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tv   CNN Republican National Convention  CNN  July 15, 2024 9:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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coates and we are live from the walkie welcome to cnn special live coverage of the republican national convention. >> we are alive inside the cnn grill right here in milwaukee, where convention attendees are gathering they are celebrating after a busy first night of your republican national convention. and you know what a lot has happened already here tonight. but perhaps the biggest moment we were all waiting for the arrival of a man who just 48 hours hours ago survive. what is being investigated as an assassination attempt. former president donald trump was next to him. the man who solve the mystery of who trump will next aim as his running mate ohio senator jd vance, and both were nominated by republicans earlier. today but tonight was
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more than about the fist pump. >> it was also a night in speeches focused on today's theme. it was make america a wealthy again, you probably saw all the different signs that were in the convention hall in each day. it's going to bring yet another new theme of the convention and speakers mostly focused on those issue is we economy by these policies, but also both of trump's sons spoke to cnn about the shooting and how it is affecting their father here's the hospital and i get a call from him and he cracked a little joke and i knew that donald trump, i know the father i know is you know, his back. he certainly understood dans how llosa wilson, and at the same time, he's not deterred at that moment when he stood up after being shot at and just showed resolve to keep fighting for this country, that that was everything for me. i just literally don't want to you're the biggest badass i know well, tonight's event comes on a
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monumental day for trump when it comes to his legal jeopardy. >> judge aileen cannon throwing out throwing out the classified documents case against him at attention. special counsel tonight says that they are going to appeal and all of this as we get news on the other side of the aisle, despite being what, 37 days away from the democratic thick national convention, first telling cnn that the private effort from democrats and nudge president biden out of the race is apparently still going on and it continues tonight. we'll talk about all of these things from inside the grill here. but let's first begin with the convention. joining me here, harry enten, david polyansky, tara palmeri and cnn's own mark preston foot, glad to have all of you guys here. look, we were all waiting on this moment where what, 72 hours since an assassination attempt of a former president, united states, he came in he appeared to be quite emotional at first. we walked on to the convention floor how significant was that moment to see him knowing that he intends to change? his
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speech to be one of unity look, it was it was rockets in a way for him to come into a kiwis. >> he was welcomed as a conquering hero in many ways night, do you think that that iconic picture, which were golf bribing now is because it is an iconic picture. you know, really kind of like typified where we are in the race right now in weird, he thinks he can take the rates now weather he can keep the discipline of being focused on, you know, being somebody who can unite the country remains to be seen, but at least that's what he's trying to play right now. and i do believe that the discipline we've seen so far has been the most shocking things i mean, there's a plan in terms of the themes of thing on topic is i think he expected the republican national convention because we know that politics is not a bean bags or it's sometimes a contact sport. >> should not be physical as it has turned into, which still it wasn't change in tone. but is it enough to bridge more people into the fold? >> absolute? well, not so the
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former president came into the debate and certainly came in to this weekend. >> and now until the convention with a pretty sizable lead you look at national polling, which obviously isn't all that overwhelmingly compelling, but he's up by almost 4% on average at this point in the race four years ago, joe biden was up by almost nine points. now you go to the battleground states where he's leading in every single one of them. and frankly, he's about let's expand the map in the states like virginia, new mexico, and even in minnesota and so there's a lot of confidence brewing with the president, with his team and now with his picked and i think you sense that today in the proud and the audience that they were thrilled to see him there, excited to see him yeah, they're thrilled that he's healthy and in a strong position but today they are celebrating he is pick in his position politically as well, and i think that is giving him the confidence to be a unifying force because in for all intents and purposes the racism easy to be back you heard he is
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come about why is the race over to you? leading the financial advantage with a major financial advantage who is leading in every? in metric my imaginable and the other side is debating how the toss out the sitting president of the united states with 37 days left until their convention well, i'm all for hold on to happen at the bit just because i feel the confidence i fear for republicans on their side of the aisle, it may be creeping into over competence, right? but there's no doubt that donald trump leads nationally. there's no doubt that he leads in the important battleground states. there's no doubt he's in his best political position that he's ever been in in terms of a general election but if you take a step back and you do what i do for a living and you look at past polling errors and
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look how much racist can shift from this point until the general election. there's roughly about a one in four shot flipping the coin twice and landing on hedge twice. that's the chance that i believe joe biden hasn't winning that election. now, what i much rather be donald trump oh my goodness, gracious. but the idea in my opinion that this race is over, i'm not quite sure i'd go that far least. >> yeah. >> sorry. go ahead. >> well, i just i just wanted to say real quick in most campaigns, i agree with you. campaigns are generally about should this person hold office, should donald trump or should joe biden be president? the challenge here is that's no longer the case. it's ken joe biden, be president and un overwhelming amount of voters including democrats, don't think so. so polling errors, margin of error, that phone out the door. nobody believes joe biden can not only win this race, but can serve another four years. and i don't think that's possible to overcome. >> look, my father always says put a fork in it. it's done.
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you agree with that assessment right now when it comes to the border? remember to the current brazil, united states, i think there's a real push among democratic leadership they're strategizing, they're trying to figure out a way to move them off because they know they're going down the ship i mean, the way i would describe it as it's like there on the titanic and they're just seeing the violin seriously. there is a real resignation or remorse. and its strategy and it's every day, it's, it's fluid. you know, he talked to people and they're thinking, okay, maybe today is the day, but he has to decide for himself. today is the day that what that he can be convinced or that he will decide that he should not be at the top of the ticket. here's the game changer, the x factor itself. if someone else, if trump runs against someone else because they would like to run against aubiden. that is the campaign that they have strategized around those, what they've craft around, you throw in someone different than yes, four months from now is a totally different. so let's just take a step back because we had it's interesting to me and i think democrats are probably very upset to think i'm the first day the republican national convention, the focus continues to be on
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the current president is now maybe if you're president trump or former as want that to be the case but in terms of the tone today we didn't really hear a lot of attacks personally about biden. we heard about the policy and the idf the economy in a different way. how did that tone strike you? does it? resonate with you in this conversation? >> well, i mean, it comes back to the whole idea of them staying on message in the campaign and look, the donald trump, we're seeing one right now. oh, this campaign is much different than we've seen in previous campaigns. there's a lot more disciplined susie wiles, who's running the campaign, is keeping it very, very tight. they may you're, talking not talking about two days. we're talking about over time, this campaign feels different, not just the last few days no, but i think what we've seen over the last two days is a culmination of them making him stay on message he's been more on message now, i know it sounds crazy for me to say this, but he's been on more met ethan on message more now than he's ever been than i've ever seen him at this point.
