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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  July 12, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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believe i'm the best qualified to govern and i think i'm the best qualified to win in a high-stakes press conference, president biden unapologetic in his decision just jin to seek a second term. the question did it change any minds among anxious democrats nervous about his decision to run for reelection holding tonight because for me, the answer that is i just don't see that trajectory. i don't see the numbers and texas where beryl hit as a hurricane on monday more than 1 million people are still without electricity trinity, all those people without power there, houston temperatures backup feeling around 100 live, from london. this is cnn newsroom with max foster hello, a warm welcome to our viewers joining us around the world. >> i'm max foster. it's friday, july the 12th, 9:00 a.m. here in london 4:00 a.m.
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in washington where the white house is praising joe biden's nato press conference as a success, even as more democratic lawmakers call on him to end his campaign, mr. biden answered questions for nearly an hour as he tried to overcome concerns about his cognitive health, and political future and he insisted he is the most qualified person to run for president and to beat donald trump but he made a major gaffe when he miss identified his own vice president look i wouldn't have picked vice president trump to be vice president. i think she was not qualified to be president. so start there the president recovered and explained why he thinks vice president kamala harris is qualified to step in as president, if necessary first of all, the way she's handled the issue of freedom of women's bodies to have control over their bodies secondly, her ability to handle almost any issue on the board. >> this was a hell of a project
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she was a first-rate person in the senate. she was really good. i wouldn't have picked her unless i thought she was qualified to be president from the very beginning. i made no bones about that she is qualified to be president. that's why i picked her her. report is ask mr. biden about his mental acuity and stamina to serve as president for four more years. >> i've taken three significant, intense neurological exams neuro iowa, wearing no shirt in a row, just in each case has recently should be wary they say, i'm in good shape. the only thing age does it's helped me with kookier creates a law of wisdom if you pay attention so the point i'm making this, i think it's important that i if if
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mine is in a rollin, just tells me he thinks i need another exam by the way. i've laid every bit of the record out every single day i'm surrounded by good docs. if they think there's a problem, i promise you you don't think it's a problem and think i should have a neurologic exam again, i'll do it more now from cnn's senior white house correspondent, kayla tausche in a high-stakes press conference, president biden, unapologetic and his decision to seek a second term, saying that the gravity of the situation demands. >> he finished the job well acknowledging he has much more work to do to allay the concerns of voters. >> i'm just gonna keep moving, keep mood, and because look, i got more work to do. we've got more work to finish so much. we made so much progress. >> biden was far less defiant that he was in recent days taking an opportunity to exalt his vice president since suggesting that she could serve as president on day one and even she could beat trump
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though he said his team hasn't given him data to prove that he could it biden's team and the wake of this press conference relieved that he had an opportunity to talk about substance and personality and even hit back at his opponent in an opportunity he missed on the debate stage but democrats aren't sold some texting tonight saying it was better, but not a home run in the coming days, his party will continue assessing his candidacy kayla tausche, cnn, washington 17 democrats in congress are now calling on mr. biden to withdraw from the presidential race. that includes jim himes, the ranking member on the house intelligence committee, who issued a statement moments after mr. biden's news conference ended, haim spoke with cnn anchor kaitlan collins this is not about one press conference, one debate one speech. this is about the presidency of the united states. it's about an apocalyptically powerful individual and whether the trajectory to the election and
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the outcome of the election and beyond in the event that joe biden were reelected into a job that requires you to deal with the most hideous stuff on the planet. the president doesn't get to answer any easy questions. a debate with donald trump is a walk in the park park compared to what happens at 4:00 a.m. in the white house well, you heard him get a question from david sanger about the ability to deal with president putin and president xi. >> and he said, i can deal with them now and i'll be able to deal with them three years from now. do you not agree with that? >> excruciating the hard to answer that question, right? because, you know, a huge part of politics is loyalty and love and emotion. and nobody understands that better or attracts that better than joe biden. a storytelling krishnan lids in an emotional world and those are critical values for
