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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  July 10, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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endurance? >> cole right now to get $300 said, was written a blue still rivian sealy's i'm melissa bell in paris and this is cnn they remain divided more democrats are suggesting that president biden should reconsider his decision to stay in the race, including one of the most influential voices in the party as one of the biggest names in hollywood piles on george clooney are huge
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fundraiser for democrats. saying that joe biden is a friend, that he needs to quit the race. meantime, hurricane beryl made history it's worrying a lot of forecasters from see the potential for a half dozen major hurricanes this season. and the areas hit by this storm are still rebounding from its impact and no room for privacy. a new cnn investigation revealing how airbnb fails to protect guests from hidden cameras if you've run a vacation home, you don't want to miss this story. are following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news some new cracks in the democratic dam today, the white house is facing more doubts about president biden's political future as two of the most influential democrat that's on the hill, both longtime biden allies are now publicly suggesting that
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biden's decision to stay in the race is not final listen it's up to the president, to subside if he is going to run we're all encouraging him to make that decision. >> i want him to do whatever he decides to do. and that's that's the way it is his decision final. ever i have no idea. you have to ask him i don't know we're covering every angle of this story. cnn chief congressional correspondent, manu raja is chasing down lawmakers on capitol hill. but let's start with the white house perspective with senior white house correspondent kayla tausche. kayla, democratic insiders have consistently said there are three factors that could force biden's hand number one, congressional leadership. number two, bad polling, and number three signals from donors i understand you have new reporting about that. third one baur as many donors are still waiting for the dust to settle a dynamic. they say simply has
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not happened yet and i spoke to one donor in chicago earlier today who said that planning for a lunch during the democratic convention that was expected to feature several dozen high dollar donors who had previously contributed millions to president biden's 2020 campaign has been halted with the host committee suggesting that there was just too much ambivalence about how and whether to move forward with the event. now, the biden campaign is still holding other events in texas, colorado, and two in california, and a biden campaign spokesperson says that chicago lunch was not not affiliated with the official apparatus, but many donors tell us that if you are having an event that there are large odds that it is up in the air. john morgan, who is a florida attorney is planning a september event and he said that the planning for that event is still uncertain two now, president biden has suggested that it's not the donor class he's worried about when he called into morning joe earlier this week, he said that he's not too worried about that dynamic, but i spoke to a
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senior advisor to biden yesterday who acknowledged that there are few and biden's inner circle who believed that the cracks in the president's teflon position have really become material at this point. but this adviser said that only the president's family could convince him to change his position. and only if they had hard data, this adviser telling me, quote, jill and valerie won't let him go down in flames using the president's wife and his sisters first names. they're now we've learned that the president's top campaign pain brass are going to be going to capitol hill. and when we speak to officials here at the white house, there was really a desire to get back to business as usual, sources telling me and mj lee that they really want to move on to their day jobs. they're done talking about the debate, but the problem is with domino's continuing to fall and a lack of certainty from members of the president's own party it's still a discussion that's live for us kayla tausche, live for us from the white house.
