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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  July 9, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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a c-130 on the ground? we spoke with major john burris, once an accountant. now, mission commander. and why is it key to have an aircraft like the ac130 able to deploy here to korea as quickly as possible. that unique thing about the ac130 is the amount of fires that we bring the amount of munitions that douglas amount of them could send the box don't want to do all right. i said zero subzero. got the air force says it's continued message here is deterrence. and with this aircraft power so what opened fire loyal its wait, you're really get that what they told starts to happen higher plane the ghostwriter, just one piece of the us korean strategic symphony as the tempo of these exercises continues, and north
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korea watches across the horizon. >> mike valerio, cnn, osan airbase, south korea. >> and our thanks to mike valerio for that report and thanks, of course, to all of you for being with us ac360 starts now tonight on three 360 is more congressional democrats fall in line and senator show support is the democratic revolt against biden done also, trump back on the trail what he's saying about biden choice now he claims it may impact who we picked to be his vice president also ahead tonight, hidden cameras at airbnb is across the country launching even people's most intimate moments six months cnn investigation uncovers how the company how the company fails to protect guests, and keeps this prime concern out of the public guy. >> good evening. thanks for joining us. there's a lot to get to tonight. we begin at the close of what was billed as a politically make-or-break day for the president when he got
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through with only a single new democratic lawmaker publicly they calling for him to end his campaign. a day that ended with remarks welcoming nato leaders, which though he read them off a teleprompter, gave doubters of his candidacy and competency little in the way of fresh ammunition our friends it's good that we're stronger than ever ukraine can and will stop photo especially large, full collective support they have our full support americans. they know we're stronger with our friends and we understand this is a sacred obligation that the president awarded nato is outgoing secretary general, the presidential medal of freedom and announced plans to send additional air defenses to ukraine. it was by all appearances are perfectly ordinary moment for president except that it comes nearly two weeks into a crisis for the campaign pain in just a few
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hours after house and senate democrats met behind closed doors to discuss his future at the top of the ticket. what seems to have emerged is a public show of support from the leadership as i've said before, i'm with joe difficult position what the senate majority leader schumer today, a source with knowledge of his meeting with members, tell cnn, he said to bring any concerns they have about the president's, the white house house democratic leader hakeem jeffries has also publicly on board with the president and for the most part, the majority of democrats tonight seem to have moved toward a kind of acceptance that however enthusiastic or uneasy they may be about it. this is who they've chosen to take on donald trump president biden has already won, but nomination right now, president biden is surely our nominee this point, he's the best he is the only guy that said there are
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challenges, just denied the influential cook political report moves six key states closer to the former president in their electoral college forecast two days from now, president biden will face reporters in a free form press conference and as our next guest, james carville wrote in the new york times, he doesn't think if the dam which held today can hold forever quoting now, mark my words. >> carville said, joe biden is going to be out of the 2024 presidential race, whether he's ready to admit it or not. james carville joins us along with cnn political commentator jamal simmons, who served as deputy assistant to president biden and communications director to vice president harris james, do you stand still by what you said or do you think president biden has survived this crisis well, you note six cook move six days away from democrats oh, i'll watch somebody's press conferences and reminds me a book that made me read in college called ship of fools. >> a bunch of desperate people shelling into disaster and you know, i just think that cowards
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have never been criminals in a war yet. in the way that should be criminals is not to be colleges to take it directly home it's nothing that i see that remotely changes my mind or changes what i think about where we are but do you believe he that what you said though is different than what you said in that you said he's going to drop out what you're saying is you seem now resigned two or upset about that? >> basically, they have capitulated no, i don't. >> and i think like senator patty murray, who has been in the senate over 30 years. and the fact that she's came out and said this speaks by him as opposed to what people say in front of okay. camera. so i still think i'll stand by my thing that he won't run, but if he does were just making a idiotic choice for the future of our country. and i can't help but believe that. and i
