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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  July 16, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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in that space, actually, i think the question for all of us who have covered donald trump for a long time this is an older guy who has been very set in his ways. we have gotten to know who he is. the degree of change that there is there, and the extent to which he is going to stay in the place that this assassination attempt in broad, i would actually make the argument that his his change can be for saturday after the after the debate, he was uncharacteristically quiet while the biden campaign devolved. >> see, but you didn't see i mean, the look that was on his face. no, i agree. but that is how i mentioned the same thing at the top of the hour. he physically looks different post saturday, i guess the point i'm trying to make is this has been a much more disciplined candidate that we saw in 2016 or 2020 yeah. and, you know, noted there if there was some emotion there some emotion on
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the face of his sonnet seemed as well. the moment from last night, we of course are looking ahead to tonight as well on the second day of the rnc as it continues. thanks to our panel. thanks to you for joining us. i'm kasie hunt. don't go anywhere. cnn news central is going to start in just women. and again, our thanks. georgetown hoyas for being up early to join us right here on cnn this morning good morning from milwaukee, wisconsin. we are in the convention hall right here where it is all happening for republicans this week soon. day two of the republican national convention kicks off and the build-up begins for donald trump's former primary rival to take the stage today. nikki haley is expected to speak as the convention focus shifts today two crime, immigration, and
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supporting law enforcement. and today's theme takes on new meeting, new meaning now, less than 72 hours after the assassination attempt on former president trump he entered this hall to wild enthusiasm last night. this was his first public appearance since saturday's shooting. the crowd chanting, fight, fight, fight at one point, the same words, the donald trump himself shouted from that rally stage as secret service are rushing him off. after that attempted assassination in pennsylvania trump now officially the republican nominee after yet yesterday's roll call vote appeared with his now new running mate, ohio senator jd vance. last night, vance will be giving his big speech here tomorrow, overnight, though, sending out a message that ended with onward to victory. there's also new reporting today on the last minute behind the scenes push that happened to secure advances spot on the ticket, including a push from elon musk who spoke with donald trump less than 24 hours before
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he announced his running mate. a lot to get to the happened last night, a lot to get to that is still ahead. let's get over to cnn's alayna treene to lead us off. alina, what are you learning about why donald trump selected jd vance? what's what's the new reporting? >> well there's a number of reasons, kate, i am told actually that the aftermath of this shooting did not really change his decision. so jd vance and donald trump i've met saturday morning dance flew to mar-a-lago hours before the rally and what ultimately ended up being attempted assassination on donald trump and i'm told that that meeting went very well source familiar with the meeting said that it really felt like the final interview before vance got the job, donald trump was very complimentary of the ohio senator, and they left feeling good about their chances though, of course, donald trump had not yet really offered him the position just yet actually donald trump or jd vance, i should say, have just learned that he was going to be donald trump's running mate, only
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about 20 minutes before the rest of the world we'll now take a listen to how vance described that moment last night in an interview with fox news he just said, look, i think going to save this country. >> i think you're the guy who could help me in the best way you can help me govern, you can help me when you can help me in some of these midwestern states like pennsylvania and michigan and so forth. >> now, kate, as you mentioned, a lot of people have been in donald trump's ear over the past several months, but especially over the past several days, pushing which candidate they wanted donald trump to ultimately choose. and there was a lot of people who were pushing dance that includes elon musk. he had just endorsed donald trump in the hours after that shooting shooting on saturday and then sunday, i'm told he called trump directly and urged him to pick jd vance, other notable names are donald trump junior donald trump son tucker carlson, steve witkoff, a very wealthy donor who donald trump
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is very close with a number of republicans in congress. all of the his people, i'm told calling donald trump up until made it day yesterday, when he ultimately made his decision. and so a lot of people pushing for him, but i also think it's important to keep in mind from my conversations with donald trump's campaign, the reasons he ultimately chose vans were one donald trump and him have a lot of chemistry trump off in remarks that he gets along best with jd vance as well. there's a lot of people who have argued maybe advances too young for this position. however, trump seems to actually like that about him. he thinks that he had done a lot within his career by the time that he had turned 39. that has impressed the former president. they also believe that vance is upbringing in a poor rust belt. rust belt town in ohio, could actually make him very marketable to a lot of those working class voters that the trial i'm campaign sees as essential to winning in november great reporting alayna, we're going to be back
