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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  July 11, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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tausche at the white house. >> and this is cnn a public and private battle among democrats that's over the fate of president biden behind closed doors. >> the biden campaign making its case to democrats as they weigh their support for him. while out in the open were finally hearing from the top democrat in the house. and on the biggest stage possible, we're just hours away from hearing from biden directly luckily in a news conference the fate of president biden is hanging over this critical nato summit, the 75th anniversary of the alliance in washington. world leaders grilled hold about his political future as they negotiate over how to support ukraine and its fight against russia. we are expecting to hear from biden this hour as he meets with ukraine's president and a first since the pandemic prices are actually falling, it's a big boost to american consumers and potentially a political
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gift to president biden we're following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central so right now, top biden campaign officials are on capitol hill meeting with senate democrats trying to calm fears and tamp down growing pressure for the president to end his bid for a second term. >> this comes just hours before what could be one of the most consequential moments of joe biden's political career at 6:30 p.m. eastern. he said to hold a solo press conference to wrap up the nato summit. that's been taking place this week here in the nation's capital, it will be the presidents first solo news conference since november. it's a big chance to convince skeptical voters and members of his own party who are pretty skeptical that he's fit for a second term. today, new polling by abc news, the washington post, and ipsos shows a majority of democratic voters believed that biden should step
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aside just moments ago, house democratic leader hakeem jeffries during his weekly press conference, said his members are continuing to talk about this behind the scenes and talk about biden's future sure. listen we have engaged in a process of talking to each other those conversations have been candid comprehensive and clear-eyed and they continue until that process has concluded i'm not going to address what any outside stakeholders may have to say about this matter. conversations, ongoing. we begin with cnn congressional correspondent lauren fox lauren, we just heard that clip from the democratic leader hakeem jeffries at his weekly press conference, you are outside where biden officials are currently meeting with senate democrats on the other side of the capitol what are you hearing this afternoon? yeah, really a full-court press
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today as skeptical democrats are awaiting to hear the campaign plan from biden's team inside this meeting, many democrats who are entering didn't want to talk to the press. they continue to walk into this gathering saying that they just wanted to listen at this point, although there were a few members who stopped including senator michael bennet, who's told us earlier this week on cnn that he was concerned that biden may not be able to beat trump. and in fact, trump may be able to beat biden in a landside. he said that you he is not going to prejudge the message from these campaign officials. i pressed him on if there's anything they could say to change his mind about the trajectory of this race right now. and he said he just wanted to listen to what they had to say now, obviously, what senator say leaving this meeting is going to be very critical for the president they're very careful though we should note, because they know that this press conference tonight is an important moment for the
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president. many of them want to give him space, want to give him time. they respect the president. they want to make sure that he has every opportunity to prove that he's up to the job, but it's interesting because senator richard blumenthal actually told us he was going in this isn't something that they may be able to decide in a single day. they need to continue seeing him out on the campaign trail, continue seeing him interacting with voters answering questions from reporters, and talking to the public about his message and his campaign. obviously, jeffries has a very difficult task ahead. members of his own party are very divided. i talked to two of them today here they are these are going really well in michigan. we've been working our tails off since the beginning of the year and our president, our nominee, are guy who is in this to win this for us is sleeves rolled up doing what he's done in michigan for the last six months his agenda for the next six months is overwhelming and that's his legacy. >> beyond trying to protect
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democracy. i think he would be better served to be able to concentrate on that. the country would be better off and i think there are lots of choices to be april to step in and pick up the reins and you see they're two very different views from two different members of the democratic caucus, and that just underscores how difficult this is for leader jeffries at this moment, he told us earlier today, told a group of reporters that he has we're going to continue listening to his members and when he has finished talking to every single one, he is going to convene a member of his leadership team and make a decision on the path forward. >> jessica lauren fox live outside that critical meeting. thank you so much. let's get the white house perspective now, with cnn's mj lee, who's there for us mj, you and your colleagues have some reporting on the mood behind the scenes. what are you hearing from your sources? >> well, boris, there's certainly been a lot of confusion and anger and sadness inside the white house across
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the administration, the campaign. >> and across the democratic party, more broadly, since the president's really halting the shocking debate performance my colleagues and i have spoken over the course of the last two weeks, two dozens of democratic sources, including, i should note, senior deputy macron who have spent real time with the president and then some cases have known the president for years. and what has been striking is that none of them had ever seen this version of president biden that we all all saw on the debate stage. that was so faltering and days and plenty of officials that we spoke with said, look, of course, we've known that the president has age. he is certainly not the same person that we know from sega year ago but the what they had said that was so noteworthy is that they said they couldn't have possibly known about the full extent of the president's decline and what many of them blame at this point is this
