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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  July 12, 2024 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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stock i'm elizabeth wagmeister in los angeles in this closed captioning is brought to you by you, cora, help maintain a healthy urinary tract with you cora. >> having uti scored ten years. you cora, we make uti relief products. we also make proactive the urinary tract health product. you korea is a lifestyle tried today at you for president biden back on the trail and moving forward after last night's news conference, he's heading to a critical swing state michigan, a must-win in november as he fights off democrats who say he must step aside plus, in texas,
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rising temps and rising tempers, hundreds of thousands making do without power or water. >> a heat wave, making this a miserable summer for many as this historically hot season is also proving incredibly dangerous and a dramatic rescue after a beachgoer is swept out to sea in a floating ring a tanker comes to her rescue, 50 miles offshore are following these major developing stories prison many more all coming in right here to cnn news central so any minute now, president biden will leave the white house for the battleground state of michigan, as he is pushing forward with his campaign despite increasing calls for him to quit the race. >> house democratic leader hakeem jeffries met privately with the president last night to discuss concerns about biden's viability at the top of the ticket. but cnn is learning that jeffries did not
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offer biden his endorsement in that meeting? >> right now, 18 congressional lawmakers are publicly saying president biden should step aside. and as biden tries to salvage his campaign, sources telling cnn he'll meet virtually today with the congressional hispanic caucus our correspondents are covering all the latest developments we begin with cnn's white house correspondent, arlette sines, who is live in detroit where the president is headed for campaign event later tonight arlette, he had as big news conference last night, house his team feeling today well, president biden said that he's just going to keep moving in this campaign and that is what he is doing today, as he set to arrive here in the battleground state of michigan, the president really hoping to try to convince voters that he is up for a second term, but also trying to prevent any other further democratic dissent as many lawmakers i have called for the president to step aside in this race. >> now, the biden team really viewed that press conference as a success and it was hoping that it would perhaps stop some of the bleeding of support that
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they've seen in recent days, there hasn't been a flood of democratic defections so far during the day, but president biden really is trying to come here to michigan to make because case directly to voters. now the president will be joined here in michigan with some of the state's elected officials, including the lieutenant governor, garlin gilchrist, congresswoman haley stevens. stevens, and debbie dingell, also among those joining them. but it's also worth noting that one of the democrats who have called for president biden to step aside is hilary school ton of michigan suggesting some of the pressure he could face in this state for president biden's part, he really wants to try to turn the focus back to donald trump aides say that he's expected to really drill in on project 2025, that conservative blueprint that the campaign has tried to tie to donald trump, but also the president will have to try to ease some of the concerns within his own caucus and from voters following his debate performance from two weeks ago. now, biden's advisers are well aware of some of the acts within their party.
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they've heard and receive this feedback from democratic lawmakers on capitol hill the staff called last night, the campaign chair acknowledged the difficulty of the past few weeks. she told her staffers, according to a source familiar with the call, she's told her staffers that it's been a hard very bad, and bad ethene weeks, but she went on to say, as she tried to rally the staff, that they do believe that he can win then she said it's not just that we feel like we can when we have a plan to get there. of course, the biden campaign thinks that part of their plan to get here get there is the battleground state of michigan. the campaign has said that the most direct path wave to president biden's victory in november would be those so-called blue wall states, states like michigan, wisconsin, and pennsylvania though campaign also outlining the president will be making travel next week to texas and nevada. all to show that he can handle this schedule and show voters that he's up for a second term in office at a time when there are serious concerns within his party about the path forward even as he acknowledged
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last night that he has to pace himself saying that his staff is constantly adding things to his schedule. arlette saenz. thank you so much. let's get perspective now from capitol hill with cnn's lauren fox, lauren, back to that private meeting between house minority the leader hakeem jeffries and president biden. what more are you learning from that meeting regarding how jeffries approach the president yeah. >> i mean, this is obviously a very high profile, very important moment for democratic leader hakeem jeffries. he has been hearing and taking calls from his the members over the course of the last two weeks. in fact, yesterday on capitol hill, he told reporters that he wanted to have conversations one-on-one with every single member for of the democratic party. and that at that moment, he would then convene his leadership team to discuss the path forward. obviously, the timing of this discussion happening yet yesterday, after the press conference is noteworthy, but we are learning from a letter that he sent to
