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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  July 14, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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happening now, breaking news, president biden is set to address the nation tonight. from the oval office following the attempted assassination some of his political rival donald trump, we're following all the latest developments in this truly historic moment in american history. >> welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer in washington. this special edition of the situation the fbi is now saying yesterday's attempt to shoot donald trump is being investigated. that only as an attempted assassination. but as a potential act of domestic terrorism. they say the shooter, timothy matthew crooks, acted alone and had no known ideology. meantime, the u.s. secret service says, it is fully prepared to maintain security at the republican good
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national convention in milwaukee and has no need to change its protocols in the wake of the attack. just ahead of his planned oval office address, president biden spoke of making a personal call to former president trump. and i've how critical unity is at this moment last night i spoke with donald trump i'm sure. surely grateful that he's doing well and recovering we had a short good conversation i've directed the head of the secret service to review all security measures for all security measures for the republican national convention which is scheduled to start tomorrow. we must unite as one nation must unite as one nation to demonstrate who we are cnn's whitney wild is following all the latest developments on this investigation. whitney, what are you learning well wolf,
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what we know right now is that the fbi is saying that this gunman acted alone and they are still working to gain access to the cell phone. >> but they do have some very limited insights i into his communications. and this includes phone call records as well as text messages, but that information thus far has not does not revealed anything with regard to motive or the involvement or knowledge of anyone else. and that's according to the fbi deputy director paul abate, and that's important, wolf, because what we've learned additionally does that this firearm was purchased legally, that it was an ar style 556 rifle, and that it belongs to his father. so the question here is how did the gunman gained access to that firearm? the fbi has repeatedly emphasized this is early in the investigation. this is very much in the preliminary stages. agents are working round the clock to try to figure out what happened and what the motivation was. and that includes trying to assess materials at quantico and wolf. an example of that it certainly as agents attempt robustly to
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try to get into that cell phone. they are also examining these rudimentary explosive materials that were at the he gunman's residents. we also know that there was explosive material found in his car. so many questions about if he had any further plans or perhaps plans to utilize an explosive device that he later changed his mind and decided to use a firearm. these are all the questions at the fbi is working through at this point fully further, wolf, what we know is that this 20-year-old thomas matthew crooks had no prior contact with the fbi and was not in any database as well. so this is the type of lone gunman law enforcement really worries about because they are flying so far under the radar i take it whitney, the fbi has been able to get access to his cell phone. is that right well, there they're working to gain access to it, but they do have insights that would include text messages and phone records. >> so those are the things that they're working through right
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now. so you're presumably have the device they're working to get a further into that device the fbi is the best at this. this happens frequently we've covered other cases where the fbi was trying to get into a mass shooter cell phones and they were able to do it. so certainly it's highly likely that we will learn more information as the fbi very likely a successful in being able to get into that cell phone. and that is such a crucial piece of information wolf, because it allows them to understand several things. the motivation obviously chief among them, but also if there's anyone else who needs to be held accountable. the other thing to consider wolf is that this is very much an active investigation just because the gunman is dead does not mean that someone will not eventually be prosecuted. so these are all the questions questions, law enforcement seeking to answer while trying to maintain the integrity of this investigation, wolf. >> good point there. whitney wild following the investigation for us, whitney. thank you very much. we're also learning right now more about the timeline of events leading up to yesterday's shooting. cnn's tom foreman is
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joining me right now here in the situation room what can you tell us tim wolf? you know, tremendous security at any kind of a national political convention for the candidate for the thousands of people there. >> all to security risks. and yet there is the shock. that this came in a pennsylvania field just before six au for saturday evening, before an adoring and roaring crowd, former president donald trump steps to the podium 7.5 minutes later, take a look what happened and ammonia amid a series of sharp pops, trump touches his ear and ducks three seconds slater, secret service agents are swarming into shield him and security snipers have opened fire on the would-be assassin. >> same initially like firecrackers went off as chaos erupts among the attendees one rally goers, he's another man has been killed despite the rescue efforts of bystanders, they jumped to wagers and start
