule we need your help. >> go online, call, or scan this code to support wwf's global conservation efforts by
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our grandkids, gone just like that. i can't believe this is the world we live in where we're losing the freedom to control our own bodies. last year, politicians and 47 states interests produce bills that would block people from getting the sexual and reproductive care they need. where does it end? planned parenthood fights for you every day but we need your support now more than ever visit this website, call or scan the code on your screen with your $19 monthly gift help us win the fight for the constitutional right to control our own bodies, true? who i could planned parent, i've had not stopped and i would not be here today. they saved my life. >> your support is urgent. our rights and the rights of future generations are at risk and lives are at risk. >> and that's why we have to keep fighting in every state, everywhere, donate $19 a month or whatever you can afford, and you'll help us fight against
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a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 800 a31, 3,700 listening to members. there was no instruction to get on the same page that we were talking about the importance the twin goals that we have preventing donald trump from ever setting foot of the white house and getting 218 votes for hakeem jeffries on january 3, that is the focus of house democrats were you have heard us say before that unity is something that is so helpful to us unanimity is not the same as unity house democrats bring a different thoughts and ideas and viewpoints each and every day to this house chamber we
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learned from that. we accept that we accept each member's perspective and our focus is to be unified and we are unified that donald trump cannot win, and we are unified that hakeim jeffrey's needs to be speaker to help the american public's more about trump and not so much about biden, isn't that yes. you hear that you guys were talking consistently about former president trump and not advocating for president biden's. and he is the guy who asked to beat donald trump. >> right now, president biden is the nominee, and we support the democratic nominee that will be donald trump. that is, that is the fact that is where we are and preventing donald trump from a disastrous reign, where he can level project 2025, where he can deport kids from families, ripped families apart that's what we want to prevent here. and that is the focus in addition to ensuring that hakeim jeffrey's is a speaker there's a number of democrats party who want
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president biden to come to speak to the caucus directly to put their concerns that russia should president biden come and address the congress that's up to, that's up to the president and his team. >> i can't speak to that. our job today was to convene the house democratic caucus to hear different viewpoints, different ideas, into end to be unified behind that message of ensuring that we do everything we can to win this november robert republicans have continued to ask for the audio of this report to be released because they want to make sure that president presented himself in a coherent manner. and democrats have i've said, this was conspiracy theory because he obviously as you were concerned, that he did to protect himself in april way, what are your thoughts on that now considering what you've seen? debate in the subsequent fallout i'll, i'll defer to the vice chair here, too, but this is this is very clear
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republicans campaigned and have promised to impeach joe biden. >> they were unable to impeach joe biden. and so now they will do anything they can to distract back to away from their own reckless agenda. that is, that is who they are. that is all this effort is about and we see that continue. we see house republican leadership seemingly not supportive of this luna resolution, but she may offer it because it just shows how extreme house republicans are robert hur was appointed by donald trump. >> he is a republican and he has said that the written transcript is an accurate rendition of the audio transcript so you can just read it trespass fine but you know what written transcripts or really crazy and okay. we're hearing look at donald trump's transcripts, whereas rallies are listening right now to members of house democratic leadership taking questions
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from members of the press after the caucus met together, met this morning for a couple of hours worth noting, we heard the man on the left there congressman pete aguilar say that right now, joe biden is the nominee and we support the nominee. what we didn't hear gloria and jeff was any sort of ringing endorsement of joe biden and they tried very much not to talk about joe biden. they want to talk about donald trump and i think it is interesting because we had members of congress, democratic members of congress on yesterday the first, there's a rule in politics if you don't like the question and answer a different one. and that's what we're watching them do. what what house democrats are doing right now jeff, does this put additional pressure on the leaders of the democrats in the house and the senate. hakeem jeffries and chuck schumer to eventually step in and either her say, cut it out if he's the nominee or biden, you got to step aside look, it could it certainly could. >> or they could be a followers in this respect, this is a true test of hakeem jeffries
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leadership before he would ever become speaker. we don't even know if that will happen. of course as all energy twine now, but look i don't see either one of the leaders either. senator schumer, or leader jeffries, making them move, hear that their various members aren't pushing them to do. and it sounds like these were very these are therapy sessions is what it sounds like more than actually a strategy session. so going forward here we'll see what they do. but again, another probably strong day for president biden because no one has come out against it. >> yeah, joe biden is living in a different universe in which nobody wants him to leave. everybody's with them. everything's fine. everything is brain, his mind and that's not the truth. that's not what's going on, but and these therapy sessions there aren't a lot of people coming out and saying that's not the truth, you need to go. we're going to lose the house as a result that's just not happening. yeah. they described it as as listening and not sort of
