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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  July 12, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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he is a very active person. he has a good character. he's done a wonderful job all these years in good neil, who was 76, also thinks joe biden has done a wonderful job but she has a twisted mind. >> ideally, it would be if they would switch roles. kamala harris would step up and be president, and he would be device precedent. that's what you would like to say that he has lots of experience lots of knowledge. i think he's very bright i think he still has a lot to offer. >> we don't mean why are we heard several similar answers from the seniors regarding this question? the democratic governor of michigan, gretchen whitmer says, it wouldn't hurt for joe biden to take the cognitive test what do you think about that? >> i agree. as long trump also takes a test from an independent tester opinions
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clearly very of the senior center on what president biden should do but there's an overall recognition here that his debate performance was a big lead town. do you think it's a one-off that it wouldn't happen again in another debate performance i hope so president biden's news conference does not appear to have called calmed nervous democrats this morning. >> one of his top allies, opening the door for biden to step aside, even while saying it's time for his party to stop talking about biden leaving the race and a massive data breach at at&t, leaving nearly all of their customers expose what the company is saying about the second major league this year and an eagle-eyed truck driver is being called a hero this morning after spotting a 1-year-old child abandoned on the side of a busy louisiana the highway. new details on this remarkable rescue. what
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acuity i'm sara sidner with kate bolduan and john berman is out today. this is cnn new central happening today? a defiant president biden has gone back on the campaign trail in a key battleground state as public calls for him to step aside, grow louder in congress, but also seeming to grow louder a new strategy, one where top democratic lawmakers are able to say they still support biden, but also leave plenty of room for him to change his mind. listen to one of his closest allies, congressman jim clyburn, who has been on the stump for him, said earlier today let joe biden continue to make his own decisions about his truth that he's earned that right and i am going to give him that much respect. if he decides to change his mind later on, then we will respond
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to that. we haven't to 19 august to open out convention the 19 august, the democratic convention. >> that's just 38 days away. and last night, three more democratic lawmakers called for biden to step aside, including the top democrat on the house intel committee, congressman jim himes. let's bring in cnn senior white house correspondent kayla tausche. kayla calabria, essentially doubling down on kind of what pelosi said, that it is up to joe biden and he would prefer that people just stopped talking about it and move on. what are you hearing this morning? >> well, this morning, sara, the white house and campaign, the people i'm talking to inside of both of those buildings say that they expected more defections after last night because of the pressure that had been building up into last night. although they remain relieved and pleased with how the president handled his time on stage, nearly an hour fielding questions from ten questioners it's a time in which they say that he was able to make some
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jokes, exhibit some personality show some substance on foreign policy and hopefully put some questions to bet on it. his fitness and his acuity, although they acknowledge that there will be more questions, more conjectures and yes, more defections. even in the coming days. but one thing that president biden and did last night that we haven't heard him do was say that well, he believes he's the only person qualified at this moment to be president and to beat trump. he acknowledged that there are other people who could protect actually be qualified to. he took a moment to praise his vice president kamala harris, saying she could be president on day one. also raised the potential that she could be trumped to here's what he said if your team came back and showed you data that she would fare better against former president donald trump. would you reconsider your decision to stay in the race? >> know unless they came back and said there's no way you can win he also suggested no
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delegates for the democratic national convention would be interested in switching their vote to another candidate. >> but that just signifies that they've given it some thought they'd run the traps and they've given president biden a conclusion on that. sarah the polls are not saying he cannot win that is true. >> but they are very, very tight. i do want to ask you about where he's going today. he's headed i think to the battleground state of michigan. what are you expecting him? from to do there michigan is incredibly critical. and on those polls, sara, his campaign put out a memo yesterday saying that president biden still has a path, but that path requires him to win michigan, wisconsin, and pennsylvania, the so-called blue wall of states that he flipped in 2020. but scene cnn polling is showing that michigan currently leans republicans. so we have a lot of work to do there. he's also saying some cratering from a critical constituency which is organized labor the united auto