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his colleagues this morning, quote, on behalf of the house democratic caucus i requested and graciously was granted a private meeting with president joe biden that meeting occurred yesterday evening. in my conversation with president and biden, i directly expressed the full breadth of insight, heartfelt perspectives and conclusions about the path forward that the caucus has shared in our recent time together. obviously, that word their conclusions is a very interesting one in part because as democrats have met on capitol hill and smaller groups and his caucus on. tuesday morning, they really hadn't come to a consensus. they hadn't come to an agreement. they weren't united necessarily about the path forward. in fact, in the minutes and hours after biden's press conference last night, there have been several democrats, including the top democrat on the house intelligence committee representative times who came out saying that they thought it was time for biden to step aside of detail about what
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happened inside the room, but our colleague, jeff zeleny saying in his own reporting that during that meeting yesterday, one of the things that happened was jeffries did not offer an explicit endorsement of the president boris jessica all right. >> lauren fox on capitol hill for us. thanks so much for that. and speak of the devil, cnn chief national correspondent jeff zeleny is right here to talk about that reporting with us jeff, you do have some additional reporting about the hakeem jeffries president biden meeting. what did you learn? look as lauren was reading the letter, there? three of vague letter in some respects, but talking to people close to the situation, they say that was sort of by design. one thing not mentioned in the letter. and indeed not mentioned in that meeting was any talk of an endorsement and that is one of the things we're doing. a lot of really reading the tea leaves and parsing words. this, this week. but there was no sense. he used the word clear-eyed and a candid conversation, but no sense that
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this is your decision. and if you decide to go ahead, which the president has said he's doing, that we will be with you. so clearly i'm sure history will offer interesting recounting of that meeting. but it's the first meeting that we know of where a democratic leader went directly to the white house. it was a meeting that would have taken place about after 9:30 p.m. so just imagine just the moment of that. but there was no talk of an endorsement and nothing mentioned in that. but we know the president is meeting with other members of the chc, congressional hispanic caucus today, the new democratic coalition, the moderates, if you will? so clearly doing more outreach, but the bottom line here is that that press conference did not do it. the white house hoped, which would be stopped some of the bleeding it's like so much of this is reading between the lines and what is not said. oh, right. >> you can read a lot in a letter that doesn't really say much, right notably, as the president was getting that feedback like from leader jeffries you had some reporting
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about behind the scenes conversations between former president barak obama and former house speaker nancy pelosi. >> and they have expressed some skepticism about president biden's chances. they have, they've expressed skepticism privately with allies. they have spoken to we were told about just the idea of pride president biden being able to defeat donald trump in november, if that is the chief objective of the democratic party, is that still possible these are two sort of party elders, if you will. and all of our reporting, my colleague isaac dovere and i we're learning that a lot of democrats are looking to them just sort of step in and do something won't you do something here? of course, there, it's complicated. speaker pelosi has a very long relationship with president biden. she helped him and act as agenda. of course, former president obama has a long relationship with him as well but neither one of them feel that they can push them in one direction or the other. they have to give him space to make that decision. but also parsing some of the words from that
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news conference last night, there was a question near the very end that a lot of democrats are mentioning to me this morning when he was asked when the president was asked, do you still believe you're the best person to when he said yes, but he didn't say he was the only person who could win. he said it's difficult to start a campaign from scratch. but he also said asked if he would reconsider. he said not unless they came back here. and so there's no way you can win. and then he said, they haven't done that polls, haven't shown that. but that is the one thing that democrats who believe it's time for an urgent change inch are pointing to polls in really specific information from these swing states if he's shown that, that could sort of change the calculation. but michigan at the center of it, all, it's leaning republican in our battleground map. he cannot win reelection without winning michigan at the center, literally geographically of that literally wall jeff zeleny, always great to get your reporting things so much you bet. let's get some perspective now with national political correspondent for
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axios, alex thompson. alex great to be with you. let's start with your new reporting about this third, all staff call that the biden campaign had yesterday. it was the third one that was held since last week. they're trying and to write the ship. what did you hear from your sources about how it went down absolutely. 17 audio of this call from someone that was on it. and essentially campaign chair jen o'malley dillon, who ran his reelect in 2020, is really just trying to rally the troops and get them to stop panicking cheese he said that she acknowledged that it was very, very, very bad two weeks. she also threw in a bunch of colorful language along there that i can say on here. and she really tried to just try to convince the team that there is still a path to victory. the fact is that the biden campaign, one of the bigger problem the biden has beyond just the members of his party trying to call on him to withdraw as their members of
