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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  July 10, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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bought him out of the cemetery on the stretcher into the street here, put him on an ambulance, took him to a nearby hospital. and for all the neighbors around here watching this, it was utterly shocking in the morning, i went to their work is no, it's quite place i didn't see anyone anyone when a comeback walk us through the poorest man in the bus stop the participant in the cards and i was as good one the other nearby residents described seeing ambulances, firetrucks, and heavily armed police he's around the cemetery where clifford was captured. the police believe it was a targeted incident, but on specifying how he knew the clifford family. although he appears close in ages to hunts daughters, the bbc called the murders utterly devastating in
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a statement, released to staff late into the evening, police investigators, we're still searching for evidence in the cemetery however, they are not at this time searching for any other suspects. and it really goes without saying almost that a triple murder in the uk is almost unheard of. one that could have involved a crossbow utterly, utterly beyond everyone's imagination here, anderson nic robertson, thanks. the news continues here on cnn next, another house democrat calling for biden to drop out as he faces his next major test with his own party solo news conference unscripted. >> senator john fetterman, one of the staunchest biden supporters at this hour is my guest. plus all eyes on kamala harris it's trump turns his focus to attack her personally. is he now just betting that she's gonna be on the top of the democratic ticket and also tonight summer camp in north
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korea we've gotten one students story about what kim jong un's loyal followers did as they tried to bring watch him. it's an incredible story. he speaks to cnn. let's go outfront and good evening. i'm erin burnett outfront tonight. >> we begin with the breaking news, a ninth house democrat, just calling on president biden to withdraw from the presidential race. that democrat, congressman earl blumenauer of oregon in a statement, he writes, this is not just about extending his presidency, but protecting democracy. while this is a decision for the president and first lady, i hope they will come to the conclusion that i and others have president biden should not be the democratic presidential nominee and just moments ago, the president just facing an onslaught of questions about his health and the future of his campaign. pain and biden this all happened while he was meeting with the new british prime minister, chose not to answer any of them. let me play the moment for you when we last talk about. >> thank you all for coming
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mccarthy met with silence. >> this is a president who wants to put the debate fallout behind him. he's made that loud and clear, but he is now facing new calls to drop out of the race along with some not so subtle messages from top democrats night to reconsider his candidacy. the biggest name to weigh in is nancy pelosi. listen to this it's up to the president to suicide if he is going to run, we're all encouraging him to make that decision because time is running short. and of course, he's already made that decision. he's made it loud and clear. she knows that too, to imply that he needs to make a decision well, it's not hard
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to read between the lines there and senator tim kaine of virginia, the democrats nominee for vice president in 2016. of course, just spoke to reporters and he said this i have complete confidence with joe biden would do the patriotic thing for the country. and he's going to make that decision has never disappointed me. >> again, he's going to make that decision. he's already made that decision. it just appears that a lot of democrats don't like it biden so far is adamant that he is staying in the race, but there is mounting pressure for him to step aside from his party just today, congressman pat ryan called on biden to step down in his statements and he said for the good of our country, i am asking joe biden to step aside to deliver on his promise to be a bridge to a new generation of leaders and other democrats also publicly expressing their concerns i am deeply concerned about joe biden winning this november right now.
