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tv   Laura Coates Live  CNN  July 12, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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confused nancy pelosi and nikki haley nikki haley is in charge of security. we offered her 10,000 people soldiers, national guards, whatever they want. they turned it down saying he defeated barack obama and not hillary clinton we did with obama. >> we won an election that everyone said couldn't be won confusing a congressional ally for a government cooperator can it ever be like a rick gates, his fault nope. jimmy connors is not jimmy carter we're going to evict this ban the worst president by far jimmy connors is jimmy. >> it's him because this go to these are also happy and blundering, which bolton is which secretary pompeo is here? secretary of state mike bolton,
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john bolton is here, and john was very instrumental in some of the things we did yesterday. some of the meetings we had all right. >> well, thank you for watching newsnight. laura coates live starts. now tonight president biden turns up the volume on his critics will be drown them out plus a cnn exclusive, the radio host who agreed to cut portions of his interview with the president speaks out and a real life perry mason moment and forth. >> leads to alec baldwin walking out a free man. why the case was suddenly thrown out good evening. i'm jim acosta in for laura coates on this friday night. remember that republican congressman a few weeks ago? who said president biden may be jacked up on mountain dew heading into that debate with
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donald trump. tonight, it appears the president was jacked up on something, something called defiance. now defines do, doesn't exactly roll off the tongue but they were drinking it up at the president's rally in michigan earlier this evening, we're going to show some of that to the president. to put them mildly made it clear. he is not going anywhere at least for now despite the drumbeat of calls for him to get out of the race breathless op-eds like this one from the washington post are rolling off his back, quote, biden remains in denial. he needs to come to grips with reality said the post, but this was the reality in the battleground state of michigan earlier this evening, a cheering crowd in detroit. take a listen i'm probably noticed
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as boss, lot of speculation what's joe biden going to do as he going to stay in the race? >> you're going to drop out here's my answer running she noon, we're going away fairly. the president believes he can win. he is ignoring polls immediately following the debate showing movement towards donald trump and is instead focusing on the latest polls like this one. take a look at this that has him within the margin of error, even though average ripples from after the debate show it is a close race, but plenty in his party think he's wrong. we're now up to 19 congressional democrats. that last count calling for him to step down. they will argue and they have argued that he will lose to donald trump, that he can't make the case against him tonight. the president
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sought to prove those critics wrong. take a look hannibal lecter, he says, is a nice guy trump would rather be electrocuted the need by show the whole thing, remember that for donald he can watch tv this week because a shark week is convicted by a jury of his peers of 34 felonies for paying hush money to a porn star and hide it from voters in 2016, project 2025 is the biggest attack back on our system of government, our personal freedom has ever been proposed in the history of this country. >> he'll be a dictator on day one he means it, folks we're not let that happen over my dead body will happen a biden ally tells cnn there are two things they believe that could change the president's mind if governors and senators came to him with polls showing a major collapse and support and if
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fundraising fell off dramatically for now, the president though is serving up some defiance, joining us now to talk about this, michigan democratic congresswoman haley stevens, who says she is sticking by president biden, congresswoman. thank you very much for joining us tonight so where's that? joe biden, ben well, you know what truthfully i've do. is that what happened there i don't think so okay. >> this is the president i was with in the oval office right after he announced tariffs on chinese electric vehicles. we were with many union members from the steelworkers first other colleagues of mine joking laughing discussing the trajectory of the nation. and look, he's doing two big things. and i think he's doing really well. one, he's running the country. you saw him just yesterday concluded a big international summit where we've american leadership crystallize and two he's running a really strong good campaign and this is what i
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have felt in my bones. what i know because i'm doing it and we've been doing it in michigan since the beginning of this year, very rigorously, we had a great primary win in michigan in february for the president, we have offices opening up. we have surged forget events happening that the president himself, along with the vice president, kamala harris, they're not taking anything for granted. they've been here over and over and over again. and michigan voters in the people you saw at that rally tonight, feel it, know it realize that joe has their back and they have his were going to win this i mean i have to ask you because obviously, you know, a lot of your colleagues right now in the house on the democratic side, don't, don't feel the same way that you do are you honestly not concerned that the president could have a repeat of what happened at that debate how are you dealing with that question when you have these conversations with your colleagues? it's obviously
