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tv   CNN Republican National Convention  CNN  July 16, 2024 5:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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to violence so he christie seems to be very aware that this is a critical moment for all of those people. maybe it's some 25, 30% of the republican party. they're not thrilled with donald trump sending a message to those people tonight. that there is still an option to not back trump even in this moment. >> well, he's certainly sending the message that there's an option for donald trump to rise to this moment. yeah. i mean, i think that's one of the things that i'm taking away from this the donald trump can rise to this moment based on what i know, governor christie thinks about donald trump, i don't sense if there's a lot of optimism about, but he does seem to do good but as dana points out, critically, not only refused to endorse donald trump, he refused to endorse nikki haley against trump because he thought nikki haley would ultimately come speak at this convention for donald trump, which he was actually happening. the news continues right now welcome to milwaukee
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where this evening's convention program is already in full swing at 8:00 p.m. eastern here, delegates anticipating donald trump's expected return to the arena tonight with his running mate, senator jd vance of ohio. we're watching it all from our anchor position above the convention hall. this is cnn special live convention coverage jake tapper, along with my friend and colleague anderson cooper and anderson and former trump rival nikki haley is among the most highly anticipated speakers as even without a doubt, she was trump's lie asked the most bitter primary opponent and took her time before finally supporting him. we're told she'll make the case to uncertain voters. though, why she's now voting for trump republicans united front offering a stark, perhaps intentional contrast, and the democrats frayed public
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divisions over president biden's candidacy. right now jake, before haley's remarks, there are some closure we watched teachers coming up, of course, in this hour as well i understand we're starting standing by to hear from another former trump rival who has become one of his biggest cheerleaders business and vivek ramaswamy also this hour, the house speaker, mike johnson, along with other top republican leaders in congress among donald trump's most first prevent defenders on capitol hill. >> cnn's boris sanchez is just off-stage as those primetime speaker's head to the podium, we also have phil mattingly and kaitlan collins on the convention floor. they're getting reaction from the delegates, anderson jake lot to get to we are waiting for elise stefanik, the house republican conference chair to speak. we'll bring you her remarks are with the team scott obviously, nikki haley, or played the biggest speaker for tonight? >> yeah. well, both of trump's most successful rivals in the republican primary, haley and ron desantis. and i think it's wise for them to be there. i
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think it was smart for donald trump to reach out. i don't think there's a lot of undecided republicans left but i do think this, what we saw last night and what we saw tonight with a continuation here is donald trump's willingness to display the republican party is a big tent party, big enough for people that he is feuded with in the past, big enough for people that he has different policy ideas from heike, big enough for a union boss to stand on stage and say, we may not agree on everything. >> but as the leader of this party and as the next president, i'm willing to invite you into a conversation. >> i think this juxtaposition of trump, the convener versus biden sort of campaign in chaos right now, to me, big picture, that's what i'm looking for tonight. >> well, last night was a little bit more fun than the night is going to be. last night to head. amber rose, you had the leader that teamsters talking about workers of the world unite for black congressman. it last night was great tonight is benas because
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it's going to be all bashing immigrants and pretending like every blue cities it's overrun by a terrible people and it's all going to be mostly foster exaggerated, and divisive and terrible so i hope yesterday was good really stay tuned ratio is going for the democratic jones keep in mind. so do we cue the debbie downer the theme tonight is making america safe again and obviously immigration is going to be front and center, but there's the national security element, there's the inner international stage. >> and of course, the choice of jd vance having someone like david sacks kind of leaned into this isolationism, are we going to stand with nato? you know, what is our position on the war in ukraine i'm going to be interested to see, i do think that nikki haley is going to make the case for why donald trump is stronger in her mind on foreign policy than joe biden. but i'm curious if there is some specific tone she takes around nato standing with allies and what the republican party should stand for, and how it'll be received by the
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audience. this because this is trump's republican party. it's not nikki haley's. so if you're making the case for why america's leadership on the world stage matters. we'll see how this convention hall receives that you played. >> yes. so i agree entirely about nikki haley, if she's not allowed to make the forceful case for nato. and for america's role on the world but david sacks and those guys were allowed to do that on top of jd vance being picked, who says he personally just doesn't care what happens to ukraine. then that is a sign that the party's actually has is a much smaller tent on foreign policy and stuck with this maga stuff, there's also a really interesting challenge for vivek and for desantis both of those guys wanted to be the sort of next next-generation maga guy, the heirs to trumpism. desantis ran in the primaries as the guy who was going to give you the trumpism without trump, he was going to deliver on the policy stuff they've both just been supplanted by jd vance as the heir apparent. and the guy who
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pushed jd vance to get to become that person is donald trump junior, who also has some sort of scheme of being that these guys need to figure out a way to reassert themselves as leaders of something in the party and how they do that is going to be interesting. >> you don't from junior pushing jd vance the answer was also something down from junior wants to be in politic? >> yes, very much so. i think donald trump junior has come to the conclusion probably rightly, that there is no political future for him in a party that isn't vance defied, that, doesn't become a maga party. and vance's the way to secure that i don't think donald trump junior actually has a great political future ahead of him, but he doesn't know that yet know. >> i just just take the other side of that of all the trumps. i actually think donald trump junior is the one who most authentically speaks. >> jeff, sort of the current language of republicanism right now on the sportsman stuff on second amendment stuff on i mean, he, you know, his father was not a republican for a long time but donald trump junior, i
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think speaks the language and sort of exudes the modern republican ethos. >> maybe better than any that i agree with. he may not be long for elective politics, but in terms of being a kingmaker sad republican party, i hear you. >> yeah, that's i think in some ways tonight is probably also a test of kind of not just the unity message that trump and the republicans have been trying to put on display last night. but also, i think we'll see a lot of tension tonight. i would imagine between, you trump's kind of the dark verse vision of the contrary that he often paints, particularly on issues of immigration and crime there's a lot of echoes of, you remember from his first inaugural, the sort of carnage in america language. and i think, you know, there, their efforts tonight is clearly going to be to try to paint the biden administration as a failure on these issues that people are feeling less safe and so how do they thread the needle? doing that in a way that doesn't sound like you're rooting against america, which is what winds up happening a lot when, when the heart of trumpism is on display. so i
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think it will be, it'll be interesting to see tonight how they navigate that. >> they were going to be hearing from elise stefanik so early on in the night are in just as the trooper primetime coverage began, she was actually a big critic of donald trump's back in 2016, even, even the early on in his presidency she rose above it that way way of so, we treat these people who were once critics who have come around like it's some bad thing, isn't this a testament to donald trump's ability to bring people around and political ambitions being motivating. like this is a terrible thing for donald trump that people used to criticize them now there are for him and now they're helping him. and if you're trying to build a coalition to win an election, this is what you knew. you bring in former rivals and you put them in the tent you can see it that way. >> and i think that that is an abstract way, the truth, but the reality is people are scared to be against donald
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trump because donald trump was smushed you like a bug and and be unfair and horrible to you and sick people on, on, on twitter and every place else. and so people are kind of forced to come along as is nowhere to be seen. somebody who are loyally served him for four years and was arguably the most loyal person to because he broke with him on one thing, there's not a whole lot of room for dissent within the party. but one thing i keep an eye on and i think is so fascinating is this is also people gearing up for 2028. yes. so when people give speeches, when do they mention trump or is it a lot about their record? i noticed christie no noted don killer on to make to really take daughters. >> they have questions governor ron a night. >> if that will be interesting with the desantis, how much of this is about trump and his leadership, or is what i did in florida, especially with the governors that's interesting who else you're looking at to me well, i honestly, the senate candidates that they have been, we've talked a lot about the presidential, but earlier tonight we've already seen a
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couple of senate candidates. and it was alluded to by adam schiff, democrat in california today that if we stick with joe biden i'm going to lose the white house for democrats in the senate and house are gone and you're seeing this group of republican senate candidates at the convention. all of them have an excellent chance to win. they had a good chance to win. now they have an excellent chance to win and you think about what it pretends if, if trump can get this thing and republicans get control of both chambers you could see major policy changes in this country and for republicans on that floor, that will be thrilling. >> but it is interesting to see the divide though. i mean, you have, obviously we heard from kari lake, you have bernie moreno. i mean, you have a lot of these candidates who really represents the most extreme wing of trumpism sort of outfront here i think for democrats in some of these races, yes, the map for democrats in the senate is tough this year. they're defending redder states, purple states, and in some cases, very red states. there's no question the map is challenging, but i think what you will see on display, what
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you have seen tonight, and we'll continue to see is some of the most fervent plummet of trumpism, which i think is it continues to be off putting to some of these moderate and swing voters. and i think that as this campaign plays out over the next 3.5 months and that sort of, you know, that kind of most aggressive, most extremist wing of you know, trumpism is on display in these states, house i think that's a little bit of a tougher climb than perhaps is being given credit for right now in this moment where the race is admittedly very volatile, given a lot of the things that have happened over the last bug, right? >> to phonic because it's walking out now. so let's listen to what to the congress in 2014 we always say that this is the most important election in our lifetime. >> but we know deep down this one truly is our constitution
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and the soul of our very nation are on the ballot. under joe biden, the american people have suffered crisis after crisis from the biden border, the most wide open border in our nation's history. two bidenflation the highest rate of inflation in my lifetime, devastating hardworking families with skyrocketing prices for groceries, gas, and utilities do biden's violent crime crisis fueled by democrats fro criminal sanctuary cities, and defund the police policies like we have seen in my home state of new york while corrupt democrat prosecutors and judges wage illegal and unconstitutional law, fare against president trump in an effort to do joe biden's political bidding and around the world the feckless
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and failed joe biden has caused chaos weakening our national security from the catastrophic withdrawal from afghanistan to putin's invasion of ukraine, to hamas's terrorist attack against our most precious ally israel and let me ask you a question what has been the response from the radical left on our college campuses violence, de-semitism, chanting death to israel, death to jews, death to america this is joe biden's democratic party saw that congressional hearing with the college presidents of so-called elite universities they are former president's
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you know, i asked one simple question at that hearing. it was not a political question. it was a moral question. and that was this does calling for the genocide of jews violate your university's code of conduct and one after the other after the other said it depends on the context. let me tell you, america knows it does not depend on the context president trump will bring back moral leadership to the white house condemning anti-semitism, and standing strong with israel and the jewish people president trump will once again deliver the most secure border in our nation's history and unleash the american economy. and he will bring peace through
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strength as commander in chief, standing with our allies and causing our enemies to fear us president trump has done it before and sea we'll do it again. this november we are counting on you we the people to save america by electing president donald j. trump it is clear for the whole world to see nothing. absolutely nothing will stop president trump from standing and fighting for our great country. and i have been brown to always stand in the breach during the toughest moments for president trump from leading the charge against illegal impeachments two standing for election integrity to unifying house republicans to proudly being the first member of congress to endorse him for reelection. and as we afar on the difficult path ahead to save america call upon
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galatians 69 and let us not grow weary of doing good for ndu season. we will reap if we do not give up. we the people will never give up on president trump and we will never give up on the united states of america. god bless you. god bless president donald j. trump. >> and god bless the united states it's about erica elise stefanik, ladies from new york, just ahead, we're awaiting remarks from steve moore, top house republicans, including speaker mike johnson. awesome question, can nikki haley persuade any skeptical republicans? to vote for donald trump are standing by her remarks are the most important speeches of the night how about that thank you read if you're in new york giant. >> yes, sir. there was do our team still add and pieces still
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[ put a little love in your heart by david ruffin begins to play ] my bad, my bad. good race. - you too. you were tough out there. thank you. i'm getting you next time though. oh i got you, i got you. down goes jewett. jewett and amos are down. what a lovely sign of sportsmanship. you okay? yeah. ♪ ♪ coventry i'm melissa bell in paris. and this is cnn we are live in milwaukee, wisconsin where the second night republican national convention is underway. >> we are awaiting donald trump's arrival here at the convention. paul, let's listen into top house republican
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leaders on the convention stage right now, we are hearing from the house majority whip congressman tom emmer from minnesota. let's listen in we are going to make america great again. >> god bless you. may god continue to bless donald trump and his family. and god bless america ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the majority leader of the united states house of representatives congressman steve scalise of louisiana god bless. each and every one of you i'm house
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majority leader steve scalise from the great state of louisiana now was born into orleans. so i've seen some crazy things in my time. what new orleans has nothing on washington, dc these past four years joe biden and kamala harris have spent your tax dollars trashing america's finances in ways no sane or sober-minded person ever would let's talk energy dave, are rotated the american energy dominance that president trump delivered. joe biden approved the nord stream pipeline for russia, but he killed the keystone pipeline. here at home thousands thousands of american jobs gone. it doesn't end there biden let i ran and venezuela export their oil but he stopped liquefied natural gas exports
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here in america president biden is not done. president biden waved taxes on chinese solar panels, but he raise taxes on americans when we when we elect donald trump as our next president and expand our republican house majority, we will end the democrats assault on american energy once and for all now let's look at taxes biden and harris was a five $5,000,000,000,000 tax hike and our first hundred days, president trump and a republican majority will make the trump tax cuts permanent and yes, we will end taxes on tips and deliver and deliver another tax cut for working families on the border biden
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and harris opened it up to the entire world prisons are being empty president trump in a republican majority will re-pass hr-2, the strongest border security bill in decades we will lock down the border and yes, we will finish building the wall i'm voting our most sacred right as citizens, voting biden and harris, one, illegals to vote. now that they've opened up the border, republicans will repass
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the save act to block illegal aliens from boating in our elections on foreign policy, biden and harris fraught us weakness and war president trump and a republican majority will begin rebuilding our military and will end the woke indoctrination. in its ranks we will restore american power and peace on education, biden and harris oppose school choice they actually investigated parents at school boards president trump in a republican majority will pass legislation expanding school choice and will repass the parents bill of rights harris should be free to choose what their children are taught and where now lastly i
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need to say something about saturday's attempt on president trump's life many of you know, i was the survivor of a politically motivated shooting in 2017 not many know that while i was fighting for my life, donald trump was one of the first to come console my family at the hospital that's the kind of leader he is courageous under fire compassionate towards others. let's put donald trump back in the white house this november. so we can make america great again. >> god bless you. donald trump continue to receive god's blessing and god blessed. he's great united states of america
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ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the speaker of the united states house of representatives, mike johnson of louisiana good evening my friends. what an amazing crowd and what a great time it is to unite our party. it just send president donald trump back to the white house. that's what we're gonna do but we're not just uniting as republicans where are uniting today as americans in the wake of the assassination attempt on the life of president trump everyone hear me clearly and listened to me at home and make no mistake the house is conducting an immediate and thorough investigation of these tragic events that work is
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already begun. the american people deserve to know the truth and we will ensure accountability. i promise you that i promise you there this has always been an important principle to us. we in the republican party, or the law and order team we always have been and we always will be the advocates for the rule of law and we all know that that principle is as well as many others is in serious jeopardy today. we've come to a moment in america where the basic things that we once took for granted are being openly challenged, like never before my friends, we are no longer just in a battle between to opposing political parties we are, but it's not just ours versus dz anymore. we're now in the midst of a struggle between two completely different visions of who we are as americans and what our country will be the republican party stands for the foundational truce that made america the
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greatest nation in the history of the world, where the most free, the most powerful, the most benevolent nation that has ever been. it's not even close, it's not even close. >> but we have no guarantee that this grand experiment itself, governance can endure unless we respond to the call to keep it 248 years ago we boldly proclaimed in our declaration that all men are created equal not born equal, created equal and that we're endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights we understand that our rights do not come from government they come from god there's another thing that we recognize. >> we recognize that we are made in his image and because of that every single person has an estimable dignity and value.
