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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  July 11, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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our water and groundwater dot. state dot edu. >> i hanako montgomery in tokyo and this is cnn closed captioning brought to you by meso book if you or a loved one have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 800 a31, 3,700 and just hours president biden will face a test. >> the likes of which he hasn't seen since the debate two weeks ago. on stage, facing reporters who can ask him anything they'd like. no teleprompter, no excuses if he can't show democrats, he's up to the challenge of being president and worthy of leading the party into the november election and as the nato summit continues in washington, a cnn exclusive, how the u.s. and germany foiled a russian plot to assassinate the ceo of an
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arms manufacturer whose sending weapons ukraine, plus a first since the pandemic prices falling a sign that inflation may be easing a glimmer of hope for an interest rate cut. now on the horizon, we're going to speak with one of president biden's top economic advisors. we're following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central we are now just hours away. >> live from president biden's solo news conference. and we begin this hour with yet another democrat calling on him to step aside. the latest is democratic congressman brad schneider. he is the 11th house democrat to do so. and it comes as we're learning new details about how some biden advisers are we're discussing how to persuade him to step aside from the 2024 race. yeah. this new reporting is from the new york times. the advisers said, quote, they have to make the case to the president who
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remains convinced of the strength of his campaign that he cannot win against former president donald j. trump. they have to persuade him to believe that another candidate, like vice president kamala harris, could beat mr. trump. and they have to assure mr. biden that should he step aside, the process to choose another candidate would be orderly and not devolve into chaos in the democratic party. and quote, at the same time, top biden campaign officials have been meeting today with senate democrats on capitol hill, trying to ease their concerns the takeaways from the meeting, though have been mixed we've got a really strong presentation from the biden's campaign team we focused on the importance of defeating donald trump, who as you know, not only had a bad debate in which he lied repeatedly but had a really, really bad presidency. >> i still need more data more analytics that show a path to success and what's more? >> importantly than my concerns are the questions that have been raised by the american people that only joe biden can
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allay only do biden personally an aggressively can address those concerns and take it to donald trump let's get you the latest from capitol hill with cnn's manu raju. >> manu, we heard more from senator blumenthal in the last hour. he said that some of his concerns were relayed, but some of them we're deepened. i think he speaks for a lot of lawmakers. >> yeah, he did. in fact, i tried to ask him which of those concerns have deepened. he declined to say, but the real fear among democrats in both the house and the senate is the fact that they believed that biden may lose in november, and that does despite the presentation today, that that's still not enough to allay their fears that things are going in the wrong direction. that is what i've heard from members behind could have been saying behind closed doors, but some of them saying publicly and today brad schneider becoming in the 11th house democrats, 12th democrat, and total in both the house and the senate, calling on joe biden to step aside, worried
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about what may happen in saying that and it's time to pass the pass the torch to a new leader in the party. now, there's also the people who called on them. we've been concerned about where this is going in. the question about whether any of the push by the biden campaign, the private briefings could have changed their minds putting senators, peter welch and michael bennet, peter welch of vermont, democrat and called on joe biden to step aside. michael bennet has not gone that far, but has said that he believes that donald trump is on path to winning this election potentially in a landslide fashion. i asked both welch and bennett in the aftermath of this closed door meeting whether they believe that this has changed at this poll, whatever information to the biden campaign presented to them has changed their views. they indicated that their minds have not been changed tell us if you could change your mind, have you changed your mind i have not changed my mind, but i really appreciate the white
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house folks coming over really appreciate my colleagues have an opportunity to ask questions and an opportunity to engage in, you still think that biden's going to lose after today, we had a good discussion in there and i've got to get in here you stand by your comp past comments i see and this all comes as senators are saying they're going to be watching tonight's press conference with the president very closely in the hopes that he can stabilise his campaign. >> but if there is any he's sort of slip up or any sort of indication that he does not have what it takes to take on donald trump expect potentially even more democrats to come forward and call for him to step aside. and that is going to put enormous pressure on both chuck schumer and hakeem jeffries, the democratic leaders who have tried to stay somewhat neutral in all of this while they both stated publicly their support for joe biden at