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politics. that's why i you know, rallies are so exciting. that's why people tear up when they hear the name bobby kennedy or jack kennedy or john mccain or whatever. but the problem is that can go way too far. when, when there's an excess of love and loyalty, you get 70 he million americans who will not budge from their support for a felon, from criminal from an adjudicated rapist who has promised to turn this country into an authoritarian country that's what happens when you won't set aside loyalty and love that emotion. so the stakes are so high that right now the question is, not that, not how loyal are you, but can we avert forget about and we can talk more if you like, about the event that joe biden were reelected. but can you avert a second trump presidency? and there is not a single number out there. not one coop report telling us that we may lose the house that says that joe biden's going to win. and so the answer to that, which is a fair answer, is that yeah, but there's still time. there's four or five months to the election. so then you need to
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ask yourself, what's the trajectory look like here? are things getting better? if you believe that the problem that democrats have is that we haven't gotten our message across the message of the bipartisan infrastructure law, the message of capping out-of-pocket expenses and medicare at $2,000 at capping insulin costs at $35, and standing up for veterans. and if you believe that our problem is that we haven't gotten that message across. well and if you also believe that the president has the biggest megaphone, you have to drop the emotion and the loyalty and levin say, in the next four or five months is that story going to be told with such precision and poetry and beauty that you will turn around all the numbers that say we are going to lose and i didn't it's painful thing tonight because for me, the answer to that is i just don't see that trajectory joining me now, leslie vinjamuri is head of the u.s and americas programme at the royal institute of international affairs. good morning leslie. we're going to talk, we're all going to talk about policy because obviously it was a nato
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summit. this is about international security but it has unfortunately been hijacked by everyone's obsession with how fit president biden is to serve. i mean, it was a very we've mentioned it was a very long press conference, but there are two key parts. the stick out and that's when he misnamed two key people how concerned should we be about that well, we've seen that president biden for a very long time has frequently misnamed leaders or individuals, or stumbled on words. >> but again, if you go to the content of that press conference, which as you say was long it was very deep, it was very rich on foreign policy, not only his initial remarks, which really remarkably i during the story of america's leadership after russia's invasion of ukraine talked about the united states as an indispensable nation,
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talked about this significance of nato reminded the americans that the only time the article five has ever been invoked was after the 9-11 terror attacks to protect the united states so he, he feels numerous questions with very rich and great depth. so this is a president really, when it comes to foreign policy at his best. but of course at some level, the telling comment was when he said, you know, no matter what i do, it's not going to be enough and we've seen the polling 67% of americans would like to see president biden step down from that nomination, not run again? so many people in his own party, the polling on the swing states not looking good and so despite the depth that the press conference really read as a president who's done a remarkable job, not a perfect job, but a remarkable job over many decades in the senate and the presidency and foreign policy the prices coming down
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jobs growing, unemployment at its lowest in decades. but a president that doesn't appear to have the energy and the vigor and still appears to be slowing down and an uproar that field suppose like it will be very, very difficult to quell regardless of how strong a single press conferences from an international perspective isn't the issue here that this was a very important event. nato, for people like zelenskyy, for the new british prime minister, for example, as well to assert him self on the world stage. and they are all, they can't actually talk about what they wanted to get out of it. because everyone wants to ask them. i mean the british prime minister was the first questions he received. were about how was president biden that's the actual material
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damage that's being done by all of this talk yes, it's clear that president biden has become the story, not, not the real issues let's be clear, as we all know, those leaders met and they had very rigorous and very serious discussions. >> it's when it comes to the public but that just simply has disintegrating. and that matters. unfortunately, in an election year with only a handful of months to go at matters, a huge amount. it does make it very difficult for international leaders in nato allies have been concerned for a very long time about this election, about the looming threat of donald trump even before that considerations of president biden's health became so prominent. there has been deep fear in europe, endless talk about trump proofing, nato of europeans doing more on european
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security. and that was a focus in this meeting of the nato leaders. but you're right, it's very difficult to communicate this to the public to have any broader influence, because every single news article, every single question, every single comment is about a president biden's health and despite, again and a very strong press conference deep on the issues, there is just a real concern about can the president, when the polling doesn't look good, can heed govern if he does win for four more years? but right now, the short-term that urgent question for leaders around the world for people around the world, especially in europe. and especially for americans, of course is whether he can actually beat donald trump. and that i think is a grave concern. it's very sad for americans, for people around the world to listen to a precedent talk about that he wants to stay in the race
