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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  July 15, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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15th, right now on cnn this morning, donald trump in milwaukee this morning, just two days for an attempt on his life where the investigation stands as he prepares to officially become the republican nominee. >> plus you know, the political record this country has gotten very heated time to cool down president biden urges americans to turn the temperature down, essentially muddying echoed on both sides of the aisle. >> and the secret service, under intense scrutiny this morning as the agency faces serious questions about how a gunman got a clear shot but at donald trump alright 4:00 a.m. here in milwaukee. it's 5:00 a.m. on the east coast. a live look at new york city on this monday morning. good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt it's
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wonderful to have you with us. we are live from the cnn grill at the republican national convention, and we start our coverage on a somber note. we cannot go down this road. president joe biden warning the nation against descending into political violence during an oval office address as the investigation into the attempted assassination of donald trump against to unfold the fbi now has the phone of the suspected gunman, 20-year-old thomas matthew crooks. they are hoping that it may hold the key to understanding why he opened fire at the rally said, take a look at what happened other questions still swirling for investigators like why witnesses saw the gunman on in
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nearby roof minutes before shots rang out. but weren't able to alert officers in time i was up at the fence line saw the guy move from roof to roof, talked told an officer that he was on the roof figuring that he would go on radio and when i turned around to go back to where i was as well and the gunshots started and then it was just chaos as those shots rang out, the bullets grazed the former president's ear and counter sniper teams killed crooks. but not before one of those bullets hit and killed 50-year-old corey comperatore. he was attending the rally with his wife and daughters. pennsylvania thank you, governor josh shapiro says the former firefighter died a hero i asked corey aos, wife if it would be okay for me to share that we spoke. >> she said, yes she also asked that i share with all of you that corey died a hero the
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corey dove on his family to protect them last night. at this rally the former president vowing to press on with his business. >> as usual, he traveled sunday here to the republican national convention in milwaukee. in an interview with the new york post, trump says he had a speech prepared for the convention this week but he quote, threw it away after the shooting. instead, the former president says he wants to focus on a new speech about uniting the country the current president biden echoed a similar message from the oval office let's remember here in america are unities and most elusive goal, goals right now. nothing is martin nor important for us now, and standing together we can do this a presidential race and a country dramatically altered by an act of political violence joining me now, this morning, jackie
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kucinich, she is washington bureau chief with the boston globe. isaac arnsdorf of the washington post and matt gorman, former adviser to tim scott's presidential campaign. we also have meghan hays. she is a former official in the biden white house. good morning. to all of you isaac arnsdorf, let me start with you on this morning as we cover the president, the former president's a convention which is going to kick off today with a roll call vote this afternoon, we saw the president himself come here late. last night, says, it's going to be a business as usual, doesn't want to let what happened disrupt this convention. but he is saying that what he's going to say is going to change everyone is going to be watching very carefully for how he, the tone that he uses as he approaches this moment. what are you hearing about that? and from all of your other sources in his world of supporters that i know you talked to regularly? yes. so the message from the rnc from the trump campaign has been that we're going to proceed as usual. we can all see around here that that's not
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the case. you can see from the security even if none of the procedures or altered, the atmosphere is completely altered. we don't have a vice presidential pick going into today where that think that nomination was supposed to be right back detail. >> that was minor detail. and then like he said in that interview with the new york post, he's ripped up his speech and started over the whole tone the way that everyone is feeling when they get here, there's just no way that this is the same event that we were expecting two days ago. yeah. jackie kucinich. i mean, what is your mr. party. as i know, you talked to people on all sides of the aisle throughout about where things stand today because it really does feel. and this is monday morning. there may be some people who really haven't processed this if they were over the weekend, they're just kind of coming back to work, sitting down at their desks in a few hours and kind of grappling with what we're going through as a country, this is a presidential race that's been fundamentally changed.
