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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  July 16, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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democrats. and here's what they had to say the first thing that ran through my head is because we cannot believe this man ever. >> but it was somehow fate. >> so you initially thought it was staged as we all are do you still believe that? >> yes. we don't know i'm not sure. >> it's not impossible. i couldn't help but wonder because we've been lied to over and over by this man. the way he came up and raised his fist and acted like it was nothing. he wants to make it into something big so. >> some of these, i mean, some of these conspiracy theories or so wild, they're quite easy to disprove, especially as information comes out. i mean, do people no one except that they're being manipulated. >> look, and i would say, what was very honest with those women that we spoke to folks can go onto to see the full interview. was that lady mary man? she said, look, i
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know this is a rational i have seen people on the other side of the aisle republicans engaged in conspiracy theories about the election about january 6. i don't want to be that person, but yes, that is where her mind is going. and i think it just says so much about where we are in this country when it comes to trust, when it comes to the information and misinformation ecosystems we live in and for all this talk about coming together as a country clearly, if people have two very different worlds and understandings of reality how can you come together when you don't have a shared understanding, a shared a basic understanding, of what is, is, what fact is what reality is that's the only thing. the only basis of unity yeah, it's great so good to see you donie. thank you so much. and you're doing that great reporting as always we have a new hour of cnn, new central. it starts no w
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top of the hour. >> i'm kate bolduan here in milwaukee, wisconsin, sitting inside the rnc convention hall this morning the room will soon be back in action. and one big moment to look out for today. nikki haley, taking the stage, haley ran hard against donald trump in the republican primary, of course. and even after she dropped out of the race, she continued to win notable support and more than a dozen state primaries. so what will her message be to day to those voters, those ardent trump supporters in the hall, what will her message be to day to those? nikki haley voters? that both trump and biden want to win over so much. today's theme, a focus on security and that takes on, of course, new meaning now, less than 72 hours after the assassination attempt on the former prime president were showing you because you right there, the moment last night when he first entered the convention, his first
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appearance since he was shot moments ago, republican congressman byron donalds, you joined us. he spent the evening sitting right next to donald trump at his side. he spoke with us about the emotions that he says trump had he was emotional and is what i saw. and i think the whole world saw that and he fully understands how close he was to death he fully appreciated all the support, not just here in this convention is arena, but around the world and knowing him you know, donald trump has hit obstacles. he's hit criticism. we all know this the only strengthens his resolve off. but this is different. i think what it's really done for him is really the opportunity to reflect on everything cnn's alayna treene is leading us off. this hour. alayna, apart from donald trump, appearing
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for part of the program last night, other major moment yesterday was his announcement that senator jd vance is now his running mate. what is the campaign saying? about all this morning okay, there's a number of reasons donald trump ultimately decided to tap jd vance as his running mate. but i'll give you some of the top one. is that there's been a lot of people who are arguing that jd vance may be too young for the ticket he's only 39-years-old, however, donald trump has been very impressed with the amount of experience and what jd has done or jd vance is done by the time that he has turned 39. i'm told that's actually something that donald trump really liked. it's about him as well as there has been questions of whether donald trump did he actually wants someone who could be running beside him who would want to run in four years for president. i'm told that he actually does. he really is focused on having someone to carry on what they're calling the maga movement after donald trump finished she says, if he
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were to win finishes, his next term. so that's part of the reasoning. another two big reasons as well is that they think that vance, someone who grew up poor ohio town will connect very well with rust belt working class voters. those are the some of the voters that the trump campaign believes are central to winning the election in november. they also argue that jd vance, his wife, usha vance, as she is the daughter of indian immigrants, they actually think that she could be very powerful throughout the campaign in the leadup for over the next several months. now, we did hear vance himself addressing interview with fox news last night, what he thinks a vice president should do. take a listen to what he said you need to support the president in enacting when the agenda, whether it's going and meeting with foreign aid haters, whether it's working with the senate and the house to get legislation passed the president can't be everywhere, even the trump can't be