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workers reportedly reconsidering whether biden can win against trump. a fact that appear to surprise biden when he learned that last night when he it goes to detroit for an event later this evening appearing alongside elected officials and some labor officials as well. he's going to have to make his case and try to win some hearts and minds. sara all right. kayla tausche. thank you so much. live there from outside the white house. appreciate it, kate joining us right now, cnn senior political commentator, former senior adviser to president obama, david axelrod, and cnn political commentator and president biden. >> biden's former communications director, kate bedingfield thanks guys for being here. david, we played what jim clyburn said when speaking with on the today show this morning, what do you make of what clyburn saying? what is his message? what do you hear? >> well, look, the president made an unequivocal statement at the beginning of the week that he was in to stay in his letter to congress. and yet,
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all of the congressional leaders and including speaker emeritus pelosi are saying the same thing, which is, well, you know, it's up, up to him. we want to give him time, room to decide. it's his choice but the implication is that he may have made an unequivocal statement, but he ought to consider it and i think they're trying to give them room, listen. jim clot. nobody loves in respects joe biden more than jim clyber but there are certain immutable realities of politics. and while the president, i don't know what his aides are telling him but he's in a very tough spot right now to win this election. and if they're not telling him that they're doing a disservice to him at one person who's speaking out and speaking to others, it kind of projecting has a message for others kate is congressman jim clyburn. he's a top democrat on house intel. he came out after
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the debate calling on biden to step aside, and then he spoke on cnn to talk about his reasoning. let me play something from him. >> but this is the moment in the next 96 hours, perhaps his, the moment to set aside the poetry. the loyalty and the love, and ask yourself a hard question, which is, are you sure he's going to win? because you're not just gambling your own political reputation. you are gambling the future of the united states of america i may be mixing up my gyms. that was jim himes, of course, if i said jim clyburn right before the sound, everyone if you're confused by that, we need to have a talk. when do you see within the biden orbit, kate, when you hear that from mr. himes what are they saying? what what do you think well i think look, the argument you heard from him, there is is joe biden sure. he can win. no one can ever be sure that they're going to win an election, let alone a
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presidential election. so i think that argument is probably not particularly persuasive to the biden team. they are looking at the data. they are saying we see a path. they went of many of his top aides went to the senate caucus yesterday to make that case, i presume it looked a lot like some of what they put out in that memo yesterday, which i thought was quite good in illustrating where they believe there is room for biden to grow and why they think he can win. the election. so i don't imagine that that is a particular julie persuasive argument to them. i think you heard joe biden say quite clearly again, last night, he's not getting out of the race. he doesn't believe that he cannot win this race based on what he's looking at. i think any person who is discerning and is looking at the state of the race today, would say yes, he has a hill to climb, but we also haven't seen other democrats so you've been floated as possible replacements, poll much better. i think it is simply an acknowledgement that we have work to do as the democratic party over the next four months to defeat donald trump,
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everybody should be united behind that goal. and it's going to take everybody pushing hard to do that. and i think that's where joe biden's team's mindset is. and i think we heard pretty directly from the president last night that that's where his mind-set is yeah, it in contrast to jim himes, you have chris coons who was on with on our show on with sarah just earlier, and he basically was saying to fellow democrats, air your grievances in private not with public speeches in public statements. if you have concerns about biden's candidacy, also, david, he downplayed the 17 electeds that have come forward to break from biden quantitatively he is accurate as a fraction of elected democrats, but the impact it seems as outsized of what it could be having what do you think is that a persuasive argument hearing from chris coons, are any elected saying, if you have issues, let's air them in private that clearly isn't happening, right? happening anymore yeah.
