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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  July 11, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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continue their diplomatic work. so north korea right now is arguably the most isolated. it has been in decades. the only people who are getting and right now at least russians, sara it tells you a lot about where they are in the world right now and the relationship with russia. i know you have been in many, many, many, many times. we will see what happens next. will ripley. thank you so much. that was a really interesting story. a new hour of cnn, new central starts right now the brand new poll showing the two who thirds of americans want him to drop out more than half of his own supporters. >> can a news conference today change the trajectory of president biden's campaign? court about to resume in the involuntary manslaughter trial of alec baldwin. prosecutor say baldwin playing a dangerous game of make-believe on set. and then breaking just moments ago, prices just fell for the first time since the pandemic. i guess what you're looking at as live live, look at futures
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right now down a little bit. so again, prices down, perhaps welcome news the economy i'm john berman with kate bolduan and sara sidner. this is cnn new central this morning the pressure is on and getting stronger as president biden is right now, staring down a crucial press conference that could do one of two things by the end of the day, silence the doubters or and solidify his reelection run or move calls for him to step aside from a trickle too a roar the newest pressure right now is coming in. >> the form of a poll, brand new numbers from abc news, washington post, and ipsos show biden and trump out of virtual tie. but it also shows this 62% of democratic and democratic leaning voters say they think president biden should step aside, not run in 2024,
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including 54% who call themselves biden supporters. those are big numbers. cnn senior white house correspondent, kayla tausche, she leads off this hour, kale, the big question this morning is what the performance is going to look like at tonight's news conference and will it help him or fuel his critics well, certainly the goal of the administration is to have this press conference help him, but to say the stakes are high, sara is an understatement considering a few factors. >> number one, how few times the president has had in recent memory to take questions? from reporters on a solo basis. the last time was in november 2023 at the apec summit in san francisco. recently, he's been flanked by world leaders and only accepted a couple of questions on each of those times. and so the focus on the president as he stands on that stage by himself, we don't know how many questions he'll take today that's good to be huge. second all of the questions, if
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not most of the questions are expected to focus on biden's candidacy. and we know from the past that biden has often bristled at what he feels are unfair attempts by reporters to take him off topic, for instance last month at the g7 when he was flanked by ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy, he was asked by a reporter about this situation in gaza. and here's how biden responded. then wish you guys don't play by the rules i'm here to talk about a critical situation in ukraine and asked me another subject, i'll be happy to answer details later. but the bottom line is we made an agreement. i've laid out an approach the white house and the correspondents association later clarified there are no rules for such press conferences. >> and of course today the president has faced a stunning decline of support on his own party in just the past 24 hours in a development that surprised
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even some senior most members of his party. cnn has reported in the last day that the president then left the weekend events in the swing states of wisconsin and pennsylvania buoyed by the warm reception he received from elected officials and from voters. and that's what underpinned his view monday morning that it was what the voters said that mattered, not what the political elites said that mattered, but now with so many elected officials whose viewpoints biden holds in very high regard. they represent the voters after all. and if more elected officials continue to come out, sara, that is going to make get very difficult for the president here and i know the campaign is watching, but so is american public just out of curiosity, you're here at the nato summit. >> how are world leaders reacting to all this turmoil within the biden camp? >> well, i spoke to a few officials who were involved in some of the negotiations with these leaders and their delegations. and there seemed to be a few different views. sara, i mean, there's an acknowledgement that there's a real possibility of a second
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trump term, but it's not just trump that they're worried about. there is the rise of far-right views on the other side of it the atlantic as well. the uncertainty of many of these leaders who faced low approval ratings at home. and i was told that in these negotiating patients ahead of this summit that it took months to reach agreements on language and deliverables. whereas a couple of years ago, it took mere days and in the words of one officials everyone is hedging no one is sure what they can deliver back home, how popular it will be with their own voters. and so to that regard, they say biden is in good company, but even so, nato, they point to as a country consensus based organization. they say that nato has been able to overcome opposition from hungary, slovakia, turkey. and they say that regardless of what happens at the ballot box, nato is a long-term organisms patient kayla stick with us. also now, bring in jeff cnn's jeff zeleny. let's talk more about all of this kind of in the broader context of what today and tonight can mean. i mean, kayla's got great reporting, jeff on kind of how the white house is feeling. nancy pelosi has suggest that this press
