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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  July 12, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

12:00 pm i'm sara murray in washington and this is cnn closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelial more victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. you may be entitled to a portion of that money. all when 808 5-9, 2,400. that's when 808, 5-9, 2,400 a late night meeting at the white house, but no vote of confidence. we're seeing more of the fallout from last
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night's news conference with president biden as he pushed just forward with his reelection campaign. today in the must-win state of michigan plus no power, no water. but plenty of heat. an even more for ration, hundreds of thousands of texans waiting for electricity as anger of the utility companies is growing. so is concerned about what the future might look like texas pours more money into the same industry fueling this crisis and their wedding. and then there's the celebration happening in india this weekend, months in the making for a family only worth billions of dollars. we will dive into the details of this opulent star-studded affair. we're following these stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news we are following new developments as president biden is intensifying his fight to stay in the race for the white house. >> while the list of lawmakers
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in his own party were publicly calling on him to step aside continues to grow. congressman mike levin of california's now the 19th lawmaker to say the nation needs it's to move forward without biden. this follows new reporting that house democratic leader hakeem jeffries met privately with the president last night to discuss concerns about biden's viability at the top of the ticket. sources tell cnn jeffries did not offer biden his endorsement in that meeting? >> but the president is pushing ahead with his campaign and today he is headed to the critical battleground state of michigan to try and convince voters he is up for a second term in the white house. are correspondents are covering the story from washington to detroit. that's where we find cnn white house correspondent arlette sines, who is traveling with the president today and arlette talk to us more about president biden's plans there in detroit well, jessica, president biden has said he will keep moving in this campaign and that's what he's doing as he visits this battleground state of michigan in just a few hours, president biden really trying to take his
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pitch directly to the voters here as he's trying to ease concerns about his ability to not just defeat donald trump, but also his ability to serve a second term in office. >> now for the president's part, he is quite eager to turn the focus back to donald trump aides say that he will use this speech to really try to draw a policy contrast between him and his rival specifically leaning into that project 2025 conservative blueprint that so many the democrats are eager to tie trump to in this election, the president, while he is on the ground here in michigan, will also be joined by several elected officials in the state, including the lieutenant governor, garlin gilchrist, a congresswoman, haley stevens. stevens, as well as congresswoman debbie dingell all as the campaign is trying to have this show of a force of support as there are some concerns in the democratic party about president biden continuing in this race. as you mentioned, the number of lawmakers calling for him to step aside has grown at one michigan house democrats,
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hillary, a school tin has called for the president to step aside as well, suggesting there could be so i'm additional pressure here in the state. now the biden campaign has argued as recently as yesterday that they really see the most direct path to biden's victory as being right through that blue wall states that include michigan, wisconsin, and pennsylvania. that is why the president is returning here as he's looking to make his case to voters. it's also worth noting that the president will be speaking at the very same site where he spoke for years ago and offering that pledge to be a bridge to the next generation. that is something president biden was asked about explicitly in the press conference last night, and he said that what has changed in this moment is the gravity of the situation. and he he wants to continue doing the work and finish the job. he set out to do in his first term. but of course, there is a lot of pressure from within the democratic party for the president to step aside in this moment as some are clamoring for major change in this campaign. >> arlette saenz, live for us
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in detroit. thank you so much. let's get you out now to capitol hill with cnn's lauren fox. lauren walk us through this meeting with leader jeffries because the statement that he put out doesn't say much yeah, an important boris, that as a reflection right of the reality within his caucus members are divided right now you have 19 democrats who are calling for joe biden to step aside as the top of this presidential ticket heading into november and jeffries has spent the last several days listening to members having calls with members. >> and i think the statement really does reflect the fact that his caucus is not united right now, this meeting behind closed doors is being kept very closely held. we don't know a lot of details about what the two men discussed what we do know, of course, is that jeffries conveyed some of those arguments and some of the concerns that he is hearing from his own membership. and i