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>> president biden is behind trump in all of our polling and the senate races in a dead heat now biden is hoping to ease concerns, right? he did the nato speech. now tomorrow, he is holding a crucial solo news conference. he has agreed to another primetime interview and he sending three of his senior advisers to capitol hill to meet with democratic senators tomorrow the dissent though, is still there than one of biden's biggest backers, a man, you can see here was just with the president about four weeks ago and helped raise $30 million for him, is now calling on the president to step aside. george clooney and new york times op-ed rights. it's devastating to say it, but the joe biden, i was with three weeks ago at the fundraiser was not the joe big effing deal. biden of 2010. it wasn't even the joe biden of 2020. he was the same man we all witnessed at the debate now, i've been speaking to major donors, many of them are extremely concerned. they're kinda sense throwing spaghetti at the wall of possible scenarios. it did speak to one major donor though today who did tell me he is
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still all in on biden the cacophony of voices is out there and mj lee is outfront live outside the white house to begin our coverage tonight. and mj i know you've been talking to all of your sources. you've got new reporting right now now, what are you learning about? what's happening tonight? >> will erin, my colleagues and i have heard from many democrats throughout the course of the day who are just stunning and at how rapidly things appear to be deteriorating for president biden won widely shared view had really been that everything was going to come to a head at after the conclusion of the nato summit, which the u.s. is hosting, just blocks away from here from the white house. instead, we have seen this quick succession of rate really ominous and painful headlines for president biden as he has been trying to juggle these various engagements with world leaders. you take through some of them. nancy hello saying that it's up to the president to decide if he's going to continue running that really went off like a political earthquake earthquake. senator
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tim kaine saying, he is going to ultimately make the right decision. and then of course, the george clooney news that you just referenced, that comes at a moment when plenty of donors have told cnn that the money is just up, pause right now, and there is the real danger of the money completely drying up for democrats as people tried to figure out what exactly is going to happen for the future of the president and whether he really is going to stay in this race. and all of this is happening while the biden white house and the biden campaign has very much been digging in their message has really he been not only is the debate over, but we are done debating the debate. the voters have spoken and there is no scenario where president biden is going to drop out of course, this huge moment that everyone is looking towards tomorrow, the press conference that the president will be holding with reporters are a lot of democrats have been looking forward to that moment to see whether he can use that to really prove himself in a big way. but i think it is clear after the events of the last 24 hours, there are many democrats
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that are simply wondering are there going to be more shoes to drop before that press conference tomorrow mj. >> thank you very much from the white house and right now, bark dame joins me. he is one of the all important democratic super delegates crucial in that party who could ultimately decide the democratic ticket if biden drops out keisha lance bottoms is a senior adviser to the biden harris it's campaign. and paul begala is the former white house counselor to president clinton. of course, advised so many presidential campaigns. so thanks to all mayor bottoms, i just want to start with you because you hear mj's reporting the democrats in the white house. they've been stunned by the rapid unraveling that they have seen just in these past hours today, you've got the ninth democrat in congress calling on biden to step aside, understand nine out of 200, but it just it just continues to drip, drip. what's your reaction? >> yeah, it's it's astonishing, quite frankly, a, we've said that for three-and-a-half years and we watched the republican party
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implode in for us to be on this suicide mission at this point in time is very disappointing. what i love about the democratic party is that we get to express our opinions and we aren't subjected to ridicule. we aren't threatened with balance. we aren't ostracized. but what i would ask everyone when we do this in a way that it's happening now, what happens in november when joe biden is still our nominee? do we throw up our hands and say, oh, my bad, we still want you to go and vote for the president and help us save democracy what's the end game here? and so what i would say that until joe biden tells us differently, he is still our nominee. if we want to defeat donald trump in november, we have to rally around our nominee and do everything that we can do to make sure that he and kamala harris win in