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everywhere. >> so you've got to be a person he can trust, he can rely by on to actually advance the agenda. that's the most important job now, going off of what van said, he kind of hinted that he's going to be very loyal to donald trump and let trump be the one to dictate any future agenda. >> and that was another reason and as well, people really see jd vance as being the most loyal of the contenders that donald trump was considering. now we also know that several influential people were injured donald trump's ear over the past several months. but even more so over the last several days, i'm told that these allies had been calling donald trump up until monday afternoon when he ultimately made his decision. that includes people like tech billionaire, elon musk called donald trump. i'm told on sunday, urged him to pick vance. we also know that his daughter, trump son donald trump jr. as well as tucker carlson and several others there republicans in congress, had been urging trump to go
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with vance as well. and so he has a lot of support here on the ground and among the republican party as they look ahead alayna thank you so much. here in milwaukee. now, today, president biden is back on the campaign trail as well with one goal proving to voters that he can do the job for another four years joe biden has a full slate of campaign stops today, starting in the battleground, state of nevada, where he is looking to focus in on policy, not personality in his campaign against donald trump. in the days since the attempted assassination of the former president, the calls for biden to bow out have really gone totally silent. so does that stick cnn's arlette sines? is that the white house for us? he's joining us now. arlette does this suggest that the clock has run out on this push to convince biden to step aside well, president biden has been adamant that it has. he says that he is remaining in this race and publicly, the calls for him to step aside have subsided in recent days, but behind the scenes, we're told there are still private efforts
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underway to try to press the president and his team that he needs to leave the democratic ticket order for democrats to be successful in november. now, those private efforts include polling memos sent by a seasoned democratic pollster, stanley greenberg, who did good polling for bill clinton back in his presidential runs additionally, there are democratic lawmakers who are privately urging biden's team that in warning that biden's legacy could be tarnished if he were not to lose, but also if house and senate democrats were to lose in november's election, if he remains at the top of the ticket. now the president has been defiant throughout this this thing that he is staying in this race some allies privately have said that they had hoped that in the days since some of the president's performance is last week, but also the assassination we should not attempt against donald trump that maybe the calls for him to step aside would step aside as they believe that democrats need to
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show a united front this moment. but last night in an interview with nbc news, lester holt, president biden again, said that he is remaining in this race and said that he has the received the votes from democratic voters in the primary. take a listen you feel like you've weathered the storm on this issue before they were she should be on the ticket or not? 14 million people would have for me to be the nominee in the democratic party okay? i'm assuming now for his part, president biden is charging ahead with his campaign, having several events today in the battleground, state of nevada, specifically looking to court black voters as they are looking to get more support heading into november's election arlette, thank you so much for that now, back here in milwaukee, former president donald trump, he received a standing ovation last night from loyal republican party members here at the convention. and it was
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an emotional first appearance since the assassination of assassination attempt on the former president for those in the audience, emotional and also, it appeared for the nominee himself. his son, don junior's said yesterday that his father has changed since the shooting here with me now is caroline sunshine? she's the deputy communications director for the trump campaign. thank you for being and here very busy, busy moment for you about last night. what was the former president's reaction to being here and amongst republicans and loyal, loyal republican party members with that moment last night, president trump's grateful to be alive and we are grateful that he is here. you know, we really believed that there was divine intervention at play. i'm a woman of deep faith and truly when you look at what president trump survived we really believe that they hand of god was with him. we're grateful that he's here. i think you can imagine anybody who survived, what president trump's survive would feel the
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same way we've also been deeply moved by the support of the american people, both inside our party and outside our party. when you walk into a room like that and you feel that energy, it's almost the inverse of what president trump was able to give that crowd in pennsylvania look, the only thing more remarkable than what president trump's survived in the assassination attempt on his life was, of course, his immediate reaction following it the immediate moments after where he got to his feet with blood still on his face, very much still in grave and present danger. and he says, fight, fight, fight. and if you watch the reaction of that crowd, the crowd understandably was panicked, fearful, ducking, and president trump got up and spoke those words, fight, fight, fight, and let the crowd know that he was okay. it also let them know that he was okay. and i think when president trump walked into this very same arena last night, the, crowd was now giving that back. >> yeah, we heard there you heard them can fight, fight, fight for him last night looking ahead to today many speakers will be taking the stage once again, nikki haley, it will be among them what does the campaign want to hear from?