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>> and i do think that what i expected tonight and i was wrong is that we would we would see a lot more anger coming out from folks and we didn't see that necessarily. they were told this to the scripts. they can smell victory. they can smell it. you even just look at the gop platform how many times does the word marriage mentioned the gop platform? once how many times was abortion mentioned in this gop platform once these would be issues, if you go back to 2016, that were mentioned dozens of times they are running a campaign to try and win in the middle at this point, they can smell the victory and they feel like unity can be the thing that can take them there, whether or not it ultimately does, we'll have to wait and see, but so far it's working. let me ask. orders will come out i'm border as well, his base after this attempts, like it's a pretty locked shore for one thing, he will have high turnout even before that. hold on. this is the case it is the it is assured victory, which
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i'm going to cause that no i nothing short is happening no. >> i hear your point. but if that's the case, why is he elon musk asking are going to get $45 million a month for the next several months. what a lot of money in politics, maybe the layman, not people who are in the strategy and the pundit field would say, well, do you need sure victory. why so much funny. look, this is just the campaign anymore about the white house. >> this is about ensuring control of the senate and the house. but also gubernatorial races across the country in down-ballot this is the moment, this is the election for republicans and conservatives across the country to seize the moment and take control of government in down the ladder. and why that matters. sure, it matters at the federal level for things like supreme court nominations tax cuts, which will expire next year. all of that matters but what happens at the local level matters to its where you decide policies that impact a lot of us on our everyday lives. we see it firsthand. and just as
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importantly, that's actually where we start to build our base for the future of candidates and the growth i would just say add when you smell victory, you don't all of a sudden run away from the kitchen. you run towards the kitchen. you put more money down sure. that that victory actually comes because as you were just saying, laura, nothing is assured. you put in more money in those racist you make sure if you're beating joe biden, you can continue to beat joe. >> what about the choice for the vice president? you're talking about the tone being decidedly different over time, but it was not perhaps as antagonistic. there's a lot about what going to happen there and the deflection of jd vance for in particular, but you know, it struck me today, the people who were speaking you had senator tim scott who had governor kristi noem, who had others who were all there. what did it say to you that this election of the people who came out of the gate you got amber rose talking as well. what was your thoughts well, i think that most of the people that were speaking there are
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there the bench for the you know, the future of the republican party since dollars trump can only serve one term essentially, jd vance would be a front runner because there'll be the vice president or if they went obviously. but yeah, this is the future of the republican in party. and the thing i gathered from jd, it seems like he's going to be the pick at this moment, right? because trump has taken this temperature tone, he's trying to be magnanimous. course he can do that like i said, because he's he's ahead in the polls and he's doing well in the race. but for now, he can have j d out there and i think they think that jd offers some help politically in the rust belt, but let's see, trump never really thought that a running mate would add much to the ticket. he always believed it was about him and it would irk him to think that someone could really help him, frankly, you know what we're going to get more i'm really intrigued by the choice of the vice presidential candidate. there's so much more to talk to you about that as an iv, not for one second thing this race is over and you know what? i think a lot of americans do not either our panel will get more into this discussion next more on trump's new running mate. they once fierce critic,
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remember that who called trump was a moral disaster i'll speak with a man who nominated jd vance and harry enten also will help us figure out whether this will help trump on the electoral map, we are continuing to cnn special live coverage it's where the cnn grill in milwaukee you think that our democracy is at risks. >> we have to be very concerned why do you think he's doing this in can he be talked out? >> do you think he's guilty? the lead with jake tapper? we days it for on cnn. hey, folks, chris kuhnian here with lee filter, america's largest gutter and gutter protection company, lee filter as over 150 locations and has been installed on over 1 million homes. we even protect and homes now for over 20 years, our patented technology offers total protection for your home and comes with a lifetime transfer from a warranty. the process is simple. give us a call to schedule your free gutter inspection. if you decide to move forward to
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oo this is a good book title. dilate we have given myself a small raise. join me at i'm elizabeth wagmeister in los angeles in this is cnn we are back live at the cnn grill right here in milwaukee. >> and you know, just eight years ago, lifetime ago in politics right? maybe several lifetimes ago. jd vance refuse to vote for donald trump in his first white house bid. and now he is who's running mate this is bans right before the 2016 election i'm a never trump guy. >> i never liked him. the media sort of asked me to be the spokesman for the white working class voter, his voting for trump, right but as somebody who doesn't like trump myself, i sort of, i understand where trump's voters come from, but i also don't like trump himself and that's made me realize that maybe i'm not quite part of either world total that was before the beard. >> and now he is very much in
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that world. i mean that the 180 degree turn pretty stark to say the least. and this is, of course, for somebody who normally has punish those who have gone against him. well, tonight he downplayed his past comments i was certainly skeptical of donald trump in 2016, but president trump was a great president and he changed my mind. >> i bought into the media's lies and distortions. i bought it this idea that somehow he was going to be so different president trump did a really good job, and i actually think it's a good thing when you see somebody you were wrong about, you ought to admit the mistake and admit they were wrong well, let's go through some of those comments in an op-ed mid-atlantic during trump's 2016 campaign bans called trumpy opioid of the masses he wrote trump's promises or the needle and america's collective vain. and he wanted. trump is cultural heroin he makes some feel better for a bit, but he cannot fit what aos them. and one day, they'll realize it
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uncork well, cnn's kfile uncovered tweets or bans in 2016 disparaging trump. they have have since been deleted. but in one, he says, quote, trump makes people i care about, afraid immigrants muslims, et cetera. i find him reprehensive principle. god wants better for us. now, the day of the access hollywood tape bans called on his fellow christians writing quote everyone is watching us and we apologize for this man, lord help bless your earlier that year, he even wrote that he hopes he would be remembered as someone who fought trump, quote, the most aggressively and i cannot stand trump because i think he's a fraud. >> well, i think he's a total fraud. that is exploiting these gaetz, who is a total fraud? but i agree with you on trump because i don't think that he's the person. i don't think he actually cares about folks, but i think that i'm going to vote for i'm going to
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vote third party because i can't stomach trump. i think that he's noxious and is leading the white working class to a very dark place. >> well, if dinah washington was saying what a difference a day makes, 24 hours, what a difference, eight years certainly has made. the about-face was never more evident than just even two years ago when vance is law school roommate, posted a screenshot of a message that vance sent him in february of 2016 and it vance rights. i go back and forth between thinking trump is cynical, like nixon wouldn't be that bad, or that he's america's hitler. his words, not mine. joining me now is tennessee governor john said he officially nominated jd vance, the republican national convention, and he's here now. thank you for joining us what a day you did not know this was going to happen. you were here, you were attending what do you think about the fact that he now will be the running mate of donald trump i'm excited about jd is son of ohio.
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>> he grew up humbly. has worked hard as whole life really talented guy. and now he's going to be donald trump's wing man. and ohio's proud to have him there. >> you know, there's been an evolution. many people wonder and what the criteria would be for how trump or choose his running mate and to giannis jd vance was not always a fan of donald trump. in fact, he had in the past have called him a cultural heritage for when reprehensible said that god wants something better for america. and now he has the running mate, you and i are speaking a little bit about some of the evolutions that have occurred did surprise you that he was the choice? no, because over time, i've seen jd really reflect on his humble beginnings and the hardworking people where he grew up. >> and he's like, you know, they like downtown for a reason. they think he's fighting for them. he is fighting for an agenda that's made in america that's securing the borders is protecting working families in those communities. and i think he realized that, hey, that's where my constituents are
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that's where i've got to be ohio is going to be one of those tapes. >> everyone's going to be watching. i'm from the midwest as well. i'm from the better state of minnesota, but i won't hold back against you right now. but you're fact that what i do wonder from the perspective of ohioans the idea that oftentimes inside the beltway gets the most attention, right? you places like new york, places like washington, dc. what is it about ohio voters in particular that you think they're going to be even more drama i'm maybe to a trump ticket knowing that vance is on it. yeah. they will. i think donald trump was already going to win ohio by double-digits. i think that that number goes up, which it's really important for our senate race, because we have bernie moreno on the republican side running for that senate seat. and i think it's really going to help him. that's probably the big factor in ohio that this nomination did today. i think it really helps bernie moreno win the sentence. >> one of the concerns of course, for everyone in the electorate is they do not want to have a repeat of something