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conference is important. steve cohen was on with me, the congressman from tennessee was on with me yesterday and he said that how biden does in this press conference will be really important to how much could this shake things up? >> located. it's definitely important. there's no question about it. i mean, as kayla was just talking there, if president biden were to have another moment as he did in italy, just sort of scold the press and say, stay on the question at hand that certainly would not be reassuring to many democrats but even if there's a strong performance, even if president biden hits it out of the park, if you will, that is not going to put this genie back in the bottle according to all the conversations or most of the conversations we're having with democratic lawmakers and leaders the reality is, this has moved beyond that, but there's no question every time the president now appears in public and is answering questions, there is going to be added scrutiny on what he says. so yes, the stakes are remarkably
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high. they could not be higher. but again, even a performance that is viewed as very strong ease some concerns a bit, but it's not going to change the broader question here is he the strongest nominee to defeat donald trump in november? >> and kayla kind of crystalizing just this morning what a distraction like this, even on the on the least impactful end of the range here of it is a distraction rather than it is an existential crisis for this, for this candidacy is that this is the question at hand is how biden is going to do at this press conference. and can he sustain when at the same? in time this morning, you have coming out the latest consumer price index reading, and it's great news for room, for, for consumers and that means good news for the president in office prices fell in june for the first time since the pandemic and you have to wonder what now is the number one issue and priority
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for voters, democratic voters, when it comes to this election well that's a headline that the biden campaign and the white house would have begged for just a few months ago when they could have paraded at around and gotten more coverage for it and for them, it's unfortunate that that news comes on a day like today when the questions about the president are much broader. >> i mean, jeff is right, even if the president knocks it out of the park, there still going to be questions about what events will look like like in the future. the level of scrutiny, the level of the focus of the spotlight on him from here on out, even if he remains the candidate, is unlike anything that any candidate as experienced before. and in talking to aides in the leadup to the debate, there were some concerns about the president's potential performance because, you know, he has the tendency to be uneven. but what we had heard largely from advisers to the president was that they were hoping for a night like the state of the union. they were hoping that he came out swinging, that he was four this will that he was energetic and the president biden that his own team got on that night
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surprised many people. and i think that there's also a question to be asked of the president's own advisers of, you can prepare the president as much as you want as he prepared in the leadup to the debate. but it's simply uncertain which biden will arrive on that stage in jeff, george clooney, the george clooney element at and what it represents, if you will. >> he's among biden's biggest supporters and donors in hollywood and but he's also seen as some is more than just another hollywood actor in kind of, in his important what he stands for he's calling on biden to get out. let me read the quote just to remind folks, one battle he cannot win is the fight against time. none of us can. it's devastating to say it, but the joe biden, i was with three weeks ago at a function fraser was not the joe big effing deal biden of 2010. he wasn't even the joe biden of 2020. he was the same man we all witnessed at that debate cnn and also has reporting that at least one scheduled fundraiser in chicago during the convention coming up. it's been scrapped now over a
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disagreement over in the way it's been described, a disagreement over how to proceed given the continued erosion of support from biden's candidacy. op-eds or no op-eds, fundraiser is being canceled. that's a problem. >> it definitely is a problem in as i was our team was reporting yesterday, kayla, myself, and others, fundraising is a big problem here. the chicago canceled fundraiser is just one example of many phone calls not being retrieved earned and the broader question here is democrats are in a bit of a holding pattern democratic donors are, and others are waiting to see what happens and just when the door are sort of seem like it was closed and president biden is in former house speaker nancy pelosi said yesterday, actually, he still has a decision to make at the end of this week, so we are are likely going to be watching this play out for several more days. the republican convention starts next week president biden has scheduled another interview with less for hold of