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and your values not related in any way to the color of your skin. what zip code you live in where you come from, what your talents are, or what you can contribute to society, your value is inherent because it is given to you by your creator. that's what we stand for i speak a lot about what i call the seven core principles of american conservatism what do we stand for as republicans, they want to know i think it boils down to a few things. individual freedom limited government the rule of law, peace through strength this responsibility free markets and human dignity, and deed. those are the seven core principles of american conservatism, but they're actually the core principles of our republic itself. and while they resonate in our hearts and in the hearts of most americans, listened to me the radical woke progressive left has just staying for those principles. all right?
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>> they have a very different vision for what america should become. they want to tear down those foundations and remold us into some sort of borderless, lawless marxist socialist utopia we're here to say not on our watch, we will not allow that to happen there's just three weeks ago that kelly and i dropped off our oldest son at the naval academy and that's right in four years you graduate and he'll join the 1.3 million active duty service members who bravely defend our country we're so proud of jack and all our children, but like most parents today, we're concerned about their future america can't risk for more years of joe biden's weakness that has invited so much aggression by our enemies we can't survive the dramatic increases in violence, crime,
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and drugs that the democrats policies have brought upon our communities. and we cannot allow the many millions of illegal aliens. they've allowed to cross our borders to harm our citizens drain on resources, or disrupt our elections. we will not allow it my friends were watching the principles of faith, family and freedom that wants to find our nation now being trampled underfoot by the radical left. as president trump raised his fist and gave a rally cry on saturday. now is our time to fight. and we will we're in a fateful battle of ideas. my friends that we have to recognize that. but in this
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battle and in november the american people will reject the party of self-destruction and they will elect the party of peace and prosperity and opportunity the gop will grow our house majority. we will take back the senate and we will return donald j. trump to the white house standing arm in arm, we will make america safe again listen we reach out tonight. everyone watching at home, we invite all americans who believe in the promise of our great nation to join us in this fateful battle. we can, and we will reverse this current decline. we can restore our founding principles and we can preserve this exceptional nation that god has entrusted to us. and what abraham lincoln referred to as the last best hope of man on the earth. thank you so much. god bless you and
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god bless our troops, and god bless america ladies and gentlemen, now please welcome businessman vivek ramaswamy of ohio love it. thank you, guys. thank you for the warm welcome it's good to be back in milwaukee this time last year i was the candidate for us president and i'm proud to say that i achieve the impossible
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which is that most of you actually know how to say my name by now. so thank you for that it's good to be, back we're in the middle of a national identity crisis, right now they patriotism, hard work, and family have disappeared only to be replaced by race, gender, sexuality, and climate. >> but we're not going to win this election. just by criticizing the other side. >> we're going to win this by standing for our own vision of who we really are. what does it mean to be a republican in the year 2024 what does it mean to be an american in the year 2024? it means we believe in the ideals of 17, 76. >> it means we believe in merit that you get ahead in this country, not on the color of your skin, but on the content of your character and your contributions it means we
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believe in the rule of law. and i say this as the kid of legal immigrants to this country that means your first act of entering this country cannot break the law. that is why we will seal the southern border on day one. >> it means the people who we elect to run the government ought to be the ones who actually run the government, not unelected bureaucrats in the deep state these are not black ideas or white ideas. >> they are not even democrat ideas or republican ideas. they are american ideas that we fought a revolution to secure. and the man who will revive these ideals in the united states of america is your next president, the 47th president of the united states. donald j. trump if you want to seal the
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border, vote for trump. >> if you want to restore law and order in this country, vote trump if you want to reignite the economy in this country, vote trump. >> if you want to revive national pride in this country, vote truck. >> if you want to make america great, again, vote trump but there is one more reason. >> i'm going to ask you to vote trump and it's the most important one. it's the one the media won't talk about, but it's the truth donald trump is the president who will actually unite this country, not through empty words, but through action because you know what success is unifying excellence is unifying. that's who we are as americans that's how we've always been to those of you watching this at home tonight i'd like to deliver a message that the media doesn't want you to hear from the republican party our message to black americans is this. the media
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has tried to convince you for decades that republicans don't care about your communities. but we do we want for you what we want for every american safe neighborhoods clean streets, good jobs, a better life for your children, and a justice system that treats everyone equally regardless of your skin color and regardless of your polls political beliefs our message to every legal immigrant in this country is this. >> you're like my parents. you deserve the opportunity to secure a better life for your children in america but our message to illegal immigrants is also this we will return you to your country of origin, not because you're all bad people but because you're broke the law and the united states of
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america was founded on the rule of law our message to millennials, speaking as one myself yes, it's true. our governments sold us a false bill of goods with the iraq war and the 2008 financial crisis, loading up our national debt that falls on our generation's shoulders telling us that if we took out college loans, which somehow get a head start on the american dream when it hasn't worked out that way. but we can't just be cynical about our country because the united states of america is still the last best hope that we have, and we deserve a better class a politician one who actually tells us the truth, even if it comes with some mean tweets from time to time and our,
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message to gen z is this you're going to be the generation that actually saves this country you want to be a rebel you want to be a hippie. you want to stick it to the man show up on your college campus and try calling yourself a conservative say you want to get married have kids hicham to believe in god and pledge allegiance to their country. because you know what fear has been infectious in this country. but courage can be contagious. do that too is what it means to be an american and you know what if you're at home and you disagree with everything i just said, our message to you is this we will still defend to the death you're right to say it, because that is who we are as americans. >> we are the country where we can disagree like hell still get together at the bitter table at the end of it. that is
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the america, i know that is the america we missed. >> we do not have to be ancient rome. >> we don't have to be this nation in decline we can still be a nation in our ascent a nation whose best days, not some fake politician way, but it's a true way, a nation whose best days are actually still ahead of us still on our way to that shining city on a hill, that country where no matter who you are or where your parents came from, or what your skin color is? or how long your last name is that you will still get ahead in this country with your own hard work. your own commitment, your own dedication, and that you know what you are free to speak your mind at every step of the way that is the american dream. that is what one the american revolution. that is what re reunited us after the civil war. that is what won us two
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world wars and the cold war. that is what still gives hope to the free world. and if we can revive that dream over a group identity and victimhood and grievance that nobody in the world not a nation, not a corporation, not a virus, not china is going to defeat us. that is what american exceptionalism is all about. and that is what we will revive this november when we sent donald j. trump back to the white house. thank you all. god bless you. and your families. and may god bless our united states of america thank you take ramaswamy briefly, a republican presidential candidate he talked about millennials to talk about gen z jonah goldberg as the correspondent for generation x what do. >> you make of his speech i find i find ramaswamy
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exhausting i think he is you know, jesse jackson wants set of bill clinton that the problem with them is, he says, i think i can work with them. >> but when you look into them, all you see is appetite and and i think fixer unfair comparison to bill clinton compared to vivek ramaswamy, because vivek ramaswamy seems like appetite with a very large forehead to me and i don't believe his sincerity on anything and but he's very good at telling people who want to like him what they want to hear. and he is, he's another one of these younger guys who is very old person's idea of what they want young people to be like. and he's mastered that schtick and i do think it's deck you know, i he's a demagogue. he's a demagogue. he's good at though. that whole vote, trump
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vote, trump and i was taking note of that work you've got to try to get to be persuaded. i was not that'd be lucky i don't like the patronizing stuff about black folks there trying hard to reach black folks and i just think they don't understand we didn't miss the fact that the republican party, the party of lincoln, a party that started as a radical anti-slavery party, became a safe haven for some white nationalists that have not been aggressively shown the door yet. >> we didn't miss that. african-americans or one of the most politically sophisticated and engaged populations in the country, will people's that act like we're done? we just somehow missed that. there are people in republican party who have been on friendly. you just lose the audience from the, from the door with that there's a whole bunch of other stuff that he said that it just sounds like he's read and stuff out of cracker jack box. they think somebody is going to like, but there's no prize in the bottom because it's all shallow to me and soulless. but that's just my view. i think
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to that point a little bit. >> i mean, there was a lot in there about rule of law. there was this like constant hammering of rule of law talk about the border. and if you break the law, were sitting back rule of law, rule of law, i don't that is an incredibly rich message coming from party that has spent the last year essentially like tearing down the justice system this country saying it's politicized, saying trump shouldn't be, trump should be above the law has really been their arguments. i think there is a fundamental plus the insurrection will, plus the insurrection. so i actually think there's a fundamental tension there in that argument that it's not particular well-delivered from the vic there, but also i think is going to be a problem for republicans if that's where they're hanging their hat that quickly, there's a reason he finished a deal distant fourth in the iowa caucus, because the more he talks, the less people like him. so i'm glad to speech was relatively short where he still felt long though expect donald trump and jd vance to arrive in the convention hall soon as we head into a critical hour or two of the most anticipated speakers
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on stage, nikki haley and ron desantis, promoting the man they fought hard to defeat during the primary. >> don't go with my name. >> is savannah the five things podcast from cnn today's top five stories. >> all in one podcast. the five things you need to hear in under five minutes prime members can listen to fight things at free on amazon music when you buy or sell your car exactly how you want with cargo ruse you might begin to wonder, what if you could do things your way all the time some dreams do come true yet your car, your way, get it with gurus. the best things in life come into two scoops of ice cream, two thumbs up, and now by any phone, when you switch
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center of the political universe for republicans right now, convention goers are waiting for the arrival of their nominee, donald trump as well as his running mate, freshly announced senator jd vance. >> we expect to see both of them soon along with some of the other top speakers this evening, including former trump rivals, such as governor nikki haley and governor ron desantis, phil mattingly is on the commitment mentioned floor right now. mayor eric johnson of dallas is speaking right now. phil, what do we know about the arrival of trump and vance? >> well, at this point, jake, we know the former president is on his way to the convention, on his way to the arena, we expect to see him shortly. we also expect to see his vice presidential candidate, jd the vance expected to come in one after the other and we have a sense of that right now. we're seeing that security ramp up and the entryway that he came through last night and also the people that are filling the vip box right now you have eric trump, who just walked in for
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lewandowsky is former campaign manager, is up, their congressional allies like elise stefanik and matt gaetz are up there as well, all awaiting his arrival. so fascinating decision to be here to watch what's coming up in the course of the next hour is you mentioned nikki haley, ron desantis, former 2024 rivals, will we'll be speaking late invites to speak on the stage, but also senator ted cruz, who jake, as you remember quite well in cleveland eight years ago, refused to endorse the former president in his speech. there was also some type of fight on the floor short-lived, but to fight on the floor. >> and it's kind of a full in terms of turned towards what this moment is for the republican party which is a very different moment fully unified behind the former president pushing forward to what they believe will be a victory in november. but we do after a very, very big moment last night where vice president japan, it was named and sat with the former president as he was seen for the first time by a large crowds since that
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attempt on his life, he'll have another one of those moments tonight. as the former president watches two of his it's fiercest rivals from 20241 of his fiercest rivals from 2016. >> all right. phil mattingly, thanks so much. chris wallace. it is one of the most fascinating parts of covering conventions to see people who once used to tell voters how incredibly ill equipped their nominee was to be president of the united states to come up there, whether it's hillary clinton extolling barak obama, george hw bush, who called reaganomics voodoo economics or tonight nikki haley and ron desantis talking about what a wonderful one the full candidate donald trump is it's just politics. >> jake and in the case of nikki haley during the course of the campaign, she called trump diminish on the hand that he was a chaos agent and stayed in the race a lot longer than donald trump wanted her to. she dropped out in march 1 of the reasons i think she may be the
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most important speech tonight is because she has a real following even after she dropped out and what people called a zombie candidates in march, she continued to pick up a lot of voters. i know that you're interested in the state of pennsylvania commonwealth, the commonwealth always my gosh, i'll never say it again ai in fact, checking that all night but in any case, she got 158,000 have votes. >> she got 16% of the vote. there now some, of the collar counties, i did a deep dive in the commonwealth of pennsylvania and the collar counties, suburban counties around philadelphia. she was picking up 2020, 5% of the vote. those are votes that one would think might be up for grabs between joe biden and donald trump. and if she comes out here tonight and supposedly is going to give the reasons why yes. even nikki haley, voters should support donald trump. it'll be helpful to just quickly a source with knowledge of haley's speech
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says that she will address the voters who are uncertain about voting for president trump and make the case for why she is voting for him. yeah. well, and as someone from the suburbs of pennsylvania in philadelphia, originally and but once made the mistake of writing in a script for jake tapper show of pennsylvania now, which it was a mistake i never made or for crime, there are a ton of people i grew up with. a lot of that. it is an area and these are the kinds of voters. and they are, they are not just in the suburbs of philadelphia, they are also in the suburbs of atlanta and the suburbs of phoenix and the suburbs of chicago and other places, obviously, milwaukee well, we are right now walkie. these are people that have relatively traditional small-c conservative tendencies. they have trouble voting for democrats and yes, they can not stomach, have not been able to stomach and this is exactly where president biden's troubles collide with what trump has experienced certainly the course of the last real question about whether these
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votes were totally an affirmation for nikki haley. are protest votes against, by the way, just to interrupt, just interrupt for one second, david down, i'm coming right back to you is just on the floor. if people see the vice presidential nominee, senator jd vance republican of ohio, only about 18 months into let's first term as an elected official, coming in. the crowd, obviously, excited about him and giving him a hero's welcome. i'm sorry. go ahead. okay no, the i mean, the predicate of her campaign was about fiscal discipline and robust internationalism and and particularly support for ukraine. >> all the things that she ran on have been trampled over at this convention so she's got some splaining to do when she comes here to the tonight if she is addressing those people who were supporting her in those primaries, i think it's fascinating to wait to see how specific she is about that, because speaker johnson also
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came up for a two ukraine was a key player to get aid to ukraine through was briefed by the white house and came around on an issue. didn't mentioned measure. but here's the point about nikki haley that man right there on your screen, jd vance, that is proof. the trump people think they will get enough of those voters. they will get the republic look in dna voters in pennsylvania, philadelphia suburb, but they are more concerned returning out maga voters. they made a choice in their vice presidential pick. they made a choice in the tone of this convention. they've made a choice in who's in the box right now sara sarah huckabee sanders, the governor of arkansas, former trump communications director is congresswoman marjorie taylor greene the firebrand, matt gaetz, down there as well. >> let let's not over complicate this the trump team has made a choice that they can win their way. and if haley helps, great. if desantis helps great. that's a little bit of math on the margins, but they think they're going to do it their way i let and let me be clear. >> this is not this convention. that is the unity convention is really more and tim alberta