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this moment, they've also not gone as far as a lot of biden allies have on capitol hill, or certainly please far as the president himself, hakeem jeffries in talking to reporters today said that he's still having discussions with all 213 of his members and trying to decide how they view this presidential race should take shape and saying that there's, have further discussions and further meetings before they have direct conversation with the biden campaign and what the president himself about how they viewed things should proceed. so a lot of questions on capitol hill right now about the biden campaign and really we've fears among members and certainly some suggestion that today's meetings not alleviate any of those fears, guys. >> yeah, it certainly doesn't seem like any of this has come to a close that was my raju on the hill for us, thanks so much. and cnn's kayla tausche, she is following president biden at the nato summit here in washington. and kayla, you have some new reporting about how some top democrats are now beginning to point fingers at
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biden's closest advisers. what are you learning? >> jessica, this has been a dynamic that's been simmering for some time and really spilled out into the open after the debate, my colleagues and i spoke to more more than two dozen top officials, aides, strategists within the democratic party, and the biden administration and the common theme is anger and sadness that the president since decline, they say was kept under wraps by his top aides shielded from the public for the better part of a year, democrats tells cnn that when they tried to raise concerns about the president's aging, that they were those concerns were dismissed or worse, we also spoke to several overseas diplomats who noted that president biden's exhausted jin on the world stage was apparent when he attended multilateral summits as recently as the g7 last month now, in response, andrew bates, the spokesman for the white house, says, joe biden has always said that it is fair for reporters to ask about his age and has always confidently
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shown his values, agenda, intelligence, and determination to the american people officials who meet with him frequently have spoken to his sharp and command. but in our reporting, we also found that several influential democrats behind the scenes have been privately agitating for a plan b. in one anecdote that was related to me, hollywood power broker ari emanuel confronted ron klain, biden's former chief of staff at a private conference last september at aspen, demanding to know what democrats alternative wasn't, how soon it could be put into practice attendees to that conversation told me that klain appeared exasperated and said he's the sitting president. what do you want me to do? but so all of this encapsulates a lead up, a buildup to the crescendo that we've seen this week, where there is frustration across the board. and this rambi of calls from democrats for the president to step aside publicly. his campaign is saying there is still a path for him that he needs to hold the blue wall and specific thankfully, that even though there has been some sign
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that democrats have moved into the undecided camp. they believe they can win that back, but they say that they still have a path to 270, at least publicly. but voters want to see what the president has to say himself, guys all right, new reporting from kayla tausche, she following the president at the nato summit. >> thanks so much for that. >> concerns. like that going back to last september, that is substantial. let's discuss now with washington post columnist josh rogin cnn political analyst and washington bureau chief for the boston globe. jackie kucinich, and axios national political correspondent alex thompson jackie, let's start with you. i'm curious to get your perspective on some of this new reporting, not just what we heard from kayla, but also the new york times pointing to advisers, figuring out how to approach joe biden on the question of potentially stepping aside from the top of the ticket and further, the biden campaign apparently testing kamala harris's numbers against donald trump. what do you think i think that last name is what this is all
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about? >> is is about defeating former president trump. and that is why you're hearing democrats coming out. that's why you are hearing all the hand-wringing behind the scenes from anonymous sources. i've talked to several people over the last couple of days. you are democrats who are truly worried about how this is being handled and how they are going to go forward. but the matter of fact is this is joe biden's decision. it always has been and what you're hearing from members like nancy pelosi, for example, saying, oh, it's his decision, he's actually already said what his decision is and it's just not the answer that some of these democrats want to hear at this point. and i think that brings us to today this press conference for some democrats that ship has sailed, but from others, they really, they told us they're really watching to see how he performs today when you have more of a freewheeling question-and-answe r, there's no teleprompter what he says and through proud that this entire event and josh, i want to ask you about the nato press conference in the sense that speaker pelosi
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told punchbowl news, jake sherman, that she hoped we could get through nato. those were her words before deciding on whether biden will say the democratic nominee. and there's been some kind of talk and bubbling up about should we're just going to hold off until he gets through nato, much like if a president is traveling abroad, they don't want to criticize him while he's abroad. have you heard that you get any sense that after this nato summit concludes? it's regardless of what happens tonight, that there might be additional fallout oh, i'm sure that the fallout will continue to grow, but if this is holding off, then that's not really great example of holding off because there's a ton of public criticism and it's all the nato leaders are talking about an unsolved well, the people in the administration are talking with all the media is talking about so how if you're president zelenskyy, how are you supposed to direct the attention on ukraine's desperate need for air defenses when everyone in the press conference is just want to know if biden thinks that he still has the wits about him to run
