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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  July 15, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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sending info is physicians mutual rahel, solomon in new york is cnn it's monday, july 15, right now on cnn this morning, donald trump, just days away from becoming the republican nominee rewrites his speech in the wake saturday's assassination attempt, and questions unanswered about how the attempt on the former president's life unfolded and the potential motive of the gunman you know, the political record in this country has gotten very heated it's time to cool down pull it down. president biden with an oval office plea to the american people for unity then at a time of crisis, how americans can look to advice from past presidents about how best to come together it is five au
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1:00 a.m. here in milwaukee, wisconsin. it is 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. a live look at the fiserv forum, the home of the republican national convention, where later on this week, donald trump we'll accept the republican nomination for president of the united states. good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it is wonderful to have you with us as we as a nation are grappling with something awful. a candidate, a convention in a campaign. all fundamentally shaken by a senseless act of violence. donald trump we'll wake up this morning here in milwaukee for the opening of the republican national convention and for the third time, donald trump will become the republican presidential nominee, less than two days after he narrowly escaped death. >> a really see something that said, take a look what happene d
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those bullets fired from a rooftop, approximately 150 yards away where 20-year-old thomas matthew crooks lay as he aimed at the former president secret service agents quickly shot and killed crooks, but not before one person was killed and trump and others injured that's show of defiance in the face of death donald trump telling these secret service
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agents protecting him to wait before raising his fist in the air, telling the crowd fight, fight, fight and giving us this now iconic photo taken by evan vucci of the associated press trump sustained the wound to his right ear. >> his life saved by a matter of inches, and the former president is aware of just how close he came to death. he told the new york post last night, quote, i'm not supposed to be here. i'm supposed to be dead by luck or by god, many people are saying it's by god i'm still here. one person in attendance at the rally was killed in the attack. pennsylvania's governor said that corey comperatore firefighter, died a hero as he used his own body to shield his wife and daughters to others were critically wounded, but are in stable condition in an address from the oval office last night, president biden said, america cannot allow political violence to become normal we cannot, we must not go down this road in america there's no place in america for this kind of violence.
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>> for any violence ever, period. au exceptions it's a sad reality that we do indeed have a history of these kinds of events. >> but hopeful that we can come together in this moment joining us now on this critical monday morning, matt gorman, former adviser to tim scott's president central campaign. jason osborne, former senior adviser to donald trump's 2016 campaign. stephen collinson, cnn senior politics reporter and shane goldmacher, national political reporter for the new york times. we're also joined by bakari sellers, cnn political commentator and former south carolina state representative. welcome to all of you this morning. thank you so much for being here. stephen collinson, i would like to start with you as our viewers who've gotten gotten to know you a little bit, understand you are someone who here at cnn kind of thinks about the world in which we live. it takes the sweeping point of view about what this means for our country and i kind like to to just set
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the stage with you on this morning. donald trump is going to be here. we're expecting his speech later on this week. the tone, the tenor everything about this campaign has changed this morning that's right. >> i think this is a foreboding moment for the country things can go a number of ways the trauma of an assassination attempt against the presidential candidate is something that we haven't had to deal with for 40 years or so none of us obviously remember the trauma of the 1960s, the political assassinations, but i think i'm beginning to understand a little bit now about how that throws the country office access and opens potential paths to a dark future. i think the most important line of the presence speech from the oval office last night was when he talked about how the founders provided a framework for reason to triumph over brute force. i think that's the choice. now before the country, a lot is
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going to depend on its leaders. in particular, how former president trump responds to this moment. he's at a crossroads, personally politically in his life and the country is looking for stability and not a path that begets more violence. and i think that is the backdrop of this convention right now. >> the reality, shane, is that donald trump does let's have a chance to unify the country. he said so himself and some of these. and he did these two interviews of washington examiner and the new york post. there are going to be people now who are gonna be willing to watch his speech at the rnc, who maybe weren't watching it before and peggy noonan i wrote about that moment as well for him became an iconic photo. she says there's quote when they traveled him off and he threw up his fist pumped into the crowd and shouted fight my relatives, she's called a relative to talk about it. the relatives says, well, that's