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his own staff fields moralized, feel a little bit disillusion in part because they feel senior staff didn't was not completely candid with them when it came to the limitations that came with joe biden's age, and they felt shocked watching the debate as shocked as a lot of other people did yeah. >> and alex, part of that call. i understand that o'malley also went over certain poll numbers and she indicated to them that specifically north carolina had become a target, right absolutely. and that was in regards to the blue wall and she basically was saying the blue wall is not the only strategy that it is still possible it because she felt very bullish on north carolina and i can tell you back in 2020, the campaign was also bullish on north carolina and still very, very late in the race. and then they surged many of those resources from north carolina to georgia, which they ultimately carried. now they are trying to go back the
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effort to turn north carolina blue has been one of over a decade. it did go blue who for barak obama but she is basically trying to show the campaign that there is a path forward. and if they get a lot of bad polling in the blue wall states, there still is another path to victory yeah, that's an important point. >> so former speaker nancy pelosi, talked about this discussion over biden's future, culminating once the nato summit wrapped up what have you heard about where it's likely headed next well, i think you're going to see more congressional leaders speak to joe biden. i can tell you that members of congress have been incredibly frustrated over the last two weeks because they feel like they haven't been able to get in touch with joe biden and joe biden has not i called that many only about two dozen, maybe if maybe a little bit more, that was as of late last week, only about two
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dozen. and i think a lot of members of congress who want reassurance that don't want to call on him to stand aside, are trying to get in touch and i've been very, very frustrated. i think that is part of the reason why they came jeffries when up to the white house to convey sort of the range of those opinions because they feel like the white house has not been completely responsive. i expect that a lot more of that is going to go on in the next few days. you also have joe biden is going to sit for another interview. he's going to do events in swing states next week in the microscope is going to be on him pretty pretty tight. >> yeah. i'm wondering if you've heard from sources about this reporting that former president obama and pelosi have spoken privately about the future of biden's campaign and that they've expressed concerns over his ability to win reelection have they shared any thoughts on what that means well, the tricky thing for both of them
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is that neither of them want joe biden to dig in further. and that's the sort of the problem that all democrats are facing. even ones that want to get him out. there is a risk that joe biden could actually dig in deeper. and that's particularly true with brock obama. i was talking to a former biden aid pretty recently and they said, you know, obama already pushed joe biden out of one presidential race back in 2015. you don't get to do that again and now, joe brock obama does not see it that way. why his team doesn't see it that way. but i can tell you that joe biden's team sees it that way. they felt that that obama and his staff sort of selected hillary clinton over him. and that's part of the tricky dynamics if you, if joe biden his team think that brock obama is trying to get him out of this race. it could actually make them more determined to stay and a tricky dynamic indeed, alex thompson, thanks so much for joining us still ahead. our next guest says ford, cold decisions need to be made about the future the
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2024 campaign. we're going to see what democratic congressman gerry connolly has to say as the president insists, he is still running that decision, president biden has been made plus frustration and anger building in texas. more than 1 million people still without power days after getting hit with hurricane beryl. now, a warning that a dozen hospitals in houston are in a state of internal disaster and donald trump is asking the judge in his hush money trial to overturn his conviction. >> all of it because of this freeman court's ruling on presidential immunity, does he have a case stay with cnn i love my wife cnn is live from milwaukee as republicans unite behind their nominee, his vp, and their plans to take back the white house, follow cnn for complete coverage. >> the republican national convention since you starts monday at seven on cnn lumina whitening strips know brock side, no pain. >> i can use them every day if i want. what i want, drink
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shut the door on biden potentially exiting the race, pointing out, the president has room the change his mind. here's climb. this morning on today should the conversation about the president getting out of this race should that conversation continue? >> no it shouldn't let joe biden continue to make his own decisions about the thrifty he's earned that right and i am going to give him that much respect if he decides to change his mind later on. then we will respond to that. we haven't to 19 august to open our convention joining us now, democratic congressman gerry connolly of virginia. >> he sits on the foreign affairs and oversight committees these congressman, great to have you on. thanks for making time to be here with us. we just heard from congressman clyburn, there saying that the conversations should end there are now 18 democrats calling for another nominee. do you think these public declarations that biden
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should step aside are hurting the democrats? >> well, i think there may be an inevitable part of the process. in part because the white house was so slow in its outreach effort after the debate many of us, including me, got on very early urging them strong and every child to rank and file members in the house, especially because there are so many of us otherwise, who risked was the atomization of the house. each individual kind of on his or her own looking at their situation making their judgment and acting accordingly. what did you think was going to happen if you weren't reaching out to the men communicating with them so i'm not surprised. and despite mr. clyde burns importuning to stop i don't know that you're going to be able to stop this process.