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november. and this infighting doesn't get us any closer to victory bart, and just to be clear, mj saying or democrat, she has been speaking to broadly speaking, not necessarily in the white house, have these concerns about unraveling so but when you hear what, what mayor bottoms is saying where do you stand? >> do you think biden should step aside at this point i have great respect for mayor bottoms. >> i was able to hear her speak in one of our meetings. it's very impressive. i have a different take though on a different kind of responsibility when 51, 50,152 million people watched that debate. and a lot of us were dumbfounded by what we saw i started getting phone calls, text messages, emails, i get stopped on the street or since i'm in hawaii stopped on the beach and people say, what can we do to save this situation? and i'm hearing a lot of people who want to at least discuss and a lot of people who are leaning towards trying to get joe biden to step aside and bring in another candidate who
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we think might have a stronger chance against donald trump in november so suppose what happens here. i mean, i just speaking to some major donors in the past couple of days, i have been amazed at sort of how none of them know what to do. yes, it's clear the money is freezing up, but in a sense that the possibilities out there, it is like throwing spaghetti against the wall. what about this, what about this? what about this? what happens here? paul well, i'm hearing the same thing, erin from grassroots democrats as well as donors and a lot of elected officials here's my view. >> i've been thinking a lot about that. carrie underwood country song, jesus take the wheel my son would be nancy take the wheel okay. she has been the best speaker in american history and i think what she was saying this morning when she said the president has important decision to make, we back him completely, is she's telling us not only by the way, is the best legislative leader of american history? but as a mother of five, i've raised four kids. i know the time at which permission becomes more
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powerful than pressure. right. so instead of piling on, getting, you know, getting nasty with the president, with president nasty with democrats who are concerned i think the thing to do here is to listen to speaker emerita pelosi and pull back a little bit. i think center cayden, the comments you reported earlier is doing that stepping back, the president is the leader of the free world right now. vladimir putin is bombing a children's hospital in kyiv. and donald trump is attacking liz cheney. you not criticize latimer putin, a war criminal. he's attacking his fellow republicans, mitch mcconnell and mike pence and liz cheney. there's an opportunity cost here i think what speaker emerita pelosi might be saying is, let's just pull back here and give president biden time to finish this summit and then do the right thing because i think a lot of democrats think that he can't win so mayor bottoms, nancy pelosi, obviously, early on morning, joe made those comments, right? as if there was a decision to be made.
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although we all know the president, of course, has said he's made this decision. there is no decision to be made. so when later on in the day, she was approached by reporters to say, well, what did you just say? there? she had a testy exchange with a reporter from abc and let me just play it for you, mayor do you believe that waiting so long to make all of that are you concerned whether or not he did win in november? >> i think he you believe he should run for reelection? >> i'm not i'm not going to make any statements about any of that right now in the hallway you know mayor i was speaking to another donor today who said, you know, one of the biggest concerns this person had, is that the democrats are essentially going to kill their, their chances of winning because they're the ones shooting down their own candidate there, there is that fear.
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>> nancy pelosi said there, i think he can win in november do you, mayor bottoms, think that joe biden can win in november given where we are right now i absolutely believe that he can then we'll we'll win in november. the person who drove me home from the airport for to data. and i asked his opinion and what he said was, we need to defeat donald trump and we need to, this is the time that we circle around joe biden and lift him up. and that's a sentiment that i'm getting from people every day folk that i'm talking to and again, i have great risk but for all of these peoples, all of these leaders who have expressed their opinions. but at this point in time our president has said he's not getting out of the race. he is still our nominee. we need to support our nominee. we are doing ourselves any favors? but by creating a circular firing squad as i talk to people everyday, people are
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terrified of another donald trump presidency and what that possibly could mean for all of us. and people want to win. and as long as joe biden is at the top of the ticket where he said as he will remain, then as democrats, we need to circle around sure. he went in november part what's your response to that that merits and this is time to circle around, not to circular firing squad. well, i think we all agree that we want to defeat donald trump. i think where we are it might disagree is whether joe biden is the strongest candidate to do that. i am again, i am not part of some elite. i am somebody on the street who is having people come up to me and volunteering their opinions and their desperate i don't think we're panicking. i think what we're doing is we're assessing our options and i think it's reasonable for any conscientious of excuse me, a democrat to have be torn in
