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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  July 10, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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infrastructure? >> kim, david, great to see you guys. thank you so much. john all right. >> this morning some economists are sounding the alarm about a new possible threat to the u.s. economy unemployment. cnn's matt egan is with us now. so what has economists concern here? matt well, john, for the past two plus years, it's been all about inflation. >> that's been the clear and present danger to the economy. prices were skyrocketing and the fed pumped all of this inflation fighting medicine antony economy designed to get prices under control and the good news is that the rate of inflation has cooled substantially. prices are no longer skyrocketing, but there is growing concern from economists about how the jobs market is holding up after all that tough medicine from the fed, there are yellow lights flashing, the unemployment rate is still low, historically low at 4.1%, but it has moved
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noticeably higher a year ago, it was at 3.5%. the black unemployment rate that's moved up even faster. the rate that workers are quitting their job, and getting hired has gone down. now by, no means, am i saying the jobs market is imploding it's not but cracks have clearly emerged. fed chair jerome powell, he acknowledged as much yesterday telling lawmakers that the jobs market has quote cooled considerably. and he said, inflation is not the only risk we faced. that's why investors on wall street, they're betting and the fed is going to dial back that inflation fighting medicine by cutting interest rates. the market is pricing in a 73% chance of a rate cut not in this next meeting, but the one after that, the one in september now, economists, 'm talking to are warning the fed not to wait any longer than that. moody's economist mark zandi, he told me, quote, the biggest danger is a policy mistake that the fed keeps
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rates too high for too long right now, the fed is signaling a september cut. i think that's okay. but if they wait any longer than that, i fear they are going to overdo it john, there's a lot of pressure on the fed to get this just right the stakes here are massive matt egan, thank you very much for that new hour of cnn. new central starts right now new warning signs for democrats, a democratic senator now saying publicly he does not think joe biden can win reelection after that debate. >> foreman's and just in former house speaker nancy pelosi, speaking out this morning and leaving the door open to biden bowing out of the race. plus, a man is dead being pinned to the ground by for security officers. part of it captured on video his family is now demanding answers, drawing comparisons to the death of george floyd and forecasters
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recalibrating their predictions today for the, for the hurricane season after beryl set the bar high get ready for a hyperactive hurricane season. friends. i'm kate bolduan with sara sidner and john berman. this is cnn new central an aide for president biden says, we're done talking about the debate. >> and from a senior white house official i'm moving on to my day job, but this morning, nancy pelosi told morning job that just part of the new white house strategy to move past concerns over biden's fitness for office. nancy pelosi being very tepid on whether or not she thinks biden should continue to run, but there is a potentially big new wrench in the form of senator michael bennet. he is the first democratic senator saying these words to the public out loud donald trump is on track, i
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think to win the selection and maybe win it by a landslide and take with him the senate and the house. >> and so for me, this isn't a question at polling, it's not a question of politics it's a moral question about the future of our country ben, it is not alone overnight, we learned two more senators privately said they too think biden simply cannot win in november and a rally last night in miami, as you might imagine donald trump pounced other radical left democrat party is divided and chaos and having a full full-scale breakdown we told you a bit about what nancy pelosi was saying. >> this is just in now. she said it's up to the president to decide if he's going to run. we're all encouraging him to make that decision because time is running short. this is what she just said, and we are working on getting you some
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sound for that in just a bit. but first cnn's arlette sides is at the white house right now for us, arlette, what can we expect today? we're hearing from the aides trying to move this forward and move on but you're hearing a whole lot of other things from, for example, senators and now from nancy pelosi that don't seem so supportive of the president well, sara president biden and his team are simply pushing forward witness campaign essentially telling those doubters about the president remaining in the race, that it's time to move on. aides believe that the debate over the debate and the path forward in this campaign is essentially over that president biden has vocalized his intent to stay in this race. one aide telling cnn, quote, he truly believes he is the only person who can defeat donald trump. it's not an act. they believe that the president has telegraphed his intentions to remain in this race and insist that that is not changing at this moment. now, one adviser telling cnn that some in the president's inner circle have expressed