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clearing the bleachers. and then i helped carry the body of the man down on of the bleachers and i took them to attend i'm behind the bleachers. we put a towel over his head, but deceased. >> it all happens fast. 30 seconds after the first shots ring out, the podiums microphone catches secret service agents coordinating trump's evacuation from that stage. >> well, you're reading then just over a minute after the violence started the all clear at 6:12 p.m. the agents rise with trump and try to usher him rapidly away but he says let me get much to me shortly after he's on his way to a safe vehicle, but he tells agents to pause again. >> he turns to the rattled crowd and what will become an historic photo soon, picture start surfacing of what appears to be a dead gunmen on a roof, not more than 500 feet away from trump's rights byd as he stood on the stage. and the
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much more methodical police work begins, we need the public's help. anyone who was on scene who saw anything as the fbi and partners start piecing together who the assailant is, how he got there, whether he acted alone and ultimately why he found hired an investigation that certainly will go on for months into a violent explosion of seconds we have learned so much to answer those questions in the hour since. but as our colleague whitney suggested just a short while ago, one of the reasons the investigation will go on and on is to make sure that nobody helped this person carry out that attack. and that nobody is culpable for having failed to stop it. this investigation will go on for a long time even after we think we know all the answers well, as it should go on and show all the answers. >> yes thanks very much. tom foreman for that report joining us now, democratic congressman gerry connolly of virginia, congressman. thanks so much for joining us. what's your
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reaction to this attempted assassination of the former president of the united states? you know, my first reaction was, oh god, here we go again now, i lived through john kennedy's assassination, martin luther king's, robert kennedy's, the shooting of george wallace, making him paralyzed for life the shooting of ronald reagan, the attempted shooting of a gerald ford. and now this we can't allow violence to seep into our politics decisions are made in america at the ballot box, not at the end of the barrel of a gun i know congressman, this is an issue that resonates very personally for you because just over a year or so ago, a man went to your district office in fairfax, virginia, just outside of washington, dc with a metal bat and then attacked two of your own staffers?
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>> why is this political violence apparently so prevalent in our country well, i think there are two reasons for sure. one is that we have almost normalized violent rhetoric or violence sounding rhetoric with our political rhetoric using terms like bloodbath or encouraging at rallies people to be beaten up who dare to dissent or real severe demonization of, you people on the other party or the other political philosophy on, you know, have created a climate of acceptance for rising intolerance. and that can lead to violence as we saw in charlottesville in 2017. and then january 6, and the capitol itself, the second is the beak
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witty of guns when is american have gone to an end? gun madness? you know there are more guns than people in america. this young man apparently had access to his father's gun based on what we preliminarily know, how is that possible access to guns combined with emotional instability or mental instability can push people off the edge as you point out that happened with a mentally ill person who came to my office with a baseball bat. he want he was looking for me to kill me and said so when he couldn't find me, decided he was going to kill my staff. he injured one of them severely hitting her eight times on the head with a baseball bat we all that kind of violence. kept be considered normal or just a cost of doing business. we've
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got to address this and address it fundamentally so what's it going to take congressman to bring the temperature down right now my hope is that we'll see an opportunity at the republican convention to tone down that rhetoric. >> and that all of us will be more conscious of the applications of heightened rhetoric and the impact that can have on unstable individuals and that we bear responsibility is elected officials and candidates to tone down the temperature and have rational conversations about the future of the country that's what a campaign ought to be about and that's how it ought to be important the chairman of the house oversight committee, james comer, congressman, as you probably know, is calling on the head of the u.s. >> secret service to appear before your committee on july 22, what would you like to hear from the secret service about