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>> thank you so much, kayla. let's go to capitol hill now with cnn, congressional chief congressional correspondent, the anchor of inside politics sunday, manu raju, manu, you have some new reporting about a meeting between biden campaign officials and senate democrats. what do you learn it yeah, that's going to happen tomorrow afternoon. this comes amid anxiety majoring zaidi in the ranks among senate democrats about joe biden's chances in november 3, senior campaign officials and biden advisors will be coming to brief senate democrats, all sight not far from the capital to talk about the state of the campaign. this comes the aftermath of three democrats going behind closed doors yesterday and saying flatly that they believe joe biden will lose one of them came out publicly last night on cnn. michael bennet of colorado saying that saying that not only he will biden lose it, it could be a landslide and the house and the senate can go along with it. that concern still is prevalent within the
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democratic circles, even as many are refusing to say so publicly, there are two other democrats who voiced similar concerns as michael bennet, sherrod brown of ohio, jon tester of montana. two of them in difficult reelection races, we caught up with sherrod brown earlier today, as well as other senators. and as brown directly about those comments do you, think he's going to speak to the legitimate concerns of all iowa voters my job is to fight for them on everything, to fight for lower drug prices. concerned, are you about his chances in november? >> i'm very concerned. it's going to be a close race and we already knew that but i mean, you have to be concerned about his viability aren't you? >> i am deeply concerned about joe biden winning this november because it is an x existential threat to the country if donald trump wins. so i think that we have to reach a conclusion as
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soon as possible. >> as the biden team wants a shut down, any speculation that he may leave the race nancy pelosi's comments today suggesting that biden hadn't made a decision has to have the actual opposite effect. and many other democrats are echoing that line, saying we'll wait and see what joe biden ultimately decides to do. now, this building has been abuzz with activity behind closed doors. a number of ideological groups on the house side, democratic side, have been having meeting some of them, talking about how to handle the prospects of joe biden running again, whether or not they should come out in opposition to them as well, should voice their concerns. publicly. we have learned my colleague annie greer, and i have learned that hakeem jeffries, a democratic leader who has been public in his support of joe biden, plans to relay the concerns that he is hearing behind the scenes from his members directly to biden in the coming days ease that that is told that the members in recent meetings, so a lot of discussion and
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activity am concern as a buy-in team tries the ease those concerns coming to capital tomorrow, but will that be enough? that is still uncertain in the days ahead? guys mana raju, live for us on capitol hill, mano. >> thank you so much. jessica and perhaps no one is in a more delicate position right now that then vice president kamala harris, she is maintaining a loyal stance. >> he just ramped up the keynote speech at the annual convention for the historically black sorority alpha kappa, alpha kappa alpha in dallas, texas and in her remarks, harris played up the president's policies and zeroed in on trump donald trump is openly vowed, if reelected, he'll be a dictator on day one. >> that he will weaponize the department of justice against his political enemies round up peaceful protesters and throw them out of our country. and even an ai quote, terminate the united states constitution. this is the most existential
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consequential and important election of our lifetimes so this is a serious joining us now is new york times white house correspondent katie rogers. she's also the author of american woman, the transformation of the modern first lady from hillary clinton to jill biden hey great to see you. thanks for coming on. the role of vice president. can be tricky no matter what. but this particular situation for vice president harris is particularly tricky. how is she handling this moment? >> from everything we've reported and we've done a lot of reporting on this in recent days the vice president is steadfast in her efforts to
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show no daylight between herself and president biden, who by the way is really dug in on staying the candidate, staying the nominee does not want to go anywhere. >> and when you have a dynamic like that, the best thing that she and her advisors have determined to do is stay close to him, support him, and be as you know, on message as they can be unless something above her changes. >> yeah. and in your piece, you all right. that the message that's gone out to her members of her staff, donors, allies, the messages no speculating, no chitchat. the idea is that would only further route would only hurt her. did you find and it sounds like did did you find in talking with people that was the case that they're hearing to that kind of advice or rule right? well, the reality is is that she has to have someone in this orbit making calls, making
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plans, drawing up a list of people who could be on a ticket with her, of course, in our reporting, we picked up that governor roy cooper of north carolina governor bashir of kentucky, are two people that people in her extended circle have identified as politicians who could ride on a ticket with her particularly because of their ability to deal with republicans and legislate through relationships with republicans and how did you get any sense? >> if or how this has changed her relationship with the president? has it changed at this point i mean, certainly he has drawn her closer since the debate. >> he has attended lunches with her, attended events with her, held his hand up with her at the july 4, fireworks but she has been involved in some crucial foreign policy discussions in the situation room they have a working
