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tv   CNN Republican National Convention  CNN  July 15, 2024 5:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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assessment patient attack, republicans rallying to support him. doing something they've never done before. nominate the former president, to be their next president. in milwaukee, donald trump and his new running mate put forward their vision for america as one of the most consequential and tradition shattering presidential prisons ever shifts into a new year along with these high profile speakers, senator tim scott, governor glenn youngkin, and governor kristi noem night one of the republican national convention begins on cnn. right now we're, live in milwaukee
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in battleground, wisconsin, where we expect to see former president donald trump in person at this convention this evening as republicans are celebrating there now official 2024 presidential ticket prompts new running mate senator jd vance of ohio made a surprise appearance earlier capping his formal nomination provides president. >> we have an extraordinary view of it all high above the arena for our special coverage of this history making convention i'm jake tapper along with anderson cooper and anderson, we're standing by to see donald trump at some point this evening yeah, we're told former president is eager to attend the convention to meet with his support there isn't allies after the attempt on his life tonight, the gop is putting forward some of its most powerful and polarizing figures spread trump's maga message along with a slew of everyday americans tamped to speak to bread and butter issues jake, we're standing by to hear from the top speakers of the night and carry their remarks live. of course anderson, we're going to be listening very closely to what those speakers say and the tone
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they set at this singular moment in american politics. and in this tumultuous presidential election, our political team is in position to follow it all. boris sanchez is right near, near the podium where the big speech teachers are being given and phil mattingly and kaitlan collins are roving throughout the convention floor, talking to delegates. and right now, we're listening two congressman wesley hunt is at who is that who says he was a congressman from texas is 38th congressional district. let's listen in slate on, the son of a retired lieutenant colonel on the product of west point along with my other two siblings and our risk my life and combat to preserve our nation. >> now there is another man who
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was putting it all on the line to save our nation his name is president donald trump and with your help in november and with his unbending resolved together, we will make america great. again god bless you, milwaukee. big guy. but continue to bless united states of america. thank you please welcome us army veteran representative john james from michigan's tenth congressional district good evening, wisconsin warmest regards.
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warmest regards from detroit, home of the nfc north champion detroit lions and seriousness, this, there's this didn west to do a great job what am, i, west point classmates, class 2004. and there's another midwestern board did a great job. our vice presidential nominee, jd vance another, another midwestern boy know, he's going to need some help when it goes up to michigan, i'll do everything i can, but he might be the first book out. it would have mission it says last time trump was in office but those are two great american dream stories when the hunt family from the vance, them, when i have another american dream story to tell you about. it's about a little boy from springville. mississippi who live directly across the street from mississippi state university. but he couldn't go there because he was black despite
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growing up in the jim crow south, he refused to let vulnerability become victimhood. he paid his way through college, served honorably of vietnam, and started a trucking company with one truck, one trailer, no excuses. hauling beer back-and-forth between detroit and milwaukee i grew up in all of that story because it's my dad story. it's part of my story. he and my mother raised me never telling me that this is a racist country never never even though we have market blemishes that are paid yes. even though we have much farther to ago, even though they endured racism, it did not define the nation late loved, they taught me i could do anything. i set my mind to. they taught me that what the lord first au way they talking to use my blessings to be a blessing to others and that's
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what we're doing here today. that's why i went to west point i became a range of qualified apache pilot and foods 750 hours operations and operation iraqi freedom you know you know there's something else me and president trump have in common the bad guy shuttered his both with a missed and we'll keep on fighting for america until the good lord takes us home. by the grace of god i was able to come home after my deployment and help run the company business. now i have the honor of representing michigan's tenth congressional district, the number one manufacturing district in the best state in the entire unit my family's sorry, is the american dream story, but my biggest concern right now, my biggest fear is will children today be able to
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look back and share that same story? i firmly believe americans have not given up on the american dream joe biden and the democrats have given up on the american dream joe biden and the democrats think they know how to spend your money better than you do. they want to take your dollars, they want to take your voice. they want to take your control and give it back to dc see bureaucrats to execute their walk and green new deal agenda. well, that plan doesn't work because hope is not a plan. black people were sold on home. now are streets are ripe for the crime, our kids can't read in illegals are getting better help from democrats in four days that we've gotten to 400 years our daughters were sold on hope and now they're being forced on the playing fields and changing rooms are biological males america was sold on hope. and now the world's on fire. our borders are wide open and americans are going into debt to pay for
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their groceries but look a look we don't even have to imagine a brighter day. we just have to remember under president donald j. trump, we had a secure border under president donald j. trump have peace in europe. and under president donald j. truck, we had an economy, so good we had an economy soak that democrats are trying to give obama the credit for it i. heard, a little earlier today if you know, a boat down showed you a black a here's the thing of a grace of god and the proven leadership of donald trump for every american, regardless of race, color and creed, we could once again have a land where a child's outcome isn't it? term and by their zip code, we can once again have a land were hard work truly does get you ahead we can
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once again have a land briefing go from poverty to prosperity in a single generation, i believe that land is still america. america is the greatest idea. there's never been america i believe deeply in my heart america is the greatest idea that's ever been, is worth fighting for, is worth sacrificing for, and is worth getting out to vote for because i truly believe in the deepest heart of hearts that. was donald j. trump back in the white house. the best is yet to come. god bless you. thank you help us american congressman john james us congressmen from the tenth congressional district of michigan served eight years in the army as an apache he helicopter pilot. >> he spoke after congressman wesley hunt of texas also slew
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apache helicopters in the military. and it is not a mistake that in this prime time a speaking slot you are seeing a lot of african american republicans pop being highlighted to the nation before congressman hunt and james, we heard from mark robinson, who is the lieutenant governor of north carolina and being gubernatorial nominee in that state and this comes dana bash as the republican party, as donald trump is making a big play to chip away at the democratic party's historically strong hold on. african american voters and according to polls, he is succeeding particularly with african american men. >> well, i was just going to say that african-american men in particular, the fact that as you said, there were primetime lineup started out with a trio of african american men, two of whom are in the house, one who is running for governor in north carolina one of the
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questions in the past six months, six months or so, maybe four months was whether or not he wanted to pick an african american to be his running mate? tim scott was certainly in the running carolina senator south carolina senator. he clearly wanted it from the minute he dropped out because he was running as well. he endorsed donald trump and he was barry positive. let's say, when he was talking about donald trump and when he was with him on the stage and it was interesting that at the end when it was down to three, he was no longer on there and it was three white men yeah. >> abby phillip, i know this is a topic that you've you've addressed on your show, the african-american votes to pursue of it and the successes republicans habit chipping away. no one thinks that they're going to win the african american vote, but it's, this is a you know, in
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pennsylvania and wisconsin and michigan, if you peel away 2%, three 3% of the vote, that's, that could be enough to win what we're seeing with trump mostly trump and republicans a little bit less or so is black, working, black working class men, hispanic working class men? >> are taking a look at trump and the republican party and some of it is, it's sort of a vibe that trump gives off in a way that appeals to them. some of it is the economic policies to a degree that are, that are working for them. i think the same kind of working class message that is working with white voters is giving them some inroads with black voters. but it's a question of degree and i think we saw this back in 2016 and in 2020, there's some peeling off, but the question is how boss? and trump is making as good a place as any republicans since you know what
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reagan, george w bush, george w bush and even further back to try to appeal to black voters in an unconventional way because he's not really changing his message. he's not necessarily saying things differently but there is a disenchantment that's happening. we were talking about this earlier sometimes the the weakness of your opponent can be your strength that i think that that is partly what is happening with trump, is that there is some erosion happening with biden and with democrats that trump is benefiting trump and that's what we're seeing tonight with some of the rising stars. i think of black republicans showing up on this is sara workman, a single mothers struggling in the current economy from the great state of arizona i'm honored to be here tonight on behalf of everyday americans i'm a single mother who works two jobs to fort my
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family i know americans can relate when i say that every time i fill up my gas tank go to the grocery store and try to pay the bills. >> i think who doesn't miss the trump days but it's not just the economic pain we're all feeling under joe biden. it's how they're destroying the american spirit everywhere we look, there is pain chaos and crisis inflation, open borders woke indoctrination in our schools violence in our cities. and unjust rulings in our courts. all of it is eroding one of america's greatest strengths our optimism while the left is trying to divide us
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with identity politics we are here tonight because we believe that america is always should and should be one nation under god in addition to the economic pain that democrats open border policies have shattered my family with drugs so readily available. my husband fell victim to the drug epidemic it tore our family apart. and now i raised my son alone but i know there is hope that is what
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this election represents for all of us who have been forgotten over the last four years. hope we need god in our hearts and donald trump back in the white house if you're watching tonight and you hear your own story in mind donald trump put me on this stage to show that he hears us he sees us, and we are forgotten no more i find peace and god's promise most that says, if my
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people who are called by my name would humble themselves and pray, i will heal your nation with faith hope and love in my heart. i know we will make america great again united states senator katie britt of alabama good evening milwaukee. i'm katie britt we are all here tonight for one reason he said, we need to change the
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direction of our nation and donald trump is the change we need to my, fellow moms and dads across america. i think we all know that raising a family is hard add-in smartphones and social media. and we already had plenty to worry about but then joe biden and kamala harris came around now, our lives, our that much more difficult and way more expensive under biden harris prices are high and expectations well they're low grocery prices are up more than 21% electricity is up 31% gases up 48% mortgage rates have more than doubled. and rent is
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skyrocketing to me. these aren't just numbers this is paying for millions of americans it. means that so many american families have to live with so much less this is too high. a price to pay for it administration that has brought us to such low, lows the american people won't have the wool pulled over our eyes we see how biden and harris keep making things worse and we know the current president is not capable okay. turning things around his weakness this is costing us our opportunity our
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prosperity our security our safety each diminished au in decline. >> just like the man in the oval office and it doesn't have to be this way under president trump, we had the strongest economy in history that's right you didn't need to go into debt, just to make ends meet energy dominant stable prices secure borders, safe streets strong families, and communities that what donald trump will deliver with
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president shrunk the tough choice was which job offer too? now, it's which second job to take just to pay the bills your family can't afford this costly and dangerous declined for four more years four more years of biden harris will impose a lifetime of financial damage on our children and our for nation it is time to return president trump to the white house republicans will put carrots. families, and hard working americans first with president trump back in the white house, we will reawaken the exceptionalism of the
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greatest nation ever known we will defeat decline to all our. dreams and forge our future. because families across our nation deserve better once again, america will be the land of limitless opportunity for all poland and paving that pat starts today so let's roll up our sleeves send president trump back to the white house and get america back on track. >> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome united states senator tim scott of south carolina wow
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wow are you ready for four more years? >> of donald trump if you didn't if you didn't believe in miracles before saturday yeah. barely people leaving right now thank god almighty that we live in a country that still believes in the king of kings and the lord of lords god
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god still saves. he's still delivers and he still says free because on saturday the devil came to pennsylvania holding a rifle but an american lion got back up on his feet yes america is a difficult time for nation. inflation is crushing families. illegal immigration is crushing
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american workers failing schools in victimhood culture are crushing our poll course kids. and the weakness of the commander in chief has invited world wars all around our world. joe biden is asleep at the wheel and we're headed over a cliff we hear this fear in the voices of a millennial couple raising two kids in a one-bedroom apartment because they can't afford a house receive pain on the faces of gold star parents because their commander in chief, joe biden literally forgets. their son died in uniform on his watch
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america we deserve better we deserve so much better i was raised by a single mom and poverty. we had plastic its moons not silver spoons but she taught me to work hard to take responsibility and reject victimhood thank god for my wonderful mama i know i know this is going to offend the liberal elites every time i say it, it offends him. well, let me say it one more time. america is not a racist country
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no we're not but if you were looking for racism today us find it in cities run by democrats look on the south. look on the south side of chicago. poor black kids in failing schools thousand shot every single year including one of my former interns, day quon but there's good news. it's conservative values that restores hope it's republican policies, that lifts people up i partnered i partnered with the greatest president of my generation, president donald j trump on the biggest tax cuts
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ever for working people and single moms and opportunity zones for neighborhoods that need the most but joe biden, a kamala harris, they give illegal immigrants free hotel rooms while our veterans while our veterans sleep on the streets disgusting, disgusting trump secured our border once and donald trump, well so cured. again this november this november we are not deciding simply the fate for the next four years were setting a
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course for the next 40 years. oh i see our heartland filled with huge american factories powered by abundant american energy, building. what american these creating generational wealth for blue collar workers you see we are the republican party of frederick douglass and abraham lincoln of ronald reagan and donald trump but more i love it oh we are not
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simply the party of our leaders we are also a party of a young woman in wisconsin taking over her family farm and hispanic father working 16 hour days in nevada and a black teenager in philly, starving for opportunity we're not just the grand old party of the past. we are the great opportunity party of america's future there's only hear me clearly and there's only one person who can make that vision a reality
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donald j god bless america you have tim scott the u.s senator from south carolina, has been the senate since 2013, right before that, we heard from katie britt, us center from alabama, coming up, going youngkin what do you make of tim scott? >> obviously he was in the running to be vice president? >> yes, he is one of the early contenders for the vp stakes. look, republicans have a clear message here. the country is in decline under joe biden, we haven't economic agenda, that's going to make you richer, wealthier, and more prosperous people are on message here's my problem with tonight's programming in prime time. someone like marjorie taylor greene, who is a spouse, just ridiculous conspiracy theories. somebody who should not be elevated in this kind of platform, mark robinson, who's running in north carolina for governor, who's shared vile anti-semitic tropes left and right. what happens is you
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elevate some rising stars in the party john james and wesley hunt but then put them aside these very figures who should be fringed figures and giving them equal billing. i think it's a mistake. i think it was a choice, but overall, the messages there and this is what the biden camp has struggled with, is you can't really say what the core messages you can walk away from tonight, whether you agree with it or not, know what the core message you know, it's that was kind of cringey to me you got we got half an hour into 8:00. we had for african-american men. there's clearly an agenda here, and let me just say, i'm glad that republics are trying to get black men. i think both parties should compete vigorously. there's an opening to get black man because of the double-whammy with black men feeling the economic pain seriously and also feeling some social dislocation with when it comes to gender and feminism and what's going on. there's an opening there but this is not it. i'm going to tell you right now. they all four of them sounded like black people who talk about black people,