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that comes up. what do you say in response real loser. au. all right, we're going to try to get the congresswoman actually froze there. i was just that was just a tv glitch standby to standby, we'll try to get to the congresswoman in just a second let's continue this conversation. this happens. let me go to larry sabato, the director of center of politics at the university of virginia. larry, i'm just when i was starting to ask the hard questions there the picture froze. i won't read into that. if we get the congresswoman back controlled, please let me know, but larry, what did you make of the president's performance earlier tonight? i maybe it was jacked up on mountain dew. maybe i don't know. maybe it was just the crowd but that's not the joe biden we saw a couple of weeks ago. what's going on here well, it was a very energetic joe biden and that's exactly what rank and file democrats wanted to see. >> there's no question about it. and it will help to a certain degree because right now that's his strength. he
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seems to have the backing of rank and file democrats grads, he doesn't have the backing of a lot of big donors. he doesn't have the backing of a lot of people in high public office who have access to private polling and other information that suggests to them that biden is not doing terribly well in the handful of states where you have to do well and look, biden would rather have the rank and file and jim, he's decided i believe him you know, at first i thought well, you know, he's going through that's what they always say. but i believe him i think he's made his decision and assuming his health holds, he'll be in the race and democrats are really have a choice. they can either bus and fight and divide and play. 1968 again or they can join together and try to defeat donald trump. those are the two choices they have and just a quick second layer to our control of the congresswoman joins us and van jones is all supposed to join us. we could just let this happen organically. they can join the conversation, but
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larry, let me ask you this according to this new national poll, and i'm sure you saw this earlier today. the president is now statistically tied with donald trump he's up 40 or 50 to 48% in one of these polls. in this npr, pbs news poll that was also conducted by a marist. i mean that how in the heck is joe biden tied with or beating donald trump? did we in. the press misread the public is donald trump just that unpopular. what's going on it's a combination of several things. i do think the trump factor an underplayed maybe this is happening next week during the republican convention, but there hadn't been much coverage of donald trump lately, and he always benefits from less coverage because we don't follow the outrageous things that he says and does. but i think that has helped biden but there are other things to people. people have focused on the
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fundamentals in a very partisan polarized era the vast majority the voters know for whom they're going to vote. if they get out the vote that's the real question. is motivating people to vote. that's where biden has to make up some ground. but they know how they're going to vote. and i think that's popping up in some of these surveys. but jim, remember, he he needs more than a tie a statistical tie he's gotten not to win by three or four percentage points. and the popular vote in order to be sure to carry wisconsin and michigan where he was today in pennsylvania because he's not doing terribly well in north carolina and georgia and arizona, and nevada. the other swing states may come down to those blue wall well states. yet again, larry and cnn political commentator van jones is joining us now as well. and van, i was wondering, did you see a bit of the president earlier this evening and michigan. and michigan. and what did you think i mean, this
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is this was i mean, we've heard a dark brandon maybe this is jacked up joe what's going on here look, he's he's fighting for his political life is like fighting for his future. >> and in some ways he is fighting for america. he believes that easy only person that can stop donald trump. he believes he can do the job and he believes he just proved that with this successful nato summit and what the successful press conference. and so he's trying to, he's trying to show he's got the vigor. people say they want vigor than he looks vigorous and they say he looks nuts. so he's trying, but i do think that we may have missed something there is this countercurrent of people rallying to joe biden, right? there's a lot of african americans is a lot of african american women. and we may miss something here yeah i'm wondering that too, and we did get the democratic congresswoman from michigan, haley stevens back with us. congresswoman. i'll bring into the discussion as well. i was going to ask you, when the screen frozen to our viewers