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over, meaning the election, meaning you don't give america an image like that and go on to lose, you give america an image like that and enters political mythology forever. it was epic. she writes whatever you feel about and whatever your stand grant him one of the greatest gangster moves of american political history she then goes on to call a journalist to talk about, about president biden but the reality is, i mean, this is a remarkable political moment for so many reasons i think we're going to learn a lot about trump even before he takes the stage this week. and we are going to see what kind of convention he is going to hold. and they've said it's going on as usual, but there are definitely going to be some changes here and you've seen just in the rhetoric that he's taken the fundraising messages that he sent out he's using the word unity. this is not a word that has defined the trump 2024 campaign. he's running on a whole set of different and issues, but certainly hasn't been one of them. and it's a real question. what what he's going to do this week because that's not that has not been the tenor of the trump candidacy. he has been a divisive figure since his emergence on the national stage. and he has painted a
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dark picture of america. and so he has a chance as people are going to be looking at it, manu to change that picture a little bit. i think it's really interesting to see just how many times joe biden has come out in the last two days to speak to the country about this. he spoke in delaware that evening. he spoke again from the white house in the middle of the day, and he doesn't give a lot of oval office addresses and he did so again on sunday night. so i think both of them there's the potential for both of them to come together at this violent moment and say this isn't the we need to be, well, certainly biden facing his own political crises that i'm sure we'll touch in, touch on later on in the show and bakari sellers actually, let me bring you in. on that point. just in terms of president biden's role here and kind of the way he framed this. i will say he didn't shy away in his address last night from saying he's going to continue to contrast his plan for the future with donald trump's plan for the future. but at the same time, it was a clarion call for us to turn away from what we saw happen in butler, pennsylvania well,
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first, i mean, i think that many people, including myself, thank god. did president trump is still alive today and we always would echo the same sentiment that president trump, excuse me, that president biden relay last night, which is that political violence has no place in american discourse i do want to reframe the conversation a little bit though. >> i mean, this country, this is not as if we just forgot that things of the 1960s or 70s, or 80s, this country has seen so much pain. this country has seen so much violence. this country has seen so much bloodshed their entire generation of voters that are still remember when king was assassinated 1968, where in february you had the orangeburg massacre in april, you at king being assassinated than six weeks later, you had rfk being assassinated. and so those are still voters in the country who feel that, who remember that. i mean, we still recall gabby giffords. we still remember steve scalise. we still remember just recently the plot
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to kidnap gretchen whitmer, and we still remember we still remember what happened to nancy pelosi's husband. and so what we see though and what i'm proud to see is that this president stands up during those times where that of mocking or ridicule and he tries to bring this country together and does what a president should do. but you still have to prosecute the case and you still have to win this election and you have to show the american public what the difference would be between a joe biden presidency and donald trump presidency, because this race, regardless of whatever imagery has shown as we saw today, is still extremely close very close and jason osborne, you have worked for president trump in the past one thing that i think that is different from some of the areas that the bakari sellers was referencing? >> yes. voters remember martin luther king, but the speed with which information moves in our
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era, the fragmentation of the way people think about it. and the wall street editorial, wall street journal editorial board has, has a message out this morning that i thought was interesting coming from them. i think it's also correct. they right. you'd like to thank members of congress know enough to not indulge in conspiracy theories kraze without evidence, but then democracy doesn't always produce the brightest bulbs okay the latest though, to meet the public's lowest expectation for are supposed leaders as rep. mike collins, a republican from georgia's tenth district, to send a tweet on saturday that joe biden sent the orders. it is hard to imagine a more incendiary message in the wake of an assassination attempt and he goes on, they go on to say it's hard to imagine more incendiary. mr. collins was retweeting and amplifying a tweet. the quoted president biden's remark last week, i have one job that's to be donald trump. and he of course, use the word bulls-eye. mr. biden, the journal says was employing a metaphor. however, an app given our political current, political distemper, he wasn't giving orders to anyone to shoot mr. you're trump and if he wanted to do so, he wouldn't do it in public. mr. collins is among