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>> absolutely. i mean, we know that democratic side, you had the ads suspended, you had fundraising suspended. i think that's picking up again now, but the tone and the tenor of this race where it was very aggressive going into this weekend and it just it seems to have really petered off at this point. the question is how long this lasts, because we have seen other tragedies in this country where you do see tonally things go down i will say talking to delegates yesterday. it was very interesting there. they were coming in here very unified. i mean, that was no question that was always going to happen coming into this particular rnc. but now there's a, there's a resolve and a drive that they say wasn't there before and just kind of a push to keep going. and really solidify around the president in a way that was going to happen anyway. but it's kind of a renewed even more deeply felt to the folks i was talking to and matt gorman. there is an
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imperative for all of us in in my view to keep two try to take what we all hope was the worst thing that could possibly happen in this presidential campaign and use it to make the country better. there are clearly some in our ecosystem who are going in the other direction. the wall street journal is out with an editorial this morning basically saying that anyone who engages in these kinds of conspiracy theories from the left or the right ought to be ostracized from our political conversation at what is the imperative for republicans as they gather here? because we are seeing, i will say the trump campaign in all of their official messaging, you had the defiant president saying fight in that moment. then you had calls for unity look at the tony said from the top. >> and in many ways, i think they've done a good job making sure to the best of their ability that it is set i mean, you had chris lacivita and susie wiles, the co-campaign managers of the trump campaign, very clearly early on in their note to the staff saying, this
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is time for unity we're not going to be attacking nothing other than unity. and you had obviously that was echoed by the president as truth social posts yesterday, the interview is salena zito, the new york post as well they're saying and doing the right things. i think taking a step back, it just also indicative of how much better and more professional and well run this campaign is as opposed to his to other runs where there might have been more tolerance for freelancing or mixed messaging it is so important. so important that the tone is set from him, trump at the top, and others will take their lead. there will be random actors who will go off message and i'm not going to condone that. but as long as he sticks to the lead, it's going to help the parties stay on message and i have to say, i mean, the professionalism of his campaigning comparison to the definitely 2016, but also 2020 was on stark display in the run-up to this convention before any of this happened.
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agree. >> and i think that you've also seen that kind of continue through this very intense crisis. salena zito with the washington examiner. i would note that the president talked to the post and the washington examiner yesterday, meghan hays, let me bring you go into this conversation. we saw president biden obviously had been grappling with a crisis in the democratic party. but of course, this moment required. yes, he is a person campaigning for reelection. he talked about the fact that he is campaigning for reelection when he was in the oval office last night. but this is the kind of moment where the country needs a president. and we saw him step into that role last night with a very rare oval office address what what did you take away from the president's comments? the way he framed what's going on here, because he also, i will say he didn't shy from some of the arguments, the political arguments that he's it's made about the differences between his campaign and former president trump's know, i think that the
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president was extremely measured last night. i think you could tell in his town he was very measured. there wasn't that same site and anger that he has seen from him and some of the past rallies that he's been doing. but i think he was very clear. he still has that's a very different message than president trump, but i also think that he was trying to say like those differences are what makes our democracy violence isn't what makes our democracy. so i think he was trying to also set a town here. the president is very good at this type of type of message that he's can deliver very well i just think that he wants to also call for unity and have that be there and also understand that the difference what makes our country so special and so great alright, coming up here on cnn this morning there's no place in america for this kind of violence. >> president biden strongly condemning the attempted assassination of donald trump, his urgent plea to all americans. plus, the secret service under a microscope this morning, the tough questions it's the agency is sure to face. and in our morning roundup, fans jumped fences and
