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tv   CNN Republican National Convention  CNN  July 16, 2024 11:00pm-2:00am PDT

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stopped buying granger for the ones who get it done. >> this is cnn, the world's news network this cnn's live coverage of the republican national convention in milwaukee, wisconsin, donald trump in the house as his party comes together for a second night making the case that voters should send the former president back to the white house. let's bring in cnn's kristen holmes, who covers the trump campaign for us. kristen, what was the reaction? from the trump campaign to the speeches? a short while ago by former trump rivals nikki haley and governor ron desantis. >> well, it take when it comes to nikki haley, donald trump, and his team got exactly pete, what they needed from her, which is a full-throated endorsement. i spoke to one person asking them what they made of the speech. they said,
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i stopped listening after i heard the word indoors. another senior adviser eyes are told me, ron and nikki made it clear it is djt donald trump juniors, excuse me. he donald john trump's party they needed nikki nikki haley to come out here and endorse him tonight. remember this? she only won two primaries, but she continued to get tens of thousands of votes from republicans even after she it dropped out of the race, those votes, many of them in critical battleground states like arizona, like pennsylvania, they were thrilled at the fact that she had directly dressed. those supporters and that she told them to go vote for donald trump. they were thrilled at the fact that she made it a binary choice. that is something donald trump and his team have tried to do. that is something that nikki haley did tonight, and that is why they wanted her on that stage tonight. >> all right. kristen holmes. thanks so much. let's go to phil mattingly now, who's getting more reaction to the haley and desantis? the
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speeches on the floor of the convention hall, phil, you, jake, it was fascinating not just to listen to delegates here on the floor of the audience up in the sands, but also to watch the vip box where the former president is sitting and sitting once again next to his vice presidential candidate, j. >> d. vance, after nikki haley's speech was over, vance looked over to trump and said that was good. you can see a mouth and trump seemed you agree in the audience, in the crowd, there was some combination of kind of ambivalence and unsure necessarily what to do for at least the opening portion of ambassador haley's remarks. but i think there's also a recognition of the importance of the message that she was delivering. i got a gop there towards the end desantis ron desantis, governor of florida. very different. the crowd response from the very beginning was very enthusiastic. you so almost the ron desantis before his presidential campaign when he was so central to the republican party and its perceived future before the former president steamrolled him in the primary the former president's face as he stood up to welcome ron desantis in. it changed a pretty wide smile
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when desantis made it clear how if us if he planned to praise trump and the endorsement for that, as you look into the vip box, i think going back-and-forth between delegates, vip box, as i sit just under the box, just under you guys, as well as i stare at your back, jake, is the people are coming in and what they necessarily mean for the inner circle, trump's obviously sitting next to the vice presidential candidate jd vance have also seen jim jordan is close ally on capitol hill. ben carson is about to speak in just a little bit as we've seen them, kind of cycle in and out allies throughout the course of the day it's very clear unity is the message they wanted to get across. there definitely do during that the former president seems to be welcoming and just one last point i want to make people's interesting thing. i've been watching the course of this night. it's a little bit like a catholic mass in terms of when people are standing and when they're sitting, when the former president sands, everybody in the vip box stands with him he sits down, they all sit down as well. so if you're wondering if the standing ovation where it came from, what they're taking their cues from, it's a little bit like a priest and church
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itself trump all right. >> phil mattingly. thanks so much. let's bring back the panel phil is phil said aos is probably correct, right. >> trump rallies are a little, a little religion little rock. we're missing the rock tonight, but it's a little bit everything and why you could compare it as for the kremlin. and when the leader of the kremlin stood, everybody's go ahead and when he sat down, everybody's not done, but it is i've been watching right over our shoulder and it is absolutely true when trump stands up, what you did for desantis, everybody stood she said when he got down and vance hadn't seen it, so he kept standing down until he saw the trump christie, you know what's going on just to let let our viewers know what's going on right now. one of the, one of the things that the conventions doing is sprinkling with what is called everyday americans etas, everyday americans, giving their stories. i'm sorry never said well it says it says from the
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commonwealth heads, he just invented something adas are speaking right now, people who have been touched in many ways by president biden in a negative way is the theme. and since tonight's theme is specifically make america safe. once again some of the people that we're hearing from our individuals whose families have been wrecked by opioids or fentanyl. one individual speaking whose fans had a family member killed by an illegal immigrants, somebody else, violent crime, testimonial, and this is again very much in keeping with the theme of evening. and kaitlan collins, i mean, this has been something that has been a theme of donald trump's public life. talking about crime i'm way back when he took out a full-page ad erroneously faulting the central park five and for there crimes did they actually did not do but this is certainly since he came down
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the escalator in 2015, the idea of crime, of illegal immigration a big part of the trump's political trickle dna. >> it is a big part of it because they're trying to tap into something with voters, even though if you look at the numbers of crime in big cities that trump always talks about and rails against washington, new york when he was there for his trial, you've actually seen the numbers taking a different trend. we've seen daniel dale talk about that a lot, but they think it's effective. i will say that each day of this convention has theme to it. obviously that's the theme for today, but it does seem overshadowed by what else is happening on each of these days. yesterday was obviously the vance pick and seeing donald trump walk out with that bandage on his ear. i was just down there. i was by the south carolina delegation when ambassador haley was speaking, i ran over to the florida delegation when governor desantis was speaking, it was interesting to watch the delay he's two figures who both castigated donald trump said he was unfit for office. ron desantis said he doesn't think that donald trump could beat joe biden. and then making that argument on stage. and i talked to the governor of south carolina briefly, he's a big
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trump ally and he was pushing nikki haley's speech segment. he thought that she did a good job of basically trying to invite those nikki haley voters into the trump tent. do they actually come? obviously, we know the biden campaign has been trying to lure them as well. so we'll save let's listen in to an fund nar her family issues everyday, american, her family it, has a very moving story to tell about opioids and fentanyl. >> what's listening high my, name is an fender and i am the wife and mother of four children i'm standing here today to share the tragic reality of open borders i'm here to share the story of my firstborn son. my everything my weston my family, and i were living in southern california when president biden took office. and opened our borders my western was 15 he was an
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amazing big brother to his three younger siblings western attended church twice a week played football and hockey, and he loved to serve he had a big heart and he lived to make people laugh. he had so many good friends i was always vigilant to be the best mother that i can be as room mom, school ambassador and i attended all of his sports we had family dinners and barbecues at the beach. and like most teenagers weston wanted to fit in and in a moment of peer pressure, he tried something that someone gave to him and it took my baby's life we did everything. right i have those conversations with them and fentanyl still found my son and i'm february 27 2022 our lives
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in were shattered and our baby was gone this was not an overdose. it was a poisoning his whole future everything. we ever wanted for him was ripped away in an instant. and joe biden does nothing. i hold joe biden mala harris, the borders are what a joke. and gavin newsom and every democrat who supports open borders responsible for the death of my son hank you thank you.
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>> thank you and the tens of thousands of american innocent children for that alone they should be voted out of office
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yes we have seen that high number of fentanyl deaths during the biden harris administration and fentanyl is now the number one killer of americans ages 18 to 45. and it is quickly becoming the leading cause of death for teens with 14 and under being the fastest growing demographic we need treads. president trump back in office we need a president who
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will seal the border aggressively prosecute drug dealers and sap communist china from poisoning our children this is not a red or blue issue. this is a red, white, and blue issue and fentanyl doesn't care if you're black or white, it does not disgrace this is an american issue. we need a president who will call the drug cartels what they are terrorist organization this is not for me my son is gone this fight is for your children. we owe it to our children to elect a president who will win the war against fentanyl once and for all it's too late for my
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son weston, say his name joe biden weston thank you. but we can change this for your children we need president trump back to save the lives of our kids. god bless america ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the morning. >> family from maryland last year, we lost my beloved
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sister, rachel she went for a walk in one of our family's favorite places this beautiful trail was to us a safe place. where we pushed our babies and strollers where we walked together as a family where my wife and i got married near what would later become the spot where my sister's body was found rachel a joyful accomplished athlete and mother of five was raped and murdered by suspected illegal immigrant this was described as among the most brutal and violent
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offenses that has ever occurred in harford county, maryland history open borders are often portrayed as compassionate and virtuous but there is nothing compassionate about allowing violent criminals into our country and robbing children of their mother my sister's death was preventable the monster arrested for killing rachel entered the u.s unlawfully after killing a woman in el salvador joe biden and he is designated borders are kamala
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harris opened our borders to him and others like him empowering them to victimize the innocent yet to this day, we have not heard from joe biden or kamala harris they never apologize but when rachel was killed, president trump called my family to offer his condolences he wanted to meet with us he cared that is leadership and we need real leadership back in the white house what has gotten us
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through this unthinkable loss is our faith in jesus christ and as brutal as the murder of my sister was i pray that her killer will find jesus christ for all the affected by senseless tragedy. >> i pray for peace, knowing that all things work together for good to those who love god do those who are called according to his purpose i pray that we hold broadly leaders accountable for safety and justice, for innocent people i
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pray that we make our country safe and secure. in the memory of my sister, rachel who loved life. thank you. >> god bless america. a good night ladies and gentlemen, please welcome madeleine brain from new york good evening, everyone. >> my son sergeant hassan korea and afghanistan war retired veteran he received enemy fire from the taliban only to be murdered with a knife on the streets of new york city the challenge responsible for his
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death initially we're facing justice but that changed when district attorney alvin bragg was on manny ax responsible for my son's had their gangs assault and murder charges completely just smith one of them received much time served bragg charged her with assault with a shoe and another one was sentenced to seven years i later learned to alvin bragg, often dismisses every deuces
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dana, dangerous criminals he wants to preempt the jails in return. >> job violent felon onto our streets every day the injustice was devastating for me and my family i don't want anyone else to experience the sense pain that many other victims across this united states of america have to live with every day. so i decided to use the voice that god gave me to be the voice for the voiceless justice prosecutors duty it's acutis like no, you can and
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chicago and gas and los angeles great jury and cities to war warzones and neglected communities like mine are suffering and who else is second tie of being sick and tired good friday. that was decades, including myself all right? >> they couldn't trade they stab in the back joe biden and kamala harris, who claimed to represent us have abandoned
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they neglected my loughran communities across america what just like so many of them across some ever time donald trump shares are valued love of god and family, and country the same corrupt system that have been in my family has been committed to providing economic opportunities house, though suffering from addiction, when
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programs back definitely policies that are getting i've chosen killed every day our police weight back when that was right when he said yes, standing in the way guess, what
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he always will that's why i'm staggered with him today america again yeah. thank you. >> and good night ladies and. >> gentlemen, please welcome arkansas governor sarah huckabee sanders what a
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powerful story to follow good evening i'm sarah huckabee sanders and before i get started i want to say i have always been proud to stand with president trump, but never have i been more proud than to stand with him right now tonight not even an assassin's bullet could stop him god almighty intervened because of america is one nation under god and he
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has certainly not finished with president trump and our country is better for it i am here tonight. as america's youngest governor the first the first woman to lead the great state of arkansas and most importantly a mom to three amazing kids are when i was
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president trump's white house press secretary i got the chance to take my four-year-old son, huck to bring your kid to work day much like jill. now, drags joe to bring your husband and while i was briefing the president on the upcoming event in the oval office all of the kids who were attending that day gathered in the rose garden, getting ready to meet him and we were walking out onto that beautiful, perfect colony. >> and i saw out of the corner of my eye that my son huck was running full speed directly at
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the president of the united states being the gracious person he is president trump bent down to give him a big hug and right in front of everyone huck sidestepped the president completely ignoring him in front of everyone and ran straight into my arms for my four-year-old son. >> the most powerful man in the world had nothing on his mom but because he's the amazing man, he is president trump didn't mind at all. >> after all. >> he's a dad to five unbelievable kids and a grandfather to and while that
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story is certainly a special memory for my family it's an even greater reminder why i've support president trump, not for me, not for him, but for my kids and for your under president trump america but was safer the world was safer and it felt like the next generation would have a chance at the american dream president trump did the job that kamala won't and joe biden simply can't when we're honest every american knows that we were so
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much better off under president trump so tonight i don't want to just speak about president trump's successful policies. >> while there are many i want to talk about the man that i know when the president hired me i was the first mom in only the third woman to ever serve as the white house press secretary and in that role i endured relentless attacks from the left i was insulted as a guest at the white house correspondents dinner my family was denied service and kicked out of a restaurant and
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apparent at my three-year-old son's preschool school spit on my car in those moments, it was president trump who defended me and when an msnbc host the author of several books on empowering women said i was unfit to be a mother and another msnbc host set out was vile not even human and that i should be choked msnbc, again did nothing but our president pulled me aside looked me in the eye and so it's sarah you're smart. >> you're beautiful you're tough, and they attack you because you're good at your job. never let them stop hi, there thank you.
