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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  July 12, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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we're going to be talking about the most just a week from now, two weeks from now was the answer to the first question about the vice president you chose her to be your vice president. does that mean you think she's capable to be the president? and he answered affirmatively. so i think if this conversation continues, james clyburn this morning was saying, you know, the conversation needs to be had up until the convention and he would support camila harris if she was the replacement i think that will be something people pay attention to because okay. because this gets to the thing that i'm harping on and don't have an answer to. i'll lean to you to help me the timing question is confusing for me. it's at the same time in the same moment. it's too late to do anything about choosing change again, it's getting more money and finding a candidate and fixing it and moving on. but we're also in a perpetual state of the next 24, 244872 hours waiting a month. vertical. i mean, i'm seeing quote one quote of the next 96, 94, i mean, pecker number of hours. so i don't i don't know what to do. i think we're going to see the dam start to break on capitol hill if i were advising democrats, which i
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wait for more kept, more doubt advising democrats, honestly, the smartest thing they could do is take all the oxygen out of the rnc next week saying we're entertaining an open convention. biden is passing the baton. we're going to have our best party leadership come together in every eyeball in america to await the six and ten americans who didn't want biden or trump. i can't wait to see what the other option is. that's what they should do and use the next three-and-a-half months to boost that person and try to win. know you have chris coons just on co-chair saying he is running, but he has decide what the last word i can what they're moving. >> it's great to see our cnn news central starts now all righty. friends. this press conference and the fallout, new reporting this morning on how president biden's campaign is feeling after last night. and also what former president obama and nancy pelosi are saying, not publicly,
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privately. this also i didn't is heading to michigan today. what are voters in that battleground state saying about his campaign right now, cnn watched the press conference with some of those voters and intelligence officials polls are warning of the impact deep fakes could have on the 2024 election, even putting out examples to show how sophisticated they have become it was created with both the consent and cooperation of the real secretary fawn tests, which again is not me. i'm an ai impersonation of him i'm kate bolduan with sara sidner. john berman is out today. this is cnn new central happening today. >> he's ignoring all the haters. president biden is heading straight to a crucial battleground state. this hot off the presses, the heels of that press conference that by all accounts so far has not, though silence a democratic
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doubts surrounding his reelection run. shortly after the presser. three more democratic lawmakers, including the top democrat on the house intel committee representative jim hines, called for him to step aside. this mean there's now a total of 17 lawmakers publicly feel this way and congressman himes gave this warning to those who are still standing by him imagine that three months from now we get another performance like there was in the debate right before the election. do you want to take that risk cnn senior white house correspondent kayla tausche is leading us off again this morning. >> kayla first, how is the biden team looking at what happened these new defections right after a press conference that you reported they're quite proud of they were quite proud of the performance at the president put on last night. they said that he hit the marks that they expected him to. he had a little humor, little retail politics, politicking, some substance on foreign policy, and he prosecuted the
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case against donald trump in their view but they are still bracing for more defections. and even though they saw this as a little bit of progress, after two weeks of setbacks, they did not expect that it would end all of the questions that conjectures and yes, the defections by some members of the president's own party, which they expect to continue can you especially for members who are up for reelection in swing districts or in swing states, the so-called frontliners. but even so last night, president biden was unapologetic in his decision to run for president again in the first place and two continue running despite his performance in the debate. here's what he said and i think i'm the most qualified person to run for president i beat him once, and i will beat him again. >> i'm not in this for my legacy i in this to complete the job i started saying he is the most qualified person to run for president. but when
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asked directly about the qualifications of his vice president, kamala harris, he took an opportunity to praise her and say that she would be ready to be president on day one. and that's why he selected her as vice as president. and then when he was asked about the polling for harris, specifically and whether she could beat trump here is how biden responded if your team came back and showed you data that she would fare better against former president donald trump would you reconsider your decision to stay in the race? know unless they came back and said, there's no way you can win he also employed a similar response when asked whether his campaign would allow delegates at the convention to cast a vote for another person in the party and he's said yes, of course they're free to do whatever they choose. >> but he again, was burden said, no one's going to do that. so clearly dismissive of