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because of the gravity of the situation that he faces. he talked about the need to get legislation. unfortunately, it's sort of frame president biden as a man who governed his lead the country in various roles in an era that no longer exists okay. >> lesly, as ever. thank you so much. for your insights mr. biden got down to other business on the final day of the nato summit in washington, though he launched what's called the ukraine compact, a joint effort by the alliance to support ukraine's long-term security but includes boosting its future military capabilities and supporting it in case another russian aggression comes down the lane, mr. biden said, the eventual goal is to have ukraine join the alliance herbie share before rebuilding the bridge to nato for ukraine pathway leading to an eventual membership as it continued implement important domestic and foreign this compact, which
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is on the stage here, is a central piece of that bridge what happens to ukraine matters matters to all of europe it matters the nato, quite frankly, matters to the whole world but one thing that matters to ukraine is conducting more strikes inside russia with nato supplied weapons. >> president zelenskyy asked for a free hand to do that, but urge nato to lift the remaining restrictions will want to win. >> if you want to prevail if we want to save our country and to defend it we need two lifts all the limitations i spoke about it with partners uk leader with united states president secretary. all now still ahead. israel's prime minister strikes a motive skepticism about the gaza ceasefire
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negotiations and us president joe biden weighs in on the talks details when returned lactate is 100% real melt just without the lactose delicious to just ask my old friend kevin. >> now going like and joining the cold one while watching the game who's willing? we are my friend we are with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. my skin was no longer mine. >> my active psoriatic arthritis join symptoms held me back don't let? symptoms define you emerge as you with trump via most people saw 90% clear skin at for months. and the majority stayed clearer at five years. from phi is proven to significantly reduce joint pain, stiffness, and swelling. it's just six doses a year after two starter doses, cbs allergic reactions may occur, can fire, may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to emerge as you emerged dreamt, fired,
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release deal between israel and hamas. >> however, sources tell cnn there is still tough issues to resolve. us president joe biden says he hopes the proposal. now being discussed will allow for a two-state solution in the middle east he called the israeli war cabinet at the most conservative war cabinet in the country's history. as early he was working with arab nations on how they could keep the peace in gaza without israeli forces staying in the enclave. >> the question has been from the beginning was the day after in gaza, the day after in gaza has to be the end of the day after it has to be no occupation by israel and the gaza strip as well as the ability, for us to access, get in and out as rapidly as you can. all that's needed there. i've been disappointed that some of the things that i've put forward have not succeeded as well. like the port reattached from cyprus i was hopeful that would be more successful israel says it's
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sending a delegation to cairo to continue negotiations regarding a ceasefire. >> and a hostage release deal. uh, speaking, at a graduation ceremonies, military officers, prime minister netanyahu said, this to what he had this to say about those latest talks i am committed to the plan to free our hostages, but the hamas assassins continue to adhere to demand. is that contradict the plan and endanger israel security? because prime minister of israel and out of a sense of national responsibility i am not prepared to accept these demands it anymore will mean molly israel carried out airstrikes in northern gaza a day after ground forces wrapped up a two operation in shujaya, emergency teams have so far recovered 60 bodies, but officials feared dozens more could still be under the rubble. gaza civil defense estimates, more than 120,000 people now have been displaced in shujaya with 85% of buildings destroyed since
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october the seventh tens of thousands of been fleeing nearby gaza city since sunday following the idf's evacuation orders, they're cnn's scott mclean is following developments from istanbul, turkey and it doesn't feel as if the ceasefire talks are going in the right direction. again, yeah, i again is absolutely right. max, look, there are we are hearing from diplomatic sources tough issues still to resolve. it's not entirely clear what those tough issues are, but it is prime minister netanyahu that is accusing hamas, as you heard there in that clip, of making demands, that contradiction the plan that's on the table. he also went back to a point that he has been making since the outset of the war, that it is military pressure on the ground, that will ultimately lead to a ceasefire, breakthrough it is also president or prime minister netanyahu, excuse me, who has been accused though of moving the goalpost because you'll remember that it was over the weekend that hamas said that it was willing to forego one of