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both directions even with the mare, i hear saying as long as he wants to be the nominee, than he is the nominee, and we should support him it may be that he's not going to be the nominee. there's pressures that forming their movements that are going on behind the scenes. i'm only privy to a small part of them, but every day there's more and more evidence that democrats are unhappy all right? barak, paul mayor bottoms. thank you all very much. i appreciate your time. and as we get ready to take a brief break, we do have some breaking news. a democratic senator peter welch just telling biden to get out of the race. that is a new name, democratic senator peter welch, that news dropping just seconds ago and i'm going to speak to the democratic senator john fetterman in a moment. he has not wavered one bit on his support for president biden. plus giuliani's outburst, a judge silencing the former new york city there after he started yelling in court during bankruptcy hearing today, at one point, giuliani even threatened with jail you've got new details from inside that
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courtroom and an exclusive outfront investigation tonight. hooton back to and caught on tape trying to sabotage the united states. and you'll see my daughters, camila she is 19 months old she is a little ray of sunshine one of the habeas babies you're probably ever made children with down syndrome typically have a higher risk for developing acute mountain looking at oregon, just looking at in general here we are st. >> jude children's research hospital works day after day to find coors and save the lives of children with cancer. in other life-threatening diseases she was referred to saint and you at 11 months they knew what to do as soon as they got her diagnosis they already had her treatment plan draw now and they're like this is what we're going to do. >> this is how long it's going to take. this is how long in-between this place is like a
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news, democratic senator peter welch of vermont, becoming the first democrat in the senate to formally call on biden to drop out of the race, writing in a washington post op-ed just published moments ago and i quote the senator, i have great respect for president biden. >> he saved our country from a tyrant. he has a man of uncommon i'm in decency. he cares deeply about our democracy. he has been one of the best presidents of our time. but i like folks across the country and worried about november's election. the stakes could not be higher. we cannot unsee president biden's disastrous debate performance. we cannot ignore or dismiss the valid questions raised since that night and i bring out front now the democratic senator john fetterman of pennsylvania of course senator fetterman has been steadfast, vocal supporter of biden's since the debate. and senator, i so much appreciate your time, so i just want to give you a chance to respond to who senator welch yeah. >> yeah. senator welch, i mean,
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he's a good friend and i and he is the nicest dude in dc. i've said that on record. so i actually disagree with my friend. i don't believe that's i don't agree with him on that and if i did have that kind of an opinion, i wouldn't have necessarily gone public on the washington post but he's entitled to his opinion, but i'm entitled to mine and i just don't agree with my friends and strongly disagree with at all i know you're going to be meeting tomorrow, senator fetterman with top biden campaign officials and they are meeting to hear the concerns from senate democrats. >> like we've heard from others. obviously, senator welch coming out directly now in saying this, but there have been other concerns raised. let me play a few of them for you donald trump is on track, i think to win the selection and maybe win it by a landslide and take with him the senate and the house how concerned are you
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about his chances in november? i'm very concerned. it's going to be a close race now, senator fetterman, you have meant no words. >> you have said that democrats and i'm using your words are falling a bs narrative about the debate so senator, can you tell us and everyone watching because you do see biden, you know, personally you see him. what do you see in him that makes you so sure of your support? >> well, he's the only person to ever beat trump's in an election. and we can't forget what happened in 2020. then and he's been an amazing president and he deserves our support through all that. of course, we all agree that it wasn't a great debate. now and debates, we can also can't forget to bates really don't mean much. actually, in terms of who actually wins whether that its width 00 whether that clinton actually the mop, the floor of
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trump in debates. but of course we know what happened or kerry, when he's running against bush so i really want to remind everybody in me if if debates were we're a definitive, i wouldn't be standing in the rotunda as the united states senator to stand for joe biden on that hey understand what a rough debate can conceive. but i believe that joe biden is going to win, but it's going to be very close. there's never going to be a land slide all regardless, debate or not, because it's going to be very close. i've been saying that same thing since 2016, 2020. and of course, during this cycle so what do you think it is that is making your colleagues now more and more of them start to speak out publicly and turn against the president. >> i mean, obviously he did go through a primary process he did win he has all the delegates. he is your nominee in terms of having had the delegates and they all that