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a formal former rival that donald trump ran hard against and who ran a rinehart against donald trump? >> well, we want to hear more of what nikki haley has already said, which is that nikki haley has endorsed president trump for president she's encouraged her own delegates to vote for him. these are her words, not mine. she has said that joe biden is not fit to serve for a second term and that we know kamala harris would be a disaster. she's also said that we need a president who can hold our enemies accountable, secure our border, cut our debt, and get our economy back on track. those are nikki haley's words, not mine. and we certainly look forward to hearing more of that because president trump he has unified this party behind him and, you know, when president trump got up and said fight, fight, fight, he wasn't speaking to a specific type of voter. he wasn't speaking to a specific type of american. he was speaking for the country today. there are no nikki haley voters. there are no this type of voter or that voter. there is only one party unified behind president donald j. trump. with the announcement of jd vance is running mate.
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>> what set him apart from doug burgum and marco rubio i think jd vance is a remarkable american who's deep love of country, is evidence this is a marine, once a marine, always a marine. >> this is a man who, when the twin towers came down on 911, jumped up and answered the call in his own way and said fight, fight, fight, and enlisted in the marine corps of course, serving overseas there's a kinship there. president trump and jd vance are from different generations, but i think they are made and cut from the same ilk, the same level of country, the same willingness to fight, the same willingness to sacrifice. you look at the remarkable life that jd vance is hot. certainly one of adversity, certainly one of pursuing the american dream. i think fighters respect fighters, strength, respect strength, as i said, president trump is unequivocally the leader of this party. he likes fighters and i think that's what you see in someone like jd vance is someone who has proved they're capable of being an excellent partner in our great fight to make our country great again, i want to ask you carolina former president
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trump, just i was just looking at this just two months ago. he went after rfk junior. he called them a democratic plant a radical left liberal is how he wrote about it. and he said that the country in a video, he said that the country would collapse almost immediately if rfk would when obviously there's no assumption that rfk would would win the white house. but trump just met with rfk yesterday, and according to rfk's campaign, they discussed discussed national unity. why would the former president want to meet with someone he calls a democratic plant? is it to try to win over his endorsement? >> because we are still one nation under god. and i think this moment that we have lived through president trump always has a way of it's not like meeting the moment. it's not like president trump is looking to meet with joe biden and talk about national unity right now. i mean, what what is going on with that meeting with when he has very limited time here in milwaukee at his schedule is really packed. well, first of all, i don't i think anybody is looking to joe biden or the
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democrat party. to unify the country. i think they're having a difficult enough time unifying their own party, but i'll say this rfk being on the independent ticket after the debate performance, the number one were the independence used to describe president trump's debate performance was hopeful. we are seeing more and more independents come over to vote for president trump. president trump like i said, has already unify the republican party behind him, but he intends to be a president for all americans, independents are very much included in that and we have part of a strategy and trying mean to kind of solidify the independent vote is potentially getting are off can aside, i think we are welcoming those voters to our party. certainly, and we intend to keep keep doing that. why wouldn't we good to see you, caroline? thanks so much for coming in. another day ahead for the republican convention. coming up for us new information. this morning about just how long people in the crowd at that pennsylvania rally saw and watched the gunman for he opened fire and tried to assassinate donald trump, new details and new
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reporting coming in on that and also after surviving that near-death experience, very late latest on what we know about the changes that donald trump says he is making to his republican convention speech cnn is live from milwaukee as republicans unite behind their nominee his vp, and they're planning to take back the white house, follow cnn for complete coverage that republican national convention coverage continues all week on cnn and streaming do you know about medicare part c plans also called medicare advantage? >> are you confused about what a medicare part c plan covers and what benefits you can get in your zip code, different parts see plans are available in different parts of the country. do you have the coverage you need? if you're losing battle? and if it's for any reason or new to medicare, you could be eligible to enroll