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its demands that any ceasefire it agrees to would be permanent provided that it's at least negotiated during the first phase of a ceasefire deal, but prime minister netanyahu set out a day later his insistence that israel must be allowed to continue the war after any ceasefire deal that is agreed to. you also heard from president biden there who was asked about the situation in gaza. he gave a long meandering answer but when it comes to negotiation specifically, he said this, listen but the bottom line is we haven't chest now. it's time to end this war. doesn't mean walk away from going after sinwar and hamas. and if you notice, you know, better than most, there is a growing dissatisfaction in on the west bank from the palestinians about hamas. hamas is not popular now and so there's a lot of moving parts. i just have to keep me moving
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to make sure that we get as much done as we can toward a ceasefire a ceasefire so for the record, there's not a whole lot of polling data out of the west bank, but based on the data that we do have that statement about hamas being less popular, max is not true. >> in fact, half of people polled are surveyed in the west bank said that they would vote for hamas today if given the chance that's double what it was prior to the war. and three-quarters of the people said that they supported the october 7 attack on israel. that's even more than the number of people in gaza who gave the same answer because through these attacks in gaza where previously the israelis had said that pushed out a mass yes so we're talking about gaza city. this is an area which since the weekend, there have been evacuation orders for large swaths of it. and so that affects an estimated quarter of
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1 million people. and even today, almost a week later, there are still tens of thousands of people on the move. in some pretty deplorable conditions. but cnn has managed to speak to people who are in that area. some people said that, look, they don't want to move at all because they would rather die with dignity and their own homes then deal with the deplorable conditions that they have heard of elsewhere in the territory. and these are people who haven't had any fresh food and six months or so other people are so afraid to use the evacuation corridor that they're actually going back to shujaya, that area that you mentioned earlier, max were some 85% of it is destroyed and there are still airstrikes ongoing there. and then people who are making the journey are complaining about how far they are having to walk and really brutal conditions. one woman said that with her family, with her children, they were walking, sleeping outside for three days with no water. you can imagine how difficult it is for people and how exhausted
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they are from having to move so many times since the outset of the war. and of course, adding insult to injury to all of this, the who says that there are one quarter of the people in gaza are facing starvation and one-third are facing acute malnutrition okay. scott in istanbul. thank you for that the israeli military has acknowledged it failed to protect civilians in southern israel, kibbutz during the october 7 hamas attack. the idf inquiry found the military struggled to assess and respond to the hamas siege on the kibbutz beeri with forces spread thin that day ahead of the israeli army said, this letter, troops waiting outside the gates, quote, while the massacre continued inside he said that cannot be allowed to happen again the kibbutz be'eri was one of the hardest hit. hamas militants killed 101 of its residents, including children and abducted 30
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people. a spokesperson for the cupboard said the findings help members understand the events of that day, but some important questions remain unanswered and you, koslov was nearing the end of his shift at a security guard at the nova music festival when hamas fighters attacked the. russian israeli system, we're seeing captured and taken to gaza as a hostage in an interview with cnn, kozlov's detailed his months of captivity, the psychological torture he endured the threats he faced. and finally, after his rescue, the emotional reunion with his mother we all saw the video of when you were reunited with your mother at the hospital. >> as a mother, it brought tears to my eyes to see how you fell down on your knees? hugging her do you know how how difficult i would imagine you do those eight months worth for them?
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>> i was so afraid you thought you'd never see them again right i have mentioned mother and father and brother it will not hear the words i love anymore you can see the full interview with rescued hostage andrey kozlov today on ama bought at 1pm eastern 6:00 p.m. in london, 8:00 pm in tel aviv it will also air on anderson cooper 360, 8:00 p.m. eastern. >> that's 5:00 p.m. on the u.s. west coast donald trump is. responding to the overwhelming evidence of his ties to project 2025. we'll see what's in the conservative playbook and who's behind it, or the remnants of hurricane beryl of flooding parts of the northeastern us when we come
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back, areas in the storm's wake grapple with the fallout, stay with us love my cnn is live from milwaukee as republicans unite behind their nominee, his vp, and their plans to take back the white house, follow cnn complete coverage that republican national convention starts monday at seven on cnn. >> do not buy generic viagra until you check out this program, giving away 100 milligrams generic viagra for
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thank you. i'm getting you next time though. oh i got you, i got you. down goes jewett. jewett and amos are down. what a lovely sign of sportsmanship. you okay? yeah. ♪ ♪ welcome back to cnn newsroom. i'm max foster. if you're just joining us here,