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degrading for playbook should be a jamal, we did interrupt your thought to hear these lumps makers, i'm curious on the other side of it. what you took from it in part because they're not exactly boasting about joe biden and his abilities, especially going been another potential four-year term, more so they're saying that he's the nominee right now and we have to beat donald trump democrats are wrestling with us. i mean, everyone loves joe biden. joe biden is somebody who has been around for a long time. people love his personal stories in generous to people. i worked in the biden white house. i feel a great amount of respect for him and for the people who work there. there are a lot of people in the party who are still believed wrestling with this one question i've heard is, are we trading a problem today for a problem that might come up tomorrow and it might be harder for the democrats to deal with that problem when it comes up tomorrow. but today, everybody knows that joe biden is the president and they're ready to get back to the
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question of donald trump, who we know of those that debate might have been muddy. we do know that the choice is still clear between donald trump who wants to take the country in a different direction, believes in project 2025, getting rid of the foot civilian workforce. he's not for abortion or once i'm ambushing a national abortion ban. donald trump is somebody who americans don't agree with. and as we just saw in france, if there's nothing else in america there is an anti-trump majority and anti maga majority that has shown up since 20 2022, back in 2018, we've seen it over and over again. let's go ahead and dip back into this press briefing as these lawmakers are being asked questions by reporters from, do you think that the biden administration is doing enough to protect progressive regulations for being overtone by a trump administration according to project 2025 plans, as you've said, if not, what do they need to be doing what we hope not on trump never gets close to the white house again. >> so that when it comes to
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plans and getting in place, our plan is to win and to prevent donald trump from ever setting foot in the white house to carry on project 25, which would project 2025, which would mean a national abortion ban and defunding the fbi and ending marriage equality. the list goes, goes on and on with respect to your first question is incredibly clear that this is a runaway supreme court that does not feel that they have a check they want an imperial presidency under donald trump, but they are not guided by the ethics standards that other judges are. i think we can start there. that has been a discussion among both sides of the capitol dome. let's start there. if there are other reforms that are worthy of consideration, we should, we should debate him as we debate a variety of it shoes, when it comes to keeping government safe and ensuring that we have a functioning democracy the first thing that's going to happen when we flip the house
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and hold the senate who is going to send a bill to codify roe versus wade to president biden. >> he's going to sign it that's the difference. that's what's at stake this election. donald trump would veto such a bill because donald trump cause roe versus wade to be overturned, was going to fix with the supreme court did when they overruled precedent for no good reason in what was known as chevron case the supreme court has now essentially said that, hey, judges or better than the techno experts at agencies and looking at congressional statutes well, guess what? supreme court justice neil gorsuch wrote an entire opinion where he confused laughing gas with another kind of gas no, judges are not better than technical experts at federal agencies who these justices think they are. do they really know biology and science and chemistry and all the things that experts need to know no, they do not. this was a power grab for the conservative supreme court. and we're going to fix that if we flip house, hold the senate,
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and we keep donald trump out of the white house bending the court. >> scott. >> thank you for your constituents in your district say, what have you heard? phone calls, your office? emails, personal conversations, people in san bernardino in redlands in those communities that you represent, what did you do? they want president biden to stay on? do they want somebody else? >> thanks. thanks for name checking their hometowns. always appreciate it look, i mean, i think i think by and large what you have heard me communicate is not only as a leadership member within the caucus, but is someone from those communities, from san bernardino county we also have the benefit of vice chair and i of being from california california is no friend of donald trump when it comes to politics and ideas i've benefit from having independence. we call them declined to state voters. and in california who
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register it's the fastest-growing political party in the state is declined to state and i've got a lot of those folks who were supporters and france and overwhelmingly they want to prevent donald trump from being in the white house and so that's what i here. we hear others things do. we hear we hear theories and cases? and of course, that's fine. but when it comes back to it and i remind people that my focus is as a leader here is to ensure that i came jeffries become speaker overwhelmingly people say, oh, yeah, of course, we have, we have to do that like the region, the state, the country will be better with democrats holding gavels. i'm just convinced it that i'm convinced to the work product that we're able to do together because of our proven track record. when we are guiding these committees, what we can do the bills that we can
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put in front of the president, how we can help people that's overwhelmingly what we, what we hear of course we hear different theories and different ideas about the top of the ticket but overwhelmingly that's where people that's where people come down to like your maga said we hear a lot from her constituents at different issues, but i mean, i've heard that doesn't seem to be being covered or that epstein files these files were released and like donald trump's or two over this, right? >> there are pictures of him with jeffrey epstein. he's taking multiple plane flights with epstein with young girl was on board. he is on call logs with epstein one of the highest trending hashtags on twitter right now is about trump and epstein. i'm not going to repeat the hashtag was when a dignified setting. but you might want to look at that because that's highly disturbing. and again, it shows that donald trump is unfit for office. and by the way, he was convicted in a civilian court for sexual assault, convicted in a separate court right. of 34 felonies donald trump should