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guaranteed, count on certainty at four for certain ready new york giant? yes, sir. let's do it our team still add in pieces, still have the draft. >> if we agency, think what let's have a conversation in here? >> unlike anywhere else hard knocks off season with the new york giants streaming exclusively on max quite a new cnn analysis this morning, the crowd at the trump rally
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noticed that gunman, at least one minute and 57 seconds before he opened fire. >> there's also new information about the shooter's movements before it all happened, cnn's danny freeman is in butler, pennsylvania with the latest danny, what are you learning this morning? >> well john i want. to talk directly to what you just mentioned this time lapse between when it seems the crowd noticed thomas crooks in 20-year-old from bethel park, pennsylvania, the suspected shooter here. and when the shots actually rang out, listen, we've heard it from witnesses. we've seen it on a lot of these videos, but with cnn has now done is we've sync up some of these witness videos that we've been getting for the rnc over the past more than 48 hours now, and it suggests that crowd members in multiple parts of this particular rally notice that something was wrong on notice that there may have been this gunman perched on top of this roof and like you said, john, nearly two minutes a minute and 57 seconds from at least the video that we've
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gathered so far. for from the time that the crowd notices, thomas crooks on that roof to the time that former president trump is ultimately shot. and one other is killed in the crowd and two other injured as well. so again, harrowing information just as we continue to piece together what really happened at that rally meanwhile, we're also trying to piece together what happened with the shooter that led up up to this particular rally. and we have some more information from law enforcement sources. we know now that thomas crooks on friday went to his sportsmen's club and he used the rifle range there. that's important because that rifle range at this particular club is about 200 yards. so not not too much farther than the about 150 yards or so distance between where the gunman was perched and where former president trump was speaking at that rally. we know that on saturday morning, he then went to a home depot to purchase a ladder. then later went to a gun store also in and around his neighborhood and purchased 50 rounds of ammunition, then law enforcement sources tell us that he drove up to butler and
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he was spotted at one point by local law enforcement around the perimeter of the particular rally near the metal detectors. but then it seems went undetected for a little while until ultimately later on when he was perched on top of that roof. but john, the biggest question that we still all have been waiting for an answer is what was the motivation behind this attack? and frankly, the fbi still does not have an answer that they've been able to release to the public. they've done 100 interviews of witnesses and law enforcement folks on the ground here. they've interviewed friends and family of crooks, search through his phone, still at this point? no signs of any ideological reasons or other motivated that would have led him to that roof behind me back on saturday john, danny freeman in butler is great to have you there digging, keep us posted throughout the morning. thanks so much. sara all right. thank you, john, joining us now, a former adviser to the department of homeland security and a former secret service supervisory special agent, charles marina. thank you so much, sir, for coming in this morning. one minute, 57
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seconds? we've looked at the video and made that assessment. that's how long this attempted assassin sitting there on that roof, people are screaming saying there is a guy on the roof what was the biggest mistake here from the secret service yeah, i think the biggest failure was here in the overall operational security planning that was done and staffing, look, the secret service can't do their job without the support of state and local law enforcement to secret service owns this. >> however, they have the statutory responsibility to protect the former president. as i said, the required not only for the creation of the overall security plan, but also the effective implementation of that plan, including assignments of supporting state and local law enforcement officers. and near the agency that makes the initial requests of state and local law enforcement to provide
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resources to help secure these areas. you're talking about over a minute of being on the roof, which is shooter was you're also talking about the additional prior reporting from attendees and other people's reporting this suspicious behavior. so typically what happens when you see a significant failure like this? it's going to expose other failures. and i think one of the other areas that we're going to see failures in his community occasion, did it not happen at all or did it not happen broadly enough i'm curious about what is the norm here. >> this building was about a little more than a football field away. it was in the line of sight. the top of that building would it be normal for the secret service, for example, to have someone station there as so many times we have seen in the past where you have snipers on many of the sort of rooms, anything that looks down upon and has access to where the president is was that unusual to you while this