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for president, and that's sort of the dynamic. >> i mean, yes the, story is only getting bigger. but it's overshadowed the nato summit it's crowded out. the nato summit and it's forced a lot of these countries and their leaders frankly to sort of contemplate for the first time really what a second trump administration would mean for them and how they can prepare it. and that's the other result of the fact that this is the story that's dominating everything, right? >> alex, i'm curious about how you see the disparity between what we heard from the white house publicly, them essentially saying that this decision has already been made. >> aides that say they don't even want to have a conversation about the debate or the fallout from it. and then this reporting about the campaign quietly testing kamala harris and the ongoing chatter on capitol hill isn't that a concession from the campaign that this is not a closed case as the white house is insisting well, arguably i mean, i do know that some people who may campaign to think that kamala
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harris could be a stronger general election candidate. >> but there's also an argument to be made that they're pulling it to show that she isn't as competitive as joe biden because i can tell you that they campaign has long believed especially the inner circle of the white house, that joe biden is the most electable person against donald trump, they believe is so strong it almost has a religiosity to it. i sort of call it a commandment in biden world and you would have to show joe biden and his inner circle really compelling absolute evidence that he is it's not the strongest person to take on donald trump to convince him to get out of this race. you have to think about joe biden in 2016 didn't get in the race and feeling guilty when he saw donald trump win. if he gets out of the race. now, and donald trump wins again, he is running from that feeling as part of what is going on here. and i actually i'm not sure the fact they're pulling kamala harris. i think there's some people are doing it to show that she's stronger,
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but i actually don't know if that's the complete motivation here and jackie, there is this new new york times reporting that says that some biden advisers are discussing how to convince the president to step aside. we had meghan hays, who who formerly worked in the white house for many years here, and she was talking about how there's advisers and then there's the inner circle that biden really listens to, and that's a very small number of people, not necessarily senior advisers who he respects, but maybe won't take that advice from this particular issue help people understand, give them context about who he is listening to right now and if there is anyone besides maybe his very closest circle that could convince him to step aside. and what the message might be and i think their circle is either even honors decision like this. i think the circle is even smaller than, we're talking about it beyond someone like an needed done, it's joe biden and his sister,
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valerie. those are probably the two people that are closest to him, a particularly jill well, biden. she is the i think one of the only person or people that could talk him into this, but i really do think this is has to be joe biden's decision. i don't think he's going to be talked into this he's very dug in and this will have to come from him and that's what we've seen from joe biden in the past. he does doesn't do anything unless he believes that it's coming from him. so yes, this will be a family discussion. should this happen, but it would i think it would have to come from the president himself in order to go forward. >> josh you spoke previously about how this press conference now sort of overshadows what i think the president and nato allies wanted to put out there. and it was this commitment to ukraine, especially in light of donald trump and his apprehension at investing more in the alliance and even saying that some of the members that
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russia could do whatever the hell they want with them if they don't meet their financial obligations. but i'm also wondering how you think this sort of indecision among democrats is perceived around the world by adversaries, by vladimir putin, by president xi of china it doesn't imbue enormous confidence in the united states right now, does it? >> well that's exactly right, boris, i mean, just think about it this was supposed to be the crowning achievement of joe biden's first-term foreign policy. he scheduled this the week before the gop convention on purpose because he wanted it to stand as his argument as part of his reelection, he couldn't have predicted that he would be in the political crisis that he is in it that time. and i've been talking to a ton of diplomats this week in washington. they all say the same thing. they say, it doesn't matter who wins, it's clear to us that american dysfunction is here to stay and
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getting worse. and we have to plan accordingly. so not every country is the same. some adversaries like the eye they've trump's, some don't, most allies think it complicates their efforts to work with the united states, but not all of them. but the bottom line is that the world is losing faith in america's ability to lead because it's losing faith in america's ability to function. and there's very little this week that democrats or republicans bookings could say that would convincingly refute that sad fact alex, you talked a little bit about the psychology at play here, especially from president biden's perspective, we know that he prides himself on his foreign policy chops. >> and this is admittedly a big accomplishment bringing nato back together, strengthening strengthening it, and yet this whole achievement is being undercut by all of this. how frustrated do you think that makes him the team around him? this is josh was just laying out supposed to be such a