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any potential alternative outcome taking place, at least in this stage of the race, even though he acknowledged that there are others who could be the trump, not just him all right. >> kayla tausche. thank you so much. live there from the white house for us. kate. >> also this morning, exclusive cnn reporting on former president barak obama and former house speaker nancy pelosi, privately expressing concerns about how much harder they think it's become for president biden to beat donald trump. >> now cnn's jeff zeleny okay. joins me right now, where where does that private conversation lead? do you think jeff thank kate. >> good morning. well, it is still a private conversation, but one thing is clear, many democrats on capitol hill and really across the party sort of looking to some party elders and leaders for guidance. way out of this crisis that's been really consuming the party for more than two weeks now. so naturally, a former house speaker, nancy pelosi and former president barak obama come to mind as many democrats
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are looking for sort of a way out, if you will. and we are learning that they've had a conversation this week trying to allay those concerns from some democrats, not necessarily tipping their hands on the scale just yet, but we do know that the speaker pelosi, of course, said earlier this week that the president still has time to make a decision. of course, he said again last night, his decision is clear, so we do believe there'll be more conversations with a pelosi and president biden, perhaps as early as sometimes this afternoon or over the weekend. and this could give us more of a sense of their conversations, but their private conversations. all their aides say they remain private. they do not read those out. but what we do know is that they both have expressed concern to a variety of democrats about president biden's ability to win in november. so this is the moment of the party where time is running out. there is no doubt the democrats are expecting more defections as kayla was
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just reporting, but again, we'll these party elders, as well as senator schumer, perhaps jim clyburn and others have a conversation with president biden or that's fraught as well. this is his decision to make, of course, but there are still these conversations going on behind the scenes, kate, i was just looking down. sorry, jeff, because i was just looking at jim clyber. was on the today show this morning and asked about his i mean, he's clearly critical. he saved biden's primary in 20 he's a huge he's he his opinion matters. he was asked about what the fallout is in the impact and i'm seeing some of the quotes from it. essentially, he was asked, should the conversation about the president getting out of this race, should that cover? recession continue. jim clyburn says no, it shouldn't. and it's up to saying he's heard he's earned the right. and i'm going to give him that respect if he decides to change his mind later on, we will respond to that. we have until the 19th of august to open our
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convention. jim clyburn basically says the conversation should be over, whereas other people people continue to say you know, the dam could still be breaking. what do you think? what do you think the impact of jim clyburn's wars, we'll have now it's interesting. >> i was watching that interview as well actually this morning, kate and i was struck by how he said we have until august 19. that of course is the democratic convention in chicago. but most democrats think they do not not have that much time at all. should there be a need to replace the president? so yes, i was not surprised that he is standing with president biden, but if you parse some of his interview, a language as well, he said it is still his decision to make. yes, he is standing with him. he thinks he should be given respect really, the bottom line to all of this sort of translating so many of our conversations is that they're trying to give the president space to change his mind should he want to. and we heard president biden for the first time last night say that if he's presenting presented with the polling data saying
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that he would lose that is something that could force a reconsideration. what we didn't see last night from president biden was not as defiant, not as combative, more that he is listening to these concerns as he travels to michigan today, they're trying to reframe this conversation, not about joe biden, but about donald trump. of course, that is what his campaign in his view is about michigan, very important without question and it's one of those battleground states now it's leaning republican in our map, but president biden, trying to refocus the conversation. the question is, are democrats ready to move on? we will see today more kate? >> yeah. i mean, look, michigan was critical in 20 even more critical in 24. and it's even more of a question of which way it's going to go this time, welcome to now ground michigan. it's good to see you, jeff. sir. all right. >> the world is watching president biden's high-stakes news conference at the close of that nato summit in just a moment, we will speak with nato secretary general on stoltenberg to get his reaction, kate, we'll be talking to him in just a bit
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and a driver with a learner's permit accidentally turned a restaurant into a derived through what a mess. we'll talk about that coming up i love cnn is live from milwaukee as republican it's unite behind our nominee, his vp, and their plans to take back the white house, follow cnn for complete coverage. >> the republican national convention starts monday at seven on cnn what will you do when the power goes out? power outages could be unpredictable and inconvenient, but with a generale home standby generator, your life goes on uninterrupted because when you're generale detects a power outage, it automatically powers up giving your family the security and peace of mind. they deserve we don't have to worry about whether we lose power or not. if the utility company does not come through our general does after the hurricane happens, you just want to be prepared for anything eight out of ten home