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nbc news next monday evening. they are going forward, but democratic donors and others watching this are still unsure. so until that changes, the money has frozen up. and the reason it matters is the biden campaign is built this massive apparatus in battleground states across the country with hundreds and hundreds of officers and staff and a large television advertising budget as well. that's why they need the money so this is a concern still deepening, but by the end of the day after that press conference that kayla, we'll be covering. we will see how the president president does. but again tomorrow, kate, i suspect there will still be many questions about the president's future. >> yeah. but, you know, nancy pelosi said he has decisions to make by the end of this week but maybe one of the biggest data points now to contribute to that decision is going to happen this evening with that press conference. thanks, guys. it's great to see you jump. you bet. >> alright. sentencing day for an american arrested after being caught with ammunition in her bag at the airport jury
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deliberations could begin today in the federal corruption trial of senator bob menendez. will they? find him guilty of defrauding the u.s. government and this is the last time you're going to see me. why elon generous says she is done with performing every weekday morning. >> here are the five things you need to know to start your day, get the news, you need. how about this for an thanks, paul headline in five minutes or less cnn's five things with kate bolduan, streaming weekdays on and math it's, time yes. >> the time has come for a fresh approach to dog food every day more dog people are deciding its time to quit the kibble and feed their dogs fresh food from the farmers dog made by vets and delivered right to your door. precisely portion from your dog's needs it's an idea whose time has
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manslaughter and censoring. i was listening last hour to our friend sara sidner and john so we jackson talk about these two competing narratives and that is really spot on what both sides are trying to convince the jury it's two entirely separate things. what the prosecution is saying is that look, anyone holding a gun, this is a real gun. this is not a prop gun and actually fires bullets. they should have known that you don't point it at someone. you have to keep that in a safe direction on the other side, what the defense has been telling the jury that look, this is not real, this is make-believe this actor was handed the gun and he was told it was empty. have a listen it's simple straightforward the evidence will show that someone who played make-believe with a real gun and violated the cardinal rules of firearm safety is the defendant, alexander baldwin he was an actor acting playing the role of harland rust an actor playing a character can act in ways that are lethal that just
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aren't lethal on a movie set now i was in court yesterday, john, and it's hard to describe the mood as anything other than sad and somber. baldwin's family was there at one point, his wife, hilaria, approached them, pressure head against his. they embraced out syed cord. beth baldwin, who was alex brother. she was in tears being comforted by stephen baldwin. alex brother. now, of course, on the other side of this case is a family of halyna hutchins. they've obviously been devastated this cinematographer who was killed and that's really what makes these negligence cases so difficult. the emotions so raw, no one is disputing that this was an accident. but what prosecutors have said all along is look, this is new mexico law. we have to hold someone accountable as what they're seeking to do all right. >> josh campbell, good to have you there. thank you so much sara. all right. thank you, john. in less than an hour in american, mother busted for carrying ammunition into turks and caicos is due in court. sharitta grier is one of several americans detained
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under the territory's strict gun laws. this year alone, bringing firearms or ammunition is strictly illegal in those territory. she ended up pleading guilty to mistakenly bringing a couple of rounds of ammo into that territory in her luggage after pressure from american officials and other cases involving americans this year, turks and caicos authorities did ease up on the penalties which now gives the court leeway when it comes comes to a once mandatory 12 year prison sentence. cnn's carlos suarez joining us now from miami. is there an expectation, carlos that she will get the same treatment as the other americans who basically got time served and a fine in order to leave yes. sara. so at this point, that's pretty much the understanding here, right? that greer, although she does face this possibility of 12 years in prison it does seem unlikely that she's really going to face any additional time in custody are considering just how the judges handled the other cases of the americans that were all arrested on the same charge barge agree. or as you noted, she pleaded guilty
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to carrying ammunition into turks and caicos earlier this year. and now, like the other americans that were arrested she claimed that she had no idea that she had ammunition in her luggage. now, the mandatory minimum for breaking the law was 12 years in prison, though. and this is key key hear judges this entire time had the discretion to find what they called quote, exceptional circumstances and they could depart from the sentencing guidelines, which is what happened with the other cases now, in response to all of the immense criticism over all of these arrest lawmakers in turks and caicos. they amended the law last month to say explicitly that courts have the discretion to impose either a fine, a custodial sentence, or a mix of both. and so the other americans that were arrested, they all received a suspended sentence of fine and they were all allowed to return to the us their arrests, as we've been reporting, really led to this heated back and forth between