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defining moment for him. and now, more broadly, he's legacy appears to be at risk in some ways it's joe biden, whenever you asked joe biden about his case for a second term, he invariably turns to foreign policy. the fact is that in some ways he's still really likes the role he had as chair of the foreign relations committee in the senate. you can tell his enthusiasm for the topic first is talking about inflation or greedflation, shrinkflation, or whichever flation that he wants to talk about that day there is something sort of tragic about this that what was supposed to be a crowning achievement, at least in his mind of his first term, which was the expansion of nato consultant flooding the alliance in standing up against russia in the invasion of ukraine is coming at a time in which a lot of his own people are not even sure that he can he should run for a second term
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anymore and whether or not he can even complete the term if he does if he does run and win all right. >> everyone. thank you very much for your time. we sure do appreciate it. still ahead. we are talking to a former lawmaker and presidential candidate who's is biden's decision not to drop out? is weakening one of democrats biggest campaign strategy plus a live look inside the new mexico courthouse where prosecutors are trying to prove alec baldwin was responsible for a deadly movie set shooting one, he says was not his fault. >> plus a cnn exclusive, as us and german officials team up to stop russia from assassinating the head of a german weapons company. those stories and much more coming yeah, on cnn news central shortly just go why
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historically low number compared to his predecessors. but no question. it could be the most crucial of his political career as democrats and most importantly, voters consider whether they'll continue supporting him the calls for him to step down, keep building exactly two weeks after his disastrous debate performance one democratic senator. so the news conference could be potentially a turning point for the president. let's discuss with former ohio congressman and former democratic presidential candidate, tim ryan thanks so much for sharing part of your afternoon with us. you were among the first in your party? to urge the president to drop his reelection bid. is there anything that he can do now that he can show tonight at this press conference that would change your mind? i don't think so that we saw what we saw a couple of weeks ago, it was reinforced during the stephanopoulos interview we've seen the radio interviews and all the controversy around that i just don't think he's up to the
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task of taking on vladimir putin you know, making sure that we are strong against competitors like china you know, doing the kind of things we have to do during this campaign, but also for the next four years to get america back where it needs to be. i just don't think he's able to do that at this point. he didn't do anything wrong he is david axelrod likes to say he's committed appealing against father time, not donald trump so i don't think there's no one to blame. no one did anything wrong. but it is time for us to move on. what do you think it would take to convince him of that? >> because it does not seem like the president has wavered at all. well, i think a lot of people have talked about his love of country and really recognizing how dramatically change this country could be with another four years of donald trump or they, he controls the house and the senate. what the federal benches look like around the country with a clarence thomas on every federal bench with a
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clarence thomas like figure running every us attorney office across the country the instability for our business community as we approach the next four years, i think he's he understands how bad that would be under donald trump. and so he needs to recognize that. and i think also recognize on a personal level how damaging it could be to his legacy. i mean he is the president who's reshore jobs to the country for the first time in decades, guys like me, sherrod brown, others have been complaining about for 30 or 40 years. we're finally reshoring chip manufacturing, building playing electric vehicles, building batteries, really starting to re-industrialize the country that's his legacy and that would get blown quite frankly, if he blows this race to donald trump, if he stays in and doesn't do what everyone mostly thinks that he needs to do. and i would really like him to understand too, this country
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is dying for a new message for, for some hope, for some reconciliation for a new view, an elevated view of what we can be as americans and tapping into the net new technologies, the innovations, the new ways to solve really old problems that countries dying for that. and he just can't give that to us. we need a generational change that would give us a significant advantage to beat donald trump and to take america to the next level, people are dying for that. and we got to give them that message. >> according to this. new reporting from the new york times, the president before the debate had mentioned, to an ally that he did not believe that vice president kamala harris could defeat donald trump if she were at the top of the ticket. we've heard from some including senator chris coons was a staunch biden ally from delaware here. he said, after the debate that biden remains the only democrat who can beat donald trump what do you make of that dynamic? do you believe that biden is staying in the race because he
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doesn't think anyone else could win god, i hope not. i really hope that's not the case in the very inner circle that he has or that that's his view. because that that is irresponsible as can be. i mean, i don't want to get into critiquing the president again, but he could not beat back anything donald trump said during that debate. donald trump reshaped what happened during his term with the economy. he reshaped covid, he reshaped climate. he reshaped everything. would 0:00 p.m. and we need a fierce campaign are out there. someone like who i think kamala harris would be great. i think she would prosecute donald trump on so many issues. the choice issue, the criminality, the irresponsibility, and she's someone who can articulate that high minded vision that i talked about. and so to think that you're the only person you know, that's what donald trump said. all just me.