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concerns about the deterioration of support for president biden up on capitol hill. but ultimately this adviser said, the only way the president would exit this race is if he was proud to do so by his close members of his family, but still, the white house and the president but then behind the scenes have been working to try to rally as much support as possible for the president to try to bleed or tree to stop any further bleeding of support from debris? for crowds up on capitol hill. now, president biden today will be fully focused on his job as commander in chief this morning. he will be stopping by a meeting at the afl cio are you talking to about 60 union chiefs from across the country and then he will turn his focus to the nato summit attending a few events at the summit this morning and hosting leaders here for a dinner this evening, he'll also a welcome the new british prime minister to the white house a little bit later in these afternoon. but many eyes will be on president biden's
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performance at the nato summit in the coming days including on that solo press conference tomorrow, as many allies and those who have doubts about president biden's future in this race have said that he needs to do more to show voters that he is up for a second term. and looking for some reassurance. arlette saenz. thank you so much. live there for from the white house for us let me bring in cnn's jeff delanie for more on this. >> jeff let's start with playing what we just heard from the former house speaker sorry, there you are. jeff let me play first. what we heard just now from the former house speaker, nancy pelosi this morning about president biden. let's listen i want him to do whatever he decides to do and that's that's the way it is whatever he decides, we go with. i think it's really important and i would hope everyone would join in. she let him deal with this nato conference. this is a very big deal. 30 heads of over 30 heads of state are here. he is the host of it, and that means not just hosting, it means
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orchestrating the discussion and setting the agenda. and he's doing so magnificently. and i've said, everyone let's, let's just hold off for whatever you're thinking either tell somebody privately, but you don't have to put that out on the table until we see how we go this week. >> jeff, what do you hear in that? i mean pelosi saying i want him to decide and do whatever he decides to do i mean, we have heard what joe biden says. he has decided to do. what do you hear from speaker pelosi and what do you hear from? what are you hearing? and michael bennet coming out publicly to say that he doesn't think biden can win hey, kate. >> good morning. if you unpack what speaker pelosi is saying there it's actually quite interesting. she is saying that hold off, no one should make any proclamations at least publicly to the michael bennett's and others of the world but she's also saying, let's see how this week goes.
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let's see how the nato summit goes. let's see how the rest of the week goes, and that includes what does polling show. so kate, i am told that democrats really are in a state of disbelief over how this has played out. but particularly they are keeping their eyes on some swing states. what does the data showing this week? so if you listen to what former speaker pelosi, who is as close and as a sharp of a reader as polls and the dynamic has really anyone in the party, she is saying, let's take a breath and hold off what she did not say is try to a really quiet the conversation and that biden and as all in she said it's up to president biden so it was pretty extraordinary there. and of course, i'm thinking back now, just watching those comments may just a few minutes ago on morning joe, what she said last week she really framed the conversation around president biden's performance at the debate asking publicly, was that an episode or condition? so i think i think this is the latest sort of
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words of wisdom are lessons to her party saying it's up to president biden, but hold off for now. but the reality he is that time is on the side of the president and the white house. they've essentially tried to run out the clock this week and tried to circle the wagons and they've been pretty successful at doing that. so president biden is winning the week in terms of holding off that big dam from breaking that did not happen at least it hasn't happened yet. so the pressure campaign is worth the question is though, how much more difficult over race to run is this now for the next four months, and it's pretty significant and you talk talk me through that. what are the signs are as concrete as they can get? what are the concrete signs that his path has been made any more difficult since that debate performance okay. >> at the bottom line is the battleground map is expanding. it has gotten extraordinarily more difficult in some of the swing states since that debate
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and we should point out even before the debate, former president donald trump was leading in many of these states. but if you look at our road to 270, of course that is the magic number needed to win. some important adjustments here. look at michigan, that now in our rankings is lean republican michigan and pennsylvania and wisconsin, that this part of the blue wall that biden has been holding onto needing to win, not saying he can't, but it's in a very much more difficult position than they were hoping it would be here in the month of july. also, look out west to nevada and arizona. arizona is still a battleground at our map, hey, a toss-up, but nevada is much more difficult and the biden campaign is aware of this also georgia, of course, the site of the debate has always been one of the more difficult battlegrounds for president biden win, but they've been investing heavily there. now that is lean republican but minnesota, i am told by many democratic advisors and strategists now that is also on