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apparatus and daily operation that is built around the president that is so painfully choreographed and stage managed. they said that is designed to prevent the president from being often out in these an unscripted settings for an extended period of time really what that meant was that only a small circle of inner circle of advisers and perhaps family members could have known about this full picture of the president's conduct mission. just one example of that is in our story is that according to two sources, before cabinet meetings of the president attend cabinet officials will submit their questions and talking points, key talking points and bullet points that they plan to present to the president. in these closed-door meetings. this is how one source described it. they said the entire display is kind of an act they would come and say, hey, the president is going to call on you about 25 minutes in and ask this question, what are
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the bullet points that you'll respond with? now, the white house is defense has been that that is it's standard practice for any administration. they said in a setting like this, you never want the president to be not aware of what is going to be discussed at. they want to also just be mindful of the president's time. but we also spoke with sources from the obama years who said in the cabinet meetings for former president barak obama, those were never this meticulous leslie scripted now more broadly in response to our story on our reporting, the white house really defended the breadth of the president's travels his engagements with the press and certainly his record over the last three-and-a-half years and provided comments from senior officials defending the president as being a sharp and engage. and white house spokesperson andrew rebates also said this is a part of his response. he said, joe biden has always said that it is fair for reporters to ask about his age and there's always competently shown his values is
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a joke zendaya intelligence and determined a determination to the american people. well, in just a few hours, we are of course, about to see that play out. the president taking questions from reporters and we certainly expect many of those questions will be precisely about these issues all right. >> mj lee with that new reporting. thank you so much for that. let's go now to cnn's kayla tausche, who is at the nato summit here in washington. kayla, all eyes turn now to this press conference this evening at nato. what are you learning about how the president than it is preparing for his solo press conference jessica, we got a glimpse of the president just a few minutes ago when he held a bilateral meeting with you cranes president volodymyr zelenskyy. >> each leaders spoke. president biden briefly, he appeared steely and serious as he pledged continued support for ukraine and a desire to the end the war as quickly as possible. the president, according to the pool, ignoring a question that was shouted from reporters about the future of his candidacy. and whether
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he would answer those calls to step aside. but of course that is the backdrop for this entire summit, an event that was supposed to celebrate the achievements that president biden has set are a hallmark of his presidency of the uniting and expanding this 70 75-year-old alliance and standing up to aggression over now the questions are about the president's own fitness and his capacity to continue serving in this leadership role in the united states and on the world stage page to that end, there have been many public proclamations of support for the president from his national security adviser, jake sullivan, who said that the president simply had a bad night at the debate. and said that world leaders had a drumbeat of praise for him here at the summit, the finnish president, in particular saying that after seeing the president this week, he has no doubts about him his capacity. and then there is the campaign which is coming out in response to many critics who have said, if there is a path for president biden to win reelection than the campaign
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needs to disclose exactly what that is. and the campaign payne to that effect, putting out a memo on that very topic that says that said that it was essentially a margin of error race in key battleground states, we made maintain multiple pathways to 270 electoral votes, right now, winning the blue wall, michigan, wisconsin, and pennsylvania is the clearest pathway, although the campaign does it's acknowledged a deterioration in the polling specifically that many democratic voters or voters who are identified as democrats have moved to undecideds. but the campaign suggests so they could win those back. but that's coming as there are widespread concerns that perhaps many in the president's base or in the independent voters are too far gone and the they can't unsee what they saw on the debate stage. that's what we've heard from many lawmakers when they've been asked, can you hear anything from president biden at this press conference that could change your mind? many of those democratic lawmakers who have already turned have told cnn know right? kayla tausche, she
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without reporting from the nato summit here in washington, dc. thanks so much in president biden's every word and how he says it will be under intense scrutiny when he holds that news conference later this evening with us now cnn political director david chalian. david, it goes without saying the president is under enormous pressure. we heard from the house. democratic leader says these conversations are not over. there, still ongoing about whether he should it would be the nominee or not. we just heard kayla is reporting from some democrats that say there's nothing he can do tonight to change their mind. well, i think to some extent that is true. and what i'm hearing from democrats as well, just that he could have a flawless press conference. that's not going to erase the concerns that he is in a position to defeat donald trump, which many democrats believe he is not. believe what 50 million americans tuned in and thought that debate is not recoverable and that is the sentiment that is creating all this panic inside democratic circles with members, with donors, and the like i
