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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  July 15, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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electors are others who had worked to upend the 2020 20 election results to represent state parties when they're here, when i was looking at it, it's one fake elector as a delegate and won as an alternate for the wisconsin i'm going to call it the delegation are you okay with that? what does that say? >> what it says is there are a lot of good republicans that were involved in these electors situations in some of the states who didn't believe they were doing anything illegal at all. so, so really we have good, good republican says to other states that are in their delegations that didn't feel as though they were doing anything wrong and then some states that was the legal feeling on a two so that's not an issue for us at all. the bigger issue for us is coming out of here unified for donald trump in a state in the polling where i mean, right now, those states you mentioned, donald trump is ahead in every single one of them. >> i mean, when you cannot
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understate, you cannot overstate wisconsin is going to be in terms of the path to 70, we're still waiting for a vp announcement from donald trump. have you gotten any insight when that announcement might be coming and what we might be seeing on that stage wednesday night no, i don't think it will wait until wednesday night. >> let's put it that way, but no, i don't have an insight on i think well, hear the name the finalists right? of the common finalists, but i don't have a good guess. i'll say this though, kate we have half dozen 810 people that any single one of them that donald trump would nominate for vice president will have the unified support of this convention. absolutely. >> we're going to see it all play out together. thank you for being a welcoming host. good luck. your schedule is probably extremely brutal. yes, it is, but happy to be with you. thank you very much, brian, really appreciate it a new hour. cnn news central starts now at the top of. the
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hour, i'm kate bolduan in milwaukee, wisconsin. were really any moment we could find out who donald trump's running mate will be as a republican national convention soon officially kicks off hear the former president is here in milwaukee less than 48 hours after he was shot during an assassination attempt for showing you this is video as he walked off his plane, as he was arriving in milwaukee. this morning, we are learning new details about saturday's tragic rally shooting sources are now telling cnn, he would be assassin vought has ammunition just hours before his attack. as for a motive, the fbi says that is still unclear, but breaking overnight, donald trump is sharing his first reactions to what he lived through and how the experience he says is now reshaping his view on the week ahead. here's the quote i've had. i had all prepared an
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extremely tough speech, really good all about the corrupt, horrible administration. but i, threw it away. i want to try to unite our country, but i don't know if that's possible. people are very divided. this morning. we know that president biden briefly spoke with donald trump on the phone as he too is making that appeal. the appeal for national unity in the face of this tragedy, and also calling calling on all americans to cool down the political rhetoric a former president was shot an american citizen killed while simply exercising his freedom to support the candidate of his choosing. we cannot, we must not go down this road in america we have team coverage here with me in milwaukee. >> john berman, sara sidner are standing by in new york. let's start with cnn's steve contorno for the latest on donald trump on the former president. steve, what are you hearing from his team? this hour, there's so much that
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seems to have changed overnight in terms of donald trump's view on what this entire convention is about okay trump's, team is determined to demonstrate that they have the resolve to move ahead despite the unspeakable tragedy and this assassination attempts on their candidate. >> and we are hearing from trump for the first time describing the harrowing details of what do you periods on saturday in an exclusive interview with the new york post he said that the circuit secret service agents who tackled him were quote, like linebackers and they quote, hit me so hard, my shoes fell off and he went on to say his shoes, ron, very tight. he also did bribe that image that has been reverberating around the world, telling the post, usually you have to die to have an iconic photo and he also previewed in another interview what he expects. the convention to look like now that he has undergone this experience and we've seen him talk about
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tossing his convention speech bringing in some new material. let me read you exactly what he told the washington examiner the speech i was going to give was a real humdinger. had this not happen? this would have been one of the most incredible speeches. honestly, it's going to be a whole different speech. now, we are expecting a very different convention, at least a tone of it. they're going to march ahead with the four-day schedule, largely as planned. we're still waiting to hear who trump picks to be his vice presidential candidate. there are four contenders that we are closely watching the three front runners that we've known about for a while, senator marco rubio of florida, senator jd vance of ohio, north dakota governor doug burgum, senator tim scott of south carolina, also still in the mix. we know as well that after the debates that we, that the trump campaign had not made a decision yet on who that nominee would be. and it was likely that the performance by joe biden was being entered into their calculus and
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especially if they thought that the trump, the biden campaign might change who the nominee would be. well, now there's been another major shift in their calculus. it will be interesting seemed to see whether or not the events of the last 48 hours is going to change how and who they pick for trump's running mate steve standby. thank you so much let's also go now to cnn's whitney wild, has been tracking the law enforcement investigation into the shooter, into every development that we're trying to pull together on how and what really happened. and whitney is just reporting. you just learned in the last hour that the suspect both the ammunition, just hours before that trip, he carried out this tragedy. what more are you learning about this? >> okay. i'll tell you that that follows a very similar pattern when we see shooters like this, that frequently, we what we see is that the either the firearm or ammunition or purchased within even just a few days, we're even the day