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>> mr. president that's the donald trump that i know. >> and that's the donald j. trump. i will always respect the left doesn't care about empowering women biden and harris can't even tell you what a woman is they. only. care about empowering themselves but we have a president who believes an empowering every american and that our country is worth fighting for for the last four
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years republican governors have been leading that fight and doing what joe biden refuses to do we've deployed the national guard to the border we've cracked down on crime and drugs we cut taxes to give hardworking americans a break from bidenflation and we empowered parents with universal school choice across the country. donald trump was the very first president in my life. time to take a hard line against china. and i'm proud to be the first and only governor in the country to kick communist china off our farmland and out of my staff
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president trump is a leader and he's the leader. our country needs. >> and if ever, there was a doubt earlier this week we saw just how tough resilient courageous in dareen this man is. and we can't get him back in the white house fast enough
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ladies and gentlemen, we are not cold the stand still in the face of great danger you and i were put on their serve that a moment in time to charge boldly ahead we cannot know what the future holds, but we know. sure. who holds the future in his hands god spared president trump from that assassin because god is not finished with him yet and he most certainly is not finished with america yet either. >> with god as our guide and
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president trump back in the water it helps. >> we will show the world americans the place where freedom reigns and liberty will never die ladies and gentlemen tonight let us not leave here just excited about a great few days but let us leave here. energized and committed to making sure that we protect our freedom. and we have the ability to pass it on to the next generation because america is the greatest country that the world has ever known. and
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our kids and our grandkids deserve to enjoy it the way each of us did. and we will with president back in the white house thank you so much. >> god bless the great state of arkansas and the united states of america. >> thank you very much. >> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome former united states secretary of housing and urban development dr. ben carson thank you. no sarah huckabee always says to me, i hate the follow you, but i think she turned the table on may tonight i want, to thank you all for being here and for being
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involved like many of you last week, i watched with horror as the events unfolded in that pennsylvania field i saw president trump a dear friend ics skate death by mere inches and my thoughts immediately turned to the book of isaiah that says no weapon formed against you shall prosper well, let me tell you the weapons that they used. >> first, they tried to ruin his reputation and he's more popular now than ever and, then they try to bankrupt them and he's got more money now than he had before. and, then they tried to put them in prison. and he's freer and has made
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other people three with him. and then and then last weekend they tried to kill him and there is over there alive and well no i have no doubt that god lord, a shell of protection over president trump. and i join millions of america's and thanksgiving for president trump's safety. and i encourage you to join me in praying each day for his continued protection no our hearts our hearts go out to the
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victims and the audience. that's also pray for them and their families. these events have brought unusual clarity to the times. we're living in. we have all harbored the nagging feeling that everything we love is slipping away all you have to do is turn on the television the free press a pillar of any free society has abused the troubling public trust and resorted to lies, deception, and it's information they divide us along lines of race class gender, rather than uniting us around our shared bond as americans are government, has been no better shredding our constitution up, ending the rule of law. we have a wide open border, a broken education system and chaos breaking out around the world.
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and on top of it, all we have a president who well, if you can't see anything good, don't say anything at all but ask anyone around the world what does it, what does it mean to be an american? most will tell you that it means unlimited opportunity that where you begin in life doesn't dictate where you will end that that's the america i grew up in and no other country could have poor inner city kid raised by a single mom make it to an ivy league school, then to medical school, become a successful neurosurgeon, run for president and eventually become a member of the president's cabinet you know,
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and as a member of his cabinet, ai had a chance to work closely with them and i got to tell you this is a man who is a gift to us as a nation he is very gifted. he is very smart, is very compassionate. he cares about people. but i'll tell you the first time i met him, what was before either of us got into the political arena and somewhat i were at mar-a-lago and someone came up to him, said, mr. trump rots do it, just walked in and he said, i don't care. this is ben carson i feel blessed that i've been able to live the the american dream. but my story is moving further out of reach in america today. the lessons my mother taught me, like hard work and the value of well-rounded, patriotic education and faith in god above all else, are
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being forced out of the public square but we're all here today because we know we can bring think these things back by god's grace we live in a country where the people room we have the power to choose the kind of nation we will be in, the kind of men and women that will lead us. and today the choice could not be more clear the most heated phrase in the bible is this. do not be afraid or fear not. it appears 365 times in scripture i reminder to live each day with faith or hope, and joy. as joyful lawyers for christ and when god is with us nobody can stand
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against us with this assurance from the almighty even the face of evil itself cannot shake our resolve. we will keep fighting we will keep praying. and by the grace of god we will save our country and reelect president trump together with vice president pence, this november and i want you to remember this and 18, 31, alexis the ductile came to america to study our nation because the europeans were fascinated they wanted to know how could it nation barely 50 50-years-old already compete with them on virtually every level so he looked at our government and he was duly impressed by our checks and balances and separation of powers and then he looked at our business environment. he was duly impressed by how we encourage entrepreneurship and innovation. and he looked at our educational system and he was blown away by the fact that he could find a mountain man in the middle of the woods who
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could read he, who could tell him about the declaration of independence. but the thing that impressed them the most was when he went to our churches and he heard those inspirational sermons from the pulpits that inspired a ragtag bunch of militiamen to defeat the most powerful army in the world and gave the american people or moral base and he concluded his two-volume set democracy and america with these words he said, america is great because america is good. and if america ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great. it is our job to make america good. and let's do this by reelecting president trump so we can make america great. thank you.
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>> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome united states senator of florida, marco rubio thank you thank, you thank you. thank you. >> thank you don't say polo don't say probably thank you. >> thank you thank you the last few days remind us that the life of every living thing and the breadth of all mankind is in the hands of god we were brought to the precipice of the
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abyss and by the hand of god reminded of what truly matters in our lives and in our country this thing we do called politics that matters. >> it's not unimportant but it is our people who was must always matter the most and everything we do by giving voice to everyday americans president trump has not just transformed our party he has inspired a movement a movement a movement of the people who grow our food and drive our trucks the people who make our cars and build our homes the people whose taxes fund our government and whose children
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fight our wars americans like corey, comperatore he was the former, he was a former fire chief and the loving husband he was described as the best dad a, girl could ever ask for as a man of god who loved jesus fiercely and looked after members of his church corey was one of the millions of everyday americans who make our country great he wasn't rich he wasn't famous and the only reason why we know his name and story now because last saturday he shielded his. wife and daughter from an assassin's bullet and lost his life the way he lived in a hero for
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those still want wondering who are in the press and many watching at home these are the americans who where the red hats and wait for hours under a blazing sun to hear trump speak and what they want what they asked for it is not hateful or extreme what they want is good jobs and lower prices they want borders that are secure and for those who come here to do so legally they want to be safe from criminals and from
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terrorists and they want for our leaders to care more about our problems here at home and about the problems of other countries far away there is absolutely nothing dangerous or anything to visit about putting americans first those who are offended. anyone was offended about putting america first has forgotten what american is and what american means american
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isn't the color of our skin or our ethnicity americans are pr people as diverse as humanity itself. but out of many, we are one because as the life story of our next vice president, jd vance reminds us, we are all descendants of ordinary people who achieved extraordinary things. who do we come from? we come from pioneers who ventured west to chase their dreams and slaves who overcame bondage to claim their right to the promise of america we come from exiles who fled tyranny in search of freedom and of immigrants who left behind all they had in new because they could not be or achieved god's purpose for their life the
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nation of their birth that is an american and putting americans first must be what this election is about when president trump was in the white house americans had more money and lower prices our borders were secure and our laws were enforced iran was broke the taliban stop killing americans and putin didn't invade anyone now under biden high prices devour paychecks criminals, and drugs are allowed to flood into our country and terrorize our people and iran has money to
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support terrorists. the taliban humiliated us and afghanistan. >> and not one, but two major wars have broken out my fellow americans the only way to make america wealthy and safe and strong. >> again, it's to make donald j. trump, our president again our country has been injured injured by the bad decisions of week leaders but now though bloodied by our wounds we must stand up and we must fight fight not with violence or destruction but with our voices and our votes fight not against each other, but for the hopes
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and dreams we share in common and make us one and fight for in america where we are safe from those who seek to harm us on our streets and from abroad and we will not be alone in this fight for leading us in this fight will be a man who although whom did in facing danger, he stood up and raised his fist and reminded us that our people and our country are always worth fighting for it is time it is time to put our country and our people first again and to do. it and if we
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do together, we will make our people wealthy. again if we do together, we will make our country safe again together. we will make donald trump, our president again. and together we will not just make america great again we will make america greater than it has ever been. thank god bless ladies and gentlemen, please welcome. laura trump.