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those who think mr. biden lacks the mental acuity to be president. but then he accuses him of masterminding a conspiracy. now they also go on to say, people on the left also should not engage in political conspiracies, but that is going to be the basic impulse that all of our politicians are going to have to resist in this moment. >> yeah this is my ninth convention that i've worked. and what i can say is over the last several days and particularly well, the last 48 hours, we have seen a completely new convention platform, right in the direction that came down from trump is, this is his convention. so that kind of speak from mike collins is not hopefully it's not but we're going to see on the stage over the next four days, the scripts are being written as we speak, they've been thrown out and redone. and folks are going to get on stage and they're going to talk about unity. they're going to talk about the vision that trump has moving forward. and i think trump's talks yesterday or his interviews yesterday set the stage for hopefully what we'll see for the next 34 months, right i don't think you're going to see a lot of that, mike collins
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type rhetoric that comes out there. or if you do, you're going to have a lot of folks tamping it down and dismissing dismissing it. whereas two weeks ago, you may not have i think it's rare moment where each biden and trump, it's they're both of their political interests would do what they're doing right now. biden being the kind of consoler, if you will have in a national leadership role consolidating his part on the left, the democratic nominee, which is in doubt for quite awhile now. and for trump, whose winning this race has sent attentively being the uniter, you don't have to throw a hail marys. you're up three or so points nationally and a lot of swing states you can be a little bit more conciliatory. >> yeah, very interesting. alright, we're going to continue this conversation with of course the next hour. we're going to show you a little bit more of president biden trying to set the tone in that oval office address there's no place in america for this kind of violence for any violence ever period no exceptions plus the latest on the investigation into the gunman behind
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saturday's assassination attempt and trump ally that congressman byron donalds will join me live later on. >> the ones who keep facilities up and running, know that even the smallest part can make the biggest impact. that keeping the day on track means paying attention to every detail and that the right partner can turn every challenge into mission accomplished industrial rape products, backed by professional grade expertise. call, click, or just that by granger for the ones who get it done? >> if you were about to replace your roof, stock, there's a solution about 80% less expensive, nine out of ten roofs can be saved by roof max, guaranteed to extend the life of your current rule by five to 15 years. at a fraction of the cost of a new roof, roof max is deep penetrating power restores flexibility the and water protection nobody wants to
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powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities. starting at 199 per month gets started today at four to get the full story be unafraid the will to by how important is that? the truth is israel in full control of its territory and go with a search for answers takes you anderson cooper, three 60 week like today a former president was shot an american citizen killed. >> i'll simply exercising his freedom to support the candidate of his choosing. we cannot we must not go down this road in america president biden, using a rare oval office address to address the nation last night in the wake of saturday's assassination attempt against former president trump biden, asking americans to lower the temperature in politics while acknowledging the incredible division in the country tree yes, we have deeply felt strong disagreements. stakes in this
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election are enormously high. i said it many times that the choice in the select, we make this election is going to shape the future of america. and the world for decades to come. i believe that with all my soul disagreement is inevitable and american democracy is part of human nature, of politics must never be a literal battlefield or god forbid a killing field never be a battlefield. bakari sellers, you mentioned martin luther king junior and you it's maybe it's an instagram cliche, but the words that he offered to us darkness cannot drive out darkness. only light can do that. hate cannot drive out hate only love can do that. i thought was resonant in the wake of what we saw and you mentioned the lessons that we as a country learned throughout that period in history. and i'm wondering kind of what your view is about what we know