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>> look, one of the issues is that the president is pretty insulated he has a very small coterie of advisers who he actually trust and listens to it's not like there's an open door or there's a vehicle and let me just say this a couple of things. one is kate mentioned the senate caucus yesterday if you talk to senators who were in that caucus, yes, they made their case about the path that biden has most of the senators would tell you they didn't meet with a very receptive audience. there. and that was it's a roomful of people who love and respect and appreciate the president and everything he's done. but if you really look at the data, i mean, the president has been behind for ten months consistently in this data if you look at average polling and so on, and deeper data that the analytics people look at. he now is behind and all the battleground states and in some cases, well behind, beyond,
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beyond the margin of error. and so he really needs like a royal flush to win this race. so, yes, of course he can win. anyone can win. but given the stakes and i think this is what those democratic officials are thinking, given the state takes the fact that he can win, is not a persuasive argument. the question is, what are the odds that he would win and would we have a better chance with someone else? and that's the question everybody is pondering. >> and if this has now become meaning, his, honestly his candidacy and that press conference, kate a rorschach test who does that benefit. and what's the impact of it well, i think let's look at how voters are receiving it. >> i mean, we just before we came on, you guys aired a package where you know, voters in some of these cases, swing states, particularly older voters who by the way, are one of the most reliable people voting blocs said joe biden should stay in the race and he should keep fighting. and we think he's our best chance. so
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i think it's i think it is foolish. i think in all of this back-and-forth, it is foolish to assert certainty. i think there is data that makes the case. either way, i think joe biden is taking a real he's going to take i you know, i think we saw clashes of it last night. i think we're going to see it when he's out campaigning. he's going to take the argument to trump and we have four months to make the case. i don't think anybody has a magic wand and can say with certainty which direction is the right one to go? joe biden has been very clear. he's staying in the race. he beat donald trump in 2020. he has an effective message against trump he's going to get out there and deploy it. and so i think the question for democrats is going to become, you know, this is the moment to look in the mirror and decide, do you want to win this election? joe biden has shown no indication he's going to step aside. he has a good case to make and it's time for democrats to go to the mat i will say that is now officially going to be my moniker for the rest of this election. kate baldwin, foolish to assert certainty, is what i'm going to
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put a caveat for all it's great to see you. thank you, guys, david. thank you so much. thanks, kate. coming up for us. the rust armorer convicted of involuntary manslaughter for the fatal shooting of halyna hutchins on the rust movie set. now called testify in the trial against alec baldwin. what is going to happen when she takes the stand and right now, more than 1 million residents in texas remain without power. blistering, heat it continues to threaten the area and officials say, some may may be in the dark until next week. what is happening there? let's do details about a crime spree that ended with officers are going to read it. you got to read it officers falling hamsters out of a man's pants we'll be back i loved cnn is live from milwaukee as
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republicans unite behind our nominee, his vp, and their plan to take back the white house follow cnn for complete coverage. >> the republican national convention starts monday at seven on cnn. >> the future is not just going to happen you have to make it and if you want a successful business all it takes is an idea and now becomes the future a future where you grew a dream into a reality it's waiting for you mere minutes away the future is nothing but power and it's all yours the all-new godaddy arrow, get your business online in minutes with the power of ai our record
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>> be pulled out of the building by a tornado new this morning and it ain't good. >> we are learning call and text messages, records of nearly all of at&t cell phone customers were exposed in a mask data breach. we're talking tens of millions of people. cnn's matt egan is joining us now with details i want to ask you the first question, but really my first question is a personal one. can they read the text messages? can they hear the calls? that's going on? >> no, sir. don't want your text message she's complaining about john berman last night. are the details the actual content of the text messages and phone calls, not included here. and it's really important to note that at&t stresses that at this time, the stolen data is not believed to be publicly available, though, emphasis on at this time, because of course, this could change each now, what at&t said this morning is that back in april,
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they learned of what they described as an illegal download of data from a third party cloud platform. the company says they immediately hired cybersecurity experts and investigated and they've learned that the hacked data it includes the telephone numbers of quote, nearly all of its cellular customers between may and the end of october of 2022. now unfortunately, millions of non at&t customers are gonna be impacted here as well because at&t says stolen data includes customers of wireless providers that use its networks and also people who were called or texted by at&t customers. so the universe here is quite large. now it's important to note that their at&t is saying that the names of the customers, the social security numbers that's not included here either, but what is included is the phone numbers and at&t acknowledges that there's publicly available tools that are out there that can link the names of customers
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when you have those phone numbers do reverse lookup. it's not hard right now, at&t statement, they say that they're going to notify current former customers were impacted. they're going to provide resources. they said, we sincerely regret this incident occurred and remain committed to, protecting the information in our care so this i think you said happened back in april, how it is what july, why are we just learning about the timing here is noteworthy. at&t says they immediately you investigated hired experts. but what happened was they said that in may and in june, the justice department determined that a delay in disclosure was warranted. and in just the last few moments, we got a statement from the fbi the fbi confirms that they did discuss a potential delay due to quote, potential risk to national security. and or public safety. wow, fbi says that the doj, jay at&t and the fbi, they all work together to sort this out. and at&t says that at least one person believed to be connected to this has been apprehended.