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think that this is very instructive today already, president biden has had calls with key corners of the congressional hispanic caucus and other important caucuses. it's also important to point out that over the weekend those conversations are going to continue. he's going to be talking to the congressional progressive caucus as well as new dams a more moderate group of house democrats that really is reflecting the fact that biden feels like he needs to be having these conversations directly with members. the question of course, is it a little too? is it coming a little too late given the fact? this has been going on and dragging on for the last two weeks now. and a lot of democrats had been asking to hear from the president prior to this moment. so i think after that press conference last night, it did not abate, at least some of the concerns that you're hearing. you've had five congressional democrats it's come out saying that they are also calling for biden to no longer be the top of the ticket, and that is just sense. the press conference last
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night, jessica boris lauren fox. thanks so much for that reporting. we also have some new exclusive reporting we want to break down on former president barak obama and former house speaker nancy pelosi. we've learned that to have actually spoken privately and discuss their concerns over biden and how much harder they think it's going to become for him to be donald trump. >> cnn's isaac dovere is one of our reporters who broke this story. he's joining us now, isaac, what what did you guys learn? >> well, listen. brock obama and nancy pelosi have been concerned and about this race for awhile. they have been even more concerned since the debate. both of them have taken approaches to this obama for the most part, stayed out of public view and not saying anything pelosi making clear that she has serious doubts to say the least about biden continuing, but they have been talking trying to figure out what to do. our reporting is that neither of them quite sure what to do here? they if the goal is to get biden to step aside they're not exactly sure how to navigate that. if the goal is to try to unify the
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party behind biden, if he stays in the race, then they don't quite know how to do that either. and again, it's important that pelosi has her reservations. she's made pretty clear both publicly and to a lot of her fellow members, and that obama, we have the sense of them sometimes as this bromance that existed with them and the white house but the truth is, it's a long complicated relationship and you go back to the summer of 2015 when beau biden, joe biden's son died and he was thinking about making a last-minute jump into the race for the democratic primaries. the way that he remembers and has written about what happened then, is that obama was not encouraging the way that obama feels that interaction went, is that he was trying to get biden to focus on grief and things think about how hard the campaign would be. but now, if people that i've talked to, who know biden said to me, if obama were to step in and say to joe biden, i think maybe you should and run in the words one person said that this would be what would likely happen as joe biden would say. well, mr.
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president, you played that chip in 2015 and look what happened that brought us donald trump yeah there is certainly a lot of indications that he really does feel that way that that that is why he got in in 2020. >> all right. isaac dovere. thanks so much and joining us now to discuss further ease, biden, biographer at christmas it's whipple, author of the fight of his life inside joe biden's white house. chris, thanks so much for being here with us. we just had my colleague, isaac dovere talking about his reporting on former president obama and sort of the dynamic there. what more can you tell us based on your research and your reporting for your book about that dynamic that is complicated between president biden and former president obama it's, it's, a fraught dynamic to be sure. i mean, on the one hand, it's a very close relationship between joe biden and barak obama and obama really took joe biden under his wing when beau biden was dying with terminal cancer. so they're very close. but at
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the same time they're extremely competitive and i think joe biden always felt that he was nobody took him seriously enough as it can to date when he was the vice president and he certainly had no use for the president's aides, david axelrod and david plus, who he thought didn't think he was presidential timber. so there's plenty of tension there. and in a way, nothing would harden joe biden's resolve to run more than baraka obama trying to tell him what to do and i don't have to tell you or anybody that's watching right now. >> there's been a lot talked about and written about, about access to the president is his is his staff as his close circle, kind of protecting him when you were riding your biography about joe biden i'm curious what your experience was in dealing with this white house and dealing with the team around him well, i've said that it is one of the most batten down buttoned up