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that is anything less than a peaceful transfer of power. and january 6 is still in the minds of so many people. at one point, senator vance said he would not have certified the election. you yourself have talked about in a post ones that that the constitutional peaceful transfer that's for power is what makes america special what's happening right now, referring to the capitol that day is a sad day for america what do you make of the fact that senator vance was not willing to certify would may not have voted. >> what we don't have to agree on every single thing i think senator vance made some really good points and the guy makes some really good points. but we're looking forward. i hope for america that what happened on saturday is going to be a little bit of a turning point for us. i sense that. i sense that in donald trump, i sense that and listening to the people that are at the convention that really they want to fight. they do want to fight for what they believe in and what they're against. but they think they're struggling to find the language to do that in a more perhaps constructive
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way. but i think that that's happening. i hope that i hope that worldview holds. that we find a way to air our differences without using language that incites something more severe, that we should never resort to violence, that we should look for. look to elections and being smarter than the other person and outwitting them and having better ideas as the currency of how we motivate me you're looking forward and i think every strategist and frankly the voters want to do the same. and yet there was the post right after that what could have been a fateful day? stay in america, it is still very much its know that there was grave danger posed to a former president united states. and i keep talking about how often we've heard in this country about where we are for you to win and no one wants to have that happen but then there was a post that senator vance posted about the rhetoric he believed frankly led to the assassination attempt and i was taken aback. were you it was
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pointed, but i there's some truth in it. there's some truth in the fact that no president presidential candidate has been attacked more than donald trump i get it. some people say he asks for it, but you want to know something. it's never stopped through the courts, through the media, through the democrats and their, and their advocates are attacking him personally. joe biden didn't use the language of putting a target on donald trump. that language is also out of bounds and look, i'm going to be a guy who's going to say, let's try to find some language that's aggressive in fighting for what we believe in. but let's not go over the top with it. there's no no doubt that language describing donald trump in the past has been over the top, and we've even seen it in the last two days. however, it's incumbent upon leaders the media, people in political life, to try to to find a language that is clear about what we believe in what we're fighting for, what we're against, but not over the top,
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personal attacks that would lead some lone ranger out there to want to it's hard to take justice in their own hand and that goes for both sides. it goes, it goes for the media and goes for the political parties. we all have a role in this as voices to the the american public. >> why they're looking ahead, looking to a brighter future. certainly felt so great to have you on. thank you so much for joining me. >> great to be with you well jd vance is announcements day followed a long often very public. >> can we call it an audition process from multiple candidates, many of whom came out today to publicly applaud from choice, not be back with my panel right here. now, and we're also joined by marc caputo. he's a national political reporter for the bulwark. alright. there were a lot of people auditioning for this role you know, i wonder how people were sort of smiling through irritation and frustration. but if the tone is to change toward unity, and you have that senator jd vance tweets what is it say about the
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choice? >> well, it says about the choices that it's about unity, right? you're going to talk about all we need, all come together and we need to unite as a country. but at the same time, you're going to have your attack dog who goes out there and tears apart the other people who don't get in line. that's the point. that's the purpose of jd fans and on the day of the assassination attempt, jd vance went right into that role even before he was picked. he just went right out there. he started attacking the media. he started attacking democrats, congressman, end. he also started attacking joe biden. he was basically auditioning ahead of time i'm saying, look trump. this is what i'm going to do. >> cashier the others couple of mouth did not have that burgum took a different tone by rubio took the job but baden get betrayed. say how bizarre i mean, again, showing my age here, i've covered many many, many, many, many, many presidential. >> you look so great a lot of money on your head no, but i've never seen a an auditioning
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process like this where the folks who were interested in becoming vice president were so public about it, and they wanted to see it was the apprentice really drag it out because he loves the art of the t's and he really didn't know until the last minute because we were in contact with the aids and they would say, okay, he's down to two or three it's bergam, it's rubio, it's jd and that it was gonna be jd for what pushed him over i mean, maybe it was a brush with death because i think there was a moment where he really did not use a scarce a hand over the maga man it's all to someone who is younger he didn't want to hand over what he created at first and then i think there were a lot of lobbying by his son, donald trump junior. >> a lot of butt kissing from jd vance or tucker carlson making a lot of phone calls law murdoch saying basically he wanted anyone but jd vance, which does not help in trump world because trump does not he's not happy with rupert murdoch. and i think eventually, i mean, perhaps he was thinking about his legacy for once, which is not
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something that donald trump typically thinks about. and it just, i mean i think he was always going to go with jd vance, but maybe this pushed it along exactly. >> and one of the things go no, no, no, no. i was just going to say when you face your own mortality, yes. maybe then you realize that but, you know, even if you win, you're only going to be present and for four more years. and then you have to pass the mantle to somebody else, but has the other thing, vp picks are about making the president. he'll pump it's not necessarily making the general electorate feel comfortable. there aren't marry many swing voters this evening and gone, well, you know, i wasn't thinking of voting for donald trump before but for now, but i read though. i mean, i mean, most folks at this point don't believe that donald trump is too old to be president. >> that may be the case on the democratic side. die, which is why the vp person there, kamala harris, is so important. but on the republican side, i just don't see it the same way. i think harry, on interesting point is jd vance well, it's a venture capitalist before this also success, successful writer
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he excelled in getting older, powerful men to give the money, to give him money is power and out of all of the people who are auditioning in this apprentice, i'd like to call the bachelor. >> i'm upset. no one got a rose hi, there was no rose ceremony, but he was auditioning the entire time. and one of the interesting things that trump was saying and sends to jd vance as he loves his beautiful so blue eyes, like literally jd vance was able to entranced president trump or former president trump and got him to pick tell, do a joke about princes is once i anywhere they weren't blue. you couldn't look and right, ai there was a whole skit about maybe i'm dating myself here. was there a moment though when they were together from the box where, you can see like a young donald trump and jd vance. i mean, they seem to have there were blowing out. he likes to broke out what guys? right into harry's point about like the legacy and what have you if rubio had been chosen and marco
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rubio probably better than anybody or have had bergen been chosen would have that been really the heir apparent for the maga movement? jd vance is clearly the heir apparent for the possible that i mean, you talk about marco rubio and others only when it don't you remember a trump who did not forgive those who would say negative things about them, are we that far away as long as they grovel got a grant, but he embarrassed. he also has embarrassed people in the past who has lingered, put a carrot out there knowing they will be no yeah. >> i'm burt he loves a good cop or more than anything else. he loves a good convert and you know, i just think about, a young donald trump. we're dealing with two guys who were in that box night to new york times bestsellers. he's immediate die as much some ways is donald trump is right? yes, there are some ways in which he differs from donald trump. put balsam, understand media and i think donald trump might have seen a lot of jd vance and himself. katie came along right? because let's just think
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back to the senate primary in ohio. it's six weeks to convince trump to endorse him in the primary. he was down, he was like 6 million down and fundraising the polls. >> and third in the polls, third of the polls, he needed trump's endorsement and in the end, donald trump junior was really on him, tucker carlson the whole maga crew, and they convinced him and he was reluctant to do it because of past comments. >> think of what jd vance was able to accomplish in two years to get him to how this a complete about-face and said, essentially pick someone that he knew that right of it would say this man called him american hitler, right it's not know about the age. and i were talking about so he is now going to be the youngest, i think vice presidential picks his wife first. >> one is the third, the third youngest ever at this point in time, the contract. >> the contract as put, you know, younger and i look today, it was 18 years ago today that twitter even lot to a lot of people who are wondering who the very first time. and we twitter in now vote, right? 18 two years later, people going up in the social media era,
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they're picking out different things like this rule would attract younger voters know. >> now, gone now but it's not about that though. it's you're on attracting voters in that rust belt or into some of these other states that are now expanding. whether that be, you know, new mexico, as you noted, georgia may be off to off the board, maybe north carolina is not the democrats at least at this point in time. but are we going to see him in that rust belt? we're going to see him in pennsylvania all the time. is his role as you note to be the attack dog and to try to win the rest belt. and if that's the case in trump wins i'll just say i am skeptical of that. and insofar as jd vance, actually did worse than ohio in 2022, which was a better republican year than donald trump did in 2020. he was underwhelming compared to the gubernatorial candidate who is running. obviously the governor coming governor there, mike dewine, and he was underwhelming compared to the average house candidate. this in my mind was not a picked that really was looking at
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electoral implications. it was a pick that made donald trump comfortable. that's true. however, let's face it out of the four people you got camila harris, you've got joe biden, you've got president trump, former president trump. you have jd vance out of the four of them, who's going to be best to talk in the rust belt? who's going to be best to talk about issues of the white working class and the white intellectual conservative class. it's jd vance and that's what trump is interested in maximizing the trump campaign likes to talk about, oh, we're going to get black voters au, we're gonna get an historic share of hispanic voters. maybe that's true. but in the end, the bread and butter of a republican can ticket as white voters jd vance speaks to white voters. >> well, we'll have to see what will come of asked and of course is one thing about pitching ones wire and then trying to convert everyone standby. we've got more breaking news tonight to discuss as well. you forgot this happen, probably judge aileen cannon throughout trump's federal classified documents case, the justice justice department is on the to appeal. we'll talk about why they should and what comes