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you know, the proof's in the pudding. they're moving states away from us. we are losing we're not winning. and when we lose, america loses. it's accessible jamal. >> i mean james talks about the cook political report moving six states toward trump after the debate do you take that as a terrible sign it's not great. >> anderson, it's really not great. listen. the democrats right now are like in a field of kerosene with a bunch of dandelions made a matches, right? with every direction we turn a fire could break out, whether we keep president biden or we don't keep president biden him to go with a new candidate. so i think what we're seeing they now is a bunch of democrats who are deciding they're going to just stay with the horse that's already on the track and they're going to try to ride that horse and see how far it goes. i'm also hearing from some democrats. they're a little nervous that were trading a problem today for couldn't be a bigger problem tomorrow and a harder problems are solved tomorrow. so just because people are out in public, does it mean that everybody is already on board. i think people are waiting to see if there are any more shoes
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are going to drop in this before they get completely on onboard with the candidates came together in this very well. >> james jamal obviously raises a very good point, which is when you have talked about, i mean, if you know, finding he can talk on a teleprompter, his critics will say, but what happens a month from now or two months from now, if there's a huge if there's another debate, performance well, i'm part of tomorrow's of very astute and sharp commentator and you, so you get through one teleprompter performance. what are you going to do on september 10 when there is another debate schedule, what are you gonna do? he couldn't meet with the german chancellor because he had to go to bed when he was at to nato karpas. i just anderson that i just think, you're right. it is is there a risk in trying to change directions, of course is risk with everything. but with risks comes hope and right now, we have always been a party or hope. you know, hope and place
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called hope and dealer leader and hope and i have a dream and keep hope alive. and i don't see any hope in a democratic party right now. i see a lot of fear and a lot of, well, if we try something different end up in a ditch. well, we already in a ditch, but to try to get out of it as opposed to trying to drive it. but i i agree with everything that everybody says. i think we got to have a change. i just genuinely do we just heard some of the kind of go ahead, jamal. well, know i think james makes some interesting points, i do think the president has gotten better over the last week that he did not. >> carolina was a good event obviously, he did. the conversation with george stephanopoulos. i still want to make sure the president has actually watched the debate. i feel like that's kind of entry stakes are having the conversation the president needs to watch the debates and he can actually no again, and he told george stephanopoulos he wasn't sure if he had watched it or not. >> yeah. that was not that was not the best moment. but the president is getting back to
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talking about project 2025. and what's happening with the republicans. here's what we know. much like what happened in france this week there is a anti maga majority that exists in the country. it existed in 2018, 2020, 2022. and now i think in 2024, the president has to mount a consistent he's been campaign where he is showing people what he can do. and then i think that majority were betting is going to show up again in 2024 if we can do that, then i think we can save the country. and i think the president has been on a path to showing people he can do it, but it's going to be a consistent effort. it's not a question. i think that is going to get answered. this is one of these questions is going to be with us all the way into november, or as long as the president is the nominee yeah james, that idea of you know there's this anti maga enough anti-trump people out there who will just vote for the biden-harris ticket because they are anti-trump, despite
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any concerns that they have do you believe that that is large enough because there was prior to the debate, i seem to recall a lot of discussion and about the need for all these independent voters and all these people who may be on the fence or maybe thinking about third-party candidates. >> if there is not true heartfelt enthusiasm for a candidate, and it's just, i'm fearful of this other candidate does that lead to a lot of people staying on the couch or just kind of thinking, well, why am i going to get a babysitter? this day to go vote? again? i congratulate you tomorrow. he's a sharp commentator. there is an any medical majority in this country but i see, i saw senate pollster death. so opposing wisconsin, where tammy baldwin is up five and trump is down six, i see the same thing in nevada as he same thing in arizona, montana pennsylvania, ohio i? think people want to vote democratic. they want to vote to change. they're asking
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for simple thing. let's give them change. if we, if we give them change and we give them something for us, we'll get 54% will have, will keep a senate majority will win the house back but we're trying to talk people out and doing something that they want were trying to talk people that you really don't want change, and they really do. yeah we might win anyway because maybe you don't, if you look at france and you look at britain, but that's a big risk. >> we take and people are asking for something something different. get it done. they're not asking for anything hard that's that's that's what i think we just don't want to vote maga true? >> jamal? jamal, we just heard for some of the lukewarm support for biden from congressional democrats also in place, having the democratic congressman emanuel cleaver said today well, i've come to the final conclusion that president biden is not ready to be rolled into an old folks