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how this shooting potentially could have happened you know, this will not be the first set of oversight hearings on the secret service. we had them during the obama years as well. when there are a number of incidents, very troubling obviously, we're going to want to know how did a shooter get on top of a roof? 500 yards, 500 feet away from a presidential candidate. and the former president of the united states who has secret service protection what was the process for securing the perimeter and what kind of limits did you set on what constituted the perimeter? and what measures are going to be taken to ensure that candidates for the remainder of this presidential campaign year are secure and protected and their families as you know president biden is now
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pleading for unity in our country. ai, do you think the country can in fact come together there's always hope wolf were very polarized country and i think there are heightened tensions politically and societally and this kind of thing, unfortunately takes place in that kind of context. >> so i pray for unity. i hope we can achieve it. i hope an incident like this gives everybody pause in terms of that polarization and the consequences that flow from it but one incident isn't going to care the country yeah. there's always hope as you say, and let's hope that this country can get together. democratic congressman gerry connolly of virginia, thanks so much for joining us thank you, wolf. and we'll have much more ahead on our special edition of the situation room. much more
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coming up on the attempted assassination of the former president donald trump the former president now on his way to the walkie for the republican national convention set to kick off in just a few hours. or the shooting that could potentially change the political the landscape as we head into november stay with us. you're in the situation do you think that our democracy is at risk? >> we have to be very concerned. >> why do you think he's doing this? and can he be talked out of do you think he's guilty the lead with jake tapper weekdays it four on cnn. you were hired to be a maintenance manager, but everyone really knows you as a repair expert a procurement specialist and the problem-solver no matter what your call, you know, who to call to help keep your operation running ranger has over 1 million products, including the one unique. now plus the scale to deliver next day on most orders. so you can
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symbolically adopting an elephant for only $12 a month it's just $0.40 a day to protect wildlife and their habitats do it in the next five minutes and you'll get this free adoption kit with this plush keepsake go online i call or scan to help make a difference today i'm elizabeth wagmeister in los angeles and this is cnn tonight with just hours before the start of the republican national convention in milwaukee, former president trump and his campaign are presenting a unified byd front after yesterday's assassination attempt, cnn's kristen holmes and cnn's jeff zeleny are joining us right now. kristen, let me start with you. first of all, tell us what you've heard from the trump team. how might this shooting potentially change the political landscape of this race? not just at the convention this coming week, but in the months ahead well,
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first i'll start by talking about what i've heard from people who have spoken to former president themselves. they say that he is in good spirits, that he has been defined and at some point it actually said that there has been a divine intervention and that's the reason that he was not hurt. now, i also talked to advisers and aides, all of whom exhibited several different a motion which seems completely normal given the circumstances, some of them were very rattled. they were scared. they travel with him all the time, some more angry. they've got how could this have possibly happened? where was the security? they believe that if he had just been in any other position, he might have actually been killed, which apart there are a lot of people who believe that, but there's also this level of defiance. one of the boards we often hear from donald trump's aides and advisers is that he is feeling defiant how a certain obstacles. but it's not always necessarily the case. but what i'm talking to people now, it is certainly the case. there is more resolved in this campaign than i i've ever actually
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heard from the trump team before, particularly going into november, know how this is going to actually impact them there's going to be a lot of conversations with security serve as what exactly this is going to look like as of now. i am told that trump wants to continue this campaign as we continue having these wide route but whether or not that that remains to be seen you are jeff trump by beta clear, he is still set to appear at the republican convention this week. >> well, yesterday's assassination attempt against him impact any part of the convention. and when do we expecting to learn his vice presidential pick? >> wolf, that is a central question hanging over all of milwaukee here. who will former president donald trump name as his running mate? it is a major decision really, his big yes. decision as the presumptive nominee, most republicans were talking, you expect it tomorrow, technically on the schedule, there is a roll call vote for his. name and the