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out there, that was not a conspiracy. it just happens sometimes we all live in this world skype or whatever you call it these days and i was just asking, i'm sure you're talking to your democratic colleagues who don't feel the same way you do. not enthusiastic about joe biden staying on top of the ticket and wondering, is he going to have another situation like we saw at the debate a couple of weeks ago. what do you say in response to that? because obviously, if something like that, you've heard the doomsday scenarios. if it happened since after the convention september, october what then how do you how do you answer that? >> well, certainly we don't want to be litigating very important questions about the future of our country in public and the press like this particularly interpersonal between colleagues and i don't want to speak for for anyone. but what i have said to folks very enthusiastically is coming to michigan. look, this is just my slice of the world. this is where i spend every weekend. i don't have the luxury of not being on this campaign right? in the thick of it and have been in part because it's not
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that joe biden is just trying to save his view future. he's trying to save the future of this country. we heard him at the press conference yesterday. he he says he wants to regulate and ban assault weapons and guns and not regulate girls so it's just it's really deeply important that we square this message around on the economy and around the future in the palpable fear of what so many know that donald trump brings. and it's not just chaos it is that project 2025 that president biden outlined tonight in his speech. and i want to share something else with you because we did a stop at a restaurant in northville, michigan this is the suburbs of detroit. it's a community i used to represent ai campaign. they're very rigorously when i was flipping a seat in michigan that voted for donald trump and the restroom we went to is called the garage. i spent a lot of time in the garage on
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the campaign trail. a lot of time and nor phil they'll have a republican township supervisor there and i'll tell you that not only was the president engage off script, making people laugh, painting his vision for this nation with there was a crowd in a small suburban town a mast excited engaged. these are those suburban voters. we need to win. those are those swing state voters donald trump couldn't do that he'd be booed. he doesn't have the stamina. i don't even know if he's campaigning right now, but my president, he's leaving on the global stage and he's running a world-class operation here in michigan and i do want to go back to van jones and asked, you know, we did hear the president lay out some of his promises for his first 100 days should he be reelected? >> let's listen to a bit of that. >> to restore roe v. wade as the law of the land to protect
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the right to vote oh fight for medicare and social security, not cut like the other guy wants to do you know, van one of the criticisms of the president over the last couple of weeks after that debate performance was, you know, is this the guy who can deliver that message, draw a sharp contrast with donald trump prosecute the case he's against donald trump, and he sounded like that kind of candidate tonight yeah. >> look, he did let the people or more critical say look, you can have good days is going to have bad days of the good days give us no encouragement in the bad days, give his heart attacks and so we i think some critics want a more stable consistent performance, but you have to give credit where it's due. people said he's hide and he's heightened biden. he won't do any interviews. well, he's doing interviews they saying he can't do the job. well, he just did the nato summit. there saying he doesn't have the energy. well, he's giving big speeches so at
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a certain point, you can't grade them on a curve and make every little mistake. a headline. and you can't greater than the other way and say no matter what you do, we just don't like you i think you have to make a judgment. do you think that what you're seeing now can hold up for four months or four years. and if so, he's hey, great candidate but if you don't think he can hold up or four more months or four more weeks. it's understandable that you would have some concerns. and so as a mature party and not a cult, we are having discussion about what is this actual thing called the joe biden candidacy? and but he has acquitted himself pretty well the past 24 hours and nobody can take that away from him yeah. larry, i mean, it's almost as though we're having the primary process now about six months too late. and i mean, one of the things that the biden folks will say is that well, the other folks miss their chance to run against joe biden during the primary process? in a way, it's we're
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having this conversation now. are democrats are having that conversation now i suppose better late than never well, maybe it's not very helpful for party unity. >> obviously it's a legitimate deduction, you know, based on what people are saying, but they're there wasn't any significant challenge to president biden, no offense to the minnesota congressman who did, but they really wasn't a sit down that was the time for there to be a significant challenge. there wasn't and so in the end, you have to accept reality and the reality for democrats is they have a nominee luckily for them, their nominee has a very good record from the first term. it's easily defensible and it can easily be extended into the second term, their arguments there, plus, you have an opponent like donald trump. i mean, that's got to be a gift from god. i listened to that litany, that biden had in speech in michigan here today.