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from the atlantic. and i were talking about really more about surrender than unity, and tonight several of the presidents of a former president trump's opponents are coming here. basically to surrender scott jennings talk to earlier about the big tent. well, his mentor, mitch mcconnell stood up under this big tent yesterday and got roundly booed. >> not welcome. >> so he can change. >> so the question i have is i guess the answer you guys will say no. if nikki haley getting around that zombie campaign, if she would have dropped out much much earlier and kind of, you know, supplicate and supported former president trump. >> you think that the decision yesterday announcement yesterday, might have been different? >> i think it might have been different. i think she might have been that she might have been the vice presidential pick. >> i'm very skeptical. >> let me just i want to go down to the floor. kaitlan collins says an update on the attempt did communication between vice president kamala
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harris and vice presidential nominee jd vance. they did not overlap in the u.s. senate. we should note but kaitlan i know the vice president reached out to jd vance to congratulate him. she was not able to reach him. do you have an update? >> yeah. jake, obviously, they finally have spoken now. obviously to the point that you making, they did not overlap in the senate jd vance is a relative newcomer to capitol hill but this is notable because these we'll come face-to-face on the debate stage. that is something that we are told. senator vance and vice president harris agreed to during a brief, but has he described as cordial and gratia let's call that he had with erez, he talked about the fact that we reported yesterday, harris have been trying to get in touch with him after it was announced that he was going to be donald trump's running mate. and he said that he essentially was getting so many phone calls, right when that was announced by trump on truth, social, a little over 24 hours ago, jake, that it was one unknown number and he did not recognize it, did not answer it, didn't have being vice president harris trying to get in touch with them. he later described to newsmax their phone call saying that he
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didn't believe it was cordial. obviously, these are two people who were pretty much it's agree on every policy issue, jake, but it does stand out that today they were able to have that phone call this afternoon. they did agree to have that debate that vice presidential debate that is scheduled for september, which will obviously be notable. and i'll just tell you, jake from my reporting that when trump was looking at his prospects of vice presidential nominees marco rubio doug burgum, and jd vance. he was told by multiple allies that they believe jd vance with likely fare the best against harris and a debate, obviously, she's a former prosecutor former attorney general of california. we saw her debate. mike pence, and now it will be her and danny vance on that stage. if things go as expected, jake alright. >> kaitlin collins all right. thanks so much john king i just want to make one more point about this is trump's party. and he is sending a message to nikki haley and everybody else. grateful for her speaking tonight, don't get me wrong, but monday night, if you go the traditional platform monday night as the keynote speech,
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they let a union leader stand there and give a longer speech to the light and he trashed the republican party. he trashed the establishment republican party trashed the chamber of commerce. he trashed the business roundtable, be trusted traditional foundational elements of the republican party and trump sat the box with fans, loving it, loving it. that's a message to the party and a semester to anyone speaking tonight. and i'm in charge. you're welcome. be nice. khamenei, can we talk a little bit about what we're seeing? right here on the left, usually the vice presidential nominee, jd vance on the right, you'll see elise stefanik. vance, a graduate of harvard law school, yale yet laws go rob yeah. and stefana, graduate of harvard not that far. >> it was a george w bush paul, ryan mitt romney, republic but again, who put, who have been more moderate. >> she was the head of a group called the thursday group, which was a very much a moderate house republican groups. he came to power as
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they have at their house republican conference. when liz cheney was in effect drummed out of the party and she took it over and then fully gone there wasn't anybody there isn't anybody who represents a transition of the republican party more fully than her because she started off, she worked in the bush white house, right? she started off as a moderate and then realized she might lose a primary and then she saw some potential profits in being a trump advocates mike mike in the house would be jd vance, david. she goes here in graduate and couldn't have been more critical of donald prompted 26 days. >> yeah. and i'm sorry for sending me to talk au graham. he just having trouble hearing you there is this phenomenon of people. i mean, if you look at the ivy league particular the ivy league all schools at this period of time, the age of elise stefanik and jd vance. there are a number of them and joe biden will be the first person to say the people come
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out of the ivy leagues and they go on to run the united states getting erica, where they have kind of collectively had this transformations sorry, kasie, we're just missing that's video man this is something that they've been she got donald trump's interesting laughing. so it's interesting choreography. it's been described as a rally a fall. >> yes, it's a trump rally is a assessed with this village people saw which is a great matchup an entire floor of the republican convention. doing what white man overbite when harry met sally, it used to be i think that the bruce springsteen's born in the usa, was the most misconstrued song played at the republic mentioned. but i think possibly ymca by the village people might actually take the crown it's not just take a minute for one right now, sometime during this week, i wanted to applaud your your cultural fluency. you
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have interpreted every song for don, better crop for you work at vh1 david urban, you you were making a point before when i had to interrupt. i was just going to say where you're talking about who is in the box. >> we've missed a little kerfuffle today matt gaetz is what hold on one second. >> david, i promise i'll come back to you, but here he is himself the nominee, still wearing the band-aids from the assassination. >> got to say, look, it's like a dana white locking down to you betsy, that's not the vibe it gives off, right? like a fighter kind of an act covered the octagon, right? i think that's an accident. i don't i don't say hi, jake. >> go on this song rick, the usa. >> i thought this is what i like about, you know, you're right that's about you. you're right. >> weather romancer the camera and i say it's a different donald trump than it was
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yesterday, much less snow for much more than donald trump has we have seen him over the year, a little more her judge david. >> okay. back to you when i promised not to interrupt this ai, i'll just say matt gaetz had mentioned matt gaetz is of the box earlier today. matt gaetz and kevin mccarthy had had a kerfuffle on the floor for lack of a better word, middle of kaitlan collins in kevin mccarthy i'm not sure that everybody got to see that. >> matt gaetz put up to kevin mccarthy gerges interview and screamed that have been said, what is what is you're speaking slot tonight? >> yeah. kind of mocked him. it was it was kind of a moment, efficiency wouldn't get to see
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it. i'm sure lives on the on the internet be so difficult it was a pretty ugly moment between mccarthy and gaetz together i agree with you, chris a very different vibe. last night here tonight was intended as a hero's welcome. he was very subdued now it's party time evercore with their salvatore. that's what they're trying to give off. >> i don't end. and this was donald trump that either people had no but when lob are no one don't law. >> and second, who's in the box, right? it's mostly house members. you can see there not a lot of senators. i got shot at the firebrand yeah. well, which is took member tell member, you know, and elisa were more mainstream firebrands you have matt gaetz and marjorie taylor greene? yes, sir. >> by the way, one of the interesting things about emmer's remarks earlier was he, he zeroed in on kamala harris and it felt to me a little bit like you know what,
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maybe we better hedge our bets? >> a little bit that was interesting. that was interesting he talked about why the president is here tonight. >> the former president is here tonight here tonight because he wants to make a point because she in the hall, when his former rivals particularly nikki haley, give their speeches it's just this goes back to the surrender, the theme of the night is make america safe again. >> and so we're going to hear a lot about crime when you hear a lot about we're going to hear a lot about the border. we're going to hear about a lot about illegal immigration. these are issues that are bread and butter issues as for the trump campaign as far back as 2015 and even before then before we ever actually entered elected office, and some of the people that we're going to hear from coming up. senator ted cruz, obviously a big rival, turned convert to the trump cause. we're going to hear from nikki
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haley, governor ron desantis. we're also going to hear from some real hardliners in the senate and then including senator eric schmidt of missouri and senator tom cotton of arkansas. that in addition to a number of attorneys general and police officers, clear a clear thing. i'd say it's 16 dana and i was i was helping run the convention and kicked him off the floor that point because ted cruz cuccinelli were kept dig to unseat donald shop on the floor of the senate, said crews was leading the charge that it's kind of bizarre to have him here tonight kind of praising caesar. don't not only that, he he refused to endorse donald trump in his convention is not a great speech he said, he said he told people to vote their conscience not happen, not what we're going to hear. >> their ivy league what is coming? >> i different, different vibe look, the fact that the trump campaign, maybe the former president himself arranged to have all of these individuals who opposed him with very, very
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direct, aggressive, ugly language. in many cases, particularly that of ron desantis and even more so of course, of nikki haley, that he cited to have them all on one night yes. david axelrod, it is the surrender evening, but it is also his attempt to also give the nod to the unity that he's trying to type salute yeah favor those surrender. that's the messages. the republican party is united right? and the democratic party's honest congress here, we're going to hear from a number of former wrong metals including his biggest rival in 2016, senator ted cruz. >> let's listen in blast, donald j. >> trump and let me start by
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giving thanks to god almighty, more protecting president trump. and for turning his head on saturday as the shot was fired together, we lift up in prayer all of our leaders for protection and our prayers are in particular with the family of fire chief corey comperatore, and the others injured on saturday never before has an election mattered so much. we are facing an invasion on our southern border. not figuratively, a literal invasion 11.5 million
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people have crossed our border illegally under joe biden look around, you this arena holds about 18,000 souls now imagine 639 arenas just like this filled to the brim that is 11.5 million people larger than all but eight states in the nation but the numbers don't show us the true price that our country is paying every day americans are dying murder assaulted rates by illegal immigrants that the democrats have released teenage, girls and boys wearing colored wristbands
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are being sold into a life of sex slavery this is evil and it's wrong. >> and it is happening every day thank of kate stein lane she was 32 walking with her father on a san francisco pier when a bullet tore through her heart the man who fired that gun he'd been deported five times. >> every day think of laken riley just 22 22-years-old and nursing student with dreams of healing others she went for a jog and never came home her
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life taken by someone who should have never been here every day or rachel morin, a beautiful mother of five, rapes and murdered and suburban maryland by an illegal immigrant. >> the democrats released every day or jocelyn nungaray only 12-years-old it was just one month ago today that she was brutally raped and murdered in houston by two men who were supposed to be detained and monitored but instead released and allowed to roam free every day these aren't just stories
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or statistics. there are daughters, our sisters, our friends the families don't care about the empty numbers. they care about the empty chairs at the dinner table. about the voices they'll never hear again about the laughter lost and about the dreams that will never be fulfilled. i've sat with these families in living rooms where the silence is so loud that it hurts were photo albums our opened with trembling hands how did we get here it happened because democrats cynically decided they wanted votes from a legals more than they wanted to protect our children today as a
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result of joe biden's presidency your family is less safe your children our. less safe. the country is less safe but here's the good news we can fix it and when donald trump is president, we will fix we know this because he's done it before i know this because i worked hand-in-hand with president trump to secure our border and we achieved the lowest rate of illegal immigration in 45 years. it's
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real simple he's done it before, and he'll do it again. so tonight i speak for case and laken and rachel tonight, i speak for joscelyn and let us go forward together. and keep our sacred oath to defend the constitution and to protect the american people. let us secure our borders, enforce our laws, protect our children, and restore the future because when we do that when we remember who
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we are and who we love. and we act to protect them then and only then will we truly make america great again? >> thank you. god bless texas and god bless the united states of america republican senator ted cruz of texas giving an rousing address. eaten up by the delegates here at the republican national convention on the dangers of criminals who have crossed the border illegally and come to this country. a real low light lifts list of some of the worst offenders of the past several years and keeping on theme with tonight's program, which is make america safe again, dan but donald trump. there we see
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him right there. he's making sure he's in the convention hall tonight to hear what it's former primary opponents, nikki haley and ron desantis have to say to delegates and the voters have him. we're just minutes away from those pivotal speeches will be right back thank you for that scott talking about revolution shop etsy for classroom staples under $40 that or anything but basic, find everything from personalized apparel and accessories to gifts for teachers. >> when you need back-to-school supplies under $40, everyone can agree on he has it. >> you have chronic kidney disease. you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with parsi sega because there are places you'd like to be for segal can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal dehydration, urinary tract her genital yeast infections and low blood sugar. a rare life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin
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depression, and more get started at four i'll rafael romo at the georgia state capitol in atlanta. this is cnn about to hear when the most important speeches and publicly national convention nikki haley dropped down, trump, his critics during a bitter gop primaries that to make the case to voters who are still skeptical about sending the former president back to the white house it's going to be fascinating. >> scott jennings him to hear what she has to say to watch president former president trump watching her, or he clearly i don't think it's a coincidence and he wants to be there to see this. >> yeah, this is a big macro party unity moment. i'm told by a source familiar with trump's thinking and actions today that he personally changed his schedule to ensure that he would be in the arena for both haley and desantis. and i think the message they're
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trying to communicate is that we've got a functional, unified political party and we're running against a dumpster fire of a political party right now, you know politics is a team sport and right now the republican team pretty well together. democrat team. i don't know guys i don't know. >> i look i see it a little differently from the republican side. >> so this invokes 2016 when ted cruz didn't quite endorse on the foreign donald trump showed up while he was speaking and it was this moment of kind of, you've heard the noise that kind of shuffling a pin could drop the ted cruz was on the stage and he was watching saying i dare you know, nikki haley could do one of two things. she could continue to litigate the case of why we need to be involved in on the international stage, why nato matters or this could purely be a grant i've linked to secure continued place in the republican party where it's just an outright defense of donald trump neglecting everything that she said on the campaign trail, i guess there's a world in which she could do both. but this is vintage donald trump to have those who wants opposed him have to face them and kissed the ring. >> but what can it just be that
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she says, look, maybe we don't agree on everything but we do agree on the most important thing. joe biden is the worst president of our lifetime, and i'm going to help donald trump defeat them, wouldn't, wouldn't that be the smartest thing for her and the best thing for trump? >> it might be maybe the best thing for her or trump, but i don't think be the best thing for the world. in other words, this is a party that matters. republican party matters, and having somebody who believes in our role in the world you've got people in ukraine who should be terrified right now because you have a republican party that has a standard bearer and now a vice presidential pick that doesn't give a about him and nikki haley stood in the breach in that party and she spoke for them and she spoke for a role in the world that the benevolent world, world, and a strong role now is she abandons that post that's a terrible outcome would that would say is you cannot be in this party and then deviate from donald trump one inch on this sort of extreme maga agenda. and i think that makes the whole
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world a less safe place, wholeheartedly agree with that. and there are obviously significant policy differences that were litigated during the campaign that will see as you go guys have pointed out, whether she deviates from, but also don't forget there was a really personal element to her criticism of him. i mean, she called him unhinged. she called him diminished. so i think, in addition to these very important questions about where she substantively is going to drive the conversation. there's i think there's also a question of whether she's going to it tried to paper over any of that. is she going to attest to his character in some way is she going to i mean, there's a difference between having a healthy and aggressive policy debate in a primary process and then ultimately endorsing the eventual nominee and coming out and supportive somebody who you described as unhinged and diminished. so there's not personal element here too. it's gonna be interesting to see where kamo harris said some unkind things about joe biden's racial record and she ended up on his ticket. so i mean, like people do bury the hatchet from time to time that's said, look, i think