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understand the biden operation is trying to shut that down. but as you noted, jessica, the fact that the democratic leader in the house, he's not saying shut this down. he's saying this is an ongoing conversation. nancy pelosi is saying this is a decision that joe biden still needs to make despite him saying he's made his decision those are senior democratic leaders in the party telling the president they're not done discussing this yet. >> one of the factors in the initial reporting about biden deciding to stay in that that might sway him had to do with polling and we actually got a new poll from abc news and the washington post. and it shows that trump and biden, at least nationally, are pretty close race. well, what doesn't so how do you read that poll in light of other polls, in the, in the context that we're getting in battleground states, there's some slippage. >> well, first of all it is true that i think in the totality of the national polling, if you compare
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pre-debate, post-debate, and you can see this when we average polls together in our poll of polls, there is a bit of difference. >> there has been some slippage, even nationally if you average all the polls together for biden pre-debate, look here, our current poll of polls now, 49% for donald trump, 45% for joe biden. it was a little closer than that. i think it was two point spread on a four-point spread. but a little bit of slippage for biden nationally when he averaged the polls together. certainly what we're hearing out of battleground states and in competitive house districts, not just in an, in senate races, is a concern about the president's numbers. and that's what democrats are expressing. the white house that 46, 46, and today's poll that is what joe biden and his team are going to point to saying, guys, this has not changed the top line. it's the numbers underneath that though in that poll that they're not likely to tout two-thirds, two-thirds of americans say he needs to step down as the candidate. a majority of biden supporters in that poll, a majority of biden's supporters
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in that poll say he should step down and not be the nominee, 54%, 62% of democrats and democratic leaners feel that way so that, that you're not going to hear the biden campaign tout. they're just going to tout the top line number. and so, so many people have been calling on the campaign to say, okay, show us the way to, to 70 show us the way you when and we now have this memo obtained by our colleagues, betsy klein, arlette saenz, that says they are going to go through michigan, wisconsin, and pennsylvania, that that's the way they went. no. prize. right. but i thought more interestingly that they said they in this memo, they note that there's no one else, no indication that anyone else would outperform the president versus trump. that seems to be the push and pull here too. is that democrats don't have some silver bullet alternative right now. and interesting about them saying there's no evidence because we're now learning from the new york times that they're actually looking to see he if there might be evidenced as they are testing kamala harris's strength against donald trump versus joe biden, strength against donald trump. you saw our poll last week
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shows her performing a bit better against trump within the margin of error but performing a bit better than joe biden is. i mean, here's the reality before the debate. joe biden's path to 270 was pennsylvania, michigan, and wisconsin and that was really the clearest path because we had already assessed that georgia was starting to lean away in nevada was already in lean away. these other arizona starting to lean away. and so that was the case before the debate guys here it was already in a position that he had to sweep that so-called blue wall. that's only gotten harder since the debate in those states. and the fact that the campaign is trying to settle senate democrats today or publicly. but this memo saying that is still our path doesn't acknowledge the reality that that path became tougher and i think what they have to convince democrats so that it still truly a viable path. >> it also became tougher in part because we're now seeing states that warrant as competitive for biden suddenly become competitive to places like virginia yes, we're
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minnesota or new hampshire or possibly new mexico. we are hearing from democrats in those states that think those states that still lean blue, but just got tougher providing, which means they may have to spend more money. we'll see if the map expands at against joe biden's favor. that also is problematic. >> david chalian, always great to get the perspective. thanks so much. up next, we're going to speak with one of the lawmakers asking president biden to step aside. what he's hearing from fellow down ahead of today's press conference. >> and another good sign in the country's fight against inflation. what it means for you, that's ahead on cnn news central surprise seen as host and shark week, sure. he's back. who is the alpha male again? >> asu about to get my chums short mostly like john cena all this week at 8:00 on discovery that stream on max you know, have your cash back and you could earn on everything which is one car chase freedom and limited. >> so if you're off the rakin
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worried that biden is a liability for your most vulnerable members no. >> house democrats will win back control of the house of representatives on november 5 and vacate the extreme maga republican majority as long as we are able to clearly communicate our agenda still some top house democrats like congressman mike quigley say there's nothing the president can do to change their mind. and that includes whatever biden may do, what his solo news conference in just a few hours from the nato summit let's discuss with democratic congressman adam smith of washington, who's among those calling for president biden to step aside died and end his bid for the white house a congressman, thanks so much for being with us. is there anything that president biden can do at this point to change your position, to change your mind no. i mean, because he can't undo the debate.