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american lawmakers who at one point traveled to the islands asking that the charges be dropped and then you had officials in turks and caicos telling the americans not to metal in their judicial system, there agree or is it? expected in court later this morning if the proceedings play out just like the other cases, she's expected to receive a suspended sentence and a fine. and sara, she could be back in the u.s. as early as later today all right, carlos suarez. thank you so much for that reporting as soon as today, a jury could begin deliberating the fate and future of democratic senator bob menendez he's been in court for weeks now facing federal corruption charges. >> and we are live outside of court and there are new details coming in on the staggering number of heat-related deaths that have happened that west just this month i love cnn live from milwaukee as republicans
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unite behind their nominee, his vp, and their plan to take that the white house follow cnn for complete coverage. >> that republican national convention starts monday at 8:00 on cnn this his friend, there's a cat paid no, no, no is this normal as the true that team. >> how much is too much cabinet for everything you need and everything you need to know find you, they chewing tina used to worry about bad breath. >> now why she time she uses their breath mouthwash 12 hours, fresh breath it's on burning. >> unlike our outfit, which is fire, right? >> their breath mouthwash. it's a better mouthwash most people call lee filter when their gutters are clogged and
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>> who is the alpha male? >> still about to get much shams. >> short, posted late john cena all this week at 8:00. discovery in stream on max moments from now closing arguments are expected to wrap up in the federal corruption trial of senator bob menendez and two co-defendants the new jersey democrat has been on trial for the past nine weeks facing 16 felony charges of extortion and wire fraud, bribery. >> remember, he's stayed in the job this entire time. cnn's kara scannell, outside of court today, and he has remained defiant, saying that he is he is not guilty. kara, what are you expecting today? >> okay. senator bob menendez is on trial here with two of the new jersey businessmen that prosecutors say paid him bribes, including gold bars and a half million dollars in cash that the fbi found at his home, as well as other things such as the mercedes benz convertible. so one of those defendants lawyers is going to finish his closing argument today, then the prosecution will give their
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rebuttal. there response from what we've heard over several days of closing arguments, including a five hour closing argument by menendez's attorney, urging the jury to acquit him, saying that the steps, the actions that the senator has taken were all routine and normal that he was advocating for his constituents and that these meetings that he had with egyptian military officials saying that those were routine, that he didn't soften his stance on human rights abuses that prosecutors say was menendez actually acting as a foreign agent, including they brought it in prosecution testimony from some of menendez's aides, former aides, who said that his stance on egypt is changing. it had become weird. they also said that some of these meetings were weird. now this is all the evidence that the jury has heard over these nine months. both sides giving their last arguments to the judge jury today. we do expect then once the prosecution does wrap up, this could take about two hours. the prosecutor said, then the judge will instruct the jury on the law that is
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what they need to find to seat satisfy whether the prosecution has proven its case and whether the senator is guilty of these charges. once that's completed, then jury deliberations will get underway. that's expected to be later this afternoon and will continue for as long as it takes as you said, they have heard a lot of testimony over the past nine weeks of this case and a lot is at stake for the senator he is convicted of some of the most serious charges. some of those carry maximum penalties of 20 years in prison. that would be up to the judge to decide just what his sentence would be. if can evicted. but a lot online for the senator who's you said is still a senator acting in congress despite having stepping down as chair of the senate foreign relations committee, he is still an active the center the senior senator for new jersey, and a lot at stake for him in this case absolutely. >> kara, you've been covering this so well all along, we'll talk to you soon. thank you, john. all right. this morning, a cnn review has found that dozens of people in donald trump's immediate sphere were deeply involved in the controversial project 2025,
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project even as trump himself makes the questionable claim that he knows nothing about it, cnn's steve contorno has done the digging here. what have you found steve john when donald trump said last week that he didn't know who was behind project 2025. we decided to take a look at all the authors and contributors and organizations that have pitched into this project. object and what we found is 140 people who had previous experience working for trump were off. there's and contributors to this massive 900 page playbook that is supposed to be the blueprint for a second trump term we also found that many of these individuals had reaches, reached the highest levels of his government's six people who were cabinet secretaries under donald trump participated in this project, including ben carson is former hud secretary, who he remains close to and rey's voigt, who looked who led opm for him and recently was overseeing the rnc platform that trump just approved now we