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scripted white house's in modern history. and i think that's true and that's been successful for them in many ways. but at the same time, i think that it's been it's been unfortunate in the sense that i think they've killed kept joe biden in a bubble and he really needs to get out and look this is the fight of his life. i had no idea the title of my book would be so apt joe biden is not a great campaigner. he's not a great orator and one campaign staffer from the 2020 race told me they were lucky in a way that they were campaigning during the covid epidemic not only could they wrap it around donald trump's neck, but they could keep joe biden in the basement to some extent and he didn't have to prove himself every day now he does. >> it is interesting. i covered that 2020 race and i covered joe biden during that race and we would get admittedly frustrated because it was so
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buttoned up that was just how they ran their ship. that there were not a lot of leaks was very where there was a leak. we have seen that we've seen a difference in that. and the last week or so, we've seen things change and it is important i think to kind of separate out that very small group of close advisers around him. but then also to more broadly, the people who are working within the administration or even in the white house who we are getting background quotes from now we are hearing more from them yeah, you know, the dna of this white house is controlling the narrative. >> they're obsessed with it. as i say, they've been somewhat successful with it. a pass more legislation than any other president in recent history. but look, it also comes at a price. and we're starting to see that now, joe biden, i mean, they've been extremely protective. there's a history of this that goes all the way back to fdr and his wheelchair, john kennedy with addison disease ronald reagan with incipient dementia. so
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look, they're not the first ones to be secretive and protective with the president. but now joe biden's got to get out there and show that he can not only govern which is pretty clear, he does well, but campaign effectively and president biden said last night when he was asked a question is news conference that this isn't about his legacy. he says in his mind it's about finishing the job. he started can you help us understand his thinking and the way he thinks about this as he is fighting for his political life not only to remain the nominee, but to try and beat donald trump for the second time yeah, you know, it's fascinating what i learned while spending two years writing my book on the biden white house is that the thing that shocked joe biden more than anything else in his presidency was the lasting power of trumpism of maga. >> he thought it would be in the rearview mirror by now. and that's why that's part of why
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he said he would be a bridge to the next generation. i don't think he was necessarily planning to be a two-term president. but now that trump is the alternative joe biden really believes in his bones that he's the guy to beat them. and that the stakes couldn't be higher. >> and it is so fast and i remember him saying often member, he would say he thought that this was like a fever that would break on the republican side once this all kind of cleared and you make such a such an important point when it comes to how he's thinking about this. chris whipple. thank you so much. we appreciate it my pleasure. straight ahead, president biden's campaign acknowledges he cannot win without several key he's states in the midwest so where do his numbers stand in that so-called blue wall? we'll take a look plus the outrage is building in texas is homes, businesses, it's hospitals remain without power following hurricane beryl, just as he waved brings those dangerous temperatures to the state and a former israeli hostage he says he spent months having hamas militants tell him they were going to kill him and
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recorded before he was rescued by israeli forces. how he described the physical one psycho, psychological trauma he experienced. those stories and much more straight ahead i love milwaukee cnn is live from milwaukee as republicans unite behind their nominee his vp, and their plans to take back the white house follow cnn for complete coverage the republican national convention starts monday at seven on cnn life is better with it. >> credit god's on your side rewards points available to the view are now accessible to the many credit one bank get cashback awards and liz large, i was so excited to buy my first home, but i needed a lot of work done on it. >> i went onto angie, jamie with the first person to call. he's resurfaced it's my fluorine. he's done plumbing work, he's refinished this beautiful table here, find top rated certified pros in your area at stay tuned to