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but don't talk to black people. that's how they sounded. my my my phone is blowing up because it felt so it felt so off in terms of the tone and the thing that they just want saying the things that they said you don't you don't say that you have thousands of black children dying in chicago with glee. the way tim scott did. you don't say that black children can't read the way that i'm james did and the time we go back, what zip codes did mary, we've never had that time in america those guys sound like people who talk about black people, not to blackface go. >> i just as a tactical matter tonight, you think about what trump is doing, eating into the traditional democratic seed corn african-american men all the polling is very stable. trump's currently scoring in the 20s. there featured tonight, whether you like him or not. these are messengers who are willing to go on a stage on national television, say the republican nominee is our guy. that's number one. you got people like that. you've also got sean o'brien, the president of the teamsters, coming out tonight a union
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leader, somebody who's going to be speaking to the working class when i think about how trump is going to win this race, peeling back african american men, peeling back rank and file union members for my whole career, democrats have countered on both now, the republicans are making a real play, and that's why he's leading in all the swing states coming up next, virginia governor glenn youngkin also coming up, we expect donald trump to show up at the convention, waiting his entrance and crowd reaction later, remarks by south dakota governor kristi noem as our convention. coverage continues here this election season. >> stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground. and the best political team in the business follow the voters, follow the results, follow the facts follow. cnn. >> when you're the leader is disaster clean up and restoration. how do you make like it never even happened, happened sir from ever even
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since with custom gear, get started today at, i'm sara murray in washington and this is cnn you're watching cnn special coverage of the republican national convention in milwaukee. >> we're waiting appearance by donald trump tonight after he officially secured the nomination. this through the first time he see the former president at this convention after the assassination attempt for now though the party is showing off some of its other top officials on the convention stage coming up any moment is glenn youngkin, the governor of virginia, elected in 2021, the first gop governor of virginia since 2014, jonah goldberg. what do you make of the voices we've heard so far? >> i think for the most part, it's pretty standard republican boilerplate with the
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exception of marjorie taylor greene, which is, you know, except for that mrs. lincoln, how was the theater kind of level exception kristen soltis anderson was making the point earlier also that i think when you take the bread and butter culture war issues of the republican party and you basically water them down in the platform and say you don't want to talk about them anymore. it explains why some of the transgender stuff comes to the fore as listen to glenn youngkin yes moscow good evening i'm glenn youngkin the governor the governor of the home of washington, jefferson, madison, and monroe, the great
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commonwealth of virginia tonight we stopped for a moment we asked for god's grace to be on innocent victims we asked him to be with their families. >> we thank him for this moment of unity and we thank him for protecting our next president, donald j. trump. and tonight our nation can have the conversation that so many families have at their kitchen tables yes, those tough conversations how do we make it all work the conversation young families from midlothian, virginia till milwaukee, wisconsin who's dreams of buying a home had been shattered by 7.5% mortgage rates. the veterans from fredericksburg, virginia to
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phoenix arizona, whose raises can't keep up with 30% increases in grocery prices and 40% increases in gas they're retirees from roanoke, virginia to reno, nevada, whose fixed income as been crushed by the silent beef of inflation unleashed by joe biden and camila harris tonight, america, the land of opportunity just doesn't feel like that anymore. but eight years ago, eight years ago, there was an outsider businessman who stepped out of his career to rebuild a great nation with the strongest economy the mightiest military energy independence unlimited opportunity lifting up every american that outsider businessman was donald j. trump and he will do it again i'm
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proud to be a homegrown virginia from a family like a lot of families with ups and downs and highs and lows my mom was a nurse and she was my hero. she pulled our family together after my dad lost his job at 15, washing dishes and flipping eggs. i learned that there is dignity in work at the height of the pandemic four years ago i asked my amazing wife, suzanne to go on a walk with me i told her i plan to quit my job and run for governor she looked at me with tears in her eyes and a quivering lip and asked governor of what? we prayed together. and we ask god for
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guidance and wisdom and we said if elected, we would serve after 12 years of only electing democrats statewide in november 2021 virginians elected a republican outside businessman 74 and i believe this year, virginia will elect another republican outside businessman as president stay resident. trump proved that common sense conservative leadership works it works for america. and we're proving it in virginia to $5 billion of tax relief backing the blue slashing red tape
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declaring loudly that yes, parents matter and creating jobs. lots of jobs virginia now has record job growth and we were just named america's top stay for business friends could this election be more simple it's common sense versus chaos. it's strength versus weakness reds, it's not just republicans who see this. it's republicans, independents, and lots of democrats. it's americans under president trump, america had high growth and low inflation under joe
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biden. america has low growth and high inflation. 66% of americans now live paycheck. to paycheck moms and dads, worrying can bay buy new shoes? for their kids going back to school, can make right. the tuition check for college. will they ever be able to retire under president trump 2.4 million americans were lifted out of poverty women, black americans, hispanic americans, asian americans, all saw record low employment under donald j. trump. we once again, we'll have that rip roaring economy that lifts up all americans. that is our tomorrow tomorrow
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where work is celebrated were taxes or cuts and inflation is slashed. where we cut red tape, where we unleash american energy dominance, where businesses proudly say, may in america we're entrepreneurs dream and small businesses thrive where americans from any background can pour their god talents into building their american dream this is the moment. this is our moment to make america the land of opportunity. again a nation, a nation built on a basic truth that we are granted certain unalienable rights, not by a king, but by an almighty creator. and that among these
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are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness our foundational principles are non negotiable they are inscribed on our national soul my fellow americans the spirit of hope is spreading every can feel it and it will sweep across this nation. when we elect donald j. trump, the 47th president of the united states may god bless you and may god bless the united states of america thank you and youngkin, governor of the commonwealth of virginia, just ahead, more headliners taking the stage with governor kristi noem. >> of course, are standing by for that appearance from the now official public in nominee donald trump is the right guy mr. cnn is live from milwaukee
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as republicans unite behind their nominee, his vp their plan to take back the white house fellows, cnn for complete coverage, the republican national convention coverage continues. >> all we gun. cnn and streaming on max. >> honestly, i was scared when i was told age-related macular degeneration could jeopardize my vision. great. one more thing to worry about. >> it was all too hard to deal with in the beginning, but making a plan with my doctor to add present vision was easy preservation. >> a red suv contained it's the exact any i recommended clinically proven nutrient formula to help reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amd progression. thanks, suppressor vision. i feel better that i'm doing something about it like millions of others preservation welcome to the waiver hood wayfair vibe at our place western, my thing, darling. chen gardening. >> some of us go for the dramatic how did i know we've your had vanities entitled this
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ottomans got legs, john, you flip for the group? in the waiver that there's a place for all of us every style, every home i wonder if his golf god's hands free driving it didn for my sketches slip into a completely hands-free. >> i just stepped in the wrong liberty mutual customizes my car insurance and i saved hundreds with all the money i saved thought i'd still say honey oh look, no line at the hot dog stand only pay for what she needs weaken it today tonight on 360 new reporting to get the full story we'll to fight how important is that? >> be unafraid, you have reasonable grounds to believe that alleged war crimes have been committed, have compassion. let's we will trauma. would you have been through seek truth?
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>> is israel in full control of its territory and go with a search for answers takes you anderson cooper, 360 week and i today on cnn, why do couples choose asleep numbers? >> smart bet. can it keep me warm when i'm cold? >> wait, know, i'm always hot, sleep number. does that can i make my side softer? >> i my side firmer sleep number? does that can help us sleep better and better speak? >> never does that 94% of smart sleepers report better sleep? neutrophil is life changing for
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me, get growing at i'm melissa bell in paris. and this is cnn and we are back live from milwaukee. >> we're getting deeper into the first night of the republican national convention with climactic moment, still upcoming. donald trump is expected to make his first
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appearance sometime soon right now. we're hearing on the stage from the ceo of goya foods after him comes the governor of south dakota, kristi noem, but we do have some news, wall street journal is just reported that elon musk has said he's committing around $45 million a month to a new pro-trump super pac elon musk, who at one point said he was not going to endorse, has endorsed trump and is now committing i guess it's a roughly $180 assuming he goes through with it, david urban, you attribute this new yeah. and again, this is from the wall street journal to the fact that jd vance, the new running mate for president trump, senator jd vance of ohio worked four and is very popular among this conservative silicon valley group. if you look at the article, the journal reports that winkle voss twins, david sacks, the group that was out in california to kinda there they liked trump's economic message. they weren't really, they weren't sold on the guy in 2016, they'd come
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around lately. and i think jd vance is a bridge to that to that group. and now these on the team, i think that they're thrown their economic weight and their and their clout on the internet, right? these, these folks have millions, hundreds of millions of followers and people that will it will listen to what they're saying. so i think it's very significant and completely the opposite of the spectrum of hillbilly elegy folks that he's going to come speak to in western pennsylvania it is interesting. david axelrod, because obviously since elon musk took over twitter now called x, it has certainly taken a different tone in terms of what accounts it propels and look, look, elon musk is clearly concluded he wants to be a player in american government and american politics you know, he wants to be an american oligarchs and he has entree with with donald trump and he has with twitter or x a tool that he could use.
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and obviously $45 million is more than lot of money on my only dollars. so i'm sure that will be i don't know that he would not have given them the money if it weren't fans because he has been working on this project for a long time ai. but i think it's very significant advances help. i think vance helps get that cross a threat elon was more inclined to give it to a jd vance tickets, and he and he endorsed on his platform on x right after the former president was almost assassinated. he sent out that tweet or whatever you call it now, okay. let's go to kaitlan i'm collins who has senator katie britt on the floor of the convention in cleveland yeah. >> jake, we just heard from senator katie britt of my home state of alabama, giving her speech here. the republicans you didn't mention on night one, senator britt, thank you for being here. how much did what you said on stage change in light of what happened in butler, pennsylvania on saturday night. look, i've been
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just the atmosphere here. like as we came in and there was a sadness that kind of came across all of america. but i think coming together right now there's been a phone about what can be dye. so obviously just working to bring people together, but that's what we could distinctly do figure out how to move forward. and you're a new face and the republican party on the national level. well, obviously you're a newer senator. when it comes to striking the balance of the you know, talking about your political opponents criticizing them, debating them as president biden said so night but not crossing that line of where we've heard the calls to tone down the rhetoric where is that line for republicans? >> to be honest, i really reached the media would do a little bit it better job of covering when we do work together because there are a number of things where we have pieces of legislation like senator laphonza butler and i working on the nih improve i'm working on mental health with amy klobuchar. so here are things that we do together that really do bring unity. but typically speaking, the only thing that can covered or more
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hi button issues or soundbites divisive rhetoric. so i think unity is out there. i also think where we share a common goal despite who we are, we have we have a duty to serve to get in a room and try to figure out a path forward. so i think we'll continue to fight for now using breitbart, people, but try to do it in a way where we lend people to realize that you don't have to agree with someone to show them respect and treating our colleagues dignity and respect should be absolutely what we do each and every day. and is that a message that looks different though now in terms of what you say about democrats or president biden is more criticizing them. are you thinking about what that rhetoric overall sounds like? two americans generally yeah, i do. >> i mean, week it's something that can it's definitely think about, like if you sort of go back and look at what we say and what we do and how we're working. and i think it will be consistently be intentional about that and i hope america
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can obviously know what we've stand for. i am really excited about getting back the majority and being able to actually do good things for people. but at the same time, you know, making sure that we find ways to work with people who we may not agree with. but issue is that we do agree with i move that i know you've worked with senator john fetterman as well so thank you for joining us. >> jake, back to you so much. kaitlan yes, john, i hate to interrupt your favorite band, the brown derbies, flying, but i understand you have some new news on president biden is an excellent cover band, by the way, all day long i've been out there for a long time. they deserve some credit down derby is everybody's working course. i didn course the reporting i have is that privately, the efforts can nudge president biden to step aside and get out of the race, are continuing quite aggressively, even though the public calls have quieted quite significantly, the public calls acquired because of the tragedy of saturday, the attempted assassination. also, democrats believe they need to
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have a unified message while the republicans are having their convention, send the president, again today in the left lester holt interview said he's not getting out of the race. so democrats believe it's counterproductive to be in a public argument that something like unlimited train him with the leader of the party. but i'm told that democratic members because of congress continued to lobby the white house, the president's inner circle, as someone else who is lobbying them now is the veteran democratic pollster stanley greenberg, who has been at this for decades. one of the most restrictive your voices in the democratic party was worked on both of bill clinton's winning presidential campaigns and i'm told he has been sending virtually daily memos to the president jenner circle. analyzing the polling data and making the case that we are past the point of no return. and that president biden is all going to lose. but the standards are making the case. he's going to lose the way and wipes out the party that they will lose the house, they will lose daddy chants are taking back the house and the senate just very quickly lose everything was one description of adele democrat who's seen these memos devastated, was description of another, again, making the case privately and
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some of these democrats i've talked to sources say that the effort will continue we privately at least until this is done. and if the numbers keep going the way they're going, which they argue is this way. but dental get public again, chris and jake to pick up on that. you were just reporting about the huge influx of money coming from elon musk at a time when contributions from donors to joe biden are drawing up, i mean, one of the big stories in recent days has been the hollywood back backlash that came after george clooney, famous op-ed in the times. and a lot of anger at jeffrey katzenberg, the right movie director who is a co-chairman of the biden campaign and it gotten a lot of money, a lot of big contributions from a lot of rich people. and the hollywood and they, a lot of them went to that event where the fundraiser we're biden spoke were not embarrassed about it and are now saying what you'd get us into here. >> and david axelrod, i mean, this is an effort that has proceeded behind closed doors
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as don was talking about, we know that hakeem jeffries, the house democratic leader, met with them. we know nancy pelosi, barak obama, chuck schumer, people are trying to be very blunt and honest with president biden, been from whatever everything i hear, he's still fairly ensconced in a cocoon of top advisers and family who just don't want to hear it yeah, i think that's kind of the issue here. >> i mean, there's no dearth of information, no dearth of people who are delivering the same message. and of course, the leaders are very concerned about what the locations are for their members in the fall and particularly if donald trump wins the presidential elections, that gives them a greater sense of urgency to try and at least one hold one of us when one of the houses. but all of this only eight always comes down to the same thing. first of all, what information was actually reaching the president? because he has a very insular group around him and they filter the information that gets to him does he
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understand where he really is in? and it's gotten more insulin? i'm sorry. it's gotten more insular in this time? yes. >> because i think that people who come with battle with with discouraging it nation are sort of not invited back. >> john, do you have any information about whether or not the president has gotten the not gotten information to one of the democratic law aumake, where i spoke throughout this said that the lawmaker is convincingly some of those around the president, again, being very careful not to get into private conversations with the white house, put that some of them get the depth of this was the way why the question you raised your question, are they making it to him? because if you see the president was asked about this. number everyone he won't even say if you watched the debate or even remember if he watched it that seems pretty striking if you had a horrible performance, you think the first thing you do to watch it, to learn from it. but he keeps saying that's not what the polling says. he is publicly clark again, there are public remarks and he could just be trying to put a positive spin on it. but if you've watched the president and everything, he has said either at the events he's done, or these couple of interviews he's done