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>> the 90 minutes of that debate. and you can't undo the response that came after the debate that frankly, did it'll to quell the fears about biden's ability to effectively communicate the message and also to transparently explain any concerns about his health his issues are baked in at this point and it's simply my belief that another candidate would give us a much better chance to win because of that do you? >> agree with leader jeffries that biden at the top of the ticket is not going to have a discernible impact on those those most vulnerable house members in swing districts hard to see how he wouldn't you know, i think there's a couple of issues there. >> one on of course is he's our ticket and typically that if the top of the ticket is in good, that hurts down-ballot and the other problem we have is something that i would urge my hi colleagues who don't think that joe biden should step aside. let's come up with a message. okay. because
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walking out and saying, well, he's running. so what are you going to do? that's not a strong message. and let me tell you my position is we should have a different nominee and i'm going to hold that position until joe biden or whoever is officially the nominee? but if joe biden is officially the nominee, i'm going to come out and say, i'm supporting joe biden and i'm sort and drove joe biden because he's the best candidate in this race. his policies, everything is going to do. am i? turned about his health? yes. i am concerned about his health. i know right now he can do the job if we get to a point a year from now when he can't, there's a process in place for fixing that but i'm going to support him because i guess policies are better and because i think donald trump is an existential threat to this country but if all of these people out there who think that joe biden is not the best candidate, just sort of shrugging and go and what are you gonna do? that's not going to fly congressman. >> i'm curious about where you think this discussion is going. in part because you just said that if he becomes officially
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the nominee, you would support him. but it sounds like you still believe that his mind can be changed? the white house has given no indication of that right? >> look, i don't know. i believe is mine can be changed, but more strongly, i believe we need a different nominee. he and i just i can't in good conscience, not tried to work for that until it's no longer possible. now, i've seen with the leader said about we're going to do just the issue we're gonna have an ongoing conversation. i know speaker pelosi has a similar view and maybe they'll have that conversation. but sadly, look from the moment joe biden walks gauff that debate stage almost two weeks ago. now, there was only one thing to do, but team biden decided not to do it. that decided to hunker down and go forward. and, you know, i don't know what information could be provided to them as part of the problem is everybody has got a poll these days you can pick your favorite poll. it's like a rorschach test i mean, i don't think there's any question that when you have two thirds of the country saying that he
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shouldn't run when you have a majority of democrats saying that he shouldn't run in polls, that the white house is touting as being a positive. i don't know. i've been doing politics for a long time to me. that seems like a problem so you referenced that nationwide poll done by abc news there's no the washington post nationally, it shows him tied with donald trump. >> you don't see that as an argument to keep him at the top of the ticket. >> a whole bunch of other polls show worse and the overall consensus it's within the polling. good thing you got to understand about polls. i don't know how abc did their methodology and the thing is, they don't care, they're just trying to put a poll on the news. there are jobs aren't dependent upon it is not a member of congress running the thing that needed to happen is an honest, full-on poll needed be done. but again, the biden team decided that in want to do that, they were going to hunker down and say they whatever they had to say to protect young before they weren't going to give us an honest soda. well, let's see they're going to fight and they're going to span
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and spread whatever news they can to try to stay in this thing as opposed to doing what i think they should have done which ackeem said honestly, assess where we're at and make the best choice for the party in the country it sounds congressman like folks at the white house have also exerted a degree of pressure on certain democrats. >> and i'm specifically referencing some reporting that's recently been put on the last hour or so by cnn and a top democrat saying that the president's closest advisers have responded to any criticism or concerns expressed about the president, including his age and fitness by saying that everyone who expresses any level of suspicion or contrary reviews, they call everyone and beat the out of them and say stay on message i'm wondering since you were one of the 11 or so members that have come out, asking president biden to step aside. have you gotten a call from the white house or from other democrats that have tried to sway you to keep your concerns private. >> well, it's kind of funny. i call them as i documented the