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people are still processing and they're going to make informed as, best the lights given them decisions about what they think is best for the country, best for the party, and best for them. and so on one hand, what you're saying and what we're hearing from a lot of people including clyburn and others. this is an ongoing conversation. it's not over yet, even though the press president says he has made his decision, we know that the house democratic leader hakeem jeffries, met with president biden in-person last night, and he says he conveyed the thoughts, the feelings of your the colleagues that he that he is taken in and listen to this week. but he intentionally did not offer an explicit endorsement but he did say he discussed with biden conclusions about the path forward. i'm curious if you know what those conclusions are because at this point it's still seems like this is not sewn up. what is the conclusion? >> well, i don't think there's just one conclusion. i
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think probably leader jeffries presented to the white house the broad array of opinions and our caucus, including some unpleasant truce and dependents and judgments. and i'm sure that had to be hard to hear but to leader jeffries credit, he tried to make sure that all of the views contained in our caucus were heard by the white house and by the president himself. i think that's an just an essential thing right now watching president biden last night, during the press conference, which i i thought he had command of issues and i thought he was clearly well-informed. i think he came across as kind and thoughtful he stumbled again. and that just reminds everybody that io is there, not a deeper problem here but ultimately the question is who's going to beat donald trump and can you
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function effectively over the next four years. it's not about the last four years. it's about the next four years so congressman, if you could wave a magic wand, you just ask the question, who's going to beat donald trump? >> who do you think that person? >> i think we're still assessing that right. so we're all of us are getting data. some of us are pulling in our own respective districts or states there's national polling and that's going to mixed bag since the debate. so somewhat surprisingly, right? it's a very tight race nationwide, according to several national polls. but when you look at battleground states, there has been deterioration that's very alarming because ultimately we reelect the president with the electoral college, not on the popular vote and how long do you think you have? >> you all have to make this decision? i know clyburn was talking about the convention which starts august 19th, but but time is ticking yeah. i don't think we have until august 19. that's a better
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begins we're not going to face mass chaos in chicago on the first day of the convention so this has to be resolved hopefully one way or the other long before that so i think that window is really a very very narrow one and it's narrowing by the day week two weeks i'm not arbitrarily going to put a timeframe on it, but but you know, but we certainly don't have a month to try to resolve this and, you know, unfortunately, politics is not a very sentimental business. so some hard judgments and hard choices are going to have to be made all right, congressman gerry connolly. >> thank you so much. we appreciate it my pleasure we want to give you a heads-up that a bit later today on the lead, newly elected uk prime minister keir starmer is going one-on-one with cnn's jake
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tapper. stormer is the latest in a series of world leaders who've been asked whether president biden is too old to campaign and govern effectively. here's what he had to say about the president's mental acuity and fitness for a second term so i know you told the bbc that president biden was in really good form during your meeting. obviously, we're hearing lots of different accounts from people who have had meetings with the president. and 51 million americans watching that debate. two weeks ago, saw something different than really good form. if you weren't a witness, a concerning development would you say something? >> yes, of course. but i mean, i yesterday, i spent 45 minutes with the president which spoken on the phone. as you can imagine, but this was an opportunity to discuss a number of issues. we were billed for 45 minutes. we probably went on for the best part of an hour, covered a lot of ground and he was in good form and it was also really good opportunity for me as a new prime minister
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of the united kingdom, just literally in week one to speak to the president about special relationship which matters to him, matters to me and of course to make absolutely clear, our unshakable support for nato to be here at the nato summit. so it was a good session, covered a lot of ground strategic stuff as well. and obviously we've had two days of the council now with actually a very successful outcome, president zelenskyy saying this is a success and so i do think he deserves credit for that. >> you can watch the entire interview on the lead with jake tapper airing today at 4:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn. >> still ahead, folks, are reeling in houston hundreds of thousands of people. they're enduring another scorching day without electricity, days after hurricane beryl thrash through the lone star state, we're going to take you live to houston and just moments.