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with you much throughout the day. >> alayna treene for us for the first time since the assassination attempt on his political rival president biden is also back on the campaign trail today. biden is in battleground state, nevada this morning, and the new reporting is his new focus is to drill down on policy, not personality as he makes the case against donald trump. and he has a full schedule of campaign events planned. more chances also to try and prove democratic doubters wrong, that he can run win and lead for another four years for here's cnn's arlette sines is tracking this for us. she's at the white house this morning. arlette, the public calls for biden to bow out. have gone totally silent in the the recent days. what are you hearing about this president biden's allies had hoped that these calls for him to step aside in the race. >> would subside in the wake of that aside? destination attempted also some of the president's performances over the past few weeks, but cnn has learned that privately, the pressure is still growing on the president from some top
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democrats to leave this race. that includes a top democratic pollster, stanley greenberg, as sending regular memos to the biden's inner circle warning about but what they are, what he is seen when it relates to the president remaining on this ticket. there are also some democratic lawmakers who have been trying to urge biden team to consider what the president's legacy would be if he were to continue on the desktop of the democratic ticket and potentially lose not just his own race but also impacts the chances of democrats in house and senate races. now so far, president biden has not shown any sign of backing down, even as some in his party have raised these questions about whether he should remain in this race and the president today is charging ahead with his campaign in hitting the battleground state of nevada, while he is there today, he part of his goal will be trying to court black voters participating in a bet interview. also speaking and
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double acp convention tomorrow he will turn his focus to courting latino voters at a key summit there in las vegas, the president today is also expected to really drill in on policy see rolling out some new actions to try to address housing costs in this country. that includes calling on congress to cap the annual increase on rent's too 5% of that would apply to major landlords who own over 50 units. he's also making a push specifically for nevada potentially repurposing unused, or underused federally owned land to create about 15,000 new affordable housing units in the state. nevada is a state that has been hit in, recent years by a housing shortage, shortage, as well as high cost. but another key challenge for president biden in these coming days is how to campaign pain and the kind of language he uses as he makes his case against donald trump in an interview with nbc last night, the president admitted it was a mistake to use the term bull's-eye in a call with
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supporters as he was trying to urge them to turn their focus to trump. and he also had this to say about the challenge he is facing at a time when he's encouraged seeing americans to lower the temperature in this country have you taken a step back and done a little soul searching and things that you may have said that could incite people who are not balanced well i don't think how do you talk about the threat to democracy, which is real when a president says things like he says to just not say anything because it may incite somebody look i have not engaged in that rhetoric now, my my opponent is engaged in that rhetoric now while the president is out in nevada today, his campaign is also zeroing in on president, former president trump's new running mate, jd vance, yesterday hey, the president said that vance is simply a
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clone of president trump. >> when it pertains to issues, we also know that vice president kamala harris has reached out to vance, leaving a void we this male on his phone, a welcoming him to the race, but also saying she hopes that they can meet at the cbs news debate, which the debates still has not or the date has still not been set but all eyes will be on that debate and the biden campaign moving forward as they're looking not just to make their arguments about against trump now, but also vance as well yeah absolutely. >> argument against jd vance. we saw that very quickly. what joe biden, how he's going to be using that to campaign. it's great to see you, arlette. thank you so much. we're going to have mine much more from the convention hall. republicans who are here in town. they're going to be joining us to talk about what happened last night. what's going to be happening today much more to come throughout our show this morning. john sara. >> excellent, great job out there, kate. thank you so much this morning. new questions about how a shooter was able to get a clear shot of the former president with local law enforcement in the building. we
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have new details on the major security failures and new information about the gunman's movements in the 48 hours leading being up to the attempted assassination of donald trump cnn is live from milwaukee as republicans unite behind their nominee money, his vp, and they're planning to take back the white house, follow cnn for complete coverage the republican national convention coverage continues. >> all we gun cnn streaming on max you're telling people about the new experience insurance marketplace experienced shop with over 40 top providers to find you a really great rate. >> that sounds may zain and on average you could save over $800. i'm ready to save over aid on start now it slash car. >> i managed to get the last room for hundred and 90 bucks. >> i put the last one a week ago. i talked yesterday, some sites panic q into booking their last room instead, trivago competitors there's hotel prices from hundreds of sites, so you can save up to $50 a night hotel trivago, the future is not just going to
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of my brand my father chose me to succeed him no matter the consequences house of the dragon streaming exclusively on max new cnn reporting this morning, the secret service appears at odds with local law enforcement over who exactly is to blame for the security failures leading up to the attempted assassination of donald trump president biden weighed in on these concerns.