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relationship, but it has not been as physically close, showing unity, emphasizing the biden ticket until the disastrous debate in atlanta is such an interesting dynamic, great reporting on this. katie rogers, thanks for sharing it with us. we appreciate it thank you. boris happening now, president biden is back on the world stage. >> he's taking part in the first working session of the nato summit as the alliance marks 75 years of the military defense pact, the president is trying to reassure leaders in the alliance about the future of nato and his own leadership amid growing concerns about his fitness for office, and donald trump's possible return to the white house. cnn's alex marquardt is joining us now, live from the nato summit in washington. so alex is the upcoming us election and the possibility of another trump term, heavy on the minds of these leaders well, boris,
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certainly this discussion over biden and his political future is something that is hanging over this entire summit. the world leaders here like so many in this country and in democrats, particularly but we're watching closely to see how biden acts, to see whether what they saw at the debate almost two weeks ago was an aberration and a one-off or if it's a sign of something perhaps more significant. biden spoke last night, opening up the nato summit. he got a positive reviews for that speaking very forcefully, of course, that was a scripted speech. now, leaders in this working session and for the next few days will get to see biden up close. certainly none of these foreign diplomats want to be speaking publicly about us diplo domestic affairs or political affairs. but they are quite skittish because the fate of nato will be very different depending on who wins the election. in november. now, president zelenskyy of ukraine, who of course is a main character during the summit, spoke directly to the november
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election last night. when he spoke here in washington, take a listen now, everyone is waging pool november americans are waiting for november you're middle east in the pacific. the whole world is looking to go on into november and truly speaking, putin the wage november to now boris, of course, is linskey didn't say who he would prefer to win in november. >> he says he doesn't know who's going to and he didn't say how trump would act if president trump wins in november rather diplomatically there. but of course, again, a different fate for nato, depending on who wins nato very much a cornerstone of biden's foreign policy. while trump has spoken with some disdain about the nato alliance and has in fact said that if nato countries don't pay their dues, that russia could do whatever they hell they want they want
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to, those nato members, boris and alex just about an hour ago, we heard president biden address the working group live, obviously central to the focus of this meeting is the future of ukraine. >> what did we hear from president biden and others on that front? that really is the main topic of conversation here. the future of ukraine, the need to really reinforce the structures around getting that aid to ukraine. making sure that it is healthy in the long term. but then they're also talking about confronting china. china of course, is a main player in that conflict in ukraine because their main supporter of russia. interestingly, the indo pacific really is playing a real role here. leaders from australia and new zealand, south korea, and japan also coming here to the nato summit, even though they are not members of nato cyber is a major issue. but also the alliance wants to celebrate their unity. well, i want to celebrate the fact that they have been together for the past 75 years. nato charter
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signed right here in washington in 1949. there's also passing of the torch from the current secretary general to a future secretary general. but really nato, ukraine really is top of mind. we heard president biden announced last night more air defenses for ukraine that's something that they had been pleading for today. secretary of state antony blinken talking about f 16s that will be given to ukraine in the coming weeks will be in the skies over ukraine this summer. so really ukraine, top of mind here, making sure that they have the aid that they need as they continue to fight in this war against russia for us alex marquardt live for us from the nato summit. >> thanks so much. alex. i ahead. this hour on cnn news central, it was an interview meant to end concerns about president biden's health. but now abc's george stephanopoulos it was one of the latest people raising questions about the president's abilities. plus more than 1 million customers without power in the south amid tornado threats in the north we're tracking the after for
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math of hurricane beryl and we're also live outside senator bob menendez federal corruption trial. we have the latest on closing arguments as jurors prepare to deliberate you're right back tonight shortly continues right out of jaws it seems down she's having babies, remarkable shortly continues tonight on discovery don't we know one thing and one thing only backs strained backs from weekend chores took pulled backs doing your favorite hobbies. >> we even know quarterbacks don't. the experts and back pain relief for more than 100 years available in stores? near you. what about blood shoe you like lucha, have you heard about it? >> i have heard about it. yeah. i think guys who use blew chew or hot see there, you know, may hit your first-order free and chew for gentle,
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either tell somebody privately, but you don't have to put that out on the table until we see how we go this week. >> joining us now to discuss is chris wallace, anchor of cnn's the chris wallace show and a host of who's talking to chris wallace on max? chris, the former speaker is a shrewd, communicator, right? it's not coincidence, it's not a gaff. she means this specifically the portion about letting biden make his own decision. i think is very clearly a message to the president. no, absolutely that because the reporter, she basically said, let's see what he decides and the reporter said, well, he's decided. he said, i'm all in you want to take me on at the convention, come come get me. she wrote fused as a lot of top democratic leaders, but most importantly, i think most influential really nancy pelosi refuses to take yes for an answer and says, well, let's let's see what he decides. even though he supposedly has decided. and i think that's