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that's not how this country works. we have 330 or 40 million people in this country so much talent. the democratic party has never seen this much talent and our party in a long, long time, you know, are governors some talented young senators, the vice president, we've got a ton of town here and to think you're the only one that could do it. i think speaks to the administration being out of touch with what's happening within the democratic party and what's happening in the country. and the thing you're the only one who could do it. i think shows that maybe his decision-making somewhere we need it to be former congressman tim ryan. we appreciate you joining us. thanks for the perspective. >> thanks. fourth max, some good news on inflation, even better news for americans hoping for an interest rate we'll explain in just moments
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managing costs, contributing to the success and growth about business i'm sunlen serfaty in washington and this is cnn prices in the united states in something last month, they have not done since the early part of the pandemic. >> they fell dropping 0.1% in june june, falling prices on everything from appliances to airfares, to gas to new and used cars helped lead to the first month-to-month decline since may of 2020. now, this report bolsters hopes that a fed rate cut could come sooner rather than later. and it's welcome news for americans who've been weighed down by high interest rates and rising prices, it's also welcome news for our guests, gene sperling, he's a senior adviser to president biden and coordinator for the american rescue plan. that's the biden administration's blueprint on
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rescuing the economy in the wake of the pandemic gene. great to have you on. thanks so much for making time. the conventional wisdom jim, around today's news is that this makes a rate cut by the fed more likely when they meet in september and so i'm curious what you would say to someone out there who's maybe looking to buy a home or planning ahead to borrow money in some way after hearing today's news well, first of all, they probably shouldn't listen to a policy guy on their own personal finances but look what i'd say is for, agenda this president's economic policy agenda is laser focused on bringing down prices and costs for families across the board, not just in food, but from, you know, childcare to prescription drugs. what i would say is that this really marks a degree we have progress that i think is worth noting yes, the entire world has experienced inflation
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after the pandemic, but today we saw, as you say, an action it will decline in prices over the last three months, we've seen inflation at just 1.1% annualized and if they look at what the federal reserve likes to look at, which is the what's called the pce inflation indicator that is at 2.6 6%, very close to their ideal goal of 2%. and i think you made an important point in your introduction we've heard a lot of people say, yeah, i'm glad prices are slow and i want them to actually go back now, will you saw smartphones and actual apples fall ten 10%? this month, you've seen toys, telephone used cars as you've said, set seen. so we are seeing a lot to going down in my position as a white house economic adviser were careful
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not to instruct or try to see, be seen as encouraging the end and fed. but what i would say is that this is showing real progress consistent number of data points, which i think should give people full confidence that inflation is making is moving down, making progress. again, for the fed, not me. to decide whether gives them enough confidence, but i can imagine some people hoping so yeah, look, it is great news that inflation is cooling. >> we do know that some experts also took this data. there are a bit concerned that there are some yellow lights as it were that are blinking when it comes to the jobs market and the federal reserve chairman jerome powell is acknowledged a slowing jobs market. do you agree that that is something that needs to be watched, that there's a balancing act that needs to happen. there well, let's look at what we're actually having right now. >> the united states presence, meeting with everyone from nato, they look at the united states and say, you have the
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highest growth of any country coming out of the pandemic, you have the highest job growth. you have our unemployment over the last 224 months is the lowest since 1970 so what you're talking about is, you know oh did we see some moderation to more like 200,000 a month? well, its two-and-a-half million jobs a year that is still an extremely strong, steady, stable economy. so remember the fed was worried when we were too hot, when it was, when they're creating four or 500,000 jobs month what have we say? we want to we want to see that transition to a resilience stable, reliable growth now i think what you're seeing that and i think that that one to build pretty comforted that we still have unemployment about at 4.1% still near 4%, we still have job growth averaging one hello,