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running mate stand to be placed into nomination. but don't forget, they control the rules here. so the timing could change, but most people here expected on monday as the former president makes his way to milwaukee, well, one thing that is really striking, it's different from, of course the convention four years ago, which was really shrunken because of the pandemic denmark and certainly different than eight years ago when he arrived at the convention with a divided party. this is donald trump's republican party. there is more the bigger sense of unity here and certainly in the wake of the attempted assassination on saturday, he is going to receive a hero's welcome here, but he is also really strike can you tone of unity so that is really something that we're all keeping our eye on here this week. and one example of that is his longest ending rival, nikki haley. she received an invitation a late invitation to come speak at the convention on a tuesday. i'm told she will be giving a speech about the need for republicans to unify and the need for the country so
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unify. so of course we will see what donald trump does himself in terms of setting message and tone. but they really believed this is an opportunity to a set a wider example country horse right here in battleground, wisconsin. this is one of the states where if he wins, he can likely block joe biden's path to reelection wisconsin a he key battleground state indeed, jeff zeleny and kristen holmes to both of you. thank you very much. just ahead, we're learning new details about how the attempted assassination of donald trump unfolded we'll have a closer look. how it happened. minute by minute plus we're waiting as president biden is set to address the nation from the oval office later tonight a live look at the white house, right? now as our special coverage here in the situation room continues right after a break what does it mean to be out? it's going there. we are just about three miles from the gaza border. it's context and curiosity. so you can be outfront two, let's
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one have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have called now and we'll come to you 800 a31, 37 hundred we're learning new details about the assassination attempt on former president donald trump in pennsylvania. some 24 hours ago. our brian todd is joining us right now from the magic wall walk us through brian. what you've learned, right? well, some new information tonight about the shooter's movements and the timeline of events first, we can tell tell you that what we know right now is that the shooter was roughly 150 meters away from where the former president was speaking when he opened fire, 150 meters away. that's less than 500 feet away from where donald trump was speaking. we can also tell you that we've gotten some new information from the sheriff of butler county, michael sloot, who told cnn a short time ago that in the minutes before the show shooting occurred, they got word local law enforcement got word of a suspicious activity, a suspicious person at the location of where the gunman was. they investigated and a law enforcement officer, local
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law enforcement officer hoisting himself up on the ledge of a building presumably it was right about there according to the sheriff, that law enforcement officers saw the gunman the gunman saw the law enforcement officer and pointed his weapon at the officer. the officer then because he was holding onto the ledge of the building, he could not draw his weapon and engage the shooter. the officer had to dropped down for his own safety than the shooting began at six p.m. and 33 seconds. remember that timeline we're going to come back to it in a couple of minutes. what we're also told by a senior law enforcement official is that in the minutes before the shooting occurred, the gunman was spotted acting somewhat suspiciously around the area of the magnetometers, presumably in these areas here, where the magnetometers were not clear exactly where he was but he was around the magnetometers acting a little suspiciously. the question is, was he probing? was he looking for a shooting position, maybe doing some recon that will come out in the investigation. what we can also show you here is another diagram and a witness account from ben macer. he told cnn affiliate kdka that in the
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moments before the shooting, he saw the gunman moving from roof to roof to roof, and that would be it had to be right here because these are the rooms that are attached to where the shooter took the position right there. and there's a fourth roof right there, so it had to have been right about there where this witness saw the gunman moving from roof to roof to roof in the minutes just before the shooting, we also have this video now from tiktok so we can show you of the gunman neutralized on the roof what we do know is that the first reports from agents that shots were fired into the gunman was down, came at 6:12 and 16 seconds. so that is less than a minute from the time that shots were first reported fired, there also, as we look at the post shooting scene and some of this video you aove the chairs and some of the debris around here when it gets to this part here, i want to pause it for just a second and show you just a diagram here of the grand stands and where the deceased victim may have been. his name is corey comparatora, according to the governor of pennsylvania, josh shapiro. he was in one of these grandstands, either that one there, possibly this one here,