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we don't know the identity of that person where there were apprehended. and where whether or not this person was connected to any known hacker groups or anything like that. but we have reached out to the fbi and justice department for more details. say it is a story worth following. it affects so many tens of thousands of people, including people in positions of power. clearly that's why the fbi is getting involved as well. matt egan, it was a great story. thank you so much. appreciate it alec baldwin heads back to court this morning and will come face to face with the person he blames for halayna hutchins onset shooting, death hannah gutierrez reed is who we're talking about. >> she was the armorer on the rust movie set. she's expected to testify today. she was convicted already in sentenced to 18 months in prison for involuntary manslaughter for hutchins death. cnn's josh campbell is outside the courthouse in new mexico, has been following all of this and josh her attorney already says she's not going to cooperate. so what is going to happen when she takes a stand kate, it's
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going to be quite a moment as alec baldwin looks across that that defense table, as you mentioned, that one of the people that he believes was ultimately responsible for this fatal accident and there's long been this question about how a live round of me munition actually made its way onto the set of that movie. but what we learned yesterday in court is that in the minds of investigators, there is no mystery here. have a listen is there evidence that hannah gutierrez brought the live rounds onto the set of rust? >> yes as you sit here today, do you have any question about who introduced the live ammunition to the set of rust know who do you believe it was based on your investigation? >> hana and as you said, her attorney told cnn that they're not expecting her to cooperate, but i think there could be sparks in court, whatever baldwin's attorney steps up, you can only imagine if he if that attorney is actually so
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you go in question after question. >> how could you do this? why could you do this? even if she doesn't respond, that could be potentially impactful on the jury. so we'll certainly be watching for that. finally, we've all so getting insight into the thinking of the family of halyna hutchins, a claim attorney, gloria all-red has been here as a family representative in court. i talked to her yesterday they and she made the point that, look, this goes far beyond one specific incident, but it has ramifications across the film industry. she says that no one working on these sets should be in fearful their life. i've listened to every member of a crew on a movie set or television set has the right to be it's their workplace? yes, celebrities matter actors matter. >> but so does everyone on the set now a court will kick off here this morning and just a short amount of time, they'll start with motions and then they'll bring the jury and the testimony continued case. >> josh, thank you so much.
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gonna be watching that one also this morning, i jury deliberations are set to begin in the federal corruption trial of democratic senator bob does we're standing by to see if he will guilty of dozen charges that could potentially send him to prison for years, plus a harrowing story of survival i'm all after a one-year-old baby was left abandoned on the side of a highway the best things in life they come into two scoops of ice cream, two thumbs up and now by any phone when you switch to consumer cellular and get two months of service free, that's right, two months free. >> all with the same fast reliance the whole nationwide coverage has big wireless. make this switch today, call, go online or visit a store near you. that's two times the daily and our best deal of the year protect against rsv with the wreck sv, a wreck sv is a vaccine used to prevent lower
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and z fold6 when you trade in your current phone. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. call 1803 558999, or visit home july 21. i special how would really happen and search for suspect how it really happened. the atlanta olympic bombing, vermeer's july 21 at nine on cnn this morning, a number of congressional democrats calling on president biden to step aside has grown to 17, including three who spoke out publicly after president biden's press conference last night cnn also has new reporting that former president barak obama, former house speaker nancy pelosi, have had private discussions expressing concerns about how much they think it's become, about how they think it has become much harder for president biden to beat donald trump now, neither quite sure what to do according to the reporting, cnn's lauren fox has
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much more on this and she's joining us now. >> lauren, another democratic leader, jim clyburn also speaking up this morning. >> yeah kaitlan one thing that is becoming very clear is that democrats are divided still after this press conference, it did little to quell some of those folks who believed that biden has some real vulnerabilities going into november against donald trump but at the same time, people who are supporting biden like jim clyburn are continuing to stick by him and applauding his performance last night at this press conference, i think right now what we're all doing is trying to read between the lines, understand why it is that after two weeks of discussion about whether or not biden is up to continuing as the nominee in this race against donald trump. whether he can do it and why this hasn't completely ended in terms of a discussion within the democratic party. a lot of democrats recognize that having this open debate is damaging to
