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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  July 16, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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welcome back to cnn special live coverage of the republican national convention on board sanchez coming to you live from milwaukee. >> brianna keeler. my good friend and co-anchor is live for us in washington, dc day two of the rnc convention has kicked off. and at any minute, donald trump's newly minted running mate, freshman senator jd vance of ohio it's expected to do a walkthrough of the convention center ahead of his big speech all of this happening as we're learning of an iranian plot to assassinate former president so didn't donald trump a plot with no known connection to saturday's assassination attempt now, cnn's evan perez is going to have more details on that plot in just a moment. but first, we want to go to kaitlan collins, who's on the convention floor and kaitlan what are you seeing now? what's coming later tonight?
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>> yeah. boris, it's a little bit calmer right now. we're not paying it totally crammed. hear the floor which it typically is the case when the delegates are actually here on the floor. i'm standing in between ms gotten. it, wisconsin and pennsylvania, right now. and if you can see behind me, you could see donald trump junior and kimberly guilfoyle oil day or two people who are expected to speak tomorrow donald trump junior is going to be one of those introducing the newly minted vice president does it until nominees, senator jd vance, when he gives his speech tomorrow. of course that first formal appearance that we are going to see from him since he was picked yesterday as donald trump's running mate. and i should note that i'm hearing from sources that donald trump and jd vance are expected to appear every single night here at the republican convention together obviously we saw all that moment last night, one of the biggest moments, probably good, that's going to come out of this convention. where donald trump entered the hall here where i'm standing the vip box is just behind the camera. and of course you that bandage on his ear. and so it just moments like that that remind everyone of exactly what happened on saturday night, how that has changed what you are
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going to hear from some of these figures years light. donald trump jr. on the campaign stage who say on the delegation stage, i should note who say that they have changed in tone down their speeches, of course, we'll have to wait to see how those speeches are actually delivered. we saw wisconsin senator ron johnson saying they put the wrong one and the teleprompter when he spoke yesterday. so we're watching all of these moments and the other person that we are are expected to see here to come out to also test out the microphone and the lectern is senator vance himself. there's a lot of security here on the delegation floor right now. boris, as we are watching from them, the other thing though, to keep an eye on on that stage behind us tonight is you're going to see two of donald trump's fiercest republican critics now turned allies of his who are back on an endorsing him for the 2024 cam campaign. that's governor ron desantis and governor nikki haley, who both were harsh critics of his during the campaign when they were challenging him for the republican nomination with ron desantis saying he did not believe trump was pro pro-life and nikki haley saying she thought that trump was unhinged
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and diminished and so now you will see them coming out in support of him and tonight just speaks to really what we're looking at here on the floor, how much the republican party has changed in the eight years since there was a last formal convention in cleveland, ohio kaitlan collins, look forward to seeing you on that claustrophobia inducing jam packed conference floor. thanks so much. let's go now to cnn's evan perez, who helped break this exclusive cnn reporting on the secret service ramping up security after they received intel of an iranian plot to assassinate donald trump evan, bring us up to speed yes. >> boris. well, this was information that came from a human source. this is intelligence that came from a human source that indicated that the iranian intelligence services were plotting to assassinate the former president. and so that led to the secret service increasing some of their protection for them the former president in the last few weeks, we saw the secret service say that over the weekend that they had
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increased some of his protection and it, did not have to do necessarily just with the fact that he was about to become the official nominee for the republican party for the presidency. but it had to do with this new intelligence was deemed credible enough that they needed to take some action. now, we should note that this has nothing that appears to be nothing at all to do with the gunman on saturday twenty-year-old from western pennsylvania, who did manage to get on a roof and fired those shots at the former president narrowly missing missing his head and of course, what could have been a fatal shots. so what we do know though, is that obviously this is raising new one important questions for the secret service as to why and how that is possible that someone could be able to get to a roof and fired those shots. now, we have a statement from from an official in the administration, a us official, national security official. and i'll read you just what