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smells. all thanks to the hotel collection scent diffuser having a sense run through the whole house using the ac unit is absolutely genius. hotel collection offers a large selection of hotel inspired cents which include hotels like the risks, the addition, and the lord personal favorite is it sent called my wife, go to a hotel collection and start your sending journey today i'm bill, we're on the california coast and this is cnn my fellow americans want to speak to you tonight about the need for us to lower the temperature in our politics. >> a former president was shot an american citizen killed, or simply exercising his freedom to support the candidate of his choosing we cannot, we must not go down this road in america, there is no place in america for this kind of violence. for any violence ever period, no exceptions president biden, making a rare oval office
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address to the nation last night in the wake of saturday's assassination attempt against former president trump biden calling on the nation to tone down the heated language that has come to define modern politics in america our panel is back meghan hays, let me, let me bring you back in here because the reality is this is an uphill battle. >> the presidential historian julian zelizer, who was on this program yesterday, he writes this, the history of the 1960s should remind us that after saturday, shocking attempt on the life of donald trump biden has an uphill battle to calm the nation. the issues that divide the parties remain deep. the political processes will continue to foster discord and many political leaders are likely to return to the toxic rhetoric that's been normalized in recent years, unless the country is willing to take bold steps, presidential speeches won't do much to bring us back from the precipice. we stand on in 2024 and unfortunately, he's right and that we have seen some of this rhetoric explode already in the wake of this, it took quite frankly minutes. i think we have tried to make sure that we have been
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focused on calls for unity, the safety of the president of focus on trying to tone down the violent rhetoric that we have sometimes seen. what is the scale of the challenge for the president? yes, but also for all of us going forward here i think that everyone needs to be a little bit more cautious of how they're speaking. we get really heated on these panels and we have a very spirited conversations. but at the end of the day, we all walk away. we tax them, are friends after and i think that that's the spirit what it needs to continue. these are policy difference. these aren't personal differences. isn't i think that we need to remember that. and i also think the president does have an uphill challenge here, but it's not just the president, it's every elected official, it's everyone who's out there speaking. we have a great country, we have a great democracy, but we can't lose sight of that. and we can't lose sight of the difference is make us unique and make a special, but they don't need to be so heated. it doesn't need to be so personal. it does it definitely doesn't need to be violent like we saw on saturday
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so i do want to spend some time this morning and we're going to do this throughout, throughout the program. >> just highlighting those among us who have spoken to our better angels. we saw some of that from president biden last night. we also saw some yesterday from the republican house speaker mike johnson. let's listen to a little bit of what he said yesterday we need a unified message. >> we need to turn the temperature down and i think at the time for moral clarity, the rhetoric has consequences when you have a heated environment and you have political division in this country, like we have in the age of social media everything is amplified and everyone can go on and turn the dials up every day matt gorman is the imperative for those that the speaker leads in the house. >> this is where we're seeing some of the baser tendencies, i guess is what i would say to follow the speaker's lead here. sure. >> you know, and i think in many ways, look, the house is a reflection of us in a lot of
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respects, right? >> and so it starts it's certainly you start the top trump johnson biden. and the members of congress. but it also like in everyday life i, you know, i often talk about the fact that like if often and we look at the politics that is so divisive and so toxic. we have to have to look at ourselves as a country to write because we elect these people, we are the reflection we are, we are setting these people as our representatives. and so if we don't like who were sending, that's on us and i think i think has great you get to talk to cnn and today's show yesterday, he was matched about the day i thought was a great one. >> yeah. no, it's your point about the kind of behavior that tone the rhetoric we reward as voters. yes, is at the end of the day, one of the most fundamental thing alright, we're going to take a quick break still ahead here on cnn this morning, we're going to bring you some other news. i promise it's out there in the world, dangerous wildfire conditions and heat are sticking around the us. and i have to say, i loved this
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yesterday and our morning roundup, we're going to show you princess kate made a rare public appearance after her cancer diagnosis. i want to show you this photo of her with her daughter, princess charlotte. it's just beautiful what's it like to hear from the people actually living the headline? i'm audie cornish, my cnn podcast. we'll talk to the people behind the trending stories. i've got a lot of questions. >> you assignment with audie cornish. listen were you get your podcast? are you ready to lose weight? >> get healthier, and keep the weight off? join over 5 million people who have chosen goal as a better way to lose weight. here here are just a few gold customers who reached their goal and have kept it off for over two years. goal is a completely different approach to losing weight. and it works control stress, emotional, eating, and hunger and cravings at golan, don't settle for starvation and yo-yo dieting create your own success story with goler hey everyone emeril