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day after the debate, i called them. they look, i gave them 11 day. i didn't want to do this. all right. i wanted them to get the right decision themselves and i've spoken to several people, the white house people in the campaign. nobody has affirmatively called me and said anything that understanding that's part of the strategy. they targeted different parts of the caucus to shore up their support. and they didn't think of me as being gettable, if you will? for reasons that i'm really not going to get into but but yeah, no. i mean, they worked it from that angle. like i said, from the day that debate got done, instead of saying, okay, what's best for? the party, what's best for the country going forward, they said were going to defend joe biden. we're going to make sure that he stays the nominee no matter what. and now thus far, they've done a reasonably effective job of that. but you have to expend that much energy at this point in the campaign just to keep democrats on board and keep in mind it's not just also elected officials it's your grassroots democrats all across the country who are concerned a majority of them, they have proven team biden that they can
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hold on you know, to the top part here. but can they win? i have serious doubts and that's why i'm i'm still saying this. >> and congressman, do you think president biden's legacy? you can see would be tarnished if he doesn't step aside and then democrats lose not only the white house, but the senate and don't grab control of the house yes. but without any question congressman adam smith, we have to leave the conversation there. >> appreciate you coming on to share your perspective. >> thank you still to come a key meeting between president biden and ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy, the two liters coming face-to-face at the nato summit. >> we have the latest headlines from there, plus second day of testimony underway in the manslaughter trial of actor alec baldwin defense attorneys questioning of crime scene technician about how the fbi handled key piece of evidence, perhaps the most important piece of evidence in this entire case. details straight ahead i love milwaukee. cnn is
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live from milwaukee as republicans unite behind their nominee, his vp, and their plans to take back the white house, follow cnn for complete coverage. the republican national convention starts monday at seven on cnn 20 seconds a week to lose 20% of your weight in a year with diet and exercise that's the power of glp-ones through route connect with the provider today at row slash 20 when you use the anjie for your home projects, you know, all your jobs will be jobs done well, roof repair done well kitchen sink install, done well deck upgrades dunn well, it has been connecting homeowners was skilled froze for nearly 30 years, so we know the difference between done and done well. so the next time you have a project joining the millions of homeowners who use ang to care for their home. higher high-quality certified
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by david ruffin begins to play ] my bad, my bad. good race. - you too. you were tough out there. thank you. i'm getting you next time though. oh i got you, i got you. down goes jewett. jewett and amos are down. what a lovely sign of sportsmanship. you okay? yeah. ♪ ♪ your thing like a pro pain-free
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absorb been pro closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelial victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. >> you may be entitled to a portion of that money all when 808 5-9, 2,400. that's when 808, 5-9, 2,400 just minutes ago, president biden announced a new military aid package for ukraine while meeting with president volodymyr zelenskyy on the final day of the nato summit here in washington, dc the leader of the war-torn country has been calling on nato to supply more weapons to ukraine or risk losing this war to russia russia will not prevail in ukraine, will not prevail in ukraine. ukraine will prevail. and i want you to know we're going to be with you every step of the way together. we are preserving ukraine's independence and freedom and this is historic actions that will protect the world from, from similar was let's bring in our next guest, former nato supreme allied commander and
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founder of renew america together yeah, they're general wesley clark, general, always good to have you on. thanks so much for being here ukraine has certainly been at the center of this summit. we just saw president zelenskyy there with president biden. he's been asking for more assistance, more support. in your opinion, is the current level of support both from the u.s. but more widely across the globe. is it enough to sustain ukraine no, it's not enough yet. >> but we've got detective restrictions on how ukraine can use its weapons to go after russia. but, but it's a step forward and it moves us in the right direction. and that's what we've got to do. looks the ukrainians have to do their part. also. they've got a lot of work to do building their armed forces using the weapons properly, learning to maintain them and forming the idea the concept of how they're actually going to win. just saying you need more weapons, okay. that works for air