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next. next this election season stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground. >> and the best political team in the business follow although voters follow the results follow the facts, follow. man when you're the leader, is that for clean up and restoration, how do you make like you've never even happened happened served for like ever even happened. i wonder if this gulf god's hands free driving but my sketches slip into a completely hands-free. i just step in the wrong reuse. a guy in court 91? no. is the other soaking my guy when that way choice hotels is a family of brands. >> it helps you get the most for your money. so you can be any traveler you want to be, you're going to be a free hot
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situation room with wolf blitzer. >> week night at six on cnn while there was major and i do mean major news on the legal front today for donald trump, judge aileen cannon dismissing the class by documents case. >> against the former president. now, why? well, because according to the judge, the appointment of special counsel, jack smith violates the constitution. she wrote in part quote, in the end, it seems executives growing comfort and appointing regulatory special counsels. and the more recent era has vowed an ad hoc pattern with little judicial scrutiny translation. she thinks that they should not have been able to appoint them without confirmation or otherwise, but the justice department isn't going down without a fight issuing a statement today saying, quote, the dismissal of the case deviates from a uniform conclusion of all previous courts to have considered the issue at the attorney general is secretory
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authorized to appoint a special counsel just department has authorized the special counsel to appeal the court's order for more. i want to bring in former nixon white house counsel and cnn contributor john dean on with former us attorney harry litman, glad to have both of you you guys here. john lee, begin with you because this was such a significant moment of all the ways a judge could put their thumb on the scale, whether it's why-dear, including evidence or in witnesses and beyond this was the ultimate and when you look at what happened leading up to the ruling today, john, are you surprised that she alleged we decided to dismiss this case not at all. >> she she seems to have gotten a telegraph in the concurring opinion of justice thomas, who raised issues that she indeed picked up and carried a distance, not not even he could carry in questioning the constitutionality of the appointment processed under the appointments clause and also,
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as you mentioned, the appropriations cause. it's really a reach. it was say, hail mary pass by the trump team. and i think the only person in the world who could have caught it and plucked it out of the air with aileen cannon and she did. and i think it's going to be reversed well, you mentioned justice clarence thomas and there was that recent immunity decision, supreme for it. >> and justice thomas wrote in a footnote where frankly we find a lawyer is a lot of the juiciest part that there are quote, serious questions whether the attorney general has violated that structure by creating an office of the special counsel that is not established by law. i mean, clearly these comments, as you say, weighed heavy on judge cannon's decision. i want to bring you into this as well. i'm harry, because look, the doj and a special counsel appointment is intended and very much hard to enjoy that there not the accusation that it's being politicized, it's not be somebody who serves the pleasure of the president overseeing a matter that it
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goes to somebody with an independent authority to do something now, this decision suggests that that is not what should happen. what did you make of it you know, look as a, as a legal decision by this record, judge is simply indefensible, as john says, you know, she had telegraphed it several times, but it almost doesn't make sense. >> to try to talk about it in legal terms. this is, as i said, the first project, 2025 opinion, the principle is only loyalty to trump, but you make a very important point now laura, because the doj is committed to this notion of no appearance of conflict when they're prosecuting trump, something they could easily he do. it's been suggested already, is they just assign somebody else to file the case and then there's no problem except that merrick garland and the doj want to keep this looking impartial, and that's why you have an appeal and appeal so quickly, but however
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quickly it is. i think she he's done full service to trump because the 11th circuit, i doubt has time to reverse this before the election. the state of play for now is it's been reversed. she's sees that check is now paid in full on her part very best. she could have done for him the 11th circuit auto reverse it unless of course trump becomes president, in which case he'll just say goodbye and order doj to stand down. >> well just. to be clear, not the 11th circuit, but the idea of this being a federal case would not be at likely to be a federal proceed any longer. if of course, donald trump becomes the president, united states is it bring you back in here, john. i mean, there's still this case? the special counsel's case against trump, and it's also in the interference in 2020 election. and i do wonder if this ruling may people are wondering, does this ruling today have a domino effect on the other matter at
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the federal level for him i don't think so the dc circuit where the january 6 case is proceeding or who has been remanded by the supreme court after their immunity decision to determine if he indeed has any immunity or not and what is evidentiary material that can be used are not used? >> before judge chutkan? i i don't think that she is going to return to the subject even though trump will probably issue new motions based on the florida ruling, to somehow or based on thomas's ruling during the immunity case? where he addressed the power and authority of the special counsel they'll they'll do anything to stretch this out. so i wouldn't be surprised if a motion was there. i'd be very surprised if judge chutkan entertained it or if it went anywhere harry on this case, as
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you've mentioned, there will be an appeal what does that look like here what are the odds of being able to raise this issue in a way that could move the middle back towards having a prosecution. i mean, this 11 circuit in the past has been critical of judge aileen cannon that had you with the special master we're seeing documents and the fbi probe and they found it just unbelief cleavable that she would try to insert herself into a criminal investigation, but he loves it now, would have a very different role what do you think the chances of this appeal successful? >> are as long this trial isn't president, in which case he'll make the appeal shut down. the chances are very high as the doj said, of fraud. laura, every single court to consider this case has gone the other way. it's especially outrageous for a district court to take it upon herself to do it. so ai think it will be recused, be reversed. the question is, will they then recuse her? that's a bigger
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threat, but yeah. with the preamble, did you stocked about in the search case? i think they have more than enough predicate and she's just a sort of blackeye. now in that district and i think they will want to bouncer if they can. again, we're talking february, march a time when if we have a new second trump regime, all of this is all, all bets are off they'll just tell the doj to close down shop well, there already was that slim knows who it could be in that particular district. there wasn't a whole lot of judges there to choose from. i do wonder really quickly, harry, i do wonder if they could try to read bring this case in another jurisdiction during that time? the classified documents reportedly found elsewhere other than florida the short answer is yes. >> they were worried about venue before, but i think they have a real shot if they wanted to and bringing it in dc still with a special counsel. now that's what the doj will walk
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john dean, harry litman, a pleasure to talk to you both. thank you for joining me tonight up next, we'll have the very latest on this investigation into an assassination attempt against donald trump, including new news just moments ago that snipers were inside, inside the very building the shooter fired from you are watching coverage from cnn's grill at the republican national convention this is what you want what you mean the path to happiness that's a good day at the office for 13 million americans were affected. >> my identity theft in 2022, and the threats or more than you realize, if you're a victim of identity theft, lifelock works to fix it on your behalf, backed by the
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the certainty of four imprint for certain assignment with audie cornish listen wherever you get your podcasts disturbing new details tonight with the fbi is struck by the lack of leads on the trump shooter's possible motive or mindset also learning local police and get this snipers were inside the bubble up the gunman climb and fired from as witnesses warn police of his very presence long before gunfire all that as the director to conserve this spoke for the very first time since the assassination attempt the buck stops with me. >> i am the director of the secret service. it was
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unacceptable and it's something that shouldn't happen again joining me now is an l harvin former homeland security intelligence for the government of dc. now there are so many questions and the development that we're hearing tonight, this news that not only were local police but snipers were actually inside the building where the gunman was. i mean, we're just over two days now in destination. i find that pretty shocking that there aren't any leads so far, but what do you make of this new news that there would be local law enforcement and snipers inside and not a whole lot of leads to go on well, i mean, it's so shocking once you get over the shock and the fact that the leading republican now the candidate for the republican party was it came within an inch of losing his life then you wake up to the shock that, you know, witnesses were pointing this individual allowed minutes before this
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occurred. >> there are layers of security when these types of events take place. and there's different police organizations that protect or have charged at the end of the day, as you could, services responsible holistically for the entire scene. and so obviously there's going to be an inquiry it's stunning that this individual, laura, this this individual graduated from high school two years ago. let's just take a second and think about that. in two years without any tactical training or any other anything of the significantly he was able to almost take the life of the presidential candidate and so how is that possible with the layers of security that are in place is something that we all waiting to hear i do wonder about the combination of secret service and local police is that common for them to be getting help from local police? it's essential. so the secret service is a large organization, about 8,300