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are some of today's top stories. us president joe biden says, he's still the best man for the job during a high-stakes press conference today facing questions at the end of the nato summit, he said he's committed to finishing the job, but it wasn't long after that that the list of ranking democrats calling for biden to remove himself from the 2024 race group to 17 present biden's news conference wrapped up a three-day nato summit in washington, where he announced plans to supply new air defenses to ukraine. since jeff zeleny has more on mr. biden's closing remarks at the nato summit and the immediate reaction in washington it was the moment that everyone in washington was waiting for president biden's high-stakes news conference on thursday night. >> the question, did it change any minds among anxious democrats? nervous about his decision to run for reelection two or three, you're talking to democrats after the president's news conference, it is unclear that it did. but one thing was notable, the president prince spoke with far
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less defiance and combativeness about his decision to stay in. he said he needed to work to allay the concerns of democratic voters. and he even said that he was open to his delegates supporting someone else should they choose to do that? but he said again and again, he wants to finish the job he said he is not worried about his legacy, but he wants to continue working on the accomplishments of his first term but did this change any minds? there is reason to believe at least in the early hours after the news conference that it may not have we're also learning that former house speaker nancy pelosi and former president barak obama are playing a role behind the scenes. and in the future of this democratic presidential campaign, we have learned that obama and pelosi have had conversations this week about where to take the party. of course, many democrats are asking them to step in to try and send some type of a signal to the white house. these democrats of course, are the ones that would like to see the president step aside for the
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president for his part, has many supporters as well, that congressional black caucus labor unions, and other key pieces of his coalition. so as we end this historic week in washington the central question remains the same. will president biden keep running for the presidency now less than four months from election day he says he will all eyes certainly on the white house today. now that that nato summit is over and see pelosi, of course, said she wishes everyone would wait until that time will now that time is here. question is, what will president biden do? jeff zeleny, cnn, washington. >> everyone was asking president biden says he is willing to take more neurological exams some of his party suggest it could quiet concerns about his mental fitness, but he said he would only do it if his doctors recommended it during thursday's news conference, mr. biden reiterated that he's already taken three neurological exams while in office for the last one done in february, he also responded to a report, a question about
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comments he made on the 2020 she campaign trail in 2020, you referred to yourself as being a bridge candidate for a younger, fresher generation of democratic leaders. >> and i wanted to know what changed what changed was the gravity of the situation i inherited in terms of the economy, our foreign policy, and domestic division republicans meanwhile, are busy getting ready for their national convention next week, it's being held in milwaukee knockers, then in the battleground state of with his bad side. >> state of wisconsin, that could be when trump announces his running mate. but ahead of that, the republican candidate is having to respond to the controversy surrounding project 20 25. it was put together by the conservative heritage foundation, which describes it as a roadmap for the new administration to quickly reorient every federal agency that starts with a call to
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recruit and chain thousands of loyal conservatives to fill federal government positions. other. points include reversing federal approval of the abortion pill, mifepristone eliminating the department of education, and defunding the corporation for public broadcasting, which the heritage foundation accuses of being unfair to conservatives cnn's steve contorno looks at what trump has to say about project 2025 and who exactly is behind it when donald trump claimed he had no idea who is behind project 2025, we decided to take a look. >> who is exactly involved in this effort. it turns out a lot of people, trump's should be familiar 140 people who worked in the trump white house or his administration helped to write, produce contribute, or edit project 2025, signature achievement and 900 page playbook for a next trump term. it includes people who reached the highest levels of his government, including six
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cabinet secretaries for people who were appointed by trump as ambassadors. many individuals who are involved with the execution in architecture of his immigration policies as well as several high ranking officials there are dozens of others who are involved with organizations that have been overseeing product 2025, including his former chief of staff, mark meadows. and when we took this information to the trump campaign, they said, yes, we acknowledge that a lot of people who worked for trump have helped out on project 2025, but they don't speak for trump now and they may not work for him again, they said, if you want to know what trump believes, you should look at his website is entitled higher agenda is posted there, as well as the republican party platform. trump himself tweeted overnight that quotes, i know nothing about project 2025. i have not seen it. have no idea who was in charge of it. and unlike are very well received republican platform had nothing to do with that. he went on this claim that this is all an effort orchestrated by far