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is certainly a structure that would make the hair on the back of your neck stand up as you're doing the advance prior to the event taking place because of everything that you just mentioned, the the elevated threat, the direct line of sight to the stage so it's something that one you would want to control access to, to make sure somebody doesn't get on the roof of, for example, it's something that you would want to highlight to your special operations teams, like the counter sniper units to counter assault team something that you would specifically want to coordinate with state and local law enforcement on that outer perimeter to make sure that they are paying very close attention to it. >> again, it's not just the creation of the plan. it's the clear communication of expectations of what you want those resources to do at the state and local hello level. and also checking up to make sure that that's actually being done this evidently bell
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clearly through the cracks. >> i do want to ask you about some of the things that are being said online because it's just so pervasive. there's a lot of conspiracy theories that somehow the scene hey, good service allow this to happen for a myriad of reasons. how do they deal with that? with the public? in some ways, turning on them because a former president was almost killed well, look, we saw some very, very good thing that the secret service did that day in the way that they ran and protected the former stage, putting, their bodies between the threat and the former president, and then evacuating him out safely to go to a hospital to get checked out. so that worked very well. but when you see the inner workings of that protection bubble have to work the way it did the counter sniper team, that protective detail flying, to the former president. that usually tells you there's been a catastrophic failure at the operational plan. and as far as
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the conspiracies go, the best thing that could happen here is all the investigations that are being done get wrapped up quickly. there's no reason for this to be bogged down in politics and the bureaucratic process assess this was one site, this was one secret service operation. it should be very easy to look at and see what went wrong here the motive aside of the shooter that doesn't come into play to the overall operations because this plan should deter all threats, all hazards the secret service director did say the buck stops with her. we will see what happens with these investigations. charles marina. thank you so much for coming on and sharing your expertise with us this morning. >> thank you. >> so how long will the new message of unity lasts? we've got new reporting on what we can expect to hear when donald trump takes the stage at the convention and the biden campaign in a tough position this morning, can they pull the president has the energy to win while toning down attacks on
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house of. the dragon streaming exclusively on max day two of the republican national convention is about to begin, and it was high emotion last night as donald trump made his first appearance since the attempt on his life at his pennsylvania rally when he entered the room, the hall, you can see hit a bandage on his right here, right ear standing ovation from the crowd and the crowd chanting, fight, fight, fight. >> at one point to the former president who is now officially the republican nominee and who also officially announced yesterday, his running mate, jd vance, in the midst of it all today, trump's chief rival from the republican primaries, nikki haley, is expected to be speaking at the convention. lot of anticipation around what her message will be joining me right now is republican congressman and house majority whip tom emmer. it's good to see you, congressman. thank you. so much for coming in. did you have a chance to speak to the president when he was here last night and how he's doing and what your view of it is? >> no, i did not get a chance to talk to him last night, but i was so impressed when he
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showed up, you know, normally he waits until very me builds all the i think he showed up like that every night. the last convention yeah, but he didn't make the appearance. >> right. and he wanted to show everybody i'm here and i'm doing well. and it was it was really powerful, but the whole day was good. it was it was a good day. >> a good dad wasn't good day. >> you should say that if you said it was a bad day, we'd never breaking news landscape across apparently some of your colleagues on different outlet said that there was tension and anger at the republican convention. i didn't see it. i saw a lot of excitement. i saw a lot of unity, and i think the capper was last night when president trump walked down to the floor and acknowledged everyone. >> i will say one thing, one thing is evident here is the unity of this convention. versus, let's say the 2016 convention the unity around donald trump. you can definitely see it in this room on the assassination attempt, the house speaker has promised that the house is going to get