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>> i don't feel like i actually have to ask this question. what is anybody in this room ready to send donald trump back to 1,600 pennsylvania well it may not be a surprise that i actually had a very different speech that i was prepared to give up here tonight that all changed at 6:11 on saturday evening nothing prepares you for a moment like that our family has faced our fair share of death threats mysterious powdery sent to our homes, tasteless and violent comments directed
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towards us on social media but none of that prepares you as a daughter-in-law, to watch in real time someone tried to kill a person you love. none of that prepares you as a mother to quickly reach for the remote in turn, you're young children away from the screen. so that they're not witness to something that scars the memory of their grandpa for the rest of their lives. the prayers and well-wishes. we've received over the last 72 hours have been overwhelming to say the least and my heart goes out to the family who lost a husband and a father because of this senseless zach all of you here tonight and watching at home. i mean, the world to all of us in the trump family if. donald
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trump has shown us anything, it's that when it feels impossible to keep going, those are the times we must keep going. i don't know how many people here are watching at home have ever been to a trump rally. but if you've never been let me tell you about them. au some of you in ben regardless of how the media have painted these rallies, you would be hard-pressed defined end to join a happier group of people coming together over their love for the greatest country on earth, the united states of america i dare anyone trying to
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leave a trump rally without leaving with some new friends, you always make friends at a trump rally, right? >> veterans teachers, blue collar workers, white-collar workers, active duty military, police officers, firefighters, small business owners latino supporters, christian supporters, jewish supporters black supporters, white supporters, asian supporters, gay supporters republicans independents, and yes even democrats at a trump rally, you're not viewed as your profession your religion, or the color of your skin, your viewed as one thing and american last saturday was a
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jarring reminder that we as americans must always remember there is more that unites us than divides us we all want this country to be great even if we don't always agree on the best way of doing that with every bone in my body, i can tell you that all donald trump wants to do and has ever wanted to do is make this country great again for all of us proverbs 28 reads the wicked flee, though no one pursues but the righteous are as bold as a lion and that truly epitomizes donald trump he is a lion he is
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bold, he is strong >> he is fearless and he is exactly what this country needs, right now let's not forget what life actually look like under president donald trump. trade deals across the world, the benefited our economy allied countries, paying their fair share a safe and secure southern border record, low unemployment rates for african americans, hispanic americans, asian americans, and women. record investment in historically black colleges and universities the creation of the united states space force the most comprehensive prison
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reform in decades how about the peace agreements in the middle east that they said would never happen the largest tax cuts in american history our energy independence massive amounts of red tape cut and no new wars when donald j. trump was president maybe most importantly, though, you could actually feel it in your everyday life no. >> you didn't have to love everything that he tweeted. but you cannot deny you were better off when donald trump was in office americans were finally able to start saving money. home prices were affordable and
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gas hit a low of dollar 87 a gallon as i speak here tonight, many of our fellow americans don't know how they'll pay for their next trip to the grocery store new clothes for their children, or this month's rent many of our fellow americans worry that we are on the verge of a major terror attack here on american soil many of our fellow americans don't think their own children will be able to establish a better life than they themselves currently have many of our fellow americans are right now sitting in wondering how on earth this country could have moved in the wrong direction. and so quickly the democrats and the media, no, that they cannot convince you. the american people, that your life is better off. now, because it's not so what will
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they do they'll try to sell you on some outrageous narrative about the terrible things that donald trump will do if he becomes president but you don't have to imagine what it would be like. all you have to do is remember what it was like i know au yeah i know what you hear out there about donald trump i know what you read, what the media tells you and what out-of-touch celebrities on the left? say about this man but when i look at donald trump i see a wonderful father father-in-law, and of course grandfather to my two young
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children, luke and carolina i know that i'm lucky enough to get to call him my father-in-law and see him a little differently than all of you? >> but it's through that lens that i sometimes wish more people could see him. >> this is a man who has sacrificed for his family and a man who has truly sacrificed for his country donald trump didn't need to run for president for fame or money trust me, we all know he already had plenty of that i'll tell you why he did it and why he continues on even in the face of the unthinkable because he loves this country he did it
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for his grandchildren for your children and grandchildren and for the generations to come? >> i have seen this man dragged through hell and back in and out of courtrooms indictments impeachments, mug shots and even an assassination attempt. >> and yet, he has never backed down i'll never forget
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watching my two children run-up to him with their drawings and hugs for grandpa. >> just moments before he took the elevator down in trump tower to address the media. >> the day after his wrongful conviction. >> despite everything else he had going on, he had no other focus in the entire world. >> just a man relishing time
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with his grandchildren it's aside of donald trump that not enough people get to see maybe you got to see a side of donald trump on saturday that you were not sure existed until you saw it with your own eyes? martin luther king junior once famously said, the ultimate measure of a man is not when he, where he stands in moments of convenience and comfort but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy there's no doubt that saturday was one of the most frightening moments of my father-in-law's life millimeters separated him from life and certain death and yet it was in the midst of it all as he was jostled off stage by secret service that he knew
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how defining that moment would be for our country. any hoisted his fist in the air it was not just for the audience at the rally not just for his supporters tuning in, but for all of america. >> and as a signal to the world that no matter what america will always prevail though it's been strained and attacked, no enemy, no force, not even a bullet is strong enough to break our american grit and our american soul we
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are the country whose founders gave their fortunes, freedom and lives to pursue the dream of a free society we're the country of thomas edison, susan b anthony, henry ford, and harriet tubman we are the country who fought and won two world wars and we are the country who always rises to meet the moment, no matter how insurmountable the task and in that split second, on saturday, donald trump reminded us all of that very history. and who we are at our core as a nation that is the donald trump, that i know he is an american an american who conquered the business world. an american who made himself a household name
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an american who was beloved by politicians and fellow celebrities for decades until he ran for office with an r next to his name and american whom even barack obama admits, people consider the american dream and instead of sailing off into the sunset after an illustrious real estate and television career, he decided to give back. he decided to bring some of the things that had made him so successful in life to all of you in order to improve the lives of all americans. black, white, brown, gay, straight all americans, because that's the man that donald trump is. >> i can tell you that my personal experience with donald
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trump has showed me his heart there wasn't a second that he made this small town girl who was way out of her element in new york city, feel anything but welcomes and part of the family and if not for the support and encouragement of my father-in-law, i wouldn't be where i am today it's been said by many that donald trump sees things in people that they don't even recognize in themselves. in 2016, when he asked me to help him win my home state of north carolina i'll be honest, i was terrified i had no idea how i would make it happen. but he knew i would. >> and i did when i was given an opportunity to join a television network as a commentator, it was the push and support of my father-in-law that gave me the confidence to take that job always the first one to call or text me after a
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tv hit and tell me great job. keep going not bad, right or even a few months ago when he called and asked me to be the co-chair of our party he showed me potential in myself that i couldn't yet see so tonight to my father-in-law, i want to say thank you. thank you for your resilience. thank you for continuing on thank you for raising wonderful kids thank you for being an amazing grandfather. thank you for never giving up on me. and thank you for never giving up
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on our country tonight i come to you not as the co-chair of the rnc not as the daughter-in-law of the candidate tonight, i come to you as a mom, as a citizen of this country. for those of you watching who have never voted for donald trump i know what the media and his political opponents have tried to tell you about this man believed me. i have seen and heard at all, but i have also seen the truth i am proud to know donald trump to campaign for him to vote for
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him, and to raise his grandchildren he will do what is necessary to protect you, protect your family, and protect this country because donald trump wants us all to be successful, to be safe, to be happy to be strong, and to be great again tonight. i'm asking you to vote not for the donald trump. you see flashed on your tv every day splashed across the headlines tonight, i'm asking you to vote for the donald trump that luke and carolina called grandpa. i'm asking you to vote for donald trump that my husband, eric calls dad i'm, asking you to vote for the donald trump that
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i call my father-in-law i'm asking you to vote for the donald trump who can and will make america great once again for all of us thank you. god bless you. god bless the united states of america all right laura trump wife of trump's son, eric trump. she is the co-chair of the republican national committee tv producer for inside edition and former fox news contributor, john king we've heard from a lot of individuals tonight, laura trump, senator marco rubio, obviously heard from nikki he, haley, and ron desantis as well your thoughts? >> well, number one, as you mentioned them, cruz and rubio opponents in 2016 desantis and haley opponents in this past campaign trump has a history of isolating punishing, shoving
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his opponents are blocking them out and yet he sat there tonight. listen it's all their speeches. why? >> look around this whole he does not have to fear them anymore. >> he doesn't have to worry about them anymore. there was no one in the republican party that as a threat to his leadership. so he sits there and listens to them, say vote for donald trump. we've talked about this before. if you have any doubts anybody out there thinks to take over as somehow incomplete you're wrong. this is donald trump's party fascinating for them in the sense that they still have national political aspirations and trump has pick jd vance about to be 40-years-old. it doesn't mean he's the automatic air doesn't mean the voters will agree with that, but if donald trump keeps the holdover, the party that he has just room. number one right now while he's on a path to winning, the other point i would make about that is that the president's party always just goes last. the president united states also decided to have an early debate. the calendar of this campaign maybe come joe biden's enemy debate, put them in such a horrible
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position. and now he has to wait a month for his convention all of the numbers say he is in deep trouble. >> the other thing too, when you watch lara trump, jake, as you mentioned you, she is not just the daughter-in-law. she is now the co-chair of the republican national committee is to think back to 2016 when we were at the convention, then the rnc was one of the biggest things standing in trump's way in his views. that is how he felt in the 2016 campaign that they were against him they abandoned him after the access hollywood tape came out and so to see her getting a 21 minute speaking slot, when senator rick scott of florida, who wants to be the majority leader, should they take the majority's in that race, he got four minutes earlier. it speaks to the weight that they give her any business and the standing that she hasn't such year ford about the rnc the night before the alliance section, the the chair of the rnc and the leadership of the arcci what to new york's that networks to explain how trump's loss was not their fault. talking about a 2060 2016 that is the difference between the party today and the party in 2016 completely at
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odds. >> as you're saying, can i just say something else about the lara trump speech and connect it to another speech that really held this room in a way that we haven't seen a lot of that is sarah huckabee sanders. >> and the connection is that they are both women no. >> the former president well and are trying to do something that certainly the jd vance didn't do. >> the marco rubio speech, the ted cruz speech ended the above, which is to try to humanize him, to try to dispel all of the things that we have seen on his social media and other very well reported incidents that he has had in fact, let me just interrupt for one second. we have a clip from sarah huckabee sanders. i'd love to get your response. >> great. here's a little clip from governor sanders of arkansas so president told me aside looked me in the eye and said, sarah, you're smart
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you're beautiful. you're tough, and they attack you because you're good at your job never let them that was a story she told about president trump bucking her up after apparently she been criticized by some msnbc because of because of her appearance and the juxtaposition of that story with the donald trump that we saw when he first came on the political scene, his fight with rosie o'donnell, his fights with other women which put him in not very good stead with a lot of female voters. >> he's still struggles with those voters and those voters are going to once again determined just to give a little back-story, i don't want to get too much into the donald trump versus msnbc that but i think he had insulted mika based on mika brzezinski, based on her fighting. >> that's my point. i mean, they're trying to inoculate
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that tell a different version of the story i'm i'm totally agreeing with you. i mean, we can't forget all of the comments that we heard from him about women. and what was so clearly intentional with that, sarah huckabee sanders story saying he pulled her aside privately and said, don't let them don't let them with set you. that was very clear intent and tional way to try to show another side of him. i don't know that suburban women or even men who find the previous behavior repugnant are going to buy that. but it certainly was an attempt to try and that is, look, this is a convention. this is what they're supposed to do is to paint the best picture of the candidate. but with donald trump, it's not i mean, frankly, he's a public figure and he's a political figure. it's really not about what he's like when nobody's looking. it's also about what he is like when everyone is looking and that has been probably consistently on the political stage. i thought that the juxtaposition of these