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i've said it before. i'll say it again. my wife worked for nikki haley. i liked nikki haley. i know nikki haley i'll be really disappointed if she doesn't plant the flag on some of the issues that i know what they are very important to her. she's now at the hudson institute where she oversees a lot of those issues but i just want to say something. i don't want to hurt scott here that's okay. after seven years, jonah, i know. i'm the chief spirit catcher. >> you've been going full cool. my for the last 36 hours saying how this is. post the assassination attempt, trump has changed. he wants to signal that he's a conciliator and all these, all this kind of stuff it doesn't feel like there was a possibility that was true last night there was a big tent dish feel a little bit tonight. >> it doesn't feel like rep. representative scalise rewrote his remarks to fit the moment. here's a guy who was shot and political violence and it felt like a bit of a throw away at the end of a lot of red meat kari lake, elise stefanik, none of it felt pretty much business
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as usual. hale, comrade trump, he will deliver the greatest wheat harvest. we've ever seen these two year-old's so i just don't think the tea leaves are going way. my friend ready. >> i'm over here practicing. gratitude in manifesting abundance sitting with us. >> he's sitting with marjorie taylor greene i'm, trying to will. into existence i understand the change and want to see. and here's the thing, here's the thing. >> if he takes advantage of it this moment, he'll just in this campaign this week. >> so i guess what i'm trying to do is willing to existence the end of this campaign, lucy just holds the football by the way. he's going to become president yes. >> it's important to note nikki haley, i'm unlike a lot of politicians in the trump era, actually has core convictions and they're mostly around foreign policy and america's role in the world. this is a massive opportunity. it's not just as domestically watching this world leaders, especially she'll european
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leaders are on edge about what's going to happen after the jd vance pick someone who to jonah's point said, i don't really care about ukraine, so a huge moment for her to show this can be a big party there there can be conversations about the direction we go. and i think a lot of folks that she she got more votes than anyone other than trump in the republican primary. there's a lot of people who are looking to hurt for leadership. >> the only republican who supports ukraine, okay. mike johnson, who spoke tonight was the i know nothing about it wasn linchpin then in getting nothing about it too, also have to have speech now, or get the funding, then mike johnson for what my point is. >> like, nikki haleys well, republican, she's not there's a first congress that are none of them have said anything about this stuff, right? >> it's not a foreign policy election, it is a domestic election and it's my name's or night that are run the race on ukraine, but was okay for david sacks to say last night that joe biden hear what he says? >> i do want a memo. they put
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them in the line-up. that's my only the people who have positions of governing responsibility have acted in a huge number of republicans support ukraine they're not going to run the ukraine foreign policy allegedly months are going to matter in a second trump term. and i think the jd vance vp pick signals what he is leaning into. i don't know that we should expect a secretary we have state nikki haley, i think this is a moment to show why she would matter for that. you may see some real isolationists in those roles. that's very different. that's markedly different than the first term. >> i don't disagree with the rise of isolationism. i've just disputing that nikki haley is the last human republican allies, not what i've said, but she ran on those issues. >> she's known for those issues. it's her night to speak. if you want to consider if it's a big tent, she will. if he doesn't bring it up, it really handling signal is about to be introduced. let's listen
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my fellow republicans president trump president trump asked me to speak to this convention in the name of unity it was a gracious invitation and i was happy to accept i'll start by
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making one thing perfectly clear donald trump has my strong endorsement pairing or country is at a critical moment we have a choice to make for more than a year i said a vote for joe biden is a vote for president kamala harris after seeing the debate, everyone knows it's true if we have four more years of biden or a single day of harris are
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country will be badly worse off for the sake of our nation. we have to go with donald trump but there's more to it than that we should acknowledge that there are some americans who don't agree with donald trump, 100% of the time i happen to know some of them and i want to speak to them tonight my message to them it's simple. you don't have to agree with trump 100% of the time to vote
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for take it from me i haven't always agreed with president trump but we agree more often than we disagree we agree on keeping america strong we agree on keeping america safe and we agree that democrats moves so far to the left, that they're putting our freedoms in danger here tonight because we have a country to save and a unified republican party is essential for saving her for those who
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have some doubts about president trump i want to tell you a few things about the commander in chief. >> i know and worked with as ambassador to the united nations, i had a front row seat to his national security policies we sure could use those again think about it when barack obama was president. >> vladimir putin invaded crimea with joe biden as
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president putin invaded all of ukraine. but when donald trump was president putin did nothing no invasion no invasions, no wars that was no accident who didn't attack ukraine because he knew donald trump was tough strong as strong president doesn't start wars. a strong president prevents war all right then look at the middle east every problem in that part of the world can be laid at the
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feet of iran. >> the dictator to chant death to america are the bank rollers and weapons suppliers for hamas and hezbollah they're behind the barbaric massacres and the hostage taking. once again, compare trump and biden trump got us out of the insane iran nuclear deal he imposed the toughest sanctions ever on iran and he eliminated the arch terrorists qassem soleimani ron was too weak to start any wars. they knew trump meant business and they were afraid and then there's joe biden he lifted
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the sanctions. he begged them to get back into the nuclear for deal. he surrendered in afghanistan. he sent every possible sign of weakness even now, while hamas is still holding american americans hostage, biden is pressuring israel instead of a terrorists between israel and hamas donald trump is clear about who is our friend and who is our enemy then look at the border it's the single biggest faith is the single biggest threat americans space under joe biden. migrants are coming into our country by the thousands every day. we had
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no idea who they are, where they end up, or what they plan to do. and let me remind you camila had one job, one job and that was to fix the border now imagine her in charge of the entire country under donald trump, we didn't have the border disaster we have today, and we won't when he is president, again i was proud to serve american president trump's cabinet. >> and i'll tell you something you won't hear from the critics he appreciated advice and input americans were well-served by his presidency,
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even if they didn't agree with them on all things now, to my fellow republicans we must not only be a unified party we must also expand our party we are so much better when we are bigger we are stronger when we welcome people into our party who have different backgrounds and experiences and right now, we need to be strong to save america. this is a defining moment. not only for our party before country our fellow americans are fearful right now. families are suffering from inflation and wages that don't keep up with prices young people are being indoctrinated to think our country is racist and evil. the
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jewish community is facing an obscene rise in antisemitism too many minorities are trapped in communities, devastated by crime our foreign enemies, when, when they see americans hate each other they see that today whether it's on college campuses or in a field in butler, pennsylvania well, we can conquer those fears with strength and unity no president can fix all of our problems alone. we have to do this together america has an amazing ability to self-correct in this moment we have a chance to put aside our differences and focus on what you unites us and strengthens our country let us
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join together as a party. let us come together as a people as one country strong and proud let us show our children and the world that even on our worst day, we are blessed to live in america god bless you. thank you, god bless the united states of america now ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, but governor of florida, ron desantis my, fellow republican joe biden back to his basement and less than donald trump back
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to the white house. >> life was more affordable when donald trump was president, our border was safer under the trump administration and our country was respected when donald trump was our commander in chief joe biden has failed this nation as a veteran, i was appalled when 13 of our service members were killed in afghanistan due to joe biden's dereliction of duty as a citizen, as a husband and as a father, i am alarm that the current president of the united states lacks the capability to discharge the duties of his office. our enemies do not confine their designs to between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. we need we need a
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commander in chief who can lead 24 hours a day and seven days a week? america cannot afford four more years of a weekend at bernie's presidency but let's be honest let's be honest here biden is just a figure head. >> he's a tool for imposing a leftist agenda on the american people. they support open borders, allowing millions and millions of illegal aliens to pour into our country. and to burden our communities. but just don't send any to martha's vineyard, then they get really upset they have unleashed progressive prosecutors across our nation
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who care more about coddling criminals than about protecting their own communities. they use the unelected bureaucracy to impose their will on us without our consent. and they weaponized political power to target their political opponents. like they've done to our own nominee. they want to ban gas, automobiles eliminate second amendment rights, and imposed gender ideology on everyone from our infantry men to kill her gardeners they stand for dei, which really means division, exclusion, and indoctrination. and it is wrong they mandated that you show proof of a covid vaccine to go to a restaurant, but they oppose. requiring proof of citizenship to cast the vote
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they can't even define what a woman is now, donald trump stands in their way and he stands up for america. donald trump has been demonized. he's been sued. he's been prosecuted. any nearly lost his life we cannot let him down and we cannot let america down. >> it is the values of this yes republican party that reflect our nation's founding principles. >> we believe schools should educate not indoctrinate we stand for parents rights including universal school choice we support law and
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order, not rioting and disorder. we seek a strong focus, united states military, not one distracted by a social agenda we reject entrenched political class, and we demand term limits for members of congress we stand for fiscal sanity, for low taxes and for reduce debt. we seek to reclaim the constitutional government as envisioned by our founding fathers, by bringing the administrative state to heel once and for all we believe that you must be a citizen in order to vote. and that photo id should be required before casting a ballot. we stand for
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strong borders and believe that our nation must have a shared civic culture. and we oppose any immigration that stands apart or in contrast to our american values we believe in the principles articulated in the declaration you've independents that our rights come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of the almighty, including the right to life liberty, and the pursuit of happiness now, none of this is easy but it can be done for decades. my home state saw elections determined by razor thin margins today due to bold leadership the democratic party lies in ruins. the left is in retreat. freedom reigns supreme. the woke mind virus is dead, and florida is a solid republican state. now electing
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donald trump gives us the chance to do this. all across america and we have responsibility to step up and make it happen. we have a responsibility to preserve what george washington called the sacred fire of liberty this was a fire that burned in independence hall in 17, 76 when 56 men's pledge, our lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to establish this nation. it's a fire that burned at a cemetery in gettysburg, pennsylvania when our nations first republican president pledged to this nation to a new birth birth of freedom. it's a fire that burned at the foot of the berlin wall in 1987, when our nation's 40th president stood in front of that wall and said, mr. gorbachev, tear down this
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wall this is not a responsibility we should fear it's a responsibility we should welcome. after all, if not us, who and if not now when let's make the 45th president of the united states the 47th president of the united states let's elect republicans up and down the ballot. and let's heed the call of our party's nominee to fight fight, fight for these united states. thank you. god. bless you. left win in november understands as governor of florida following nikki haley on the stage, alyssa farah griffin. >> well, listen, donald trump is loving this. you could see this murky likes to see his
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former opponents coming and you know, giving their full-throated endorsement listen, nikki haley, give a great speech for this convention hall and for donald trump's ears and for the hopes of having a future in the maga republican party. i think there were tremendous missed opportunities around the issue of nato and ukraine. she briefly alluded to this is someone who, when campaigning herself, called donald trump out on saying he would let russia invade nato countries that could have been a moment. i think that her thought was she needs to stand by the guy who very likely going to be the next president. trump. >> did not seem as pleased with her as he did. he seemed to like ron desantis speech more than yeah. >> the thing that's remarkable is there certain things trump just won't let go with certain people and i don't see a world in which he's going to forgive nikki haley for calling him unhinged and diminished and many of the attacks on the campaign trail, even with a full-throated endorsement like this, if it wasn't audition for future cabinet post, i don't see that happening, whereas ron desantis was quick to drop out to endorse and not really criticized him and his
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harsh drove away. i think he was much happier with that, but what i also to the jonah made earlier, these were two people were thinking, oh, they may be the 2028 contenders they're really not now, jd vance's the future of the party in those who tried to replicate them are i think for her, can i just say for her to argue that, you know, putin didn't invade when trump was president, because somehow he was strong. but then to glide over the fact that trump is said repeatedly in this campaign that he would allow russia to do whatever it wants with our nato allies if they aren't, they aren't paid up i mean, first of all, i think you can make an argument that part of the reason that putin didn't invade when trump was president is because he saw trump pulling away from our allies. he saw of trump separating the united states from from europe. and that is part of his larger goal anyway. so to me, that's an argument from a position of weakness, not strength. and i think for her to glide over that is troubling that she's not i think willing to speak truth in this moment. the other thing i would say is, you know, just to
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go to what ron desantis was presented digging there i mean, it seems like our national moment of unity is over and he spent the entire speech going at all of these cultural war issues, trying to be divisive. i mean, if this was, if this was sort of a test laid off disney, this if this was if this was a test of 20 scott's suggestion, the new direction dunn of the trump republican party that sounds a whole lot like the old trump provoke and party to me. >> okay i'm trying to put the springs back in my ear about what nikki haley said is objectively true about what russia did on obama's watch and what they've done on biden's watch. >> that's number one. look, she did what she had to i do. >> this is how it's supposed to work. >> work. does it move any votes you run when you don't, when you go to the convention and you get shaped she gave a strong speech, she talked about the issues that she cares about
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this is how it is supposed to work for her for donald trump and for the republican party for ron desantis he tickled every pleasure a republican. >> and believe me, i got them i see him in it was great and you could hear it in the convention hall. >> so compared to somewhere else and american night where your people are huddling in dark corner to overthrow the president of the united states is reparable well, what me read a moment of my people, i thought we were told go to break very quickly i'm glad she basically put markers down on her issues. >> i agree with that, right. i wish that we could are something nice about alliances my theory though is what she was doing was it was actually product clever. is she was getting the audience to cheer at moments where trump had an assertive interventionist
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engaging the world foreign policy to sort of remind the audience. and donald trump that the vivek ramaswamy swill that he was peddling earlier isn't actually where the republican party is what i've liked something as someone who cares more about conservatism that the republican party would have liked something a little more forthright? yes but i agree agree with you that for convention speech where it's supposed to be boilerplate team spirit stuff. i think she said look miserable, but she did what she had to do a bit of a problem can showcases are going to go showcasing center marco rubio upon the hour after it was asked up for the vp slot, also coming up, laura trump the rnc co-chair and daughter-in-law former president's statements americans cnn is live from milwaukee as republicans unite behind them for nominee, his vp, and their plan to take back the white house follow cnn for
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and bring on the good stuff. meetings say billion with a b, we've got this. honor. >> you got this. >> i'm sara murray in washington and this is cnn it is primetime at the republican national convention night to and there's much more ahead, including speeches by two of donald trump's opponents back in 2016 mean senator marco rubio of florida and dr. ben carson, who served in trump's cabinet. >> i want to bring back my
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panel and kasie hunt, the theme tonight is make america safe. once again, and you really have heard lots of discussion about ways that republicans here think that president biden is failing. >> you did indeed, including from nikki haley who of course, centered her speech around the foreign policy issues that have been at the heart of her a reason for being in recent years. and one of the things that i kept turning over my head and i was listening to our colleagues talk about nikki haley is that they're to certain extent was a pretty naked political benefit to her for being here. and that the events and the unity that the party has tried to display over the course last few days that made it much simpler for her to be here, much easier to explain and also on the flip side made it harder if she had decided not to show up ultimately in the wake of an assassination attempt. that's something that if she really does want a future in republican policy, it's clear she does she wouldn't have been able to