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home. >> if if that's not an insult i mean, again, that's not, you know, that's i'm not sure what democrats again, what he's publicly supporting biden. >> that's not a message that's exactly again, going to drive people to there's a polls here's where jamie james's right to learn some of this stuff. >> working for james and paul begala back in the day when i was on the clinton campaign hope is important. i mean, brock obama had the famous line. there's never been anything false about hope so one of the things i wanted to hear the president and the vice president talk more about is what we're going to do to help make the country better for everybody. on january 21, it's not just about being against trump. i think people have the case against trump. i want them to give people a really crisp 3.1 big message, three points. here's what we're going to do to make your life better, i think right now, you've got ten or 12 points about what they want to do. that's too many people aren't going to be able
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to digest that then, especially now when things have gotten so so tents because of what happened with president biden, i think we've got to get a very crisp, clear message about how the democrats are going to improve the world if we beat trump james, i just want ask you one last question, which is, i'm going to what do you say to democrats who i'm hearing from and i'm sure you are. >> i don't know if you check your messages, but i'm sure you are hearing from who say, how dare you are even talking about this? because you should be talking about out how bad trump is, and you should not be doing something that weakens biden. obviously, in my case, i believe it's my job as a journalist and talk about what is true and what's not true and what we're all seeing and not be taking you know it's not my job to be supporting a particular candidate what do you say though, to democrats about what you are saying who i'm sure you hear this i completely understand where you're coming from i thought
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about this for a long time. >> i'm very comfortable with where i am. i'm very comfortable with what i'm saying and i understand that many people who are friends of mine or you know, not very pleased with with me. and think i should just fall in line and i try thing i could to do that. and i'm just cannot get there in not very likely to get there but trust me, i understand. trust major. all i've thought about this and agonized over i don't know, prayed over it, but i think that the country wants a change and i think they are democratic party from 1932 to 2022 is the greatest political the party and western democracy was always been very proud to be a member, but, when people and in changes they have numerous times in our history, we've given what they've demanded, we've given them changed. let's get to joan again let's do it. and that's why that's why i have not
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taken lightly. thank you james carville, jamal simmons. >> thank you. next, one of the democratic lawmakers who has been taking part in the debate over president biden's political future and the new yorker's david remnick who calls the president staying the race in his words and act not only of self delusion, but of national endangerment. i've talked to him about how he feels now, later, what a six month long cnn investigation reveals about hidden cameras watching guests at airbnb is across the country and how far the company goes to keep it all quiet anderson cooper, 360. he is brought to you by tebe. visit sounds like dan made progress with his mental health, but his medication caused unintentional movements in his face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td so his doctor prescribed all said oh, xr, a once-daily td treatment for adults barstow xr
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morning. got it. >> got it. boss, daughter neve got this. >> july 21. i'll special. how would we have the 21st, did nine on cnn despite democratic support for president biden, largely holding firm today, there was another defection. >> she's new jersey congresswoman mikie sherrill, who put out a statement after today's caucus meeting which reads in part because i know president biden cares deeply about the future of our country. i'm asking that he declare that he wouldn't run for reelection and will help lead us through a process toward a new nominee joining us
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now is delaware congresswoman lisa blunt, rochester biden harris, national campaign co-chair, congresswoman. appreciate you joining us. you heard what the congresswoman their said, what she was the only new voice in congress saying that publicly, what we did here today with several of your colleagues offering would seem to be an of lukewarm support is the right term, but, but support for the president saying not to step down, but saying he's already the nominee and that's the reality. does it worry you that lack of enthusiasm is also widespread among independents and many other voters who might not vote at all. >> well, first of all, anderson, thank you so much for having me back on your show as you stated earlier, our democratic caucus had a meeting this morning and it was a very powerful meeting and it demonstrated, first of all, the diversity of our caucus. i mean, we literally represent all of the country and all of the demographics and what came out of that meeting was how
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united we are in our love for this country. how united we are in our desire to uplift and have all americans thrive and our unity and making sure that donald trump is not the next president of the united states. and so we walked out of their unified and what you can also take away from our meeting was that the majority and i say the overwhelming majority of our caucus is behind this president. and this vice president who has done transformational things for our country. and so many am i were many of those people who were sentenced say this one thing because you you use the word worry. and it's the word that the past 24 hours have been saying to myself that we have got to as a country move from worry to work so that we can win and so today was a very important meeting for us to be thoughtful, for us to share our thoughts and again, we walked