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individuals, not all of them are agents. it's a mixture of uniform secret service police non-uniform individuals that protect the president. there's individuals that get their days before that you've heard this term before they advanced team and so it's a multi-layered organization that does a complex mission at the end of the day, they cannot do this mission without that help with state and local law enforcement. this is an all events, whether their national security special event like you're covering right now at the rnc all the way down to rallies and so local law enforcement creates that outer perimeter that that extent perimeter road closures directing people, checking people out at the end of the day, the secret service has overall responsibility, but primarily they're there for to protect the detaining the protectee rather i mean, as they've mentioned, the buck stops with them, but this is what 100 plus days away from the presidential election that will surely be more campaign rallies. that's a former the president we have current one who's also going to be on the campaign trail. and we
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understand that we more service provided to even third-party candidates. now, did now harvin, thank you so much for joining me thank you we're going to have more on day one of the republican national convention from right here in milwaukee in the cnn grill that's next to get the full story. >> be unafraid. the will to fight how important is that see a truce? is israel in full control of its territory and go with a search for answers takes you, anderson cooper 360 weeknights a date when you're working with a small footprint and bob stearns, your sexual into his spare bedroom for overnight guests with hidden storage in the chase and the stylish place to reach charge and more than one way, there's only one thing my discount furniture i always wanted to know why am the way i am. my curiosity led me to ancestry was amazing to see all the traits that i've gotten from my mother in my dna family
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now and sleep i'm alex marquardt in washington and this is cnn well, welcome to cnn's continuing coverage republican national convention. i'm laura coates up late tonight here at the cnn grill in milwaukee. and this was the must-see moments from night and one, indelible to the proud watching donald trump public in nominee for president, walking out to the first time in public since that gunman tried to take his life, appearing to be emotional, a white bandage covering bring his right ear, a reminder of just how close the would-be assassins bullet came. i mean, just listened to the crowd when he emerged on that
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stage next to him was his newly chosen running mate, ohio senator jd vance the onetime self-proclaimed, never trumper turn. now forever from bar somewhere. the bumpers or being printed right now trump vance 2020 before or for those who still have a pence one, just do what don junior posted sharpie out the p for a v and the e four an a and voila vance tonight shrugging off his well-documented critics of his new boss. in fact, he thinks that those critiques are going to help the campaign i said some bad things about donald trump ten years ago, but i think it's actually important to be able again, to admit that you're wrong. >> you can make a good pick case to the american people people who may have been skeptical of the president back in 2016, who can be skeptical now that we've seen the results look, there is no doubt that
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everyone in that hall is united behind donald trump. >> but the race make no mistake. take a bad it is still tied them. there are plenty of voters and plenty of days left for the election and those who reject on trump and what he stands for irrespective of whether or not he's chosen his right the question now is whether the new trump vamps ticket can appeal to those who are undecided voters, like here in the battleground state of wisconsin, or as they say, wisconsin and beyond. well, joining me here in milwaukee, former trump administration official, matt mowers, cnn political commentator and former national coalitions director for the biden-harris 2020 campaign. ashley allison, national reporter for the bulwark okay. marc caputo and cnn legal analyst, mark preston rivera, challenge all the dictions tonight about the different could we have less its gambling him and heard him okay? right now, but listen. first of all, we now know that he has picked his running mate it is senator jd vance from ohio, somebody who on saturday
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came out to say that the rhetoric of resin so then biden directly contributed to the attempt to assassination on trump. meanwhile, trump is saying he wants take a step back, a message of unity. what do you make of this? >> well, look, i mean, i think it does a few things first and foremost, certainly objects into this campaign, we have had a lot of conversation about the age of the top of the ticket on both sides, certainly inject youth when the youngest vice president's we would ever have in american history, if he's elected. certainly also brings humble upbringing. i mean, everyone's now red hillbilly elegy. i'm sure every dnc staffer it was required summer readings, learn all about about him and everything he's ever written and so i think he's going to bring that to the fold as well. and so i think his rollout clearly was done in a trumpian fashion, held to the last that's minute. done in front of an adoring crowd here at the republican national convention. i remember being in cleveland eight years ago and donald trump, wait until 48 hours before the convention to dominate mike pence today, he actually did at the convention. i mean, i think it really sends
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this was the trump convention, i mean, every speaker we saw tonight show that was about we're working class. you had the president of the teamsters union night it's all amplified by jd vance and that's the message the campaign is clearly trying to get out there, right? >> what message to undecided voters or the official side? nodding in agreement agreement over there well it's hard to believe that i was just sitting here 24 hours ago having a totally different conference patient about unity, about turning the rhetoric down about how we build a red ford i have to say jd vance is from my home state of ohio he put out one of the most aggressive yesterday,
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attacking democrats so i was thought as a little girl, actions speak louder than words. >> and trump's actions seem that he is picking someone who is not trying to turn the temperature down. i also find it ironic that during the convention today, when mitch mcconnell got to the microphone combs to call during the roll, people booed mitch mcconnell because like at the national convention, the person who actually enable donald trump to get three supreme court nominations he got booed on the floor and some of jd vance is behavior were somewhat similar to mike pence. the difference is jd vance that he learned the error of his ways. and but i think some people are saying actually the era of your ways is supporting someone who still doesn't acknowledge the election results. we still won't say january 6 was an insurrection. i don't know where this unity is going at this point. mark preston, i won't you to listen to what jd fans in his first interview since his vp nomination on fox tonight with what he said what
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are democrats running on lies and complete distortions of people's records. camila harris has allowed america to be saddled with the president. clearly he doesn't have the mental capacity to do the job. and the only way to punish the democrats for lying about joe biden's health and saddling us with an incapacitated president is a vote them out. out-of-office at every level some know so this is his job, the attack dog me, right? yeah. but but but that's the job of every vice president. i mean, a picky in many ways, they're the ones who have to go out, try to do the dirty work, try to bolster up they're running mate. matt was talking about the party and how things have changed a little bit. i got to tell you, just sitting in the ball tonight and watching people walk around and around and around. again. i have spent a lot of many years covering campaigns i got to tell you i had a very hard time knowing very many people in there at the party has changed. so much from 2016 to where we are now
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in the folks who are actually active in the party and participating party that doesn't mean that there's still lives in this mitch mcconnell wing of the party. but clearly we saw what happened to that mitch bowl. mitch mcconnell wing of the party. they're getting booed out on. it has become no longer the gop really is the maga party. >> well, more on this i want to hold on because i'm gonna who does know who we're talking about senator jd vance. let's bring in jd vance, its former college roommate. well, law school roommate at yale law school, josh mclaurin. he's also a democratic state senator in georgia, senator before and thank you for joining us this evening. first of all, are you surprised that he is now the running mate of donald trump ai laura, thanks so much no, i totally expected this because i know jd to be an angry person. >> i think he controlled his anger more in law school when i had the chance to know him. but it's really been on leader now you heard it yourself just a minute ago. >> he didn't say, let's elect donald trump and make things
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better for people. he said, let's elect donald trump to punish joe biden, kamala harris. now that framing is vindictive, it's about revenge and he's unapologetic about that now, i think the comments i heard on the panel, a basic track. my experience, which is he is in this to vindicate anger. and that's the thing i want americans to understand the most about jd. it's one thing to be a hypocrite look politicians flip-flop, right? it's another thing to play that role of attack dog. it's such a viciousness that something really different is going on senator mcconnell, i want to read for you something that he texted you at dance, texted you back in 2016 of what he thought of trump and he said, quote, i go back and forth between thinking trump is a cynical like nixon, who wouldn't be that bad or that he's america's hitler. >> these are the words if wrote to you, i mean, you mentioned the idea of one might be a hypocrite or otherwise, but how a man go from calling someone a phrase like america's hitler to a full-throated supporter
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standing beside him as a running mate and political ambition is one thing that's a hell of a term i agree with you completely. >> i think what you saw with a lot of republican elected officials, this just sort of like a generic flip-flop, right? well, he's our guy, so now you gotta go with them. but how many people really texted their former roommates to say this guy could be hitler. i mean, clearly jd has some kind of insight. i mean, he's accused of history, the very smart guy. remember having thoughtful conversations with them. it's not like he didn't get he got it. not just back in 2016, but back in 2010, 2011 when he was forming relations sanchez with a lot of law students and graduates who are now very liberal. some of those relationships he maintained for many years after that. so it's not like he's not capable of getting to the right answers. it's just that he has decided to forego all of that insight, all of that emotional intelligence and direct his intelligence and his skill at this agenda, that goal i have to think and again, i haven't talked him on a long time. but you see how publicly angry he is and filled with contempt. i