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paper, this picture of trump as this sort of soft loving person, parent, grandparent was. so interesting on the very same night that they're also painting an extremely dark picture of the country on crime, on immigration, on all of these other issues and, those two things go in hand-to-hand, hand-in-hand maybe it was intended to sort of soften the effect of some of the harsher stories on crime. but i i'm not sure what to make of it. and i also think that the american people, i think it was sarah huckabee sanders who said this herself. they have lived through donald trump. they remember those years. they remember his candidacy in 2016 and 2020, and i think it's going to be hard for them to just tell people that he is a kind gentle man in private when they have seen him in public doing quite the opposite. >> jake, one of the other things struck me about this evening is but there was a lot of talk in the aftermath of the shooting on saturday that there was going to be unity and
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there's going to be an effort to take down the temperature and really lasted until tonight. and there were over and over again, there were efforts first, desantis said donald trump has been demonized. he's been sued, he's been prime prosecutor and had nearly lost his life. he didn't make a direct connection there but later on, former hud secretary, ben carson did he said, first they tried to ruin his reputation. then they tried to bankrupt them than they tried to put them in prison and then last weekend, they tried to kill him i don't know who they is, but there was the sense of victimization, the sense of us against them. there was a lot of media bashing tonight. this was very much a different tone than what we were hearing. think about in the immediate aftermath from a clinical standpoint having been involved in trying to put these things
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together, this was a well well-orchestrated night. >> they did a lot of business tonight they spent part of the night trying to scare the hell out of people and some in some very disingenuous ways to times and i'm still getting my arms around the fact the blue thing and i'm wondering what the families of the officers who were killed on january 6 were thinking when they watched that, setting that aside, the speakers at the end, sarah huckabee sanders, certainly lara trump, but even marco rubio they this was a, they were standing down the sharp edges on donald trump, who is seen by a lot of people as crass and cruel and vengeful. and this was designed to take that down some. and the fact that he had that he's comes under these circumstances and as clearly subdued and somber because of what happened, has created an environment in which
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i thought it was pretty effective tonight well, i just want to say to your point on the back, the blue piece now and brain, who was the speaker, who's talked about backing the blue, who suddenly the combat was the military veteran, the army veteran who was stabbed i think she was the highlight of the night. i mean, her speech was incredibly compelling, incredibly powerful. you can hear a pin drop in here. i think i think that they should have abby and i talked about fish. >> it'll let maybe hadn't played a little music. let that sit in because that was such a powerful moment and it really, i think affected people here. i don't know how it affected people on television. that could mean i think she was a really great messenger or messages night. >> all of those stories were very compelling every day the mother who lost her son to that i think it's always a good call at these conventions to lean on real people however it's incumbent upon us to foreign out that crime is down in this country, that immigrants are not more likely to commit crime in this
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country. that fentanyl david pointed if this out. fentanyl is not mostly coming over from the border. so the stories are important, but so are the actual facts behind the argument that's being made? it and ultimately you know, the families are entitled to feel how they how they feel about the tragedies that happened to them but i'm a factual perspective, some of those things are not trending in the same direction as they were painted on that but those are the top issues. >> immigration crime just campaign. those are the topics that they were going to fight it by voters. >> i think they were the top issues the economy is still one of the biggest issues that again, crime is down like 30%. >> so that's a significant driver and it's improving and people's lives matter as we hear the beautiful song by creed i wanted to neighboring ban you have shazam, right
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anderson a lot to talk to. >> lots of judges alyssa, what stands out to you? >> so watching trump just take this me of his old cabinet meetings where he would kick them off and everyone would go around the horn and just praise him for a while because i was thinking like a seemed bored watching these speeches know he loves seeing people lineup talk about his accomplishments and why they're with sam and to john king's point, he was not threatened by a single person out there because the remaking of the party into the trump party has happened. he can have rubio there. he can have haley out there and that was that was shown tonight. but these are also nights conventions are a time for stars to rise and potentially starts to fall. and i think in some ways the rubios, the rick scott's, they didn't they kind of just fell a little flat tonight and those are from the before times before trump. you see someone like sarah sanders that was what a trump 2028, somebody with a national profile that's the kind of speech you're going to see. it a little bit of the
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separation of the old guard and the new gardens it's time now going to be divided between beatty and 18 that will measure it. >> through michael. >> i think you can break this down into three different themes. we heard a lot about continuity people who are tired of broken promises. you heard the one mother whose son was an army veteran, lost his life to an illegal immigrant we heard a lot about stability. if you want economic stability for the working class, for laura, end workers, low wage workers were heard a lot about opportunity. if you want a future that's better than the past, and you contrast that with joe biden? >> you have an economy that frankly is hard for most people. >> the idea of a middle-class is almost something of a healthy and days be quite frank. you think about an open border where the doors are saying come on into america and americans are asking themselves, anderson, what about me? well, the republican party is answering that question. we have the solutions for you ai.
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>> well, i actually i didn't hear a lot of solutions side. i mean, look, conventions are about storytelling and i think there were a lot of really effective moments for the republicans tonight. i think a lot of the personal stories that we heard from some of those speakers, no doubt they were powerful. there actually wasn't a whole lot of there were a lot of solutions put on the table. there was a lot of criticizing joe biden. there was a lot of focus on crime and immigration. and again, kind of painting this picture of america as a dark place where crime is running rampant. i think abby philip was rightly saying crime is actually in fact dead and i would expect we're gonna hear the democrats make that case again, this is the thing about conventions. they are a, you know, a moment where you get to put forward your message. you're sort of looking fact, let's just put some facts right now because we a lot of prominent republicans taking the stage tonight, including members of the republican house leadership. >> and i want to bring in our fact fact-checker senior reporter, daniel dale. daniel you listen to all of tonight speeches, talk a little bit about what stood out to you. >> yeah, anderson, there's a
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lot of stuff you can't really tried to fact check there were personal stories, general praise of trump, broad denunciations of biden, subjective accusations that biden was personally responsible for drug overdose deaths, which i think we should note, roles under president trump as well. but there was also some never get inaccuracy. we can check arizona us senate candidate kari lake made a wildly false claim that her democratic opponent, ruben gallego, voted to allow illegal immigrants to vote in this election. that's a brazen distortion of a recent house vote on voter registration requirements. senator ted cruz of texas claim with no evidence at all that democrats deliberately let in illegal immigrants to somehow get their votes, nod citizens cannot legally vote. and the data shows almost never do. and i thought it was notable that some of the most significant false or misleading claims tonight came from members of the house republican leadership. listen to what gop conference chair elise stefanik and house speaker mike johnson said about violent crime biden, violent crime crisis fueled by democrats pro pro-criminal
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sanctuary cities and defund the police policies like we have seen in my home state of new york. we can't survive the dramatic increases in violence, crime, and drugs that the democrats policies have brought up upon our community well, i'll do it again. >> this claim that there have been dramatic increases in violence and crime under biden is false. in fact, both violent crime and property crime have fallen under president biden, and there have been big declines over the last year-and-a-half out preliminary figures from the fbi shows that violent crime is down roughly 6% in 2023 then, it dropped by a staggering 15% in the first quarter of 2024, the declines in murder in particular, were even bigger. and so now key factor here, murder in particular, and violent crime in general, or both below where they were in 2020, trump's last year in office. now, congresswoman stefanik claim of a biden violent crime crisis is subjective, i guess, but she certainly did not note that trump had a violent crime crisis when he had worse numbers i'm going to cough
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now. i'll caution again, this is preliminary data, a big chunk of local communities haven't submitted their numbers yet. so the precise extent of the decline in violent crime is to be determined, but it's clearly falling and not rising. and i also want to address anderson, a claim from house majority leader steve scalise on the button no ministration's record on us energy production. take a listen let's talk energy. >> they vote, wrote at the american energy dominance that president trump delivered. we will end the democrats assault on american energy once and for all this claim about a biden era democratic assault and american energy is misleading at very best, while it's true that biden is pushing for a transition to renewables. the u.s. under biden is producing more crude oil than any country ever has. it is a fact that us is setting fossil fuel world records under this administration, the u.s. produced a global record 12.9 million barrels of crude oil per day in 2023, easily beating the trump era high of about 12.3 million barrels and scalise also spoke of us energy
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exports under biden, while us crude exports in 2023, were also the highest on record for anybody. now, we should be clear here, not to suggest these records are being set because it president biden, who certainly is taking a bunch of steps, the fossil fuel industry, oil companies don't like. these are market-driven increases. lot of them caused by improvements in fracking horizontal drilling technology. but nonetheless, republicans including former president trump keep pushing this notion that biden has crushed us oil and gas production. trump sometimes says biden has ended it entirely and all this stuff is not close to true anderson thank you. >> so much for more cnn fact-checks. you can visit slash facts first i ban ai we saw a lot of speeches i'll talk about three. >> ron he was terribly wrong, was terrible. >> he sounded like he just sounded like chatgpt four mean people. i mean, just every main thing republican could say. he
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said it, it really fast and it didn't really work very well. nikki haley, look like somebody who had to go to her ex-husband's wedding and give a toast. she was miserable saying and trump was miserable hearing it. so all that stuff just did not work at all. but sarah huckabee sanders she was incredibly compelling to me. she told she told personal stories that landed. there's a sense of aggrievement. i think that conservatives feel that liberal culture is demeans them, attacks them, cancels them she didn't use rhetoric. she told a personal story. and it was moving and it was powerful. and i think having a southern storyteller to bring that stuff home work really, really well for them. so i think she she gave the speech of the night, obviously, the mother who lost her son two stabbing also very powerful, two very powerful women telling stories personal stories that landed, but have to say something i felt very badly
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about the way that the immigrant community was portrayed it is not true that immigrants are responsible for crime. not only are they not more likely there are much less likely to commit crime. people come here because they want to work and they come here because they want a better life. they're often afraid of getting in trouble. and so if you want to know where the real trouble is coming from, his coming from us born men who don't have high school, who have not finished high school. that's a real source of our challenges. and so to blame this group that's actually less responsible for crime for all the crime i think is unfair and is unwarranted and lastly, i lost a friend and fentanyl fentanyl deaths went up under obama they went up under trump. they're going up under biden because this is a very addictive horrible substance that's killing americans in
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very, very large numbers. i don't blame president obama or president trump or president biden and i think to take the pain of people, i don't like people pimp in funerals to take the pain of people and say this is all biden's fault, that's not true. does a national crisis we've got to get our arms around it, but to blame immigrants for those deaths, to blame biden for those deaths. i just think it's important for him and i just think it's not fair to a community that's actually doing a lot better when it comes to crime. the most of us sorry sketch and mr. mcconney, cnn, i was looking at trump tonight and thinking like the like the great pd, pablo, he was taken in requests on the request line and he got everything he wanted tonight. sarah sanders, i agree with you. >> brilliant i mean, lord, have mercy. that would have made a bishop kick out a stained glass window. what she did tonight, delivery message, handling haley and desantis hit their marks, did exactly delivered the product they needed to deliver. disagree with you on desantis? but you're not the
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audience for that but that convention hall was and republicans were rubio good as always delivers an inspirational sort of look at what the american story can be for different kinds of people baby dog, from west virginia managed to come to the convention on a night that kristi noem was not there and avoided any kind of unfortunate interaction but hearts of the whole convention tonight, but we don't see everyday americans did a good job. >> look the bottom line tonight is the rnc delivered hit after hit and the entire thing was aimed at unity unity and the party is unified and it's functioning it's against the backdrop of an opponent, an opposing party that is stuck with an unpopular incumbent who cannot find his way out of a wet paper sack right now, two nights of this convention. are done. both of them had been a success, and now we're going to hear from the candidates for the next to the unity message though i think a lot of people thought going into this was you
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knew you of the country. you, lands. i met unity the republican party, public, any party convention is no unity for trump, unity in service of trump, unity and surrender to trump, unity in survival of obedience to trump, but not unity for the people in the country who felt insulted and left out by allow this stuff listen. this is a union you're talking about is a unity. it scares me, but i just say quickly that the test i think you were laying out earlier in our conversation was, you know, trump can put this race away if he reaches out to the country and he displays unity and you had that desantis speech, couldn't have been farther from an attempt to do that. i mean, that was like like read meet the most divisive kind of language i don't buy your own last night you were saying that we got to start calling trump pillar again because jd vance, on and take it now it's ron to say. i said i absolutely did not look it's a political convention and somebody is going to make a political speech.