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defense. but artillery tanks, so aircraft, or what do you need them for? what are you going to do with them? how does it contribute? to the overall political goal? and that's what's been missing from the discussions that i've heard at the summit and before so how do they get to that point? >> it sounds like what you're describing is a sharper strategy right? it gotten, got to sort of look beyond the immediate, which is hold the line, don't let the russians have a breakthrough and then you've got to put your thinking cap on, sir, okay, well, how do we roll this back we penetrate that obstacles on how do we get into crimea? how do we convince mr. putin he can and cannot win this just a thing. this will go on until mr. putin realizes is not going to win. if it's just a matter of for tat will give you one new weapon. the russians in six weeks or three months, figure out how to counter that weapon. okay. we've got another one on the shelf here comes another
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one, but it's not decisive. what we want is to build up the strength and the build up the capabilities of the ukrainian armed forces so it can be decisive. now, we did this ourselves during world war ii. it's how we invaded france at normandy we all talked about the 75th anniversary of this. are just a few days ago or the 80th anniversary and it was a great story of how america pull itself up by the sachs built the force, got the new technologies, had the concept. did the deception planning says lot of really hard military stuff here that has to be done. it's not just a weapon systems, but the burdens on ukraine to do that and an elephant in the room during this summit has certainly been the domestic politics of the united states. >> we know that the former president donald i'll trump has said in part, he might leave nato. there are questions over what us support for ukraine would look like during a trump presidency so i'm
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curious from your perspective, how the question of us leadership impacts both the summit, but also nato moving forward in the immediate future well, first of all, there's a lot of fear about what would happen if mr. trump becomes president. >> again so most of the europeans believe he will reduce us support to nato. he will make the article five pledge contingent on something that he'll cut intelligence sharing that he'll pull troops back, that he'll somehow undercut ukraine by direct conversations with mr putin or something. so the europeans are moving in two different directions simultaneously one, they recognize they've got to do more of themselves. they've always had a little bit of a structure for this but they didn't put the resources into it really. now they got to do this. but secondly, in many of these european countries, there's political opposition.
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and they know how to deal with putin. and are they take money from russian middlemen and businesses and other things? and there's the risk. and this is probably what mr. putin is counting on. that should the united states pull back and ukraine start to falter? the opposition in these countries will pop up and suddenly take over. and you'll have a bloodless takeover of eastern europe and the nato article five pledge won't mean anything because the countries are saying, we're not worried about mr. putin and we know how to get along with russia. he's not going to hurt us much, blah, blah, blah, blah you can already hear this from viktor orban in hungary and so that's the model that mr. putin is working on covertly. and through his hybrid warfare. so these european countries have to prepare, do directions. they have to prepare to prevent that they also have to strengthen their military capability it is so much at stake. general wesley clark, thanks so much
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for your time. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> still ahead. prices did something we have not seen since the beginning of the panel we'll tell you next sure. >> if he continues to just go okay. everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy ensure with 27 vitamins and minerals transfer immune health, and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein i'm jonathan larson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program if your age 52 at five and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget remember the three ps what are the three ps the three ps of
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0-0, coventry direct redefining insurance i'm worried fox on capitol hill some good news today. for millions of americans are feeling financially for the first time since the pandemic prices fell in june and failed inflation cooling now for a third straight month, let's take a look at how the stock market is responding. the dow up roughly 34 points nasdaq and s&p slightly down today's report is boosting hopes that the fed will cut interest rates. let's get the latest from cnn's matt egan matt break down these new numbers and what it could mean in for consumers well, boris and jessica, this really looks like the best inflation report in literally years. of course, inflation has been the number one problem in this economy. and this is the clearest
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evidence yet that inflation is going back to normal, not there yet, but a big step in the right direction. prices were supposed what's the inch up between may and june? they didn't they felt slightly we haven't seen that since covid crash the economy back in 2020. and an annual basis prices were up by three percent. now that's not back to normal. but this is tied for the lowest rate in three years. you can see the improvement on that chart. we are miles away from the peak two years ago when this metric was at nine 9%. and when you dig into the report, you can see why there were big price drops for a number of categories because everything from new cars and used cars, gasoline appliances toys airfare, all of them going down. now, none of this means the cost of living is no longer problem. course, people are still hurting from three years of price hikes. there's a snowballing effect to inflation. but all along the best-case was that prices would