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the cusp of becoming more difficult as well. so we have moved that into lean republican. so the bottom line here is the battleground map is expanding the opportunities for donald trump to win have grown and minnesota, you may think, well that sounds like a democratic state, but if you you'll think back to 2016, that was the narrowest defeat for donald trump over hillary clinton just lost it by about one percentage point or so. so think of minnesota from here forward as the reddest blue state, if you will? so the bottom line to all of this, this race is now more difficult for president biden going into the final stretches here. so he won the pressure campaign at least so far this week in washington. but what type of erases left for him and it's harder, kate i still think there's a real question on timing, jeff, great analysis as always when it has the clock run out too, for biden to get out. and democrats to still have a chance to change directed timing is like an amorphous thing in this unprecedented time of one, his time up. when has he completely
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run out the clock? it's something that will continue to make going forward, but it's great to see you, jeff. thank you so much. john. all right. a new warning from intelligence officials detailing how russia is plenty to interfere with the 2024 presidential election. now, armed with artificial intelligence stop hiding behind the facade of an elderly daughtering man. an angry message this morning to rudy giuliani from the people he owes millions dollars to today, he will face off against them in court and f them both 2024, how one woman just want to major free speech laws suit about a vulgar yard sign this election season's stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground. and the best political team in the business, follow the voters fall hello, the results follow the facts follow
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shocks they've gone someone your own size hosted by john cena, shark week on this week when discovery. >> now this is a holiday this morning a new warning from us intelligence officials russia is planning to target swing states to influence the november election. and the justice department says it has disrupted a russian bought farm that was using ai to spread propaganda and misinformation in the united states well, this now cnn national security analyst, former cia chief of russia operations steve hall. steve, great to see you. so what has changed and what has stayed the same in terms of russia john i think that thing that has really stayed the same as russia's intent to try to meddle once again in our elections and some quite frankly, in the direction of donald trump, of course, would be their favorite candidate so they saw how that's working in
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the past in the united states, how it's been very effective for the russians, not really even have to having to come up with their own propaganda, but primarily just using the divisions that already existed in the united states and sort of playing those off of one another that has been a very effective tactic in the past. the thing that's changed though, and it still remains to be seen how it's changed is the use of artificial intelligence. this is a very strong arrow thank powerful in the russians quiver and it'll be very interesting to see how they deploy it and how effective it's going to be for them. >> you have any advice to people who are on social media because that's one area we know the russians like to play. how can you tell? what's real and what's a russian plant yeah, these days, john, it's really getting more and more difficult. >> and of course, the ai that we were just talking about is going to probably make that even more difficult, but it is i think just sort of a basic hygiene program that sort of all of us have, you know, you get up in the morning and you brush your teeth and when you get online, you try to verify five to the extent possible, the source of the information
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that you're reading and not being overly reactive to the first meme or the first thing that pops upon your screen that's of course, what the russians are counting on is societally right now in the united states and in the west people were spending so much time online and reacting very strongly and very quickly. so i think you really need to think twice about what's your reading and think twice about what your response is going to be in trying to figure out whether or not somebody is trying to easily manipulate you. and that's not an easy thing to do. it's an easy thing to say, but it's i think it's up to all of us as americans and even in western europe as well to try to identify when we're being manipulated. hard thing to do but necessary these days, that's great advice. i mean, the russians are counting on us to be lazy in everyone's got to be vigilant in their own way about this. this intelligence warning was interesting is that russia is doing this, wants to do it. iran wants to be a chaos agent, wants to just mess with things as much as they can. but china china might sort of sit this one out. what's going on there? i thought that was a really, really insightful and accurate piece of analysis on