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joe biden. they know that this is an ongoing discussion that if they do not put this to beds sooner than later, they are going to be in a position where they're going to be creating some attack lines for donald trump to use against biden. in the next couple of months. and so i think right now and you heard this from jim himes, a democrat who came out right after the press conference last night to say that biden should step aside. you're hearing the sense that this cannot go on in perpetuity. and i think right now, democrats are just trying to understand how do they either turn the page or move on. i will note that yesterday jeffries said that he is still talking to individual democratic members about what to do, and that after he has all of those discussions and he did not articulate how long that would take. he then will convene a meeting of his leadership to discuss the path forward. but again, that is just leaving this open-ended as
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members are still trying to decide what they want to do individually and what's best for their own reelections in the fall it's good to see you, lauren, great reporting as always, sir. all right. democratic donors deeply concerned about the president's reelection chances are holding back on writing big checks to the campaign. cnn is learning joining us now is democratic donor maggie qlik. thank you so much. maggie, for joining us this morning. first of all, i'd like to get your take on the press conference and whether or not that did anything to change your mind perhaps about how you feel about president biden thank you for having me unfortunately, no, it didn't do much to change my mind i have to say that i felt like he did an extraordinarily good job around foreign policy which i think everyone knows is his sweet spot and i think he is very right to name that this
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election is all about holding together nato. >> most importantly, beating donald trump most, most importantly, saving our democracy but for that very reason i'm sorry i was going to say, do you think that president biden can beat donald trump no. i don't. and i think frankly, up until the debate i wanted to believe that was possible, but like so many people who witnessed that debate, i can't unsee what i saw and while the press conference was certainly a dramatically improved performance well, i agree with all of the concerns that this kind of lack of clarity and division right now in terms of who our nominee is not a good thing. i think persisting in this direction is really a huge
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mistake. and to be frank it's somewhat terrifying to lots of folks who, who very much fear a return of trump to the white house. >> you have given some good money to the democratic camp i do want to listen to senator chris coons, who was part of the reelection bid for joe biden and his stayed very vehemently strong with joe biden. he says, i'm riding with biden. i'm going forward and he talked them about some of the other democrats, the 17 now, who have come out publicly against him. here's what he said your second question, sara was, how do i persuade the small number of democrats in the house who are publicly airing their disagreement, who are calling on the president to step aside bluntly, i'm less concerned with those. >> i think now 15, 17 democrats in the house than i am with my colleagues in the senate where i serve, where i believe we're
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at two who've come out and expressed a desire for our president to step aside in my view, the vast majority of democrats in the house and senate recognize that donald trump is an existential threat to our democracy acknowledged joe biden is the only democrat who has beaten donald trump and still by polling has the best chance to beat him what do you think about his stance that he has the best chance to beat him of all the potential democratic candidates at this point in time. and that it doesn't really matter. it's a very small number of democrats who are coming out publicly and asking for him to step away from this it's campaign i think that it takes courage to come out publicly and unfortunately all of washington lacks courage mean, frankly is that what you're hearing?
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>> from other elected officials yourself? is that what you're hearing among the donor class of folks who who you have big money to the biden campaign or have given big money. are you hearing other things other than what we're hearing from the 17 people, are there others you believe are talking about this? privately in a large number i am not in communication with legislators except to the extent that are riding them and asking them to come out publicly. >> so i don't have any one's here i am i am an average donor that is to say from a monetary standpoint i happen to say some things publicly that i believe and i know for a fact, a lot of people are thinking right after the debate last night, i called some friends and said to them, well, what did you hear? what did you think excuse me, right after the press conference and they agreed that unfortunately it didn't move the meter and that this isn't, this is about the election. absolutely. first
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and foremost, this is about policy a president carries forward certain policies. i am 1,000% support of the policies i've seen prosecuted in the last four years, or 3.5 years by the biden administration. and what what a job joe biden wants to do unfortunately, i don't think joe biden can do it and that's what is so a very, very concerning to me and that's who comes out publicly or does come out publicly at this stage of the game? it's that's a little too late. we need to move forward. and i think people need to, as i put it in an article, grow a spine and say what they're really believing because i think we've, i think james carville, for example put forward in excellent framework for how we could move forward. i was very