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and the lengthy was very powerful about the things that donald trump might well do or has said he will do. most americans are not going to sign on to that all right? well, van larry, congresswoman, thank you very much. it was great conversation. it just sort of happened organically and sometimes it works out great that way, say i'd everybody back in michigan for is congressman van and larry. thanks very much for your time. we appreciate it coming up. a cnn exclusive, a radio host who interviewed president biden speaks out what he says about the campaigns request to edit out portions of their interview. first, alec baldwin, crying, tears of joy in court, the charges against him in the rust movie shooting well tossed out by the judge the dramatic ruling next i voted like drag remote why no donkeys or elephants counties in iowa think sell boy, it's like your
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right now. >> so what are you waiting for i'm jessica schneider at the federal courthouse in washington. >> and this is cnn dismissal with prejudice is warranted to ensure the integrity of the judicial system and the efficient administration of justice your motion to dismiss with prejudices grant alec baldwin weeping in court as the involuntary manslaughter charge against him were thrown out today, the judge overseeing his trial tossing the case ruling that prosecutors withheld evidence. >> it was a dramatic end to a dramatic saga happening about three years since cinematographer halyna hutchins was killed on the rust movie set, how the prosecution's case unravel today is a bit complicated, but a boils down to ammunition that was given to the santa fe's sheriff's office and march after the conviction of the movie's armorer, hannah gutierrez reed, the man who brought it, was a front of her father. he told investigators he thought it could be related to the case. we learned yesterday that ammo
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was catalogs separately from the rest of the evidence. the defense says the prosecution never told them about it and moved to dismiss we're talking about a prosecution that didn't preserve those bullets. that didn't collect them at all. it didn't turn them over. this case should be dismissed, your honor this is over and over and over and over again. >> but the lead prosecutor wasn't having it. >> she claimed the ammo did not match the live rounds found on the rust set this is a wild goose chase. >> this has no evidentiary value whatsoever. this is simply a man trying to protect his daughter and he's doing it by providing information that doesn't even match. he's trying to provide evidence that doesn't even match the evidence that was found at the scene. >> now it gets even more while the judge herself decided to investigate cutting open an envelope with the ammo in question. she's then called a crime scene technician back to
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testify. the judge, that witness and attorneys all put on blue gloves and inspected the bullets in the center of the courtroom. it then it was found at least it's one of the rounds. did resemble those found on the set moments before the case was dismissed, the lead prosecutor went from questioning witnesses to taking the stand herself. >> everything that happened is this regard, especially as it pertains to me needs to come out in the public. >> all right. so you're calling yourself as a witness? >> but i am fit. it was my understanding that the court indicated to me previously that you wanted me to testify. i understand you now changed your mind. i think it's a good yes, i do urge you like me. do you want me here? and i voted no on what the judge did not buy, what she had to say. the case against alec baldwin cannot be brought again and joining me now, former federal prosecutor and the president of, west coast trial lawyers, neama rahmani neiman. let's talk
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about this. i mean, this was pretty astounding. what took place this case rapidly fell apart was this the right decision from the judge? what do you think? >> jim it was the right decision. i'm stunned. this is the cardinal sin for a prosecutor to intentionally withhold exculpatory evidence and this is a case that's been a botched by the santa fe district attorney from the beginning. it's been one constitutional violation after another first charging a retroactive enhancement violation of the ex post facto clause of the constitution. then appointing a special prosecutor was a member of the new mexico state legislature. that's a separation of powers issue. they weren't ready to proceed to the preliminary hearing there to dismissed. wait for your and go back to the grand jury and now the greatest violation of all the brady violation with holding exculpatory evidence intentionally that's grounds for the ultimate sanction, which has dismissal of the case with prejudice. they can proceed and i fully expect
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hannah gutierrez reed to make the saving human and for her conviction to be overturned. wow. now, that would be something i mean, if you look at the video that we're just showing a few moments ago, it looked like the judge was just not buying what the prosecutor had to say there and the prosecutor almost looked like she had been busted if there had been more competent prosecutors, do you think this case would have turned out the same? what do you think? >> i think so. i think this case wasn't won by alec baldwin as much as it was lost by the prosecution. the prosecution, it is not morrissey, the prosecutor's decision to make what evidence to provide or not seth kenney, the prop supplier, potentially provided the rounds that killed halyna hutchins's. now of course, the prosecution's theory is that gutierrez reed provided those rounds, but they can't unilaterally decide what evidence to preside present and what as evidenced to withhold. they have to disclose everything something jim, that every first-year law student
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knows when morrissey took the stand and when she testified that it was willful withholding, that was enough for the judge and it's also telling that the other prosecutor, johnson, resigned while this whole process was playing out. >> now, as for hannah gutierrez her attorney adjacent bowls is reacting to the decision. he says, the judge found intentional misconduct, and we also have had the same failures in hannah's case by the state. we will be moving for dismissal of hannah's case how will this impact her case? i mean, it sounds as though she may be let out of out of jail soon i fully expect so, jason other great argument. >> this evidence is more exculpatory. zanona is gutierrez reed even more than baldwin. and the prosecution's theory was that gutierrez reed was using drugs, alcohol, brought the live rounds on set, but turns out that someone else