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of an incident like this. what we're learning, kate, is that this is 20-year-old thomas matthew who crux he's from bethel park, pennsylvania. that's about an hour south from where this shooting took place. this attempted assassination took place. and what we've learned is that he used his father's ar 15 style rifle that firearm was purchased legally. we also know that there were explosive devices found in his in his car as well as in his home. those are now being analyzed by the fbi at quantico what you see on your screen here is a little more information about thomas thomas crooks he is a registered republican, although at some point it appears based on our reporting that he may have made a very negligible donation shan to a democratic aligned political action committee. and what are cnn investigative team has learned is that he seemed to suggest that he had some interest in politics shortly after turning 18. in fact, he was registering
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to vote just a week after his 18th birthday. all of this kate does not yet make a motive clear, and that's really what the fbi is trying to drill down on here. they do have his cell phone and they're trying to get inside of that. they have gleaned a little bit from text messages and phone calls. but right now, there's just very little they know about why he did this meanwhile, there is a lot of scrutiny on the secret service posture that day. the planning and the reaction on the ground, witnesses say that there was the gunman was seen outside of the perimeter. we know that a senior law enforcement official has told cnn that he was spotted, that information about him acting squirrelly at the perimeter was passed along to law enforcement, including the secret service. so the big questions kate, or why law enforcement wasn't on top? but kim quickly sources i have spoken with have also been extremely alarmed at the close proximity of that building to the former president's podium. sources are telling me that the major questions they have are
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what was the site survey of that area? in what way did this building factor into their overall security plan? who was responsible for securing that building and ultimately, kate, why wasn't there a cop on the roof given the proximity and the possibility and potential opportunity for a critical incident like this. kate yes. critical questions. exactly. you've got them all, whitney. thank you so much, steve. thank you as always, much more reporting to be coming out as this day begins. and the republican convention is about to kick off, john. >> alright, thanks so much kate. so in her first statements since the assassination attempt on donald trump, the director of the secret service says the agency will participate in an independent review and work with congress on any oversight action with us now cnn, senior law enforcement analyst and former deputy director of the fbi, andrew mccabe, also with us, former secret service agent, danish slid wine. andy, let me start with you. if you are this independent review and or congress doing oversight what are the major questions you need answered first, the
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first question that the reviewers will have, they'll go to the secret service and say, give us every document that you have upon which you based your security plan. they want to see that plan what was the what did the service think before the event took place? what was their assessment of the intelligence and the threat? picture, and how did they plan to address it? because the first thing you're looking for is to see if any responsibilities that they identified, they failed to cover that that may or may not be the case. we'll have to see what comes out of the review and then beyond that plan that you want to see how they reacted to the conditions on the ground? >> and danny, we've all seen the map now of this location and saw where the shooter was positioned, some 130 yards from the lectern where donald trump was standing. that rooftop where he was was outside the tight perimeter and in theory, within the oversight of local law enforcement. how was that? that's supposed to work well in my career when you went to a
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site where the protectee was going to be there wasn't any real define perimeter where the secret service shouldn't be involved in this case, the secret service should have been involved with the entire perimeter with regards to where the problem i'm could be. >> so if that state of that building where the shooter was was a little ways away, it still is a threat and that that particular site should have been been just unbelievably looked at and secured from the very beginning. >> andy, what's your view on that? i think because even though the uninformed spectator looking at this, you're like how can there have been someone with ill intentions on that roof? i think i think what your guests makes a great point. >> we're talking about the security perimeter that doesn't mean that aos let's side that perimeter is completely uncontrolled. the significance of the perimeter is simply that anyone who comes within it has to be go through the magnetometers. their
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service is still responsible for any threats that might be posed to the principal anywhere in that area. and what they call the envelope of vulnerability of the threat envelope the building is clearly within that scope. it presents an obvious danger because of the elevation and the sight line that it maintains to the stage. and so by any estimation, that building should have been covered either with the police officers standing on the roof to prevent anyone from getting up there or other officers on the ground watching it so there's many ways they could have addressed it, doesn't seem from the facts that we know that they took any of those steps. danny, how far out do you have to push 130 yards? clearly not enough here. when you look at we didn't see the overhead picture here. there's essentially a lot of buildings. there are a fair number of structures in that area what the photos i saw, the one included, basically the stage area as well as where the shooter was stationed i thought