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it alone closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law meso three yom of victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. you may be entitled to a portion of that money. all when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400 out of texas. >> there's some good news. the power is back on for more than 1 million customers they're the bad news half-a-million others was still be in the dark until sometime next week. it's been four days since hurricane beryl hit crippling parts of southeast texas and even though power crews continue making progress residents are fed up with how long this has taken. >> this is all happening. mine jew is texas is in the midst of an absolutely brutal heatwave that will put it push the heat index to 106 in some places. and remember, you don't have a fan, you don't have air conditioning for days. cnn meteorologist chad myers is in the cnn weather center, but let's begin with lucy kafanov, who's in houston lucy so many
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people really suffering there right now but what are you seeing well, jessica boris, it is hot here mcguigan for so many people, of course, the power is still not on and it's about to pour rain, which has certainly going to hamper efforts to restore power to all the people who so desperately needed, of course, tempers have been flaring as anger mounts that center energy, the houston until it who's natural gas station. >> we are in front of about why nation's fourth largest city reversed itself has the energy capital of the world, is still so crippled after this store. now, multiple relief sites have been set up across the city today were actually across the street for one from one where the houston rockets were handing out food water donations for desperate families who need it. there were sites all over the city for folks to be able to get supplies because of course, if there's no power, your ac
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doesn't work. the refrigerator can't keep the food. a lot of people emotional, desperate, trying to figure out how they're going to keep food on the table, put food on the table for their children, how they're going to keep them cool. this has been a deadly event, at least ten lives claimed in texas. by the storm and its aftermath to people died from carbon monoxide poisoning and one person died because her battery ran out on the acre surgeon machines. so this has been a very dangerous storm and with hospitals struggling to cope the nrg arena stadium also converted into an emergency then see medical shelter. now, center point has been facing the brunt of this anger. the texas governor, governor promising an investigation into their handling of there hurricane response central points, vp of operations. meanwhile, urging calm, take a listen you can expect the second half of the storm for the run rate not to be a million every 48 hours, which is basically what we've done thus far.
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>> the other thing i want customers to know who is even if you see yourself in that green on the map, don't worry, we know you're out of power and we are going to get to you now, the national weather service has issued yet another heat advisory for the greater houston area today sent report meanwhile, says that by the end of sunday, about 80% of their customers should have their power back. >> but guys that still leaves half, 1 million texans to swelter to struggle in a sweltering temperatures early into next week it's difficult to trace a challenge for those in texas right now, lucy, thank you so much. >> let's bring in meteorologist chad myers. now. chad, how long is this heat going to stick around? well, you know what today isn't even above normal boris, so we are in summer. this is going to stick around for a very long time the heat advisory is posted by the weather service because of the lack of electricity, not actually getting over the threshold to even qualify. but if you're feeling like 102 and
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you don't have but fan on, you leave college station had a rain shower earlier, so there are showers that are popping up in the houston area. even the cloud cover helps, but of course the rainfall helps as well, cool down some things, at least for awhile. and then the sun comes back out and then the heat and humidity come back. and so you kind of hope for one and hope for the others. but the normal high today you're going to be 93, 92 degrees. and even today, only at seven. so yes, it feels sweltering, but it could be a whole lot worse if we were in the middle of this heat wave, which is out to the west we'd be talking to their platelet different story where vegas again, three consecutive days just hundred and 18 degrees. it has been brutal out there, at least this ridge of high pressure is not over the central part of the country where six consecutive days for vegas at 1:15, even right now i mean, looking at my clock, it's still only 1030. and las vegas has already hundred and five. it doesn't even cool down at night. part
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of the problem also part of the problem with houston where the temperatures at night are only getting down to the upper 70s, even opening the house and hoping for a breeze doesn't get you to far boris all right. >> chad myers breaking it down for us. thanks so much former president donald trump making the legal case to throw out his felony conviction he's using the supreme court immunity ruling to backup that argument. well, at work cnn new central continues after the break first, a special how would really happen and search for her son? how it really happened. the atlanta olympic bombing, famir's july 21st at nine on cnn with that, sides create factory great visual solutions to perfect your process that sides make your