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>> you feel safe and then the police are on their way. >> well he's still do i'm stephanie elam in los angeles and this is cnn this just in to cnn, we've learned today on a call with the congressional hispanic caucus, congressman mike levin told president joe biden, he believes he should step down from the ticket shortly after that, lebron went public with his call for biden to step aside, becoming the 19th. >> remember? of congress to ask biden to quit the race. know this is the first instance cnn has reported of a sitting member of congress directly telling president biden to step aside. >> let's discuss with veteran political scientist larry sabato. he's the founder and director of the university of virginia center for politics obviously, larry great to have you biden visiting other swing state of michigan this afternoon it's central to the
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blue wall. how does current polling show a trend there? how biden is fairing? >> well, surprisingly, the sun, despite all the negative information and understandable depression among many democrats biden is holding his own in the polls and the national matchups. he and trump are basically even sometimes he's up a point or two, sometimes trump is up up a pointer to the problem, of course is democrats are normally not always, but normally disadvantaged in the electoral college in order to reduce or eliminate that disadvantage they have to win the popular vote by 34, i guess you could argue 5%, depending on how many the extra votes california and illinois and new york are producing for democrats that's the fundamental problem that democrats have and that president biden has, or whoever the democratic nominee ends up being all he can do if he's
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going to stay in and if people are going to rally around him eventually all he you can do is what he is doing essentially making sure that the key states the handful of swing states can produce a narrow, narrow, narrow, just a few thousand vote margin for him enough to get him over to 69. he has to get to 70 the or above right and we have that memo yesterday, larry, from the biden campaign saying that they believe that they can win with that blue wall with pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan, and that is their road to 270 that you were just talking about. >> and you also mentioned just these margins in these states in the last two cycles have just been so small considering all of the votes out there it puts a lot of pressure on the biden campaign and it's no surprise that we've seen him go to pennsylvania a ton and
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that we see him in michigan today. they know that they have to win in those states oh, absolutely. >> look, his path has been obvious for a long, long time. he has to win the three blue wall states, wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania, and that one congressional district around omaha and nebraska since they split up their electoral votes. >> and that gets into to 270, talk about having no margin for error. >> trump actually has additional pathways. i'm not going to say they're all easy because they aren't and theoretically, biden has additional pathways. i'm always suspicious of maps. these new maps that are produced showing how somebody can put together to 70 get an unusual way. because it reminds me of that old saying if, ifs and buts were candy and nuts, we'd all have a merry christmas it would be wonderful to be able to do some of these things. but under our polarized, very partisan system, it is difficult
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justice, it's difficult to get people to ticket split anymore. they used to enjoy ticket-splitting. they used to do it with abandon to the question of ticket splitting. your team at the center for politics, looked at the impact of biden's polling on down-ballot races. obviously something that's a huge concern for these democrats on the hill coming forward asking the biden asking biden to step aside from the campaign what did you find the crystal ball team and i want to give special credit two miles coleman here discovered that if conditions continue as they as they are in biden loses by a point or three points. >> we have different gradations in there democrats instead of gaining in the handful of seats they need to take control, would lose ten seats or even 25 seats. doesn't have to happen, but people need to remember that we are linking races today, that people start voting
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for a party at the top of the ballot and a large majority of them continue voting for the same party all the way down to the bottom of the ballot. so if trump, for example, wins, he's, he's likely to very likely to carry in the house and the senate. and of course, biden could recapture the house if he manages to get the majority that he needs it's it'll be fascinating to see larry sabato. thanks so much. always good to see you thank you let's discuss further now with a state lawmaker or a democrat from michigan, phil skaggs is a state representative for the grand rapids in kent county areas sir. thanks so much for being with us there was a moment at the press briefing last night with president biden, where he said that he believes he's the most qualified person to run for president. you feel differently. you've called on him to step aside from the top of the democratic ticket who would you rather see in that position well, it's nice to be