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it was very ironic that it wasn't obviously secured better. >> in fact, i thought to myself, cat being the way cat operates, they want to be at the highest point with the greatest visibility. and ironically, i haven't heard anybody mentioned this. i would have thought had i been doing the advance, why not put the cat team itself on top of that building to have a grip great view of most part of the site. how ironic it would have benefit the he had been up there when the assassin attempted to get to that point so i think that the advanced guy evidently didn't think it was that a big of a problem to not have someone on top and i think that the coordination and with cat team could have been such that they could have even put cat team up there after all, cat team's main responsibility is visibility into react to any possible problem any are there questions about the coordination, systemic questions that need to be addressed about the
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coordination between secret service and local law enforcement. anytime a principal goes somewhere, there, is that coordination its regular but does it need to be looked at again? well, by definition, the secret service can't handle every responsibility, every security responsibility every location they go to and so for that kind of manpower resource, they draw on state and local officials to help out the coordination is absolutely essential. typically in an environment like you see in milwaukee this week, that is a it's been designated as a national security special event, so it has the highest level of most practiced, executed amount of coordination, multi-agency coordination for any security events we do in the country. but that doesn't mean that at smaller events like the rally we saw over the weekend, you don't have to have absolute positive contact hands-on coordination. those local officers, many of whom may have i've never worked with the secret service before. have to understand, even if they're in the outer perimeter beyond the
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magnetometers, they've got to know exactly what you need them to do and most crucially, how and where you communicate the threats that you're identifying on the ground. andy mccabe, danny shalin, wind. thank you both so much for being with us this morning. sara. >> all right. there are major questions about how the 20-year-old gunman managed to rebate security measures and come so close to assassinating a former president during a political rally up next we'll take you live to the convention in milwaukee where kate bolduan is going to be speaking with homeland secretary security secretary alejandro mayorcas, and new details about security has just been announced by milwaukee's mayor as he prepares his city for the republican national convinced that's all ahead this is an incredible story i believe you are the son of god. >> the stakes were extreme hi, you said i'm not getting in this to lose i didn't redo this
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ready to be in new york giant? >> yes, sir that is do our teams still add in pieces, still have the draft with the agency think what let's have a conversation and here it's unlike anywhere else far off season with the new york giants streaming exclusively on max this morning, the secret service says, it is confident in its security plans for the republican national convention here in milwaukee in the wake of saturday's assassination attempt on former president trump and the city's mayor. all so speaking out, facing questions about that as well, cnn's ryan young is here in milwaukee with me tracking all of this for us, ryan, you've been really looking at the security measures that are in place. they're very visible in many respects, but we also heard from the mayor ahead of today's opening of the of the convention, what did he say? >> yeah, absolutely. we've been tracking this for over five months when it comes to security that have been setting up in the city, the mayor feels really confident about the plans they have in place. they say they've been working this plan for some 18 months and some of the plans that you can
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really see just right when you're just coming down the road here, this bridge has been shut down this is part of the heart of barriers that they've put up. but also the waterways around here, the milwaukee river has been shut down. so you see the coast guard and their officers moving up and down this way. the reason why they made this cutoff is as you come down the bridge and you've already experienced this yourself, you start seeing the hard perimeter that's been set in place anything behind these gates, you have to have a path to get to, let's not forget, they believe 50,000 people will be swelling into the city. a lot of fans of donald trump when you're talking to some folks at the airport yesterday who said they did not want to miss this event. they were not concerned about the security. they really did believe the plans that were put in place where keep them safe. but this is the whole idea here. we'll get down to one of the locations like this. you have to check in, but take a listen to the mayor feeling confident about their plans. >> the director of the united states secret service continues to have faith in the work that happened over the last 18 months for security and i have made and confidence as well in
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the secret service, in the morphew police department and other law enforcement agencies that are providing public safety here today kate, you had to walk to the zone that you're in, right now. that is a bear that most people will never make it toward in terms of just how thick the security as we've talked, a lot of people who just wanted to get closest see how close it could get to see to donald trump. you look down there, there's officers from around the country here of counted seven different departments so far. sharp arlette, we've seen people from virginia beach. the idea here is officers or swelling in each sort of barrier is set up and controlled by these officers. you have to have a path to get through. but this is all part of it that's the stuff we can see. we do know there's monitoring from above. we saw a coast guard helicopter flying across this area all day yesterday. you understand the present dozens of security, you know why people have been talking about it, especially after that attempt on saturday, people are concerned about these next steps and did they need more of these? i can tell you what a difference 24 hours makes in the city when it comes