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drop out of the race you've spoken at length about the need to not only put house representative, jeffries. >> what do you say to candidates in vulnerable districts in close races who are concerned that these issues with biden's help, with his ability to withstand the rigors? christopher campaign may depress voter turnout and not only harm the general election, but democrats ability to maintain control of the senate and flip the house i'm, not going to get into your campaign tactics and then all the private conversations i have with candidates running. what i can tell you that i relate is running vice chair and i both got elected in 2014. i flipped a republican-held seat in a really rough year in 2014. i share with them my story i share with them what was happening at the top of the ticket, what was happening in the country at the time. i try
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to encourage them to just continue to press ahead. and that this is incredibly important and what they are doing the job that you're doing, campaigning sacrificing further families i'm giving up things those are things that aren't lost on any of us. and it will make it when they, when it will make it sweeter, it will make it better because of the work that we're going to do together because day one, we can pass a bill to codify roe because we can help address the runaway supreme court because we can help working families. those are the things that matter to the candidates that i've been talking to last one doesn't ask with eight democrats publicly the race your colleagues to win the election scores, i can guarantee order in this conversation with a democrat who is publicly supporting the president in private please extremely concerned. is he doing enough to assuage
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concerns among the caucus about his ability to win against trump in november. >> i think this is the president has said himself that he's, he's gonna be out there, right? this is about campaigning and hustling my answer is, we'll see like, let's let's see let's see the press conference. let's see the campaign stops. let's see all of this because all of it is going to be necessary. the president knows that he did not have a good debate performance. he knows that he has to be out there in people's districts, out in the communities, out in these tough states he knows that and that's what that's what we'll see in the days and weeks ahead. thank you so much. >> thank you we've been listening to the two chairs of the democratic caucus as they answer questions from reporters mostly focused on this meeting, that democrats had earlier today. >> listening session and about concerns over president joe biden at the top of the
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democratic ticket and his efforts for reelection, we heard mentioned of their anger toward what they describe as an activist supreme court. their promises to codify roe versus wade. if democrats take control of congress we also heard him mention of jeffrey epstein during that press briefing. we didn't hear a lot in the vein of support for joe biden personally. not a lot of boasting about his abilities. i believe chair aguilar said we'll see what biden does on these campaign stops. he did acknowledge, we've heard a lot of things theories in cases about the top of the ticket, but it sounds like acceptance from these democrats that joe biden is going to be the nominee come november. >> we just heard a lot of spin. that is what you just heard through they do not want to be the gloria in jeff. they'd they did not want to talk about joe biden. they did not want to talk about his mental capacity or his ability to be president. they wanted to talk about what democrats are trying to do to win in november, which is understandable if you're trying
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to win in november, you want to make this choice between donald trump and what the democrats and joe biden have done. but gloria, he says, let's see, they don't have a lot of time on their hands. know they don't. and the whole purpose of the meeting was to talk about what they've been going through as a result of that debate that joe biden head and the whole purpose of the meeting was to talk about their own political futures and how that's intertwined with joe biden's political future. instead, they were trying desperately to turn the page and it almost sounded don't know if you agree with me. it almost sounded like they were running in a leaderless way. it wasn't like, you know, it depends on the top of the ticket. it was this is what we would do if we got control of the house again. right. and it wasn't talking about joe biden's second term. it just wasn't talking about that. and i think that's because they did not come to any hard and
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fast conclusion among democrats about what ought to occur. and they're in a pickle because joe biden isn't going anywhere a public versus private pickle. >> if you talk to members and privately and their advisors, they worried desperately what the top of the ticket will do to them but you heard sort of the outlines of their strategy here to try and make it all about donald trump. we will see there's a potential that could work next week of big test comes in, wisconsin, key house races, but a big senate race there. this will be the center of the trump nomination. he'll pick his vice president and how does that play in a battleground state? you know, what did democrats, their do? there's no doubt the democrats are eager to from try and block trump. the question is, will there be spending more time defending biden, talking about his latest thing or not. so i'm not sure we made any progress really on the hill this week, but let's see what senator schumer says. one
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thing, as we sort of wrap here, what patty murray said last night, longtime senator from washington and state shoes very clear, and she's in a blue state and she's worried about the direction with biden at the top of the ticket here. so i'm not sure this is done, but it seems like for now at least it's stop some of the bleeding for president biden have been, you know, there's there's there seems to be little movement and people privately want there to be movement because they realized the clock is ticking, but they can't get their act together. one way or another. and so they have a couple hour-long therapy session that result oh, absolutely nothing except for the fact that g they all want to beat donald trump. yes, some perez paralysis of sorts. >> i think we're gonna go to the white house now where karine jean-pierre is briefing the press let's listen in on that working around the clock for the past two days to ensure texas has the resources and tools needed to respond to beryl and keep americans safe?