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took all this information to the trump campaign. they said, look, yes, these individuals might have worked for donald trump in the past they don't work for him now, there's no guarantee they're going to work for him in the future and they don't necessarily represent the views of donald trump. if you want to know what donald trump wants to do in a second term, you should look and i hit the agenda that he has posted on his website or the republican party platform, trump himself weighing in overnight posting on truth, social quote, i know nothing about project 2025. i have not seen it. have no idea who is in charge of it. and unlike are very well received republican platform had nothing to do with the john. but as we saw, dozens of people who were involved in his administration from every aspect of it. people who were involved in his campaign, people who are involved in this transition, people like mark meadows his former chief of staff, stephen miller, one of his top advisors all were involved in product 22 25, making it much more complicated for him to distance himself from it. than we previously thought alright, steve contorno, good reporting on that. thanks so much, sir all
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right. >> just ahead. breaking news this morning, consumer prices doing something they haven't done since the early part of the pandemic in 2020 they fell. the latest reading on the fight against inflation is spelling good news for shoppers. cnn's paula newton has more on this story. i'm so happy to see you this morning. paula there you are. >> farah. it is good news for all i can tell you that it is actually in fact a deflationary numbers. think about that things month over month, are costing us less today than they were last month. this is something that so many people have been waiting for, not to mention the white house to try and prove that their economic policies are working. you know, this wasn't an a dramatic kind of slip, but really a pivotal point. and why when you look at the year over year, it is at 3%. that's much cooler than people were expecting, especially when you combine, combine it with that month over month number i think about it, sara, in 2022 was we were still
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trying to recover from the pandemic inflation was over nine 9% in that year and people were really feeling it this really lends itself to perhaps an interest rate cut in september. some people, if you can believe it's error or even banking, there could be one this month that will really help people out with their interest rates in terms of mortgages or car loans, what have you that will really make a difference to this economy? the other thing, remember, the federal reserve and the chair jay powell has two things in mind. they need to bring inflation down to its target, which is 2%. we're not close to that yet, but we're getting there in terms of the trend but also it does require it to keep unemployment low last month unemployment ticked up to 4.1% that is actually a good read, sara, it means that the labor market is more imbalanced and it should keep a lid on inflation for all sara yeah. when you see those numbers, everyone sees unemployment's up like what's going on, but the inflation, inflation, inflation, if that comes down, people will feel a lot better,
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right? paula? >> absolutely. and i will see what the markets were doing, that kind of popped up. i will caution everyone markets already, the s&p and the nasdaq, already a record highs. the dow could hit another record today. they were very exuberant when the report came up futures kind of dipped after that. so we'll see the kind of day ahead. but all in all good news here for the economy and for people who are really feeling it, whether you're paying for groceries or house insurance, anything to do with any kind of alone. this is good going forward and i think jay powell is now also looking at the weakness in the economy, right? and that may mean that he may not just cut interest rates in september, but perhaps december as well. >> we will all be waiting to see paula newton. it's so good to see you. thank you. all right. >> coming up george clooney has been one of president joe biden's biggest supporters and donors in hollywood, at least he's just how to fund raise is there a few weeks ago for biden? now the politically
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influential movie star says democrats need a new nominee, not joe biden. what other big donors are doing? and saying now, plus, it's an exclusive club where you can still buy a hot dog soda for a buck 50. but the membership fee yeah it's going out we'll talk about it. coming up march 21st, a special how to happen and search for suspect. how it really happened. the atlanta olympic bombing, vermeer's july 20, first did nine on cnn. >> we just signed the lease on our third shop. my assistant went to get new uniforms with all the locations. he found great products, uploaded new art, and had boxes sent to all the shops customer makes it so easy. get started today at you founded your kayak company because you love the ocean, not spreadsheets. you need to hire
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includes six 62% of democrats and democratic leaning voters, and 54% of self-proclaimed biden voters in this poll add this up. it's much more to consider as lawmakers on capitol hill are still trying to figure out what to do about biden's candidacy and how they're going to respond. a team of top biden campaign officials are headed to the hill today to hold a special meeting with senate democrats too. try and calm their nerves. cnn's lauren fox is tracking all of this for us. lauren, what's happened in there today? >> yeah. i mean, a lot of senate democrats saying that more information from the camp campaign would certainly be welcomed, but it's not clear that this meeting today is going to quell the concerns overall, a lot of democratic senators and democrats proud of house members are looking toward this press conference later today to see how biden performs. there also worried about the potential that biden could drag them down their own races, this national poll today i'm sure we'll buoy some of those concerns among members, but the other reality is that