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explain it. >> i don't think those two i don't think desantis and haley are necessarily signed on to the vance for president campaign in 2020 we not they're paying they're going through the toll booths here just to make clear that there's still on the road. i mean, that's what's happened you can all the people talking about i hear that this especially on the other panel about how like vance is now the heir apparent. >> i mean, you can talk to president quayle about how those calculations that's true. >> but they'll have to go through vance to get i think it's going to be tough lesson what i thought was interesting is nikki haley got a lot more votes than ron desantis in the primary. yet when they both ended serena, the nra differently. >> that the speech by the governor of florida much more well-received by the red meat crowd lot of cheers, much louder is also a red meats. >> but, but i'm saying it was a much better it was still dynamic high, five of them, five of this serena, the tv. but the vibe of this arena is much more ron desantis to nikki
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haley had a pretty mixed reaction when she came onto the floor. i mean, it wasn't get that from it wasn't universally yeah. it was a little hard to tell, but there were some boos in the room for nikki haley, but let's be honest, i mean, i don't no one should be surprised that nikki haley is here tonight she ran a race that was very clearly leaving a window open to eventually endorsed donald trump because she knows that that is what has to happen if she ever wants to run again. i mean, this has always been part of the plan for her. the delay was only about trying to gain some kind of leverage and actually it's really about donald trump completely denying any leverage whatsoever. he gave her nothing. he gave her supporters nothing. and she's still here. she gave that speech through gritted teeth. >> yeah and he had a pretty blank look on his face as one of her big supporters texted me during this speech. she did not kiss the ring. the way he expects. and it's going to take a while for that to a bit, but it's still say to echo what
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scott said earlier, big tent night here, big-tent gop is happy yeah. >> so more high profile speakers and big convention moments are still right ahead this. >> is cnn's live coverage of the republican national convention in milwaukee, wisconsin. donald trump in the house as his party comes together for a second night, making the case that voters should send the former president back to the white house. let's bring in cnn's kristen holmes, who covers the trump campaign for us. kristen, what was the reason? action from the trump campaign to the speeches? a short while ago by former trump rivals nikki haley and governor ron desantis. >> well, take when it comes to nikki haley, donald trump and his team got exactly lee what they needed from her, which is a full-throated endorsement. i spoke to one person asking them what they made of the speech. they said, i stopped listening
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after i heard the word indoors. another senior adviser told me ron and nikki made it clear it is djt, donald trump juniors, excuse me. he donald trump john trump's party. >> they needed nikki. >> nikki haley to come out here and endorse him tonight. remember this? she only won two primaries, but she continued to get tens of thousands of votes from republicans even after she it dropped out of the race, those votes, many of them in critical battleground states like arizona, like pennsylvania, they were thrilled at the fact that she had directly addressed those supporters and that she told them to go vote for donald trump. they were thrilled at the fact that she made it a binary great choice. that is something donald trump and his team have tried to do. that is something that nikki haley did tonight, and that is why they wanted her on that stage tonight. >> all right. kristen holmes. thanks so much. let's go to phil mattingly now who's getting more reaction to the haley and desantis speeches on the floor of the convention
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hall. phil, you jake, it was fascinating not just to listen to delegates here on the floor, the audience in the sands, but also to watch the vip box where the former president is sitting and sitting once again next to his vice presidential candidate, jd vance, after nikki haley's speech was over, vance looked over to trump and so that was good. >> you can see him now that and trump seemed to agree in the audience, in the crowd, there was some combination of kind of ambivalence and unsure necessarily what to do for at least the opening portion of ambassador haley's remarks. but there was also a recognition of the importance of the messages she was delivering. i got a gop there towards the end desantis ron desantis, governor of florida. very different. the crowd response from the very beginning was very enthusiastic. you kind of saw almost the ron desantis before his presidential campaign where maybe so central to the republican party and its perceived future before the former president steamrolled him in the primary, the former president's face as he stood up to welcome ron desantis and it changed a pretty wide smile when desantis made clear how us
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if he planned to praise trump and the endorsement for that, as you look into the vip box, i've been going back and forth between delegates vip box as i sit just under the box, just under you guys as well as i stare at your back, jake the people are coming in and out and what they necessarily mean for the inner circle, trump's obviously sitting next to the vice presidential candidate jd vance have also seen jim jordan is close ally and on capitol hill, ben carson is about to speak in just a little bit because we've seen them kind of cycle in and out, allies throughout the course of the day. it's very clear unity is the message they wanted to get across there definitely but we doing that, the former president seems to be welcoming just one last point i want to make people's interesting thing. i've been watching drug the course of this night. it's a little bit like a catholic mass in terms of when people are standing and when they're sitting, when the former president sands everybody in the vip box stands with him when he sits down. they all sit down as well. so if you're wondering if a standing ovation where it came from, what they're taking their cues from, it's a little bit like a priest and church itself i'll trump all right.
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>> phil mattingly. thanks so much let's bring back the panel phil is phil said aos is probably correct, right. >> trump rallies are a little, a little religion little rock we're missing the rock tonight, but it's a little bit of everything and why you could compare it is for the kremlin and when the leader of the kremlin stood, everybody's go ahead and when he sat down everybody's not done, but it is. i've been watching right over our shoulder and it is absolutely true when trump stands up, what you did for desantis, everybody stood got down and vance hadn't seen it, so he kept standing down until he saw the trump christie, you know what's going on just to let let our viewers know what's going on right now. one of the, one of the things that conventions doing is sprinkling with what is called everyday americans etas, everyday americans, giving their stories i'm sorry i've never ads well it says it says from the commonwealth heads just
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invented something das are speaking right now, people who have been touched in many ways by president, biden in a negative way is the theme. and since tonight's theme is specifically make america safe, once again, some of the people that we're hearing from our individuals whose families have been wrecked by opioids or fentanyl all one individual speaking whose fans had a family member killed by an illegal immigrant, somebody else of violent crime testimonial. and this is again very much in keeping with the theme of evening and kaitlan collins, i mean, this has been something that has been a theme of donald trump's public life. talking about crime way back when he took out a full-page ad erroneously faulting the central park five and for there crimes that they actually did not do. but this is certainly since he came down the escalator in 2015, the idea of
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crime, of illegal immigration, a big part of the trial i'm political dna. >> it is a big part of it because they're trying to tap into something with voters even though if you look at the numbers of crime in big cities that trump always talks about and rails against washington. new york when he was there for his trial, you've actually seen the numbers taking a different trend that we've seen daniel dale talk about that a lot, but they think it's effective. i will say that each day of this convention and it has a theme to it. obviously that's the theme for today, but it does seem overshadowed by what else is happening on each of these days. yesterday was obviously the vance pick and seeing donald trump walk out with that bandage on his ear. i was just down there. i was by the south carolina delegation when ambassador haley was speaking, i ran over to the florida delegation when governor desantis was speaking it was interesting to watch the delegations, his two figures who both castigated donald trump said he was unfit for office. ron desantis said he doesn't think that donald trump could beat joe biden and then making that argument on stage. and i talked to the governor of south carolina briefly he's a big trump ally
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and he was pushing nikki haley's speech segment. he thought that she did a good job of basically trying to invite those nikki haley voters into the trump tent. do they actually come? obviously, we know the biden campaign has been trying to lure them as well. so we'll save let's listen in to an fund nar her family issues everyday, american, her family has a very moving story to tell about opioids and fentanyl. >> let's listen in high my name is an fenner and i am the wife and mother of four children i'm standing here today to share the tragic reality of open borders i'm here to share the story of my firstborn son. >> my everything my weston my family, and i were living in southern california when president biden took office and opened our borders my western was 15 he was an amazing big
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brother to his three younger siblings weston attended church twice a week played football and hockey, and he loved to serve he had a big heart. and he lived to make people laugh he had so many good friends i was always vigilant to be the best mother that i can be as room mom, school ambassador and i attended all of his sports we had family dinners and barbecues at the beach. and like most teenagers, weston wanted to fit in and in a moment of peer pressure, he tried something that someone gave to him and it took my baby's life we did everything. right i have those conversations with him and fentanyl still found my son and i'm february 27 2022 our lives
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were shattered. and our baby was gone this was not an overdose. it was a poisoning his whole future everything we ever wanted for him was ripped away in an instant. and joe biden does nothing. i hope joe biden mola harris, the borders are what a joke. and gavin newsom and every democrat who supports open borders responsible for the death of my son hank thank you thank you.
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thank you and the tens of thousands of american innocent children for that alone they should be voted out of office
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yes we have seen that highest number of fentanyl deaths during the biden harris administration. and fentanyl is now the number one killer of americans ages 18 to 45. and it is quickly becoming the leading cause of death for teens with 14 and under being the fastest growing demographic we need president trump back in office we need a president who will
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seal the border aggressively prosecute drug dealers and stuff. communist china from poisoning our children this is not a red or blue issue this is a red, white, and blue issue fentanyl doesn't care if you're black or white, it does not discriminate. this is an american issue. we need a president who will call the drug cartels what they are terrorist organization this is not for me my son is gone this fight is for your children we owe it to our children to elect a president who will win the war against fentanyl once and for all it's too late for my
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son weston say is named joe biden weston thank you. but we can change this for your children we need president trump back to save the lives of our kids. god bless america ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the morning. >> family from maryland last year, we lost my beloved sister, rachel she went for a
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walk in one of our family's favorite places this beautiful trail was to us a safe place. >> where we pushed our babies and strollers where we walked together as a family where my wife and i got married near here what would later become the spot where my sister's body was found rachel a joyful accomplished athlete and mother of five was raped and murdered by suspected illegal immigrant this was described as among the most brutal and violent offenses that has ever occurred
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in harford county, maryland history open borders are often portrayed as compassionate and virtuous but there is nothing compassionate about allowing violent criminals into our country and robbing children of their mother my sister's death was preventable the monster arrested for killing rachel entered the u.s unlawfully after killing a woman in el salvador joe biden and he is designated borders are kamala harris opened our borders to
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him and others like him empowering them to victimize the innocent yet to this day, we have not heard from joe biden or kamala harris they never apologize but when rachel was killed, president trump called my family to offer his condolences he wanted to meet with us he carried that is leadership and we need real leadership back in the white house.
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>> what has gotten us through this unthinkable loss is our faith and jesus christ and as brutal as the murder of my sister was i pray that her killer will find jesus christ for all the affected by senseless tragedy. >> i pray for peace, knowing that all things work together for good to those who love god do those who are called according to his purpose i pray that we hold worldly leaders accountable for safety and justice for innocent people i
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pray that we make our country safe and secure. in the memory of my sister, rachel who loved life. thank you. >> god bless america. a good night ladies and gentlemen, please welcome. >> madeleine brain from new york good evening, everyone my son sergeant hassan korea and afghanistan, war retired veteran. >> he received enemy fire from the taliban only to be murdered with a knife on the streets of new york city the challenge responsible for his death
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initially we're facing justice but that changed when district attorney alvin bragg was on that day how many acts responsible for my son had their gangs assault, and murder charges completely dismissed. >> one of them received much time served charged her with assault with russia and then other one was sentenced to seven years later, learned to alvin bragg often dismisses every deuces. danny, dangerous criminals he wants to the jails
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in return jot violent felon is onto our streets every day the injustice was devastating for me and my family i don't want anyone else to experience the senseless pain that many other victims across this united states of america have to live with every day so i decided to use the voice that god gave me to be the voice for the voiceless we need justice for victims prosecutors duty prosecutors in new york and
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chicago and gas and los angeles gray jury and cities and don't warzones and neglected communities like mine are suffering and who he is second tired of being sick and tired good to what decades, including myself right? >> they couldn't trade us. they stab in the back joe biden and kamala harris, who claimed to represent us have abandoned
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neglected the molarity communities across america what like so many of them minorities across america donald trump shares our values. >> love of god and family and country the same corrupt system that i have been in my family, has been submitted to providing economic opportunities though suffering from addiction when programs back definitely
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policies that are getting i've chosen killed. every day our police weight back with that was right when he said that he's just standing in the way
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that's he always will that's why i'm staggered with him today america again yeah thank you. and good night ladies and. >> gentlemen, please welcome arkansas governor sarah huckabee sanders what a
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powerful story to follow good evening i'm sarah huckabee sanders and before i get started i want to say i have always been proud to stand with president trump, but never have i been more proud than to stand with him right now tonight not even an assassin's bullet could stop him god almighty intervened because america is one nation under god and he is certainly not finished with
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president trump in the country is better for it i am here tonight as america's youngest governor the first the first woman to lead the great state of arkansas and most importantly a mom to three amazing kids are when i was,
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president trump's white house press secretary i got the chance to take my four-year-old son huck, to bring your kid to work day much like jill now drags joe to bring your husband and while i was briefing the president on the upcoming event in the oval office all of the kids who were attending that day gathered in the rose garden, getting ready to meet him and we were walking out onto that beautiful, perfect colony and i saw out of the corner of my eye that my son huck, was running full speed
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directly at the president of the united states being the gracious person he is president trump bent down to give him a big hug and right in front of everyone huck sidestepped the president completely, ignoring him in front of everyone and ran straight into my arms for my four-year-old son the most powerful man in the world had nothing on his mom but because he's the amazing man, he is president trump didn't mind at all. >> after all. >> he's a dad to five unbelievable kids in a grandfather to and while that
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story is certainly a special memory for my family it's an even greater reminder why i support president trump, not for me, not for him, but for my kids and for yours. >> under president trump, america was safer the world was safer, and it felt like the next generation would have a chance at the american dream president trump did the job that kamala won't end joe biden simply can't when we're honest. >> every american knows that we were so much better off under
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president trump so tonight i don't want to just speak about president trump's successful policies. while there are many i want to talk about the man that i know when the president hired me. i was the first mom in only the third woman to ever serve as the white house press secretary and in that role, i endured relentless attacks from the left i was insulted as a guest at the white house correspondents dinner my family was denied service and kicked out of a restaurant and a apparent at my three-year-old
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sons school spit on my car in those moments, it was president trump who defended me and when an msnbc host, the author of several books on empowering women, said i was unfit to be a mother and another msnbc host set out was vile not even human and that i should be choked msnbc, again had nothing. but our president pulled me aside looked me in the eye and said, sara you're smart, you're beautiful. you're tough, and they attack you because you're good at your job, never let them stop by thank you, mr.