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more and more of them. we're hearing, you know, they want to they want to push him aside what do you think is going on here? i mean, even psychologically, senator, again, if if they ever tried to push him out, that that's absolutely a disgrace. that will be a disgrace to discard and push out an amazing president. and if it wasn't for joe biden or trump would be in the white house right now and he'd be running for his third term if you really want to turn your back back on the president like this. you know, if you're ever in a foxhole, that's never made better if you start to panic or vivid betray that in this. and i'm proud to stand with joe biden and i'm showing up tomorrow with brass knuckles so let me ask you about nancy pelosi when you talk about showing up with brass knuckles? >> former house speaker, of course gave that interview on morning joe with joe and mikah and she made it clear that joe biden had a decision to make, even though joe biden has said that he's running the decision is already made. here's what
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she said. well, we'll joe biden's already made that decision. it's up to the president to subside if he is going to run we're all in encouraging him to make that decision because time is running short so you started to speak there, but she's saying that there's a decision to be made, but but he's already said he made a decision. >> what do you say to that? we're speaker i would say is that you know, as far as i know, she's never run for any office outside of the house and she's never run for the president and she certainly never won that as well. >> and he has already made his decision. joe biden has made that decision he is staying in this race and he's going to take this through to the convention and to november and i'm going to back him on that. and if i have any advice for joe biden and that that's is stay in if that's what you
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believe. and i i have his back 100% all right. >> well, senator john fetterman, we all appreciate your time. thank you very much, sir. and also tonight, a call to action, vice president kamala harris rally and crucial supporters. black women, to get out the vote our nation is counting on the leaders in this room to guide us forward because we know when we organize mountains, move when we mobilize nations change. and when we vote, we make history all eyes on the vice president and she has now become trump's favorite target. eva mckend is outfront vice president kamala harris selling the biden-harris ticket, you helped elect joe biden, president of the united states and me as the first
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woman elected vice president, even in the midst of grueling democratic calls for president biden to step aside while we have come a mighty long way we have more work to do harris now getting a fresh look as the potential top of the democratic ticket while speaking to her sorority sisters at the alpha kappa alpha convention, aka the oldest black sorority in the country, i do believe this is the most existential consequential. and important election of our lifetimes saw ross this is a serious many voters here in support of keeping the status quo. joe biden in kamala harris have a plan for 2024 and on. so i just want them to enact that plan and she's supportive of him staying on the ticket. and i
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trust her judgment. he needs to say he needs to stay. what if there was a change? they say harris shouldn't be discounted, delete the party. she earn that position. he chose her for it a reason and i support that reason 100% i feel like she's the perfect candidate to do whatever needs to be done. if that happens, it's the latest stop on the campaign trail. before the vice president and a lot of work to do following a visit to las vegas where she fiercely different ended her running mate the past few days have been a reminder that running for president of the united states is never easy. but the one thing we know about our president joe biden is that he is a fighter. harris to has taken a leading role in prosecuting the case against donald trump in the united states supreme court essentially told this individual who has been convicted of 34 felonies that
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he will be in immune from essentially the activity he has told us he is prepared to engage in if he gets back into the white house and his harris profile rises former president trump also upping his attacks. >> if joe had picked someone even halfway competent, they would have bounced him from office years ago, but they can't because she's gotta be their second choice. he has no choice and no chance amid divisions within the party about the path forward, democratic voters say another biden presidency he is better than the alternative. >> it really could be. it could be a cardboard cutout i don't care who really who it is as long as they can beat trump harris also used her remarks to denounce project 2025. that is a conservative policy vision to radically reshape the federal government parts of that could be enacted in a future trump
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administration. notably the aka's in unison calling out that plan with harris by name project 2025 meanwhile, harris will continue her core of the country in making her case to voters in greensboro, north carolina erin all right. eva, thank you very much and next we have breaking news. we are now learning some of the same people who tried to overturn the election are now going to be playing a pivotal role at the rnc convention, will share these breaking details with you plus rudy giuliani actually erupting court yelling after being threatened with jail today, former new york city the mayor was so out of control is mica to be muted during his bankruptcy hearing and we've got new details from inside that courtroom right after this right now get america's most trusted brand and an everyday