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with you. i think that's it's no secret that democrats have an extraordinarily deep bench of people who are experienced enough and will make excellent presidents but addition and more importantly, on some level is that they will be formidable candidates. and that's really important because you can be the best mayor the best governor, the best president, but you've got to get elected to actually govern. and so my concern here is really do you are we putting forward the best nominee for president possible those alternatives i think are fairly widely known. obviously, the vice president is at the top of that list. but so as our governor here in michigan, gretchen whitmer and governors, i think throughout the united states from california and kentucky and maryland and pennsylvania whitmer has essentially said that she's not getting into the presidential race. she's tacitly endorsed president biden. i'm wondering what you think is driving democrats who still back him,
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who still believe in him. if it's so obvious to you that he should drop out you know, people are making some different calculations. it's obviously extremely difficult to stand up and suggest that a sitting president should, should not run for reelection. never easy. people are obviously clearly worried about a wounding president biden if he does end up being our nominee. but i think think that the conversation that we're having now is the sign of a strong party of a party that is taking this nomination process seriously. that's not a cult of personality like the republican party, which is genuflecting to a convicted felon if current trends continue as we just heard from larry there may be a theoretical path to the white house for biden if he loses michigan, but probably not it it doesn't seem like it'd be in the cards do you think that there's something specific that might keep him from winning there well, if i may, i
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may state representative from michigan and i'm a little bit more focused. >> i love our country. i think the republicans at stake, but i'm focused here on michigan. we have a very competitive us senate race a very competitive, at least three very competitive congressional races. but like i said, i'm a state legislator. we just earned a trifecta here in michigan. the state house is up for election in november. and what i am concerned about is down-ballot races a little bit farther than you were talking about with larry that it's down-ballot too? state, house, state senate races, county commissioner races that's why i believe that the democratic party needs to come in and but the president i'm the president that him being at the top of the ticket of vaccine, all of us. and it's extraordinarily important because we have to have the turnout right i think the president's plan is that undecideds will eventually come
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home to bite what i'm concerned about is that those undecideds, those folks that are disaffected, those folks that are having questions about the president's abilities are simply going to not come home to biden, but they're going to stay home. and if they do not show up at the ballot booth, then they're not voting for any other tickets far down, not just for dc offices, but for state and local offices as well. >> phil, how do you respond to democrats who say that this public debate, this airing of concern, is endangering biden's chances to win the white house, making it more difficult for him to be donald trump do you wish that these dallas and objections had been handled more privately well, i think there was an attempt early on to handle these a little bit more privately, the precedent is insistent. >> as things stand now, i think, although i think that
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there was some movement back from the intransigence of the letter to congress in the press conference last night. so i think that through a combination of private conversations from people far more important and higher up the ladder than myself. but also through polls where we see that democratic votes voters are itching for a new nominee. i certainly see that as i go about town and talk to my constituents that there's a lot of frustration with both nominees. i think if we put forward a nominee that can give a vibrant and louisiana stick message about the successes of the past asked a vision for the future that we'll see this election quickly flip from neck and neck with possibly the president down and larry makes a lot of excellent points about polls and history. i think we'll be looking at a blue wave if we are putting forward the best nominee possible. so i