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>> i feel safe as the secret service. the question is, should they have anticipated what happened? who should they have done what they needed to do to prevent this from happening? that's a question. that's an open question. >> all right. with us now cnn's whitney wild, aside from what the president said, the question here seems to be who had responsibility for the key area where the shooter was? >> there is a lot of finger-pointing this morning and let me walk you through what we know and then give you some context here because we're really getting a glimpse into a relationship that is normally closed, closed off to the general public, but it's very, very close. it's this almost familial relationship between law enforcement agencies. sometimes that relationship under the surface is fraught, but it rarely bubbles up into public view. and that is certainly what is happening here. there's new cnn reporting this morning a source telling cnn that there were local snipers inside the building where the shooter later perched to shoot former president donald trump. what we know is that there were snipers
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who were inside that building building. they were on the second floor and they were providing overwatch we also know that the secret service did not sweep that building themselves because they say that was outside of the perimeter and that local police were supposed to secure that area the secret service director, kimberly cheatle, spoke out. she says she's taking responsibility for this. here's her interview with abc news that the secret service is responsible for the protection of the former president. >> the buck stops with you. >> the buck stops with me. i am the director of the secret service. it was unacceptable and it's something that shouldn't happen again members of local law enforcement that i've spoken with are taking serious issue with the director's comments. for example, the president of the fraternal order of police sent out a statement last night taking a lot of issue with what they perceive as way too much blame being put on local law enforcement for what was ultimately an operational plan signed off on by the secret service. additionally, the
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executive director of the fraternal order of police said this apparently it took two days for the buck to stop. there is going to be an erosion of this trust caused by the secret services in judicious statements. additionally, the pennsylvania state police, which was one of the agencies that was it's involved with this operational plan has said that they work with the secret service to provide whatever is requested. but ultimately, that they are the lead on that security. so again, you're seeing this fracture here, who is responsible for what and certainly within local law enforcement, there's a perception much way too much blame is being put on local law enforcement for what was secret service operational plan. meanwhile, the secret service is saying that they are taking responsibility for this. however, i think the issue here, jim, is that they are not detailing their own failures here back to, you know, what's going to be important is to figure out how to fill these holes. they have to take responsibility for it so they can figure out what the fix whitney wild. thank you so much. sir. sir. we have new details this morning about the fbi's investigation into the
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shooter despite gaining access to his phone and his computer and conducting more than 100 interviews with his friends and family. a definitive reason for why the gunman opened fire on the former president and the crowd still not clear. cnn's danny freeman has been tracking this for us and joins us now from butler, pennsylvania danny, what more details have you learned about this investigation into the assassin? >> well, sara, i'm going to tell you what we do know right now because as you noted, the biggest question that we still don't have an answer to is what led that gunman? in 20-year-old thomas matthew crooks to perch on the rooftop behind me and take shots at former president donald trump. but let me talk about what we do know we do now know a better sense of the timeline of the shooters actions leading up to that tragic and fateful moment we know on friday, thomas crooks went to his sportsman club not too far from his helmet. he went to a rifle range there, sara, that's significant because that rifle
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range is about 200 yards, notably longer than the approximately 150 yards distance between where he was perched on that roof to where the former president was standing and giving his remarks, than on saturday morning, we know that mr. crooks went to a home depot. he purchased a letter shortly thereafter, he went to a gun store and purchased 50 rounds of ammunition that he drove up here to butler and then he was spotted by local law enforcement in the area acting suspicious especially near the metal detectors. but then as far as we understand, was not spotted again until he ultimately was perched on them that roof and opening fire. now, let's get back though to what we don't know, sara, because this has been frustrating and really perplexing to both local and federal law enforcement agencies. to are trying to get some sort of reason here. the fbi, they say they've conducted 100 interviews of witnesses and local law enforcement here on the ground. they've interviewed family of thomas crooks. they've and here you friends of thomas crooks. they've searched his home and his car completed both