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>> officials from the u.s coast guard and fema have been on the ground and senior white house officials have been in constant contact with their counterparts while the storm has passed, our greatest concern right now is power outages and extremely heat. so we want to encourage residents to remain vigilant as temperatures rise, especially older adults and those with underlying health conditions fortunately, 800,000 have had power restored overnight. and we expect another 1 million to have their power restored today the federal government has also offered generators to help reduce the impact of the power outages. the president continues to take decisive action to help the people of texas recover. and he looks forward to working with the state to get more critical resources to the people that need them i also want to share one additional scheduling item with all of you as well at the top, in addition to many nato
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meetings, we announced yesterday on thursday afternoon, president biden will meet with president zelenskyy of ukraine to discuss our unwavering fort for ukraine as it continues to defend itself from russian aggression. that meeting will be at 1:30 p.m. at the convention center, which as you all know, is where the natal sessions are being held. and it will we'll take place just before the nato ukraine council meeting. this will be the third meeting between both presidents in recent weeks following their sit-down in france, and also a sit down at the g7 in italy. and it will further demonstrate the strength of the partnership between our countries and finally, just a personal note here i want to say a few words about sam michel here, who served as acting deputy press secretary terry for the part of good part of this year. we're said that today is indeed his last day, but we are so
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grateful for his service and he has been an incredible colleague. he is we are, we're lucky to have him on our team, on our press team. his sharpness, his ability to stay calm under pressure, and his strategic thinking has been a real asset to us. all. sam, you will be greatly missed. thank you so much. for being on the team and stepping in when we're stepping in, when we really needed you. >> okay. all right seung min convocation on a letter that was sent last night from dr. o'connor at and correct me if i'm wrong, but it didn't seem to explicitly describe the nature of dr. cannard meeting with dr. o'connor or can you say whether that one meeting is related to care for the president himself? i can say that it was not great. is asking why that information that was released last night this wasn't said at the briefing? answer was no. actually, a lot of what is in
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the letter was said at the briefing to be very, very clear. i said many of the things that were laid out in the letter. who's actually repeated right here behind this lectern this podium yesterday. it was said that i said many of the things, many of the things, and we got cleric clarification, obviously i'm dr. o'connor but it was in line with what i said when i said only three, i said only three visits that this particular deal dr. had, i said a neurologist, what i was not able to confirm is the name and the reason why is because we do not share a private information formation that is something that we respect. and we wanted to make sure that we protected our consultants here that work with the white house medical unit, their security as well and so that is the one thing that i was not able to confirm. obviously, doctor o'connor's letter confirms that, but we have to get permission from dr. cannard and also the president in order to put that
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information and it is not normal. and that also states that in dr. o'connor, but many of the things that i said right here at this podium is in the letter. >> can i just also asked a little, this is the second time in less than a week where the briefing had prompted a need for greater clarification on question since about the president's health i was wondering if you could speak to so i disagree. i disagree. saw me. it's not yesterday. a lot of the things that i said right here in this briefing, i know you were not the briefing room. i actually it's in the letter. it was in the letter. it was being incorrectly assumed in insinuated that the president had seen dr. cannard more than three times. i said that it was only three times, but the president has seen a neurologist i didn't confirm the name. what i did say, it was only three times. it was being incorrectly assumed and insinuated that the president was being treated for parkinson's. i said right here that the president was not being treated for parkinson's because i actually went a step further and said he wasn't taking medication for
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parkinson's. i said that right here. it was also being assumed in insinuated that dr. cannard was someone who only worked on parkinson's when in fact, he's a general neurologist. i was something that dr. o'connor was actually able to confirm that he was a general neuron neurologist and in fact, a general olena rodgers. and we also wanted to set the we just wanted to set the record straight. and so it is important. we believe it was important to all of you. i actually even said here you're at the podium. if there was more information that we could provide, we would do that we would do that. and we did but many of the things that i said right here is in the letter is in the letter rose, it feel like he's been back this effort to force him to step aside look you heard the president yesterday when he called into morning, joe did about 18 minutes of q&a yesterday morning he sport he spoke very, very i think