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the part of the dni in the u.s. intelligence community, because it really captures where we are sort of geopolitically right now and who is trying to do what with regard to influence operations? the russians are clearly i think right now the biggest threat because frankly they have nothing think to lose. there are, they've already been shut down by the by the majority of western leaning democracies in the world. they are still associated with sort of these down and out states like iran, north korea, and the rest. but, but russia's a significant threat because they have nothing to lose. iran is still sort of feeling its way it has a pretty sufficient and efficient capability to try to influence things, but they're more of a chaos agent. i liked i liked the way that that's characterized. china has to be really, really careful because they have the most to lose. china has already said, look, we want to engage, we want to be a global power. our economy needs to expand. and because of that, they've got to be extremely careful. so although they've said they're going to sit this one out sort of. i think what that really means is they're going to be extremely
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careful as they go about their information operations. so as not to get caught steve hall, great to see you this morning. >> thank you so much. sara. >> i had a family filled with sorrow and demanding answers. they are comparing their loved ones, killing hands up, security guards, to the murder of george floyd at the hands of police and how those popular weight loss drugs work. how long do you have to take them? what happened? because if you get off them, if you've got questions, cnn's dr. sanjay gupta has got answers ahead in our show i love cnn is live from milwaukee as republicans unite behind their nominee, his vp, and their plans to take back the white house, follow cnn for complete coverage, public we can national convention starts monday at 8:00 on cnn trouble losing weight and keeping, same, discover the power of we go to the beach what we gobi i lost 35 pounds as some lost the were
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business easily with freelancers, fiber what we're going to mix up our own show smoothies look, i'm hosting shark week hosted by john cena, shark week this week on discovery and streaming on max or wisconsin family is begging for answers this morning as they mourn the death, their loved one, dvontaye mitchell's death has drawn comparisons to the 2020 killing of george floyd at the hands of police 40 three-year-old mitchell died
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after security guards outside a hyatt hotel pinned him to the ground. witnesses caught a bunch of that encounter on video. police say mitchell cause a disturbance, but haven't released many other details at this point. and as you might imagine, some of the images maybe disturbing to you, joining us now is cnn's whitney wild. whitney, what have you learned about this case with? not a lot of information coming out from police, right now. >> well, that's right, sara, there's so much information we don't know. we don't know how long this encounter lasted. we don't know how long it took law enforcement to arrive on scene, but here's what we do know and some of these details you had mentioned before, but they bear repeating this happened june 30 at the hyatt regency in milwaukee, and it is not clear what led up to this incident, but the families it's attorney ben crump says police told them that mitchell caused a disturbance at that hotel and that's why security is scored him out of the hotel as you'd mentioned, a quite a bit of this encounter was captured on video that was later shared on social media.
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and what you can see in this video are for security guards pinning mitchell to the ground that's what's prompting this comparison to the george floyd homicide in 2020. and what we know now is that again there for security guards. one of whom appears to be white, the others appear to be people of color. here's a brief clip from that social media video, as well as some heartfelt words from dvontaye me mitchell's widow he's not fighting he didn't deserve what they did to him they deserve so much more his life was worth so much more. >> i couldn't even go into the
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grocery store with my daughter without her be afraid of the security standing at the door oh, security, bad sara, this has prompted comparisons to the george floyd murder. >> additionally, because as you heard in that george floyd video, dvontaye mitchell can be heard pleading with officers saying, i'm sorry, grunting. the comparisons are very, very similar here. what is not? not clear at this point, sara is if any charges are going to be filed the preliminary cause of death here is homicide. we don't yet know again, if they're going to be charges the medical examiner says they have no timeline for moving forward with this investigation as far as those forced here's the here's the quote for the medical examiner or the cause and manner enter of death or homicide. we do not have a timeline for when this case will be finalized finally, sara, these four security guards have been suspended back to you homicide means he's been killed and you can hear him saying, saved me. >> i think on that video, really, really tough to watch. thank you so much. whitney
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wild. appreciate you. donald trump is back on the campaign trail for the first time since the cnn debate. >> and he is now trying to distance himself from the conservative project 2025 five initiative. why and how a voter fought a $50,000 fine over her political yard sign and one no no let me introduce you to class 500 lean too. it and easy to use trading app gives you a
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kid why now, donkeys or elephants stands leaving our things are so boy, it's like your generation has evolved past traditional political symbols and there's room before everyone, kind of like my podcast on cnn. >> plus cans, puke rainbows, point taken the biden campaign trying to move forward and move on from that debate. >> but former president trump is back on the campaign trail challenging biden to debate him again this week and launching new attacks on vice president kamala harris joining us now, former illinois congressman joe walsh and republican strategist shermichael singleton. thank you, gentlemen, for coming in this morning with us joe. i want you and shermichael to listen to the first senator to