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to the extension of security. and how far they pushed the zone out, there will be protests later on this morning that starts 10:00. local will be marching along with them. at first. that was the big concern at this point. now, with the perimeter setup, no one thinks that the protesters could ever make it toward the zones that are now protected the way they are. >> yeah. and the take from the chair of the state republican party here in wisconsin, his take just to us a little while ago, was he thinks milwaukee is the safest city in america right now because of the extent of the law enforcement presence that we're seeing and you're seeing it firsthand and much more to come though, ryan. thank you very much. we also new this hour. here's a quote for you. there is no charted course for what we are going through in this country and for this campaign that is from the biden campaign. biden campaign chair in a call with the dnc and campaign staffers let's get more from about this from cnn's arlette saenz at the white house what more are you
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learning about this call that happened well, kate, the biden campaign and the democratic national committee held us call with its staff just hours before president biden addressed the nation last night in the wake the assassination attempt against former president donald trump. and in that call, the campaign chair jen o'malley, dillon really acknowledged the difficult moment that the country and the campaign he is trying to navigate at this time, as you noted, she's said that there's no charted course, no precedent for this type of situation. and that what the campaign team needs to fill focused on is leaning on each other and continuing their workup through this time. but it really speaks to the sensitive and complicated political dynamic that the biden biden campaign is really trying to chart at this time over the weekend, they did put a pause on their television advertisements as well as outgoing communications like fundraising, emails and other proactive messages it's still unclear when exactly those will resume. but officials have signaled that
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the president and democrats are expected to return to campaigning in the coming days. one key thing to keep an eye on this afternoon will be that interview president and biden is conducting with me he lester holt he then will travel on to nevada at a time when he's expected to continue making his case regarding his record and the issues he thinks voters should be focused on in this it's election arlette, thank you so much. >> got much more or let's go great reporting. she's going to continue bringing that to us from the white house. but right now, joining me right now, is the secretary of homeland security, alejandro mayorkas. of course secretary the secret service is in under the department of homeland security. there are so many questions today about what happened on saturday what what did the secret service do not do? what kind of a failure was it in their planning and their protocol? how was that man able to get so close to assassinating a former president? what is first and foremost, the latest you know,
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about the man who did this. do you think we will learn a motive secretary kid, we will deliver answers to the american people to the fullest extent possible. that is our responsibility. and not ours alone as i hope you know, the fbi is conducting a criminal investigation president biden has directed an independent review of the incidents on saturday, but let me take a step back and echo president biden's very, very important words. we are so relieved that former president trump is okay. our hearts break for the comparatora family and of course, we pray for a speedy and safe full recovery for those injured we have to we have to tone down the rhetoric in this country. we are in a heightened threat environment our incredible protective services adapt to that dynamic
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threat environment and make the changes that are necessary. that is indeed what an independent review as directed to do identify what occurred, make recommendations to ensure that nothing like this ever happens again, we have a fail proof responsibility but what level of failure was it? i mean, it's been called by some lawmakers a security failure at the highest level, we now know just this morning, we learned the secret service director in her first public comments said this the secret service is working with all involved federal, state, and local agencies to understand what happened, how it happened how we can prevent an incident like this from ever taking place again. but secretary, do you call this a security failure on the part of the secret service i incident like this cannot happen. >> that is precisely why president biden directed an
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independent review. so that that review, its conclusions and its recommendations have the full confidence of the american public. we will carefully analyze in an independent and thorough fashion what occurred recommendations will be made. those recommendations will be implemented. we are in a dynamic threat environment. we adapt to that dynamism. every single day. changes have been made to the republican national convention just as the 18-month planning calls for, it calls for changes based on changes in the threat environment. and that is where we are now if you don't want to say because it review is still happening who is who failed in terms of the security around this rally? >> do you agree that it was plus a failure? you said this cannot happen, but first and foremost, before you make sure you make the changes, you have to acknowledge what a failure
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this was kate when i say that something like this cannot happen, we are speaking of a failure. we are going to analyze through an independent review how that occurred, why it occurred, and make recommendations and findings to make sure it doesn't happen again i couldn't be clearer and i sincerely appreciate the clarity on this. >> i did want to ask you because this has been this has popped up. republican congressman mike waltz. he said on social media on saturday, and i'm going to read this for you because it does talk about you, secretary. i have very reliable sources telling me that there hasn i've been repeated requests for stronger secret service protection for president trump denied by secretary mayorkas. your department has already pushed back on that calling that absolutely false. but he is putting this on you can you respond to that, please well, that is yeah.