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think he just realized in 2016 that when the republican party went the direction of the content of donald trump, that he had to go along with. i mean, he's got interviews where he says i just had to suck it up and support trump. and i think what would it means for him personally is that all that anger he's carrying around? he gets to bring that to bear in being vindictive, being that attack dog and making trumpism an even more potent of form going into the second term state senator josh mclaurin. thank you for your perspective. i want to bring back in the panel here. matt, me go to you first because obviously the vantage point of somebody who knew him personally as was looking to in a long time, they're going to be voters who voted for jd vance who will say what you're calling anger. i'm calling passion representative of what it is. i want. but there is a very different moment here for what vance is saying versus what we are being told. trump is evolving towards, well, in some ways, that actually gives donald trump the ability to go
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out there and be a unifying figure. and here's why touch on a point mark made the traditional role of the vice presidential nominee has to be the attack dog. and he then have a presidential nominee. you can kind of rise above it. they can be the unifier. and so a lot of ways donald trump is taking the opposite, right? he is never found a ball, go and buy them that he is not been afraid to swing it himself yeah, this now gives them a chance, especially after what happened on saturday. lots of eyeballs watching that speech on thursday, they were looking for tone as much as substance. they're going to try to see is a softer, gentler donald trump to some degree. and then you stole jd vance out there, who's gonna go out there and be able to articulate the case again that's joe biden, who's then also going be able to fire up the base at time that maybe freeze up donald trump to reach out to some new voters. he hasn't had in the last few sights. and yes, america, we do have our own laugh track going off behind. that reflects what jonathan know everyone's him, cnn grill, i love it. let me ask you about this because idea of the cover, the political cover we'll to have your attack like i do wonder how this plays between vice president kamala harris and jd
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vance, should there be a maybe a debate or otherwise, if they're both hola that was going to be attack dog. and the presidential candidates are going to be the ones talking about civility. how do they match up? >> i have absolutely no idea of questions all the things that somebody knew all the things i want to say. >> i want to see that that is a debate that i'm not sure jd vance will be used to having one of the things that marco rubio, who was a shortlist, lester for trump to be as vice presidential candidate, is someone who actually had debated a black woman jd vance has no experience with that he comes from a very wide area. he's had no experience dealing with those sorts of racial politics. he's very used to talking about the dispossessed white working class and issues that are very important to white people yes. in 2016, if you look at his messages and you look at the things he said criticizing trump at the time,
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he talked about the importance of being more of a unifying figure and the difficulties of trusting trump because of the way trump handled minorities however, now he's fully on the trump train and which jd vance is going to show up. i think kamala harris will be well prepared for that. but at the same time, jd vance is very smart and i can't wait to watch. >> we still in a world where the idea of having to present oneself according to the audience and your opponent is going to be valued the same way. i mean women in politics, blackwood and politics in particular, treated differently. will this be different? >> no, i mean, it hasn't been different for kamala harris the last 3.5 years, she's been vice president. here's the thing. i've she has i'm sorry. she handled pence au she took him to task as like she took brett kavanaugh to tass. i mean, she is a prosecutor in chief, and so i think she's going to be able to do great on this debate stage. the thing that i think is a little bit different from but the republicans are going to do this cycle with maybe
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trump in 2016 and in 2020 was the attack dog. if he's going to present this united front, maybe vance takes that role biden needs to still be on the attack. there's this question about it. does he have the strength? does he have so he can't be he has to still feel like he can confront trump, debate them on the issue to be strong, i am the commander in chief. i have control of this country and let kamala harris say, i am prepared in the event what a number two will do there are some right now between democrats and republicans when the shooting occurred democrats started saying, we're going to take down are ads and, you know, the messaging from the biden campaign to staffers was lower, lower the temperature sure. let's make sure we're not fund raising. what do we see president trump does? he goes out, just starts fundraising right away, doesn't care, just pause right through. it is like literally going to a fistfight. republicans are going to fizzle quite right now with a knife democrats right now, we're trying to figure out if they're going to try to fight with
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their right fist or they're left fist. and if they're going to win the fight, they better show up with a knife or baseball that or something. >> i just i just don't see a world where former president donald trump delegates all attack-dog responsibility, maybe way and it would be something that would not apply to those who have supported him. i mean, there's ways to attack productively will save everyone can do it. dan by everyone, please. president biden, trying to undercut donald trump's message at the rnc by having an inner interview with nbc how he's defending some of his language and going after the former president i'm not the guy that said i want to, be a dictator on day one i'm not the guy that refused to accept the outcome of the election i'm not the guy who said that one, accept the outcome of this election what does it mean to be out front? >> it's going there. we are just about three miles from the gaza border. it's context and curiosity. so you can be outfront let's go outside erin
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this is hard to find. she's still in danger staff said he was hiking the appalachian trail when did you you realize you might actually be going to prison from the beginning you can't write this stuff. united states of scandal with jake tapper, now streaming on max who do you listen to on deeply personal issues like the decisions whether to stay in the race or not tonight president biden counterprogramm ing part of the rnc, answering doubt about his candidacy political violence, and an interview with nbc news after the attempted assassination of trump biden defendants on his own rhetoric, but says, it was the stake to use one particular word week ago you said it's time to put trump in the bull's-eye are some dispute about the context, but i think you appreciate that it's in the
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crosshairs is focus on look the truth of the matter was well, i guess i was talking about as a time was there's very little focus on trump's agenda. >> yeah, the term bull's-eye was mr. take to use and biden is emphatic that he is staying in the race after his shaky debate performance and he is seen nothing nothing would change his mind if you look at all the polling data polling data shows a lot of different things, but there's no wide gap between us it's essentially a toss-up race. in public, the calls for biden to step aside have quieted since trump was raised by that bullet but new tonight, cnn's john king reports that some democrats are continuing their efforts to try to nudge the president to bow out of the race, but they're doing it in private. my panel is back with me along with congressional reporter for the hill mychael schnell and cnn
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senior data reporter, harry enten. first let's talk about what just happened in that interview with lester holt. he is saying if the fall it's his decision, he will consult himself. it's him will make paul. you have reported on capitol hill this is something that i think members of the legislative branch want to change. yeah. i mean, this is sort of been the dynamic we've been dealing with since it's the debate, president biden being consistent saying he has made his decision, he is remaining in the race, but those statements didn't stop former speaker nancy pelosi recently saying that the ball is in president biden's court. he has to make a decision. look, i think that it's possible that we still will see these democrats try to nudge him out of the nomination, but i don't think it's going to happen as the rnc he is happening in milwaukee right now. i had spoken to a house democrat last week before the trump rally shooting on saturday, who said to me who suggested that they were in favor of biden leaving the ticket. who said, i don't want to deal with this during the rnc. i want the attention to be rarely focused on republicans
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and they're calm fab, and their platform. i want that to happen and then we can have this discussion. republicans, democrats wanted to keep the focus on the rnc right now now it seems like that is working in their favor. yeah. ashley, cnn's john king has some reporting and that democratic pollster stanley greenberg, is actually one of those behind this private effort to try to nudge biden not to take it and sharing polling at one democratic source called devastating. are you hearing anything similar i think it depends on who you ask how you want to read a poll so there are clearly democrats that are saying publicly or they were at least publicly and some privately as they think joe biden they to drop out the race but simultaneously, there is still a significant amount of democrats who have not come out publicly and who privately are saying, no, we feel like we need a path for it. >> i have only seen snippets of the interview with lester holt and i think he did a pretty good job from what i saw. the one thing i've probably would have changed in his answer as when he said, who decides who
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stays in the race? yes. it's a personal decision, but he also said the voters not not like his this, this narrative of this interest circle that is around him, that's protecting him like this deep state that's like telling joe biden and saying it's the voters because he's working for the people. and i think the way if people can to actually change democrats can change the narrative and make it about the people. we can win in november. but how all about self? let me ask you, ashley, how do you have oh, we'll hear from voters before november. i mean, that's part of the conundrum, right? he's saying himself and i'm not putting words in my mouth. but he's saying he's making the decision and trying to rid of that notion that insular an insiders, the voters spoke when they said that he should be the nominee. and this week again, in november, what's his barometer truly? >> well, you go out, you meet people where they are sorry. he's not just a candidate, but he is the leader of the free world. so he should be engaging in roundtables and communities. you should be walking into barbershops and beauty salons. he should be going and getting