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about how we emerged from that. if you feel like we emerged from that and what that can tell us about what we need to be doing now i'm not sure we emerge from that. i still think we're kind of in that period of uncertainty trying to figure out how we have these very difficult discussions. i mean, for the panel that's there, i do want individuals that recall right after king was assassinated, rfq, rfk was assassinated in democrats still lost that election i'm not sure that the sympathy vote that individuals think exist in this country actually does but even more so, when we're having these discussions about how we move forward i'm not sure that looking to washington, dc, i was listening to that. you recall and recite the wall street journal op-ed piece. i'm not sure looking to wall street to washington, dc or to state capitals is where you should actually look most of this leadership is going to come from within our own communities is going to come
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from the barbers and the beauticians is going to come from the people who pick up your trash. the teachers of the day, because we realized that there is no world but where we take lessons from people like jd vance who tweeted just nonsense yesterday. a marjorie taylor greene, who did the same thing on mark robinson, who's speaking at the rnc, who said that people really need to be killed sometimes and so i would ask viewers, particularly during this moment to find that leadership within yourself, to find that love within yourself, to find that light within yourself. because if you're looking to pick it up from those individuals you see on tv or washington dc, or whatever state capital you may reside in. my fear is that we'll continue to go down this path of disdain because we just to fractured in this political celebrity culture that we live in yeah, well, look, i will say that the journey i found the journal editorial relevant because they were calling out those those dc people and saying these are not the kinds of voices. >> so your point, carrie, is
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taken jason osborne briefly, mark robinson, i mean, bakari raises that point what do what, what should the barbie for the rnc and saying like, hey, we cannot accept this kind of rhetoric right now. >> well, i think the message is getting down. hopefully slowly, but surely that this is donald trump's weak. this isn't about any individual running for their race. this is about donald trump and vision that he's going to put forward for the next four years of his presidency, should he win? i disagree that there's a sympathy factor aspect of it. i think there is what donald trump showed the other night and what he's continuing to show now and what hopefully he will be able to show the rest of this week is that there's a strength behind him and there's the ability he recognizes. he has ability to change the path forward for his campaign that there is a unity aspect of this. he identified a few different issues where there is discourse in this, in this country about different issues are clearly defined lines that folks on the
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republican side and democratic side have disagreed. how do you bridge that? gap? and i think he wants to do that. and i think we'll see that in his speech. maybe today or on thursday. >> we'll see about that. okay. coming up next here i? >> think a lot of people in the crowd, just said it was fireworks going off. i knew immediately what's going to odds the latest on the investigation into the attempted assassinated assassination against former president donald trump and former congressman joe kennedy is going to join us with his perspective on this moment in history. don't miss it this situation room with wolf blitzer. week night at six, seeing hi, i'm janice, and i lost hundred 72 pounds golov, a friend told me that i was the only one holding me back from being as beautiful on the outside as i on the inside. once i saw gola was working, i felt this rush. goler really
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this morning, a nation in an all-too familiar shock reeling from an assassination attempt against the president and a presidential candidate. >> and mourning the victim of the attack, 50-year-old corey comperatore, who was who died shielding his wife and daughter from the bullets for some the assassination attempt on donald trump was a rude awakening to just how polarized american politics have become. but for others who've watched the recent rise in threats to lawmakers, the violent attack on the capitol say that it was just unfortunately almost a matter of time joining me now is someone whose family has been devastatingly affected by america's painful history of political violence. the former democratic congressman joe kennedy server, have you here today? >> good morning. thanks for having me i just like to first ask for your reflections. >> you lost your grandfather and your great uncle. of course, they both meant a lot to the country. a country lost them as well. but you have a
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unique perspective on this how do you take in what we saw and what is your message for the country in this moment look these are hard times, i think for all of us, it's hard times for our country i think. >> oftentimes as understandable, americans are seeing what's playing out on our television screens and think of this as, politicians or people far away. they don't, they don't see the human side of this i talked to a number of my former colleagues in the house and senate over the weekend folks are scared, they're scared for our country they've got to be out campaigning over the course of the months ahead. many are nervous about their own safety. you've got to be out with people. it's part of the job, shaking hands, town halls, parades what the implication of this is and what this might mean for them i'd urge some of those lawmakers that are in candidates that are using some of the rhetoric that the prior