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out of there knowing that joe biden is the presumptive nominee for our party, and has accomplished incredible things and that there there is more yet to be done so you've obviously seen the polls. >> there's cook report, i mean, a number of swing states now are seem to be again, polls can be wrong, but seem to be a certainly in the former president's favor. how do you i mean, you talk about work i understand that. and there are a lot of diehard democrats who are going to vote for president biden, but there are a lot of people who, you know, the debate was supposed to influence. that's why the campaign wanted to debate so early they wanted to get all those people who republicans, who might vote for biden, or people on the fence or people might go for a third party pretty if there are many members of congress who are kind of just shrugging and saying, yeah, he's the nominee. he's our guy, but not fully enthusiastic. why should voters be?
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>> you know, it's interesting because i feel like there's a disconnect between the narrative that we hear and what so many of us are seeing on the ground. i mean, just this past week for fourth of july, i traveled up and down the state. i represent the whole state of delaware. so all three counties and doing parades and a whole host to things and people came up to me and said, tell joe, we've got his back beyond that. some members of the congressional black caucus were at the essence festival for culture in new orleans this week, we have been across the country. and what we are hearing is different than what we hear as the narrative and the big concern is that for every minute, every second, that we're focusing on this narrative, we are putting our country at risk of another term of donald trump. i've served under both presidents. and so i know the differences and i know the contrast and the reality is with project 2025 out there, i
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was thinking about the touches to each of our lives and what a difference a biden-harris administration has made for our country. and what the trump administration has made. i can tell you, i even think about my mom, who today is her birth stay, medicare, social security could be gutted. a national abortion ban you've got you've got joe biden fighting for our reproductive freedoms and for our rights creating 15 million jobs providing a cap on prescription drug prices and capping providing 35 i've dollar insulin for our seniors. and so the choice is real and serious. and so we're excited about this campaign. we never thought it would be easy. we knew the first one wasn't easy. didn't think it would be easy. but at this moment, we need to keep our eyes on the prize and focus on the american people gershwin, lisa blunt, rochester really appreciate your time. thank you. having worked at your mom's well,
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i'm quite a different view now from david remnick, i editor of the new yorker, who's recent piece on the subject published shortly after the debate is headlined, the reckoning of joe biden for the president to insist on remaining the democratic nominee, democratic candidate. he wrote, would be an act not only of self delusion, but of national endangerment. david, have you seen anything that has happened in the last days since you wrote that piece to change your mind because it does seem we've now seen a number of the dam seems to have held and now people, members of congress who did say he should step down are now saying shrugging and saying he's the guy well here's where i agree with the congresswoman. i believe that donald trump is an american tragedy and a true threat to democracy. and it will only get worse in a second term. joe biden is absolutely right about what the stakes of this election our, however, i think we're in a state of denialism. and what i think we've seen today is an act of
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collective denialism about about this election, and where joe biden is now, elections are about not the past and his achievements which are considerable, and we've written about them endlessly but there are about the future. and unfortunately, and it was deeply unfortunate at joe biden in front of tens of millions of people at a debate revealed that his not that he had a bad night but it confirm suspicions that people had been having for quite a long time, well-founded and from very well-meaning people. and it was an absolute disaster and we are in a state of denialism. if we continue to dismiss the effect on the polls this election, as we know, is not just about democratic die hards and peace people who are going to vote for joe biden, no matter what. it's about, small margins of voters in six swing states. first of all and we're
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seeing those polls being extremely negative where joe biden is concerned and that is extreme broad, narrowly dangerous. and so if we care about and i know we all do about this country, we cannot make these decisions in a state of denialism. and what we've seen today don't, know where it will go. the rest of the week is a, a kind of frozen situation of collective action. i don't doubt the sincerity of the congresswoman or anybody who feels that way. but to watch that debate. and to think that there aren't going to be more moments like this ahead is to ignore time. it's to ignore the cruelties of biology and reality we've all experienced it with our parents or grandparents and the problem is it's what's at stake here is not just your father is or your mother's ability to drive anymore or two? do effective work and you have to have a hard conversations with them.