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in states like montana ayo arizona. it's still remains to be seen if biden's debate performance may have an effect on those down ballot races. so i think that that is something that but a lot of senators are watching very closely right now. democrats are walking this very fine line. there are nine members of the house and senate who have now come out now and said that biden should no longer be at the top of the ticket in november including peter welch, who is a democratic senator, the very first one to come out and say so publicly, but we should also remind people there's a lot of members who are not exactly vouching the confidence for the president. you have people saying they hope that biden makes a decision soon despite the fact that biden made a decision and made it clear in a letter to members on monday that he is going to continue as the presidential nominee in this race. so a lot of members trying to create a bridge for biden, trying to create an
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opportunity room and space for president that they risk effect to reconsider. >> know those two things have been really glaring this week, right? biden saying, i've made a decision, everyone get over it, and then the response was biden has a real decision to make from his own party. let's see what happens today, lauren. thank you so much. sara thank you. >> kate, one of the newest cracks in the dam of support for president biden. hollywood heavyweights, staunch democratic ally george clooney now calling on president biden to leave the race just a few weeks after co-hosting a fund raiser for the president that raised $30 million the actor rights in new york times op-ed, i love joe biden, but we need a new nominee. the times is also reporting that several biden campaign aides tried to stop clooney from publishing that op-ed, joining me now to discuss brian stelter good morning, special correspondent for vanity fair and a longtime friend so first of all, you hear this and you see this oped
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from george clooney of all people who just helped raise a bunch of money for the biden campaign. is this going to open the floodgates you think for other donors to come out, or at least to stop giving money to the biden camp? yes and we've already seen that from some hollywood type, some producers some i don't want to call them be listers. but compared to george clooney, everybody is a, b or c or d, lester. we have heard from some of those producer type, some other stars. but george clooney, let's face it, he's one of the ten or 12 most famous men in the world. his words carry real weight and he knew what he was doing, right in this hotbed, right. speaking on behalf of many of his friends. you don't remember in grade schools era when we all learned about icebergs and how only the top of the iceberg appears above the water. there's usually a lot more underneath the water that's what i think we're experiencing right now on capitol hill and holiday they would and other democratic enclave's, we're seeing some of the iceberg above the water
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when people like clooney's speak publicly, but there's a lot more going on underneath the surface i think rob reiner came forward as well. i think i saw his twitter saying, okay it is now time correct. and he's named to write her really interesting, right? because he is he's not a young or spry guy. he's out there on twitter saying clooney's right. what we need someone younger to fight back? biden must step aside, so i do think we're seeing examples of what clooney said being amplified by others in hollywood circles when you look at this, the white house biden's camp, pushing back against clooney, kind of trying to get him not to publish this. what are you hearing about that right. there was this effort include involving jeffrey katzenberg and others. katzenberg, of course, is a hollywood executive of veteran. he's now the chair of the biden campaign and some people feel they were misled or even com and by people in the biden camp, i think that's what this has a lot to do with if you're
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clooney and you hold this fundraiser, i've talked to several people who were now at that fundraiser from several weeks ago. they all came away worried about byd, noticing how frail he was on stage, concerned about his well-being. and you can understand why in the lead up to the debate some of those staunch democrats kept their voices quiet. they kept their voices down. at that time because they wanted to see how you perform at the debate. but now in the wake of the debate and the last two weeks, they feel confident to come forward. and i think at this point, sara, this is not just about the debate or the fundraiser. it's about the new york times and the wall street journal and the cnn reporting about all the other times when biden has been a very hard time living up to the standards of the job let's listen to a little bit of sound of jon favreau, who sort of talked about this and talked about going to this fundraiser. >> and what was said. i think his wife had comment let's listen a bit to what he said because it mirrors what you're talking about here yeah. it was