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next rack this you made to find peace we remained
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support more victories for veterans go to dave, i had to go montgomery in tokyo and this is cnn this just into cnn, the judge in the trial of actor alec baldwin has halted testimony in the case and sent the jury home for the day. all of this as she considers a new motion by the defense to have the case thrown out based on allegations of wrongdoing by investigators. >> cnn's elizabeth wagmeister it's for is following this elizabeth, what happened this is a huge development in the
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case today, boris and jessica, the judge, sending the jury home until monday as she considers this new motion to dismiss. >> now, this is the latest motion to dismiss baldwin's defense has made many attempts to toss this case out. but what's different about this today is they are alleging that the prosecution has withheld evidence relating to bullets, which they say could be critical evidence. let's take a look at what happened in the courtroom. >> we're talking about a prosecution that didn't preserve those bullets that didn't collect them at all, that didn't turn them over. this is critical evidence in the case. i was never disclosed to us this case should be dismissed, your honor this is over and over and over and over again your honor. you've given them a fair chance. your honor, there has been absolutely no violations of our obligations as prosecutors everything that has occurred in this regard everything that these defense
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attorneys knew well before today now a crime scene technician had been on the stand yesterday and was called back today, which was highly unusual and the reason why is because baldwin's defense said that they received information late in the game that didn't come to them from the prosecution, that somebody went into the santa fe's sheriff's department to bring ammunition that they said they believe came from the same source as that live bullet that was in the firearm that ultimately fatally shot halyna hutchins. of course, the big question since this whole saga began nearly three years ago, is why was there live ammunition? shan on that set? and how did it get there? that question has never been resolved. now, baldwin's defense is saying, if we have this evidence, maybe we would have known why weren't these bullets sent to the fbi to the investigated? so much more to come. we're keeping our eye on it.
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>> you have big development. elizabeth wagmeister. thanks so much for that reporting in a new court filing, former president donald trump is asking the judge in his new york hush money trial to toss out his criminal conviction. >> trump's legal team is basing this question on the supreme court's recent ruling that presidents have immunity for official acts, but not private conduct. let's get some analysis now from cnn legal analyst and former federal prosecutor, jennifer rodgers jennifer trump's lawyers are arguing that his guilty verdict in the hush money case should be vacated because the da's office it relied on evidence at trial related to trump's official acts as president. there specifically asking for hope hicks's testimony to be but taken out. does their argument have merit well, boris, we're waiting to find out. >> i mean, one of the things that the supreme court often does when it establishes new law as it did here is it doesn't really explain all the various scenarios are that are going to be impacted, right? it allows lower courts to figure out in the first instance whether how the new rule
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applies and whether it matters in terms of overturning a conviction. in the first place, we're waiting for judge marshawn to make a ruling about whether any official acts, evidence actually was presented and received at trial, and then whether that requires striking testimony, overturning that conviction, ordering a new trial. so i think he'll do that in the first instance and it seems to me that the trump team has an uphill battle to argue that this was official conduct as opposed to private conduct giving given what the subject matter was of the hope hicks testimony and the case in general and jennifer in the filing, trump's lawyers claim that while president trump used his twitter account as one of the white house's main vehicles for conducting official business. >> how do you see a judge reacting to that argument well, there's no question that the twitter account was used in a variety of ways. >> some of it was clearly official business stating policy and so on in the president's views on things. but a lot of it wasn't. he also used it as his personal account
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and i think you can certainly parse through through all of his tweets and kind of put them in one bucket or the other so that's what the judge is going to do here. i mean, he's going to go through all of the tweets that were put into evidence and decide whether or not they arguably are official conduct or private conduct. and then that's going to determine whether or not they were properly admitted. so this is a painstaking process this is going to happen here, which is why it was so smart of judge marshawn really to delay sentencing and go through this with a fine tooth comb before it gets to the appellate courts so that he can be the first person in the first instance to decide whether it was official or not, which is as it should be since he was the presider of the trial you mentioned the delay in sentencing. it's now on september 18, but do you imagine that it might get pushed further route as these arguments get sorted it could, but we're still in july and i'm obviously team trump's filing has come in the da will respond.