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checkout four imprint imprint for certain. it's hard to watch yourself. we pulled out of the building. by a tornado some of, the big headlines from a week of world leaders gathering in washington, nato allies affirming ukraine's future is in nato and its path irreversible, pledging long-term support for kyiv, though falling short of the targets and zelenskyy has been begging for and taking on
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russia and china in a whole new way. listen sean law has become a decisive enabler of russia's war against ukraine and i'm, showing us support increases the threat. >> russia poses to euro-atlantic security. and china provides dual use equipment microelectronics. a lot of other tools which are enabling russia to build the missiles, to build the bombs. will the aircraft to build the weapons. they're using to attack ukraine? >> and helping to lead it all. is that man, the outgoing secretary general of nato, jens stoltenberg. he's closing out a pivotal decade at the helm of nato the term ending as nato faces down and unfolding land war in europe, of course, very critical times, the secretary general joins me now, thanks for being here. the declaration also says this in part about china, and i wanted to read it for everyone to remind them
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what it says that china cannot enable the largest war in europe in recent history without this negatively impacting its interests and reputation which implies that china will pay a cost. secretary general for continued and growing support of russia. but what is that crossed? what is the threat here first of all i think it's important to understand that the fact that 32 nato allies upsetting 50% of the world economy. >> so clearly states there's once ability of china in an abling the brutal war of aggression conducted by russia against ukraine. we have never had anything being like that before in our greed and negotiated policy documents. and that puts the responsibility where it belongs in beijing, in china and that's a clear message in itself. and china has reacted and i think that's proof of that they have understood the message second, it's not for nato to to impose sanctions.
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that's for the european union for 40 states, for different member our allies. but the fact that we saw clearly state what we do because we know that china is propping up the russian war economy, delivering the equipment they need to build the weapons that in itself is a very strong warning to china. >> new york times is reporting this week on the target set for member nations to put 2% of their national economies toward their armed forces. that now 23 of the 32 have meet that threshold now, yet the times is reporting that there is a view amongst officials that, that 2% is not going to be enough in the coming years. do you think that's true? if so, what is going to be enough? >> that's absolutely. too 2% is not enough. but the good news is that he agreed 2% as a guideline, ten years ago and at that time, only three allies
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met the guy elon spending 2% of gdp on defense. now 23 and those alice, not yet at 2%, they have clear plans in place to be there soon but then we are also now agreed that we have adjusted the guidelines. it's not 2% as a crime of sealing, we should strive towards, which was the language barrier at 10:10 years ago? now, we have a good at 2% is at minimum? and more and more allies exceeds the 2% quite significantly. several hours and outspending a larger proportion of their gdp on defense than the united states, poland, the baltic countries, and others and therefore, we welcome the increase beyond to present will also agree the nato, what we call capability targets specific weapon systems readiness that different allies should deliver. and for most allies, it will cost more than 2% two of gdp to deliver agreed kpt targets that each and every ally you have been with
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president biden for several days now in washington, you also were with him just you've been with them many times, actually, in recent months, you were with him just before the cnn debate. >> that's sparked all of the recent concerns over his age abilities. what do you see in president biden? do you see him faltering? do you see him slowing down? what do you see nato. >> is the most successful alliance in history, because we have stayed out though domestic politics because i have stayed out too. partisan discussions because you have differently this rare different elections going on across the lines all the time and therefore, i will just make sure that i and nato, we're not part of this domestic us debate what that can say is that us leadership in this alliance has enabled a nato to make very important decisions. also, at this summit on the terms on the events, on failure burden sharing within the alliance on a substantial package for ukraine within the
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nato command for ukraine for a long-term financial pledge for ukraine, and also to step up our cooperation with our asia pacific partners japan, south korea. you see them, and australia, and not at least address the challenges that finalized. now pausing. do security. these are the things that matters for nato, and we have been able to make these decisions over the last couple of days here in washing he talked about cooperation, which obviously is critical to nato. >> political politico is reporting that donald trump is considering a reduction in cooperation and reduction in intelligence sharing with members of nato. again, if he would win the elections as trump advisers have told allied countries that reduced intel-sharing would be part of a broader plan to scale back us support and cooperation with the 32 nation alliance according to three european officials and senior nato officials, what would that do if that happens? >> i expect to not the states to remain a strong and committed nato ally also in the