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they're saying in reaction to our reporting, they say the secret service learned of the increased threat from this threat stream, the nsc directly contacted the secret service at a senior level to be absolutely sure they continue to track the latest reporting, the secret service shared this information with the detail that the former president's detail is protective detail and the trump campaign was married, made aware of an evolving threat in response to the increased threat, secret service surge resources and assets for the protection of former president trump he should note also, boris that we heard from the trump campaign and they say that they do not comment on foreign president's security on they've directed questions to the secret service but boris you know, keep in mind that there has been a long-running concern about iran. you remember that in 2020 during the former president's administration? the united states assassinated the former head of the iranian. revolutionary guard corps,
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qassam soleimani. and as a result of that, the iranians have been known to be making threats against john bolton, against mike pompeo, others in the us government. and of course, against donald trump in retaliation for that. so that is something that they've been on guard for. and the other factor we understand over the course of months, the secret service has made it very clear to the campaign that there were inherent risks about doing these outdoor events because there's so much harder for them to control access to. so there's something that has been repeatedly warned to the campaign about holding these types of events that kind that happened on saturday, where of course a gunman was able to get those shots at the former president boris yeah. >> notable given the context of what we saw unfold, evan perez. thank you so much for that reporting. >> thanks. we want to discuss now with republican congressman dan meuser of pennsylvania. he's a state co-chair of the trump campaign. and he was
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actually there on saturday in butler when the shooting took place. congressman first, i want to get your reaction to this reporting that there was actually enhanced security at that rally in light of the iranian plot to assassinate former president donald trump enhance security at a rally in which the president was still talking by a shooter, roughly 150 yards away. what's your reaction? >> yeah. the shooter's plan wasn't glad complicated, right. i mean, he went around the so-called perimeter. he climbed up on a building with a seemingly an ar type weapon and was able to fire. so there was certainly a lot of security there, both homeland security secret service and local pennsylvania state troopers and the local police. so there was ample security. the plan and execution clearly had some significant lapses in it. 150 yards outside of the staging area, able to get a shot off from a rifle. i mean, anyway what do you, hans knows that
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that's that's a that's an easy target to hit that boris, i mean, we were i was sitting with dave mccormick and mike kelly and many others. christine already are national committee person, many others. it was truly within the line of fire. we were right under it. and that's where the port for gentleman from pennsylvania was hit because he he was raised up and he was he was trying to he was trying to be heroic. can guard his children and his wife and tragically, he was murdered in this yeah our hearts go out to that fire chief and his family only from that devastating moment to what we saw unfold last night on the floor of the convention. what was your reaction to seeing the reception that the former president got here? >> well, i'll tell you it's an emotional thing. i mean, when the president went down, when the gunfire began, we looked at me, grabbed his head, he went down, he hit the deck. that wouldn't think he fell. he hit
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the deck. >> but when he came up, i mean, everybody felt with him. i mean, literally and figuratively, i mean, it was it was a really heartfelt catastrophe just occurred. when he came up in fist pump and said meeting i'm okay in a way it made everybody okay. so when he came in here yesterday, i mean, people were just so emotional to see him walking strong, be alive, and just being so positive the strong and i'll tell you, i mean, that's a signal of i think who the man is. i mean, have the fortitude and strength of character to react in that way under those circumstances. >> so i think a lot of people find that a very appealing quality in a leader there have been calls from both democrats and republicans publicans to tone down the political rhetoric in light of what we saw unfold. i'm wondering if you support those calls and what you would like to see from the folks that are speaking
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here at the convention. >> very much so i support it very, very much. i mean, we really need to use this as a unifying moment. and has no reason to shouldn't be. there's a lot of personal attacks that have taken place, and certainly some from republicans i'll take responsibility, but there's also a lot coming from the left. i mean, just this past friday excuse me, joe biden was stating how donald trump. was not short of hitler he's going to be a dictator. >> he's going to destroy our country. he's dangerous to our country the bulls-eye comment that we heard. i mean, frankly to first lady jill biden saying president trump's evil, and i'm not saying it's one-sided, but those are pretty personal attacks. and that's why i challenged the dnc and the biden ministration to a policy debate. let's let's avoid all these mischaracteriza tions because that's what they are really not based upon. truth. that based upon trying to get trying to fire up one side over another. >> so i'm sure you've heard the reporting that the vice
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presidential pick jd vance at one point liken president trump to hitler we also heard even last night several speakers talking about democrats being dangerous for the country. one speaker referred to president biden as being senile do you wish that hadn't been a part of the proceedings absolutely i do my very best to not make that part of my vernacular. my vocabulary. now i'll tell you this. i'm time sometimes it does, it gets a little hot out there in politics but we need to all make conscious effort to cool down, to tone it down, and we need to see examples of it you know, again, there's two sides to the story. but even in the press release for the democrats platform give us some really, really inflammatory language in there regarding what who the president is, what's going to do as opposed to where it should be filled in, what policies they have to