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answers about what happened and what went so wrong. what do you think the end result? what do you think the end result is going to be of this when it comes to accountability and the jaw and the role of congress in this, there are some well, i know the role of congress it is to look under every rock and to understand exactly what these agencies were doing and what maybe they didn't do i think it's too early kate to be talking about who's at fault, who's responsible but i do have serious questions. i mean, how does the shooter get to the top of that building at that time with an unobstructed view. so close to the podium where president trump is going to speak i mean, let's back it up how did he know to go to that rough? how did he know to get on top of that roof we're going to have to figure out what broke down, what was wrong and why. and i think this one will be different because i think both republicans and democrats in particular in the house this is a bridge too far. when this happens everybody,
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it's kind of a wake-up call. this is not a political game, and many more, we need to figure out what's going on and we need to address it, which is why you hear a lot of republicans, democrats talking about dialing back the rhetoric we've got to stop it with the personality and we got to get back to understanding while we might be democrats republicans, or other the end of the day, we're all americans it, it sounds, it sounds good. >> it sounds i would argue it is necessary that it happens. i also though, i have to say congressman in am skeptical that feeling continues beyond an undetermined amount of time going forward when they have to hit the campaign trail. >> yeah, i would have to acknowledge to you that the world is not perfect human beings are not perfect right now, you've got a lot of people from all different political perspectives that see the problem will want to address it. who knows how long that memory lasts? >> i'm really interested to hear what president trump's foreign president from sounds
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like when he makes a big speech on thursday, that can be part of it one policy question i want to ask you about. you've been a supporter of helping ukraine in its war against russian invasion and the russian aggression, aggression, foreign policy became something of a focus last night, even though was more of an economic message, became some of focus last night on stage, especially when we heard this speech from david sacks is a silicon valley investor who's given prime speaking slot and he really went after joe biden in his policy and aid for ukraine. let me play this really quickly then. >> he provoked yes provoked the russians to invade you frame with talk of nato expansion, president biden's told us this new forever war by promising it would weaken russia and strengthen america garca. well, how does that look today? russia's military is bigger than before. while our own stockpiles are dangerously pleaded no real quick. >> any observer of, you know,
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russian aggression in ukraine over the past ten years know that it wasn't, this, wasn't provoked by joe biden. but in the broader point, we also know add to that jd vance is one of the parties especially in congress. most vocal critics of us support for ukraine looking forward if president former president trump wins again is fruit future support for ukraine in serious question, actually, i back it up just a little bit. first off i might not have chosen the word provoked, but the biden administration and joe biden's feckless, aimless say i don't want to provoke anything. policy that shot sign of weakness, just open the door for putin to say we're going there's something really important putin invaded ukraine in 2014. i mean, you know well, i understand that, but i'm talking about most recently this is what caused him is you had thing has been around. republicans were saying is early as thanksgiving before that broke out. at the
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beginning of the new year. they were saying we need to send offensive weapons and the response from the biden administration was we can't do that. that would be provocation. that could be well, that's ultimately when you're not going to do that. but talk to me about the sending defensive weapons to talk to me about the support going forward. well, so another thing it's sachs said that was very important is the depletion of our weapons stockpile here in the united states, the vast majority of the money we've been talking about has been restocking and rebuilding american military capabilities, which is really important at this point in time. that's going to get done president trump has already said that on day one. this is the issue that he's going to address and resolve. and i believe it what is the issue is ukraine in the conflict with russia? he said, on day one, i will go after this and i'll solve it and you, even if it's making supporting some russian
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proposed ceasefire deal, i don't think you should assume anything like that i think president trump understands exactly what he needs to do. and i before we all start trying to prejudge something that we don't know the details of where he's going to go with it you got to be open. he has been correct about this stuff and i think most americans recognize that now, when they take the personality out of it, i think he'll do what exactly what he's telling us he's going to do. >> all right. good to see you. good to see you. thanks for coming. coming up for us are changes coming to the security details around the president and presidential nominees, the candidates look at the new efforts that are underway push to improve the protection provided by the secret service. we have more on that and what impact could donald trump's choice of jd vance as his running mate have on undecided voters come november let me