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and he dove on top of this family to protect them from the shooting. moving back to the scene here, wolf, we're told by president biden, he's ordered an independent review of this. our law enforcement and analyst, andrew mccabe says, a key thing, they have to do when you're securing a site, especially outside, is to eliminate the sight lines from where a protectee is speaking. the key question is why was that site line 150 meters away, so wide open for the shooter that is going to be a key component of this investigation. there will watch it together with you, brian, todd. thanks for that report. let's discuss what's going on with the former us secret service agent to president obama korea and cory, thanks so much for joining us. first of all, what's your reaction? actually into all of this new information we're learning about this assassination attempt on donald trump it's appalling that this is where we are in a state of our country. >> obviously we know we've got gun problem the gun violence that is plaguing our nation and
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our schools overflowing into the political arena, which just has no place in our society at all in hearing that the new details which i just learned from the previous discussion sounds like information was just not getting back quick enough. as things were transpiring and they are absolutely right at the line of sight. is critical to securing these venues because there are a lot of reports out there right now that there were eyewitnesses who alerted the secret service that there was a guy standing atop this roof, not all that far away from where the president, the former president was getting ready to speak and he had a weapon and even some law enforcement officials are saying that they told the secret service to be careful, look, take a look and see what's going on. >> a top that elevated roof in a direct line towards the podium where the former president was about to speak. when you hear that, what do you think? >> i mean i'm not i don't want to speculate because i don't
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i'm not privy to the inside information. i certainly don't speak for the secret service and we'll see what the facts come out. so i don't want to monday morning quarterback either but to me to keep sounding like that, there's a communication barrier that maybe some question is if the secret service is not holding that building after swept, if it was, of course, they rely on state and local police to assist them with accordion of protection, if you will there was a breakdown somewhere in there with the communication and getting the radios back and getting that information, to the counter, snipers that's what keeps it hitting my mind is there was just something went wrong there. obviously an end tragically somebody lost their life was it a result of this building, this rooftop by location, being outside that security corridor outside the met magnetometers is that was that the issue you think? >> but it is? so you've got to mitigate those line of sight
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issues. it's still a potential threat area. and so as you've heard others speak, you just got to address it in some way, shape, or form, and the counter snipers were up on another ruth and address the target as soon as i became aware of it, identified, there was an actual legitimate threat of course, keep in mind they've got to make sure that it is a threat and it's not a building maintenance person or something up there on the roof i'm sure the secret service is unfortunately, it hasn't happened in 43 years, but they'll adapt persevere that the most elite professionals out there that do this the grow and learn from it and expand. obviously the rnc and isn't nsse which unlocks all kinds of additional assets and money to expand that footprint even farther. so i'm sure that'll be the case going forward. >> you think at this sensitive moment, secret service should go before congress and answer questions about what happened i can't i i don't want to speak
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out there. we have you know, they've got to flush out and there's going to be multiple investigations going on behind secret service internal affairs, dhs, oig, to figure out where the breakdown was that there was a breakdown it and how to fix that? so i'm not sure when they need to go before congress or if they do. that's certainly not my call to make yeah. >> good point. they've got to do a full scale investigation and learn if there were blenders, if there were mistakes, they got to learn from them to make sure it doesn't happen again, cory allen, thanks for your service. thanks very much for joining us. >> of course. thank you for having me and i we hope that this tones down the rhetoric across the board may learn to communicate with each other on social media and face-to-face contact. >> yeah. let's hope that's so important. thank you very much. query the attempted assassination of donald trump is putting a new focus on instances of political violence over the course of american history up next, we'll speak with civil rights activist martin luther king, the third,
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about why these attacks are still so prevalent in our society today. and what needs to be done to make sure they don't continue we're here to get your side of the store fares, bribery, prostitution. why do we keep ending up here you can't write this stuff knighted states of scandal with jake tapper. >> and now streaming on max i managed to get the last room for hundred and 90 bucks. i put the last room a week ago. i talked yesterday, some sites panic q into booking their last room, instead, trump falco compares hotel prices from hundreds of sites. >> so you can save up to $50 a night hotel, trivago project is july 16 in the 70 what are these deals could be more to making this daylian? >> i could be making the be a member and you won't break yeah. start clicking excuse me. >> can i get beat? i mean, i