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president that's the donald trump that i know and that's the donald j. >> trump. i will always respect the left doesn't care about empowering women. biden and harris can't even tell you what a woman is they only care about empowering themselves but we have a president who believes an empowering every american in our country is worth fighting for for the last four years
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republican governors have been leading that fight and doing what joe biden refuses to do we've deployed the national guard to the border. >> we've cracked down on crime and drugs we cut taxes to give hardworking americans are break from bidenflation and we empowered parents with universal school choice across the country. donald trump was the very first president in my lifetime to take all harder line against china and i'm proud to be the first and only governor in the country to kick communist china off our farmland and out of my state
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president trump is a leader and he's the leader. our country needs. and if ever, there was a doubt earlier this week, we saw just how tough resilient courageous, and daring this man is. and we can't get him back in the white house fast. ladies and gentlemen, we are not cold
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to stand still in the face of great danger. you and i were put on this earth at a moment in time to charge boldly ahead we cannot know what the future holds, but we know sure. who holds the future in his hands god spared president trump from that assassin because god is not finished with him yet and he most certainly is not finished with america yet either with god as our guide and president trump back in the
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white house, we will show the world that americans, the place where freedom reigns and liberty will never die ladies and gentlemen tonight. >> let us not leave here just excited about a great few days but let us leave here. energized and committed to making sure that we protect our freedom. and we have the ability to pass it on to the next generation because america is the greatest country that the world has ever known. and our kids and our grandkids
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deserve to enjoy it the way each of us did. and we will, with president trump back in the white house thank you so much. god bless the great state of arkansas and the united states of america. thank you very much ladies and gentlemen, please welcome former united states secretary of housing and urban development. >> dr. ben carson thank you. no sarah huckabee always says to me, i hate to follow you. >> but i think she turn the table on may tonight i want to thank you all for being here and for being involved. like
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many of you last week, i watched with horror as the events unfolded in that pennsylvania field i saw president trump a dear friend excuse death by mere inches. and my thoughts immediately turn to the book of isaiah that says no weapon formed against you shall prosper well, let me tell you the weapons that they use first, they tried to ruin his reputation and he's more popular now than ever and, then they try to bankrupt them and he's got more money now than he had before and then they tried to put them in prison. and he's freer and has made other people three with him and
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then and then last weekend they tried to kill him and there he is over they're alive and wel l no i have no doubt that god, lord, a shell of protection over president trump and i join millions of americans and. thanksgiving for president trump's safety. and i encourage you to join me in praying each day for his continued protection know, our hearts our hearts go out to the victims in the audience.
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that's also pray for them and their families. these events have brought unusual clarity to the times. we're living in. >> we have all harbored the nagging feeling that everything we love is slipping away all you have to do is turn on the television the free press a pillar of any free society has abused the troubling public trust and resorted to lies, deception, and disinformation they divide us along lines of race class, and gender, rather than uniting us. around our shared bond as americans our government has been know better shredding our constitution up, ending the rule of law we have a wide open border, a broken education system and chaos breaking out around the world. and on top of it, all we have a
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president who well, if you can't see anything good, don't say anything at all but ask anyone around the world was, what does it mean to be in american most will tell you that it means unlimited opportunity that where you begin in life doesn't dictate where you will end. that. that's the america i grew up in and no other country could a poor inner city kid raised by a single mom make it to an ivy league school, then to medical school, become a successful neurosurgeon run for president and eventually become a member of the president's cabinet you know and as a member of his
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cabinet, ai had a chance to work closely with them and i got to tell you this is a man who is a gift to us as a nation. he is very gifted. he is very smart is very compassionate he cares about people. and i'll tell you the first time i met him, what was before either of us got into the political arena and somewhat i were at mar-a-lago and someone came up to him, said mr. trump rots through it, just walked in and he said, i don't care. this is ben carson i feel blessed that i've been able to live the american dream. but my story is moving further out of reach in america today the lessons my mother taught me, like hard work and the value of well-rounded, patriotic education and faith in god above all else are being
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forced out of the public square but we are all here today because we know we can bring these things back by god's grace we live in a country where the people room we have the power to choose the kind of nation we will be in, the kind of men and women that will lead us and today, the choice could not be more clear the most heated phrase in the bible is this do not be afraid or fear not. it appears 365 times in scripture. a reminder to live each day with faith, hope, and joy as joyful warriors for christ and when god is with us, nobody can stand the gifts us
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with this assurance from the almighty even the face of evil itself cannot shake our resolve we will keep fighting. we will keep praying and by the grace of god, we will save our country and reelect president trump together with vice president vance, this november and i want you to remember this and 18, 31 alexis at ductal came to america to study our nation because the europeans were fascinated they wanted to know how could the nation barely 50-years-old, already compete with them on virtually every level so he looked at our government and he was duly impressed by our checks and balances and separation of powers and then he looked at our business environment. he was duly impressed by how we encourage entrepreneurship and innovation. and he looked at our educational system and he was blown away by the fact that he could find a mountain man in the middle of the woods who can't read who could tell them
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about the declaration of independence. but the thing that impressed them the most was when he went to our churches and he heard those inspirational sermons from the pulpits that inspired a ragtag bunch of militiamen to defeat the most powerful army in the world and gave the american people or moral base and he concluded his two-volume set democracy in america. okay, with these words, he said, america is great because america is good and if america ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great. it is our job to make america good. and let's do this by reelecting president trump so we can make america great. thank ladies and gentlemen.
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>> please welcome united states senator of florida, marco rubio thank you. >> thank you thank you thank you thank you. >> don't say polo, don't say poland thank you. >> thank you thank you the last few, days remind us that the life of every living thing and the breadth of all mankind is in the hands of god we were brought to the precipice of the
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abyss and by the hand of god reminded of what truly matters in our lives and in our country this thing we do called politics that matters it's not unimportant, but it is our people who was must always matter the most and everything we do by giving voice to everyday americans president trump has not just transformed our party he has inspired a movement a movement a movement of the people who grow our food and drive our trucks the people who make our cars and build our homes the people whose taxes fund our government and whose
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children fight our wars americans like corey comperatore he was the former, he was a former fire chief and a loving husband he was described as the best dad a girl could ever ask for as a man of god. who loved jesus fiercely and looked after members of his church korea was one of the millions of everyday americans who make our country great he wasn't rich. he wasn't famous and the only reason why we know his name and story now because last saturday he shielded his wife and daughter from an assassin's bullet and lost his life the way he lived in a hero for
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those still want wondering who were in the press and many watching at home be. these are the americans who, where the red hats and wait for hours under a blazing sun to hear trump speak and what they want what they asked for it is not hateful or extreme what they want is good jobs and lower prices they want borders that are secure and for those who come here to do so legally they want to be safe from criminals and from terrorists and they
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want for our leaders to care more about our problems here at home and about the problems of other countries far away there is absolutely nothing dangerous or anything to visit about putting americans first those who are offended. anyone was offended about putting america first has forgotten what american is and what american means american isn't the color of our skin. or our ethnicity
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americans our pr people as diverse as humanity itself. >> but out of many, we are one because as the life story of our next vice president, jd vance reminds us, we are all descendants of ordinary people who achieved extraordinary things who do we come from we come from pioneers who ventured west to chase their dreams and slaves who overcame bondage to claim their right to the promise of america we come from exiles who fled tyranny in search of freedom and of immigrants who left behind all they had in new because they could not be or achieved god's purpose for their life. and the nation of their birth.
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>> that is an american and putting americans first must be what this election is about when president trump was in the white house americans had more money and lower prices our borders were secure and our laws were enforced iran was broke the taliban stopped killing americans and putin didn't invade anyone now under biden high prices devour paychecks criminals, and drugs are allowed to flood into our country and terrorize our people and iran has money to support terrorists. >> the taliban humiliated us
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and afghanistan and not one, but two major wars have broken out my fellow americans the only way to make america wealthy and safe and strong again, it's to make donald j. trump, our president. >> again our country has been injured injured by the bad decisions of week leaders but now though bloodied by our wounds we must stand up and we must fight fight, not with violence or destruction but with our voices and our votes fight not against each other but for the hopes and dreams. >> we, share in common and make
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us one and fight for in america where we are safe from those who seek to harm us. on our streets and from abroad and we will not be alone in this fight for leading us in this fight will be a man who although whom did in facing danger, he stood up and raised his fist and reminded us that our people and our country are always worth fighting for it is time it's time to put our country and our people first again and to do.
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and we do together. we will make our people wealthy again if we do together, we will make our country safe. again together. we will make donald trump, our president again. and together we will not just make america great again we will make america greater than it has ever been. >> thank god bless ladies and gentlemen, please welcome. laura trump.
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>> i don't feel like i actually have to ask this question. >> what is anybody in this room ready to send donald trump back to 1,600 pennsylvania well it may not be a surprise that i actually had a very different speech that i was prepared to give up here tonight. >> that all changed at 6:11 on saturday evening nothing prepares you for a moment like that our family has faced our fair share of death threats mysterious, powdery sent to our homes, tasteless and violent comments directed towards us on
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social media but none of that prepares you as a daughter-in-law to watch in real time someone tried to kill a person you love. none of that prepares you as a mother to quickly reach for the remote in turn, you're young children away from the screen. so that they're not witness to something that scars the memory of their grandpa for the rest of their lives. the prayers and well-wishes. we've received over the last 72 hours have been overwhelming to say the least and my heart goes out to the family who lost a husband and a father because of this senseless this act all of you here tonight and watching at home. i mean, the world to all of us in the trump family if
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donald trump has shown us anything, it's that when it feels impossible to keep going, those are the times we must keep going. >> i don't know how many people here are watching at home have ever been to a trump rally. >> but if you've never been, let me tell you about them. au some of you ben regardless of how the media have painted these rallies, you would be hard-pressed to find end to join a happier group of people coming together over their love for the greatest country on earth, the united states of america i dare anyone trying to
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leave a trump rally without leaving with some new friends, you always make friends at a trump rally, right? veterans, teachers, blue collar workers, white-collar workers, active duty military police officers, firefighters, small business owners latino supporters, christian supporters, jewish supporters black supporters, white supporters, asian supporters, gay supporters republicans and independents, and yes even democrats at a trump rally, are not viewed as your profession, your religion, or the color of your skin and you're viewed as one thing an american last saturday was a jarring reminder that we, as
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americans must always remember. there is more that unites us than divides us we all want this country to be great even if we don't always agree on the best way of doing that and with every bone in my body, i can tell you that all donald trump wants to do and has ever wanted to do is make this country great again, for all of us proverbs 28 reads the wicked flee, don't know, and pursues. but the righteous are as bold as a lion and that's truly epitomizes donald trump he is a lion he is bold, he is strong,
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he is fearless, and he is exactly what this country three needs right? >> now let's not forget what life actually we looked like under president donald trump trade deals across the world, the benefited our economy allied countries paying their fair share a safe and secure southern border record, low unemployment rates for african-americans it's panic americans, asian americans, and women record investment in historically black colleges and universities the creation of the united states space force the most comprehensive prison reform in decades how about the
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peace agreements in the middle east that they said would never happen the largest tax cuts in american history our energy independence massive amounts of red tape cut, and no new wars when donald j. trump was president maybe most importantly though you could actually feel it in your everyday life now you didn't have to love everything that he tweeted. >> but you cannot deny you were better off when donald trump wasn't then office americans were finally able to start saving money. >> home prices were affordable
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and gas hit a low of $1.87 a gallon as i speak here tonight, many of our fellow americans don't know how they'll pay for their next trip to the grocery store new clothes for their children, or this month's rent many of our fellow americans worry that we are on the verge of a major terror attack here on american soil many of our fellow americans don't think their own children will be able to establish a better life than they themselves currently have. many of our fellow americans are right now sitting in wondering how on earth this country could have moved in the wrong direction. and so quickly the democrats and the media, no, that they cannot convince you. the american people, that your life is better off now because it's not so what will they do they'll try to sell
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you on some outrageous narrative about the terrible things that donald trump will do if he becomes it was president. but you don't have to imagine what it would be like. all you have to do is remember what it was like i know oh, yeah i know what you hear out there about donald trump. i know what you read. what the media tells you and what out-of-touch celebrities on the left? say about this man but when i look at donald trump i see a wonderful father father-in-law, and of course grandfather to my two young children, luke and carolina i
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know that i'm lucky enough to get to call him my father-in-law and see him a little differently than all of you. but it's through that lens that i sometimes wish more people could see him. this is a man who has sacrificed for his family and a man who has truly sacrifice for his country donald trump did that need to run for president for fame or money? trust me, we all know he already had plenty of that i'll tell you why he did it and why he continues on. even in the face of the unthinkable because he loves this country he did it
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for his grandchildren. for your children and grandchildren and for the generations to come? >> i have seen this man dragged through hell and back in and out of courtrooms, indictments impeachments mug shots and even an assassination attempts. >> and yet, he has never backed down i'll never forget
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watching my two children run-up to him with their drawings and hugs for grandpa just moments before he took the elevator down in trump tower to address the media. the day after his wrongful conviction. despite everything else he had going on, he had no other focus in the entire world just a man relishing time with his
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grandchildren. it's aside of donald trump that not enough people get to see maybe you got to see a side of donald trump on saturday that you were not sure existed? until you saw it with your own eyes martin luther king junior, once famously said, the ultimate measure of a man is not one where he stands in moments of convenience and comfort but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy there's no doubt that saturday was one of the most frightening moments of my father-in-law's life millimeters separated him from life and certain death and yet it was in the midst of it all as he was jostled off stage by secret service that he knew how defining that moment would
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be for our country any hoisted his fist in the air it was not just for the audience at the rally not just for his supporters tuning in, but for all of america. >> and as a signal to the world that no matter what america we'll always prevail though it's been strained and attacked, no enemy, no force, not even a bullet is strong enough to break our american grit an hour american soul we
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are the country whose founders gave their fortunes, freedom and lives to pursue the dream of a free society we're the country of thomas edison, susan b anthony, henry ford, and harriet tubman we are the country who fought and won two world wars and we are the country who always rises to meet the moment, no matter how insurmountable the task and in that split-second on saturday donald trump reminded us all of that very history. and who we are at our core as a nation that is the donald trump that i know he is an american, an american who conquered the business world an american who made himself a household name
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an american who was beloved by politicians and fellow celebrities for decades until he ran for office with an r next to his name an american whom even barack obama admits people consider the american dream and instead of sailing off into the sunset after an illustrious real estate and television career, he decided to give back he decided to bring some of the things that had made him so successful in life to all of you. in order to improve the lives of all americans. >> black, white, brown, gay, straight all americans, because that's the man that donald trump is i can tell you that my personal experience with donald trump has showed me his heart
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there wasn't a second that he made this small town girl who was way out of her element in new york city, feel anything but welcomes and part of the family and if not, for the support and encouragement of my father-in-law i wouldn't be where i am today it's been said by many that donald trump sees things in people that they don't even recognize in themselves. in 2016, when he asked me to help him win my home state of north carolina i'll be honest that was terrified i had no idea how i would make it happen but he knew i would. >> and i did when i was given an opportunity to join a television network as a commentator, it was the push and support of my father-in-law that gave me the confidence to take that job always the first one to call or text me after a tv hit and tell me, great job.