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go ahead and break with joe biden and i know as a republican, joe, you have been very vocal about not letting donald trump back into office, but listen to what the senator has to say donald trump is on track, i think too, win the selection and maybe win it by a landslide and take within the senate in the house. >> i think that we could lose the whole thing joe, what do you think about senator ben, its assessment i think he's right. sara, i think he's right. sadly look from the very very beginning donald trump hasn't had anything to prove in this campaign. everybody knows who trump is. everybody knows what a horrible human being he is. we just have to decide if we want that back in the white house. but joe biden has always had one thing to prove. he's not too old well, he didn't do that 910 days ago. in fact, he proved the exact opposite. so right now,
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all we're talking about is joe biden's unfitness if that continues, sara, donald trump will win. if we talk about donald trump and how unfit he is. trump will lose. but that's not the case right now with biden in there shermichael republicans obviously loving this mess when it comes to what's happening with the democrats donald trump came out and spoke about it, but we did talk to alayna treene who said that they've put all their money into going after biden. and the possibility of kamala harris are now seeing donald trump really go after her should the republicans be concerned about a last-minute change i mean, i think at this point you strategically begin to prepare for potential pivot in your messaging and you're targeting, i mean, she's would be come the first woman of color to run for the presidency in modern times. >> and obviously i, shirley chisholm years, the decades ago. so that's a that's a pretty big deal if she's younger. and so that's certainly something that benefits her and she's been on
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the campaign trail for a couple of months. now, talking about the reproductive issues. and so from my perspective as a republican strategist i'm trying to figure out what other issues i can sort of penetrate voters on where i think the vice president is weak on and you do begin that process. now, testing the messaging seen what works running some ads here and there. so that if she does become the candidate at the very last minute, you're ready to go yeah, it sounds a bit of nervousness and planning on the republicans part. i want to get though shermichael to the republican platform. and questions over project 2025, which was created by some of trump's former officials during his administration. now, trump has said he has nothing to do with project 25, but it is made up of those several prominent former trump administration officials. you see some of them there. peter navarro, for example, on that list. here are some of the things that are said in project 2025. and i want you to just go through this with me. first of all, it promotes promises to eliminate a bunch of terms from
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all laws federal regulations, including eliminating the terms for protected classes, including getting rid of the word sexual orientation, diversity, equity, and inclusion gender equality abortion, and reproductive rights. it labels the fbi as a bloated, arrogant, increasingly lawless organization calling for it to be overhauled, replacing federal civil servants jobs with political appointees and calling for the elimination of the department of education. it cuts climate change research funding, and eliminates the use of the abortion drug mifepristone. i know that is a long list. we will try to keep it up for a bit. share mine which of these things do not represent the platform for the republicans and donald trump himself, because a lot of these things he has talked about in the past yeah. >> let me look. i think in many ways, sara, it's almost like a wish list and i'm very familiar with the heritage foundation every four years when the parties select a nominee, the heritage foundation typically has a wish list of things but they would like to accomplish over the term of that republican presidency. the
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reality is it doesn't always happen. and i think one of the reasons why you see trump attempting to pivot away from this as one, they recognize that there's a sliver of potentially movable voters and some swing states where a lot of this does not register very well with them. they're keenly aware of that. i know some voters are saying, well, look i don't trust donald trump on this issue, but i can tell you as a strategist, it will be suicide. sara, to stick with positions that, you know, turn voters off, you have to accept reality and say, look, maybe this is what some guys may want to do. we cannot accomplish just because we need to not only win, but we need to govern effectively joe, do you think that this sort of extreme plan which let's put it back up there called project 2025 it's actually the true blueprint of what donald trump wants to do. and he's just trying to soften it as you heard, shermichael say, for the general election absolutely. sara, look, shermichael's right, it's a wishlist, but it's a wishlist coming from donald trump and the republican party look, let's quit blaming the