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of those searches, searched his internet history and then you noted sara, one of the big hopeful pieces of evidence they were looking for was that cell phone. they were able to complete their analysis and still at this point, they do not have an answer to what was the motivation behind this shooting is still a mystery at this point. but these investigators still working to find that answer just for some closure for all of us who have been following this story. sara, which is the entire country, danny freeman, thanks. thank you so much for your reporting there alright. coming up from vocal trump critic to loyal running mate, how jd vance of explaining why he wants refer to trump as quote america's hitler and president biden returns to the campaign trail today excuse me, his strategy to appeal to voters using the cost of rent and what he called a mistake when he was talking about donald trump this election season, cnn has you covered no matter the question
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still add in pieces, still have the draft with the agency. >> think what let's the conversation here. >> it's unlike anywhere else or docks off season with the new york giants streaming exclusively on max donald trump, tapping jd vance to be his running mate and seemingly dubbing him the heir apparent to the maga movement. they entered a staunch ally of donald trump now, but it hasn't always been this way. vance posted online in 2016 about the damage he thought trump's divisive rhetoric had caused the country. and in a private message to a friend, he wondered if trump was quote americans hitler, but he was perhaps now the most supportive of three vp front runners. certainly publicly listen i was certainly skeptical of donald trump in 2016, but president trump was a great president and he changed my mind. i said some bad things about donald trump ten years ago, but i think it's actually important to be able again, to admit that you're wrong. it can look a good pick case to the american people, people who may have been skeptical of the president back in 2016, who can be skeptical? now that we've seen
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the results there, you see him talking about his past comments joining us now cnn, senior political commentator scott jennings and cnn political commentator se cupp, both looking fabulous this morning i didn't get sorry. yes. donald what else could you do? i mean perfection i'm going to start with you, scott. yeah. this this change from really going after trump worse than some of the democrats, to be honest, some of the things that jd vance said to just being effervescent, just being overflowing league supportive of him donald trump loves this, does he not this is sort of seeing this change. you can use it. yeah. well jd vance it's not unlike other people in the republican party who initially had serious concerns about donald trump. but if you look at where trump sits now, he is unquestionably the head of the party. what's different is some of the people who had vance's position before maybe they left the party and vance with the other way he he says he had a
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change of heart that donald trump changed his mind and that he thought the results of the trump presidency were great. some of the people who held his position before did the exact opposite looking looking down. and so it's over trump but for trump though it's an interesting messenger i interpret the pick as setting up a maga succession plan for the republican party. this is someone who has vowed to carry on this kind of policy agenda. and he's 39-years-old so to me that that's this is a competent pick, someone who thinks they are on their way to winning and they're thinking about legacy. want to pick up on that last point. i do want to come back to the sort of succession plan later because i think that's interesting and perhaps fraught but se i know you look at this pick and say, this tells you something about how donald trump perceives the race right now and who he's running against right now. and until november? >> yeah. i think a couple of things. one, i think if if
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donald trump really thought that democrats were going to dump joe biden and put comma harrison there. i don't think he would've pick jd vance. i think you would have called an audible and picked someone were saved demographically interesting to compete with that, i think he feels very good about his position against joe biden to put basically doubled down on another white guy from a state. he won twice and will definitely win again, right so there was no demographic interest here. this was about loyalty and i think scott's right about the future, but i also think it channels that trump wants to win listen, say all the things we've already said about trump. he has not made a lot of mistakes in this election in the past few months someone's smart as telling him, do not dance on joe biden's grave right now, let the news cycle play out for the democrats. keep your mouth shut someone smart as telling him distance herself from the 2025 project, doesn't have to be true. just say it because it looks bad for you right now. he is doing the
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things he needs to do to win. he's got a very smart political operation around him. this time gone are the days of pepe the frog and all of those sort of silly the mistakes he made in previous elections. i think you say jake is variously, man, someone you pick to win or you pick because you think you're going to win. those are two different things i think in a way, both you, you believe you're going to win against joe biden? >> again, i think he would have changed had that changed. but i also think you want to win. and i think he thinks jd vance's appeal is to rust belt voters that republicans believed democrats lost. now, whether that's true, whether rust belt, rust belt voters trust yale universities, jd vance, who went to san francisco as a tech bro and sat next to me at cnn as a never trumper, whether they trust him, we'll see. but i think that's the play. >> i think there's another tactical or technical reason they chose him. you heard