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558999, or visit home i'm elizabeth wagmeister in los angeles in this is cnn close captioning brought to you by rula law, iconic brands up to 70% off retail at rula and rubella you never been a fulbright sees the deals on top before their car south today breaking news, a fake electors will make trump's
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nomination official. cnn exclusively learning tonight, the names of fake electors and election deniers from seven states who will be acting as delegates. a national committee members at the 2024 republican convention next week some of the fake electors now facing criminal prosecution over their roles in 2020. i mean, to think of that criminal prosecution, you can see some of them there. many of them do come from battleground states. so i want to go straight to zach cohen, his reporting breaking the story tonight. i mean, it's actually just a bottom line at here. you've got people from seven states who were involved often trying to overturn the last election. now have active roles in the official process to nominate trump this time. wow, i mean, what more can you tell us? >> yeah, erin, that's exactly right. we're talking about key swing states that are going to be pivotal again here into may 24, places like arizona, places the georgia, michigan, nevada, pennsylvania, the delegations from these seven states that the republican party in those states are going to send to the convention in milwaukee. they're made up a lot of election deniers, several fake
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electors and others who tried to help trump overturn the 2020 election results. they're now going to go to the convention and officially helping donald trump as the republican nominee for president in 2024. and i want to take a look at some of these specific individuals because it really is a who's who but in some cases of fake electors, they include people like jake hoffman estates senator from arizona he was a fake elector there and it was indicted for his alleged role in a conspiracy to overturn the 2020 electors he's pleaded not guilty in that case. you have people like amy kramer who will represent georgia as part of that delegation. she's not been criminally charged for her role in efforts overturn the election she did help organize that rally at the white house ellipse that immediately preceded the january 6 riot in michigan. that state will be represented by people like meshawn maddock me shall maddock serve as a fake elector. she's been indicted on state charges and flooding not guilty in michigan there, and also matthew deperno from michigan. he was separately indicted for in a conspiracy alleged to try to seize voting machines in that state. so really several people currently facing criminal charges that
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are going to appear on the convention floor and submit their states vote for donald trump for president alright, zach cohen, thank you very much. >> and also tonight there was that chaos in court that i mentioned. that's the former new york city mayor rudy giuliani literally yelling after being threatened with jail while facing the prospect of losing everything he owns. of course, the court a court verdict against him. dorff, what he owns a lawyer for his creditor saying she could consider seeking prison time for his alleged, quote, bankruptcy crimes. now, giuliani was actually on a zoom line and on zoom, he starts shouting so loudly that the judge asks giuliani's microphone to be muted. i want to go straight to kaitlan, poland's she was in that courtroom today and she's live tonight again for us outside giuliani's new york city apartment, which caitlin, as you've reported it could be worth $6 million. so i obviously very relevant in this whole conversation. but you were inside that courtroom today with the chaos and you're watching the zoom giuliani yelling and i mean tell us what happened well, erin, the judge,
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laid out the end game on friday. >> this judge is going to make a decision and there are two options here for rudy giuliani and what happens to his wealth. one option a trustee could be taking total control over everything that giuliani has it's everything that's incoming. all of the things that he has, what he's able to buy and pay for or he could be thrown out of bankruptcy court and essentially thrown to the mercy of his creditors, specifically, ruby freeman and shaye moss, those two georgia election workers, whom he owes 148 million they are quite unhappy right now. and that was what we saw a lot of in the courtroom today. their attorney speaking to the judge about how giuliani has just not been forthcoming they can't chase after this money in any reasonable way. and that's what prompted these outbursts from rudy giuliani in the courtroom. he had called in ten minutes late over his cell phone and you could hear his voice, that