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future. because it is in the united states security interest to have a strong nato in nato, the us has something russia and china doesn't have at all. and that is more than 30 friends some allies. the us, his big europe send 25% of the world economy. but together with nato allies, we are 50%, twice as much of the world economy and 50% of the military might. so it's good for nato united states so strong nato secondaries, strong bipartisan support for nato in the us congress, in the us public, we have just seen new opinion polls confirming that and thirdly, the main criticism from former president trump has been about has actually not been against nato. it has been against nato allies is not spending enough on nato, and that has changed the criticism has been valid and european allies have reacted by significantly investing more in defense. so i'm confident that you us will remain strong ally
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because it is in the interest of the united states secretary general. it's always great to have you and your term is up in october. hopefully, we'll have a chance to speak before then, but if not, thank you so much thank you so much for having me coming up. >> for us deep fakes are getting way to believable a chilling new warning coming out of the threat of artificial intelligence and its potential influence on this election, the upcoming election and future. and talk about a communication breakdown. the growing tension between the biden administration and the white house press corps guys hold on a second. there's no reason to get back and go back and forth to me and this aggressive way, mr. roy every weekday morning here are the five things you need to know to start your day. >> cnn's five things with kate bolduan, streaming weekdays on max why always the couch
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house for $19 i love cnn is live from milwaukee as republicans unite behind their nominee, his vp, and their plan to take back the white house so follow cnn for complete coverage. >> the republican national convention starts monday at seven on cnn. >> i'm melissa bell in paris. and this is cnn us intelligence officials are sharing fears of
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bad actors who could try to influence the election results one of their main tools this election year ai and it's only getting more convincing. >> here's an example. our own kaitlan collins spoke with the arizona secretary of state, adrian fontes last month that you're seeing there there is the real adrian fontes but look at this hello, this is a public service advisory featuring an ai version of arizona secretary of state, adrian fontes. >> it was created with both the consent and cooperation of the real secretary fontes which again is not me. i'm an ai impersonation of him that is freaky with us now is chris krebs, chief public policy officer with sentinel-1 and former senior official with the department of homeland security. >> we've always said this thing is like, oh, i'll believe it when i see it you can't believe your eyes. how much do you think this ai is going to play a role, not just in this election, but in elections to come well, this is not a
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theoretical just as you saw with the video from secretary fawn test earlier, this week, the department of justice announced that they had disrupted an ai botnet, which is a massive network of ai powered new sites controlled by rt russia today a state controlled media outlet over 968 accounts on x, formerly twitter were a part of this network. >> so this is real, this is happening today. we've also seen it in moldova, slovakia, bangladesh. ai is a risk to elections and we need election officials continue to prepare for these and other risks it's interesting because it used to be sort of spies with trying to fool other spies but the general public was left out of it to some degree. now with the internet and now with ai, we're in a whole new world. is there anything that the public can do to try to keep themselves from being duped or is this really on? for example, the social
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media companies, which is where a lot of this stuff gets shared to warn the public on each of the post. what is real and what is not well, it's cliche, but this is a whole of society effort to push back counter and not be taken up and duped by these ai threats as a part of a recent exercise that the state of arizona and the brennan center lead they discovered that it's critical to have rapid communications capabilities, strategic communications, and relationships with the media between election officials and those media folks. so you can get out and say, hey, this is real, this is not real, but from an average user perspective, i think it goes back to everything we've been saying for years and years is don't believe everything you read on the internet. take a breath. go look to the authoritative sources of information with elections that's your local election official. that's your state election official. it's not some random dude on social
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media it's interesting because it is that thing of telling people not to believe what they see, which is really hard when you're scrolling through, things are like, oh, did you hear that? and it gets it gets sent thousands and thousands of times before anyone often comes forward and says, hey, this is a fake how prevalent do you think that ai is going to be in this particular election? i still think we're in the early days. i think the bad guys, the russians, the iranians, the chinese, and even some domestic actors are still toying around with the capability. you why do you really need a deep fake when cheap fakes? still works, slowing down video, taking alternative angles of shots and photographs. so i think the old tricks are still going to work. i think ai is still, like i said, nascent early days, it will certainly be a risk. and i think in the out years, 234 years down the road, it will be a much bigger risk. but look, election officials tools have been preparing for the 2024