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his favorite thing is scream and talking to the people in middle america in the south, in the city's to have a real conversation. and, and when you do, people are candid. i have worked for a president. i've worked for president before actually and when you actually sit down and you take the facade of like the roosevelt room or the oval office, when you meet people in their community, they are not they are unafraid to say how they are really feeling. and i think he could get a good barometer a few things. >> number one, your talk of ice cream at this particular hour brewing let me hungry doing that. was doesn't look vastly different than it did before the debate. the problem was,
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was that democrats, some, had some notion in their mind that biden is going to come out and this debate stage and kind of assuage fears about him being too old. but the fact is the vast majority of voters thought before the debate, he was too old to be an effective president. for new york times sienna college poll, that number has shifted a little bit up. we spoke about those numbers last week, laura, but they haven't changed tremendously at all so at the end of the day, the question i really have what we're democrats thinking beforehand, why weren't they more critical of joe biden during the primary season when they could have actually chosen another nominee instead of somehow relying on some aaron sorkin type of maneuver to somehow remove me as a democrat nominee. now as we stand, what is it only a little bit, 37 days. i mean, come on let me play it, play for a second here because biden tonight was talking about the attempt on donald trump's life and how it could affect the campaign. election is 111 days away at this point in time. listen to what he had to say as
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this shooting change the trajectory of this race i don't know and you don't know either? i don't know given thought to know i've thought less about the dejection is the case then too. thanks one what is health this that that must secure i'm erwan number two, what happens from here on in terms of the kind of coverage that the president and vice president and former president knew. vice president get in terms of i've never seen circumstance where you're ride through certain rulers of the country that people have signs, their standard biggs of trump signs with mental science said f biden and the little kids stan, they're putting up as middle finger that's the kind of stuff that is in flux and the vicious. this is a very different thing to say look, i really disagree with trump's
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trump, the way he takes care of taxes the way he hasn't lots of $5 trillion tax cut for people au making a lot of money next time around, done, focus on working class people now is he is he making the case well enough to the american people i don't think so. >> i think the only thing the president stated very clearly, obviously it's which we don't really know the impact of what happened saturday they on this race yet my opinion, i think the opinion of the trump campaign, if you're seeing the messages, they're coming out with the messaging that president trump is coming out with himself. he's getting a second look likely from a number of voters who made maybe he thought they made up their mind about donald trump a long time. a lot of voters who said, you know, we keep talk about the double-hater voter, right? that voters are saying, you know, i don't like joe biden, i don't like donald trump a lot of them are going to tune in thursday night to say you know, maybe we should judge donald trump differently. yeah, the moment he got up after he was grazed with that bullet after he was shot and races that was a conic moment that really stood for something more than just a message for supporters of a maga movement or people are at the rally. its
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american moment. i mean, we had a presidential well nominee shot on saturday from the attempted assassination and yet they got up and stood up and said, i'm not going to be taken down by this and we shouldn't be either. that could be an american moment if donald trump chooses to turn into one, i think we'll see that on thursday night. well, listen it was almost 72 hours ago. this happened. we're almost having two hours from this speech that will be very important if you think that debate and focus on joe biden's going to be important. then the american public trying to assess what they think about a candidate. thursday will be yet another litmus test stand by everyone. and up next, a huge legal a win for donald trump. judge, aileen cannon dismissing jack smith's classified documents case against the former president. and what happens now the cell provider that was breached has my social from the credit check think of all the places they can expose your info lifelock monitors millions of data points for identity. there's a
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that ripped apart the classified documents case against donald trump just hours before the rnc began, judge aileen cannon decided to throw out special counsel well, jack smith's entire case. >> she argues smith's appointment as special counsel goes against the constitution. now president biden says, the writing was on the wall i'm, not surprised comes from immunity decision. the supreme court ruled on and clarence thomas in his dissent said that independent prosecutors appointed by attorney general aren't legit that's the basis on which this judge to dismiss the board know that justice thomas's opinion was actually a concurring opinion, not a dissent and jack smith is vowing to appeal cannon's ruling is office as the decision flies in the face of longstanding precedent well, joining, me now for miami-dade
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county court judge jeff swartz. jeff, thank you so much for being here, your honor of very consequential decision. indeed, this decision hi, judge cannon. it goes against court decisions that stretched back really decades. and when you read this, i think it was 93 pages. what stood out most to you? >> the fact that she based her whole decision on just what you talked about, just one statement in a concurring opinion by justice thomas, which was not concurred with by anybody else on the court. and the fact that she would take that and spin that the way she did tie it together with relentless versus secretary of commerce case and say, okay, this is an overreach. we interpret what the statute means not the attorney general. and as a result of which just decided i'm going to set aside his order of appointment and end this all together the idea
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behind having a special counsel is really to fatally undermine anyone's accusation that this is going to be a political endeavor that's the premise of having somebody not under the pleasure of the president knighted. >> otherwise what she is now ordering would destroy that principle it destroys that principle no differently than the immunity case. good. by taking on the idea and also the relentless case, the idea that now ai department and agency which the department of justice is, has no right to interpret statutes that control what they do. they have no right in there should be no deference to them. the court took a had a really big grab of power, a power grab in that case, and decided to overturn chevron. and when they did that, they basically just decided that they're the ones that are going to decide what the statutes mean and interfere with the business of the
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executive branch. and that's exactly what they did here. and she did here what do you describe is the culmination of collateral damage and the domino effect at play here, it would just a series of cases but there is also jack smith's often saying that they will appeal and there's still other cases he's working on. of course, the one out of washington, dc, the election interference matter. right. do you think that he will be successful in appeal out of this classified? documents case i'm not sure that he can be the person for doj to do that. >> there was no stay placed on her order. and as of right now, the order of appointment has no basis for him to do anything in the? case, it involves the documents on the east coast, so it really may fall upon doj to defend garland order and that would be the solicitor general's office. this case has absolutely her ruling has nothing to do with what judge chutkan will do. she's already ruled on this issue as have
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many other judges, including the hunter biden case, the ninth circuit is not going to go then direction that this judge has gone she's pretty much standing alone against almost everybody who's ruled on this issue. now and in the past i mean, that 11th circuit has in the past scolded her in terms of an opinion on an issue related to this matter a special master, whether there will be a subsequent when wrist slapped, so to speak, we'll be telling but one thing's for sure a judge, jeff swartz, the time and the timing of all this has just been kicked perhaps indefinitely down the road. >> judge, jeff swartz. thank you so much. >> nice seeing you, laura, have a nice night thank you. >> you too. ahead. there are new details now that we are learning this evening into the investigation entity assassination attempt against donald trump. will learning that a local sniper team was actually inside the building where the gunman climbed on the
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roof plus someone who went through a different assassination attempt joins me to explain what it's like to resign louisville mayor craig greenberg kim berg is my guest cnn is live from milwaukee as republicans unite behind their nominee, his vp, and their plan to take back the white house follow cnn for complete coverage the republican national look convention coverage continues all week on cnn and streaming on max. >> at bids to credit, we know you need to fund your business on time. when businesses good, it could be time to expand. >> time forbids through credit when bills are piling up, you might need extra cash to get ahead time for vista credit are fast and convenient online process makes it easy to get the funding you need when it's time to take your business to new heights, wizz to credit makes it possible. go to biz to slash time or call 800, 200 to 891 biz to credit funding. what's next and of my
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>> so go get it for in brink for certain is cnn the world's news network well jess and to cnn law enforcement snipers were stationed inside the building where a gunman climbed to the rf to attempt to assassinate former president trump. that's coming from a source familiar with the investigation, who is saying the team was from the butler county county emergency services unit and they were stationed on the second floor providing overwatch of the
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rally crowd. this new information coming as secret service director, kimberly cheatle, insist, quote the buck stops with me and that she plans to stay on as director. the questions are swirling around how a shooter could have gotten about 130 yards away from the former president united states with a rifle trained in his head president biden asked tonight if he feel safe under the protection. his answer yes. now, as for the investigations with all its estimation, temp there are still more questions the answer is, the fbi has successfully gained entry into the phone of the alleged shooter and have conducted hundreds of acres of his family and also his friends law enforcement sources say they still have not found my next guest is a survivor of an alleged assassination attempt. that happened in 2022 in louisville, kentucky when a man walked into craig greenberg campaign headquarters greenberg