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since the debate. what he says about the public polling is simply not anywhere close. rather truth about what it says. and it's not the private polling i think is worse than the public but look, there are a couple of people who are key and the guy who he trusts more than anyone on these issues as mike donilon, who's dealt with him for decades, very, very smart guy. but very much attached to the president and i don't know what mike's telling him about. i will say that stance. you could say democratic members of congress to democratic pollster why do you care about the pollster one stands history is very good in the party that what do they do view him somewhat as a proud he probably proud advisee during the midterms, saying democrats, you could change your message john crime, are you going to go he works closely with james carville that a group called the democracy corps. and carville has been appealed. both the white house david has taken three from the white house. when he has spoken candidly about what he says the present. but stan does have a very good relationships with anita dunn and with mike donilon and which steve richetti, some of the people who are closest to the president, he's worked with
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them for years and my question to you and actually acts i'd be interested to know kind of your thoughts on it is obviously the thing that everyone has been so careful not to talk about is the political impact of the assassination attempt over the weekend. >> everyone has been justifiably very focused on the safety of president trump looks, but let's listen to south dakota governor kristi noem good evening you all look fantastic. >> i love the cowboy hats and a shout out to south dakota i'm governor kristi noem from the great state of south dakota leadership has consequences it matters who's in the white house now, i've been governor under both president trump and joe biden and people ask me all the time what's the biggest difference? and i tell them that president trump honored
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the constitution. he let me do my job and he let me keep my people free now, leadership on the state level, it matters to it certainly mattered in south dakota. i am so proud to say that south dakota, a strong economy has been a beacon of freedom for america most of you most of you probably first heard about me during covid, didn you because south dakota was the only state in the country that stayed open for business we didn't mandate anything we never ordered a single business or a church to close i never even defined what an essential business was because i don't believe that the government has the
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authority to tell you that your business isn't essential when other states were pushing mandates and lockdowns instead, in south dakota, we hit the gas. we embraced liberty. we told our story and we invited people to come and to enjoy our beautiful state now, all of the things that conservatives have always talked about we just did it and it worked our, economy took off. and since i've been governor, we broke the national record for the lowest unemployment rate in american history. at 1.8% in south dakota, everybody works we paid off state debts and bonds, we fix dams and bridges, we vote
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roads. we have a fully funded pension plan at aaa credit rating we broke records for surpluses and we balance our budget every single year and last year last year in south dakota, we passed the largest tax cut in south dakota history under my administration, incomes in our state have gone up 36% women owned businesses are thriving. we also have the highest birth rate in the nation. people are having babies because they're happy and in south dakota, we love babies our mental health challenges have gone down our
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suicide rates are declining and we are the number one state in the country for a decline in overdoses because people have hope we're growing so fast that we needed more workers to catch up. so we launched the most successful real workforce recruitment campaign in the history of south dakota and they have come by the thousands to join us into liv with us. you guys remember those ads when i was a really lousy plumber and a really terrible electrician. do you remember those? well, since we started those ads, we have seen a 78% increase in licensed plumbers in the state of south dakota we've seen a 44% increase in electricians in our state now, people aren't moving to south dakota for our beaches or where our beautiful january, whether they are moving to our state
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for opportunity and for freedom and all of this happened because our people were bold we took action and i was strong now south dakota proved that freedom. we'll make america wealthy again and with president trump in the white house was senator jd vance by his side. we will prove it across america listen two days ago, the whole world changed evil displayed itself in the very worst way through a cowardly act an innocent american lost his life and we will continue to lift his family up in our prayers every single day prior to this week we already do that president donald trump was a fighter. >> he is the toughest man that i have ever met nobody has
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endured more than what he has gone through. they've attacked his reputation they impeached him. they tried to bankrupt him, and they unjustly prosecuted him. but even in the most perilous moment this week his instinct was to stand and to fight donald j. trump is our man in the arena he will never stop fighting for us he will never stop. and now he is bringing all of us together now i know that many of you are angry, but now is the time to unite and we have to get to work. we have to win the hearts and minds of every single american, wake them up with truth and with wisdom, we need
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to listen to them. you can't win people over by arguing with them visit with your neighbors at your job, at your church, at the gas station or even at the grocery store listen there are moments in our history, often after great hardship and tragedy, when true leaders unite our country at one time, president lincoln, he united our country he delivered my favorite presidential address of all time in fact, it's the only speech or poem or song that i ever made. my kids memorize when they were young, when they were little it was the gettysburg address and it was delivered during our nation's bloodiest conflicts that speech. so inspired people that they continue to fight for years and they lost loved ones in order to preserve this union, we call the united states of america now at that
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time, president lincoln encouraged us to take increased devotion that this nation under god shall have a new birth of freedom. and that a government of the people by the people and for the people shall not perish from this earth like lincoln and the midst of our pain and division donald trump is calling us to be touched by the better angels of our nature as paul wrote in second, timothy, god has not given us the spirit of fear but if power and of love. and a sound mind we must not be afraid even in our darkest days. we have never
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once given up hope. so don't quit on america. if we lose this country, where else will we go? that provides more freedom and opportunity for our kids and our grandkids and i've got three grandkids and i'm counting on a whole lot more and yes democracy can be messy. but there is a great invisible strength to a people's union we have shown the world that we can endure sacrifice. and that we can still unite. we should still aspire to be worthy of this union
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ome piece of sound from that, from that interview which aired earlier, let's play this well, let's talk about the conversation. this has started and it's really about language. what we say out loud in the consequences of those you called your opponent and x essential thread on a call a
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week ago, you said it's time to portray prompt in the bull's-eye. there's some dispute about the context, but i think you appreciate that the cross hairs focus on look, the truth of the matter.
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>> but one way or the other, democrats are going to have to come to an agreement on this and start making the case against donald trump rather than against themselves. >> i just i do i agree with you on that and that that's true right now, the party is just frozen this kind of a paralysis that set in we were like the whole country terrified. when you saw donald trump fall down
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and everybody took a big step back because that could have been the starting
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morning. >> here are the five things you
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president senator jd vance and what about the democrats they're in disarray after shielding president biden from a vigorous primary and gaslighting the entire country about his fitness to serve we still don't know which puppet democratic party bosses will install as their nominee. >> but we know what their agenda will be four more years of chaos and failure both at
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home and abroad in my hometown of san francisco democrat rule has turned this streets of our beautiful city and to assess pool of crime, homeless encampments, and open drug use democrats led by borders, our kamala harris have allowed millions of illegal migrants to invade our country they tasked homeland security not less stopping the illegal aliens, but with busing them all over our country democrats have recklessly spent trillions of dollars of wasteful and unnecessary government programs, setting off the worst inflation since jimmy carter but worst of all, the biden harris administration has taken a world that was at peace sure
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president trump and they lit it on fire first. president biden, boss, the afghanistan withdrawal displaying in competence and weakness for the whole world to see then he provoked yes, provoked the russians to invade ukraine with talk of nato expansion afterward he rejected every opportunity for peace in ukraine, including a deal to end and the war just two months after a broke out now the war is deep into its third year with no end in sight. >> hey hundreds of thousands of people are dead. hundreds of billions of our taxpayer dollars have gone up in smoke
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president biden's told us this new forever war by promising it would weaken russia and strengthen america well how does that look today? russia's military is bigger than before. while our own stockpiles are dangerously depleted every, day. there are new calls for escalation and the world looks on in a horror. as joe biden's demented policy takes us to the brink of world war three in the middle east america is now losing a war with the who ties and the administration's policy towards gaza has been so incoherent that the only thing that pro israel and pro-palestine protesters agree on is the chant f. joe biden
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rather than bolstering confidence in american leadership as he promised president biden has become the symbol of an america in decline this may be our present, but it does not have to be our future. we can replace the biden harris, the ball with a president who is strong and smart rather than sleepy and senile or in her case clueless. and embarrassing a president who understands that you build the most powerful military in the world to kyiv keep america safe not to play the world all
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right, that's david sacks, the founder and ceo of yammer giving a message, focus gilad on foreign policy. >> kasie hunt, some interesting language in that speech senile sleepy, sleepy, demented reference to chance of f, joe biden, certainly not in keeping with the unity american unity thing. we were told in any case, we have a new clip of president biden's interview with lester holt earlier tonight in which he was asked about the polling suggesting what john and david and others have been discussing earlier about the less than how to say, this. the unlikelihood, if his reelection according to polls, let's just run that clip and then i want to get your reaction if you look at all the polling data polling data shows a lot of different things, but turns know why gap between us it's essentially a toss-up
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race and i think one of the arguments he can mate, you have the most successful presidency of any president in modern history, maybe since franklin roosevelt oh pass more major legislation now and talking, you don were able to put together consensus, were able or in your nine nato we able to deal in foreign policy. >> why don't you just aside rest on his laurels and they answer is because his job is not finished do you feel like you've weathered the storm on this issue of whether you should be on the ticket or not? >> hello 14 million people voted for me to be the nominee the democratic party. >> okay? i'm missing them so it does not sound as though he is getting the message that democratic pollsters have been delivering. >> if he thinks this is still a tossup race no. and that frame is the one that you've heard him use a couple of times here where he talks about the voters
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as opposed to the elites is what he was trying to say in a previous interview, had to be pushed out. any said there well, the polls show this as a tight race. if you read national polling, it is true that the movement is relit rather slight. but in the battleground states where this election is going to be decided. it is not. i mean, chris was saying earlier that the and this is true from the democrats. i'm talking to they're looking at states have no business being on the map under normal circumstances, including minnesota, virginia, new hampshire is one of that has really bad bellwether they're looking at this, they're looking at this, the president's approval rating in the mid 30s, high of 38, lower 36 in recent polls we can go back ten president's to join quite eisenhower. okay, here are the other presidents have had about that in their approval rating at this point of their reelection term. jimmy carter, george hw bush donald trump. what are those that we have in common, one term president david yeah, look, first of all, let's just reality check here. if a
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democrat is a couple of points behind on election day, they're losing all the battleground states democrats have to have a significantly remember, joe biden won by almost four points in 2020, 7 million nationally and it ended up being decided by 45,000 votes in the battleground states he's just not connecting with the reality of the situation and, you know, look, the president wants recognition for what i think has has been a lot of really great accomplishments. he wants to his place in history. but this isn't about that. and when you say well, people are worried about the future and how you'll perform in the futures as well. look at the last three-and-a-half years, i keep saying the same thing and i think i said this to you you know, tom brady won a super bowl three years ago. he's not football anymore. why? because age is an immutable force and he can't play the way he played before, doesn't mean it wasn't the great court quarterback. there's so much of the president just has to come
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to grips with here because, you know, right now, the high likelihood and chris, i think you referred to the slate before the high likelihood is a higher likelihood of much higher is that he will lose by a landslide than that he will win 270 electoral votes and that it was real and all kasie, i want to come to you, right. but i want to show one other clip because the truth of the matter is that this was these were concerns that voters had about president biden long before the debate three weeks and oh, no, not even three weeks ago. two weeks and two weaken, spent a year in the polls over and over suggested that voters, including democrats, thought the president biden was too old and not, not able to do the job it was only because of his performance of the debate debt. the elites woke up to it. this is now the lead. this is not an elite driven discussion the voters were there and the elites were relate to the democratic officials. president biden was asked about debates and whether or not he's
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performing another debate. let's take a listen to that clip i'm going to debate him when we agreed to and i'm going to remain him in september but if the opportunity came up to do on between now and then is there is there a sense of wanting to get back on the horse? i'm on a horse. where are you banned? i've done 22 major events that thousands of people overwhelming crowds. a lot to happen i'm on the horse. what i'm doing is going out and demonstrating the american people the lab command of all my faculties that i don't need notes. i don't need telephone. i can go out and to answer any questions at all and i stood there when when nato is attached, to different hour and answer questions there, you can see some of the flashes of anger and defensiveness that are frequently reported to be much more amplified than that
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in private and then i think kind of underscore the conundrum that many democrats are in because you have a president who is so dug-in. >> and when you layer the events of the last 48 hours, that it's been since this unfolded, the democrats that i'm talking to both who worked for democrats who have committed their lives to trying to get democrats elected. but also sort of rank and file people in my own life for my expanded circles, there is a sense of despair setting in right now among people that democrats are few, need to work extremely hard for the president if they want to win and to get out and vote, and they looked at what happened on saturday and they're saying between the debate stage and the rally around trump, that has you know, justifiably followed that attempt. that there is very little hope for them right now for all the talk about. >> and there's seems to be a bash biden session going on here. i hold the democratic party much more responsible
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than joe biden. yes. biden is stuck in his an digging in, but having said that, you know, i go back to 1968 and when the when the democratic party turned on lyndon johnson and really pushed him and almost forced him to get out. and in march 31, 1960, he did get out as the running for reelection you know, if the democratic party really wanted to put the word to joe biden, they could do it. hakeem jeffries. i know people say well, you know, you don't do it in public. if it doesn't work in private, do it in public. hakeem jeffries hasn't called for him to leave. chuck schumer hasn't quelled from delayed. last thing i heard he said the joe nancy pelosi said, well, that's not a final decision about the party could be going much harder at joe biden than they all i just finished your history lesson and i think this is where you were going. 1968 march of that year, lbj got out and the democratic convention in chicago was a mess and who won the presidency yeah. >> i just wanted i just want to
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i just want to interrupt for one second because charlie kirk is speaking right now. he's ahead of a right-wing student group called turning points and i just want to point it out because this is something that the republican party it has an issue with and they do not reckon with it. the democratic party has its own issue and that is charlie kirk and turning points, usa has been accused credibly by other conservatives of having an antisemitism problem within its ranks. erick erickson wrote in a post that turning point usa was looking like not just the drifting operation, but an anti semitic nothing operations and dominant a co-founder of the federalist wrote of charlie kirk, remains ahead of tpo, say the word has an anti-semite problem that will follow them into the coming elections. know obviously, there have been a lot of issues with antisemitism on the left that we've seen explode since hamas attack it, israel on october 7 this is the second speaker this evening who has said things that are blatantly anti-semitic. or lieutenant governor in north
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carolina was the first oh, i'm sorry. i forgot. marjorie taylor greene there have been three. and this is a problem in party politics. we're going to do this again. if the democrats put up people like this in august. but this is a problem. and i think that it's it's beholden on us to call it out and pointing it. yeah, it's anti-semitism in its more broadly, just he he swims in ocean's of conspiracies and it really is noteworthy that at 9:45 times primetime and time on the first night of this convention. that he is getting this kind of platform and it does speak and david urban, i mean, you can talk about this, but it does speak to the fact that the republican party isn't just this isn't just about being in bell with by donald trump, the republican party has to deal with people