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make a better future for america? >> i understand in our reporting that part of the way that the trump campaign is planning to use the ohio senator jd vance in their campaign is two fortify the so-called blue wall michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania obviously, you're your home state. what do you think jd vance brings to the table and helping republicans recap capture you know, pennsylvania. >> well, you know what he's very good messenger. he's very he speaks very, very clearly, and he makes he i think he makes policies very common sense and sensible to people notice that in him over the, over the last two years, i mean, if you look at his background, very humble beginnings, joined the marines, then went to ohio state. >> then went to yale law school, had a successful business career i think i think the american people get to know him as i do, and certainly as president trump, because he's going to pick the best person he he can under the criteria that he had. so i think he's
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going to impress the american people. >> you were speaking about jd vance's background. he's actually in our background right now. he's these are live images of the vice presidential pick touring the stage where he is set to deliver remarks later. this week. does, does it bother you at all that at one point he was a never-trumper and that he said those things about the former president and called people that voted for trump stupid you short those. >> but on the same note, it's more impressive that president trump can overlook that and get past that and say, okay, once he learned more about our agenda about president trump himself, about what america first means. it doesn't mean america alone, it doesn't mean america and the. heck what everybody else does mean that at all, it just means, let's make america strong as it can be. >> so our allies and friends can be that much stronger in my view. >> and i think that state and so, you know, i think it's impressive that president trump
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can get past that and make give him the most important job in his administration. >> notable that there are going to be several republicans who said negative things about the former president taking the stage, not just this week, but specifically tonight. congressman, and appreciate your joining us to share your perspective. i want to send it to my colleague, kaitlan collins, who's on the convention floor right now getting an up close view of the new vice presidential pick yeah, boris, you could see senator jd vance right now on stage behind me. >> he is getting a little bit of a tour like all the speakers that you're going to see in prime time tonight. tomorrow and later this week are we've seen all of them come out to kind of just get a test, see where they are through the prompters are super that cameras are and practice coming in and off the stage also up there right now with a notably is donald trump junior, who of course it was one advances fiercest advocates to make him his dad's vp pick. i'm told that there was even a moment last night, last week at mar-a-lago or donald trump junior hearing that his dad was considering other people like north dakota governor doug burgum, went in and made it personal appeal again to his dad to put vance on the ticket
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believing that he would be the best for him and notably, given that influence and said clearly how it impart worked with his father. he was interviewed donald trump junior was by axios earlier this morning, who was asked what he, his thoughts were on staffing for a potential second? can trump term. what that would look like if you'd be recommending anyone else for his father's administration, he said he didn't necessarily want to pick people to be a jobs, but he wanted to have veto power over certain britain people that he did not believe should be in there. and senator vance himself has also been questioned on this when he once wrote that he wanted to be able to fire every mid-level bureaucrat and replace them with people who are loyal to trump, arguing that that was something that worked against him during his first time in the white house. i was something that abc is george stephanopoulos. question him about. and so obviously, i think that's something to think about as we talk about what this pick is looking like. in the fact that senator vance is going to be on donald trump's ticket is if they are elected to the white house as president and vice president, what that means for what the staffing of a second trump term would look like something that of course
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has had heavy and intense focus. and as we see, it does include at least one former trump critic who says his views have evolved. and vance himself and so bores, yeah, i i'll just note that we're watching them come up here, take a bit of a loop around the stage. we're going to see that a lot over the next few hours as then we get into the speakers tonight, that does include that very long list of people who could potentially also hope to have a job in the trump cabinet in the trump administration, i talked to doug burgum yesterday, just a few hours after he learned he was not going to be the vice presidential pick he said that when he connected with donald trump during the day yesterday, trump call it him, mr. secretary sorry, hinting that he may have a role in a future trump cabinet if there is one. now that's notable because burgum said previously that he did not want any cabinet secretary position. it was vp or nothing basically for him yesterday. he seemed potentially open to doing so. boris we often see that tune change opportunity becomes available. kaitlan collins from the floor of the convention.