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>> that's a that's a baseless irresponsible statement and it's one that is unequivocally false how confident are you now that the secret service are up to the task, right now of protecting president biden and former president trump through the duration of this campaign. >> now i am confident that they are with respect to the republican national convention they plan has been put in place for in development for 18 months. >> this is a responsibility that not only the united states secret service shoulders, but we work with our federal partners and state and local partners to ensure the safety and security of the republican national convention. the democratic national convention, and each and every campaign event secretary just finally, you'd said changes will be made, an independent review will happen. this cannot happen do you expect or would you?
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want to see people lose their jobs over what has just happened donald trump had a near death experience. one man has now dead, and two more people were shot seriously shot and wounded and are recovering now at a hospital kate, i have full confidence in the leadership of the united states secret service and independent review will make factual findings and recommendations based on those findings. >> and i look forward to studying those findings and recommendations and act accordingly secretary, i was literally just handed this. >> we have new reporting coming in from cnn's whitney wild that says a spokesman for us secret service tells cnn the agency did not personally sweep the building where the attempted assassin shot former president trump but instead leaned on local law enforcement to
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kentucky to conduct security at that location are you okay with that? >> kate let me make let me make two points. number one, and let me repeat that. we will defer to an independent review of the facts to determine what those facts are and make findings and recommendations based on it. number one. number two, in campaign events, historic glee and now including the conventions themselves, we work collaboratively with our federal partners, as well as with our state and local partners. these are very, very significant undertakings and we work seamlessly and closely with our partners across the national security homeland security, enterprise i am going to defer to the independent review and we will take those findings and recommendations and act on them accordingly. >> do you have any plans to speak yourself with former president trump or his campaign
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in light of all of this? >> kate, president biden, as he communicated to the american people, has been in touch with former president trump we are in close coordination with the republican national convention through the united states secret service to understand the threat landscape, to understand the security posture. and to take any recommendations and act on them. this is a mutual relationship communication works both ways. we are in close touch with the protectee's, whom we are responsible for for that is how the united states secret service operates historically. and on an ongoing basis secretary, thank you very much for coming on this morning as so many questions and so much is still unknown, but in the midst of it, as it is still unfolding. >> thank you very much for coming on. secretary of
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homeland security, alejandro mayorkas coming up for us how will the assassination attempt impact the message of both presidential campaigns today, tomorrow? and in the weeks to come that's ahead how did you get your teeth? >> so i you got to use the right toothpaste of your see not all toothpastes widen the same crass 3d white removes 100% more stains for a noticeably wider smile, new personal best press. >> what does a robot know about it takes a human to translate that leap in our hearts into something we can see and hold etsy most people call lee filter when they're gutters are clogged and they noticed one of the many issues that can bring well, sometimes it's the smell of mildew and water has seeped into the interior walls or maybe they've spotted mold and
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of our brand this is what you want this is what you mean this is the path to happiness that's a good day at the office for me. >> alright, so we have some brand new video just coming in showing another angle of the moments before the attempted assassination on donald trump as we're going to watch this video together. it's about a minute long that you can see the video moving around. you can also, let's listen in together. so you'll see it and let's listen to what they said. yeah, look areas because
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we have an officer dangerous people. >> kremlin we have we have been that it happened if he wins i've been doing this, i get mean, you can hear it the way it's described is the crowd there as you can see, spotted the gunman more than a minute before the shooting and you can see them. >> i hear them calling out for law enforcement to try to draw their attention to it. just remarkable. and seeing how this played out and how close he was. some 450, 500 feet from donald trump and we know what happened in the minute after that, joining me right now is democratic senator chris coons of delaware. he's also a biden campaign co-chair another angle, we know what happened
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when we see after that video, senator, but seeing that and seeing that gunmen climbing onto the roof and hearing people around, trying to call out for law enforcement. it's still shocking jake that is a shocking video that brings home just how lucky we are as a nation that we are not waking up to a genuine tragedy in butler, pennsylvania it is incomprehensible that a young man with a rifle with ar style weapon was able to get up on a roof and get that close to the president and get off several shots of before he was killed by secret service sniper he was just inches away from killing former president trump. >> i am so grateful that he failed in that. we all need to reflect peripherally on the loss of life by the corey comperatore. i believe i may. i hope i'm pronouncing his name correctly. a volunteer fire