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like charlie kirk, who have giant megaphones and very, very big followings especially among young people. i mean, that is what he's trying to do. he's trying to get young people and he's doing it with a lot of tropes and a lot of things that are just wrong. and again, i'm quoting to conservatives who because i'm quite certain that the response will be seen. and his baba block it is erick erickson and then dominic who accused charlie kirk saying this is an issue again, the democrats have their own issue too, with us but this is an issue on the right. yes. listen, i i'm not familiar with the exact issue with the seven days of the charlie kirk is his spouse, but i can assure you the donald trump with jewish grandchildren it was made aware of. i would kind of swatted down i you know, i can assure you the donald trump adores his kids, grandchildren more than your doors, don't charlie
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kirk? whatever whatever any symmetric rocks that he has made, her may have made in the past. i don't know. and listen at widely condemn it. we could do better i think what you're talking about prime time, we should have somebody better on perhaps that charlie kirk, i'm sure there are people that you could dress younger younger crowd. and charlie kirk, turning point usa started out that really robustly, i think may have made principle promoter of jd vance charlie kirk? yes. >> and you see trump in front of a lot of turning point usa pipe and drape because they host events and trump shows up well, again, i'm not trying i'm not make an exception. i'm not trying to make taco make an excuse for charlie kirk or anti semitism. they do turn out a lot of kids i'm not sure what the remarks are, but i would vote there's a new york times sent to you in one second and just published a few hours ago, kaitlan collins is on the floor with news caitlin. >> hi, jake. yes, i am now a little bit higher off the floor right now and i can tell you that we are told that former president donald trump is now in the building here in
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milwaukee. of course, this is the first time that he has been over a year on the day. one other republican convention he got here last night, he had dinner with donors. and then of course today we saw him make that vice presidential pick, jd vance, the senator from ohio. we do expect to see the two of them together, which will be the first time that we have seen them. that is the family box that you're looking at right now, house speaker mike johnson isn't it congressman byron donalds, we do expect other vips to be an error. senator katie britt and her husband up in the top left of that box we do expect to see all of them in that box. coming in, we expect the entire family to come together. there's a ring of supporters waiting for them to come in and it will be the first moment that we see two of them together. since trump announced his pick, a pick, of course, jake, that he was waffling over even as of this morning, weighing the pros and cons. and of course, jake, the other thing i think about based on what you were just talking about, charlie kirk getting a primetime speaking spot here, looking at the other speakers, marjorie taylor greene, kristi noem, not always people that you would expect to see in these primetime spots at
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a party's convention. it just shows you this really is donald trump's it's party now, i know we know that, but we haven't really seen it on display at a republican convention ever, because in 2016, that floor was quite contested. there were a lot of crews delicate down there people who wanted someone else at the top of the ticket in 2020, we were the south lawn of the white house doing that convention. this is the first time we've seen a convention truly in the mold of donald trump. >> that's right, kaitlan, let's throw it over to anderson. anderson jake, thanks very much as we continue to watch the convention what do you anticipate donald trump? >> he's not gonna be speaking tonight. obviously, this is just sort of him appearing to build up excitement absolutely. >> i mean, i think i mean, let's look at the way he rolled out the vp today. i mean, this whole thing has the touches of donald trump, the showman, right? and the platform has the touches of donald trump's agenda. the speaker's have the touches of donald trump's remade republican party. so i, to me, it's just sort of
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putting an imprint on the the story here, which is this party has been reading. he made in donald trump's image from top to bottom and he's enjoying it and he's building a, he's building an entire week around that theory i think there are two things happening. >> one is certainly a great showman he's also alive yeah, he's also alive and that's a big deal. i think that's a very big deal. i think when he comes out, even people who don't like donald trump very much, even people who hope that he never gets near the white house again are going to feel some emotions. they're going to be surprised by because he lives and i hope that people on their hearts a little bit to understand. i don't want him in the white house, but i don't want him in hospital leader. i don't want him to the white house. i don't want him in the cemetery. i want him to be defeated the right way and sent back to florida back in july, jake and what it meant for the country, the timing is interesting to me. >> i mean, it's going to be a
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huge moment. the room is going to be on its feet. you're going to feel the energy and i think people watching at home are going to be glad to see him to your point alive and well i'm curious to see who is going to be on stage because he's not going to give remarks. it seems like he's going to most likely be in the box he made we up there when amber rose this entrepreneur entertainer kind of figure as their, it's an interesting moment i probably would have sequenced it with an elected official praising him up there. but these are, these are the details that listen all the focus in the room is going to be on donald trump, his family, but i don't quite get this timing of it either. and so far as he was still getting a lot of goodwill, he was freezing the democrats like tears in the headlights any did the vp announcement tonight, which kind of took the issue away from trump and he could have this night all to his own. i mean, maybe there's some logistical or legal reason that you had to get the vp thing out there, but you would have had to surprises over two nights if he had like day one on i'm alive. they can't kill me. day too, david do you think it was a mistake, tab charlie kirk
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streak into jake i think it's a mistake to have charlie kirk speak anywhere at any time well, i think talking to charlie kirk and listening to him is the one of the fastest ways to burn off iq points. i think. charlie kirk is a grifter and a fraud. ai. the anti-semitic semitism stuff is a fair accusation against him. but the bigger problem with charlie kirk because he's found li dom and when you don't know anything about how the world works, you think everything is a conspiracy theory antisemitism is the oldest conspiracy theory out there. it's why they used to call it the socialism of fools but he's also the guy who co-founded the fall kirk center for jesus stuff at liberty university with a guy who had some interesting relations with his poor black he is. he's gotten very, very rich off of a lot of gullible parents who want their kids to be like what they think. charlie kirk is like. and he's been incredibly damaging to the conservative movement and republican party.
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>> we expect that, we expect donald trump to enter the hall at anytime our coverage continues after a quick break at the ups store. >> offer a lot because really a small business takes a lot. that's why we're the thinks outside the box store the help protect your privacy store and they give your business or real street address. while you're juggling everything else, like the boss you are here extra pair can stop. you can count on us as the shredding of mailboxes. anything and everything to keep you going store, coming to the ups store today? defund, stoppable maya
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. like a pro pain-free absorbing pro zachary cohen in washington
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and this is cnn cnn special live coverage republican national convention in milwaukee, donald trump in the building expected to enter the hall at any moment, i want to go to full mattingly, who's standing by phil, what are you can you tell us? >> well, all eyes have been on the stage for much of the an eye right now. they are turning to the back of the room and the vip section where we have started to see trump family members start to walk can including john juniors, girlfriend kimberly guilfoyle. they have joined jd vance, who has already standing there with the speaker, mike johnson. mike johnson's wife, kelly, byron donalds, and other house remember as well, tiffany trump has also walked in. you cb family, friends, close advisers, including dan scavino from the trump team. i mean, a haba trump's lawyer is also here. well, there's eric trump sitting with his wife bore
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trump, who is now heading these republican national committee, should also note tucker carlson walked into the vip section just to shore while ago, really kind of setting the stage for what we expect in short order would be the former president himself walking in really the first time other than taking coming off of the airplane since the assassination fence. and you can hear the crowd. now everybody paying very close attention anderson, to this vip section and now see the former president all the jumbotron as the anticipation is starting to mount, there was no explicit guarantee he was going to be here tonight. you see the bandage on his ear waiting for him to walk out for a major entrance on the day that he named his potential vice presidential nominee, jd vance the unification of the republican party, not even in the question before this, certainly the case. now jake all right. >> phil mattingly, thanks so much we're seeing seeing the vip section of president
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trump's box, fill up and we just saw clip of of president trump, obviously behind the scenes ready to come out of president trump was a big bandage on his right ear, which was obviously it's obviously wounded in your fascination crowd cheering with the bandage on his ear from that horrible in butler, pennsylvania but the crowd really excited people standing up everybody's phone is out to film it though i'm sure there will be video are they can get at home. but the fact to go to the vip section, we saw tucker carlson, jd vance, who is now the vice presidential the ny congressman byron donalds, members of the trump family, don junior, tiffany trump others, i think i see more firstly noem, perhaps eric trump people getting ready for this now this is not the
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big night for trump. the big night for trump will be thursday when he accepts the nomination. but this, obviously a big moment for him as he comes before the crowd crowd that it was already excited to see him. but certainly it's taking on more love and excitement because of what happened on here everybody proud as warring president of the united states they're station based on faith the because he was sure that's donald trump. >> turn his head slightly but the bullet missed him just enough to save his life. took
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be the next president of the united states we have fully for so long. the godel make some changes in this country. and he's about to make a change in the current administration. she can send them home back you everybody for being here tonight. tonight, we make the decision on what's right for america. more prosperity less gas prices, less food prices help for our veterans and god bless our military wherever they are in these united states and abroad there would be no and gentlemen, president trump was welcome. >> the next president of the united states donald j trump
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oh, my life just not true three they can right? >> i love it. god bless and
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that is to elect donald j. trump as the next president of the united states he is here tonight to show his career he is defiance against somebody who tried to kill him you will not take this man down. he has been courage to a string and who will be the next president of the united states from those minnesota to the tennessee
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across the plains of texas ladies and gentlemen authority president of the united states, and soon to be the 47th president. wwe now, please welcome donald j. trump i, barely can again. that and i do when they burst got
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weems more from your springs, michigan and obviously emotional donald trump grading a crowd in there chasing fight, fight, which is what he said right after the attempted assassination attempt. >> and you can see the emotion on his face. it looked like possibly even tears on his face. this crowd joyfully, welcoming him back after the horrible events over the weekend viva trump. trump, they're saying oh, we love trump, i'm sorry. i was having a flashback to the 90s. the 2000 convention. we love trunk are saying we love trump chris
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winston churchill famously said nothing in life is so exhilarating has to be shot. act without effect and you can see that today the idea that just hours ago, few days ago, this man, an assassin's bullet, whiz byham hit him in the year inches from his temple that had be just by the slightest fraction of an inch he survived, shot up without effect. and you can see that the joy of this crowd, i got to tell you as somebody who's been covering these, these conventions since 1964, that may have been the most electric moment i ever saw that was quite extraordinary. you, whether you like the men are not? that was well, i mean, this is a crowd these tens of thousands of people who love donald trump and they almost lost him this, this figure that that figures so prominently in
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their lives. and it's so interesting tonight, there has been zero talk about the democrats and rhetoric and political rhetoric and then blaming the media. and it's all been talk about divine providence a miracle. and i think that's what most of these people view was that it is by the grace of god that donald trump is here tonight and representing them going forward. >> i mean, go ahead, abby he's been. with trump almost messianic quality to his following. and we typically see that at his campaign rallies have been too many of them. they feel a little bit like this it's not as common to see these sort of party official events have that same kind of feel and it's just reflective of how far trump has come in his command of his own party and even between saturday and today this room feels different because of what happened saturday as we've been saying
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and you cannot underestimate the on the enthusiasm scale where there are trump's really extreme supporters. but i'm hearing from people who are kind of we're kind of mediocre about trump going into this who feel a sense of relief and a sense of appreciation for him that is reflected in the room and they're probably a lot of people in this room who maybe they they wanted somebody else. but but overwhelmingly i think he has brought people over into a place where it used to be only his most fervent supporters were. and that is the big chain that is going to matter. and the other thing too, and jake, you've touched on this when you talked about his reaction. >> he sitting in this family box next to we should note tucker carlson, mike johnson, jd vance he seems like a different man than the person that we often see at the podium at rallies. i mean, he is subdued. i mean, seeing that fans on his year, it's very
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striking. >> i did not the one place where i would depart from ukraine. says he does not look exhilarated to me. he looks very, very subdued. >> the fisa other way you might react to having almost lost your life but it is, the complaint winston churchill yes he wasn't around for this one. >> but i just, you know, it'll be interesting to see. he said he's rewriting his speech for thursday that's going to be interesting to see what he's grateful to be alive he called celine, i talked to selina couple of times. he called her so late border from western pennsylvania, called her several times to check in on her to see how she was doing. he was so taken aback by the incident and was talking to her about it and she's she eventually said, hey, can we write this down? he but he reached out to her and said this i want to make sure you can feel badly about your daughter feel badly about what happened i mean, you cannot get shot in the head and not be affected when you couldn there the smile on his face the sort
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of response it's it's i mean, it's remarkable to take it in. sorry, dana go that's okay. we're right above this vip box, so we've actually witnessed with their own eyes the former president come in and i think you're all right. there was an exhilaration in the room while he was subdued and it was i think that's part of what made that moment so striking. and i don't go back as far as you go. i would say about 24 years of covering conventions and we haven't i haven't covered at know none of us has covered a convention obviously with this kind of almost tragedy. and that was a tragedy. somebody lost their life on saturday but with this kind of frankly hero's welcome, which donald trump gets in any case, when he walks into a room of supporters, particularly a convention, but in the light of what happened on saturday, it's almost hard
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to describe well, he's been through a trauma the way it felt in this room. he's been through a traumatic event. he almost lost his life. somebody was killed and does man in the audience, his only crime was going to a trump rally. obviously, he should have had the right to enjoy that. two other individuals to other individuals in pennsylvania? critical condition, a horrible, horrible event. and he's been through a traumatic event and that's going to have an effect on people on an emotional level. how much that actually changes him. obviously, people could change from year experiences. how much that actually changes him as a politician or as a presidential candidate. we will see what obviously it has had an improper jake. dan, this point, they feel that donald trump took a bullet for them, right? that these are campaigning. he took a bullet for them was in the state, were standing in the way and got hit and took a bullet for them you could feel that in this room. >> well, there's this. >> let's go. i'm sorry to interrupt, but let's go to kaitlan collins, who's on the floor with the governor of north dakota, doug burgum yeah.
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>> jake, i've got governor doug burgum here with me. we're sitting right off the floor, obviously watching this entrance, watching those in the box with former president donald trump. thank you, governor, for being here. what, what is it like for you to see former president trump? walk in with that large white bandage on his ear just obviously. so markedly different from since saturday night. >> well, i think like a lot of americans tonight we're sitting here just in awe of a man that's got the strength and the perseverance and courage he's literally the picture of that with him coming off the stage and pennsylvania with his fist in the air. that's going to be in kid's school books 100 years from now is a defining moment in him history but i think all of us also phil, just a tremendous amount of gratitude because as was said on this show, i mean divine providence. i mean, we're 1 million meter away from right now, having a country and a party being in chaos and in mourning for something that would mark an era just the way the jfk announced assassination didn't 1960s so we miss that by a millimeter. and now history is on a different path, but i
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think president trump, not only his uniting this party, but i think he actually the language he's used in saturday is talking about uniting, uniting the country, rewriting the speech for thursday night about uniting the country. i know people haven't seen him that way. but when people go through a near-death experience, i think that these things can change. people i mean, you think it's changed him? well, i think you saw him tonight walking in and listening to lee greenwood sing a song that he stood on the stage many, many times. but i think he's he certainly has to have an understanding and gratitude that he's alive. he said that to all the people around him, he's lucky to be alive yeah. >> in that box, when something like saturday happens, it makes you realize how consequential a vice presidential pick, not that it always isn't, but how it is. he's sitting next to ohio senator jd vance. obviously, you were also one of the finalists to be picked. her vice president how did you get the news today that you were not going to be the pick? >> well, i got a call. great conversation with the president and he's he said, hey, mr.