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forcefully, passionately about where he stands, about how he sees things moving forward and we also have said many times we respect, we respect members of congress, we expect their view. but i also want to say there's a long, also a long list of congressional members who have been very clear and in support of this president, whether it's the cbc, who gave a full full support, the congressional black caucus for folks who are watching and i'm not sure what cbc is they were very much supportive. they said we think that this is a representative joyce beatty didn't to be clear, we think that the call went extremely well. the president was very responsive representative tory carter, who's also a member of the cbc. he was elated to hear directly from the president and that he is all in and we are all in with him. you heard from we've got a congressional hispanic caucus. they put out a statement in full support of this president and others and
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so he is going to focus on continuing to work on behalf of the american people, continuing to build on an unprecedented record that he's been able to get done. what many of these congressional members that he's proud to be, to have worked with but that's his focus right now. that's his focus. >> you're talking to more people wanting more. >> he's going to continue to engage as you saw him in pennsylvania when he was on and we all when he was in the commonwealth on the road, he's p had to of the to of the senators to have a congressional members within the house members with him. he's going to be traveling later in the week. he's going to be engaging. i've mentioned i mentioned yesterday his robust schedule for the next two weeks when he's in state, he certainly would continue engage. i don't have list of additional additional calls to read out, but he did cbc last night, congressional black caucus. and he's going to continue and engage as he has again, merry, to fall on that. the president has made clear he's done talking about the debate is time to move on but
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some of his allies have made clear they're very much still in his wait and siloed senator patty murray said he must do more to demonstrate he can campaign strong enough to beat trump that are durbin said he's concerned whether this is just a one-off or larger issues. so i guess, you know how how worried is the president that despite his best efforts, he's not going to be able to close the book on these concerns. and mary, i appreciate the question, but as you know, there are hundreds of members in congress, hundreds. >> and i laid out a list of folks who have supported him. we've heard from senator coons, we heard from senator fetterman their is support there as well for him and so just want to make sure that we put that out there as well as a party united right? absolutely. and look, representative gregory meeks said, coming out of the congressional democrats meeting, said that they're united and you just saw the dem caucus leadership take questions from some of your colleagues over at the capitol. so that is important as well to note he had a bad night. we've
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talked about it he understands people's concerns. we have been out there as we have been in previous months, but out there, obviously in the past ten days, more than ten days now, since since the debate. and you see for him his engagement with everyday people on the ground. you see him with congressional members having the who are showing their support, speaking on behalf of this president while we're on the ground in in that respective state or commonwealth being where we were in pennsylvania on sunday. so we're just going to continue that. but look what we can say, what i can say is, look, we respect, we respect people's opinion. these are you just mentioned two senators that we were very proud working with over the past three nights a half years to get historic such historic legislation done. and that's what we want to focus on. your right. we do want to turn the page. you heard me say this last week. we want to get to the other side. height of this. we want to continue doing the work, and that's what the presence going to do. >> just be clear. does he have plans to talk with leadership
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against him? i don't have any calls. we don't have calls to read out out. are bar to preview. he is going to continue to engage. i just don't have anything right now to share at this moment. he talked to cbc again, the congressional black caucus because members yesterday, they had a very, very good call. and so he's going to continue to engage brain the white house is obviously feels a little, a lot of questions in recent days the president's health, whether the white house has been, we're coming, we're not about that issue and i just wondered have blast 12 days made you reconsider any specific scene? but you might have made in recent months on on that look, i appreciate the question. i really do in the opportunity. i think there has been moments here when i have said, and especially in the gaggle, i think actually yesterday, if i if i have said misled in something that i've said are haven't had the full
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information, i actually own up to that. and i actually say i will do my best to get you the information. hence the letter. hence the letter for dr. o'connor. right. and so i will i've always said i've always been committed to doing the best i can. to give you the information that we have that is a commitment from the team. it has been an unprecedented time. i think you guys could admit that it isn't unprecedented time. and so we are meeting the moment, a new moment that has never really existed before. and so we want to make sure that we get you all the information that we have. and when we don't have it, we do try our best to provided that information and so that is something that i'm going to continue to do and i've always said it is an honor and the privilege to be standing in front of you every day exercising in the freedom of the press. this is, this is a briefing that is watched around the world because we lead in democracy, right? we lead in the freedom well the press and what that looks like