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heritage foundation for this. this is what the republican party voters want project 2025 is all about ending our democracy and making the president a king and a dictator. if you read all of it, sara, it's all about strengthening the president, giving the president control but complete control over the justice department and the fbi most every aspect of the executive branch, it is utterly the un-american, but no, this isn't the heritage foundation. this is exactly what donald trump has promised that he wants, he wants to be a dictator, a strong man, a king. and this is what republican base voters have said they want it would certainly put him in madison to have a huge amount of power over all of the federal government for michael years. it just really quickly, i mean, a lot of the mechanisms in place to get rid of the department of education and a
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lot of these other things joseph, former congressman, he knows as well as i do a lot of this stuff is almost impossible. >> i mean, you would need congress in some ways to get rid of some of this stuff so again, i think it's i get why people are afraid and concerned and worried. but the reality in terms of the mechanisms needed to bring this to fruition are just almost non-existent. >> but if senator bennett is correct the reality is you go ahead. job they're going to lose the congress and potentially the senate. if donald trump is at the top of the ticket and joe biden is at the top of the ticket. joe walsh, what's your response? >> i loved my friend shermichael, but the reality is the leader of the republican party than nominee to be president. once this to happen, he is saying that he wants to be a king, an a dictator project 25 is the platform for this shermichael may say, oh, it's going to be really it difficult to achieve all of this. but this should scare the, you know, what out of the
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american people that a candidate for president once all of this to be the reality that's what's seriously concerning. >> joe walsh. >> joe, i would have wished go ahead, sara. i was just gonna say quickly, i couldn't wish to become a billionaire tomorrow joe, this steps to get there or pretty darn difficult and you know that and that's the point that i'm simply attempting to make even if republicans were to control the house, were to control the senate. there are a host of republicans who are more moderate, who live in districts that do not agree with something let's soil would be almost impossible to bring it to fruition. >> joe walsh point is that he wants it to happen all right. joe and shermichael. thank you both so much for coming on this morning and how they got there to see you. always appreciate it. john. that's my main takeaway. goes from michael, both love each other this morning, a showdown in bankruptcy court between rudy giuliani and creditors. they are furious. they want the judge to rein in the former new york mayor spending and
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possibly liquidate his assets so they can finally get what they say they are owed cnn senior crime and justice reporter katelyn polantz is outside the courthouse in lovely white plains, new york kaitlan. tell us what we're going to see today well, john, at is a hearing that starts at 11 it's might not be a hearing that rudy himself shows up at in-person, but he's got to be here to attend that hearing because it's an opportunity for his creditors to grill him. >> they are quite unhappy with the former mayor of new york as they're seeking about $150 million in debts that he owes them largely to the two georgia election workers. he defamed ruby freeman and shaye moss and what will be happening at this hearing. the begins at 11:00 a.m. is that not only is rudy going to be having to answer questions under oath, whether he's on zoom or here in person but they also are going to be talking about what happens next with this bankruptcy proceeding. does it continue on
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the way it's going? and have rudy put all of his assets under an independent trustee. so essentially he would lose control of all of his money in that situation and properties of his like a property he has in new york city of property he has in palm beach that he lives in. those would be liquidated very quickly or with something else happened, would he find a way in bankruptcy to reconfigure things, to continue it on and avoid these creditors pursuits. they're very unhappy for many reasons. one of them is that they say he has not been forthcoming. he's been acting in bad faith and the lawyers for shaye moss and ruby freeman have laid out an extreme option for the judge, even kicked them out of bankruptcy entirely. so everybody can go after what this man is. >> john, be an expensive day for the former mayor or right? katelyn polantz in white plains. thank you very much. gabe. >> that is really interesting how that's going to play out. kaitlan. as kaitlan lays out, coming up for us wild flash
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flooding in new mexico. take a look at this, forcing families to evacuate all of this happening after weeks of wildflower five fires hitting it there he for me to say and dr. sanjay gupta is back with us today to answer your questions about all of the popular new weight loss drugs out there today march 21, i'll special how would move bombing of, amir so wide, 21st did not. >> i don't see it that he thinking thinking about her honeymoon but what africa so far, hot air balloon rice win with elephants waiting 34 to safari, great question. like everything takes a little planning for what the mind towards a down payment on a ranch in montana with horses. let's take a look at those scenarios jpmorgan wealth management has advisors and chase branches and tools like
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thinking issues keep piling up. it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit more than normal aging oh my gosh meanwhile at.