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thank you so much. stay with cnn, our special coverage from the rnc continues after a quick break this election season. >> cnn has you covered, no matter the question, from more about the candidates to rules in your state, to casting your ballot. the cnn voter handbook has your answers. visit slash vote for yours what does a robot know about love? translate that, leap inside the human heart and something we can see and hold the fingerprints we leave behind. show how determined we are to give the world a piece of ourselves etsy excuse me. can i
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week as he addresses the convention, what of many big moments we are expecting on the heels of last night's dramatic appearance by the former president with a bandage still on his ear after the attempt on his life last saturday. we're joined now by cnn's chris wallace and chris, obviously, the convention comes at an important moment in history. and last night you said that you'd never seen a moment like that at a convention before when trump emerge, that was received by this crowd less than 48 hours after an assassin's bullet had grazed his ear and by a millimeter better miss taking him out and the feeling on this convention floor, the joy was quite extraordinary one moment that may be compared to it, and i thought about this after i made that statement, 1964 just nine months after president kennedy was assassinated, his brother bobby kennedy, who was the attorney general, came to the democratic convention and
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atlantic city. you can see him there to introduce a tribute video to his brother and the convention. remember these were the delegates who had, had thought gabe it standing ovation for 22 minutes before bobby kennedy could finally speak and to give you a sense how fraught this was, lyndon johnson, the president and bobby kennedy did not like each other and johnson and was afraid that the delegates were going to draft kennedy and make him the vice presidential nominee over johnson's objections. so johnson would let kennedy speak until the last day of the convention after hubert humphrey, the senator, had already been nominated for vice president, he did not want this extraordinary display. you have a motion to get out of hand and forced him to live with with bobby kennedy as vice president for four years a fascinating
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slice of history especially given that we know the fate of bobby kennedy eventually exactly chris, i wanted to before we focused on tonight, get your thoughts on something that stood out to me about last night that we haven't actually addressed yet, at least on on new central and that is amber rose. >> i asked you earlier, viewer familiar with her and you surprised me when you said yes but i'm not very familiar i thought she gave one of the best speeches of the night. >> know, i have to say in the cnn anchor, but with a lot of people who had never heard of her, people were very impressed with her, among other reasons, because she's a performer. she knows how to talk, not to ten or 15 or 20,000 people in the in the arena here, but to millions of people watching at home and that kind of personal one-on-one staring into the camera and talking in a very low-key personal way and not somebody you would typically expect at any convention, particularly not a republican convention, but and i think an
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indication you also saw that with the labour leader sean o'brien or the teamsters of how determined the trump camp is to try to reach out and win over some demographics they're doing surprisingly well among young voters and amber rose is obviously an effort to try to cement that relationship. >> yeah. no question about that. i wanted to get your thoughts on what we're going to see tonight. not only the theme of safety in the united states, but also poured a unity with some of trump's recent rivals who said disparaging things about him i'm taking the stage and endorsing. yeah. i think the big moment tonight as nikki haley, nikki haley, who as you say, was very critical of trump, called him unhinged, called him diminish, said that he creates chaos during the campaign, stopped running in march. >> but it is people said it was kind of a zombie campaign even though she was no longer a formal candidate, she got 16% of the vote in april in the
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pennsylvania primary in 20 to 25% in some of those collar suburban counties around philadelphia that are so important for trump to try to pick up if it's able to get some of those nikki haley voters to go for him instead of joe biden, that could be the difference between winning and losing a state like pennsylvania, which has probably a must-win state for joe biden if he's going to get reelected president. >> chris wallace, always great to get your perspective. and amber rose fan didn't know that. well you asked me if i knew who she was. >> i said yes, i did. fair enough. fair enough, chris, thanks so much. we'll be watching you tonight. thanks so much. thank you. >> coming up, the republican governor of georgia recently revealed that he didn't vote for donald trump in the primary. so what is he hoping to hear from the former president at the rnc during his speech that promise to be toned down, will discuss in just moments cnn is lying hi from milwaukee, as republicans unite behind their nominee, his vp, and their plan to take back the
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white house, follow cnn for complete coverage. >> the republican national convention coverage continues. all week on cnn and streaming on max if you are shopping for a home realtor dot com's real commute tool lets you find homes close to work, school, even grandma's house domino, all apps do that really trust the number one app, real estate professionals trust you want to close out. >> should i normally, i'd hold by taking the gains as smart here? >> i feel more competent. what's docx ratings from jp morgan analysts in the chase app when you've got a decision to make, the answer is jpmorgan wealth management, one of my favorite supplements is kunal turmeric. turmeric helps with healthy joints and inflammation support and cute all has the number one doctor recommended form of turmeric kuno. the brand i trust whether you're a professional driver or just a fan, vehicle breakdowns are