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far-left democrats to tie some of the more controversial policies from this heritage proudly 2025 efforts to donald trump trump trying to keep it at arm's length. but obviously that is made more difficult by just how closely and involved many of the people who worked for him have been with this project. steve contorno, cnn st petersburg, florida more than 100 people have been rescued in vermont from flooding caused by the remnants of hurricane beryl. the storms swept through the state on wednesday. emergency does he respond to say they rescued by boat 118 people who were stranded. they also recovered a body from the flood waters officials say they believe the man was in a vehicle that was swept away by the water, the storm started bringing heavy rains to north and central vermont on wednesday, which was the one-year anniversary of the historic flooding that hit the state last july frustrations are mounting in south texas where residents are facing a combination of crippling power outages and blistering heat
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four days after hurricane beryl swept through the region, more than 1 million people are still without electricity. 879,000 of those are centerpoint energy customers, the utility company says half 1 million houston homes and businesses may not have their power restored until sometime next week. the outages have been debilitating for hospitals those assisted living facilities, and water treatment plants in the area texas governor greg abbott is ordering an investigation into the state's utility companies to see what issues arose in their response to the hurricane. there's little relief on the horizon with record high temperatures expected to continue across texas. here's cnn meteorologist chad myers yeah, that's right. >> all those people without power there, houston temperatures backup feeling around 100 for the next few days and those temperatures aren't really going to go down anytime soon. now, that will change in the west though. we've had all of this heat in the west where vegas hit 102 20 so now we're going to see hot day today. a little cooler
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tomorrow. but then notice what happens by sunday, we really lose a lot of this intense heat. you can see it really on the temperatures, the four-day forecast here from fresno from what, 11 down to 103. now one aisle three is still hot, but it isn't 111115 where you've been even bakersfield cooling down a little bit, but phoenix still more days in a row above 100, but by monday, only one a weight well, the extreme heat isn't just unpleasant. it can be dangerous, it can be deadly authorities across western united states are reported at least 28 suspected heat-related deaths since the heatwave began on july the first 14 deaths are being investigated in santa clara county, california alone the medical examiner says, two of the individuals were unhoused that can pose an additional risk since people who may have nowhere to go to escape the heat and more vulnerable, a toddler in arizona died on tuesday when her father left her in a car
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with no air conditioning on a motorcyclist died last week in death valley, california where temperatures soar to 128 degrees fahrenheit or 53 degrees celsius now a nation is shock in the community in mourning, british police have still not been able to talk to the man. they say murdered three women in involving a crossbow details next july 21, i'll special how would really happen the bombing of the nearest 21st at nine on cnn introducing mando the whole body, deodorant that i created with all body odor in mind. i'm dr. shannon clingman and i'm the inventor of whole body deodorant. it's like body odor never even happens and you're going to be exceptionally stink free and smell as good as humanly possible i'm jonathan larson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. >> if your age 50, 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget remember the
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i mean, i mean, it was a horrible story when we first heard about it, but the details even more horrifying, absolutely. >> in that investigation is still ongoing, as you mentioned, kyle clifford hasn't been questioned yet. he is in our london hospital. he has in a serious condition according to police. they found him injured following saying that manhattan in north london but of course this has really drawn tributes and shock across the country. carol hunt, her two daughters, hannah, who is 28, louie's, 25-years-old, all found badly wounded and survived the initial attacks. initially, according to police, but of course later died built of their injuries and we are learning more details about this case as the investigation continues. so no clear motive just yet, but several uk media outlets have reported that kyle clifford, the suspect in question, may have had a romantic relationship with one of the two daughters. the bbc, suggesting that they understand that clifford had a relationship with the youngest of the two daughters, louise
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hunting again, was just 25 25-years-old. the police have said that they believe clifford was known to the three victims, but again, we are still waiting for more details on that. the police have yet to comment on any specific romantic relationship between louise hunt and kyle clifford. but again, this has drawn widespread tributes, not only from sporting figures, colleagues of john hunt, again, the bbc sporting commentator, but also from members of the government. we've heard from the home secretary yvette cooper. she has the loss of three women's lives in bushey is truly shocking and shared her condolences with the family and the community but the country it's been a really engaged in this story i mean, initially it was the crossbow because we've had similar incidents in the past. >> we didn't have a big gang crime issue in this country compared with other countries. but knives crossbows, other weapons. here to be increasingly used. and this is, i think what something in which is really a shock the country is the manner in which women