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not surprising to any of us who are at the fundraiser. i was there it clearly was exactly right. and every single person i talked with the fundraiser thought the same thing, except for the people working for joe biden or at least i didn't say that, but i remember my wifef emily turned to me after the fundraiser and said, what ar going to do? >> and i guess the question to you is, what do they do? your look at the media, you look at how messaging works. what does the biden camp do? and all of these things start coming down at him like an avalanche almost yeah. it is an avalanche. we've talked about floodgates icebergs, avalanches. these are all appropriate because a single press conference does not change this picture. a single press conference frankly, there's probably too much hype around this single press conference because biden should be holding regular press conferences where the public can see him answering questions from reporters first on behalf of the public,
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>> for biden, we see that in the new abc poll that only 15% of people think he is appropriate of an age for this job. the reality here, sarah, is that most americans don't want trump or biden. i think both are too old. your guests was saying that last hour the american jeran talk chrissy is something that people are sick and tired of and that's not helping biden can change. i'm just curious from your perspective, i think nixon and one other president had very few press conferences. biden, is that even fewer than any other president is that surprising to you? and do you think it is a bit too late? i mean, looking at this one press conference, but a bit too late to try to fix that. now the short answer is yes, right? the slightly longer answer is that the white house has good reasons for what they do. they have a communication strategy. there are real professionals behind the scenes. they deserve some respect. but i think they
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also deserve to be scrutinized now about whether there was a cover up and whether they were covering up something about biden by keeping them away from the press, by avoiding press conferences. those are at this point pretty fair questions to ask. and i think they will be asked this afternoon. >> yeah. certainly the republicans have been talking about that for actually quite a long time. it will be interesting to see how it's being used on that friend, but certainly democrats now asking these same questions, brian seltzer, thank you so much. appreciate you coming on. you could welcome back at any time love new central john c, aimless brian still tears coursed. all right after one of the most embarrassing stretches for the u.s. men's soccer team this morning, the searches on for a new pc and the price of memberships. so what will happen to the dollar 50 hot dog combo? >> you should wolf blitzer didn't night at six point cnn
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you were made to find inner peace we were made to track flight prices to paradise we were soon be at war, even have to take a side was a protestants, what a war with a catholic doubt but another way shortly after you, your majesty men told all must choose a side much attempted to join me it's
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odd how in an instant things can transform out of balance. in a free fall this is happening. >> people were there so few certainties as we navigate a future? no but i found stability in midst at all. >> go standing the test of time you know, if you were cash back and you could earn on everything which is one car chase freedom and limited, it's all your off the rakin or grabbed fracking. your cash back in cash back on glad jets, baby back for tacos at the taco shack i'm working on my six pack switch to a king sweet, silent siler retreat on ai answers this back kids. all we're now medicine to treat cash back on every day y
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this is cnn the world's news network the heat wave's searing the west has claimed at least 28 lives since july 1st. >> most of those deaths are in california or that he has been breaking daily records in santa clara county alone 14 deaths are being investigated. so the searches underway for a new us men's soccer coach, gregg berhalter was fired after the team dumped out of the copa america, which included a shocking loss to panama, which i was there for, shocked and disappointing the us now has his sights set on hiring a new coach. when eye toward the 2026 world cup so eleni generous is calling it a wrap. the conflict can talk show host says she is done performing after her neck flux netflix special, which is set to air at the end of the year. she announced it in the middle of a set in california that's according to the san francisco gate, her talk show ended two years ago amid claims
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it was a toxic environment. >> we go back for a second on the copa america. did you see the fight that broke out between uruguay in columbia era guy in colombia? yes, that was last night columbia, one i i'm told shoulders video of it this is literally i just add little i can perform the fight, look at it. they were fighting. that's what the video looks. oh, there it is there was a fight after this game. yeah. columbia one there, which was big something of an upset according to some, they beat uruguay, but afterwards yeah fisticuffs system, stuff thrown. and apparently this was in the section where families sit and the columbia players said that, where do i have this right? one side said that the other sides fans were threatening their families and that's how this all went down. >> not, friendly, not friends, not friends also good, yeah, this is what this is what would happen if the democratic and republican conventions were held in the same city at the same time, just bring it full circle. >> just kidding or both new central, we're the same room at the same time. oh, man.