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election, just like they prep for 22 and 24 years and years their election resilience, election security marathon think they're ready for it. i think they've got the tools in place to share information. and i think i think there it's game time and they're ready to go it is game time, but ai is just getting better and better as we just saw there while chris krebs. thank you so much for the conversation this morning. appreciate you all right. just ahead, how is commonly harris look at the top of the ticket, were breaking down this morning's latest numbers ahead of november and shark alert the popular new york city beach with an unknown welcome visitor et me
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on who is dominating the discussion? online on the campaign trail. and all around the world because the world is actually watching and watched that press conference as well. harry, give us some sense of how much americans have turned their attention to biden or to trump? yes. so sidner output to this with these, these are google searches. all right, the days that biden led trump and google searches, this year in 2024, pre-debate biden-led trump get this on just 1% of days the election for all intents and purposes really was about donald trump, not joe biden, despite the fact that joe biden, of course, is the incumbent, a very unusual situation. but look at what's happened post-debate days in which joe biden has led donald trump in google searches at 87% of the days it's been all but two days. all but two days? it's since the debate in which joe biden has led donald trump
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in google searches, there are only two days prior in the entire year in which joe biden led down trump and google searches. that is completely flipped on its head post-debate this election for all intensive purposes, has it turned into one that is about joe biden and not about donald trump. >> could that be a good thing or is this negative? no, no, no, if that head shake doesn't give it away, this, you know, sometimes, you know, you're googling and you know, this, you do not want this election to be about joe biden. if you are joe biden, because take a look here. the view of the candidates look at this negative rating for joe biden, 50 57% of americans have a negative view about joe biden. you want this to be about donald trump because it's not like donald trump is beloved by the american public. 54% of americans have a negative opinion about donald trump, but again, at this election is about joe biden hi, did this turns into a major issue for him because i want to take you through a little bit of history, sarah, little bit of a history lesson at this particular hour. take a look
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here president's with 50% disapproval rating at this point in their presidency, jimmy carter, george hw bush, donald trump in 2020, and now joe biden in 2024. what are these three gentlemen have in common trump bush, and cars? harder ball of them. they all lost election, they all lost the election. so the fact is joe biden at this point does not want to be part of this group. he wants the attention to turn back, turn back to donald trump, because in all honesty, sir, i believe that's really the only way he can win because if it's a referendum about him this contest is over. wow. all right. harry enten, thank you so much. i love it when you give plus a history lesson, that's my favorite thing that you do though the election though isn't over. >> we still have months to go, but it still seems like it could be tomorrow do you want joining me now? democratic strategist keith boykin and cnn political commentator, kristen soltis anderson. it's great to see you guys, keith last night, you watched you slept, you woke up. now thinking what about joe biden's candidacy i feel much better about joe biden's candidacy today than i did
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yesterday. >> he had a strong performance at the press conference last night, i think are the poll numbers that have come out recently also indicative of the fact that he's doing better, maybe news, washington post poll shows him tied with donald trump, knew npr poll shows donald trump on top of that. joe biden has had maybe two dozen campaign appearances in the past couple of weeks. he's shown themselves to be a vigorous campaigner. no, he's not sixty-year-old, are a fift year-old, joe biden isn't 81-year-old. joe biden. he's a lot slower than he was before. he's not as effective as a campaigner as it was before, but he clearly has a command of the issues and democrats need to stop this whining and start fighting against donald trump, who is a convicted criminal, who is behind handle responsible for going to implement project 2025. that's what we should be talking about, has republicans are going into their convention next week in milwaukee, not about joe biden and his debate performance two weeks ago
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kristen your initial take last night made me smile. your candor. so refreshing to bring everyone up to speed who have, who may have missed saying you shouldn't have, you said as a pollster, i'm very uncomfortable with a level of importance that is being placed on our industry, right now there was a lot of talk from biden and honestly from chris coons this morning and from other elected democrats about polling from biden how the polls are wrong, have been wrong, how the polls tell him now that voters want him to stay in the race and how the polls do not show that commonly harris would do better than him against donald trump. that's from biden last night talk to me what unbelievable pressure it would be right now to be joe biden's pollster when he stands up at the nato summit and says, the only thing that will drive me from the races if my pollster comes to me and says i can't win unbelievable pressure and i frankly think that we are putting too much importance on polls right now. i say this as someone who works in this industry great joe biden should decide if he can serve another four years as