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panel highlighted what if it were your family and your wife and your kids that you were trying to get back to and if you saw some of you are the victim of some of these threats as by the way, almost everybody is at this point. but it doesn't have to be this way. write it we can choose to take a step back from that brink. highlight the differences which are real between our political parties and our candidates. without entering into the vilification that starts to create a sense of normalcy afford this type of violence you are working right now as the special envoy for northern ireland, which is a place that has grappled with political violence in a really terrible way. >> what lessons have you learned in that work? and how, what have you learned that could help us through this moment? >> i think what's transpired in northern ireland over the course of the past 30 years
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should be instructional on instrumental to the united states. this is a place that went through a brutal history of 30 years of conflict and you now have a new generation of political leaders there that are saying, we're not going to go back to that. there are real big divides about the future for northern ireland within the political system in northern ireland. and yet, those leaders are making space for alternative viewpoints they are saying that northern is big enough and bold enough to make sure we can have that debate without entering into the vilification and the trauma that society there has experienced. and we we talk about. and obviously my, my, my prayers along with you, you mentioned it before. i've been with mr. comparatora and his family and the victims yesterday. obviously, former president trump and his family there were thousands of people that watch an assassination attempt on live television. there thousands of people there that are going to experience some level of trauma and that could be impacted by this. we need to create the space here to process it. and to try to
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heal going forward, this cannot be where we go to as a country where people are scared about participating in a democracy, about being formed for discussion and debate and disagreement it's not about making sure there's no disagreement. democracies need disagreement. it's about being able to have that disagreement without the vilification and the threat of violence that shuts down that debate and shuts down those forms. because if we do that, we do lose our democracy, lose, we lose our country sir, president biden gave an oval office address. >> he obviously has been grappling with his own political crisis as democrats have tried to decide if he is the right person to remain at the top of the ticket how do you think he is handling? this moment. and how would you like to see him proceed i think president biden, over the course of the weekend, in particular, last night did exactly what not only many americans would expect that he would do, but he did it in a way that is quite a central.
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>> joe biden, it was empathy. it was grazed, it was in creating again that space to bring people together this is a commander in chief that has now been running essentially against donald trump for several years between the prior election and this one. he called present trump immediately after the assassination attempt, wished him well, checked in on him and his family, pulled down political advertisements the civil contentious period of a campaign as we're going into the conventions. and there's gonna be a lot of rhetoric there by republicans as, as is the case and it convention. but he pulled down that those ads beforehand. he's talking about trying to find ways to bring people together. and i thought bakari sellers said it very well. this is going to come not just from political leaders, where it should come and others have to meet. and now, president biden, where he was, which someone failed to do. but it's going to common in spread through communities, right?
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through our are leaders in those communities through peach preachers and pastors and teachers, and non-profit leaders, where we all have to model this and where we see people going down a different path to pull them back from it because you can't expect this to be solved by speeches. however, grand in at a convention or from an oval office, this is something that at this point is inside all of us and we all have a responsibility to do better we do sir, very briefly, your uncle has been running for president robert f. kennedy jr. do you think that he should have secret service protection in the wake of what we saw yes i have some disagreements with my political disagrees with my uncle. he's he's still family and certainly given what we've seen and what i know bobby has experienced over the course of the past several months on a campaign trail, he needs to have that protection as any candidate for office at this point, i think is going to need
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alright former congressman joe kennedy, very grateful to have you today. thank you very much for coming on thank you. >> thank you all right. >> still ahead here on cnn this morning, a changed race. how both trump and biden's campaigns will move forward? >> let me introduce you to class 500 been two, it is an easy to use trading app that gives you a glimpse into the future of futures trading. >> see a trading opportunity.