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>> the thing that will matter is what trump says thursday. i'm hopeful i hope i'm right. maybe i won't be, but i hope i'm right. but so far, the political party is delivering a political convention and let's be clear, no table has said anything as offensive about donald trump as jd vance house but i do want to note one thing donald trump was not threatened by everyone tonight. >> there were strong performances, there were some that were less strong in about a month. we're going to see a democratic convention where you're going to see young rising talent left, right, and center of that will of the democratic party. and then you're going to see a president who is less popular than most of those people who is able to perform less well, that to me is a big juxtaposition because people are watching but they're watching for the big ticket item, which is the donald trump show. that's where the republican party is. i think that's going to be a challenge for them. >> i could anderson, i want to bring it back to the voters the. voters are yearning for recognition for their daily plight when you say that there isn't a crime issue in this country, they say that no, not you you mentioned it's going
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down that to washington, dc we're here in new york city. go talk to people who live in impoverished areas or poor wide areas and ask them about crime talk to those people about the economic instability that we have under the joe biden kamala harris administration, talk to those people about immigration and it's not about demonizing immigrants. van i agree with you that immigrants come to the country assuming for good life. but people want an ordered process people want to make sure that they're applied is addressed firstly, before the plight of other people and talk about how the process is answered all been talking about all the process. we call people a rapist murderers, and we said that they were bringing drugs here in killing people got about we got to take a break still ahead more of our live from milwaukee have gone au contraire dealing with their own disarray as republicans night, when all means for biden trump rematch doug someone
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you can be outfront to. >> let's go outfront. >> erin burnett, outfront weeknights at seven on cnn cnn is live from milwaukee as republicans unite behind their nominee, his vp, and their plan to take back the white house, follow cnn for company plead coverage. >> the republican national convention coverage continues all week on cnn and streaming on max a heart attack. >> do they have life insurance no. but we have life insurance john i'm trying to find something we can afford fortunately, in only a few minutes, select quote found john a $500,000 policy for only $29 a month and his wife and a $500,000 policy for only $21 a month go to select now and get the insurance your family meets at a price you can afford. >> select quote, we shop you save oh my god meanwhile, at a
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vrbo when, other vacation rentals have surprised drop-ins, try on the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time.
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that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. or stopped by granger for the ones who get it done i'm elizabeth wagmeister in los angeles in this is cnn. >> republicans wrapping up the second night of their convention here in milwaukee, wisconsin, putting on a carefully the choreographed show of party unity as the democrats remain divided over the future of president biden's candidacy, let's bring in cnn's jeff zeleny, who has more on the democrats in, as it said, democrats in disarray. jeff, what are you picking up? >> jake, we heard throughout the evening the democratic disarray and disunity really was the subject of punchline from republican speaker after speaker, but it's anything but
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amusing to democratic officials who are still dealing with this anger and alarm and panic that is coursing through the democratic party? yes, the attention this week is focused on republicans, but inside the democratic party, there are party leaders who are even more worried by the day as timon it's running out. who believed that president biden is a drag on the democratic ticket so talking to a variety of democratic officials here in wisconsin another battleground states, as well as nationally, they are concerned that a, these punchlines about the president's age, his fitness for office, his command of the office will become a fait accompli the general election campaign. and it's sort of ironic here, jake, that wo, one year ago right here in this very hall, republicans had their first debate. so it was thought at the time that the republican primary would be messy and divisive in democrats thought they sort of dodged a bullet if you will, by not having a primary on the democratic side it now it looks it's considerably different. there is disunity in the democratic party and division.
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so even as president biden is vowing to stay in the race senators and house members, we are speaking with are still very concerned about this. so look for all that to continue. and one other democrat was watching nikki haley very carefully as well for a time they thought that her vote there's may be open to them. that is unclear. i talked to one haley voter tonight who lives in the suburbs of milwaukee. she told me, i'm voting for president trump, not her first choice, but she said the choice she'll make in november. jake. >> all right. jeff zeleny. thanks so much. and let's talk about what democrats are doing behind closed doors because i was able to get my hands on some polling from the firm blue labs. this is a polling funded by some democratic donors in this kind of project is going on. all over the country right now. it looks as a survey of 15,000 of voters in several battleground states. and it shows, first of all, there's early july polling that has already been reported put it on showing that president biden is losing ground to donald trump in 14 key strait states across
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the country. this includes not only the five that biden flipped against trump in 2020, that's arizona, georgia, michigan, pennsylvania, and wisconsin. but in addition post-debate it's like waterloo. he's vulnerable in colorado. he's vulnerable in minnesota or he's vulnerable in maine. he's vulnerable in new mexico and virginia and new hampshire. now, what this poll did was look at alternatives first of all, it found that nearly every tested democrat that this polling firm looked at to performs better than the president. this includes vice president harris, but the top four in these seven bravo seven battleground states. senator mark kelly of arizona, wes moore of maryland, josh shapiro of pennsylvania gretchen whitmer of michigan and they have a whole complex way of looking at it and whether or not these people can take votes from trump, that he trump is currently winning and bring
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them back. and those are the top four. and again, this is just one poll but this is really indicative of where the democratic the party is with the exception of maybe two or three of president biden's aides. and i assume his immediate family, the democratic party, is really looking for an alternative polls like that. other internal polls i've looked at all the public polling is being forwarded to the white house every day for it to the president's top advisers saying, please read this because it shows how deep troubling taken the so let's just look at some of it. let's just look at some public polling now. again to reinforce what jake was just talking about. this is where we were just after the debate. this is the cnn projection. but because of all that point, donald trump at 272, the light red is leaned republican. the dark red is solid republican. the gold or toss-ups right now, we know though that donald trump is actually leading here as well. and he's leading here at, well, maybe not by a lot democrats watching might be complaining and that he's leading here as well. and he's going to get the congressional district if the vote was today, he would get all of nebraska's
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electoral votes to two. so there's 302 as jake just noted, you come over here. there are people who think new hampshire right now is in play. there are people who think virginia right now that's in play. arizona is blue here. that's my mistake. that he's trial. trump is leading there as well. so there's 330. right. jake also mentioned colorado, the governor of new mexico has more on the white house the governor of minnesota has warned the white house why, why? let's look at just some, this is new public polling battleground seven battleground states released just today. forgive me for turning my back. i want to turn this out. look at the incumbent presidents vote share. arizona, georgia, wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania, north carolina, nevada, 42 is the highest. the incumbent president gets invoked share in these battleground states that's a path to big loss, even if donald trump can't get to 50 because of the third party candidates, look how closely at correlates to the president's approval rating. this is the president's approval rating, 36%, 37% in arizona, 42% in georgia, 40% of the vote, you get it, you follow it through. if he cannot get his approval
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rating to go that way he can't move that. and that number has been stuck or getting worse since the debate. that's one way to look at it. the other question is voters are asking, is biden up to the job? again, forgive me for turning my back. i just want to stretch this out. is he too old to be president in these seven battleground states? 72% in arizona say yes, 67 in georgia, 70% of wisconsin, 70% in michigan, same in pennsylvania, close to that 68 in north carolina, 70 again, that's a lot of democrats and a lot of independents. that's not just republicans. you get into the 60s and 70s, you're talking about a lot of the president's own party saying they don't think he is up to the job how do you change that? and then there's this, what's the number one issue in the country right now one more time. sorry, again, just want to stretch this out so you can see it. the percentage of registered voters rating the economy as fair or poor. he's the incumbent. he wants four more years 73% in arizona, close to 70 in georgia, 74% in michigan, 74%
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in north carolina, near seventh and just below 70% of nevada. and 73 and 72 respectively the in pennsylvania and wisconsin, he's the incumbent president saying stay the course. jake, that's what people in these battleground states think about the economy. that's a tough sell, that is an incredibly hard sell in these numbers, many democrats say this poll was taken over a long period of time. most democrats are trying, they're actually worse now. they're worse now. they expect donald trump to get a bounce because of what happened in this hall tonight night and what will happen for the next two nights in this hall. and the democratic convention is a month away you want to know why democrats are used. the term disarray, panic worried, nervous. >> look at that yeah. >> and you said how do you turn that around? and i know you meant that as a rhetorical question because the answer is, it really hasn't ever been done. >> it has never been done. there's david knows this. both davids know this. there's no incumbent precedent in our lifetime. again, democrats will argue, we'll wait the national polls or a pointer to some of these state polls, really three or four points. it's underneath the polls. it's the
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approval rating. it's easy up to the job. is he too old? what people think about the direction of the country and the state of the economy. you need some magic potion to change people's minds on six or eight fundamental questions can it, can accept this verdict, but the the he says it's early people will focus in september. it's not early. people are going to start voting in september. and what's very clear is that these concerns have been a hardened that they've been there for a long time. they were heartened by the debate. he's in a situation that is in my mind irreversible and i believe him when he says the stakes are huge of this election, if he believes it he needs to take into consideration what the stakes are and make the best decision, not just for himself, but for the continent and abby, one of the things that the democrats are trying to do right now, the democratic national committee, you said the voting has taken place in september. that's voter voters, the delegates, they're trying to get the delegates to start
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voting next week in days they want the train to leave before the convention. they want to lock this in because they know they know that democrats are really trying to push him out. >> and party officials privately are pushing back on that hard the reasoning that they've used as this ohio ballot situation that ohio officials say has been alive, solved, right? that has been resolved. dnc saying what their lawyers their lawyers are telling them that that's not the case. but but here's the other thing that that i've been paying attention to. but privately, there's been a lot of great reporting about what speaker emerita nancy pelosi is doing and she's hearing from frontline members. she's hearing from all kinds of house members. she's concerned about control of the house. and concerned the control of the house is going right out the window as well. and it's been interesting to see so much reporting about the concern. it seems almost shifting away from biden toward the down-ballot
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issues. i'm not even sure that people who want biden to step aside believe that it is still possible to completely turn this around, but they do believe that it might be necessary to prevent it's going to be house in the money, going shift from biden to those congressional races. and the candidates are going to start arguing. we need to be there to be a bulwark against donald trump. >> get why he's suggesting all these changes to the supreme court that he's expected to come out and call for which we know he's been having these discussions behind the scenes when joe biden was running in 2020, he was facing a lot of pressure from more liberal members of his party who ran against him to make changes to the supreme court. he resisted that commission to study when he was in office. i remember when it came out is 300 pages. it was december of 2021. he never acted on that study and now he's preparing to come out and call for maybe a constitutional amendment or
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changes to the supreme court. it's because look, who stood by him in these days, what other more moderates or calling on him to get out? it's the progressive. can i connect what john was showing us with these new polls and this specifically, the key states too. >> what we saw here tonight. and that was the first really big speech by nikki haley, wisconsin were in wisconsin right now and if you look back at the wisconsin primary, which she was still on the ballot for april 7th april 2, even though she had already dropped out she got more than 76,000 votes in that primary and what she did here tonight was she said go ahead. please go and vote for donald trump. it was like more than 20,000 votes that made the difference in both the general election in 2016 and 2020, by alright, stay with cnn cnn as the republican convention heads into its third night, laura coates picks up our coverage after this break i had no idea.