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chief and father of two who died at a political rally protecting his children. and the others who've been injured look, kate, i've been to plenty of events with president's the secret service. does often relying on state and local law enforcement to help expand their perimeter. but it's hard for me to understand how a roof that close that accessible was not secured and the homeland security committee of the senate under the leadership of chairman gary peters, has already announced they're going to conduct an oversight hearing. you just had secretary mayorkas on who said they will they will be conducting a prompt independent investigation of what is obviously a security failure but i also think kate, it's important to reflect on a president biden's oval office address last night where he urged all of us to bring the temperature down. you're in milwaukee later tonight, the republican convention starts
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and it's my hope that this will last more than a day or two that we will in fact of both parties of both of our conventions and all of us who are elected do a better job of being better role models for our country. of not just reflecting or amplifying the division in our country, but showing how we can have differences of views, differences of political perspectives, and agendas and yet speak of each other in more respectful tones and recognize just how horrifying a moment this is in our modern american history president biden calling on americans and that oval office address to cool down the rhetoric donald trump has talked his said in an interview, he's torn up his speech, which was going to go hard after president biden and the administration. >> and now he wants to focus on unity in his speech at this convention on thursday. but senator, you're getting at it a little bit. it's a tough question because if past is prologue there's not a good
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chance that this sticks. how do you really bring about and keep hold of that unity kate, this is a challenge that i've worked on now for years with bipartisan partners. >> senator cornyn, and i introduced a bill that would re-invest in the teaching of civics and in helping high school students, college students. a civics organizations across our country teach house so to reduce conflict, there are grassroots organizations across our country encouraging people to put down the cell phones and get off of social media and get out there and roll up your hands and roll up your sleeves and get busy in the hard work of respecting each other and hearing each other. i'll remind you that president biden, in his hagerich address, called on us to see each other, not as a political enemies, but as americans with just different perspectives and views. and i do think that's hard work. i think it calls on all of us to
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reflect that there have been too many close calls that kate, this shocking event in butler is just the latest in a string that have happened in recent years. we saw an attempted kidnapping and assassinating governor whitmer of michigan and attempt to murder speaker pelosi that resulted in her husband being hospitalized. but my own close friend, jeff flake i was standing next to steve scalise when he was shot in an assault in our nation's capital. so words have consequences of folks who are deranged are at the margins or have trouble managing their anger into many incidents have been inspired by heated rhetoric so my hope is that the convention in milwaukee, the speech by our former president, will follow the lead of president biden, who has reached out to former president trump. and that many of us in the senate will do the same and reach out and demonstrate how we can work across the aisle to sustain a more positive view
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and to sustain the sort of nation we need to be we have to be better than this moment and leadership is that is what is going to be most required right now in order to even possibly pull that off in the midst of also continuing to campaign in what will always is a hard-fought presidential campaign. >> these are very difficult, delicate moments that we have found ourselves in as a country. and as we're looking at our politics right now, senator coons. thank you so much for coming on coming up for us. donald trump set to make a crucial announcement soon here in milwaukee, as soon as today, we may learn, learn who his running mate will be we'll be right back thank let
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political rhetoric has to change. >> the temperature must cool down. one sign of that, donald trump says that he's completely rewriting his convention speech with a focus on national unity. now axios is also reporting that he ordered aides to not allow convention primetime speakers to change their remarks to dial up the outrage over the shooting one republican who will be speaking on this convention stage behind me this week, south carolina republican congresswoman nancy mace and congressman mace joins me now. thank you so much for joining me, congressman. i really appreciate your time. we heard let me read the quote that we heard from donald trump his first reaction and what in the impact that this attempted assassination has had on his outlook going forward, he said, i had all prepared an extremely tough speech, really good all about the corrupt, horrible administration. but i threw it away i want to try to unite our country but i don't know if that's possible people are very divided. president biden