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>> keep going not bad, right or even a few months ago when he called and asked me to be the co-chair of our party he showed me potential in myself that i couldn't yet see so tonight, to my father-in-law i want to say thank you thank you. cue for your resilience thank you for continuing on. thank you for raising wonderful kids thank you for being an amazing grandfather. thank you for never giving up on me. and thank you for never giving up on our country tonight i come
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to you. not as the co-chair of the rnc, not as the daughter-in-law of the candidate tonight, i come to you as a mom, as a citizen of this country for those of you watching who have never voted for donald trump i know what the media and his political opponents have tried to tell you about this man believe me. i have seen and heard at all, but i have also seen the truth i am proud to know donald trump to campaign for him, to vote
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for him, and to raise his grandchildren he will do what is necessary. >> to protect you. >> protect your family, and protect this country. because donald trump wants us all to be successful, to be safe, to be happy, to be strong, and to be great. again, tonight i'm asking you to vote not for the donald trump. >> you see flashed on your tv every day splashed across the headlines tonight, i'm asking you to vote for donald trump that luke and carolina called grandpa i'm asking you to vote for donald trump that my husband, eric calls dad. i'm asking you to vote for donald
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trump that i call my father-in-law i'm asking you to vote for the donald trump, who can and will make america great once again, for all of us thank you. >> god. >> bless you and god bless the united states of america. >> we love you all right lara trump, wife of trump's son, eric trump. she is the co-chair of the republican national committee. tv producer for inside edition. former fox news contributor john king we've heard from a lot of individuals tonight, laura trump, senator marco rubio obviously heard from nikki haley and ron desantis as well. your thoughts? >> well, number one, as you mentioned them cruz and rubio opponents in 2016, he said and haley opponents in his past campaign, trump has a history of isolating, punishing shoving his opponents out, blocking
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them out, and yet he sat there tonight, listened to all their speeches why? look around this whole he had does not have to fear them anymore. he doesn't have to worry about them anymore. there was no one in the republican party that is a threat to his leadership. so he sits there and listens to them, say vote for donald trump we've talked about this before. if you have any doubt, anybody out there thinks to take over if somehow incomplete, you're wrong. this is donald trump's party fascinating for them in the sense that they still have national political aspirations and trump has pick jd vance about to be 40-years-old, but doesn't mean he's the automatic air doesn't mean the voters will agree with that. but if donald trump keeps the holdover, the party that he has in this room number one, right now, he's on a path to winning. the other point i would make about that is that the president's party always goes last. the president united states also decided to have an early debate the calendar of this campaign, maybe come joe biden's enemy debate, put them in such a horrible position. and now he has to wait a month for his convention and all of
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the numbers say he is in deep trouble. >> the other thing too, when you watch lara trump, jake, as you mentioned you, she is not just the daughter-in-law. she is it's now the co-chair of the republican national committee. is to think back to 2016 when we were at the convention, then the rnc was one of the biggest things standing in trump's way in his views. that is how he felt in the 2016 campaign that they were against him, that they abandoned him after the access hollywood tape came out and so to see her getting a 21 minute speaking slot, when cetera? rick scott of florida, who wants to be the majority leader should they retake the majority's in that race, he got four minutes earlier. it speaks to the weight that they give her an the interests and the standing that she hasn't such year ford about the rnc the night before the election? >> the chair of the rnc and the leadership at the rnc went to new york's that networks to explain how trump's loss was not their fault talking about a 2060 2016 that is the difference between the party today and the party in 2016 completely at odds as you're saying, can i just say?
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something else about the lara trump speech and connect it to another speech that really held this room in a way that we haven't seen a lot of. that is sarah huckabee sanders and the connection is that they are both women know the former president well and are trying to do something that certainly the jd vance didn't do. the marco rubio speech the ted cruz speech ended the above, which is to try to humanize him to try to dispel all of the things that we have seen on his social media. and other very well reported incidents that he has had in fact, let me just interrupt for one second. >> we have a clip from sarah huckabee sanders. i'd love to get your okay. >> great. >> here's a little clip from governor sanders of arkansas president told me aside looked me in the eye sara. >> you're smart you're
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beautiful. >> you're tough, and they attack you because you're good at your job. never let them stop by that was a story she told about president trump bucking her up after apparently she'd been criticized by some msnbc likers because if because of her appearance and the juxtaposition of that story with the donald trump that we saw when he first came on the political scene, his fights with rosie o'donnell, his fights with other women which put him in not very good stead with a lot of female voters he still struggles with those voters and those voters are going to once again determined just to give a little back-story, i don't want to get too much into the donald trump versus msnbc that but i think he had insulted me but based on mika brzezinski, based on her fighting, that's my point. >> i mean, there tried to inoculate that and tell a
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different version of the story i'm i'm i'm totally agreeing with you. i mean, we can't forget all of the comments that we heard from him about women. and what was so clearly intentional with that, sarah huckabee sanders their story saying he pulled her aside privately and said, don't let them don't let them with set you that was very clear intentional way to try to show another side of him. i don't know that suburban women or even men who find the previous behavior repugnant, are going to buy that. but it certainly was an attempt to try. >> that is, look, this is a convention. this is what they're supposed to do, is to paint the best picture of the candidate. but with donald trump, it's not i mean, frankly, he's a public figure. and he's a political figure. it's really not about what he's like when nobody's looking it's also about what he is like when everyone is looking and that has been his problem consistently on the political stage, i thought that the juxtaposition of these paper,
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this picture of trump as this sort of soft loving person. >> parents, grandparent was. >> so interesting on the very same night that there also painting an extremely dark picture of the country on crime, on immigration, on all of these other issues. and those two things going handled hand-in-hand maybe it was intended to sort of soften the effect of some of the harsher stories on crime. but i i'm not sure what to make of it. and i also think that the american people, i think it was sarah huckabee sanders who said this herself. they have lived through donald trump. they remember those years, they remember his candidacy in 2016 and 2020, and i think it's going to be hard for them to just tell people that he is a kind, gentle man in private when they have seen him in public doing quite the opposite. >> jake, one of the other things that struck me about this evening is that there was a lot of talk in the aftermath of the shooting on saturday that there was going to be
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unity, and there was going to be an effort to take down the temperature and really lasted until tonight. and there were over and over again, there were efforts. first, just santos said donald trump has been demonized. he's been sued, he's been prosecuted and he nearly lost his life. he didn't make a direct connection there, but lighter ron, former hud secretary, ben carson, did he said, first they tried to ruin his reputation. then they tried to bankrupt them. then they tried to put them in prison. and then last weekend, they tried to kill him i, don't know who, they is, but there was the sense of victimization, the sense of offs against them. there was a lot of media bashing tonight. this was very much a different tone and what we were hearing about in the immediate aftermath from a clinical standpoint, having been involved in trying to put these things together, this was a
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well-orchestrated night. they did a lot of business tonight they spent part of the night trying to scare the hell out of people and in some, in some very disingenuous ways at times and, you know, i'm still getting my arms around the fact the blue thing and i'm wondering what the families of the officers who were killed on january 6 were thinking when they watched that, setting that aside, the speakers at the end, sarah huckabee sanders certainly hey, lara trump, but even marco rubio they this was a, they were standing down the sharp edges on donald trump, who is seen by a lot of people as crass and cruel and vengeful. and this was designed to take that down some and the fact that he had that he's comes under these circumstances and as clearly subdued and somber because of what happened has created an environment in which i thought it was pretty the effective tonight i just
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want to say to your point on the back of blue piece madeleine brain, who was the speaker who's talked about backing the blue, who subs the combat was the military factions, the army veteran who was stabbed i think she was the highlight of the night. >> i mean, her speech was incredibly compelling incredibly powerful. you can hear a pin drop in here. i think i think that they should have abby and i talked about the net, maybe hadn't played a little music let that sit in yeah, because that was such a powerful moment and it really i think affected people here. >> i don't know how it affected people on television that could mean i think she was a really great messenger or messages night all of those stories were very compelling the mother who lost her son to that i think it's always a good call at these conventions. the chinse to lean on real people however it's incumbent upon us to foreign out that crime is down in this country that immigrants are not more likely to commit crime in this country, that
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fentanyl david pointed this out. fentanyl is not mostly coming over from the border, so the stories are important, but so are the actual facts behind the argument that's being made and ultimately the families are entitled to feel how they how they feel about the tragedies that happened to them. but from a factual perspective, some of those things are not trending in the same direction as they were painted on that. >> but those are the top issues. immigration crime me, this campaign, those are the top issues they were identified by voters. i think they were the top i'm issues the economy is still one of the biggest issues that again, crime is down like 30%. so but it's. a significant trials and it's improving and people's lives matter as we hear the beautiful song by creed, i wanted to neighboring ban you have suzanne, right anderson a lot
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to talk to lots of digest. alyssa, what stands out to you. >> so watching trump just take this all in, kind of reminded me of his old cabinet meetings where he would kick them off and everyone would go around the horn and just praise him and for a while because i was thinking like a seemed bored watching these speeches. know he loves seeing people lineup talk about his accomplishments and why there with him. and to john king's point he was not threatened by a single person out there because the remaking of the party into the trump party has happened. he can have rubio there. he can have haley out there and that was that was shown tonight but these are also nights conventions are a time for stars to rise and potentially starts to fall. and i think in some ways, the rubios, the rick scott's, they didn't they kinda fell a little flat tonight and those are from the before times before trump you see someone like sarah sanders that was what a trump 2028, somebody with a national the profile that's the kind of speech you're going to see it a
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little bit of kind of the separation of the old guard and the newgarden some time now going to be divided between beatty and 80 that will measure it. michael i think you can break this down into three different themes. we heard a lot about continuity people who are tired of broken promises. you heard the one mother whose son was an army veteran, lost his life to an illegal immigrant. we heard a lot about stability. if you want economic stability for the working class, for laura, end workers, low wage workers we heard a lot about opportunity. if you want a future that's better than the past and you contrast that with joe biden. you have an economy that frankly it's hard for most people. the idea of a middle-class is almost something of a healthy and days be quite frank. you think about an open border where the doors are saying come on into america and americans are asking in themselves, anderson, what about me whether republican party is answering that question? we have the solutions for you ai well, i actually i
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didn't hear a lot of solutions side. >> i mean, look, conventions are about storytelling and i i think there were a lot of really effective moments for the republicans tonight. i think a lot of the personal stories that we heard from some of those speakers, no doubt they were powerful they're actually wasn't a whole lot of, there were a lot of solutions put on the table. there was a lot of criticizing joe biden. there was a lot of focus on crime and immigration. and again, kind of painting this it's picture of america as a dark place where crime is running rampant. i think abby philip was rightly saying crime is actually in fact down, and i would expect we're going to hear the democrats make that case. i mean, again, this is the thing about conventions. they are a, you know, a moment where you get to put forward your message. you're sort of looking fact, let's just look at some facts right now because a lot of prominent republicans taking the stage tonight, including members the republican house leadership. >> and i want to bring in our fact-checker senior reporter, daniel dale. daniel, you listen to all of tonight speeches, talk a little bit about what stood out to you. yeah. anderson, there was a lot of stuff you can't really tried
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to fact check their personal stories. general praise of trump, broad denunciations have biden subjective accusations that biden was personally responsible for drug overdose deaths. which i think we should note rose under president trump as well. but there was also some significant inaccuracy. we can check arizona us senate candidate kari lake made a wildly false claim that her democratic opponent, ruben gallego, voted to allow illegal immigrants to vote in this election. that's a brazen distortion of jason house vote on voter registration requirements. senator ted cruz of texas claim with no evidence at all that democrats deliberately let an illegal immigrants to somehow get their votes, not citizens cannot legally vote. and the data shows almost never do and i thought it was notable that some of the most significant false or misleading claims tonight came from members of the house it's republican leadership. listen to what gop conference chair elise stefanik, and house speaker mike johnson said about violent crime violent crime crisis fueled by democrats pro-criminal sanctuary cities,
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and deep on the police, policies, like we have seen in my home state of new york. we can't survive a dramatic increases in violence, crime, and drugs that the democrats problem policies have brought up on our communities well, i'll do it again. >> this claim that there have been dramatic increases in violence and crime under biden is false. in fact, both violent crime and property crime has fallen under president biden, and there have been big declines over the last year-and-a-half out. preliminary figures from the fbi showed that violent crime is down roughly 6% in 2023. and then it dropped by staggering 15% in the first quarter of 2024, the declines in murder, in particular, where even bigger and so now key fact here, murder in particular, and violent crime in general are both below where they were in 2020, trump's last year in office. now, congresswoman stefanik claim of a biden violent crime crisis is the objective, i guess, but she certainly did not note that trump had a violent crime crisis when he had worst numbers. i'm going to cough now. i'll caution again, this
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is preliminary data, a big chunk of local communities haven't submitted their numbers yet. so the precise extent of the decline in violent crime is to be determined, but it's clearly falling and not rising. and i also want to address anderson, a claim from house majority party leader steve scalise on the biden administration's record on us energy production. take a listen let's talk energy davis wrote at the american energy dominance that president trump delivered. >> we will end the democrats assault on american energy once and for all this claim about a biden era democratic assault and american energy is misleading at very best, while it's true that biden is pushing for a transition to renewables. >> the u.s. under biden is producing more crude oil than any country ever has. it is a fact that us is setting fossil fuels a world records under this administration, the u.s produced a global record, 12.9 million barrels of crude oil per day in 2023, easily beating the trump era high of about 12.3 million barrels. and scalise also spoke of us energy exports under biden. well, us crude exports in 2023 were also
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the highest on record for anybody. now, we should be clear here not to suggest these records are being set because it president biden, who certainly has taken a bunch of steps, the fossil fuel industry, oil companies don't like. these are market-driven increases. lot of them caused by improvements and fracking. horizontal drilling technology. but nonetheless, republicans, including former president trump keep pushing this notion that biden has crushed us oil and gas production. trump sometimes says biden has ended it entirely. and all this stuff is not close to true anderson daniel dale. thank you so much for more cnn fact-checks. you can visit slash facts first van i we saw a lot of speeches i'll talk about three ron he was terribly wrong with stairwell. he sounded like he just sounded like chatgpt four mean people. i mean, just every main thing republican could say. he said it, it really fast