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that debris 6-9, three, i'm sunlen serfaty in washington in this is cnn i'm laura. coates,
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live from the cnn grill in the milwaukee, one on two of your republican national convention. >> and you know, if there was an unofficial theme tonight, it's certainly photos, apparently can become your best friends. >> and critics will. they can become your champions is not your father's flip-flop though. it's political evolution. >> the algebra appearing for the second straight night, just three days after surviving an assassination attempt and sitting next to his now and now running mate, senator jd vance. >> but the headlines, they belonged to his former rivals and rivals certainly was the right word just a few months or years here's ago. they took to the stage to now same his praises, including four, count them for of his previous primary opponents. and two of them. he bowed in the past, just what six months. and they're to they certainly have
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changed this man is a pathological liar he doesn't know the difference between truth and lies god bless donald j. trump the country is less safe but here's the good news. we can fix it. and when donald trump is president we will we will not allow the party of lincoln and reagan to fall into the hands of a con artist by giving voice to everyday americans president trump has not just transformed our party he has inspired a movement. >> i don't think donald trump ultimately can win an election fellow republican sen. joe biden back to his basement and less than donald trump back to the white house he is on unhinged.
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>> he is more diminished than he was then he was just like joe biden's more diminished than what he was. we have to see this for what it is. i'll start by making one thing perfectly clear. clear donald trump has my strong endorsement pairing joining. me now, david polyansky, ashley allison, tara palmeri, and mark preston okay. first of all i need a neck brace because i have a little bit of whiplash from stand back and forth. i know people can evolve bacon change their mind. everyone is entitled to their epiphany. but this is pretty significant to have this happen right now. i mean, you've got nikki haley. you've got ron desantis endorsed forcing him fully. i mean, this was a very contentious primary were you convinced whether voters be convinced by the speeches tonight, absolute. >> tonight was about unity and that's what was delivered you saw. >> i think five president prompts a former president from
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primary opponents in 2016 in the site and look, i mean whiplash as part of politics saw the tape down at by vice president harris, head on president biden during their primary. >> and frankly, i think all the democrat house members who are pushing letters in washington that have asked president biden to step down are going to be in the convention probably in chicago in a couple of weeks, carrying him on. that's just politics but what i think he saw there was a united front they came from all directions foreign policy to domestic policy, to immigration and everything in between. >> and i think the stage is set for donald trump to grow into the fall now, with the full backing of the entirety of the party, which is something that his opponent doesn't have today. >> you know, you mentioned the idea of mentioned kamala harris and we're all remembering that this little girl was me, tom, and everything else that happened. and of course, her statements to him, providing a number of things but this felt qualitatively different to do in terms of the times of crazy that they gave donald trump versus what they gave to biden for you yeah. >> they were calling donald trump a con artist, a liar.
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that's different than having a policy distinction, which kamala harris and with joe biden on the part i'm not sure that was due that way. >> more than saying hurtful and that he was a part of two racist us senators isn't policy that's pretty, that's actually as personal again, nonetheless tonight you saw this is why we love you they said it liar, diminish, and then there's a song by debra caught said week can't be friends if we can't be lovers. >> and tonight, nikki haley welbeck was always over there, but nikki haley, ron desantis you name it he came donald trump's lovers and they don't want it to be his friend. they want to be in love with donald trump, so they have a future in the republican party. i think it is politics, but i think that's what the american public are sick of. their sick of it on the democratic side. and
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there's ticket on the republican side. they want people to be genuine. >> and i just don't feel like tonight we saw people who really are genuine switch. >> it also is like chili wasn't saying this for years ago. she said for months. literally go into politics. >> if you're looking for genuine people because you're not going to find them. it's just the reality but he we were talking about this earlier my friend of mine and myself talking about this earlier and we were just talking about politics in general and where we are now in in this, in this strange environment and people, mike, when to politics with all the greatest intentions, you come to washington and it does become very, very corrupt but what are the voters make it back? i mean, that's, that's the part that you want voters to consistently vote for the candidate and tell them. but then there's an inconsistent message. again and everyone's held their company. >> but politics makes you feel heavy. >> a lot of times, right? you make you think yourself wold on. who do i believe and what
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you have that same opinion? >> tomorrow is this is what goes back to the whole idea that the voters are just feeling gaslit right now, right? so you've got these people that have been on the campaign trail vicious. this has been particularly brutal so this primary donald trump did not think that any of these people deserve to be primarying him at all. he went and called the ron desantis desanctimonious. he had to have an inch of their hats be an intervention, a brokered intervention for the two men to sit down together just a month ago. so that this could be a moment of unity so that broad attendants could have a primetime speaking spots so that he could go out and campaign for him literally as of thursday, i wrote a column and i reached out to nikki, haley's people she was waiting for an invite, but she was not going to ask for so we're talking about just where we are this has been the whole thing has changed so i mean, it's very brutal and i think people feel gaslit and i think on the other side as well, where people have come out and said, okay, you know, joe biden, he is in great health. >> the guy can run, you can
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kick, he can you know, and then you see a totally different person on this debate stage at what is real, what is true? do you hate this man? is this man in this man and good physical and mental shape that's higher being lied to enough. i don't trust the government that's why conspiracy theories are just going while we're, you know, what you make, you make a good point in terms of we know we're at the republican national convention of people who are here are already all in on this ticket. we are already clear on that but all of the politicians are trying to appeal to the undecided and those who are trying in ran it so when you're talking about the people who've spoken site, did they convince those undecided voters? well, i think there's another part. it's night that i think we can all appreciate it yes. business. this wasn't just about the 24 election. this was in fact the start of the 28 election that we saw tonight. >> is that what haley said immediately? just so we're clear, i'm paraphrasing here. i support well, they say they're going to support the nominee the folks that were on the debate stage, this go round signed the pledge and committed to support the nominee and you
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have to do it you have to prove that commitment to the voters, to the party that is the commitment you've made to be on that stage into every primary voter that participate in the process. but make no mistake. there were a lot of speeches tonight that were the start of the 28 race and so this isn't going to be a slam dunk for senator vance and probably vice president vance saw a whole group of folks that they're probably going to be on the ballot against him before are two things can be true in this, right that there is unity in the republican party. >> are they are besties dodge, but do they have this common goal of trying to have joe biden serve one term absolutely. and what david said is absolutely right as well because they have their own person so interests at heart, if any one of them came out and did what ted cruz had done eight years ago, eight years ago. >> yeah. >> ago led to a map midnight. >> so seven years ago, i was never good at math but but but seriously, it that would that would happen. they probably wouldn't have gotten out of
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that arena that's where the party has moved. so far into donald trump's a corner that if you want to be part of the party, you better be part of it what conille was booed you might say, right? on sunday many of us were doing television and we've used the word that we have used tonight and it was unity. i felt like tonight we're talking about a different kind of unity hey, we were talking about unifying the republican party we're no longer talking about unifying the country after tonight's speeches, it was they were speeches to like red meat, to the base attacking me for grants, the culture wars. and i think that's the skepticism back to tariff point that voters are having as you show us one thing and then you do something else. and it makes me worried. not that people won't show up and vote because of who is on the top of the ticket. but because people are losing faith in our institutions, in our parties. and so we have got to really be true with the words that were speaking. >> if on sunday, you don't want you to know well, i may just be
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honest with me. let me know when i'm working with fly know how to engage you, but to put a 24 hour facade on that, we want to bring this country together and then it's nice to hear what sara talk to be sanders is saying. i'm like that's not the unity. i'm looking for. >> it wasn't it wasn't their job it will be the president's former president's job on paris. add that, i think if we're all sitting here there were some of us are sitting here on thursday night. i think that's going to be a fair for today. >> let me tell you this on this very point because chris christie actually wrote an op-ed in the new york times today addressing what you've just raise calling the moment and opportunity to rein in some of the worst rhetoric, rhetorical impulse to the republican party. he wrote this. >> mr. trump can demonstrate the will to change not just how we speak to one another, are also how we act. this moment can confirm that our country is greater than any political party, but only if we work for it we're going to hear from the president or a president on thursday have republicans met the moment given what ashley is talking about this 24 hour, it seems to disappear it already.