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called for that unity as well last night, what did you, what did you think of biden's remarks last night? first well, i think it's very important that all of our leaders right now talk about unity and bringing people together. what i saw saturday night in the moments after this shooting, i was out in public. everyone republican, democrat, independent this has been a unifying moment for donald trump to unify the country gray. what he showed in the minutes after this shooting was courage was leadership and strength. and this is our moment as american quite frankly, now that we've had almost two days since the shooting, i was very angry in the first few hours of this thing, very, very angry. but now i've never been more proud to be an american because i'm seeing what but donald trump is doing to unify the country. i'm hearing it on the streets from people of all political stripes right now. this is a moment for our country. and when america is strong, the world is strong and i'm very much looking forward to hearing what donald trump will say on thursday night during his
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nominating speech to bring the country together because that's needed now more than ever. i did want to ask you about your reaction in the immediate hours after the attack, if you will, because you you said you were asked if you thought that joe biden inspired the attempted assassination of the former president with rhetoric that with his rhetoric. and you responded with absolutely know the motive we know and what drove this man to try to assassinate donald trump is not known why not wait until you have those facts? >> well, if you talk about rhetoric, hearing joe biden saying that we need to put trump in the bull's-eye being compared to hitler for the last few years. >> and i'm someone who, i'm very outspoken republican and i get a lot of threats and know that that kind of rhetoric has real implications on real people's lives everyone who's
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elected, this sort of thing, you don't want this sort of thing to continue. and i think it's really important as we bring the country together acknowledge that these things have been said and that we're not going to continue to do this, that we want to bring people together. and when i was out saturday minutes after the shooting out in my district i saw blacks and whites and republicans and democrats independents, people were pulling over their cars, stopping traffic, jumping out because they had something to say about our nation and about the shooting and how we need to come together and this has been a moment for us. i'm rewriting my speech as well for wednesday night because i want to bring people together, but we have to acknowledge that these things have been said to move our country forward. i do believe that and i think being angry is okay, but we can't act on it. and now that we've had so time, how are we going to pull everybody together and unify? because when america is strong, the world is strong and we need to protect project that strength on this stage this week because to that point, i mean speaker johnson, he spoke
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out, you're talking you're talking about rhetoric from democrats, but rhetoric from republicans has also ben, angry and violent and all sorts of those things. we don't even need to go down the list of things over time. but my point is speaker johnson was has been began just the last 24 hours and the way he said it is that everyone, both sides of the aisle need to turn the rhetoric down acknowledging in that the republicans need to dial down on the rhetoric as well to bring that temperature down for the good of the country and i think it's now up to like every elected official to answer, like, what are you going to personally do to help in that effort going forward, congresswoman right. and mike johnson mentioned that in our republican conference call yesterday about the importance of dialing down the rhetoric and many of us were angry. i was very angry and the hours after this shooting, but it is incumbent upon us. those were public figures, those who are
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elected officials, those who have followers on social so media for example, that rhetoric does have consequences and i've been a member who's called out regular rhetoric on both sides of the aisle ever since i was elected. and there is an enormous responsibility. i feel that responsibility today as i'm rewriting my remarks for wednesday night, i feel that responsibility as i hear from constituents and i have a purple district correct i have talked to democrats. i've talked to republicans. i've talked to independence. and this is a moment for america to bring people together. and that responsibility weighs heavily, not just on me, but i believe on members of both sides of the aisle and we're seeing that it takes a little bit of time. we're only two days out out after the shooting but i believe you'll see more of that unifying message in the days, weeks, and months ahead, our country needs is very noteworthy. i'm marrying a very, i am hearing that cooled down tone, if you will. i'm hearing a different tone today from you as well congresswoman. thank you so much for coming on
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and we look forward to hearing your speech on wednesday on the stage. stage behind me. thank you. thank you very much. and also, of course, we also have these new details this morning about the security plans around the convention. in the wake of the attempted assassination against donald trump, we have much more on that coming right up you think that our democracy is that risks. >> we have to be very concerned why do you think he's doing this? and can he be talked out of do you think he's guilty the lead with jake? tapper weekdays it for unsealed. here's to getting better with age here's to beat nice to every thursday helped fuel today with boost type protein complete nutrition, you need without the stuff you don't so used to now well, i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. thanks to sky rosie, i'm on my way with clearer skin. three out of four people like 90% clear skin at for months. and sky resy is just