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for imprint for certain is cnn. >> the world's news network. >> all. right 24 minutes past the hour. here is your morning roundup. chaos at the copa america finals in florida, the game was delayed sunday after fans without tickets forcibly tried to enter the stadium, they climbed fences russia security, the game eventually got started with lionel messi and argentina taking home the win and want to make it i'm not
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i'm taking a shift. >> show them show beverly hills 90, one au and charmed star shannen doherty. has died after a nearly decade long battle with breast cancer the star was 53-years-old in what could be a changing of the guard in men's tennis, 21-year-old carlos alcarez defeated novak djokovic for a second consecutive wimbledon crown it is the spaniards fourth major the title prior to the batsh princess kate received a standing ovation from the centre court crowd. it was only her second public appearance following her cancer diagnosis. she appeared with her daughter, charlotte, who gazed adoringly at her mother throughout. >> all right. all eyes on milwaukee today for the republican national convention. here's a live look from outside the convention center where today there is a chance for severe weather. we're told across the region, au great. let's get straight to our weatherman, derek van dam. derek, tell us what are we in for those of us who are here in
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milwaukee? >> yeah. good morning, kasie. that's why we tailor-made this forecast is for you and everybody involved, look, there is severe weather. most of the day is going to be dry, so that's the good news. it'll be a scorcher at degrees. but anytime you get this drop in temperature over the coming days, you know that there's some sort of changing of the guards collision of air masses that's going to create it that severe weather. so broadening out, we have over 100 million americans with a chance of severe weather. take note of northern new england, but i want to focus in on the midwest, particularly from milwaukee to chicago damaging winds, a few tornadoes and large hail greatest threat south of milwaukee in the greater chicago suburbs region stretching westward where's the moines? but nonetheless, milwaukee is still included within that slight risk of severe storms. there was a band of heavier showers and storms that moved through earlier in the overnight period that brought some flooding rains to west michigan. but look, what's upstream. this is the weather that will bring the potential for severe storms across. this populated area,
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including where the republican national committee eventually will be taking place today. i will look out for the damaging winds, large hail, and the potential for tornadoes greatest threat again, south of milwaukee, casey. >> all right. well, look out for that. i mean, i will say south of milwaukee is chicago. so a warning to everyone who is still trying to fly, sorry, many of whom are going to be going to chicago. you may have a tough day, get rid our weatherman van dam. i got to tell you there are two. i love that. i think you had like 70s mid week here. i haven't seen that. i don't even know if it's so visually thrilled thank you, sir. csc joy. alright, coming up next here, a major rewrite how donald trump is changing his rnc speech after the attempt on his life. plus world leaders weigh in on political violence in america yeah, i can lead i would imagine in these rows what they
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trump arriving sunday night, just 24 hours after surviving an assassination attempt but walkies mayor insisting the city is fully prepared, telling cnn that security here is at a maximum i have confidence in the secret service, have confidence certainly in the milwaukee police department as was mentioned we've worked at this for some 18 months now, some 18 months. >> and milwaukee is designated a national special safety or security events. so this is the highest designation, even higher so than what we saw in pennsylvania, just the other day but of course, the country remains on high alert after a bullet grazed trump's ear. >> what a sentence on stage at a rally saturday trump striking a defiant tone on stage following the shooting. but we learned overnight, the former president, now looking to unify a divided nation during his
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speech at the rnc, this is what he told me the new york post, quote. i had all prepared an extremely tough speech, really good about all the corrupt, horrible administration. but i threw it away. the post reported this quote. he said, a new speech was in the works because quote, i want to try to unite our country and quote, folding his arms, he added, but i don't know if that's possible. people are very divided. our panel is back here. isaac arnsdorf. you i did not realize were actually there at this rally on saturday night, which obviously everyone who was there, it was very shaken up by what happened. so first we hope that you are okay, but can you sort of pull together your experience, what you felt there, what you saw there, how you felt, shock, surprise, how others felt what you reported there? tying it into what we're about to see this week and it kind of how you are approaching this and how the campaign is approaching this differently the gunshots