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simply press on and colin joy, the night impress female glue many every weekday morning. >> here are the five things you need to know to start your day. >> cnn's five things with kate bolduan, streaming weekdays on max surprise seen as host than shark week. >> shark week is back, who is the alpha male again? >> a steel brought to get the shot oh, majd chums short, group boasting like john cena all this week at 8:00 on discovery, which stream on max this morning, the metropolitan police department is investigating after a deputy marshals shot a teenager trying to carjack him and near the home of supreme court justice sonia sotomayor court documents show the alleged carjacker,
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18-year-old can do trial flowers, approach the deputies car and pointed a gun through the car's window the marshal drew his service weapon and fired several shots. >> flowers was transported to the hospital for non-life-threatening injuries. and this faces charges for armed carjacking and other crimes. to say there was no indication that there was any connection between the incident and sotomayor. alright vindication for a tennessee homemaker after the sine got her we're in trouble. that's the sign. fm boats. we got an blurred because it using an expletive to display her feelings on the upcoming elections she put governor yard and lakeland january, the city quickly noticed and started fighting her $50 for every day. the sign remained on her lawn, but she sued the city saying their sign ordinance is unconstitutional. a federal court agreed with her and ordered the city to refund that fine money and cover $31,000 first in legal fees. and this
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morning's stunning video of what the national weather service calls a dangerous situation for residents in the tiny village of ruidoso mexico. the area remains under a state of emergency. you'll remember there was a terrible fire. now, there's heavy flooding, heavy rain submerging entire street, threatens of continued flash floods there have triggered evacuations all bridge crossings in the village are closed due to that flash flooding. john all right. >> new predictions this morning of ai hyperactive hurricane season after beryl's smashed initial expectations forecasters now expect 25 named storms, including 12 hurricanes. half of those expected to be at least category three not good. let's get right to cnn's chief climate correspondent, bill weir. wow, bill yeah john beryl is really waking up hurricane experts. they had already predicted a hyperactive season, but beryl's positioning an early formation just intensified that concern rapid
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intensification is the watchword of these hurricanes. in the age of climate change, the way they just spin up into violent storms in really just a matter of hours, beryl intensifying 65 miles an hour in just 24 hours. that is an indication that this could be a violent seasons. you look at beryl's track has formed in a part of the the tropical atlantic that normally doesn't produce these kinds of storms until september. so beryl thinks it's late august or september, even in early june as it winds its way through the caribbean past jamaica there of course, up into the houston area, now is spinning. wild weather in the heartland of the country here. but colorado state university as a team of hurricane experts who before the season said this was going to be hyperactive. and now after beryl, as as you had said, upping the forecast now to 25 names, 25 hurricanes there with a dozen named storms so folks along the gulf coast,
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along the atlantic coast this is the beginning. it feels like years past. you might dodge a bullet, but the scientists are warning us that would these incredible ocean temperatures now, the average category two might spin up into a four or five in ways that they have in years past that is not good news. look let's hope they're wrong, but the way things have been going doesn't seem like that will be the case. bill weir. thank you very much. kate. >> this morning that musa acts are continuing welcome. were good. did hear our side with dr. sanjay gupta on calling yesterday is yesterday. sanjay explained the new data coming out, comparing how effective all of these new weight loss drugs our, that are on the market. and obviously so popular. and he promised also to answer your questions about them in sanjay is back with us to do just that so this is i love the were actually just hearing it rather than you have in your field. my questions everyone within cnn's questions about all of this. we're getting a straight from, from the viewers. let's tick
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through some of these questions that have come in. first question, were there we got was from charles and knoxville and he's asking about some of the reporting on potential side effects that a lot of people actually wrote in an asked about, which is have these weight loss drugs has been linked to sudden blindness? what have you learned yeah, this is a really interesting question. >> i was surprised to get this one in part because what we're talking about thankfully, is really rare. eye stroke, as charles refers to it as something known as naion and this happens in the general population already about one in 10,000 people develop. this, this naion, which is basically sudden painless loss of vision, usually in one eye. so this is already happening in the general population, but what they found was the people who were taking the semaglutide medications. and as we talked about yesterday, that's what go v or ozempic, they seem to have a higher incidents. so instead of one in 10,000 went up to four and 10,000 the nurse seven and 10,000 depending on what you were taking it for so