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excited by that framework. he wrote an op-ed in the new york times a few days ago and i think that would would unite the party. and i think it would bring a tremendous amount of excitement to this election. think then we would not just win the white house we might, in fact controlled both houses. i think that's possible but not where we sit right now understood. >> just a yes or no. would you vote for kamala harris if she became the presumptive nominee? >> oh, absolutely. in a heartbeat okay. absolutely mabi cool, nick. >> thank you so much for being so honest and open about your opinion on what's been happening when it comes to the race for the white house. appreciate you. alright. extreme hate and anger intensifying in texas as over 1 million people still without power this morning. in disturbingly hot you call them caramels or carmel's, whatever you call them, kara metals
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mornings starting tomorrow at 8:00 on cnn in texas, frustration and anger is mounting as more than 1 million people still have no power for days after hurricane beryl hit. and now a warning that a dozen houston scenario hospitals are in a state of quote, unquote, internal disaster houston's main utility company is facing big questions over all of this. the governor is calling for an investigation and reminder houston is about to see the heat index possibly hit 106 degrees. seen as lucy kafanov is tracking it all for us in houston. lucy, what is the latest? >> well, kate, so many growing questions about why the nation's fourth largest city, which sees itself as the energy capital of the world. hold keeps experiencing these widespread power outage. we are outside the headquarters of centerpoint energy, the houston utility at the center of the storm of anger. now as residents wake up to their fifth day without power, at least ten lives lost in texas, both because of the storm as well as, as well as its
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aftermath, including two from carbon monoxide poisoning and one person who's oxygen machine ran out of battery and deadly example of how these power outages could just be so incredibly dangerous. now, central point energy has been facing the brunt of this anger and widespread criticism of how prepared for the storm, as well as the slow restaurant pace of restoration. the texas governor ordering an investigation into their hurricane response. the lieutenant governor meanwhile, suggesting that money could have been an issue in why central point was not but able to mobilize that additional manpower, he said, and i quote, they couldn't just bring in 11,000 people for four days out and put them in a hotel and feed them and say that they don't even i'd stay where they don't even know where the storm is going central point. meanwhile, urging calm, take a listen you can expect the second half of the storm for the run rate not to be 1 million every 48 hours, which is basically what we've done thus far. >> the other thing i want customers to know because even
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if you see yourself in that green on the map, don't worry, we know we are out of power and we are going to get to you that patients, unfortunately running thin kate, as nearly half 1 million people are expected to remain without power or into the sweltering temperatures of early next week, kate was he. >> thank you so much for being there a lot more needs to be known for sure. sara. >> all right. this morning, jury deliberations expected to begin in the federal corruption trial of senator bob menendez and two co-defendants for the past nine weeks, jurors have heard testimony about the embattled senator's alleged role in an elaborate year long scheme that new jersey democrat faces more than a dozen conspiracy and bribery related charges cnn's kara scannell outside the courthouse for us today. kara, how are you expecting today to play out? >> sara, so the judge said that he's asked finished telling the jury what the prosecution needs to prove, what the law is in this case but he did tell
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them that he expects they will begin deliberations before they break for lunch today. so we've jury will finally get this case today after four days of closing. arguments it's a lot at stake here for the government and for senator bob menendez, prosecutors say that he was engaged in corruption on a massive scale, that he sold the power of his office in exchange for gold bars, nearly half $1 million in cash and a mercedes benz convertible. and in exchange, he took steps and made promises to interfere and criminal investigations and to help the government of egypt, one of the charges he's facing is acting as a foreign agent for the government of egypt. and prosecutors say that he had ghost written a letter for egypt to use talalka the other senators to get them on board with an arms sale prosecutor said that that was not an act of diplomacy, but an act of a corrupt official. now, menendez lawyers have already to the jury that everything he has done has been for his constituents. it's been normal routine. they said he was doing his job and doing it well. now, as you say, he is facing 16 felony counts, and if convicted
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of the most serious charges, he could face as much as 20 years in prison. sara here is scannell. thank you so much for that. appreciate your reporting out there alright. coming up this morning, a one-year-old baby has been rescued after somehow managing to survive for we're days alongside a highway. also, a man is in custody after being caught in a leopard print, ones eat know, that's not the crime but it was stuffed with some little creatures. what in the world literally, literally have to draw those kinds request this body camera video get your business online in minutes with
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>> multiple meetings say billion with a b, we've got this you got this. i'm stephanie elam in los angeles and this is cnn so a truck driver is being hailed a hero right now after he rescued a one-year-old boy who was left