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phi, it asked your doctor about trump via when you saw this guilty plea, were you surprised? do you think the criticism has been fair? because bring court might take this up. what's the outcome down? how's that for a clipping or america? >> laura coates live week nights at 11 eastern on cnn cnn news central next all right welcome back. president biden, donald trump both say they're trying to unify a divided nation after saturday's deadly shooting, trump tells the washington examiner, he has written a speech, a new speech for the rnc. he says, quote, i basically had a speech that was an unbelievable gripp for it was brutal, really good, really tough last night i threw it out. i think it would be very bad if i got up and started going wild about how horrible everybody is and how corrupt and crooked, even if it's true. had this not happened? we had a speech that was pretty well set that was extremely tough. now
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we have a speech that is more unifying here was president biden addressing the nation from the oval office last night, he says, there's no room for violence in politics and publicly conventional start tomorrow i have no doubt they'll criticize my record and offer their own vision for this country i'll be traveling this week, making the case for our record and vision. my visions of the country, our vision i'll continue to speak out strongly for our democracy. stand up for our constitution and the rule of law to call for action at the ballot box no violence on our streets. that's how democracy should work. >> so shane goldmacher, you could almost hear me trump in that interview said, he's going to give a unifying speech, but also he he said, well, if i were calling them these names, but actually they are those things you can sort of see the person that trump is come through there. so i guess my question is is he is he going
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to continue on this line because we know that he's different on the teleprompter than off. >> i mean, history was just that there is one donald trump and the trump that we all know. and he can have moments of different elements of presenting differently, but he is fundamentally who he is. he is running for president because he thinks there are problems in this country and he sees deep problems and he cast them darkly. that's been the beginning and what we see this week is, this is the third consecutive time he's getting these this nomination. and so you see a republican party that reflects his vision. and it's expect throughout the week there's not going to be a big dissent. it's going to be trump's party but i have to just one i'm wondering your points. right. i mean, i think when you i can only imagine what it's like to almost be killed, right? to have a bullet whizzed by your ear that that has to change somebody and i think joe kennedy said it pretty eloquently in what he was speaking about. and i think what we're seeing right now is trump realizing that what happened to him could have gone completely. another way and it impacts him, right. and so i
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think he is being who he is that we don't see necessarily on camera. and at these rallies and i think we're going to see a stronger trump talking about unity. and then over the next course of the next few weeks demonstrating what that really means. >> my question would be therefore, is trump. despite everything that's happened, capable of unifying the country, given the turmoil of the last well, ever since 2016 clearly he's seen as a personality by at least half the country who himself has attacked democracy obviously the attack on saturday was a heinous attack on democracy himself on capitol on january 6. >> i mean, this is not the beginning. we a country could be unified. it seems like the incentives for division a greater than a political incentive there's for unity. i'm not sure regular going to see a presidential candidate or president get above 60% approval rating ever again,
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unless it's an absolute national crisis, like a 911. i just don't i think those days regrettably may be gone but also there's short-term message alterations. you, president biden postpone the speech on democracy in austin, texas. this unity speech now that it's going to be focused on thursday, we'll see if it lasts longer than a couple of weeks short term? yes. >> alright jason osborne. thank you so much for joining us today. thank you. look at the convention. i think we're going to see you on later on in the week. yes. >> all all right. >> the rest of panel is coming back in just a few moments still ahead here on cnn this morning, congressman byron donalds joins us live as the republican national well convention begins here in milwaukee, plus where do we, where does america go from here? some are looking back to leaders from our past to try to pave the way to a better future it's pods biggest sale of the summer, save up to 25% on moving in storage for limited time and cy pods is entrusted with over 6 million moves, but