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luck anywhere. fresh pat, it's not dog food. its food, food medical montgomery in tokyo. and this is cnn the attempted assassination of donald trump is yet another dark chapter in american history. >> my next guest knows full well the dangers of political violence joining us now the civil rights activist martin luther king, the third martin, thanks so much for joining us. what's your reaction to the tragic trump rally shooting? >> well first, my thoughts and prayers are with the former president and his family also to my condolences to the family that lost their loved one and those that are still recovering this is another dark period that our nation is facing. and
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we have to intentionally decide that we're going to do differently and better the nation must find a way to rise above division, fear and hatred and yet, we've not identified that, but this gives us an opportunity, a unique opportunity to say we're going to rise a bit of this. we're so much better than the behavior we're exhibiting. we know the political discourse and the discourse in general, stability has been lost now is the time to re-introduce civility because we've got a number of months to go before throughout this election cycle. >> let's hope that happens. how does this moment martin, compared to the heightened tensions of 1968 when robert kennedy and your father, dr. martin luther king junior, were assassinated when a real sense, the same kind of hostility and
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hatred is still being propagated in our society. >> and so while we shouldn't, we, we certainly a greatly disappointed. we shouldn't be surprised when the climate is what it is today i think that i know that humankind as far better than the way we're exhibiting ourselves today. as i said, we often have seen civility exist. and whenever there is a crisis in the nation and the world a natural disaster, americans are some of the first to come to the table to address those issues. we got to find out how do we turn to each other and stop turning on each other currently the climate is to turn on each other. if we don't agree that and mom showed us how to disagree without being disagreeable that spirit must
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emerge. once again we all have to learn from that in the last 24 hours, martin, we've seen calls for unity from both president biden and former president donald trump. >> do you think that message though? we'll be heard well, if i certainly hope so. >> i think from rational, and reasonable individuals, yes. and i think that on all sides that must happen isn't you know, it is an old story and this is we are what i see about a grandmother and her daughter. my wife often shares this story and they are two rules that a fight inside. one that's hostility, hatred and then there's the other one of love and forgiveness and peace and justice and the kid asked her grandmother, grandma, but what am i going to do these wolves, the fighting who's going to win? and the grandmother was simply says, it's the wolf. you feed. so when we feed the
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flames of justice and righteousness and peace, and truth that is how we get to what my father called the beloved community in my mother. i hope and pray that our nation chooses to take that path. we can, but we must be intentional what would you hope to hear tonight from president biden martin when he addresses the nation from the white house oval office well, i think the president has already started stating that we must come together and that really means on all sides. >> yeah, we don't have the luxury of continuing down this path. this path, we will not survive. in fact, dad would say, we must learn non-violence, or we may face nonexistence we're maybe it feels like we are headed in the direction of nonexistence what we are doing is not sustainable but we know that we can do
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things that will be sustained, sustainable for now and for generations yet on born and i think the president that has certainly set that tone do you think burton, the heightened political rhetoric in our country has contributed to this assassination attempt well, there's no question that the rhetoric has contributed. >> i believe that it took us to a new level of non civility. and that's why i say now is the time we have an opportunity to re-bring civility into the political landscape. and it must be done by all candidates, both parties give us a sense, and i'll leave you with this. martin, the deep polarization in our politics right now is this something new or have we all gone through this before? >> i think it may be at a level
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that is beyond hostile if as you noticed in the filming yesterday for example when people were scrambling and running rightly, so you heard people having viciousness exhibited towards the media. i don't know what it was specifically about, but i certainly heard curse words. and i'm like, okay, i understand us being angry and frustrated, but how does this serve the situation? by denigrating in and maybe something happened that we just don't know about all of that that rhetoric has to change. there is a way we can reach out and communicate as human beings at a higher human level. then what we are doing today, we are god's highest creation. we should act like that martin luther king, the third, thanks so much for joining us. thank you, wolf and coming up.