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secretary he's always been so positive and so consider it to catherine and i this whole time. but as you know, kaitlan, we were never running for a cabinet position, never running to be vp as a sitting governor. and i got to 150 two days left of the greatest job in the nation being a governor of north dakota right now that was our focus because another four years of joe biden for a state that produces nadh for resources and agriculture. the inflation that's affecting every one of our citizens. affecting everybody in america. the open-borders affecting everyone in america. so donald trump's policies actually do lift up, not just independents and republicans, but democrats as well at i think this week is going to be a chance for people across the country to hear that. >> he called you, mr. secretary, mean it sounds like he's teasing that you would want you in his cabinet you told me previously that you were not open to taking a cabinet position. is that still the case? well there's going to be no cabinet position gyms that president trump could go unless he wins. >> and this is going to be a tight race. for sure. this fall, i mean, people may feel like it's a runaway today, but these things always tighten up
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and i would just say there's going to be a lot of work to do between now and then. and that's gonna be the focus anytime that i'm spending now is governing job in north dakota and making sure that president trump ends up back in the white house. >> it's so you're saying don't take it for granted. it's not clear what's going to happen in this election. what do you think donald trump needs to do? on the campaign trail if you were his running mate, what would your advice be over? because you and senator vance had very different reactions to what happened on saturday. you were more in the camp of talking about unity and taking the temperature down. one does senator vance's initial post within hours of the shooting was was blaming president biden and his rhetoric, even though there's no motive determined by the fbi yet which tactic you think donald trump should follow? >> well, i think president trump himself has been talking about unity. it's been peace unity make america great. again, he's added those words too even what he's putting out on his post right now. and i think that's the right message for us going forward. and i think with jd vance he's small
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town guy like me. what's not to love about someone who grew up in a small town and in this election is going to be determined by that blue wall up north and with him having ohio, wisconsin, pennsylvania in his backyard i think he's a solid victor for the trump fans ticket to have a sweeping, a sweep this fall? >> yeah, a lot of rivalries between pennsylvania and ohio, but we'll see what the governor burgum thank you for joining us. i know it's going a very chaotic and busy day for you, so thank you for your time. thank you. anderson, obviously, hearing from governor burgum for the first time since learning vice presidential pick earlier today. >> kaitlan, thanks very much extraordinary to see the former president really the first time since, since we last saw him on that stage. >> yeah, he looked emotional to me he looked humble he had an interesting sort of look on his face like he was soaking in all the united republicans there can't really imagine what it's like to be in his
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position. i read today, he said, i'm not supposed to be here. i'm just i'm supposed to be dead and so from that point for when you sort of internalize that every day is a gift. and he ai to me his facial expression, his body language showed donalds a different kind of donald trump than we're used to think. he's listening to amber roseman right now. let's listen in and that's when it hits me. >> these are my people. this is where i belong i let go of my judgment of being misunderstood, of getting attacked by the left and i put the red hat on too thank you i
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never felt more free and more love for my country than i do now. i want to thank my father, who's in the audience tonight for opening my eyes. she served over 20 years in the u.s military. thank you for your service i love you dad i love you i love you so much. thank you when i met the president and mililani for the first time he was kind and generous and funny as hell very funny the first lady was gracious and smart with a smile that will brighten up any room if you're watching this tonight, you know, our country is in trouble. just like me when you go to the store, buy food for your family are shocked when you fill up your gas tank, you're i know i am and when
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you turn on the news, you are just exhausted inflation is out of control. and you know, in your heart, it was not like this under donald trump my message shoot tonight comes from a humble place. the left told me to hate trump and even worse, to hate the other side. the people who ford him. when you cut through the lies. you realize the truth american families were better when donald trump was president we were safer wealthier, and stronger. a vote for donald trump is a boat money back in our pockets and good food on our kids plates yes or as trump
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would say, it's a votes and make america great again. thank you so much please welcome latino-american lynda phone knows. so listening to the speakers this is going to go on probably until about 11:00 i mean, it's fascinating to have her as the speaker there. i think she had some 20 odd million 23 million instagram followers. so i just have to say this stage craft, the sequencing of this, this moment tonight, this is what donald trump does best. he's the producer and chief. the him walking out, lee greenwood playing and then first you're hearing from an everyday american talking but then a social media influencer with 23 million followers who young people are looking at and young voters are up for grabs this election throw in there also
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donald trump is now a meme everywhere. you know, best not miss if you're going to shoot the king like this is what is on tiktok. this is what tens of millions of young voters who are not necessarily decided. they don't we'll have long-standing party affiliation are seeing he's making a play there. it's very smart and to be honest, she was one of most effective communicators. we've sent tonight. i admit something. i had no idea who this was rachel, i looked it up and then i called a friend of mine and i said, do you know who this is? and they didn't know. also a political person but that's the point they have put someone on the stage who reaches into this whole group of americans who are not necessarily engaged at all in our politics or in our civics these kinds of voices. i heard some grousing about this from some other conservative. this is, this is how you change the composition of the electorate. >> yeah, i that that was probably the most dangerous
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speak for the democratic coalition that is a young woman of color. she's describing the experience. a lot of people have feeling that maybe for around to me liberals who might get criticized do much for you might not be able to speak your mind. and she spoke to it really well. and she's way more famous than any of us up here. i'm going to tell you that way more famous. and so to the extent that these guys are trying to bust up our coalition that was a bunker buster right there. by the way. and it's one of the things we've been talking about, but they're speakers who speak to the room and there's speakers who speak through the television screen. she speaks through the camera to the audience at home. not i mean, she's effective in the room. this so when you're yelling into the room, that is not communicating directly the land this person is super talented, okay, like this person knows how to speak plainly and directly, knows how to use the camera the cadence of it. she they've got something there it really is hard. no's big arenas. it's hard not to want to fill up the room if you want to scream is
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make sure the grandma and the back-end hear you but you're not talking to that 30,000 people there. you're talking to that 30 million people at home. and she was i mean, she was the most effective. you can be heard in the hall. but you're in somebody's living room. she understood that. and i wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't have political future. i can tell that she's somebody who makes a living yeah. >> indicating with people. that's great. right? she understood how to connect with the camera that's that's what she does. it's part of why she has 23 million instagram. >> but i'm sorry. go ahead they only go to add to that is not only you speaking to the people watching, but per your some of your, you know, well well taken criticisms of some of the earlier african-american speakers they're going to cut these things up into little youtube videos of 1030 tiktok videos, all that kind of stuff. and we'll take highlights and they, if they have a good digital operation, there'll be seen, but it's going to be seen by a lot more people speaking on stagecraft that you were mentioning, watching trump come down that hallway the way they set it up against lee greenwood, who by the way, also
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81-years-old it looks pretty good. and did a great job. but the way they choreograph that thing, the way they brought trump out you could not have done it any better. it was really, really well done. and then i to me, i also just seeing the bandage. i mean, i was wondering how they were going to do it. it's pretty pretty it's terrific. terrific. and stagecraft, no question about it. and obviously this is a moment given what happened over the weekend, we're just seeing him on camera is impactful and meaningful and i think so much and i can't remember who was saying earlier. you know, anybody even if you're not if you're not somebody who supports them, you can still see him in this moment and feel grateful that he was not killed on saturday. so it's a powerful moment. i think the question is, you know, what, what version of him do we see over the course of this week? i mean, we saw we've seen speakers tonight and range from parlor marjorie taylor greene, to people who are more kind of in the more traditional republican mold. and so he has a lot of goodwill tonight and i think the question is, what version of him do we see later
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this week as it as, a dad seemed, don junior space as it into the juniors is his he's a firecracker. >> he is he's usually pretty tough guy and that i think wants to be like his dad. but that emotion in his face i thought was powerful. i think it's okay for everybody just to absorb it. we're going to listen to started yes. sean o'brien, president of the international brotherhood of teamsters greetings, delegates, and gas obs. >> sean o'brien, general presence of the international brotherhood of teamsters i'd like to give my peeps from the greatest state in the nation massachusetts, some props. what up? first? i want to thank the hardworking teamsters union members here in milwaukee, who play vital roles and the
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building an operations of this convention. i? also want to thank president donald trump for opening the rnc's doors. so the teamsters union and invited me to speak before you tonight i? travel all across this country and meet with my members every week you know what i see an american work of being taken for granted? workers are being sold out to big banks, big tech cooperation. the lead and i'm not the only one who sees this every day. family see it. the american people aren't stupid. they know the system is broken we all know how washington is run working people have no chance of winning this fight that's why i'm here today.
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because i refused to keep doing the same things my predecessors did. today today. the teamsters are here fair to say? we are not beholden to anyone or any party we will create an agenda and work with a bipartisan coalition, ready to accomplish something real for the american worker and i don't care about getting criticized it's an honor to be the first teamster and 121 year history to address the republican national convention several months ago
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the rnc in the dnc for the opportunity to speak to be frank when president trump invited me to speak at this convention there was political unrest on the left and on the right how do believe anti union groups demanded the president rescind his invitation? the left called me a traitor. and this it's precisely why it's so important for me to be here today think about this think about this the teachings of
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doing something correct if they extremes in both parties, they guy shouldn't be on this stage president trump had the backbone to open the doors to this republican convention. and that's unprecedented no other nominee in the race what have invited the teamsters into this arena? now you can have whatever opinion you want but one thing is clear president trump is a candidate who was not afraid of hearing from new loud and often critical voices and i think we all can agree whether people like them or they don't like him in light of what happened to him on saturday he has proven to be one tough ask obi ow we're not
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one the presidency of the tbs is in a national election, two-and-a-half years ago. we started reaching across the aisle in the past. the teamsters have endorsed gop candidates, including nixon, reagan, and george h w bush but over the last 40 years, the republican party has really pursued strong relationships with organized labor. there are some in the party who stand an
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active opposition to labor unions. this two months, change and i want to be clear at the end of the day, the teamsters are not interested. if you have a de or an ai next to your name we want to know one thing. what are you doing to help american workers as a negotiator i know that no window or door should ever be permanently shut in my administration the teams has reached out to eight republican senators who stood up for railroad team says overall fight for paid sick leave. josh hawley was one of them we started talking senator hawley
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change his position on national right to work. then we started walking senator hawley walked up teamsters, picket line in st. louis and a uaw picket line in wentzville, missouri. more than that, i want to recognize senator hawley for his direct relentless and pointed questioning of corporate talking heads, lawyers, ceos and apologist he has shown he is not willing to accept their pillaging of work in people's pocketbooks i know from a career in negotiating that you get nowhere by slamming fist on the table. the first step is to listen the teamsters in the gop may not agree on many issues, but a growing group has shown the courage to sit down and consider points of view that are funded by big money. think
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tags senators like jd vance roger marshall and representatives nicole malliotakis mike lawler, and brian fitzpatrick are among 11 officials who truly care about working people in this group is expanding and is putting fear into those who have monopolized a very broken system in america today. there are far too many people on both sides of the aisle still caught up in knee jerk reactions to unions who subscribe to the same tired clap trap that unions destroy american companies. take a moment to consider united parcel service, which is the largest private sector logistics company. and it's been unionized for more than 100 years, more than 300 and 350,000 teamsters make it run. we worked for good middle-class
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wages, quality healthcare and secure pensions. there are work rules and ensure fairness and due process for both sides. ups is the most efficient package delivery company in the world well let's not forget that ups doesn't provide these great wages and benefits out of the kindness of a attire, ups does it because a team, which is fight for it, all 350,000 of us you know, cooper just hate when working people joined together to form unions but first century major employers have waged a war against labour by forming corporate unions of their own we need to call the chamber of commerce in the business roundtables. what they are they are unions for big
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business it here's another fact against gigantic multinational corporation, an individual worker has zero power. it's only when americans band together and democratic unions that we win real improvements on wages, benefits, and working conditions companies like amazon are bigger than most national economies. amazon is valued over $2 that makes it the 14th largest economy in the world. what is sickening is an amazon had his bid has abandoned any national allegiance amazon sole focus is on lining its own pockets remember elites have no party elites have no nation their loyalty is sort of balance sheet and the stock price at the expense of the american worker in, my office in
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washington, dc. i can see the united states capitol from my window i see well intentioned people arrive in washington and get eaten up by an unforgiving system. the responsibility to average americans takes a backseat. the objective now becomes survival fundraiser. after fundraiser corporate consultants, hedge every initiative the hill crawls with lifers bouncing from government jobs to cooperate jobs and back again, i think we can all agree. dc is a pretty treacherous area. most legislation is never i'm not going anywhere and it's all talk in america. talk isn't cheap. it's very expensive, and it comes at the cost of our own country working people know
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our system is broken. the elites are not laboring on behalf of workers there is a political caste system that prevents citizens from accessing their representatives to hold them accountable for a moment in time. working people in america, we're seeing as essential sadly, it took a global pandemic for political and corporate elites to notice this fact but ask yourself this question. since the end of the pandemic when was the last time you heard major news outlets regularly to refer to work workers as essential you haven't the men and women who provide goods and services deliver packages, stock grocery shelves, care for patients. pick up your trash and keep our community safe. a. taken for granted all the while, the stock market booms, housing prices hit record highs and
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corporate salaries skyrocket. but the income of every everyday americans are shrinking in the face of inflation. at the gas pumps, at the grocery store. what the electric bill and what the car insurance. this as got to change never forget american workers own this nation we are not renters we are not tenant but the corporate elite treat us like squatters. and that is a crime. we've got to fix it now this will shock you. this will shock you to paraphrase senate, a markwayne mullin it's time for both sides of congress to stand their butts
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up we need trade policies put american workers first it needs to be easier for companies to remain in america we need legal protections that make it safer for workers to get a contract we must stop corporations from a banning local communities to inflate their bottom line we need meaningful bankruptcy reform today corporate vultures buy up companies like yellow freight with the intent of driving them into bankruptcy and feasting on their remains the courts leave work is begging for crumbs. as 3rd tear creditors labor law must be reformed. americans vote for a union, but can never get a union contract companies, fire workers who tried to join
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unions and hide behind two plus laws that are meant to protect working people. but a manipulated to benefit cooperation this is economic terrorism at its passed an individual cannot withstand such an assault, a fired worker cannot afford court delays in these greedy employers know it. there are no consequences for the company only the worker. we need corporate welfare reform under our current system massive companies like amazon, uber, lyft, and walmart take zero responsibilities for their work as they employ. these companies offer no real health insurance. know retirement benefits, no pay leave, relying on underfunded public assistance and who foots the bill, the individual taxpayer the biggest recipients of welfare in this country, a corporations. and this is real corruption. we must put workers first what could be more
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important to the security of our nation than a long-term investment in the american worker in 2021 team says nationwide, elected me to fight for them. and that's precisely what i'm doing. something is wrong in this country and we need to say it out loud. i will always speak for america and the american worker, both union and non-union i can each and every one of you. and especially my friends on the democratic side, to embrace cooperation to truly collaborate to achieve meaningful and productive change, to ensure we make this great nation the war in this world, that bigger, faster, and strongest nation in the entire
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world? oh, i love this country. the teamsters loved this country. au, one 1.3 million members members move america on the roads in the ports on the rail, and in the air and at the end of the day, if the powers to be stopped me from raising my voice on behalf of american workers. i will not have one single regret i still carry my commercial driver's license i still have my place on the union seniority list. you'll find me back in boston driving a tractor trailer, delivering equipment from shaughnessy in our hern because i have the protection of a union contract that gives me the freedom to speak my mind and tough fight like hell. god bless the greatest station. thank you very much ladies and gentlemen,
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please welcome. >> fine. see, chairman. michael watley, that was interesting. i got a text in the middle of that from a republican congressman saying that he has to check to make sure he was at the republican convention, that the democratic convention that was sean o'brien, president of the international brotherhood of teamsters, making an appeal to the delegates to embrace a more worker friendly agenda. one has to observe that president trump opposed an increase in the minimum wage. put a bunch of corporate lawyers on the national labor relations board and on and on and on. you can google it very interesting. 11 little thing to clear up just if anybody didn't get the reference quoted. senator markwayne mullin of oklahoma said, and he said it was interesting that he
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would quote him because he and markwayne mullin, senator mullin last november for almost gotten to this fight during a senate health and labor pension committee hearing we don't have to go into the reasons behind it, but let's just say that sean o'brien does not consider in ramallah to be pro labor in any case, this was a very interesting speech. i'm not really sure how much it and when it comes to the actual policies of the republican party donald trump is desperate to get the endorsement from the teamsters the fact that sean o'brien showed up here. i mean, this was peppered throughout his entire speech, was very controversial because it has been decades since the teamsters did anything other than support democrats he got a lot of pushback among his many of his members when he went to meet with donald trump and mar a-lago. but he clearly wanted
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to be here at this convention to push his agenda and also give a warning to joe biden and the democrats that's said that his, that his endorsement and the support of his one over 1,000,001.3000001, 0.3 million members cannot be and should not be taken for granted when he gave a rip roaring populous speech. i mean vigorous assault on corporate america, a very strong pro union speech all delivered in an idiom that john king particularly appreciates because it was all in but i noticed that there weren't a whole lot of people standing i'm not sure how this landed. i think people were confused like the guy who checks a whole lot about them. >> now it's not for the whole speech. what i mean, this is okay. earlier today, there was
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a long conversation joe biden, but this is the case for joe biden proved on hillary clinton's performance with union households by about five percentage in a very close election, that is incredibly significant. joe biden was chosen by brock obama in part because he gets to these types of people. he performed better than hillary clinton because he could speak to working class white americans, to union households, union workers he walked a picket line earlier this year. this if you're trying to make a case for joe biden, it's on this particular issue. and i think this is still why biden's advisers are saying the fundamentals of joe biden's appeal to the weakest part of the democratic coalition, which is white working class men, are still intact. we'll see if that's true, but that is there. if that were true, if that were true, i don't know that the president of the international brotherhood of teamsters will be speaking to republican national okay, i mentioned, well, that's what, that's exactly what the showcases is.