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were killed. >> again, we're still waiting for more details. we understand that clifford was armed with a crossbow, but police say possibly other weapons as well. so still waiting for more details on that. but again, a huge amount of shock, particularly when it comes to the rise in violence against women in this country. and this really underscores that okay, nada, thank you. the rust film armorer who was convicted in the death of a cinematographer, says, she wouldn't cooperate when called to testify on friday in alec baldwin's trial, the lawyer for hannah gutierrez reed says she will rely on the fifth amendment to avoid answering questions she was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter earlier this year in the death of halyna hutchins. witness testimony in baldwin's trial has mainly centered on gun safety and the early investigation of the scene. baldwin has pleaded not guilty to involuntary involuntary manslaughter and maintains it didn't pull the trigger. if convicted, he faces up to 18 months in prison. and a $5,000 fine. we'll be right back lactate is 100% real melt
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correspondent meg tirrell has more well, it's new study from the american cancer society looks at cancer cases and deaths among adults aged 30 and older. and it estimates that 40% of cancer cases and 44% of cancer deaths could potentially be preventable. they say they're attributable to potentially modifiable risk factors. now, what are those? it's risk factors will the leading one probably won't surprise anybody. it's cigarette smoking. they estimate that that contributed to 19% of cancer cases and 29% of cancer deaths in this study. the next is excess body weight, followed by alcohol consumption, also a big risk factor up there is exposure to uv radiation the risk for skin cancer, of course, they also looked at people's diets, not eating enough fruits and vegetables are eating a lot of red meat or processed meat. as well as cancer causing viruses. now they found that the cancers that were most linked to these
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potentially modifiable behaviors. the top one is lung cancer. that connection to smoking. the second is female breast cancer. there are links. they're both to access bodyweight into alcohol consumption, skin melanoma, of course, from sun exposure and colorectal cancer. now, the researchers told us that there's actually some good news here, which is that folks think maybe it takes a long time to reverse your risk for these kinds of cancers. but actually changing behaviors they say can start to reduce risk pretty quickly. so on a personal basis, it's the things we hear about all the time. don't smoke maintain a healthy body weight, cut back, or stop drinking alcohol exercise. and of course, use sun protection. but the researchers here also focused on the importance of things happening from a societal level. policy changes that can make it easier for people to live healthier lives, for smoking, for example, they said the thing that's been the most effective in reducing smoking rates is making it more expensive through excise taxes.
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and they point out that a pack of cigarettes and missouri cost about half as much as a pack of cigarettes in new york state. and if you look at cancer rates for those two states, they are dramatically higher in missouri than they are in new york for lung cancer and so the takeaway here is there are things we can do to try to reduce our risks, but there are also things that need to be done on a bigger societal level at to try to make things healthier for everybody stories in the spotlight this hour, columbia, uruguay, one nil to advance to the final of the copa america in charlotte, north carolina. but the match was marred by genus on the pitch were seven yellow and one red card shown. there was more back and forth after the final whistle and then violence broke out in the stands. uruguay's captain said players felt they had to go and retrieve family members for safety. cnn has reached out to the uruguayan football association and a charlotte police for comment. king charles sent his best wishes to the team as they advance to the
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final of the euro 2024. with a late goal that beat the netherlands to one the moment asked for the sake of the country is collective heart rate and blood pressure for the team tried to secure a victory early in the final and not resort to last minute goals or penalty shootout dropped england will face spain in berlin on sunday. prince harry received the pat tillman award at the 2024 or sb sports awards in los angeles on thursday, he was being recognized for creating the invictus games, a sports tournament for military veterans founded in 2014 tillman was a university in nfl football player you served in the u.s. army after the 9-11 attacks and was killed in afghanistan in 2000. and for the award was not without controversy. tilghman, mother was quoted calling the prince controversial and divisive and said there were more fitting candidates for that role, although prince harry's team, i think would point out that the espy said there were a lot of tillman supporters who are
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very much behind the way that was awarded and certainly there are lots of people that a big fans i've invictus games, at least even some critics of prince harry, but that thank you for joining me here on cnn newsroom. i'm max foster in london, cnn this morning is up next after short break good morning, everyone. >> i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to be with you. this is a massive week in politics. i hate to kind of call you out right off the top. it is wonderful to see these women athletes finally getting the recognition they deserve. you ever want to try out new james bond cnn this morning, next
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