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don't begrudge my colleagues at all. coming to a different calculus for a whole variety of reasons. but i do not think that we are harming this party by having a clear conversation about who are best nominee is michigan state representative phil skaggs. we appreciate your perspective. thanks for coming on. >> my pleasure listen, breaking news just into cnn, a federal judge has dismissed rudy giuliani's bankruptcy case. >> but decision paves the way for two former for georgia election workers who won a defamation claim against him to pursue and potentially take away everything the former mayor of new york owns. dance, caitlin polantz, is false following this also kaitlan. what are you learning about this? >> well, they are vowing to do that just that ruby freeman and shaye moss, these two georgia election workers within days are going to be able to seize or attempt to seize rudy giuliani's personal wealth, real estate he owns and anything else? that's because the judge in new york today has
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ruled that he will no longer be in bankruptcy protection. so rudy giuliani had filed a little bit more than six months ago after ruby freeman and shaye moss won a $148 million verdict against him. and so things will move forward where they can proceed to everything he has. their lawyers say they are ready to do that. and the sort of stuff that he has right now is worth about 10 million. it's largely a property in new york, a co-op apartment on the upper east side of property in florida, palm beach. and then things like a sine joe dimaggio shirt three, yet think he's world series rings 26 watches, including a rolex and a mercedes benz sports car. part of the reason that the judge reached this decision today is because giuliani wasn't being fully transparent with his creditors. he hadn't been accurate and complete in showing the court what money he had in his net worth and he was using companies to keep things
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out of the site of the court. so quite a day for rudy giuliani and just days away now, of losing those properties, although his lawyers say he's going to continue if i and some degree of indication for those election workers, katelyn polantz. thank you so much coming up. why a former israeli hostage described i was the day israeli forces rescued him last month as his third birthday. that's after more than 240 days in captivity we'll be right back tonight, discover the short leave by an active volcano cannot dive into the vault that you but it's likely it will be your last day shark week continues to 98 on discovery land. i love a good hotel, breakfast aide. so close to the statement i'm just getting the last room for a hungry for the 90 bucks. >> i put the last room a week ago. i talked yesterday night, $140 how some sites panic you
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physical abuse he endured during months eight months? >> of captivity. andre koslov returned to israel on june 8 after being rescued by israeli commanders, were going apartment in central gaza earlier that same day and causing bob was among the israelis, kidnapped by hamas from the nova music festival in october of last year he's now sharing his story with cnn's bianna golodryga. she joins us now live. bianna what did he say to you boris and jessica, he said a lot. >> i spent over an hour talking to him and it's clear he has such vivid memories of all the hover with thick experiences that he endured over the past eight months of his captivity he was held with two other hostages, two other men. it was the three of them and they'd been moved multiple times around six times throughout their period in gaza. and they talked about he told me about the psychological abuse they endured from day one, where at one of his captor said tomorrow, i will kill you and i will film it. and that was his
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first 24 hours in gaza. they were chained, they were tied their hands tied and bound for about two months. and then they talked about hearing the bombing, the constant bombing that he heard time and time again every night. the idf obviously initiating its war in gaza and his captors had told him, and the other hostages that this was the idf coming to kill them but they were a problem for israel and for the idf. and that's their families didn't care anymore. and obviously as you'll see from this video, that is far from the truth when they were finally rescued we all saw the video. when you were reunited with your mother at the hospital? as a mother, it brought tears to my eyes to see how you fell down on your knees, hugging her do you know how how difficult i would
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imagine you do? those eight months war for them so afraid not to see them do you thought you'd never see. >> them again i have mentioned call my mother and father and brother. >> it will not here. the words i love you anymore and andrei calls himself one of the lucky ones he obviously was able to see his family again and tell them how much he loves them. >> they flew in from russia as soon as he was rescued and his thoughts are certainly with the 120 other hostages that remain in gaza. i asked him specifically if he had seen any other hostages while he was