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joe biden's problem, because teamsters endorsed president biden in 2020 and the idea that he is a teamsters leader has never spoken at a republican convention into to see sean o'brien, at least 121 years. okay. thank you for that count. so i think that just speaks to the me. just interrupt for one second. i want to go but if phil mattingly on the floor and then we'll come back and keep talking phil, you know, jake as you guys kind of walk through the dynamics of the speech and what we actually heard. watching the former president, watching the people in the vip box who did not sit down, the entire speech who when sean o'brien said he'd be the first teamsters president to speak to republican convention and 121 years, it was byron donalds who has been sitting next to the former president, who slept trump's arm and said that's huge, that's huge. it was tucker carlson sitting to the right of byron donalds well, two was pumping his fists the entire time and you contrast that with where the rest of the party is particularly on this issue, but also at the same party that's holding fundraisers with corporations and large donors
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over the course of this entire week, i think we all know that it's such a central part of this process that was a speech that was for sean o'brien a moment to take advantage of. it was a speech for the former president who sees a clear ability to peel off the union vote in a significant way on the rank and file side of things. and it was also i a window into a realignment on the policy of the republican party policy that jd vance, while not fully in the josh hawley model of things, who sean o'brien shouted out to is certainly more towards that populist level than say, speaker mike johnson, who was also sitting in that box, who very much represents a wall street journal editorial board kind of traditional establishment, republican economic ideology just the entire contrast. listening to the speech, watching sean o'brien definitely getting the dorchester verse medford, john king verse. sean o'brien, accents going there, but also watching the people the vip box and who they represent for the party. now and for the party in
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the future was absolutely fascinated jake, one of the things that's so interesting about it, john king is that there is this strain of populism in the republican party. it is by no means predominant. but it is the jd vance, marco rubio, josh hawley strain that does think that the republican party needs to change and adapt to the american worker those, policies have not worked, not embraced during the trump administration at least not if you look at what the teamsters have on their policy agenda or the afl-cio, et cetera but there is this internal fight going on sean o'brien, i'm sure sagely understands that that is going on and there is a duress. people who are listening that doesn't mean that the agenda is going to be adopted, but it is worth noting. >> mr. mattingly needs to be corrected that we tend to skip the diwali, say medford and both would you say? >> that's how he was. look. there's a fascinating debate
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within all of america's blue collar union about this. donald trump did pretty well, especially with working class union men against chelsea clinton, abby's right, joe biden improved on those numbers. i've been in michigan with the united auto workers group and they've been they have endorsed joe biden and yet on the factory floor, they say they expect around 40%, maybe even higher to vote for donald trump because these are voters who yes, of course, care about labor issues at organizing collective bargaining and pay. they also care about guns they also care about other. so this has been a divide brewing for some time and trump does make inroads and what you see yes. there is a huge fight within the teamsters about him being here. this deputy was on aaron burnett not that long ago. essentially saying we should be endorsing joe biden on policy there are african american groups within the team. susan say, how dare you come here, given donald trump's record and other issues, but he has decided to stick his neck checkout and what it is is it's a green light the teamsters may not endorse that would be a big deal if they do not endorse, there's a big debate over whether to do it he
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clearly wanted to come here and speak. and you saw trump and jd vance like saying, yes afterwards because it's a greenlight to those union members who might think on the labor policies. of course, we should be with biden. he is the most pro-union president in anybody at those table is lifetime. that's a fact on policy, union policy, labor policy, but on other issues it's a green light to sake. au trump yeah, that's look, john, as you were just saying that that 40% trump got about 40% of labor households. >> and both 2016 and in 20 plenty so he's there, right. like he has some of that rank and file support. the question is, does it go? is it enough in the right places for it to matter the most? and the key thing i think with union households in union support is not every union is the same. and in a lot of the unions, they are diverse people and that racial divide is part of what is playing out in terms of who supports biden, who supports trump, and where the
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peeling off is happening. in this it's contrary. so as we hear the dulcet tones of journey, of playing in the background, kaitlan collins, we heard the gavel come down and that is officially the and of the day in terms of the whole business here. >> although donald trump skill soaking up the crowd enjoying the celebration the love of him. we're there was another chance that we love trump and it's been quite a day. >> well and two things just on how saturday night has changed to this. i spoke to eric trump earlier and he said that when he was on phone with his dad, when his son hospital, he was talking about the republican convention and what this is going to look like. and so obviously that ship to this theater thing just from being on the floor all day. i'll tell you obviously they chant donald trump, they chant usa, the new things that they are chanting is exactly what you heard from donald trump when he, after he barely miss that, that shot on saturday night to fight, fight, fight. that has become a new motto that you are hearing delegates and surrogates and
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allies on the floor at this anderson watching the former president solely make his way out of the convention hall as this first night or wraps up jonah goldberg, you have been watching this. i don't know how many hours today. and you're about 12 hours, almost i think something like that. yeah longest week i ever spent ten hours. i spent, you know, watching the threaded know. >> what do you make of this, wrapping up the first minute? >> yeah. so i think you know we've all said how he was a showman. i was kind of surprised. i i expected a little more also spoke zarathustra, elvis in vegas music than that you got it when he came in, there was a little less of a pomp and circumstance thing and i think in part because he actually seems like he's been humbled a little bit, or at least that's what he wants to put forward i do think that this is a sign of how inchoate the gop coalition one of the longest long-term political stories, the last
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half century is the continued dissolution of the fdr coalition. and the gop's ability to take different pieces of it. you see that with jd vance, who is not a party unifier, right? he is not someone that every bring cancer the party likes. it is doubling down on the maga definition of things you saw with amber rose, you saw it with the head of the teamsters the head of the teamsters was saying this stuff about how great unions are and all that his job and he should say it and he makes many fine points but it's in wisconsin and i think one of the heads of the delegation from wisconsin is scott walker. who, the last time we didn't have trump on a ballot, fought a hammer and tongs more with unions in the state and who's not a huge fan of the teamsters. this is a real schism that is being opened up here. and i was waiting almost pleading for the sky to call for elon musk to unionize tesla. just to see the open floor flight alright but
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there are, there are tectonic shifts going on in here that are going to be playing out for a walk. >> that's what was most striking to me is just deep, deep remaking of the republican party in the image of donald trump in his notable to me, the people who aren't there tonight, obviously former vice president mike pence it's a traditional conservatives, not mitt romney is not there. paul ryan is not there. the former standard bearers of conservatism or not present because this is much more a nationalist populist party. and the choice of vance is so interesting because this is donald trump looking beyond his term. if he's reelected and who is going to carry on his legacy, who's going to implement those policies going for who could potentially set up one of his children to run for office someday to run on this maga party gillis platform. i think it is also going to be so interesting to see as the convention unfolds this week, what the party does to try to reach specifically these suburban women that they need. i mean, you saw katie britt spoke tonight. the woman earlier in the program? a single mother who was talking about her life experience mean, you saw them try to really
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really reach out on the cost of living argument where they obviously feel they have a lot of runway, but not surprisingly can you didn't hear anything about reproductive freedom, about choice? and we know that's an issue that is significant for suburban women. so i think it's it'll be interesting to see as you're talking about these pieces of the republican cohen listen, that's another big piece and there wasn't that much time tonight dedicated to speaking specifically to suburban women. and i'll just be interested to see how that evolves over the course. we just the first night i mean, we absolutely have a whole week of stuff. >> you know if you consumed all the media of this convention. >> tonight and then you also watched the biden interview, which we talked about what's amazing to me is that trump got shot and biden's the one who's angry mean he snapped at leicester on hold several times. tonight he's not in a good place and yet donald trump, who just got his ear shut off, is that you're walking around smiling looking emotional as he basks in the
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glow of this convention. trump got shot and biden is the one who is angry that we've been told for so long. now, trump's angry. he's vengeful. he's going to be out here with a close clinic that's not what you saw on your television screen tonight, i'm just waiting to see how that comment ages. yeah. i mean, as you said, this is just first-night. he didn't speak tonight. let's let's put it pena what i would like to me. let's put a pin in that, see how that i think tonight, he looked on bowl and hopefully it will stay that way, but i wouldn't bet a lot on it. but what i would say is would you call an inchoate coalition i see it as the republic trying to eat our cookies we've had some cookies called the black vote, and they're trying to take those cookies. we've had the labour both. they're trying to take those cookies and a governing coalition is inchoate, right? that's, that's what political
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leadership is. it's the ability to hold together a coalition that would ordinarily not form and the challenge i think for the democratic party is that we had a governing coalition called the obama coalition. and we had high hopes and aspirations for that coalition. we thought that as a country got browner, our party would get bigger this looks like maybe that was made be a little aspirational on our part because the country is getting browner and yet they're told republican party and so there's something happening here tonight that i think democrats who want to win in november remember should take very, very close note of, you can not take our voters for granted democrats, labor, black, female, or other ones and we are going to continue our coverage here for the next hour with this panel and also the team at the convention, we have more coverage starting right now let's take another
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look at the emotional camper of this opening night of the republican national convention here in milwaukee, wisconsin. donald trump entering, don't love and applause, his ear bandage, the visible reminder of that bullets that hit him during the attempt on his life on saturday, the former president, now the official nominee of the republican party for a third consecutive time, he was joined in the trump family viewing box by his newly named running mate, senator jd vance of ohio. and eventful day. i made a truly extraordinary circumstances surrounding this convention. let's go to kristen holmes. kristen, what are you hearing from the trump campaign from trump allies about his appearance today, which seemed to be quite emotional for him. >> yeah, clearly was jake. this is somebody that i've been covering for over a year. this is the most emotional i have ever seen him and i have
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certainly seen him in what could have been various vulnerable positions. but donald trump himself talking to his allies, the people who know him the best people who hadn't seen him yet in public until this situation they were shocked at what they saw. they said he appeared softer that a times it looked as though he might cry. they that they themselves were crying. i even spoke to people who used to support donald trump who no longer do, who said that it made them choke up. but this was an incredibly emotional experience and they felt like they were seeing a different person up on that stage or in that box when he entered onto the convention floor the other thing and to point out here is that donald trump himself has been telling people both publicly and privately, that he believes that he is lucky to be alive, that he believes that there were some sort of divine intervention. of course that is notable given the fact that donald trump we know, is not a religious person. he's not even a spiritual person. but this is something he has said over and over again that he
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fundamentally believes that he shouldn't be alive right now, that there are some reason he tilted his head the way that he did to look up at that chart and that is what kept him alive and we saw a lot of that in his face tonight and that is what allies said as well, that they just felt like this was so much more of a human being than they had ever seen the former president looked before. >> all right, let's go over to boris sanchez now he is near the convention stage here in milwaukee, wisconsin. boris tulsa. what it was like from your vantage point when former president trump made his entrance yeah. >> it was an extremely emotional moment. i'm sitting just across from that vip area. i could see the actual podium where we heard speakers tonight, and i could see the way that the president was responding not only to them, but to the crowd when his face first appeared on the jumbotron, there was an audible sound from the crowd elation and literally thousands of people taking out their phones to get ready for his appearance. once he finally emerged a kristen was just
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outlining the emotional response from the president and i saw several people in the crowd appearing to be emotional themselves, really the power of the moment landing heavily on them. and throughout the evening, you could see the responses from folks, not only in the crowd, but also other speakers when we watched amber rose seeming to charm the former president, he appeared to make several remarks. i watched them make a comment to congressman byron donalds and now the presumptive vice presidential nominee, jd vance, during her speech, all the way to sean o'brien, where the president stayed standing during the entire speech. seemingly expressionless. i did watch byron donalds sort of make a gesture to him. but he was very receptive or what was going on and one interesting thing i'm not sure of the cameras can capture this, but a large portion of the crowd over by that vip area wasn't even turn to the speaker's. they didn't turn away from the president once he emerged after the speeches began. but overall, obviously a very powerful moment for this crowd
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that was eager to see the president all the way toward the end of the benediction watching the president. in that moment as kristen outlined, not known for his spirituality, but seeming to absorb the importance of the moment, jake. all right, boris, thank you so much. and let us talk about the biggest thing that happened at this convention today, other than donald trump appearing in public for the first time with a bandage on his ear after the assassination attempt on his life, just two days ago and dana bash, that is of course the selection the nomination of jd vance, republican senator from ohio, who was one of the very first and most outspoken republican critics. of donald trump back in 2015, 2016, he was at the time known as a commentator, the author of hillbilly elegy, i think we have a mash-up of some of the things that jd vance, you see jd vance there earlier today
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with the guy at the top of the ticket and donald trump. i think we have a mash-up of some of the things he said back then followed by comments that he made earlier tonight on fox in which he tried to explain where those remarks came from half of the things that he says don't make any sense or a quarter of the things that he says are offensive. i might have to hold my nose and vote for hillary clinton. i can't stomach trump. i think that he's noxious and is leading the white working class to a very dark place i'm a never trump guy. i never liked him and he seems to like actively antagonizing a lot of the black vote i don't hide from that. i was certainly skeptical of donald trump in 2016, but president trump was a great president and he changed my mind. >> i bought into the media's lies sources, ai bought into this idea that somehow he was going to be so different a terrible threat to democracy. it was a joke well, he did try
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to overturn a free and fair election, but beyond that, what, do you make of the conversion by mr. vance on the way to damascus? >> yeah. you know, that conversion happened a couple of years ago when he decided that he wanted to be a united states senator from the state of ohio, which is now a red state. and he needed the endorsement of donald trump and he got it. and so he did that. may a copa over and over again and he will have to continue doing it over and over again. he wasn't getting information from the media he was getting information from the then candidate in 2016 and then the president after it starting in 2017. that i mean, as much as he wants to say that it's the way that donald trump was portrayed. is just not true. he's a smart guy. he saw