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it's about, it's not about joe biden, it's about this country. it's about this future, it's about the future of democracy if we continue to ignore this, i fear that we are in a state of denial and it will head toward november and again, i am not in the prediction business, but the outcome could be visible the the argument or the gamble. i guess that is being made is there are enough people who don't like donald trump who are going to vote, regardless of any doubts they have. if it's a binary choice, which its not just there are third-party candidates, but, but they are going to vote because they have no other choice against donald trump come what may and to your point it's not a nationwide election. it is, it's in these battleground states where joe biden won by 20,000, some-odd votes in wisconsin same very
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slim margin. i agree it's going to make the difference. do you believe that gamble is a fool's game of differences already showed up? i biden has already shown itself up. and i don't think it's a gamble that we want to take but it's joe biden's decision as we've seen, you know, people on the democratic side four years have wondered how people who are supporters of donald trump can look at him and see somebody who has lies like he does says awful racist, malevolent things acts and a malevolent way. it seems to care about nobody but himself. and they wonder how is it possible to be in such a state of denial that you vote for him anyway. that you vote for him anyway, that you support him no matter what. this is, an incredible quandary for people on the democratic side but now what we're seeing
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is a lot of people on the democratic side in a state of denial themselves. and you have to wonder why i understand why joe biden wants to stay in this. i understand his biography he's he's, you know, he's fallen down before and he's dusted himself off that whole narrative. but again, it is not about his personal drama with all due respect. it is about you. it's about me, it's about a country of over 300 million people. and our future as a liberal democracy. do we want to put that at risk? so easily. that's my question david remnick. >> thank you for your time coming up. well, some democrats want more unscripted moments for president biden post debate his opponent, the former president, is making his very first public appearance since day after the debate in miami tonight, the latest on his vp pick and more also cnn investigation on airbnbs across the country and hidden cameras and some of them what does a
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>> all this week at 8:00 on discovery in dream on max at this moment, former president trump is addressing a crowd of supporters at his doral golf club in miami. it's his first public events since the day after the cnn debate 12 days ago. apart from several phone interviews, he's often been playing golf at another of his clubs in new jersey this is what he said moments ago about biden's candidacy you never talked about our victory. >> was so absolute that joe's own party now wants him to throw in the towel and surrender the presidency. have after he single 90 minute before moments. they want drucker joe out of the race. it's a shame the way they're treating him kristen holmes is following the foreign president in miami tonight. >> what more has he been saying so far about it for the next four months, lenders in the most interesting they're going doing tonight is really going kamala harris says, obviously, it's able given what we're hearing about that call, joe biden to step aside and the fact that his campaign, as we
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know, has been calculating what exactly that would have been. >> i until november 1 happens. kamala harris, southern top of the ticket. i want to read you exactly what he said because he just said moments ago, so we haven't been able to come back sound yet, but he says whatever else can be said about crooked joe biden, you have to give him credit for one brilliant decision making. kamala harris as his vice president, was the greatest insurance policy of all time. if joe would pick someone even halfway competent, they would have bounced him from his office years ago but reason why this is so notable is one more donald trump has team have really spent almost no time talking about vice president kamala harris, add there clearly monitoring the situation very carefully now they have told me know what they have said violations of dollars in modeling gatherings data to go after the president joe biden they have not switched. their are, they are waving their switch to go after kamala harris to look into not data because they're waiting to see what exactly happens.