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abandoned on the side of a highway in louisiana. >> it is a horribly tragic story, also, because authorities say that the baby was found a day after his four-year-old brother was found dead nearby. their mother now in custody, charged with murder cnn's nick valencia is gathering the details on this. nick, what are you learning yeah, kate, i can't imagine what these babies saw or what they went through before they were found. >> this one-year old, as you mentioned, founders today after their four-year-old brother was found dead nine miles away along the same stretch of interstate authorities believe that this is a case of child abandonment and that the child's mother, who's 25-years-old, a bank and then these two children as tropical storm conditions, we're barreling down on the gulf coast. they are praising a truck driver for his quick thinking, calling this all a miracle. >> we looked at just 1-year-old. was that miracle baby because he was still alive unbelievable thank god. >> that truck or seen him? i
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don't feel like my hero. i just feel like it was god's will for me to be in the right place at the right turn authorities believed this one-year-old was wandering along that interstate for two days and again, they are praising this truck driver, reginald walton for his quick thinking, rational walton saying at first, he thought the boy who we saw in a ditch was a doll that had been tossed out the window along the interstate. >> but as he got out of his truck, ran towards this child, he says the child smile a smile that him initially and then began crying asking to be picked up. this baby 1-year-old is now in child protective services and the grandmother we understand is trying to gain custody of the child. the mother from lake charles. she's been identified as a leah jack, 25-years-old. she's been charged with failure failure to report a missing child and second-degree murder so sad, sweet baby boy, and the sweet baby boy that was lost in this as well. >> thanks so much, nic. sara, thank goodness for that truck driver donald trump, asking the
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judge and his hush money trial the overturn his conviction and didn't dismiss the entire case. trump's lawyers filing a motion to dismiss based on the supreme court's recent ruling on presidential immunity. they are arguing the case has been quote, tainted by evidence that they say qualifies under that ruling. trump sentencing in the case has been postponed to september 18 actually because of that ruling. and while these arguments are playing out, all right. you're vault the film's star best known for the horror film the shining and the big screen version of poppy has died. her longtime partner told the hollywood reporter that the seventy-five-year-old actress died from complications of diabetes at the couple's home in texas kate's doing her hip hop dance right now. i'm just letting you know if you're scheming on a thing that sabotaged, so say the beastie boys, when it comes to using their music, the legendary very hip hop group is taking chile's to federal court,
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claiming the changed operator use their hit sabotage without permission in a social media campaign. chile's they say was neither licensed to ill nor allowed to advertise using the group's likeness from that video. there seeking $150,000 in damages for each of its two copyright infringement claims one for the he's a video and the other for the song and a grown man and a leopard print onesie, leading police on a rodent round up in columbus, ohio. is actually a suburb take a listen recovered for your safety is their journal inside you oh, that was unexpected. okay. police say matthew pancakes yes. his last name is also pancakes and that one's he will wild run from the law started with multiple break-ins from a restaurant to a pet store where he released about 15 animals. we're talking bunnies were talking dogs. and saw there what turned out to be exurban to keep an hamsters. it's going to make anyone
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itch. he's also excuse of hitting a footwear store where police say pancake. that is his name. you all picked up some boots for his big getaway. you need. so it ended with pancake passed out the arrested and on a final ride to the police station, mean gerbils in your don't pay its right. friday. let's just send the day nice. it's just my god here's or would you rather a clean what would you rather, you know, that story like there was a man who of course, smuggle 100 plus snakes in his pants into china was this week on a plane. it has been long as a year of a week. would you rather have to travel on a plane with hamsters and your pants or with snakes, her fans as one very smart young woman said, traveling with hamsters is like having a blanket in your pants so probably not bowing with the snakes which just letting you, you notice young woman side don't ahead to remind my daughters to work today. that was a government that's what you said. anyway also, really
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nice of her mom to wake up at 3:30 the morning on that note. let's get out of here. thank you so much. so joining us for fired, but don't leave. we're leaving. you don't. this is cnn news central. cnn newsroom is up next we can be fired over. hampshire. it's true i love cnn is live from milwaukee as republicans unite behind their nominee, his vp, and their plans to take back the white house follow cnn for complete coverage. >> the republican national convention starts monday at seven on cnn and the furniture business, things move fast. >> ziprecruiter helps us hire qualified candidates who keep up. we needed a project manager yesterday, we posted a job on ziprecruiter and had our guy on site five days. he was qualified and everyone ziprecruiter finds the best candidates for all our jobs. they helped us build our dream team. and you did it fast. does that too fast? >> four out of five employers who post on ziprecruiter get a quality candidate within the first day try for free at slash higher. i'm out here telling people
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