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over 200,000 jobs a month. and now we're seeing prices come down you know, people always ask, is it goldilocks? well pretty, is it just right? you got to look, you got to look at all the yellow lights, can't ever rely, but i think it's about as goldilocks as you could hope for in this situation gene, let me ask you before you go, you work with president biden. >> there are a lot of questions and so world i don't have to tell you this swirling around his fitness for office. have you noticed a decline in the president recently you don't know? >> i have noticed over the last year-and-a-half or so, maybe a year or so is movements are, you know, he's a little tighter as we all are. i am too and i just turned 65 i but you know, i was with this president a lot over these last three years, but i was with him particularly a lot when he when i was in his guy but helping with the uaw big three negotiation, i saw
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him as he made phone calls. is different ceos to shawn fain the head of the uaw so i'm as he made that decision, he was actually at the united nations he called us together over zoom to make the decision to be the first president on the picket line. i got to go out with him in events this year. i traveled all day. i see a guy who is really detail oriented. i think any of us who work on speeches with them. thank you. there's more demanding going to ask more tough questions. so yeah. i mean, i was surprised by the debate night. it was it was a low night, but that didn't not reflect has not reflected what i see every day and what all sorts of people see every day as the president goes from dealing with israel and hamas to dealing with nato, to dealing with the economy to the border. i think of anything i get exhausted watching him have to deal with so many issues and be on top of them. nitrous understand that, but be able to get on the phone with zelenskyy
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or netanyahu and be a master of the topic and enabled to to cajole and persuade. >> all right, gene sperling. thank you so much for joining us. we appreciate it thank you. >> thanks for having me. >> we'll be right back look in the app to find your perfect somewhere. what does a robot know about love it takes a human to translate that leap in our house parts into something we can see and hold etsy when it comes to losing weight, everything you need, everything you want, everything in one plan is here. >> new nutrisystem complaint it's the complete package that you asked for and nutrisystem delivered with everything you
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captioning brought to you by meso book if you or a loved one have mesothelial mac will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 800 a31, 3,700 hundred this just into cnn, the armorer of the film rust is going to plead the fifth in alec baldwin's involuntary manslaughter trial of hannah gutierrez reed is set to testify tomorrow, but her attorney now tells us she is not going to cooperate cnn's elizabeth wagmeister joins us now with the details. >> elizabeth, what are you learning yes, this is new information just into us at cnn that hannah gutierrez, reed, the armorer from russ, is going to be called tomorrow to testify that is the plan as of now, but her attorney telling us at cnn that she will not cooperate now, in a pretrial interview, hannah gutierrez, reed said that she did not want to testify.
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>> prosecutors had asked the court to grant her immunity, but they did not grant her immunity. so now she will be testifying, but her attorney tells us that she will be using her show will be pleading the fifth. now, what it's going to be interesting, of course, is to see when she goes under cross-examination from baldwin's defense because as you said, hannah gutierrez reed has already been convicted on the same charge that baldwin is facing of involuntary manslaughter. she is currently serving an 18 month sentence. now he's going to be transported from prison to court in new mexico when she is called to testify, and she's appealing this conviction. so of course, anything that she says could be used against her as that appeal is being considered. now, earlier today, there was a crime scene technician who testify and they brought about some very interesting and crucial details
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about live ammunition that was found on the set. they said that it wasn't just alec baldwin who had a live bullet in his gun. there was another actor by the name of jensen ackles, who also had live the ammunition in his holster. so this really now starting to paint a picture of what was going on on this set. and now that we have confirmation that actor did have live ammunition, we're seeing the photos right there that were shown to the jury today. now that we have confirmation that live ammunition was with another actor and his holster this also indicates that another actor could have been put in the same position to be holding a gun that could have fatally shot anyone on that set potentially major development in the case elizabeth wagmeister. >> thanks so much coming up. cnn has exclusive new reporting on a thwarted russian plot to assassinate the head of a weapons companies supplying ukraine have us and germany stopped it was at trouble
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when 871 to 3,800 i think muntean at reagan national airport. >> this is cnn as world leaders gather here in washington for the nato summit, we're learning about a foiled assassination plot overseas.