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entirely did so that exonerates serve. her case is on appeal, but i fully expect out of the trial court or the appellate court to overturn that conviction, and it won't just be alec baldwin who is a free man. hannah gutierrez reed will go free. as well really a tragedy to the victims in this case, matt hutchinson, the other members of the hutchins family, that after deal with this because of prosecutorial misconduct very sad case all around or neama rahmani. thank you very much for your time. we appreciate it thanks for having alright. >> in the meantime, trump still has not announced his running mate on the gop ticket. he is comparing his vice presidential selection trying to his old tv show, the apprentice. a reporter with the scoop on that selection process joins us now i love cnn is live from milwaukee, as republicans unite behind their nominee, his vp, and their plans to take back the white house, follow cnn for complete coverage. the
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shop. now that sleep this is cnn, the world's news network we're just days away from the rnc and we are still waiting on trump's vice presidential announcement. do know who was on the shortlist, but those folks seem to have no idea whether or not they're actually going to be part of the ticket nobody knows except president trump. i don't know who the final list i read the press like everybody else. >> well, sean, it's an incredible honor to be considered with those guys. i think donald trump has got a lot of talented people we could choose from and at this point, it seems like trump doesn't even know when he's going to make the announcement, at least that's the way he's making it sound i'd love to do it during the convention, which would be just slightly before the convention, like monday, love to do it on tuesday or wednesday actually, but for a lot of complex reasons that you people understand it pretty
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much so do that let's bring in michael bender, political correspondent for the new york times hey, michael what do you think? i mean, you have some new reporting that trump is closely analyzing. how is vice president could help him electorally. what, what are you learning yeah, hey, jim trump has been talking about. >> it's been asked about who's running mate is going to be for a couple of years now at this point is that he's since he's been running and really for the past year, he's been talking about this in terms of who the best governor i'm sorry, who the best president could be, who could step in if needed. i should something happen to him. but really in the last couple of weeks he started adding to that in his public comments saying he wants someone who could be president, but also can help him win and to be direct i don't know exactly what he means. there at the risk, of climbing into donald trump's head we can
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kind of look at each of these three guys to see what they may bring electorally to the ticket, who they, who they may attract rubio is from one very big, diverse state. he's won that state three times. the first republican ever elected to three consecutive senate terms fluent spanish speaker, very bootstrap story as the son of cuban immigrants, jd vance is more of a base play but like tucker carlson, donald trump junior are pulling for jd vance and then you have sort of the the wildcard which is also maybe the safest pick. oddly, governor doug burgum, who is a little bit older, connects with trump generationally, closer, at least in the other two folks, and could maybe provide a bridge or are they settle
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some pro-business republicans who are uncertain about trump's unpredictability for another four years yeah. >> michael trump is comparing the vp selection process to the apprentice and here's what he's saying about his potential choices. >> it's like a highly sophisticated version of the apprentice guy watched tim scott on television yesterday. he was fierce and great. he was great. i watched mark over the weekend on television. he was incredible jd has been great you have a man named burgum is a fantastic governor in north dakota and it's a state that's very, very pressed for his very successful and he's done a good job there. you have, you have some terrific people my goldman, i'm having some flashbacks to the first trump term where he did a lot of watching the shows and he made
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up his mind watching the shows and it sounds like that's what he's doing with his vice presidential selection process. >> yeah. i think that's absolutely right this process has been nothing, if not theatrical what more than anything else, i think that's how you would describe the last few months. and when what these contenders i've. been through going on having to do interviews, come down four, to mingle with mar-a-lago residence, go to rallies that sort of thing. and it's been pretty flawless from trump's point of view. i mean, he's running like some who has as you point out done this before, but now the hard part, jim, now he has to actually make a decision. we've been on on watch for for the better part of a week you know, in a lot of people are talking about a trump sort of playing the media here and playing into our speculation but my reporting is
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that he had his aides were ready for an announcement on tuesday at his rally in doral on tuesday, his aides are ready for an announcement tomorrow at the rally in pennsylvania trump wants to do it at the at the convention and it looks like that's that's how this is going you know, i have to say i will be shocked if he picks marco rubio. >> there's a part of me that wonders if he is doing to marco rubio a little bit of what he did, mitt romney when he dangled the idea of being secretary of state. and maybe this is just all a part of trump trying to settle a score once and for all with margot robbie, it we'll see maybe that's not the case at all. does the name mike pence come up in conversations? not as a possible running mate, but as somebody to as a kind of person to avoid or perhaps has, perhaps as characteristics that trump wants. but somebody who will go along with him next time around if, if need be yeah. i mean, it's interesting i think i think marco rubio, it has been responding to this.