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honor and privilege. and i will continue to do my best to do just that. and we certainly understand. speak on behalf of the president and you defend him, his actions this position and policy position is included can i just ask you about one example? just going back, that comes to mind september in the past, we're talking about the last 12 days. i'm talking about the whole region know, well, you just said recently it's been, you know, we've been going back and forth and so in the last 12 days or so, that was relieved. that's how you asked me if i was talking generally. okay. but if i could do because ask you about one example, i mean, look, if you're going to ask me about something for months ago it probably would be fair for me to probably won't be able to answer that right away, whatever it is you're going to say to me i'm happy to do that, but but it's also to say, hey, from september of whenever year, right? >> that is that is something that i probably should give a little space to kind of see exactly what you're speaking
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okay. >> that's fine. i do. i just want to make sure that we kind of give some context facts here. yeah yeah. and you'll remember this. this was an event where the president called out congresswoman jackie laura ski, looked for her the room, even though she had recently died. you told multiple reporters at the time and this was asked multiple she was talking right now because she was top of mind for the president. i mean, would you on that example, would you offer a different explanation because honestly, i spoke to the president right before coming out that day and that is what the president told me. >> it's not something that came from me that is something that came from so he was saying he was shooting her in the moment it wasn't a she was talked she was talking. okay. that is coming as you just said in your question can i speak for the president i speak on behalf of him. that was coming from him and i was delivering directly from the president what he was thinking at the time very different kind of
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example on this is more recent sure. sure. when the president wasn't italy for the g7. >> and remember, he skipped one of those leaders dinner, which was a major event for the summit. and i remember you were asking out of my reporters and he said, you know, we shouldn't read too much into the fact that he's skipping one dinner i mean, what with the, explanation actually have been he was tired and that he needed to cycling that happening my answer stays the same. >> i wouldn't read too much into it is not the first time that he has. he has a really busy schedule and there's a lot going on as you know, when the president is abroad, he has continued to do domestic stuff as well as as well as meeting being with global leaders. and so i truly would not read too much into it and i will leave it there very final question on the annual sure. sure. that are from dr. o'connor he said that the president continues to be
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fit for duty and fully executes all of his responsibilities without any exemptions or accommodations just because it's been a couple of months, you know, that statement is still accurate. it's still lacking, so no exceptions though accommodation exemptions more competent thank you. >> it wasn't a announcement from the department of justice today about crack effort corrupt a roughened state sponsored bought operation ai fuel operation to janet great politicians in the united states and elsewhere have have you do you have any concerns right now that this is leading edge of any part of a russian effort to interfere in the election. as the president been briefed on this and have you seen any evidence that the russians or other foreign powers have tried to seize on the debate performance repeat
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some of the president's most embarrassing moments. >> so that's a very good question. i would have to talk to her team about those particular questions that you just add. there were multiple questions in your statement there i would leave it to the department of justice as what they announce. and obviously that's for them to speak to. look. ai has always been a concern. that's why the president made some announcements recently, an executive to take executive action on how we can deal with ai. we want to see more, more action, more fulsome action legislatively from congress. and that is something it is a, it is a technology, cutting edge technology that we need to get our hands-on and make get a better you know, better understanding of what it could potentially do and so that is something that the president is certainly is looking is looking to make sure that we deal with this full whole of government way on those particular questions, i would have to check in with our with our team
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here. and obviously what's whoever's related to the department of justice in that in that statement, i would refer you to them you said, just a minute ago, that the president wants to turn the page on in the last couple of weeks and get to the other side of this where the white house wants to yeah, as president biden seen enough support over the last 36 hours from fellow progressive or from fellow democrats in congress to now start turning the page and look ahead. >> i mean, what's his reaction been to what what he's seen since congress? this has gotten i mean, it's very similar to how i answered the question to one of your colleagues. he's very much focused on what's what's ahead, right? he's very much focused. he has a fulsome robust schedule. next two weeks that we laid out for all of you. he wants to focus on on that. the messages that he wants to come out when he goes to texas next week when he goes to vegas, next week is going to going to be on the road on friday as well. well, i also want to say he is proud of