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their way of saying, you may think mr. president, this is a done deal. it isn't what do you think about the fact that she gave it until the end of the nato summit. but she said, let's keep these doubts in-house private until the end of the week and see where things are well as a practical matter, this is what makes it so hard because at any point, a gaffe by joe biden, whether it's at the nato summit, whether it's tomorrow, at his big news conference solo news conference, whether it's next week during the republican convention any gaffe is going to be jumped on by doubters inside the democratic party is as i say, he's not up to it. >> but i think as a practical matter, if he is still firmly in the race by next monday when the republican convention begins. awfully hard to get them out chris, i'm wondering what you make of two things. >> first, this george clooney op-ed and then there's video published by tmz of george stephanopoulos who conducted
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the first interview with biden post-debate, telling someone on the street that he doesn't think biden could make it another four years. its strikes to me that this will resonate with those folks out there who are saying that this is only media constructive narrative. a narrative by the elites who believed that joe biden can't make it for years, but it's disconnected from everyday voters. what do you make of all of it? i biden very much pushed that narrative when he was morning joe on monday and he said, i'm tired of the elites, the elites in the party of the elites in the media this isn't the elites look at the polls, 74% in the latest new york times poll say biden is too old to be president 36% approve of his job that he is doing this is the voters who are sending a message we're really concerned about joe biden being re-elected president for the next four years to a certain degree, i think the elites have
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protected biden all along. and when you see biden playing into what i think you have to call fake populism. let you know, it's those elites. it's also against them. well, the u.s. the rank and file democratic voters are expressing grave concerns about joe biden and whether he is the person they want to take the fight to donald trump the lesson of how george stephanopoulos is even if you're on the street and even if it's another person and it's not a big camera crew is does somebody with a phone be careful which just add, george that a great job in the interview last week with biden as he in effect said himself, he wishes he hadn't made that comment on the streets of new york today or yesterday whenever it was yeah. >> i'm wondering how you assess the white house and the campaign's response to all of this? and specifically, the width of the white house has handled having to clarify and then re-clarify certain questions about the president's health well, they
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clearly have not handled that very well. >> and, you know, the lesson that i learned a long time ago is that a, negative story is going to come out, get it out right away, deal with it right away, because of that lingers you just are expanding the amount of time where i give this white house high marks is since the debate and particularly this week, they have run a really aggressive campaign to try to shut down. and so far they have succeeded in shock i didn't down a majority of republicans in the house and the democrats in the house and the senate, him saying right away in that letter to house democrats on monday, i'm in it i'm not giving up the warning. joe appearance, enlisting the black congressional caucus all of these have really made a very, very hard for democrats. and at this point, they are refusing, are failing to step up and say what i think most of them
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think, which is that it's going to be very hard for him biden to win and very hard to hold on to either the house or the senate with biden as the lead candidate. >> and if the democrats worst-case scenario does happen, how does that change biden's legacy? if they were to lose the white house, the house and the senate i would i think it completely what he will have accomplished in the first two years will still be there. of course, a lot of it will get undone by donald trump. but the man who is widely celebrated for having quote these are the democrats words saved america from trump, save democracy from trump. will now be seen as having decided to put himself, his ego, his ambition over it, and given it all back chris wallace, always great to get your perspective. look forward to watching you on saturday. thank you. thanks so much. and next week at the convention to next week at the convention maybe we'll grab a drink. look forward to it. thanks for his on you hopefully on cnn. yeah. we'll see thanks so much, chris. i'll potentially deadly situation is
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unfolding in texas. where hurricane beryl has left more than 1 million customers without power. as the heat index is expected to hit triple digits will take you there live next i love milwaukee then is live from milwaukee as republicans unite behind their nominee, his vp, and they're plans to take back the white house, follow cnn for complete coverage. >> the republican national convention starts monday at 8:00 on cnn at bids to credit, we know you need to fund your business on time when businesses good, it could be time to expand, time forbids to credit when bills are piling up, you might need extra cash to get ahead. >> time for vista credit are fast and convenient. >> online process makes it easy to get the funding you need when it's time to take your business to new heights. this to credit makes it possible. go to busy to slash time or call 800, 200 to 891. this to credit funding. what's next?