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maybe with that romney comparison in the back of his mind certainly his 20 2016 experience, he hasn't done all of the all. the all, the things that others have. he didn't he didn't go up to sit with trump in the courtroom at mar-a-lago you know, he's kinda said, here's my played it as here's my hand, right? you know who i am we've known each other for a long time and send a sort of signal, sending a signal that, you know, you can make your decision it, pence helped him win over evangelicals this time around, everyone knows who donald trump is and is going to be as president and it's not clear he needs he needs anyone to win over any kind of constituencies or as a bridge to any, any, any better for ground state. at this point. so it's an interesting decision on his hands for sure all
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right. >> i'm michael bender thanks very much. great reporting as always, good to see you. thanks for your time. >> thanks a lot, jim. >> all right. coming up next, an exclusive interview with the radio hosts who spoke to biden right after the debate, but is now revealing he was given suggested questions since by the biden campaign and asked to edit out parts of his interview, does he regret it? that's nice he loved cnn is live from milwaukee as republicans unite behind their nominee, his vp, and their plans to take back the white house follow cnn for complete coverage. >> the republican national convention starts monday at seven on cnn at morgan stanley old school hard work it's bold new thinking at 88-years-old, we still see the world with a wonder of new eyes helping you discover untapped possibilities
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tonight, a wisconsin radio station in the stations host earl ingram apologizing for editing a post-debate interview with president biden at the biden campaign's request now, this apology coming after ingraham also admitted biden's campaign, gave him suggested questions and grim tolls tells out front, but he was given five questions. >> and he asked four of them during the 18 minute conversation that he had with the president another radio host, andrea lawful-sanders, also admitting she accepted pre-approved questions for her interview with the president after the debate. she ascent resigned, which may explain why the interviews sounded similar. >> can you address some of the concerns about your performance i had a bad night i had a bad night. a lot of people are talking about the debate and your performance. is there any reason for the american people to be concerned know i had a bad debate back bay.