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unmistakable voice. this is rudolph giuliani. and then at times saying they're making defamatory remarks and get my lawyer here's on the phone or get them on his on the phone. is lawyer than stepping out of the courtroom to talk to him, calling him down, perhaps. but the bottom line here, erin, is that there are real consequences coming for rudy giuliani because of the work he did for donald trump after the 2020 election. it's coming in bankruptcy court on friday and the attorney for ruby freeman and shaye moss told me just after the hearing that they are ready to take his properties, including this apartment behind me erin right. >> kaitlan. thank you very much. now, let's go to ryan goodman, our legal analyst. of course, he's with just security and ryan starting with giuliani. just to take a step back here, obviously. but judgments against him dwarf his assets. and yet he has been trying to make money any way he can. we have seen a sorted side of the former mayor. let me just show everybody i'm
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thrilled to introduce you to something i'm incredibly proud of. >> my own brand of organic specialty coffee, rudy coffee. i can happy birthday greeting. i'm a little teapot, short and stout is my handle. here's my spout either sleeping on my pillows for some time i love them. yes. simply the very best pills ever made i mean, ryan, you know, you can sort of laugh at that. >> there's obviously it's sad too, but in the context of what's going on in this bankruptcy courtroom what does all this mean for rudy giuliani so it means a lot of trouble for rudy giuliani. >> it looks like the end of the road, probably at the bankruptcy court he is his own lawyers are actually saying they wanted to take the case out of bankruptcy court. and so does ms moss and ms freeman so it looks like on friday that will probably be the judge ruling. and then i assume immediately ms moss and ms freeman will go to courts in new york, florida, and dc to
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try to get liens immediately. on his properties which are worth apparently about $11 in florida home and then new york home so it which i mean, it's amazing to think about where we are on that and where rudy giuliani used to be for some reason, it's just hard to get your arms around that no matter how many times we hear about this. >> i also want to ask you write about the exclusive reporting zach cohen was sharing and that is about the fake electors from at least seven states who are now named serving as delegates at the rnc to nominate trump this time around and what i wanted to ask you about ryan, is this, we know many of them are currently facing criminal charges and are actually as part of that prohibited in some cases are refer it to refrain from participating in any way in the execution or transmission of electoral votes in 2024? so how are they? they're still participating in the process. >> it's really an extraordinary moment. the charges against them arrange and one of them, for example, mr. deperno, and michigan
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includes multiple charges by a special prosecutor for having seized voting machines, believe it or not, in 2021, to try to prove up their big lie claims. it's just extraordinary in wisconsin what you mentioned, there was a major civil law settlement in which the false electors, all ten of them, agreed that they would never be involved in being official electors. first for donald trump or for anybody actually in 2024. and the agreement also says the electrodes defendants agree to refrain from participating in any way in the execution or transmission of electoral votes in 2024 now, being delegates, the republican national convention is different, so it's in some sense a loophole but it shows you the attempt by the legal system to keep them out of the electoral process since these are essentially democracy crimes it's incredible to think about what we are, what we are witnessing, ryan. >> thank you so much. next, the breaking news live pictures, the white house right now, president biden is hosting a
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dinner as i speak with nato allies. as you can see that there happen putting and summer camp in north korea wait till you hear this. we've got a student actually speaking to cnn about what he had to endure it wasn't like like straightforward propaganda. it was brainwashing. you like in different ways do you have a box of videotapes, film reels, or photos that are degrading legacy box professionally converts that to dvds, thumb drive, or the cloud legacy box is silly in poland, safe with over 1 million satisfied customers visit legacy the love between a newborn elephant and her mother is unlike any other it's an unbreakable lifelong bond. but when her loving mother is cruelly killed to fuel the illegal trade, her calf is left alone and she may not survive
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ground floor there, as you can see, in the center, the president of the united states. it comes as a cnn an exclusive investigation tonight reveals that russia is carrying out acts of sabotage in nato countries. and many of them caught on tape as you are about to see out front here. nick paton walsh is outfront this is the moment first broadcast here. a vast sabotage operation in poland gave itself away caught on camera is maxey, a 24-year-old ukrainian living here, recruited online by russian agents who first just asked him to daub anti-war graffiti filmed buying a lot of energy drinks, a move that led polish agents to arrest him and 15 others because he dropped a receipt from here at a crime scene. his russian handler, andrzej, had begun asking for much more positioning cameras. some here overlooking these tracks to ukraine others where