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it's still rare, but it is something that people are keeping an eye on them. not exactly sure what's happening here could be loss of blood flow to the optic nerve. it could be a sudden change in blood sugar or something like that. i think the headline and the message really, if you've had a problem with vision loss or some visual problems i'm in the past, make sure your doctor knows about that before going on these medications. >> so interesting. okay. now, a question from gary in canada, i love this. it's like calling in this kind of the question how often does a person have to take this drug? is it just until the desired weight is achieved or something more? >> this is, this is the big question, right? i mean, these are still the new days, but a couple of things to sort of keep in mind. it is a weakly injection for a lot of people initially, they didn't want to take injections, but obviously, as you mentioned, a lot of people are doing it now weekly and you increase the doses at least initially over time. what is interesting is if you look at people and say, okay, let's plot their weight loss when we
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actually created a graph for you, kate, look at this plot, the weight-loss. this is true zip-tied. so manjaro, and you find that you have significant weight loss going to 36 weeks but in. these trials they said, okay, let's at that 0.36 weeks let's flip it, keeps some people on mounjaro and start giving placebo. and what you find is that people did gain a lot of weight back going but the 88 weeks did they gain it all back? know that's sort of interesting. and what seemed to be the difference was people who, who adopted significant lifestyle changes while taking the medication and then kept those lifestyle changes even after going off but half the people really stop taking these medications within the first year. usually it's because of cost is a really expensive drugs. i mean, over $1,000 a month. there shortages and then there are side effects, some of which we talked about yesterday. kate. >> yeah. okay. so this third question, our final one for today. i'm confused about so please help me. this is from angela in delray beach, florida. the question that she has is, what are the risk of taking? compounded drugs
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considering they're mostly coming from a handful of reputable and known compounding pharmacies yeah. >> so all right. so compounding pharmacies, the reason that these drugs can be compounded is when the drugs go into shortage, that is the only time compounding pharmacies cannot make these drugs when there's an adequate with supply. but these drugs are in shortage and they're probably going to be in shortage for the next maybe couple of years, even amazingly. so what they are, are basically taking these, these active ingredients that are fda approved wholesalers. they're going to account pounding pharmacy and they're essentially mixing the drug themselves and then they're taking that drug and they're basically making it available. they're not required to provide safety and efficacy data. so it's really hard to know how effective those compounded drugs are. what i could tell you what's really interesting. first of all, there are a lot cheaper. so if the drug's cost $1,000 a month, that compounded version may cause 250 to 500 a month it's not cheap but still a lot cheaper. what is interesting, kate, you know, these pens so
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these are the pens. this is mounjaro and this is ozempic. it is really these pens that are going into shortage, making the drug synthesizing it are fermenting it. that's not that hard to do these pens are the real key here, and there's 12 to 14 unique patented parts. and each of these pens and that's what's really going into shortage so when you get the compounded drug, you won't get a pen you'll get a syringe. you got to draw it up yourself. you've got to make sure you're getting the right dose. and that's caused concern for a lot of doctors. that is the person really giving themselves the right dose drawing it up properly people who are diabetics may be better at this, but people have never done this before, may have a challenge, by the way, most of the prescriptions coming from primary care doctors, i think around 79, 80% but there's a lot of these prescriptions coming from online as well. so i think the message here is beware of the online prescriptions number one and number two just understand what the compounding pharmacies it's not that they can't work.
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it's that they're not necessarily being tested for safety and efficacy. and you're not going to get one of these pens as well. >> so interesting, i have been joined by longtime viewer first time sarah seidner. >> i'm like, this one, doesn't need any of that let's have a conversation afterwards, okay. sanjay, maybe you can get me just saying i'm you need it sanjay, thank you so much. we'll do this again. thank you. thank you. thank you. new hour of cnn news central starts now alright, as the biden campaign is trying to move on from the debate and the chatter surrounding it. >> former house speaker is telling democrats calling for him to leave the race, just the hold off on your criticism, at least for now. and we're standing by for secretary of state, anthony blinken to speak at the second day of the nato summit in washington, a major focus, of course, support


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