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donald trump junior yesterday in the wake of the pig say, i've seen him on tv. i've seen what he can do it is absolutely true. jd vance is one of the most skillful television debaters in the senate and the republican conference right now, he is become probably trump's best explainer and defender in these situations that we're often in here together and that's important. i mean, the democratic tickets biggest problem right now, they can't communicate anything everything they do to try to communicate falls apart and so now they've put vance on the ticket, who i suspect is essentially the surrogate in chief for their agenda as outbound communications matter i want to ask about the trial because he has been vitriolic himself some of his statements right after the shooting were very vitriolic where is this going to take us? >> because everyone's right now? it has been calmer, less divisive to a degree, except for marjorie taylor greene who kicked things off. but where is
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this going to go? because the two of them continue each other up in this country right now is asking for something different. i think this is the question of the week because if you read what trump said in new york post after the shooting, and he said, i'm not supposed to be here. i'm supposed to be dead. say he wrapped up his speech and he's rewriting his speech in light of the experience that he had. i think where we are going. is fully dependent upon trump and the tone that he wants to set and what he, and as these point, his political operation of told the rest of the convention there is a real chance. i mean, my view is donald trump on thursday has the best chance since george w bush in the bullhorn for a president or a national political figure to do something momentous in a moment, he's got our attention. he's got the capitol, he's got this moment and if he really means what he said, it, it could be a big time. move. in recent political rhetoric. and it could honestly in my opinion leave joe biden behind.
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he's addressed the nation four times now since the shooting, i think he's not really captured our attention back yet because trump has it. and when you've got the nation's attention, you have a chance to do something pretty powerful we'll see. >> yeah, i hope i hope he die. i'll just remind you that in the same same statement where he said i tore up that divisive speech about how awful everything is. and it's awful. i want you to know how awful it is, but i'm not going to say that. i'm going to say something more unifying. i mean, there's a part of him that cannot resist those temptations. so we'll see how long this lasts. >> se cupp, scott jennings. thank you both very much. alright. this morning, new reporting on what the shooter was doing in the hours leading up to the attack on donald trump in nfl hall of famer put in handcuffs on a flight. why the airline? and fbi agents are now apologize cnn is live from milwaukee as republicans unite behind their nominee, his vp, and they're planning to take
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back the white house, follow cnn for complete coverage. >> the republican national convention coverage continues. all we got and cnn and streaming on max life with kids can be messy once upon a farm keeps it clean where it matters most organic know added sugar. farm fresh blends for babies, two big kids for where ever life from our farm to your fridge, once upon a farm take control of your health by boosting your force force-field. the immune system, or a tells you when your temperature is higher than normal lives smarter stronger, healthier. with the aura ring one second, you feel safe and then he's, well you still do because, you that trouble losing weight and keeping same discovered the power of
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at fubo i can't believe i'm in china monday. welcome. would do your home. >> bully always reminds me of how much money she spends. >> know mine it's exhausting 90 day fiance the other way. all new monday at 8:00 on tlc they say they are pro-choice, but not if you want a choice over what your kids are taught donald trump believes every parent deserves a choice, and every child deserves a chance. that was republican congressman byron donalds last night speaking during the first evening of the republican convention, donalds not only securing a key speaking slot there. here where i am in the hall, but also as one of donald trump's most trusted surrogates, the congressman also set right next to
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president trump throughout the evening. you can see right there and congressman byron donalds joins me here. good morning. morning. thanks for being here. >> listen his convention time so you're back at it. >> hit no sleep those live for the worry team, no sleep you and me both, i guess, use spoke last night. and as i was mentioning, you also sat right next to the president through out the time that he was here watching the program and i erdan more than one person comment that it appeared that he got emotional at times. did you talk to me how he's seen this is the first time when people have seen him publicly since the assassination attempt. how did he seem to you? did i mentioned it to don junior before the president came out last night, i looked at him when he was in the hallway in the back, they were holding him as lee greenwood was playing he was emotional and asked what i saw and i think the whole world saw that and he fully understands how close he was to death literally just turning his head to look