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what he saw and he made his own opinion based on that. and opinion that he has changed so much that he is now a 39-year-old running mate to that very same donald trump is very emblematic of a broader trend among republicans there's something strange with donald trump where he has such fervor that he gets from the base of the republican party that it's almost impossible to succeed in republican politics. this has been true since 2016 without being somewhat aligned with trump and yet, trump also has a lot of political liabilities that make him a complicated and even toxic figure in the broader electorate. but for jd vance, as dana said, i mean the the the parents her time was very simple. if you want it to be elected, he had to be aligned with trump and the thing that probably changed his mind was that trump's hold on the base kept getting stronger, not so much that trump did anything
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different or said anything different as president he acted as president the way that he ran as a candidate and nothing really changed. the only thing that changed was that republican base voters said, this is our guy. and anybody who wanted to be associated with the republican party needed to get in line. >> urban phil look, it is this is the problem when you run in a primary, when you have a record, you go on television, you speak your mind and it ends up come back to bite you in the right. this is what we're seeing here you yeah, it is amazing that he said those things i mean they're pretty strong. those shame on him for speaking his mind about that statement against current running mate right now and he's gonna have to explain them away a little bit more. i think that the dan points out jd vance is a yale educated lawyer, very smart guy. and so look, you could have a conversion, you could change your mind about someone's performance and how they've done the job and how they perform on the job. but he's going to need to have a little bit better explanation to how
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he was so vehemently opposed to somebody. and then now he's on the ticket won one thing i want to go to daniel dale right now. >> he's armed a resident fact checker and there were many things that were said at the convention that were shall we say, contrary to the facts, fact challenged just give us just give us a sampler because we don't have all night indeed. so jake, two of the biggest lies came from former president trump. he didn't speak live of course, but he gave pre-recorded video comments in which he repeated some of his usual election nonsense and talking about the 2020 election having been unfair, democrats supposedly being serial election cheaters, just nonsense. they're also us smattering of false or misleading claims from others. the chairman of the republican national committee on michael watley, claimed there was peace in the middle east under president trump four years ago, not even close to true. there were a whole bunch of ongoing wars, not to mention, of course, the unresolved israeli palestinian conflict, a pre-recorded video claim that trump sign the largest tax cut in history. he didn't not
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other pre-recorded videos talked about inflation being at a 40 year high, didn't explain that that high was actually hit two full years ago, june 2022, that inflation today is about a third of what it was then. same with gas prices. they had a video in which people complain that they have to deal with the national average of more than five bucks per gallon, didn't explain that that was the june 2022 average now. way down from that as well. i also want to fact check a claim from georgia congresswoman marjorie taylor greene. she was talking about the biden era economy. take a listen they claim that our economy is thriving, yet hundreds of thousands of american born workers lost their jobs these past few fears. this claim is misleading at best, and i think i'm being generous data actually shows there has been major job growth for american born workers under president biden. 4.7 million more american born workers had jobs in june 2024, last month then three years prior, know i said misleading rather than false because sure. it's possible hundreds of thousands of particular american porn
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workers lost their jobs under president biden. but green certainly created the impression i think jake, that american born workers on the whole have lost jobs during this presidency and that's just wrong. this group has gained big on the whole. jake all right. daniel, dale, thanks so much. all right. when we were when we were talking, i was just going to say about senator grants. i think everyone's record with the fact that he said very critical things about trump raised the question if he was a hitler like figure and what that looks like, one thing, that stood out to me is, you know, whatever you're getting a job, you always wonder why is the job open? who had it last and why are they no longer? and it obviously mike pence is not here tonight for a reason and to look at why that was when i spoke to senator jd vance a few months ago, i asked him he was very clearly in the running to be donald trump's vice president. i asked if it gave him any pause, how trump treated mike pence, someone who was a very loyal lieutenant of his navigated him very well during those four years that they serve together. obviously, donald trump, as we've seen, with other members of his
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cabinet, is not always easy to work with or doesn't always get along with people that he has picked it and put in those positions and jd vance is responses actually not that it gave him any concern. he actually said that he didn't believe he was skeptical of pence when he claimed that his life was at risk on january 6, and it just kind of puts into perspective also the caliber of people that trump was considering not just there resume and what they've done on the hill, but also what they would do in a situation like that, that is really the number one issue to donald trump. >> you know, we've been talking a lot tonight about what but jd vance does for the ticket. i think maybe the better question is, why did donald trump picked them? and i think that goes directly to what you were just talking about. kaitlan. and that is the fact that just probably is more governing pick than it was a campaigning pick and he's thinking less about who's going to put them over the top. i think donald trump thinks i'm going to win this election on my own. but i got to live with somebody from four years. and if there's one thing, i mean, when you think of mike pence and how he just kind of checked
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his hit, anything he believed in at the door and for four years, did donald trump's bidding. and then of course, on january 6, 2021, did not i think that was the unforgivable sin and maybe what donald trump sees in jd vance, not necessarily be on january 6, but at somebody that he can count on to do what donald trump wants and to be faithful to donald trump's wishes. anderson jake, thanks very much. >> we talked to earlier and i want to talk a little bit more about some of what we saw, particularly earlier on during the convention or the outreach to black voters a number of speakers, in particular john james of michigan congressman, i want to play a little bit of what he said and talk about it. >> i. heard a little earlier today if you know, evoke down. some of you ain't black
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here's. the thing by the grace of god and the proven leadership of donald trump for every american, regardless of race, color, and creed, we could once again have a land where tiles outcome isn't determined by their zip code then you had made the point earlier that there was not a great time years ago when a child's outcome was not determined by zipcode? >> well, yeah. i mean, that's just it's a weird thing to say because i mean, that's true. it's also true for poor white kids. i mean, if you grow up in a neighborhood that's impoverished and didn't have opportunity. so i think those kinds of comments don't move black voters glee to seem out of touch him bizarre. and so that's part of the challenge they have here. they're reaching out to the black community. but an amber rose when she talks, it lands is authentic. it makes sense. you can tell she's coming from within the experience and
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she's talking that cuts. she was perfect. i mean, if you want she gave a masterclass on political conversation. those speeches to me, and i don't mean to take anything away from her leadership, but they seem to be coming from people who talked about black people, not to black people. they talked about black issue is not due in thing i thought was most harmful was attempt scott, who i love and admire when he talked about the thousands of black children there have been killed in chicago, he had to glean his voice. he was like sort of like a point point-scoring. but, you know, those of us who go to those funerals in sit with those grandmothers and those mothers and look at young people in the caskets. there's no glee about that. that's that that's not that worried about politicizing funerals in our community is not a good strategy. for moving the black vote. so i just, i understand what they're trying to do, but i think i've got to really look at this because the way you can give offense and also the other thing that james said that that was bad. he talked about black children
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can't read. look, we have some challenges but please don't take away from the millions and millions of black children who can't read, who do read and who are held by teachers who in toughened schools at learning the joy reading. there's just a way that you can sometimes tried to play with these tropes for an audience like that, that really lands badly in the community i've got a nugget from a republican pollster source, friend of mine who's doing some testing among black and hispanic voters in the wake of the assassination attempt. >> and i'll just tell you what they said. minority men especially middle age and young minority men are in thrall called with how trump responded to the assassination attempt. these are not overtly political people, but it's obvious the story transcends politics in their minds and it's all about strength and courage under fire. put another way, the testosterone is flowing now you are correct on that. >> 50 cent came out and played
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many men and showed a picture of donald trump and anybody who knows anything about hip hop many men wish death on me it's a very strong defined anthem in the black community and $0.50 of play that there are things that are happening here. there are ways that there's a you know, unfortunately having court tv all summer has created donald trump as almost like a john gotti of folk hero among some people, black and white so there's stuff going on here, but i just think that the particular way they dealt with it tonight, i have christine, you mentioned tim scott and i'll say in burrows, let's just play some sound from both of them america is not a racist country i realized donald trump and his supporters don't care if you're black, white, gay, or straight. it's all love and that's when it hit me. these are my people. this is where i belong i mean, listen, donald
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trump's also playing to the youth vote. the gen z-ers who maybe haven't voted in a previous election and don't have deeply baked in perspectives on either of these candidates who probably feel very disillusioned by the fact that we have basically two octogenarian running against each other. but if you look at tiktok, if you look at social media, which is where young voters are watching this, they're not watching on linear. donald trump knows how to use messages like that in blasted out to tens of millions of people. he knows how to play the meme games. he knows how to create viral moments and share them. so that's also something i couldn't sleep on in this election because that's traditionally been something that's more of a democratic coalition, something that obama obviously turned out. and i think he's making a real play there. but i think trump also has look, he has a personal history of things like the justice department coming after him because you refuse to rent to black vote black renters in his properties. i mean, he obviously has said many things that are i would argue deeply problematic in terms terms of aiding and abetting some of the white supremacist of factions in this country that i think are as, i think, voters of all
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hey were reaching out to teamsters that i think the osmosis of that is is pretty powerful. >> and i agree there's all sorts of texts substance, however you want to put it for biden to execute are the
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democrats to execute against republicans, particularly against donald trump and his actual record. but you need to be really nimble to execute nicole, savant and she alluded to her democratic friends who would say, you know, you can't say that, you can't do this. >> that is so much more effective. that's something
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language far more outrageous
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and offensive than that. and equivocating him to hitler is your running mate. you basically just welcomed that conversation, which i think is kind of been the core democratic message back into the ether. so i think that that kind of what could have been even half a week of sort of people really hold holding what they were going to cry besides donald trump over it, welcomed that back into the discourse with the selection of this. and i agree with that, and i think that there's i think you can kind of feel almost like a champing at the bit of people to get back to. everybody knows we're in the midst of a hard-fought presidential campaign. and you can sort of feel everyone's creeping back closer. for to criticize me. tell you heard it from some of the speakers tonight. you heard it some from president biden in his interview. i mean, i think everybody recognizes there are significant stakes in this election, and i think it's even given the significance and the horribleness of what happened over the weekend, it i'm not sure. scott saying there's no way to change the dynamic back between now and 112 days from now, 14 days
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that's i look, i don't disagree. i don't disagree that the strength the strength contrast. yeah. trump had his instinct to throw his fist up. that photo. all of it reinforced strength. i'm not just not disputing that but i also think we can't sit here 100 plus days out from the election and say definitively, we know what the dynamics are going to look like three-and-a-half months from now, you believe a 1% chance that on election day, more americans will view joe biden as a stronger leader than donald trump. i think there is a very good chance more americans will view donald trump as a bigger threat. to their future than joe biden. i think i think if you want to ask for the biden campaign, i think it's to the rhetoric that you were using previously that trump is going to end the country burned constitution and he's a moderate hitler. it's going to back but i mean, that is true. >> i mean, trump uses that. >> if you have another for years take on what happened this week, but i think i just but even in his state when backfire to go back to that
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right. threat. to democracy just two days ago on truth. so but also even in the statement he put out today about unity. if you've read the sentences before him and don't have it in front of it, but it's all about the getting rid of all the court cases, it's still the election laws i mean, it's not as if there has been i just feel like we've seen multiple campaigns where people talked about a change of tone and donald trump and how, i mean, i remember in 2016 interviewing him and i'm talking about well, i can be so presidential have a presidential tone auwe on teleprompter. i expect him to be presidential. i actually think you will have a well-written and thoughtful, substantive, forward-looking speech. it's what he does when he's not on prompter, when he's rallied up by a crowd, when he's out there campaigning or the things that he's actually going to do from a policy perspective. >> i look i look i've been running columns for almost ten years now saying donald predicted donald trump's presidency would end badly because character is destiny i've been saying how expecting donald trump to pivot to being
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presidential is like waiting for godot. just not going to happen, but i want to give due credit to scott's point that getting shot at can change a person. so we'll see the mic, one source of skepticism and the fact that 78 year-old's even when they go through something dramatic, don't tend to change their fundamental natures too much. but it's possible. i'll credit you that i don't know that he knows how i don't know that he knows the language of being a conciliator for more than five minutes and the idea that he is going to i'd not go back to calling his opponents vermin and marxists and fascists and communists and all that kind of stuff. that's the language he's learned how to speak in. and i don't know that he's even get berlitz phrase book and get up to speed on how to be a middle road die without what i would say is i do feel that democrats right now so frozen because we don't want to be mean or insensitive or whatever. but if they keep giving us the permission
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structure to get out of this box, we have to get out of it. jd vance is unlocking a door that you guys don't want you to meet. you, pick somebody who's mean to us, you pick somebody who's a barn burner, you didn't pick nikki haley? that begins to open door back up for us to get out of this crowd right now, democrats are in a crash. we are not going to stay here if we, if we continue to see a stepstone, i also think by the way, that biden laid out in the interview a path forward on this, which is, you know, you don't, you can criticize somebody, you can criticize the substance of what they're putting forward without doing it in terms that are in that are going to incite violence. and he i think that was a piece of the interview tonight that i thought was very good for him in that he sort of he laid down a road map of how he clearly intends to get back into taking this to trump, and it doesn't mean using hateful language, which i would argue not is not joe biden. anyway. but if he was lying yet this this roadmap of how we're going to have this respectful. why was he so mad snapping it, lester holt, what is your gut
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question your guys, this is happening and guess what, it's time for its time to break out the magic wall. >> john king, we we brought you brought your portable magical wall here today walking. it's beautiful and walk us through where the race stands. right now, i think the most striking thing jake is on this first night of the republican convention. i'll be turned this way. she can get a closer look. just take a look between the then and now. this is the event and this is the 2020 presidential election. this is joe biden's overwhelming and convincing win the electoral college. yes, the former president was in the room here tonight. others in the room here tonight still say this was rigged or unfair election. that's not true. it's just not true. joe biden won and he won big. that was that 306 to 232. but this is our current scene and projection of where we are now and look at this. if donald