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joining us now from the republican national convention is the republican governor of georgia, governor, a pleasure to have you with us. one of the themes for tonight, the second night of the rnc is going to be party unity. you're going to have folks like former governor nikki haley, governor ron desantis, folks that have disparaged president trump during the primary process go up there and essentially say that he deserves to be president once more. you personally have had a fraught relationship with former president trump. he vowed at one point to end your political career i'm wondering if you've spoken to him recently? >> no, i haven't spoken to him recently, but listen, i do think people are unifying the party. i think you'll see a lot of that to tonight. i think you've seen a lot of that since saturday about total lot of people to i've been seeing that really over the last several weeks or months and certainly since the debate in atlanta, i think everybody the closer you get, the more boat really both parties normally unify. we're certainly seeing a big split on the democratic
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side right now. but i think republicans are unifying for one reason, we can't afford four more years of joe biden you did not vote for president trump during the primary? i'm assuming that means you're going to vote for him in the general election. >> well, i didn't vote against him either. i just didn didn't did vote for anybody because the race is really over when it when it got to november, when it got to the primary in georgia, but i've said all along, look, what way longtime ago when the nominating process started on the republican side, i was going to support the nominee, support the ticket. and so that's what i'll be doing. >> i do want to ask you about the case that the former president is facing in fulton county. obviously, given the pace of the proceedings, it doesn't seem like that's going to be figured out in the courtroom before the election. if the former president wins in november, would you support a pardon for him well, i would just say i got to be very careful about what i say in regards to that case because i'm a subpoenaed witness.
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>> that case. i wouldn't want to weigh in on your question. not that i'm trying and to dodge. it will see i'm like, you i don't think that case is going to go to trial before november, i think quite honestly a lot of people around the country feel like all these cases have been politically motivated and certainly there's been other instances in the fulton county case that have created other issues that have delayed the trial. so, you know, we just got to let all that play out, but i'll be honest, we had thing that democrats have overplayed their hand on a lot of those things. i think people are our of all of that. they're ready to just go vote and let the election decide all this. >> i'm curious to get your thoughts on what we saw last night following the attempted assassination of president trump over the weekend, his triumphant return to an audience that adores him what was going through your mind when you saw him come out and get that reception? >> well, regardless of how you feel when you know whether
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you're republican or democrat or no kara, i mean, to see him come back from what happened saturday. i mean, that just shows the spirit of america to me with president biden calling him over the weekend. i think the two first ladies have have spoken as well. it really shows the true fabric of our country and i hope as the campaign moves on we'll, continue to see that that spirit and fight hard and campaign hard and go to the ballot box with vigor for your candidate. but this violence and really some of the top rhetoric, i think it's time to just, you know, is much as we can and a blood sport like politics calm those things down and to that point, what did you think last night when some of the speakers were referring to president biden as a senile and there were folks that said that democrats are dangerous for the country. >> does that cross the line in your mind, given? well, listen, i think there's a lot of things that have been set on others so
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that you can make the case that it incited some of the animosity against president trump. >> i think you can also say there has been rhetoric on the republican side in the same case for joe biden. and i think it's incumbent on all of us to really be careful about what we're saying but also big graceful in forgiving to people if they have a slip of the tongue and say sun-like, it's going to be a bloodbath or you know, we need to put them in the crosshairs mean and we need to focus on him, not shoot them. we got to be realistic dick to in this world that, you know, everybody's fighting for their position heartless, his be respectful and mess. let's make this election about policy i personally think if donald trump does that, if he speaks to the future and tells people what we're for the chairman of the party, my widely said the same thing opportunity for republicans this week to tell people that are undecided why they should vote for us on policy issues now's the time to do that. >> i do you think president trump himself will tone down
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the rhetoric during his well, i can't speak for president former president trump, but i think he has a great opportunity to do that. i mean, i'm not saying you don't fight hard for your position, but also i think this is a great opportunity for him to show thanks and humility as to what happened and the prayers that people are given to really remember the, loss of life from saturday, those that are injured, people that will be affected for decades by that day. in this country and let's, let's make ourselves better every day. let's make the country better. let's tell people what we're going to do to make the country better. and i think i think donald trump has a strong case to do that based on his record versus joe biden's governor brian kemp. >> thanks so much for taking the time to chat to you. appreciate we want to get straight now to cnn's kaitlan collins, who's on the floor of the convention because kaitlan, there's a familiar face during the stage right now surprising base boris, because this is not