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were over very quickly and then what felt like forever was everyone watching the stage and trying to see trump who was still covered by secret service and that felt like a very long time of confusion and trying to figure out what happened to him. what was he okay. right. exactly. and then when he even when he got up and you could see him any raised his fist and and there was blood on his face, but it wasn't clear where the blood came from and so even by the time he got into the car and it was clear that he was alive and who was walking with assistance. so we didn't know how badly he was injured everyone was stunned and kind of frozen until the police started to tell people they needed to leave that that it was a crime scene. and someone who's spoken with trump, told one of one of my colleagues at the washington post's josh dawsey, that trump is sounding
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spiritual since the experience grants, which is a different sort of mode for him and so clearly the tone has changed for him, for the campaign for the, for everyone who is there it does seem, i mean, to say that he is he's taken a spiritual turn. i mean, you saw his defiance and you also saw anger from the crowd what did that feel like on the ground? and how do you think that? among his core supporters, we typically call them the maga movement how do you think that is going to influence where we go from here as a country? >> yeah. i mean, in that moment the anger was really directed at the press maybe by virtue of, people turn around and we're right in the middle. and so everyone's looking at us and walking past us and so there was a lot of taking it out on us in that in that moment, but but people left very calmly in a very orderly
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way. there were a few people trying to kind of rile people up and no one no one took that bait so, you know, again hopefully we'll see what, what leaders have been consistently calling for since then, which is trying to cool it a little bit, right? in a number of attendees, trump's supporters did very generously in graciously take their time to talk to certainly my colleagues but cnn and other networks and reporters about what they saw, what they have what happened, as, we were trying to document history. jackie kucinich, we heard trump also say this was in his interview with the washington examiner, salena zito, who has interviewed trump a number of times. i talked to her yesterday. he said to her, quote, i'm not supposed to be here. and then he also talked about how he's going to change his speech. he said i'd be very bad if i got up and started going wild about how horrible everybody is, how corrupt and crooked, even if it's true, had this not happened? we had a speech that was pretty well set
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that was extremely tough. now we have a speech that is more unifying i think the question sometimes with president trump has always been the campaign apparatus that he has is a professional one. they have pushed him to try to say the kinds of things that could unify the country that could bring more people into his fold. he has not always gone along with that but it seems like perhaps that's the track he's on here. >> that that seems to be what they're indicating. i mean, i think matt's absolutely right. this comes from the top and trump has shown that when he does, when he does something, the people that love him best that follow him, follow his lead. so consistent see here, continuing, i mean, you had chris lacivita and susie wiles put out a statement saying any kind of violent rhetoric is not going to be tolerated by the campaign. and so in the immediate aftermath of this, i'm paraphrasing there. i don't think that was their exact words but really, i think consistency here. and in the in
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both sides. keeping everyone tamp down and keeping it to policy, keeping it to talking about differences and not getting personal i hope this holds because it the country needs it. yeah. i mean, i think it's been rather there's been sort of a dispiriting way that we have seen every time some an event happens that is difficult for all of us. we immediately have gone the country. people have immediately gone into their partisan corners. and this is kind of the worst imaginable type of thing. obviously, it could have been worse than it was. thank god, the president, the former president is okay. but i think there's going to have a lot of people are going to have to resist impulses that are very well-worn. yeah, and look we'll get back normal. and that isn't in contrast, what we've all been talking about when i say normal, right? we're going to roll out most likely at some point, i think in the next 36 hours, a vice presidential nominee, we're going to have start trump's already here. we're going to start having