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now the other thing but by the way, one thing we didn't hear was any sort of announcement for vice president in made a very brief about marco rubio thank you. believe that all of the media here is it all going that they're they're going to announce mark are he's going to announce marco rubio as vice president, but then quickly move don by a pain had been raising when he's going to announce, still are no closer to his announcement. obviously he make that by next monday. they have said it could come as late as monday morning, but senator marco rubio, when he was here, he spoke his whole family was here down. >> well, you know what, only that breached the reference to him in the crowd and then moved on our face, they call him sometimes when he's just kristen holmes. >> thanks very much. perspective now from new york times senior political correspondent, maggie haberman, and former trump white house communications director alyssa farah griffin. maggie do you think donald trump, i mean, does he want to run against
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biden yes, i do. >> i think i think the idea of not having biden in the race has been of concern to us number of trump advisers, whether they would say that or not. i think as openly as a different issue i think that they know what a race against joe biden looks like, or think they do and they felt obviously very good about what happened in the debate a change in that would they didn't potentially impact their calculus for what the next four months look like. so the fact that president biden is digging in and telling his critics in the democratic party that he's not going anywhere is something thing that the trump team has delighting in alyssa, do you think there'll be another debate i'm skeptical. i do think it was a smart, and expected tactic from donald trump to try to goad biden into another debate. i don't think that there's anyone left, right and center who thinks another debate would benefit joe biden? but i think that if it, if it ends up being that it's come september, it's trump versus biden. i don't think that
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there's a reason that donald trump would show up, especially with the commanding lead he has in the polls. i mean, just to put this in perspective, this is the best week-and-a-half donald trump has had since he was elected in 2016, the immunity ruling from the supreme court, the gop lining up behind him ahead of the convention. and joe biden are falling apart and the democratic party frankly in shambles with the latest polling that we've seen in questions over if he can stick this out. but what i do think is important is donald trump wants to run against joe biden. he sees that he will when there's a chance he will sweep at a greater level than he had previously. has. they are nervous. have another candidate? but what do you might convey even someone younger like kamala harris with vulnerabilities she has. that he would be fearful of a change in the candidacy maggie, in terms of the search for a vice president, the former president has claimed that he may not announce. >> it was expected, he might announce sooner that he may not, depending on what what happens with it may change depending what happens to the democrats, how much of that do you think it's true? how much of it is him wanting to try to
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build suspense and perhaps do something at the convention that he thinks will be dramatic. >> i mean, look, it's impossible to know with donald trump exactly where his mind is with something like this anderson, i often think back to what happened in 2016 when he had literally offered it to mike pence and then still was on the phone with chris christie saying, i haven't made up my mind and then going on on air on a cable show to say he hadn't made up his mind even as pence was preparing to come to new york for a press conference. so trump will always leave these things up in the air until the last possible second that he can will he wait until monday? maybe he has a rally on saturday, which would seem like a pretty likely place. it's where he might do it, but i think we all learned a very long time ago. it's a fool's errand to try to nail down what he is going to do before he does it because he will then do the opposite you satisfied? >> yeah well, let's instead of
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rubio's appearing with the former president as as we heard, i mean, does that indicate anything to you? >> i wouldn't make too much of it. the president's son, don junior, has been extremely critical of rubio and has tried to frame sort of a conspiracy theory that he would try to plot to overthrow trump went in office and take control. so there is major detractors for rubio but there are pros. of course, if there's a change in the race and you're running against someone like a vice president, kamala harris, the first black woman running for president having a latino on the ticket might be an important factor. i think that he i well, it said that it's decided who he by trump, who he's going to be choosing. he is somebody to maggie's point who may change his mind up into the last minute and they're a little fiefdoms around him who are pushing for different folks. i think burgum is the favorite at this point, but you never know when it comes to donald trump maggie do you. think burgum is the favorite at this point i don't. >> but that doesn't mean he isn't. i mean, i don't i don't know that donald trump