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former president donald trump arrived in milwaukee, where he will formally accept his party's presidential nomination at the republican national convention. >> this week, the security lapses at saturday's rally though, are raising new safety concerns about this largest gathering of the gop in the 2024 cycle. the mayor of milwaukee telling cnn, there will be no changes to the city's convention security plan we've worked at this for some 18 months, some 18 months, and milwaukee is designated a national special safety or security event. >> and this is the highest level that you can possibly get in terms of the designation that we have for the republican national convention invention all right, joining me now is republican congressman from florida byron donalds. he is a strong supporter of the former president congressman. thank you very much for being here. it's going to be looking first, have you spoken to the former president since the attempt on his life? >> i haven't talked to him
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personally. we texted back and forth that night, late, late saturday evening, we texted to talk to some of his senior team yesterday. he's in good spirits. he's excited to be in milwaukee and no, i don't want to speak for him, but knowing him, his mind is on getting back to business it's getting back to working hard for the american people. and the assassination attempt, which obviously what would be chilling for anybody what it has done for the president is as given him new sense of purpose, focus, and energy to move forward with this campaign and get back into the white house. >> we heard from the former president in a pair of interviews yesterday. he says that he has changed his speech for here at the rnc, that he was going to give one that attacked president biden as crooked and other things, but that he's not going to do that and he's going to give a speech that's more focused on unity. is that the right path? and what tone do you hope that the former president strikes? well, it is, and i think it's the right path because look, we
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have major disagreements in politics. >> we know this but it can't go to that level. it cannot go to where now people are being targeted for assassination, where you have violence between citizens were allowed to have disagreements as part of the american way, we have disagreements as families, we have disagreements with businesses in politics. obviously. but when something like this happens, it requires you to reassess the president has done that. unity is going to be our message of this week and not just this week for the rest of this campaign. and going forward in our country because at the end of the day, no matter how much we might disagree, vehemently on these issues, we are all americans. we're one country the wall street journal editorial page is calling this morning for people who engage in conspiracy theories from the right and the left and specifically members of congress, they named congressman mike collins, who who referenced biden in the immediate aftermath of the shooting, they said that those people, right and left should
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be ostracized from our conversation that we instead should be having a conversation that focuses on some of the things that you just outlined. >> do you agree with the wall street journal? >> well, firstly, i remember going to the business of ostracizing anybody people have their opinions no matter what, no matter how much you might agree or disagree. i think the important thing is that we actually operate with the facts going forward from what happened saturday in pennsylvania. there are going to be congressional hearings on this. i sit on the oversight committee. i know chairman comer has already started to begin that work for us to get to the bottom of what happened, whatever lapses occur make sure that if somebody has to be held accountable. but there's an opportunity to do so. but the biggest thing is obviously president trump is safe. we had a former fire chief lose his life protecting his family and pennsylvania. the biggest thing i want to make sure now is that whatever that lapse it occurred is fixed and that we seed going forward. people are going to have their opinions in your viewpoints, but let's make sure the american people have the facts so obviously, the secret
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service agents who rushed that stage when those shots started to be fired, our heroes. >> we don't want to lose sight of that, but also there clearly was a massive security failure as you allude to, and there are going to be these congressional investigations. who do you hold responsible right now? i mean, what i should also ask, have you asked president trump about how he feels about what the people that. he was left unprotected. >> well, i haven't talked to him about that specifically. i talked to a couple of my colleagues who served in the military who've had, who have done advanced work. i've done security details. they've laid out some of their concerns. i think it's easy to just point who may be local police are secret service. i don't want to do that right now. i want to make sure i have the actual facts of the of the hour by hour in terms of how they can visit, how they set up the advanced work, et cetera before i come out with a conclusion and last but not least, do you know if the president has selected his vice presidential running? he's running out of time. do you know who it is? i do not know who it is.