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the congressional black caucus who said they have he has their support. the congressional hispanic caucus did the same. and other and other members of congress obviously look, he wants to move forward as your colleague said fed definitely unite the unite, unite the party, continuing to unite the party we heard from representative meeks who said that democrats, the congressional democrats, came out of the meeting today. united, i think that's important to note, but the presence going to move forward, he's going to move forward and he's going to continue to go out there and gauge engage with the american public like you so i him do in pennsylvania and he's going to stay focused on what does he feel like he's weathered this storm, said, look, i think that he is more determined and then ever to continue to get the job done, to continue to build an economy that works for all, to continue to make sure that we have a
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middle-class, right? that is that is strong, that we don't have a trickle down economy, that economy that's built from the bottom up, middle out. that's what he wants to continue. do i think this week with the nato summit, the 75th year of nato, let's not forget nato has helped to protect americans and for, and also protect world and what it's had been able to do for the past 75 years, you're going to see the president engaging with 32 liters of this alliance i think that it's really important that's yet on behalf of the american people. so he wants to do that. he has a lot on his mind and as it deals with making sure we deliver for the american and people, that's what he's going to focus on gop peter, i know we had our chat mr. yes. thanks does president biden commit to serving a full second term if reelected? >> yes thank you we know the president says that his health
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is fine, but it's just because his brain and that he sharpness before he's joking by the way, i just want to make sure that that's out there and people was the people people he was making a lighthearted jokes as he was speaking off. >> he was peaky speaking off the cuff and was making a joke, you know, the president, he likes to joke a lot. he's the same guy who says, i know. i look 40 right? so he likes to make jokes it is a joke huger. i think people laugh when he says it. >> well, he's sharp is before 8:00 p.m. so? say that the pentagon, at some point picks up an incoming new. it's 11:00 p.m. who do you call the first lady he has a team that let? >> him know of any of any news that is pertinent and important to the american people. he has someone or put that is decided obviously with his national well security council on who gets to tell him that news. >> so kevin mccarthy just said that when he was the speaker, many times when we had meetings in the oval office, jill was there there as well. when the
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first lady is in these meetings, is she making decisions or she advising the president know the president is the president of the united states. he makes decision okay. >> and other family member, president biden, has told me before he and his son don't have any business dealings together. so what is hunter biden doing? in white house meetings? >> are you talking about the meeting where they came together from camp david and the two of them walk to the president's meeting and he was there. >> there is a report that aides were struck by his presence during their discussions. >> look, i can't i'm certainly not going to get into a prime i've had conversations that occur. what i can say is, and i talked to this i spoke to this before. is that when they came back from camp david, the presence spent a couple of days at camp david with his family he is very close to his family as you know, it was the week of fourth of july, which is why his family members were here last week they walked together
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and they walk together into the meeting. >> hunter biden has access to classified information? >> no are you guys just not since february testing president biden for parkinson's or dementia because if he gets a bad result it's all over that day again, as i've said many times before, the president has had a fulsome comprehensive what we. said, what we shared with you was comprehensive, but he's had a full physical we've we've shown the results of those visits schools this past three years we showed it just four months ago and it is in line with what we have done. similar to president obama, similar to george w bush we are committed to continue to be transparent. we are committed to continue to show the results of those of those physicals. and look,
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it's the president's medical team that makes a decision. we are not with all due respect. you're not a doctor. i'm not a doctor. it is the president's medical unit that makes a decision on what the president needs, not a doctor, just play one on tv what i know that is here. but i know that especially as adults going into their 80s, health conditions can pop up more than just once a year when he's getting his physical. i think if my wife saw me on tv misspeaking for for saying the wrong thing or seeing a changed my appearance she would probably say, let's go to a doctor just to make sure that you are okay. you have a family fordham job. why doesn't anybody in the president's family urge him just to go to get checked out to say the coast is clear. >> okay. so just to step back just a little bit because i think you weren't in a briefing and last week, i don't want to go backwards, but just to share a little bit about that night,


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