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president. can he do the job and executed? well, he has come to that conclusion. i don't know if i agree with that conclusion. i don't feel as reassured in setting aside everything about the election, just the fact that joe biden is still the president. i don't feel as reassured after yesterday's press us conference, it really was a rorschach test, right? if you like joe biden and you want him to stay in, you can say, look, he stood for 60 minutes and answered questions. i think it's kind of a low bar, but if you don't like joe biden, you can point to the many slipups the calling kamala harris, vice president trump, and so on and so forth and say, look, he has lost his fastball democrats are running out of time. they have no, no risk strategies. stick with biden. you have the risk that something is going to happen like that debate again, over the course of the next four months. and do you have time to really recover? but there is also a risk of switching gears going to another candidate. now, in the polling, camila harris actually does about as well as joe biden, that could of course change is more americans get former form stronger opinions about her, but this race is
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really static right now, and it is much less about do i like joe biden or do i like donald trump? but it's more about how much do i dislike the other candidate? and that is what has made this so that the polls, even with that disastrous debate performance just don't move that much. >> so interesting. so keith, jim clyber and was on the today show this morning influential to say the least part he was asked in part, should the conversation around biden getting out of the race, should the conversation continue? i think we have the soundbite. let's play it the conversation should be over. no conversation should focus on the record of this administration on the alternative to his election and let joe biden continue to make his own decisions about his thrifty. he's earned that, right? and i am going to give him that much respect if he decides to change his mind later on, then we would respond to that. we haven't to 19
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august to open our convention i hear a lot in that. one clyburn said at the beginning, the conversation around him getting out of the race should be over, but he also says, if he decides to change his mind, then we'll deal with it and he talks about essentially we haven't up until the convention for that to happen. >> what do you make of that keith well, i agree in part in the sense that joe biden is the person who will make the decision. >> he has the pledged delegates in order to win the nomination. if he chooses to be the nominee, he will be the nominee. there's nothing anybody can do. any pundit or any donor to stop him from being the nominee that the question is, if he chooses not to, that's okay with me too. i didn't support joe biden when he ran in any of his three presidential elections. he was never my candidate. so i'm not here as some joe biden simple, i'm here as a person who believes that democrats best chance right now to win is with
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joe biden. and that's because if you look at the history for the past 224 years since 1,900, only one democratic candidate who only one democratic president and coo has been an incumbent, has ever lost reelection. that was jimmy carter in 1980. and the reason why he lost is because the party was divided after ted kennedy ways to convention battle in 1980, 1988, democratic convention. we can't have that again. we can't make that mistake again, if democrats are united, we will win. if democrats are divided, we will lose. that's the issue i don't care if kamala harris is the nominee because i support kamala harris two, but joe biden is the best alternative right now. >> kristen, real quick. chris coons was biden's campaign co-chair, was speaking with sara and his take was really downplaying the number of democrats that have come out to say biden should step aside pointing that it is a small fraction. bye, bye. quantity of elected democrats. and the vast majority of democrats are not breaking from biden. does he have a point right now,
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there's a lot of talk that this is all a bunch of elites panicking, but actually democratic voters are with biden, but the poll suggests a little bit of the opposite that actually voters may be ahead of where the elites are on this in polls, when you ask democratic voters, do you think that joe biden should stay in as the nominee? they're pretty split. it varies poll to pole. and right now we have not seen 50% of democratic elected officials in washington come out against biden. so this is one where there is a bit of a disconnect. but actually think it might run in the opposite direction that senator coons was talking about? wild times. great to see you both. thank you very much. sara. that is definitely the best way to put it. we are in wild and unprecedented times. thank you, kate. this morning, cnn heroes is back and we're kicking off this year's campaign with an amazing woman from california who is giving at risk children and cast off canines. a chance for futures filled with hope, happiness, and possibility. meet our first 2024 cnn hero, melissa wolf
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coverage. the republican national convention starts monday it's seven on cnn, july 21. i'll special how it really happened the bombing of the musa lot of 23 mr. nine on cnn one of the most extraordinary things about the president's press conference is that just about every reporter including the international press, asked about biden's competency to his face contention. >> we are seeing with the white house press corps and the white house is really, really high since his performance during the debate. we are bringing in hadas gold you look, you see this tension with the white house. you see it in the press conference as you saw it last night, a bit you see it when they're when they're in the room together what do you what do you make of all of this? >> well, i think i think we might have some of the tension in this press conference is so let's just listen in on what we've heard between the press