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start to go up at a more gradual pace and increasingly it looks like that is happening and that is very, good news and matt, i think a lot of people now wonder what does this mean about a possible four possible rate cut by the fed your jessica, it does look more and more like the fed is going to be able to give borrowers a break on interest rates just look at this reaction that came out after today's inflation report, a former obama economist, jason furman, he praised this as amazing inflation data oxford economics declared that the stock ours are aligning for a septemeber rate cut. and economist paul krugman, he just said, the fed has got to cut and in the hours after the data came out, jpmorgan, they moved up their call. they are now predicting a rate cut in timber. and investors on wall street are increasingly betting on that if you look at the latest numbers, investors are pricing in about a 94% chance of a rate cut in september that is up significantly from just a day
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ago and a month ago, this was looking like it was only 50. 50. now, this would be very good news for consumers, right? it would mean everyone would get a break on the cost of a mortgage or credit card debt, car loans, student debt, and the timing here could be pretty noteworthy too, because the september meeting, that is the last time the fed meets before the election boris and jessica know that eagerly awaited potential rate cut. matt egan. thank you so much. thanks. still ahead. it's the conservative playbook for the next republican president it's drawn considerable blowback. and while former president trump claims he knows nothing about project 2025 a cnn review found that dozens of people who weren't for him were deeply involved this election season. >> cnn has you covered, no matter the question? for more about the candidates to rules in your state, to casting your ballot. the cnn voter handbook has your answers visit
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mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have called now and will come to you 800 a31, 3,700 happening now, it is day two of testimony underway in alec baldwin's involuntary manslaughter trial, just took a break for lunch moments ago earlier, a crime scene technician was on the stand being cross-examined by defense attorney alex spiro about the evidence collected after the 2021 fatal shooting on the set of the film, rust cnn's elizabeth wagmeister joins us now with details. >> so what stands out to you, elizabeth, from today's proceedings? >> you know, boris and jessica, this has actually been a big morning with crucial information coming out from this testimony that confirms that live bullets were found on this set not just in the gun that was held by alec baldwin this crime scene technician who has been on the stand all morning and was also testifying
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yesterday. so she's been up there for quite some time she said that there were live a live bullet that was found in the holster of another actor by the name of jensen ackles. let's take a look at what was said in the courtroom. >> so mr. echols and other actor on the set turns out that he as he acted, as he performed, had a live bullet in his bandoleer, correct? >> yes. >> and you know, no reason to think mr. echols had any idea that was there, right? correct so what we're seeing there is that it appears alec baldwin was not the only actor on the set of rust who could have been put in a position of holding a gun that possibly contained a live bullet without knowing it. >> now, as this testimony went on, baldwin's attorney, alex
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spiro, question this crime scene technician asking about the difference between live bullets in dummy bullets, they show photos to the jury and they were trying to prove the point that it's very difficult to tell the difference between a dummy bullet and a live bullet. certainly for a lay person and you see right there that they all look very similar. this crime scene technician also confirm that there should never be live ammunition on a movie set in that question still remains. how did those live bullets get there? >> yeah. and elizabeth, is there any idea who's expected to take the stand next? >> we don't know the order of witnesses that will be called, but of course, the big name that is on the prosecution's witness list is hannah gutierrez reed. this is the armor from russ. she was already convicted and is currently serving an 18 month sentence. she faced the same charge of involuntary manslaughter and alec baldwin is facing, so it will be incredibly significant when she
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gets on the stand, she is expected to testify, although she said in pretrial interviews that she does not want to testify, now, she is appealing her own conviction so anything that she says can also impact that. so that's it's what all eyes are on right now. >> yeah, certainly. all right. elizabeth wagmeister for us. thanks so much. appreciate it. and still ahead, the pressure is only growing as president biden is staring down a crucial press conference it's tonight. cnn has new reporting on the mood among democrats and inside that building, the white house, stay with us just. >> go it's so easy to get your windshield replaced using safe flight until the people i haven't done it already. my man it off as a chip and glued to a crack and it just keeps
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