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stock how solomon in new york is cnn hurricane beryl may have just offered a big glimpse of what's to come. forecasters now the da hyperactive season that could include half a dozen major hurricanes. meantime texas is still reeling more than 1.6 million people are without power. that means no air conditioning amid a life-threatening heat wave there. let's go now to ed lavendera, who is in dallas. ed what is being done to help people in this awful situation?
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>> well, a state official say they are pushing the power utility companies more than 20 of them to work as quickly as possible to restore power. but this is a slow process that officials say we will take days if not weeks in some places. so that's creating a sense of frustration and concern as you mentioned, that heat continues to tick up the latest numbers we have is that about 1.6 million customers are still without our along the southeast gulf coast. and that also of texas and that also includes about one 1.3 million who used the utility company known as center point, which services the area around houston. the company had said they'd hoped to get that down by 1 million by the end of the day. day-to-day, it's not clear if that's going to happen. so state officials are offer continue to say that they're pushing these companies to work faster and offering empathy to millions of people along the southeast texas coast when, you don't have power when it's
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pitch black at night when it's how, hadas, haiti's during the day you don't have access to food. that you'd normally had it's a miserable situation and you need to know that we care about that. we're working on that and there is hope to move through this as quickly as we can. >> and jessica, we're also learning details about just how incredibly dangerous and deadly the situation can be without power, a 70-year-old, 71-year-old woman and crystal beach, which is in galveston county south of here it's didn't near the gulf go along the gulf coast. there was found dead in her home. the area had lost power and she was on a breathing machine and was found dead in her home. so those are some of the cases and specifics that we're hearing greene about some of the victims in this storm here, a two days after hurricane beryl has made landfall, jessica, just
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devastating, right. ed lavendera for us in dallas. thanks so much for that reporting. boris let's get the latest forecast with chad myers in the cnn weather center. chad extreme heat and a lack of electricity. sounds like a recipe for disaster, right i know people think about a lack of electricity, lack of an air conditioner, but you don't even have a fan. i mean, that's the issue here. i mean, the heat index today, one 05 and it's not going to change much tonight currently right now, houston has a heat index of 100 and that's only at the 1:00 advisory. so still more hours of this to go it does cool down slightly, possibly, maybe not won over five tomorrow will use. but somewhere in the upper 90s, back out to the west, significant heat again out there, significant heat in the northeast from the eastern part of beryl and the spin from the old low pressure is now creating the threat of tornadoes and upstate new york pennsylvania, and eventually even into new england later on today, we have tornado watch in effect until later on tonight.
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so yes, if you see a storm here, it could be spinning. here and look at all these little pink boxes. those are all tornado warnings going on right now. so if you're in corning in places like bath, waverly, this is the area that here you see a storm to your west. it's time to get out of the way, get away from the windows, get inside maybe the lowest level you have, the heat does go away after this front goes by, but this could be a very dangerous day for the people of upstate new york, pennsylvania. and of course even into parts of northern new england. boris yeah, the heat is nasty and it is widespread to chad myers in the weather center. thank you so much. we actually want to show you some images just moments ago of ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy side-by-side with house speaker republican mike johnson. obviously this comes during the 75th anniversary of nato and the summit that's happening in the nation's capital notably zelenskyy meeting with johnson, who leads the republican conference that has been resistant to sending
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additional aid to ukraine largely at the behest of former president trump who's more isolation as to world view seems to define the party will of course, keep you updated with the very latest from the nato summit as we get it. you're watching cnn news central, we're back in just a few minutes tonight. >> shortly continues right out of jaws. it seems down there having babies remarkable. show continues tonight at 8:00 on discovery where carbonic, the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. >> now we've created a brand new way for you to sell your car, whether it's a year-old or a few years old, we want to buy your car so go to carbonic and to your license plate answer a few questions, and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when your body will how do you pay you on the spot and pick up your car?