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at the prompter was everything he fully appreciated all the support, not just here in this convention and this arena, but around the world and knowing him donald trump has hit obstacles. he's hit criticism. we all know this the only strengthens his resolve, but this is different. i think what is really done for him is really the opportunity to reflect on everything it has definitely strengthened his for his resolve even more and i think what people don't really know, we talk the politics so much. you talk that the talking points, the speeches, the rallies he has a true heart for this country, and i think it's important for all of the american people to know he truly loves america. he truly wants the best thing for our country. i think that was a window into that level of emotion last night hey, i was i'm really curious. his reaction to and your reaction too, because i saw you interacting during what was the
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closeout speech of the night by the teamsters president sean o'brien. i mean, that was a very big deal that he was speaking and he gave a really fiery speech. can you take me take me into take me into that booth over there. what us? said to the former president, his reaction to that speech. >> well, i think for him he just wants to demonstrate that our party is the big tent party we are here for all americans obviously, donald trump's view is he wants to stand for the forgotten men and women of this country whether they are a union worker, whether there are non-union worker. i think that the entire purpose, everything you saw last night was to hear directly from americans whether their union members, whether they hispanic women, whether there just guys out there doing the job day in, day out, or even if they're in the celebrity rome with amber rose, it was about the tire country. that's what happens in night. last night, she's me. what specific to the last speech to keynote speech with donald trump wants to know is that
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once he wants what he wants, everybody to know what to make sure i clean that up. is that our party is going to stand for all americans. that was the purpose of that speech. >> last, do you expect to get the endorsement from the teamsters after that i'm not going to speculate on that, but i will tell you this union members in our country, they're struggling with the price of high gas, high food, high housing. >> there. the companies they work for are dealing with that. the heavy-handed regulations coming out of washington, dc, it's making it hard on everybody whether you're a company with 500 employees, that thousand employees, where you're moving freight you're in food production, you're in construction. everybody's feeling that burden and you have a lot of men and women in our country. they do the work, they drive the trucks, they know there is a better way to run on our economy. and donald trump has that recipe for success. so joe biden is seen as the most pro pro-union president ever. >> that's what he calls himself. he has huge union support. the endorsement of other unions, but it is noteworthy and really interesting the appeal to white
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working class voters union voters, especially union members, that we heard from it was that we are hearing from here. i mean when an election where the margin is everything that's that can be a really important things. i find it quite interesting. you and i have talked many a time in the lead up of the veepstakes about your desire, your you said you would be happy and honored to serve is done donald trump's vp, you were definitely a name that was discussed are you disappointed? no. no, no, no, no, no. first of all, look, i'm competitive. i'm competitive obviously, you know, jd is competitive. everybody on our lives, we all compete. but at the same time, when i looked at the list of everybody that president trump was considering, i knew he was going to make the right choice. everybody's talented everybody has comes from a segment and a walk in life where you have the right experiences. you have the intelligence, you have the capabilities. so i'm very happy for jd and his wife told him last night, i said, madam
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number one, i'm happy it's over. such ad now, we don't want to shield my interview questions anymore. >> my job and we are having fun. with that, you know, maybe if the american people want me to do something else, we'll probably be back at it we'll see the teaser to 2028 really quick on jd vance, one thing i know that you and i have also talked about is a key issue in this election, which is reproductive rights, abortion rights. and one thing i was reminded of by my colleague manu raja is it appears that maybe jd vance that vat vans does not seem to agree with donald trump's position on abortion rights as recently as november of last year, jd vance told manu that he was pushing for a national abortion ban, a federal standard. he says he was pushing for a standard of 15 or 20 weeks of an abortion ban that clearly is not where donald trump is. he has made clear he wants it only decided by the states is that going to be a problem? >> no, because we all know that donald trump is president he's going to be the 47th and if you've been around him long