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there and he said yes. and that he couldn't say anymore, he got very emotional and said that he was worried about their safety, didn't want to give any more details, but i asked if they were in worse shape than he was and he said yes, much worse. so boris and jessica as there are continued hopes that perhaps this time around there will be a deal president biden last night said that there are gaps, but they are hopeful that there will be a deal to release these hostages. it's clear this is a top priority for andre and for so many others in israel that are constantly waiting each day for this war to end and obviously for the palestinians who are desperate for this war to end and more humanitarian during an aid to come in. >> such an important interview, his bravery is incredible, his resilience, bianna golodryga. thank you so much for that we'll be right back. >> you will never smell better everywhere. like you will with looming, it's so easy to use just a pea sized amount like this, rubs in like a lotion the controls odor for three days on
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being told they may need wait another week before their electricity is back on. it's been four days now since hurricane beryl made landfall, crippling parts of southeast texas, we know more than 1 million customers remain in the dark with no way to turn on their air conditioning or plug-in a fan. cnn's lucy kafanov is in houston for us. lucy, this is a very, very difficult, dangerous, even situation. patient, how are people coping well, jessica boris and not only is it a difficult and dangerous situation, it was just made worse when you and i were laughing that's don air. >> we talked about how there was concern about more rain. well, in the past few hours, the skies opened up it four buckets. we saw streets flooded. there was thunder there was lightning, and of course that forced a temporary halt to that much needed critical work of bringing back the power to nearly 1 million texans still remain without it now, no electricity and no gas, of course means no lights, no air conditioning, no ability to keep cool. food cold. and then
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it all so means medical devices might not be able to function. we know at least one person died when the oxygen machine ran out of battery we throw help the city this morning and afternoon, saw cooling centers as well as relief sites popping up across downtown where desperate residents were able to get some water, some food, just something to be able to get by. in this intermediary period hospitals have been overwhelmed. the nrg arena very long large facility here has been converted into a temporary medical emergency shelter and houston school district, the largest in the state said earlier, roughly seven the campuses were still without power after damage from hurricane beryl. now the mayor is vowing to hold the power company accountable. take a look this team is doing everything we can to put pressure on center point. do a better job. i don't know what
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everyone was doing this morning. it's 7:00 a.m. i. was talking to the ceo centerpoint, letting him know they must do better. they must communicate better. so yes, we're going to hold center point accountable after we do an action review. but right now, the focus is get the light zone and as the frustration rises, so are the temperatures and jessica boris, as you mentioned in the introduction, that big there is what's going to happen to the half 1 million texans who are potentially looking at more days without power into early next week. >> guys a really bad situation could potentially get worse. lucy kavanaugh. thank you so much so as i recently had the opportunity to explore while reporting for cnn's the whole story there's a whole lot we don't know when it comes to sharks. >> okay. so we often think of them. i think in them as scary predators. but some innovative
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educators in the bahamas are bringing kids up close to see why the misunderstood creatures need to be protected. in today's impact your world many shark lab serves as a non-profit and the bahamas and in the united states we also have a major education component that's where we bring students in to the area around bemoaning. >> the tag will go up here and we want to be a student learn about the research, all of the types of tagging that we do, all of the long history that the charcot has done here but then take them out and really so they can see it with their own eyes. appreciate them in a new way and not be scared or some of these sharks going to see the sting rays is a great introduction for the students, where people can get in at their own pace i can get very, very comfortable with them. you'll see what they're going to come right over golf one of our favorite places just to take the suitors two is up to
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the mangroves to go see the lemon shark nursery ground. the lemon shark refuge and why there's such value and making sure that those areas are protected and then work our way up to maybe some of the larger sharks that they do have a bigger fear of i guess i just found love and i hope that my love for it can reach out to people around the world and help them on the stand and the sharks when we see a student that changes are perception of, you're going from one day being scared of sharks to in a couple of days super passionate wanting to pursue this as their career. remember that's why we do it pnc bank, proud sponsor of shark boy, continues on discovery three pnc bank brilliantly, boris, since 18 65 you know what's brilliant? >> boring. think about it boring is the unsung catalyst for bowl what straps bold to a rocket, hurdles and into space.