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>> still want to make any news here. >> i'm not going to make any movements morning, but look, i'll tell you there's the president email. he's going to make a great one and at the end of the day, the vice presidential nominee, along with president trump, they are going to essentially beat. they're going to be our leaders moving forward. obviously, i fully anticipate he's going to be the 47th president of the united states so the tone today really is is really where the president has been going for quite some time. if you've watched him on the campaign trail? yeah. everybody has political barbs. we all know that, but his primary focus has been the welfare of the american people, the security of the american people, and america being a great nation once again, congressman donalds, thank you so much for this and you're going to stick around and i will be part of our panel here. so thank you. alright. let's turn back to where we do go as a country from here, i want to show you abraham lincoln during his inaugural address just before the civil war, he said this quote, the mystic chords of memory stretching from every battle battlefield and patriot
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grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this land will yet swell the chorus of the union when again touched as surely they will be by the better angels of our nature. and then president-elect biden echoed those words from history and he called for americans to unite after the 2020 election our nation is shaped by the cost of batter betrayed our better angels on our darker same pulses now what president say in this battle matters is tie for our better angels to prevail and of course, his rnc are his dnc, excuse me, speech in delaware. our panel is back and i have to say, i mean, as i have been thinking, all of you about how to approach this because this is this one of those moments where i think everything that we all say and do whenever you have a platform, it is important to recognize and find the better angels among us. and obviously
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we have seen some people conduct themselves in ways that i would prefer not to highlight here. there are a couple of people, though, who i think we should try to lift up. and we did here in particular, you'll see at the end of what i'm about to play. steve scalise who himself was a victim of political violence at a baseball practice and congressional baseball practice. i talked to him extensively after this happened to him. he handled what happened to him with incredible grace and he's had he's doing the same in this moment. we also heard from the pennsylvania governor, josh shapiro, who similarly is someone who has been in a place that lifts this country up. let's watch in a certain way, kristen, politics should be kind of boring. what we have got to see is serious discussion of serious issues and docx, this kind of harsh rhetoric that we have heard for the last number of years. and what can we do better? and i think look, i mean, clearly we have differences politically that's not going to change. we
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don't stop talking about those, but frankly, we ought to get back to just talking about those political differences. this is a moment where all leaders have a responsibility to speak and act with moral clarity we're all leaders need to take down the temperature and rise above the hateful rhetoric that exists and search for a better, brighter future. for this nation stephen collinson the reality is, you know, when i started out in this business, i have been considered myself a patriotic american. >> i believe very strongly in what we are capable of, what america has accomplished in her many, in her many years, we have had our struggles this is not the america that i wanted to be covering. this is not the kind of campaign that i want to be covering right now how do you look at what we can all do as individuals, citizens to move forward? >> the question that president
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raised in that speech the question of the better angels of our nature that is, the battle in america between it's better angels and the things that have been tearing it apart for nearly 250 years. that's what we're seeing right now. i hate to be a cynic, but i remember being at the gabby giffords service in 2011. >> it was devastated the young girl christina taylor greene that was killed people talking about the better angels, then it was time to unify. >> same after the steve scalise shooting at the baseball practice people talk about it, but people need to live it and that was back to what bakari was saying. one of the the legacy of dr. king was that he was a leader who lived the example of his teachings. and we're going to see now whether our leaders are able to do that. >> congressman i'll tell you, i think our lawyers are and the biggest thing is that we have to be confident in our
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arguments as opposed to just arguing it's not just politicians elected officials, it's news networks, its social media platforms. everybody today knows that headlines sizzle. so the more sizzling the headline people but mike click on it a chyrons people do watch that headlines and editorial rooms that matters, but also the awards that come from elected officials. we do have that capability, but we have to be focused on our arguments actually standing out for themselves and not trying to raise the temperature in order to get attention or get more focused on what we're trying to say. >> we had to demand better ourselves as regular people or leaves reflect us are they more polarized? we are also just as polarized. to. we have to stop looking to them. we have to do it ourselves to yeah, it is the responsibility of all of us. it is the responsibility of our elected leaders, yes, to lead but it is the responsibility also of each of us as voters we need to look and see how are our


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