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>> our special coverage will continue as we await president biden to give his oval office address later tonight stay with us you're in the situation room this is what you want this is what you mean. >> this is the path to true happiness love at the sauce already it's a good day at the office thank you. my name, age braden. i like 5-years-old when i came to change him he trying to shore and gowns story shell, and then having these headaches that when i go away, my mom, she was just crying what they
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reminder paint a better, smarter, which won by morning. got it. >> got it. boss, otter, you got this? >> the assignment with audie cornish. listen wherever you get your podcasts only moments ago, former president trump arrived in milwaukee just ahead of tomorrow's start of the republican national convention. >> trump has a busy schedule, which will include announcing his vice presidential pick. and that could happen as early as tomorrow. and just over an hour. meantime, president biden will give a rare oval office address to the nation as he calls for unity following the attempted assassination of his political opponent, the former president donald trump let's go straight to cnn's mj lee over at the white house, mj, what are you expecting to hear from the president later tonight in the oval office well, wolf biden, campaign official previewing the president's
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remarks says that this is going to be a forceful speech that gives an update to the nation on the horrifying attack on donald trump yesterday and that it will be about the need for americans to come together and to condemn political violence of any kind the choice of the oval office address yes, of course tells us so much these kinds of addresses are quite rare the last time that the president spoke in this setting and prime time was back in october we're just days after hamas's attack on israel. >> and we got a preview of the tone that we expect to hear from president biden when he spoke earlier in the roosevelt take a listen assassination attempt is contrary to everything we stand for. >> as a nation, everything it's not who we are as a nation. it's not american we cannot allow this to happen unity is the most elusive goal of all but nothing is important than that, right now, unity and
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in that same speech, wolf, the president, also called on all americans to refrain from making any assumptions about the would-be assassins it's motives or political affiliation. >> this was clearly the president trying to temper some of the speculation, some of the misinformation that is already running ramping off a mine and elsewhere, the president is also going to continue to be briefed on this ongoing federal investigation into what happened yesterday. the white house did say that tomorrow morning, the president will be back in the situation room, meeting with the heads of the various law enforcement agencies to get another update, the president made clear earlier that he expects this investigation to take place on swiftly and that he basically needs to get an answer to the question of why there was such a serious security breach yesterday at this it's donald trump rally. as for the presidents next couple of days we know of course that the president's trip to texas that is going to be postponed. but we also know that he will continue on to travel to las
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vegas in the afternoon after sitting down with lester holt of nbc news and just keep in mind just the extraordinary events of the last 24 hours or so, even just a day ago, this sit-down interview for the president was meant to an expected to focus on the real moment of political peril well, for the president. and of course instead, this is the context in which this interview will be taking place. wolf and the white house now says, the president will be doing to television interviews to beryl with nbc news, lester holt, also with bet's ed gordon. so will monitor both of those interviews tomorrow. any new information you're getting on the phone? conversation between president biden and former president trump you know, president biden made clear when he first came out to cameras last night, but he was eager to get at a hold of the former president and we do now know from sources that they ended up connecting last night, sources had said that this was a short but respectful phone call and president biden said today that
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the former president is doing well and is recovering well. >> wolf mj lee. thank you very much. our special live coverage continues in just a minute every night, you're going straight to the source. >> we start with breaking news for you this evening, going inside the biggest stories what's happening in ukraine and what is happening here in israel, sharing the latest with you, the source with kaitlan collins week nights at nine the best things in life come into two scoops of ice cream, two thumbs up, and now quite any phone when you switch to consumer cellular and get two months of service free, that's right, two months free. all the fast liable nationwide coverage make this switch today you know, if your cash back and you could earn on everything which is one car chase freedom and limited, it's all you're off the writing or grabbed fracking. >> you cash back in cash back on flak jackets, baby back, or tacos at the taco shack. >> i'm working on my six pack switch to a king suite silent
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ducked for safety. they describe the atmosphere as a complete shock we hear the three shots and this is where seconds turn at a minutes and i just remember looking around and no one's going down. so i screamed, gun, get down and i ground my mom and i anchor towards the grass because we were so low and he was on top of an 80-year-old woman. i was on top of her and i remember checking her for blood and everything and for more shots rang out. we had a fear that there was more shooters there because if this was happening right in our section, we were the section that everybody sees on tv that everybody is still sitting there looking or section was dad personally still afraid of civil war, but i'm hoping that maybe this will bring up the goods, something good comes out of everything bad the two say they found trump's response encouraging and empowering >> all right. thanks very much for joining us tonight. the special edition of the