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>> so you know, we'll see i don't know how quickly judge marshawn will work, but i think it certainly can get done in time for september sentencing. i do think though that it's possible that the trump team will ask for a delay and we will see then what judge marshawn says about that. he might even try to get a stay from a higher court on that but in any case, i don't think we'll see a sentencing and any sort of sentence being implemented, even if we do proceed with sentencing in september, i think everyone expects that that sentence will be stayed pending the appeal of this matter. >> jennifer rodgers. appreciate the perspective. thanks for being with us thanks up next, how a refreshing dip in the ocean turned into a third pretty six-hour fight for survival for a beachgoer in japan. an incredible story, just minutes away love cnn is live from milwaukee as republicans unite behind their nominee, his vp, and their plans to take back the white house, follow cnn for complete
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>> start watching at fubo news night with abby phillip tonight at ten eastern on cnn closed captioning brought to you by meso
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if you or a loved one have nice with helium up, we'll send you a free book to answer questions you may have called now and will come to you 800 a31, 3,700 now to what's really a miraculous story of survival, a beachgoer is swept out to sea pan with nothing but a floating ring and 36 hours later, she's dramatically rescue wow, cnn's tom foreman is joining us now. >> this is just incredible you don't hear this. a lot of these stories, i've been collecting the stories my whole life it's a pretty good one. she goes for a little swim off very popular beef. there are people trying to cool down in the summertime she realizes in 30 minutes that the currents and the winds are pushing her where she does not want to go and then she goes through the night and the next day she spotted by ship, they go out there with the helicopter. they pull her up on board, and they sent her off to the hospital, although in a statement they said really not such a big deal that she had to go to the hospital but will they checked
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her outset a little dehydrated, but no signs of any real serious injury to her there, although there was you see, there is no need for hospitalization. was the assessment of the coast garden. she did walk away from the hospital. she's in her 20s, so she's pretty healthy and they did say there were some real dangers out there that one dehydration, you don't think about that so much the ocean, but it's really an issue issue. the idea that she could have had hypothermia at night. it gets pretty cold out there. and the idea of literally getting hit by a ship in the dark that would worry which happened. but can you imagine 30 minutes into your little swim on your float hearing you're like, oh, wait a minute, i can get back to show how does that sort of happened. did you keep an eye on the shore and try to like mitigate? and they said she had like, sick foot waves were hour she was i wouldn't be very uneasy. she's just a little inner tube, a little, a little thing around it's remarkable, but i will tell you this. this is nowhere near that the longest, which also originated off the coast of japan back in the early 1800s. ship became disabled there and they we're
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adrift for like a year and four months and ended up being rescued off the coast of california. some of them did not make it, but but at the rate, she was traveling, if you look at the map, she went she didn't go directly towards california she sort of went south if she had gone directly from shemona there and boy, don't i remember for my youth on the beaches of shemona. if she had gone directly toward california instead of south at the rate she was going she would have been there a whole lot faster, so that's an opportunity for a new record. she missed out on that. you probably would have had to really later ranking a couple of dubious, dubious record, didn the beach boys song about shemona, i think the nakba very, very know that was the beach boys cover band that played the holiday inn express, but very sorry. yes you're on the right. >> i'm glad she made it. his story is doing all week. it would not be something to joke about it thank all right, tom, thanks so much. you're welcome. >> just minutes around. president biden is set to leave
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the white house for the battleground state of michigan, as he looks to keep calm and carry on with his reelection bid the number of congressional democrats though calling for him to step aside, continues to grow. we're going to follow it all this election season, stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground and the best political team in the business follow the voters, follow the research bolts, follow the facts, follow cnn liberty mutual customizes my car insurance and i saved hundreds with all the money i saved that advice still so many oh, look, no line at the hot dog stand only pay for what she needs what does a robot know how, about love it takes a human to translate that leap in our hearts into something we can see and hold let's see glasses
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