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safari great question. like everything takes a little planning for what the mind towards a down payment on a ranch in montana with horses. let's take a look at those scenarios. >> jpmorgan wealth management has advisors and chase branches and tools like wealth plan to help keep you on track when you're planning for it all the answer is jpmorgan wealth management? >> closed captioning brought to you by meso if you or a loved one have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 800 a31 3,700 a cnn investigation into airbnb has uncovered shocking evidence of hidden cameras that will make you want to reconsider before booking your next reservation. >> the company apparently is not only failed to tech guess from being recorded, but it's also worked to keep their complaints from reaching the public cnn senior investigative correspondent kyung lah reports it was just like holy crap,
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this is a camera, but it didn't look like a camera. it was a phone charger. chloe liber mays, beyonce had grabbed it from the bedroom wall of their airbnb, thinking it was hers. the airbnb host had called us on the phone and told us that we had taken a charge or that did not belong to us and that we needed to return it immediately. at what point did you think this isn't really a charger? >> he became increasingly paranoid. when am i getting this charge are back? i think it was like a light bulb moment that we all just wet oh, my goodness. is this a hidden camera across north america? police have seized thousands of images from hidden cameras at airbnb rentals including people's most intimate moments. what happened when you realize that there was a camera in that charger? it's so eerie and so creepy, then your brain starts thinking what did they see? what we're, what happened
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while we were in that room in a small town in maine, a couple found a hidden camera at their airbnb listen to what the host told police they had sex and you recorded that took some screenshots the host admits he set up a camera hidden in this clock next to the bed to record unsuspecting guests so there are there's a couple of couple of couples playing around are getting changed so okay. >> so there's there's pictures of people that are in intimate situations? yes. okay. it's more than just a few reported cases. an airbnb knows it's a problem in this deposition reviewed by cnn, an airbnb rep. said 35,000 customer support tickets, about security cameras are recording devices had been doctored he meant it over a decade airbnb told cnn a single complaint can involve multiple
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tickets and a cnn investigation found airbnb not only fails to protect its guess, it works to keep complaints out of the courts and a wave from the public why don't we know about this they're trying to keep it secret and if everyone knew what was happening, they would not be using their website. airbnb wants to wash their hands clean when they have a host who does something illegal or suspicious, they want to say we are simply a website. we are not responsible for this 0those were not responsible for this property. >> florida attorneys belk is plata and shan and shot say trying to sue airbnb if something goes wrong is extremely difficult it begins when you sign up on airbnbs website and click agree to its terms of service. you're agreeing to assume all risk. >> the person go going to rent the property, agrees that if something happens while they're saying at this accommodation, they're actually prohibited from suing airbnb. they must go a different route, which is a binding arbitration. it's a
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way to strong arm someone. >> is this about controlling publicity? >> hundred percent absolutely. >> once they've settled a claim, airbnb has required getting let's to sign confidentiality agreements which cnn obtained that keep some details of legal cases, private for you to get the check, you must sign that piece of paper so that no one will know this will be swept under the rug that's exactly what happened to this man. >> how did you feel signing that confidentiality agreement this man asked us not to show his face and we've masked his voice. he and his wife were recorded during a romantic getaway footage of my workflow. >> he said for you and your between two people you thought was extreme violation oval when she tried in this case and others, cnn found at airbnb does not contact law
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enforcement once hidden cameras are discovered, even if children are involved according, someone without their consent is illegal in every state no, people showing shores of how we will birth whilst schumer says, will be nobody's going to want to crush them this man only found out he and his wife were recorded because police called him months later after another guest found the camera explained every single one heard cables every room were karamo's shooting, smoke detectors part of the challenges at the technology has gotten so advanced, these cameras so small that you can't even see them in this one bedroom. we have put multiple cameras all around and they're hidden in plain sights. this one is in the
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smoke alarm, an alarm clock, and even an outlet, and some of them like this one i can control remotely on my phone and even livestream well, would you like to tell airbnb are not removed her diligence? reframe, which show for flee murky water, wanting will be we airbnb declined an interview for this story, but told cnn incidents of hidden cameras are exceptionally rare and when we do receive an allegation, we take appropriate swift action, which could include removing hosts and listings, airbnbs, trust and safety policies lead the vacation rental industry after cnn began reporting this story, airbnb created a new policy that indoor cameras are not allowed inside airbnbs at all. but as you just saw it, as long been against airbnb rules, that cameras be allowed inside
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bedrooms. and as you just saw, that didn't stop some hosts from doing it. anyway killing lah, cnn, los angeles excellent, reporting king. thank you. attorneys for democratic senator bob menendez make their final case to jurors, saying the corruption case against him, quote, dies today. the latest on closing arguments next march 21 a special hello defend and search for a suspect how it really happened. the atlanta olympic bombing, vermeer's july 21 did not and on cnn, new projects means new project managers. you need to hire anything did indeed you do when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria visit slash higher and get started today. >> pam brown and gary. and today we're talking about the biggest misconception there is about replacement windows. i'm
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you are is it used up i've lauren fox on capitol hill this we are now in day three of closing arguments in the federal corruption trial of senator bob menendez. it is a lengthy, nearly two month long trial with prosecutors trying to make the case. the new jersey democrat accepted bribes, including hundreds of thousands of dollars, gold bars and a mercedes menendez is also accused of acting as a foreign agent for egypt. cnn's kara scannell is joining us outside the new york city courthouse and kara, i understand mendez is attorney just finished making their closing argument. what did they have to say?