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or in dems boring makes vacations happened, early retirements possible, and startups start off because it's smart, dependable we'll instead, all words you want from your bank for nearly 160 years, pnc bank has been brilliantly boring. so you can be happy to phil, which is pretty and, boring if you think about it is this dog food in your fridge? >> it's not dog food. it's fresh pet, real meat, real veggies seems like a lot of space to waste on a dog you're all a family i need pham. >> brian, gary, and today we're talking about the biggest misconception there is about replacement windows. >> i'm here with ted cones, the project manager for renewal by anderson to talk about it yeah. >> one of the big things we hear from homeowners is i shouldn't need to replace my windows. they're just not that old. but here's the thing. homebuilders put in high-end kitchens and bathrooms and low in windows. just aren't that good so even if your windows are only seven to 10-years-old
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they may still need to be replaced. >> said this so many window companies out there, what's different about your company? >> well, besides being the full service replacement window division of anderson, we're the company people tend to call when they're particular about their home. they don't want just any old window or any old installed so you're standards for installers are pretty high, right? >> brian, you can have the best window or door in the world and if it's not installed correctly, it's going to fail. so we don't hire these jack of all trades installers that do gutters inciting on the side our window installation teams do our windows year in, year out and have done thousands of them. >> anytime a homeowner has to deal with multiple home improvement companies, they get stuck in the blame game. yeah. with other companies, if there's an issue, the manufacturer blames the installer. the installer blames the manufacturer with us. there's no finger-pointing are blaming each other. we're both the installer and the manufacturer. said, is it easy for a homeowner to get a price very easy will come out to your house, will assess your current patio door windows, and then
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at 999 shop. now that sleep july 21, a special how it really happened the bombing the nuseirat 21st at nine on cnn they'd already been celebrating their union for months. >> so why not stretch it out a few more days? yeah. we're of course talking about the three days of wedding celebrations for the youngest son of asia's
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richest man. >> could this be the most star-studded conga line in history will ripley has more when the youngest son of asia's richest man marries the daughter of a pharma tycoon. and events seen as india's wedding of the year in the capital vi force the red carpet. and this one is packed with some of the world's biggest stars and bonnie marrying his longtime girlfriend, radhika merchant, the big fat indian reading it just because of the scale of the people that are attending a celebrations the ambani wedding three days spectacle of extreme opulence and indian tradition since this move by wedding planner, indian weddings, a grand scale, the ambani wedding would be like interstellar scale, reduce the biggest wedding celebration ever happened on this planet that is 100%. the lavish celebration of love, a mature he began back on on more on this weekend's wedding finale kicks off at the
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ambani owned more than 40,000 capacity. go world convention center before moving to the family's private skyscraper on telea it's one of the most beautiful, iconic landmarks of our country. >> it's where the family resides. it is a beautiful home for them. it's a home that that they've always hosted. people from all across the world, whether it's been presidents, prime ministers celebrities, the guestlist, a who's who of a-listers, rich powerful, and of course, famous, the global glitterati descending on them celebrating the union to 29 year-olds happen to be blowing wealthy and not afraid to show it. a couple of reportedly paid millions hiring justin bieber and rihanna for their pre-wedding party people around town have mixed feelings. >> yeah, you have wealth, but yeah, we get it. you have it had to be gone me, it's
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helping they have the money they should spend massive price tag a drop in the bucket for you bodies with a fortune of well over 100 billion from the family he business reliance industries, the energy retail, and media giant. >> this weekend's highly conspicuous consumption. in stark contrast with widespread poverty across india, critics call the ambanis. glaring example of the growing wealth gap in the world's most populous country a family trying to fend off critics by growing charity like this month mass wedding will 50 under-privileged couple will ripley cnn jessica, sadly our invitations must have gotten it stop or they got i worse. >> okay. yeah, they got scrapped next time. next time, we'll be there or thanks to will ripley for that report. stay with us. we're back in just a few minutes. >> every day. more dog people and more vets are deciding its time for a fresh approach to
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pressure and improve heart-healthy, rushed to walmart and find total bce the lead with jake tapper. next on cnn new today, nassar releasing this stunning new image from the james webb telescope, it shows two interacting galaxies locked in the car cosmic dance as those poetic, but galactic duo is nicknamed the penguin and the egg the larger galaxy in the center is the penguin and the brighter one is the egg. >> on the left i can kind of see it. you squint, i guess. yeah. >> nasa says trains with one galaxy pulling on the other began millions of years ago. nasa released the image to commemorate two full years of scientific discoveries from the telescope i'm pretty cool stuff coming from outer space. thanks so much for joining us. thanks so much for joining us. this pleasure. come back anytime the lead with jake tapper starts. right now


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