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has a favorite, right? i mean, i think that he has a bunch of options none of whom are perfect. this is different than 2016 when this was all novel and when he needed mike pence to help him solidify of angelical support trump controls the party at this point so what he needs is very different and what he might want in a vice president is very different. i mean, donald trump is a chemistry player. i've said this to a number of people, reasonably he did have chemistry with mike pence. he has a lot of chemistry with jd vance. i don't know about his levels of chemistry with doug burgum. they've fairly recent relationship you know his history with marco rubio has never been suggested of great chemistry. but what exactly is going to be the deciding factor that trump is making up his mind on only he, knows maggie haberman, alyssa farah griffin. >> thank you. still to come tonight. a cnn special investigation of just how big airbnb is hidden camera problem, maybe liberty mutual customizes my car insurance and
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washington this is cnn note a new cnn investigation of airbnb, the popular vacation rental company, the boast millions of host, but it's not stopped gas from ending up on hidden cameras inside a number of rentals which have recorded them their most private moments. can law has the exclusive super poor it was just like holy crap, this is a camera, but it didn't look like a camera. >> it was a phone charger. while we live or mays fiance had grabbed it from the bedroom wall of their airbnb, thinking it was hers the airbnb host had called us on the phone and told us that we had taken a charger that did not belong to us and that we needed to return it immediately at what point did you think? this isn't really a charger. he became increasingly paranoid when am i getting this charge are back? >> i think it was like a light bulb moment that we all just went oh, my goodness. is this a
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hidden camera across north america? police have seized thousands of images from hidden cameras at airbnb rentals, including people's most intimate moments what happened when you realize that there was a camera in that charger? it's so eerie and so creepy. then your brain starts thinking what did they see? what we're, what happened while we were in that room in a small town in maine, a couple found a hidden camera at their airbnb listen to what the host told police. >> they had sex and you recorded that took some screenshots. the host admits he set up a camera hidden in this clock next to the bed to record unsuspecting guests so there are, there's a couple of couple of couples plan around are getting changed okay. so there's there's pictures of
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people that are in intimate situations? yes okay. >> it's more than just a few reported cases. an airbnb knows it's a problem in this deposition reviewed by cnn and airbnb rep. said 35,000 customer support tickets, about security cameras are recording devices had been documented over a decade airbnb told cnn a single complaint can involve multiple tickets and a cnn investigation found airbnb not only fails to protect its guess, it works to keep complaints out of the courts and a wave from the public why don't we know about this they are trying to keep it secret and if everyone knew what was happening, they would not be using their website. >> airbnb wants to wash their hands clean when they have a host who does something illegal or suspicious, they want to say we are simply a website. >> we are not responsible for this let's hope we're not responsible for this property. >> florida attorneys bellkor's
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plata and shan and shot say trying to sue airbnb if something goes wrong is extremely difficult. it begins when you sign up on airbnbs website and click agree to its terms of service? you're agreeing to assume all risk. >> the person going to rent the property agrees that if something happens while they're saying at this accommodation, they're actually prohibited from suing airbnb. they must go a different route, which is a binding arbitration. it's a way to strong arm someone is this about controlling publicity hundred percent absolutely. >> once they've settled a claim, airbnb has required guests to sign confidentiality agreements, which cnn obtained that keep some details of legal cases private for you to get the check, you must sign a piece of paper so that no one will know this will be swept under the rug that's exactly what happened to this man how did you feel signing that confidentiality agreement? >> this man asked us not to show his face and we've masked
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his voice he and his wife were recorded during a romantic getaway footage of my workflow he searched for you and your between two people who circled shrimp. >> why aleutian oval miller. and she tried travesty not contact law enforcement once hidden cameras are discovered, even if children are involved according someone without their consent is illegal in every state. you're people showing no shores of holding book britomart to show brushes, real b&b another guest found the camera explained single one