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it's like that is an anchorman waiting to happen is if the new central's came at each other john, do you taking his shirt off? and he looks just like that man, it's like okay, we i don't know why i keep going, but thank you. okay. moving on it is going to cost a little more money to shop at costco, the retailer known for big bulk savings is raising membership fees for the first time in seven years. the change is set to take effect in september, and will affect millions of members the one thing that will not change no matter inflation, no matter the company's bottom line, the famous $1.50 cent hot dogs, safe for now. siemens, matt egan has more matt. what is going on with kasko membership? >> the uk kate, even costco is raising membership fees. the gold-star membership going up by five bucks to 65 bucks. the premium executive membership going up by ten bucks to $130. now these fee hikes, they take effect september 1 is a big deal mean this is a brand that americans care so much about. kasko has 52 million members,
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but look, they haven't raised membership fees since 2017 obviously, life is just so much more expensive than it was back then. and costco of course, is not alone. we've seen a lot of companies hike their fees, including rivals like sam's club and amazon prime. we've also seen it for services like netflix and spotify. this was bound to happen at some point for costco now good news is that costco is helping out their members a little bit. they are bumping up the cap on annual rewards for their executive members. it was $1,000 a year. it's going up to 12, 50 and the other good news here is of course, that dollar 50 hot dogs soda combo that is not changing no price he's hike announce their the cfo was asked about this a few months ago and he said it's safe, it's pretty incredible because they haven't changed prices. i'm not hot dog-soda combo since 1985. and think about how much more expensive life is
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than it was. then. i mean, back then you could get a dozen eggs for $0.78. now from $3 a gallon of gas was just over $1. now with much closer to four, you can even buy a house back then for under $100,000, right now, the only thing on that list, of course, that hasn't changed is that dollar 50 hot dog-soda combo? it's amazing what goes into a hot mic. >> there were sticking it to people people in at five if they were charging a buck 50 for a hotdog covered 85 those prices were like hi, we're like diamonds in those hot dogs burns called way back when one of the top executives like no effing way, we will not raise prices. >> but here's how you get your money back. just go eat all the sample. there for like four hours in there and just look at kevin me. it stands called growing up i was like it's time for lunch. >> samples. you can get ten bucks. we're the same. race, one all right. thank you so much for joining us. this is cnn new central, cnn newsroom, with jim acosta is up next.
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>> i can't remember. it was like taking i love milwaukee. cnn is live from milwaukee as republicans lake behind our nominee, his vp and their plan to take back the white house, follow cnn for complete coverage the republican national convention starts monday at 8:00 on cnn what will you do when the power goes out? power outages can be unpredictable and inconvenient, but with a generale home standby generator, your life goes on uninterrupted because when you're generale detects a power outage, it automatically powers up giving your family this security and peace of mind a deserve. we don't have to worry about whether we lose power or not. if the utility company does not come through our general does after the hurricane happens, you just want to be prepared for anything eight out of ten home generators traders are generale with thousands of satisfied customers. >> number one thing to prepare for his extended power outages still make it so hard on
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