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>> well, let me just say this about unity. i think there's a lot of tobi. we've had this talk about unity. it's not about the republican party a agreeing with the democratic party. it's about whether or not donald trump can just rain himself thing. that's where the unity starts. it's not about unifying the whole country it's that's a whole different definition of unity i'm sorry, but that's the reality. >> i mean, it's donald trump go out there for donald trump, go out there. and not given to his greatest demons, which is just let it all loose and allowed jd to do that for him to allow some of these other a surrogates to do that? for him that's going to be a win of unity for republicans. >> i've got to say he seems to date it to me. just seeing him and dan he didn't come out. he went on he was on a stage monday, didn't speak. i have never seen donald trump walk up to a stage and not say a word. i know there's a big moment on thursday, but there was no real fanfare from the announcement
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of the vp. he put out on truth social, and he made us wait a long time for it granted. it was probably going to leak once they told you know, doug burgum and marco rubio that they were out i mean, he seemed sedated his truth, social's i don't follow them day-to-day, but they haven't been quite as vicious and yeah, maybe he has his football for now and he's trying to meet the moment and thinks that he can expand his his, his voters, his base, but he maybe doesn't think he needs to be attacking when he's this far up in the polls to dated or strategic au strategic for sure. >> look, i think i think we're all going to be surprised by what we see on thursday night. i think not just the politics of them moment with the moment that happened in has to change your first means that was as close as you can get in a circumstance like that. and i think that puts a lot of things perspective and i think whether you're a candidate or just a human being, it's going to color the way you view things, policy politics, your personal well-being, and your personal life and so i think thursday
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night you're going to see that come out. i think we're going to see the type of unifying speech that the party and frankly the country is looking forward to talking about. >> i'm sorry, i'm actually we're talking how can a lot about unity and the role of a vice president. but first ladies have often played a role as well, and being a front looking person for campaign. we know that melania trump in the past has played a very key role in his initial 2016 campaign and trying to redirect the conversation surrounding the access hollywood tape tip and locker room talk. we're learning tonight that melania trump the former first lady, will be in attendance on thursday as well. and we know that she has spoken in the past. >> i wonder what role you thank that melania trump could possibly play in this particular convention whatever malama you wants to play, a be bad to me where has she been? >> this is her husband. i mean, he put out a really good statement the other day, but she has been ghost. so if she wants to speak we give her a platform, but she doesn't seem
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to want to be particularly engaged with this campaign. and quite honestly candidate, when do you, how do you see it? ai look, i'm of the belief that i don't care what she does, meaning if he wants to run for president, it doesn't mean that she has to go along for the ride. i mean, clearly they have they have some kind of range been worked out that i don't understand. jordan who i want to understand but i'm sure that you wouldn't understand the relationship that i have with my wife and i don't know i really frustrating sometimes know, honestly, you know, for the clothes and put them away on the table au it. no. i mean, no look, he's not going home well, i'm in milwaukee, but regardless, i think ten years ago, it's an issue, i think in 2024, people's private lives, i don't think people care yeah yeah. >> and don't fund to talk about, but i some reporting to
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that melania has thought about not taking a real official type of role in the white house it's like she's kind of thinking about doing more of a hybrid and staying in florida and spending a little bit less time. but, you know that obviously opens up a vacuum for the first daughter, ivanka. but yeah, i mean, listen it his second term. he's not going to serve after that. there's no need to really keep up appearances she has they're anti-bullying initiative be best every time she's gone out there, she'd been mocked. >> why would she do it again very important point. >> what can you tell everyone, please stand by and up next, chris christie, we've talked about is also weighing in on trump's vp pick, hear why he thinks selection of jd vance is a mistake plus there's news tonight about donald trump's opponents. >> there is a revolt happening behind the scenes among democrats as some in the party continue to want president biden out and disturbing new details tonight about trump's
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cnn. the world's news network tonight there's news on the other side of the aisle as republicans heartbreak candy at the convention, democrats apparently still aren't sure or if the president should be their candidate and new tonight, jake tapper is reporting on some whole length from the firm glue labs, funded by some democratic donors the show post-debate president biden is losing ground to donald trump in 14 key states across the country, including the five that biden flipped against him in 2020. >> i'm talking about arizona and georgia, michigan, pennsylvania, and wisconsin, where we are right now. but in addition, he is also post-debate, vulnerable and colorado minnesota, maine, new mexico, virginia, and new hampshire. the data also found for democrats outpaced president biden in a matchup with donald trump in battleground states. you see
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him right there. none of whom are the vice president of the union hey, states kamala harris according to this data, that those democrats or arizona senator mark kelly maryland governor wes moore, pennsylvania governor josh shapiro, and michigan governor gretchen whitmer. and this is where the democratic party apparently is right now and it appears to be a big scramble and we aren't what about 110 days away from the presidential election? a little over a month away from the democratic convention and tonight the president made it clear that once again, he is not planning to go anywhere quite frankly, i think the age brings a little bit of wisdom. i think i'm demonstrated that i know how to get things done for the country in spite, in fact, are toll we couldn't get it done but there's more to do and i'm reluctant to walk off from that what you know, what half of my panel is back and i've added other people as well. we got cnn's harry enten and pollster
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frank luntz is also here as well. this is pretty significant news i mean, here we are in milwaukee right now where people are celebrating the complete now republican ticket democrats are still talking about post debate aftermath and this new polling about 14 states, including five. and he previously flipped this is very dangerous for democrats. >> none of this is surprising. i mean, you look at the internal polling that was out a few weeks ago, it showed the exact same thing joe. biden's position is garbage. i mean, that is really what it comes down to. his approval rating south of 40%. donald trump is putting states on the board that have no business being on the board it's not just in the private polling, right? it's in the public polling as well. i mean, we've seen consistently draft this year, sienna college put out numbers from new york in which the racist single digits, a state that joe biden i didn't won by over 20 points last time around virginia, we just had a new york times sienna college poll that had that race low single digits, a state that joe biden won last time around by ten points it's not much of a surprise that the
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internal polling is matching what we're honestly seeing in a lot of the public polling as well. and it's not so surprising, we're seeing it when joe biden's crew waiting is the worst for any president at this point since george herbert walker bush back in 1,992. >> well, fred, what's the why is this age? is this? something else? and why so aren't we seeing kamala harris, vice president? i'd say it's in one of those slots to somebody who could outpaced donald trump attacked the key to me is how with you we're all numbers are because that's just intent. what matters is intensity. are you a supporter or an actual voter? >> and the has changed? in june. i last talk, it's only a week ago. is that donald trump's supporters and every one of them is going to the polls. joe biden, supporters. they are alienated did they are disappointed? trump's voters are activated and this convention the level of intensity and i've been doing this conflict 35 years. i have never senior level of intensity
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like yours right now. the republican party normally terrorists and sap apart at conventions like this. >> it's the democrats who doing it republicans are unified in so you can even see a bigger swing on election day than what these polls have shown democrats and talking to voters are frustrated by these ongoing conversations. >> they're hearing it and they're saying either let it go or gain front of a camera and tell me how you really feel, right? >> you've asked for and to lead different members of congress. but i'm only hearing about what's happening behind the scenes that could lead possibly to a couch vote, to quote another great r&b the female, i'm here for it. let's do it. india are in it together okay. we don't have a lot of time the graphic that you showed earlier in this segment the up and coming bench of the democratic party would have been a fine graphic to put up in 2023 when democrats
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should have been having this conversation. and quite frankly joe biden's approval rating wasn't great then either scenario hasn't really shifted that much. i guess i just wonder why. now, i'm i respect the people and i've been saying this. i respect the people who are concerned because they are concerned what the fact that donald trump can win. but here's the deal. i didn working on campaigns for 20 years now, i know i don't look it, but i have always tried it's like though the reality is, is that at some point, you have to go full throttle and we're losing our opportunity to go full throttle. >> and you know, my people will sit home at the couch if they continue to see that people on your own party don't think you should get off the couch and go vote. and that's what democrats are a person portraying right now. >> is that what we're seeing in terms that we're talking about unity. i mean, are republicans? and saying themselves, i got a cough benefit analysis i'm going to go all in because i might be able to see a vulnerability. >> well, again, you couldn't pay in a sharper contrast today you had nikki haley, ron
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desantis, ted cruz, marco rubio, vivek. the whole crew coming out and talking about their support for donald trump tonight in an entire arena. cheering and frankly the entire republican electorate cheering at home. and contrast, you had house democrats circulated a letter to ask the incumbent sitting democrat president to drop out of the race. and that's been going on for three weeks for democrats. >> so look, joe biden was at a deficit heading into the debate he, there the debate in a terrible position and frankly, what happened over the weekend. we really won't know. i'll leave it to you guys for a few more days. >> look, the greatest this mystery to me is not that joe biden is trailing now, and that democrats are saying maybe he should guide otherwise, the biggest mystery to me why were they not saying this a year ago? his numbers were week weak, weak in 2023, there were many democrats who were very look warm in the polling on him
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staying in the race, running for another term. most americans thought he was too old to be an effective president. a year ago answer the question, why do you think it is? >> is it matter that people have been playing? anytime the course correct. or his statements, there has been he was the one to beat donald trump. why don't you think they worth, why weren democrats it's probably because he was the incumbent president. >> he runs the democratic party for better or for worse? nate in my opinion, had this belief somehow that even though he wasn't going out and doing the super bowl interview, that's the biggest gimme that is the biggest. give me any didn't do it. >> a lot of folks should have said at that point why is he not doing that interview? >> and in fact, they weren't willing to do anything about the actual standard that's in closed doors, house meeting set at meetings. >> they told me and the problem was the administration would sit on them, they would get punished for their for bringing this up. that the decision was made to serve circle the wagons, and that was very bad
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decision. >> and i know i was speaking to some of them as recently as 60 days ago and i was told shut up it's done he's going to be the candidate and when you got that white house pressure and you have to understand how bad it gets. if you challenge trump, you die. he challenged joe biden knew die and they decided to put their own careers ahead of understanding that the public plus, the country is turning against biden. >> in the end, there is no courage. there was no willingness to sacrifice and that's why they're in this situation. i want to go back one second because i am so curious as to why vice president kamala harris is vice president kamala harris and normally people look at a vice president as a kind of heir apparent in the duration she's not on these lists for some reason if biden words should not be up of the ticket, she still has the delegates as being a part of the
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biden-harris ticket what would happen if she was on the top wonder the polling suggests then the judge did suggest that she's at least as good a candidate is joe biden, which is a complete change. >> other way from, from six months ago, three months ago, harris was the worst polling vice president at the beginning of this year. here. >> she is really increased her credibility, really increase the level to support behind her and joe biden could have gotten credit the d and said the person i chose her vice president is now ready to step up until my shoes. >> they would have embraced serve, but he didn't you got it exactly right. frame it, you know, i remember doing the same when you were i said vice president harris was the worst, but holding vice presidents and dan quayle back in 1992. but now if you look at the polling, again, it's not just the private polling, which of course is very important. >> but it's also the public polling as well. >> you look at those new york times, sienna college was she
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does better in virginia than joe biden who's doing considerably worse there. and she does better in pennsylvania, which of course a state, the commonwealth of pennsylvania, if joe biden, the democrats don't win there, there's simply not going to win the presidency a little bit on. >> now that's a great point. i think we have to look and be reminded of who initiated that hole in. it was donors the donors that put that polling forward are trying to drive their own agenda. clearly date for one reason or another, they want to move past this entire administration. i don't think that's where the polling is that today, i tend to agree. i think if they made a substitute so shimon pamela harris was on the ticket we've got a puncher's chance at that point they i don't as i said last night, i don't think they do with joe biden but clearly some of the donor community judy, on your side, just doesn't want to see her in that position. i think there's a little bit more complicated nuanced happening in this conversation that yom polling one 14 million voters go out and say that they wanted joe biden to be their nominee we can't just talk
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about wanting to embrace democracy and save democracy that you disenfranchise 14 million voters. >> the other thing though is that a lot of people who are at, i love the vice president and i will support her as a black woman, as an excellent vice president at the center, as an excellent attorney general but a lot of the people who are now calling for her ascension were the same people going darts at her when she got into office. and so it's not that i don't believe in mp4 redemptive ability, but i'm like suspect on people who for days ago were saying the crucify him, crucify him, and then the next day they're not so i just i just think that there aos like that, that's the theme of, this rnc night. you could you miss the memo? >> let's go and i think that's why when you talk to some voters, particularly black voters, there's a question mark to, and i said this a couple of nights though, you have to look in who is calling for joe biden
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a step down. >> and it is not the base of the party and it's not the people that you're worried are going to be couched voters it, or it's the people who are maybe the double-haters. and if you put your whole campaign bet, if you bet on double-haters, i think that's a winning strategy. it's like strategy. >> i do use your conscience, which right now, which did not exist as recently as seven days ago, you could see donald trump getting elected republicans taking the senate. and the republicans taking the house. that was not really under scratching as recently as a week ago. and the donors are looking at this and they are freaking out. >> and frank, did i just addition to that, it's not just taking in the senate and the house, it's putting states into play. as harry talked about at the beginning new mexico minnesota virginia holy cow. i mean, it's one of the motion right now. it's about it's about widening out that
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senate majority instead of getting a senate majority of a cedar to it's maybe 56. it's about i'm talking about 20:26. 2028 and shoring these safe majorities, building them out. this is what we're talking about. and the other thing i should note in this entire conversation what joe biden perhaps should do electorally to help democrats have the best chance of november is a separate discussion of what he will necessarily do. you're 100% right? he's gotten the delegates of democratic voters have spoken. that is a very different discussion about what is necessarily best for democrats, put their best foot well, you know what everyone there is, the poll and then there are the polling actual locations in november, everyone. >> thank you so much. we'll see what happens next tonight's rnc focus was on crime hi, i'm in this country and my next guest, she spoke about her personal i'll talk with maryland brain next what, does it mean to be out front?