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speakers like this will feel like a regular convention again and trump will go on the road again. this will get back to a sense of normal that isn't in contrast with what we've all been talking about and look, i think also it's very it's smart because what you're talking about, jackie, i completely agree because what i would tell president trump is like, look, not only do you have the high ground, you have the leverage, but you're also winning this race, right? there's no reason to squander the moral high ground possibly lead by going all over the place in a speech that really takes and tears down what you've had built for the last, you know four days or so at that 0.5 days or so at that point by thursday, but time is key. >> and let's be candid to they're probably more people that are going to watch this speech. oh, absolutely. what happened? absolutely. and would have previously meghan hays, if you're still with us, the one the one thing i do keep coming back to and it's very kind of front and center for all of us who are operating here in milwaukee is the scrutiny that the u.s. secret service is
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under and particularly the director of the secret service chris and because there are all of these legitimate questions about how an earth could this have happened? there are actually a lot of complicated under currents around trust from the current president biden. he has put someone at the top that was previously served on his detail who he does. trust, but i am i have been talking to people who are suggesting that this is something that is going to be discussed as to whether the leadership of the agency needs to be held accountable. what is your understanding of how people inside the white house are talking and thinking about this right now no look, i think that they're waiting to see how the investigation unfolds. >> it's really easy to place blame on the people who are in charge of the security right now and very warranted and very fair. but i do think we need to wait to have an investigation. we need to see how this all plays out. there's a lot of partners here that work with the secret service. there's local and state law enforcement, there's just a
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lot of different things that happens very layered in the way these events work with security and they advanced teams. both from the south side and the security side. i think that they are taking the very measured approach and they released the picture yesterday where they deputy was in the photo. i think that kim and what kim cheatle, the director, was virtual so they're involved secretary mayorkas was there, so i do think that they are taking a very measured approach and trying to figure out in the investigation and figure out what happens next before they make any of those determinations. but you there was obviously something that happened or what's definitely a lapse in security, i think is just figuring out where that is and what what prompted that. but i mean, secret service has an enormous job when they are protecting the president, the former president, and all their protectees. and i just i don't want to rush. i don't think it's fair to rush to judgment on that. >> are you going. to make any, changes to the democratic national convention? i know you've been involved in some of that planning look, i have not talked to them about the security apparatus. >> it just like the rnc, it is an asphalt special security event that an nssc, as you guys
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all know, it's 18 months in the planning. there's a special designation from congress there's an 18 month process and just like what the rnc i don't know that many changes will be made. it's already at the highest level of security. i think that there'll be looking at things with chicago has been under intense scrutiny for protests and things like that. so i think that they've already been doing pretty well monitoring some of this stuff, but i have not talked to them about the security apparatus. i'm sure they will take another look. we have about a month before the conventions, so you know, everyone that has to like there needs to be more caution taken here, but i don't know that there's necessarily changes and made just like all right fair enough. >> okay. still to come here on cnn this morning it just got very hectic, very fast the secret. service, dealing with tough questions over what went wrong at trump's rally. plus one of donald trump's vice presidential contenders, or at least at one point, the congressman byron donalds, who certainly major trump
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oo this is a good book title. capitol hill and this close captioning bronchi by meso if you or a loved one have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have called now and we'll come to you 800 a31, 3,700 alright, welcome back. as the fbi looks into the motive behind the shooting, the secret service is facing mounting questions about how it was allowed to happen in the first place. according to cnn analysis of the scene at the butler farm show grounds, the gunman was able to crawl onto a roof within 100 and 50 yards from where trump was speaking, the building was outside the security perimeter but well, within range of a sharpshooter witnesses also reported seeing the gunman on the roof in the leadup to the shooting and reporting it to law