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complete. trump picking jd vance to be his running mate, marks a full transformation for the ohio senator. jd vance has become one of trump's biggest promoters and allies. but this does come after years of being a self-proclaimed, never trumper. here is senator vance from 2016 half of the things that he says don't make any sense or a quarter of the things that he says are offensive. i might have to hold my nose and vote for hillary clinton i can't stomach trump. i think that he's noxious and is leading the white working class to a very dark place. >> joining me right now, matt bennett, democratic strategist, co-founder of third way and cnn senior political commentator, republican strategist david urban. it's you, it's good to see you again, boys. what do you think of the pick? what do you think the pick of jd vance, david represents? >> i think it's a nod to the trump-based to working class voters this hall last night we saw president of the teamsters, right? >> we heard we heard a lot of talk about how we're going to
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work to help working class families afford to live. and i think jd vance's background is very unique background. really really will help solidify that base. i think his pick is this a shift it continues to shift that party are our party, the republican party, that used to be a party of kind white wine swilling country club going republicans, right? to being one of the truck driving working class blue collar republicans? and that's been going on for quite some time now. and i think jd vance is another step in a nod in that direction that the republican party is the party of working class people. and i think jd could speak to that. i think listen, i loved to happen in pennsylvania. come to my mate neighborhoods and western pennsylvania of those counties that president trump did extremely well in 20 16, i think jd vance would do extremely well in westmoreland and loser in lackawanna were where people work. he can speak to they're their struggles and their efforts with an
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authenticity, you don't have unless you've lived the life that he has yeah. and that's also just really quickly. he went to marine corps boot camp okay. the basic school at paris island. you don't have soft hands and make it through marine corps boot camp. and he enlisted, so he's got to do with your back and you still have those guys. i went to west point i think he he's he's got a really a great record of service to the country, selfless service a. marine corp parts pretty bad. don't underscore. i don't undersell that. >> so matt and in summary david urban is a fan of jd vance and what he could bring to the fight, what do you think that the pick of jd vance represents? i've heard from democrats, who represents something quite different from david urban is laying out look on a fan of jd vance circa 2016, at least it comes to donald trump vance is a radical. he has said that abortion should be banned in all cases. and he said that cases of rape and incest are
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inconvenient he's told women to stay in violent marriages. he is trash the affordable care act. he said that. social security and medicare should be on the table. i mean, this guy is yanking the party as hard as he possibly can strongly to the right. so i agree with david that it is a departure but i think there's some other things to keep in mind. kenya massively underperformed the top of the ticket when he ran in 2022, he was something like 20 points behind where the governor ran. so this idea that he's going to help trump lock up the midwest is nonsense. he didn't do very well in a very good year in ohio last times so i think that's poses real problems for the ticket and he kind of doubled down. trump doubled down on the base when in fact he needed to be looking to expand his coalition, which he did not do with vance let's talk about what david actually brought up with the teamsters, the president of teamsters, speaking last night, really
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closing an hour. i want to ask you first about it because if he shown on brian delivered a pretty fiery speech from the stage, railing against it was big business and others kind of waging a war on the american worker if you close your eyes during that speech, you could have easily thought that was a speech that you could expect to hear at a democratic convention. i mean, should democrats be nervous about what this could mean? >> absolutely. and we need to do more to shore up our base. and that should include organized labor. joe biden has done more for organized labor than any president in modern history showed up on picket lines. he has been there for working men and women. and let's look at what's going on with republicans just yesterday elon musk announced he's giving 45 45 million per month to a trump super pac, other billionaires were piling into. they had a billionaire speaking in prime time and making all kinds of crazy comments as you pointed out last time. so this