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>> what's at stake for black voters this election, i got a guy i'm running against, embracing political violence pledging to rule as a dictator on day one, what makes this one so important, sir au, first of all, the guy i'm running against convicted felon who is chair and he wants to be a dictator on day one outfront. now, ingraham, he is the host of the earl ingram show and you just heard him there speaking to president biden, one of the president's first interviews following the june 27 debate. and he is my exclusive guest so url, thanks so much for joining me and i just want to be clear hear your radio so host your extremely well regarded radio host in your city. you don't try to say you're a journalist, but i want to understand and everybody wants to know what questions do they give you how specific were they were they topics where they just kind of blip points or were they sort of word for word? >> well, when you asked me if
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they were word for it, i can't tell you right now that's about a week ago or so little more than a week ago what those questions actually were verbatim but at the root of them was things about the black community in which i live in milwaukee, a city that is clearly struggling in its black community and joe biden was talking about the things that he had done and was in the process of doing to do some things to make the lives of people who live in urban centers across this nation better so i guess the question is, did you feel that the questions were what you would've asked anyway or were you worried they pull the interview if you didn't ask them, what was your thought process when you received these questions? well, my thought process was number one, not so much the questions as it was the fact that i had an
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opportunity to interview the most powerful man in the world and so i was a bit flatter and be quite honest with you and your listening audience. i didn't give much thought to the questions it was the fact that i was getting this opportunity in let my guard down, if you will and made a mistake learned some valuable lessons from that and hope to never repeat it again. >> now, appreciate your honesty. i'm sure everyone watching can understand and very much appreciate that honesty and self-reflection do you do you feel when you look back on it all? that you did a good interview that you that you asked questions that were illuminating or do you feel that they took advantage of you and the fact that they may have assumed you'd feel flattered to get that interview well, i
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can't speak for them. i can only speak for myself and again, i can only tell you that those questions that they presented to me at the time we're relevant from the perspective of a community and the city where i live, that is one of the worst condition in the black community as many across the nation and so the fact that the president biden and his policies and addressing those issues in a city that i've live for 70 years made me believe that this person is at least addressing those issues. men who came before him did not that was a perspective in which i addressed it so i want to ask you about one other thing that happened and it's important in the context of what, what's at
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stake right now. >> but certainly when you're interview was conducted post that debate, you have been very direct and honest. you admitted that you and your producers cut 16 seconds from the interview and you did that at the request of the campaign now you have subsequently apologized for that, but also put out the very specific two clips that they wanted to cut. and i want to play those for everyone. >> in addition to that, i have more blacks in my administration than any other president. all other presidents combined. and major positions, cabinet position i don't know if they even call for their hanging or not, but they said convicted of murder so why did they ask for those parts to be cut and how how do they ask? >> when did they literally call and give you the verbatim of what they wanted cut well, they talked about some, you know,
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things that they wanted to you know, clip from the interview and those things, as i hear them now even as i heard them at the time, i did not see them as so overwhelming and so earth-shattering i'm an issue as this has turned out to be for the life of me, i don't understand that the impact of those things that he said would be so met with so much consternation as it is today. i'd know now that if i had to do it all over again, i would've said absolutely not but i'm relatively new at this radio station. once they found out about it, did what i think is the morton lot of a thing,
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they did, what many others may not have the courage to do and put out the statement and apologize and we apologize for a shortcoming and said that we will work diligently and we put in place things that will prevent this from happening in the future. >> all right. well, errol, i'm really grateful for your time and i think everybody is is very glad to hear, hear you and hear you tell the story. thanks so much. >> thank you very much. >> next, she's giving a second chance to dogs and children were putting the spotlight on a cnn hero, you should know about looking, nature boy, will stop it's a man finch they give seeds to females in a bonding mitchell it doubled the storage
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back and we're kicking off this year's campaign with an amazing woman from california. she's giving at-risk kids and cast-off canines a chance for futures filled with hope and possibility, meet melissa wolf dogs, know that you're safe and that you're kind to them. >> they're going to give back twice as much, just like humans, if you guys want to do some warm-up with her, now, take turns like five skills each we bring that information to kids, saying we need your help we need your help to get these dogs placed into a permanent adoptive home, treat always street. there you go. stay. he does down, right? yeah. i feel like it's too basic when kids can contribute to giving dogs a second chance at a better life, we see the shift in them. i get goosebumps. i talk about this after 12 years there's a vulnerability that the dogs allow to be able to care for
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former ohio democratic congressman tim ryan ran for president 2020, also two cnn political commentators, ashley allison, who served as national coalitions director for the 2020 biden-harris can't and kate bedingfield, former biden white house communications director, congressman, it was ten days ago that you call from vice president harris replace president biden at the top of the ticket president said again tonight, he's not going anywhere. what did you make of his speech tonight? and does it make you change your mind no. >> i honestly i didn't watch a whole lot. i just listened to it as as i was sitting here but i think the fact that a lot of the almost all of the michigan representatives senators candidates were not there, i think tells a lot of us exactly what was happening on the ground brown now he's obviously going out. he's going to try to convince people, which is fine. he has a right to absolutely do that. but when i think about what the


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