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and it didn't really work very well. nikki haley, look like somebody who had to go to her ex-husband's wedding and give a toast. she was miserable saying and trump was miserable hearing it. so all that stuff just did not work at all. but sarah huckabee sanders she was incredibly compelling to me she told she told personal stories that landed. there's a sense of aggrievement. i think that conservatives feel that liberal culture is demeans them. attacks them, cancels them she didn't use rhetoric. she told the personal story. and it was moving and it was powerful. and i think having a southern storyteller to bring that stuff home work really, really well for them. so i think she she gave the speech of the night, obviously, the mother who lost her son to the stabbing also very powerful, two very powerful women telling stories the personal stories that landed, but have to say something i felt very badly
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about the way that the immigrant community was portrayed it is not true that immigrants are responsible for crime. not only are they not more likely there are much less likely to commit crime. people come here because they want to work and they come here because they want a better life. they're often afraid of getting in trouble. and so if you want to know where the real trouble is coming from, his coming from us born men who don't have high school, who have not finished high school. that's a real source of our challenges. and so to blame this group that's actually less responsible for crime for all the crime i think is unfair and is unwarranted and lastly, i lost a friend to fentanyl fentanyl deaths went up under obama they went up under trump. they're going up under biden because this is a very addictive horrible substance that's killing americans in very, very large numbers. i
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don't blame president obama or president trump or president biden and i think to take the pain of people, i don't like people pimp in funerals to take the pain of people and say this is all biden salt that's not true. does a national crisis we've got to get our arms around it, but to blame immigrants for those deaths, to blame biden for those deaths. i just think it's important for him and i just think it's not fair to a community that's actually doing a lot better when it comes to crime. the most of us sorry, scott jennings bakari is your name? >> i was looking at trump tonight and thinking like the like the great pd, pablo, he was taken in requests on the request line and he got everything he wanted tonight. sarah sanders, i agree with you. >> brilliant i mean, lord, have mercy. that would have made a bishop kick out a stained glass window, but she did tonight delivery message, handling haley and desantis hit their marks, did exactly delivered the product they needed to deliver. disagree with you on desantis? but you're not the audience for that but that
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convention hall was and republicans were rubio good as always delivers an inspirational sort of look at what the american story can be for different kinds of people baby dog west virginia, managed to come to the convention on a night that kristi noem was not there and avoided any kind of unfortunate interaction but hearts of the whole convention tonight, puppy dog, everyday americans did a good job. >> look the bottom line tonight is the rnc delivered hit after hit, and the entire thing was aimed at unity unity and the party is unified and it's functioning it's against the backdrop of an opponent of an opposing party that is stuck with an unpopular incumbent who cannot find his way out of a wet paper sack right now, two nights of this convention. are done. both of them had been a success, and now we're going to hear from the candidates for the next to the unity message though, i think a lot of people thought going into this was so you of the country. you unity
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the republican party. >> look, any party convention is no unity for trump, unity in service of trump, unity and surrender to trump, unity in survival of obedience to trump, but not unity for the people in the country who felt insulted and left out by allow this stuff listen to this is a union you're talking about is a unity that scares me. but i just say quickly that the test i think you were laying out earlier in our conversation was, you know, trump can put this race away if he reaches out to the country and he displays unity and you had that desantis speech, couldn't have been farther from an attempt to do that. i mean, that was like red meat. the most divisive kind of language i don't buy your own last night you were saying that we got to start calling trump pillar again because jd vance on and take it now it's wrong to say. i said my excellently did not look it's a political convention and somebody is going to make a political speech. the thing that will matter is what trump
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says thursday. i'm hopeful i hope i'm right. maybe i won't be, but i hope i'm right. but so far, the political party is delivering a political convention and let, let's be clear, no pain table has said anything as offensive about donald trump as jd vance has but i do want to note one thing. >> donald trump was not threatened by everyone tonight. there were strong performances, there were some that were less strong in about a month. we're going to see a democratic convention where you're going to see young rising talent left, right, and center of that will, of the democratic party and then you're going to see a president who's less popular than most of those people who is able to perform less well that to me is a big juxtaposition because people are watching, but they're watching for the big ticket item, which is the donald trump show that's where the republican party is. i think that's going to be a challenge for them. >> i could anderson, i want to bring it back to the voters the voters are yearning for recognition for their daily plight when you say that there isn't a crime issue in this country, didn't say that no, no, not you you mentioned it's going down. to washington, dc
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who were here in new york city, go talk to people who live in impoverished areas, or poorer wide areas. ask them about crime. talk to those people about the economic instability that we have under the joe biden, kamala harris administration, talk to those people about immigration and it's not about demonizing immigrants. van i agree with you that immigrants come to the country assuming for good life. but people want an ordered process people want to make sure that they're applied is addressed firstly, before the plight of other people and talk about how the process is answered all been talking about all the week, we call people rapist murderers, and we said that they were bringing drugs here in killing people we've got to take a break still ahead more of our live from milwaukee, how democrats are dealing with their own disarray as republicans night when all means from biden trump rematch
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carefully choreographed show of party unity as the democrats remain divided over the future of president biden's candidacy. >> let's bring in cnn's jeff zeleny, who has more on the democrats in, as it said, democrats in disarray. jeff, what are you picking up? >> jake, we heard throughout the evening the democratic disarray and disunity really was the subject of a punchline from republican speaker after speaker, but it's anything but amusing to democratic officials who are still dealing with this anger and alarm and panic that is coursing through the democratic party? yes, the attention this week is focused on republicans, but inside the democratic party there are party leaders who are even more worried by the day as time is running out, who a believe that president biden is a drag on the democratic ticket so talking to a variety of democratic officials here in wisconsin another battleground states, as well as nationally, they are concerned that a, these punchlines about the president's age, his fitness for office command of the office will become a fait
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accompli in the general election campaign. and it sort of ironic here, jake, that wo, one year ago right here in this very hall, republicans had their first debate. so it was thought at the time that the republican primary would be messy, indivisible and democrats thought they sort of dodged a bullet if you will, by not having it were a primary on the democratic side. now, it looks considerably different. there is disunity in the democratic party and divisions. so even as president biden is vowing to stay in the race senators and house members, we are speaking with are still very concerned about us. so look for all that to continue. and one other democrat was watching nikki haley very carefully as well for a time they thought that to her voters may be open to them. that is unclear. i talked to one haley voter tonight who lives in the suburbs of milwaukee she told me, i'm voting for president trump, not her first choice, but she said the choice she'll make in november. jake. all right. jeff zeleny. thanks so much. and let's talk about what democrats are doing behind closed doors because i was able to get my hands on some polling
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from the firm blue labs this is a polling funded by some democratic donors and this kind of project is going on all over the country right now. it looks as a survey of 15,000 of voters in several battleground states and it shows, first of all, there's early july polling that has already been reported on showing the president biden is losing ground to donald trump in 14 key strait states across the country. this includes not only the five that biden flipped against trump in 2020, that's arizona, georgia, michigan, pennsylvania, and wisconsin. but in addition, post-debate, it's like waterloo. he's vulnerable in colorado. he's vulnerable in minnesota. he's vulnerable in maine. he's vulnerable in new mexico when virginia and new hampshire. now, what this poll did was look at alternatives. first of all, it found that nearly every tested democrat that this polling firm looked at to performs better than the
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president. this includes vice president harris, but the top four in these have seven battleground states, senator mark kelly of arizona, wes moore of maryland, josh shapiro of pennsylvania gretchen whitmer of michigan, and they have a whole complex way of looking at it and whether or not these people can take votes from trump, that he trump is currently winning and bring them back. and those are the top four. and again, this is just one poll. but this is really indicative of where the democratic party is with the exception of maybe two or three of president biden's aides. and i assume his immediate family, the democratic party, is really looking for an alternative polls like that. other internal polls i've looked at all the public polling is being forwarded to the white house every day, forward it to the president's top advisers saying, please read this because it shows how deep troubling taken right to the shredder. so let's just look at some of it. let's just look at some public polling now. again to reinforce what jake was just talking about. this is
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where we were just after the debate. this is the cnn projection but because of all that point, donald trump at 270 to the light red is lean republican. the dark red is solid republican. the gold or toss-ups right now now we know though that donald trump is actually leading here as well. and he's leading here at, well, maybe not by a lot democrats watching might be complaining and that he's leading here as well. and he's going to get the congressional district if the vote was today, he would get all of nebraska's electoral votes to two. so there's 302 as jake just noted, you come over here. there are people who think new hampshire right now is in play. there people who think virginia right now is in play. arizona is blue here. that's my mistake that he's trial. trump is leading there as well. so there's 330, right? jake also mentioned colorado, the governor of new mexico has more on the white house. the governor of minnesota has warned the white house why, why? let's look at just some this is new public polling battleground seven battleground states released just today. forgive me for turning my hi back. i want to turn this out look at the incumbent presidents vote share, arizona, georgia, wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania, north carolina, nevada, 42 is the highest. the
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incumbent president gets in vote share in these battleground states that's a path to big loss, even if donald trump can't get to 50 because of the third party candidates, look how closely at correlates to the president's approval rating. this is the president's approval rating, 36%, 37% in arizona, 42% in georgia, 40% of the vote. you get it, you follow it through. if he cannot get his approval rating to go that way, he can't move that. and that number has been stuck or getting worse since the debate. that's one way to look at it. the other question is voters are asking, is biden up to the job? again, forgive me for turning my back. i just want to stretch this out. is he too old to be president in these seven battleground states? 72% in arizona say yes, 67 in georgia, 70% of wisconsin, 70% in michigan, same in pennsylvania, close to that 68 in north carolina, 70 again, that's a lot of democrats and a lot of independence that's not just republicans. you get into the 60s and 70s, you're talking about a lot of the president's
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own party saying they don't think he is up to the job. how do you change that? and then there's this, what's the number one issue in the country right now? one more time. sorry, again, just want to stretch this out so you can see it. the percentage of registered voters rating the economy as fair or poor. he's the incumbent. he wants four more years. 73% in arizona, close to 70 in georgia, 74% in michigan, 74% in north carolina, near seven, just below 70% of nevada, and 73 and 72 respectively in pennsylvania and wisconsin. he is the incumbent president saying stay the course. jake that's what people in these battleground states think about the economy. that's a tough sell, that is an incredibly hard sell in these numbers, many democrats say this poll was taken over a long period of time. most democrats to trade, they're actually worse now. they're worse now. they expect donald trump to get a bounce because of what happened in this hall tonight and what will happen for the next two nights in this hall. and the democratic convention is a month away. you want to know why democrats are used. the term disarray panic, worried, nervous look at that
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and you said, how do you turn that around? and i know you meant that as a rhetorical question because the answer is it really hasn't ever been done. >> it has never been done. there's david knows this. both davids know this. there's no incumbent precedent in our lifetime who again, democrats will argue we'll wait the national polls or a pointer to some of these state polls, really three or four points. it's underneath the polls. it's the approval rating. it's easy up to the job. is he too old? what people think about the direction of the country and the state of the economy you need some magic potion to change people's minds on six or eight fundamental questions can it can accept this verdict, but the he says it's early. people will focus in september. it's not early. people are going to start voting in september. and what's very clear is that these concerns have been a hardened that they've been there for a long time. they were heartened by the debate. he's in a situation that is in my mind irreversible and i
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believe him when he says the stakes are huge of this election, if he believes it he needs to take into consideration what the stakes are and make the best decision, not just for himself, but for the continent. >> and abby, one of the things that the democrats are trying to do right now, the democratic national committee, you said the voting has taken place in september. that's voter voters, the delegates, they're trying to get the delegates to start voting next week in days, they want the train to leave before the convention. they want to lock this in because they know they know that democrats are really trying to push him out. >> and party officials privately are pushing back on that hard and the reasoning that they've used is this ohio ballot situation that ohio officials say has been aligned. all that has been resolved. dnc saying what their lawyers their lawyers are telling them that that's not the case. but but here's the other thing that that i've been paying attention
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to. a privately there's been a lot of great reporting about what speaker emerita nancy pelosi is doing and she's hearing from frontline members. she's hearing from all kinds of house members. she's concerned about control of the house and concerned the control of the house is going right out the window as well. and it's been interesting to see so much reporting about the concern. it seems almost oh, shifting away from biden toward the down-ballot issues. i'm not even sure that people who want biden to step aside believed that it is still possible to completely turn this around, but they do believe that it might be necessary to prevent it it's going to be house in the 70 been going shift from biden to those congressional races. and the candidates are going to start arguing. we need to be there to be a bulwark against donald trump. >> get why he's suggesting all these changes to the supreme court that he's expected to
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come out and call for which we know he's been having these discussions behind the scenes when joe biden was running in 2020, he was facing a lot of pressure from more liberal members of his party who ran against him to make changes to the supreme court. he resisted that commission to study when he was in office. i remember when it came out was 300 pages. it was december of 2021. he never acted on that study. and now he's preparing to come out and call well, for maybe a constitutional amendment or changes to the supreme court. it's because look, who stood by him in these days, what other more moderates or calling on him to get out? it's the progressive. >> can i connect what john was showing us with these new polls? and in this specifically the key states too. what we saw here tonight. and that was the first really big speech by nikki haley, wisconsin were in wisconsin right now and if you look back at the wisconsin primary, which she was still on the ballot for april 7th april 2, even though she had already dropped out she got more than
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76,000 votes in that primary and what she did here tonight when she said oh, go ahead. please go and vote for donald trump. it was like more than 20,000 votes that made the difference in both the general election in 2016 and 2020 by alright, stay with cnn cnn as the republican convention heads into its third night, laura coates picks up our coverage after this break this election season stay with cnn, with more reporters on the ground. >> and the best political team in the business follow the voters, follow the results follow the facts, follow. cnn oh my god. meanwhile, at a. vrbo oh, my god oh i've got one
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