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>> it's going there. we are just about three miles from the gaza border. it's finding out something unexpected. i relish all of our conversations. it's context. the economy is by far the top issue for americans in this election curiosity. someone else need to jump in the race? >> and devolve all. it's about sharing that so you can be outfront to let's go outfront. >> erin burnett, outfront weeknights at seven on cnn. >> cnn is live from milwaukee as republicans unite behind their nominee, his vp, and their planned to take back the white house. fellow cnn for complete coverage. fritch, the republican national convention coverage continues. all we on cnn and streaming on max. >> you will never smell better everywhere. like you will with looming it's so easy to use just a pea sized amount like this, rubs in like a lotion, controls odor for three three days on pits feet, privates, anywhere you have odor, but wish you didn now, before you say isn't that what soap and water is for? i'm here to tell
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course, mother to mother. i was just heartbroken to hear you speak from the heart about the impact this had on your life i know millions of people were leading in what your entire speech and i i wonder what was so important that you want the american people to take over way for what you had to say to first of all, thank you so much for having me. >> second of all, the second pitch that you have of the soldier that's my youngest son or umi, who is currently 82nd airborne paratrooper. so the first picture that you are showing is of sargent hassan, the one who was murdered, right? that's my youngest baby who is not he's he's alive. thank god. >> he's alive. thank god for that that they yes. >> so the takeaway, graham, i'm sorry. >> if that picture was shown and not in a way that we were expecting but i'm grateful to know that you are a mother of two? yes, two. who served honorably. thank you. >> you're welcome. thank you so much. it's not it's an honor and a privilege to have
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sons that, you know, i'm not falling through the cracks of systems that they are actually have the mindset to want to do something productive and positive with their life, to get out of the hood, you know, on both and born and raised in the south bronx. >> and they graduated high school and they said mom go into the nominee and so that's that's what they did it's so important thing my husband's from the bronx as well. >> okay. i thank kinship and that and thinking about it, but i do wonder, i mean, the frustration that you expressed in the night steam was about crime. i mean, the frustration that you expressed, particularly respect to the prosecutors in this matter that was so impactful for people tell me why that part of it was so important for you to share. >> well, you know, because in the beginning of the case, we had an old-school prosecutors in new york at that time. the district attorney who was cyrus
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vance. and we had old-school adas who prepared this case and put this case together. bill his strong trial, ready murder case against all four of these individuals tyre murders captured on video. so there's no mistaken in what they gave in their plot that they played, right? all four were in you know, in custody you know, first-degree gangs saw second-degree murder or four, never any plea deals, never any bargains, never any offers on the table, nothing. soon as alvin bragg came into office, the end, he was handed that case the entire, case fell apart, right. in unravel two of them, drop completely. again, assault and murder charges against two of them, right if one is guilty of murdering my son or four were guilty of reading my son how he was able to slice that slice and dice that and dismissed those murdering gangs assault charges
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against two and not against all four you know, all convict to and not convict or for i don't know how we did it except for prosecutorial misconduct. >> well, i can think of you attribute this to why you are now supporting trump. were you always a supporter of him as somebody who knows what not? this is what changed your mess. >> i've fought a year, 40, 45 year democrat, loyal voting democrat because i'm black you know, not any real reason nominee, real reason that date was no. reason. what would they do love for our community, you know, and nothing but we can look at it as being anything wrong with it. it was normal. until my son was murdered and the entire democratic and progressive apparatus of new york city ostracized me because my son was stabbed to death and not shaq together. so they made a difference, but what was the difference between me? >> he was he wasn't narrative
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was gun violence. >> okay credible messengers. >> that was interrupted. >> moms demand action you know, change a gun laws, all the money was being flooded into gun violence initiatives. >> all right. so there was no there was no, you know avenue that there was no voice for me to talk about. the knife violence, you know, my son was killed by stabbing. he wasn't chapter that they made a difference in that, you know, even moms demand action didn't know the difference in it. >> and it's like that's when the republicans picked up the story. you know, and they embrace me and they gave me a platform from lisa and to rudy giuliani to john catsimatidis to all those, all those republicans all right who had media outlet? >> fox news, all them dash
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newsmax, all those guys they embrace me you know, i went out with them and let me tell him my squadron. >> well, let me tell my story. that's how it got there. that's how trump that went through the story. >> and in turn, that is motivated your decision now is back where you meant. i've been a prosecutor peter and i don't know all that women to the decisions of whether to prosecute and why it to not do in the way you spoke about, and certainly i feel the weight of any accusation of misconduct but i also feel the weight of a mother who loves her son, and certainly would want justice for him. i thank you for joining us similarly, you know there aren't now hundreds and thousands of mothers. just like me in new york city. all across the country, big cities that are not getting any justice or closure for the murders of there and you think trump would change that? >> i think that trump would be would do what he needs to do to restore law and order. how by changing the policies all
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right. changing the policies that he had the criminal justice reform policies in place when he was in office, biden came in on deed those policies all alright. and then we have the belt and foreign policies that were put in place in cities like new york and chicago with remote discretion from judges prosecutors, you know, we're no longer prosecuting crime where they were just letting people go you know, like a revolving door instead of sending people to jail, they were, you know, just releasing them straight from precincts don't well, don't get me wrong now. all right. now, everybody belongs in jail. people would drug and alcohol problem where there they're crime is driven by their addiction, right? there need to be in long-term, impatient job treatment facilities i like to say there is a very broad stroke and brush to paint the idea of, i think you're alluding to so-called progressive prosecutors matters and there are different ways in
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which to approach and attack different crimes, but certainly the point is not lost on people. and that there needs to be a recognition of what has happened to people like your son families like yours and i i'm so sorry that we're meeting this way, but i'm very glad that opportunity to understand your position better. >> thank deftly. and, you know, murder this should be no plea bargains. know, murder. someone is charged with murder and you got to date they have the evidence to prove the dead person is guilty of that. that should be life without the possibility of parole. >> it's done in states all over the country why is it not done in new york? well, certainly at the prosecution has proved their burden, which i know due process is important to all of us. then indeed the sentencing should reflect the crime thank you so much, man you're welcome. thank you well, tonight, new reporting on the moment that law enforcement saw the gunman who tried to shoot donald trump watching them au garcia, who beat
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it at walmart i hanako montgomery in tokyo, and this is cnn why is the investigation of the saturday shooting at the trump rally intensifies tonight. new cnn exclusive reporting, secret service had actually increase security around former president trump in the recent weeks. maybe ask him why well, multiple people briefed on the matter, telling cnn it's because of intelligence on a iranian plot to try to assassinate him for
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more, i want to bring in cnn national security analyst and former director of national intelligence, james clapper. director clapper, thank you for joining me. i do wonder what is your reaction to this intelligence were finding about that iran had a plot to assassinate trump well, there's been a general threat posed by the iranians ever since general qassem soleimani, who was the commander of the republican guard corps in law on in 2020. so since then, the iranians would pose a threat to the general threat. >> not only former president trump, but other officials in the trump administration, not a notably nash security adviser, john bolton, and former secretaries of state both both of those still and they still
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both get protection detail production. so this truck and there's no detail about it in public. and of course, the questions that come to mind are was this specific threat that's that's current. wasn't corroborated. what is the reliability of the threat of the source and we don't know the answers to all those questions. so do you use a cliche, an abundance of caution? the intelligence community and i would imagine that meant cia pass the warning to the secret service just to be sure, now what's interesting about this and unfortunate is if there was heightened alert, more resources, whatever applied because of the iranian threat it makes what occurred at butler on saturday, even more inexplicable it's such an
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important point that you raise because if there is a heightened security ms predated, the intelligence predating what happened on saturday. >> i can't help but wonder all of us are scratching our heads to think that this has happened. why do you think he could serve as still ended up with such what can. be described as a major security lapse to have this grave threat to a former president well, first, i have great respect for an admiration for the secret service they have a really tough job and went and we saw the bravery of the special agents run on live television saturday evening but was this obviously needs a pretty quick investigation what i do wonder about and i'm not an expert here, but i do wonder about what was the division of effort between the secret service itself? >> and the local police,
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meaning the pennsylvania state troopers in any local local police that were involved and it is disturbing that people saw the gunman almost 2 minutes before he took he took shots and nothing happened. so that has to be rung out and we got to learn lesson from that real quick but there is still an ongoing investigation of what has taken plays and of course, congress is champing at the bit to have investigatory hearings and beyond is flush this out. >> but it's also a concern that the fbi and the dhs, they're warning of possible retaliatory attacks or even copycats after an assassination attempt. >> what concerns you thinking about? >> what has happened from your perspective and your former role well, all obviously i've
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raised this point before. >> one of the first things that in tones community would be concerned about is there a possible foreign connection here? some foreign nexus, it doesn't appear there was, but that certainly is a concern. and then in turn, hold on. >> does that does that change the inquiry? if it's the domestic versus that they're investigating as domestic, does it change the way that you navigate the investigation? if you think it is sharply mastic, well well, as what i don't know. >> of course, the thing that you do concern yourself about and wonder about is foreign inspiration for a us, us person in the united states to take some action by way of, as you suggested, a car happy cat operation and you know the question is, is this going to inspire others domestically, either, either as lone wolves or inspired by some foreign
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entity, to take a similar action. so the secret service and they know this, obviously they're there spot right now indeed, they are director clapper. >> thank you so much for your insight this evening. so invaluable to hear from you. thank you thanks laura while we'll have more on day two of the republican national convention right here in milwaukee. that's all coming up next take a pea sized amount, apply it like a lotion pits under boob, five-fold about cracks, feet. >> this water-based cream. i'm telling you it's invisible on the skin. it works like a dream. i didn some way i'm thinking this sooner do not buy generic viagra until you check out this program giving away 100 milligrams generic viagra for just $0.87 cvs and
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