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someone who was expected to be at the republican convention. >> initially, that is governor nikki haley, ambassador nikki haley, who was once one trump's fiercest primary challenger is certainly one of his harshest critics during the republican primary. she was not actually invited to speak at the republican convention until that attempted assassination of donald trump that happened on saturday. >> i am told that it was after that that donald trump reached out to her his team did to see if she would be interested you and coming here to speak. so we will be hearing from her on this stage behind me tonight. everyone will be watching that very closely. we know that she's voting for donald trump shared he came not a few months ago and said as much saying that when she looked at the choice between donald trump and joe biden, it was an obvious choice for her and that she would be supporting donald trump. but remember boris, how ugly that primary campaign got where nikki haley as the race went on, and it was eventually just nikki haley and donald trump in that republican primary. she said that she believed donald trump was diminished. she called him
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unhinged. >> she was very critical of joe biden, obviously as well. >> not a surprise. there, but also of donald trump. and it was a notable moment when of course you dropped out of the race and she did not immediately endorsed donald trump. that is something that came much later on when she said that she would be voting for him, but stopped short of really doors seeing him. so we'll be watching to see what she says closely here tomorrow or tonight, excuse me, when she is at that lectern in this place is crowded with delegates. and what we've heard all this talk about unity and what that looks like. i think that's a real question of how she chooses to talk about this on stage. and also how we see the delegates respond to her. remember yesterday, it was over there in kentucky. their delegation city seated right over there. senator mitch mcconnell was booed when he got up to announce. kentucky's delegates for donald trump obviously he's also someone who has said he will be supporting donald trump, though he has also been quite a harsh critic of his and they had actually gotten several years without speaking after january 6 happen. and so there is a theme here tonight.
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it is about immigration and crime that you're going to see. a lot of the speakers talking about. but everyone's going to be watching this speeches from nikki haley and from governor ron desantis very closely, especially with haley, given she was invited and only had a few days to work on her speech and to see what she says. and of course, how all of this has changed since what happened on saturday night in butler, pennsylvania yeah. >> and no doubt, we're going to be closely watching the way that she's received here. we know the trump campaign eagerly wants those haley voters, even though zombie voters that continued supporting her, even after she dropped out, kaitlan collins live from the floor of the convention, we're going to take a quick break. cnn his back in just a few minutes this summer there's no better time to experience the lake it is mercedes benz has to offer make your dreams come true that the choice won't be easy with
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breaking news, senator bob menendez has been found guilty by a jury on all 16 counts in his federal corruption trial, the new jersey democrat convicted on charges that included bribery, obstruction of justice, and acting as a foreign agent. >> we have cnn's kara scannell, who's outside of the courthouse new york, and has been following this all along kara, what is menendez saying about the verdict brianna, senator menendez left court just a short time ago. >> now, after the jury handed up that verdict guilty on 16 counts, all related to a sweeping bribery scheme. he walked to the cameras to address the media saying that deep we disappointed and that they would appeal. take a listen obviously, i'm deeply, deeply disappointed by the jury's decision. >> i have every faith that the law and the facts did not sustain that decision, and that we will be successful upon appeal i have never violated my
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public oath i have never been anything but a patriot up my country. and for my country, i have never ever been a foreign agent. and the decision right? and there by the jury today would put at risk every member of the united states senate in terms of what they think a foreign agent would be brianna, we also heard from the u.s. >> attorney, damian williams. he's the attorney for the southern district of new york. he also spoke to the camp and he said that this was a shocking level of corruption prosecutors accuse menendez of accepting gold bars nearly half a million in cash that was found in his home in new jersey as well as the mercedes benz convertible. and in exchange, they say he sold the power of his office by taking steps to help some of the men involved in the case were charged alongside him and found guilty, as well as helping the government of egypt all while he was chairman of the senate foreign relations committee, certainly significant. now this won't automatically directly remove senator menendez from
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the senate. that is something that's senate would have to choose to do. but as of now, the senior senator from new jersey thank convicted of 16 felony counts, it's part of a sweeping bribery scheme. brianna, big news today, kara scannell, thank you for that. >> live for us from new york. a one way for we're former president trump to win in november could be by picking up more votes from black and latino voters and polling suggests that is a real possibility of next that's where we talking to one of his former cabinet secretaries about how we could do it it's so easy to get your windshield replace using safe flight, telling people i haven't done it started off as it shift and it just keeps going. >> so what do we do now? i've scheduled appointment as safe day by rupert safe flight replace seems like be placed was had trouble losing weight and keeping same, discover the power of week-old janan to be the gobi.