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trump won, what we have here dark red states solid report, publican, light red states leaning republican if he won just those right there, he would already have the path to 270. you'd have 272 electoral votes. looks what is different. we have wisconsin is a tossup. we have pennsylvania as a toss up to critical states for joe biden michigan right now, another critical state for biden, leaning republican georgia of state biden flipped leaning republican arizona, a tossup state that was a step by state. biden flipped nevada a state he won leaning republican. this is the dire strait for joe biden right now. on the first night of the republican convention, tomorrow is 16 weeks to election day, 16 weeks from tomorrow, we count the votes. it is tough to change a map like this in that amount of time. and here's why democrats are so worried. why so many democrats are saying mr. president, please reconsider and get out of this race because right now trump is leading here and trump is leaning here, leading here narrowly. but he's ahead in
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those states. trump is leading here that's 312, 11 patrol votes. trump is leading in this nebraska congressional district. let me change it that way nebraska does it by congressional district. that's 313 electoral votes democrats are warning that trump may not be well ahead. it may still be margin of error, it might be a tie, but right now, trump is competitive here. that's blue virginia. that's blue new hampshire. so the warnings of the white house are donald trump could conceivably, if the current dynamics in the race hold, get 330 or more electoral votes well, it's, that's what they believe now, if you're a democrat, if you're in the biden white house, yes, there are 16 weeks to election day. so can it be done, come back to this can it be done? yes. but it's a very narrow path for joe biden. he must win this. he must change this michigan has to go blue and he must win this look at that number, even if he did that, when the three blue wall states, he's at 269. so he either has to get arizona
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and nevada back or get georgia back and when the nebraska congressional districts, joe biden has essentially one, maybe two narrow path to 270. donald trump has so many, there are viable paths to get him as high as 330, which means you can take some states away, jake and he would still get to 270 donald trump on the first night of his convention. and democratic people who are studying the data closely say it keeps getting worse for the president, donald trump opened his convention tonight in a commanding position in this race period. >> yeah, jon stewart there because i want to play some fresh sound from the new of vice presidential running mate for donald trump, au, republican senator jd vance, talking about the phone call that he got when donald trump offered him a spot on the team take a listen he just said, look, i think got to go save this country. i think you're the guy who could help me in the best way you can help me govern, you can help me when you can help me in some of these midwestern states like
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pennsylvania and michigan and so forth. >> so interesting we talked about that earlier jd vance, son of ohio and the ability of him to help with those blue wall states, pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin western pennsylvania, a key part of pennsylvania, key part of the commonwealth, right? >> across the border from ohio. and so that's one of the reasons that he was picked according to jd vance, you just made an excellent point when you said western pennsylvania this i think it will be the interesting test case to watch jd vance get on the road, watch where they put them not just on the ground campaigning but on television interviews is one of the things have vice presidential nominee does a lot of local television interviews. let's see how they use jd vance. let's use your home state, the commonwealth of pennsylvania is jd vance going to flip allegheny county? where pittsburgh is from blue to red, know no. most unlikely anyway. anyway, but but does he change the margins that's the question, right. so you're in a place like this, you know, this allegheny county, pittsburgh's right here, strong democratic
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stronghold. but as you move up where the president's rally was in butler is up here to the north of that. as you go up as you move up here there are voters who are available to you. 59% to 39% there. if you go back to 2016 you come back there 56%, you might say 59, 56, that's close, doesn't matter. it matters a loss. it matters a lot. the third party candidates, again, we're talking about trump biden vance kamala harris tonight. but the third party candidates matter as well. the issue is you have places like that. will we see my question is, do we see jd vance over in places like this, bucks county? the more blue collar, the more competitive of the philadelphia collar counties may be plays there. some blue collar people here as you move into montgomery county and you come down here in chester county? and move over here to delaware county. those are where that's where donald trump kryptonite, the american suburbs is to donald trump's kryptonite. and does jd vance helped? there? his record on abortion, his record on other issues? there's nothing on paper today that says jd vance will help you here but but
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western pennsylvania, then you come across again, michigan, the teamsters president was here tonight. joe biden as trouble with some auto workers, there are places in michigan notice donald trump came into the hall tonight before gentleman from western michigan spoke to trump, people timed his entrance for a reason because they know where this rachel, we won or lost. so can he help here? can he help here well, remember, he's from here in ohio, are reliably red state here. and if you remember back on the night of 2016, jake, the first clue that donald trump was going to have a good night was when the votes started coming in. in northern kentucky, right along the ohio border. and yes, you knew donald trump is going to win kentucky. it's a red state, but the turnout was coming through the roof. that's when we first started because if that happened there, then what had happened here and this communities just like that here in pennsylvania and there's also communities just like that to the west in michigan and wisconsin turnout matters. can jd vance get more white trump
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voters maybe disillusioned with both candidates. a lot of voters out there who don't like either of these major party nominees for president. one of the things that gets forgotten sometimes look at that 62 million votes, right? 63 if you round of votes for donald trump in 2016, he got a lot more votes in 2020, he still lost because joe biden and the democrats turned out so many more voters. president biden has an enthusiasm problem right now if jd vance can help donald trump, turn out every maga republican, every maybe non-trump republican. but by dna, republican who can't vote for biden that number might be enough this time, if you can match that number or turn it up a little bit, it might be enough if the third party candidates are more of a factor in 2024, they were not a factor in 2020. and if biden loses just a little bit in black turnout, a little bit, and latino turnout a little bit in the suburbs burbs. so that's jd vance thing tried to get trump back to the 2016 model of where he did well, but with the 2020 numbers, bring them out. so let's turn to something that i think is under discussed when
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it comes to policy. >> and what we heard tonight, jd vance, senator vance is not just this quintessential american success story. he is also one of the leading skeptics in the united states senate of aid to ukraine. and what we heard from david sacks, this entrepreneur from silicon valley today this evening in a primetime speaking slot, was a very curious interpretation of the war in ukraine. noah rothman, who is a conservative writer for national review rights. david sacks alleges that joe biden quote, provoked yes, provoked unquote russia's invasion of ukraine. and he perpetuated the war by failing to endorse a russian backed peace proposal. this is rothman still saying sachs laid the blame for ukraine civilian casualties, not at black. vladimir putin's feet joe biden's and, that is a fairly
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shocking statement to be made at a republican party convention. yes, we know that donald trump is of the more isolationist wing of his party but now we have conservatives basically saying that they are stunned, that david sacks was given this speaking slot to basically blame the war in ukraine, on joe biden instead of vladimir putin, which maybe not in those stark terms, but we've heard donald trump do similar effectively saying saying that if i were president, this wouldn't have happened maybe not about those terms and about the potential deal. i understand. but it is definitely another example a very big, if very consequential example. jake, of the way that this republican party is so
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different from the one that we covered early on. and i've heard from other national security minded republicans that they are concerned for the reason you just said about jd vance on the ticket coming up, what's the next for the republicans here in milwaukee, wisconsin, and how president biden is responding to the gop convention. stay with us cnn is live from milwaukee as republicans unite behind their nominee, his vp, and they're plan to take back the white house, follow cnn for complete coverage the republican national convention coverage continues all week on cnn and streaming on max at morgan stanley old school hard meets bold new thinking at 88-years-old, we still see the world with a wonder of new helping you discover untapped possibilities and relentlessly
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month gets started today at four this is cnn. the world's news network don't trump party wrapping day. >> one of her republican national convention in milwaukee with their parents by their presidential nominees, still bandaged up on his life. now, it is on to day to president biden is in las vegas nice au cnn's kayla tausche. kayla, how is the president responding to what's been happening? the republican convention? >> anderson has evening president biden called senator jd vance, the vice presidential pick, a clone of trump that was carefully calibrated. sound bite sized line that we expect to hear a lot of as the president as well as vice president harris, respond to the news of what the ticket looks like. for the republicans, vice president harris sending out fundraising emails and many campaign officials talking about the
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desire to really frame at least the vice presidential discussion on reproductive rights, as well as the future of democracy that the big moment for president biden today was his sit down interview with lester holt of nbc news that was expected to take place in austin in texas. but when biden postponed that travel in the wake of trump assassination attempt, that interview still took place at the white house, and it was yet another opportunity where biden would it's hoping to prove to the american people and the american media, as well as the democratic class writ large that he was up to the task of four more years. he was extremely defensive in that interview here he apologized for some of the rhetoric that he used as it related to his opponent on the campaign trail. but he reverted essentially back to some of his campaign hey, rhetoric saying that he was not the one who would pledge to be a dictator on day one that he, president biden was not the one who challenge the outcome of the 2020 election. so hitting that i get president trump on some of those very familiar topics here in nevada, he's going to try to turn to policy tomorrow
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talking about taking for workers we're workers are concerned. anderson, we all saw the president of the teamsters on stage tonight. i'm told that the teamsters are withholding an endorsement until after the conventions as they usually do. but as of right now, that democrats have not expected and it an invitation for aubrian to appear at their big convention in august, anderson kayla tausche. thanks so much. want to play some more. another clip of president biden talking to lester holt who do you listen to on deeply personal issues like the decisions whether to stay in the race or not i've been doing this a long time the idea i'm the old guy, i am i'm old but i'm only three years older than trump. number one and number two my mental acuity has been pretty good. i've gotten more done than any president there's no long, long time and three-and-a-half
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years so i'm wondering to be judged on that. i understand. i understand why people say, god, he's 81-years-old once you're going to be when he's 83-years-old or 84 years? so legitimate question. mask team here. >> i mean then how long can this go on for? >> i mean, this mean on the democrat side. well, look, i think it's probably going to go until november and i want to give the president some credit before it was he's heightened biden heightened biden. he won't come out. he won't do unscripted. he won't do interviews. he hasn't enough interviews. so then he does them and he sounds like an old guy. but this was not a rambling, incoherent mess the way he was on that debate stage. and he's trying to stick up for himself. and by the way he's got to reasons to go for himself because he has gotten a lot done it's i think it's hard for americans to feel it the way that he wants us to.
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but anyway, i met my question by the way, on how long it has gone for. i mean the the the in decision on it. i mean, their overhang. yeah. whether man we the clock running out on us we're going to have to make a decision at some point, the dnc is going to have to decide if nothing else, we're ohio, that this is a ticket and that set and when that happens, we're going to fight till the last dog barks for joe biden because we believe joe biden is bad for this country, even if he is old than donald trump. but in the meantime, i think it's a healthy sign for this party to have a discussion is we a cult. you would be in a cult if your candidate did something awful and you couldn't debate it, and you couldn't talk about it. the republicans apparently, no matter what happens, they won't debate. you can have all kinds of belize icon. terrible stuff is all right with them, but with us while we get new facts and new data, we discussed that we debated. we had a primary well, yes, many people many people ran,
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including trump. we had a primary. we add debates there were votes. trump won in the democratic party you know, they ran rfk junior out of the room, wouldn't let him challenge joe biden word that gets you not in a good place right now. they rigged the thing for biden. you have not had a debate and it's why right now on the latest nbc poll but liked 30% of democrats are satisfied with their party's nominee. there was an important thing, joe biden said right there, by the way, he said, i've got a record now willing to be judged on it. he just asked the american people for a referendum on his record. he currently has a 32% approval rating. i'll take it well, from a pr perspective, i just find that every time they've put them out since the debate, it hasn't gotten better. you could argue the nato press conference was maybe neutral. it didn't do a ton of harm, but frankly, if bar for the democratic nominee is simply that he can answer basic foreign policy questions on issues he's worked on for 40 years. it's a pretty low bar and acknowledging there's a low bar that we have on the right it's not, he's been unable to get past this place of
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defending why he should be in the race and what he's accomplished. there's no forward-looking vision. he's not talking about. here's what we're going to do next term. here's what your next four years are going to look like. and that's what keeps them stuck in this sort of stagnant place. and why frankly, i think conversations are going to continue with them leadership because listen, people might be willing to sell sacrifice the presidency, but down-ballot races, i don't think we have another i think we have another bite from this lester holt interview. let's play that why don't you guys ever talk about the 18 to 28 lies he told where why did the press ever talk about 28 times? >> it's confirmed he lied in that debate i had a bad bad night i wasn't feeling well at all and i had been without him making i screwed up should point out we did extensive fact-checking on all the lies told by donald trump in that debate. the question is, why couldn't he on the stage?
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pushed back on those, those those lies effectively, but to the question of you know, also john king has reporting earlier stanley greenberg has been sending poll numbers to the inner circle of president biden, making the argument that it does not look good well, i look it shouldn't go on much longer if democrats want to win this election. i mean, i think there has been, look you know, scott can say the process was rigged, but he's the incumbent president. others got into the race. dean phillips actually gotten the race and made this exact case and didn't get the votes that he needed to become the nominee. joe biden became the nominee by the votes of voters who who voted in the democratic primary. he has said many, many times after having been questioned many times about this, that he's not stepping down and he is going to be the nominee. so at some point, democrats have to decide that they want to try to win this election and turn their fire on donald trump. i think there is. i should have said turned their fire. i apologize.
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not the phrase that i meant they need to turn their focus on donald trump but i do think there has to come an end to this. i think everybody in the party leadership has made their case. they've spoken to the president privately as we've heard from from a lot of reporting and the president has said that he's not going to step down. so i at a certain point. we can, we can keep arguing in circles about this, or we can decide that we want to put our full throat are full chest or full voice behind joe biden and go try to win this race and i do think that this the finish line for this this needs to be insight here. >> what do you do though when the guy who's running believes he's destined to win and virtually every other single person in your party strategists, elected official in otherwise, thinks he is destined to lose when the core argument is up until now. if we lose the country's over, how do you square that? how do you
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square that as a as a democrat, do you believe it or not? he has there is no guarantee that somebody else is going to win this election. that's where the argument starts to fall apart that people are making. there is no magic one, no one has a crystal ball, no one can say if we inserted fill in the blank here, vice president harris or any other nominee into this race, they are guaranteed to beat donald trump. that's where that argument starts to fall. they are, they are guaranteed to be able to campaign and that's, that's the thing i look at is the i don't think joe biden can campaign for president. i think kamala harris can. i think a lot of the other people can. i mean, i have my preferences, but i got no party loyalty. the defense here just think as a just a i don't think he's good enough to i don't think he's in good enough shape to serve for format second event. yours thing. there is a character piece here, that thing people may be missing, which is the diligence, the perseverance that he is showing is itself an argument for his character history making night at the republican national i mentioned there's much more headlong coates picks up our coverage africa, referring bad job for a
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