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is not the party of the teamsters. this the party of the billionaires. >> how do you counter that, david? >> well, i mean, i would say that the rank and file teamsters don't agree right? >> i mean, the teamsters are going to vote overwhelmingly uaw's get to the rank and file when i watched the uaw president on this network say, look, the leaderships, i understand the leadership for joe biden, but lots of ai overwhelming majority of my members probably gonna vote for trump i don't know if he's okay maybe not what he said a greg majority of trump and so same thing holds true here last night, right? he sean got up there and he said, listen, i would like to go to the democratic convention and get this message to on that stage loss that you saw black and brown people, right? republican party is going after a lot of the core constituencies of the democratic party. and we're fighting for every vote in america. we're not looking past anybody. we're fighting for every vote and are we going to get 80% of the black vote? no, but we get 20% of african-americans. hopefully,
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cui expand our base amongst hispanics in america. hopefully we can do that. hopefully the party will continue to grow and we'll pick up labour members. will really a big tent. and i think that you saw last night on the stage and the speaker's i think we're emblematic of that effort. listen, if you said if you close your eyes and you saw the speakers that were there, right? you would say mit democratic convention. this is not the party of george bush in 2030, 40 years ago, republican party was very monolithic and kind of looked all the same. this is a very diverse party and it's exciting. you've got the excitement the room, and i think people across america feel that definitely not the party of the george w bush-era. we know, we definitely know that as a party of donald trump now, it's good to see you again, david. thank you very much, matt. thank you as well. it's great to see you so there are also new bipartisan calls right now to increase the protection for presidential candidates. what that could look like, what that could mean? in what this bipartisan effort could bring. that's next
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all season with the new york giants streaming exclusively on max this is cnn the world's news network. there is now a bipartisan push to step up the protection of political leaders following the attempted assassination of former president donald trump, newark congressman republican mike lawler and democrat ritchie torres. they're set to introduce legislation that would enhance secrets, secret service, security protection for trump, president biden, and presidential candidate rfk jr. as well and congressman lawler is joining me here. a bipartisan push bipartisan anything congressman is not something that we hear often about. so this is always something that we wanted. would that i always want to highlight? what you're push the where what i was reading about, what this would do is you push is enhanced protection for candidates, but does that suggest that you think? part of the failure from saturday was a lack of resources what does it what do they need to prevent
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what just happened? so obviously i'll preface this by saying the investigation is underway and obviously don't want to prejudge that but i think from everything that i've heard in the discussions, i've had, and from what has been reported thus far it's clear that there was a lack of resources. >> i mean, you didn't have drones available for us, which is insane in addition to the fact that the shooter was able to get on the roof of a building with a direct line of sight of the former president and able to get a shot off. and as we learn more, and it seems as though this individual was in the sights of law enforcement officials for roughly 25 minutes, that obviously raises significant concern and questions about protocol. it raises concern about communication. and we want to get to the bottom of it, but the bottom line to me
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is those our elections should always be decided by votes at a ballot box, not by violent is that a rally? and the fact is, but for the grace of god, we came a millimeter away from donald trump being dead versus donald trump being here this week to accept the republican nomination. and i think that should shock the conscience of our nation to its core and we should be moving expeditiously to ensure that every resources available to not only donald trump and joe biden but to rfk junior, whose family has twice been victim to political assassination we are hearing for the from the director of the secret service for the first time since saturday, she did an interview with abc news. >> she did say that the buck stops with her in terms of the security failure, but she also said that she is not resigning. are you to a place? that you think that she should not be that she should resign look
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again, i'm not going to prejudge the investigation but i think it's clear that there were complete failures in protocol in communication in reach. >> a lack of resources that were brought to bear here. at the end of the day, not only is he a former president, but he is the leading candidate for president in this election according to every poll and to not have those resources fully available. with four months to go in this election is unconscionable and so i think obviously, let's let this investigation play out but i don't think there's any question that there needs to be accountability, including some people including potentially a director losing their jobs because this type of security failure never, ever should have happened the fact is 43 years ago was the last time someone was shot president reagan and we cannot allow this to be


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