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enforcement? but they didn't find him in time my wife ran up to law enforcement, was trying to tell them, you know, where he was, but they couldn't seem to see him because they weren't in the right right spot to see him on the roof. >> they were too close to the building. so it just got very hectic, very fast president biden now ordering an independent review of the security setup at the rally to determine what went wrong. >> joining me now, to discuss is former secret service agent christopher mcclintick at christopher, good morning to you. thank you so much. much for being here good morning. we do want to make sure. i mean, the agents that rushed the stage to protect president trump, all of you who have served and i have been willing to put your lives on the line, are heroes and we want to acknowledge that upfront. however it's very clear that this was a massive failure. and in fact, cnn is reporting that during the search for the suspicious person. so obviously this guy was flagged by people in the crowd, officers with
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township police discovered the gunman was on the roof and a local officer hoisted another to get up on the ledge. the shooter then turned around and saw the officer peering over and pointed his gun at him and the officer let go of the ledge to take cover to save his life and the gunman then started firing from the rooftop and hitting trump i mean, i just got to ask you like how is this allowed to happen? >> well, first of all, good morning and thank you for having me but i think it's pretty candid. it's pretty clear this was frankly a failure on the secret service as part and an epic failure, if you will. it is the worst-case scenario for every secret service. so agent and as a retired agent. i'm embarrassed for the agency now, as to your question how it could be how that could have happened is simply put a failure to follow established policy and procedure in short, sweet to
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the point that's exactly what happened. the secret service has policies and procedures in reference to individuals such as this shooter and if they it's still preliminary so we're not sure if those policies were actually followed and if they were followed, were they follow to completion i candidly don't believe that they were what do you see as what they should have done differently? >> people have raised questions about drones obviously, we saw local law enforcement be the ones that were kind of operating around this building what do you what do you know from what you've seen reported so far about what clearly should have been done differently what i don't like to armchair quarterback having being in retired age and i wasn't there and every side is different.
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>> i will tell you enough. it's been my experience it's been my experience that when you have a situations such as this, when you have an exposed area especially one within a shooters ability, 140, 150 meters. it's been my experience that that area is observed and if not posted by a secret service agent or one of our partners and local law enforcement. it is far more closely monitored than it obviously was so candidly, i probably would have posted that that with an agent or a police officer if it was not already if it was it obviously was not done successfully sir how much do you think how should i, how should i frame this? do you think that the leadership of the secret service needs to be held accountable here and what role does the leadership play
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in overseeing? >> this is obviously an on the ground failure, but, would like to say that for the president, buck stops here. how do you view that absolutely. >> the leadership has to be held accountable the secret service doesn't give out trophies for participation the secret service is, everyone is responsible and in this case, the leadership is going to have to be held responsible. i am sure that they know that by now we saw this with reference to defense jumper during the obama administration, where the leadership in knew that they were going to be held accountable this is far more damaging and far more serious of an infraction. so i find it impossible to believe that the leadership of the secret service would think that they should go through this unscathed. that said there still it's still very preliminary. and who's going to to be at fault or more at fault
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than anyone else is still we're still waiting to find that can you describe for us i mean, you're an agent what it would feel like or what some of these agents are feeling that were involved? >> in this because it is, i'm sure devastating absolutely in one word answers embarrassment constant regret there's there's going to be remorse there is no way any secret service agent. >> i've already spoken to several. i've spoken to several agents who are retired it's traumatic in a word from attic prior to that site going live prior to trump actually taking the stage and getting behind that podium, i rest assured they're had to be
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several the site advance agent, the second supervisor agents, who walked the exact walkway that the president was going to take. and i guarantee you numerous agents stood behind that podium and looked out on where the crowd would be and saw that rooftop so while it's still in the preliminary stages of the investigation, i know that the agents who did that who did that authrough are now regretting having seen that rooftop and not having put more assets towards yeah all right. >> click. chris from a clinic for us this morning, sir. thank you very much for your time. i really appreciate it. all right. coming up next here, donald trump reflecting on the assassination attempt that left him injured, plus a man all too familiar with political violence former democratic congressman joe kennedy joins me live coming up next hour why
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