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hold. >> every room karamo's shooting smoke to talk to part of the challenges that the technology has gotten so advanced. these cameras, so small that you can't even see them in this one bedroom. >> we have put multiple cameras all around and they're hidden in plain sights. this one it's in the smoke alarm an alarm clock and even an outlet and some of them like this one. i can control remotely on my phone and even livestream would you like to tell airbnb or not removed due diligence blue homing for the show for flee breaking the law, morning. airbnb. declined an interview for this story, but told cnn incidents of hidden cameras are exceptionally rare. and when we do receive an allegation, we take appropriate swift action,
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which can include removing hosts and listings airbnb is trust and safety policies lead the vacation rental industry can lah joins us now. >> so you said airbnb does not notify police have hidden camera is found. what exactly do they do? >> well, airbnb says that it has a law enforcement response team that will support police in these sorts of cases. and the company says what it also does though, is that often notifies the host. if a hidden camera is found and that can backfire because does that will allow a potential suspect to delete and destroy evidence? we should point out anderson that since cnn began reporting out this story, there was a new policy put in place by airbnb and that essentially banned indoor cameras inside its rentals. but it has long been against airbnbs rules to put cameras in side bedrooms. and as you just saw, that didn't
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stop some hosts from doing it anyway king lah. thank you very much coming up next what we know from federal authorities, but a us marshal who shot a suspect who tried to carjack him while he was protecting the home of supreme court justice that's ahead because he it was at trouble losing weight and keeping saying, discover the power of week-old what we go i lost 35 pounds as some lost over 46 pounds we go well, and, i'm keeping the weight off. >> we go via helped you lose weight and keep it off i'm reducing my risk. we gouvia is the only fda weight management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events and adults with no work disease and with either obesity or overweight, we go v shouldn't be used for semaglutide hunter glp-1 medicines don't take. we go via if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia
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whole campaign smart. he has a judge him by got it. got it. boss. honor. you got this week and i today tonight out 360 new reporting to get the full story we'll to fight how important is that? >> be unafraid, you have reasonable grounds to believe that alleged war crimes have been committed have compassion that's real pramod. would you have been through seek truth is israel in full control of its territory and go with a search for answers, takes you anderson cooper 360, weeknight today on cnn this source with kaitlan collins. next tonight we've learned of an alleged attempted carjacking that according to a criminal complaint, targeted a member of the security detail for supreme court justice sonia
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sotomayor federal official said the incident happened near her washington, dc home last friday, around 115 in the morning. cnn's jessica schneider has more so what do you know about this? >> anderson, this was actually a very brazen carjacking attempt to members of the u.s. marshall service. they were parked outside justice sonya sotomayor's home. like you said, around 1:00 a.m. july 5th, they're part of her protective detail at the time. that's when police say an 18-year-old got out of an already stolen minivan and then attempted to carjack jack the marshals unmarked car. so the suspect got out, he allegedly pointed a 40 caliber handgun at one of the marshals. and that's when that marshall fired four times at the carjacking suspect. actually striking him in the mouth now, the police reports says that while the while the suspect was on the ground, the stolen minivan took off. the suspect was left behind. the marshal actually attempted first aid until an ambulance arrived. now are source a source told us that this carjacking, it does
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appear to be completely the random, meaning the suspects likely didn't realize that this was just outside justice sotomayor's home, nor did they likely realize that they were targeting these us marshals because again, their vehicle was unmarked. and you know, even though carjackings they are down over all this year from last year in dc there have been a rash of notable carjackings in the past year. there was this one last week, and then there was one in november where carjackers attempted to break into an unmarked secret service car for agents who are assigned to president biden's granddaughter, naomi, in that case, the secret but service agents also opened fire to stop the attempted carjacking anderson what's the condition of the man who was shot this was an 18-year-old can cantrell flowers. he was actually placed under arrest at the hospital. and we know that at the hospital he was alert because he identified himself to law enforcement. we don't know his exact conduct addition, but they do say that he was treated for non-life-threatening injuries and charged with a number of crimes, but