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plan, 100% online at for are not broken his need a place to be heard their trust in me means everything i'm natasha bertrand at the pentagon. >> and this is cnn president biden made a rare oval office address to the nation in the wake of the assassination attempt on former president trump, biden urged americans to cool down the political rhetoric saying quote, politics should never be a literal battlefield. >> on this first day of the republican national convention in milwaukee, there is little
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doubt the tone of the event and the election has dramatically changed, joining us now cnn political commentators jamal simmons and margaret hoover, thank you both for being here. let's just speak to that jamal has it completely changed the 2024 presidential race? this assassination? the nation attempt on former president trump know, i hope so. >> i hope that things will change. but what we know about changes that people do change when something happens like a big, big like this, but it requires work. is people sort of continuing to make the effort? well, i hope donald trump continues to not go into some of the rhetoric and maybe other, so he doesn't it's been striking me as they do the work of a guy. so i really wonder and worry of that after this week wears off, we'll go back to something else also you know, as i wrestle with this and i think about this, we've been through a lot over the last couple of years. we had the pandemic, which nobody really talks about anymore. we had january 6 would there was a moment of from national unity the people die, the attack on the capitol was a very big deal. that's not really a
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factor very much anymore, sort of how we talk about things. we had a president who has been convicted of 34 accounts. we don't talk about that. joe biden had a horrible debate performance, and that's even starting to fade. so it makes me wonder if a month from now we will still be talking about this horrific event, the way we're thinking about it now. and i just wonder of donald trump and this event are a part of a new media environment where everything is just pounding us all the time and we just don't get the kind of import that happened when i was a kid and ronald reagan got shot and we talked about that for ever i don't know that we live in that kind of media social environment anymore in distresses me as an american, i want to pick up on the last event you brought up there, which was the debate, which was now several weeks ago. and the many calls among democrats for president biden to drop out of the race. margaret, none have come since the assassination attempt on donald trump that seems to have maybe frozen things where they are? no. do
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you think you'll stay frozen? >> i think we're taking an incredibly appropriate moment as a country to pause to come together to pray for our country, for the victims, for the former president, for the current president. and it is completely nonpartisan. an apolitical way and i think all calls about who should be at the top of the ticket on the democratic side are appropriately frozen at the moment, john, because this isn't a moment for politics. this is still it is only, it's not even been 48 hours we do hope to jamal's point. we do heat this moment and we would do really re-learn. i think what has become like a muscle memory in our politics, in our rhetoric to ramp things up. and rather to have a calm, cerebral engage in the policy ideas, engage in an arena of ideas which is the premise of a civil
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society. civil discourse is a responsibility of a civil society and if we can do that and rewire these, these neural impulses away from heightened rhetoric that is belligerent and pugilistic and towards a calmer place where we can try to solve problems and reason together that will be the benefit i agree with jamal there is some question about whether this will continue, but for the moment, i think things are appropriately frozen to your point, john i do want to ask you about what we heard from president trump and we just heard from representative nancy mace as well, who both said that they're going to redo their speeches and they're calling for or to lower the rhetoric to stop this. but you got to wonder when you hear the president saying this was going to be a humdinger of a speech. and then people on the republican side trying to blame president biden for some of his language, but not acknowledging the president's language. what did that humdinger of her overspeech tell you that it was going to be like before this happened? and the fact that
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they're having to tear up those speeches and rewrite them. now, aljamal well, we know that president trump jay-z has align you was are you was before you got here and that's the thing about donald trump. he was this guy who was a pugilist and he was going to fight. and we all expected him to do that we'll see if he changes his speech, how it really works out. i think that when we watch president biden over the last couple of days, i think he's reminded people of why they voted for him in the first place. because here's a guy who's showing leadership. he's reached out to donald trump, who is the victim in this case. it may shore that he talked to him he's talking to the american people repeatedly. he's leading the foreign national security team and all the legal experts to talk about the in the situation room what's occurring and then again, talking to the american public and keeping all of us informed about this and so i think that's what people want a steady leadership. and somebody who's going to put the country first and not put themselves their own particular interests first. and that's who i think we'd like to see from


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