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>> know this is like something out of a spy novel, a new cnn exclusive report details an alleged russian plan to murder the ceo of an arms company that's been supplying weapons to ukraine cnn's natasha bertrand helped break this story and joins us now with detail she joins us from the nato summit. i should point out, natasha, what are you learning? >> yeah, boris. so this was a plot that the u.s. intelligence community on covered regarding a russian government plan to try hi to assassinate the head of germany's largest defense contractor, which has been extremely helpful in providing weaponry and equipment to the ukrainians, particularly when it comes to one i'm 5, five millimeter ammunition, which is so key on the battlefield in ukraine and the ceo of that company has been extremely outspoken about his support for the ukraine and the fact that he intends to open factories inside ukraine itself to build more equipment, including armored vehicles. so all of this really made him a really important and key target for
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the russians were told. and the u.s. picked up this intelligence and promptly shared it, of course, with the german government, who then added additional security around the ceo, armin papperger and right now, he is still surrounded by this increased security bubble in light of this ongoing russian threat this was one plot that was disrupted, but us official say that it is not the only one that they have picked up amongst russian officials, up planning to try to ascend fascinates or harm in some way, european defense industry executives because of the fact of course that they are providing so much support for the ukrainians and the ukrainian military now, at this point, what we're hearing from nato leaders who have been asked really about this left and right today. is that they are not going to the comment on this specific report, but we did get some insight from the german foreign minister earlier today who said that this isn't exact example of russia's quote
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hybrid war of aggression against europe and why europe needs to be very vigilant at this point amid this broader russian sabotage campaign that they believe moscow so is waging to try to undermine support for ukraine. we also heard from a senior nato official who put it in pretty stark terms. he said, we're seeing sabotage. we're seeing assassination plots we're seeing arson. we're seeing things that have a cost in human lives and he added, i believe very much that we're seeing a campaign of covert sabotage activities from russia that have strategic jake consequences. now, we also reported earlier this week that us military bases across europe were placed on high alert, really for the first time in over a decade, just last week because as of this threat of russian sabotage, so it is very real. it is deeply concerning and it has been on top of mind here at nato over the last several days. >> and natasha, what are nieto's options? for responding to this move by russia you know, it's really tough because right now this kind of falls just below the
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level of direct armed conflict state on-state violence. >> of course, russia directly attacking a member of nato or european country directly, these assassination plots or something that russia has done before, of course so we've seen them carry them out on european soil, including in england a few years ago. so it's difficult for nato to kind of come up with a solution to this short of sanctions, for example, or additional she'll economic penalties. but strategically what they are thinking about right now is just really increased intelligence sharing among the alliance so that they can get everyone together on the same page to kind of connect the dots and prevent these plots up from actually being successful in the future natasha bertrand live from the nato summit. >> thank you so much. stay with cnn. we're back in just moments. >> you ever track cash backing its earn 3% of drug stores are chase freedom unlimited. >> so i can save on something special for a first day. >> wait, that's all full first day oh all right. come on. aren't. big chase freedom and limits with no annual fee. you cash back h, man i.
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pageant queen and this is weird. meet kansas lay leash. she's a moroccan lifestyle influencer who has just been crowned miss ai. ai is an artificial intelligence that's right. she's not real. everything from these images and videos that she's in her social media captions. this is all ai generated. so weird. pageant organizers say competitors had to answer questions like real human pageant contestants, and they weren't judged on their looks alone, but on their creators use of ai tools as well. around 1,500 programmers from around the world injured and kenza lilly's very real creator, one $5,000 we're just not ready for ai, were not ready. >> it's uncanny how it's not real it's just really enough that it just creeps you out. yeah. >> yeah. yeah. we'll leave you with that. we hope we have creeped out where real. thanks for being with us the lead with jake tapper starts right now


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