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enough, he'll listen to everybody's viewpoints. but he's the one that's going to make that decision. he's been crystal clear on this. abortion is not going to be left to the states. the states are going to make this decision it's not going to be a federal issue. and actually, if you read the dobbs decision, there is i truly believe actually reading the dobbs decision. it doesn't give congress the ability to weigh in on abortion, whether it's what nancy pelosi wanted to do with the california law and she called it codified roe, but it's really the california law or anything else that does not allowed under what the supreme court ruled in dobbs at the end of the day, donald trump, he's going to be the one that makes that decision. people will have their viewpoints, but he's the one who's going to decide it and you can already tell he's made his decision on what's going to happen congressman. >> thanks for coming in. it's good to see you in person. absolutely. thank you very much. john sara, back to you partly us some breaking news. kate, one minute and 57 seconds according to a cnn analysis of witness video that is the length of time between when rallygoers first notice that
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gunman on the roof and when he fired the shots at donald trump with us now is former cia counterterrorism official, our friend phil mudd, and the former police commissioner of the greatest city on earth, boston, massachusetts and ed davis, commissioner, i just want to start with you one minute and 57 seconds. that's how long time it is. a long time. i mean, what are the questions you have about that length? what do we need to know as these investigations continue? >> it is john. good morning to both of you so there's a lot of questions why that perimeter was so small. i mean, i understand it. having been involved in a bunch of these protection details that the presidential details much larger than anybody else. vice president or first lady. in this case, the former president. however there's a a team that goes in there to look at things forehand. and those buildings had to be a major concern. one issue that keeps popping up is the fact that
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apparently there were police officers assigned to the interior of that building and that complicates things i'm sure that the sniper had that in his mind when he saw someone climb up on the roof so there is that ambiguity in the mind of the person responsible for taking cover, usually much father open 200 yards au snipers, looking out 1,000 yards with those scopes. so that that close-up is sort of a sort of a no-man's-land clearly there was there was confusion there the other thing is that i can understand why with all the radio traffic that was going on of suspicious person man on the roof why they didn't just bond under the president off and take him off the stage in that minute and 57 seconds. so all those questions have to be answered. >> there are so many questions and phil, i do want to talk to you about the shooter himself. 100 interviews his family and friends. they looked for social
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media, not really a footprint. they went through his phone, not getting any indication of exactly actually why he did this. if you're looking into this, are you thinking that he's doing this on purpose? i mean, it's it's such an unusual thing for a 20-year-old not to have any social media footprint and not to have some sort of communication about what they may or may not have decided to do, isn't it i don't think i don't i'm sorry. go ahead, phil. i don't think this is purposeful. i think this is i think we're going to try to inject some rationality on someone who might have been acting rationally. let me give you a different perspective on this and especially the difference between an individual and a multiple person conspiracy. there's one obvious point in a multiple person conspiracy. you're going to get communications among the conspirators that allow you not only understand operational planning, but to understand what they're thinking and why obviously this individual not only doesn't have coconspirators, but clearly didn't have much of an online footprint. so then you go to
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the more interesting question my experience of watching a lot of plots is it, is it when you get into a multiple person conspiracy that ideology starts to jail the conspirators talk among themselves and whether or not you agree with the ideology or whether it makes a ton of sense? you can at least understand it when you have one individual who is not communicating with others he's going to develop an ideology in his head that might be a hard right turn from anything that we would understand as rational. so i think one of the problems here is not just access to information it's getting bits of information that don't make a lot of sense and that might take some weeks to sort out here commissioner, i think you alluded to this. >> one of the issues has been the building where the shooter was outside the secret service perimeter and they are saying saying that it was local law enforcement. it was in the building supposed to be securing it. there are these fingers pointing each way here say no, no, it was them. it was them, it was them. you've been on the local side of this. how much? is or are the locals in
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charge of a certain area or is it really the secret service who has to oversee the whole thing the u.s secret service has set up the hard perimeter and they are in there and in charge and no one gets in there according police so officers, unless they are authorized to go in by the secret service outside that the local police provide assistance. >> so a secondary role and they are outside in the in the soft perimeter area but the truth of the matter is, i think the secret service director said this yesterday, but she said we are in charge and that is the case. everything that's done by the local police is under the direction and control of the secret service in these cases. and i got to say they have one of the best relationships with local police of any federal agency. so it's unfortunate to see it's finger-pointing going on and we just need to get to the bottom of it phil, i do want to ask you about sort of going forward, i covered extremism