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and his team were having their morning meeting when they asked the man if they could help him at that point, the man pulled out a gun aimed at right at greenberg and started firing. now, greenberg and his staff emerged from the shooting, mostly unscathed. that is until greenberg later realized a bullet it had gone through the sweater and t-shirts. he is now the mayor of louisville, kentucky, mayor craig greenberg. thank you so much for being with me this evening, louisville, one of my favorite cities and so sorry to have you on to think about that moment in time, but thank you for joining us. >> thanks for having me, laura you know, that unbelievable moment that attempt on your life, it must have been particularly triggering to see the events of this past saturday and knowing about the political rhetoric in the climate that we all find ourselves in i do wonder in retrospect how did that experience change you, if at
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all well, it definitely changed me, laura, just as onshore experiencing gun violence changes, everyone who is at the wrong end of a gun it's certainly changed me a lot. one thing it did was it gave me a stronger resolve than i ever had before. to try to work to end this gun violence that continues to plague our country whether it's in politics or whether it's in any part of life gun violence has no place in america and so i'm really hoping that may be finally this assassination attempt on president trump is the wakeup call that people like me continuously hope for every time there's a heinous act of gun violence mayor greenberg, it instantly struck me as a mother knowing that my children were getting ready to see the events unfold us as children across this country parents across the globe, we're
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watching an already so accustomed to talking about sadly, gun violence in this country, there is something particularly unnerving about having it happen to a former president of united states, presumably, one of the most safest people in the entire world. >> and it's not just an instance of what happens saturday. but we have seen other instances of political violence in recent years. you've mentioned just a few, but the attack on nancy pelosi's husband congressman steve scalise shot at the congressional baseball game and sadly, we could spend the better part of an hour talking about various instances and i haven't heard enough people talking about this under the guise of a discussion point of gun violence. what do you think this keeps happening in this country it's unfortunate, laura, because i think every time there is an act or aren't you right now is so divided. >> it's so divided about an issue like gun violence and so divided about issues like abortion and other things that
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that's one of the reasons why the temperature needs to be lowered by we need to do every one of us whether we're in elected office, whether we're running for an office or whether we're just someone who occasionally talks about political issues i think we all should do more listening and learning from one another. >> and that's, that will help lower the temperature we listen and learn from one another. >> we can reach common ground because i firmly believe whether you're democrat or republican independent we all want the same things. we all want to end gun violence we all want to improve public education. we all want to end homelessness. we all want good paying jobs close to our homes if we all agree on those things let's listen and learn from one another. let's treat each other with respect and let's find some common ground so we can finally make progress on some of these key issues that are dividing our country right now, i am curious given the fact that we are going to be hearing from a former president donald trump, he is slated to give a extraordinarily important and impactful speech,
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hopefully in a few days, the rnc, he's made an appearance course here tonight at the first public appearance and speech since the assassination attempt on him, given what you've just told me tonight, if you could speak to former president trump with your own experience and having ben, the victim of gun violence, and knowing what it's like to be a leader in the community what would you tell him is the most important thing to say? >> well, first i do want to express my wishes for a speedy and full recovery to president trump. ai thoughts are with him and his entire family what he and his family are going through right now i recall all too well, those memories in the physical feelings of surviving an assassination attempt and i would encourage mr. trump to use that. now new personal experience of his to reach across the aisle to be a willing participant as the leader of the republican party
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to work with democrats, independents in congress and state halls and city governments like mine, two end this gun violence epidemic that's plaguing our country. >> mayor craig greenberg. thank you so much. i'll be curious to see if he follows that advice. thank you so much thank you, laura up next the other big moments of the night, one of the rnc from mitch mcconnell getting booed do a big speech from amber rose back in a moment every weekday morning are the five things you need to know to start your day, get the news, you need au about this for an earnings call headlines in five minutes or less cnn's five things kate bolduan, streaming weekdays on and max we've always love taking care of our health. but last year, grandpa here broke his arm. we realized somehow
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story. the will to fight how important is that? be unafraid, you have reasonable grounds to believe that alleged war crimes have been committed have compassion, that's real trauma. what you have been through seek truth is israel in full control of its territory and go with a search for answers tapes you, anderson cooper the 360 weeknight today on cnn a presidential nominee confirmed a vice presidential pick. >> finally announced, and primetime appeals to voters all across the country. republican or not. a lot happened on day one of the republican national convention. and there are three more days of nonstop action to come. my panel is back with me. i do wonder if the lightning round, what were the moments for all of you that stood out today and makes you think this was a day? >> look, didn't happen on the floor had happened in the hallways right before jd vance met up with donald trump and made the grand entrance the
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people in the hallways were losing their minds because a they're in this view of this vice presidential candidate, but even more so i think that they saw donald trump and there was just this excitement that that you just don't feel like you just don't you haven't felt this kind of political excitement on just a political level in such a long time, there's been so much anger and hatred that have kind of gone through our politics it's kind of nice to see that a it's ticket is set i look, i think for me, the big thing that's interesting was the religious overtones and undertones of this particular evening, which is very interesting to me because yes, that matches a republican party. i think a lot of us are used to, but maybe not the republican party of today, nearly as much so i was i mentioned earlier on looking at the gop platform, right. mentions of abortion way down from eight years ago, mentions of marriage, way down from eight years ago. so to see that and to hear that this evening
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reminds us that this is still a republican party whose base is white evangelical voters. and so we, i think we saw that tonight. it's going to be very interesting after the failed assassination attempt and all dimensions of god's sort of guiding that bullet away from donald trump by a lot of folks within the republican ranks, whether or not perhaps trump takes on a little bit of different rhetoric going forward. whether the night's a one-off, or whether it's something that we see going forward. >> i mean, evangelicals who always been important in a presidential race. and certainly when it came to the issues of reproductive rights, it was particularly important in 2016 and 2020 20 prior to the overturning of roe v. wade. >> and yet you had amber rose on the stage today. i mean, i think it was kind of comical. the republican party is doing this, making his efforts to court black voters. and i think the amber rose was an attempt there was a failed attempt. amber rose is not what the where the culture is. it's not the person that black voters are going to take their political cues for and it just was weird quite honestly. and so when you, when you talk in the group chats, when you're on
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twitter, when you're just having conversations stations, people like, what did she say? these are my people and we're like, okay, go ahead. but what, what do you what do you see? and i want to play for a second to what she had to say to orient. that'll and more listen to what she had to say on that stage the left told me to hate trump. >> and even worse to hate the other side, the people who support him when you cut through the lies. you realize the truth american families were better when donald trump was president there were some who were very complimentary of what she did today, including our own van jones at cnn and talk about her appealing to the notion and particular, the sort of a pity generation, what do you make of that i don't agree with van on it. i mean, i don't and i migrate jeff don't either so, you know, van is open to have his opinion. i'm cool with van, but not we don't agree on this. >> what would you think of the idea of having the spread of people that were on tonight. i
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mean, these were a series of the dam speeches, a series of from people they're trying to appeal to a larger base to ashley's point very careful who you're audience is and who's going to be coming out to vote well, look, i i've been to every republican convention since 2004 with you except for the one that happened because of covid right in 2020, this was the most racially diverse group of speakers. >> i've ever seen a republican national convention, significantly more blue collar this certainly was not the mitt romney convention, right? i mean, if you go back to 2012, his our economic night was a bunch of business owners tonight you heard from a lot of workers who had the president of teamsters who are there speaking a republican national committee invention, talking about donald trump opening the doors republican party. it was really the amalgam moment i think of the speaker's and also on the point that you look at who they put in primetime there's none of the polish politicians, none of the government's, none of the satyrs. it was literally the focus of everyday people and, you know, traditionally those were kind of intersperse during the daytime programming of the conventions they put them front and serhan spotlight speaks to who donald trump and his campaign are trying to go after
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well, at this point in time, 100 and what, 11 days away from the presidential election, trying to have a bigger tent that, that number made your head spin back there were i don't know lawsuit, though kind of gets thrown out this morning that i still don't yeah. >> there's a lot going on this is just day one. thank you, everyone so much. and thank you all for watching cnn's coverage of the aren't and see you continues next. but first, we leave you as some of the highlights from day one we are going to try to unite this country the greatest president that's ever lived this clearing him. >> the republican nominee for president of the united states of america. >> my honor, to nominate ohio senator jd vance for the office of vice president of the united states of america the miracles before saturday we will leave it right now donald trump and
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