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secretary and the press over the last few days i mean, this aggressive way, mr. around, hear about how information has been shared with the press morning, you guys correctly then have to come back and clean. i never answered the question incorrectly. that is not true. >> you should, be able to answer by this point no, no, no, no, no, no no, wait a minute. >> ed, please. a little respect here, please. this is the second time and less than a week where the briefing had prompted a need for greater clarification on questions about the president's health i'm just wondering if you could speak to so i disagree. i disagree some me it's not know. listen, the white house press corps should never be satisfied in the relationship with the press security, with the communication shop. there should always be a constant push and pull for more transparency and more access. but the frustration we've heard from the press corps since the debate, and honestly, it's been going on now for more than a year, but especially since the debate that they feel they've been stonewalled from access to the president. and in some ways
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they feel as though they've been misled in some of the information they're getting because somebody information they've been getting from the press secretary from the podium has led to clarifications to follow us. that's what you're hearing from the reporters there. now they have been pushing for a press conference with the president since the days after the debate, they say, even our own mj lee said in the briefing room, we've got a briefing room here ready to go. why isn't the president coming out here and showing us that it was just a bad night that he can handle it. so they got their press conference yesterday, but i should know president biden has done some of the fewest press conferences than his most recent predecessors, including most clean, also, fewer interviews. now the white house will counter this and say, he's done almost as many off the cuff press gaggles like we saw president trump doing to and from events, but reports will say that is not the same thing. why wasn't he out here in the days after the debate talking to us, taking in these questions. now the white house has also defended the presser, terry karine, jean-pierre, saying that every day she goes out there, she takes tough questions. she respects the role of the media and she does it with grace and integrity and
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the reporters, they just say that they feel that there is an issue with the answers. they are still getting from the white house. and while i do think that they are, of course happy that the president took their questions for an hour. they are still going to be getting that push and pull what the white house for more information and for credible information when they asked for, i think you can easily say this has been building for a long time because there have not been a lot of press conferences and then they'll keep asking and asking. and this is just boiled over it will be interesting to see how this progresses over the next few months before the election, hadas gold, it's always good to see you. thank you so much. appreciate it this morning democrats are still struggling. >> more democrats calling on president biden to step aside since his press conference last night, but others saying that his steadier performance compared to the debate, did what it needed to do, calm nerves the president is headed back on the campaign trail today to battleground michigan and cnn's gary tuchman is in michigan and watch the press conference with a group of older voters there. listen turn
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the palms to face each other. but tight cheek class at a michigan senior center warned fritz as part of it. i am 83-years-old as of january of this year. >> he's a proud democrat and about two years older than president joe biden. after this debate and other things do you think that joe biden should stay in the race or they should pass the baton to a younger democrat. >> i think he should stay in the race any day that you have. one day, you have a bad day, doesn't define you for the rest of your life. >> i fully appreciate him. i think he was wonderful as our president jenice, we're been ski is 76-years-old and is also one more democrat. >> she says she would never vote for donald trump. but regarding joe biden, i'll just don't think he can manage for four more years we've come to the portage community senior center in kalamazoo county, michigan, a county where democrats have won eight
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presidential elections in a row. >> we are talking to people who have been loyal to joe biden in war close to his age. arthur roberts, retired postmaster in portage, michigan, is 78. >> i think you should stay. >> he thinks the debate was just one bad night. >> believe that experience counts it's just like with age you mellow with time, the only get more knowledgeable. you are i think he's very knowledgeable. >> max harder. you're 74 or retired social worker he thinks joe biden has done a wonderful job as president, but deep down, i would like to see some of the younger stars and the democratic party and have joel gratefully handed over the baton to them. 73-year-old larry campbell begs to differ. >> i'm waiting went 100% kathleen pending and raymond simon's are also in their 70s. i think he should stay in i think he's our best bet several of the senior field, joe biden is the victim of age discrimination. i am at i think
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he is a very active person. he has a good character. he's done a wonderful job all these years in good neil, who was 76, also thinks joe biden has done a wonderful job but she has a twisted mind. >> ideally, it would be if they would switch roles. kamala harris would step up and be president, and he would be device precedent. that's what you would like to say that he has lots of experience lots of knowledge. i think he's very bright i think he still has a lot to offer. >> we don't mean why are we heard several similar answers from the seniors regarding this question? the democratic governor of michigan, gretchen whitmer says, it wouldn't hurt for joe biden to take the cognitive test what do you think about that? >> i agree. as long trump also takes a test from an independent tester


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