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for quite a number of years. >> and i was looking online at just some of the vitriol, some of the things people are saying, what concerns you because there is a lot of it out there and there's a lot of threats out there and a lot of blaming out there and conspiracy theories out there. and the language has gotten quite violent, very similar to what i saw. right before charlottesville. and frankly right before january 6, so what have you seen and what are your concerns a couple of things based on what i saw of extremist radicalizing themselves in a basement or looking at a video online. the first is, as you say, the national temperature which has been a conversation piece in the past 48 hours as a practitioner, you're looking at a numbers game. if you see, for example, several million people who are really radicalized, if you're playing a numbers game and you boil that down to one tenth of 1%. that is still too many people for professionals that the fbi and stimulate local homeland security to follow. if you have one tenth of 100th of a percent of a radical highest population, saying maybe
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violence is acceptable that's, that's operationally, you can handle that the second is there's a social peace politicians don't appear to believe that they have a responsibility to deal with it. you saw it, marjorie taylor greene said that will lead some people to say that violence is okay. the final piece i'd say is social work. the early stages of social media, we as a country don't have an understanding of what hate speeches, okay. and what hate speech is not okay. we know what what might hold true for cnn or the new york times. we don't know what holds true for youtube and x. and so until we get to a stage where we understand that we're gonna have a problem phil mudd and ed davis from a very good city, boston. the vessel it's disputable but feels like no miami, florida. just my opinion tell the truth, fell. >> i love it when you're on. all right. thank you, gentlemen. appreciate it in the wake of the trump rally police n
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tell the truth, fell. >> i love it when you're on. all right. thank you, gentlemen. appreciate it in the wake of the trump rally police shooting, some wild as we just mentioned conspiracy theories started spreading online. we will take a look at those and check the facts my father chose me to succeed him no matter the consequences house of the dragon streaming exclusively on its promise. >> where i'll leave. these could be more than make it a stallion i could be making the nba. you won't break yeah. stark. thank you. >> no matter why you started your business your goal is to keep on growing and with it how about financing from capitus?
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has been tracking this he's joining us now. here. what is going on here? yeah. look we see this today right after every major breaking news story, any big events in those moments after it occurs, there's this information void, right? rather than waiting for the facts on social the media, people fill that void wish answers, which are oftentimes conspiracy theories clearly an event as cataclysmic as an attempted assassination of a president of the united states naturally, it prompts this sort of reaction. what we saw has been worrying, but an conspiracy theories blaming biden, blaming the secret service, blaming the secret service to suggesting would no evidence whatsoever that they were maliciously negligence purposely negligence is that of course, is a part of a biden administration? exact. >> so that's happening on the rice what's happening on the left is this and what's
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happening on the left, what we're seeing online is this idea that the shooting was staged that it was staged by the trump campaign or trump himself in some way, to guess a photo op, again, totally false. and i want to show you an image that's been circulating that kind of feeds into this. if we have it there. so there's this image you see it's manipulated on the left of your screen. it shows the secret service agent shouldn't they are next to trump with the sunglasses on that he's smiling. yeah. he obviously if you look at the original image he obviously was not smiling. but you see somebody posting on x there. everybody here seems to be having a good time laughing and smiling. >> all the other agents to, you yeah. yes. >> so it plays into just this idea. obviously this is what the trump campaign wanted. again, it's totally, totally false. now, look, it is one thing, right? for this to be playing out on social media. you almost expect that however, we went to an anti-trump protest yesterday here. at the rnc. and we spoke to some
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democrats. and here's what they had to say the first thing that ran through my head is because we cannot believe this man ever. >> but it was somehow fate. >> so you initially thought it was staged as we all are do you still believe that? >> yes. we don't know i'm not sure. >> it's not impossible. i couldn't help but wonder because we've been lied to over and over by this man. the way he came up and raised his fist and acted like it was nothing. he wants to make it into something big so. >> some of these, i mean, some of these conspiracy theories or so wild, they're quite easy to disprove, especially as information comes out. i mean, do people no one except that they're being manipulated. >> look, and i would say, what was very honest with those women that we spoke to folks can go onto to see the full interview. was that lady mary man? she said, look, i know this is a rational


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