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>> yeah. jessica, he did. senator menendez, attorney adam fee has just finished his closing arguments. this has been a long trial, but closing argument if some cells have also been long, he has spent about five hours talking to the jury both today and yesterday. and what he was urging them is to acquit the senator of these bribery and corruption charges, saying that the prosecution has not proved its case, saying they're trying to criminalize normal acts that the senator has taken. he said that meetings that he'd taken with addiction military officials. he called those routine. he said that the case is built on inferences and not any direct testimony of saying of someone saying, i paid the senate another abroad, even pointing to one of the cooperating witnesses who has pleaded guilty in this case, saying that he's admitted that he never spoke with the senator about some card payments that he made for mercedes fans that's one of the bribes that the prosecution allege he has taken. and they also put some of the blame on the senator's wife saying that it was her gold bars, her money cash was
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in her closet things that the senator they say was unaware of at the time. of course prosecutors have told a different story to this jury. they spent about five hours chris addressing the jury in their closing arguments, saying that this was a classic case of corruption on a massive scale, saying that the senator sold his power in order to see these gold bars half-a-million dollars in cash and other favors. they also say he is acting as an agent of the government of egypt. and for the suggestion that menendez was unaware of what his life was doing, they said it was clear from the evidence at this case that menendez was in control, that his wife was acting as the go-between the urging the jury to convict him. where we stand right n that one of the other co-defendants, one of the new jersey businessmen accused of giving paying bribes to menendez and his wife. his life for years is giving closing arguments than another defendants lawyers will go and then we're going to have the prosecution gave their rebuttal. so it's possible that the jury won't actually start
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deliberating in this case until tomorrow. jazz. all right, a great update there from kara scannell live in new york city. thank you so much for that and other hollywood heavyweight raising some serious concerns about president bidens it's political future stay with cnn, news central i love cnn is live from milwaukee as republicans unite behind their nominee. >> his vp, and their plans to take back the white house, follow cnn for complete coverage. the republican national convention starts monday at 8:00 and cnn, i'm out here telling people how they can save money with experience, like someone who has a lot of subscriptions, i have a lot to many i'd say you can see your subscriptions all in one place. cancel the ones you don't like do. >> that's so easy. >> so we need to get started now with the experian app borders, since the only fully games cheese and charcuterie board nationwide. so you can make hosting stress brief, perfect for hosting and party or celebrating a birthday with boards for every occasion the
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direct redefining insurance this is cnn world's news network closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelial more victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. you may be entitled to a portion of that money all when he'd 808 5-9, 2,400. that's when 808, 5-9, 2,400 cracks in the dam, more voices. the democratic party suggests president biden may need to reconsider his decision to stay in the race for the white house. >> and among them, one of the most influential power our brokers on capitol hill, nancy pelosi, and one of the top democratic fundraisers, george clooney, is being even more clear writing, we need a new nominee and the prosecution, arguing its case against actor alec baldwin with the first witness in his manslaughter trial, a santa fe officer who


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