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poland trained ukrainian troops and for maxime to commit arson in all. it got him six years in jail amazing how the russians just recruiting people straight off telegram you find themselves here in maximum security he gave our producer a rare interview inside. we could not record. so an actor is voicing his word it was easy money. i needed money badly. i didn't think any of it could cause any harm. it seemed so insignificant when andre told me to install cameras were poles, we're training ukrainian soldiers. that's when i knew it could be serious it made me feel uneasy that was when i decided i'd quit but i never got a chance. i got arrested the next day us bases in europe are on the highest alert for a decade. >> the main reason the threat of russian sabotage russia persistent real growing across europe along the supply lines to the ukrainian border here or
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supply hubs like these never really been more vital for ukraine trying to hold the frontline but a senior nato officials told me of a sixth nine months efforts by russia to sabotage nato weapons, supplies into ukraine. fair bit of it, going right down. these tracks. now they described it it's something that is against at times the point of production against those making the decisions against the storage of the weapons or even the actual delivery, saying the operation but it gets fiercer here right next to russia in estonia russia's appetite to disrupt led them at this tense border crossing. one may 9 it to sneak out in these thermal camera images and remove the boys marking where estonia ends in russia begins literally removing the border tank traps and razor wires speak of how bad it's got estonian gps signals have been jammed in the skies above. russians film, us
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filming them your job is also to filter out any of the russian agents who might be being used to come and do hybrid attacks, right? all the time, 24 someone trying to filter those people out, i think the russians now are trying to see how we will react to different things acuity officials say russia is using amateurs here to ten people arrested in february after an attack on the estonian interior minister's car fears the ukraine war may in the future make russians more aggressive still, we have seen moving towards physical attacks. >> there are people who take part in the war against ukraine. they have more experience, their mindset. is more violent. they are perhaps not so patient anymore a shadowy standoff well, the unthinkable in a matter of months becomes reality era. >> and this is really the huge
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risk of these sabotage, these hybrid operations that they're being farmed out to sort of freelance local criminals. it seems by the kremlin, it's unclear if these people know exactly how far they're supposed to go. there's a huge risk of casualties and it's also unclear what level of control vladimir putin himself has over every single move, each one of which potentially crosses the line into provoking nato into a more full fledged response. >> thank you so much, nick, and such crucial reporting for all next summer camp in north korea, one student telling cnn about the brainwashing that he went through, wait to see this ronna please caribbean sale is now on these it or call 1-800 beaches my name is
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tonight has this report. you'll see first outfront the russian and north korean leaders budding alliance at full speed for the world to see vladimir putin and kim jong un toasting stronger partnership than ever before. intent on taking down the u.s president is also a murderous dictator. >> so there is no surprise, urethral off is a russian graduate students studying in the u.s he was in high school in russia in 2015 and 2016 when his parents sent him on to summer trips to north korea russia, one of the only nations pyongyang's still allows in on government controlled sightseeing trips, we learned and beyond young and we spent two days in the capital. they showed us some attractions. they showed us they are museum this, this show that's like dolphins frolova says, he's not surprised to see rising russian
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tourism in kim's heavily sanctioned secret state russia and tourists is one of the pipelines they can use to get this currency in the country. >> because once i was there, it was one of their purpose is just to use the people like milk cows, just to get like the most, the money they wanted he visited the same souvenir shops i did on my 19 reporting trips to north korea. you don't need to read korean to know what this means here. the u.s. capitol, there symbolism says it. all. shops overflowing with anti-u.s. propaganda. it wasn't like like straightforward propaganda. it was brainwashing you through different ways for a love spent two weeks at this international children's camp on north korea's east coast summer fun mixed with daily chores like cleaning giant statues of the late leaders, which was also very strange. it was like 6:00
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in the morning and we'll just call to clean some dust out from this monuments after morning chores mandatory using lessons, sometimes the people were foragers to sing propaganda song about, like the great leaders of north korea. >> kim il-sung kim and kim jong and basically we were forced to speak the song as well. but they were like he korean, but it will translated into russian he says, even the video games had an anti-american theme. they were like driving tanks, like destroying the white house in the u.s. >> it reminds me of this exchange with to north korean campers playing that same video game. what do you want to fight your fight the sworn enemy, americans. what if i told you, i'm an american? do you want to shoot me through