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to black voters, immigrants, and young voters. >> he is also expected to frame trump as a candidate who can in best unite the country during his speech at the rnc we're joined now by dr. ben carson. he served as secretary of housing and urban development during the trump administration. dr. carson, a pleasure to have you on. thanks for joining us. there were a lot of folks in those groups that vivek ramaswamy wants to address tonight. black voters, younger voters, immigrants, that in the first trump administration felt alienated and felt attacked what do you think the former president needs to do to bring those voters in? and to better address their concerns in a potential second, trump administration well, i think one of the reasons there you see a lot of minority people moving for trump because they saw initiation that he tended to believe that a rising tide floats necessarily pick one
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another in terms of benefits for them i think people are starting to peak but i'm very hopeful that people on all sides will begin to realize that we're all americans and stop trying to divide us on the basis of race, age, income the political affiliation doesn't work because house divided against itself cannot dr. person i'm wondering what you made of donald trump picking jd vance to be his running mate, his vice presidential pick. well, i think it was a good pick because jd vance's young he's energetic, he's very smart. he's quite articulate and i think it can be extremely useful to what trump is trying to do. >> i'm also curious to get your thoughts on north dakota governor doug burgum. he was on
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the shortlist to be one he was on the shortlist for vice president for donald trump. he his she told our kaitlan collins that when trump reached out to him yesterday to let him know that he wasn't going to be the vice presidential pick. trump addressed him as mr. secretary. >> i'm wondering looks like we're having some micah. >> she's a moment to fix these things are challenging. it's no joke and there's the band playing behind us, so it's there's a lot going on to the question of potential cabinet secretaries in a second, trump administration, who would you like to see, sir i think a lot of the people we've seen publicly lately, some of the advice presidential candidates, some of the people who've been very vocal, people who've been very effective. i'd like to see them all there because we need people who can really concentrate on the solutions the real issues, not so much political people who would be
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attacking other cochlea to that point. we've seen calls for the rhetoric to be toned down. height of the. attempted assassination of former president trump on saturday. there was a tweet from jd vance. now the vice presidential pick, soon after the shooting saying that the rhetoric coming from president biden and the left contributed to what we saw unfold. i'm wondering if you agree with that sentiment. >> well, i would certainly say calling people hitler, light and things of that are not necessarily conducive to creating peace and harmony and society i think we all need to really concentrate on what the issues are in this election. timmons particularly important it's not about personalities. it's about two different philosophies and how i society should be run and one side believes that it should be by,
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and for the people, on one side believes it should be up buying for the government to very distinctly different things. and that's what they need to be talking about. >> do you think former president trump will focus on that in his remarks and he won't launch any personal attacks. >> it would be nice dr. ben carson have to leave the conversation there. we appreciate it. thanks. for thanks to you. of course much more of cnn's coverage of the republican national convention in milwaukee is straight ahead. >> we're also awaiting president biden, who is expected to speak soon in las vegas, stay with us years to getting better with age here's the beaten these two every thursday helped fuel today with boost type protein complete nutrition. you without the stuff you don't so here's to now what is the dumbest thing you've ever wasted money on? ai was paying for two netflix accounts over three years. >> how do you figure that out? and i saw an app that shows you
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sense of wanting to get back on the horse i'm on a horse. >> where are you banned? i've done 22 two major events that thousands of people overwhelming crowds, a lot happening i'm on the horse. what i'm doing is going out and demonstrate great into american people, though in command of all my faculties that i don't need notes, i don't need teleprompter. i can go out and to answer any questions at all. and i stood there when when nato was attached to for an hour and azure questions all of this, of course, as day two of the republican national convention is underway right now with some top republicans expected to be speaking on the big stage tonight that includes trump's former primary rivals, nikki haley and ron desantis. and we're covering all of it live here on cnn and cnn's coverage of the republican national convention continues on the lead with


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